Kuprin system summary. Other biography options

Divination Almost all Chinese people, no matter where they live, know from floating seagulls. They usually tell fortunes in the morning by brewing morning tea “in Chinese style,” that is, right in a cup covered with a saucer. While the drink is infusing, it is important to calm down, concentrate internally and think about your problems. Then the saucer is removed and the surface of the tea is looked at.

If there is not a single tea leaf here, it means that the next period of time does not promise any special events.

If the tea leaves float on the surface, then several interpretation options are possible:

1. One tea leaf remained on the surface on the left, two on the right. A happy omen - success awaits you in love, work and money matters. This is a very favorable sign in all respects. The relationship with your loved one will not be overshadowed by anything, mutual trust will remain complete, everything will work out without problems. In business, you will receive support from your superiors, and you will have a chance for career growth. If you are a businessman, then your entrepreneurial activity will go without interference. Next year you will have cash. However, you should be careful about lending money.

2. Two tea leaves have floated up from two different sides, and on the right, almost at the bottom of the cup, another, smaller one is hovering. This is a bad sign. It promises dissatisfaction with your loved one for insufficient attention on your part, tension in the relationship, perhaps even a quarrel. In work, a streak of success will be replaced by troubles, which is also associated with confusion of feelings, family troubles; you may lose your former initiative. You need to restrain yourself in order to avoid an emotional breakdown in the coming days, which can happen both in the family and at work. Worsening matters await you in economically: You may have to borrow quite a lot from your friends, which will undermine your friendly relations with them.

3. Two elongated tea leaves that floated up on the right have closed at their ends, and two more wide particles on the left do not sink. This situation means that your affairs are comparatively bad. Only in love does this promise in the near future the meeting you desire, promising joy. In work, a chain of failures is possible, leading to a loss of faith in own strength, to stagnation. In addition, there is a possibility of losing perspective good income and since your affairs are far from ideal, you may be tempted to resort to gambling in the hope of improving their financial situation in this way.

4. The tea lies at the bottom, only two tea leaves rise slightly on the left. In this case, prepare for anything - both good and bad are possible here. This is a good sign in the sense that it promises the successful elimination of misunderstandings in relations with a loved one - the previous cooling will be replaced deep feeling to mutual satisfaction. But at work, a turn for the worse will begin, you will not be able to take advantage of any of the opportunities that arise, which will plunge you into confusion. This is also a bad sign in money matters, since difficulties with material income are possible; all that remains is to try your luck through random income. If you go on a long journey, beware of losses.

5. Almost all the tea leaves were on the surface. This happened because the water did not boil properly, and therefore you will not be happy. This is a bad sign in love. Just by how poorly you brew tea, it is clear that you are an impatient person - you pour water over the tea leaves, which has not boiled, which is no good. If you strive for the ideal in love, then you should be more thorough and conscientious. The situation at work will also worsen. Of course, there will be some chance, but due to your excessive haste, the opportunity that appeared will again become unattainable. This is also very sad in terms of money, since you will not increase your wealth, and if you start playing for money, you can lose everything altogether.

6. If the only tea leaves float up about halfway, two or three more slightly rise above the rest of the tea leaves that have sunk to the very bottom of the cup, you should know that this is a very good sign. Good luck will accompany you in everything. Passion in love will flare up again, everything will go smoothly here, like clockwork - the best time to resolve all family conflicts. A new take-off awaits you in your work, and it is even possible that your merits will be rewarded. Everything will be fine in financially: you will unexpectedly hit a good jackpot, and also make a profit in the usual way. However, you should not waste money in this case, because otherwise By the end of the year you will find yourself in a crisis situation.

Fortune telling by tea leaves

In the Middle Ages there were many ways to predict the future. There was also this: they poured molten lead, wax or other melting materials, which, when solidified, took on the most various shapes, and then interpreted the resulting figures. This fortune telling was extremely popular. By the 15th century, tea appeared in Europe. And soon people noticed that the figures that form the tea leaves in the cup resemble figures from ancient fortune telling. Then they began to be interpreted in the same way, and another method of fortune telling was born, which has not lost its popularity to this day.

For fortune telling with tea leaves you need to use a wide white cup like a bowl. Tea, if possible, should be brewed in large leaves. The method of brewing tea does not play a special role. However, it is important that there are a lot of tea leaves. Good tea and good tea leaves for fortune telling are obtained if you put two full teaspoons of tea into a heated small teapot, pour boiling water over it and cover tightly with a lid. Or tea is brewed directly in a cup, not finished completely, leaving some liquid at the bottom. Then take the cup with tea leaves and remaining liquid with your left hand and make three rotational movements, distributing the tea leaves along the walls. Then it is turned over on a saucer away from you, allowing the liquid to drain. All these operations must be performed by the person for whom tea fortune telling is being performed.

The process of interpreting tea leaves is carried out in the same order as when telling fortunes on coffee grounds. However, the symbols here are somewhat different - if only because the very nature of the “drawings” is different. In addition, the bottom of the cup is usually considered " negative zone", reinforcing the meaning of danger signs. When interpreting, the following general principles should be kept in mind:

    1. The larger the sign, the more significant the event it predicts. Volumetric figures made up of a pile of tea leaves should be considered first, since they speak of the most important events.
    2. Three- and six-petalled figures, similar to a flower or a star, portend good luck, four- and eight-petaled ones - failure, an accident, five-petaled ones - something in between: belated success, unexpected benefits from unpleasant event. “Curved” (curved) petals mean that many more people besides you will be involved in these events.
    3. Signs resembling letters, numbers and astrological symbols can be interpreted literally - as indicating specific names and numbers, as well as the date of birth.
    4. The fewer figures and tea leaves in general in a cup, the fewer problems a person has, the calmer and more harmonious his situation is. And vice versa: a dense, dense pattern speaks of many worries and questions occupying his thoughts.

The interpretation of symbols depends mainly on the imagination of the interpreter. Different manuals give different, often even directly opposite, interpretations of the same signs. Therefore, on the page for the interpretation of tea figures, only the most important combinations of tea leaves are given, opinions about which in most sources of information on this topic converge.

In addition to deciphering the symbols of the resulting tea figures, one should also take into account some of the initial concepts underlying tea fortune telling: the handle of the cup symbolizes the person being told fortunes, his environment, occupation, home; the time of the upcoming action is determined by the location of the figure in the cup.

Present tense - if it is on the edge of the cup or near the edge. The closer to the bottom, the further removed upcoming event in time. At the very bottom there are symbols related to the distant future. The closer the symbol is to the pen, the sooner the prediction will come true.

Rules for divination by brewing

The cup with tea leaves should be held at some distance from you in order to clearly see the location of the formed figures. Take a close look at clusters of tea leaves, individual points, points forming a line. Circles, squares, triangles, letters and numbers can be expressed with varying degrees clarity. Note for yourself their location relative to other, clearer symbols. Try to find clouds, trees, flowers, animals, birds, a house, a ship - any shapes.
The handle of the cup is the basis from which we start. In other words - starting point. During fortune telling, it should be on the left side.
Lines of tea leaves that start to the left of the handle promise a journey. Located on the right, they foreshadow the appearance of an unexpected guest. If the tea leaves form a path along the entire inner circumference of the cup, this means that the one to whom the fortune is told will go on a long journey and then return home. Thus, if the figure is located to the left of the pen, the person who is telling fortunes or being told fortunes is an active person in the development of events.
If the signs are located to the right of the handle, the action is directed towards that person, happening to him or in his "house", which in turn can be interpreted as a house, environment or occupation.
If in the cup you saw nothing but a meaningless pile of tea leaves, consider that this is the answer, because this corresponds to the state of uncertainty and confusion in which you find yourself.

You should not guess a second time, since it is believed that you cannot do this for yourself or for others more than once a week.

Interpretation of tea figures

It is very important to interpret tea leaves correctly. Therefore, we provide here an interpretation of the main tea figures.

Butterfly - frivolous behavior, erotic fun, adultery.
Drum - rumors, gossip, scandal.
The bottle is a possible disease.
Paddle is an important but very difficult task that must be continued no matter what.
Nail - malicious attacks that threaten injustice towards you.
Mountains are great ambitions that can lead to success if the peaks of the mountains are clearly defined.
Rake, comb, harrow and other jagged objects - the need to restore order in your affairs, perhaps establishing a daily routine, revising your lifestyle.
Mushroom - growth, expansion, acquisition.
Pear - comfort and financial well-being.
Tree - plans will come true, ambitions will be justified.
Home is a safe environment, especially for business, good time start some new business. If the symbol is close to the handle and is not clear, a quarrel in the house or an illness may threaten one of the family members.
Arc - threatens deterioration in health, or difficulties at work, or a change in your plans. You may have to abandon your plan, and accidents are possible.
Christmas tree - success, especially in art; the taller the tree, the better.
Hare - excessive modesty.
Snake - hatred and hostility, evil conspiracies against you.
Kalach (a figure resembling a lying letter “B”) - an unexpected delay or movement along the wrong path.
Cabbage - jealousy.
Dagger - haste, swiftness, attack.
The key is analyzing the information received will help you find and take advantage of new opportunities. A key with two bits or located at the bottom means there is a danger of robbery.
Bell - expect news. Not far from the bottom - sad news; two bells - great joy.
Ring - independence, satisfaction of desires, tranquility and long life. If close to the edge of the cup - an indication of an upcoming marriage; in the area of ​​the middle part of the wall - a marriage proposal. Two rings - plans will come true, projects will work. A broken ring means failure, disappointment, breakup.
Basket - very good sign. You should pay attention to its location: near the handle - a baby will appear soon; at the top - your well-being will increase.
Crown - big success or inheritance.
A cat is treachery, betrayal on the part of those from whom it was least expected. It is unlikely to be avoided; it is better to take measures to reduce the possible consequences.
Crab - someone's interference in your personal affairs; friends or family trying to force their opinions on you. You need to believe in yourself more, stand up decisions made and not to be influenced by others.
Cross - suffering, self-sacrifice, troubles. Two crosses point to serious illness or other troubles.
Circle - a happy outcome.
Wings - expect news.
Bat- Beware of conspiracy from people claiming your friendship.
Leaf - news; if there is a bunch of leaves - happiness and a bright future.
Clover leaf - good luck.
The boat is a complication of circumstances, in this regard, possible escape.
A shovel is labor by the sweat of your brow, most likely to help others out, and not for your own benefit.
Horse - if galloping - good news, unless the horse's head is a lover.
A waxing moon means things are going up, a waning moon means things are going down.
Broom - liberation from minor troubles, a new direction of action.
Hammer - overcoming difficulties.
Insects are troubles, worries, but short-lived.
Knife - parting, unfulfilled contract, end of friendship; near the handle - a divorce, crossed knives - a fierce argument.
Scissors - separation, quarrel, near the handle - domestic quarrel.
Vegetables (carrots, cabbage, turnips, etc.) - troubles due to someone else's envy or jealousy, perhaps due to your own. Just in case, moderate your temperament.
Deer is the fast track.
A wand is a process, the beginning of something. Many sticks - many things going on at the same time. Here it is important to determine where the stick is turned, counting from the handle: towards the bottom of the cup or towards the edge. If it's to the bottom, the matter is unlikely to end successfully, but if it's to the edge, success is guaranteed. A stick located parallel to the bottom and edges (“neither up nor down”) means smooth progress and a smooth ending.
Fern - possible infidelity of a lover.
Feather - instability.
Saw - one of the outsiders will threaten family happiness.
A gun is a danger, possibly fatal, a threat from someone else.
Horseshoe - good luck.
Dishes (jug, cup, spoon, etc.): close to the handle - peace, order in the house, far from the handle or at the bottom - family quarrel.
Birds are good news; sitting birds - a successful journey.
Forking line - decisions must be made (whether they will be successful or not depends on the surrounding symbols).
Horn - abundance, profit, stability.
Shotgun - see Pistol.
Fish is one of the best omens, indicating good luck in everything.
An airplane is a sudden journey, unexpected and not without risk, or reaching new heights in a career. If the plane seems to be broken, there is a danger, physical or to your career.
Heart is love.
Elephant - wisdom, strength and slow but lasting success.
Table - lunch, party, holiday, meeting of friends. If the dots are nearby - a meeting on issues related to money.
Arrow - expect bad news.
Chair - improvement of position: if surrounded by dots - improvement of financial situation.
Ax - the danger of conflict due to someone’s harshness, perhaps yours; may also mean a threat of physical attack. So, be careful!
Dots are money. One single dot can mean news, a letter or a parcel. The value of the news is directly proportional to the size of the point.
Triangle - if the top is up - success; if the top is down, the plans will not come true.
Smoking pipe - prosperity, long life. Stay the course and you'll be fine.
Flag - military affairs: marriage to a military man, a call to the military registration and enlistment office, a trip to a combat area; for the military - participation in hostilities, transfer to another location, another title. On the bottom may mean injury.
Fruits (banana, pear, apple) - profit, winnings, royalties, increased income.
A church, bell tower, tower or other eminence marks different cases, namely: to the sick means death; to a lover - marriage; for those who are absent - a delay in returning.
Quadrangle (square) - peace, security, stability. Your situation does not require changes - leave everything as it is.
Hat - new opportunities and possible success. If the hat is at the bottom of the cup, it is a rival.
Egg - prosperity, success, fertility.
Anchor - expect success.

Fortune telling by tea

Very interesting and accessible everyone's way to find out their destiny these days is

Along with how tea drinking culture developed, people noticed shapes forming in the glass different plans from tea leaves, then from

Later they learned to distinguish and decipher them, giving each pattern a special meaning.

Fortune telling with tea.

The procedure takes place in the morning. Brew one spoonful of tea in a cup, cover with a saucer or lid and wait 10 minutes for the tea to infuse.

At this time, you need to collect your thoughts, tune in, and think about important issue. After the required time has passed, the saucer is removed and they look at how the leaves are arranged in the drink.

Interpretation of fortune telling by tea leaves.

1. The tea leaves spread left and right.

Good value. Happiness awaits love affairs, success at work, profit.

2. If 2 leaves float on top in different sides, and 1 is almost at the bottom on the right, this is bad. There may be discord with a loved one, failures at work and in financial matters.

3. If 2 pairs of seagulls swim close to each other, a long-awaited meeting is expected, which will go well.

4 . All the particles floated up. Foretells bad events.

5. A few tea leaves only half surfaced - everything will be fine. Success awaits in all matters.

Fortune telling on tea leaves.

Before you start telling fortunes with tea leaves, you need to make sure that there is more tea leaves.

How to brew– doesn’t matter. It is better to use large-leaf black tea, usually add 2 tsp.

You can add sugar. The cup for fortune telling should be plain, light, and with a handle. It is advisable not to use this cup at home.

How to tell fortunes with tea?

As with any fortune telling, there is some preparation for tea predictions.

1. You should not drink the tea completely; you need to leave a little drink at the bottom.

2. The cup is taken to left hand, do 3 circular motion, shaking the grounds.

3. The cup is turned over according to the principle of fortune telling on coffee grounds, and placed on a saucer at an angle.

4. While carrying out all these manipulations, you need to think about the question of interest.

After 1-2 minutes, raise the cup and look into the middle. Then they begin to read the resulting figures. To the left of the pen the past is interpreted, to the right is the future.

The petals near the handle tell about the fortuneteller. Figures are formed on the cup that show what is happening in the life of the fortuneteller, as well as the people around him. Fortune telling by tea

The future is indicated by tea leaves stuck to the cup to the right of the handle. The grounds at the bottom of the cup show what will happen in the distant future. The figure located on the edge of the cup speaks of what is happening at the present time.

If few figures appear in the cup, this is a good sign. But a large number of drawings indicates that a person is worried about a lot of problems and troubles.

Interpretation of fortune telling by tea.

You should start interpreting with those signs that are most understandable and simple. The meanings of the figures are the same as in coffee fortune telling.

If the drawings have something similar to dots or sticks, this means money, profit.

Having seen a single dot, you can expect news or a letter. The larger the dot, the more important the news.

In the process of tea fortune telling, the majority of volumetric figures, which resemble different images.

To correctly decipher them, you need to examine them from all sides and find something close, familiar, or perhaps recently seen.

Positive signs, animals (hawk, cat, birch, flower) promise good events. Negative figures (snake, thorn, wolves) mean something bad.

Any transport portends a road.

You should pay attention to what emotions a cup of tea evokes. Perhaps it evokes sadness, evokes admiration, joy, harmony, or leaves you indifferent.

So, fortune telling with tea is a very simple ritual. To carry it out you need to make a minimum of effort and use a minimum of objects. The interpretations of the figures are quite simple. Pleasure and positive emotions during the process are guaranteed.

Stories by A. Kuprin


A large and strong dog named Sapsan reflects on life and what surrounds him in this life. The peregrine falcon got its name from its ancient ancestors, one of whom defeated the bear in a fight, clinging to its throat. Peregrine Falcon reflects on the Master, condemns him bad habits, rejoices at how he is praised when he and the Master are walking. Sapsan lives in a house with the Owner, his daughter Little and a cat. They are friends with the cat, Little Peregrine protects her, doesn’t hurt anyone and allows her things that he wouldn’t allow anyone else. Sapsan also loves bones and often gnaws them or buries them to gnaw on later, but sometimes he forgets the place. Although Sapsan is the strongest dog in the world, he does not gnaw at defenseless and weak dogs. Often Sapsan looks into the sky and knows that there is someone there who is stronger and smarter than the Master and someday this someone will take Sapsan to eternity. Sapsan really wants the Master to be nearby at this moment, even if he is not there, Sapsan’s last thought will be about him.


Stories by A. Kuprin


Kuprin's story "Elephant" - interesting story about a little girl who got sick and not a single doctor could cure her. They only said that she had apathy and indifference to life, and she herself was lying in bed whole month with poor appetite, she was very bored. The mother and father of the sick girl were at their wit's end, trying to cure the child, but it was impossible to interest her in anything. The doctor advised her to fulfill her every whim, but she didn’t want anything. Suddenly the girl wanted an elephant. Dad immediately ran to the store and bought a beautiful wind-up elephant. But Nadya was not impressed by this toy elephant; she wanted a real live elephant, not necessarily a big one. And dad, after thinking for a while, went to the circus, where he agreed with the owner of the animals to bring the elephant home to them for the whole day at night, because during the day crowds of people would flock to the elephant. In order for the elephant to be able to enter their apartment on the 2nd floor, the doors were specially widened. And then at night the elephant was brought. The girl Nadya woke up in the morning and was very happy about him. They spent the whole day together, even had lunch at the same table. Nadya fed the elephant buns and showed him her dolls. So she fell asleep next to him. And at night she dreamed of an elephant. Waking up in the morning, Nadya did not find the elephant - he was taken away, but she gained an interest in life and recovered.


Stories by A. Kuprin


On Sunday morning, Father Olympius was preparing for the service. He gargled with boric acid and breathed in the steam. The deacon's wife, a thin, plain-looking woman, brought him a glass of vodka in honor of the day off.

Barbos and Zhulka

Life is impossible without friendship. Friendship is mutual arrangement to each other. Barbos is a dog, and even more so an ordinary dog ​​that has no pedigree or breed, just in a word, Barbos is a mongrel

White poodle

Main actor is white poodle named Arto. He was distinguished by his exceptional intelligence and training. This dog was part of a stray body of circus performers, which also included the old organ grinder Martyn and the acrobat boy Seryozha

In the bowels of the earth

The story by Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin tells about a boy named Vanka. He short stature and very thin. Vanka works for coal mine, away from my family

At the circus

The circus wrestler Arbuzov felt bad and went to the doctor. The doctor examined him and said that he needed to take care of his health and give up training and performances for a while, otherwise it could end badly. Arbuzov said that he had signed a contract

In the dark

Among the bustle and usual noise of the Moscow station, the farewell scene of three young people, who were eagerly awaiting the departure of the train, dragged on. When one of them, Alarin Alexander Egorovich, found himself in the carriage, he tried not to attract attention to himself


The most important initial events take place in an ordinary pub called “Gambrinus”. Very unusual name for a beer bar, but still. This place received such an alternative name for a reason.

Garnet bracelet

This work begins with the fact that Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, who is the wife of the leader of the nobility, lives in the country, as their apartment, which is located in the city, is being renovated.


In early spring, two hunters went into the snowy forest to hunt hares, and took with them hunting dog Zavirajku. A pack of village dogs, numerous and noisy, followed the hunters.

Star of Solomon

The amazing and mysterious genre of mysticism has always attracted connoisseurs fiction. The work of A. I. Kuprin “Star of Solomon” is no exception and captivates the reader

Golden Rooster

The story “The Golden Rooster” is like a symphony, there is so much sound. It’s like looking at a beautiful painting – there’s so much light here! The story tells about a small miracle. The question is precisely this: was this commonplace?


The Emerald story is one of best works Alexander Kuprin in which animals play the main roles. The story reveals the theme of injustice in the world around us, filled with envy and cruelty.

Wheel of Time

The main character of the story “The Wheel of Time” is Mikhail, a former military man who, after his service, ended up in France, where he works at a factory with other emigrants from Russia. Very often Mikhail comes with friends

Lilac bush

A young and poor officer named “Almazov” came home from a speech at the Academy of General. headquarters and sat down in his office without taking off his clothes. The wife immediately realized that something bad had happened


The book tells about the fishermen - Listrygonians, who were descendants of Greek colonists. October has arrived in Balaklava. All the summer residents left the city, and the residents of Balaklava concentrated on fishing.

My flight

While in the city of Odessa, the writer Kuprin observes outlandish flights on a plywood airplane. His friend Zaikin, having already made several successful circles, invites the writer to fly with him.


The action in the story “Moloch” takes place at a steel mill where engineer Andrei Ilyich Bobrov works. He suffers from insomnia due to morphine, which he cannot refuse. Bobrov cannot be called happy, as he feels disgusted

At the turning point (cadets)

Misha Bulanin, a child who grew up in a wonderful home, was distinguished good manners and trusting nature. The parents decided to send the boy to study at cadet school, in which cruel and barbaric rules were unspokenly established.


The narrator comes to a remote village for six months and, out of boredom, communicates and engages with peasants and hunts. One day on the hunt main character loses his way and ends up in a house where the witch Maynulikha and her granddaughter Olesya live


This is a sad story about a poor old man and his dog Pirate. The old man was not always poor and a drinker. He had a family, a house, and money. But one day, his wife ran away with the clerk, and the old man started drinking out of grief.


The sixth company finishes classes and the officers, junior in rank, try to compete to see who can cut down a clay dummy the most dexterously. Second Lieutenant Grigory Romashov begins. He doesn't know the business well, so nothing works out for him.

Peregrine Falcon

The story begins with the introduction of the narrator, whose name is Peregrine Thirty-Six, and, as we later learn, is a dog. At the very beginning, the dog talks about his noble ancestors

Holy lie

The main character of the story “Holy Lie” is Ivan Ivanovich Semenyuta, not bad person, but he can rightfully be called a typical loser. Because of his timidity, indecisiveness, and shyness, Semenyuta could not stand up for himself since school.

Blue Star

In the story " Blue Star“Kuprin asks readers a real riddle. The king of a country hidden in the mountains leaves a message on the wall before his death, but no one can decipher it.


The story about starlings begins with a general remark that animals and birds have a good sense of nature. They can, for example, predict earthquakes, and a person, by their restless behavior, himself guesses about the impending disaster.


The story “Elephant” shows the miraculous recovery of a little girl who dreamed only of an elephant. A six-year-old girl, Nadya, does not eat or drink, turns pale and loses weight, does not play or laugh. What kind of disease? Doctors shrug their shoulders... But one of them suggests

Dog happiness

This happened in September. The pointer dog Jack went with the cook Anna to the market. He knew the way, this was not his first time walking. It was for this reason that he ran ahead of his companion, sniffing the sidewalk. Periodically stopped to see where the cook was going



It's the end of August. Alyosha Alexandrov recently graduated cadet corps. Alyosha was enrolled in the cadets infantry school named after Emperor Alexander II. He went to visit the Sinelnikovs to see young Yulia


Anna Markovna's entertainment establishment is located in the so-called Yama (Yamskaya Sloboda), it is not one of the sophisticated and luxurious places, but it does not belong to the lowest. Various men come here in search of pleasure.

The story “The Wonderful Doctor” by Kuprin was written in 1897 and, according to the author, is based on real events. Literary critics note signs of a Christmas story in the work.

Main characters

Mertsalov Emelyan- father of the family. He worked as a house manager, but after illness he lost his job, and his family was left without means of subsistence.

Professor Pirogov- a doctor whom Mertsalov met in a public garden helped Mertsalov’s family. The real prototype of the hero is the great Russian physician N.I. Pirogov.

Other characters

Elizaveta Ivanovna- Mertsalov's wife.

Grisha (Gregory)- Mertsalov’s eldest son, he is 10 years old.

Volodyayounger son Mertsalova.

Mashutka- daughter of Mertsalov, “a girl of seven years old.”

Kyiv, “about thirty years ago.” Twenty degree frost. Two boys, the Mertsalovs Volodya and Grisha, stood “for more than five minutes” looking at the window of a grocery store. In the morning they themselves ate only empty cabbage soup. Sighing, the guys hurriedly ran home.

Their mother sent them to the city on an errand - to ask for money from the master for whom their father had previously served. However, the master's doorman drove the boys away.

The Mertsalov family, suffering from poverty, lived for more than a year in the basement of a dilapidated, rickety house. The youngest daughter Mashutka was very ill, and the exhausted mother, Elizaveta Ivanovna, was torn between the girl and the infant.

“In this terrible, fateful year, misfortune after misfortune persistently and mercilessly rained down on Mertsalov and his family.” First, Mertsalov himself fell ill with typhoid fever. While he was undergoing treatment, he was fired from his job. The children started getting sick. Three months ago they died youngest daughter. And so, in order to find money for Mashutka’s medicine, Mertsalov ran around the city “begging and humiliating himself.” But everyone found reasons to refuse or simply kicked me out.

Returning home, Mertsalov finds out that the master did not help in any way, and soon leaves again, explaining that he will at least try to ask for alms. “He was overcome by an uncontrollable desire to run anywhere, to run without looking back, so as not to see the silent despair of a hungry family.” Sitting down on a bench in a public garden, Mertsalov, in despair, was already thinking about suicide, but noticed an old man walking along the alley. The stranger sat down next to Mertsalov and began to tell him that he had bought gifts for the guys he knew, but decided to go into the garden on the way. Suddenly, Mertsalov was overcome by a “tide of desperate anger.” He started waving his arms and shouting that his children were dying of hunger while the stranger was talking about gifts.

The old man did not get angry, but asked to tell everything in more detail. “There was something in the stranger’s extraordinary face<…>calm and inspiring confidence." After listening to Mertsalov, the old man explained that he was a doctor and asked to be taken to the sick girl.

The doctor examined Mashutka and ordered that firewood be brought and the stove lit. After writing out the prescription, the stranger quickly left. Running out into the corridor, Mertsalov asked the name of the benefactor, but he replied that the man should not invent nonsense and return home. A pleasant surprise was the money that the doctor would leave under the tea saucer along with the prescription. While buying the medicine, Mertsalov learned the name of the doctor; it was indicated on the pharmacy label: Professor Pirogov.

The narrator heard this story from Grishka himself, who now “occupies a large, responsible post in one of the banks.” Each time, talking about this incident, Gregory adds: “From then on, it was as if a beneficent angel descended into our family.” His father found a job, Mashutka recovered, and his brothers began studying at the gymnasium. Since then they have seen the doctor only once - “when he was transported dead to his own estate Vishnyu.”


In “The Wonderful Doctor,” the personality of the doctor, a “holy man” who saves the entire Mertsalov family from starvation, comes to the fore. Pirogov’s words: “never lose heart” become the key idea of ​​the story.

Suggested retelling " Wonderful Doctor"will be useful for schoolchildren in preparing for literature lessons and tests.

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