Geopathogenic zones. How to protect yourself from the negative energy of geopathogenic zones in an apartment

Geopathogenic zones are places where the earth’s crust breaks, characterized by a high power of negative radiation. Zone lines cover the surface of the earth, forming grids of different sizes. One of the most famous is the Hartmann grid. The lines of this grid are oriented along the 4 cardinal directions. Less known is the Kurri grid. The reason for the existence of such grids lies in the crystalline structure of the earth's core. To find out whether there are geopathogenic zones in your apartment, you should listen to the advice outlined in this article.

Geopathogenic zones and trees

If aralia, geranium, and asparagus bloom well in your house, this means that you are in the “risk zone.” Cats usually like to sleep in places where negative energy gushes out of the ground. Dogs, on the contrary, try their best to avoid such places.

If there are geopathogenic zones near your home, then trees such as plums, cherries, nuts, peaches, spruce, etc. will grow well in them. And trees such as linden, pear, and apple trees do not grow in areas with negative energy. The fact that there are geopathogenic zones near your home may be indicated by the constant formation of potholes and cracks in the asphalt. Vegetation that is more stunted than in other places also signals danger to people.

How to determine a bad zone using a pendulum?

How to determine a bad zone in an apartment? To do this you will need a pendulum (you can buy it or make it yourself). To do this, you need to take a heavy nut or ring and tie it to a thick thread 40-50 centimeters long.

Walk around the apartment with a pendulum, stopping in those places where you spend time most often (work desk, chair in which you watch TV, bed in which you sleep). If the pendulum swings, it means that a stream of destructive rays is coming out in this place.

The best option is to move the bed, sofa, chair to another place. But what to do if the pathogenic zone is under the bed or sofa, and it is not possible to move the sleeping place? In this case, the area needs to be screened by placing a mirror under the bed with the reflective side down.

How to determine the geopathogenic zone using a frame?

To determine the presence of a geopathogenic zone and fix its boundaries, you can use a “L” or “U” shaped frame. Usually the frame is made of copper wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm. The length of the frame handle should be 15 cm, and the length of the barrel should be 30 cm. To determine geopathogenic zones, you need to pick up the frames and begin to walk around the room with them in a circle, starting from the walls and ending with the center of the room. For your convenience, move or move the furniture to another room. In places where the frames react to the presence of zones, place strips of paper. This way you will not only determine where the cell of the “Hartmann grid” is located, but also the intersections of the field lines (the so-called “nodes”). The drawing obtained in this way must be transferred to graph paper - you will receive a plan of geopathogenic zones in your home.

In addition to the plan, it is also advisable to know the sign of each node of the zone you have discovered. To do this, go close to this node and ask the frame: “Is this node positive”? At the same time, imagine how a powerful energy flow comes out of the Earth. And watch where your frame will turn - into the agreed “yes” or into the agreed “no”.

After drawing up a plan, you can change the usual arrangement of furniture so that the zone nodes do not lie in the work area or in the rest area.

Measuring the geopathogenic zone

The geopathogenic zone needs to be measured. For example, you have established that it is in the middle of your bed. Move your pendulum to the left - if it swings, it means there is a zone, and if it hangs motionless, it means the zone has ended. Mark the pathogenic area on the bed, measure its exact dimensions and order a mirror of the same size. You can sleep peacefully!

Since the discovery by scientists of the laws that explain the electromagnetic nature of the environment on Earth, a huge number of phenomena that are poorly explained from the point of view of fundamental science have been recorded. One of the most difficult to explain phenomena is the presence of places where people feel the sharply negative influence of the bioenergetic environment.

It can be caused by both natural and artificial external factors. Basic science has no theory to explain such anomalies. In the few works of scientists, the negative impact of the environment on humans is explained by the influence of the geopathogenic zone.

In this article

Official information

The geopathogenic zone (from the Greek geos - Earth, pathos - suffering, genesis - origin) are areas of the earth's surface, the presence of which negatively affects vital activity, mood and health. There is, but has not yet been documented, a hypothesis that elements of zones can be considered places on Earth where significant physical anomalies are recorded, zones of high electromagnetic and infrared radiation, and places where harmful substances accumulate.

Primary information about the physical nature of the mysterious phenomenon can be obtained by watching the video here:

Geopathogenic zones, places with negative energy signs, are located at the nodes of the network - a kind of system of power lines covering the Earth. The existence of the network was first announced in the forties of the last century by the director of the Munich Bioclinical Institute, Dr. Ernst Hartmann.

Symbolic representation of a Hartmann network

The main direction of Hartman's research was geomagnetic anomalies, about which there was little reliable information and even less evidence of existence. The scientist put forward a theory about the presence on the planet of a network of intersecting energy lines. Such a network of a conditionally rectangular shape suggests the presence of places with a direct – favorable (cells) – and with a reverse – harmful (lines and nodes) – influence on a person’s bioenergetic aura. Earth, Hartman argues, is not the only place where such a network exists. It is only part of the overall energy system of the Universe.

The size of the network cells is 2 (from north to south) x 2.5 (from east to west) m. The cells are compressed in the direction from the equator to the poles. There is an assumption that the negative impact of such areas on living organisms is associated with the interaction of groundwater and gamma radiation emanating from rocks during periods of special activity - during volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Another hypothesis is based on the action of physical fields that form a special type of disturbance - standing waves.

Evidence of existence

There is no documented evidence of the existence of geopathogenic zones. But scientists are trying to provide a scientific basis for mysterious phenomena and connect unexplained facts together. The first who tried to explain geophysical anomalies at various points on the earth's surface was a physician from Germany, Gustav von Pohl.

In the early 30s of the 20th century, he published the results of his research in an authoritative medical journal that covered the problems of treating cancer. Von Pohl found that mysterious phenomena were observed on various parts of the earth's surface. The researcher's conclusions were based on the assertion that the sleeping places of patients who died of cancer were located inside the geopathogenic zone.

Several decades later, Ernst Hartmann began seriously studying this problem. The result of the research was a voluminous medical report. In it, Hartman was the first to call cancer a disease of location, which directly affects the reduction of the protective functions of the human immune system. Ten years later, in 1960, the researcher published the book “Diseases as a Problem of Location,” which became a kind of guide to studying the influence of geopathogenic zones on the health of people, animals and plants.

The researchers came up with several conditional categories:

  1. Various geological structures (mineral deposits, tectonic faults, zones affected by eruptions and earthquakes).
  2. Areas of active human activity using sources of electromagnetic energy (mines, wells, burial sites of hazardous materials, nuclear waste repositories).
  3. Field anomalous phenomena with an unexplored physical nature (spots observed from space).

There are hypotheses that in addition to the Hartmann network, the Earth is covered with several more plexuses of energy lines:

  • Peyro network (cell size 4x4 m);
  • Kurri net (mesh size 5x6 m);
  • Vitman network (cell size 16x16 m).

The relative position of Kurri and Hartmann networks in residential premises

Walls and roofs of buildings are not an obstacle to such networks, since the movement of radiation does not depend on external sources of influence. The places of their numerous intersections are especially unfavorable for humans. Belief in the presence of such paranormal phenomena is akin to belief in omens. For example, you cannot place a bed in the place where the cat that first entered the new house lay down. Hartman explained this by the habit of animals to stay for a long time where the network lines intersect.

Using knowledge about the location of geopathogenic zones, you can adjust the design and placement of the main structural elements in a residential area.


The human body is a complex biological structure, the laws of which, despite the abundance of information, are not fully understood. It is unlikely that this will ever be possible. People do not tolerate long stays in places with abnormally high environmental pollution - air, water, soil. Thanks to various studies, it has been established how geopathogenic zones affect living organisms.

On people

Austrian doctor K. Bachler devoted 15 years to studying the problem of finding people with health disorders in geopathogenic zones. The research involved 11 thousand people susceptible to cancer of various stages - infants, children and adults. The conclusion was that all patients had sleeping places for a long time in geopathogenic zones.

Hartman networks have the most detrimental effect on people with pronounced signs of immune system disorders.

It is generally accepted that if for several days, weeks, months in a row a person, due to the nature of his life activity, is forced to stay inside a geopathogenic zone for at least three hours a day, he develops negative sensations:

  1. Weakness and irritability.
  2. Inexplicable fear of the surrounding reality.
  3. Headache and heart rhythm disturbances.
  4. Blood abnormalities and VSD.

Such periods of disturbances in basic life functions in people located in the nodes of the Hartman network are cyclical. Treatment requires the use of non-standard methods and is therefore longer and more complex.

The World Health Organization is conducting research on the increase in the number of diseases directly related to the long stay of people in technopathogenic zones - man-made anomalous formations. The chart curves for nervous, immune and cardiovascular diseases invariably go higher and higher.

The sharp increase in the number of electromagnetic zones around people (the growth in the number of smartphones), the pollution of air, water and land by human waste products have led to the fact that doctors have long been bracketing a number of so-called systemic diseases - cancer, polyarthritis, severe neuroses, sclerotic brain disorders.

On animals

Dogs sleep only where the influence of negative energy is reduced to zero. Cats, on the contrary, use places for rest where the accumulation of such energy is maximum. In ungulates (sheep, horses, cows), under the influence of adverse radiation, the percentage of infertility, leukemia, and mastitis increases. Pets in such areas suffer from constant feather loss and other physical abnormalities.

But bees whose hives are located in unfavorable areas produce more honey. Thus, the factors of influence of geopathogenic zones on living organisms remain to be studied for a long time and in detail.

For plants

The influence of geopathogenic zones on biological structures can be easily identified in plants. Perennial trees with a highly developed root system are massively susceptible to dichotomy (bifurcation). The percentage of such forms in coniferous plants in places with favorable bioenergy is no more than 0.5–1.0. Within geopathogenic zones it increases to 25, and sometimes up to 50.

Dancing trees

Other negative signs in plants are various curvatures, growth asymmetries and twisting of crown elements. The research of scientific institutes of the Russian Federation dealing with flora problems and the study of mineral resources is indicative. The percentage of various anomalies in the compared “good” and “bad” growing areas ranges from 10 to 60.

How to determine the location

To determine the parameters of the geopathogenic zone, mathematical expressions are applicable. The maximum intensity in the zone is observed at the very surface of the Earth. The decrease in activity as one moves away from the source of unfavorable radiation occurs extremely quickly; it is inversely proportional to the squared distance covered.

Tools used in dowsing

The error in cell sizes in the Hartman network is only 10–20 centimeters. Below five meters from the Earth's surface, grid lines can no longer be fixed. Various curvatures are also possible. Zone boundaries are determined using two main methods.

Dowsing (dowsing), frames and pendulums

In order to find signs of a geopathogenic zone in the study area, a pendulum is required. A heavy object on a long thread, slowly moving across the space under study, will be absolutely motionless in the heart of the Hartmann network cell. Having reached the line, the pendulum begins to swing. The amplitude of oscillations is maximum at the intersections of the lines - the nodes of the cells.

A dowser, as the researcher of pendulum deviations is commonly called, can quite accurately indicate the points of location and interweaving of the network. In modern scientific interpretation, dowsing is called dowsing.

Electromagnetic field detectors (EMF detectors)

Dangerously high levels of radiation can be determined using a completely scientific method - using radiation recording devices (electromagnetic field detectors).

They record fields with extremely high frequencies, sources of naturally and artificially created electromagnetic radiation.

Means of protection

Having received information about the presence of signs and the strength of radiation inside the geopathogenic zone, it is necessary to determine methods of protection.

Based on the type of impact, devices and objects that can be used to compensate for the consequences of negative impacts are divided into active and passive.

Here are just a few of the declared ways to protect yourself from unwanted contact:

  1. The presence of materials in the room that absorb various types of radiation. This can be felt, wax, or other substances with high viscosity, sound and energy absorption.
  2. Installation of devices capable of deflecting harmful radiation - decorative metal meshes or mirrors.
  3. Designer items with elements in the form of pyramids or cones, performing simultaneously the functions of decoration and energy trap.
  4. Installation of devices capable of compensating or converting negative radiation.

An extreme way to combat negative consequences is to leave the geopathogenic zone and in the future avoid possible contacts as much as possible.

Geopathogenic zones are energy emitted from the depths of the Earth. Geopathogenic zones are present everywhere on our planet, at any point in space, regardless of altitude. People don’t see them, but they feel them well if they are in such a zone for a long time.

Geopathogenic zones have a harmful effect on the human body, so you need to know where such zones are located. The most dangerous to human health are the crossings of zone boundaries, the so-called nodes. They can be of different signs, positive nodes are able to give energy to a person, and negative nodes take it away. But those and other nodes of geopathogenic zones can cause discomfort in people and cause diseases.

A long stay in nodes of the geopathogenic zone is harmful, especially if this node is located at the head of the bed or on a chair, armchair, sofa, where a person spends a long time during sleep or rest.

Dowsing has always served human health, for example, in China since time immemorial there has been a custom not to start building a house until the “dowser” is convinced that the building site is free from “deep demons” (geopathogenic zones).

In the Museum of the History of Parapsychology, created quite recently in Moscow, there is a stand with a copy of a medieval reproduction. It depicts a man with a willow vine in his hands.

Currently, the dowsing operator uses a frame, usually made of red copper with a diameter of 2 - 3 mm, the length of the handle is 15 cm, the length of the barrel is 30 cm. Using the dowsing frame, the operator determines the intersection of nodes of geopathogenic zones in an apartment or in another desired place. The field lines are located perpendicular to each other, the so-called Hartmann grid. Its cell is 2x2.5 m, and the lines are oriented North-South and West-East.

If a geopathogenic node gets on a bed pillow, on a sofa, chair or desk, etc., in this case it is necessary to move some objects in order to get rid of the harmful influence of this geopathogenic node in this area.

Above in the figure, there is a schematic representation of what this roughly looks like (Hartmann grid).

How to search for geopathogenic zones in an apartment?

To determine these zones in a room, proceed as follows. The operator picks up an L-shaped or U-shaped horizontal frame and begins to walk around the room, as if in a circle, moving from the walls to the center. To make such work more convenient, it is advisable to clear the room of furniture.
To record geopathogenic zones invisible to the eye, the operator must place cardboard or paper strips on the floor while moving, in places where the frame reacts to the zones. Thus, it will be possible to see the boundaries of geopathogenic zones and their intersections - nodes.
This peculiar schematic drawing is then transferred to graph paper. The result is a plan drawn up on a certain scale. For greater accuracy of dowsing survey, you can also determine the sign of each node of the geopathogenic zone.
After this, based on the plan, you can place the furniture in the room so that the nodes of the geopathogenic zone do not affect human health and are located outside the usual resting places.

There are several ways to determine geopathogenic zones in an apartment. One of them, using a bioframe. The second is the determination of geopathogenic zones with a special pendulum.

How to find geopathogenic zones in the house: a frame for identification

Determining geopathogenic zones in an apartment (negative intersections of Hartmann lines) is the first thing to do when arranging your home. Once you've done your search, rearrange the furniture in your home and, if possible, at work, accordingly. It is necessary to arrange the furniture so that the bed, armchair or sofa are at positive intersections. By neutralizing geopathogenic zones, you will prevent the harmful effects of left-sided vortices on your energy, and therefore your immune system. Try to stay at positive intersections longer.

How to determine geopathogenic zones in the house? This can be done with the help of a bioenergy specialist or on your own. You need to work with a frame made of thin steel wire 1-2 mm thick and up to 15 cm long. The wire is bent at a right angle with a ratio of 1:2. The ends of the wire should be pointed, like antennas. We place the short end of the frame for determining geopathogenic zones in a tube with a slightly larger diameter than the wire, so that there is less backlash. The edges of the tube must be folded to reduce the inertial moment to the limit. Some experts even use agate bearings for this purpose. The effectiveness of dowsing is determined not by the design of the devices, of which there are many, but by the capabilities of the operator. And although you ask questions according to the principle: yes - no, there is a disease, and what, or not, work happens on a subconscious level, intuition. The ends of the frame are the antenna, you are the receiver, and the patient is the transmitter. With some training, the accuracy of diagnosis using dowsing is very high. You can read any indicators, both physiological, biochemical, and others, depending on the task at hand.

Find these areas in your apartment or work. Take the geopathogenic zone indicator in your hands and position yourself in the room so that your face faces east. Raise your hands with frames and, with half-closed eyes, begin to move forward, while imagining how your room is divided by stripes of trouble.

They are transparent and invisible. But as soon as you approach them, your bioframes begin to rotate towards each other. They seem to answer your question with the word “yes”. Remember this place and move on, recording all the places where the framework for defining geopathogenic zones converges. Having reached the end of the room, turn around, move 1.5-2 m in any direction and walk in a parallel course back, recording all anomalous places. Connect the points where the frames meet with lines. The lines should be parallel to your route, at a distance of 2.5 m. Do the same, but moving from south to north. This way you will get a grid of geopathogenic zones of the apartment. Place your hand with the bioframe at the intersection of these lines and wait for a while. If the location is determined correctly, the frame will begin to rotate in one direction or another. The geopathogenic zone has been identified.

Search for geopathogenic zones: a pendulum device for determining

There is another way to find geopathogenic zones in an apartment. In addition to the bioframe, you can use a pendulum - a thread 20 cm long, at the end of which you need to tie an object: a ring, a bead, etc. Above the “plus” such a pendulum will rotate clockwise in accordance with the program you set to determine geopathogenic zones arrow, above the “minus” - against. When you sleep and the upper part of your body is above the “plus”, due to the constant accumulation of negative energy, you can get sick, including cancer. Move the bed, place it in the center of the square; all other things being equal, there will be no health problems (the same applies to a place where you have to spend a long time, for example at work). In this regard, you should know that you should sleep with your head facing north, northwest, northeast. Place the bed in the center of the room and sleep with your head towards the window. If the bed stands near the wall and rests against a right angle, this also creates an excessively negative bioenergy-information field.

So, once again summarize how the anomalous zone is determined using a pendulum. When it enters a geopathogenic zone, the detection device begins to swing in different directions or rotate clockwise (“plus”) or counterclockwise (“minus”). The concepts of “plus” or “minus” indicate the entry or exit of energy in this place, which is equally harmful.

The pendulum can be used not only to search for geopathogenic zones in the house, but also to determine the suitability of foods: whether you should eat them or not. Just try to work on the subconscious: the hand should be absolutely free without tension; after appropriate training, with the help of such a pendulum you can also read any information about the past, present and future. The human brain is a clump of somatic bioplasm, which works more effectively as a detector when in a passive state. That is why, on the verge of sleep and wakefulness, that is, in a state of meditation or auto-training, the perception of external information increases, and the brain is better tuned to the resonance frequency of the magnetosphere circuit.

In the old days, houses were built in this way: the corners of the rooms were rounded in the same way as tables and bedside tables, which created optimal comfortable conditions for health. There are interesting reports regarding the birth of children. If you always give birth to girls, and you want a boy, move the bed to 90° and, as if by order, you will get what you want. With a change in the direction of the force fields, the nature of the movement of sperm changes, they become more active.

Protection from geopathogenic zones in the apartment

What to do if you have a small apartment, how to neutralize the geopathogenic zone in this case? To eliminate the adverse effects of geopathogenic zones, you can use rosin, amber, pitch, iron ore, pieces of marble, broken mirror, and from plants - garlic, onion, chestnut, fern, placing them on a tray under the bed in the “plus” areas. This is due to the fact that any living or inanimate substance has its own resonant frequency, the only difference between them is that the inanimate has a constant frequency, while the living, like a dynamic system, changes it, which can increase or decrease the electromagnetic influence.

Children and animals are intuitively capable of protecting themselves from geopathogenic zones, because they are good sensitives. A child, for example, will always involuntarily avoid areas where there is a plus in the room, so place the crib where he plays. The cat, on the contrary, loves the “plus”, while the dog does not, only the neutral field, that is, in the middle of the square. It has been noticed that the dog will not enter the booth that stands above the “plus”, and this is not a whim. Move the booth a little to the side, the dog will be grateful to you for this and will quickly master its home.

The hen will never climb to a perch above the “plus” and will lay eggs poorly. Ants build their anthills over the plus. The tree standing above the “plus” is sick: for example, chagas appear on the birch tree - a kind of tree cancer. The same thing is observed in fruit trees. If you noticed, churches always stand on hillocks, in places where there are no geopathogenic zones, and their construction began this way. They brought in a flock of sheep and where they lay down to rest, they erected a church, of course, taking into account the landscape of the area. Houses built in lowlands, in floodplain lands, at the bottom of dry rivers, that is, in places where water flows intersect, have an increased geopathogenicity. There is an increased risk of cancer, cardiovascular and allergic diseases.

When the question arises about home improvement, people rarely think about the presence of anomalous or geopathogenic zones in the house. These zones are the main sources of negative energy. These are “dead places” that cause residents a lot of trouble. The presence of such zones in the house can greatly affect the health and emotional state of all household members. In order to avoid such problems, it is necessary to identify these anomalous zones and neutralize them.

First you need to determine if there are abnormal zones in your home. According to one version, anomalous zones arise in places where the earth is in an unstable state. This creates negative energy, from which a person can feel constant weakness and fatigue, which can serve as a catalyst for the occurrence of various diseases. Also, signs of the presence of geopathogenic zones in the house are frequent nightmares, restless sleep, the appearance of unfounded fears and obsessions.

A series of simple experiments will help to identify the presence of anomalous zones in an apartment. First, observe how the animals in your home behave. Typically, cats or dogs are very sensitive to such things. If something wrong is going on in the house, they usually try to run away from the house. In some cases, animals, on the contrary, show increased interest in the “bad” place. In this case, they will constantly explore it, sniff it and behave strangely near the anomalous zone.

If you suspect that any place in your home is a source of negative energy, then conduct the following experiment. In order to confirm your fears or, on the contrary, leave bad thoughts in the past, place a bouquet of flowers in the suspected area. Place the same bouquet in what you think is a normal place in the house. Flowers in the anomalous zone will wither much faster (in a day or two). This will confirm all your fears.

If your indoor plants do not take root at all, or they quickly die, then this may also be a sign that negative energy is concentrated in your home.

Electrical appliances that constantly break down in the same place or light bulbs that burn out in the same place can also cause concern. If this happens repeatedly, then you should think about the fact that there really is an anomalous zone in your house.

You can determine the presence of an anomalous zone using a candle. Light it in a suspicious place and watch how it burns. If the candle crackles and smokes, then this is a clear sign of negative energy.

The most popular and effective way to determine geopathogenic zones in an apartment is to check with a pendulum. You can do it yourself. To do this, tie a ring, preferably silver, to a cord or thread, but you can also take a regular nut. Take the end of the cord and carefully walk with it throughout the apartment, but in such a way as not to deliberately create oscillations of the pendulum. The place where it will sway strongly will be the haopathogenic zone. Using a pendulum, you can also determine the size of this zone. Having found it, you need to walk next to the zone and carefully observe where the pendulum will stop. These will be the boundaries of the anomalous zone.

How to get rid of abnormal zones in the house? Unfortunately, no way. The only way is to move to another apartment. But if you don’t have such an opportunity, then don’t despair. It is impossible to get rid of anomalous zones, but it can be neutralized. To do this, you need to turn to the traditions of feng shui. If the anomalous zone is in a place where you spend a lot of time (for example, a sofa, bed, dining table), then all furniture and things that you use constantly must be removed from there. A special danger arises if there is a refrigerator in the anomalous zone. Then negative energy will be transmitted to you through food. What should we put in this anomalous zone? Feng Shui experts recommend keeping artificial trees with round leaves in areas of negative energy. You can hang several bells or put large round stones on the floor.

All these simple methods will help you identify abnormal areas in your home and easily deal with them. Do not be upset that something is wrong in your home, because you can always find solutions to any problem! If you found this information useful, click on and

02.10.2013 15:51

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