Is it worth growing a beard: what are the pros and cons? Does a beard attract the opposite sex? I lasted a whole month. Now what

The beard doesn't come alone. It brings with it attention and interest from the opposite sex and, as a result, makes the dating procedure easier and more relaxed (naturally, with such and such a trump card!). In our “Question to a Dude” section, we already answered the question, and now we decided to develop this topic and found whole list reasons why you won't be left without a girl if you have well-groomed and thick facial hair.

Of course, a beard should come with a few more real masculine virtues, but start with a beard, and then you will see how your life will change.

1. Beard is sexy

A man with a well-groomed beard (provided it suits him) certainly has a more stern and masculine appearance compared to other bald men. And, of course, this does not go unnoticed by women. Characters like Wolverine from the X-Men series, Thor from Marvel Universe, Game of Thrones' Khal Drogo is forced to put up a "Caution, Wet Floor" warning sign. in the houses of many girls. Plus, a beard helps to perfectly disguise some facial defects, from acne and scars to a weak-willed small chin.

2. Beard is synonymous with prestige

In old Celtic times, Otto the Great often swore an oath on his beard. In the Middle Ages, a man touching a fellow man's beard was considered a direct challenge to fight. Nowadays, a beard is strongly associated with a certain brutality and a symbol of strength and self-respect. The bearded man declares his alpha status and lets the woman know (albeit on a subconscious level) that he is a good protector.

3. Bearded men are considered the best lovers

When it comes to exquisite foreplay, a beard is a universal tool. Rub or tickle it in strategic places, and it will give your girlfriend an unforgettable and definitely pleasant sensation.

4. Bearded men are considered more masculine.

As boys approach puberty, their bodies naturally change. One of these changes is the appearance of hair on the body and, in fact, on the face. Surveys of many women have confirmed the fact that a bearded man is perceived by the opposite sex as a person who is physiologically ready to make children. If a guy has a nice thick beard, it means he has no problems with testosterone and in general he is able to give this world genetically strong offspring.

5. They are more patient

For most men, growing and maintaining a beard is a task that requires patience and keeping the big picture in perspective. The Bearded Man is calm, collected, calculating and in most cases does not tend to show haste when it comes to making decisions.

6. Bearded men stand out from the crowd

The beard is universal, timeless and will never go out of style. And even if you don’t care about fashion trends, you will still be in trend, and you know what you’re going to meet, based on your clothes.

7. A beard is associated with wisdom.

Probably everyone knows the theory that almost every woman looks for the image of her father in a potential partner. Famous Study showed that women, looking at photographs of men with to varying degrees facial hair, categorically rejected those who were clean-shaven and looked with interest at faces covered with thick stubble. During the survey, the girls admitted that bearded guys caused them a strong association with reliability and wisdom, the possession of excellent fatherly qualities or the makings of such.

8. A bearded man is a healthy man

Most likely, a man with a beard leads an active and adventurous lifestyle. He enjoys sports outdoors, such as camping, fishing or hunting. Did you know that a beard can block 90 to 95% ultraviolet rays while slowing down the aging process and minimizing the risk of cancer?

And now you already imagine yourself with a thick beard, but for some reason the hair on your face grows poorly or does not grow at all. What to do? There is a fairly well-known drug in the West called Minoxidil, which, by the way, is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. In the store you can buy Minoxidil Kirkland 5%, which is great for those who have a beard, but it is not thick enough. And if nature has not endowed you with even a little fluff and you look like a schoolboy, then Minoxidil 15% is suitable for you. Three times the concentration - three times more powerful. Well, if you combine Minoxidil 15% with a five percent product or with a dermaroller, which, by the way, can also be bought in the store, then the effect will be even stronger.

In a month you will notice positive result and finally you can grow beautiful beard. The store has 100% original products. That is, this is a real American drug, and not a Chinese counterfeit. If you have any questions about using the product, you can ask them to the store’s specialists - they know everything about beards and hair. ships goods anywhere in the world.

Our appearance - natural features and added details - is a code similar to that with which web programmers work. Symbols, when combined in combination, broadcast the picture outward. It is read by our audience - the people on whom our work and personal results depend. By understanding the intricacies of this code, we systematically increase personal effectiveness: reaching the audience becomes more accurate, communications improve and the value of the personal brand grows.

Just a few years ago in Russia, a bearded man was more of a museum rarity. And suddenly fashionable young people stopped shaving, then the “bearded trend” migrated to older people, taking over creative and free professions, and finally took a strong position in the business environment. The rise in popularity of beards in the fashion-resistant business community is generating interest. What are the underlying motives that motivate conservative men to follow the trend? Today we are talking about why men wear a beard and the impression that a beard makes.

Visual effect

Let's start with the fact that facial hair for a man is simple and effective way significantly change your appearance. This is an excellent disguise for both a massive double chin and a too small one. A beard visually lengthens the face, making it sharper and thinner, which allows you to look stricter and more courageous.

Not only the presence, but also the style of a beard affects changes in the image. A thick “natural” beard can belong to a lumberjack or a shift worker, a hermit or a traveler: it gives the impression that the person does not have a razor at hand or does not want to use one. Neat medium beards are associated with scientists, doctors and cultural figures. Again, if the intellectual demonstrates commitment to his principles and distance from social life(for example, Anatoly Wasserman), and the traveler is more in a television studio than in the jungle (Nikolai Drozdov), then they “swap beards.”

Small beards, mustaches and simply decorative stubble are reminiscent of gangsters, fatal seducers and other infernal types (among modern characters - the villain Zorg from “The Fifth Element” or the heroes of “Fight Club”).

The natural color of the beard also matters: dark hair changes the face much more than those close in tone to the skin. A beard on brunettes and brown-haired men can create a gloomy, heavy, even “robber” impression (look at the actors Al Pacino and Gerard Butler), on the other hand, it gives greater effectiveness due to contrast.

Age and sophistication

According to a number of biological and social reasons Women, as a rule, tend to avoid details of the image, which can make them look older. But in the male standard of appearance, on the contrary, a certain motherliness is valued (from mature - adult, mature). IN different cultures the young man who had the first growth on his face was accepted into the ranks of adults. Visually, a beard usually adds age to the owner, and therefore automatically adds experience and respectability.

Masculinity and brutality

Another motive for growing a beard for men is gender-related. IN modern world gender boundaries in rights, responsibilities and self-determination are increasingly blurred. A woman can appropriate any item of a man's wardrobe, cut her hair short, drive a car and rule the country. But the prerogative and opportunity to grow facial hair still belongs to only one gender. The bearded man in any case maintains a masculine image - even in a pink sweater, with a long haircut and in polka dot socks. Therefore, men tightly grasp the masculine characteristics that remain exclusively for them.

Scientists from Australia have found that bearded men tend to hold unfriendly, sexist views of women. The authors published the results of their research in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, and a brief summary of them can be found on the website editions of The Independent (2015)

From the same repertoire - the desire to look more brutal. Facial hair distances the image from civilization and adds savagery to its wearer. It would seem, where does the wildness come from here? we're talking about about the business community? But it is precisely career and business - negotiations, competition, sales plans - that are civilized forms ancient war or hunting. And the beard, like a headdress made of feathers or a necklace of skulls, reminds the opponent that behind the cufflinks and tie hide primitive power and pressure.

Challenge and tradition

Facial hair can distinguish its wearer from the ranks of clean-shaven society, as if declaring: “now I intend to play by my own rules.” It is not surprising that all kinds of rebels often became bearded - from the founders revolutionary movements(Lenin, Che Guevara) to representatives of subcultures (bikers). Interesting fact: beard in history equally is an element of the image of both fighters against social foundations and their ardent defenders: look at the far-right representatives of parties or adherents of religions.

It is difficult to judge which of these two extremes this time provoked the fashion for beards in the world. If we talk about Russia, it is more likely that domestic beards spread among “serious” people as a subconscious call to return to the roots. At one time, Peter I, heading for Europe, made every effort to eliminate beards in Rus'. In the current political situation It is becoming fashionable to rely on finding one’s own path, without Western interference. And here you go, please - triumphant return beards

Let's try to summarize all of the above, and the growth in the rating of the beard as an accessory will be obvious. Why do men need a beard?

  1. Firstly, a beard adds masculinity - both as an exclusively masculine attribute, and due to the fact that the face with it acquires stereotypically masculine outlines.
  2. Secondly, facial hair not only adds ferocity, but also symbolizes wisdom and knowledge, combining in one image two desirable and often contrasted qualities of a man - intelligence and strength.
  3. Thirdly, a beard “agees”, which for men, especially young ones, is a way to visually add status and seriousness along with age.
  4. Fourthly, facial hair can become a demonstration of political, religious and other life position, for example, a craving for freedom or, conversely, adherence to traditions.
  5. And finally, there is a purely utilitarian benefit: some men are happy to use the trend as an opportunity to avoid shaving every day.

In 2018, the popularity of the beard has perhaps reached its peak. She is so in trend that there is no “more trendy”. Even new “masterpieces” of Russian “pop” to support facial hair are no longer needed - “with a beard” is now “handsome” by default. At least the advanced and fashionable male community is confident: in conquering woman's heart a beard is an indispensable device. But do the objects of conquest agree with this? Well, except for the singer Natalie? No boring analytics, just four beautiful girls will talk about their attitude towards men's beard.

Daria Cherdantseva, world-class model.

In fact, having a beard on a man's face doesn't make any difference to me. It “becomes” someone and it looks really beautiful, even sexy, but sometimes there are guys whose beard makes them look very strange or funny. As for my other half... I am always honest in relationships. If, for example, I don’t like the image of my man with a beard, I will not be hysterical and force him to get rid of this hair, but I will admit to him that he is better off without a beard. And let him make the decision about whether to shave it or not.

Nadezhda Borovskikh, first Miss Sibdepo, personal fitness trainer.

I am neutral towards all bearded men, except for one - my husband. For several years now he has not shaved his beard at all, he likes it, and if he likes it, then, in fact, I do too. If it were possible, I would shave off his beard, but I think this “number” won’t work for me only at night while my husband is sleeping. I think many ladies will now agree with me that the beard is prickly and irritates our delicate skin on the face, which is why sometimes you want to shave it off a man’s face. And not every representative of the stronger sex really suits a beard. And now every second person has a lot of facial hair, and often it looks inappropriate, and in some cases even funny, like with the eyebrows of our women. Only a well-groomed beard looks beautiful. When she is shaved neatly, profiled. The unkempt hair on a man’s face is completely unpleasant to look at. Or it looks completely ridiculous when an 18-year-old boy grows a beard like a metalhead or a biker. The eyes give away his age, the beard doesn’t go with it, and the overall look is strange. For example, if I get lost in unfamiliar city, then I’ll definitely look who’s around me. With the question: “how to get there,” I’d rather approach someone who looks more serious. And it doesn’t matter whether he has facial hair or not.

Anastasia Yeger, entrepreneur.

I don't like bearded men, but I like those with a little stubble on their faces. Because of it, many men look more brutal or even more courageous... But in general, this is a very individual question. A beard suits some people, but others need to shave it off and never grow it. For example, Robert Downey The stubble suits the younger one very well! She transforms him, paints him. It's nice to look at him. In general, I have nothing against a big beard if it is well-groomed. But I wouldn’t want to see my man with hair on his cheeks every day.

Daria Kucheryavaya, vice-miss Sibdepo, personal fitness trainer.

I absolutely don't like bearded men. All the men who were close to me throughout my life did not wear a beard. And I was happy about it. In order for a beard to look beautiful and not spoil the appearance of its owner, you need to take care of it and spend some time. Not all men have the desire for this. Many people simply grow a beard because they are too lazy to shave. Some people hide behind razor allergies. I believe that a man is much better off without a beard. He looks younger, and it’s comfortable to kiss him, nothing hurts your face.

Does a beard make sense from an evolutionary point of view? Children, women and many men get along just fine without this eccentric attribute. However, if you walk the streets major cities, you will probably meet people who are accustomed to growing a beard. Nowadays, facial hair on representatives of the stronger sex can be completely different shapes and size. Some people prefer to walk around with two-week stubble, others with a neat French beard, and others don’t shave for months.

Does a beard attract the opposite sex?

We are accustomed to noticing various nuances when it comes to appearance. It would be logical to assume that a beard could initially serve to attract the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. Some more later studies revealed another purpose for wearing a brutal attribute. Thus, the habit of not shaving could help increase a man’s status among his peers.

Compared to female and male primates, humans have distinct natural differences in appearance. Could a beard become an additional accent in attracting women? Will help answer this question opinion polls, which were carried out in sufficient quantities. It is curious that the women never came to a common denominator. According to some respondents, a sexy man is one who has ten days of unshaven hair. However, many women do not like beards at all or are disgusted by them. As we can see, facial hair does not provide additional dividends for attracting a sexual partner. Clean-shaven men are often more attractive to women fair half humanity.

A beard can eliminate competitors

However, scientists insist on the version of sexual selection. According to experts, in order to attract a woman, it is not enough to be physically attractive. Men must withstand competition with their brothers by proving self-worth. There are suggestions that beards evolved precisely for this purpose.

Expert observation

Curiously, in times of increasing male population and the reduction of women's beards and mustaches has always become more fashionable. In fact, not all men have thick facial hair; this is directly related to testosterone levels. If you demonstrate your potential to others, then people begin to perceive a man with thick hair in a completely different way.
A number of studies have shown the following: both men and women evaluate a beard from a position of strength and aggression. Additionally, facial hair makes you look older and more masculine. Therefore, dominant men in the struggle for a lady can easily eliminate competitors who have a sparse beard.

Dominance opens up many possibilities

This statement is true today and throughout the history of human development. Dominant individuals have a stunningly short path to mating opportunities. Thus, genetic databases indicate that about eight percent of the modern male population in Asian countries are descendants of Genghis Khan.

But in Foggy Albion, a study was conducted that examined the features of men's fashion in accordance with gender imbalance. Nigel Barber sampled the period between 1842 and 1971. It turned out that during the predominance of the male population in Great Britain, the popularity of beards and mustaches increased sharply.

Voice is also important

But, as it turns out, beards are not the only tool that reflects dominance. Has a voice too great importance. Thus, people give their preference in elections to politicians with low and shrill voices. Men often resort to this trick during competition tasks: if they want to show their superiority, they simply lower the tone of their voice.

Unique experiment

To trace the evolution of the beard and voice, scientists conducted a unique experiment. Twenty men and the same number of women were selected as volunteers. They had to rate six people on videotape based on their dominance and attractiveness. Moreover, all the people behind the scenes went through four stages of “evolution”: from clean-shaven faces to inveterate bearded men. Previously, the scientists applied audio effects to each part of the video to change the voice. In some cases, the tone of speech of the participants became higher, in others lower, and the speech itself became shriller. As a result, the following became clear.

Beards do not affect the degree of attractiveness

As a result, beards did not give any advantages to their owners in the attractiveness rating. But in the context of dominance, facial hair invariably brought additional bonuses.

Compared to voice timbre

Male voices that sounded a little deeper were perceived by participants as more attractive. It is curious that the two opposite extremes (the highest and the most deep voices) were not so popular. However, the deeper bottoms scored higher on the dominance scale.


The tense situation in the marriage market forces both men and women to improve themselves. So, representatives of the strong half of humanity, in addition to beards and velvet voice, spend a lot of time building muscle mass. Women strive to be slim and wear makeup. Some of our instincts are not aimed at attracting potential partner. The primary goal is to oust marriage market their own kind.

Incredible facts

With the exception of a few men on Earth, most of the stronger half of humanity have facial hair.

Men's beards (photo)

10. Growing facial hair is called " pogonotrophy".

11. In the Middle Ages touching a man's beard was considered offensive and could be a reason for a duel.

12. According to surveys, both men and women perceive bearded men(compared to non-bearded ones), like:

· Older in age

· More respected

· High status

13. On average, a man spends in his entire life 3,350 hours of shaving.

14. In 345 AD Alexander the Great prohibited soldiers from wearing beards, as opponents could pull the beard during battles.

15. Longest beard belongs to a Norwegian Hans N. Langseth(Hans N. Langseth), and its length was 5.3 meters in 1927.

16. A beard helps filter out dust and pollen if you suffer from allergies.

17. B ancient Egypt metallic beards were considered a sign of divinity and status, and even some women wore them.

18. Have you ever wondered how long a beard can grow? According to calculations , if you didn’t shave your whole life, it would grow to 9 meters.

19. Peter I tried to encourage the absence of facial hair and introduced beard tax, which ranged from 60 to 600 rubles per year depending on class affiliation. For control, a token was introduced, which served as a kind of license to wear a beard.

20. Longest female beard belongs to Vivian Wheeler from the USA and its length is 25.5 cm.

Beard styles