What interesting things should a woman read for self-development? What to read for self-development

Today in our article we will try to answer the question of what books are worth reading for self-development. Such publications are now extremely popular, as they can help a person not only determine his life goal and achieve it, but also improve relationships in the family and society, win over those around him, and achieve inner harmony. But which options should you pay attention to?

What book should you read for self-development?

First, let's look at publications that are suitable for reading by both men and women. Basically, such books are aimed at helping the reader achieve their goal. Moreover, this goal can be in the field of business, love relationships, interaction with society, or personal acquisition of peace and confidence.

"Rich dad, poor dad"

So, what book should you read for self-development first? It's better to start with this world bestseller by Robert Kiyosaki. The basis of the book was a comparison of the business views of Robert's father, who was a government employee, and the father of his friend, who was engaged in his own business. As a result, the latter became a rich and successful man. It was his path to success that Robert himself chose, having achieved considerable success in business.

"Money Ceiling Quadrant"

This book was also written by Robert Kiyosaki. But this time the work is dedicated not so much to business as to the thinking of rich people. The author helps readers understand how rich people think. Which helps them work less and earn more, pay low taxes and feel financially independent.

"The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People"

Stephen Covey, the author of this book, offered a completely new look at management systems and the very concept of leadership in a team. This book presents an approach to increasing your personal effectiveness. The author calls skills a set of knowledge, skills and desires. And the 7 skills presented in the book are arranged in ascending order depending on the level of maturity of the individual.

"To hell with all of it! Take it and do it!”

So, what other book is worth reading for self-development? This is, of course, the work of Branson Richard. The book is a kind of manifesto of the author; it reflects his position in relation to life. Richard suggests taking everything from life, not being afraid to take risks and take action. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether there is enough life experience or knowledge to implement the plan. The main thing is not to stand still.

"How to Win Friends and Influence People"

This is Dale Carnegie's most popular and famous book. It is a collection of practical tips and lessons on how to communicate with people. At first glance, the book may seem a little strange or unusual, but it works. Another reason to read this manual is the fact that it is still used to teach psychology in universities.

“How to work 4 hours a week, without being stuck in the office from bell to bell, live anywhere and get rich”

If you want to achieve success, but not put off all the joys of life for later, and don’t know what book you should read for self-development, this creation by Timothy Ferris is for you. In the book, the author sets out a life philosophy according to which there is no need to put off having fun and spend all your time on work. A person must see his goal, go towards it, but not deny himself all the joys. The book will teach you how to cope with life situations and achieve success without spending 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on it.

"Psychology of Lies"

The author of the book is one of the most famous modern psychologists, Paul Ekman. The subject of his study has always been the phenomenon of deception. This popular science publication presents the results of many years of work. The reader will be able to learn how to recognize deception by the behavior, speech, facial expressions and gestures of the interlocutor. This book is a teaching aid and practical guide.

"How to make anyone fall in love with you"

The author of the book, Leil Lowndes, tells readers that in order to be attractive to everyone, you need only 6 ingredients. Exactly 6 components are necessary for success; the reader will learn about what they are after reading the book. In addition, Lowndes shares 85 techniques that will help you master love magic and win over any man or woman.

"Your neighbor is a millionaire"

Many people often ask questions about why I am not as rich as my acquaintance or friend; how do others manage to earn so much and quickly, etc. Stanley Thomas, the author of the book, will provide answers to these and many other questions. In addition, the author will teach you how to become successful and rich. Many useful tips for improving your financial situation can be found in this book.

Spiritual development

  • Special attention should be paid to Osho, the Indian spiritual teacher. His works help to find harmony and comprehend the world around us. First of all, we recommend reading: “The Mustard Seed”, “Be Simpler”, “Keys to a New Life”. The writer’s books on meditation techniques are especially popular.
  • Books by Louise Hay, based on the writer's personal experience. Particular attention should be paid to the works “Heal yourself” and “Wisdom of a woman”.
  • The author of many world bestsellers, Liz Burbo, will be interesting: “Your body says: “Love yourself,” “The Great Encyclopedia of Essence.”
  • Among Russian writers, Vadim Zeland and Valery Sinelnikov are especially popular.

Books for women

Now we will try to answer the question of what books a woman should read for self-development.

“Man is from Mars, Woman is from Venus” is a bestseller by the famous psychologist D. Gray, published back in 1992. The book is dedicated to gender relations and will provide answers to many questions regarding personal relationships.

“Who Runs with the Wolves” is a famous book by the master of psychoanalysis and continuer of the Jungian tradition, Clarissa Estes. With the help of myths and fairy tales, the author helps women find themselves, find their path and understand their purpose. This book is dedicated to the full disclosure of feminine nature.

These are the publications that any woman should read first. But what books are worth reading for self-development if you are already familiar with the above? Pay attention to the following works.

“Never Eat Alone” is a wonderful book by Kate Ferrazzi dedicated to the rules of dating and continuing relationships.

“Blackberry Wine” by J. Harris will help you understand life if you no longer understand what is going on around you. The publication will help you find the meaning of life and understand what is happening.

“The Duel with Betrayal” is a book by N. Tolstoy intended for women who have had to face betrayal. How to survive this, what you need to do and how to approach it - this publication can answer these and many other questions.

“A Self-Teacher for Developing Intuition” is a book by Laura Day that will help you learn to listen to yourself.

Books for men

“An easy way to start a new life” (N. Fiore). If you decide to change your life radically, then you should start by reading this book. It will help you follow the chosen path to the end and not turn off halfway. You will learn not to procrastinate and unnecessarily complicate your life.

“The Wisdom of Crowds” (J. Surowiecki). It is generally accepted that society, called the “crowd,” harms the individual. However, the author proves that society can help an individual develop and mature. You can read in detail about how this happens in the book by James Surowiecki.

“Do it yourself” (T. Seelig). This is a book about how to achieve success and reach your goal. The author assures that anyone can achieve a lot, but it is necessary to start small. The path to a big goal should consist of small tasks, and completing each of them will bring you closer to the final goal. In fact, the author offers a ready-made algorithm of actions that you just need to use.

“The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” (R. Sharma). This is a book for men who find themselves in a crisis situation. The author talks about a successful lawyer who had everything to be happy, but for some reason there was no happiness. Robin Sharma, who managed to combine Western psychology with ancient Eastern wisdom, will talk about how to get joy and pleasure from life.

What books should a teenager read for self-development?

Children and adolescents, due to their age, develop by reading fiction. It is difficult and uninteresting for them to perceive philosophical or psychological literature, even if it is written simply and accessible. Therefore, we will present a list of fiction books that will help a teenager develop their intellect and enrich their spiritual world.

"Harry Potter" (J. Rowling). Science fiction is interesting to children at any age, and books about young wizards also “grow” along with their readers. The heroes not only participate in incredible adventures, they are also troubled by problems common to children: the definition of good and evil in ordinary actions, the value of friendship, first love, family ties, etc. In addition, if you are answering the question about what books should be read for self-development at the age of 12, then the Harry Potter series is for you.

“The Catcher in the Rye” (J. Salinger) is a book created for teenagers and describes the life of a teenager. The work is centered around typical teenage problems: misunderstanding of the world and others, trying to find the truth, finding oneself, searching for the meaning of life, etc.

“D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers” (A. Dumas). Adventure literature has always been attractive. In addition, it teaches friendship, devotion, duty, loyalty to one’s word, and makes one understand the value of moral principles.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the following works:

  • “The Hobbit”, “The Lord of the Rings” (J.R.R. Tolkien);
  • “The Fault in Our Stars”, “Looking for Alaska” (J. Green);
  • “50 days until suicide” (S. Kramer);
  • "Percy Jackson" (R. Riordan).

Timeless classic

If you want to know which books are worth reading for self-development, the classics will be the best answer. In many ways, classical fiction is superior to modern popular science psychological and motivational books. We list the works that are definitely worth paying attention to:

  • “Idiot”, F.M. Dostoevsky;
  • “Dead Souls”, N.V. Gogol;
  • "Eugene Onegin", A.S. Pushkin;
  • “The Divine Comedy”, A. Dante;
  • "Romeo and Juliet", W. Shakespeare;
  • "Madame Bovary", G. Flaubert.

Thus, there are a great many books for self-development. You can choose publications for yourself from both popular science literature and classics.

A reasonable person always strives to understand the world and himself as a particle of this world. Many books have been written on this topic. After all, each of us tries to become better in order to more fruitfully use our hidden potential in the future. Getting acquainted with the best works on philosophy, psychology and creative personal development greatly contributes to the self-development of the individual. Literary News offers a selection of self-help books, organized according to the specific area you want to focus on.

Of course, the first step in self-development is to clearly define your priorities. Self-development includes many areas, and in order to best engage in this difficult but extremely rewarding task, the first step is to clearly determine for yourself what exactly is most important to you at this stage of life.

Key self-development topics include:

Philosophy of life;
Practical psychology;
Classic fiction;
Physical development;
Intellectual development;
Creative development;

Alexander Sviyash. “What to do when everything is not as you want”

Books about the philosophy of life for self-development

El Tat. "Medicine for the soul."

A St. Petersburg psychologist under the pseudonym El Tat has published a book for those who are tired of the endless cycle of modern life, driving the weak into the narrow framework of inevitability. But there is no weakness, it’s just a state of mind that can and should be changed for the better. El Tat's book contains simple truths about health and happiness, popularizes knowledge about the world and man, formulated by Hermes Trismegistus, and also contains the author's judgments about humanity and the world.

Valery Sinelnikov. “The mysterious power of the word. Love Formula".

The book introduces the reader to an effective verbal coding strategy for success, health and well-being, and even reveals the essence of the mysterious formula of love. After all, our whole life is controlled by words. It is only important to choose the most necessary words for any specific situation.

Alexander Sviyash. “What to do when everything is not the way you want.”

Popular psychologist Alexander Sviyash in his book, in simple and intelligible language, sets out his unique methodology, diagnoses problematic situations and gives practical advice for understanding the causes of events. With its help, the reader will learn to correctly form the desired events in his life.

Barbara de Angelis. "Secrets about men that every woman should know"

Practical psychology for self-development gh

Vasilina Veda. "Practical psychology for women."

The essence of the book is in its title. The author will help you gain popularity as the most charming and attractive woman. This book is for those women who want to learn to always please the people around them, to reveal the true potential of a real Woman.

Andrey Gnezdilov. "Smoke of an Antique Fireplace"

A famous St. Petersburg doctor and storyteller has created a wonderful book about fairy tale therapy. After all, any fairy tale is concentrated wisdom. The author's philosophical tales, written in the best traditions of classical and modern fairy tales, will help the reader cope with difficult situations that often ruin people's lives.

Barbara de Angelis. "Secrets about men that every woman should know"

The popular author of psychological literature in his book gives ten simple tips for women that will help them feel confident and happy even in the most difficult situations that arise in the process of communication between a woman and a man.

Classic fiction for self-development

Margaret Mitchell. "Gone With the Wind"
Lev Tolstoy. "War and Peace"
Gustave Flaubert. "Madame Bovary"
William Shakespeare. "Romeo and Juliet"
Alexander Ostrovsky. "Dowry"

Classic works of world fiction do not need additional advertising. Each of them presents in one form or another the complex life conflicts of the heroes. For centuries people have been experiencing life with the heroes of these books with unflagging interest, relating themselves to them, reflecting on the correctness of their actions. This is exactly how new life experience is acquired - by watching the characters in books, who often look more alive and real than the people around the reader. Also, the undoubted advantage of classical literature is their film adaptations made by masters of world cinema. After all, all of the above books have been transferred to the screen more than once.

Books for physical self-development

Bernie S. Siegel and Peter Kalder. "Eye of rebirth"

Simple and accessible 6 initial exercises aimed at rejuvenating the body are very effective. Following them along with recommendations on proper nutrition and the properties of combinations of various products is quite capable of prolonging your youth and adding vigor.

Lucy Lydill, Narayani Rabinovich and Giris Rabinovich. “New book on yoga. Step by step guide"

The book is a simple and accessible yoga tutorial that allows you to perform simple yoga exercises at home, even without a yoga mentor, which at the initial stage will be completely replaced by this book, which includes asanas for children, pregnant women, and the elderly, as well as breathing exercises. There is a large amount of illustrative material that makes the book easier to read.

Books for intellectual self-development

Charles Haenel. "Master Key"

A classic book written at the beginning of the twentieth century, it is dedicated to the system of creative thinking created by the author, giving a concise and clear statement of the laws underlying any success. After all, each of us creates our own reality.

Edward de Bono. “Teach yourself to think: a tutorial on developing thinking”

Thanks to the five stages described in E. Bono's book, the reader can turn his brain into a powerful thinking machine, learning to correctly structure and effectively use the process of processing data entering the mind.

Stanislav Muller. "Unlock your mind: become a genius!"

Becoming a genius is not as difficult as you might think. The superlearning technology proposed in this book by Stanislav Müller? will allow you to turn on previously unused reserves of your mind, regardless of age and temperament.

Books for creative self-development

Julia Cameron. "The Artist's Way"

The book is recommended for the development and disclosure of the creative abilities of the individual. It will be especially useful for those who are too suspicious and unsure of their talent. The book is a practical guide, the methodological course is designed for 12 weeks of interesting lessons.

Stephen King. "How to write books"

A recognized master of literature, in a simple and accessible form, shares with the reader the secrets of creating truly interesting texts. The book is read with the same pleasure as his works of art; living examples of semantic and stylistic errors in other authors are given.

Books for self-development in business

David Allen. "How to get things in order"

According to the author, the ability to relax is often no less important than the art of concentrating on problems. The book is devoted to developing the ability to structure events, proper organization, clear priorities and overall planning

Yuri Moroz. “How to start your own business. A Beginner's Guide."

Do you want to open your own business? In this case, the book by Yuri Moroz, a famous business coach and consultant, creator of his own distance learning methodology for business, will be useful to you. It will be useful for both students and beginners, as well as those who already have experience in private business.

Frank Bettger. “From a loser to a successful businessman”

Frank Bettger. “From a loser to a successful businessman”

F. Bettger’s book was once recommended to readers by none other than Dale Carnegie, and this says a lot. The highest-paid sales agent in the United States at the time shares the secrets of his successful deals, helping the reader to believe in himself.

Og Mandino. "The Greatest Trader in the World"

The book introduces the reader in a fascinating way to the laws of how money works and personal success. Considered one of the best books on personal improvement in the field of sales and overcoming the associated difficulties.

Napoleon Hill. "Think and get rich"

The book by the famous philosopher and success psychologist Napoleon Hill, based on personal life observations, has been a bestseller in business self-development literature for more than 70 years. Thanks to it, you can build a clear plan for your personal success in life.

Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter "Rich Dad Poor Dad."

The book is equipped with a lot of useful business recommendations, although it does not give specific instructions for action. Instead, the authors provide accessible, sometimes anecdotal, real-life examples. After all, to successfully fight for well-being, you must first know the laws of how money works.

Here I will publish the best self-development books that I have studied myself. Fame and reviews of the product will also be taken into account! This is a selection of the 10 best self-development books! For people who want to develop and grow as a person:

1) “Rich Dad Poor Dad” - Robert Kiyosaki

The book is based on 2 opposing principles of education on problems related to finances, which Robert will take from his father - the state. employee and from the father of his close friend Mike, an entrepreneur who eventually became the richest man in the Hawaiian Islands.

When he was little, he chose the path suggested by that friend’s father (“Rich Dad”) and achieved financial independence. At 47, he was “able to leave his business and move into educational supervision.” According to this book, “If you want to become successful and happy, don’t go to school,” education is your business. “The J.P. Morgan company has made the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” mandatory reading for all millionaires.”

2) “Cash Flow Quadrant” - Robert Kiyosaki

The book explains why some successful people work less, but earn more, pay less taxes and feel more financial independence than others.

The essence of the book is to understand and realize the thinking of rich people and move to their successful side.

3) “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” - Stephen Covey

This book outlines a general approach to personal effectiveness. Covey defined skills as a cross-section of knowledge, ability and desire. His 7 skills are laid out along a continuum of personality maturity: from dependence (“You showed concern for me”) to independence (“I am responsible for my actions”) and then transition to interpersonal dependence (“We can do this together”).

4) “Screw it all, get on with it” - Richard Branson

Richard's book is a manifesto of his life, actions, risks. The credo of the book is to take everything possible and impossible from this life. This means not being afraid to do what you really want.

With all this, it doesn’t matter at all whether you have enough knowledge, life experience or education. Life is too short to waste time on things that don't interest you. If you have a head on your shoulders and ambitions that overwhelm your heart, any goal will be within your reach. If you like something, take it and do it. If you don’t like it, quit and don’t think about it anymore.

The book will bring you a huge charge of positivity, wisdom and faith in your own capabilities.

5) “Think and Grow Rich” - Napoleon Hill

If you want to know how to overcome all obstacles and achieve success, then read this great book. For many years it was a bestseller in America and lasted 42 editions there. But to this day, Napoleon Hill’s book changes people’s lives. It will give you a clear plan on how to achieve success in life. And you will need this in any business.

6) “How to Win Friends and Influence People” - Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie's most famous and popular book is “How to Win Friends and Influence People” - a vibrant collection of practical lessons and advice, as well as life stories under the slogan “Believe that you can do it - and then it will work out.”

In fact, the book is quite old, but psychologists still study from it and build on the materials of this wonderful book.

7) “How to work 4 hours a week and not be stuck in the office from bell to bell, live anywhere and get rich” - Timothy Ferris

Timothy Ferriss in this book will describe to us his philosophy of life, which has recently become very popular. People who live by this philosophy do not throw life away for later, they do not work until they are blue in the face and do not want to deprive themselves of all the joys of life before they become successful. They know perfectly well what they need, they know why they live, but this cannot stop them from enjoying their life, because they know perfectly well how to cope with life and how to achieve success.

Read and enjoy this useful book in all respects!

8) “The Psychology of Lying” - Paul Ekman

Based on a huge amount of everyday, experimental material, Paul analyzes the phenomenon of deception from the point of view of new modern psychological science. You will learn about what features of behavior, facial expressions, speech and gestures reveal the speaker’s lies. This book is an amazing textbook for lovers of psychology, including nonverbal gestures, social psychology. In addition, this is a practical guide for those who do not intend to become victims of deception and psychological traps in any area of ​​life.

9) “How to make anyone fall in love with you” - Leil Lowndes

In this interesting and fun guide, renowned relationship expert Layle Lowndes looks at the 6 important ingredients that make up the formula, the six assembled parts that science has said will drive almost anyone crazy and make them fall in love.

10) “Your neighbor is a millionaire” - Thomas Stanley

Why am I not that rich? Many people constantly ask this question: we work 24 hours a day, we have a good education, we have average or high incomes. Why are there so few rich people around us? How do they become rich and successful? What are they doing? Where do they invest their money? Where do they buy? Can I get rich? You will find answers to these questions and many other questions in this book.

“We are what we eat” - you can often hear such a saying, but we mistakenly believe that here we are talking exclusively about physical food. After all, we “eat” not only physical food, but also the information that we immerse ourselves in (or are immersed in us), and the energy that surrounds us. And in fact, these three components determine our existence.

“Existence determines consciousness” is another saying that most often serves as an excuse for vices. They say, since this is my “being”, then, as they say, we are not like that, life is like that. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite: consciousness precisely determines being. What kind of consciousness a person has, he makes such a choice every day, every minute, and in accordance with the quality and level of his consciousness, he sees the world around him as he is able to see it.

So, it became clear: consciousness determines being. And what, in this case, determines consciousness itself, its depth, quality, state? There is another principle: what you think about is what you become. We create ourselves and our future every day. Depending on what information we immerse ourselves in, we create such a vector of development for the future. Today we are where our thoughts took us, and tomorrow we will be where our thoughts today lead us. Therefore, what we think actually determines everything.

We live in an era of democratic regimes, but in terms of information freedom the situation is bad. Placed in some long-programmed matrix, from the first days of life we ​​receive the information that will most often lead us to suffering. And, in general, it’s not even our choice. By the age of 10-12, when a person has at least some opportunity to make choices and act in accordance with his preferences, certain patterns of behavior have already been loaded into the person, which will determine this choice in the future.

How to change the situation? First, you should ask yourself the question: are you satisfied with the way you live now? Are you satisfied with the vector of your movement? Objectively speaking, if a person suffers, then there is only one reason for this: he is going in the wrong direction and the Universe is trying in every possible way to tell him about it. First - with friendly advice, and when a person does not understand - then with slaps on the head. And the problem with most is that they don't understand this. When this understanding comes, the question arises: how to change the situation? To change the vector of your movement, you should change the course of your thoughts. And in order to change the course of your thoughts, you should change the information that a person loads into himself.

What books are worth reading for self-development?

At the stage of realizing the wrong direction of your movement, the question arises: where to get adequate information and what are the general criteria for its adequacy? Today in the literature market there are many directions, genres, etc. - for every taste and color, as they say. Each of the authors presents himself as a kind of “enlightened” guru who has learned the truth. And it should be noted that most of them actually have adequate thoughts that are useful to think about, and even bring something into their lives. But, whatever one may say, everyone can still be mistaken, so in terms of choosing literature it is worth paying attention to more ancient texts.

In general, the question of which books to read for self-development is a purely individual question, since something different will suit everyone. Some people like ancient philosophical treatises, while others are more suited to works of art, which, in general, are sometimes not even inferior to some serious texts. Therefore, there are no bad or good books - every book is good for each level of development. And among fiction books one can also note many sources of invaluable wisdom.

  • "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. A legendary book about the search for the spiritual path and truth. In simple and understandable language, using simple and understandable examples, a simple philosophy of life is unobtrusively presented to the reader. But, despite its simplicity, not many are ready to understand and accept it at a deep level. Many people understand it at the mental level and often even repeat these concepts out loud, but at a deep level there is no awareness. And the book allows you to look at the world from a different perspective.
  • “Chapaev and Emptiness” Pelevin. The book describes two parallel realities: revolutionary Russia and Russia in the nineties. The teaching and philosophy of the Buddha (in a rather free interpretation, but very interesting) runs through the entire narrative. The book contains many interesting concepts and philosophical ideas, but most importantly, the author gives us the opportunity to look at our familiar reality from an unusual angle.
  • "Illusions" Richard Bach. Also quite an interesting book. The book questions the reality that we are accustomed to consider objective, as well as the laws by which this world functions. An alternative view of reality, as well as unique methods of interaction with this reality, will be of interest to seekers of truth and those who want to know themselves and the world around them.
  • "The Little Prince" Antoine Exupery. Through the mouth of the little Prince, the book sets out a worldview that is opposed to a consumerist and selfish view of the world. At first glance, this worldview is a little naive, but the further you dive into the written story, the more you understand that the Prince understands much more in this life than all the other characters, and indeed many people in this world.
  • "Master and Margarita". Bulgakov. The book shows the difficult and thorny path of a creative person, a true Master of his craft, who found his destiny and followed it all his life. And this, in fact, is the deepest desire of every person - to find something to which they can devote their life. And the one who has found his path and learned his destiny is already halfway to perfection.
  • “Diagnostics of karma” Lazarev. Not exactly a fiction book, its aspect is rather more applied and practical, but this only increases the value of the book. Sergey Lazarev in his book examines in detail the principle of action of karma, the features of its formation and implementation in human life. In the book you can find answers to many questions, the reasons for the presence of certain diseases and problems in life are discussed in particular detail.

You may also be interested in books about proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle:

  • "" Arnold Ehret. In the book, the author examines poor nutrition as the cause of the formation of mucus in the body, which causes aging, withering of the body and the development of diseases. The book discusses the concept of natural nutrition, according to which only fruits and some vegetables are the typical human food, and all other food is unnatural for human consumption and therefore destroys health.
  • “Raw food diet is the path to immortality” Shemchuk. The author considers the transition of humanity to boiled food as the main cause of not only illness, but also death in principle. The book discusses the version that with proper nutrition (proper nutrition is considered to be eating thermally unprocessed food), a person can not only be healed of any disease, but also completely defeat death.
  • "The 80/10/10 Diet" by Douglas Graham. The author proposes a diet in which 80% of the food consists of carbohydrates, 10% of proteins and 10% of fats. This diet involves mainly eating fruits, since, according to the author of the book, a person is frugivorous by nature and fruits are the most natural food for his nutrition.

The question of what books to read for self-development remains relevant for many. And for everyone, their answer will be relevant. Paradoxical as it may seem, someone can learn something for themselves even from detective novels. But there are books that everyone is recommended to read in this life in order to adequately perceive the world and have some kind of moral basis for interacting with this world. For this, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the Vedic scriptures.

What books should you read for self-development?

For those who want to dive deeper into the study of philosophy and the laws of the universe, it is recommended to read ancient texts that have been tested by time. What kind of ancient texts are there and what are the criteria for assessing the information that is there? In general, it is worth noting that any information that comes to us must be subject to some criticism and evaluation in accordance with three aspects:

  • The presence of this information in ancient scriptures.
  • The opinion of a competent person about this.
  • Personal experience.

It is recommended to take this or that information on faith only if all these three aspects coincide. That is, if any idea is read in ancient scripture, is confirmed by the opinion of a person competent in this matter, and personal experience does not contradict this information, such a concept can be accepted as correct.

As for the ancient texts themselves, we are talking about the main texts of Vedic culture:

  • "Mahabharata" - a description of events that occurred 5000 years ago.
  • "Bhagavad Gita" - part of the Mahabharata, contains philosophical conversations between Krishna and Arjuna.
  • "Ramayana" is a scripture describing the confrontation between Rama and Ravana. Contains basic aspects of Vedic culture and philosophy, and also gives an understanding of dharma and the law of karma.
  • “Yoga-Vasishtha” is a text containing the invaluable wisdom of Indian sages who initiate Rama into the secrets of the universe. Sage Vasishtha, in conversations with Rama, expounds the philosophy of yoga and Advaita Vedanta.
  • “Avadhuta Gita” - “the song of the eternally free” - the revelations of Avadhuta Dattareya in the style of the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta, or the so-called “non-duality”.

  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is the basic text on yoga on which most schools are based. The sage Patanjali succinctly outlines not only philosophy, but also practical aspects that can actually be applied in your practice. For a complete understanding of what yoga is, you probably won’t find a better text.
  • “Hatha Yoga Pradipika” - the name speaks for itself. The text describes in detail the prescriptions not only for the yogic practices themselves, but also for the lifestyle of a yogi. Despite the name, the scripture contains a description of not only hatha yoga, but also concepts such as pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi.

These are two basic texts for those who want to practice yoga and learn about it from primary sources, and not through a “damaged phone.”

  • “The Sutra of Running the Wheel of Dharma” contains the basis of the Buddha’s Teachings - the teaching of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. To get acquainted with the Teachings of the Buddha, it is best to read this sutra.
  • "The Lotus Flower Sutra of the Wonderful Dharma." The sutra sets out the Dharma - the Teachings of the Buddha in its most perfect version. There is an opinion that the teaching about nirvana, which is set out in the Sutra of Running the Wheel of Dharma, was just a trick, since people were simply not ready to accept the true version of the Teaching, and the Buddha modified it a little so that people could understand it.
  • "Vimalakirti Sutra" - a sutra with instructions from Vimalakirti, one of the most successful disciples of the Buddha.
  • "Bodhicharya Avatara" - a text written by the monk and philosopher Shantideva. Contains a laconic presentation of the teachings of the Buddha, the philosophy of Buddhism, and also, what is most valuable, the practical aspects of the teaching - concentration and meditation.
  • "Jatakas" - short stories about the past lives of Buddha Shakyamuni. Very instructive in terms of knowledge of the law of karma and cause-and-effect relationships.

Nowadays, there are many different recommendations about what a man should read for self-development and what books a woman should read for self-development. And now there really are a lot of such books, but the concepts and advice presented there are very, very dubious. There are books that advise developing “masculine” qualities, and in their most negative manifestations: aggressiveness, arrogance, impulsiveness, while women, on the contrary, are advised to “develop the woman in themselves”: to be emotional, sensitive, and, in general, “ think less." It’s not difficult to imagine what following such advice might lead to. Therefore, when receiving any information, you should exercise common sense, as well as the three criteria for evaluating information that were described above.

You can find a lot of useful knowledge in books. You get the experience of people who have already figured it out - learned to solve problems, build relationships, formulated their knowledge in a form accessible to all interested. This is why self-help books can change your life. In matters of self-development, they are simply irreplaceable. There are many amazing works that help you become better, stronger and happier. Here is a list of twenty books that are definitely worth reading. They can seriously impact your life, just as they have impacted the lives of thousands of people.

Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People

This book truly delivers what it promises. This classic was published in 1936 and has since been reprinted many times in various formats. The book contains simple steps to improve your communication skills and strengthen your relationships, each illustrated with real-life examples from Carnegie himself and people he knows. Even one piece of advice - to use a person's name more often in conversation - can already transform your life.

Manuel Smith, “When I Say No, I Feel Guilty”

Many people have problems setting boundaries - they find it difficult to stand up for themselves, learn to refuse and defend their beliefs. Some become dependent on others, considering their problems and emotions their responsibility. In Smith's book, you can find information on how to learn to assert your boundaries using simple techniques, how to open up to those who deserve your energy, and how to cut out people from your life who spoil your mood.

Brene Brown, "The Power of Vulnerability"

This book is an impeccable motivation, a source of incredible change. In modern society, no one talks about their weaknesses, no one wants to admit their shortcomings. At the same time, the ability to recognize them is a real advantage. The book will help those who are ready to think more broadly, change themselves and their approach to weaknesses. To succeed, you need to be vulnerable and willing to take risks.

Gary Chapman, The Five Love Languages

Many people believe that love is a simple exchange of words and exists without any effort. And that's wrong. In fact, maintaining a relationship is not easy at all. After the honeymoon, the relationship gets worse. This book will help strengthen them. You will be able to find out exactly what manifestations of love your partner and you need, start using them and notice quick results. The principles described in the book apply not only to personal life, but also to everyday communication.

Eckhart Tolle, "The Power of Now"

This book teaches you to live in the present. The content may be repetitive in places, but it helps to understand the essence. It contains examples of how people behave towards others throughout the day. This book will help you deal with the clutter in your thoughts and find the peace of the present moment.

William Irwin, "Stoicism"

Irwin presents the classic philosophy of Stoicism as it is transformed into modern times, enriching his thinking with tools and practical advice that will improve the quality of your life. The information is based on personal experience and really helps you become happier and calmer.

Timothy Ferriss, How to Work Four Hours

This phenomenal book has encouraged many people to forget about the standard work schedule. Most likely, you will either like it or annoy you, but it definitely won’t go unnoticed. Ferris is trying to get people to realize that their time is limited and spending those hours in the office is not the best option.

MJ DeMarco, “A Book for Those Who Dared to Earn”

This book contains a lot of repetitions of the same ideas, but it motivates enough to start doing your own thing, and gives a lot of useful information that will be useful to everyone.

Chip and Den Heath, "Resolute"

Many people have a hard time making decisions. It seems like you need to make a list of pros and cons, but sometimes that doesn't lead to the best outcome. The Heath brothers help divide the decision-making process into four stages. It transforms your behavior.

Gary Vaynerchuk, "Passion is Business"

Vaynerchuk is the owner of a large Internet empire. His book will help you learn how to create a successful online business using multi-step instructions.

Robert Glover, Stop Being a Nice Guy!

This is a very short book, but an effective one. She describes the nice guy syndrome - what causes men to lie, manipulate, cheat and pretend rather than face reality.

David Deida, "The Way of a Real Man"

This book is a spiritual guide for a man who wants to be a man - in the traditional sense of the word. How to treat women? What is masculine energy? How to achieve happiness? The book contains answers to all these questions.

Mark Manson, "Models"

There are many books devoted to how to start dating women, but most of them contain only ready-made phrases or describe overly complex theories. Others are too focused on sex. Manson transforms the approach to meetings with the opposite sex and teaches you to get maximum positive emotions from communication, behave naturally and feel comfortable.

Viktor Frankl, "Man's Search for Meaning"

This book is filled with inspiration. Frankl talks about his life in captivity and the concentration camp, and about returning home. He is confident that as long as a person has a goal in life, he can survive in any conditions. Just find your goal.

Maxwell Maltz, "Psychological Cybernetics"

The plastic surgeon's book talks about how many people want to change their appearance, but in fact they need internal changes. Maltz talks about relaxation techniques that can help.

James Allen, "As Man Thinks"

A short essay that contains an important idea - your thoughts determine the reality in which you live.

Dan Ariely, Predictably Irrational

Ariely analyzes why people do what they do. People think they are logical, but emotions control everything. This book will help you understand your subconscious and become a better person.

Robert Cialdini, “The Psychology of Influence”

This book will help you learn how to manage people not only in personal relationships, but also at work and in interviews.

Matt Ridley, "Red Queen"

Why do men tend to seek multiple partners? Why are women so selective? What's hidden in our genes? Ridley's book will help you understand a lot about relationships.

Rolf Plotts, "Vagabondage"

This book will inspire you to travel. Plotts believes it's worth traveling slowly, and he shares a list of essential items and lots of useful tips.