School conflicts: types, solutions, techniques and examples. Types of conflicts and ways to resolve them

Introduction 1

Chapter 1. Description of methods and strategic means of resolving conflict situations 4

1.1 Rational-intuitive model of mastering a conflict situation 6

1.2. Principled negotiations 10

Conclusion 13

References 14


We live in a world of conflict. Every day, far from us and near us, conflicts break out between individuals and between entire nations. In the family, at work, on a hike, on vacation. It’s a shame that human connections are easily destroyed and blood is shed.

But most conflicts can be resolved. This is exactly what our work is dedicated to. We will look at various methods for resolving conflicts, methods of behavior in conflict situations, analyze examples of conflicts, and offer various ways to resolve them.

We will try to prove that any relationship can be win-win. Typically, conflicting parties pay more attention to their own interests rather than to the interests of others. There are many ways to convince your opponent of the advantages of the win/win method over the win/lose method.

The theory and practice of conflict resolution are growing at a rapid pace. In 1986, called the International Year of Peace, the Australian United Nations Association founded the Conflict Resolution Organization as part of its Peace Programme. Its objectives are to develop and implement conflict resolution skills for their effective application in personal life, at work and in international relations.

As individuals with different needs, tastes, views and values, we cannot avoid conflict. It's all a matter of how you approach them.

Conflict may erupt over a common fence or a common boundary, over who should wash the dishes or sweep the floor. If people are intolerant of moral, cultural, religious, political or other differences between them, conflict is inevitable, and its consequences are often severe.

Conflict can also serve as a stimulus for change and an impetus for progress. Although conflict resolution skills do not guarantee complete resolution in all cases, they can provide new opportunities for expanding knowledge about oneself and others.

Thus, the object of this study is interpersonal communication. The subject of the study is a conflict situation.

The goal is to identify techniques and methods for resolving conflict situations.

Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, characterize the concept of a conflict situation and conflict;

Reveal the characteristics of behavior in conflict situations;

Consider various ways to resolve conflict situations.

CHAPTER 1. Description of methods and strategic means of resolving conflict situations

So, everyone understands that conflicts have always existed, exist and will exist, they are an integral part of human relationships.

The potential for conflict exists in all areas. Conflicts are born out of daily differences in views, disagreements and confrontations between different opinions, needs, motivations, desires, lifestyles, hopes, interests and personal characteristics. They represent an escalation of everyday rivalries and confrontations into matters of principle or emotion that disrupt personal or interpersonal peace.

In the history of conflictology problems, there are opportunities for constructive and successful conflict resolution

The key to solving this problem is to look at the conflict as a problem that needs to be solved: first, determine the cause of the conflict, and then apply the appropriate technique for solving conflict problems. For example, creative visualization can be used to analyze the causes of conflict; brainstorming can be useful in finding alternatives; the automatic recording method can be used to clarify one’s own reactions to certain opportunities; The mental image method can help you ask yourself and get advice from your inner voice about your choices. Finally, the mental control method or volitional thinking technique can be used to develop sufficient internal motivation or control to implement new solutions.

Anyone can master methods of controlling a conflict situation. They will help solve a problem of almost any type: internal conflict, with people around you.

The process of conflict resolution generally begins with examining conflicts and defining them. Then it is necessary to consider the causes of conflicts and focus on the source of tension. For example, some conflicts are caused by circumstances; some are related to the peculiarities of people's involvement in them; others may be due to a repeated pattern of behavior or attitude that may form the basis of a conflict situation.

It is helpful to have an understanding of some common causes of conflict between people that result from poor communication or misunderstanding; differences in plans, interests and assessments; confrontation in group conflict situations; making incorrect assumptions about someone's actions; lack of empathy for the needs and desires of other people, etc.

After discovering the hidden causes and sources of conflict, the next step is to correct the problem through ongoing reaction. For example, if conflict is caused by poor or no communication, the obvious response is to look for ways to improve communication. If the conflict is associated with a difference in life plans, the reaction will consist in one of the compromises developed as a result of negotiations and the search for solutions in which each participant in the conflict wins. If the obstacle is your own fears and indecisiveness, then the solution lies in developing methods to overcome these obstacles along the way.

1.1. Rational-instructive model of mastering a conflict situation

With appropriate experience in dealing with conflict situations, potential conflicts can be prevented or resolved altogether and even used as a source of improving relationships with other people and self-improvement. The task is not to avoid conflict, which is potentially possible in all social relations and situations of internal choice, but to recognize the conflict and control it in order to obtain the best outcome.

Ideal from this point of view is the rational-intuitive method of conflict resolution, developed by the American scientist Jeanie Graham Scott. From the very beginning, this method involves consciousness and intuition when choosing a course of action in a conflict situation. This approach is based on an assessment of the circumstances, characters, interests and needs of the people involved in the conflict, as well as one’s own goals, interests, and needs.

Serious conflicts always involve the emotions of the participants. Thus, one of the first steps to resolving a conflict is to suppress the negative emotions it generates - your own and the emotions of other people.

Once emotions have been suppressed, it becomes possible to use reason or intuition, respectively, to formulate possible solutions that are acceptable to all parties concerned.

So, the main way to apply the rational-intuitive approach to conflict management is to view any conflict situation as a problem or potential problem that is waiting to be resolved. Then a suitable method for solving problems is selected, using an arsenal of possible strategic measures to control conflict situations. The strategy chosen will depend on the stage of the conflict (potential conflict, developing conflict, open conflict), the importance of the particular decision, the assessment of the needs and desires of other people, and the nature of the emotions expressed in the conflict. Once the appropriate method is selected, the best way to apply it is determined.

The following diagram outlines questions and corresponding strategies that can be used when resolving a conflict situation.

Scheme 1



I. Are emotions the cause of conflict or do they interfere with its resolution? If yes, then:

a) What are these emotions?

1) Irritation?

2) Mistrust?

4) Other emotions

II. What are the hidden causes of conflict?

III. Is the conflict caused by misunderstanding?

VI. Is the conflict caused by that circumstance?

a) A technique for cooling the emotions of both parties so that you can work out

decisions (agreements)

1) Technique of cooling or dissipating irritation, like this. As sympathetic listening, providing an outlet for anger, persuasion to alleviate negative emotions or clear up misunderstandings that cause irritation

2) Techniques for overcoming mistrust or openly and productively discussing it.

Techniques for reducing fear and discussing it openly and productively

Techniques for self-calming and calming others

Considering Real Needs and Wants

A technique for overcoming misunderstandings through improved communication.

Techniques for determining the responsible party and developing an agreement to accept responsibility

that someone does not take responsibility for some actions?

V.Which style of conduct would be best in this conflict situation?

VI.Are there special personal factors that must be taken into account when resolving a conflict?

VII.What kinds of alternatives and solutions are possible?

Evaluating suitable styles and choosing the best one

Techniques for effectively expressing your needs. Using techniques to communicate with particularly difficult people

Generate your own ideas or encourage other parties to make suggestions.

A). Brainstorming and creative visualization method for generating ideas

b). Setting priorities among different opportunities

1.2. Principled negotiations

We must not forget about such a mechanism of human communication as negotiations.

Nowadays, we increasingly have to resort to negotiations. But the standard negotiation strategy no longer satisfied people. They see only two options for negotiating - being pushed or being tough. A person who is gentle in character wants to avoid personal conflict and is willing to make concessions in order to reach an agreement. A tough negotiator views every situation as a contest of wills. He wants to win, but often ends up causing the same harsh reaction and ruining his relationship with the other party.

There is currently an alternative to the positional approach.

In the Harvard Negotiation Project, American scientists have developed a negotiation method that is designed to effectively and amicably achieve a reasonable result. This method is called principled negotiations or negotiations on the merits.

It is about solving problems on the basis of their qualitative properties, that is, based on the essence of the matter, and not bargaining over what each party can or cannot do. This method involves striving to find mutual benefit wherever possible, and where interests do not coincide, insisting on a result that would be based on some fair norms, regardless of the will of each party. The method of principled negotiations means a tough approach to the consideration of the merits of the case, but provides a soft approach to the relations between the negotiators. This method allows you to be fair while also protecting against those who might take advantage of the other party's honesty.

The principled negotiation method can be boiled down to four points:

First point takes into account the fact that all people have emotions, so it is difficult for everyone to communicate with each other. It follows that before starting to work on the essence of the problem, it is necessary to separate the “people problem” and deal with it separately. If not directly, then indirectly, negotiators must come to the understanding that they need to work side by side and deal with the problem, not with each other. This leads to the first recommendation, the need to make a distinction between the participants in the negotiations and the subject of negotiations.

Second point aims to overcome the shortcomings that stem from focusing on the positions stated by the participants, while the goal of the negotiations is to satisfy underlying interests. The second basic element of this method is to focus on interests rather than positions.

Third point addresses the difficulties encountered in making optimal decisions under pressure. Trying to make a decision in the presence of another narrows the negotiators' field of vision. When much is at stake, the ability to create is limited. This leads to the third basic point about developing mutually beneficial options.

The agreement should reflect some fair norms, and not depend on the bare will of each of the parties (the presence of some fair criteria). By discussing such criteria, both parties can hope for a fair decision. Hence the fourth basic point, the insistence on the use of objective criteria.

So, the principled method makes it possible to more effectively achieve a gradual consensus on a joint decision, without any losses. And the distinction between people's relationships and the essence of the problem allows them to deal with each other simply and with understanding, which leads to a friendly agreement. In addition, this method is less dependent on human relationships.


Although relationships with other people should promote peace and harmony, conflicts are inevitable. Every sane person should have the ability to effectively resolve disputes and disagreements so that the fabric of social life does not tear with every conflict, but, on the contrary, strengthens due to the growth of the ability to find and develop common interests.

To resolve conflict, it is important to have different approaches at your disposal, to be able to use them flexibly, to go beyond the usual patterns and be sensitive to opportunities and act and think in new ways. At the same time, you can use conflict as a source of life experience, self-education and self-learning.

Conflicts can be turned into excellent teaching material if you subsequently take the time to remember what led to the conflict and what happened in the conflict situation. Then you can learn more about yourself, about the people involved in the conflict, or about the surrounding circumstances that contributed to the conflict. This knowledge will help you make the right decision in the future and avoid conflict.


    Voikunsky A. I say, we speak: Essays on human communication. - M: Progress, 1990.

    Knyazeva M.N. Conflict. - IVF, 1992, No. 2.

    Melibruda E. I - you - we: Psychological possibilities for improving communication / Transl. from Polish. - M: Progress, 1986.

    Scott G. Ginny Conflicts: ways to overcome / Transl. from English. - Kyiv: Publishing house. Society “Verzilin and K LTD”, 1991.

    Scott G. Ginny Ways to Resolve Conflicts/Trans. from English. - Kyiv: Publishing house. Society “Verzilin and K LTD”, 1991.

    Fischer R. Yuri U. The path to agreement or negotiations without defeat / Transl. from English. - M: Science, 1990.

Undoubtedly, there was a moment in every person's life when he wanted to avoid confrontation and asked himself the question of how to resolve the conflict. But there are also circumstances when there is a desire to get out of a difficult conflict situation with dignity, while maintaining relationships. Some people are faced with the need to escalate the conflict in order to finally resolve it. In any case, each of us was faced with the question of how to resolve the conflict or how to avoid it.

First of all, you need to understand that conflict is a completely normal state of personality. All the time a person realizes conscious life activity, he is in conflict with other people, groups of personalities or with himself. However, if you learn skills that help you understand how to resolve conflict, you can significantly develop and strengthen your personal and professional relationships. Resolving social conflicts is a fairly serious skill that can be quite useful.

Many people have no idea what specific conflicts they are involved in, much less realize the true causes of the conflicts. As a result, they cannot manage them effectively. Unresolved conflicts between individuals will one day lead to intrapersonal conflicts and rather undesirable consequences. Unfulfilled desires and eternal experiences can cause health problems. In addition, they often spoil character and turn a person into a loser dissatisfied with everything in the world, pushing a person down the social ladder. If this prospect is far from attractive to you, you should carefully understand how to resolve the conflict if it arises. There are many ways to resolve conflicts, so you can easily master the most necessary skills.

Let's figure out what conflict is. In psychology, this term is defined as a collision of incompatible and oppositely directed tendencies in relationships between individuals, groups of people or in the mind of an individual, leading to negative emotional experiences.

Based on this definition, the foundation of a conflict situation is a clash of interests, goals and ideas. Conflict is quite obvious when people do not agree on their values, motivations, ideas, desires or perceptions. Often such differences look quite trivial. However, when conflict involves strong feelings, basic needs become the basis of the problem. These include the need for security, privacy, intimacy, and a sense of self-worth or importance. Correct resolving interpersonal conflicts primarily focuses on the primary needs of people.

Experts have developed a variety of ways to resolve conflicts and recommendations regarding various aspects of personal behavior in situations of conflict of interests or opinions. Based on possible models of conflict resolution, goals and interests of the parties, the following styles of conflict resolution exist.

  • The competitive style is used when a person is quite active and intends to move towards resolving a conflict situation, wanting to satisfy first of all his own interests, often to the detriment of the interests of other people. Such a person forces others to accept his way of solving a problem. This model of behavior gives a chance to realize the strengths of an idea, even if someone doesn’t like them. Among all the methods of conflict resolution, this is one of the toughest. You should choose this style only in a situation when you have all the necessary resources to resolve the conflict in your favor, and also when you are confident that your decision is correct. If speak about leadership roles, then it is periodically useful for him to make tough authoritarian decisions, which in the future give a positive result. Of all the methods of conflict resolution, it is this style of behavior that most effectively teaches employees to obey without unnecessary ranting, and also helps to restore faith in success in difficult situations for the company.

In most cases, rivalry implies a fairly strong position. But it happens that they resort to such a model of behavior due to weakness. This often happens when a person’s hopes for victory in the current conflict are fading, and he seeks to prepare the ground for inciting the next one. As an example, we can consider a situation where a younger child deliberately provokes an older one, receives a well-deserved “reward,” and then immediately complains to his parents from the position of the victim. In addition, there are situations in which a person enters into confrontation solely because of his stupidity, without realizing what consequences this or that conflict will have for him. However, most likely, if a person reads this article, he is unlikely to deliberately find himself in such a disadvantageous situation for himself and will choose this one among all in special situations.

  • The style of avoidance due to weakness is often used when the potential loss in a particular conflict is significantly higher than the moral costs associated with “escape.” Moreover, escape may not always be some kind of physical action. People in leadership positions often avoid making a controversial decision, while postponing or postponing an unwanted meeting or conversation indefinitely. As excuses, the manager may talk about the loss of documents or give useless tasks regarding the collection of additional information on some issue. Often the problem only becomes more complicated, so you shouldn't avoid conflict in this way too often. Try your best ways to resolve conflicts choose this one when it really benefits you.

It is a completely different matter when such a style of behavior is resorted to due to power. It is then that such a method is absolutely justified. A strong personality can use time to his advantage in order to gather the necessary resources in order to win a conflict. At the same time, you should not deceive yourself and convince yourself that you are not really afraid of the conflict escalating, but are only waiting for the right moment to resolve the situation in your favor. Remember that this moment may never come. Therefore, this style of conflict resolution should be used wisely.

  • The adaptation style is that a person acts based on the behavior of other people, without trying to defend his own interests. In such a situation, he recognizes the opponent’s dominance and concedes victory to him in the conflict. This pattern of behavior can be justified when you understand that by giving in to someone you are not losing much. It is recommended to choose the accommodation style from all the ways to resolve conflicts when you strive to maintain relationships and peace with another person or group of people, or if you understand that you were still wrong. You can use this behavior pattern when you do not have enough power or other resources to win a particular conflict, or when you realize that winning is much more important to your opponent than to you. In this case, the subject practicing the accommodation style seeks to find a solution that will satisfy both conflicting parties.

The use of this strategy due to weakness is used when it is impossible to avoid conflict for some reason, and resistance can potentially significantly harm the individual. As an example, consider a situation where you meet a group of arrogant hooligans at night in a deserted place. In this situation, it is much more reasonable to choose the above-described method of resolving interpersonal conflicts and part with the phone, rather than getting into a fight and still losing your property. However, in the second case, your health may be seriously harmed.

Considering this style of behavior in the context of business, we can analyze the situation when a new company enters the market with significantly more powerful financial, technical and administrative resources than your company has. In such a situation, of course, you can use all your strength and capabilities to actively fight your competitor, but the likelihood of losing remains very high. In this situation, it would be more rational to try to adapt by finding a new market niche or, as a last resort, selling the company to a stronger player in the market.

The strategy of accommodation due to strength is used when you are aware of the pitfalls that your opponent will face if he insists on having his way. In such a situation, you allow the other person to “enjoy” the consequences of his actions.

  • The style of cooperation implies that the subject seeks to resolve the conflict in favor of his own interests, but at the same time does not ignore the interests of the opponent and tries, together with him, to find ways of an outcome of the current situation that is beneficial to both. Typical circumstances in which this style is used include the following: both parties have the same capabilities and resources to resolve any problem; resolving the conflict is beneficial to both parties and no one wants to avoid it; the presence of interdependent and long-term relationships between opponents; each of the conflicting parties is able to clearly explain their goals, express thoughts and come up with alternative options for exiting the situation. Resolving social conflicts in this way may be the most acceptable.

Cooperation by force occurs when each side has enough time and energy to find more significant common interests than those that caused the conflict. Once opponents come to an understanding of global interests, they can begin to find a way to jointly implement lower-level interests. Unfortunately, in practice this method of conflict resolution is not always effective due to its complexity. . The process of conflict resolution thus requires tolerance on both sides.

Cooperation in the face of weakness resembles adaptation. However, those who practice this style are often called collaborators or traitors. Such a strategy can be effective if no obvious changes in the balance of power of the conflicting parties are expected in the future.

  • The compromise style implies that opponents seek to find a solution that will be based on mutual concessions. This strategy for the behavior of conflicting parties is appropriate when they want the same thing, but at the same time believe that it is impossible to achieve this at the same time. As an example, we can consider the following situations: the parties have equal resources, but there is a mutually exclusive interest; a temporary solution can suit each of the conflicting parties; both opponents will be satisfied with the short-term gain. The style of compromise often becomes the optimal or even the last possible method of resolving conflicts.

Basic methods of conflict resolution

All existing methods of conflict resolution can be divided into two groups: negative methods (types of struggle, the goal of which is to achieve victory for one side) and positive methods. The term “negative methods” is used in the sense that the result of the conflict will be the destruction of the relationship of unity of the parties taking part in the confrontation. The result of positive methods should be the preservation of unity between the conflicting parties. This includes various types of constructive competition and negotiation.

It should be understood that conflict resolution methods are conventionally divided into positive and negative. In practice, both methodologies can harmoniously complement each other. Moreover, the term “struggle” in the context of conflict resolution is quite general when it comes to its content. It is no secret that the negotiation process often includes elements of struggle on certain issues. In the same way, the tough struggle of the conflicting parties in no way excludes negotiations on specific rules. It is impossible to imagine progress without the creative competition of old and new ideas. At the same time, both conflicting parties pursue the same goal - the development of a certain area.

Despite the fact that there are many types of struggle, each of them has common characteristics, since any struggle involves the interaction of two subjects, in which one interferes with the other.

The main condition for victory in the event of an armed struggle is achieving unambiguous superiority and concentrating forces at the point of the main battle. A similar technique characterizes the basic strategy of other types of struggle, which, for example, is the game of chess. The winner is the one who can concentrate the pieces in the place where the decisive direction of attack on the opponent's king is located.

In any struggle, one must be able to correctly choose the field of the decisive battle, concentrate forces in this place and choose the moment to attack. Any method of struggle involves a certain combination of these basic components.

The main goal of the struggle is to change the conflict situation. This can be achieved in the following ways:

  • Impact on the opponent, his defense and the situation;
  • Changes in the balance of forces;
  • False or true information from the enemy about one’s intentions;
  • Obtaining a correct assessment of the situation and the enemy’s capabilities.

Various control methods use all these methods in different combinations.

Let's look at some of the methods that are used in the fighting process. One of them is achieving victory due to obtaining the necessary freedom of action. This method can be implemented by the following techniques: the formation of freedom of action for oneself; restricting the enemy's freedom; acquiring more advantageous positions in the confrontation, even at the cost of losing certain benefits, etc. For example, in the process of a dispute, the technique of imposing on the opponent topics in which he is incompetent can be very effective. Thus, a person can compromise himself.

A fairly effective method is for one conflicting party to use the opponent’s reserves for its own benefit. Excellent techniques that demonstrate the effectiveness of the method can be forcing the enemy to take actions that are beneficial for the other side.

An important method of struggle is the primary disabling of the main control centers of conflicting complexes. These may be leading individuals or institutions, as well as the main elements of the opponent's position. During the discussion (here without art of oratory it’s difficult to get by) there is an active practice of discrediting leading representatives of the enemy side and refuting the theses of their position. For example, in the process of political struggle, a fairly effective method is to criticize the negative traits of leaders, as well as demonstrate their failure.

The basic principle of resolving any conflict is efficiency and timeliness. However, in the process of struggle, the method of delaying the matter, which is also called the “delaying method,” can be used quite successfully. This technique is a special case when choosing the appropriate time and place for delivering the final blow, as well as creating a favorable balance of forces.

A slow transition to decisive action may be appropriate when it is necessary to concentrate significant resources to achieve victory. The aphorism “time is on our side” clearly describes the main essence of this method. If we talk about discussion, then this method implies the desire to take the floor last, when all opponents have spoken. In such a situation, there is a chance to make arguments that have not been seriously attacked in previous speeches.

The delay method has been used for quite some time. Plutarch described a case where this style was applied by the Roman dictator Sulla. When he realized that he was surrounded by significant enemy forces, he called the second consul, Scipio, to negotiate with him. After this, long consultations and meetings began, at which Sulla each time postponed making a final decision. At the same time, he corrupted the morale of enemy soldiers with the help of his cunning assistants. Scipio's soldiers were bribed with money and other valuables. As a result, when Sulla's troops approached Scipio's camp, the soldiers went over to the dictator's side, and the second consul was captured in his camp.

Avoiding the fight is also a fairly effective method, which is partly related to the previous one. In this case, the conflict resolution process occurs in an evasive style. It is used in a number of cases: when the task of mobilizing resources and forces for victory has not been resolved; to lure the opponent into a trap prepared in advance in order to gain time and change the situation to a more advantageous one.

Positive conflict resolution methods primarily involve negotiations. When special emphasis is placed on negotiations as part of a conflict, the parties tend to conduct them from a position of strength in order to achieve a one-sided victory. It goes without saying that this type of negotiation leads to only a partial resolution of the conflict. At the same time, negotiations are only an addition on the path to victory over an opponent. In the case where negotiations are considered as a method of resolving a conflict, they take the form of open debate, implying mutual concessions and partial satisfaction of the interests of both parties.

A method of negotiation based on certain principles can be characterized by four fundamental rules, each of which constitutes an element of negotiation and is a recommendation for its conduct.

  • Separate the concepts of “negotiator” and “subject of negotiations”. Since any person who participates in negotiations has certain character traits, it is not worth discussing an individual personality, since this will introduce a number of barriers of an emotional nature. IN process of criticism participants, the negotiations themselves are only intensifying.
  • Focus on interests rather than positions, since the latter may hide the true goals of the negotiators. At the same time, interests often underlie conflicting positions. That's why it's worth focusing on the latter. It is worth remembering that opposing positions always hide more interests than those reflected in the positions themselves.
  • Think through conflict resolution options that are beneficial to both parties. An interest-based arrangement encourages participants to find a win-win solution by analyzing options that will satisfy both parties. Thus, the debate takes on the character of an “us versus the problem” dialogue instead of a “me versus you” discussion.
  • Start looking for objective criteria. Consent must be based on criteria neutral in relation to opponents. Only in this case will the consensus be fair and lasting. Subjective criteria lead to the infringement of one of the parties and the complete destruction of agreement. Objective criteria are formed on the basis of a clear understanding of the essence of the problems.

The fairness of decisions made directly depends on procedures for resolving contradictions, such as eliminating disputes through drawing lots, delegating decision-making to a third party, etc. There are many variations of this latter style of conflict resolution.

Remember that high emotionality in the process of conflict resolution is a barrier to its successful resolution. Your ability to effectively resolve social conflicts depends on your skills, such as:

  • Calmness and stress resistance. Such personal qualities will allow you to evaluate verbal and nonverbal communications more calmly.
  • The ability to control your behavior and emotions. If you know how to do this, you will always convey your needs to your opponent without undue irritation or intimidation.
  • The ability to listen and pay attention to the words and expressions of other people's feelings.
  • Understanding that everyone copes with situations differently.
  • The ability to avoid offensive actions and words.

To obtain such skills, you need to develop stress resistance and the ability to control your emotions. This way you will feel comfortable ways to resolve conflicts difficult level.

What else you need to know about conflict resolution

Incomplete resolution of interpersonal conflicts leads to their resumption. However, you should not perceive it as a damaging action, since not every conflict can be resolved the first time. For example, political parties wage constant battles that do not stop for many years throughout their existence.

Conflict can be seen as an opportunity for development. If you can resolve conflict in a relationship, you are rewarded with trust. You gain confidence that your relationship will not be destroyed by various troubles.

If a conflict looks scary in your eyes, it means that subconsciously you expect that it will not be resolved mutually to your advantage. For many, conflict in relationships looks like something dangerous and scary. In some cases, it can actually be traumatic, especially if your life experience has left you feeling powerless and out of control. In this case, you enter into conflict with a feeling of threat and, accordingly, cannot resolve it qualitatively. In most cases, you will make concessions or, conversely, become angry.

Anyone can use these effectively if they wish. conflict resolution methods. In this case, an individual may have one most frequently used conflict resolution style. Depending on how assertive and active a person is, he chooses one strategy or another. You can choose the optimal conflict resolution styles that suit you.

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Because of misunderstanding. Another common cause of family quarrels is the inconsistency of the “biological clocks” of individual family members. Owls and larks do not always get along together. However, no matter how serious the quarrels, the growing conflict can always be resolved through concessions, compromises and constructive solutions to family problems. Follow a number of rules and in most cases you can avoid it in your family.

Never give in to proving anything or showing your selfishness. Stupid stubbornness is also extremely undesirable, even rather unacceptable. In addition, do not raise the tone of your voice during a quarrel, because shouting can only ignite a scandal, but not extinguish it. And don’t let your emotions out, stay calm.

Do not involve others in your quarrel, be it friends or even relatives. The conflict between spouses is only their business, so you risk ruining your relationship with your significant other by asking for help “from the outside.”

It is strictly contraindicated to sort out your relationship in front of your eyes. After all, they may develop the wrong model of behavior with adults, including you. This can cause emotional trauma.

Never remember old ones, and don’t invent problems out of thin air. This will only complicate your relationship and add fuel to the fire of your conflict.

Just sit down and talk with your partner. Discuss, both express your vision of the problem and possible ways to solve it. This way you can unite and resolve the conflict together.

And two more short but important pieces of advice: sometimes it’s worth first listening to the spouse who considers himself disadvantaged. And never lose your sense of humor. Remember that sarcasm has never seriously hurt anyone.

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Helpful advice

What to do if you cannot resolve the conflict on your own? Contact a family psychologist. If you think that going to a psychoanalyst is a waste of money and time, call the helpline hotline.

Disagreements between family members can result in conflict if they are not identified and resolved in time. If a domestic dispute has already arisen, choose the right strategy of behavior so as not to aggravate it, but to resolve it.


Accept your family members for who they are. Then you will have practically no complaints against them. Some conflicts between husband and wife flare up because one of them wants to make their spouse an ideal. But you linked your destiny with an ordinary person. So try to accept all the shortcomings of your loved ones.

Try to find a compromise in a family dispute. If you are constantly annoyed by some household factor, find a way to make the existence of your family members next to each other as comfortable as possible. Accept that everyone is different and has different habits.

Resolve a conflict with your husband or wife that has arisen in the intimate sphere of your family life through a frank conversation. Tell your loved one about everything that confuses or worries you. Honesty in this matter will help you resolve conflict and improve your sexual relationship.

Plan your family budget to resolve financial conflicts. Sometimes it happens that one family member has his own opinion on how money should be managed, while another sees the list of necessary expenses differently. Until you determine which expenses are a priority for your family, conflict may arise again and again.

Rely on strong arguments, arranged in a logical sequence, when expressing your point of view in a conflict situation. Speak calmly, control your emotions. Do not use hurtful words or direct insults under any circumstances. Remember, you are talking to dear, close people.

Know how to listen to the opinion of another family member. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to understand his point of view and find a compromise solution. People who are fixated only on their own interests find it difficult to avoid conflict situations.

Do not have a negative attitude towards family conflicts. Such situations help your family members get to know each other better and make life together more comfortable. If you begin to work correctly with disagreements in the family, the result will always be constructive.

Video on the topic

Children often have conflicts among themselves, especially in large families. But only parents can help establish contact between them. The best way to solve this situation is to switch children into play activities during an argument.

Parents are often faced with a situation where children's conflicts arise, be it problems between children of the same family or friends. In any case, you have to look for options to quickly resolve the quarrel.

Rules of conduct for adults

Sometimes it is better to refrain from interfering in a quarrel between children, as they need to learn to cope with such situations on their own. But if the development of a conflict threatens the occurrence of mental or physical injuries in a child, then an adult cannot remain on the sidelines.

This usually happens when the forces of the disputants are not equal. Parents need to reassure their children and advise them to solve the problem peacefully. Never immediately take the side of one of those quarreling, even if you are sure that he is right. First of all, you should listen to both sides, because you can miss something, otherwise one will be confident in permissiveness, the second - in the injustice of adults.

We must try not to imitate investigative actions and judicial proceedings by blaming and punishing. Let both children be responsible, just try to tell them the right way out of the situation. If everything is turned into a joke, the conflict can be resolved.

When asking children about the causes of the conflict, focus on them describing each other's words and actions without insults. If a quarrel has arisen between brothers or sisters, it is necessary to resolve the situation so that no one is offended by you or thinks that you do not love them. Emphasize that you care about them and that their conflicts upset you very much. Even if punishment is inevitable, tell your child that this does not bring you pleasure, but he must understand that he cannot do this.

Game tasks to resolve conflict situations

Often, conflict resolution is best framed as a game. For example, you can call children to the “carpet of peace” and allow them to throw out their negativity towards each other. You can also invite children to express their emotional state using gestures or “name-calling” from the plant world, and you can even ask them to talk about the quarrel from the opponent’s point of view, narrating on his behalf.

Another option is to give the opportunity to describe your indignation on paper as emotionally and angrily as possible, using all your imagination. When children try to complain, interrupting each other, set them the condition that you will listen to them if they stage a play, ballet or concert on this topic.

The study of conflict problems in organizations is very relevant in modern conditions.

As you know, an organization is always a rather complex system and its functioning is subject to certain laws. Non-compliance and violation of the latter can often be the cause of the emergence and development of conflicts, which can have serious and sometimes destructive consequences.

Definition 1

The very word “conflict” (Latin “ conflictus") - means “clash” (of opposing views and interests, serious disagreement, dispute with heated controversy, etc.).

Conflict is always a social phenomenon, emanating from the very essence of the nature of social life. An organizational conflict should be understood as a process and system of interaction between groups and individuals aimed at resolving existing contradictions that arise as a result of a clash of opposing interests, goals, positions, opinions, views, etc.

Factors of conflict

The main difference between external factors of conflict and internal ones is, first of all, that they do not depend on the characteristics of the organization itself, and this means that it is almost impossible to counteract them.

The main external factors of the conflict include:

  • social polarization;
  • economic and political instability;
  • natural disasters
  • deepening social stratification;
  • social tension, etc.

Internal factors of conflict. They can be both objective (financial, economic, organizational, etc.) and subjective (psychological, personal) in nature. Comprehensive consideration of the entire range of conflict factors is very important for the effective functioning of any organization.

The main causes of conflicts

For effective conflict management, as well as their prevention, it is very important to determine the causes of their occurrence as accurately as possible. An experienced manager who is well versed in the classification of conflicts, as well as the causes of their occurrence, will always find it much easier to take effective steps to eliminate and prevent all these causes.

There are quite a few objective factors that can cause conflicts. The main ones are: power and distribution of resources, status positions, prestige, career, and much, much more.

Ways to resolve conflicts

Conflict management is the process of purposefully influencing conflict. Conflict management begins from the moment a problem situation arises until the conflict ends. This process includes measures for conflict prevention, diagnosis, forecasting, settlement and, finally, resolution.

A significant part of researchers in the field of conflictology note that conflict management includes the following two main stages:

  1. Stage 1– conflict prevention (consists of symptoms, diagnosis, prediction and prevention);
  2. Stage 2– completion of the conflict, including weakening, settlement, resolution, extinction, suppression, overcoming, suppression, as well as elimination of the conflict.

Note 1

Thus, conflict management- This is the most important task of management of any organization. The effectiveness of conflict management largely depends on the level of competence of the organization's management.

Conflict management begins with its prevention, that is, with the creation of conditions that prevent its occurrence. If the onset of a conflict turns out to be inevitable, then conflict management begins with early diagnosis and more accurate forecasting of the prospects for the development of the conflict. As for the procedures for settling and resolving conflicts, they are used with the goal of already completing the conflict interaction.

Main signs of conflicts

Despite the uniqueness of each conflict, it is still possible to identify the most common features that manifest themselves in styles of conflict behavior (which are also often called strategies, models or techniques).

These types of strategies include, first of all:

  • avoidance (avoidance, withdrawal);
  • device;
  • compulsion;
  • consensus (cooperation);
  • compromise, etc.

Basic technologies and stages of conflict resolution

Conflict resolution consists of 3 main stages:

  • recognition of the conflict as a realized fact;
  • institutionalization of the conflict (definition of the basic norms and rules in accordance with which conflict interaction should occur);
  • legitimization of the conflict (recognition of these norms and rules, as well as their compliance).

The main prerequisites for conflict resolution are:

  • organization of the conflicting parties;
  • willingness to recognize the legitimacy of the mutual demands of the parties and accept any result of resolving the conflict (even if it to a certain extent contradicts their interests, that is, a compromise);
  • belonging of the conflicting parties to the same social community.

Technologies that are used in the process of conflict resolution can be divided into the following four main blocks:

  • communicative;
  • informational;
  • organizational;
  • socio-psychological.

The conflict resolution process can be divided into three main stages:

  • diagnosis of a conflict situation;
  • choosing the optimal way to resolve the conflict;
  • direct management impact, as well as evaluation of its effectiveness.

There are three basic prerequisites that are necessary in order to begin effective conflict resolution:

  1. the conflict must be sufficiently mature;
  2. the parties to the conflict must feel the need to resolve it;
  3. the conflicting parties must have sufficient resources to resolve it.

Note 2

It follows from this that the resolution of the conflict (that is, its complete completion) should begin after its settlement (or, in other words, partial completion).

Conflict is an intractable contradiction that is accompanied by strong negative emotions. This is anger, malice, rage, hatred. And in some cases it is accompanied by targeted actions. Not every contradiction can lead to a conflict, but only one that affects a person’s dignity and interests that are significant to him. The dignity of a person includes his life principles based on morality. Therefore, losing it means giving up principles when someone forces you to do so.

Researchers identify two groups of causes of conflicts: personal qualities and social factors. In the first case, conflicts arise among people due to the incompatibility of their interests, needs and life principles. The personal qualities of individual people (envy, rudeness, rudeness, etc.) make them initiators of conflict. However, in some cases, external factors (situation, environment) can provoke a person. Among them: failures in the professional sphere, low financial support, inability to meet expectations, lack of career opportunities, dissatisfaction with the authorities and others.

Types of conflict correspond to the reasons for their occurrence: interpersonal, social and economic. The reason for the emergence of a contradiction between people determines its content and methods of resolution. Interpersonal disagreements always affect human interests. These conflicts have a difficult resolution, since it is difficult for a person to give up his principles, and, accordingly, it is impossible to agree with his opponent.

Social and economic conflicts depend on the external environment in which a person is placed. They affect the interests of a group of people.

Ways to resolve conflict

The most difficult thing in a conflict is its resolution. At the moment when the parties start shouting, it is extremely difficult to stop the raging emotions. This is a destructive situation. Therefore, practicing psychologists often come to the conclusion that disagreement should be prevented and resolved at the first stages.

There are four options for resolving the conflict.

The first is to minimize human interaction. There are no persons causing a dispute, there is no problem itself.

The second way is to find a compromise. Compromise involves mutual concessions. In this case, both sides remain unconvinced, but sacrifice some of the principles they defend for the sake of peace. The compromise has a serious disadvantage. The feeling of dissatisfaction remains with the person. And sooner or later it will manifest itself in a new confrontation.

Open conversation is the third and most reasonable way to resolve conflict. This is a situation when one of the parties takes the path of reconciliation and is ready to discuss a controversial issue. The assistance of a third party - a referee - is often used. The role of the referee can be played by a psychologist, an official, or simply a loved one. In a conversation, the disputants have the opportunity to express their dissatisfaction in an acceptable form. This is important for relieving tension. Sometimes people just need to talk. After this, the parties try to find a satisfactory way out of the controversial situation.

The fourth way to end conflict is cooperation. He is very, because in his case the parties prefer to use disagreement in order to achieve benefits.