Special people like... Special people

Every person is unique. However, now this statement is gradually losing its meaning. The fact is that urbanization and the development of technology lead to the “depersonalization” of individuality.

Everything becomes ordinary, gray and boring. Special people also meet quite often. Based on the signs presented below, they can be identified quite easily.


What kind of people are special: internal factors

First, you should look carefully inside yourself. Perhaps you are this very person. Please pay attention to:

desire to learn;
understanding other people;
love for music;
presence of goals.

Most often, in very special people, several signs can be identified at once. Some just come from others.

Desire to learn

Ordinary people think they know everything. Their opposites are not averse to gaining new knowledge and skills almost constantly. At the same time, they pay great attention to issues of personal development.

Understanding other people

They say about special people that they can read others literally like an open book. Of course, in most cases this can only be learned through experience. However, sometimes there are exceptions.

Love for music

Music makes a person better. For example, science has long been proven that classical melodies improve the perception of reality. They make a person smarter and rearrange the rhythms of the brain.

Some people consider themselves completely different from others, special and unique. Some, on the contrary, do not see any differences from the rest and identify themselves with the “gray mass”. Is every person unique? What makes a person special?

What is individuality?

In psychology, the term “individuality” is defined as a set of character traits and other features that distinguish one person from another. It manifests itself in differences in appearance, behavior, clothing style, interests and hobbies, desires, needs, physical and mental capabilities.

Each person is special not only due to the presence or absence of one of listed qualities, but also at the expense various options their combinations. So, for example, people often have nothing similar to each other except their temperament, and two people with completely different interests can have the same character.

Is every person special?

You can often hear the phrase that all men, women, and indeed all people are the same. How true is this statement? Some people think that a person can be considered special only in those cases when he has achieved some incredible success, reached unprecedented heights, or has phenomenal abilities. From this point of view, “ordinary” people should not be different from each other, but outstanding personalities in the world there are only a few.

In fact, every person is special in their own way. Even people who are very similar in character will not be completely the same. Their perception of reality, attitude towards certain things, dreams and desires are always different. If a person does not strive to openly express his personality, it does not mean that it does not exist at all. Inner world each of us is so unique and inimitable that among the several billion inhabitants of the planet it is impossible to find two identical people.

As you know, only in the process of education and the influence of society. At birth, a child has individuality only in terms of appearance, physical and biochemical properties of the body. In the process of development, a person’s character and temperament are formed. At the same time, the boundaries of individuality expand. A person becomes more and more different from others, acquiring features peculiar only to him.

Character and temperament are not all that make you a special person. Adults, as a rule, have formed social and moral values, occupy a certain public position express their opinions on certain issues. Social and psychological are highest level manifestations of individuality. Thus, absolutely all the qualities inherent in him make a person special, starting from his appearance and ending with his opinion on each specific problem.

Does appearance make a person special?

When a child is born, his character and views have not yet been formed. The only thing that at this moment distinguishes him from other people is his external data. Even newly born babies are completely different from each other.

In adult life looks are also what make you special. People differ in eye color, hair length, hairstyle, figure. When we meet a person, we first of all look at his appearance and evaluate it. The style of clothing and demeanor in society complement our appearance and add our own individuality to it. Even very, they will never be completely the same.

The problem of individuality in twins

If for ordinary people Understanding your individuality is not so difficult, then children born in a pair with a brother or sister really face the problem of understanding their identity. WITH early childhood They are constantly confused, dressed the same, and many parents also make the irreparable mistake of perceiving their children as a single whole.

Growing up, twins often cannot imagine their life without a brother or sister. At the same time, it is difficult for them to highlight their positive and negative qualities, to figure out whether they are really different from their twin. If one of the couple achieves great success, the second becomes depressed, considers himself a failure, and does not realize that he can achieve something in a completely different area.

To prevent similar situation, parents of twins should emphasize the differences between them from childhood. It would be good if everyone had their own room. As children grow older, there is no need to discourage them from wanting to dress differently or have different hairstyles. In some situations, twins need to be separated, for example, by sending them to study different classes, or at least seated at different desks. This is necessary so that everyone learns to exist in the world independently, is able to find friends and realizes himself as a separate person.

Fear of being special

Some people think that a special person who tries to express all his qualities and is completely different from others is sure to get himself into a lot of problems. So, for example, in a work team where nothing has changed for years, a creative newcomer who wants to show his Creative skills and implement original ideas, is unlikely to deserve approval. People tend to perceive negatively those who are different from others, who violate usual way of life their lives.

For this reason, many people extinguish their individuality, try to merge with the bulk of people and “not stick out.” As a rule, when a person cannot express himself, he feels depressed and dissatisfied with life. Perhaps you shouldn't pretend to be someone you're not? Change your job and your circle of friends. Elsewhere, your ideas may be appreciated, and you won't have to hide the fact that you are a special person.

Is the desire to stand out from the crowd what makes you special?

Many people don't want to be like others. Everyone possible ways they are trying to emphasize their individuality. To do this, some people put on ridiculous clothes, get tattoos, piercings, put provocative makeup on their faces, behave strangely in in public places. Very often, such a manifestation of individuality causes bewilderment and aggression on the part of other people.

Is it really unusual? appearance- is this what makes you a special person? Everyone gives the answer to this question for themselves. Some people think that In a similar way individuality is expressed only by those who cannot express themselves otherwise, and for some it is an opportunity to present themselves and prove that they are not like others.

How to show your individuality in everyday life

People who don't dress provocatively or attract everyone's attention with their appearance, nevertheless, also want to feel special. How is it possible to Everyday life can I show myself?

In fact, every person is unique in some way. You don't have to do shocking things to appear special to others. It is enough just to be yourself, not to hide or hide your distinctive features. What makes you a special person will definitely be noticed by others.

A woman with a dog in her arms opens the door for me. The dog is small, old, and whines. They picked her up so she wouldn't bark - the children were sleeping. The woman is young and beautiful, with eyes in which some kind of warmth is hidden, mysterious light. When Larisa tells me that her eldest son is already a father three times, and she is a grandmother, I do not hide my amazement.

When she married Dmitry, they did not think about any adopted children. It came out naturally. She was a volunteer at City Hospital No. 18, on Vernadsky Avenue. Khariton was 4, he was diagnosed with myelodysplasia (underdevelopment spinal cord). When Larisa met him, he lay in bed all the time and looked at the world with his beautiful sad eyes.

"I watched him whole year, - recalls Larisa. - He was like an angel. He thought that people live in the hospital - they just go out and come back. I told my husband about him. I wanted to help this particular boy, you know?” Friends dissuaded me. “They tell you: the child is sick, you can’t cope, he will die, and you have to answer. But you are afraid and do it.”

Dmitry comes into the kitchen: also young and handsome, with dark hair and a calm smile. They are somehow elusively similar, as often happens in strong families.

How did you decide to adopt a foster child who also needs special care? - I ask.
“When you’re 20, you have the same priorities,” Dima smiles. – And when you’re 40, you’re completely different. You no longer think about missing fishing or anything else important in life.
“Well, you went fishing,” says Larisa, “once.”

Both laugh.

When Khariton settled at home, it turned out that he was a born artist. He copied children in the hospital and parents at home. Him good memory, and he can pronounce the most complex sentences and phrases. “They told us we couldn’t handle it. He needs a catheter every 2.5 hours. You have to carry him on yourself - he doesn’t walk, and there is no lift for the stroller in the entrance. But all this turned out to be not scary.”

After a rehabilitation summer in Germany, paid for by Rusfond, Khariton got a modern wheelchair and even a special corset that allowed him to stand. But the corset did not catch on - Khariton was bored with it, he was used to kicking the ball while sitting in a stroller, turning around whenever he wanted, and the heavy metal structure hampered his movements. In addition, it is difficult to lower this device into the street every time without a lift: after all, you also need to lower the child for a walk.

In Germany, for whose citizens such corsets are produced, accessible environment everywhere, and Khariton in Germany walked in a corset himself, with his own legs. It was cool, he liked it. But in Moscow he became uninterested in this - he still couldn’t go out on his own. Yes, and you can’t get out in a wheelchair. All efforts of Larisa and Dima to “knock out” the lift were in vain. That's how they live.

Khariton is taken to secondary school to Krylatskoye. The school has an inclusive class, and Khariton lies on the carpet between classes and assembles Legos. He was lucky with his teacher - she not only teaches, but also takes care of him: she even agreed to insert a catheter. If she had not agreed, Dima would have had to watch next to her son for half a day.

However, at work they were sympathetic to family circumstances Dmitry and allowed him to work remotely. “In our life, everything turned out so that some people themselves “disappeared,” while others remained with us, and it became clear that they were there forever.” Relatives and the priest did not dissuade them from the “cross.” “Yes, it seems to me that there was no suffering in this, there was joy,” says Larisa.

You think that you are generally good, but only this child helps you understand yourself. I've read a lot foreign literature. I learned to communicate with the child, taking into account his characteristics. I learned to listen to him.”

Special little sister

One day Khariton asked his mom and dad for a sister. They laughed it off. And then we read an article on Pravmir about little Irishka from Vladivostok, who was to be adopted by the family of Kristen and Andrew Widerford from Virginia. They met with Irina and waited to be told the date court session. But at the end of 2012, Russia passed a law prohibiting Americans from adopting Russian children. Kristen then cried a lot and asked all the journalists with whom she spoke to find a family for Irina - she felt guilty that she could not adopt her.

“I read Kristen’s words, and she really touched me,” says Larisa. – And Irishka was so wonderful in the photo. And I realized that in the orphanage she would withdraw into herself and it would be difficult for her to survive. But we didn’t know anything about Down syndrome and how to care for such children.”

They found information and specialists, contacted Kristen, who worked as a special education teacher and explained that there is nothing special about raising children with Down syndrome - you just need to love them. They called Vladivostok. The regional operator of the federal data bank of orphans said: “Are you sure? The child is going blind. Why her?” Irishka has optic nerve dystrophy, but this no longer frightened Larisa and Dima. “Khariton and I realized that a child is never easy - before you get it, you have to suffer,” Larisa laughs.

And they flew to Vladivostok.

The paperwork took several days - and now Irishka is sitting on the plane, closing his eyes and frozen. And so - the whole flight. During the entire journey she did not eat a crumb or a drop of dew. When she arrived, she drank a glass of water, and at home, when a cat jumped onto her sofa, she crawled away from him like a spider and fell soundly asleep.

“They gave her to us as a 4-year-old, but it felt like she was an infant,” Larisa recalls. “That’s what they told me with a smile: “Here is your microtype.” She weighed 9 kilograms and was 80 centimeters tall. She didn’t walk, didn’t drink or eat on her own, didn’t speak. At first she ate at home all the time. After a couple of months I got back on my feet. Now she weighs 15 kilograms, she eats herself with a spoon, she calls her dad “daddy”, she loves her brother very much.”

The lunchtime nap is coming to an end, and Irishka leaves the bedroom and goes into the kitchen. She immediately climbs onto her dad’s lap and hugs him, then sits down with her mom, takes out pencils and draws circles. "This is our new success“until now there were little scribbles, but now there are circles,” says Larisa. While her parents decided not to take her to kindergarten- let her adapt, she spent 4 of her five years in a government institution.

Dima brings Khariton - the boy, remarkably similar to him, looks at me carefully. When his parents told him about Irishka, asking him if they could cope, because she was all alone and she needed special care,

He has a rich imagination. At first he had a lot of fears - he was afraid open windows, midges, cars. And Irishka was afraid. And now he sings and plays from morning to evening. “At some point we realized that with the advent of Irishka we were always smiling from ear to ear,” says Larisa. “A very bright child.”

Sometimes they Skype with Kristen. At first, Kristen cried all the time - she dreamed for many days that a little girl from Russia would appear in her family. But now she smiles because Irishka has found her home, and Kristen helped her with this.

There are still several children left in the federal database of orphans from the “American list” - US citizens wanted to adopt them, but did not have time. Among them are 10-year-old Valeria from St. Petersburg and 9-year-old Oksana from Vladimir. Girls have Down syndrome. Katrina Morris and Judy Johnson, who were supposed to be the girls' mothers, are praying that families will be found in Russia for Lera and Oksana. After all, the law has already taken away three years of their childhood.

The population of our country is increasing every day. As a result, the world receives millions of new ideas, visions and opinions every year. It is impossible to find absolutely identical people. Even twins can be so different that they can compete with two strangers, opposite in nature. Nevertheless, it is simply necessary to respect each person, both for society as a whole and for individual representatives of the population. Thus, psychologists and scientists have developed various definitions and characteristics that help explain how important each of us is. It is from here that such concepts as individual and personality emerged. Let's understand these definitions.

Who is the individual?

Very often we hear from friends and colleagues that we are individual, and it is simply impossible to find similar people. However, plunging deeper into the bustle of life, unfortunately, a person forgets about this and underestimates his capabilities. On the other hand, he can overestimate them, not respecting and not considering those around him. These two situations are dire and the consequences are significant. People must understand that an individual is a natural being who is the bearer of unique and distinctive traits. This is the representative Homo Sapiens, a person who is created in order to inhabit and adapt to the world around him, to be resistant to various stressful situations and be active.

Characteristics of the concept of “personality”

The concept of “personality” appeared a little later than the “individual”. This is what they called people who had inner rod, lived boldly, consciously and justly. In addition, a person-person chooses his own freedom, life path and a way to respond to society. Thus, this is still the same representative of Homo Sapiens, but he is considered as social creature, acquiring unique character traits, forming own behavior and establishing contact with others. At the same time, an individual is a representative of society, an individual who, over time, turns into a personality - unique, a peculiar person with a unique psyche and the ability to find mutual language with other people.

How does a personality differ from an individual?

In fact, each individual becomes a personality in the future. It’s up to him to decide what kind of person he will become. In addition, his development and worldview are influenced by a number of factors that can disrupt the individual’s psyche and completely change his outlook on life. Due to the influence of a number of events, a person grows up to be strong, purposeful, conscientious and fair, or weak, envious, cunning and inhuman. Thus, everyone can “go over to the side of evil” and live not according to the laws of society, which will only bring trouble in the future. One way or another, an individual is a person who chooses what kind of person to become and what path in life to choose.

Personality structure

Characterizing a personality is very difficult. It consists of complex elements, which are inherent in certain people. However, scientists identify three blocks in the structure of each person. This is his focus, abilities and psychological characteristics. The first block includes the needs, motives, interests, and feelings of a person; to the second - its capabilities; and to the third - character and temperament. Depending on this, the three sections are called in the following way: intra-individual, inter-individual and meta-individual. Each component of the personality structure is inherent to all people on our planet, because everyone has feelings, motives, needs, character and abilities for one thing or another. Thus, three blocks briefly and superficially show the essence of each person’s personality. The remaining details (the most important ones, which distinguish all people from each other) can only be recognized professional psychologist and only on an individual basis.

Individual and person

In addition to the individual and personality, there are such concepts as “individual” and “person”. The first definition appeared quite a long time ago, even before appearance of Homo Sapiens, because it means Living being, which has its own abilities and characteristics. As for the concept of “man,” this is a creature capable of adapting to social society. It is important to note that not all individuals are people, since animals, birds, fish, and so on fit the description of a living creature. For example, a crow and a hamster are also individuals, but this does not mean that they are people. Man, in turn, is a being endowed with certain qualities, possessing a soul and mind. Moving further, we note that the individual is a representative of the society in which people live; an organism with its own needs, personal properties and character. When talking about a person, everyone immediately remembers what exactly separates him from other living beings. Of course, these are independence, emotions, biological, social and personal qualities.

Individual development

The concept of “individual” appeared on the basis certain properties that make people stand out from everyone else. Scientists included age-sex and individual-typical characteristics among them. Depending on this, each person has character traits, physique, and so on that are unique to him. It is the interaction of these two properties that creates needs and psychophysiological functions. Age-sex properties are the basis for the development of an individual, as well as his ontogenetic evolution. It is during this period that a person experiences puberty. Individual-typical ones form the symmetry of the figure, the neurodynamic properties of the brain, the peculiarities of the functional geometry of the hemispheres and much more. All of the above properties ensure full development on the cellular and molecular levels. When the formation and development of an individual is almost complete, he is subject to influence from the society in which he is located.

Are all people individual?

It would seem that a person can be called completely differently: personality, individual, individual, but what unites all these concepts, and do they make each of us individual? Many psychologists believe that it is necessary to consider another definition - “person”. This is a person who plays a certain role in society. In any case, to the question whether all people are individual, we can safely answer yes! Of course, there are basic traits and characteristics inherent in every person, but the mystery lies in the details. For example, an individual is resistant to environment, is active and has an integral psychophysical organization of the body. Thus, a person is able to experience emotions, build relationships with other people, feel needs and achieve goals. That's what it is common features every person, but if you dig deeper, you can learn about the secrets and unique traits of a certain soul. Individuality is a combination of physiological, mental and social features that can be seen in human activity, behavior, and communication.

Individual: human-organism

One individual is necessarily different from another. He has certain features or shortcomings; ability or knowledge. However, each of them is an individuality that makes a person a unique personality. The kind that others are drawn to, who are never like anyone else. In a word, unique, one of a kind.

Municipal institution additional education

"Children's Ecological and Biological Center in Cheremkhovo"

"I affirm"

And about. Director of MUDO DEBC

Matveeva V.V.


Deputy UMR

Tolstikova S.N.

MS protocol No. ___

"__" __________20__

Methodological development

extracurricular activities with training elements

« Special people among us »

methodologist MUDO DEBC

Cheremkhovo, 2015


Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ...3

Methodological materials……………………………………………………………………….4

Progress of the lesson………………………………………………………………………………………………...5-9



Appendix 1 “Questionnaire” Your attitude to people with disabilities»»………………………………………………………………………………12Appendix 2 “Map of props and tasks for playing roles” special person"………………………………………………………………………………………..14


Disability is not just a problem individual person, but also of society as a whole.Russia is one of the countries with the most at a fast pace growth in the number of disabled people, while in Russia people with disabilities until recently were in a situation social isolation characterized by complete rejection and discrimination of this group of people.IN Lately In Russia, processes are actively developing aimed at developing tolerance in society and recognizing the equal rights of people with disabilities - without discrimination and restrictions. Information awareness of schoolchildren about people with disabilities is very relevant, since education is the first step in developing an adequate respectful attitude towards people with disabilities and familiarizing them with the lives of people with disabilities.

Extracurricular activity"Special people among us"intended for students in grades 7-9, aimed at developing empathy and tolerant attitude to people with disabilities.

Target: change negative attitude and stereotypes towards people with disabilities


1. Formation positive attitude to people with disabilities

2. Development of communication and group work skills

3. Fostering empathy and tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities.

During the lesson, students will learn about the existing physical, social and psychological barriers that prevent people with disabilities from being fully included in our society. The lesson contains elements of training and role playing game, allowsshow students that disability is not a reason for rejecting a person, and that a person with a disability should have equal rights and opportunities on a par with healthy people.The work takes place in a group of 10-12 people, the duration of the lesson is 1-1.5 hours.At the beginning of the lesson, a survey is conducted in the group to identify students’ attitudes towards people with disabilities; at the end of the lesson, based on the transmitted information, students have the opportunity to change the answers to the questionnaire if their attitude towards the problems of special people has changed.

Teaching materials, TSO: projector, screen, laptop, video film “Broken Doll”, cards with the names of the roles and the task: “blind”, “deaf-mute”, “man without an arm”, “man without a leg”, props for playing the roles: blindfold and mouth, cane, earplugs, rope, cardboard hats in six colors.

When preparing for classes, it is recommended to move desks or tables to the walls of the room and seat students in one row in a semicircle (the leader organizes his workplace in the center of this semicircle, in order to be an equal participant interactive process)

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizing time, lesson topic message

Good afternoon, guys, today we have a very unusual lesson, it is dedicated to “special people” - people with disabilities - people with disabilities.How do special people live in modern society, what problems and limitations special people experience every day - we will learn during the lesson.

2. Message “What is disability”

What is disability? “Disability is one of the human characteristics.”

A person with a disability constantly faces various restrictions in his life. Restriction is when you cannot easily and simply do what is natural and familiar to other people.

You can't climb the stairs if you hurt your leg - but you can use the elevator (if it's installed in the house). It is difficult for you to eat regular food in the school cafeteria if you are sick, but the cook can prepare a different dish for you (if he wants to cook it or if there are other foods in the cafeteria!). You know that these restrictions will disappear when you recover. But a person with a disability faces such difficulties every day. We are accustomed to perceiving disability as a problem of a person who is different from others. A person who is sick or injured is truly different from others. But we are all different from each other!The cause of the problems of a person with a disability is not his personal characteristics, and the obstacles around him that limit his capabilities. The capabilities of a person with a disability are limited only by the conditions of his life. Any person will become a person with disabilities if he is surrounded by barriers and restrictions.Sometimes a disease cannot be cured, but it is always possible to remove obstacles.To do this, society must understand thatthe cause of disability is interaction with physical barriers and restrictions from society.

3. Questionnaire “Your attitude towards people with disabilities”

On your desks there is a small questionnaire that contains questions with ready-made options answers, you need to put a sign (×) next to the answer that coincides with your opinion, or give your own answer to the question posed. I draw your attention to the fact that there are no right or wrong answers, the survey is anonymous, at the end of our lesson we will return to it again.

4. Immersion in the problem

Each of us has encountered people with disabilities, it is impossible not to notice them, they attract attention with their peculiarity and dissimilarity to us, but we do not always behave adequately and correctly towards these people. Today we will try to try on the role and experiences of a person with disabilities and live an ordinary day of a “special person”.

Exercise "Imitation"

Purpose of the exercise: to enable students to experience the difficulties faced by “special people” and understand how they feel about it.

Important!!! Ensure safety in the premises where the lesson is held.

Distribution of roles: I need four volunteers,you will play the role of a disabled person, and which one you will draw blindly, each of you has the right to choose an assistant “Guardian Angel” from the group.

Students take turns drawing cards with the name of the role. In accordance with the assigned role, they are given attributes, and manipulations are performed to bring them into a state for playing the assigned role. Each “special” person is assigned an assistant.The task for each role is contained in cards that are given by the presenter along with the attributes of the role. 5-7 minutes are allotted to complete the task, 3-4 minutes for group discussion. At the command of the leader, the “Guardian Angel” changes places with the performer of the role.


"Deaf and Mute":

"The Man Without an Arm":

"The Man Without a Leg":

Assistant to a disabled person - a “special person”

Instructions: At some point, at my signal, the assistant and the disabled person will switch roles. Each “special” person needs to try to complete the tasks contained in the cards. Spectators must maintain silence in the audience,since additional noise can interfere with orientation in space. Necessarycarefully observe what difficulties a “special” person experiences in the process of completing a task. If a desire arises, students are allowed to help a “special” person complete the task.


Instructions: “Now we will blindfold you, and blindfolded you will perform next task- from the classroom door, go to the blackboard, find chalk, write your name and return to your place.”.

Instructions to the assistant: Your task is to protect your friend from falls and collisions with surrounding objects. It is forbidden to help in completing the task!!!

Question:“Is everything clear?” The participant is then blindfolded and completes the task.

To the participant:

To the assistant: Did you want to help? If you wanted to, then when?

To the whole group: What did you saw? Where was it difficult for him? When was it difficult for him? What other difficulties do you think people with poor vision or blind people? WhatIs there a way to help a blind person navigate space?Possible answers:speak the situation out loud, take your hand.

"The Man Without a Leg"

No assistant required. The presenter selects one volunteer and explains the task to him:“Now you will cross one leg and jump from the far wall of the classroom to the blackboard, take the chalk, solve the problem and return to your place.”.

Question:“Is everything clear?” The participant completes the task

Questions after completing the task:

To the participant : What did you do? What did you feel? Was it difficult? If it is difficult, then when?

To the whole group: When was it difficult for him? Where was it difficult for him? What other difficulties do you think people with this type face?physical limitation?

"The Man Without an Arm"

No assistant required.

The presenter selects a volunteer wearing a jacket with buttons and gives the task to take off the jacket and shoes. With your dominant hand tied, try to put on your jacket and shoes and fasten the buttons or zipper. The participant puts on a jacket or jacket with his right hand in the pocket and tries to button it up. Puts on shoes in the same way. Another option: the participant is asked to write with his left hand the phrase “All people are equal!”

Questions after completing the task:

To the participant: What did you feel? What did you do? Was it difficult? If it is difficult, then when?

To the whole group: When was it difficult for him? Where was it difficult for him? What other challenges do you think people with this type of disability face? How can you help special people? How can our society help them?

"Deaf and Mute"

The participant needs to imagine that he is in a minibus; he must in some way make it clear to others that he needs to get off at a specific stop. Another option: Buy a set of products at the grocery store, but he is not allowed to write on paper.

Questions after completing the task:

To the participant: What did you feel? What did you do? Was it difficult? If it is difficult, then when?

To the whole group: When was it difficult for him? Where was it difficult for him? Did he need help from others?

5. Watch a video about people with disabilities “Broken Doll”

6. Feedback

How did watching this film make you feel? It's a pity good feeling, but do you think special people need our pity? How can we help special people? Can “special people” lead full life? Do you think special people are capable of achieving success in sports, creativity or other activities? (Give examples of Paralympic athletes, deaf dancers, blind artists)

7. Reflection:

There are six hats in front of you, six different colors, each color is a question, I ask you to take these hats apart, you can take one hat for two, and then I will tell you what question the owner of a hat of this or that color will answer.


White hat- what new things did you learn or what unusual experiences did you experience during the lesson?

red hat– Why do you think people with disabilities became the topic of our lesson? Is this topic relevant and why?

Blue hat– Do you think the barriers and restrictions faced by “special people” should be talked about and drawn to public attention? Why?

yellow hat- what can you do for a “special person”?

Green hat– will your attitude towards “special people” and their problems change? And why?

Black hat - which negative emotions Did you experience something in today's lesson that you would not like to experience again?

8. Summing up: Our lesson has come to an end, today you had the opportunity to imagine yourself in the place of a person with certain physical limitations and live a moment from his life, now let's return to the questionnaire, the questions of which you answered at the beginning of the lesson. Once again, carefully read the questions and your answers, you have the opportunity to change the answers, do this if there is a need and your attitude towards “special people” has changed.

Thank you for your active participation and frankness!


During the lesson, students have the opportunity not only to receive new information about people with disabilities and broaden your horizons, but also immerse yourself in the problems of people with disabilities. Aactive participation in games and discussions, as well as the roles they play during the lesson,allow students to “try on” themselves different situations , experience restrictions in actions and communication,that a person with a disability may encounterin everyday life, and draw your own conclusions promoting the development of a tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities.

In the future, it is planned to hold a lesson to familiarize students with technical devices and aids for the disabled with an invitation to “special people” to attend the lesson. An activity of this kind will allow students to form their attitude towards people with disabilities by communicating with them directly: asking questions that interest them, examining various rehabilitation devices.


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    Film "Broken Doll". [Electronic resource]. -http:// good- business. info

    “Different opportunities – equal rights”[Electronic resource]. -http:// children. perspective- inva. ru/ broshyury/ raznye- vozmozhnosti- ravnye- prava

    Picture of six hats[Electronic resource]. - http://www.libertygrant.co.uk/portal/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/six-hats.png

Annex 1

Questionnaire “Your attitude towards people with disabilities”

1. Do you often meet disabled people in everyday life?

A) often, B) rarely, C) sometimes, D) never occur, E) your answer:

2. What do you know about the life of people with disabilities, their opportunities and difficulties?

A) Yes, I know that they have a hard time, B) I have a vague idea about their life, what they need, C) I don’t know anything about the life of disabled people and am not interested in this topic, D) your answer option:

3. How do people with disabilities make you feel when you meet them?

A) pity and sympathy, B) hostility, C) curiosity, D) indifference, E) your answer:

4. If a student with disabilities came to your class, would you treat him:

A) as an equal, B) avoidedcommunication with him, C) did not pay attention, D) tried to help him, E) your answer:

5. How do you think people with disabilities feel about healthy people?

A) With hostility and resentment, B) Indifferently, C) They envy healthy people and their capabilities, D) Kindly, E) your answer:

6. If a disabled person asks you for help on the street or in public transport, will you help him?

A) Yes, of course, B) I’ll think about it first, C) Most likely not, D) Difficult to answer

7. What will you do if your neighbor on the train is a person in a wheelchair?

A) I will try to change my place, B) I will try not to notice his difficulties, because this does not concern me C) I will help him if only he asks me about it, D) I will help him with the slightest possibility, without expecting a request for help, D) your answer option:

8. In the interests of people with disabilities, you can try to do the following:

A) Reconsider your attitude towards disabled people, B) I don’t even know how I can help disabled people, C) Helping disabled people is the concern of the state, D) Donate part of your income to disabled people, E) your answer option:

9. What good and useful things are being done in our city for people with disabilities?

A) Everything is being done so that disabled people do not feel abandoned, B) Something is being done - ramps and signs are being installed, C) Almost nothing is being done, D) Why do anything if disabled people practically never leave the house, E) your option answer:

Appendix 2

Map of props and tasks for playing the roles of a “special person”

Name of the role, props for playing the role.


"Deaf and Mute": earplugs, mouth bandage (it is forbidden to talk through the bandage)

Imagine that you are in a minibus, in some way make it clear to others that you need to get off at a specific stop. Buy a set of products at the grocery store (writing on paper is prohibited).

"The Man Without an Arm": The leading hand is tied behind the back

Take off your jacket and shoes, hold right hand in your trouser pocket, try to put on a jacket and shoes, fasten the buttons or zipper. Use your left hand to write the phrase “All people are equal!”

"The Man Without a Leg": the leg is tied in a bent position

Cross one leg and jump from the far wall of the classroom to the blackboard, take the chalk, solve the problem and return to your place.”.

"Blind": blindfold, cane (it is forbidden to remove the blindfold or peek)

From the classroom door, go to the blackboard, find chalk, write your name and return to your seat.”.