Using an interactive whiteboard in kindergarten. The use of an interactive whiteboard in the educational process of preschoolers

Lyubov Parakhina
Guidelines for working with the SMART Board interactive whiteboard

“It is not the strongest and not the smartest who survive,

and the one who responds best

to the changes taking place..."

Charles Darwin.

Explanatory note

In the modern world, the comprehensive development of preschool children is impossible without the use of new educational technologies and electronic educational resources (EOR).

Information and communication technologies are firmly entrenched in modern society and have become an integral part of the life of an adult, as well as a means of teaching children.

One of the basic principles of teaching preschool children is the visibility, consciousness and activity of children in mastering and applying knowledge.

interactive board provides ample opportunities for educational activities, makes it possible to make classes with preschool children more interesting, visual and engaging.

Interactive whiteboard can be used as a regular screen or TV to demonstrate visual material.

However, interactive whiteboard great resources: move an image or text, arrange images in a certain order, continue the sequence, compose an image in accordance with a sample, sort pictures or inscriptions according to a given characteristic, navigate in space, almost the same as on paper - connect the dots, draw, write. Teachers can point to blackboard, how to perform tasks on paper, for example when learning to draw.

Classes with interactive whiteboard help children master the universal prerequisites of learning activities (children learn to listen to a task, raise their hand to answer, carefully watch how others perform a task, notice and correct mistakes).

Another advantage of using interactive whiteboard in kindergarten – the opportunity to make virtual trips, conduct integrated classes. It is known that older preschoolers have better developed involuntary attention, which becomes especially concentrated when children Interesting. They increase the reception speed and information processing, they remember it better.

To sum up, we can say that our daily life can no longer be imagined without information technology. Their use in preschool education, of course, allows you to expand the creative capabilities of the teacher and has a positive impact on various aspects of the mental development of preschool children. Thus, interactive board is a universal tool for using it in the educational process and for raising the level of a teacher in the field of mastering ICT.

Peculiarities working with an interactive whiteboard in a preschool educational institution

interactive board- this is a large enough screen, and a small child standing next to it cannot take in the entire screen to find the images necessary to complete the task. The images themselves should not be too large, otherwise they will be poorly perceived at close range.

Growth prevents children from using the entire surface boards. Taking this into account, pictures for moving or connecting with lines, text fields and places for drawings should be located at the bottom boards(lower half or third, depending on the age of the children). Images with which the child works independently, should be placed closer to each other. Otherwise, children, especially younger ones, will not be able to draw a long enough line to connect them or drag them to the right place without “dropping”.

In most cases, when preparing materials for educational activities, teachers work at the computer without having it nearby interactive whiteboard. The small size of the monitor creates the illusion of compactness of everything on the page, and the difference between a computer monitor and a screen is often underestimated interactive whiteboard. On average the picture is the board is five times larger than on the monitor.

At working with an interactive whiteboard requirements must be adhered to SanPiN: using interactive whiteboard and the projection screen, it is necessary to ensure its uniform illumination and the absence of light spots of increased brightness. Thus, local lighting for interactive whiteboard is not used. Please note that interactive board can only be used as additional technical equipment for short-term use in classes and for demonstrating individual educational materials and assignments. In the middle of the lesson, it is necessary to do eye exercises.

Skills required to apply interactive whiteboard:

Basic knowledge of computer devices,

Working in programs: Word, PowerPoint,

Practice Internet work(to search for images, ready-made presentations and training programs).

Getting to know interactive whiteboard

Interactive whiteboard SMART This is a touch screen working as part of the system, which includes a computer and a projector.

1. The computer sends an image to the projector.

2. The projector transmits the image to interactive whiteboard.

3. The interactive whiteboard is working simultaneously as a monitor and input device data: You can control the computer by touching the surface boards.

Notebook is the main tool for working with an interactive whiteboard, combining the properties of the instrumental environment for development own educational materials (presentations) and the main means of storing handwritten notes made during the demonstration, notes.

Notebook ( SMART Notebook, is a graphic editor that allows you to create documents in your own format and include text and graphic objects, both created in other Windows programs and using appropriate tools.

Working with an interactive whiteboard:

To select an application using interactive whiteboard, double-tap the application icon. Double-tapping to launch an application is equivalent to double-clicking the left mouse button to launch the application on your computer. Likewise, every touch interactive surface is equivalent to one click of the left mouse button.

Smart program interface


Page area

At the top there is a menu bar, including the usual set that can be seen in any text editor - file, edit, view, insert, format, draw, help.

The toolbar is the main control element of the software interactive whiteboard. The toolbar is always on the screen and provides access to the software menu. The toolbar contains icons for the most used tools.

To get the desired result you need to remember simple rules: select the required tool (if the purpose of the tool is not clear, just move the mouse pointer to its image and read the hint); perform the desired action (get the result).


"Page Sorter"

Show pages

Create pages

Clone pages

Clear pages

Delete pages

Rename pages

Change page order

Move objects from one page to another

Group pages

Setting up the page sorter

The page sorter can be moved to one side of the window SMART Notebook to another by clicking the Move Sidebar icon

You can resize the page sorter by dragging its edge left or right. If you are not using the Page Sorter, you can hide it by selecting the Automatically Hide checkbox. (To show a hidden Page Sorter, click Page Sorter.)


The Gallery tab contains graphics, wallpapers, media, files, and pages that you can use. All drawings are divided into topics and subtopics. You can add your own pictures to the folder "My Contents"


The Attachments tab displays files and links to web pages that are attached to the current file.


The Properties tab allows you to change the format of objects such as digital ink, shapes, lines, text, and tables. Depending on the selected object, you can change:

color, thickness and type of lines;

transparency and object filling effects;

font type for text objects, its size and style;

animation of objects.

The Properties tab displays only the options available for the selected object.

The Properties tab also has a Record Page button to record actions on the current page.


The Add-ons tab allows you to work with SMART Notebook software add-ons, including the Activity Creation Wizard.

SMART Response

Tab SMART Response is part of the software SMART Response and available, only if the software is installed on the computer SMART Response.

Page area:

The page area displays the contents of the selected page in the file. This is the area of ​​the page where you can create objects and work with them.

Display pages in full screen mode.

In full screen mode SMART Notebook opens an area of ​​the page to full screen and hides other elements interface.


The toolbar allows you to select and use various commands and tools.

Tool Settings

Button - previous page.

Displays the previous page of the current file.

Button - next page.

Displays the next page of the current file.

Button - cancel.

Undo the last action.

Button - return.

Allows you to redo an action undone using the Undo tool.

Button - add


Inserts a new blank page into the current file.

Button - delete

page. Deletes the current page from the current file.

Button - open the file. Allows you to open a previously created Notebook document from any media.

Button - view the screen. - Full screen.

Allows you to open working Full screen Notebook area for convenience working with a document.

Button - insert.

Allows you to quickly paste a copy from the clipboard.

Button - delete.

Deletes all selected objects.

Button - screen capture.

Opening the toolbar "Screen Capture".

Button - show/hide screen shading A gray curtain will appear on the screen, with a point for gradually opening the curtain displayed in the middle of the top, bottom, left and bottom edges

Button - table.

Allows you to create a table of the desired size (according to the selected number of rows and columns).

Button - select. Allows you to select previously inserted or created elements so that you can perform various actions with them in the future.

Button - feathers.

Tool "Feather" Allows you to write or draw with digital ink using seven pen types.

Pen Type Types Properties


Create writing or drawings using digital ink in different colors and line types.


Create writing or drawings with digital ink in a variety of colors and line types, the same way you write with a pen "Standard", but with the ability to change the line thickness.

Color pencil

Create inscriptions or drawings using digital ink with a colored pencil effect.


Selecting text and other objects.

Artistic pen

Adding colored elements to presentations.

Magic feather

Creating an object that will slowly disappear.

Shape Recognition Pen

Used to draw shapes such as circles, ovals, squares, rectangles, triangles and arcs.

Button - shapes.

Create a variety of shapes, including circles, squares, triangles and other geometric shapes figures: heart-shaped, checkmarks, etc.

There are two options working with the figure:

1. Adding a shape to the page, and then editing its properties.

2. Preliminary adjustment of the color, lines and transparency of the shape, and its subsequent adding to the slide.

Button - regular polygons. Creation of regular polygons with the number of angles from 3 to 15.

Button - fill.

Button - lines.

Drawing straight lines and arcs.

You can add a line to the page and then edit its properties, or pre-set the line and then add it to the slide.

Eraser button.

An element for erasing lines drawn with a pen or highlighting with a marker. Eraser specific (visible on the instrument) size:

Button - text.

An element for entering text with the ability to change the font style, size, color and transparency.

Object properties Change the outline and fill color of the selected element.

Change the line properties of the selected element.

Change the transparency of the selected element.

An important problem when working in a kindergarten is keeping children's attention for a sufficiently long time. And not only to retain, but also to involve in the learning process. As practice has shown, using an interactive whiteboard this problem can be solved much easier.

Disadvantages of an interactive whiteboard:

- For teachers, it is necessary to prepare for the lesson in a NOT traditional way. Although board developers are trying to expand the range of software, at the moment it often happens that there is not enough material for some topics. Teachers have to prepare their own presentation, which in turn requires certain knowledge and skills in the field of digital technologies.
- Insufficient technical and moral readiness to implement new technologies. For many teachers, especially older ones, working with an interactive whiteboard is difficult. It is a problem for them to understand how the projector is connected to the computer, how the software is installed, etc. In such cases, it is better to organize regular training for teachers.
- The price of interactive whiteboards has been decreasing in recent years, but it still remains high. Don't forget that the entire kit includes a projector, whiteboard and computer. Accordingly, the price for a normal set starts from 120 thousand rubles.

The use of interactive whiteboards in preschool education

Sardarova E.V.

Educator at MADOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 4"


One of the main tasks of modern education is to reveal
abilities of each child, raising a personality ready for life in
high-tech, competitive world.
Informatization of society poses a challenge for preschool teachers
become a child’s guide to the world of new technologies, a mentor in choosing
computer games and form the basis of personal information culture

Society continues to search for more effective methods of cognition. How can I help you better understand the material? How to increase interest in the learning process is what always worries teachers all over the world. And it was the creation of an interactive whiteboard that helped answer this question.

An interactive whiteboard (ID) is a device that allows a teacher to combine two different tools: a screen for displaying information and a regular marker board. The ID connects to a computer and a projector. An image from any source (computer or video signal) is projected onto it, like a screen, with which you can work directly on the surface of the board. Manipulations of a computer mouse are carried out by touching the surface (with a special device - a stylus or just a finger), thereby the user has full access to control the computer. The board allows you to show slides, videos, make notes, draw, draw various diagrams, as on a regular chalk board, write comments and any changes on the projected image in real time and save them as computer files for further editing, printing, sending e-mail.

From a didactic point of view, an interactive whiteboard is a device that providesinteractive learning. Interactive learning is learning built on the interaction of the student with the learning environment, the learning environment, which serves as an area of ​​acquired experience and knowledge. A bright picture on the screen is just a way of presenting the material, and ID is a field of information exchange between teacher and student. The essence of interactive learning is that almost all students are involved in the process of cognition, have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think. The joint activity of students means that everyone makes their own special individual contribution to the learning process. An atmosphere of goodwill and mutual support allows not only to obtain new knowledge, but also develops the cognitive activity itself, transfers it to higher forms of cooperation and collaboration. When working with an interactive board, the teacher is always in the spotlight, which helps maintain constant contact with the children. The form of presentation of ID material corresponds to the way of perceiving information that distinguishes the new generation, which has a much higher need for temperamental visual information and visual stimulation.

The next didactic property of ID ismultimedia.Multimedia means the joint use of several means of transmitting information (media), the presentation of objects and processes with non-traditional text descriptions, and with the help of photos, videos, graphics, animation, sound, i.e. in a combination of information transmission media. ID brings the property of multimedia to a qualitatively new level, including in the process of perceiving “multi-media” information not just one person (as in the case of a preschooler working with a PC), but the entire team of students, which is more convenient and expedient for the subsequent process of discussion and collaboration.

The third property of ID is modeling, simulation of real objects or processes, phenomena, as well as computer simulation of user interaction with the real world. We implement modeling using ID, but only if there is an appropriate digital educational resource. In this case, the capabilities of the board make the process of working with a model using a personal computer not the property of one person, but open this process for a group of children, providing the opportunity for both individual and collective interaction with the model, discussion of its work and the results obtained.

The fourth didactic property of ID ishigh level of productivity of the learning processdue to simultaneous work with the entire group as a whole and the use of previously prepared material.

Thanks to visibility and interactivity, children are more willing to get involved in active work. In preschoolers, concentration increases, understanding and memorization of material improves, and perception sharpens. The presence and ability to use ID significantly increases the level of computer competence of the teacher, who receives the status of a modern educator who keeps pace with the development of information technology. This learning tool can be used to teach children of different ages.

Proper use of ID capabilities allows the teacher to:

​ improve the quality of teaching through a combination of traditional and computer methods of organizing educational activities;

​ present information in various forms (text, graphics, audio, video, animation, etc.), which ensures maximum clarity of the material being studied;

​ give out a large amount of information in parts, so the material being studied is easier to assimilate;

​ control the time parameters of the lesson;

​ activate the processes of perception, thinking, imagination and memory;

​ mobilize the audience's attention;

​ use various digital educational resources;

​ to reveal wide opportunities for creative realization in professional activities;

​carry out GCD at a high methodological level.

For a child, the use of interactive information technologies in learning helps to assert oneself, self-realization, encourages research, develops activity skills, removes the fear of answering at the board and increases motivation.

Proper use of the interactive whiteboard’s capabilities allows preschool teachers to:

  • improve the quality of children's education through a combination of traditional and interactive methods of organizing educational activities;
  • present information in various forms that are attractive to preschool children (audio, video, animation, etc.), which ensures maximum clarity of the material being studied;
    activate the processes of perception, thinking, imagination and memory;
    mobilize the attention of pupils;
  • use various digital educational resources;
    carry out direct educational activities at a high methodological level.
  • to reveal ample opportunities for creative realization of teachers in their professional activities;

The use of an interactive whiteboard in educational work with preschoolers in our preschool institution has shown a number of advantages compared to traditional forms of education and training:

  • presentation of information on a large screen and the opportunity to operate with the depicted objects and objects themselves arouses children’s great interest in the activity;
  • Possibility of presenting fragments of reality (video material);
  • The ability to demonstrate moving, changing objects to children, to increase the size of the image (for example, book illustrations) in order to ensure their comfortable perception by all children in the group;
  • simultaneous reproduction of objects presented in different ways (sound-image-movement);
  • the ability to carry out many testing search actions with objects, comparing several options for transforming the same object;
  • saving time required to prepare for classes and study specific material.
  • organization of a subject environment favorable for development.
  • ease of storage and repeated use of the material used.

The use of an interactive whiteboard in preschool education promotes the development of psychophysical functions, such as fine motor skills, visual-motor and optical-spatial orientation; formation of age-appropriate general intellectual skills (classification, seriation); development of personal components of cognitive activity (cognitive activity, independence, volition), which ensures the readiness of preschool children for school education.


Annotation: The article provides information about the interactive whiteboard used in the Baldauren kindergarten, gives a description, its purpose, the importance of ICT tools in the development of a child, how you can use the interactive whiteboard in working with teachers and preschool children. The topic of games with preschool children is presented, and an example of the game is given.

Currently, computer technologies have become actively used in the educational process. Many simple and complex computer programs are being created for various areas of knowledge. Depending on the age of the child and the programs used, the computer can act as an opponent in the game, be a storyteller, a tutor, or an examiner. There are various computer tools aimed at developing various mental functions of children, such as visual and auditory perception, attention, memory, verbal and logical thinking, etc., which can be successfully used in teaching preschool children.
An interactive whiteboard is a touch screen that works as part of a system that also includes a computer and a projector. The computer transmits the signal to the projector. The projector displays the image on the interactive whiteboard. The interactive whiteboard works both as a regular screen and as a computer control device. You just need to touch the surface of the board to start working on your computer. A wireless mouse allows you to control the board from a distance.
Common interactive whiteboard tools in our preschool educational institution:

    Pencil makes it possible to emphasize part of a word, a whole word or sentence, or circle an image or word, thereby drawing students' attention to important information. You can also use a pencil to enter handwritten text on lesson slides and in Word, Excel, and Power Point documents. When working with this tool, you can choose the color and thickness of the line.

    Tool Lines allows you to draw lines and arrows of different colors, types and thicknesses, and depict geometric shapes.

    Image Library makes it possible to use static and animated images to create slides for educational activities, design the background of educational activity slides using pictures, change the size and location of pictures, and add sound to them. The built-in image libraries in WizTeach can be expanded with the images you need, or you can create your own image collections.

    Using a tool Inserting a picture You can design slides with images taken from any folder on your computer or from different galleries.

    Tool Flashlight makes it possible to open only part of the information on the slide. For example, highlight a certain area on a dark map.

    By using Magnifiers You can focus students' attention on important details of the images shown by enlarging them.

    Virtual Keyboard allows you to enter text in any of the languages ​​installed on your computer. It can be used when creating slides or while demonstrating educational material, asking students to enter the correct answer or correct an intentional mistake in the text of the slide.

    This will help you quickly insert text into lesson slides. creating a text card. This tool allows you to copy text from a Word document and transfer it to slides created in WizTeach.

    Tool Word Bank allows you to create educational tasks, for which you need to insert the correct words into a sentence or letters into words.

    You can erase written words or drawn images on a slide using Eraser.

    Tool Cleaning the screen makes it possible to instantly clear a filled slide.

Benefits of working with an interactive whiteboard

Teaching young children becomes more engaging and exciting. Interactive and multimedia tools are designed to inspire and encourage them to strive to acquire new knowledge. An interactive whiteboard significantly expands the possibilities of presenting educational information and allows you to increase the child’s motivation. The use of multimedia technologies (color, graphics, sound, modern video equipment) allows you to simulate various situations and environments. Game components included in multimedia programs activate the cognitive activity of students and enhance the assimilation of the material.
Interactive teaching aids, such as interactive whiteboards and computers, will be excellent assistants in diagnosing child development:

    Development of attention

  • Thinking


    Study skills

Introduction to information culture is not only the acquisition of computer literacy, but also the acquisition of ethical, aesthetic and intellectual sensitivity. There is no doubt that children can master the methods of working with various electronic and computer innovations with enviable ease; At the same time, it is important that they do not become dependent on the computer, but value and strive for live, emotional human communication.
It has been experimentally established that when presenting material orally, a child perceives and is able to process up to 1 thousand conventional units of information per minute, and when the visual organs are “connected”, up to 100 thousand such units. An older preschooler has better developed involuntary attention, which becomes especially concentrated when he is interested; the material being studied is clear, bright, and evokes positive emotions in the preschooler. The use of computers in joint and independent activities (from the child’s point of view) is one of the effective ways to increase motivation and individualize his learning, develop creative abilities and create a favorable emotional background. From which it follows that the high efficiency of using information and communication technologies in teaching is evident.

The use of ICT in kindergarten allows children to develop their ability to navigate the information flows of the world around them, master practical ways of working with information, and develop skills that allow them to exchange information using modern technical means.

The use of ICT in the classroom allows us to move from an explanatory and illustrated method of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child becomes an active subject, and not a passive object of pedagogical influence. This promotes conscious learning by preschoolers.

The room for interactive activities in kindergarten performs the following tasks:
teach children using the latest educational technologies;

    serve as an entertainment and gaming center;

    it can perform the widest possible range of educational and entertainment tasks;

    have maximum ease of use for both children and teachers;

    introduce children to the capabilities and skills of computer technology.

Examples of using an interactive whiteboard

Learning using interactive complexes becomes better, more interesting and more productive. Provided that electronic multimedia educational programs are systematically used in the educational process in combination with traditional teaching methods and pedagogical innovations, the effectiveness of teaching children with different levels of training significantly increases. At the same time, there is a qualitative enhancement of the educational outcome due to the simultaneous influence of several technologies. The use of multimedia in e-learning not only increases the speed of information transfer to students and increases the level of its understanding, but also contributes to the development of such important qualities as intuition and imaginative thinking.

The ways to use an interactive whiteboard in kindergarten classes can only be limited by your imagination. These include presentations, interactive training programs, and the creation of projects in graphical and software environments.

Teachers who are just starting to master working with an interactive whiteboard will have access to the easiest way to work with it - using it as a simple screen, the image to which is supplied from a computer.

While working with the interactive whiteboard in simple mode, the computer image is fed through the projector to the interactive whiteboard, and the computer itself can be controlled using special markers that come with the interactive whiteboard. So, here is the easiest way for a teacher to use an interactive whiteboard - demonstrating ready-made presentations.

What skills are needed to use an interactive whiteboard:

    Basic knowledge of computer devices

    Work in programs: Word, PowerPoint

    Practice working on the Internet (to search for images, ready-made presentations and training programs).
    Work with children. Work with children includes children's activities at the blackboard, educational conversation, games, eye exercises, etc. lasts from 20 to 25 minutes. In this case, screen use should be no more than 7-10 minutes. At the same time, the main goal of the teacher is not to learn this or that computer program with children, but to use its game content to develop memory, thinking, imagination, and speech in a particular child. And this can be achieved if the baby himself carries out the entire program with pleasure.

The interactive whiteboard allows you to save notes as files on a personal computer for subsequent distribution of printed copies to each of the teachers or distribution. All drawings made with a marker on the board can also be printed using a printer. The interactive equipment allows you to draw with electronic markers, it uses ultrasonic and infrared technology to accurately determine the location of the marker mark on the board.

The board is used in working with children: in joint activities and as part of direct educational activities, forms of educational activities are used: “Educational situation”, educational games, task games.

Subjects of games-activities with an interactive board:

The history of the interactive whiteboard. What does she represent?

Legend. (Drawing autumn leaves.)

Fixing symbols and drawing using an interactive whiteboard.

“Mother’s Day” (Drawing a gift for mom)

Visiting Santa Claus (Using a presentation)

Getting to know the background “Our Christmas tree”

"Winter Fun"

"Walk with Luntik"

“Defender of the Fatherland Day” (gift to dad)

“First flowers” ​​“First drops”

Drawing space and stars

Drawing with geometric shapes.

Math lesson using presentation

"First steps into summer"

Joint activity with children: “Our Christmas tree”

In the tools, select “Prism”, then select the triangle and use them to draw a Christmas tree, you need to pay attention that italics on the interactive board are slightly higher than the electronic marker. Then select a rectangle and draw the trunk of the Christmas tree. Using circles we draw a decoration for the Christmas tree. Select “Fill Color” in the palette, select a color and decorate the toys, also select a color and fill the Christmas tree.

This tool is used in the implementation of the content of educational areas “Cognition”. “Artistic creativity”, “Music”, “Communication”.

Carrying out design work in a graphic editor.

The theme of the drawing is set. Children take turns going to the interactive board and adding their own image to the overall picture.


    Udaltsova E.I. Didactic games in the education and training of preschoolers. Minsk, 1976

    Computer gaming complex for preschoolers

    Yarusova E.A. Computer games are a new type of developmental education.

    Petrova E. Educational computer games. Preschool education, 2000, No. 8.

    Pluzhnikova L. Using computers in the educational process. Preschool education, 2000, No. 4.

Tatyana Ivanina
The use of an interactive whiteboard in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

subject: «».

Relevance of the topic.

Usage information and communication technologies in kindergarten - an urgent problem of modern preschool education. The importance and necessity of introducing such technologies into education process-body activity was noted by international experts in "World Report on Communication and Information", prepared by UNESCO. In our country, over the past 5 years, a number of events have occurred that determine the accelerated development Internet- technologies in preschool institutions.

Currently, our country is implementing the Information Society Development Strategy, which is related to the availability of information for all categories of citizens and the organization of access to this information. That's why usage information and communication technologies is one of the priorities education.

The Federal State Educational Standard imposes new requirements on the teacher and his professional competence. The communicative competence of a teacher presupposes the ability to build communications in various formats: oral, written, discussion, visual, computer, electronic. The teacher must not only be able to use a computer and modern multimedia equipment, but also create his own educational resources, widely use them in their teaching activities. Information technology is using a computer, Internet, TV, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide ample opportunities for communication.

interactive board significantly expands the possibilities of presenting educational information and allows you to enhance the child’s motivation. Teaching young children becomes more engaging and exciting. Interactive and multimedia are designed to inspire and challenge them to strive to acquire new knowledge. Application of multimedia technologies (colors, graphics, sound, modern video equipment) allows you to simulate various situations and environments. Game components included in multimedia programs activate the cognitive activity of students and enhance the assimilation of the material.

Interactive learning tools, such as interactive whiteboards, computers will be excellent assistants in diagnosing the development of children.

interactive board is a touch screen connected to a computer, image from which it transmits to whiteboard projector. All you have to do is touch the surface boards to start using your computer.

Special software for interactive boards allows you to work with texts and objects, audio and video materials, Internet resources, take notes by hand directly on top of open documents and save information.

Using the interactive whiteboard improves planning, pace and flow of the lesson. interactive board- a valuable learning tool. This is a visual resource that helps educators present new material in a very lively and engaging way. It provides information through various multimedia resources.

Methodology using interactive whiteboard tools to process teaching preschoolers during class.

Tool interactive whiteboard Impact on learning

Color Variety of colors, available on interactive whiteboard, allows educators to highlight and draw attention to important areas, connect or differentiate common ideas, and demonstrate thought processes. An example would be working with a geographic map or drawing a rainbow.

Screen Notes The note taking feature allows you to add information, questions, and ideas to text, charts, or images on the screen. All notes can be saved, viewed again, or printed.

Audio and video attachments significantly enhance the presentation of the material. On interactive whiteboards can also be captured video images and display them statically to be able to discuss and add entries to it.

Drag & drop Helps preschoolers group ideas, identify strengths and weaknesses, similarities and differences, label maps, drawings, diagrams, and more.

Selecting individual parts of the screen Test, diagram or drawing on the interactive whiteboard can be divided. This allows teachers and children to focus on specific aspects of the topic. Part of the screen can be hidden and shown when needed. Software for interact-active boards include shapes that can help preschoolers concentrate on a specific area of ​​the screen. Using the spotlight tool, you can highlight certain areas of the screen and focus attention on them.

Cut and paste Objects can be cut and erased from the screen, copied and pasted, actions can be undone or returned. This gives children more confidence - they know that they can always go back a step or change something.

Pages Pages can be flipped back and forth, demonstrating certain topics of the lesson or repeating something that some of the students did not quite understand. Pages can be viewed in any order, and pictures and texts can be dragged from one page to another.

Split screen The teacher can split the screen image from the computer screen and show it on different boards. This can be useful when thoroughly researching a subject.

Rotate Object Allows you to move objects, showing symmetry, angles and reflections

Maintaining educational activities through interactive whiteboard has the following advantages:

Materials for educational activities can be prepared in advance - this will ensure a good pace of the lesson and save time for discussion.

Application training interactive complexes becomes of higher quality, interesting and productive. Subject to systematic use electronic multimedia training programs in educational process in combination with traditional teaching methods and pedagogical innovations, the effectiveness of teaching children with different levels of training significantly increases. At the same time, there is a qualitative enhancement of the result education due to the simultaneous impact of several technologies. The use of multimedia in e-learning not only increases the speed of information transfer to students and increases the level of its understanding, but also contributes to the development of such important qualities as intuition, creative thinking.

The material can be structured into pages, which requires a step-by-step logical approach and makes planning easier

The goal of the program is to increase the professional competence of preschool teachers in the field using the interactive whiteboard in working with preschool children in various types of activities.

To achieve this goal, the following were identified: tasks:

Introduction into educational educational process Preschool educational institution of the city of Yelets works on interactive whiteboard;

Introduction to the main areas of application interactive- technologies in the system education; opportunities used-Instrumentation interactive whiteboard for the development of preschool children;

Development of didactic teaching aids using software interactive whiteboard IQBoard;

Development interest and desires of teachers to master interactive whiteboard IQBoard.

Expected results

providing retraining and training for preschool educational institutions employees in the field of informatization;

increase in the number of methodological developments in the field of information and communication educational technologies, and advanced pedagogical experience in the field of traditional pedagogy and their accessibility for every educator;

possession and use of ICT in the educational process: the teacher’s ability to organize joint group activities with use of ICT tools, finding and use of new educational resources, facilitating the solution of the goals and objectives of the educational educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards conditions, the ability to create your own didactic and developmental materials;

improving the quality of mastering program content by pupils of preschool educational institutions based on the use of new approaches with used- knowledge of modern information technologies.

Long-term work plan for the school.

Topic No. 1 “Organization of the activities of the School of Advanced Pedagogical Experience in the new academic year”:

1) message from the manager: « The use of an interactive whiteboard in the educational process of preschool educational institutions»;

2) familiarization with the work plan

Topic No. 2 "Basics of working with interactive whiteboard»

1) Interactive complex: composition and features.

3) Connection, initial setup, calibration.


Topic No. 3 "Basic Software Functions"

1) Menu settings.

2) Drawing tools.

3) Editing, changing the properties of objects.

4) Inserting pictures and text objects.

Topic No. 4 “Application interactive whiteboard in working with pre-school children":

1) watching video tutorials on working with interactive whiteboard IQBoard;

2) discussion;

3) presentation “Application interactive whiteboard in preschool education»

Topic No. 5 « Interactive games in the educational process of preschool educational institutions»

1) message on the topic;

2) Working with Smart Notebook. Game elements." Watch the video tutorial.

3) acquaintance with games at a younger age - "Teremok"; older age - "Polite traffic light"

Topic No. 6 “Seminar class: “Creation of elementary interactive games using Microsoft PowerPoint"

Topic No. 7 Practical class: “Moving objects using the example of a fairy tale "Turnip"

1) work with board

2) job analysis;

Topic No. 8 “Creating a didactic game using FEMP “Count how many”

1) work with board

2) job analysis

3) homework - creating notes on FCCM with using an interactive whiteboard

Topic No. 9 “Creating a multi-media educational game “Funny Pictures”

1) work with board

2) job analysis

3) survey

4) summing up the work of the School of Advanced Pedagogical Experience.


1. A. V. Osin "Electronic educational new generation resources", M, Agency "Social project",2007

2. Development of students' thinking using information technologies. M, Intel, "Training for the Future", 2006.

3. T. A. Boronenko, Use of electronic educational resources in the educational process, St. Petersburg, Publishing house RGPU im. A. I. Herzen, 2007

4. Improving the content of higher professional education- research for the purpose of training a competitive specialist // Ed. G. K. Akhmetova. – Almaty, 2008. – 154 p.

5. Interactive technologies in education// educational and methodological complex // Russian State University for the Humanities. – Moscow, 2005. – 21 p.