Military units of the Siberian military district. Siberian Military District

Coal is one of the most famous fuel resources. The ancient Greeks were the first to learn about the flammable properties of this mineral. How is mining carried out? coal V modern world? Which countries are the leaders in its production? And what are the prospects for the coal industry in the near future?

What is coal and how is it used?

Coal is a solid and combustible mineral, rock dark gray or black with a slight metallic sheen. “This substance flares up and burns like charcoal” - this is how Theophrastus of Eres, a student of Aristotle, described the breed. The ancient Romans actively used coal to heat their homes. And the Chinese learned to produce coke from it back in the 1st century BC.

How was coal formed? In ancient geological eras large areas earth's surface were covered with dense forests. Over time, the climate changed, and all this woody mass was buried under the thickness of the earth. In conditions high temperature and pressure, dead vegetation turned first into peat, and then into coal. This is how powerful layers enriched with carbon arose underground. Coal was most actively formed in the Carboniferous, Permian and Jurassic periods.

Coal is used as an energy fuel. It is on this resource that the majority of all thermal power plants operate. IN XVIII-XIX centuries active mining of coal became one of the decisive factors in the development of industrial revolution. Nowadays, coal is widely used in ferrous metallurgy, as well as in the production of so-called liquid fuels (by liquefaction).

Based on the amount of carbon in the rock, there are three main types of coal:

  • brown coal (65-75% carbon);
  • coal (75-95%);
  • anthracite (over 95%).

Coal mining

Today, the total volume of industrial coal reserves on our planet reaches one trillion tons. So this fuel resource humanity still has enough long years(unlike oil or natural gas).

Coal is mined using two methods:

  • open;
  • closed.

The first method involves extracting rock from the bowels of the earth in quarries (coal mines), and the second - in closed mines. The depth of the latter varies widely from several hundred meters to one and a half kilometers. Each of these coal mining methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, open method much cheaper and safer than underground. On the other hand, mines cause much less damage environment And natural landscapes than a career.

It is worth noting that coal mining technologies do not stand in one place. If a hundred years ago primitive carts, picks and shovels were used to mine coal seams, now the latest technical machines and equipment (jackhammers, combines, augers, etc.) are used for the same purposes. In addition, completely developed and improved new way extraction - hydraulic. Its essence is this: a powerful jet of water crushes a layer of coal and carries it into a special chamber. From there, the rock is delivered directly to the factory for further beneficiation and processing.

Geography of world coal mining

Coal deposits are distributed more or less evenly around the world. Deposits of this resource are present on all continents of the planet. However, about 80% of all deposits are located in North America and post-Soviet countries. At the same time, a sixth of the world's coal reserves are contained in the subsoil of Russia.

The largest coal basins on the planet are the Pennsylvania and Appalachian (USA), Henshui and Fushun (China), Karaganda (Kazakhstan), Donetsk (Ukraine), Upper Silesian (Poland), Ruhr (Germany).

As of 2014, the top five leading coal mining countries in the world are: in the following way(percentage of global coal production is indicated in parentheses):

  1. China (46%).
  2. USA (11%).
  3. India (7.6%).
  4. Australia (6.0%).
  5. Indonesia (5.3%).

Problems and prospects of the coal industry

The main problem of the coal mining industry, of course, is environmental. Fossil coal contains mercury, cadmium and other heavy metals. When rock is extracted from the ground, it all ends up in the soil, atmospheric air, surface and underground waters.

In addition to the damage caused to the environment natural environment, the coal industry also poses enormous risks to human life and health. First of all, this concerns miners. Excessive air dust in closed mines can lead to such serious illnesses, such as silicosis or pneumoconiosis. We should not forget about the large number of tragedies that annually claim the lives of hundreds of coal industry workers around the world.

But, despite all the problems and dangers, humanity is unlikely to be able to abandon this fuel resource in the near future. Especially against the background of the rapid decline in oil and gas reserves in the world. Today, the coal mining industry is dominated by an increasing trend in anthracite production. In some countries (in particular, Russia, Turkey, Romania) the volume of brown coal production is growing.

Coal mining in Russia

Russia was first introduced to this mineral by Peter the Great. While relaxing on the banks of the Kalmius River, the king was shown a piece of black rock that burned beautifully. “If not for us, then for our descendants this mineral will be useful,” the sovereign rightly summed up then. The formation of the Russian coal industry took place in the first half of the 19th century.

Today, coal production in Russia amounts to over 300 million tons annually. In general, the depths of the country contain about 5% of the world's reserves of this fuel resource. The largest coal basins in Russia are Kansko-Achinsky, Pechora, Tungussky and Kuzbass. Over 90% of all the country's deposits are located in Siberia.

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Krasnoznamenny Siberian military district (Siberian Military District) - a disbanded operational-strategic territorial association of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Russian Armed Forces) previously - the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Imperial Army). Also called West Siberian Military District (ZapSibVO) And Omsk Military District. Existed from 1865 to 2010 with minor interruptions.

It was first formed by Decree of Emperor Alexander II as the West Siberian Military District in 1865. In 1998, as a result of the merger of the Trans-Baikal Military District and the Siberian Military District, a new military district was formed, which, legally being the successor to the Trans-Baikal Military District, was named Siberian Military District. In 2010, the Siberian Military District was disbanded, and its territory became part of the Central and Eastern Military Districts.

The district headquarters were at various times located in Omsk, Novosibirsk and Chita.

Formed in accordance with the Decree of Emperor Alexander II of August 6, 1865 under the name West Siberian Military District. It included the territories of the Tobolsk and Tomsk provinces and the Akmola and Semipalatinsk regions. The district headquarters was located in Omsk. In 1882 the district was renamed Omsk Military District with the annexation of the Semirechensk region to it.

In 1899 the district was renamed Siberian, the territory of the abolished Irkutsk Military District was annexed to it, the Semirechensk region was transferred to the Turkestan Military District. With the restoration of the Irkutsk Military District in 1906, the Siberian Military District was again renamed Omsk and restored to its previous territorial limits. The commander of the district troops simultaneously held the posts of Steppe (until 1882 - West Siberian) governor-general and ataman of the Siberian Cossack Army.

The district headquarters was in Omsk. In December 1920, the headquarters of the West Siberian Military District was merged with the headquarters of the Pom-Glavkom of the Armed Forces of the Republic for Siberia.

By order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic of May 8, 1922, the headquarters of the commander-in-chief was reorganized into the headquarters of the Siberian troops with a deployment in Novonikolaevsk, and the West Siberian Military District was also restored. The headquarters was initially located in Omsk, but already in August 1921 it was relocated to Novonikolaevsk. The district included the territories of Perm, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Tobolsk, Omsk, Altai, Novonikolaevsk and Tomsk provinces. In the first years after the Civil War, the district's troops were active fighting against peasant revolts (West Siberian uprising (1921-1922)) and criminal banditry that had become widespread.

In 1968, the Siberian Military District was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

In Soviet times, the founding date of the Siberian Military District was considered December 3, 1919, but by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 544 of November 26, 1993, the historical date of its formation was restored - August 6, 1865.

In July 1992, the territory of the Tyumen region (including the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug), which was transferred to the Ural Military District.

The 33rd Army Corps (3 motorized rifle divisions), 3 separate motorized rifle divisions, and formations of central and district subordination were stationed on its territory. Air cover was provided by the 14th Air Defense Army. The compounds included:

Until the transfer began in 1989-1990. equipment and weapons from Europe within the framework of the CFE Treaty being prepared for signing, there were approximately 80 thousand military personnel and about 2 thousand tanks in Siberia; 3.5 thousand armored vehicles; 22 thousand guns. This a large number of equipment against a relatively small number of military personnel is explained by the fact that the district, as in all years of its existence Russian state, was a source of mobilization reserves.

In the early 1990s. The composition of the district's troops has undergone significant changes.

So, the management of the 33rd army corps was disbanded in 1991, and the headquarters of the 28th Army Corps from the Central Group of Forces arrived in its place (the corps administration existed until 1998). The 13th, 62nd, 242nd motorized rifle divisions were reorganized respectively into the 5349th, 5352nd (at the same time, the storage base was relocated to Omsk, where it was disbanded in 1994) and the 5350th BHVT, the 56th - to 465th District The educational center(later disbanded) and the 74th Division disbanded.

In place of disbanded units from of Eastern Europe were withdrawn (Yurga, Kemerovo region) and (located near Omsk), reorganized respectively into the 74th Guards and 180th motorized rifle brigades (the latter in 1997 was reorganized into the 139th BKhVT). In 1993, based on parts derived from

Formed by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR No. 757/138 dated June 12, 1924, the Siberian Military District (SibVO) united all troops, institutions and establishments of the military department that were located on the territory of Siberia and Far East. With the formation of the Special Far Eastern Army by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR No. 227/41 of August 6, 1929, several formations and units of the Siberian Military District 1 became part of it.

From that time on, the Siberian Military District, which included the territories of the West Siberian Territory, the Oirot and Khakass Autonomous Regions, and the Krasnoyarsk Territory (since May 1935), became essentially an internal military district, having southern section only a narrow strip of the border with Mongolia and China. The 18th was sent from the Siberian Military District to Transbaikalia rifle corps, in the Amur region - the 19th Rifle Corps, the 21st Rifle Division was redeployed to Chita.

In the late 1920s - first half of the 1930s. On the territory of the Siberian Military District, new rifle, aviation, mechanized and other formations and units were formed, which significantly increased the combat power of the military district. As of January 1938, the Siberian Military District included the following formations: 71, 73, 78, 94th rifle divisions, 44, 102, 134th aviation brigades, as well as individual units and subunits: 42nd separate aviation detachment, 5- th separate battalion communications, 27th engineer battalion, 205th separate tank battalion, 6th separate battalion of local rifle troops, 2nd separate chemical company 2.

Since 1936, the 5th separate brigade from the Special Corps of Railway Troops. Of the military educational institutions of the Siberian Military District, the largest was the Omsk Military School. In addition to performing tasks in the interests of combat readiness, Siberian soldiers provided assistance national economy during the period of its restoration and reconstruction. The economic aspect of the mass purge campaign must be noted. The state of the economy remained the most vulnerable spot V Stalinist system. For several years, the party and the OGPU-NKVD methodically exterminated the “pests,” but the results did not live up to expectations. Massive accidents and production stoppages continued to occur at factories and mines, and workers died. For example, on coal mines In Kuzbass, as a result of countless accidents in 1935, 167 workers died, and the next year - another 162. Due to the high accident rate and the resulting stoppages of production, over half a million tons of coal were lost here annually. Failures in transport operations had a particularly painful impact on the economy. In 1935 and early 1936, the Tomsk railway was a hotbed of continuous disasters and congestion. Only because of the faulty track, up to 10 accidents and crashes occurred here every day. The depots were filled with frustrated steam locomotives, the commercial speed of trains dropped to 9 km/h, and on the Novosibirsk section it reached 2 km/h, 250 trains were abandoned on the tracks 3 .

Despite the introduction of the institution of commissioners and political departments with emergency rights, failures in the economy and industrial disasters inevitably recurred. A radical means that the country's political leadership has long possessed and could use if necessary is violence and the threat of its use. Reasons for launching a large-scale campaign political repression were prepared by the NKVD. As an example, we can cite a number of messages by N.I. Ezhova I.V. To Stalin: special message dated February 15, 1937 about the sabotage activities of foreign intelligence services in the West Siberian Territory 4, special message dated March 11, 1937 about the Trotskyist center in the West Siberian Territory 5, special message dated April 19, 1937 about a terrorist group scientific workers in the West Siberian region 6.

Naturally, all spheres of life of the departments, headquarters, troops and institutions of the Siberian Military District were also under the control of the NKVD. Special departments of the NKVD paid close attention to various kinds of counter-revolutionary manifestations on the part of military personnel. A review of the documents of official correspondence between the district command and the NKVD bodies indicates that in 1936, the head of the special department or his deputy periodically informed the command of the Siberian Military District about the revealed facts of this kind. Thus, in the “Special report on unhealthy and anti-Soviet reactions in parts of the Siberian Military District, in connection with the project new constitution USSR,” it was reported that individual military personnel tried to carry out counter-revolutionary agitation. For example, “Styk Yan Zofievich, super-conscript, platoon commander of the 213rd joint venture, previously expelled from the CPSU (b) stated: “Stalin is exalted everywhere, a lot of unnecessary things are written about Stalin...”. The joint has been arrested. Deputy head of the public organization, state security major Zalpeter. 3. 7. 36 " 7.

The reports of the special department, dated January-July 1936, mainly featured rear soldiers, wives of military personnel, and civilian employees, but from July information about the command staff began to flow more and more actively. For example, in one of the special reports, “cases of activation of those expelled from the party are noted, in particular, the commander of the tank company ORB 78 SD Seliverstov, in a conversation with the commanders, said: “When I signed up for previous loans, they told me that the bonds would be paid in 10 years, but now It turns out that you won’t get anything for them during your lifetime...” In the 213th regiment of the 71st SD, Lieutenant Kablukov, a member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, openly opposed the government’s resolution on a new loan: “I don’t need a loan at all... exchanging bonds from previous loans is a deception of the workers.” State Security Major Zalpeter. 3. 7. 36 " 8 .

Messages about individual representatives command- commanding staff indicate that they were under the surveillance of a special department for a long time. An example is one of the correspondence documents dated April 1936:

“Special message to the assistant battery commander of the 71st ap 71st rifle division, lieutenant Anatoly Dmitrievich Radsky. Assistant commander of the 71st Infantry Division, Lieutenant Radsky Anatoly Dmitrievich, born. 1906 harvest. Kiev, Russian, member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) since 1928, morally decayed, contacted the s/h (socially alien - author's note) element; noticed in counter-revolutionary manifestations, expresses terrorist views. To confirm this, we have the following verified facts: in April 1935, in a conversation with commanders about historical role leaders, expressed Trotskyist-terrorist sentiments: “Trotsky went down in history for a long time.” To the objection of one of the commanders, Radsky replied: “He thunders like a celebrity.” Reporting the above to the order, the SibVO OO, for its part, considers it necessary to raise the issue of Radsky’s removal from the ranks of the Red Army. Head of the NKVD and OO Siberian Military District Commissar of State Security 3rd Rank Karutsky. Assistant to the head of the Siberian Military District, state security captain Malyshev” 9.

During combat training of troops, special departments of the NKVD collected information about the mood of personnel, first of all - commanders. Thus, based on the results of bilateral exercises of the Siberian Military District troops, which were held from August 9 to 13, 1936 and were a serious test of their combat ability, a special department prepared a report about the “unhealthy moods” of some commanders. According to the NKVD, representatives of the command staff of the 213th Infantry Regiment of the 71st expressed their dissatisfaction with the conditions of service, even expressing readiness to desert from the Red Army. rifle division: commander of the 1st battalion, Captain Bakanov, chief of staff of the 3rd battalion, senior lieutenant Sukhanov, assistant chief of staff of the battalion, lieutenant Dorozhkin, platoon commander, lieutenant Mukomolov 10.

Special departments responded especially quickly to statements of a political nature that could be qualified as a manifestation of counter-revolutionary agitation among military personnel. As a rule, a message from the special department to the command of the Siberian Military District immediately followed, for example: “On August 26, 1936, Red Army soldier G.N. Seliverstov. made a statement and justification for the counter-revolutionary terrorist activities of the executed Zinoviev and others. Arrested and prosecuted under Art. 58 of the Criminal Code" 11.

On early stage mass political repressions (late 1936 - early 1937), the issue of the arrest of representatives of the command staff by the NKVD, as a rule, was agreed with the command. Thus, in a special message dated August 29, 1936, “On the counter-revolutionary Zinoviev activities of the doctor of the Novosibirsk district military hospital E.A. Goryunov, born in 1910, member of the Komsomol, graduated from the Military Medical Academy in 1934.” The commander of the Siberian Military District was informed: “... we have begun an investigation. Based on the above, we ask you to raise the issue of removing E.A. Goryunov. from the Red Army and about his immediate arrest... Head of the NKVD for 3SK Art. Major GB Kursky" 12.

Another example is the “Special report on the 1st rank quartermaster equipment of the Omsk United military school named after Frunze - G.A. Veshchev, born in 1909, head of the library,” which stated: “Veshchev is subject to arrest as a Trotskyist, we ask you to raise the issue with the NGO about Veshchev’s removal from the Red Army. Deputy Head of OOUGB UNKVD ZSK Art. Lieutenant GB Borovskikh" 13.

It should be noted that representatives of the NKVD showed persistence in seeking the arrest of the commanders. Repeated message from the special department dated November 13, 1936 regarding G.A. Veshchev was more categorical: “Please inform me what decision you made regarding the removal of the Trotskyist Veshchev from the Red Army” 14.

In a number of cases, representatives of the NKVD authorities insisted on the dismissal from the Red Army of a group of representatives of the command staff. For example, on November 13, 1936, the deputy head of the OOUGB Skripko addressed the commander of the Siberian Military District, corps commander Ya.P. Gaylit: “Please inform us what decision you made regarding the removal from the Red Army of the Trotskyist Aleksei Vasilyevich Pozhidaev, battalion commander of the 212th rifle regiment, and Pyotr Illarionovich Kozhevnikov, company commander of the 212th rifle regiment, expelled from the party for subversive activities in the regiment, which was revealed by the OO 71st rifle division in the camp period". A.V. Pozhidaev was dismissed from the Red Army. On February 6, 1937, he was arrested and 5 days later by the military tribunal of the Siberian Military District he was sentenced to 7 years in labor camp under Art. 193-17 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, while the charge under the political article was separated into separate proceedings. October 28, 1937 A.V. Pozhidaev was sentenced to death.

The following example - on November 15, 1936, the deputy head of the special department of the NKVD Directorate for the West Siberian Territory, senior lieutenant of state security Skripko, reported to the corps commander Ya.P. Gailit: “In September, a certificate of compromising materials on military personnel of political agencies of the Siberian Military District was reported to the deputy head of the SibVO divisional commissar Comrade Podarin:

1. Supyan Yakov Mendelevich, political instructor, head of the Tomsk DKA.

2. Nakhanovich Vladimir Leontievich, battalion commissar, head of the Novosibirsk DKA.

3. Selivanov Vladimir Semenovich, instructor of the PURKR for the purpose of dismissal of those listed from the Red Army. Please let us know what decision you have made regarding their continued stay in the army” 15.

On the document of the special department there is a resolution from Corps Commander Ya.P. Gailita: “Pomkomvoysk and Prokofiev. For consideration and clarification of the OO UGB UNKVD in accordance with the directive of Comrade Voroshilov 7488. (Signature - Gailit). 15.11.36." But subsequent messages from the special department contained demands for the dismissal of more and more representatives of the command staff, for example: Captain R.I. Miller, senior lieutenants I.I. Chasnitsky and Kh.P. Beletyuk, Lieutenant N.V. Khvan, military doctors E.A. Goryunova, Z.G. Gummerova, Ya.I. Roskin and others 16.

It is likely that the NKVD authorities were able to identify the general mood of the command staff and localize the spread of discontent by “removing from the Red Army” persons who were seen in anti-Soviet agitation. But it is unlikely that they were able to detect everyone expressing dissatisfaction with the political processes taking place in the country. For example, an employee of the Red Army newspaper “Voroshilovets” of the 71st Infantry Division, Lieutenant A.I. Ivanov, in a letter to his friends on January 20, 1937, expressed his attitude to what was happening in the country political processes: “I just read in Izvestia about the trial of K. Radek, Pyatakov, Sokolnikov and others. They were listed as spies, saboteurs, bandits. Try, our brother, to figure out what’s what... The role of a person who has nothing left to do but inflate his lungs to shout “hurray” and fold his hands, making claps to welcome the verdict according to which “villains” are killed, is pitiful. The masses decide everything - it’s just alcohol to stupefy many heads” 17.

Some researchers have suggested that “in Siberia, the “military cause” began to take the form of a huge conspiracy from the moment that in February 1937 the NKVD discovered a “gang of spies and Trotskyists” in the House of the Red Army of the Siberian Military District - the department of the political administration of the district. The “spies” turned out to be musicians from the DKA concert crew, who were invited to perform at the Japanese consulate in Novosibirsk” 18 .

However, the above facts indicate that the operational work to uncover groups of political conspirators in the Siberian Military District was carried out by a special department long before this, and the arrest of military personnel from the district DKA was only part of a large-scale action carried out by the NKVD.

The results of the investigation were used to accuse several leaders of the political department of the Siberian Military District, through whose fault “Trotskyist cadres” ended up in important ideological positions. “Compromising materials” indicated the responsibility of the head of the department of agitation, propaganda and press of the political department of the Siberian Military District, battalion commissar M.Ya. Yakovleva. At the request of the Secretary of the West Siberian Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) R.I. Eikhe, he was arrested on March 6, 1937. M.Ya. Yakovlev was sentenced to to the highest degree punishment on October 27, 1937, rehabilitated posthumously on November 28, 1956.

Archival documents of official correspondence indicate that in the spring of 1937 in the Siberian Military District the number of arrests of commanding officers sharply increased. On May 15, 1937, the deputy editor of the Krasnoarmeyskaya Zvezda newspaper, senior political instructor E.M., was arrested on charges that he hid material received by the editorial office that “exposed the enemies of the people.” Plost. In the district apparatus, some leading officials, mainly from among the heads of departments, were “exposed” and arrested as enemies of the people. There are 10 people in POOKR, 16 people in the headquarters and district departments. The following were removed and repressed from the leadership of formations and units: the commander of the 94th Infantry Division, Divisional Commander Chistyakov, the commander of the 134th Attack Aviation Brigade Epstein, the chief of the political department of the 134th Attack Aviation Brigade M.I. Sviridov, head of the political department of the 44th assault air brigade Denisov, head of the political department of the 78th rifle division A.S. Korobchenko, head of the political department of TAU S.M. Ageikin, Deputy Head of the Political Department of the 71st Infantry Division I.R. Shcherbina, Chief of Staff of the 71st Infantry Division A.A. Semyanov, Chief of Staff of the 71st Infantry Division G.V. Kondratyev, commander of the 233rd Infantry Regiment I.S. Gazukin, commander of the 233rd Infantry Regiment A.P. Upelnek, commander of the 73rd artillery regiment MM. Struselba and others.

According to the NKVD, organized counter-revolutionary activities covered, to one degree or another, almost all parts of the district. In some areas, the NKVD authorities discovered more compact centers of this activity, which was of a sabotage nature. For example, sabotage ammunition was discovered in the district warehouse; in the 212th Infantry Regiment - sabotage shooting of weapons; ... veterinarians destroyed the horse composition, ... disasters in the 4th squadron of the 102nd air brigade were organized by the enemy of the people, commander A.P. Artemyev and his spy wife, etc.

An analysis of the content of correspondence between the command of the Siberian Military District and the NKVD, dated October-December 1936, indicates that it was at the turn of 1936-1937. the process of political repression in the Siberian Military District began to intensify. During this period, activities special departments assumed an offensive character and came into conflict with the command of the military district, which operated within the framework of existing legislative norms, reserving the right to dismiss, and therefore arrest, representatives of the command staff.

From December 4, 1933 to May 15, 1937, the troops of the Siberian Military District were commanded by Gailit (Gailitis) Jan Petrovich. A participant in the First World War, a second lieutenant, he joined revolutionary movement in 1917, member of the Bolshevik Party since February 1918. During the years civil war commanded a brigade, division, and corps in Siberia. In 1923-1924. - Commander of the Siberian Military District troops, in the late 1920s - assistant commander of the Siberian Military District troops. Subsequently Ya.P. Gailit was the commander of the troops of the Caucasian Military District, deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Red Army, a student at the Frunze Academy, assistant to the commander of the Minsk fortified region, commander of the troops of the Ural Military District 19.

After 3.5 years of commanding the troops of the Siberian Military District, in May 1937 he was again appointed commander of the troops of the Urals Military District, but on August 15, 1937, he was arrested on charges of involvement in the “Latvian nationalist organization.” Transfer to another district and subsequent arrest of Ya.P. Gailita were links in one chain. The NKVD organs organized a case of a nationalist conspiracy in the Siberian Military District. In December 1937, the commissioner of the 102nd aviation fleet, senior political instructor K.Ya., was arrested. Fridrikson, chief of ammunition supply of the 218th Infantry Regiment, quartermaster 3rd rank A.Ya. Stoltser, head of the technical unit of the 102nd artillery regiment, military technician 1st rank V.Ya. Biksh, military instructor of the school F.F. Silko, physical education teacher Zh.P. Seglenek, student L.S. Moskvin. In January 1938, the commander of the 217th Infantry Regiment, Colonel Zh.K., was added to this group of arrested people. Tsaune. Those arrested in this case were accused of belonging to a counter-revolutionary Latvian nationalist organization, which allegedly existed in the troops of the Siberian Military District and was headed by the commander of the district troops, corps commander Ya.P. Gailite. Komkor Ya.P. Gailit was shot on August 1, 1938, rehabilitated posthumously on November 26, 1956.

From June 25, 1937 to June 2, 1938, the Siberian Military District was commanded by Corporal Commander Mikhail Antonovich Antonyuk. Participant in the First World War, lieutenant, after February revolution he joined the Bolsheviks, during the Civil War he commanded a battalion, regiment, brigade, and group of troops. M.A. Antonyuk graduated from the Academy of the General Staff of the Red Army and the Military Academy named after. Frunze, then commanded the formation. He served as commander of the Siberian Military District troops for about a year.

In a speech at a meeting of the Military Council of the USSR NGO on November 22, 1937, M.A. Antonyuk reported to K.E. Voroshilov and all those present: “In the Siberian Military District, as in other districts, enemies of the people, spies, and saboteurs have had a strong hand in undermining the combat effectiveness of the troops. There is not a single branch of work, Comrade People's Commissar, where there is no sabotage. The deeper you dig, the more you find and the sooner you live in practical work This is sabotage." He blamed the existing shortcomings on the former command of the Siberian Military District - the already arrested Gailit, Podarin, Prokofiev: “In the field of combat training, the enemies of the people Gailit, Podarin and others focused on failure to comply with orders 00105 and 0160 20 and on the disruption of interaction on the battlefield” 21.

Noting a number of shortcomings in the combat training of the district troops, complete absence Marxist-Leninist training, weak cohesion of headquarters, M.A. Antonyuk was forced to admit the low level of mobilization readiness of the Siberian Military District: “Having really dug into the mobilization readiness, I must say that in this matter we saw complete insecurity, especially in material terms, clothing and baggage.” The situation was especially bad, according to the commander, with ammunition, the reserves of which - several hundred thousand, including for Transbaikalia and the Far East - were stored in the Siberian Military District: “When we dug into the state of ammunition, I must say that here we saw complete insecurity... The enemies have created a situation where we cannot hit the target with a cannon. Those who were arrested in this case show that the same situation is in other districts. I ask you to check this situation in other districts 22.

In the speech of M.A. Antonyuk clearly had a desire to shift the blame for existing shortcomings in the state of combat training and mobilization readiness of troops to the previous command, and also to show himself in a favorable light as an irreconcilable fighter to eradicate these shortcomings.

It is of interest to analyze the content of district orders for the command staff of the Siberian Military District, signed by Commander M.A. Antonyuk during the period of active political repression in the second half of 1937. In total, from May 20 to December 27, 1937, 93 orders (No. 012-0104) were issued on the transfer of command and control personnel of the district, of which 35 orders were on promotion to vacant positions and 54 orders on the removal from office and dismissal of command and control personnel.

At the same time, arrests continued command staff garrisons and district headquarters workers. The heads of the district departments were arrested: the armored forces - I.I. Kuznetsov, air force - K.V. Maslov, artillery department M.O. Petrov, engineering troops A.I. Osipov, communications troops E.M. Grašinj, chemical forces A.M. Rone, commander of the 71st Infantry Division, brigade commander S.A. Ulasevich and his deputy brigade commissar M.M. Polyakov, regiment commanders P.K. Summer and S.D. Karpov, editor of the district newspaper A.A. Sokovikov and many others. As a result of the repressive policy, by the end of 1937, a tense situation with personnel had developed at the headquarters, in the directorates and departments of the Siberian Military District. According to Yu.A. Gorkov, “the troops of the entire Siberian Military District were commanded by a captain for a long time” 23.

This is not entirely true, but certain time(1-2 months) certain positions in the management and headquarters of the Siberian Military District, including the commander and chief of staff of the district, were temporarily filled by other military personnel. Thus, judging by the official correspondence, orders for the dismissal of command staff at the beginning of July 1937 were signed by: Siberian Military District commander M.A. Antonyuk, Chief of Staff of Divisional Commander I.Z. Zinoviev, for the member of the military council - divisional commissar G.F. Nevraev, who was then transferred to the ZabVO and arrested there. From mid-July until the end of 1937, orders for a member of the military council were signed by divisional commissar N.A. Jung. But the chief of staff of the Siberian Military District, division commander I.Z. Zinoviev was arrested on December 20, 1937 and executed six months later. Member of the Military Council of the Siberian Military District N.A. Jung was arrested on January 30, 1938. Documents last months 1937, were signed by the commander of the Siberian Military District M.A. Antonyuk, for a member of the military council - regimental commissar A.V. Shadrin, signed for the chief of staff “temporary. NS captain Smekhotvorov" 24.

After the arrest of M.A. Antonyuk, from July 17, 1938 to June 1941, the Siberian Military District was commanded by corps commander Kalinin Stepan Andrianovich. A participant in the First World War, a warrant officer, a member of the Bolshevik Party since 1917, he commanded a brigade during the Civil War. Graduated in 1922 Academic courses, in 1928 - advanced training courses for senior command personnel, then commanded a number of divisions, including the 73rd Rifle Division (Siberian Military District), and was deputy commander of the Kyiv Military District. It should be noted that political repression also affected S.A. Kalinina. Since March 1944, Lieutenant General S.A. Kalinin commanded the Kharkov Military District; on charges of anti-Soviet agitation, he was arrested on June 24, 1944 for attempting to objectively analyze the mass arrests in the army in 1937-1938. 25 and sentenced to prison 26.

With the development of the process of political repression, the command of the Siberian Military District lost the opportunity to influence the arrests carried out by the NKVD. At times, special departments unceremoniously intervened in the life of the military district, pursuing their own departmental interests. According to personnel authorities and military prosecutor's office, in 1937-1938. In the district troops, at least 1,050 representatives of the command and control personnel were dismissed for political reasons, of which 480 people were arrested. 250 commanders and superiors were shot and died in prison. The command and command staff of the Siberian Military District headquarters, commanders of formations and units suffered significantly.

Thus, during the period of political repression of 1937-1938. commanders of the Siberian Military District could not influence the expansion process political purge in the troops, because they themselves were removed from command and arrested (corps commander Y.P. Gailit, M.A. Antonyuk) or were forced to come to terms with the ongoing repressions in the army, realizing all its harmfulness (corps commander S.A. Kalinin). In fact, the command of the Siberian Military District turned out to be unable to counteract the arbitrariness committed by the NKVD in the troops. As a result, military command and control bodies, formations and units of the Siberian Military District suffered losses not only in the command and control personnel. The organization of command and control began to malfunction, there was a decline in discipline and organization, and the level of combat training and the political and moral state of the troops decreased. All this had an extremely negative impact on both the organization of the daily activities of the troops and the state of combat readiness of the Siberian Military District.



1 Factory Yu.A. Siberian Shield (the formation of the Siberian army and military leaders of Siberia). - Novosibirsk. State enterprise

"Novosibirsk Printing Plant". 2001.- pp. 101-103.

2 RGVA. F. 25893. Op. 1. D. 1668. L. 6.

3 Quoted by: Papkov S.A. Stalin's terror in Siberia. 1928-1941. - Novosibirsk: Publishing house. Siberian branch RAS, 1997.

4 AP RF. F. 3. Op. 58. D. 250. L. 98-102.

5 Ibid. Op. 24. D. 295. L. 167-180.

6 Ibid. D. 301. L. 178-180.

7 RGVA. F. 25893. Op. 1. D. 1665. L. 98.

8 Ibid. L. 107.

9 Ibid. L. 59-61.

10 Ibid. L. 112-114.

11 Ibid. L. 135-136.

12 Ibid. L. 155.

13 Ibid. L. 170-171.

14 Ibid. L. 212.

15 Ibid. L. 207.

16 Ibid. L. 209-213.

17 Souvenirs O.F. The tragedy of the Red Army 1937-1938. - M.: TERRA, 1998. - P. 56-57.

18 Papkov S.A. Stalin's terror in Siberia. 1928-1941. - Novosibirsk: Publishing house. Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1997. - P. 194.

19 Factory Yu.A. Siberian Shield (the formation of the Siberian army and military leaders of Siberia). – Novosibirsk: State enterprise

"Novosibirsk Printing Plant", 2001. - pp. 183-185.

20 This refers to the orders of the NCO of the USSR dated November 3, 1936: 0106 “Instructions for special and tactical training Ground Forces"; 00105 "About

results of combat training for 1936 and tasks for 1937.”

21 RGVA. F. 4. Op. 18. D. 54. L. 161.

22 Ibid. L. 165-166.

23 Gorkov Yu. A.. The Kremlin. Bid. General Staff. - Tver. 1995. - P. 16.

24 RGVA. F. 25893. Op. 1. D. 881. L. 4-12.

25 Quoted. by: Souvenirov O.F. The tragedy of the Red Army 1937-1938. - M.: TERRA, 1998. - P. 401.

26 Kuznetsov I.I. Marshals, generals and admirals in 1940. - Irkutsk: East Siberian Publishing Company, 2000. - P. 168.

Rewards are being reduced." On October 1, 1998, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed commander of the Siberian Military District. Nikolai Viktorovich was born on March 14, 1946 in Omsk. After graduating from an 11-year high school, he entered the Omsk Frunze Combined Arms School. Having completed his studies in 1969, was sent to the Siberian Military District. Served in Novosibirsk, began as a platoon commander, then as a company commander. Served in Western group Soviet troops in Germany as a battalion commander, subsequently - deputy regiment commander. From Germany he returned to the Siberian Military District, where he was a regiment commander, then commander of a training division in Omsk. He continued his service in the Turkestan Military District as commander of the army corps. Then - army commander in the Far Eastern Military District. Next step career growth- Deputy Commander, and then - Commander of the Trans-Baikal Military District. Graduated in 1978 military academy named after Frunze, in 1990 - the Academy of the General Staff. During service awarded with orders Red Star, "For Military Merit", 10 medals. He has the military rank of Colonel General. Married, two children, two grandchildren. Nikolai Kormiltsev, commander of the Siberian Military District: During the years of the post-Soviet collapse, the Russian army was regularly reduced and financed worse and worse. Demilitarization was not easy for the military, who were accustomed in Soviet times to not be denied anything. With the end of the confrontation between the two systems, the need to maintain a huge army disappeared, however, as usual, they almost threw out the baby with the bathwater. The authority of the armed forces, in which officers had not received salaries for months and regularly lacked money for essentials, was steadily declining. Even metal has a margin of safety, let alone people, which is why in our state Lately It seems that the attitude towards the Russian army began to change - the salaries of the military were slightly increased, the powers that be began to solve the most painful issues of the armed forces. Last fall, the Siberian and Transbaikal military districts were united. About what this merger gave, and about the pressing problems of the army, including the Omsk military, a conversation took place with the commander of the united Siberian military district Nikolai KORMILTSEV, who came on vacation to his hometown. - Nikolai Viktorovich, it will soon be a year since you headed the Siberian Military District. What caused the merger of the two territorial large districts in one and what results did it give? - The unification of the Siberian Military District and the Western Military District into one military district was caused by the need to optimize the command and control structures of the Russian Armed Forces. We were the first to start this process, and in the near future there will be a unification of the Ural and Volga military districts. Based on the military tasks that the Siberian Military District solves, which is, first of all, covering the Russian-Chinese border), the district headquarters is located in Chita, because that is where the main troops are located. The territory of the Siberian Military District is truly huge; suffice it to say that the district is located in four time zones. Combat formations, which were part of the former Siberian Military District, were united into an army - this composition is quite sufficient for Siberia. More than 400 generals and officers previously served at the district headquarters; now much less is required for management. No need to hold big army near the border with Kazakhstan, because we count on it as a normal neighbor. According to the agreement, the Kazakh armed forces play an important role in protecting Russia’s borders. First of all, the unification resulted in the fact that the workload on officers and generals in the district administration doubled. And this is correct, because the state simply does not have the ability to maintain a large army, and the degree of external threat is decreasing. Now the minimum required peacetime troops remain in the Siberian Military District. The issues of personnel reductions have been completely completed; the composition of military units stationed in the Omsk region will no longer undergo changes. - In connection with the withdrawal of troops from Omsk, individual military facilities are only partially used, such as, for example, the Severny airport. And after the air defense units left the military camps, philistine conversations began to spread that our city was left without reliable cover. By the way, what caused the haste with which military camps were left unguarded, since many of them were looted and destroyed after the missilemen left? - As for the safety of Omsk residents, it is guaranteed by the Air Force and Air Defense Army, located on the territory of the Siberian Military District; it has quite enough forces to maneuver. After all, we won’t be at war with the whole world at the same time. Those air defense units that were based in Omsk had outdated technology and they simply could not play any serious role in ensuring security. Indeed, after the departure of the fighter aviation regiment, the Severny military airport is far from being fully loaded. This airport is intended to be used for the relocation of aviation from other areas and as a reserve airport during wartime. Now regarding the looted military camps. Agreements were concluded between the command of the Siberian Military District and the administration of the Omsk region on the liberated military camps. We left them unguarded for the agreed period of time, after which they were to be received and protected by the civil authorities. If they did not do this, then the military is not to blame. - In Omsk, many military installations are located in the city center. There is no need to talk about any secrecy in these territories, because everything that happens there is clearly visible from nearby high-rise buildings. Is it expected that Omsk military camps will be demilitarized and transferred civil authorities? - The issue of transferring the Omsk Regional Military Commissariat from its current premises to the former military camp of the combined arms school opposite the Concert Hall has been resolved. And the regional military prosecutor's office will move to the commissariat building on Partizanskaya Street. In the military town on Marx Ave., part of the premises will remain with the Omsk Cadet Corps; one of the buildings will house a branch of the Omsk branch Russian Academy Sci. The remaining buildings will be leased to commercial structures by Omsk KECH in order to earn at least a little additional funds for strengthening material base and renovation of buildings. An agreement was concluded with the municipality of the relative 16th military town, located behind the circus. The territory of this town is transferred to the city administration for housing construction; according to the agreement, 20% of the apartments in the constructed houses will be allocated to military personnel. We sued for the return of all the objects of the former Omsk military department of trade, in which bankruptcy proceedings were initiated, all property was returned. The military prosecutor's office is investigating the illegal sale of a military department store. A new trade department is being created on the basis of the garrison consumer services plant. Quite a few strange things happened during the bankruptcy of our sales department. Almost all the property was sold by the arbitration manager Evgeniy Zakharchenko, but the debts to the creditors were practically not returned, and all the money went to no one knows where. The military are ready to dispose of their property themselves and pay off their debts. Thus, the territory of former military warehouses on the street. Frunze, 1 will also be used for housing construction, which will help raise considerable funds. - Previously, KV published lists of the largest debtors of Omsk energy companies, in which Omsk KEC occupied one of the first places. What happens, the military takes advantage of the fact that they cannot be turned off by presidential decree and does not pay for utilities? - If it were up to me, I would pay off the energy bills first. But the government does not allocate money for utility bills. True, a settlement was recently carried out between RAO UES and the Pension Fund for 41 million rubles. This amount was distributed to partially repay debts for electricity and heat throughout the district, a certain part went to Omskenergo. I hope that money will still be allocated to pay for utilities; I’m already tired of fighting off utility companies who rightly demand that the military pay their bills. - According to the well-known presidential decree, from 2000 the Russian army should be formed on professional basis. According to many, this will make it possible to get rid of the long-term plague of the Russian armed forces - hazing. What do you think about it? - The army has long been ready to transition to a professional basis, but the state simply does not have the funds to maintain a professional army. So this transition is a matter of the future, although starting from next year, in each district several divisions will be formed on a professional basis. Our army is no worse than the American one, which is both professional and exists in greenhouse conditions. While there are fans in the Russian army who, even if they do not receive their salaries on time, perform their duties in an exemplary manner, but you cannot last long on sheer enthusiasm. It is very correct that officers began to be paid more - many people straightened their shoulders. Now, as for hazing, this ugly phenomenon comes into the army from civilian life. If chaos reigns in the state, then everything cannot be in order in the army. Every year people who are at odds with the law are drafted into the army, so they bring thieves' orders into the army environment. In our district this year, recruits with previous convictions were not accepted into combat units. Yes, in combat units there is not at all the same level of hazing as in auxiliary units. If a soldier is exhausted during the day, he has no time for hazing. The main percentage of hazing comes from the construction battalion and railway wax, which are not part of the Ministry of Defense. But all is not lost; the military body is still more or less healthy. For example, they recently sent a battalion to Dagestan, they offered to go at will - not a single person refused. Of course, they pay much more there than in other places, but this is how it should be - there is a real war going on there. In general, the situation in the Caucasus can change for the worse in a matter of days, we must be prepared for this. It is necessary to arm the Stavropol and Kuban Cossacks so that they can support regular army. - Recently a cadet corps opened in Omsk. Aren't you sorry, a graduate of the Omsk General Military School, that your alma mater ceased to exist? Was there really nothing that could have been done? “I sent papers to the Minister of Defense several times justifying the need to preserve the Omsk school. Together with Governor Leonid Polezhaev, we defended the school to the last. But they played the main role economic forces. The material and technical base of the Omsk school was hopelessly outdated; all premises required major renovation. When they started to calculate how much money needed to be invested, they decided that it would be easier to close and leave the Novosibirsk Military School, which does not require capital investments. I think that the almost 200-year-old traditions of the Omsk school are more valuable than the new buildings of the Novosibirsk school, but the management decided otherwise. It’s good that the school was left in the ownership of the Armed Forces and a cadet corps was created on its basis. After all, in Krasnoyarsk, Achinsk, Barnaul, military schools have been completely liquidated. But in Tomsk, a military medical institute was organized on the basis of a closed school. The process of reorganization of the Russian Army often leads to the fact that graduates of some schools simply do not have a place in the active army. This year, over the course of two months, 160 pilots and technicians were retrained at the Omsk Tank Institute and in Chita to become officer educators. Perhaps over time we will try to revive the Omsk Combined Arms School, one of the oldest in the country. But so far there are neither funds nor opportunities for this. - Well, finally, I want to ask you: what are your hobbies, how did you see your hometown, which you haven’t been to for a long time, what plans do you make after completing military service? - There is practically no time left for hobbies, work takes up almost everything, the opportunity to relax is extremely rare. Well, in general, I really love the forest, mushrooms, fishing, especially winter, ice fishing. Omsk makes me very happy, the appearance of which is constantly changing in better side. Housing is still being built in the city, and industry is showing signs of life. But in Eastern Siberia everything is falling into disrepair Agriculture generally completely collapsed. As for plans after completing my service, I’m not making much of them yet, I hope that I will be useful to the Armed Forces for a long time. The only thing I know for sure is that after the service I will not go into politics. In general, I have a negative attitude towards military personnel who go into politics. Although, in fairness, I would like to note that the same Alexander Lebed in Krasnoyarsk managed to achieve an improvement in the situation, and Lebed Jr. did a lot of good in Khakassia. In general, I would like to see the promised housing finally begin to be built for the military, because it’s simply painful to look at officers who have not had their own corner for many years. Andrey KOLOMIETS.

A text dedicated to the Siberian Military District (Siberian Military District), from 1924 to 1941, has been discovered. The information contained in the text is of interest due to a certain attitude towards the fate of Stepan Ivanovich KARAGODIN.

Note that we are interested in the period 1936 - 1937 in Tomsk.


  • The text mentions persons (names or positions) from Stepan Ivanovich KARAGODINA.
  • The text sheds light on the structure of interaction between the Red Army and the NKVD in Western Siberia; Novosibirsk, Tomsk, etc.
  • (native son of S.I. KARAGODINA) – passed conscript service in the NKVD troops (area of ​​the village of Asino, Tomsk region, guarded the railway, narrow-gauge railway)
  • (native son of S.I. KARAGODINA) – served in the Red Army (region of the “Red” (Kolchak) barracks in Tomsk, in 2016 the area is known as the “northern town”) // 278 SD (Northern town, Tomsk ) [service from April 1936 to December 1939] (clerk, cadet, sergeant major) // [see. Kuzma's memories of: 1) coming from the direction of the prison (); 2) [see – head of the Tomsk GO NKVD NSO USSR, captain of state security of the USSR (KARAGODINA S.I.]; 3) evidence of how after the arrest of KARAGODINA S.I. in 1937 Kuzma reported this to his commander in the military unit [see. – investigator (lieutenant), employee of the NKVD for the USSR (in).


Special department of the GUGB NKVD of the USSR for the Siberian Military District

The Siberian Military District (SibVO), formed by order of the RVS of the USSR No. 757/138 dated June 12, 1924, united all the troops, institutions and establishments of the military department that were located on the territory of the West Siberian Territory (by 1937 it included the territory of the present Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Tomsk regions, Altai Territory and the Altai Republic), Oirot and Khakass Autonomous Regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory (since May 1935).

The district headquarters was located in Novosibirsk.

As of January 1938, the Siberian Military District included the following formations: 71, 73, 78, 94th rifle divisions, 44, 102, 134th aviation brigades, as well as individual units and subunits: 42nd separate aviation detachment, 55 and 56th separate motor battalions, 5th separate communications battalion, 27th engineer battalion, 205th separate tank battalion, 6th separate battalion of local rifle troops, 15th, 172nd and 175th construction battalions, 2nd separate chemical company, Novosibirsk district hospital, military stores, military warehouses, mobilization districts.

Since 1936, the 5th separate brigade from the Special Corps of Railway Troops was stationed on the territory of the military district.

Personnel training was carried out by the military - educational establishments- Omsk and Novosibirsk infantry schools, Biysk infantry advanced training courses for command personnel, Tomsk rifle and machine gun advanced training courses for command personnel, Novosibirsk Military-Political School, Novosibirsk and Omsk military pilot schools, Tomsk Artillery School.

From December 4, 1933 to May 15, 1937, the troops of the Siberian Military District were commanded by the corps commander, from June 25, 1937 to June 2, 1938 by the corps commander,

The Directorate of the NKVD of the USSR for the West Siberian Territory (UNKVD for ZSK) was formed by NKVD Order No. 001 dated July 13, 1934. It included the Directorate state security– UGB (secret political (SPO), economic (ECO), transport (TO), special (OO), operational, prison, accounting and statistical departments, etc.), Department of forced labor camps and colonies ( UITLC), Department of Special Settlements (OSP), Department of Border and internal troops(UPVO), inspection of mobilization reserves, field communications, police, fire protection, Highway Construction Department, archives, registry offices.

The Special Department of the UGB UNKVD ZSK carried out tasks to combat intelligence and subversive activities of the special services foreign countries, including in units and formations of the Siberian Military District.

The Special Department of the GUGB NKVD for the Siberian Military District was entrusted with the operational management of military counterintelligence bodies, which carried out tasks to ensure the security of troops and institutions that were part of the district. The main tasks were to monitor the activities of the command staff, compliance with the secrecy regime, the state of combat training, and the availability of material and technical supplies.

The Army Special Departments devoted a fair portion of their efforts to studying political sentiments in the troops, which, in turn, were a consequence of deficiencies in supplying the Red Army with food and all necessary materials, which often led to counter-revolutionary manifestations.

A paradoxical situation arose when three KGB units were working in the army at once - military counterintelligence officers, territorial special officers and employees of the secret political department.

A single apparatus was formed: OO GUGB NKVD for the Siberian Military District - OO UGB UNKVD ZSK. The head of the PA of the military districts was also appointed as the head of the local NKVD, where the district headquarters was located. The heads of the OO GUGB NKVD Siberian Military District, as a rule, were appointed from among the assistants to the head of the NKVD ZSK. Factual Guide daily activities was carried out by the deputy head of the OO GUGB NKVD Siberian Military District.

In its work, the Siberian Military District interacted with the command and political bodies of the military district. Issues of military discipline were constantly in his field of vision; information about shortcomings in the organization of combat training of units was regularly sent to the district command.

Heads of the NKVD ZSK: Art. Major GB Alekseev N.N.(07.1934 - 01.1935), GB Commissioner 3rd rank Karutsky V.A.(01.1935 - 07.1936), GB Commissioner 3rd rank (07.1936 - 11.1936), (08.1937 - 10.1937).

In April 1935, Art. Lieutenant GB Barkovsky (Shashkov) A.N., at the same time, the head of the OO UGB NKVD ZSK captain GB arrived from Stalingrad N.D. Peak [Peak Nikolay Dmitrievich, Born 1901...1936

In the period from 23.01. – 07/06/37, the head of the GUGB NKVD Siberian Military District was a GB major Podolsky M.M. ["PODOLSKY M.M.- GB major, in the Cheka-GPU-NKVD since 1921: in 1932-1934. assistant to the head of the Tomsk operational sector of the OGPU and the special department of the OGPU of the 78th Infantry Division, then head of the Tomsk operational sector of the OGPU; in 1934-1935 head of the Tomsk sector of the NKVD (Tomsk GO NKVD); in 10.1936-1.1937 Assistant Head of the NKVD for the West Siberian Territory.; on July 1, 1937 head of the 5th (OO) department of the State Security Directorate of the NKVD for ZSK and deputy head of the OO GUGB NKVD of the Siberian Military District, at the same time. Assistant Head of the NKVD for ZSK; in May-July 1937, head of the KRO and assistant head of the NKVD of the Saratov region; since July 1937 until May 1938, assistant chief of the 2nd department of the GUGB NKVD SSR. Not rehabilitated." – website]

KOLOMYTS Pavel Fedorovich – head of the Special Department of the Siberian Military District.

Barkovsky was replaced as deputy head of the Special Department of the GUGB NKVD Siberian Military District by a GB captain, who on December 7, 1937 sent a report to the NKVD of the USSR that “in the practice of investigative work of the NKVD and the Special Department of the NKVD Siberian Military District, along with successes in exposing enemies of the people, the directives of the Central Committee are distorted, have place of crime. There is fabrication of interrogation protocols..." and asked to "send here a responsible comrade who can expose the existing perversions." He was arrested on December 23, 1937 and six months later sentenced to 20 years in labor camp (released in 1940).

During the massive political repressions of 1937–1938. in the Siberian Military District, according to personnel authorities and the military prosecutor’s office, at least 1,000 representatives of the command staff were dismissed for political reasons from the district’s troops, of which at least 541 people were arrested. At least 310 commanders and superiors were shot and died in prison. (According to calculations by Milbach V.S.)

By NKVD Order No. 00362 of June 9, 1938, independent military districts and fleets were organized. At the same time, the 5th departments (DO) of the UGB of the territorial bodies of the NKVD were abolished. Thus, peripheral military counterintelligence bodies began to report directly (bypassing the local NKVD-UNKVD) to the Directorate of Special Departments of the NKVD, and from September 1938 to the 4th Department of the GUGB NKVD of the USSR.
In August 1938, by order of the NKVD of the USSR, the staff of the Siberian Military District was approved.

With the release of the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of November 17, 1938, “On arrests, prosecutorial supervision and investigations,” the scale of repressions decreased, and there was a tendency toward the restoration of legality, which led to the revision of a number of political cases and the release of many military personnel of the Siberian Military District .

For falsification of investigative materials, physical impact some of the employees were convicted as persons under investigation - Barkovsky A.N., fired Akimov M.M., Likholatnikov M.A., Slitsan B.Ya., Tsiunchik P.S., Chuiko V.Ya. and etc.