Distinctive signs of the state. What is the symbol of the state? Symbol of the formation of a unified Moscow state

The symbol of any state expresses the sovereignty of the country and the unity of the people. It not only acts as a source of national pride, but also has practical significance. The symbol of the state is placed on banknotes, coins, letterheads, seals and other places where it is necessary.

World practice

In every country, at one time or another historical period, the question of state symbols inevitably arose. The insignia of countries should represent sovereignty, regardless of the change of dynasties and governments. In states where the monarchical form of government has been preserved, symbols have not changed since ancient times. Such countries, for example, include Spain, Denmark, Luxembourg, and the UK. A number of republics do the same: Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and so on. However, there are also countries in which monarchical symbols are not used on principle. So, for example, in Italy and France it has been replaced by a new, more modern one.

Names of state symbols

In the Russian Federation there are three main signs:

  • Coat of arms.
  • Hymn.
  • Flag.

The symbol of the state must have official status. This means that it must not only be generally known, but also approved at the government level. For example, what is not a symbol of the state at the official level? Everyone knows the Volga River. It can act as a symbol of the state, but at the national level. Or, for example, the Kremlin. Its image can be found quite often, but it is not used on official documents or international treaties. The same applies to other countries. For example, on the coins of France a female figure is depicted, personifying the state. Another traditional sign of this country is the Gallic rooster. The clover leaf is a famous symbol of Ireland. The Eiffel Tower, the Colosseum, the Tower Bridge, and the Congress building in America are also considered national symbols.

Symbol of the formation of a unified Moscow state

After the division of Kievan Rus, a conglomerate of independent principalities was formed. They did not have their own symbols. Nevertheless, the princes used a certain set of images on coins and seals. These signs were designed to exalt their power and authority. Most often these were images of animals: lions, griffins, eagles, and so on. Church symbols were also quite common at that time. One could often find images of Christ, various saints, the Mother of God, and the cross.

From the end of the 15th century, the active formation of a single centralized state began. In this regard, the need arose to create a new symbol. It was supposed to, first of all, reflect the unity of the country, and also personify the power of the Great Prince of Moscow, who was called the Tsar from 1547. The double-headed eagle became such a sign in that distant time. It was first used in 1497 and was present on the seal of Ivan the Third. After the reforms of Peter, who first proclaimed himself emperor, other symbols of the Moscow state appeared. The appearance of the eagle, as well as its color, was slightly changed. Subsequently, it was periodically refined. Peter introduced naval and merchant flags for the first time. They existed until the Revolution of 1917. The country’s coat of arms, the double-headed eagle, also survived until the arrival of the Bolsheviks.

The Bolsheviks who came to power tried with all their might to emphasize the break with the past, with all the attributes of the monarchical system. This also affected heraldry. In this regard, in the USSR, not a single symbol of the state had any connection with previous signs. The emblems of labor became distinctive signs: ears of corn, hammer and sickle. The state flag turned red and featured a five-pointed star, symbolizing the victory of communism on all five continents. After the collapse of the Union, the question of the country's distinctive signs arose again. As a result, the previous symbols of the Russian state returned - a white-blue-red banner and a coat of arms with an image of an eagle. For the latter, only the colors have changed.

Coat of arms

All symbols of the Russian state have a certain meaning. This also applies to the country's coat of arms. First of all, it should be said that this identification sign is compiled in accordance with certain heraldic rules. This state symbol is a combination of shapes and colors. The coat of arms performs the function of identifying the country using visual means. Simply put, this symbol of the state has the same purpose as the name. Only the latter is a speech form, and the coat of arms is a figurative form.

The legislative framework

The Constitution is the main regulatory document in the Russian Federation. It establishes that there are certain symbols of the Russian state. These, in particular, include the coat of arms. The law sets the rules for the use of this symbol. In fulfillment of the norms that are provided for in the constitutional provision on the emblem of the country, various legal acts - Federal regulations, Orders and Decrees of the President, decisions of federal bodies regulate and clarify various issues regarding the use of the state emblem and its protection. Modern legislation on this symbol has existed since 1993. Throughout the entire period of its existence, it is constantly supplemented and improved.


The flag of a state is a material sign. It looks like a piece of fabric or other material that can flutter in the wind. The flag has a specific shape and color. In the Russian Federation, a combination of three colors is used - white, blue and red. They are depicted with horizontal stripes. A distinctive feature of the flag is that it is intended for use in open space and must be recognized from a considerable distance.

Historical reference

After elections of people's deputies were held in March 1990, the Democratic Russia movement formed a Commission. She prepared draft proposals for constitutional amendments and a Declaration of Sovereignty. Among the proposed adjustments was a change in the national flag. In the new edition of Art. 181 it was assumed that it would be a three-color panel with horizontal stripes of equal width: scarlet for the bottom, blue for the middle, white for the top. However, these amendments were not adopted at the Congress. By a majority vote, the deputies decided to remove the new flags installed on the desks of some people's representatives. In the press at that time they were called “royal symbols.”

In November 1990, the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution on the organization of work on the formation of new symbols of the country. This task was assigned to the Committee on Archival Affairs. Based on the results of consideration of the proposals, it was recommended to restore the tricolor panel. However, it was decided to postpone the introduction of the bills to the Supreme Court until the end of the presidential election campaign. Accordingly, during July and August 1991, the proposed description of the Russian flag - a white-blue-red banner - was included in the draft of the new Constitution.

Regulatory framework

The main legislative acts on the state flag of the Russian Federation are the Constitution and the Federal Law. They approve it and establish the procedure for its use. As in the case of the coat of arms, legislation has existed since 1991 and has been supplemented and improved throughout the entire period.


It represents the musical symbol of the state. The melody and words are inextricably linked with the socio-political system of the country. It is intended for identification by musical means. The anthem occupies a special place in the system of symbols of the country. It is considered the most accessible to the population and the most understandable sign. It is not always possible to use a coat of arms or flag; the name of the country sounds differently in different languages. The anthem is always in a person’s memory, he knows and remembers the melody and words. If it is necessary to demonstrate nationality, a citizen can do this by singing the national anthem.


The main normative documents that regulate the use and protection of the anthem are the provisions of the Constitution and the relevant Federal law. Various legal acts, including Decrees and Orders of the President, Government Decrees and other regulations, clarify and regulate all issues relating to the anthem, as well as its protection.

Target : .



Class hour

for National Unity Day in grade 2B

Teacher: T.I. Malneva

Relevance : Civic-patriotic education today is one of the most important links in the system of educational work. It is very important to start instilling in a child a love for the Motherland, country, and people from early childhood.

Description of work : The material is intended for classroom teaching in elementary school; application in educational work.
Target : Education of a humane, spiritual and moral personality, worthy future citizens of Russia, patriots of their Fatherland.
Tasks: Contribute to the formation of the right attitude of children towards their country. Foster respect for Russia's cultural past. To consolidate children's knowledge about the state symbols of the country.

Progress of the event:


- Guys, on November 4, all of Russia celebrates the holiday “National Unity Day”.

What do you know about this day? Maybe you heard it from adults, or watched it on TV, or read it on the Internet? (children's answers)


Teacher: This holiday is very young, but not a newly invented, but a restored holiday. It has a very ancient history. I want to tell it to you.
It all started 400 years ago, in the 17th century. Then a terrible time began in Rus', which was called the Troubles (everything was mixed up, nothing could be understood). There was no king in the country, the laws were not respected. The traitorous boyars (notable rich people) took advantage of this. They wanted to become even richer by selling their homeland to their enemies (the Poles). The Poles wanted to take over our country and make it part of their state.
At that time, the merchant Minin lived in Nizhny Novgorod. He was an honest and respectable man and the people elected him as the mayor of the city. Minin urged the people to “stand for the faith, for the Fatherland.” Residents of Nizhny Novgorod began to get together and decide where to get people and funds to fight their enemies. On Minin’s advice, people began to give “third money”, i.e. a third part of the property for equipping the army. On his advice, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky was chosen as the leader of the army.


Soon other cities joined the Novgorodians. The entire Russian land stood up against the invaders and traitors and in October 1612. Moscow was cleared of Poles. People restored state power, elected a king and transferred power to him.


Teacher: In Moscow, on Red Square, in honor of the victory over the Poles, a bronze monument to Minin and Pozharsky was erected so that people would not forget and honor the heroes of their country.


Teacher: It is in honor of this event that National Unity Day is celebrated.
400 years have passed, during which time different countries tried many times to conquer Russia, but they failed, all people stood up to defend their country.
Our country is multinational, more than 180 nationalities live in Russia and each has its own customs, fairy tales and songs. But we all have one big, united Motherland, Russia!


Teacher: Let's remember what we already know about our Motherland, about the symbolism of Russia. Our country is called…….Russia, the Russian Federation.

How does one country differ from another? …..They differ in the language the people speak, their symbols, history, customs, traditions, and geographical location.

What are the symbols of a country?..... these are distinctive signs with the help of which one can understand belonging to a country.

Name the main symbols of our country......(coat of arms, flag, anthem).
Coat of arms - This is the emblem of the state, it is depicted on seals, passports, banknotes, and documents. Our Russian coat of arms depicts a double-headed golden eagle against the background of the Russian flag. The eagle is a symbol of the sun, heavenly power, fire and immortality. This is a very ancient coat of arms. It appeared 500 years ago.

Russian flag - This is a three-color cloth with white, blue and red stripes.
What do the white, blue, and red colors of the Russian flag symbolize? There are different versions.
Version 1 is the unity of sea, earth and sky.
Version 2 is a commonwealth of three Slavic peoples.
Version 3 – white – faith, purity; blue – sky, nobility, loyalty; red - heroism, courage, courage.
Version 4 - white is faith, blue is hope, and red is love.

Anthem of the Russian Federation- a symbol of our state. Who is the author of words and music?
The music of the anthem was invented by the composer Alexandrov, and the words by the poet Sergei Mikhalkov.
And Sergei Mikhalkov also wrote a lot of poems for children, you know them well (children remember the works of S.V. Mikhalkov: “Uncle Styopa”, “What about you?”, “Foma”, “My friend and I”, etc.) .
People have long loved proud and bold songs. Already the ancient peoples had solemn chants. They glorified the beauty of their native land, its wealth, and the exploits of heroes.

When does the anthem play? …..(When meeting distinguished guests, at ceremonial meetings, in honor of athletes - winners of competitions).
You already know the words to the Russian anthem. We fulfill it…..(answers)


Teacher: Each country has, in addition to symbols, a main city - the capital of the state. Name the capital of Russia (Moscow).

Summary and reflection:

Guys, today we talked about National Unity Day, about our Motherland - Russia, about the state symbols of the Russian state. I hope that you will always love and be proud of our Motherland and when you grow up, glorify it with your deeds. Russia will always be proud of you.

On Unity Day we will be close,
We'll be together forever
All nationalities of Russia
In distant villages and cities!
Live, work, build together,
Sowing grain, raising children,
Create, love and argue,
Protect people's peace
To honor our ancestors, to remember their deeds,
Avoid wars and conflicts,
To fill your life with happiness,
To sleep under a peaceful sky!
(Natalia Maidanik)

Creative work (propaganda leaflet “As long as we are united, we are invincible”)


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In society, every person has a first and last name, and every state has its own symbols: coat of arms, anthem and flag. Together they represent sovereignty
states. The coat of arms and flag are visual distinctive signs to designate the territory of a state, the territory of a district, a city, or a settlement. The state emblem is the official emblem of the state, depicted on banknotes, seals, one of the main state symbols of Russia along with the flag and anthem. The coat of arms and flag represent the territorial-political entity, and the anthem represents the power and values ​​of a particular state.

Just imagine that the first state emblem of Russia appeared at the end of the 15th century, the first flag - in the 18th century, and the first national anthem - in the 19th century.
The first double-headed eagle as a state emblem was on the seal of John III Vasilyevich on the exchange charter of 1497. On the front side of the seal there was an image of a horseman slaying a serpent with a spear. The reverse side of the seal depicted a double-headed eagle with outstretched wings and two crowns above its heads. The double-headed eagle symbolized the power and independence of the country. Emblems: horseman and eagle became the official symbols of the Russian state. The type of eagle has changed more than once since 1539.
During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, a shield with the image of a horseman, the oldest symbol of princely power in Rus', and a crown topped with a cross appeared on the chest of the double-headed eagle. During the reign of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, a Calvary cross appears between the crowns of the double-headed eagle. The first tsar of the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich, changes the state emblem: since 1625, the double-headed eagle is depicted under three crowns; in 1645, under his son, Alexei Mikhailovich, the first Great State Seal appeared, on which a double-headed eagle with a horseman on the chest is crowned with three crowns.
During the reign of Peter I, the order chain of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called appeared in state heraldry. In 1699, images of a double-headed eagle were surrounded by a chain with the sign of the Order of St. Andrew. Later, the Order of St. Andrew is placed on the eagle, around a shield with a rider. Since 1710 (a decade earlier than Peter I was proclaimed emperor (1721) and Russia an empire), imperial crowns appeared above the eagle. In the first quarter of the 18th century, the double-headed eagle was black. By decree of Empress Catherine I of March 11, 1726, the description of the coat of arms was fixed: “A black eagle with outstretched wings, in a yellow field, with a rider on it in a red field.” In the first half of the 19th century, images of the double-headed eagle were varied: one and three crowns; in the paws there is a traditional scepter, orb, plus a wreath, lightning, and a torch. The wings of an eagle are sometimes raised, sometimes lowered or straightened.
In 1855-1857, during the heraldic reform under Baron B. Ken, the state eagle was changed according to German models. Saint George on the eagle's chest began to look to the left. On July 24, 1882, Emperor Alexander III in Peterhof approved the drawing of the Great Coat of Arms of the Russian Empire, on which the composition was preserved, but the details were changed - the figures of archangels, and the imperial crowns began to depict diamond crowns for coronations. The design of the Great Coat of Arms of the Empire was finally approved on November 3, 1882.
After the February Revolution of 1917, the Provisional Government returned to the state emblem of the times of Ivan III. This image continued to be used after the October Revolution until the adoption of the new Soviet coat of arms on July 24, 1918. With the adoption of the new Constitution on July 10, 1918, the double-headed eagle was replaced by a red shield, which depicted the crossed hammer and sickle and the rising sun as a sign of change. Since 1920, the name of the state, the RSFSR, appeared at the top of the shield, and the shield was bordered by ears of wheat, secured with a red ribbon with the inscription “Workers of all countries, unite.” Later, this image of the coat of arms was approved in the Constitution of the RSFSR.
The approval of the white-blue-red flag and coat of arms - a golden double-headed eagle on a red field - occurred in 1993. On December 8, 2000, the Federal Constitutional Law “On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation” was adopted. The golden double-headed eagle on a red field preserves historical continuity in the colors of the coats of arms of the late 15th - 17th centuries. Above the heads of the eagle are depicted three historical crowns of Peter the Great, symbolizing in the new conditions the sovereignty of both the entire Russian Federation and its parts, the subjects of the Federation; in the paws there is a scepter and an orb, personifying state power and a unified state; on the chest is an image of a horseman slaying a dragon with a spear. This is one of the ancient symbols of the struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, and the defense of the Fatherland.

Now let's talk about the flag. In 1668, the first Russian warship "Eagle" was launched, on which the first flag was raised, modeled on the flag of the Netherlands. The color of each stripe has its own semantic meaning. White color means freedom, blue - the Mother of God, who has long been the patron of Russia, red - sovereignty. According to another version, white meant nobility, blue meant honesty, and red meant courage and generosity inherent in the Russian people. Under Peter I, the tricolor was raised on all ships of the Russian fleet. On January 20, 1705, Peter I issued a decree according to which “all kinds of merchant ships” should fly a white, blue and red flag. At the beginning of the Northern War, the St. Andrew's flag with a blue cross was established in the land army and navy (1703-1712). Almost every sovereign who ruled in Russia made changes to the design of the flag. The last Russian Emperor Nicholas II in 1896 finally assigned the white-blue-red flag the status of the single state flag of the Russian Empire.
The first flag of Soviet power was a rectangular red panel without inscriptions or emblems. On April 13, 1918, the official flag of the RSFSR became a red banner with the inscription: “Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic.” In 1924, the official flag of the USSR became a red flag with a golden sickle and hammer and a red star framed in gold. In 1954, a new type of flag of the RSFSR was established: a red rectangular panel with a light blue stripe at the pole across the entire width of the flag.
On August 22, 1991, a new flag flew over the White House.
In the complex of identification marks used by states, the anthem occupies a special place. Before Peter I, church hymns were performed at celebrations. At the end of the 18th century. An anthem was created - the march “Thunder of Victory, Ring Out!”, which exalted the numerous victories of the Russian army and Russian weapons. The authors of this march were the poet G.R. Derzhavin and composer O.A. Kozlovsky. The first official Russian national anthem was performed in 1813 after the victory over Napoleon. It was “Song to the Russian Tsar” to the melody of the English anthem “God Save the King!” In 1815, a new text of a song appeared called “The Prayer of the Russians” (author - poet V.A. Zhukovsky). In February 1917, the monarchical anthem was replaced by “La Marseillaise” (authors: poet P.L. Lavrov and composer A.K. Glazunov). In January 1918, at the Third All-Russian Congress of Soviets, delegates stood and listened to the new anthem of the republic - “The Internationale”. Since 1918 it was the anthem of the RSFSR, and then the USSR until 1944. On January 1, 1944, the new national anthem of the USSR was sounded (authors: poet S.V. Mikhalkov and journalist G.A. El-Registan, composer A.V. Alexandrov). Since the second half of the 1950s, the USSR anthem was played without text. In 1977, amendments were made to the text of the anthem.
With the collapse of the USSR, the National Anthem of Russia for 10 years (1991-2001) was “Patriotic Song” by M.I. Glinka, written in 1834. The modern National Anthem of Russia was approved by the Decree of the President of Russia V.V. Putin on December 30, 2000. The Russian people heard it for the first time on the night of January 1, 2001. Russia entered the new century with a new anthem. The author of the words of the anthem is S.V. Mikhalkov. He was also the author of the USSR National Anthem. The words of the anthem reflect the power and greatness of our Motherland, its vast expanses, and rich history. The easy-to-remember words of the anthem with beautiful and solemn music unite people of all nationalities and give birth in the heart of every Russian to a feeling of pride for their Motherland. Our anthem is known all over the world and forms a single whole with the coat of arms and flag of Russia.
L. Kotova

The state emblem is a distinctive sign passed on by inheritance, one of the symbols of statehood, reflecting the historical and philosophical essence of any state.

According to the Constitution of Ukraine, “The Large State Emblem of Ukraine is established taking into account the small State Emblem of Ukraine and the coat of arms of the Zaporozhye Army... The main element of the large State Emblem of Ukraine is the Sign of the Princely State of Vladimir the Great (small State Emblem of Ukraine).”

I’ll tell you a little secret: Ukraine today does not have a state emblem, there is only a small coat of arms - a trident on a blue shield with a golden color. At the same time, it is pathetically indicated that this is the “Sign of the Princely State of Vladimir the Great.” The authors of this statement refer to the sign of a state that, even with such a name, never existed. Also, there is still no large coat of arms, there is only a bill on this coat of arms, which has not been considered by the Ukrainian parliament.

So, the main symbol of the state so far is the trident, the history of which is shrouded in fog. Where it came from and what this symbol means, no one knows for sure. There are more than thirty Ukrainian versions of its origin. This is completely abnormal; the symbol of the state is a sign, the meaning of which is precisely unknown to anyone, even those who accepted it.

There are several versions of its origin. According to one, Prince Vladimir allegedly used it as a personal heraldic sign on seals and coins. At the same time, the trident was exclusively his personal symbol, which had nothing in common with the family heraldic signs of the Rurikovichs. In addition to the trident, various ancient Russian princes also used the now forgotten “dvuzub” and a lot of other sovereign symbols, reminiscent of cattle brands. The trident has also never been the state emblem of Rus'.

Rather, it is just a distinctive princely symbol, a personal sign of the prince with which he marked everything that belonged to him, from his coins to livestock, bricks and slaves. That is, it was a purely economic sign of ownership, having nothing to do with heraldry. That is why each prince had his own personal trident or bident.

There are many assumptions regarding what exactly this sign represents: a banner, an anchor, a chandelier, an ax, a diving falcon (as on the coat of arms of the ancient Russian city of Ladoga). Whatever they tried to discern in the princely brand! We don’t know what the Rurikovichs were thinking when branding their cattle. But they probably never imagined in their wildest dreams that this brand, centuries later, could become a symbol of the Ukrainian state.

Interestingly, this symbol was used in different versions only by the closest successors of Prince Vladimir: Svyatopolk the Accursed and Yaroslav the Wise. Subsequently, the Rurikovichs and Russian tsars never used the trident as the coat of arms of Rus'.

In this regard, it is funny to watch the Ukrainian “power creators” who covered the trident with romantic legends, even read the word “will” into it and reverently worship it as an ancient symbol of Ukrainian statehood.

The trident also refers us to the myth of Neptune, the ancient god of the sea, whose dark energy is aimed at destruction. As an attribute of Neptune, this dangerous and cruel god, the trident symbolizes an element beyond the control of man.

Since Christian times, the trident has often been mentioned as one of the symbols of the spiritual power of the prince of darkness. Satan is often depicted with a trident in his hand. And the notorious devils are depicted with pitchforks, and specifically three-pronged ones.

According to another version, the princely trident really looks like the scepter pommel of the Byzantine emperors. And by the presence of a Christian cross on the trident of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, one can assume his connection with the Byzantine emperors.

What was the top of the scepter of the Byzantine emperors? Only general outlines are visible on the seals. If we take into account that the symbol of the ruling dynasty of Palaiologos and the state symbol of the Byzantine Empire was the eagle, then it was he who should have sat on the imperial scepter.

That is, the top of the scepter, then copied by the Russian princes, was a simplified image of a double-headed eagle - a symbol of Christian unity of East and West. Thus, it can be assumed that, ironically, the small coat of arms of Ukraine is a stylized imperial eagle, which has now flown to the coat of arms of Russia.

According to the most convincing third version, confirmed by facts, the earliest image of a trident appeared on the coins of the Kyiv prince Vladimir at the end of the 10th century. In 985, Prince Vladimir captured Khazaria, and the Khazar state ceased to exist.
Due to the fact that until the 10th century, coins were not minted in Rus', the first coins of Vladimir were an imitation of the Khazar tamga that was circulating at the merchant market at that time, especially since this emphasized the victory over the Kaganate. As can be seen from the drawings, the image of the trident on the coins is a direct copy of the Khazar tamga, which was widely used in the Khazar Kaganate.

As Christianity strengthened, the victory over Khazaria became history, and tamga-shaped signs disappeared from use on Russian coins. The obverse of subsequent coins depicted the prince seated on a throne, and the reverse depicted Jesus Christ, as on the Byzantine solidi. That is, the appearance of the image of the trident-tamga was temporary.

Therefore, using the image of the tamga of the Jewish Khazar Khaganate, which died in the darkness of centuries, as the state emblem of Ukraine, and with an unknown semantic meaning, is not only a manifestation of low historical literacy, but a sign of the state’s lack of historical events and traditions that could be used as material for the coat of arms.

Now about what is missing - about the large coat of arms, the draft of which has still not been adopted by the Ukrainian parliament. It is made in the “heraldic” style of African states that have recently gained independence, and looks more like the emblem of a commercial company than a state emblem. This is a complete departure from elementary aesthetic norms, a lack of taste, style and sense of proportion with the simultaneous aggressive vulgarization and primitivization of everything.

First of all, the symbolic and semantic incompatibility of details is striking. They simply shoved everything that someone considered purely Ukrainian into it. And this is no coincidence.

European heraldry is directly related to the aristocratic past, chivalry, nobility and is limited by clear symbolic and semantic rules, when each detail carries its own clear meaning and is in its specific place.

Countries that are deprived of a noble, aristocratic past have no need to comply with the laws of heraldry. They simply place symbols of the daily life of their people on their coats of arms. At least a Kalashnikov assault rifle. There is a completely different, non-European logic here. That is why the design of the large coat of arms of Ukraine is purely “folk”, similar to a souvenir tray with popular print trinkets.

The draft coat of arms depicts a lion, symbolizing the Galicia-Volyn principality, and a Cossack of the Zaporozhye army, which seem to personify the unity of Western and Eastern Ukraine. How can unity between a wild animal and a man with a gun be manifested? This is obvious - the desire for mutual destruction. It is unlikely that it will be possible to more accurately demonstrate on a symbolic level the relations between all of Ukraine and Galicia.
In addition, the lion on the draft coat of arms is a slightly modified lion from the emblem of Lviv and the 14th SS Division “Galicia”. The golden crown of the Kingdom of Galicia, which was once part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, was simply placed on the head of the SS baby animal. The result was a wonderful symbol of Western Ukraine - an SS lion with an Austrian crown on its head.

And the creation of power in Eastern Ukraine is symbolized by the Cossacks. And this despite the fact that the Cossacks have always carried within themselves an uncontrollable, anarchic element that denies any statehood! The Cossacks fled to the Zaporozhye Sich through the Wild Field for freedom, not for freedom. For freedom!
So the design of the large coat of arms turned out to be very symbolic, besides, the lion and the man are trampling wheat and viburnum into the ground - the generosity and wealth of the land, as if emphasizing the destructive power of this state.

The trident was completely forgotten from the 14th century for more than five hundred years. On the territory of present-day Ukraine, at the instigation of representatives of Galicia, they tried to revive the trident in the symbolism of the Ukrainian People's Republic, Hetmanate Skoropadsky and the directory of Petliura. Apart from decline, civil war and another ruin, this did not bring anything worthwhile. What is symbolic is that all these supposed republics existed solely at the expense of foreign bayonets. It doesn’t matter whether they are Germans or Poles. The main condition is the presence of a foreign army in the territory declared as another Ukraine.

During the Great Patriotic War, Galician collaborators from the OUN-UPA destroyed their compatriots under this symbolism. And again, exclusively after the appearance of foreign, this time Hitler’s, boots on our land. Vladimir Simonenko wrote well about them:

“It’s not for nothing that people called you dogs,
You licked the Germans' tables.
Plowshares Hail, hoarse basses,
That “She’s still dead!” loudly revly."

From Galicia it came to the separatist parliament of Ukraine in 1991 and was imposed as a state symbol.

The symbolism of Ukrainian statehood is as absurd as its actual reality. Based on this symbolism, it is easy to see its immediate bleak future and depressing prospects.
By impartially comparing the coat of arms of the Ukrainian SSR with the small coat of arms and the draft of the large coat of arms of Ukraine, we will see a striking difference. As much as the first speaks of the loftiness of the aspirations of its creators, the second speaks of the wretchedness, provincialism and unviability of a state with such symbols. This, in turn, indicates the artificiality of the very idea of ​​Ukrainian statehood, giving it a touch of doom and unviability.

To be continued...

Yuri Apukhtin.


1. Information bulletin.

2.What are the symbols of the state.

3. State Flag and Coat of Arms of the DPR.

During the classes.

1. Information bulletin. Review of events that happened in the world and the DPR over the week.

2. What are state symbols

State symbols are the honor and dignity of each power. The Donetsk People's Republic stands at the origins of its statehood and therefore it is very important to know and respect its symbols, among which the flag occupies a special place. Flag Day is rightfully considered a holiday that unites many people into a single society, recalling important and permanent values, among which statehood and patriotism of the population are eternal. (the diagram is sketched in a notebook)

· Remember what a coat of arms is?

· What is the name of the science that studies coats of arms?

Heraldry - the discipline that studies coats of arms as historical sources.

A coat of arms is a distinctive sign of a state, city or clan, which is depicted on flags, coins, and seals. (write in notebook)

3. State flag and coat of arms of the DPR.

The Donetsk People's Republic was proclaimed on April 7, 2014 in the city of Donetsk, which became its capital. On May 11, 2014, a referendum on self-determination of the DPR was held. 89.07% voted “FOR”, 10.19% “AGAINST” and 0.74% of ballots were spoiled.

On May 12, 2014, on the basis of the declaration of independence, the sovereignty of the Donetsk People's Republic was proclaimed. (dates are written down in a notebook)

The state symbols of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) are regulated by the constitution and current legislation.

On June 1, 2014, the Supreme Council of the DPR approved the flag as the official symbol of the Donetsk People's Republic.

· What do you think the colors of our Flag symbolize?

The black color symbolizes the coal of Donbass, the blue color symbolizes the spirit of the people and the waters of the Azov Sea, and the red color symbolizes the blood shed for our freedom. On October 19, 2014, the DPR flag was unfurled in the central square of Donetsk, sewn by citizens of the Republic and presented to the public.

"Three symbols against the background of history."

According to one version of historians, the black-blue-red flag appeared after the October Revolution of 1917 and became a symbol of the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Soviet Republic. And now for the residents of modern Donbass it is a symbol of new life.

· Remember when the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Republic was formed?

“The flag is a symbol of the Motherland, its pride and honor!”

Celebrating Flag Day helps unite the people, foster patriotism and respect for symbols of statehood. The flag is the main symbol that unites all citizens of our Republic.

The coat of arms of the Donetsk People's Republic is a silver double-headed eagle with spread wings raised upward.

On the eagle’s chest is the Holy Archangel Michael in a scarlet shield in a silver robe and weapons and a black robe, with an azure sword and a silver shield with gold edges with a gold cross.

4. Coats of arms of the cities of the DPR. (practical work).

The coat of arms of Donetsk was approved by the decision of the 6th session of the Donetsk City Council. Protocol No. 6/10 dated July 5, 1995.

Description of the coat of arms

In a shield crossed with azure and black colors, a golden right hand emerges from the lower edge, holding a hammer of the same metal and accompanied in the upper left corner by a golden five-pointed star.

External decorations

The shield is decorated with a golden crown with five turrets, on which are inscribed the numbers “1869” - the year the city was founded.

Shield holders: on the right - a miner in work clothes, leaning on a jackhammer with his left hand, his right hand is moved to the side; on the left is a soldier in a military overcoat with a helmet on his head, holding a sword with his right hand with the tip down, his left hand raised up. Both figures are silver. At the bottom, the shield is framed by two gold rose branches placed crosswise, between which the name of the city is inscribed in gold letters on a red moire ribbon. The figure of a miner is located against the background of a golden laurel branch, the figure of a soldier is located against the background of an oak branch. The entire composition is entwined with black and blue ribbon.

Symbolism of the coat of arms

A working hand firmly holding a high-raised hammer characterizes the city as one of the largest industrial centers of the country. The upper field of the azure-colored shield symbolizes the grandeur and beauty of the architectural and plant appearance of the city. The lower black field speaks of rich natural reserves and intensive development coal. The golden five-pointed star symbolizes caring for the wealth created by nature and the labor of the people, power, justice and faith in a better future.

The coat of arms of the city of Yasinovataya was approved on August 6, 1997 by the decision of the city council of people's deputies. Authors: A.P. Presnyakov, S.E. Svistunov. The coat of arms of the city of Yasinovataya is placed on a rectangular, silver-colored, pointed shield at the bottom. In the central part of the shield there is the main “speaking” element of the coat of arms - the green outline of an ash tree - a toponymic symbol of the area, from which the name Yasinovataya could be derived. The plane of the shield is divided into two main color fields, forming heraldic figures: the “head” of blue and the “foot” of yellow. A green ring is superimposed on the upper and lower color fields, framing the central element of the coat of arms - the outline of a tree. Green rays diverge from the ring to the upper right and upper left corners, then up, left and right. From the central circle with an ash tree, zigzag blue rays extend to the lower right and left corners, which break the yellow “foot” of the coat of arms, forming a large field in the lower central part of the shield, which depicts a silver ancient Russian boat with a gathered sail, placed on portage logs. The silver color of the shield symbolizes metal - the main component of economic activity in the city from its foundation to the present day. The green tree in the center of the shield indicates one of the local attractions - the Yasinovatsky forest, oak groves and parks - and symbolizes the relative ecological purity of the city for central Donbass. The “head” and “foot” reflect the state colors of Ukraine: a clear sky over a yellow grain field. The large area of ​​the yellow grain field indicates that the city is also the administrative center of a large agricultural region. Green rings (a symbol of perpetual motion) and rays connected together - original indicators of the cardinal directions, as a symbol of travel and roads, create an artistic image of a “transport hub”, a crossroads, which Yasinovataya has been from the day of its foundation to the present day. Graphically, a ring with rays, as an image of a metal structure, is associated with symbols of mechanical engineering, thereby indicating the presence of a large plant of this industry in the city. Zigzag blue rays symbolize the Kalmius, Krivoy Torets and Volchya rivers, the sources of which are located near the city. The silver boat, placed on portage logs, illustrates a remarkable and symbolic historical fact for Yasinovataya, related to the fact that the Kalmius River was part of the system of ancient Russian communication routes, and one of the main links of the trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks was the Kalmius route, which through Krivoy and The State Torets, as well as the Seversky Donets, provided communication to Tula. Kalmius is also superimposed on the “salty path to Zaporogi.” From Perekop, along the shore of the Azov Sea, the traveler walked to the mouth of the river, then along Kalmius to its upper reaches. Then he dragged seven miles to the Volchaya River, which flows into Samara. And from it it was possible to get to the Dnieper. It is on this watershed, on a former drag field, that the city of Yasinovataya is located. Practical work “Studying the Coats of Arms of the cities of the DPR” · Look carefully at the coats of arms. · What is depicted on the coat of arms? · What can the symbolism of the coat of arms mean? · Can we consider coats of arms as historical sources, what can they tell us? 5.Reflection. 6.Homework. (one of the proposed ones) · Prepare a story about the coat of arms of one of the cities of the DPR. Make a drawing and a short description. · Create a class coat of arms (streets, houses, families). Make a drawing and a short description.