Where is the Smolensk nuclear power plant located on the map. Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant

We present to you the best and simple ideas on how to make a DIY wedding anniversary gift for your wife, husband, parents or friends. Detailed master classes will help you create a masterpiece of gift art!

When choosing a gift for a memorable date, spending time shopping and money on expensive things, many forget that the best present is one made with one’s own hand! Make sure of it!

Men rarely decide to make a wedding anniversary gift with their own hands - they are not ready to spend time on “handicrafts”, being unsure of their ability to create an attractive gift.

Among the variety of options, we have selected a simple and effective way to “create” a charming and useful gift - decorative plate. Any representative of the stronger sex can do it.

To do this you need to prepare:

  • plate;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • glue;
  • brush for applying glue and varnish;
  • thematic illustration.

Important! Select illustrations responsibly – animals, flowers, landscapes. The main thing is that the wife likes the picture and matches her tastes.

Sequence of making a decorative plate:

  1. The picture is varnished.
  2. There should be five layers of varnish - each new layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried.
  3. The picture, treated with varnish, is placed in a bowl of cold water.
  4. After twenty minutes it comes out.
  5. The part of interest is cut out from the picture.
  6. Placed on a plate.
  7. Secured with glue.
  8. A layer of varnish is applied on top, and the plate is processed over the entire surface.

There are various handmade original wedding anniversary gifts - a decorative plate is one of them!

Gift for husband

Leather cover for documents and credit cards

When preparing a gift for your husband for your wedding anniversary with your own hands, remember that representatives of the stronger half of humanity are practical. Based on this, select a presentation idea. A good option is a cover for a passport or documents with a credit card storage section

To make the cover, prepare:

  • template – remove the marks from the document and draw a template on a sheet of blank paper;
  • a piece of leather;
  • needles, knife and awl for working with leather;
  • ruler, tailor's meter;
  • linen thread (waxed).


Gifts for parents

How to give your parents a wedding anniversary gift with your own hands? We recommend making a scrapbook - an original album created with your own hands from improvised decorative materials.

Scrapbook - an original gift for a wedding anniversary

You will need:

  • paper with markings (millimetre);
  • padding polyester;
  • paper glue or PVA;
  • thick cardboard;
  • a piece of canvas;
  • scissors;
  • rings/eyelets.

Making the cover

Sequence of actions when making the rear part:

  • decide on the size of the album;
  • place graph paper on the cardboard;
  • make marks, cut the cardboard according to the marks;
  • prepare a piece of padding polyester of the same size;
  • glue the cardboard to the padding polyester;
  • prepare canvas - its dimensions should be one centimeter larger than cardboard on each edge;
  • glue the canvas onto the padding polyester;

Advice. Glue cardboard on the inside - this will allow you to overlap the segments.

Sequence of actions when manufacturing the front part:

Making pages

Both parts of the cover are ready - now you need:

  • prepare the pages - take white thick paper, cut it to the size of the cover or half a centimeter less on each side;
  • make identical holes in the front and back of the cover, in the pages for rings for fastening;
  • distance from the edge of the cover – two centimeters;
  • insert the rings.

The scrapbooking is ready - all that's left is to decorate it.

Page design

Show your imagination:

  • paint the pages different colors;
  • select photographs of your parents, starting from the wedding day;
  • find children's or funny illustrations that match the photographs;
  • sort photographs and illustrations;
  • Paste the pictures onto the album pages in chronological order, gluing the illustrations next to them.

Advice. To decorate the pages, use decorative ribbons, lace, unusual inscriptions, newspaper clippings that match the photographs. This will make the album more attractive. Attach the decor with glue.

Don’t try to strictly follow the design instructions – give free rein to your imagination and feel free to experiment.

Parents will love your gift, which reflects the story of a couple and love. Considering that you made the present yourself, putting your soul into it.

Gifts for friends

Interested in DIY wedding anniversary gift ideas for friends? Opt for photo presentations! How to make them is described below.


Prepare a base, for example, in the shape of a heart. Make a mount on the back surface so that the heart can be hung on the wall. Print out photos of your friends and paste them onto the base. The presentation is ready!


A DIY wedding anniversary gift for friends in the form of photo magnets is original and unusual. To do this you need:

  • buy blanks for magnets - they are sold in online stores;
  • pick up photos of friends;
  • print them in the required size - in accordance with the size of the workpiece;
  • insert pictures into the workpiece.

Note. Present magnets in an unusual way. For example, buy a handmade box, put them in there and wrap the box with a beautiful ribbon.


To do this you will need:

  • regular children's cube;
  • or a cube glued together with your own hands from thick cardboard;
  • photos of friends.

Print out the photos, cut them to fit the sides of the cube and glue them on. An unusual gift is ready!

Note. You can make several cubes of different sizes, choosing thematic photos for each.


Develop the ideas described, show your imagination and you will make extraordinary, unique gifts filled with love and tenderness.

The life of each of us acquires meaning only when a loved one is nearby. People who find each other are truly happy. It’s nice to watch dad and mom, whose hearts, despite the years they have lived, are still filled with warmth and love, and peace and harmony reign in the family. When you think about what gift to give your parents for their wedding anniversary, you want it to convey tenderness and gratitude to the dearest people on earth.

What can you give your parents for their anniversary?

  1. Photo for memory.
  2. When the house is full of guests, among whom are peers and friends of the parents, one often remembers one’s youth. An unexpected surprise for everyone can be a pre-prepared slide show of photographs accompanied by a beautiful melody, touching on the childhood and youth of the celebrants, the first meeting and acquaintance, wedding and addition to the family. Of course, this surprise, like a huge bouquet of flowers, can only be an addition to the main gift, which should be selected based on the number of years lived and, accordingly, the name of the wedding.

    The second option for such a gift could be a painting created by an artist from a wedding photograph or hand embroidery. In a modern style, it will look like an electronic photo frame that can hold dozens of photos.

  3. Joint vacation.
  4. Of all the things you can give your parents for their anniversary, spending time together in the form of a trip to a sanatorium will look very impressive. Many people want to go to the theater, go to the cinema or to a concert, but do not have the opportunity. A gift such as a meeting with their favorite artist will give them a lot of pleasure. You can reserve a table for two in a cafe or restaurant.

  5. Items for the home.

When choosing what to give your parents for their wedding anniversary, focus on things that will be useful to them. This includes modern kitchen appliances, for example, an electric dryer, microwave oven, multicooker, food processor or bread maker, a new model iron or vacuum cleaner, TV or washing machine.

For their anniversary, you can update the interior of your parents' home with pieces of furniture or help them make repairs that they may have put off for some time. , a beautiful chandelier, a lamp - each of these items will remind them of your care.

If parents are supporters of an active lifestyle and love outdoor recreation, you have a unique opportunity to give them sportswear and accessories, as well as one type of exercise machine that will help them stay in shape without leaving home. You can find a gift among items and devices designed specifically for picnics and hikes.

Traditional gifts include rugs, blankets, beautiful tablecloths and bedding sets. Souvenirs look no less interesting. Some of them are unique and exist in the singular. For example, ceramic products with Petrykivka painting fascinate with their beauty, carry positive energy and lift your spirits.

Any anniversary is, first of all, a feast where an atmosphere of good nature reigns. Humor is well received in such an environment. It would not be superfluous to present diplomas or certificates, diplomas and medals. It is worth ordering items of clothing or personalized gifts with a pre-thought-out inscription. With wishes for many happy years of marriage, present your parents with a handmade amulet. This can be a brownie or any other amulet for happiness, health and prosperity in the house.

How does the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant work? aslan wrote in March 19th, 2015

Smolensk NPP is a nuclear power plant located 3 km from the city of Desnogorsk, Smolensk region, and the largest energy enterprise in the northwestern region of the country’s unified energy system with a capacity of 3000 MW. In the period from 1982 to 1990, three power units with RMBK-1000 reactors of an improved design with a number of improved systems to ensure the safe operation of the nuclear power plant were put into operation at the Smolensk NPP.

The Smolensk NPP operates three power units with RBMK-1000 reactors. The project provided for the construction of two stages, two blocks with common auxiliary structures and systems in each, but due to the termination in 1986 (due to the Chernobyl accident) of the construction of the fourth power unit, the second stage remained unfinished.

We arrived in Desnogorsk by bus early in the morning. Everything is very strict with photography. Filming can only be done from certain points under the supervision of power plant security personnel.

Desnogorsk. What does this name tell you? For the average citizen, the word sounds as bright as Opochka, Vykhino or Bologoye - another populated area in the vast expanses of our vast homeland. Residents of the Smolensk region know (the situation obliges) that the Smolensk nuclear power plant is located near the city. But as soon as you say the word “Desnogorsk” in the company of fishermen, you will hear a chorus of approval, emotional exclamations and joyful cries. For a fisherman, Desnogorsk, like for a climber, Everest is the place where he flies in his dreams. Still would. Near the city there is a pond with an area of ​​44 square kilometers, where the water never freezes - this is the SNPPP reservoir. The station provides heat to the reservoir all year round. The pond abounds with fish. Bream, crucian carp, pike, silver and bighead carp, black and white carp, carp, catfish, African calf and even freshwater shrimp are not a complete list of the inhabitants of the SAES reservoir.

Power units with RBMK-1000 single-circuit type reactors. This means that steam for the turbines is generated directly from the reactor cooling water. Each power unit includes: one reactor with a capacity of 3200 MW (t) and two turbogenerators with a capacity of 500 MW (e) each. Turbogenerators are installed in a common turbine hall for all three blocks, about 600 m long, each reactor is located in a separate building. The station operates only in basic mode, its load does not depend on changes in the needs of the power system.

There are 10 nuclear power plants operating in Russia today. They bring light, warmth and joy to homes. Do you think that each nuclear power plant takes on 1/10 of this positive work? You are wrong. Each station is strong in its own way, for example, the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant generates 1/7 of all “nuclear electricity” in Russia, annually supplying an average of 20 billion kWh of electricity to the country’s energy system.

You know that science fiction writers take only second place in the ranking of “People with the Most Nightmarish Imagination.” Who's in first place? Specialists designing safety systems for nuclear power plants. They are required not only to come up with a situation that simply cannot exist, but also to develop a defense against it. During the construction of the SAPP, the imagination of these specialists ran wild.

All power units of the station are equipped with accident localization systems that prevent the release of radioactive substances into the environment even in the most severe accidents associated with a complete rupture of the reactor cooling circuit pipelines. All cooling circuit equipment is placed in sealed reinforced concrete boxes that can withstand pressure up to 4.5 kgf per square centimeter. Is this a lot or a little? Judge for yourself. The excess pressure created by the shock wave of an atomic explosion in the zone of complete destruction (the zone closest to the epicenter of the atomic bomb explosion) is almost 10 times less (0.5 kgf/cm).

Did you know that a circle with a radius of 30 kilometers was built around the SNPP using an invisible compass? Everything inside it is called the Observation Zone. In this zone you will not meet people in civilian clothes, there are no humanoid robots or super special forces. It is called an observation zone because the air, water and soil in it are closely analyzed for changes in background radiation. Automatic sensors show that the background corresponds to natural values.

In addition, in the observation zone, SNPP employees restored and improved 11 springs, which enjoy the fame of holy springs.

Getting to the station is not so easy. First, the employee applies a magnetic pass to a special reading device. Then he enters the compartment where he must enter a password and take palm prints, weighing is also carried out (the permissible discrepancy is no more than 10 kg) and the photo is verified. Only after all these procedures does the employee go to the locker room or for a medical examination.

Everyone is given special socks, boots, gowns, hats, gloves, ear plugs and helmets.

At the exit, the employee undergoes 2 levels of radiation control.

A special radiation sensor is placed on the chest.

Engine room. The power units of the Smolensk NPP are equipped with K-500 65-3000 turbines with TVV-500 generators with a capacity of 500 MW. All rotors of the turbine and generator cylinders are combined into one shaft. Shaft rotation speed - 3000 min -1. The total length of the turbogenerator is 39 m, its weight is 1200 tons, the total mass of the rotors is about 200 tons.

The main circulation pumps are designed to create coolant circulation in the primary circuit of the nuclear power plant. The operation of the main circulation pump is monitored remotely from the NPP control panel. The pump housing is connected by welding to the main circulation circuit of the reactor plant. The housing has 3 trunnions for connecting locks with vertical and horizontal fastening devices, which are used to absorb seismic loads.

Central reactor hall. The reactor is located in a reinforced concrete shaft with dimensions of 21.6x21.6x25.5 m. The mass of the reactor is transferred to the concrete through metal structures, which simultaneously serve as protection against radiation and, together with the reactor casing, form a sealed cavity - the reactor space. Inside the reactor space there is a cylindrical graphite stack with a diameter of 14 and a height of 8 m, consisting of blocks of dimensions 250x250x500 mm assembled into columns with vertical holes for installing channels in the center. To prevent oxidation of graphite and improve the transfer of heat from graphite to the coolant, the reactor space is filled with a nitrogen-helium mixture.

RBMK reactors use uranium dioxide U235 as fuel. Natural uranium contains 0.8% of the U235 isotope. To reduce the size of the reactor, the U235 content in the fuel is previously reduced to 2 or 2.4% at enrichment plants.

The fuel element (fuel element) is a zirconium tube with a height of 3.5 m and a wall thickness of 0.9 mm with 88 mm enclosed in it, a wall thickness of 4 mm and The reactor is controlled by 211 rods evenly distributed throughout the reactor, containing absorbing neutrons. Water is supplied to the channels from below, washes away from the fuel rods. The fuel cassette is installed in the technological channel. The number of technological channels in the reactor is 1661.

Vertical green tubes (18 rods with a diameter of 15 mm) are tablets with fuel.

Water is supplied to the channels from below, washed from the fuel rods and heated, and part of it turns into steam. The resulting steam-water mixture is removed from the upper part of the channel. To regulate the flow, it heats up, and part of its technological channels intended for installing fuel turns into steam. The resulting steam-water mixture is removed from the upper part of the channel. To regulate the water flow, shut-off and control valves are provided at the inlet of each channel.

The advantage of RBMKs over vessel-type reactors, the replacement of spent fuel cassettes, which require shutting down the reactor, is the possibility of reloading the cassettes when the reactor is operating at rated power.

Overloads are carried out by a loading and unloading machine (RLM), which is controlled remotely. The machine is hermetically joined to the upper part of the technological channel, the pressure in it is equalized with the pressure in the channel, then the used fuel cassette is removed and a fresh one is installed in its place. The design of the REM provides reliable biological protection from radiation; during overload, the radiation situation in the central hall remains almost unchanged.

When operating the reactor at rated power, one or two fresh fuel cassettes are loaded per day. Spent fuel is first placed in special cooling pools located in the central hall, and then, as they are filled, will be transported to a separate spent nuclear fuel storage facility. A closed circuit for removing heat from the reactor is called a multiple forced circulation circuit (MCFC). It consists of two independent loops, each of which cools half of the reactor.

At a depth of 2 meters a blue glow is visible. This is the Vavilov-Cherenkov effect - a glow caused in a transparent medium by a charged particle that moves at a speed exceeding the phase speed of light in this medium. Cherenkov radiation is widely used in high-energy physics to detect relativistic particles and determine their velocities.

Block control panel. I listened to everything here, so only pictures.

Taken from varlamov.ru at Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant.

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