New uniform of the National Guard. New form of the Russian Guard

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New uniform of the Russian Guard 2018

You can purchase winter and summer sets from us uniforms for the National Guard. Full suits available various options camouflage, separate jackets and pants, T-shirts, as well as basic types of hats. All models are united by quality - each of them is sewn from durable, wear-resistant fabric and exactly corresponds to the construction specifications.

Chevrons and fittings

Also in our online store you can purchase the entire variety of statutory chevrons and other insignia of current designs. Both stripes and chevrons with Velcro are available.

On February 10, 2017, a presentation of the new uniform of the Russian Guard took place. Already in 2018, fighters of various units will begin to use modern equipment and shoes. It is noted that specific distinctive features The uniforms of each unit will remain unchanged, but the convenience of the equipment will increase significantly.

Let us remind you that the exhibition was presented for the first time in the Separate Division operational purpose them. F.E. Dzerzhinsky, based in the town of Balashikha near Moscow. Here, the organizers even showed the guests such innovative items of military clothing that were made from materials with infrared remission properties. In night vision scopes, a fighter wearing such a set will not be visible. In addition, the organizers presented at the event “Phantom” compression garments, a multifunctional backpack with a removable module and a high-strength “Lynx” uniform intended for special units.

The director was present at the meeting Federal service troops national guard, General Viktor Zolotov, and his deputy, Colonel General Sergei Melikov. During the viewing they were accompanied by representatives of manufacturing companies.

Responsible organizations

The task of producing the uniform of the Russian Guard by 2018 fell on the shoulders of the leading Russian enterprises engaged in the production of clothing and equipment. By joint forces over 100 models presented:

  • JSC BTK Group;

Thanks to their developments, the following were created for military personnel:

  • dress, field and everyday uniforms (for warm and cold seasons, for drill reviews and ordinary purposes);
  • wardrobe items for all categories of fighters;
  • uniforms for performing particularly important duties;
  • kits for extreme weather conditions.

Zolotov noted that the equipment of each representative of the Russian Guard should combine 3 key features- This:

  1. Comfort.
  2. Convenience.
  3. Versatility.

He also stated that the new form, despite its sufficient visual beauty, would not go into circulation until a careful selection of its samples was carried out. Guardsmen will be able to receive updated uniforms only after they have been tested in different climates. An important parameter during selection will also be the ratio of price and quality of items.

What will change

Among the changes in everyday clothing, one can note the appearance in the wardrobe of military personnel of warm fur jackets, woolen sweaters and windbreakers with zippers and hoods. The field uniform will be complemented by updated summer, winter and demi-season kits, which will be resistant to wind and moisture. Most field equipment, which will go to regular units of the National Guard troops, is planned to be made in khaki camouflage colors. But the OMON and SOBR will receive equipment in a slightly different color scheme - their clothes will be gray and dark gray.

The riot police will also be able to boast an improved “black” (reinforced protective) type of service uniform. The protective properties of its components, in particular the bulletproof helmet, elbow pads, thigh pads, knee pads and fifth-degree body armor, will be significantly improved.

Important! It is in the samples of the updated form, manufactured in currently, participants of the parade squad will march along Red Square on May 9, 2018. Most of the Russian Guard servicemen will wear green tunics, red striped vests and maroon berets.

From the history of the special service

The National Guard, which is one of the levers executive power, was established on the basis by presidential decree of April 5, 2016. The troops of the National Guard came under the subordination of this organization, and its responsibilities included:

  1. Ensuring the security of the state and society.
  2. Law enforcement.
  3. Monitoring the preservation of the rule of law and adherence to the constitutional order.

In such a short period appearance representatives of the Russian Guard have not yet undergone reform, which is why they now continue to look like employees Internal troops, private security and police special forces. Statistics report that about 50% of citizens do not even know that a new federal executive body has appeared in the country. This is partly because people do not distinguish Guardsmen from other services. Therefore, the authorities took up the task of providing their subordinates with new clothes that would be unique to them.

Video: what the Russian Guard fighters will look like in 2018

The transformation of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation into the FSVNG of the Russian Guard served as an impetus for the development of equipment for this type of troops. The Russian Guard, as the successor to the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is responsible for ensuring security within the state. Unlike the internal troops, the Russian Guard includes some security units that were previously part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (OMON, SOBR and some others).

The leadership of the Russian Guard stated that in 2018, employees will be equipped with the latest equipment, which is not inferior to the equipment of the Armed Forces Russian Federation.

Sets of winter and summer everyday and ceremonial equipment were developed especially for the FSVNG. Much attention was devoted to equipment for special forces that are part of the National Guard troops. Equipment for special forces included in the National Guard will be manufactured not only in their usual colors (black or gray), but in new colors.

Colors used in the Russian Guard

FSVNG will use a wide range of colors, from classic solid colors to the latest types camouflage The National Guard troops announced the abandonment of the combined arms camouflage “EMR Summer” and the use of the following camouflages:

A break for operational units. Izlom was very popular in the commercial environment, among hunters and airsoft players, but was rarely used by the military (mainly in the elite units of the Internal Troops). Has high camouflage properties in forest conditions. The camouflage pattern has many similarities with the German Flecktarn camouflage.

Moss for special forces and reconnaissance. The Moss camouflage pattern, like Izlom, was very popular in the commercial environment. This camouflage was developed in 2011 and is better known as "A-TACS-FG". The potential of this camouflage has already been noticed by special forces of most countries.

Not only uniforms will be made in these camouflage colors, but also covers, armor-protective equipment and other items of equipment.

In our online store you can buy equipment in the “Moss” color scheme, as well as equipment in the “Kink” color scheme.

Private security in 2018, due to the expansion of the Federal National Guard troops and the need to cut costs from the federal budget, according to the latest data, may undergo reorganization and/or liquidation. Considering that there are over 300 thousand people in the service of private security (OVO), the majority of whom have families, this question worries the minds of many Russians. Let’s try to understand the problem in as much detail as possible and provide the reader with objective data about what awaits PSB employees next year.

Private security is a structural unit that is part of the Russian Guard (Federal troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation) and takes part in ensuring and maintaining law and order in society, and also has the authority to provide security services in relation to real estate, regardless of the form of ownership of the latter. The PSB consists of three main divisions: police officers (over 100 thousand people), employees of the federal state unitary enterprise "Okhrana" (over 100 thousand people), civilian employees (control desk attendants and other personnel).

Forecasts for private security in 2018

Currently, over 2 million objects are under the protection of PSBs, including: private apartments individuals and property under state jurisdiction (museums, theaters, etc.). Payment for security services in the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in question is less expensive than similar services in private security companies. Thus, the liquidation or reorganization of private security in 2018 will affect whole line third parties, with many of whom long-term cooperation agreements have been concluded.

For individuals, the need to seek services from private security companies may provoke a number of individuals to refuse these services, which in turn can provoke an increase in the number of thefts and robberies. Increase in expenses budgetary organizations, whose property is under state security, will require a reduction in other income items, which may affect the quality of service for consumers of the services of these budget organizations.

This is what rumors and conjectures of a number of means look like mass media and PSB employees who have been elevated to the rank of forecasters. Now we need to debunk the myths and introduce reliable information, based on official information, taken from regulatory legal acts (laws, regulations, etc.).

Latest news about private security in 2018: myths and reality

Myth. The accession of the OVO to the Russian Guard will contribute to the abolition or disbandment of private security.

Reality. The transition of the OVO to the Russian Guard as an additional structural unit occurred already in 2016, and this circumstance did not lead to the liquidation/reorganization of the PSB.

Myth. The joining of the PSB to the National Guard will entail the abolition of the security and analogue functions of the PSB, which will entail additional physical and legal costs when ordering security services from private companies.

Reality. The transition of the PSB to the National Guard, on the contrary, contributed to the expansion of the powers of private security without abolishing the tasks of carrying out security activities. However, there is a possibility that it will be difficult to expand the security network due to the workload of the PSB with additional responsibilities.

Myth. Increased demands on National Guard employees will provoke layoffs in the ranks of the PSB.

Reality. In 2016, indeed, on the above basis, over 10,000 PSB employees were laid off. By the end of 2017, it is also planned to carry out a number of reductions based on the results of comprehensive tests and/or certification exams. The completion of mass layoffs is planned for December 31, 2018.

Myth. The titles and merits of PSB employees may be changed or retrained.

Reality. All ranks and merits of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are retained upon transfer to the National Guard troops. In 2018, these ranks of OVO employees will become military ranks.

Myth. The PSB will be liquidated or reorganized in 2018.

Reality. No liquidation is expected. The reorganization will be associated with a change in names structural divisions, changing subordination and expanding functionality.

On February 10, in the Separate Operational Division named after. Dzerzhinsky troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation (Balashikha, Moscow region) an exhibition of modern samples was held military uniform clothing, special uniforms, shoes and equipment offered for military personnel and employees of the Russian Guard.

Leading domestic enterprises demonstrated more than 100 different samples of clothing, equipment and equipment. MAGELLAN LLC, BTK Group JSC, NPP ANA CJSC, Faraday Company CJSC and TRUD FACTORY CJSC presented samples of dress, casual and field uniforms (for the winter/summer season, for duty and outside formation) for all categories of military personnel, uniforms for performing special tasks and for extreme climatic conditions, uniforms and combat equipment for special forces units.

"Clothing, uniform and equipment personnel The Russian Guard must respond to current international standards and ensure effective implementation wide range service and combat missions. Specialists from rear units carefully select the proposed samples of uniforms and equipment. Promising uniform samples look beautiful in appearance, but before they are accepted for supply, they must be tested in various climatic conditions. Only after this will it be accepted final decision about what kind of products will be supplied to the Russian Guard. Convenience, comfort and versatility are the main requirements for uniforms and equipment,” said Army General Viktor Zolotov, director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation.

Attention is paid not only to the modernization of special uniforms, but also to everyday and field uniform clothing of military personnel and employees. For example, there will be fur-lined winter jackets, zip-up windbreaker jackets with a hood and new woolen sweaters. In addition, instead of the current field suits, the Russian Guard will be supplied with updated winter, demi-season (wind and moisture-proof) and summer field suits in green camouflage colors for most units of the National Guard troops, as well as in gray and dark gray camouflage colors for SOBR and OMON. The uniform will be comfortable, but at the same time it will preserve distinctive features taking into account the specifics of the units performing service and combat missions.

What rank is this girl? Isn’t that right, Colonel General?

The Duma official was dumbfounded!

Military personnel of the honor guard company of the Separate Operational Division named after. Dzerzhinsky demonstrated an updated dress uniform designed for the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. It is in this uniform that the military personnel of the parade squad will march along Red Square on Victory Day. They will wear dark green tunics, maroon berets and vests. In fact, somewhat updated dress uniform Internal troops.

It is especially worth highlighting the equipment. For example, riot police, in addition to the so-called office and ceremonial uniforms, have three types of service uniforms: “blue”, “green” - for operations in the field, and “black” - for special operations to capture especially dangerous criminals. “Black” means enhanced armor protection, especially a bulletproof helmet. Required attributes— body armor of the 5th degree of protection, elbow pads, knee pads, leg guards and other bells and whistles.

Well, and a separate topic is, of course, camouflage!

I've already seen this somewhere, but in another Galaxy, and it seems to me that the rebels on Endor were much ahead in terms of camouflage!

Let me remind you that this episode " Star Wars"was released in 1983, i.e., long before Digital Concealment Systems created the camouflage pattern currently known as .

Okay, jokes aside. It’s just not clear what patent MAGELLAN uses to make this camouflage.

Both developers and customers emphasized that at the exhibition, so far, only prototypes were presented, so to speak, sketches, which will be tested in troops and institutions throughout the country for at least another year. And only after that, taking into account critical comments and necessary modifications, military personnel will begin to dress in them. It is possible that some projects will have to be abandoned. It is expected that the Russian Guard will receive a new uniform by 2018.