Manipulations in communication. types, techniques, characteristics of manipulations in communication

Ways to manipulate people (what is manipulation- the topic of the previous article) a huge amount. In order to master some of them, long practice is required; most people use some of them freely, sometimes without even suspecting it. It is enough to simply know about some manipulation techniques in order to be able to defend against them, while others must be mastered in order to be able to counteract them.

It is necessary to know the mechanisms of manipulating the human psyche; this allows you to protect yourself from invasion of your psyche and skillfully counteract various techniques and methods of manipulation. It is also necessary to study and know manipulation techniques in order to learn how to skillfully understand them and use them for your own benefit. Without this knowledge it is difficult to achieve great success in life.

When using one or another method of manipulation, one should take into account the fact that a person’s life is multifaceted: by level of education, by life experience, by many other factors. Therefore, in some cases, for a more effective effect, an important point in using various methods of manipulation is preparation for their use.

The first step is to decide on a specific technique that is applicable in this case, and for this you should select a target of influence. Such targets could be:

  1. Interests of a person, his needs and inclinations;
  2. Beliefs (political, religious, moral), worldview;
  3. Habits, behavior style, ways of thinking, habits, character traits, professional skills;
  4. Mental and emotional state (both in general and at the moment).

That is, in order for one or another way of manipulation had an effect, it would be good to get to know the recipient of this impact as best as possible and collect more information about him.

Also at the preparatory stage, an experienced manipulator thinks through the places and conditions of his influence. It is important for him to increase the likelihood that the manipulated person will experience the reactions, sensations and emotions he needs. Therefore, creating conditions for increasing suggestibility, he chooses secluded, isolated places (although this is not always the case, sometimes the situation requires the opposite) and only then, without interference, applies the prepared manipulation technique.

The success of any method of manipulation depends on the established contact between people. The ability to make contact and maintain it is given great importance in the literature on business communication; this is not a way of manipulation, establishing contact, this is the basis of communicative communication. A skilled manipulator, acting subtly, knows this, he makes contact and develops it in every possible way (forms trust) with a view to its further use. For him, this is a preparatory stage, during which he adapts in every possible way to his interlocutor, using the joining technique. The essence of this technique is to find common interests and views, create an atmosphere of frankness, and create a favorable impression of yourself. The manipulator sometimes even begins to copy the communication partner’s gestures, facial expressions, takes similar poses, and does everything to win him over.

When all the preparatory stages have been completed, the necessary information has been collected, weaknesses have been identified, conditions have been thought out, you can begin to use techniques and methods of manipulation. Although, to use some techniques, preliminary preparation is not required at all.

Ways to manipulate people

Each method of manipulation given below is accompanied by brief instructions on how to counter it and protect against it.

Before moving on to considering manipulation techniques, I also want to immediately note that manipulation methods are not always used separately; often combinations of techniques and methods are used to ensure effective impact.


This method of manipulation is used to change the general meaning of what was said, changing its meaning to suit oneself. The manipulator, as if for the purpose of clarification, asks again, repeating what you said only at the beginning, then replaces the words and the overall meaning.

Listen very carefully to what they tell you. If you hear a distorted meaning, correct it immediately.


When one person tries to prove that he is right, to convince another of something, he shows his indifference to both the interlocutor and what he says. The manipulator counts on the opponent’s desire to prove his importance at all costs, to use those facts, that information that he had not previously intended to disclose. That is, the necessary information is simply revealed.

Protection against manipulation– do not give in to provocation.


Having voiced one topic, the manipulator quickly moves on to another, thereby not giving the interlocutor the opportunity to protest the first or somehow doubt it. This is done with the aim of fixing this information (not always true) in the subconscious of the interlocutor. This method of manipulation can be characterized as suggestion with further use.

You should pay attention to what you hear and analyze everything.


In this case, the manipulator quotes, and unexpectedly, the opponent’s words. In most cases, the words are partially distorted.

While defending yourself, you can respond in kind, invent a phrase and pass it off as the words the manipulator once said to him.


The manipulator shows his weakness by seeking a condescending attitude towards himself. At such moments, the manipulated person ceases to take the person seriously as a competitor and rival, and his vigilance becomes dull.

You can not succumb to this method of manipulation only if you always take any person seriously and see in him a strong rival.


Very common manipulation technique. By declaring love, honor and respect, you can achieve much more than just asking.

"Cold Mind" is here to help you.


With unmotivated anger, the manipulator makes a person want to calm down his interlocutor and expects him to make certain concessions. Just like the previous one, this method of manipulation is quite common.


  1. Do not pay attention to the rage of your interlocutor, do not start to calm him down, but show your indifference to his behavior, this will confuse him;
  2. Or vice versa, touching the manipulator (no matter the hand or shoulder) and looking him straight in the eyes, begin to sharply increase your aggressive pace, responding to him. With the help of simultaneous exposure to a visual, kinesthetic and auditory stimulus, the manipulator is introduced into a trance. And you can already set your own conditions for him, introduce your attitudes into his subconscious.
  3. You can adjust, evoke a similar state of mind in yourself and gradually begin to calm down, calming the manipulator as well.


Manipulation is possible by imposing a very fast pace of speech and pushing your ideas. The manipulator, hiding behind haste and lack of time, chatters up his interlocutor, who, without having time not only to answer, but even to think, thereby demonstrates his tacit consent.

Talkativeness, talkativeness and verbosity The manipulator can be stopped with questions and asking again. For example, a trick like “Sorry, I need to call urgently” will help slow down the pace. Will you wait?"


This way of manipulation used to weaken the protective barrier of the human psyche. The role of the manipulator is to act out suspicion in any matter, the response to which will be a desire to justify himself. This is what he achieves. The protective barrier has weakened, you can “push through” the necessary settings.

The defense here is self-awareness self-confident person. Show the manipulator that you don’t care if you are offended, and you won’t run to catch up if he wants to leave. Lovers, take it upon yourself, don’t let yourself be manipulated!


The manipulator makes it clear that he is very tired and is unable to prove anything or listen to objections. And therefore, the manipulated person quickly agrees with his words, and, following his lead, does not tire him with objections.

Don't give in to provocations.

The subtlety of this method of manipulation lies in the specifics of the human psyche - worship and blind trust in authority in any area. A manipulator, using his authority, puts pressure on a person, and often an opinion, advice or request lies outside the scope of his authority. How can you refuse a request or disagree with such a person?

Believe in yourself, in your abilities, in your individuality and exclusivity. Down with low self-esteem!


The manipulator, as if in secret, almost in a whisper, hiding behind imaginary friendship, advises the manipulated person to act in a certain way. He assures of the benefits and benefits of this action, but in reality he pursues his own interests.

We should not forget that free cheese can only be found in a mousetrap; you have to pay for everything.


It is known that the forbidden fruit is sweet, and the human psyche is structured in such a way that he is often interested in exactly what is forbidden or what requires effort to achieve. The manipulator, like a subtle psychologist, using these features of the human psyche, evokes such desires in the object of his influence. Of course, to please yourself.

Always remember your interests. Make decisions after thinking carefully, weighing all the pros and cons.


The manipulator draws the object of manipulation's attention to only one detail, not allowing him to consider the whole picture, and forces him to draw conclusions based on this. Application of this way to manipulate people widespread in life. Many people make conclusions and make judgments about any subject or event without having detailed information and without facts, sometimes even without their own opinion on this issue, they judge based on the opinions of others. Manipulators take advantage of this and thus impose their opinion.

Expand your horizons, develop, work to improve your level of knowledge.


Manipulator, as if doubting the opponent’s words, deliberately chooses an ironic tone of conversation, provoking him to emotions. In an emotional state, in anger, a person falls into an altered state of consciousness and is more susceptible to suggestion.

An effective defense against this method of manipulation is complete indifference.


The manipulator, in order to direct the conversation in the direction he wants, constantly interrupts the thoughts of the interlocutor.

Ignore this, or, using speech psychotechnics, try to ridicule the manipulator and if you are in a team, no one will seriously pay attention to his interruptions.


In this case, there is a hint from the manipulator about more favorable conditions in which the object of manipulation seems to be located. The manipulated begins to make excuses and opens up to suggestion, which immediately follows.

There is no need to make excuses; on the contrary, recognize your superiority.


The manipulated person is placed in such conditions when he needs to avert suspicion of bias towards the manipulator. And he himself begins to praise him, talk about his good intentions, thereby giving himself the instruction not to react critically to the words of the manipulator.

If you find yourself in such a situation, refute your bias, but without praising the manipulator.


It is carried out through the use of terms unknown to the manipulated by the manipulator in conversation. The latter finds himself in an awkward position, and fearing to appear illiterate, he is afraid of what these terms mean.

Don’t be shy or afraid to clarify a word you don’t understand.


In simple terms, this method of manipulation is to lower a person below the baseboard. Hints are used about his illiteracy and stupidity, which leads the object of manipulation into a state of temporary confusion. It is then that the manipulator encodes the psyche.

Don’t pay attention, especially if you know that in front of you is a competent manipulator, an experienced swindler or a hypnotist.


With this method of manipulation, through repeated repetition of phrases, the manipulator inspires the object with some information.

You should not pay attention to what the manipulator says. You can change the topic of conversation.


The manipulator plays on his own supposed inattention. Having achieved the desired result, he seems to notice that he did something wrong, confronting the manipulated with a fact: “Well, what can you do, I didn’t see, I didn’t hear, I didn’t understand correctly...”

It is necessary to clearly clarify and convey the meaning of the agreements reached.


Like manipulation technique is carried out by constructing a dialogue in such a way that the manipulated always agrees with the words of the manipulator. This is how the manipulator leads the target to accept his idea.

Change the focus of the conversation.


The manipulator invents or finds some similarity between himself and the manipulated, casually draws attention to this, thereby increasing self-confidence and weakening defenses. You can act, promote an idea, instill a thought (using other methods and techniques of manipulation), and ask.

Defense is to sharply tell the manipulator about your differences with him.


The manipulator poses the question in such a way that he does not give the object any other choice of options other than those that he proposed. For example, a waiter in a restaurant, asking, approaching your table, “What wine will you drink today - red or white?”, makes you think about the choice from what he offered, and you, for example, were planning to order yourself some cheap vodka.

Be clear about what exactly you want and not forget about your interests and plans, no matter what it concerns.

The article turned out to be voluminous, although not all techniques and methods of manipulation were considered (but this is already in other articles). It is clear that you will not be able to master it the first time. And it’s wrong to try to immediately apply everything you read and remember. Choose several methods of manipulation (preferably complementary to each other), practice using them, bring the application to perfection (as far as possible), and only then proceed to the next ones. We also recommend reading the article “ Statements of great and successful people about manipulation».

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Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Kirovograd Institute of Regional Management and Economics

on basics of management

on the topic: "Information as a means of manipulation"


psychological student


groups PS-32

Pokalyukhin A.

Kirovograd 2003


1. Methods of handling information………………………………………...4

2. Basic processes of manipulation in communication……………………………….7

2.1 Psychological pressure……………………………………………………7

2.2 Transfer of information………………………………………………………8




Nowadays, the media has acquired enormous importance. But each of us has noticed more than once that, when discussing the same event, different sources cite different facts. And the point here is not in varying degrees of awareness, but in who and how it is beneficial to present this information. It has long been no secret that behind almost every news agency there are certain sponsors, whose interests are taken into account in the work of these agencies. Therefore, the same information from different mouths may sound different.

We do not condemn this way of providing information, but we want to find out how far different structures can go in information manipulation, as well as how and why this is done.

It should be noted that manipulation does not consist of distortion of information alone, but is a complex action in which many factors are taken into account. Accordingly, it is neither practical nor correct to consider information from the aspect of manipulation in isolation from other parameters. Therefore, we will try to pay attention not only to the information side of manipulation.

1. First of all, it is necessary to consider the actions in which manipulation manifests itself, and which characterize the activity of the manipulator. The degree of success of a manipulator largely depends on how wide the arsenal of psychological influence means used by the manipulator and how flexible the manipulator is in their use.

In the process of becoming familiar with the literature on manipulation, one quickly discovers a frequent repetition of the same topics, which in different combinations are included as leitmotifs in the range of problems discussed by the author. These include issues of handling information, concealing manipulative influence, means of coercion, and others.

The entire variety of operations performed on information can be grouped according to several parameters.

Distortion information varies from outright lies to partial deformations, such as juggling of facts or displacement in the semantic field of a concept, when, say, the fight for the rights of a minority is presented as a fight against the interests of the majority.

L. Vaitkunienė, describing the features of image and stereotype as means and mechanisms of psychological influence, notes that image is a specially made image in which “the main thing is not what is in reality, but what we want to see, what we need ". This image is the result of “distortion of individual natural phenomena and social life.”

Concealment information in its most complete form is manifested in silence - the concealment of certain topics. Much more often the method of partial illumination or selective supply of material is used.

Feeding method information often plays a decisive role in ensuring that the communicated content is perceived in the manner required by its sender. For example, an abundance of information in raw or unsystematized form allows one to fill the airwaves with streams of useless information, further complicating an individual’s already hopeless search for meaning. In the same way, information presented in small portions does not allow you to use it effectively. In both cases, however, the reproach of concealing certain information is removed in advance.

The closest thing to manipulative influence itself is the technique of a special arrangement of topics, which seems to lead the recipient of information to quite unambiguous conclusions. For example, in one row (ruble or section) reports are given about curiosities and someone’s protest hunger strike.

Plays a significant role moment of submission information. The most famous technique is to show it at the most (least) convenient time for viewers. An interesting technique is discussed in detail by V. Ricoeur. Depending on the order in which items are voted on or agenda items discussed at a meeting, the final outcome of the vote or discussion will be different due to the influence of the previous vote or discussion. Similar results were obtained in an experimental study of increasing people’s compliance to requests after first fulfilling a trivial request from the experimenter.

Another common technique is subthreshold feed information. A related technique in the auditory modality is a change in the musical theme in the phonogram at the moment when the announcer’s text presents material to which the audience’s attention needs to be drawn. The involuntary reaction of viewers to a change in background also increases the throughput of the semantic channel.

The monograph by R. E. Gudin describes “linguistic traps” - implicit restrictions imposed on the content by the words or expressions chosen to convey it. In addition, considerable attention is paid to techniques united under the general name “untruth”. Their essence is to play on the rational ignorance of people, and are based on the following model:

1. Citizens have incomplete information.

2. Citizens know that they have inadequate information.

3. It is expensive to either require additional information or gain access to it.

4. The expected benefits of additional information are perceived as less valuable than the payment for it.

An interesting model of information interaction was proposed by O. Yokoyama. According to this model, partners enter into communication already having a certain set of information known to both of them: general cultural baggage, knowledge about the situation, some ideas about the partner. O. Yokoyama draws attention to the model differences between such phenomena as lies, mistrust, jokes, politeness, and manipulation.

The author considers the presence of a double statement to be a sign of manipulative influence, namely, along with the statement spoken out loud, the sender of the influence has very specific expectations regarding the actions of the partner, but for some reason does not intend to give them away. This hidden influence is carried out based on some content known to both partners, but not actually mentioned.

2. Since the transfer of information is nothing more than communication, let us consider in more detail the most important processes that arise when attempting to manipulate communication. These are psychological pressure and transmission of information.

2.1 The manipulator begins his actions with some degree of confidence in success. This confidence is embodied in the desire to create the necessary superiority of power over a partner, allowing one to overpower him. To describe this aspect of the relationship, we will use the concepts of strength and weakness.

Let's define power as the advantage of one partner over another in terms of any parameter of influence: qualifications, position, possession of information, control over the situation. The presence of one or another advantage is often revealed only in the process of influence itself - already as the use of force, which does not deny the fact of its presence in potential form. The classification of types of forces is as follows.

Own strengths are a set of some advantages that a partner almost always has:

1) status: role position, position, age;

2) business: qualifications, arguments, abilities, knowledge, arguments;

Attracted (borrowed) forces are those advantages in the creation of which other persons play an important role, usually not represented in the situation:

1) representative support – reliance on the strength of specific third parties;

2) conventional advantages – reliance on the power of generalized “others”, on universal requirements, norms of behavior, traditions, values, morality.

Procedural forces are advantages that are derived from the process of interaction with a partner:

1) dynamic forces: pace, pauses, initiative;

2) positional advantages: exploitation of the emotional tone of previous relationships;

3) contract: the result of joint agreements containing legal, moral or rational force.

2.2 The information level is logically lower. But on it the implementation of higher-order variables takes place: organizing the space of interaction, gaining access to targets of influence, programming, etc. Moreover, the subtlety of the “arrangement” of psychological influence depends to the greatest extent on the actor’s skill in using means of communication. The arsenal of such means is very wide.

The means and methods of influencing the subconscious used, for example, a hundred years ago, and modern ones differ significantly. With the massive spread of television, the Internet, and print media, this has become much easier to do. In particular, we are talking about a large coverage of the territory. So to speak, the impact on mass consciousness on a much larger scale.

For example, it is known that after 20-25 minutes of watching a television program, the brain already begins to absorb any information that comes through the television broadcast. Let us recall one of the principles of control (manipulation) of the masses, the crowd: suggestion. The action of television advertising is based on this principle. For example, we are shown some kind of commercial. Suppose, at first, we experience a clear rejection of the material shown to us with our ideas about this product. We look, listen, perhaps justifying ourselves by saying that we won’t buy anything like that. This is how we calm ourselves down. In fact, the individual’s psyche is subject to the general laws of controlling the human psyche. And if any signal enters our information field for a long time, then it is all inevitably deposited in the subconscious. This means that if in the future there is a choice between which product to buy, we will unconsciously give preference to the one that we have already “heard something about”. Moreover. It is he who will evoke some positive associative series in our memory. Like something familiar, or even “close” to us. Let's remember how often we heard advertisements of popular brands (the very fact that they became “popular” is the merit of advertising). As a result, this not only no longer causes any rejection in us, but when we are faced with choosing a product about which we know nothing, and, on the other hand, a product that is somewhat familiar to us, we subconsciously (and, as it were, regardless of ourselves, our consciousness - which is understandable given the fact that all our actions or desires are controlled by the subconscious) we will instinctively reach for this particular product. Moreover, depending on the specifics of the psyche of a particular individual, such an influence (so that a given product becomes “close” to him) can occur over the course of several years. The principle of time, the principle of duration of influence, is precisely what is important here.

It is also important to pay attention to the fact that truly manipulating mass consciousness (more precisely, we are now talking about its greater effectiveness) is possible when a person is under the constant influence of some kind of information. After all, in this case, he no longer needs to think. Everything is “thought out” for him. And at the same time, in this case, the result is achieved due to the fact that a person develops, as it were, a new ideology. To do this, of course, it is more desirable to take the individual out of the context of his previous life. Because it is much more difficult to control a person’s consciousness if he is in an environment familiar to him. For example, if an individual is isolated from society for a long period of time, placed in some new conditions for him (for example, the army, prison, orphanage, boarding school...), then in this case we can talk about the success of the impact on his psyche, in order to subjugate her. Everything we have listed, the so-called. disciplinary spaces. Where there are well-established norms and rules of behavior. (And the behavior of a beginner is to quickly “get into” compliance with these rules). There is a fairly common saying: don’t go into someone else’s monastery with your own rules. That is, the individual is already, as it were, phylogenetically ready to subordinate his life to new rules of behavior. He develops a new value system. The old way of life, once characteristic of him, is forgotten. After a while, a person becomes, as it were, ready to submit. Become the way they want to see him, and not the way he really is. And, in fact, after a long stay in a new place, the individual no longer really knows what he really is like. After all, he now obeys completely different rules. Once new to him. But now they have become “near and dear ones.”

Of course, the psyche initially resists this. A person who is abruptly pulled out of his usual world of habitation (for example, after being drafted into the army, or being unexpectedly arrested, especially when the “case” is fabricated. And the person does not even physically have time to prepare psychologically) initially experiences rejection and a sharp rejection of the new environment. Everything inside him seems to rebel against this. But then the withdrawal process occurs. He is morally depressed, which means he is unconsciously ready to accept the conditions in which he finds himself.

No less important for the success of this is the “specificity” of the new habitat, for example, a new language, or rather the appearance in the familiar language of neologisms, or, more accurately, jargon - that is, a specific language inherent in a particular community.

Jargon is quite common in the criminal environment. Or in the same army. And in general, any professional communities have their own specific differences in speech, expressed in the presence of a special kind of words that are understandable to those who, by chance, must be with them. For example, in addition to criminals, the jargon of sailors, the jargon of athletes, and the jargon of workers are known. A person, being in a given environment, subconsciously learns a new language faster, striving to quickly be accepted into a new environment, and therefore cease to be a newcomer, which for most people is very painful, and, at the very least, they experience psychological discomfort. .

Further, when a person finds himself in a new environment, not only does a reorientation of life values ​​occur, but also, as it were, new parental figures appear. If earlier for most individuals these were parents, older brothers, educators (if they were brought up in an orphanage), older comrades (if someone lived on the street), now the head of the colony (“master” as he is called in criminal jargon), or the same sergeant (if we are talking about recruits in the army). Because now it happens that you cannot decide on your own when you need to sleep or eat. Your new “parent” will tell you this. He, (on occasion), will punish you in the same way. And you already unconsciously begin to obey him. And if you don’t obey, they will force you, they will “break” you. Moreover, they will “break” almost everyone. Depending on the desire and skill of your new guards.

No less important for the success of manipulation is a change in value systems and the emergence of new values.

It is as if you are being forced to abandon the past, offering a new world in return. As an example, it is enough to pay attention to religious sects (where the above methods of control and manipulation are firmly observed), or recall the outstanding (in terms of the scope of manipulation) example of the establishment of Soviet power. Ulyanov-Lenin and his associates made full use of all the principles of manipulating mass consciousness. Moreover, this, as you know, was not only an experiment, but one of the most famous successful experiments in history. And analyzing that period of history, we can safely consider all the applied principles of the psychology of influence as an outstanding and at the same time tragic example of the manipulation of mass consciousness. But, unfortunately, this is our psyche. And it is subject to general laws and rules of behavior, which means practically regardless of how many years have passed or will pass, and we will still be subject to some manipulators who have decided, through known mechanisms of influence (control) on the human psyche, to solve some of their pressing problems. problems (government, for example), or basic enrichment (business).

Speaking about modern means of mass influence on the audience, we, apparently, should talk about some combination of advertising and mass media (MSC). It is no secret that advertising largely replaces a person’s true (inner) values, replacing them with those imposed on him. By influencing the subconscious of the individual, advertising leads to the fact that the person no longer belongs to himself. He submits to the principles and standards of life imposed on him. And even if he consciously still resists some of them, subconsciously he is already making a choice in favor of one or another psychological attitude. Almost here, by the way, is the formation of an inferiority complex among certain groups of the population who do not have the opportunity to buy this or that product. A product that suits a particular lifestyle. (Perhaps this is why a certain part of the population is ready for any kind of enrichment, in fulfillment of their desire to step onto the next step of the social ladder. These are the roots of crime and prostitution. After all, money is thus achieved in an easy way. Here we can also talk about those who falls on the hook of scammers. A person subconsciously experiences discomfort because of his “poverty". Therefore, when he is offered to get rich quickly, he seems to be unconsciously drawn to it. Therefore, we can say that all the activities of scammers are, as it were, unconsciously sanctioned by the state, inspiring to their fellow citizens the myth that it is bad to be poor).

Famous principle so-called fragmentation of information, used to increase the suggestibility of the audience. For example, if we look at the front page of a major newspaper or the first minutes of a TV news block, we will notice that initially we are presented with a kind of “squeeze” (the main events) of what will be talked about. Thus, the audience is already, as it were, prepared.

The fragmentary distribution of information into different areas is aimed at preventing the individual from the very beginning from being able to combine them and understand the problem. In this case (as if “to the heap”; i.e., to deprive information of the main meaning) the technique of sensationalism is used.

For example, rapidly changing stories in the news lead to the fact that a person is simply physically unable to highlight for himself the main points of the received material and make any critical analysis of it. The individual's attention seems to be scattered. This reduces the level of psychological defense and criticality in a person, which means that the threshold of suggestibility sharply increases. As a result, timely advertising seems to help penetrate immediately into the subconscious. And let a person who has experienced this form of influence not immediately run to buy this or that product, or vote for this or that party, or deputy. But we can be sure: when the need for this comes, a person will be guided by exactly what is already in his subconscious. After all, it is our unconscious that is “to blame” for our committing any actions, as well as the emergence of any thoughts, desires, or emotions in us.

What is in our subconscious? Everything that we have ever heard or seen. Not counting the so-called phylogenetic memory (or collective unconscious), we can say that everything that once passed before the individual - almost unchanged (with minor exceptions when a number of psychodefenses are activated, such as repression, etc.) is deposited in our subconscious.

There is no other way, as they say.

There are many different principles of mass manipulation, most of them based on such categories of the psyche as suggestion, infection, and imitation.

The means of modern media bring their own methods of influence (manipulation) over the masses. Moreover, their effectiveness in today’s society is quite high.

However, before we begin to consider the methods of influencing the audience used in the media, we will consider the six most common principles that we encounter in life.

Let's list them.

The principle of consistency.

To be consistent is the natural desire of any person. To be consistent in your views is to be a respected person. This is what the principle of manipulation is designed for, when, having forced a person to initially verify his responsibilities (for example, to fill out a contract form himself, or to write a poem about what a good company is, or how great this or that product is), thereby “guaranteed” he receives “ new client." It is very important for a person to feel consistent. And if he took the first step, he will almost certainly take the second.

If not just some person (especially someone unknown to us), but endowed with some signs of distinction and public recognition (for example, an academician, general, governor - addressing you personally), in the majority cases, you can say that you will follow his request. This is the principle of authority.

Not far from here and principle of benevolence. It is easier for us to trust an outwardly attractive (even beautiful) person than someone who has some external defect.

If a beautiful actress or fashion model asks us for something, this is a much greater guarantee that we will respond to her request than to the request of some homeless person or drunkard wallowing in the mud. We would sooner give our hand to a slipped Sharon Stone (for women, choose any male actor) than to a dirty, ragged, and half-drunk beggar. This happens as if independently of our consciousness, unconsciously.

Another principle is principle of reciprocity. Or the “rule of gratitude.” This principle is widely used in large supermarkets, when we are offered to try a product for free, thereby unconsciously forcing us (as gratitude) to later (or immediately) buy this very product.

The principle of contagion.

If a large number of people buy a product, we seem to unconsciously strive to do the same. Here is the origin and popularity of various ratings, paid claps in the auditorium during the performance of pop and show business figures, etc. In such cases, the individual initially and unconsciously focuses on the mass behavior of other people.

And finally, another principle is scarcity principle. It is based on the fact that a person begins to buy something if this thing can be lost or, conversely, acquired profitably. The risk of losing something directly affects our subconscious, forcing us to make often unnecessary purchases. In Soviet times, many things were considered in short supply, including, for example, books. Many people remember the time when for the desired book it was necessary to first hand over a couple of tens of kilograms of waste paper, or be faced with the choice of purchasing this book only from speculators and resellers. And this despite the fact that the books were published in millions of copies. Now, when you can find almost any publication in a store (and the books themselves are freely available), book circulations rarely exceed 5 thousand copies. Paradox? No. After all, many people then bought books “just like that,” only because there was an opportunity to “get it.” Now this need has disappeared.

And be that as it may, all this clearly demonstrates the principle of deficiency, the principle of manipulating our consciousness. The consciousness of the masses. And most of us, unfortunately, succumb to these manipulations

Ch. 6. Manipulation through the media.

It should be noted that in modern society, manipulation of the masses with the help of the media turns out to be, in our opinion, the most effective in terms of suggestive influences on the audience.

This is due to at least several factors, the main ones being the almost universal coverage of the territory of influence, as well as a historical predisposition to believe in the media, which came to us from the Soviet past, and to people born later - phylogenetically.

So, let's approach the methods of manipulation through the media, considering the methods of suggestive influence on the masses. Moreover, you should pay attention to the fact that all these methods “work” also during manipulation in everyday life (that is, when the media seems to have nothing to do with it), - in the communication of individuals with each other, and so on.

1. The principle of priority.

The essence of this method is based solely on the specifics of our psyche, which is structured in such a way that it is natural to take on faith the information that is first received by our consciousness for processing.

Even the fact that later we can receive more reliable information often does not exclude either the fact of subconscious distrust of it, or the fact that our unconscious will send “favorable” impulses to consciousness from the information received first.

Apparently in this case there is a certain effect of perceiving the primary information as truth, especially since it seems impossible to immediately understand its contradictory nature. And later it is quite difficult to change the formed opinion.

A similar principle is quite successfully used in political technologies, when some incriminating material (compromising material) is sent to a competitor (via the media), thereby: a) forming a negative opinion about him among voters; b) forcing you to make excuses. Moreover, already in this case, the masses are influenced through the stereotypes widespread in society that if someone is justified, it means he is guilty (and, we note, apparently the stereotypes are still quite false, but nevertheless leave a negative mark about this individual).

2. “Eyewitnesses” of events.

A fairly common deception used to influence the audience for the purposes desired by the manipulators, when there are supposedly eyewitnesses of events who, with the necessary sincerity, report information conveyed to them in advance by the manipulators, passing it off as their own.

The name of such “eyewitnesses” is often hidden, allegedly for the purpose of conspiracy, or a false name is given, which, along with falsified information, nevertheless often achieves an effect on the audience, since it affects the individual’s unconscious, causing in him an intensity of feelings and emotions, in as a result of which the censorship of the psyche is weakened and is able to let information through without identifying its false essence.

3. Image of the enemy.

This method of manipulation is often the most successful, since in this case, by artificially creating a threat and, as a result, the intensity of passions, the masses are initially immersed in a state similar to ASCs (altered states of consciousness). As a result, they are easier to manage, since the need to execute orders is dictated by the individuals’ own safety; At the same time, a positive image of government officials is also formed. Which, again, practically contributes to the acceptability on the part of the authorities of any actions that are unconsciously interpreted by the masses as “concern” for them.

In Soviet times, a falsely formed image of the enemy allowed a significant portion of the GDP (gross domestic product) to be spent on the defense department, artificially creating a shortage of certain goods for the population in the country.

4. Shift of emphasis.

In this case, the method of presenting materials may seem very curious. That is, there is a certain conscious shift in emphasis in the material presented to the audience, when a shift in emphasis occurs, and something not entirely desirable for the manipulators is presented in the background, while what they need is most clearly highlighted.

5. Use of “opinion leaders”.

In this case, any manipulation of mass consciousness occurs on the basis of the widespread belief among manipulators that when performing any actions of a purchasing or imitative nature, individuals are guided by the so-called. opinion leaders. Opinion leaders can be various figures who have become iconic or quite authoritative for a certain category of the population.

Moreover, most often the situation is that certain sectors of the media mass audience have their own opinion leaders. For example, for some a famous athlete may become an authority, for others a pop singer or rock musician, for others a writer.

It is known that this form of manipulation is quite actively used both in the media and in everyday life. And during the election period, this form becomes most desirable for manipulators, when famous actors, writers and musicians, hastily accepted into one or another party, recommend voting exclusively for it (well, that is, for themselves, which already means for it, and for all those who, in addition to these famous figures of show business and various bohemian institutions, belong to this party).

6. Reorientation of attention.

In this case, it becomes possible to teach material with almost any intensity of emotional component, but without causing the expected storm of passions. And this becomes possible based on the rule of reorientation of attention, when the information necessary for concealment seems to fade into the shadow of seemingly random events that serve to distract attention.

In this case, it becomes possible to present almost absolutely any material without fear of its undesirable (negative) component.

7. Emotional charge.

The technology of manipulation in this case is based on such a property of the individual’s psyche as emotional contagion.

It is known that in the course of life a person builds certain protective barriers to receiving information that is undesirable for him. But this becomes possible in relation to the adoption of certain components of consciousness as protective mechanisms, that is, for example, the mind. Whereas in order to bypass such a barrier of the psyche, it is necessary that the manipulative influence be aimed at feelings; i.e. already on what is more under the control of the subconscious. In this case, by “charging” the necessary information with the necessary emotions (the emotional component of the information received), it becomes possible to overcome the barrier of the mind and cause an explosion of passions in the individual, forcing him to worry about some moment of the information he heard. Next, the effect of detonation or emotional charging comes into play, which is most widespread in the crowd, where, as is known, the threshold of criticality is initially lower, and the intellectual component of an individual becomes noticeably lower, submitting to the general stupidity characteristic of individuals enclosed in the masses.

This manipulation effect is quite actively used during various reality shows, when participants seem to initially speak in a raised voice and sometimes demonstrate significant emotional arousal, which makes them watch the ups and downs of the events they demonstrate, empathizing with the main characters.

A similar impact on the emotional component of the mass media audience occurs when a number of politicians appear on television, impulsively shouting out their ways out of crisis situations in which, in their opinion, the country is constantly finding itself. A similar method was and is used by some announcers on television, who, thanks to this method of manipulation, influence the feelings of individuals, and the audience is emotionally charged, which means that such manipulators are able to force people to pay attention to the material being presented.

8. Showy issues.

In this case, the technique of manipulating the consciousness of the masses not only turns out to be very effective, but also quite widespread in modern mass media. Its essence boils down to the following: depending on the presentation of the same materials, you can achieve different, sometimes opposing opinions from the audience. That is, some event can be artificially “not noticed,” but something else, on the contrary, can be given increased attention, and even on different television channels.

In this case, of course, the truth itself seems to fade into the background. And it depends on the desire (or not desire) to highlight it.

It is known that many events take place in the country every day. Naturally, illuminating all of them is physically impossible.

However, it often happens that some events are shown quite often, many times, and on different channels; whereas something else, which probably also deserves attention in order to convey information about this to the audience, is no longer, as it were, deliberately noticed.

It is worth noting that presenting information through such manipulative techniques often leads to artificially inflating non-existent problems, behind which truly dangerous trends are not noticed. For example, among one of the serious problems of modern Russia is the actual mortality due to the consumption of alcohol-containing liquids of a fairly significant population of villages and villages. That is, in other words, a very large category of the male population drinks and becomes an alcoholic. While somewhat inferior to them, but with an equally large number of adherents, is drug addiction. Some part of the population is actually also becoming hopelessly lost to society due to the development of sectarianism. The first two problems create a real demographic threat in the country, the media of which are aimed at deliberately shifting the emphasis towards problems that are much smaller, but necessary for certain manipulators from the powers that be.

9. Inaccessibility of information.

This principle of manipulative technologies is also called information blockade. This becomes possible when a certain piece of information, undesirable for manipulators, is deliberately not allowed on the air. After all, it is known that television allows you to act as a mass manipulator (the audience of federal channels is especially significant). Therefore, if any information needs to be hidden from the audience, then to do this it is enough to prevent its dissemination through the air of federal channels (it is advisable not to allow it on television at all).

In modern media, the information blockade apparently should include the real state of affairs occurring in a number of territories within the country and beyond its borders from among the former republics of the former union, as well as numerous materials representing the real situation in the country, and much more.

10. Strike ahead.

A type of manipulation based on the advance release of information that is negative for the main category of people or compromising material for a competing group in the field of political elections, when this information causes maximum resonance, so that wholesale, by the time the subsequent receipt of information and the need to make an unpopular decision, the audience is tired of protesting and no longer reacted. And in political technologies, there is a sacrifice of insignificant incriminating evidence, after which the manipulators achieve the effect of the audience not reacting when new incriminating evidence is received against the political figure they are promoting. The people, in this case, are already tired of reacting.

11. False passion.

A method of manipulating the mass media audience, when a false intensity of passions is used by presenting supposedly sensational material, as a result of which the individual’s psyche does not have time to react properly, unnecessary excitement is created, and the information presented by the manipulators ends up in favor when assessed by individuals. That is, in this case, the criticality put forward by the censorship of the psyche is noticeably reduced, which means the manipulators achieve the expected result.

In other words, a false time limit is created within which the received information must be evaluated, which often leads to the fact that it practically without cuts (from the side of the reality principle; the so-called reality testing) ends up in the individual’s unconscious; after which it influences consciousness, distorting the very meaning of the information received, as well as taking up space for receiving (and corresponding assessment) information that is more truthful, and may actually be necessary for the individual.

Moreover, in most cases we are talking about the impact on the mass media audience, when mechanisms for assessing information in the crowd are involved, in which most often the principle of criticality is already difficult in itself, and here it is also violated as a result of false sensationalism and associated there is haste in the need to make any decision, that is, in other words, in an adequate assessment of the information received.

12. Credibility effect.

In this case, the basis for possible manipulation consists of a known component of the individual’s psyche, when he is inclined to believe information that does not contradict his inner “I”. That is, in other words, if through the media (television, radio, press) we encounter information with which we internally disagree (this somehow contradicts the information already in our unconscious), then we deliberately block such a channel for obtaining information .

In another case, if we come across information that does not contradict our understanding of such a question, then we continue to receive information through the involved senses. And then in this case there is an acceleration for manipulation over us, because manipulators will deliberately wedge into information that seems plausible to us, a part of false information, which we automatically perceive as real.

The effect of credibility can be achieved in reasonable ways, and in all likelihood, 70-80-90 percent of the information needs to be presented to a credible, or already known, audience, or one that it can verify. And then 30-20-10% of the false information you provide will seem to dissolve in the truth, and will be received quite positively.

Also, in accordance with a similar principle of manipulation, it is also possible to initially present information that is obviously unfavorable for the manipulator (supposedly criticism of oneself), due to which the audience’s faith increases that this mass media source is quite honest and truthful. Well, later the information needed for manipulators is included in the information provided.

It should also be taken into account that an individual can come across some information out of curiosity; as if unconsciously convincing himself that he could always take a step back.

Further, if there is something in this information that does not contradict any of his beliefs or internal attitudes of consciousness, then he can familiarize himself with the information as a whole. This is already enough for the subsequent meeting with such a source to create a certain unconscious positive emotion in the soul of this individual, as a result of which a kind of faith in such a medium of information has already emerged. Well, this means that it already turns out that such an individual will have a reduced threshold of receptivity to any information received from this source; including false information.

13. The effect of “information storm”.

In this case, we should talk about the methods used by manipulators aimed at the unmotivated huge amount of information received by the audience, as a result of which the truth is lost among the flow of unnecessary and useless information. And the individuals themselves who have been subjected to this form of manipulation simply get tired of the flow of information, which means that some kind of analysis of it becomes noticeably reduced, which means that manipulators have the opportunity to hide information that they need, but is undesirable for demonstration to the general public.

14. Reverse effect.

In this case, there is such an amount of negative information addressed to a figure that this information achieves the exact opposite effect, and instead of the expected condemnation, such a figure begins to evoke pity. This means that manipulative technologies are once again effective.

15. An everyday story, or evil with a human face.

The type of mass manipulation we are considering becomes possible when information that can cause an undesirable effect is pronounced in a very ordinary tone, as if nothing strange, much less scary, is happening. As a result of this form of presentation of information, some critical information, when penetrating into the consciousness of listeners, seems to lose its relevance. In this way, the criticality of the individual’s psyche’s perception of negative information is broken, a kind of addiction to it.

With the long-term nature of such broadcasting, the psyche of the mass media audience is significantly dulled, which practically eliminates the emotional component that was previously characteristic of listening (viewing and reading) various types of criminal information (information about murders, brutal rapes, terrorist attacks, etc.)

When covering any rallies or demonstrations suppressed by the authorities with a large number of victims and injured, the effect of such information is noticeably reduced when the announcers present the materials in ordinary, even voices, as if they are talking about some ordinary and particularly unremarkable story. At the same time, atrocities can actually be the exact opposite of the nature of the presentation of the material.

16. One-sided coverage of events.

In this case, the manipulative nature of the methodology used is aimed at one-sided coverage of events, when only one side of the process is allowed to speak, as a result of which a false (hidden, manipulative) effect is achieved with a possible interpretation of the events presented in the material, in fact excluding such an interpretation.

Thus, manipulators interested in lies again manage to hide the truth, presenting instead a deception, which these swindlers will force the masses to believe.

17. The principle of contrast.

This type of manipulation becomes possible when the necessary information is presented against the background of another, initially negative, and negatively perceived by the majority of the audience.

That is, something white will always be noticeable against a black background. And against the backdrop of bribe-takers and bureaucrats, in the right context it is possible to present a person with actions deliberately aimed at creation, even if he does not denounce money-grubbers, but, for example, only conveys information about the positive nature of this person.

A similar principle is quite common among political strategists, when a possible crisis is analyzed in detail (“a crisis” can always be found; it all depends on how the material is presented) in the camp of competitors, while against the backdrop of all this disgrace, the correct nature of the actions of the candidate used by the manipulators is demonstrated. deputies.

18. Approval of an imaginary majority.

The use of this technique of manipulating the masses is based on such a specific component of the human psyche as the admissibility of performing any actions (deeds) after the initial approval of any other individuals. That is, we can already say that a certain barrier of criticality is erased in the psyche (both in relation to oneself and in relation to the information received) after this information has caused approval from other people.

The individual himself, in most cases (we are talking about representatives of the masses) is often quite reluctant to undertake the obligations of acceptability of any leadership actions on his part. That is, becoming a leader is much more difficult for the majority than becoming a subordinate. It’s one thing to use some well-established schemes, and quite another to realize your own leadership ambitions. And first of all, precisely because of the false danger of receiving any critical comments from others. Whereas in this case, after receiving some approval (especially when a certain number of other individuals support you), you seem to grow wings; and you are capable of committing a number of actions that you might not have dared to do before. Something similar apparently happens in the crowd, when the consent of others (essentially your “accomplices”, or comrades-in-arms, the emphasis here is placed depending on what actions will be committed by the crowd) reduces any criticality (censorship) of the psyche individual, and he is capable of literally performing a feat in relation to himself. (That is, to commit an act that, perhaps, you would not have dared to do before).

Moreover, it should apparently be said that any effectiveness of such a principle on the part of manipulators becomes possible based on the same specificity that forces individuals to unite into groups. What is a group or mass? First of all, this is the mass disappearance of fear. According to the principle: when we are together, we are no longer afraid of anything.

And in the same way, being in a group, an individual unconsciously tends to think that if something is approved by the majority, then it means it is more good than bad. Well, the fact that, perhaps, he has not yet understood that this is good only says that this individual has not yet figured it out. This means we can already say that the likelihood that an individual “starting to figure it out” will make a decision that had already been made by the majority before him will be very high. Simply because historically the psyche is inclined to believe this society. And therefore, most of these methods become possible.

This method of manipulation is also used on television (when, on a talk show, viewers begin to clap and wildly express their delight at the fact that a commercial break is about to begin), and at speeches by some figures in front of an audience, when the initially paid “support group” periodically begins to show all possible approval to the speaker, and in the case when actors impersonate ordinary people, advertising a product on a television screen. Therefore, it is advisable to identify such moments on the part of manipulators and not to succumb to them, remembering that for the most part, manipulation is unconsciously a deception in order to fulfill any demands of the manipulators.

19. Expressive strike.

When implemented, this principle should produce the effect of psychological shock, when manipulators achieve the desired effect by deliberately broadcasting the horrors of modern life of individuals, which causes the first reaction of protest (due to a sharp increase in the emotional component of the psyche), and the desire to punish the guilty at all costs. At the same time, what can we say that the emphasis when presenting material can be quite deliberately shifted towards competitors that are unnecessary for manipulators or against information that seems undesirable to them.

In this case, another effect is achieved when, against the background of the effect produced, any information necessary for the manipulators is supplied, which almost unhinderedly penetrates into the unconscious, and from there, after some time, into consciousness. Moreover, here everything also seems to become explainable, both because the psyche of an individual in a state of emotional stress (shock) cannot adequately evaluate all the information received - emotions take precedence over reason, and because almost everything that is in our unconscious has an effect in one way or another influence on consciousness.

20. False analogies, or sabotages against logic.

This manipulation is very dangerous, because it actually eliminates the true reason in any matter, replacing it with a false analogy. For example, there is an incorrect comparison of various, seemingly mutually exclusive consequences, which in this case are passed off as one. That is, a logical component is in no way traced in a number of questions of an almost opposite nature, but manipulators confidently present this as supposedly one cause-and-effect chain. A simple example from the series “a cook can rule the state” - a famous athlete is elected as a deputy, and political strategists are vigorously promoting the idea (by creating an associative chain) that if he was able to achieve significant results in sports, then he can achieve the same in the fight for a cause of the working masses.

21. Artificial calculation of the situation.

In this situation, in order to solve any problems, manipulators throw a lot of different information onto the market, thereby monitoring public interest, and information that is not relevant is subsequently eliminated, and the remaining is presented using numerous manipulative techniques to fully achieve the programmed success of the manipulators.

22. Manipulative commenting.

This or that event is highlighted through the emphasis required by the manipulators. Moreover, any event undesirable for manipulators when using such a technique can often take on the opposite color. As they say, everything depends solely on how you present this or that material, with what comments.

23. The effect of presence.

A reference to presence at any event allows you to direct the manipulative technique to maximize the achievement of the desired result. By type - the eyewitness is always right. And the psyche of the mass media audience, in this case, opens up the access system for the receipt of such information, virtually without any analysis of it. Fully trusting those in the thick of things.

24. Admission (approximation) to power.

This type of manipulation has a sufficient quality of various forms and can affect almost all aspects of life without exception, and, apparently, has historical prospects for its existence (i.e., inherited by the psyche of modern man phylogenetically).

The principle is based on, at times, an almost radical change by an individual of his previous opinion as a result of the admission of such an individual to any representatives of the government (even if they were once reviled), famous performers of musical compositions (even in a genre unacceptable for such an individual), etc. . The main thing in this case is compliance with the conditions of actual celebrity status and the desire to somehow (even temporarily) bring a similar individual closer to oneself. What plays a role here is a purely psychological sign of the role of a celebrity in society, which means that our individual is already aware that the celebrity who has descended to him is accepted and exalted by society, and that the very fact of addressing him already, as it were, also elevates him (including h. and increases the internal self-esteem of our individual), and as if as gratitude, a person is unconsciously ready to fulfill any request of a celebrity.

25. Repetition.

This method of manipulation is partly quite simple and unique. It is only necessary to repeat any information multiple times for such information to settle in the memory of the audience and be used by it in the future.

At the same time, manipulators should simplify the text as much as possible and make it receptive to a low-brow audience. Oddly enough, practically only in this case can you be sure that the necessary information will not only be conveyed to the audience, but will also be correctly perceived by them. Repeating simple phrases over and over again can achieve a similar effect. The transmitted information is first firmly fixed in the subconscious of the listeners, and then it will influence their consciousness, and therefore the commission of actions inherent in the presented information.

26. The truth is half.

This method of manipulation has been known for quite a long time, and consists in the fact that only part of the reliable information is presented to the public, while the other part, explaining the possibility of the existence of the first part, is hidden by manipulators. As a result, negative emotions are formed in society, aimed at achieving manipulators’ own goals and objectives.

For example, in the 80s and early 90s. unscrupulous manipulators actively circulated information that supposedly numerous republics of the USSR were feeding Moscow, therefore their urgent separation was necessary. At the same time, there was an obvious half-truth, because the numerous subsidies in the form of free natural resources that were sent to these countries were already artificially lost sight of. As a result, such republics as Ukraine, Moldova, etc., became independent states, but quickly slipped below the poverty line, an example of which is the guest workers who inhabited large cities in Russia.

There is also a certain amount of manipulation of the psyche of the masses through the media, the listing of which is to some extent unnecessary, because in our opinion the issue has already been adequately illuminated and understood. On our own behalf, we could add that each person should be more attentive to himself, and when he receives any information, turn on first of all his mind, and not his feelings, to analyze such information.

© Sergey Zelinsky, 2005
© Published with the kind permission of the author

People often face manipulation: in the media, in the political environment, at work, or even within family relationships. It is worth knowing what it is, what techniques are used to counter the influence.

Answering the question of what manipulation is, let’s consider the concept from a psychological point of view. This is an influence on a specific individual in order to force him to perform the necessary actions contrary to his own interests.

An important point is that the person who is susceptible to influence must herself want to do the proposed things. Achieved by special psychological methods.

The goals vary depending on the person using the manipulation. Often the underlying fear is that the person's request will be denied. Therefore, he immediately proceeds to special methods.

Why do people resort to this

The reasons for manipulation can be found in psychology and psychiatry. The first explanation is that the person does not trust himself or others. Therefore, in order to be close and loved by people, there is a violent way to keep them close to you - manipulation.

When faced with an existential crisis, a person strengthens his condition by self-flagellation. It seems to him that he is nothing, the most unfortunate. Family, friends, colleagues begin to feel sorry and fulfill requests. In this state, a person realizes his power over others.

Many people are afraid of psychological intimacy with others, building more intimate relationships. And methods of influence, that is, manipulation, help to ensure contact with people without getting closer.

For example, areas such as media and politics do not have the opportunity to reach everyone personally. Therefore, the only way to convey the necessary information so that it is accepted is through influence, which means manipulation.

How manipulation works

The psychology of manipulation is based on a person’s instincts, his value system, and life experience. Therefore, a person who wants to have influence on a particular individual carefully studies these aspects. Everyone needs an individual approach. This principle is also used in pedagogy and education.

They approach true manipulation very subtly, choosing different methods. If you throw all the tricks at once on a person, it will not give any effect. He will simply be afraid of such pressure and leave.

Often other external factors influence decision making. For example, the opinion of loved ones. Then the manipulator expands the scope of his influence and begins to work with the environment.

To find out how manipulation works, you need to know the basic techniques and methods. Some of them are described below.

Manipulation: techniques and methods

Methods of manipulation depend on the skill of the person, sphere of influence, purpose, audience. The most common complex techniques include focusing on the information the author needs, while the secondary information is presented in a reduced light. Characteristic of media communications and journalism.

To ensure that the information message is not rejected by critical thinking, it is colored with emotions. The person who serves it speaks loudly and smiles. Often refers to a person’s pleasant memories. Consumer marketers use this influence.

To confuse a person, they ask him many questions from one area. He does not answer everything, or only briefly to each one. They accuse him of this, they say that the discussion cannot continue like this. And the manipulator puts forward his conditions.

Repeat some information several times. Even if she has no evidence base. People will still perceive as truth those things that they have heard more often. This is how the advertising ploy works.

Psychologists have noticed that it is difficult for a person to refuse someone who has already done something for him. Thus, the manipulator first does a favor to the potential victim in order to then ask for something.

Manipulation: types in communication

During communication, people often resort to influence, that is, manipulation. It doesn't matter how closely they know each other. This can happen both in business and among friends and relatives. Therefore, it is worth distinguishing from simple conversation. There is not just one manipulation, but several types:

How to deal with manipulation

People have a negative attitude towards ways of influencing a person, because this, and therefore manipulation, gives superiority over others. But do not forget about the main instinct - to survive in the habitat. We are always competing with each other, fighting for resources. And manipulations help a lot with this.

If you are conscientious and do not manage people on principle, considering it immoral, then this will be done to you. Therefore, a healthier position is to always be prepared for manipulation by others and use it when absolutely necessary. After all, you can always first use simple communication, a request.

For some, manipulation is like an exciting intellectual game: a competition to see who influences whom more effectively. This develops a person’s mental abilities, attentiveness to the feelings and condition of others.

Only you can decide what to think about interpersonal communication based on manipulation. When forming a point of view, rely on experience and life guidelines. You can always try to build relationships around yourself where there is no room for intentional influence.

How to learn to manipulate people

In order to have an influence on a person, you first need to study him well. After all, methods of manipulation are selected individually. We must find out his personality type, value system, what his experience was. Using this information, you can select equipment.

Successful influence on a person is carried out with the guidance of his emotions. You need to evoke one of the strongest, which is suitable for the purpose: fear, greed, anger. Being in this state, a person loses critical thinking and control over his actions.

Thinking-based manipulations are more complex, but effective. A person needs to introduce the message of the desired thought so that he develops it further and accepts it as his true conclusion. You cannot immediately submit a formed thesis, because a person may reject it.

One of the effective ways to manipulate people is neurolinguistic programming. You can take special NLP courses or look up information on the Internet. The point is that with facial expressions, gestures, you program a person to trust you, impose your point of view. One of the techniques, for example, is mirroring the pose of the interlocutor. He subconsciously perceives the sameness and considers you his person. Accordingly, he becomes more trusting.

Who becomes victims of manipulators

Psychoanalysts have identified personality types that are easily manipulated by others due to their character or condition, that is, manipulation. These include:

How to recognize a manipulator

How to avoid manipulation. Manipulators use various techniques, but many have the following characteristics:

You should not label yourself a manipulator if a person uses any of these points. Perhaps it's just a specific way of communicating. It is always necessary to evaluate comprehensively to identify manipulations.

Protection against manipulation

If you want to protect yourself from control, you first need to turn to your consciousness, how you feel when communicating with a person. This will help you timely determine the purpose of your interlocutor’s communication and rely on it. For example: you feel anxiety, guilt, obligation, you have to explain and make excuses.

Press down on the manipulator. Check the facts, ask clarifying questions about what has already been said. The other person's head is overloaded, so it can become taken aback, confused and loosen its grip. Look into the eyes - this also creates awkwardness.

Never rush to conclusions, even if you are under pressure. You always have the right to think as long as it takes to make a decision.

Don’t be afraid to say “no” if the situation doesn’t suit you and you don’t agree. This is your point of view and you are entitled to it. If the manipulator still continues to persuade you, firmly state your reluctance to continue the conversation: hang up, or ask to leave the premises.

A more complex mechanism is countermanipulation. When you realize that they are preparing a trick for you, then you listen to the person. At the same time, you pretend that you don’t know that they want to persuade you to some action or thought. Then fight back by starting to manipulate your opponent yourself using the techniques described.

We encounter manipulations in communication every day: at work, in the family, when communicating with friends or strangers. Should we be afraid of such psychological effects? How to protect yourself from manipulation?

Definition of the concept

Manipulation can be called one of the most common types of communication. It is necessary for the psychological impact on a person. Manipulation in communication is a method of management, the ability to control the behavior and feelings of an individual.

The process itself consists of a subject (manipulator) and an object (the recipient of its influence). Moreover, the latter is not informed about the psychological intervention being carried out on his personality. Therefore, such influence on people (or a group) often has a dismissive or condescending connotation.

Psychological manipulations in communication can be found at different levels: in personal discussions, in the family, in the team. They can be used both for creative purposes and to demoralize a person. The goal that the manipulator seeks to achieve plays a big role in this. The techniques with which he intends to influence are also important.

Types of manipulations in communication

Types of influence are based on using the strength of the manipulator and playing on the weaknesses of the object. The latter, unaware of the process, believes that he controls his own behavior. In this case, all the benefits from his actions go to the manipulator. He distorts the presentation of information, finds a convenient moment and conveys information to the addressee in a unique way. All these components help the manipulator take advantage of the situation or the object’s reaction for his own purposes. Manipulation in communication (types, techniques, methods) is actually control of a person’s consciousness.

The main types of impact are divided into:

  • conscious - a person understands the essence of his impact and sees the end result he is striving for (this type is more common in business communication);
  • unconscious - a person is vaguely aware of the ultimate goal and meaning of his influence (this type is more common in interpersonal communication).

Secondary species are divided into:

  • linguistic (otherwise called communication) is a psychological impact on a person through speech (during dialogue, discussion);
  • Behavioral is the control of consciousness with the help of actions, situations, deeds (in this case, speech serves only as an addition).

What are they needed for?

Manipulation in communication is one of the oldest ways of obtaining benefits in a given situation. This psychological impact is not good or bad. It depends only on the final goal and how to achieve it.

If a person feels that his consciousness is being controlled, he should figure out why this is needed and try to benefit from the new knowledge.

Firstly, you need to decide on the goal. What does the manipulator want? Is this the only benefit for him? Perhaps its impact will also benefit the recipient. This is relevant in family relationships when parents are trying to teach a child to perform some action (for example, exercise). In this case, the goal is to take care of the recipient of the impact.

Secondly, you need to decide on the means. If during the influence the recipient suffers (experiences humiliation, fear, anger, or is forced to do something), such demoralization completely subjugates the person to the manipulator. But there is also influence through flattery - when a counterpart is convinced of his attractiveness or uniqueness. But in this case, the addressee does not suffer, but almost voluntarily submits to the manipulator.

Thus, the characteristics of manipulation in communication have a neutral connotation. Much depends on the personality of the active subject. If the process of influence is revealed, it loses its meaning. Therefore, you should not always interrupt what is happening. Sometimes it is much more profitable to play along with the manipulator and benefit for yourself.

Techniques of manipulation in communication

The manipulator chooses appropriate techniques, depending on who his activity is directed at. This can be an impact on an individual or an entire audience. The media space has its own established ways of controlling human consciousness. Employers often use manipulation techniques to create their own image. In a family, there are separate forms of interaction between parents and children.

The main techniques and methods of manipulation in communication are based on feelings. They are capable of destroying a person’s personality and life. Therefore, you should learn the important points of mental interaction and try to stop them.

Impact of love

In this technique, love is not an unconditional feeling. A person is perceived only if he fulfills certain requirements or conditions. For example: “If you do such and such, I will love you,” “Only worthy employees remain in our team, the rest leave of their own free will.” The manipulation offers conditions, upon fulfilling which, a person will receive at least a good attitude towards himself, and at a maximum – love. The cruelty of this psychological impact lies in the fact that the person is not perceived as a whole (with advantages and disadvantages), but only approves of her good behavior.

Impact of fear

Fear and lack of awareness of the addressee make it possible to cleverly manipulate his actions and actions. For example: “If you don’t go to college, you will become a beggar,” “You are an excellent specialist, but another applicant has appeared for this vacancy.” All invented fears come from a lack of information. By listening to the manipulator, the recipient makes a big mistake. Sometimes behind such influence lies the desire to force a person to do something better, without additional motivation or funding.

Impact of guilt

Guilt is most often used by manipulators in family life. By experiencing it, a person seeks to compensate for the damage caused. For example: “You were walking and having fun with your friends, and I am alone and babysitting the child, and making you feel comfortable,” “It’s better for you to rest today, and I can do your work for you.” The manipulator will constantly press on the feeling of guilt or find new episodes. The recipient in such a situation will try to level out the discomfort and will fall into the same trap over and over again. The feeling of guilt subsequently gives rise to aggression, so the manipulator should use such psychological influence with caution.

Impact of self-doubt

In this case, the manipulator puts pressure on him with his authority. It directly indicates the incompetence of the addressee in certain matters. For example: “You must listen to me - I have lived my life! You can’t do anything without me,” “Actually, I’m the boss here, so it’s up to me to decide how this should be done.” Such self-affirmation at the expense of another can take place at different levels and on different issues. The impact will continue until the recipient gets rid of his uncertainty, weakness and acquires the necessary skills.

Impact of pride

Vanity and pride are a wonderful lever for psychological influence. For example: “I see that my wife is tired at work. But you’re smart and an excellent housewife - surprise my friends with a delicious dinner,” “I’m preparing a promotion for you, but, unfortunately, your salary will have to remain the same for now.” The more a person strives to prove his skills to someone, the more often he tries to catch up and overtake his friends in success, the faster he will become a victim of psychological influence.

Impact of pity

This technique is often used by children and young girls. Its task is to evoke self-pity and a desire to help. For example: “I’m so tired, I don’t have any strength, and I also have to cook dinner for you,” “I’m the boss and every time I receive comments for your bad work and pay fines for you.” The victim receives help in this psychological impact. But she herself does not strive to improve her life, but prefers to complain. The slight energetic “vampirism” of this action subsequently evokes a contemptuous attitude towards the manipulator.

How to find out about the psychological impact?

There are different ways to communicate. Manipulation is one of them. But how can an ignorant person understand that they are being deceived into feelings or are trying to push him to a certain action? There are special keys that the manipulator uses to obtain the result. Here are some of them.

  1. Emotions. If the addressee felt that the opponent was “pressuring” feelings (for example, pity, empathy, shame, vindictiveness), then the process of consciousness control is underway.
  2. Incomprehensible words. Professional terms and “smart” words appear in speech. They are a red herring intended to disguise a lie.
  3. Repeat phrase. The addressee hears the repetition of the same statement in speech. In this way, the manipulator tries to “zombify”, to instill the necessary thought.
  4. Urgency. It creates a certain level of nervousness. The addressee does not have time to comprehend what has been said, and he is already being called to action. His attention is distracted, and in the bustle he begins to carry out what his opponent is trying to achieve.
  5. Fragmentation of meaning. During the discussion, the addressee is not given all the information. It is split into pieces in such a way that a person is unable to grasp the entire news, but draws false conclusions based on a fragmentary phrase.
  6. Imposing stereotypes. The manipulator deliberately refers to known truths, emphasizing the commonality of the addressee with them. This imposition of stereotypical thinking or actions leads to their implementation by the object of influence.

Manipulation in communication is necessary in cases where a person does not have the strength or confidence to achieve his desire. He is afraid to openly express his claims and would prefer to achieve his goal through hidden influence.

In business relationships

Manipulations in business communication, their presence or absence, depend more on the professionalism of the employee and his confidence in his abilities. It is difficult to influence a person who knows his own worth. If an employee is incompetent or too shy to emphasize his merits, the employer or colleagues will not fail to take advantage of this.

Common methods of influence in a work environment are:

  • ridicule, reproaches; the recipient is nervous, irritated and performs the actions necessary for the manipulator;
  • demonstrative resentment is a reluctance to admit one’s point of view is wrong, and the addressee will try to fulfill all the whims of the offended person;
  • flattery and support are intended to reduce a person’s vigilance and make him a victim of influence.

Manipulation in business communication can be avoided if you clearly express your opinion (which is obviously correct) and be confident in your professional qualities. During the impact, you can try to interrupt the conversation with a phone call or urgent matter. Even a simple change of topic of discussion will help avoid manipulation.

In interpersonal relationships

Manipulation in interpersonal communication is most often based on gender. This factor allows the use of behavioral stereotypes (“All women do this”, “Real men don’t do this”).

Another option is to evoke a desire to protect one’s gender (“You did everything right, this is the act of a real man”). The success of psychological influence directly depends on the arsenal of means and the ability to use them in different situations.

In family relationships

The most common family manipulations are hysterics, silence, demonstrative departure “to mom’s,” partying with friends, and drinking bouts. Psychological influence is used by both parents and children. This is a way to achieve your own benefit by playing on the feelings of others.

To avoid such influences in the family, you should learn to trust each other and openly discuss your desires and actions. Perhaps, at first, conflict situations will be a frequent occurrence. Over time, relatives will learn to calmly talk about their goals and motivations. But there are also constructive manipulations that can inspire a spouse or child to new achievements.

How to protect yourself from psychological influence?

Protection against manipulation in communication primarily consists of avoiding the manipulator. You should minimize contact with the person or, if this is not possible, try to turn off your emotions. If you do not make decisions hastily, under the influence of other people’s words, but think about them, this will help reduce the intensity of the psychological impact.

The desire to manipulate is most often a hidden desire for power. Praise or positive evaluation will make a person reconsider the way he interacts with people.

You should also try to keep your distance and not notify the manipulator about your life and its details. The more he knows about the addressee, the more ways of influence he will receive.

You need to learn to refuse. It is better to be known as a callous person than to constantly do someone else's work.

Manipulations in communication and their neutralization are common phenomena in society. Therefore, you should always remember that every person has the right:

  • to mistakes and own opinions;
  • to change your mind, change your mind;
  • do not answer questions if they seem incorrect;
  • be yourself, don’t try to be attractive to everyone;
  • be illogical.