Operation decisive force against Yugoslavia 1999 According to the Washington scenario

The bombing of Yugoslavia was carried out by NATO in 1999


  • The first case of armed conflict between European states after the end of World War II;
  • the conflict was a demonstration of a new way of conducting military operations:
  • the use of massive airstrikes without ground support;
  • the improvement of aviation operations through the use of predominantly high-precision weapons (precision weapons) - this marked the beginning of the use of high-precision aviation in all subsequent military clashes.

Reasons for the bombing of Yugoslavia

Collapse of the Socialist Federal Republic Yugoslavia began in 1991. Then Slovenia and Croatia left it. A little later, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia followed suit.

The Serbs living in the seceded states intended to preserve their areas of residence behind the core of the former Yugoslavia - Serbia and Montenegro. The West did not allow this and the new Serbian state remained within its previous borders (now it was called the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia).

American planes bomb Yugoslavia photo

But soon the fire of separatism flared up in the FRY itself. It consisted of two autonomies. One of them (Kosovo) was in fact deprived of the possibility of self-government, although more than 80% of Albanians lived on its territory in addition to Serbs. Then the Kosovar Albanians proclaimed the creation of the independent Republic of Kosovo.

By 1996, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was created. In 1998, the KLA announced that it was beginning to achieve independence by force of arms. The KLA's method of struggle was chosen against the Serbian administration and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Europe supported the Albanian population of Kosovo.

bombing of Yugoslavia. People at their houses photo

On October 13, 1998, NATO carried out the first “air campaign” against the FRY, thereby encouraging the Serbs to be more accommodating in granting rights to the unrecognized republic. And indeed, a day later Belgrade signed an agreement on the withdrawal of troops. The KLA enthusiastically accepted the withdrawal of the Serbian armed forces and began to seize new territories, carrying out ethnic cleansing along the way.

The Serbs responded and January 1999 brought a renewal of the war. NATO again threatens the Serbs with airstrikes. Contact group negotiations began near Paris (Rambouillet). Based on their results, a possible agreement was proposed. It provided for autonomy for Kosovo, the withdrawal of troops and the deployment of peacekeepers.

NATO bombing of Yugoslavia photo

On March 23, the Serbs announced that they agreed to all conditions except the last one. This became the reason for the start of the bombing of Yugoslavia by forces. They started the very next day.


The base of NATO aviation groups was Italy. There, since 1994, a contingent was being trained for operations in the Balkans. By February 1999, additional air bases in Germany and Turkey were activated.

Officially, the operation was called Allied Force. In total, 1,150 aircraft were involved in it. Of them more than a half were American. The nerve center of the operation was the Italian airbase Dal Moline. From there, Lieutenant General Mike Shortom (USA) led the joint air force.

night NATO air strikes on Yugoslavia photo

Direct involvement ground forces wasn't planned. And yet, NATO ground forces stationed in Albania and Macedonia played their role. These 27 thousand infantrymen, under the leadership of Lieutenant General Mike Jackson (Great Britain), could at any time begin an intervention on the territory of Yugoslavia. This had a restraining effect on the latter's military operations. Subsequently, the specified NATO ground forces entered Kosovo as peacekeepers.


The bombing of Yugoslavia by NATO forces was carried out in three stages

  • The task of the first stage (from March 24) was to suppress enemy air defenses. For this purpose, aircraft specializing specifically in this function were used. Legacy systems Serbian air defenses were successfully destroyed. The success of the first stage ensured complete dominance of the NATO Air Force over the Yugoslav skies;
  • The task of the second stage (from March 27) was to strike the FRY troops on the territory of Kosovo and carry out targeted strikes on strategic targets in Serbia. The latter required highly accurate intelligence data. They arrived thanks to the latest aviation and space reconnaissance technologies. And in addition, drones have become widely used;
  • The third stage was not originally planned. But Slobodan Milosovic's reluctance to surrender quickly prompted NATO to carry out a more thorough bombing of the Serbian state from April 24.


Starting from 120 sorties per day, NATO increased the number of sorties to 500 - 600 per day in the third phase of the operation. In total, from March 24 to June 10, more than 37 thousand sorties were flown by Alliance forces (75% of which by the American Air Force). The strikes claimed the lives of 1,031 Serbian military personnel and from 489 to 528 civilians (this is according to Human Rights Watch estimates, according to Yugoslav estimates - from 1,200 to 5,700 people).

bombing of Yugoslavia photo

Serbian oil refining equipment was completely destroyed. The rule of Slobodan Milosovic ended already in 2000, mainly due to the loss of Kosovo. The Republic of Kosovo gained independence in 2008 and was soon recognized by the West.

These events can be considered a kind of starting point, after which the world changed. The last scene of the famous film "Underground" by Emir Kusturica ends with a shot of the earth splitting open and the phrase: "There was such a country."

During the civil war, four of the six union republics (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia) separated from Greater Yugoslavia at the end of the 20th century. At the same time, UN peacekeeping forces led by the United States were introduced into the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and then the autonomous province of Kosovo. Meanwhile, the country became Lesser Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro). After the independence referendum in Montenegro, the last remnants of the former federation faded into history, Serbia and Montenegro also became independent states.

Reasons behind Balkan crisis, lie not only in politics, it is a whole tangle of political, economic, national factors, reinforced and aggravated by powerful pressure from the outside, from the United States and a number of European countries interested in the territorial redistribution.

The copper industry of Yugoslavia was a tasty morsel for the West. Perhaps that is why NATO planes did not bomb the enterprises of this complex. In addition, Kosovo contains the largest undeveloped reserves in Europe coal. Another important reason could be the destruction of the Yugoslav military-industrial complex, which sold cheap weapons to Africa, North Korea and the Gulf countries. Another reason is the elimination of the Yugoslav tobacco industry as a serious competitor to US factories in Eastern Europe.

In the spring of 1998, a new president was elected in Albania - the socialist Fatos Nano, who replaced Sali Berisha, a supporter of the idea of ​​​​a "Greater Albania". In this regard, the prospect of solving the Kosovo problem has become more realistic. However, bloody clashes between the so-called " Liberation Army Kosovo" (KLA) and government troops continued until the fall, and only in early September Milosevic spoke in favor of the possibility of granting self-government to the region (by this time the KLA armed forces had been pushed back to the Albanian border). Another crisis erupted in connection with the disclosure of the murder of 45 Albanians in the village Racak, attributed to the Serbs. The threat of NATO air strikes loomed over Belgrade. By the fall of 1998, the number of refugees from Kosovo exceeded 200 thousand people.

The pretext for the war against Yugoslavia turned out to be far-fetched. Finnish scientists who studied what happened stated in an official report that there was no massacre in the village of Racak in Southern Serbia on January 15, 1999!

At this time, anti-Serbian propaganda reached its climax. They said, for example, that the Serbs came up with a sophisticated way of dealing with the Albanians: they opened gas in the basement of residential buildings, lit a candle in the attic, and then they had enough time to leave the house before the explosion. However, quite soon this type of murder disappeared from official documents NATO. Apparently, they realized that the gas was heavier than air and could not reach the attic.

Then the controlled media began to spin another myth, allegedly the Serbs set up a real concentration camp for thousands of Albanians at the stadium in Pristina. With horror in his eyes, the German Minister of Defense Rudolf Scharping said that real fascist methods were used there, that teachers were shot in front of children. Interviews with people living nearby showed that the stadium was empty, except for the fact that it was sometimes used as an airfield. But NATO bombed it anyway, just in case, “forgetting” about the prisoners.

In 1992, American journalist Peter Brock processed 1,500 articles from newspapers and magazines published by various news agencies in the West and came to the conclusion that the ratio of publications against the Serbs to in their favor was 40:1.

“It was confirmed that they intend to use force. This was confirmed by Al Gore (former US Vice President - Vesti.Ru) during a conversation with me. The conversation took place on board the plane. I was two and a half hours from US territory, invited the commander plane and told him that he needed to turn around. Then he called President Boris Yeltsin and said that he had made this decision. He asked if there was enough fuel to fly to Moscow," says Yevgeny Primakov, who was the prime minister of the Russian Federation at the time.

Why didn't the US wait for Security Council sanctions? Russia and China, which have veto power in the Security Council, spoke out against NATO attacks. US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright knew that the council would not authorize air strikes.

If you look at the last four resolutions of the UN Security Council regarding the Kosovo problem, the point remains unchanged in them, which postulates the commitment of all UN member states to sovereignty and territorial integrity Federal Republic Yugoslavia.

In this context, it does not even matter that by its actions NATO violates its own regulations and treaty relations with other countries. There is a fact of violation of the fundamentals international law, that is, there will no longer be a global body in the world capable of resolving international conflicts. The UN will cease to fulfill its functions. Which was later proven.

"I had a very tough conversation with Milosevic. And he made concessions. He said that he would guarantee the return of Albanian refugees to Kosovo, that he wanted to start negotiations with Albanian leaders. But the only thing he refused to do was withdraw the special forces. He said that then genocide against the Serbs will begin,” continues Yevgeny Primakov.

“When you talk with the official representative of Germany, Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Spain, it turns out that they are categorically against this violence. But the right of consensus, the right of one state to disrupt this operation, was not used,” explains Leonid Ivashov, in 1996 -2001 – Head of the Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation of the Russian Defense Ministry.

It is impossible to ignore the so-called agreements signed in Rambouillet (France). The story of this signing is one of the strangest. As you know, in developing these decisions together with the leaders of the Kosovo Albanians and representatives Federal Yugoslavia There was a contact group on Kosovo. Russia was also involved in the discussion of agreements. At first, there was talk only of a political memorandum, which declared ways to give Kosovo certain freedoms in terms of autonomy, but within the framework of Yugoslavia. When many points of this small document were settled, multi-page appendices appeared concerning military and police issues.

It was in them that the entry of peacekeeping forces into Kosovo was secured. Russia was categorically against linking political and military documents in a single package. The Yugoslav delegation was also outraged by this approach to negotiations. One got the feeling that steps had been taken to put forward obviously unacceptable conditions to Yugoslavia and to disrupt the signing. And so it happened. The Yugoslav delegation left Rambouillet, after which the Kosovo Albanian delegation demonstratively signed the entire package.

On March 24, 1999, NATO aircraft began bombing the territory of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The first missile strikes, on the command of NATO Secretary General Javier Solana, were launched at about 20.00 local time (22.00 Moscow time) on the radar installations of the Yugoslav army located on the Montenegrin coast of the Adriatic Sea. At the same time, a military airfield several kilometers from Belgrade and large industrial facilities in the city of Pancevo, located less than twenty kilometers from the capital of the republic. In the majority major cities Martial law was declared for the first time since World War II in Serbia and Montenegro.

The military operation against Yugoslavia, which lasted 78 days, involved 19 NATO countries in one form or another. North Atlantic Alliance decided to start aggression after failed negotiations with the leadership of the FRY on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija in the French city of Rambouillet and Paris in February and March 1999. The bombing stopped on June 9, 1999 after representatives of the FRY army and NATO in the Macedonian city of Kumanovo signed a military-technical agreement on the withdrawal of troops and police of the Federal Yugoslavia from the territory of Kosovo and on the deployment of international armed forces on the territory of the region. A day later, the UN Security Council adopted a corresponding resolution on this matter, numbered 1244.

The damage that was caused to industrial, transport and civilian facilities of the FRY as a result of almost three months of bombing, according to various estimates, ranges from 60 to 100 billion dollars. Number of military deaths and civilians has not yet been precisely established. It ranges from 1200 to 2500 people.

“800 children alone were killed. They bombed not only bridges, industrial enterprises, but also railway stations, hospitals, kindergartens, churches built in the Middle Ages,” says Borislav Milosevic, Ambassador of Yugoslavia to the Russian Federation from 1998 to 2001.

“From March 23 to 24, I was in Serbia, I could hear the drone of planes overhead. But even at that moment I thought that they would fly to the border and turn back. Normal human logic did not give me the opportunity to realize the full scale of the lawlessness and evil that had occurred,” - recalls Alexander Kravchenko, who headed the domestic Union Republika Srpska volunteers.

On the bombs of British planes were visible the inscriptions: “Happy Easter”, “We hope you like it”, “Do you still want to be a Serb?”

During this aggression, 35 thousand combat air sorties were carried out, in which about 1000 aircraft and helicopters were involved, 79,000 tons of explosives were dropped (including 156 containers with 37,440 cluster bombs prohibited by international law).

“As a rule, journalists who had already been to different hot spots worked there. We didn’t know what would happen next. It seemed to us that all of Yugoslavia would turn into ruins. We went and filmed bridges, orphanages... Despite the information that was being leaked “The Americans, their “precision” weapons made serious mistakes. Let’s remember the Chinese embassy, ​​where people died,” says Andrei Baturin, in 1999 special correspondent TSN in Yugoslavia.

In February 2008, the Serbian region of Kosovo, with the support of the United States, declared independence, and most Western countries recognize this independence. For the same far-fetched reasons that accompanied decades of interference in the life of Yugoslavia.

“I would like to think that things might end up in the fact that, under current conditions, the northern part of Kosovo with the Serbian population will be annexed to Serbia. Maybe things will come to that someday,” says Yevgeny Primakov. “Maybe there won’t be an aggravation right away.” the same, but stabilizing the situation will be difficult. There will be floating stability."

With the same “success” today they are implanting “democracy” in Iraq and Afghanistan. The scenarios for the development of events in Ukraine and Georgia are extremely similar to the Yugoslav version. Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic died in The Hague prison, according to doctors - from a heart attack.

But the United States and the European Union can declare that their aggression against the Serbs was justified and NATO bombings will have a chance to go down in history with a “plus” sign, because there was a “struggle for peace.”

Nobel Prize peace will be awarded to the special envoy for resolving the conflict in Kosovo, Martti Ahtisaari, with the wording “for those efforts in resolving international conflicts efforts he has made for three decades."

Showcase trial former Yugoslavia in the Hague Tribunal was supposed to complete what the bombings in 1999 did not do - destroy not only the country, but also the very personality of the last president, Slobodan Milosevic. After hearing the charges, on February 13, 2002, he made a speech in his defense. Full text This speech is only available today from the court transcript; the video recording has apparently been destroyed.

The future will show that Yugoslavia, in fact, is a testing ground and a model for countries former USSR. One of the main points is the confrontation between Russia and Ukraine and the planned inclusion of Ukraine in NATO by the end of 2005. That's why Madame Albright said in September 1999 that Kosovo was a major accomplishment.

During his speech, Milosevic said that the war unleashed by the United States and its allies in Yugoslavia was only part of a large offensive against Russia.

Yugoslavia, once huge Balkan country, inhabited by the Slavs and the main European ally of Russia, was destroyed.

For 78 days, NATO bombers bombed Yugoslavia. Final chord The 20th century was in the very center of Europe: bombs fell on cities, railways, factories and airfields.

From the high stands of the UN and NATO, the operation was called “Allied Force”. Western politicians spoke of nothing less than a “humanitarian war” for the sake of peace, while in reality the blows fell on heads civilians and their homes. American soldiers They often wrote “hello” to the Serbs on bombs.

So, for example, from American and British planes, on Orthodox Easter, bombs were dropped on Serbian cities with inscriptions like: “Happy Easter”, “We hope you like it”, “Do you still want to be a Serb?”

The Kosovars, approved by the West, with air support, felt full power and began to destroy everything Serbian. Kosovo Albanians in the city of Podujevo destroyed the Church of St. Elijah. This happened within an hour after the KFOR peacekeepers left the city and left the city at the complete disposal of the militants of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army.

Few people remember this, but 150 churches were destroyed in the ancient Orthodox Balkan land of Kosovo. Monuments with a centuries-old history, frescoes, relics of saints, and icons were wiped off the face of the earth. At the same time, the parishioners of these churches, mostly ethnic Serbs, were also expelled from their homes.

However, the bombing of Belgrade was only the final act of a bloody drama played out according to the scenarios of Western geostrategists in the Balkans. Today, few people remember how it all began.

And there was a whole series of incidents presented in the Western press in such a way that the blood of an ordinary American or European simply ran cold in their veins and there was only one desire left - to maul every last Serb.

Anti-Serbian hysteria was whipped up consistently and professionally.

On May 27, 1992, in Sarajevo, in the area of ​​​​Vase Miskina Street, television cameras of Western television channels lined up, they received nothing less than an invitation from a little-known PR company and were warned about upcoming event. Namely, the journalists knew in advance about the TERROR ATTACK in the CENTER of Sarajevo.

Some terrorists, who were immediately declared the “Serbian side,” fired at civilians standing in line for bread. Western television cameras showed what was happening live. Mostly Muslims stood in line; of course, they could not even think that the mortar attack was also organized by Muslims, who chose their own co-religionists as targets.

The terrorist attacks in the center of Sarajevo, regardless of who was behind them, ultimately had very specific consequences. They influenced the decision of the UN Security Council, which was right on the heels of the bloody shelling of the bread line. And under pressure from the Americans, the council decided to introduce economic sanctions against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

American geostrategists also did not particularly rack their brains over the scenario of the destruction of Yugoslavia. Fall apart union state They decided in stages, plucking off region after region from the country. Slovenia was the first to separate, regional authorities announced secession from Yugoslavia, and a ten-day war began in Slovenia. This war lasted only 10 days and ended relatively peacefully for both sides.

In order to support the independence of the Yugoslav republics, the United States had to prepare ahead of time. In October 1990, eight months before Slovenia declared independence, the US Congress approved an amendment to the Foreign Operations Financing Act, which prohibited the issuance of American loans to Yugoslavia unless they were intended for the republic. which has held three free elections and in which there is no systematic violation of human rights".

This was an extraordinary incident in legislative practice USA. The congressional amendment implied that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia no longer existed, and therefore the US government had to deal with "republics" - entities that had no legal international status.

American senators are flexible when it comes to US national interests.

Facilities mass media They followed the civil war in Yugoslavia very selectively, so they chose not to notice how Croatian troops under the Ustasha flags, without hiding nationalist slogans, went to the Republic of Serbian Krajina.

Historians believe that it was not without the efforts of the United States and Germany, which had a so-called “sleeping network” of agents from former Nazi collaborators in pro-fascist organizations in Croatia and Albania. One way or another, with the approval of the US Embassy and with the support of US aviation, Croatian troops in 1995 carried out a brutal punitive organization to destroy the Republic of Serbian Krajina and expel ethnic Serbs from Croatia. More than 200 thousand people were forced to leave their homes - thousands of people on tractors, cars and on foot, along with simple belongings, moved from Croatia to Serbia; those who did not have time or did not want to do this were brutally killed by Croatian troops, and their houses were burned.

As it turned out after NATO bombing, information support for the collapse of Yugoslavia was coordinated and well paid through non-governmental foundations. And the American PR company Ruder Finns Global Public Affairs, headed by James Harf, was involved in it.

It turned out unexpectedly - James Harf could not resist and, apparently, in search of fame, gave an interview in which he admitted that the tasks of his company included promoting negative image Serbs in the world. Harf was especially pleased that he was able to implement public consciousness a number of cliches such as “concentration camp”, “genocide”, “mass rape”.

Press releases from Ruder Finns were circulated almost unchanged on all news channels around the world. The tasks of this information company included preparing public opinion in countries allied with the United States to the joint destruction of Yugoslavia.

The report of the famous American CNN journalist Christiane Amanpour, then just a journalist, also spread throughout the world. She gained fame thanks to just such comments on events in Yugoslavia.

In July 1992, reporters learned about concentration camps in Bosnia. Muslim prisoners were tortured and subjected to sexual violence and executed. No one has seen such footage in Europe since the Holocaust.

They were shown on prime time and they amazed the American public.

The footage that Christiane Amanpour demonstrates in her story is still shown by Western TV channels whenever it is mentioned. Yugoslav War- This is a television cliche. Moreover, most reporters know exactly how this fake was filmed! Footage of refugees behind barbed wire filmed in 1992 in Bosnia was exposed by German journalist Thomas Deichmann.

There really were emaciated refugees, and throughout the entire territory of Yugoslavia, where there was a civil war. There were aid centers for victims and special settlements organized by the government, but there were not only concentration camps like Auschwitz, but they really needed to be invented. So, in 1992, a film crew from the British television channel ITN filmed a report in a camp for displaced persons in Trnopolje, where there were Muslim refugees who had fled the horrors of the civil war. Many of them were exhausted and scared. However, this seemed insufficient to the correspondent; she needed a more detailed picture, and then the cameraman of the film crew asked a group of refugees to move closer to the fence with two rows of barbed wire that fenced the electrical substation, and they recorded the interview there.

Some myths about civil war are still being replicated in Yugoslavia. Thus, every year on July 11, the world media remember and talk about the tragedy of the small Bosnian town of Srebrenica, where, according to journalists, 7,414 Muslims were killed by the Serbs in July 1995 - most of male population cities….

For international public opinion, Srebrenica has become a symbol of crimes against humanity, the “natural brutality” of the Serbs and their unconditional guilt in all bloody Balkan conflicts nineties. In confirmation, they usually show footage like this.

Bosnian Muslims claim they were terrorized by the army of the Serbian Krajina under the leadership of General Ratko Mladic. Allegedly, Mladic’s troops entered the city and carried out a massacre of the local civilian population there, only because they were Muslims. And here are these shots, Western media usually not shown. This same General Ratko Mladic personally leads the evacuation of Muslim civilians from Srebrenica.

Children, women first, then old people and men, don’t worry, we’re not creating panic, calm down, there are enough buses for everyone. You will be transported to territory controlled by the troops of Alija Izetbegovic and Croatia. Calmly, without fuss, board the buses, be attentive, do not forget the children.

In July 1995, Ratko Mladic's army occupied Srebrenica, the city in which Naser Ocic's Muslim troops were located. Ocic's militants became famous for raiding Serbian villages, so on May 6, 1992, the communities of Srebrenica itself were destroyed, and part of the village of Blecevo in the Bratunac community was burned. Having learned about the reprisals against the residents of this village, on May 9, the remaining Serb residents of Srebrenica fled from the city. By the end of 1992, 21 Serbian villages were destroyed in the Srebrenica community, and 22 Serbian villages in the Bratunac community, and about a thousand Serb civilians were killed. All this happened in front of the KFOR peacekeepers, whose contingent was in Srebrenica; in fact, the “blue helmets” were guarding Naser Ocic’s people.

However, when the army of the Republika Srpska entered the city, a humanitarian corridor was organized for everyone who wanted to leave Srebrenica without weapons.

A column of buses with refugees was supposed to proceed from Srebrenica to Tuzla, controlled by Izetbegovic's troops. However, on the way she was attacked by unknown armed people; more than two hundred people died in this military provocation.

Then, in 1995, this story, oddly enough, did not receive wide public resonance; it acquired it later and in a completely different light.

By 1999, from Yugoslavia itself large state in central Europe, there is practically nothing left. Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and even Montenegro broke away, leaving virtually only Serbia itself with its capital in Belgrade, although it was still called the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. But even this Western world it seemed a little! A new special operation has begun. And Western journalists started it again.

Similar terrible footage in January 1999 spread all over the world. International observers discover mass grave– 45 Albanians killed in Racak in Yugoslavia. Official Washington states that those killed are ethnic Albanians and this is nothing more than genocide of the Albanian population by Serbian army. This incident would later become the formal reason for the bombing of Yugoslavia.

Then no one thought to figure it out, they only needed a reason to get even with Milosevic and forever destroy the last rebellious republic in the center of Europe. In a peremptory manner characteristic only of the State Department, Slobodan Milosevic was accused of tyranny, dictatorship and massacres. And already in March, NATO bombs fell on the heads of civilians in Yugoslavia.

But today the lie about the murder in Racak has been destroyed. An international investigation exposed the staging - killed militants and corpses from local morgues were brought to this village from all fronts of Kosovo, they were dressed in civilian clothes and reporters were called to the scene. The scenario is exactly the same as the one that was previously worked out at the cemetery near Srebrenica.

NATO officials claimed in front of television cameras that they were bombing military targets in Yugoslavia, but in practice everything was different. Bombs fell on the streets of peaceful cities.

As it turned out later, NATO troops knew very well that they were bombing peaceful cities, there was no mistake in this. At the trial in the Hague Tribunal, they tried to accuse Milosevic of ethnic cleansing of Kosovo, but the evidence crumbled before our eyes. Prosecutors argued that the Serbs were expelling ethnic Albanians and other Muslims. However, for example, the city of New Pazar is considered the center of the Muslim community and before the bombing no one even thought of fleeing from there. NATO bombs forced some civilians to flee this city. This was subsequently presented as pressure from the Serbian authorities...

For whom and why Belgrade was bombed became clear later. When from former militants The Kosovo Liberation Army formed the politics of the unrecognized republic. For example, ex field commander Ramush Haradinaj.

In 1998, the testimony of a woman who witnessed the terrible murder that Haradinaj committed in front of her eyes was recorded - he stabbed two captured Serbian police officers and raped her. These testimonies were not the only ones; Haradinaj was suspected of at least two hundred murders! Forty witnesses were ready to testify in court against Haradinaj. Formally, the witnesses were entitled to the protection of the Hague International Tribunal.

When his trial began, it was assumed that there would be about 40 witnesses who would accuse him. But all 40 died. All 40 were killed just before the start of the indictment process. Therefore, the court, releasing Haradinaj, said: "We have no evidence of his guilt."

Even the biased judges of the Hague Tribunal refused to believe this, and in 2010 they tried to raise Haradinaj’s case again. Information even surfaced in the press that another witness had been found alive, but he never appeared at the new trial and Haradinaj was acquitted again.

Don’t be surprised, but in 2004-2005 he was the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, and then, according to the results of the parliamentary elections, his party “Alliance for the Future of Kosovo” won.

Modern Serbia is still reaping the consequences of the bombing of Yugoslavia. After all, few people know that the Americans used shells filled with depleted uranium during the bombing.

During the period from 2001 to 2010, cancer cases in Serbia increased by 20%. And mortality increased by 25%. Professor Slobodan Cikiric estimates that about 400 thousand people will become ill in Serbia, based on a population of 5.5 million. More often we're talking about and leukemia and lymphoma...

The effect of uranium is only now being discovered – 17 years later. That's exactly how much cancer proceed secretly, without malignant formations, but now, Serbian doctors are recording the explosive growth of oncology throughout the country, where NATO bombs fell.

Not the declared, but the real results of the Yugoslav NATO company “Allied Force” are truly impressive. In order to understand this, you need to forget all the pompous words about the freedom-loving Kosovars and the tyrant Milosevic. Real result fits well into the national interests of the United States. In the territory central Europe a state that declared its own sovereign policy was destroyed, and on its ruins, right on the territory former Serbia, the pseudo-state of Kosovo was formed, where the largest American military base in Europe, Camp Bondstee, was immediately located.

Diaskintest, like Mantoux, is not only a known allergen, but also a biochemical reaction using pesticides, and this reaction is carried out not in a test tube, but inside the child’s body.

In a very short period of time, several emergency cases occurred in the country related to tuberculin diagnostics using Diaskintest in relation to schoolchildren in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, in which suffered in total about 16 children.

What do you think the doctors said? That's right, there was a massive scare!

What prevents you from completely abandoning this? According to the law - nothing. A written refusal from the parents is sufficient. In fact: children are not allowed into kindergartens and schools, parents are under total pressure. Not everyone is ready to fight

Despite the fact that Diaskintest is formally more modern method tuberculin diagnostics, which replaced the Mantoux test, however, this research method carries the same dangers and disadvantages for child's body, which is the Mantoux test.

The main contraindications of Diaskintest include:

Acute and chronic infectious diseases; -

somatic and other diseases during exacerbation;

Common skin diseases;

Allergic conditions;


Diaskintest is a genetically engineered product based on the tuberculosis allergen - proteins of the mycobacterium M. tuberculosis, grown in a genetically modified coli Escherichia coli. The bacterium Escherichia coli is considered non-pathogenic; normal in large quantities inhabits the intestines. However, if it enters other organs or cavities human body may cause the development of pathology, for example, if it enters abdominal cavity– peritonitis. Thus, Diaskintest, like Mantoux, is not only a known allergen, but also a biochemical reaction using pesticides, and this reaction is carried out not in a test tube, but inside the child’s body. Moreover, this poisonous cocktail into the body by injection (directly into the bloodstream), i.e. bypassing mucous membranes - natural protective barriers! That is, the child’s blood is deliberately infected.

Also a key component of “diaskintest” is - PHENOL. Phenol - dangerous toxic Chemical substance, dangerous to humans and beneficial microorganisms in the human body. And despite the fact that its content in Diaskintest is small, this dose, taking into account various factors, affecting the state of health at the time of administration of “Diaskintest”, can become critically dangerous for some children. It is no secret that local medical workers often neglect many safety and health rules and administer drugs to an unhealthy and under-examined child. Also, in accordance with the requirements of SP, Diaskintest must be stored at a temperature of 2 to 8 °C. And in this situation, the state cannot guarantee universal compliance with storage conditions throughout the entire chain of movement of the drug from the manufacturer to the child, and exceptions human factor and criminal negligence.

Doctors may immediately start blinking: “but there is no other alternative to these poisons!”

Actually there is. The so-called T-SPOT analysis. If doctors, legislators and the state as a whole were concerned about including T-SPOT analysis in the compulsory medical insurance system - the only and safe alternative to mantoux and “diaskintest” for tuberculin diagnostics, our children could get at least some kind of respite.

Despite the fact that a number of schools in the Russian Federation still accept T-SPOT diagnostics, firstly, one should take into account its high cost, which is unaffordable for many parents, especially those with many children, and secondly, real guarantees of acceptance of results should be provided at the state legislative level specified diagnostics in educational institutions, rather than leaving the issue to the discretion of each individual school.

By introducing a safe method of tuberculin diagnostics into the compulsory medical insurance system, the state would immediately solve several acute and deep-rooted problems:

The problem of preventing children from entering kindergartens and schools due to the lack of Mantoux and Diaskintest tests in children of those parents who by law have the right to refuse these outdated and unsafe research methods will be solved;

The problem will be solved negative consequences for children's bodies and health due to mass application mantu and "diaskintest" in kindergartens and schools throughout the country, during which it is impossible to guarantee a high-quality and individual medical approach to each child at the time of the procedure.

But in reality, legislators and doctors are doing the opposite, trying to clean up the unvaccinated and those who oppose vaccination. Moreover, “clean up” is not a play on words, but a real term in the bill.

The government has prepared a project for sweeping vaccination against measles throughout the Russian Federation. If adopted, the pressure on the unvaccinated will be unprecedented. Obviously, problems will begin both in schools/kindergartens and at work. It is precisely for such laws that hysteria about measles is unreasonably whipped up in the information field.

Here's a look at how measles was treated 50 years ago, before vaccination marketing campaigns began:

NATO bombing of Yugoslavia began on March 24 and ended on June 10, 1999. Both military facilities and civilian infrastructure were under attack. According to the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, during the bombing total number More than 1,700 civilians died, including almost 400 children, and about 10 thousand were seriously injured. This operation claimed lives even after its completion, since NATO used radioactive depleted uranium in ammunition. The bombing was stopped after the signing of the Military-Technical Agreement in Kumanovo between representatives of the Yugoslav army and NATO countries.

We present the chronology of the 11-week confrontation in our classic photo collection.

In the mid-90s, clashes between the Serbian army and police began with the Kosovo Liberation Army. On February 28, 1998, the Kosovo Liberation Army announced the beginning of an armed struggle for the independence of the region. In March 1999, NATO intervened in the conflict and began bombing the FRY.

March 24, 1999 - the beginning of hostilities on the territory of Yugoslavia. In the evening of that day the first missile strikes were carried out.

The decision to start the operation was made by the former Secretary General NATO Javier Solana. A number of cities were hit, including Belgrade, Pristina, Uzice, Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Pancevo and Podgorica. Among the objects that came under fire were large industrial facilities, a military airfield, as well as radar installations on the Montenegrin coast of the Adriatic Sea. Allied Force was one of NATO's first real military operations.

Four days later, US President Bill Clinton, after a meeting with the leaders of Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy, confirms permission to intensify military strikes against Yugoslavia.

Protests began to take place in the United States and Russia. Several dozen Americans came out in front of the White House in Washington to rally against the NATO operation. In Moscow, more than a hundred citizens marched through the streets and staged a rally near the US Embassy on Novinsky Boulevard, singing songs about the “Slavic brothers” in Serbia, demanding an end to the aggression and the start of supplies of S-300 systems to Yugoslavia.

During the operation, which lasted 11 weeks, NATO forces carried out more than 2 thousand airstrikes in Yugoslavia and expended 420 thousand ammunition. Some of the bombs used by the troops were filled with depleted uranium. About 2 thousand civilians and 1 thousand military personnel became victims of the bombing, more than 5 thousand people were injured, 1 thousand went missing.

On April 3, 1999, the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia and Yugoslavia was destroyed in Belgrade.

On April 12, the parliament of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia voted for the republic to join the union of Russia and Belarus. The Russian parliament at an emergency meeting fully supported its Serbian colleagues. But Russian President Boris Yeltsin blocked the process.

On May 14, 1999, one of the most tragic bombings took place. The strike was carried out on the Albanian village of Korisha. The death toll, according to various sources, ranged from 48 to 87, the number of injured - from 60 to 160 people.

On June 3, a step towards peace was taken: the President of Yugoslavia agreed to a plan for a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

On the same day, a UN Security Council resolution was adopted. Yugoslav military forces were withdrawn from Kosovo, and an international civilian security presence was created in the region. The bombings stopped. According to NATO officials, the alliance lost two troops during the campaign.

The total damage caused to Yugoslavia is estimated at $1 billion. Serbian sources estimate the damage at $29.6 billion, the largest share of which, $23.25 billion, was lost gross domestic product. An estimate was also published - about 30 billion. About 200 were destroyed or seriously damaged industrial enterprises, oil storage facilities, energy facilities, infrastructure facilities, including 82 railway and automobile bridge. Also, about 90 historical and architectural monuments, more than 300 buildings of schools, universities, libraries, and more than 20 hospitals were destroyed. About 40 thousand residential buildings were completely destroyed or damaged. As a result of the bombing, about 500,000 people in Yugoslavia were left without work.

At the end of the operation, the Kosovo War was ended. Control of the region passed to NATO forces and the international administration, which then transferred most powers to ethnic Albanian structures.

This was NATO's second large-scale military operation. The operation was justified as a humanitarian intervention, but it was carried out without a UN mandate and is therefore often characterized by critics as illegal military aggression.