What is tested on a polygraph? Polygraph testing upon hiring


If you think that a polygraph test will not threaten you, then you may be very seriously mistaken, especially since this device is often used even when applying for a job.

It goes without saying that not everyone wants to tell the truth, which is why there are a lot of ways to outwit a lie detector. By the way, it’s not that difficult, the main thing is to understand the mechanism.

We will now talk about how to keep your secrets to yourself and successfully, hassle-freely pass the polygraph.

Lies are often told in secret in order to find out the truth.


Some people have the misconception that it is very easy to fool a lie detector. This begs the question: why is it needed then? But it's not that simple.

Indeed, it is quite possible to complete the test without noticeable biophysical changes (we wrote about the specific history of polygraph deception earlier), but the fact is that for the first twenty minutes you will be asked “calibration” questions, setting up the device individually for you.

So, the same reaction to all questions asked by a specialist, of course, will not harm you, but it will not help you either. Moreover, the test results may be canceled and a new one assigned.

The whole secret is not to keep all emotions under control, but to show the desired reaction to the question at a certain moment. Moreover, this must be done in such a way that the polygraph examiner does not become wary.


So, you need to evoke inauthentic reactions to simple questions that may generally concern you, and hide these reactions when you need to answer key ones.

  • The first is quite simple to do, just take some external irritant with you - for example, a button in a shoe.

  • You can indulge in various thoughts that evoke certain emotions in you.

  • Before polygraph testing, you can drink a little alcohol or valerian to calm your nerves,

  • You can stay up all night

  • You can also drink a lot of liquid so that you need to go to the toilet - and the test results will be as expected.


We use all our acting skills. Of course, the best option is high-quality acting according to the Stanislavsky system. The trick is to become so immersed in your lies that you believe them yourself.

Agree, if you believe in a fiction, then for you it is no longer a lie, which means your body will perceive this information as true, and therefore will give the specialist conducting the test the corresponding result.

It goes without saying that for this you simply need to think through all aspects of your deception in advance, so much so that you can discuss this topic for a very long time without inventing the plot along the way, but as if remembering it:

  • Add little things into your story, like what the weather was like, what you smelled - just don't overdo it and don't distract from the main topic.

  • If you have already decided to deceive the polygraph with the help of acting, then emotions will definitely not be superfluous, they just need to be changed, turning fear into anger, and repentance into humility.


Monitoring your blood pressure Now let's move on to blood pressure, which also needs to be monitored.

There are two ways to do this:

  • contraction of the sphincter muscles,

  • biting the tip of the tongue.

Just remember that you need to do this without any additional facial expressions that could give you away.

More, control your breathing- under normal conditions, we inhale no more than once every 2-4 seconds. And it's better not to detain him- there is a risk of increased heart rate.


Updated: There is a long-standing myth that it is possible to fool a lie detector using a pushpin.

The essence of the deception is this:

  1. Place a thumbtack inside your shoe under your foot.

  2. When you are asked a security question, for example, “What is your name?”, answer and step on the button.

  3. Pain causes a slight surge of emotions and is reflected in the detector readings as if you were telling a lie. Thus, when telling a real lie, the readings on the device will be the same or similar, and it will seem that you are telling the truth. Those. sensors will react to a lie in the same way as to a question about your name.

  4. The polygraph examiner does not notice anything strange in the almost identical polygraph readings and gives you a positive resolution.

The whole catch is that many testing companies currently check the test subject for such “pranks” before the test, including checking shoes. Thus, at the moment this method of passing a polygraph test can be considered almost inapplicable. We do not recommend checking!


We can conclude that deceiving a lie detector is not entirely simple, but it is quite possible; you only need a sincere desire and patience. Each person must answer the question of whether this is worth doing for himself.

But one thing is true in any case: if you have made a firm decision to successfully pass the test and fool the polygraph, then try to do it

Lie detectors today are often used by employers when hiring for the purpose of checking employees who have confidential information when conducting official investigations. Jealous people also resort to a lie detector to polygraph test their loved ones for treason. How should you behave in this case?

Taking a lie detector test is voluntary, but your refusal may arouse suspicion among your manager and serve as a reason for dismissal from your job.

A lie detector does not read minds and cannot learn anything about you or your secrets, it only records the physiological readings that occur when answering questions asked. If they want to catch you lying, but you are not guilty, then there is nothing to be afraid of. Those who are involved in something or are hiding the truth react to significant issues with uncontrollable tension, and the polygraph will record this. The stronger the reaction, the more important the question is to you. Therefore, if you are not involved in the case, then you will react to any questions in approximately the same way.

If you are not guilty and are not involved in “bad stories,” then polygraph testing may not cause you a feeling of fear, but rather interest. As Nobel Prize laureate Henryk Sienkiewicz said, “Only those who are afraid lie.”


The story began with the fact that I decided to quit my old job in view of the fact that the office was on the verge of falling into the abyss. I actually liked the work itself, but the thoughts that it would be better to change jobs now, having received my “golden parachute”, than to end up with nothing, overpowered me))

Potential employers periodically respond to my resume posted on professional resources, and depending on how busy I am, I consider or reject their offers.
By the way, I don’t see anything wrong with having an active resume on resources even with a good job, what if Comrade himself. Miller from Gazprom will want to take advantage of my experience and knowledge.

One day another potential employer called me and set up a meeting. After a short conversation, the director of the Tula region said that it is customary to take a polygraph (also known as a lie detector) for a leadership position. I said - easy, especially since I didn’t take tons of anything away from my previous place of work, didn’t challenge my colleagues to a duel, and the new experience would be interesting to me.

A polygraph was assigned to me in the capital from a well-known polygraph examiner serving this company.

Before the trip, I carefully checked the entire Internet in search of how it would actually be. I’ll say right away that there is little useful information, but in general I received an understanding of what was to come. There was no excitement at all, but so far I had nothing to be afraid of. I was very unnerved by the “kicking” from friends and relatives - I foolishly said about the check and until the hour X enjoyed honing the wonderful sense of humor of those around me on me.

My impressions:

1. It’s not scary, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t take long - my entire test, taking into account the conversation and preparation, took about 40 minutes, most of which was preparatory chatter.

2. They ask quite obvious things, from what I remember they asked questions about:
- alcohol/drugs/cigarettes (I was very surprised, because I smoke and sincerely believe that this is my personal business)
- did you take away anything worth more than 5,000 rubles from previous places of work?
- did you leak information to competitors?
- whether there was a criminal record and in general problems with the law
- did I provoke conflicts at my previous place of work, etc.

All questions are more than logical and obvious. You can discuss questions that seem incorrect or ambiguous to you BEFORE testing and actually change them to suit you.

3. There are many sensors attached. They attached them to my chest, head, and fingers. There is no electric shock, everything is soft, it doesn’t scratch the skin, it’s quite comfortable.

4. Quite a long preparatory stage. First they explained to me how the test would be carried out, then they asked me to confirm in writing my consent to the test. We were amused by questions about health - they asked about the presence of heart pathologies, asthma, hypertension. Then they announced the topics on which I would be tested, and clarified whether I had any questions that did not suit me (in my case there were such). When all the issues were agreed upon, sensors began to be attached to me. This was the most unpleasant moment in the entire procedure - it was very reminiscent of the hospital and everything associated with it. Then they set up the polygraph for me personally, asking obvious questions (say “yes” when your name is heard, are you 36 years old?, do you have brown eyes?). And only after all this the test itself began - to be honest, by this moment I was already waiting for it. In films everything is somehow faster :)

After the test, the polygraph examiner asked which question confused me the most - I answered about “leaking information and working for competitors,” he said: “Yes, there was a jump.” Me: “It’s a clear day, my competitors haven’t found out yet that I’m taking a test here, so I’m indignant.”

As it turned out, polygraph tests here are periodic, once every six months - consistently, no big deal.

The questions for which the polygraph registers your lies will be repeated up to 4-5 times under different interpretations. Thank God I didn’t have any of those.

Top tips:

  • Do not be complex and do not be afraid: a polygraph test has always been, is and will be a necessary routine procedure, the same as a request to write an autobiography.
  • Voluntariness, and only voluntariness of this procedure on your part.
  • Come to the examination rested and well-slept. You should not take sedatives, drugs, or alcohol before the testing procedure - all this can cause the specialist to suspect you of attempts to counteract, with a conclusion about your possible involvement (if you have nothing to hide, then there is no need to be cunning - a polygraph examiner, by definition , always open-minded).
  • Carefully familiarize yourself with all the topics and range of questions proposed for clarification, clarify for yourself everything that is not understood and unsaid.
  • If any questions affect your religious, political, or national feelings, it is better to immediately refuse to answer them, or ask the polygraph examiner to reformulate them.
  • You should answer all questions as honestly and frankly as possible - a polygraph examiner will detect a lie, and the examination will simply be delayed.
  • The key to your correct result will be sincerity, straightforwardness and composure.
  • Remember that the conclusion based on the results of polygraph testing is only guidance information, not a verdict, and life still goes on.

How to fool a polygraph?

The lie detector deals with physiological responses to memories.

You can fool a polygraph only in a couple of cases:

You really believe your lies, i.e. so much so that they convinced their brain that it really happened;

You really don't remember how everything really happened. Those. memories are erased.

Good luck, comrades, don’t deceive each other!!!

P.S. I passed the test successfully.

In March of this year, I was looking for a job, and one company offered me a vacancy. But one of the conditions for employment is to pass a lie detector interview. I was told that the questions would only relate to work activities.

This confused me, but I agreed for the sake of the experiment. I came to a private office where such checks are carried out. The man conducting this check asked rather personal questions: about my parents, where I live, whether I use drugs (and this question was repeated several times). There were other questions that I would not want to answer to a stranger. But the man said: these questions are necessary to recognize lies.

Are such lie detector tests of candidates legal? Should the person conducting such a check sign documents on non-disclosure of personal data?

I passed the test and refused the job, but the residue remained.

As experience shows, if a candidate has received a referral for a polygraph, this means that he has passed most of the test successfully.

Dmitry Sergeev

security specialist

A polygraph test is a complex, time-consuming and expensive procedure. In a private office it costs from 2 to 10 thousand rubles. It is unlikely that a potential employer will shell out such a sum for the first candidate they come across. There are many other ways to refuse a job. I think the company was very interested in hiring you.

Is it legal to use a polygraph during hiring?

Yes, the Labor Code allows obtaining personal data of an employee from the employee himself with his written consent. A polygraph examiner asks you questions, you answer them, then he writes a conclusion, which he passes on to the employer.

In order for everything to be legal, before starting a psychophysiological study (that is what this event is officially called), the candidate for a vacancy must give written consent. He must be told that he can refuse to undergo the examination at any time. However, the candidate is not required to explain the reasons for the refusal.

The employer is responsible for protecting the candidate's personal data. All expenses that may arise in this case are also borne by the employer.

If any information was disclosed and you suffered damage, you have the right to demand compensation from the employer as the initiator of the inspection.

What is a polygraph?

This is a complex device that records breathing parameters, cardiovascular activity, and electrical resistance of the skin during a conversation. Then a polygraph examiner analyzes these parameters and draws conclusions: whether the person was involved or not involved in this or that event.

Photo of the polygraph from the manufacturer's website. 6 sensors recording pressure, pulse, heart rate and other parameters are connected to the control unit. The control unit is connected to the computer. Such a device costs 270 thousand rubles

Often in films they show the work of a polygraph examiner approximately as follows: they connect sensors to a person, ask him several questions, then the polygraph examiner approaches the police and says - yes, he killed, the body is buried three steps from the old oak tree, on the north side, a shovel with fingerprints and a pistol nearby in the bushes. The crime has been solved. The viewer gets the impression that the polygraph examiner reads a person’s thoughts through these sensors and finds out who he sleeps with, what he eats, who he killed, and what type of drugs he uses.

In reality, everything is not so simple.

Psychophysiological studies, which include polygraph studies, are not in themselves evidence of the commission of any action. The criminal procedure and labor codes do not provide for the use of a polygraph as a method of evidence.

This means that even if a polygraph shows your involvement, for example, in serial murders, no charges can be brought against you based on this.

In real life, as a rule, a polygraph examiner is asked several general questions. Usually no more than 2-3. All questions must be formulated in such a way that they can only be answered “Yes” or “No”.

Questions that require a detailed answer are not suitable. For example, you cannot ask why you left your previous job.

Before testing begins, the specialist must discuss all issues with the subject. If you feel that a question is unacceptable or you simply don’t want to answer it, just say so and the question will be removed.

How the research is carried out

Research questions are divided into two groups. The first is, in fact, issues that are important to the employer (or other customer). The second is control questions.

For example, you are asked if you have ever crossed the street when a red light is on. You answer: “No, never.” Such a response is highly likely to be assessed as false; the device records your reaction to the lie - changes in blood pressure and pulse. It is assumed that with subsequent false responses the body will show the same reaction. But perhaps you have never actually broken a traffic law. Therefore, there will not be just one such question, there will be many of them. They will be repeated, among them there will be questions that are really of interest to the employer. Answers to security questions will not be included in the conclusion.

What will happen in prison

In conclusion, the polygraph examiner will not say unequivocally: “This person is a drug addict.” He will write: “There is a possibility that this person is using drugs.” The polygraph examiner's report is usually small in volume. It always contains wording approximately as follows: “The survey results are of indicative value, are probabilistic in nature and cannot be used as evidence in court.”

Translated from Russian into human, this means: “We don’t know exactly, but it’s possible that it was something like this. Or maybe differently. Don’t go to court with this paper - they’ll laugh at you.”

What are additional explanations?

On some issues, the specialist may ask for additional clarification during the inspection.

Let me give you an example. In 2000, I took a polygraph test. I was asked standard questions about connections with criminals, drug addicts, and asked if I had received bribes. When asked if I communicate with drug addicts, I honestly answered that I do. The polygraph examiner asked for additional clarification. I explained that during my youth in the city where I lived, cannabis grew under the windows of houses, and many of my friends used it. It was impossible to cut off everyday contacts with them. The answer satisfied the specialist, the conclusion was positive.

The most important thing to know about any polygraph test is that its results cannot be evidence of anything, even in a criminal trial. This information is usually taken into account as additional. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs, for example, a lie detector is most often used not against criminals, but against candidates for service. They also test existing employees when they want to promote them.

Is it possible to fool a polygraph?

Yes, you can. An example is Gary Leon Ridgway, a famous American serial killer. He committed his first murders in the early eighties and came to the attention of the police, but suspicions were removed from him when he successfully passed a polygraph test. At that time, it was believed that the lie detector was not mistaken.

Ridgway's involvement in the crimes was proven only in 1997 as a result of DNA analysis.

There are instructions on the Internet on how to fool a lie detector. I don’t presume to judge their effectiveness. Ridgway could not have access to them and did not receive special training to mislead the polygraph examiner. According to publicly available data, he was one of the worst students at school: apparently, high intelligence was not needed to deceive specialists.

My conclusions are as follows

  1. The use of a polygraph when applying for a job does not violate the requirements of labor legislation.
  2. You can refuse to undergo the examination at any time; you do not need to explain the reasons for your refusal.
  3. There is no penalty for refusal.
  4. The polygraph does not guarantee the accuracy of the result.

There are not many situations when you will need to take a polygraph. For example, some companies use it to screen new employees when hiring. The polygraph is also used in criminal proceedings. The passage can cause great anxiety even for those who have nothing to hide. It is necessary to prepare for this procedure in advance.

What is a polygraph and what do they want from you?

If the further development of the legal process or your employment depends on the passage, you will probably want to know what this procedure involves. There is quite a lot of information on this matter today; you can also read about it on specialized Internet resources. The main thing you need to know is what does not give accurate results. The effectiveness of such research is constantly growing, but incorrect results still occur.

The reason for the need to undergo the study may vary. If it is related to a specific incident, you will certainly know what they want from you. If you are applying for a job, as a rule, they will not expect specific information from you; the goal in this case is to understand your propensity for certain actions related to the upcoming work.


To significantly increase the success of the procedure, you can practice in advance, but you need to do it correctly. There are many testing methods, as well as control tests for them, they can be found on the Internet. Please read these procedures carefully and practice before taking the polygraph test.
There are many subtleties in the polygraph procedure. Get as much information about it as possible before taking the test.

Feel confident

On the day of the polygraph, dress as conservatively as possible, try to impress those who will conduct it. When you arrive at the testing site, behave confidently, remember that it is possible that you will be monitored even before you are connected to the equipment. This could be a hidden camera, as well as observation of people who will conduct testing.
Increased sweating can be considered an indicator of lying. Using deodorant the day before and on the day of testing will help you avoid it.

Types of questions

During the polygraph test, three types of questions are usually asked. First, neutral questions are asked that are obvious, for example, “How are you?” or “How old are you?” Then there are the main questions directly related to the test, for example: “Have you ever sold?” or “Have you ever stolen from?” At the end of the test, control questions are asked; they are necessary to compare your reaction with the reactions to the main questions. As a rule, security questions are given monosyllabic answers “Yes” or “No”, but answering them honestly is not very pleasant or convenient. Test questions will depend on your previous answers. For example, if you answered one of the previous questions that you stole, a follow-up question might be: “Are you still stealing now?”

Try to always answer “Yes” or “No”

For most questions, one-word answers are sufficient. Never make excuses or try to explain what you mean. You may be provoked to give a detailed answer. Don't fall for it unless the question suggests it. Answer questions calmly and politely, but do not give away more information than is really necessary.

Stay calm and answer clearly

In the first half of the test, you need to remain as calm as possible, try to keep your breathing at 20-30 breaths per minute, do not take deep breaths. Staying calm during test questions will be more difficult, but trying is just as important. Taking a polygraph is a serious procedure, do not try to joke or be cunning, answer seriously, clearly and without hesitation.

Although there is currently no such type of test in the world, based on the results of which one can absolutely judge the sincerity of a person, the lie detector is one of the most important discoveries of all time in this direction.

Table of contents:

What is a polygraph and the purposes of polygraph testing

A polygraph is a device with the help of which psychophysiological indicators are studied, the uniformity of breathing, heart function, electrical resistance of human skin, brain function, and muscle tension are recorded. To record the results, sensors are used to record the functioning of organs. The final indicators are recorded on electronic media using a computer.

The accuracy of the research is high; only 6-7 people out of a hundred can be tested so that the results are incomprehensible to experts.

Polygraphic testing is used when:

  • investigations of crimes (the involvement of certain persons in the case, the veracity of witness testimony is clarified);
  • mass research (individuals who are checked; regular checks to identify problems with theft, betrayal, loans, debts).

Information obtained during the inspection can be used as confirmation of a person’s guilt. However, such evidence is only circumstantial.

There is also such a type of test as detecting lies by voice and facial expressions. The latter is based on the assumption of uniformity of facial muscles, and as a result, their changes.

Testing can pursue the following goals:

  • clarification of a person’s biography;
  • investigation of crimes;
  • identifying connections with the criminal world;
  • identifying the presence of addiction to alcohol, gambling, drugs;
  • obtaining information about a person’s past;
  • identification of criminal and evil intentions.

Factors influencing the results of research

The circumstance that is fundamental in checking a person’s honesty using a polygraph is drawing up a list of questions. For writing, experts use the following rules:

  1. Clear and understandable wording of the question to avoid double interpretation.
  2. The question should not contain unnecessary words.
  3. A clear vocabulary is used.
  4. The question should provide an opportunity to answer either “yes” or “no”.
  5. Key words are located at the end of the sentence.
  6. The question must not contain insults or threats.
  7. It is very important to write short questions to make it easier to elicit reactions.
  8. The test should consist of no more than 20 questions.
  9. Any test is presented 2 times.
  10. Be sure to explain all questions before the test.

There are also a large number of other factors that can influence the results, namely:

How does a polygraph test work?

The polygraph test algorithm is as follows:

It should be noted that the lie detector test is carried out without the presence of any unauthorized persons. The parent or guardian of a minor child has the right to be present.

Is it possible to fool a lie detector?

Polygraph testing technology is improving every year. However, there are cases when, based on polygraph results, people were accused of crimes to which they had nothing to do.

There is an opinion that a device can be deceived by a person who constantly lives in a lie and believes in it so much that this is reality for him. Actors who can easily get used to the desired role can also be good riggers of results. The most competent subjects are spies who are trained to control their emotions and actions. It is not possible to expose such special agents.

A way that can help reduce reactions to the device is to combat the fear of exposure. It must be remembered that the principle of the device is to record physiological reactions, and not to read thoughts. It is possible that the body's response may be reduced by drugs or small amounts of alcohol. There is also a theory that if you drink a lot of fluid before the test, your body will be less emotionally responsive to the questions during the test.

Another way is to distract yourself by reading poetry or adding complex numbers in your mind.

The third way is to evoke false emotions in response to the question asked.