It means meanness. Is meanness a manifestation of a strong character or one’s own weakness? Meanness is an obstacle to spiritual development

This is meanness negative quality personality, manifested as intentional harm to another, unexpectedly, on the sly. Violation of trust and violation of the rights of another person, his dignity. These are actions that cause general contempt among people.

Meanness is one of the most complex concepts. The beginning of vile actions and Meanness comes from childhood. The main reason for Meanness is the lack of fear for wrong actions and the lack of punishment.

The scoundrel has a craving for acting on the sly, while no one is watching, and his naive comrades do not know how to do this. When a child learns early on that adults, as a rule, have no time to understand the subtle details of offenses and the extreme, most naive and honest person who comes to hand is punished - this greatly strengthens the position of Meanness in the child’s mind. Injustice towards others reinforces the attitudes of Meanness.

The owner of Meanness, acting thoughtfully, gets away with it, while his peers constantly fall into trouble. unpleasant situations, following your thoughts impulsively and recklessly.
Taking root in the subconscious, mean behavior becomes the norm, gradually developing into such a clearly manifested personality quality as Meanness.

Only a person in Ignorance can be a real and full-fledged owner of an already adult Meanness. Meanness settles where conscience has died. A person under the influence of Meanness believes that one must take everything from life as quickly as possible, without regard for anyone or anything.

Selfishness is the father of Meanness. If violence is necessary, then it is acceptable and justified; if you need to set someone up, there are no problems, if you need to gain trust, create something common, intimate with a person, and then mercilessly trample it and mock the victim’s gullibility.

A person in goodness, who puts the interests of others above his own and lives with the desire to help people achieve happiness, by definition is not capable of Meanness.

A person in passion, balancing between the desires to live for himself and to live for others, can only be a one-time, one-time, accidental carrier of meanness. If he firmly stands on the platform of meanness, it means that there is a transition to a lower stage - a person’s life in ignorance.

For the true bearer of meanness - a person in ignorance, it is as natural as decency is harmonious for a person in goodness.
Having lost the voice of conscience, a person in ignorance, having committed a vile act, does not experience any mental anguish and suffering. People who have suffered from his meanness are overwhelmed by emotions that permeate their entire body, tearing at their souls, darkening their minds, causing pain, contempt and indignation.
For them, his act is the embodiment of blatant injustice and dishonesty, but for him, it is as common an activity as smoking a cigarette or going to the toilet.

Human Meanness calmly sucks out mental strength And material goods among people who completely trust, sympathize and benevolent towards him. Having sucked out everything of interest, it coolly moves on to the next victim.
He perceives the righteous indignation of abandoned and deceived people as an encroachment on his freedom, which means for him the right not to answer for anything in life, not to reckon with anyone and to step over everything.

Meanness is incapable of negotiation and does not shake hands; all its promises, obligations and oaths have no value. Like attracts like, only in the company of its own kind does meanness feel cozy and comfortable.

WITH normal people in goodness, meanness is careful. To avoid mistakes, be constantly on guard, putting on a mask of integrity and openness. In its midst, meanness can freely laugh at people devoted to it and only receive approval for the sophistication and ingenuity of its vile deeds.
Even with a completely mortified conscience, meanness wants to spoil, discredit and undermine the roots of that “oak” whose acorns they have been feeding on all the time.

Meanness, having no conscience, is naturally devoid of all shame. In relationships with ordinary people she does not know the boundaries, to fall below which means to admit her immorality, dishonesty, vileness and baseness.

Meanness is for the weak. Worthless, doubtful, insecure people considered themselves incapable of coping with life's difficulties using ordinary methods.

meanness - dishonor, baseness.

Meanness is an obstacle to spiritual development

meanness - a very insidious obstacle. Its cunning lies in the fact that not a single scoundrel recognizes himself as such. They say that the same trait is observed in patients with schizophrenia. By the way, schizophrenia, like meanness, is associated with duality. A vile person or scoundrel lives under a guise. He constantly hides his real self, but at the same time does not consider this state of affairs to be meanness. It is normal for a mean person to live with people who invest their souls in him, take something from them and at the same time hide the fact that he disagrees with them in his views or does not accept something about them. A mean person will live in such a situation and take what he needs until he takes everything. Then, like a sucking bug, he will fall away from his victim, leaving silently and suddenly.

If the one he cheated begins to be indignant and talk about meanness and betrayal, the scoundrel will talk about the freedom that is supposedly being taken away from him. The scoundrel greatly values ​​“freedom,” which in fact is for him the right not to be responsible for anything and to step over everything.

It is impossible to come to an agreement with scoundrels, or even just to talk. You can't ask them anything. They cannot be returned to the agreements that they concluded with you, looking at their with clear eyes into your eyes. They take everything they need from you and then throw you away as if nothing happened between you. While you writhe in the pain of their betrayal, they dance on your bones, calling you crazy.

WITH vile person It’s better not to have any affairs and not to let them close to your soul. If you let them, they will eat them up, spit them out, and go looking for another fool who will again be enchanted by them and put his soul into them. Scoundrels are always amazingly charming. With an equally startling discrepancy inside. If you see a scoundrel in his true form, you will not recognize his face. It will be a different person.

The scoundrel sees the scoundrel from afar. Without fail, he distinguishes his own. And only with the same scoundrel can he take off his mask. If he needs to relieve his soul, he will look for the same scoundrel and talk to him to his heart's content.

The scoundrel justifies the fact that he does not show his disguise. For example, because you are inadequate, you will begin to swear and call him to account. But that doesn’t stop him from taking what he needs from you.

The scoundrels definitely need to ruin that place and those people whom they just sucked and betrayed. As long as these people are guilty, they don’t have to look inside themselves, and they can sleep peacefully. That is why, when leaving, they so abundantly water the place from which they just drew strength with their poisonous pus. Their pus corrodes and weakens business and people.

For capable people, scoundrels are given the opportunity to remove the veil of a childish view of the world, learn to see the falseness of charm, learn to value themselves and not sell out, remove from themselves the desire to shift responsibility, remove the servile service to decency and much more. Living with scoundrels contributes to growing up and maturing. Scoundrels, like manure, fertilize the soil on which souls ripen.

But what should the scoundrels themselves do? Is it possible to cure this disease? Meanness is not a disease, it is a choice. Therefore, the battle against meanness begins with a choice. The choice to live with dignity. A person at any moment can choose dignity instead of meanness and live like a human being. But the scoundrel does not change anything, because living vilely is very profitable.

Living meanly is very profitable. You don't have to answer for anything. Questions roll off vile people like water off geese. After myself vile people leave traces of tracked tanks. Behind them, everything is always lifeless, like in the desert: no family, no friends, no associates, no completed work. At the same time, they are always right and always offended.

Scoundrels stay in their trap for a very long time. Until they are left completely alone. Until they fool themselves. Until they remain fools. Until they have no strength left. Until they lose everything in their lives. And it all always comes down to just this. Vile life is a surprisingly losing thing. You want to beat everyone, but you end up losing. Life teaches scoundrels very painfully. She forces them to sell everything, even their souls, and then rips off their masks.

Scoundrels are always mentally frostbitten people. In order to act meanly, they need to not feel that they are hurting people. They need not to notice that someone has invested in them mentally. They need to ignore the fact that they owe something to someone. Scoundrels prefer not to notice the spiritual contribution of other people and step over them. Calling it freedom to live your life.

A scoundrel is a person who once doubted himself, considered himself small and worthless, unable to take the place destined for him and follow the path destined for him. Meanness is a choice - to consider yourself unworthy and petty, and to live near your true place. As a rule, there is always someone whom the scoundrel blames for his choice. These are people who did not support him in a moment of self-doubt, who did not respond enthusiastically enough to his immature creations, etc. In a word, those people who underestimated him. Revenge on such people becomes the meaning of a scoundrel’s life. He has already given up on himself, so he spends all his efforts on other people, or rather on changing the opinion of himself in the eyes of other people. At the same time, the scoundrel understands that he does not live up to their highly appreciated. Then he pretends to be a most devoted student or friend and goes to apprenticeship with them. People open their souls to him and begin to invest. The scoundrel imbues himself with knowledge and strength, and then devours his offenders. The scoundrel is “forced” to always act under a guise, because he takes power from those whom he hates most and whom he wants to defeat.

Meanness looks so creepy only as long as a person does not want to see his meanness. Once the meanness is seen, you can work with it, like with any other obstacle. But who would be brave enough to see this in themselves?! Probably only those who are tired of SEEMING strong, beautiful, smart, sincere, who are tired of coveting other people's places. Only those who have decided to REALLY come into line with the image that they carry in their soul and accept HIS place in life can see meanness in themselves.

If you are like that, then you will understand that this article is not for some abstract scoundrels. This article is for you. Meanness is a “disease” of little people, and we as a people are all infected with this “disease”. Under the guise of modesty and the ability to keep a low profile, meanness is encouraged in our culture; under the guise of rudeness, meanness is encouraged in Western culture. As a result, the age of Kli-Yug continues, and “You are not the heroes!” But what whole people if everyone special person does not want to see his own meanness. I can’t resist going back to the beginning of my article: “Meanness is a very insidious obstacle. Its cunning lies in the fact that not a single scoundrel recognizes himself as such.”

Appearing after betrayal. How to survive this unpleasant period in life? What is meanness? How to fight the desire to take revenge on the offender? The science of the soul and human relationships helps to understand this.

Is meanness a manifestation of a strong character or one’s own weakness?

No person is born a scoundrel; he becomes one due to many factors: moral education, the influence of people around him, as well as encounters with betrayal. Being offended or betrayed by someone from his inner circle, he himself becomes a scoundrel and a traitor.

What is meanness? This is, to a greater extent, a manifestation of the lack of certain moral standards. In the understanding of a scoundrel, actions that bring pain to others and negative emotions, are something acceptable, ordinary. However, when convicted of betrayal, frame-up, or other negative behavior, such people usually deny everything. Therefore, meanness in psychology is akin to schizophrenia - like sick people, scoundrels do not accept normal, healthy interaction with society.

Most scoundrels - weak people who use meanness as a defense and a tool to help them assert themselves at the expense of the suffering of other members of society. They betray without feeling any remorse; they extract from a person everything they need to achieve their goals and satisfy their own needs.

Decoding the concept

What is meanness? The definition of the concept in psychology and sociology looks like this: this is a destructive effect on common interests and the goals of people aimed at causing harm to a certain person. In addition to preferences and goals, the victim and the scoundrel may have in common tools, family, home, work, values ​​and much more. Language is also common, and words and phrases uttered to humiliate another’s dignity are considered meanness.

Who is most at risk?

Exposure is especially dangerous for people with low self-esteem and frequent bouts of depression. This is due to the fact that they are most prone to negative consequences betrayal and meanness, such as suicide.

These concepts have precise definition- these are the actions of one person aimed at humiliating feelings self-esteem another. Meanness is when betrayal can be an accidental, one-time action, which the traitor himself will later regret.

Potential traitors

People whom we are accustomed to trust - lovers, relatives, colleagues and friends - can “stab a knife in the back” at the most unpredictable moment. Often this situation arises due to fleeting desires or emotional outburst. Many people try to regain their former trust after committing an act, but this is not so easy. According to statistics, although most victims forgive their offenders, they still continue to hold a grudge deep down in their hearts.

What is meanness? This is, first of all, an act that destroys harmonious relationships, destroying something common, something that unites the victim and the scoundrel. Complete this negative action Anyone can, it’s enough to know certain pain points of a person, his preferences. Situations from life help to understand in more detail what meanness is.

  • One of the partners sets up his partner, pursuing selfish goals - taking his position. He knows where the victim keeps important papers what route does he take to get to work? The scoundrel does everything to prevent him from getting to the office by a certain time, and passes off his work as his own. As a result, a person loses good position, loses heart and considers himself insignificant.
  • After 10 years of marriage, the man began to lose interest in his wife. Gradually, his attention completely switched to another woman - a colleague (secretary, old acquaintance). And at one moment, succumbing to temptation, he commits an act of treason. His wife finds out about this from the lips of her rival, and everything in her life turns upside down. Trust in the man she still loves disappears, and she begins to suffer and suffer.

What not to do if you become a victim of a vile act

If you have been negatively impacted, you should not make hasty decisions. Besides this, you don't need:

  1. Build a plan for revenge. Revenge is no less destructive for inner world person than the consequences of betrayal.
  2. Throw a tantrum. Excessive emotionality takes away a large number of strength, and recovery takes longer.
  3. Trying to figure out the relationship with the offender. In a fit of anger, he cannot objectively assess the situation, which only aggravates his situation.

What is meanness? This is the direct impact of the offender on the victim. Trust placed in the wrong person, communication with him - all this weakens the victim’s vigilance. Don’t be naive, hoping that the scoundrel will change and this won’t happen again. Having committed an unpleasant act once and benefited from it, he will not miss the opportunity to take advantage of your trust again.

How to properly deal with resentment, anger and the desire for revenge? Advice from psychologists

Experts agree on one thing: if you have become a victim of betrayal or a vile act, then the first thing you need to do is calm down. What happened in your life is not necessarily a deliberate betrayal. It could just be a mistake by the person who loves you.

Calmness and composure will help you overcome the crisis after a vile act. To fully understand the problem, you need to:

  • Reconsider the situation in which you and your abuser find themselves. You need to be 100% sure that he is really a cruel scoundrel, and not a narrow-minded person. A cruel person intentionally hurts people and gets pleasure from it, while a narrow-minded person could simply make a mistake and go astray from the right path.
  • Try to forgive. Yes, it is to forgive the offender, and not to bear a grudge. The resentment hidden in the depths of the soul carries only negativity, and it seems that the weightless soul is heavier than a pile of stones.
  • Know how to switch, change “minus” to “plus”. This effective method, helping to quickly recover from betrayal. No matter how powerful a negative blow may be, you need to know that both pain and mental anguish are internal problem, and not external, and over time everything will pass. Think about the essentials. For example, will you suffer so much if your wife (husband) leaves you, and after a couple of days you find out that you have become the owner of a substantial inheritance? So what will take your full attention?

Meanness is not easy negative impact, used by one person. Today, meanness has become a thing for many, so be careful when communicating with new acquaintances.