Who protects the rights of the child at school. Examples of violations of the rights of schoolchildren and measures to restore rights

We live in a civilized society, where it would seem that human rights, especially those of children, should be respected. But sometimes the interests of a child are infringed, most often by the actions of adults, which leads to serious consequences.

Security documents

Among the regulations regulating the rights of children are:

  • Declaration of the Rights of the Child 1959 (consists of 10 principles defining the status and rights of the child);
  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (an international legal instrument that defines and protects the rights of children from birth to 18 years of age in countries that have joined this Convention);
  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation (determines the right of anyone to education, compulsory education, universal accessibility, free education, freedom of creativity and teaching);
  • Family Code of the Russian Federation (determines the rights of the child and parents);
  • Civil Code Russian Federation (determines the property rights of the child);
  • Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Let’s focus on the rights of children at school, because at school a child is separated from his parents for almost the whole day.

Each school has a position of ombudsman for children's rights, whose competence includes:

  • prevention of violations of children's rights in the framework of classes on children's rights at school, events on children's rights;
  • restoration of the violated rights of the child;
  • educating students on rights issues (development of visual aids, literature, materials, organization of school stands about children’s rights at school. A stand on children’s rights at school has a great informative function, which is very effective for both students and teachers);
  • consideration of complaints from students on issues relating to their situation at school, etc. According to the Federal Law “On Education” No. 272-FZ dated December 29, 2012, in a school (or other educational institution), a child has the right (list):

1.Choose (together with your parents) any school you like (not necessarily by registration). In the presence of free seats at this school and at successful completion entrance examinations(if they are expected) the school administration must enroll the child;

2.Receive normal conditions for training: equipped and equipped classroom, availability of a dining room, toilets, wardrobe, sports ground, receiving training in all general education subjects according to the school curriculum;

3.Have full periodic rest throughout the year in the form of vacations (summer, autumn, winter, spring). During the holidays, children can be involved in intra-school life - going on excursions, exhibitions, cinemas, as well as feasible work within the school (cleaning the territory, cultivating flower beds and lawns, bringing library fund in order with the consent of the child);

4.Have the opportunity to transfer to another educational institution at any time and without obstacles (due to moving, choosing another curriculum, choosing a school with a focus on the subject, as a result conflict situation);

5.Use is free and unhindered school library, educational and scientific literature;

6.During the educational process, use sports equipment, cultural sites schools (visiting the school museum);

7.Receiving full meals twice a day;

8.Select the desired electives, sections, clubs offered by the school;

10.Receive encouragement for the successful results of your work (certificates, gratitude, diplomas);

11.Receive a deferment from conscription into the army (if the child has reached the age of 18);

12. The right to respect for the dignity of the child, protection from any forms of violence, insults - first of all, this concerns the protection of the child from insults from teachers and peers;

13.Have the opportunity to freely express your thoughts (even if these thoughts differ from the teacher’s opinion);

14. Count on individual plan. This applies to:

  • gifted children (the teacher can develop individual assignments increased complexity, conduct classes for more in-depth study subject, incl. After school);
  • children with any developmental disabilities - development individual tasks, suitable for the child;
  • children who often miss classes due to illness - the child should have the opportunity to study the program at home with teacher consultation on subjects;
  • children attending sports schools who, due to the traveling nature of the competition, often have to miss classes - the child can count on a partial transition to home (family) education, or on receiving assignments from teachers for self-study with the possibility of surrender final works and obtaining certification.

It would seem that everything is clear; the child should be provided with normal conditions for learning and development. But sometimes children, like teachers, are faced with circumstances and situations that require careful consideration, because... they affect the interests of both parties and sometimes it is not known how to protect and defend the rights of the child and parents at school.

Unpleasant situations and what to do

Here are some situations:

In modern schools, the teacher is sometimes afraid to involve the child in physical labor, because... any schoolchild thinks that this is illegal (and modern schoolchildren They know their rights very well, thanks to the media and the Internet).

In the aforementioned Convention on the Rights of the Child there is a prohibition on exploitation child labor, if it poses a danger to his health, development or otherwise infringes on his rights. In other cases, the school can involve children in feasible work within the school during their free time from school. This could be: cleaning school and school grounds, minor repairs of school equipment, garbage collection - any work that does not harm the health and safety of children.

The only “but” is that for such work the school must obtain the consent of the child himself and his parents (or other legal representatives). Without consent, work is prohibited. In addition, before starting any labor activity Children must be given safety instructions. Compulsory work for children at school is considered to be work during labor lessons, because they are organized as part of the educational process and are provided for by the curriculum.

Health hazard

The first option is if the child suddenly becomes ill at school. Responsibility lies with:

  • school medical worker: he must provide first aid using some medications (only a doctor has the right to give serious medications): measure blood pressure, bandage the wound, give ammonia, apply a splint. In extreme cases, call ambulance and accompany you to the hospital;
  • teacher - he must accompany the child to treatment room, contact the parents and notify them about what happened, understand the circumstances of the incident;
  • the director - in case of inaction or insufficient assistance from school employees, which can lead to tragic incidents.

The second option is if a fight occurred between students, which also resulted in harm to their health. All responsibility (including property) for what happened falls on the school if it happened on its territory (even in the school yard).

If a fight or scuffle occurs in class, the teacher must take all measures to eliminate it.

If a fight occurs, then the parents of the injured child must file claims (including compensation Money for treatment) not to the fighter’s parent, but directly to the school and teacher. In any case, the school charter prescribes such twofold issues.

The third option is to exempt the child from physical education lessons. If a physical education teacher obliges a child to attend classes and pass standards contrary to exemption and doctor’s recommendations, it is necessary to contact the class teacher and head teacher to eliminate similar situation. If the actions of a physical education teacher (namely, coercion into classes) worsened the child’s condition, parents can file a lawsuit against the teacher’s actions.

Difficulties with the teacher

The teacher does not have the right to kick a child out of class or not allow him to attend classes (for example, for being late, bad behavior). Teaching and educating is the direct responsibility of the teacher. In extreme cases (if a student comes to class drunk or behaves inappropriately and aggressively towards students or the teacher), the teacher must contact the school principal, security or police, and they must directly hand him over to either his parents or authorities.

Personal items

If something was stolen from a child at school and, after calling on the teacher to confess to the crime, none of the students responded, the teacher has the right to call the police. No one has the right to independently inspect the belongings of children (or a suspect). classroom teacher, nor the school principal.

Parents' actions in in this case: do not make claims against the suspected child (since the stolen item could easily have been planted), but buy inexpensive things for the child and independently monitor their safety.

Very often, parents complain about violations of their child’s rights at school. Mom and dad, of course, always protect their beloved child, even when the child behaves frankly badly and uncivilized. But the problem is that many teachers really go too far with punishments and verbal abuse of students. For example, some teachers, taking away the phone during a lesson, begin to read students’ personal correspondence aloud, kick children out of class or do not let them into class for being a minute late.

We are all human, we all have our own problems, and we all want to realize our interests. But within the school system, children, teachers and parents are required to interact constantly. This mutual cooperation should lead to children successfully mastering the school curriculum, their moral education and strengthening their physical and emotional health. Therefore, it is very important for parents to know the rights of children at school, as well as to be able to properly protect them.

Child's conflict with teachers

The representatives of the child's interests are his parents. And only they should make decisions about the main ones. Teachers only have the right to inform parents about the child’s progress, behavior in class, and absences from classes. A teacher cannot give a child a bad grade in a subject just because his behavior leaves much to be desired. Also, the teacher does not have the right to turn an uncultured student out the door.

But don't be too disrespectful to teachers. Don’t forget that by law they are not required to sit all day and evening, explaining incomprehensible examples and rules to your children; this work is not paid in any way. Also, they are not obliged to take retakes a hundred times and increase grades. Therefore, if the teacher does this, your child should at least be grateful and try not to test his patience. Rights and obligations must be mutual. AND human relations should always come first.

Protecting children's rights at school

All questions about a student’s expulsion, transfer to another class and non-admission to exams are decided by the director. He is obliged to notify parents of all the child’s problems. And if the student’s poor performance or absences have good reason, the school should help the child catch up with the program and calmly pass exams in special order. If a student still does not pass the exams with a satisfactory grade, unfortunately, the principal does have the right to leave him for a second year.

If we are talking about protecting the rights of the child, then we cannot fail to mention the protection of his personal life. After all, it’s one thing if a student spends the entire lesson texting on the phone with a friend from the next class. The actions of the teacher, who takes away his phone and nervously reads the last SMS, in this case are quite understandable. Although, according to the law, he still does not have the right to do this, since his act is regarded as robbery. But it can still be explained. But when teachers discuss in private conversations the wealth of their students’ parents, they family problems and personal connections, this is no longer acceptable and cannot be justified. A complaint about such actions of teachers can be addressed to the director, who will be obliged to take appropriate measures to protect the constitutional rights of the student. Teachers can discuss personal life students only in the interests of the children themselves, and to an extent sufficient to provide them with possible assistance.

Modern children's rights at school are extremely democratic. It makes it very difficult educational process. It turns out that a student can enter the class long after the bell rings, spend the entire lesson doing his own thing, and immediately leave his place after the bell rings. workplace. And the only thing a teacher can do is directly evaluate his knowledge. But knowledge and education are completely unrelated things. And as a result, both teachers, who practically cannot demand respectful treatment, and students, who in conditions of complete anarchy cannot obtain normal knowledge, suffer.

Just recently, no one thought about rights and responsibilities at school. The students respected and were even a little afraid of the teachers, and the teachers treated the students with sufficient severity. But both of them loved each other very much. And this mutual love helped the teenagers overcome all adversity, cope with the difficult school curriculum, get a profession and subsequently remember all their teachers very fondly.

If you ask older generation about school memories, they can talk about numerous cool excursions, interesting school evenings, various competitions and much more. And now students are happy to say that by law they are not required to attend all additional activities that are not included in the curriculum.

Well, in response to this, the teachers, right on the bell, without delaying a minute, close the class and go about their business in order to escape from thoughts about their humiliating position in modern school. And who suffers because of this? Most likely our children. So it turns out that all these democratic rules are absolutely useless.

First of all, parents must explain to their child what hard work, modesty, respect and mutual assistance are. Only culture and education of children can make modern school system effective. And then the eternal school question“Who is the call for?” will become irrelevant. Students will be happy to listen to interesting and exciting lessons, and the teacher will be happy to conduct extra hours with my curious, cheerful and so dear students.

If every student adheres to the school Charter, there will always be a friendly and cozy atmosphere in the educational institution.

Before enrolling a child in first grade, parents and teachers must explain to him not only the rules of behavior. The child must know his rights and responsibilities. You can read about this in our article.

Who is eligible for training?

Obtaining education is carried out in the interests of the individual, society and the state. If education is paid, not every adult will be able to give their child not only an average, but also elementary education. It is precisely because education is free that all children can safely study in a public institution.

What is primary school? Children go to first grade to gain knowledge. Before teaching your child various sciences, teachers are obliged to explain to schoolchildren all the rights, responsibilities and rules of conduct in an educational institution. First, let's figure out who has the right to receive secondary education. Only Russian citizens or not?

The Constitution of the Russian Federation in Article 43 states: every person has the right to education. Regardless of age, nation, religious upbringing or gender, any individual living in Russia is obliged to study and receive a secondary education. If a person does not speak Russian, he will not be able to participate in the educational process.

According to Part 4 of Art. 43, every person is obliged to master the general school curriculum. After a child has completed secondary education, he has the right to enter a higher education institution on a competitive basis in order to obtain a profession. Education is aimed at developing the personality of each person. Upon completion of studies, each student should have knowledge in a certain volume. Every child is required to pass exams that assess his knowledge before leaving school. Only then is a certificate issued, which serves as the basis for admission to a university.

Important! Only citizens of our country have the right to education in Russia.

What are the rights of a student at school?

Not all children want to study properly, and not because they are stupid. The fact is that students do not always experience a friendly and calm atmosphere at school. Because of this, the desire to learn and gain relevant knowledge very often disappears. It is necessary that children know the rights of the child at school and in the classroom.

And adults themselves do not always know the laws in order to talk about them with their children, and then teach them to defend their interests.

Student rights at school:

  1. The child has the right to a full school program.
  2. To respect his personality, the teacher should not be rude or rude to the child.
  3. The child has the right to a friendly and calm atmosphere while studying.
  4. The student has the right to objective assessment own knowledge: the teacher should not underestimate or overestimate the child’s scores.
  5. The student can express his opinion, and the teacher is obliged to listen to the student’s thoughts and explain to him whether he is right or wrong.
  6. The child has the right to own point vision and must be able to prove that he is right if he is confident in his thoughts and judgments.
  7. For the inviolability of their personal belongings - the teacher or peers should not take items such as a phone, tablet, textbook, etc. without the student’s permission.
  8. For rest - the teacher should not take up part of the break, continuing his lesson.
  9. The student has the right to consult with a lawyer or psychologist.
  10. Every child has the right to freedom of movement around school during breaks.
  11. Every student should know their rights.

For every student, primary education should begin with learning the rights and responsibilities of the child and the teacher.

Student rights in the classroom

Every child wants a friendly attitude not only from peers, but also from teachers. The teacher will not always tell the student what point he gave for the answer or for the written work. test. It is not right. Every child has rights not only at school, but also in the classroom.

Very often, teachers do not understand the discomfort children experience when they are deprived of the opportunity to know about their successes and failures.

Student rights in the lesson:

  1. The child must know what score he was given for knowledge.
  2. The student has the right to know all his grades for the subject.
  3. The child can express his opinion on the topic of the lesson.
  4. A student has the right to go to the toilet during class without asking, but by informing the teacher.
  5. In class, a student can correct the teacher if he makes a mistake.
  6. The student has the right to raise his hand and answer if it relates to the topic of the lesson.
  7. The student may leave the classroom at the end of the lesson (when the bell rings).

The rights of the student at school and in the classroom are not limited to this. The child also has the right to full-fledged care, which consists of the presence of a qualified health worker, security, etc. Read more...

Schoolchildren’s rights to healthy and quality services

Every student has the right to complete, high-quality and healthy education. How to do it? It all depends on the school administration and the state. A healthy school atmosphere will be maintained if the following conditions are met:

1. The child has the right to receive quality and free medical care during the working day.

2. For the schoolchild, the administration must create cleanliness throughout the entire territory educational institution.

3. Each classroom should be well lit.

4. The noise level should not exceed the norm.

5. The temperature in the school should be comfortable for classes.

6. Food should be healthy and of high quality. At least 20 minutes are allotted for her appointment.

7. For hygiene, the toilet should have everything necessary: ​​soap, paper, towel.

Adults must protect the rights of the child at school. After all, the mental and physical education student.

Children's rights in a homeroom lesson

At each school, the class teacher spends time with the children educational work. This lesson is called homeroom.

The rights of a schoolchild in Russia in this lesson:

1. Children have the right to choose the topic of discussion. They must come to common denominator. The student has the right to prepare on the topic of the lesson interesting presentation or tell an entertaining story.

2. Every student can discuss a story or presentation in a calm atmosphere and express their thoughts. The teacher should not interrupt the child. If a student is wrong, the teacher is obliged to correct him and explain what was said incorrectly.

Student responsibilities at school

Every student not only has rights, but also certain responsibilities both in the classroom and at school. We'll talk about this further.

Responsibilities of a student in a public educational institution:

  1. Every student must respect all school employees.
  2. Every student is required to greet their elders.
  3. A child must respect the work of adults. This applies not only to teachers, but also to the watchman, cleaning lady, etc.
  4. The student must comply with the school schedule.
  5. The student is obliged to study conscientiously, mastering knowledge and skills.
  6. If the child was absent from school, he must present the class teacher with a medical certificate or a note from his parents (guardians).
  7. Each student is obliged to comply with all requirements of the director, teacher or other adults, if this concerns the school Charter.
  8. The student must adhere to all hygiene standards: be clean, tidy and dressed in accordance with the school rules.
  9. Every child must follow safety rules.
  10. If a student finds a suspicious person or an abandoned bag on school grounds, he must immediately notify the school administration.
  11. The child must maintain order and cleanliness both in the school building and on its territory.
  12. If a student urgently needs to leave classes, he must bring a note from his parents to the class teacher in advance.

Responsibilities of schoolchildren in the classroom

Each student needs to adhere to all norms and rules not only at school, but also in the classroom. After all, the teacher imparts knowledge, and in order to assimilate it, you must adhere to certain rules.

Each school has a charter on this matter for the student, which he can familiarize himself with in his free time.

Student responsibilities in class:

  1. Every student is obliged to conscientiously fulfill homework for each subject.
  2. The child must present the diary to the teacher upon request.
  3. The student must listen carefully to everything the teacher says in class.
  4. The student is required to bring all necessary supplies to class: pen, ruler, pencil, books and notebooks.
  5. The child should not have extra items and toys in the backpack.
  6. The student is obliged, at the direction of the teacher, to approach the board or answer from his seat, without arguing.
  7. Each student must learn the completed topic and submit it to the teacher when he asks.
  8. The student is obliged to come to class on time, without being late.
  9. During classes, the student must behave quietly. If he wants to answer in class, he needs to raise his hand.
  10. The student must obey the teacher.

All rights and responsibilities of a student must not only be known to students and school staff, but also be fulfilled unquestioningly.

Rules for student behavior in class

Every student is required to adhere to a certain behavior both in class and during recess.

Rules of behavior in lessons:

  1. Each child must arrive to class 15 minutes before the bell rings in order to have time to change clothes and prepare for the lesson.
  2. The student should not be in the room wearing outerwear or a hat.
  3. The student must be in class at the moment the bell rings.
  4. The child should not enter class with or after the teacher.
  5. When the teacher enters, the children must rise to greet him.
  6. The child must be quiet during class and not distract other children.
  7. When a lesson is in progress, the student should not chew gum or eat food.
  8. During classes it is prohibited to use mobile communications.

Rules for student behavior during breaks

The child is obliged to behave properly not only in class, but also during recess. This means that there is certain rules, prescribed in the school Charter. Let's look at what rules a student should follow at school.

Student behavior during breaks:

  1. At the time the bell rings from the lesson, the child must tidy up his workplace and prepare for the next lesson.
  2. During recess, the student should calmly walk around the school and not run.
  3. The student is obliged to communicate friendly with peers (not to fight or quarrel).
  4. Say hello to all school employees.
  5. If a child enters the room and there is a teacher behind him, the student must let the older one pass.

What is prohibited for a student at school?

There are some things that a student is strictly prohibited from doing:

  1. The child must not jump on the steps or ride on the railings.
  2. You cannot carry life-threatening objects with you to school.
  3. It is prohibited to play cards on school grounds.
  4. You cannot smoke or drink alcohol.
  5. You can't open doors suddenly, as you might hit someone.
  6. It is forbidden to be rude and rude to elders.
  7. A student must not use obscene language not only in front of adults, but also in front of other students.
  8. It is forbidden to take other people's things, much less spoil them. If the child does damage someone else’s property, the parents are obliged to reimburse its full cost.
  9. A student is prohibited from coming to class without completing his homework.

Student problems at school

The child may have some problems with peers and teachers. Why is this happening? Children's problems at school are due to behavior. He cannot sit quietly in a chair, he spins around and interferes with his desk neighbor, the teacher and all the children. The teacher, accordingly, gets angry with him, and the educational process is disrupted.

There are also slow children who do not have time to learn educational material on a par with peers.

Here are just two examples of schoolchildren who may have problems with their studies.

Therefore, children should still primary school know the responsibilities and rights of a student at school.

What are the consequences of failure to comply with the school charter?

If the rights and responsibilities of a schoolchild are not explained to a child, he can easily become a violator. What can happen if you don't follow the rules? First, the student is reprimanded by the teacher. If the student does not obey and continues to damage property, fight, etc., then the parents are called to the school and invited with their child to the director. It all depends on the specific behavior. If a student endlessly beats children, steals, or causes moral pain, then he may be expelled from school.

To prevent this from happening, the administration, class teacher or other adults can organize homeroom lessons to familiarize children with the norms of behavior. The rights and responsibilities of a schoolchild are the law for both teachers and students. And it must be adhered to in a government institution.


In order for a child to have a positive reputation at school, he must be taught from the first grade how to behave at school. Every student should know what not only the responsibilities, but also the rights of a child at school are. Often teachers are unfair to students. Children do not always know what grade the teacher gave them for their knowledge. Also, teachers very often underestimate or overestimate scores. In this case, parents are obliged to go to school and protect the rights of their child in a controversial situation. The rights of students at school must be strictly observed by teachers. This is extremely important in the development of the younger generation. Today, the topic “Protecting the rights of schoolchildren” is relevant. Not only parents, but also social services can help them. Children have the right to call and report their problems through the helplines of these organizations.

Every person has the right to education in accordance with the Constitution. It is education that is integral part harmonious and full development of personality. Every child in modern world must attend to gain new knowledge and skills and improve those already known.

Meanwhile, children’s education in an educational institution does not always go smoothly and calmly. Some parents are faced with a situation where their child’s rights are violated at school. To prevent this from happening, starting from first grade, you must accessible form convey to your son or daughter exactly what he is entitled to.

In this article we will tell you what children’s rights exist at school in Russia and Ukraine, and what you need to do to protect your child from arbitrariness.

What rights does a child have in schools in Russia and Ukraine?

The rights of schoolchildren, both in Russia and in Ukraine, are no different. Every child is protected by law, and his rights at school must be suppressed and punished. Ukrainian and Russian schoolchildren have the following rights:

  • choose yourself educational program, as well as the school where the child will study;
  • study in a safe environment;
  • to have your personality respected by all staff of the educational institution;
  • to provide the necessary training base, that is, textbooks, workbooks, and so on;
  • get secondary education and a certificate absolutely free of charge;
  • receive the necessary artistic and educational literature in the school library;
  • voluntarily participate in work to improve the school and school grounds;
  • if desired, receive Additional services, including on a commercial basis;
  • if necessary, receive qualified assistance from a professional psychologist;
  • at any time of the year the student, with the consent own parents, has the right to transfer to another educational institution of a similar type;
  • get an education at your own native language, and also select additional language for studying;
  • after 15 years, with the consent of parents or guardians, the student has the right to stop studying;
  • attend any school events;
  • Express your opinions openly and listen to the opinions of others.

What to do if a child’s rights are violated at school?

Since any schoolchild is a citizen of his state, like everyone else, infringement of his rights while studying at an educational institution is not allowed and must be punished. This also applies to the rights of a disabled child. If there are certain medical indications and the consent of parents or guardians, such children can be educated in specialized institutions. Meanwhile, if the child, for health reasons, can study in secondary school, the rights of a disabled child should be absolutely no different from the rights of healthy children.

The rights of schoolchildren may be violated in the event of manifestations in their direction, both physical and psychological violence. Moreover, if all children and parents understand perfectly well that applying to a child physical strength is unacceptable, then some forms of psychological violence may remain without due attention.

Thus, violation of children’s rights in school with psychological point vision can be expressed in the following:

In the event of any manifestation of violence on the part of a teacher, parents can contact the director with a demand to protect the rights of their child at school. If top management the educational institution refuses to understand the situation, mothers and fathers, as well as guardians, have the right to submit an application to the prosecutor's office.

No matter what area of ​​our life we ​​touch upon, it is important to follow certain rules so that order, not chaos, reigns. Each of us is an independent person who must know his rights, but we should not forget that each person also has certain responsibilities.

Most often, it is when a child crosses the threshold of school and comes to first grade that he should have an idea of ​​what the rights and responsibilities of the teacher and student are. Parents can also introduce their baby to the most basic of them. In this article we will try to examine in more detail not only the rights of a student in a school in the Russian Federation, but we will also not forget about their immediate responsibilities.

Right to basic education

Our constitution spells out the rights of citizens of our country, one of which is the right to education. The state needs literate and educated people. Therefore, training in high school is currently provided free of charge. This means state Parents have the right to give their child to private school, but you will have to pay for training there.

Children come to school so that, before starting school, the rights of a 1st grade student must be explained by the class teacher. We must not forget that already in primary school Children should be well acquainted with their responsibilities.

Everyone has the right to receive secondary education, regardless of nationality, age, gender and religious views. Every resident of Russia is obliged to go to school. The state fully financially provides the entire educational process - from textbooks to visual aids and necessary equipment.

Upon completion of school, a certificate of secondary education is issued, but to obtain it you must pass final exams who will confirm that it was not in vain that the child went to school for 11 years. Only with this document does the graduate have every right to continue his education in a higher or secondary specialized institution.

What is a student entitled to?

Having crossed the threshold of the school, Small child is no longer just a child of his parents, but also a student. On the first class hour The first teacher must familiarize with and also what the child has every right to while within the walls of the institution. The student's rights are as follows:

The rights of a student in the Russian Federation also have a clause stating that, if desired, the child can always transfer to another school. Not prohibited home schooling, external study or early delivery exams.

Student rights in the classroom

You can name individual paragraphs that explain what rights a student has at school to training session. Among many, I would like to mention the following:

  • The student can always express his opinion in class.
  • The child has the right to go to the toilet by notifying the teacher.
  • All ratings given by this subject, the student must know.
  • Each child can correct the teacher if he made an inaccuracy in his speech regarding the topic of the lesson.
  • Once the bell has rung, the child can leave the classroom.

These, of course, are not all the rights of the student; others can be named that are no longer directly related to the educational process.

Right to healthy education

Each student not only can receive, but also has the right to ensure that it is complete, of high quality and, most importantly, safe for the child’s health. Maintaining a healthy atmosphere at school is very important, and in order for it to be so, it is necessary to adhere to certain conditions:

Parents not only can, but also must monitor how the student’s rights are respected at school. For this purpose, parent committees can be created; every parent has the right to come to the school and look at the learning conditions.

What the student must do

A student’s school rights are good, but we should not forget that each person has his own range of responsibilities that he must fulfill. This also applies to students at school. Here is a list of some of the responsibilities of children within the school walls:

All rights and responsibilities of a student at school must not only be known to adults and children, but must also be fulfilled.

What is prohibited for students at school?

There are some things that children are not allowed to do at school:

  • Under no circumstances should you bring dangerous objects, such as weapons or ammunition, to class.
  • Provoke conflicts that end in a fight, as well as take part in fights between other students.
  • It is prohibited for a student to miss classes without a valid reason.
  • Bring alcoholic drinks with you, drink them at school or come to drunkenness is strictly prohibited.
  • Smoking is also prohibited on school grounds. For this, the student can be punished and the parents fined.
  • It is unacceptable to gamble within the school premises.
  • It is forbidden to steal other people's things and school supplies.
  • Causing damage to school property will result in penalties.
  • It is prohibited to speak rudely and disrespectfully to the administration of the educational institution or the teacher.
  • The student should not ignore the teachers’ comments.
  • Every child in school should know that he is not allowed to come to class without completing his homework, although there are plenty of such unscrupulous students in every school.

If the rights and obligations of the student are always respected in all educational institutions, then school life will be interesting and organized, and all participants in the educational process will be satisfied with everything.

What does a school teacher have the right to?

It is impossible to imagine a lesson without them being guides to the world of knowledge. The rights of a student and a teacher at school are not exactly the same, here is a list of what the latter has the right to:

In addition to rights, of course, there is a list of responsibilities that every teacher must fulfill.

Responsibilities of teachers

Despite the fact that teachers are adults and the entire educational process rests on them, their list of responsibilities is no less than that of students:

The list of responsibilities is decent. But let’s not pretend, because teachers are people too - especially some points are not always observed.

Rights of the class teacher

After a child crosses the threshold of school for the first time, he falls into the hands of his second mother - the class teacher. It is this person who will become their main mentor, protector and guide to their new school life. All class teachers, as well as other teachers, have their own rights, which are as follows:

  • Probably the most important right is to ensure that the rights and responsibilities of the student at school are respected.
  • The class teacher can independently develop, at his own discretion, a program of work with children and their parents.
  • Can count on help from the administration.
  • He has the right to invite parents to school.
  • You can always refuse responsibilities that are not within the scope of your professional activities.
  • The class teacher has the right to information about mental and physical health their pupils.

To monitor compliance with your rights, you first need to know them well.

What the class teacher is not entitled to

In any institution there is a line over which employees must not, under any circumstances, cross. This applies primarily to educational institutions, since teachers work with the younger generation, who must learn within the school walls how to become an independent, responsible person.

  1. The class teacher does not have the right to humiliate and insult a student.
  2. It is unacceptable to use marks in the journal as punishment for misconduct.
  3. You can't break your word given to the child, after all, we must raise honest citizens of our country.
  4. It is also inappropriate for a teacher to abuse a child’s trust.
  5. The family should not be used as a means of punishment.
  6. Not only for class teachers, but also for all teachers, it is not very nice and correct to discuss things behind the backs of their colleagues, thereby undermining the authority of the teaching staff.

Responsibilities of class teachers

In addition to his immediate responsibilities as a teacher, the class teacher must also perform a number of duties:

  1. Ensure that the rights and responsibilities of a student in his class are respected.
  2. Constantly monitor the progress of your class and the overall dynamics of its development.
  3. Keep control over the progress of your students, make sure that students do not allow absences without a good reason.
  4. Monitor progress not only at the level of the entire class, but also note the successes and failures of each child so that the necessary assistance can be provided in a timely manner.
  5. Be sure to involve students in your class in not only cool events, but also general school ones.
  6. Once you start working in the classroom, it is imperative to study not only the children, but also the characteristics of their lives and family conditions.
  7. Notice any deviations in the child’s behavior and development so that timely assistance can be provided. psychological help. If the situation is quite complicated, then the administration of the educational institution must be notified.
  8. Any student can approach the class teacher with his problem, and he must be sure that the conversation will remain between them.
  9. Work with the parents of your students, inform them of all misconduct, successes and failures, and jointly look for ways to solve problems that arise.
  10. Carefully and timely fill out all necessary documentation: journals, personal files, student diaries, personality study cards, and others.
  11. Monitor the health of children and strengthen it by involving students in the work of sports sections.
  12. The responsibilities of class teachers include organizing duty for their class in the school and cafeteria.
  13. Timely work to identify children from dysfunctional families who fall into the “risk group” and conduct individual educational work with them and their families.
  14. If there are already children from the “risk group” in the class, then it is necessary to constantly monitor attendance, academic performance and behavior.

It can be added that the class teacher is responsible for the life and health of his students during all school and class events. If, in the course of his work, a teacher violated the rights of a student by using methods of physical or mental violence against him, then he may be relieved of his duties, and in some cases, brought to criminal liability.

To furnish the walls educational institution was friendly and favorable for mastering knowledge, it is necessary for parents to instill from the very beginning early childhood rules for your kids good behavior. But within the walls of an educational institution, it is already important for children to know not only the rights of a student at school, but also the range of their direct responsibilities. It is important that parents are interested school life their children, knew about all his failures and successes, relationships with teachers and peers, so that, if necessary, they could protect their rights.