Individual professional development program for primary school teachers.

Individual teacher professional development plan for the 2016-2017 academic year

Lescheva Svetlana Nikolaevna

primary school teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2

Professional development goal:

The study and use of modern technologies, methods for organizing educational and cognitive activities, maintaining and preserving health, and improving the quality of student education.

To achieve this goal, the following were set tasks:

1. Improve methods, means of teaching and education, increase the level of independent creative educational work of students in the classroom.

2. Create optimal conditions for the development of students’ individual abilities and develop the skills of independent learning activities using information and communication technologies.

3. Accumulate didactic material that corresponds to the new Federal State Educational Standards.

4. Master the technology of creating competency-oriented tasks.

5. Master methods, techniques, technologies that comply with the new Federal State Educational Standards

6. Take an active part in seminars, workshops, conferences, and competitions.

7. Continue working on your personal website “To make learning easier.”

Expected result:

Development of work programs for subjects in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard;

Formation of the student’s internal position at the level of a positive attitude towards school, understanding of the need for learning, the ability to self-esteem, the ability to plan, control one’s actions,

Formulate your own opinion, cooperate with any partner, search for the necessary information;

Improving the quality of taught subjects;

Participation in teacher councils, seminars, and in the work of school and district municipal organizations of primary school teachers;

Provide feasible practical assistance to colleagues.

Form of report on the work done: speaking at meetings of the Moscow Region and the teachers' council, demonstration lessons, participation in competitions.

Self-education form:(individual, group, collective)

Work on the topic of self-education.


Presentation form

Where, when, by whom is it heard?

1. Development of practical material on the topic “Organization of project activities in lessons of the surrounding world” (based on student-oriented technologies)

2. Develop training sessions on the creative topic “Organization of project activities in the lessons of the surrounding world” (based on student-oriented technologies)

3. Experience on the topic should be presented to primary school teachers at the Moscow Region.

4.Complete work on this topic in the 2015-2017 academic year.

During a year

Development of lessons, teaching materials

Meeting of the Moscow Region

Study of literature related to the problems of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard

Issues regarding the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

Literature, normative legal documents

Objectives of use

literary sources


Reporting form

Study of the founding document

Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education

Study of the set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education


2016-2017 academic year of the year

framed table

meetings of the Moscow Region

primary school teachers. Participation in discussion.

Requirements for the results of mastering OOP

in primary school

Fundamental core of the content of general education: project / ed. V. V. Kozlova, A. M. Kondakova. - M: Education, 2009. (Standards of the second


Studying the basic document necessary to create basic curricula, programs, teaching materials and

During the 2016-2017 academic year.

Requirements for the results of mastering OOP in primary school

Approximate basic educational program of an educational institution.

Study of the changed content of education in subjects.

During the 2016-2017 academic year

Programs by subject

Organization of project activities

Design tasks in elementary school: a manual for teachers / (A.B. Vorontsov, V.M. Zaslavsky, S.V. Egorkina, etc.); edited by A.B. Vorontsova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 2010.

Studying methodological material on organizing project activities.

During the 2016-2017 academic year

Organization of extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodical designer: a manual for teachers / D.V. Grigoriev, P.V. Stepanov. - M.: Education, 2010.

Studying new types and forms of work in extracurricular activities.

During the 2016-2017 academic year

Abstract to the material read

3. Development of methodological materials to ensure the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard and the implementation of the updated educational process

Objectives or content of the activity


Results presentation form

Where and by whom is the report on the performance of work heard?

Development, adjustment and clarification of work programs for academic subjects.

August 2016 academic year

Calendar-thematic plans in accordance with the content of work programs in subjects.

School principal's order

School administration

Development of a program for your class

development and education of students

August - September 2016

Development and education program

class students

September 2016

Class MO meeting

managers under deputy Director of HR

Design and replenishment of class portfolios for grades 2 and 4

During the school year

2nd grade portfolio, 4th grade portfolio.

Drawing up (selection) of complex

verification work

During the school year

comprehensive testing work

Meeting of the MoE of primary school teachers during the school year

Introduction of a new form of funded

assessments (portfolio of student achievements)

Portfolio replenishment.

During the 2016-2017 academic year

Portfolio of achievements of students in grades 2 and 4

Meeting of the Ministry of Education of Primary School Teachers “Implementation of the Technology Portfolio of Achievements in Education

process in primary school in conditions

introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard"

Development of programs for additional education: “Samodelkin’s Workshop”, “Young Museum Scientists”, “Young Traffic Inspectors”, “Green Planet”, “Healthy Lifestyle”.

August 2016

Additional education programs for 2016-2017:

“Samodelkin’s Workshop”, “Young Museum Experts”, “Young Traffic Inspectors”, “Green Planet”, “Healthy Lifestyle”.

School administration

Identification and selection of methods and means

formation of UUD among students

(textbook analysis, system selection

assignments, etc.)

During the school period

Methodological developments

Analysis of the “Methodological piggy bank”

pedagogical experience"

at meetings of the Moscow Region of primary school teachers

Development of lesson scenarios and extracurricular activities in

in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

During the school period

Demonstration lessons, extracurricular activities.

Participation in professional competitions.

Meeting of the Moscow Region of primary school teachers

4. Generalization of own experience of teaching activities

Experience presentation form

Where and by whom is the report on the performance of work heard?

Speech at a meeting of the Moscow Region of primary school teachers on the topic:

“Organization of project activities in the lessons of the surrounding world” (based on student-oriented technologies)

April 2017

Report with presentation

Teachers' MO

Open lesson on the topic.

April 2017

MO of primary school teachers

Participation in professional competitions (including distance learning) at various levels, Olympiads

During a year

Competition commission

Regular updating of your personal website

During the school year

Site replenishment

Work on websites and in personal accounts:

1. Personal website “To make learning easier” by primary school teacher S.N. Leshcheva. 06.11.2014

2. Personal account on the educational website “Academy of Growth” 01/15/2015

3.Personal account on the educational portal “Prodlenka” 06/17/2015

4. Personal website on the educational portal "Infourok"

5. Personal account on the educational portal “Mersibo” 03/02/2016

6. Personal account on the All-Russian pedagogical portal “Sunlight” 08/14/2016

7. Personal account in LLC “Center for the Development of Pedagogy” 08/25/2016

During the school year

Replenishment of the website, pages in your personal account

First category confirmation

April 2017

Presentation of work experience

Center for Education Assessment and Quality

5. Participation in the system of school and district methodological work


Types of work performed

Meetings of the MoE of primary school teachers

During the school year

Methodological mutual assistance,

Participation in the work of the district primary school education department

During the school year

Methodological mutual assistance,

presentation of work experience. (Performance)

Subject weeks

Organizational and pedagogical

activities within the subject week plan

A selection of Internet information resources

During the school year

Creation of a methodological piggy bank for a primary school teacher

Preparation of students for Olympiads, participation of students in Olympiads, subject quizzes:

1. All-Russian subject Olympiad “Academy of Talent”.

2. Olympiads provided by the school administration.

3. Distance Olympiads.

4. Quizzes of the educational site Online Olympiad

During a year

Training of students.

Submitting an application, receiving assignments, sending answers.

Training in advanced training courses outside of school

Course Topics

Course location

Form of a report on the results of preparation (coursework, abstracts, open lessons, etc.)

1 “Active learning methods” 20 hours

2 “Project and research activities as a tool for the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards of Additional Education and Federal State Educational Standards of Non-Governmental Education” 72 hours

ANO DPO “Information educational center for advanced training and retraining “My University”

State educational institution of the Yaroslavl region "Institute for Educational Development".

October 2016

February - March 2017

Obtaining a state-issued document

7. Generalization and disseminationexperience working under Federal State Educational Standards

Forms of work with teachers

Event Topics

Number of teachers


Providing professional assistance to colleagues on teaching issues

During a year

Open lesson on extracurricular activities

Presentation of experience in designing a lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

February 2017

Open lesson at MO for primary school teachers

April 2017

Open lessons for school teachers.

Presentation of experience in lesson design in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

December 2016

Posting works on a personal website ( https:// sites. google. com/ site/ ctobyucitsabylolegce/ )

On the personal website of the educational portal "Infourok"

Publication of works on educational sites

"Ogonyok" - el. mail

“Talents of Russia” - email. mail

on the All-Russian educational portal "Prodlenka"

1 Work programs for grade 2, grade 4 according to the “School of Russia” program.

- “Practical lesson “Thread dolls”.

During a year

Sources of self-education

Refresher courses.

Seminars and conferences.

Master classes.

A television.

Newspapers magazines.


Video, audio information on various media.

Experience exchange events.

Excursions, theaters, exhibitions, museums, concerts.

Literature (methodological, popular science, journalistic, fiction).

Individual development program aimed at implementing the requirements of the professional standard TEACHER and Federal State Educational Standard

View document contents
“Individual teacher development program”

Individual development program aimed at implementing the requirements of the professional standard TEACHER and Federal State Educational Standard

Geography teacher Svetlana Alexandrovna Smirnova

Methodological topic: Project and research activities in geography lessons

I– labor actions;

II– functioning

I. Mastering new work activities

Labor action (LAA)








Systematic analysis of the effectiveness of training sessions and teaching approaches

1.System-activity approach to learning - pedagogical advice.

2. Construction of an educational space based on a system-activity approach in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

3. System-activity approach as the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard and PSP - methodological week

4. Work in the creative group “Implementation of Federal State Educational Standards LLC”

1. IPK courses: Content and technologies of school education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

2. Literary sources on the topic

Finding tools that increase the effectiveness of lessons

Participation in the city network competition

educational and methodological developments in geography

Open lesson as part of the methodological week

November - February

1. The main stage (November 2016 - January 2017) – preparation of original educational and methodological developments

2. Expert stage (February – March 2017) – assessing the quality of educational and methodological developments of the competitors.

3.Final stage (April - May 2017) – summing up the results of the competition

Educational and methodological development of the lesson

1st place in the competition of educational and methodological developments in geography “Network community of geography teachers: the experience of teachers in education in Krasnoyarsk” held by the Krasnoyarsk regional branch of the Russian Association of Geography Teachers, together with the KK IPK and PPRO, KSPU named after. V.P. Astafieva, KIMC and GMO in geography.

Systematic search of literature and Internet publications on this topic and their study.

II. Increasing the level of professional excellence

Functional Responsibilities








Systematic improvement of your professional qualifications.

1.Attending open lessons with school teachers.

2.Participation in school methodological seminars

3. Exit to RMO

1. IPK courses: Content and technologies of school education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

2. Study of literary sources

Public lesson

Studying literary sources on issues of interest


During the year

During the year

Certified to the Highest category

Elena Manukhina
Individual teacher professional development program

Goals professional development:

Goal 1. Development of professional competencies of a teacher in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Goal 2. Mastery of educational, methodological and informational resources necessary to successfully solve the problems of the Federal State Educational Standard.

1. Study of literature related to the problems of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard.

Issues regarding the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard Literature, normative legal documents Objectives of use

Literary sources Deadlines Reporting form Where and by whom and when the report on the performance of the work is heard

Study of the normative document Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 43 - Contents and guarantees of the right to education

Study of the normative document Convention on the Rights of the Child (02.09.1990) Acquaintance with the fundamental document During the year 2017-2018

Study of the regulatory document "Law on Education in the Russian Federation". Acquaintance with the fundamental document During the year 2017-2018

Study of the normative document Law of the Russian Federation “On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child”. Acquaintance with the fundamental document During the year 2017-2018

Study of the normative document Family Code (from December 29, 1995 No. 223 -FZ). Acquaintance with the fundamental document During the year 2017-2018

Study of the regulatory document Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 N 1155.

“On approval of the federal state educational

standard average (full) general education" To study the set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs Preschool education During the year 2017-2018 Discussion at the teachers' council at the preschool educational institution

Study of the regulatory document Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 N 1014 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs preschool education"

"Professional standard of a teacher"Learn the fundamentals


Learn the fundamentals

document During the year 2017-2018

During the year 2017-2018

Discussion at the city methodological site.


document Basic general education MBDOO program No. 6


2. Development of methodological materials to ensure the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard and the implementation of the updated educational educational process

Objectives or content of the activity Timing Form for presenting results Where and by whom is the report on the work performed

Changing calendar and thematic planning in accordance with the content of Basic General Education MBDOO program No. 6"Country of Childhood" September-October 2016-2018 Presentation of calendar and thematic planning Community of teachers in preschool educational institutions

Work on the topic "Pedagogical technology Club hour" taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

Work on the topic "Innovative pedagogical technologies" 2016 -2018.

2017-2018 Presentation of a long-term work plan on the topic

Project development "My family"

Development of the project "Who is Santa Claus"

Development of the project "In the world of space"

Development of the project "Save our planet"

Development of the project "Spring is Red"

Development of the project “I will study at school” 2016 - 2017. Presentation of projects at the teachers' council. Community of teachers in preschool educational institutions

Development and implementation of the "Young Traffic Inspectors" club

Development and implementation of projects in the junior group “My friend - Moidodyr” “Let’s get acquainted” “My friendly family” “How vegetables and I were friends”

2017-2018 Performance programs mug Community of teachers in preschool educational institutions

Community of teachers in preschool educational institutions

3. Generalization of own experience of teaching activities

Topic, tasks Timing Form for presenting experience Where and by whom the report on the work is heard

Open view by topic: “Independence and initiative” “Grow my plant”

02 2016 Abstract of GCD MO preschool teachers,

Speaking at methodological events educators Preschool educational institution During the year 2017-2018 Statement by the Moscow Region preschool teachers

Work of the "Ogonki" circle

End of the year 2017 Report on the work of the circle Final teaching council of the preschool educational institution

Information on the personal website page

During the year 2017-2018 Projects, photographic materials. Administration of the preschool educational institution

"Club Hour" technology - long-term planning for a thematic site for the year.

During the year 2017-2018

Visit to the preschool administration

Administration of the preschool educational institution

Participation in the final event of the preschool educational institution "Cosmos"

Children's product.

Community of preschool teachers

Community of preschool teachers

Using modern pedagogical technologies "Hour of Interesting Things"

City Pedagogical Festival 03.2017

Educational activities.

Organization of PPRS in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards

4. Participation in the system of preschool methodological work


Deadlines Types of work performed

(tasks to be solved) Form for presenting work results

Teachers' Council

According to the work plan of the preschool educational institution.

Active listener

Methodological associations of teachers working in program"Development"

During the year 2017-2018 Active listener

Attending open events at preschool educational institutions

City base site "Practice of implementation of Federal State Educational Standards of Additional Education"

Internship at the launch site of the winner of the Rosatom School Competition

During the year 2017-2018

During the year 2017-2018

March 2017 2018

Analysis of an open event

By site topic

Work according to the site plan

5. Training in courses in the professional development system outside the preschool educational institution

Course topics Place of course Dates Form of a report on the results of training

"Rosatom School" site

Zelenogorsk MBDOU d/s No. 32 2017

Participation in assessing the quality of the kindergarten group.

Advanced training courses for QC IPC program"Organization of psychological and pedagogical support for preschoolers with disabilities in the conditions of inclusive education"


Homework on the topic.

"Organization of educational activities in the context of the Federal State Educational Institution

Zelenogorsk 02.2015

Planning educational activities.

6. Management of professional development of other teachers

educators educators


Open event

Consultations on topics.



helping colleagues

on issues of pedagogical activity

Socio-game technologies, application in working with preschoolers.

Creating a safe and psychologically comfortable educational environment.

Organization of the game taking into account the special educational needs of the child.

Organization of gaming activities. During a year

February 2017

7. Work as part of the governing bodies of preschool educational institutions and the working group of the project for the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards

Organizational forms of work with educators Preschool educational institution Topics of events or list of tasks for personnel training Deadlines Quantity educators

Member of the working group for the development of OOP DOU

Occupational Health and Safety Commissioner Development and testing of OEP of pre-school educational institution

Instruction, inspection, filling out documentation. According to the preschool work plan

According to the work plan.





Kukharenko Galina Vasilievna

From 2014-2015 academic year. of the year - for the 2017-2018 academic year. year

MBOU "School school" Novikovo".

Using personalized learning technologies

Development of individual experience of junior schoolchildren in the educational process


Today, primary education is subject to a whole range of requirements that are designed to make learning humane, protecting the interests and health of the child.

In this regard, the tasks of primary school teachers have become significantly more complicated. Today, teachers need to teach schoolchildren to think and reflect, based on their own educational and life experiences; make independent choices in the process of educational activities, develop the ability to act in different situations, creatively solve educational problems. But often, teachers require children to unconditionally follow the instructions of an adult and do not take into account the individual experience of students in the process of studying academic disciplines. All this leads to an exacerbation of the contradictions between the positive attitude of a primary school student to educational activities and insufficient awareness of the personal meaning of learning, between the readiness to make a choice of their activities and the restriction of this right in school reality. It is necessary to look for new approaches in educational and cognitive activity to the problem of understanding the personal meaning of learning.

Finding and implementing these new approaches allows teaching children using the educational and methodological package “School of Russia”, which contains the technology of working with the individual experience of a primary school student as a condition for the development of each child based on pedagogical support for his individuality.

Object of study– individual experience of junior schoolchildren in situations of educational and cognitive activity. Subject of study– the process of developing the individual experience of younger schoolchildren in educational and cognitive activities. Purpose of the study– theoretically substantiate and develop a system of work to develop the individual experience of younger schoolchildren. Research hypothesis can be represented as follows.

The process of developing the individual experience of a junior schoolchild in educational and cognitive activities depends on the organization of his interaction with the teacher. The development of a student’s individual experience in the educational process can be successful when the teacher studies and applies the technology of working with individual experience when teaching the School of Russia.

Research objectives.

1. Analyze approaches to the problem of developing a child’s individual experience, identify the essence of the concept “individual experience” from a pedagogical position.

2. To develop a system of work to develop the individual experience of junior schoolchildren based on the use of this technology in situations of organizing individual, pair, group and collective educational and cognitive activities and test its effectiveness.

Analyzing the literature (Yu.K. Babansky, A.S. Belkin, M.N. Skatkin, V.A. Onishchuk, P.I. Pidkasisty, G.I. Shchukina, N.E. Shchurkova), I realized that in In traditional pedagogy, individual experience was conceptualized, firstly, as the “property” of the student, acquired by him in various life situations, secondly, as the experience of the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by the student in learning, thirdly, the appeal to individual experience was associated with research into the cognitive motives and needs of the student. Thus, an analysis of the definition of the experience under study allows me to conclude that the individual experience of a student is an intrapersonal education containing personally significant meanings that arose as a result of their “experience” in the process of involvement in real situations, an education that can be actualized in learning as a certain potential of cognitive and personal development opportunities of the student.

Training using the technology of personality-oriented learning is built at all stages of the process of acquiring knowledge (perception, comprehension, understanding, generalization, consolidation, application). In my system of work using technology for developing the individual experience of junior schoolchildren, I relied on the following basic didactic provisions of the concept of personality-oriented learning:

    educational material (the nature of its presentation) helps to identify the content of the student’s individual experience, including the experience of his previous learning;

    the presentation of knowledge in a textbook (by the teacher) is aimed not only at expanding its volume, structuring, integrating, generalizing the subject content, but also at transforming the existing experience of each student;

    during training, it is necessary to constantly coordinate the student’s experience with the scientific content of the knowledge offered;

    The student’s activity (individual experience in action) is organized by the teacher as a creative process, as a process of creating “something new”, in which the child realizes his abilities and capabilities and gains the experience of expanded self-awareness, self-awareness and self-realization.

My work system includes the following methods and techniques that ensure the development and enrichment of the individual experience of junior schoolchildren:

1. Learning in the context of educational dialogue.

Our intellectual life is always socially determined and inevitably takes place in the process of dialogue (external or internal). Thus, we can say that in a dialogue built on partnerships, each child feels “in demand” with his individual experience and can creatively assert himself in the process of reproducing his experience. For example. For conversation, I use discussion elements from the works of N. Nosov, V. Dragunsky, A. P. Chekhov, A. Lindgren. So according to the story of A.P. Chekhov’s “White-fronted” proposed a topic for discussion: “Is it difficult to be small?” Based on the fairy tale by A. Lindgren “The Kid and Carlson Who Lives on the Roof”, the interest, in my opinion, is in the unfinished formulation of the theme. For example, “Deception is .....”, (based on N. Nosov’s story “Dreamers”). Why can Mishutka and Stasik be called dreamers, but Igor cannot?

2. Using problem-based teaching method in lessons.

This is the creation of problem situations under the guidance of a teacher and stimulation of active independent activity of students to resolve them, as a result of which the cognitive interest of children develops, the creative mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities, and the development of creative abilities occurs. For example. 2nd grade studying the topic “Plant diversity”.

Now close your eyes and imagine that you are the root of a tree. How do you give him water? Where does the moisture go first? And then? - Now imagine that you are the root of a bush. How do you water the bush? The children's stories are listened to and discussed.

3. Application of game teaching methods.

Using the game in the classroom, I try to implement the main functions of the game through children's activities:

communicative (development of communication experience), self-realization function (enrichment with the experience of independent creative activity), play therapy function (relieving fear, overcoming shyness), diagnostic. For example. Game “Say it in your ear” This technique promotes personal contact with the teacher, removes the fear of the wrong answer, and allows you to interview many without reducing the difficulty of the task. Together with the fictional characters Misha and Masha, while studying some topics about the world around us, we can visit underwater, in a helicopter, and in a flower meadow.

4. Project-based learning.

Project-based learning in elementary school is indirect, and not only the results are valuable here, but even more so the process itself. The foundations on which the project method is built:

personal orientation towards the child;

learning by doing, independent study, collaborative learning, role-playing, heuristic learning, discussion, etc.;

learning from one’s own (individual) experience and the experience of others in a particular matter.

For example. The project “The House We Live In”, children come up with the design of a classroom so that they would like to study in it; when decorating a corner, they suggested placing materials in the corner that would help children learn about the life of the class and get some information. This year we created a corner in the form of a fairy-tale house on chicken legs. The “Weekend Portfolio” project, we collected material, family traditions and class traditions, came up with games and joint events with parents. We spend our weekends in an interesting way (we go to nature, where there are games, songs, jokes), we go fishing in the river, we visit museums, trips to the city, we go skiing in the forest, etc.)

We see that this method creates great opportunities for enriching and developing the individual experience of a primary school student.

5. Acceptance of initial actualization of students’ individual experience.

The teacher’s task is to find out what stock of knowledge at the level of ordinary consciousness students have before they receive the necessary stock of educational (scientific) knowledge.

The technology for using this technique can be associated with several forms of organizing student activities:

A) direct formulation of the question: “What do we know about our country and our village”, “What can a computer do”, “What can be dangerous around us...”.

C) who wants to try to solve the problem using an expression. Initial data are presented. For each set, you need to create as many variants of problems as possible; compose a text based on questions, on adjectives, on a picture, on a planned plan...

D) reliance on written work by students, in which they express their knowledge about something, followed by the teacher’s analysis of the degree of their awareness in the field of academic discipline. For example. We learn to make a scientific report (knowledge in the lessons of the World around us helps). Work with Levitan's painting "Quiet Abode".

6. Acceptance of advanced projection of new knowledge.

The instrumentation of this technique is important: “Next time I’ll tell you about how the Earth rotates around its axis, or how to prevent colds, and you’ll remember that you’ve heard about this, how you know what you’ve had to deal with in life.” The meaning of instrumentation is to organically impose an educational projection on new knowledge onto the individual experience of students. In anticipation of a new learning experience, children develop a readiness to combine the existing stock of knowledge and skills with the future topic.

7. Reception of additional construction of an unfinished educational model.

The teacher’s task in this case is to actualize the child’s creative potential and his need for self-realization. At the same time, each student will necessarily rely on his own life (individual) experience. For example: “I offer the beginning of the text, and your task is to complete the text.”

1. The children went into the forest………………… Therefore, before reaching the forest, they rushed home. (The children went into the forest. They walked along a narrow path. Flowers grew on the sides of the path. The children were collecting beautiful bouquets, but suddenly they saw a wolf ahead. The guys were very scared. Therefore, before reaching the forest, they ran home).

Winter came unexpectedly……………..Winter is always unusual. “It’s always so beautiful in winter,” said my mother. (Winter came unexpectedly. A month later we went to the forest. It was very beautiful there. The fir trees seemed to have put on fluffy hats. Slender pines seemed to be holding out their frosted, lacy legs to us. I admired the wonderful beauty! “It’s always so beautiful in winter,” said my mother )

8. Method of vital spiritualization of objects of living and inanimate nature.

For example, I give students the following essay topics: An essay-reasoning on the topic “What is the cat thinking about while sitting on the window”, an essay-description on the topic “What did the old photograph tell me about”; I arrange conversations in nature, for example, “What is a blade of grass thinking about?”, I suggest composing a fairy tale about geometric shapes (triangle, square). Such tasks help students understand the deeper meaning of educational connections and processes.

9. Construction of individual experience through practical activities.

Children observe, touch, hold an object in their hands, feel the aroma. For example.

Almost every day you hear the words water, air.

What sounds do they affect you? Tell us, share with others.

Now close your eyes and try to imagine that you are in the water, what do you feel? (children's answers). And when there is air around you, what do you feel? Try talking or writing about your feelings.

Close your eyes and imagine that you have hot air in your palm. Where does it come from? Now tell me, what will you feel if ice water flows down your back?

The guys share their feelings. In the process of such activities, students gain the experience of observing, comprehending an object, isolating the main thing from observations, the experience of broadcasting their impressions, their “I” for others.

10. Reception of life analogies in educational projections.

For example: “Imagine a picture from your life associated with the word “respect”, talk about it. Discussion of real situations. For example, situations related to the manifestation of greed and hypocrisy.

As a result we get:

    External result- it can be seen, comprehended, applied in practice (presentations, posters, abstracts, books, memos, etc.).

    Internal result- experience that combines knowledge and skills, competencies and values.

    The number and quality of events held has increased. It has become traditional to hold a subject week of the Russian language, Nature Experts, the game What? Where? When? and etc.

    The number has increased students participating in distance competitions, olympiads, regional competitions,

One of the directions of the modern school is the school of variable education, supporting the individual development of children and adolescents, and the development of giftedness. One of the requirements for the results of mastering the basics of the educational program is personal qualities

    readiness and ability for self-development

    motivation for learning and cognition

    value-semantic attitudes

    social competencies, personal qualities.

there will no longer be stability in the world, so you need to be prepared for any surprises, my main task is to ensure maximum success and a minimum of failures in the future life of my students, and therefore the parents of students are true allies, not only for the students, but also for me as a teacher .


Requirements for the development of a creative personality, which must have flexible productive thinking, developed active imagination to solve the most complex problems that life poses. Rapid changes are taking place in society. A person is forced to respond to them adequately and, therefore, must activate his creative potential.

    Today, the teacher needs to teach students how to learn; solve standard life situations; navigate the world of values: solve non-standard problems.

    Significant sought-after personal qualities




    Communication skills

    Flexibility of thinking


    Ability to search for information and actively work with it

    Personal responsibility

    Ability to change positions and activities

    What a modern teacher should be able to do

    the teacher must be able to connect the material being studied with everyday life and the interests of students;

    evaluate students' academic and extracurricular achievements;

    evaluate the progress of the class as a whole and individual students;

    see gaps not only in knowledge, but also in their readiness for life;

    successfully solve your life problems, showing initiative, independence and responsibility

    plan a lesson using the whole variety of forms and methods of educational work, dialogic and project methods

    set goals and evaluate the degree to which they are achieved together with students

    use the “Creating a Success Situation” method perfectly

    understand what skills students will need to find a job in today's environment and successfully move up the ladder of professional success

    see and understand the real life interests of your students

    show respect for your students, for their judgment, for their independent trials and errors

    Some of the teacher’s functions can be transferred to students, and they will cope with these functions if they understand that it is useful and beneficial to them

Knowledge and skills acquired by Kukharenko G.V. help in professional activities to automate the processes of preparing methodological developments and teaching aids, to deepen and expand ideas about the possibilities of using a computer in the design and research activities of students.