Raoul Wallenberg Institute. ISPiP named after Raoul Wallenberg (Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology): history, structure, educational process

One of the famous and popular St. Petersburg universities is the Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, located in several educational buildings.

Training is provided only on a paid basis. There are three forms of training: part-time, part-time and part-time.

History of the formation of the Wallenberg Institute of Psychology

The Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology was founded by Lyudmila Mikhailovna Shipitsyna in 1993. She was the rector from the moment of its creation until 2015. Assistance in the organization was provided by the Special Olympic Committee and the Raoul Wallenberg International Children's Fund - the institute bears his name.

This was the first non-state higher educational institution in Russia, where one could obtain the profession of “special psychologist”, as well as a number of other popular professions related to the provision of psychological, pedagogical, correctional and social assistance to people with various health problems.

Department of Psychology

Department of General and Special Psychology was created in 1996, in 1999 it became Department of Special Psychology, and then - Department of Psychology. Currently it is headed by Associate Professor Alexander Pavlovich Bizyuk.

The teaching staff constantly conducts scientific and research work, the results of which are reflected in textbooks, monographs, scientific articles, and are used in teaching students of the Wallenberg Institute.

At lectures, students study general and special psychological disciplines, in practical classes they gain skills in conducting correctional work, learn to consult and conduct psychological work with children and adolescent groups, as well as with adults. In special courses and workshops developed by teachers, students study specific issues of psychological work.

Classes are conducted not only in classrooms, but also in kindergartens, schools and boarding schools for children with various health problems, in orphanages, and in rehabilitation centers.

In addition to specialists for correctional institutions, psychologists are currently being trained to work with children at risk who have survived violence, natural disasters, catastrophes, terrorist attacks and emergency situations.

Department of General and Special Pedagogy

Department of General and Special Pedagogy was one of the first to appear at the Wallenberg Institute. Professor Valentina Aleksandrovna Feoktistova became the head of the department. Currently it is headed by Associate Professor Irina Anatolyevna Smirnova.

In 2010, it included the department of speech therapy, and in 2016 it was replenished with another area - adaptive physical education.

Students learn to independently draw up correctional and pedagogical programs, create projects for the activities of educational institutions, master the techniques of art therapy, sand therapy, adaptive physical education and other modern educational technologies.

Department of Humanities

Department of Humanities, existing at the Wallenberg Institute since 1995, headed by Professor Elena Vyacheslavovna Lyubicheva. In 2003, they began training foreign language teachers for various types of educational institutions.

The department constantly conducts research and methodological activities. The latest educational methods are used.

Faculty of Further Education

Faculty of Further Education has been operating since 2014 and is engaged in retraining of preschool and school education, social protection authorities, and medical workers. Training at the faculty is carried out in short-term seminars and longer courses for advanced training, with or without interruption from the main job.

Research and scientific work

In addition to educational activities, the Wallenberg Institute conducts scientific research at the bases of its structural divisions: the secondary school and kindergarten “Logovichok”, as well as in numerous partner organizations. The institute also has its own teaching and research laboratory. Teachers and graduate students constantly receive state awards, certificates of honor and gratitude for their services and achievements in research activities, their works are published in scientific journals.

The Wallenberg Institute often hosts scientific and practical conferences, symposia and seminars. Not only Russian but also foreign specialists from European countries, the United States of America, and South Korea participate in them.

The Institute has become one of the most popular universities, thanks to its highly qualified teaching staff. More than 8,000 people have graduated from its walls; many graduates head rehabilitation centers for the disabled and correctional institutions throughout Russia and the CIS.


The founders of the Institute were the Raoul Wallenberg International Children's Fund (USA, Sweden) and the Special Olympic Committee (Russia).

The purpose of creating the institute is to meet the needs of Russian residents for educational, medical, social, economic and general cultural services; assistance to families and children in realizing their rights to full development and education.

The Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology is the first non-state university in Russia specializing in training personnel for the system of special (correctional) education. The need for highly qualified personnel and scientific research in this area has especially increased due to fundamental changes in state policy to support children and adults with disabilities.

The creation of the Institute was also dictated by the urgent need for professional personnel capable of providing qualified psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance to people with a variety of psychological problems, the number of which in modern Russia, according to the World Health Organization, is more than 25%. The institute was the first in the country to begin training special psychologists. And today it is the undisputed leader in this area. Recently, the Institute has begun training psychologists working in the field of pediatric addiction, dealing with the prevention of various forms of addiction, with children at social risk, as well as with persons who have become victims of natural disasters, man-made disasters and violence.


In the ranking of universities in the country by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, based on the results of work for the 2003-2004, 2004-2005 academic years, the Institute took 1st place among non-state universities in the Russian Federation with a student population of more than 700 people and was awarded gold medals for “European quality of education”. In addition, the rector of the Institute, Professor Shipitsyna L.M. awarded the honorary title “RECTOR OF THE YEAR” for 2005. The list of honorary trophies is crowned by the “Golden Pelican” - the award “For mercy and generosity of spirit”

Institute now

In 2008, the Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology celebrated its 15th anniversary. During this time, from one small classroom, the institute has grown into a huge university consisting of 2 buildings: At the Ozerki metro station (Bolshaya Ozernaya 92) and at the Ligovsky Prospekt metro station (42 Voronezhskaya). Currently, more than 3,500 students from St. Petersburg, Bryansk, Vyborg, Zelenograd, Kaliningrad, Orenburg, Petrozavodsk, Severodvinsk, Tyumen, Togliatti, Novy Urengoy, Chelyabinsk, Igrim, Ufa, Sebezh, Surgut are studying at the Institute.


  • Special psychology, special psychologist
  • Speech therapy, speech therapist teacher
  • Adaptive physical culture, specialist in adaptive physical culture
  • Pedagogy and methods of primary education, primary school teacher
  • Special preschool pedagogy and psychology, teacher-defectologist working with preschool children with developmental disabilities
  • Special pedagogy, social teacher
  • Oligophrenopedagogy, oligophrenopedagogue
  • Foreign language, English teacher
  • Clinical psychology, clinical psychologist

Scientific activity

The Institute traditionally participates in orders from the Ministry of Education and UNICEF. The Institute successfully carries out scientific research within the framework of the Presidential program "Children of Russia", federal target programs "Disabled Children", "Orphans", "Children of Chernobyl", etc. One of the many recent projects is related to the development of correctional technologies and psychological assistance children with complex developmental disorders. This is a joint project of the Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology with the Perkin Institute (USA). The Perkin School is known as the oldest institution in the United States engaged in training and comprehensive support for people with visual impairments, as well as related disorders (hearing, musculoskeletal system, intelligence, emotional-volitional sphere, etc.).

The Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology pays close attention to issues of research work. The Scientific Council of the Institute constantly returns to discuss the problems of organization and content of scientific activity.


  • Department of Special Psychology
  • Department of General and Special Pedagogy
  • Department of Psychology and Personality Development
  • Department of Humanities
  • Department of Natural Sciences
  • Department of Speech Therapy
  • Department of Adaptive Physical Culture
  • Department of Preventionology
  • Department of Clinical Psychology

Drug Prevention Center

In 2000, the Psychological and Pedagogical Center for the Prevention of Drug Addictions in Children and Adolescents was created at the Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology. Its main task was to develop problems of preventing children and adolescents from becoming involved in drug use, as well as scientific, methodological and educational support for the preventive activities of educational institutions.

In 2002, by order of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation (dated May 15, 2002 No. 1762), the Drug Prevention Center was designated as the head educational unit of the North-Western Federal District of the Russian Federation, providing training and advanced training for employees of educational institutions on the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances in the educational environment .

In 2005, the first department of preventive medicine in Russia was founded and opened at the Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, which was a natural continuation and the next stage in the implementation of the priority of preventive strategies implemented by the Institute.

Postgraduate studies

The Institute accepts candidate exams in the above-mentioned specialties from graduate students of research universities where there is no department of philosophy or foreign language.

Acceptance of documents for graduate school is carried out annually from May 1 to September 30. Entrance exams take place on October 1, enrollment is on October 15. The academic year begins on November 1. Those wishing to apply for an academic degree do not take entrance exams and can submit documents for enrollment throughout the year.

student life

The Institute (represented by the rector) supports and helps the institute KVN team “ISPIP”, which was organized in 2008, and performs in the C division of the St. Petersburg KVN Championship.

The institute regularly hosts concerts, competitions, and various sections. Since 2001, the institute has successfully operated postgraduate studies in the specialties 19.00.10 - Correctional Psychology and 13.00.03 - Correctional Pedagogy.

The main goal of postgraduate study is preparation for independent scientific and teaching activities. Over the years, under the guidance of experienced scientists such as L. M. Shipitsyna, E. S. Ivanov, D. N. Isaev, I. A. Vartanyan and others, more than ten people defended their dissertations and received the title of Candidate of Sciences. Training is carried out in different forms: full-time study - duration of study is 3 years, part-time postgraduate study - duration of study is 4 years and competitive studies - from 2 to 5 years. All enrolled students are provided with assistance in preparing to pass the candidate minimum examinations in History and Philosophy of Science, foreign language and specialty. Currently, about 80 graduate students and applicants are studying in graduate school.

Club "Metaphysics of Culture"

Metaphysics in general is the doctrine of the beginnings of the world, its origins. In turn, the metaphysics of culture strives to comprehend the meaning and purpose of modern culture, understood as a spiritual phenomenon generated by modern man. The club, which discusses comprehensive issues of student subculture and culture as a whole, was created jointly by teachers and students of the university. The most important goals that club members set for themselves are related to issues of ethics, morality and ethics. The club meets every second Friday of the month.

Kindergarten at the institute

In 2009, a kindergarten was opened at the Institute, the official name is the Center for Additional Education of Preschool Children "Logovichok". The center is headed by Irina Andreevna Gerashchenkova.

The Logovichok Center provides individual and group classes in:

  • speech therapy;
  • speech development;
  • preparation for school;
  • English language;
  • rhythmoplasty.

Institute address

194356, St. Petersburg, st. Bolshaya Ozernaya, 92
Telephone: 596-23-10, 596-24-42
Metro “Ozerki”, “Prospekt Prosveshcheniya”, railway station Shuvalovo

192007, St. Petersburg, st. Voronezhskaya, 42
Telephone: 325-57-12, 325-57-11
Metro "Obvodny Canal"
[email protected]
[email protected]

The institute was founded in 1993. Founders: Raoul Wallenberg International Children's Fund (USA, Sweden) and the Special Olympic Committee (Russia). Over the past few years, according to the ranking of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the institute has been among the top three non-state universities in the country. For success in scientific and pedagogical activities, multilateral public and charitable activities and qualified training of specialists, the Institute was awarded numerous certificates of honor and gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Government of St. Petersburg, the Special Olympic Committee, diplomas of “100 best universities in Russia” for 2004, 2005, 2009.
In 2010, the institute became a laureate of the competition “100 Best Organizations in Russia in the Field of Science and Education.”
In June 2011, the institute became a laureate of the competition “100 Best Universities of Russia” in the category “Best Socially Oriented University”, the Faculty of Adaptive Physical Culture won in the category “Faculty of the Year”.
According to the results of a study by the Research Institute "Statexpert", the institute was among the laureates of the interregional competition "BEST UNIVERSITIES OF THE NWFD-2011" and included in the "Reliable Reputation" register.

License of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science,
Series AA No. 003303 dated 04/08/10.
Certificate of State AccreditationВВ № 000777 dated 12/23/10

Admissions are planned for the 2012-13 academic year


Duration of study: full-time study - 5.5 years
Part-time (evening) form of education - 6.5 years.


Direction Profile Entrance examination (USE)
Bachelor's degree
Psychology Biology
Russian language
To choose from:
Mathematics/Foreign language
Bachelor's degree

Adaptive physical education Biology,
Russian language
To choose from
Maths, physics
Bachelor's degree
Special (defectological) education

Speech therapy
Special psychology
Special preschool pedagogy and psychologists

Russian language
To choose from:
Mathematics/Social Studies
Bachelor's degree
Psychological and pedagogical education
Pedagogy and methods of primary education
Inclusive education
Russian language
To choose from:
Mathematics/Social Studies
Bachelor's degree
Teacher Education
Foreign language (English) Foreign language (English)
Russian language
Social science
Bachelor's degree
Teacher Education
Social pedagogy Social science
Russian language
To choose from:
Mathematics/Foreign language

Duration of study: full-time study - 4 years
Part-time and part-time (evening) forms of study - 5 years.


Brief description of specialty and areas:

Clinical psychology- Providing psychological assistance to somatic patients and patients with psychosomatic diseases, as well as families raising somatically ill children and people with disabilities; psychological diagnostics; helping patients and their relatives develop an adequate attitude towards their own illness.
Speech therapy- Correction of speech and voice deficiencies in children and adults. Eliminating difficulties in mastering writing and reading. Treatment of stuttering, restoration of speech after injuries, strokes and other diseases.
Psychology- Providing psychodiagnostic, psychocorrectional and advisory assistance to children, adolescents and their parents. Conducting psychological trainings, participating in the selection of personnel for enterprises, institutions and organizations.
Special psychology- Providing psychological, correctional, pedagogical and advisory assistance to persons with developmental problems, disadvantaged children and their families.
Adaptive physical education- Carrying out physical education and recreational work with persons with developmental disabilities or traumatic disorders. Coaching work in the structures of the special and Paralympic movement, fitness clubs, correctional institutions.
Pedagogy and methods of primary education- Teaching children of primary school age using modern technologies for working with hyperactive children and children with learning difficulties.
Special preschool pedagogy and psychology- Providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to preschool children with developmental disabilities. Prevention and correction of emotional disorders and behavioral deviations in children.
Social pedagogy- Social and pedagogical work with disadvantaged children and their families; prevention of social orphanhood and neglect, prevention of alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction and computer addiction.
Inclusive education- Implementation of psychological and pedagogical support for children with developmental disorders in mass preschool and school institutions.
Oligophrenopedagogy- Training and education of children with problems in intellectual development; adaptation, social integration and psychological and pedagogical support for children with mental disabilities and their families.
Foreign language- Teaching English in preschool and school institutions, gymnasiums, private schools. Organizational activities in the field of international educational and commercial tourism.

Deadlines for submitting documents: from April 2 to August 30.
Training is paid.
At the institute, students have at their disposal classrooms equipped with modern equipment, educational video and computer programs, high-speed Internet, and their own library has been created with a rich collection of domestic and translated literature.
More than 80% of the teaching staff are candidates and doctors of science.
The Institute carries out international cooperation with various educational institutions in Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, USA, Sweden and other countries. Thanks to these connections, students of the institute have the opportunity to listen to lectures and get acquainted with the scientific research of leading Western specialists.

Admission conditions:

School graduates from 2009 to 2012 are accepted based on their Unified State Examination results.
Those who graduated from school before 2009 and did not pass the Unified State Exam, as well as college graduates, are accepted based on the results of entrance tests established by the University.

To enter the institute you need: a certificate of complete secondary education or a diploma with an insert about secondary specialized or higher education, 4 photographs (3x4), a passport.

Graduates of the institute are issued state diploma.
Students and graduate students are provided with deferment from military service.


training courses.

retraining courses according to the specialty profile and areas of the Institute
(from 500 to 1000 teaching hours) - duration of study 1-2 years
refresher courses according to the specialty profile and directions of the Institute (up to 144 academic hours)
As well as trainings, short-term courses and seminars.

Detailed information on the website of the Center for Further Education
www.center-on-obvodnoye.rf or by phone: 767-03-48

The Institute holds OPEN DAYS at both sites:
(B. Ozernaya, 92., Voronezhskaya 42.) at 15-00:
February 11, March 17, April 21 and October 20, 2012

About the university

Non-state Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology" named after. R. Wallenberg, created in 1993 and registered by order of the head of the Petrograd District Administration of St. Petersburg dated August 28, 1993 No. 444-14r for training specialists for correctional educational institutions, orphanages, boarding schools, shelters and social rehabilitation centers for persons with developmental disabilities .

The founders of the institute were the Raoul Wallenberg International Children's Fund (USA, Sweden) and the Special Olympic Committee (Russia).

The purpose of creating the institute is to meet the needs of Russian residents for educational, medical, social, economic and general cultural services; assistance to families and children in realizing their rights to full development and education.

The Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology is the first non-state university in Russia specializing in training personnel for the system of special (correctional) education. The need for highly qualified personnel and scientific research in this area has especially increased due to fundamental changes in state policy to support children and adults with disabilities.

The creation of the Institute was also dictated by the urgent need for professional personnel capable of providing qualified psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance to people with a variety of psychological problems, the number of which in modern Russia, according to the World Health Organization, is more than 25%. The institute was the first in the country to begin training special psychologists. And today it is the undisputed leader in this area. Recently, the Institute has begun training psychologists working in the field of pediatric addiction, dealing with the prevention of various forms of addiction, with children at social risk, as well as with persons who have become victims of natural disasters, man-made disasters and violence.

Currently, more than 3,500 students from St. Petersburg, Bryansk, Vyborg, Zelenograd, Kaliningrad, Orenburg, Petrozavodsk, Severodvinsk, Tyumen, Togliatti, Novy Urengoy, Chelyabinsk, Igrim, Ufa, Sebezh, Surgut are studying at the Institute.
Areas of activity of the institute:

* Obtaining higher and postgraduate (postgraduate) education, second higher education, retraining and advanced training;

* Conducting diagnostic and prognostic studies; development and examination of innovative projects;

* Organization and holding of scientific and practical conferences and seminars;

* Publication and distribution of popular scientific and scientific-methodological literature on current issues of general and special education.

The Institute has all the necessary licenses and certificates to conduct its activities.
Briefly about the structure (for more details, see Structure)

The Institute includes:

1. Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology;
2. Secondary school;
3. Postgraduate studies;
4. Research center;
5. Advanced training courses;
6. Psychological and pedagogical center for the prevention of drug addiction in children and adolescents;
7. Center for correction of child development;
8. Publishing complex;
9. Center for psychological assistance;
10. Fitness center.

Special psychology is one of the most developed branches of modern applied psychology. The main task of special psychology is to identify, correct and prevent various deviations in the mental development of a child. In this respect, it is related to child psychiatry, but it does not use medicinal, but only psychological methods of influencing a person. In turn, special, or correctional pedagogy, deals with the correction of the same deviations in mental development in children and adolescents using pedagogical methods in the process of training and education. In modern society, the demand for professionals in these industries is very high, which is associated with the numerical growth of persons with developmental disabilities and the lack of specialists capable of providing them with professional assistance.

The current level of training of professionals in the field of special psychology and pedagogy is achieved, among other things, by the high qualifications of the teaching staff working at the institute, among whom more than half are doctors of science and professors.