Course: Social studies. Preparation for the Unified State Exam, distance course, social studies, preparation for the Unified State Exam: How to answer questions in Part B

Do you know that part C will give you almost half the points on the Unified State Exam in social studies? On the Unified State Exam, you will count every point, therefore, no matter how difficult the written tasks are, they must be solved. Let's try to outline the main recommendations of Unified State Exam experts on Part C?

But the most difficult thing at the Unified State Exam 2016 will not be, but your struggle with emotions, insufficient time, and your own gaps in knowledge. Preparation for the Unified State Exam is entering a decisive phase; do not forget to use ALL opportunities for the most effective and accelerated preparation and repetition of the material.

Part C of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies - structure

“What is more difficult is better,” said the great Aristotle. In relation to part C of the Unified State Exam in social studies, this is absolutely true. If each task in Part A, and some of the tasks in Part B, will only bring you 100% on the Unified State Exam, then in Part C you can count on a grade from 2 to 5 right away!

So, half of your USE result depends on completing Part C! Meanwhile, even the simplest of the tasks in Part C - C1, C2 - cause difficulties for graduates. But their meaning is a simple contextual search in a social science text. That is, you just need to correctly select the desired author’s idea from the text.

Part C consists of 9 tasks, which are divided into 4 large blocks.

  • C1-C4 - work with social science text, search for information presented in explicit and implicit form, your own commentary on the author’s judgments based on knowledge of courses and social practice.
  • C5, C8 - tasks of a theoretical nature, where there is practically no need to use examples from the surrounding reality, and the emphasis is on the ability to present the knowledge of a social studies course in a structured manner.
  • C6-C7 - tasks on applying theoretical knowledge in practice, solving problems and giving examples.

We have already dedicated our posts separately to tasks, and a separate section to writing essays in social studies, which our group’s subscribers enjoy using

The published FIPI “METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ASSESSING COMPLETION OF USE TASKS WITH DETAILED ANSWER” will help us. We will devote another separate post to the analysis of essay C9 using FIPI recommendations, and today we will discuss the remaining 8 tasks.

Analysis of part C of the Unified State Exam in social studies 2013

A few words about the methodology of working with social science text:

1. Read the entire text, highlight its main problem (what is it about?). In this case it is ensuring the constitutional right of a citizen of the Russian Federation to judicial protection.

2. We work with the text in the KIM (assignment form). As a rule, C1 and C2 can be completely excerpted from the text, sometimes with minor revision. Like this, for example:

3. That is, without wasting time on rewriting the answer into a draft (remember that working with part C requires a lot of time), we prepare ready-made answers for ourselves to rewrite into a clean copy.

So, here are the answers of a graduate seriously preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies:

C1.1) Speech The text talks about the constitutional right to judicial protection.
2) The main condition for the implementation of this right is the opportunity for every citizen to find out how, where and on what issue to turn. Ensuring information accessibility of the court.

Maximum per task - 2 points.

C2.1) According to the author, the problem with the complaints procedure is a number of rules that objectively limit access to justice.
2) The restriction is that we will accept complaints only on arbitrarily designated “complaint acceptance” days.
3) Complaints can be filed only after personal consultation with a judge or only after checking documents not provided for by law.
4) Only federal laws can introduce restrictions of this kind.

And again the maximum for the task is - 2 points. But, there are some notes on the design. The problem and its two manifestations are identified. But the last part of the question is not clearly highlighted. Better:

— The role of federal laws in solving the problem of the complaint procedure is that only they can introduce restrictions of this kind.

One more note. Each USE expert checks more than a dozen papers. Naturally, the eye gets blurry, so I recommend clearly writing out the answer to the task, repeating its conditions, especially if several questions are asked for one task.

C3. Conditions for unimpeded access to courts by persons with disabilities include:
1) Providing assistance in moving from home to courts (special social services providing a vehicle (social service car with driver or taxi))
2) Installation of convenient ramps at the entrance to court buildings
3) Convenient elevators and doorways inside court buildings
4) Sound equipment for the blind in court buildings, vehicles, pedestrian crossings.
5) Equipping the metro with convenient ramps and elevators
6) Equipping ground transport with convenient entry into wheelchairs, sound equipment for the blind.

C4. Information accessibility of the court and openness of court hearings guarantees respect for the rights of citizens since: 1) The verdict and decision of the court are publicly announced. This provides an opportunity for public discussion, media coverage, filing complaints if necessary on the part of citizens, or other expressions of dissatisfaction (meetings, rallies).
2) The openness of the meeting guarantees the equality of everyone before the law and the court
3) Elimination of the possibility of falsification and distortion of the court case during the trial.
4) Elimination of biased attitude on the part of the judge, prosecutor or lawyer towards the defendant, plaintiff or witnesses.

Let's note the exhaustive and brilliant answers. Understanding of the text, knowledge of legal theory, and understanding of social reality are demonstrated. This, in contrast to tasks C1-C2 (basic level), tasks of an advanced level, each correctly completed task is scored 3 points.

For the correct C3 and C4 maximum 6 points. Total for text C1-C4 maximum 10 points.

C5.Social progress is the process of development of society from simpler to more complex, from lower to higher.

1) Society is a dynamic self-developing system, which inevitably leads to social progress
2) The idea of ​​social progress arose by analogy with the development of nature
3) Social progress is contradictory, since improvement in one area can lead to deterioration or complete extinction of another area. progress for one segment of the population may be negative for another.
4) The criteria for social progress are the development of science, technology, the sophistication of culture, law, education, medicine, etc.

Let us immediately note that in this format this year, it is specified in terms of two complementary proposals. But there are very big doubts about this answer C5; with the current (extremely specific) form of asking questions on complementary sentences, a maximum of 1 point would be received for a correct definition. Suggestions would be here didn't count, since it would be unclear what is being specified at all.

And yet, they ask you to make two sentences, and the answer is 4. Here exactly 2 are required!

And in Part C of the Unified State Exam there are no abbreviations, especially etc. NOT ALLOWED!

Let's say 1 point for the task.

Here is the graduate's response:

C6. Ways to combat unemployment:
1) Organization of public works (landscaping and improvement of parks, squares, playgrounds)
2) Lending and subsidizing small businesses so that people show their entrepreneurial abilities, create work for themselves and additional jobs. (issuance of loans by banks to open a business at a lower interest rate)
3) Creation of schools and courses for retraining workers (creation of accounting courses, courses in scripting languages, etc.)

1. At the request of the local employment service, the department of housing and communal services of the town of M. allocated an additional 2 places for employing unemployed citizens to work as a street landscaper.

Here is what the FIPI methodological recommendations on this matter look like:

Therefore, for this answer the expert will give 0 points.

Alumni response:

C7. This is a social phenomenon - Socialization of the individual.
1) The primary socialization of a child is most influenced by parents (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather). In the secondary - school, university, teachers, professors.
2) People who are in authority with a particular person also influence the socialization of the individual.
3) Example: The child remembers how family members communicate with each other and does things by analogy with them.
The student accepts the opinion of a professor he respects on a particular topic.

In general, the task itself implies that you must know at a high level what an agent of socialization is and what an institution of socialization is. These are the subjects. In this answer, all the arguments are put “in a heap”... Honestly, experts would argue further in this situation, but you would get at least 1 point for the example. Two subjects ask, write:
1. Parents.
6. Functions of the state

b) Protection of the territory of the state
c) Representation of the state in the international arena (political, economic)

In the variant, there really was a voluminous question for the plan. The logic behind constructing the graduate's answer is correctly understood, but there are some inaccuracies at the end.

Very confusing again etc. at the end of the plan. Moreover, at the beginning of this point a) Economic and social problems … What is this? this is not a function. These are problems. The point would definitely be taken off, since this item is in the plan task.

2 points for answer.

How to solve part C of the Unified State Exam in social studies?

Small summaries from the disassembled version. We checked it without an essay, we will immediately take this into account when calculating points (- 5 points, this is the maximum for C9).

Out of the maximum possible 22 points, 15 points were scored. That's quite a lot. If you combine this with 17 points for Part A and 11 for Part B, you get (that's almost 67 points). That is, the graduate claims a high level of Unified State Examination scores. I recommend that you continue this work in our group.

How to answer questions in Part B

The second part of the social studies work consists of 7 tasks with a short answer. Part B requires a short answer on its own. Two of them (B1 and B2) are assessed with one point each, the five remaining (VZ-B7) - two points if completed correctly and one point if completed partially correctly (one point is given if the answer contains one incorrect answer along with the correct ones) symbol - letter or number). The maximum possible score for the second part of the work is 12. The exam paper presents several types (models) of tasks with a short answer.

At position B1, along with the task to fill in the missing element of the diagram, a task is introduced to fill in the missing element of the table. Different content in different versions: identifying structural elements using diagrams and tables.
This task was aimed at testing the ability to identify different contents in different versions: orientation to the type of activity (task to identify structural elements using diagrams and tables).

Task 1. Determine the missing element of scheme 1.

A comment. The task cannot be considered difficult. Using this simple example, you can trace the general sequence of actions when performing tasks of this type. First of all, we pay attention to the initial general concept, which reflects the entire area of ​​​​the phenomena under consideration. This is the “education system”.
We are also given three elements subordinate to the main concept: preschool institutions, secondary schools, technical schools (colleges). These are the initial conditions.
The fourth element needs to be determined. To do this, we take the next, most important and difficult step - we identify the basis of the classification. Establishing similarities between three already known elements will help us with this. Each of them reflects a sequential stage in the educational process (note that in our case the sequence is not rigid: studying at a technical school is not a prerequisite for moving to the next educational level).
What in this series can be considered as the final link in this chain? The answer is obvious - a higher education institution. Thus, the scheme receives a logical conclusion.

Here is another task from the same group.

Task 2. Determine the missing element of scheme 2.

A comment. Among those who completed this task during the exam, there were many who thought that the word “experiment” was missing. Yet this is not true. And the error in this case is caused by an incorrect definition of the basis of classification. By analogy with the previous example, we will determine the common feature of the two indicated elements. Both theory and law relate to the content of scientific knowledge; they express ideas established by science and identified connections between phenomena of the real world. Are there other types of scientific knowledge that contain certain ideas and provisions? Eat. These are hypotheses. "All bodies are made of atoms." This statement, before becoming part of a scientific theory, was a hypothesis, which, as you know, could not be confirmed for quite a long time. Thus, we insert the word “hypothesis” into the free cell of our diagram. But what about the experiment, you ask, is it also related to science? It certainly does. But this element is an integral part of another classification of scientific knowledge, which is based on scientific methods of understanding the world. It will also include observation, modeling and other methods.

Task B2 was aimed at testing the ability to define terms and concepts of social phenomena, based on the correlation of specific concepts with generic ones.

A concept is a form of thinking that reflects objects in their general essential characteristics.

In the tasks of Part B 2, you are usually asked to find a word that “falls out” from a number of homogeneous concepts.
Among the listed terms, find one that is not a feature characterizing social dynamics: reform, revolution, progress, decline, rise, organization, trend.
You should pay attention to the keyword. In this example, this is “dynamics,” that is, movement, change. The word "organization" is not associated with movement. This is what “falls out” from the general series.

Task B3 was aimed at testing the ability to classify concepts, phenomena, social objects by establishing the correspondence of terms and their definitions, concepts and their characteristics. These skills were tested by tasks of the basic level of complexity of the second part of the work. In each version of the examination paper, one such task was given.

Task B-3 is a task to correlate information, to establish relationships between two series of information. Let’s compare concepts and definitions: how to avoid mistakes?
Let's start looking at compliance tasks with the following example.

Task B3. Establish a correspondence between the factors of production and their examples: for each position given in the first column, select a position from the second column.

A comment. This task proved difficult for most graduates.
It can be converted into a task that requires you to distribute the given list (first column) into the groups indicated in the second column. But here there are already three of these groups. The basis of the classification is specified in the condition - this is the broad concept of “factors of production”, meaning resources without which the process of production of goods and services is impossible. In turn, this category is divided into three more specific concepts: “land”, “capital”, “labor”. They are also named in the task conditions and form the second tier of the classification scheme. Let us clarify the content of these concepts. “Land” is natural resources (and not just arable land, as some schoolchildren mistakenly think) that are used in production. Capital (in this case, physical capital) is everything that is created for production by human labor. In this case, economists consider labor to be the physical and mental effort expended by a person in the production process. So, we have clarified the content of the concepts presented in the second column of the task conditions. What is contained in the first column? The specific objects used in production are listed here. This is the third level of classification - the level of specific concepts. The task requires establishing which of the factors of production each of the specified specific objects belongs to. Once we have clarified what the individual factors of production include, this task is not difficult to complete. Coal and arable land are natural resources (“land”), construction machines and factories are the material means of production (“capital”), and the farmer in this case personifies human resources (“labor”). Thus, the main difficulty associated with performing classification tasks is finding a characteristic (sign, property) used as the basis for a system for identifying groups and subgroups. Where groups have already been identified, it is important to find the most significant differences between them (majoritarian electoral system from proportional, the economic sphere of society from the political, patriarchal family from a partner-type family, etc.) and, using this criterion, classify those given in list of specific manifestations of one form or another.

Task B3. Establish a correspondence between concepts and their characteristics.

A comment. In order to complete the task correctly, a number of logical steps are required. First of all, it is advisable to establish what connects all the concepts indicated in the right column, in other words, to find a generic concept for them. This concept is “person”. Now let’s establish the most characteristic species differences of each of the three concepts: the individual is each representative of the human race (one of the people), individuality is the uniqueness of an individual, personality is a kind of social dimension of a person. The next step is to comprehend the definitions and characteristics given in the left column and correlate them with the species characteristic of each of the listed concepts. After this, the requirement of the task is fulfilled, namely, the correspondence of the two groups of positions is established. In the example considered, it looks like this:

Task B4 was aimed at testing the ability to select the necessary positions from the proposed list, using knowledge about the characteristic features, signs of concepts and phenomena, social objects of a certain class (task to select several correct positions from the proposed list). These skills were tested with tasks of an increased level of complexity.

Tasks B4 and B7 are tasks that require the ability to group facts and phenomena. If you need to be able to select five or six items from a list on a specific topic, for example, “Features of a traditional society” or “Features of a market economy.”
How to choose the right sign of the specified concept?
The tasks of this group contain in the condition an indication of the concept under consideration. You need to select its attribute from those listed. Let's give an example.

Task B4. Which of the following characteristics characterizes an industrial society?
1) the leading role of agriculture
2) predominance of industry
3) weak level of division of labor
4) the decisive importance of the service sector in the economy

A comment. In this task, identifying the correct answer is not so difficult, since other alternatives often contain signs of similar but different concepts. Thus, in the first answer, the leading role of agriculture clearly characterizes an agrarian society, the decisive importance of the service sector is inherent in society at the stage of its transition to post-industrial, and a weak division of labor was characteristic of the early - pre-industrial stages of economic development. So the only correct answer remains - the predominance of industry. This was indicated by the vast majority of graduates.
It is more difficult to make the right choice in cases where the answer options include features derived from the main one, particular characteristics.
Let’s compare two tasks related to the concept of “nation”.

Task 1. A feature inherent in the concept of “nation” is
1) batch availability
2) having your own army
3) common territory
4) separation of powers

Task 2. A mandatory feature of an ethnic group is
1) sovereignty
2) coincidence of ethnic and state borders
3) lack of continuity of generations
4) common historical destiny

A comment. The answer alternatives in the first task, with the exception of one – “common territory”, do not relate to the concept of a nation at all (the presence of an army, the separation of powers characterize the state, the party is an element of the political system). In the second task, there is a feature inherent to individual nations - the coincidence of ethnic and state borders, in other words, there are many single-national states in the world. But there are also multinational states. Therefore, this attribute cannot be considered as mandatory, but this word is contained in the task conditions. The correct answer is “common historical destiny.”

Another task from the same series.

Task 3. Socialization of the individual is
1) communication with others
2) change in social status
3) assimilation of social experience accumulated by people
4) transition from one social group to another

A comment. Along with the correct answer, reflecting the essence of socialization (option 3), there is a position reflecting the method (path) of socialization (option 1). And this choice may seem correct if you are unable to distinguish the essential feature of a phenomenon from the method of its implementation.

How to cope with tasks of distributing positions into groups and establishing correspondence?

Let's give examples.
Exercise. Distribute the items listed below as follows: the first three positions should represent an expression of forms of private ownership, the next three – state ones.

1) family farm
2) the country's armed forces
3) agricultural cooperative
4) apartment privatized by a citizen
5) property of diplomatic missions abroad
6) national park.

A comment. The general set of objects (in this case, relationships) implied in this task can be designated by the concept of “property” as a way for people to appropriate what they need for life. It is appropriate to recall such semantic characteristics of property as ownership, use and disposal of something.
The task specifies two groups into which the presented objects should be distributed. Therefore, the next logical step in completing the task is to clarify the features underlying this division, in other words, we need to remember what distinguishes state property from private property. The answer is quite obvious, especially in relation to state property. But with regard to private property, it should be remembered that it can be individual, collective (cooperative) and corporate (joint stock company).
Having completed these logical operations and restored the necessary knowledge, you can accurately complete the proposed task. Private forms of ownership include a family farm and a privatized apartment (this is individual private property), as well as an agricultural cooperative (collective private property). The remaining items indicated in the list meet the criteria of state ownership.

Task B5 was aimed at differentiating factors and value judgments in social information. This skill was tested by tasks at the basic level of the second part of the work.
Let's try to figure out which judgments are factual and which are evaluative. The word “fact” comes from the Latin faktum - “done, accomplished.”
Fact is knowledge in the form of a statement, the reliability of which is strictly established. From the course of social studies it is known that facts form the empirical basis of knowledge. Fact is the immediate basis of science; it is recognized as a given, as an immutable truth (one of the meanings of the word “fact” is “true knowledge”). A factual judgment records a real fact, a phenomenon of already existing reality that took place in real time.
In the usual sense, a social fact is a real, very real event, phenomenon, something that exists. In a broader, cognitive sense, a social fact is understood as knowledge about an event, which is described taking into account the specifics of the social situation in which it took place.
A person who studies social phenomena cannot remain impartial to what he studies - he forms his own attitude, an assessment - positive or negative, multifaceted, and the evaluative group of judgments can include not only a purely evaluative component (“bad”, “good”, “progressive”, “reactionary”, “positive”, etc.), but also in a broader sense - the attitude towards the phenomenon (“serves as an example”, “creates a reliable foundation”, etc.). Relationships and assessments may be controversial.

Judgments of a factual nature cannot be challenged. An example of such a statement might be the following: “The study involved 30,000 men aged 30 to 45 years.”

Evaluative judgments express attitudes towards facts and evaluate their significance. These judgments can include both a purely evaluative component (“bad”, “good”, “immoral”, etc.), and an attitude towards the phenomenon in a broader sense, an explanation of its causes from one’s own position or an assessment of its influence on other phenomena (“can be explained”, “is an example”, etc.). Examples of value judgments include: “This opinion can be explained by a low level of education” or “We believe that this distribution of responsibilities has a negative impact on family relationships.”
In some cases, clue words are given “according to scientists”, “probably”, but often there are no such clues.

Task B6 was aimed at understanding the text; definition of terms and concepts appropriate to the proposed context. This skill was tested by tasks of an increased level of complexity in the second part of the work.

Task B6 is a task that requires the ability to correctly operate with concepts. The text is given with gaps and at the end of the text there is a list of concepts, there are more of them than gaps; you need to find a concept that needs to be inserted into these gaps. This is a task of an increased level of difficulty. Completing task B6, which at first glance seems very simple, is impossible in the absence of contextual reading skills, including the ability to understand both the text read as a whole and the meaning of individual sentences. Inattentive, careless reading leads to the wrong choice of the desired concept. This will also be caused by the inability to analyze the meaning of individual sentences, and, of course, by the lack of knowledge of the relevant social science sphere.

Answers to the tasks of the second part of the work must be formulated independently and written down in answer form No. 1 in the form of a word, phrase, set of letters or numbers as required by the instructions for recording the answer.
It must be said that when preparing for an exam, as a rule, they pay attention to the first position and often ignore the second. And this cannot but affect the results obtained. It is clear that if the answer is not written as required by the instructions, it will be read by the computer as incorrect. For example, numbers or letters will be inadvertently given in the wrong sequence, or one of the characters (number or letter) will be missed - the task will be counted as uncompleted.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that in addition to the actual tasks, the work contains a number of instructions. What is their purpose?
First, the instructions help him understand what the task requires of him.
Secondly, the instructions contain the rules for recording the answer.
We recommend that you read them carefully and follow them. When working with a separate option, we advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. If you have time left after completing all the work, you can return to the missed tasks.

Secondary general education

Line UMK G. A. Bordovsky. Social Studies (10-11)

Social science

Unified State Exam in Social Studies: reviewing assignments with the teacher

My students, graduates of 2017, who successfully passed the Unified State Exam in social studies, claim that the recommendation to read the entire text of the work before starting assignments has a good effect when completing the work. When reading the work, emotional stress is relieved, brain activity is directed to analyzing the materials, and the graduate is involved in productive cognitive activity, leading to high scores for completing the work.

As materials for work, we use the version of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2017 (early period), published by FIPI in the spring of 2017.

Part 1

Task No. 1

Write down the word missing in the table.

Factors of production and factor income

When completing task No. 1, you need to carefully look at the title of the table. In our case, the table is called “Factors of production and factor income.” One of the factors of production is indicated: entrepreneurship (entrepreneurial abilities) and its factor income is indicated: profit. Knowledge of the main factors of production: land, labor, capital (physical and monetary), entrepreneurial abilities of information is inextricably linked with knowledge of factor income as income that the owner receives from the use or application of factors of production. Labor - wages, land - rent, capital - interest, entrepreneurial abilities, information - profit. The table shows factor income - rent, which means that in the first column we can safely enter such a factor of production as Earth. The correct answer is earth. When preparing, it is important for the student to know the complete characteristics of all factors of production.

Task No. 2

In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts presented. Write it down word (phrase).

State form, form of government, unitary state, federation, republic.

Answer: ___________________________.

In task No. 2, it is always necessary to clearly define the generic concept (in the question it sounds like a generalizing concept). Our version presents: the form of the state, how device political organization of society (it is important to remember that this is also a certain set of characteristics by which we determine the method of organization and structure of the state); form of government, which is determined by the composition of the highest bodies of state power and the order of their formation, as well as by their interaction with the population of the state; a unitary state, which refers to one of the forms of state-territorial structure, like a federation; A republic is one of the forms of government. I always strongly recommend that my students, in a rough draft, immediately when they begin completing assignments related to the topic “Politics,” draw a diagram:

This is important because a typical mistake that graduates make when conducting test exams is associated with mixing concepts. And when the diagram is before your eyes, it will be more difficult to make a mistake.

Accordingly, based on the diagram, it becomes clear that the generic (generalizing concept for all others here will be the form of the state, i.e. its versatile characteristics presented in the answer options. The remaining concepts reflect these or other elements. For example, the form of government is given as part forms of state and republic, as one of the types of government.

Correct answer: form of state.

Task No. 3

Below is a list of characteristics. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the elite culture.

  1. complexity of the forms used;
  2. the desire of the authors to implement their own ideas;
  3. entertaining character;
  4. strongly commercial orientation;
  5. spiritual aristocracy;
  6. Requires special training to understand.

Find two characteristics that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

When completing task No. 3, pay attention to the concept in question. In this case, this is “elite culture” and we are asked about the characteristics of this concept. Elite culture is discussed in the topic “The spiritual sphere of social life.” The generic concept is “Culture”. In our case, the question is in the plane of varieties of culture (material, spiritual; folk, mass, elite). The task presents the features of elite culture: the complexity of the forms used, the authors’ desire to embody their own ideas, spiritual aristocracy, the requirement of special training for understanding. Well, really, are we all ready to perceive Schnittke’s musical works and analyze Kafka’s highly intellectual literary works? What can you say about Rodin's sculptures? It is clear that this culture is designed for a narrow circle of consumers prepared to perceive complex works. Elite culture does not seek commercial gain; self-expression and the search for new forms in art are important for authors.

Two characteristics that remain outside our attention: entertaining nature and a pronounced commercial orientation are the most important characteristics of mass culture. Therefore, in this case we will mark them as correct. Because in the task we are asked to remove unnecessary characteristics.

Task No. 4

Choose the correct judgments about society and social institutions and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  1. Society is a constantly developing dynamic system.
  2. Social progress is characterized by degradation, a return to outdated structures and relationships.
  3. In a broad sense, society is understood as a part of the world separated from nature, but connected with it, including ways of interaction and forms of unification of people.
  4. Social institutions perform the function of human socialization.
  5. Society is a closed system that does not interact with the external environment.

Answer: ___________________________.

In task No. 4 we must discover judgments about society and public institutions. Here you cannot do without knowledge of the concepts: “society” in the broad and narrow senses; society as a system; “social institution”, as a historically established stable form of organizing joint activities of people, and knowledge of the types of social institutions in the main spheres of social life.

The first judgment characterizes society as a dynamic developing system - this judgment is correct, since it is an axiom in the course of social science.

The second judgment is incorrect, since progress, which is one of the directions of social development, is characterized by the development of society from lower to higher. And the judgment indicates: degradation, a return to already outdated structures and relationships, which are qualitative characteristics of another direction of social development - regression.

The third judgment almost completely reproduces the concept of “society” in a broad sense, and therefore is correct. What is missing there is “consisting of individuals with consciousness and will.”

The fourth proposition is correct. During socialization, a person learns the experience of previous generations. We know that social institutions establish certain patterns of behavior for people. This is best confirmed by such a social institution as the family, which belongs to the social subsystem of society.

The fifth proposition is incorrect. Society is a dynamic, open, self-developing system. It is almost impossible to apply the concept of a “closed system” that does not interact with the external environment to society. No special evidence is needed here. It is enough to recall the concept of society in the broad sense of “a part of the material world isolated from nature, but closely connected with it.”

Thus, the correct judgments will be: 1, 3, 4.

Thematic planning in social studies

Task No. 5

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types (forms) of activity: for each element given in the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

Task No. 5 relates to the topic “Activities”. Types (forms of activity) are considered: play, learning, work, communication. To complete this task, it is enough to know the characteristics of each type (form of activity). The imaginary setting is a characteristic of the game (A 4), focus on achieving a practically useful result - to work (a person creates certain objects that satisfy needs) (B 2). Focus on acquiring new knowledge and skills - to study (AT 3). And not a single type (form) of activity is complete without communication. Therefore, the remaining two characteristics: the process of establishing and developing contacts between people and the focus on information exchange reflect the essence of communication (G 1, D 1). You just need to remember that in the process of communication people exchange not only information, but also emotions, influencing each other.

Despite the apparent ease of tasks, it is important to take your time and conduct an internal dialogue with yourself. Answer the question: why the chosen answer is correct, based on knowledge of concepts.

Task No. 6

Students conducted a study of the motives for educational activities of primary schoolchildren. Find in the list below the methods they used that correspond to the empirical level of scientific knowledge. Write it down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  1. description of observed phenomena
  2. putting forward and justifying hypotheses
  3. explanation of existing relationships
  4. direct observation of individual facts and phenomena
  5. fixation of generalizations in the form of laws
  6. obtaining quantitative data about the object being studied

Answer: ___________________________.

In task No. 6 they ask about the empirical level of scientific knowledge and its methods. We immediately mentally turn to the generic concept - “science”, recall the structure of scientific knowledge, which includes levels: empirical and theoretical, and classify the methods related to each level. We remember that empirical methods include: observation, description, measurement, classification, systematization, i.e. with their help, it is possible to identify specific properties of the objects being studied, in contrast to the theoretical level, aimed at identifying general trends, laws, etc.

This is how we found the correct answers: 1, 4, 6

Task No. 7

Choose the correct judgments about economic systems and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  1. Private property is the basis of a command (planned) economy.
  2. In a traditional economy, the main economic issues are resolved by central government agencies.
  3. The main subjects of market relations are economically independent participants in economic life.
  4. The incentive for enterprises to operate in a market system is profit.
  5. Signs of a market economy include free pricing.

Answer: ___________________________.

Task No. 7 aims us at knowing the characteristics of economic systems as a way of organizing the economic life of society. Knowledge of the distinctive features of traditional, command (planned) or command-administrative, market and mixed economic systems is the basic knowledge of a graduate seeking to get a high score in the exam.

So, let's try. Private property is a prerequisite for the existence of a market model of an economic system. We are told in judgment that it is a command economy. This is not true, also because in a command economy state ownership dominates, and the main issues of the economy are decided by the central authorities. This means that the second judgment is also incorrect. The third judgment is correct, since in a market economy each owner has the right to freely and independently dispose of his factors of production.

The fourth and fifth judgments are also correct, since in a market economy the freedom of economic activity of individual entities is aimed at making a profit in a competitive environment and market mechanisms determine the price.

Right answers: 3, 4, 5.

Task No. 8

Establish a correspondence between the examples and types of taxes and fees in the Russian Federation (in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation): for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Task No. 8 is related to the graduate’s financial literacy, namely knowledge of the types of taxes and fees in the Russian Federation. The assignment defines the levels of taxes collected: federal, regional and local. When performing this task, it is important to clearly distinguish between types of taxes by level:

Thus, in our task we again use the empirical ranking method: A 3, B 3, C 1, D 3, D 2.

Authors: Vorontsov A.V., Koroleva G.E., Naumov S.A.
The textbook covers the most important topics of the social science course: economics, politics and law. In accordance with modern scientific ideas, the authors reveal the features of the operation of the market mechanism and the role of the state in the economy, the fundamentals of political science, the functioning of the state and the development of democracy, the principles of law, the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

Task No. 9

Company Y is a wedding dress sewing studio. Find in the list below examples of variable costs of firm Y in the short run and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  1. costs of repaying interest on a previously taken loan
  2. costs for the purchase of fabrics, threads, accessories
  3. costs of paying piecework wages to employees
  4. rent for studio premises
  5. payment for consumed electricity
  6. insurance premiums

Answer: ___________________________.

Completing task No. 9 requires knowledge of the topic “Company” and its key concepts: revenue, costs and profit. The assignment should clearly state the firm's variable costs in the short run, as opposed to fixed costs.

To complete a task without error, you also need to remember that variable costs change when production volume changes.

The company's credit histories will always relate to fixed costs, so the first option is not correct. But the purchase of fabrics, threads, and accessories refers to consumables, which means they are variable costs, as are the payment of piecework wages to workers, in contrast to salaries, which are the company’s fixed costs. Rent and insurance premiums are fixed costs for any company. Here's the payment consumed electricity (depending on the volume of work of the company) will be a variable cost.

Right answers: 2, 3, 5 .

Social science. Grade 11. A basic level of. Textbook.
Authors: Nikitin A.F., Gribanova G.I., Martyanov D.S.
The textbook is included in the educational and methodological complex in social studies for grade 11 (basic level). Corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary (complete) general education, included in the Federal List. The textbook examines the most important issues of economics and law. The methodological apparatus of the textbook includes the headings “Thinking, comparing, drawing conclusions”, “Testing our knowledge”, “Researching, designing, discussing, arguing”.

The figure shows the change in the supply of chairs in the corresponding market: supply line S moved to a new position - S 1 . (P – price; Q – quantity.)

Which of the following factors could cause this change? Write it down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  1. increase in the cost of materials for upholstery of chairs
  2. increase in wages for workers at enterprises producing chairs
  3. reducing the cost of materials for chair frames
  4. reduction of taxes levied on furniture manufacturers
  5. increase in electricity tariffs for furniture manufacturers

Answer: ___________________________.

Task number 10 requires a very careful reading of the question. It is necessary to understand what is being asked about: a change in the quantity of demand or the quantity of supply? In this case, the supply of chairs in the relevant market has changed. By observing the change in the supply curve, we can say that supply has decreased. When completing the task, you need to remember that changes in supply are affected by the cost of factors of production, technology, state tax policy, government support, price expectations, competition, etc.

Therefore, the first answer - an increase in the cost of materials for upholstering chairs will precisely contribute to a decrease in the supply of this product on the market. The answer is correct. An increase in wages for workers increases the cost of such a factor of production as labor, but at the same time reduces the supply of this product on the market. The answer is correct. The third option should lead to an increase in supply, since a decrease in the cost of raw materials leads to an increase in the supply of goods on the market (in our case, a decrease in the cost of material for the frame). The answer is not correct. Tax cuts will also increase supply. The answer is not correct. But an increase in electricity tariffs for furniture manufacturers will increase variable costs and reduce supply. So, an increase in the price of consumables, electricity tariffs, and wages for workers will force the company to either reduce production volumes or increase the cost of goods, which will lead to a decrease in supply on the market.

Right answers: 1, 2, 5 .

Task No. 11

Choose the correct statements about social stratification and social mobility and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  1. Horizontal mobility involves moving to a social group located at a different level of the social hierarchy.
  2. One of the criteria for differentiating social groups is income.
  3. Personal qualities of a person act as a criterion for the social stratification of modern society.
  4. Sociologists distinguish between individual and collective mobility.
  5. One of the criteria for the social stratification of society is the amount of power.

Answer: ___________________________.

When completing task No. 11, we proceed from knowledge of the concepts of “social stratification” and “social mobility”, criteria for social stratification, types of social mobility.

Horizontal mobility involves moving from one social group to another, located at the same level of the social ladder. Therefore, the first judgment is not correct. Differentiation (separation) of social groups in society occurs according to many criteria, one of which is income. And also the amount of power, education, prestige of the profession. The second and fifth judgments are correct, unlike the third. A person's personal qualities are not a criterion for social stratification. The fourth proposition is correct, since sociologists do distinguish between individual and collective mobility. For example, under the influence of the events of the 1917 revolution, the position of social groups shifted.

Right answers: 2, 4, 5.

During sociological surveys of adult residents of countries Z and Y, they were asked the question: “Which direction of the state’s youth policy do you consider the most important?”

The survey results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are shown in the diagram.

Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  1. The share of those who note the importance of ensuring access to decision-making in the economy, public life, and politics is smaller in country Z than in country Y.
  2. Equal shares of respondents in each country consider it necessary to carry out educational work.
  3. In country Z, the opinion about the importance of ensuring access to decision-making in the economy, public life, and politics is less popular than the opinion about the importance of conducting educational work.
  4. In country Y, equal shares of respondents note the creation of conditions for self-expression, self-realization of young people and carrying out educational work with them as the most important areas.
  5. The share of those who consider the provision of social support most important is greater in country Z than in country Y.

Answer: ___________________________.

When completing task No. 12, you need to carefully read the terms of the sociological survey. In this case, the most important directions of the youth policy of the two countries were clarified. The chart shows data from these countries. Before reading the judgments presented, you should carefully study the diagram yourself. In each country, the leading position was taken by the answer “providing social support.” Further, in country Z, the position “conducting educational work” was in second place, and the minimum position was occupied by the judgment “ensuring access to decision-making...”. In country Y, equally minimal positions were occupied by the judgments “ensuring access to decision-making...” and “creating conditions for self-expression.” After we have independently tried to analyze statistical materials, we try to analyze judgments.

The first judgment is correct, since the chart data demonstrates this position. The second judgment is not correct, since in country Z there are more people who consider “carrying out educational work” important compared to country Y.

The third judgment is correct, and we saw this during our own analysis of the diagram.

The fourth judgment is also correct; we also determined this during the analysis of the diagram and marked these positions as minimally identical.

The fifth proposition is not correct, this is clearly visible in the diagram. The indicators indicate the opposite result.

Right answers: 1, 3, 4.

Task No. 13

Choose the correct judgments about the state and its functions and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  1. Environmental requirements established by the state form the basis of the country's environmental security.
  2. The fundamental feature of any type of state is the implementation in it of the principle of separation of powers.
  3. The state has a monopoly right to legally use coercion through law enforcement and security forces.
  4. The external functions of the state include determining the general direction of the state's economic policy in accordance with the achieved level of economic development.
  5. The state creates a regulatory and organizational basis for the effective and high-quality activities of government bodies.

Answer: ___________________________.

When completing task No. 13, it is important to remember the concept of “state”, its main features, external and internal functions. The first judgment directs us to such a feature of the state as the exclusive right for lawmaking. Therefore, the proposition “environmental requirements established by the state ( lawmaking), form the basis of the environmental security of countries” is correct. The second judgment is not correct, because the principle of separation of powers is implemented in a democratic state, and, therefore, this feature is not fundamental for any type of state.

The third proposition, “the state has the monopoly right to legally use coercion through the forces of law enforcement and security agencies,” essentially takes us to the most important feature of the state – the monopoly legal right to coercion. The fourth judgment is erroneous, since it reflects the most important internal function of the state “determining the general direction of the state’s economic policy.” The fifth judgment combines two features of the state: lawmaking and the system of bodies and mechanisms for exercising public power (we are talking about government bodies). We read: “the state creates normative And organizational basis for efficient and high-quality activities government agencies.

Right answers: 1, 3, 5 .

Task No. 14

Establish a correspondence between the issues and the subjects of state power of the Russian Federation, to whose jurisdiction these issues relate: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

To correctly complete task No. 14, you must have a good knowledge of the basics of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and the functionality of all branches of government in the Russian Federation. First, you need to carefully look at which subjects of state power of the Russian Federation are indicated in the task. In our case, they are not named directly, but the levels are indicated: only the federal center and jointly the federal center and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Knowledge of the principles of the federal structure of the Russian Federation will come to the rescue. Remember that in a federation the principle of the integrity of the state, the unity of state power, and the division of powers is realized, which is what we are asked about. Previously, we saw the separation of powers when completing a task about taxes. You need to remember what is within the exclusive competence of federal bodies: all issues of international relations, defense and security, judicial system, federal property, etc.

The first competence – issues of ownership, use and disposal of land, subsoil, water and other natural resources are under joint jurisdiction A 2. Those. This is an issue on which the center and the subjects share responsibility in solving problems. Thus, it would be correct to include “implementation of measures to combat disasters” under the same position. AT 2. Federal funds for regional development implement the fundamentals of federal policy and federal programs, therefore B 1. Positions G and D fall within the exclusive competence of federal bodies, therefore G 1, D 1.

Task No. 15

In the democratic state Z, during the reform of the electoral system for parliamentary elections, a transition was made from a proportional electoral system to a majoritarian one.

Which of the following remained unchanged during this electoral reform? Write down the relevant numbers.

  1. free and voluntary participation of citizens in elections
  2. granting the right to vote to citizens over 18 years of age, regardless of nationality, gender, professional affiliation, level of education, income
  3. secret voting procedure
  4. voting in single-member constituencies
  5. dependence of the number of deputy mandates received by a party on the number of votes
  6. possibility of nominating independent non-party candidates

Answer: ___________________________.

Question No. 15 is related to the electoral process. Despite the fact that at the beginning of the question they explain to us the reform, during which there was a transition from a proportional electoral system to a majoritarian one. The essence of the question is not so much about the types of electoral systems and their reform, but about elections in general(topic “Political participation”). We need to remember the basic principles of elections in a democratic state: direct participation of citizens, universal, equal, direct suffrage, secret ballot, voluntary participation.

Accordingly, the first judgment is correct. The second judgment refers us to the principle of equality in suffrage, therefore it is also true. The third judgment is correct; one of the principles is also presented - secret voting.

The fourth judgment goes beyond the question: which of the following remained unchanged during this electoral reform? Voting in single-mandate constituencies takes us to the organization of the electoral process under a majoritarian system, as opposed to a proportional system, where the state acts as a single electoral district. This means that this judgment reflects a change in the electoral process. The answer is not correct in our case. The dependence of the number of deputy mandates received by a party on the number of votes also applies to the proportional electoral system, which is not true for our question. The sixth option also reflects the majoritarian electoral model.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3 .

Task No. 16

Which of the following applies to the political rights (freedoms) of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Write it down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  1. holding meetings and rallies
  2. appeal to government agencies
  3. payment of legally established taxes and fees
  4. defense of the Fatherland
  5. participation in the management of state affairs through their representatives

Answer: ___________________________.

Question No. 16 again takes us back to the basics of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation. Rights and freedoms of man and citizen. It is important to know four groups of rights and freedoms: personal (civil), political, socio-economic, cultural. Our assignment asks about political rights, which ensure the participation of citizens in the exercise of political power. Therefore, holding meetings and rallies is correct, appealing to government bodies is correct, participation in managing the affairs of the state through one’s representatives is correct. Payment of taxes and fees, protection of the Fatherland are among the constitutional responsibilities of a citizen, as well as compliance with the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, concern for the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, care for children and disabled parents.

Right answers: 1, 2, 5 .

Task No. 17

Choose the correct judgments about family law in the Russian Federation and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  1. Family law regulates property and personal non-property relations between family members.
  2. The marriage is suspended due to the civil registry office declaring one of the spouses dead.
  3. Marriage takes place at the civil registry office (registry office).
  4. The legal regime for the property of spouses is established only by a marriage contract.
  5. Parents are required to provide maintenance for their minor children.

Answer: ___________________________.

Analyzing the materials of assignment No. 17, we highlight the basic concepts and norms related to family law. The first judgment will be correct, since it refers us to Article 2 of the Family Code. The key institution of family law is marriage concluded in the civil registry office (judgment 3), which gives rise to mutual rights and obligations of the spouses. The second judgment confuses us a little; it is known that in connection with the death of one of the spouses, the second spouse needs to come to the registry office to obtain a certificate about his death, and as a consequence of this, dissolution of marriage. Our assignment states: a marriage is suspended due to the civil registry office declaring one of the spouses dead. The answer is not correct. The fourth and fifth options take us to the property rights and responsibilities of spouses. The fifth option is correct, since the wording is at the intersection of constitutional obligations and family law norms: parents are obliged to provide maintenance to their minor children. But the fourth option is erroneous because of its wording: the legal regime of the spouses’ property is established only marriage contract. This is not true because Not only a marriage contract, and also the norms of family law, i.e. The legal regime of the spouses' property is regulated by family law and established by the marriage contract.

Right answers: 1, 3, 5 .

Task No. 18

Establish a correspondence between the examples and measures of legal liability in the Russian Federation: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Task No. 18 relates to legal liability. When completing the task, it is important to remember the types of legal liability: criminal, administrative, civil and disciplinary. A reprimand is a disciplinary sanction - A 2. A warning refers to a type of administrative penalty - B 3. Dismissal on appropriate grounds (for example, absenteeism, a single gross violation of labor duties, repeated failure by an employee to fulfill labor duties, etc.) – AT 2. Remark – disciplinary action, G 2. Imprisonment - criminal liability for committing a crime - D 1.

Task No. 19

Joint Stock Company "Sweet Charm" produces confectionery products. Find in the list the features that distinguish a joint stock company from other organizational and legal forms of enterprises. Write it down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  • division of the company's authorized capital into equal parts, each of which is issued by a security
  • mandatory conclusion of an employment contract with employees
  • obligation of employees to comply with labor discipline
  • distribution of profits between employees in accordance with their labor participation
  • bearing the risk of losses within the value of the securities owned by the participant
  • payment of dividends to owners at the end of the year

Answer: ___________________________.

To complete task No. 19, it is necessary to distinguish between the organizational and legal forms of enterprises. In our case, highlight the distinctive features of a joint stock company. We remember that joint stock companies, like limited liability companies, are classified as business entities. These are commercial organizations, i.e. the purpose of their activity is to make a profit. The authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares. Participants can be citizens, legal entities and public legal entities. Therefore, answer option 1 – “dividing the authorized capital of the company into equal parts, each of which is represented by a security” will be correct. It is known that shareholders are not liable for the obligations of a joint-stock company, but bear the risk of losses from the company’s activities within the limits of the value of their shares. Therefore, option 5 – “bearing the risk of losses within the value of the securities owned by the participant” (share – security) will be correct, as well as answer 6 – “payment of dividends to the owners at the end of the year.” Judgments 2 and 3 – “mandatory conclusion of an employment contract with employees”, “obligation of employees to observe labor discipline” refer to general provisions of Labor Law. But “distribution of profits among workers in accordance with their labor participation” is a characteristic of such an organizational and legal form of an enterprise as a “production cooperative” (artel).

Right answers: 1, 5, 6 .

Task No. 20

Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“A person who actively masters and purposefully transforms nature, society and himself is _________(A). This is a person with his own socially formed and individually expressed qualities: _________ (B), emotional-volitional, moral, etc. Their formation is due to the fact that the individual, together with other people _________ (B), learns and changes the world and himself. The process of this cognition in the course of assimilation and reproduction of social experience is at the same time a process of _________ (D).

Personality is defined as a special form of existence and development of social connections, a person’s relationship to the world and with the world, to himself and with himself. It is characterized by _________(D) to develop, expand the scope of its activities and is open to all influences of social life, to all experience. This is a person who has his own position in life, who shows independence of thought, and bears _________ (E) for his choice.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used one once.

Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

  1. activity
  2. intellectual
  3. duty
  4. everyday
  5. responsibility
  6. socialization
  7. personality
  8. pursuit
  9. communication

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the number of the word you chose in the table under each letter.

When completing task No. 20, I recommend that you first try to read the text and independently substitute words that, in your opinion, are suitable in meaning. This is how a semantic understanding of the content of the text is achieved. And when you read it again, select words from those on the list. You will have a situation of success when the words you selected coincide with those proposed from the list. So, we try to read, inserting words that are close in meaning, then select from those available in the task.

“A person who actively masters and purposefully transforms nature, society and himself is personality (A)(personality is a set of socially significant properties and qualities of a person. Where a personality is formed - in society. What a personality does is transform the world and himself). This is a person with his own socially formed and individually expressed qualities: intellectual (B), emotional-volitional, moral, etc. (in this case, socially significant qualities are listed). Their formation is due to the fact that the individual, together with other people, activities (B) cognizes and changes the world and himself (one of the definitions of activity is the conscious activity of a person, through which a person changes the world around him and changes himself; the process of human interaction with the world around him). The process of this cognition in the course of assimilation and reproduction of social experience is at the same time a process socialization (G).

Personality is defined as a special form of existence and development of social connections, a person’s relationship to the world and with the world, to himself and with himself. It is characterized desire (D) develop, expand the scope of its activities and is open to all the influences of social life, all experiences (again explained through the process of socialization, which lasts throughout a person’s life). This is a person who has his own position in life, who shows independence of thought, carries responsibility (E) for your choice (freedom and responsibility in human life).”

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 21–24.

In a broad sense, underemployment is a situation in which the work performed does not require the full use of the individual’s qualifications and professional training, does not meet his expectations and does not allow him to receive the salary that he could have had performing that work (and in that volume) , which I could claim...

Cyclical unemployment is associated with fluctuations in labor demand. A recession is a cyclical decline in business activity that causes people to lose their jobs until demand picks up again and business activity picks up. Seasonal unemployment occurs due to seasonal fluctuations in the demand for labor. It affects those involved in fishing, construction and agriculture. Those who change jobs and those who are not currently employed due to moving from one place to another are called functional (frictional) unemployed. Functional (frictional) unemployment is considered, although inevitable, but still an acceptable consequence of a healthy economy. It can be assumed that even with full employment, wage earners will move from place to place.

The structurally unemployed experience difficulties in obtaining work due to insufficient or becoming insufficient qualifications, discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, age or disability. Even during periods of high employment levels, unemployment remains disproportionately high among the structurally unemployed.

Unemployment is not just a lack of work... Although unemployment can be a creative, will-mobilizing experience, most people who go through it report experiencing despair, powerlessness and confusion, especially if they have been out of work for longer than a few weeks. For most people, hired work is the main, and often the only, means of meeting their material needs for food, clothing, and a roof over their heads. Research shows that those who do not like their jobs still prefer to keep it even when given the opportunity to live on other incomes. Although working conditions can cause adverse consequences, lack of work leads to no less problems: increased stress, family conflicts, and addiction to alcohol and drugs.

(K.H. Brier)

When starting to complete tasks on texts 21-24, you should initially read the text very carefully and highlight the main semantic fragments of the text. Work through the text with a pen to ensure maximum absorption of the content. I do not recommend that my students immediately read the question and randomly, during a quick reading, look for answers. Typically, this practice leads to incorrect answers and lower scores on the exam.

Task No. 21

How does the text indicate the effect of a recession on cyclical unemployment? What sectors of the economy, according to the author, are affected by seasonal unemployment? (Indicate all industries mentioned in the text.) How does the author explain the inevitability of functional (frictional) unemployment?

Answer: “A recession is a cyclical decline in business activity that causes people to lose their jobs until demand picks up again and business activity picks up.” Those. labor demand fluctuates.

Task No. 22

It is also better to complete task No. 22 in parts.

Answer: “underemployment is a situation in which the work performed does not require the full use of the individual’s qualifications and professional training, does not meet his expectations and does not allow him to receive the salary that he could have had performing that work (and in that volume) , which I could claim..."

Hypothesize why some workers accept underemployment (make two hypotheses). When completing this assignment, I recommend that students write each guess on a new line.

In our case, we can model the answer using the text. We do not provide examples because this is not specified in the assignment.

Answer: workers agree to part-time work because it is important for a person to feel significant and needed. Even part-time work gives a person a sense of stability, relieves social tension, and gives the opportunity to participate in public life.

Workers agree to part-time work because in a crisis, even such work can be the only source of income for their families, protection from social upheavals, and allows them to maintain their way of life.

Task No. 23

The author notes that “even during periods of high employment levels, disproportionately high unemployment remains among the structurally unemployed.” Using social science knowledge, explain the reason for this level of unemployment among these categories of citizens. Name any two measures to prevent discrimination against the categories of citizens indicated by the author, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The author tells us the reasons for high unemployment among the structural unemployed: insufficient or insufficient qualifications, discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, age or disability. But the task also requires the use of social science knowledge. We recall that from the social studies course we know that structural unemployment is associated with the inability to employ people in certain professions and the discrepancy between supply and demand in the labor market.

Answer: A high level of structural unemployment, even during periods of high employment in the country, is usually associated with changes in production technologies and scientific and technological progress. Those. people of certain professions are no longer in demand in the labor market (examples are not required in the task, only an explanation of the problem).

Name any two measures to prevent discrimination against the categories of citizens indicated by the author, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In this case, we are asked to turn to the norms of the Labor Law of the Russian Federation, since it regulates relations in the field of hired labor.

Answer: The Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains prohibitions on discrimination:

  1. citizens of the Russian Federation have equal opportunities for employees to be promoted at work, taking into account labor productivity, qualifications and work experience in their specialty, as well as for training and additional professional education;
  2. Restrictions on labor rights or receipt of advantages are prohibited depending on gender, race, skin color, nationality, language, origin, property, family, social and official status, age, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership or non-membership of public associations or any social groups, as well as from other circumstances not related to the employee’s business qualities.

The guarantee of non-discrimination of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the right of a person who considers himself discriminated against in the sphere of labor to apply to the court for the restoration of violated rights, compensation for material damage and compensation for moral damage.

Task No. 24

Why, according to the author, does unemployment cause a state of despair and confusion in a person? Using social science knowledge and facts of social life, make two assumptions about how the mobilizing effect of the unemployed state on a person is manifested.

Using social science knowledge and facts of social life, make two assumptions about how the mobilizing effect of the unemployed state on a person is manifested (in this case, we must give examples, because the question says “facts of social life”).

  1. Unemployment provides an incentive for retraining if the profession is in little demand in the labor market. A break in employment for retraining and improving the level of education. Citizen N, after registering with the Employment Center, was sent for vocational training as an electric and gas welder.
  2. Unemployment provides an opportunity for self-employment. For example, after dismissal from his main job when an enterprise in Moscow was closed, citizen N moved to the Moscow region, submitted documents to the Moscow Employment Center, where he received advice on opening a farm, assistance in drawing up a business plan and one-time financial assistance.

Task No. 25

What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “art”? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about the types of art, and one sentence revealing the essence of the educational function of art.

Task No. 25 can be successfully completed only if you know the basic concepts of the course. Art is a form of culture that reflects the surrounding reality in artistic images. An artistic image can be expressed in different types of art: music, painting, architecture, sculpture, literature. Works of art have a great influence on the formation of a person’s personality.

Task No. 26

Name and illustrate with examples any three main responsibilities of an employer enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In task No. 26, it is necessary to name and illustrate examples of any three main responsibilities of the employer enshrined in the Labor Code:

  1. Ensure safety and working conditions in accordance with labor protection standards. At enterprise N, in order to improve the working conditions of workers, training sessions were held on injury prevention,
  2. Pay wages in full on time. For delaying payment of wages, the management of enterprise Y was held accountable in the form of being forced to pay employees interest in addition to their wages.
  3. Implement compulsory social insurance for employees. In the employment contract signed by citizen N with the company, a clause on compulsory social insurance of citizen N was included in the section of the employer’s responsibilities.

Task No. 27

A new political party was registered in State Z. It has central governing bodies and regional branches. The party proclaims as its basic principles traditionalism, stability, order, as well as the priority of the interests of the state, nation, and society over the interests of the individual. During the elections, the political party received the required number of votes and received seats in parliament. Determine the type of political party depending on its ideological affiliation. Give the fact that allowed you to draw this conclusion. Name any two other types of parties distinguished by this criterion, and briefly describe any one of them.

  • the party is registered;
  • central government bodies and regional branches (a sign indicating a mass party);
  • basic principles: traditionalism, stability, order, as well as the priority of the interests of the state, nation, society over the interests of the individual (a sign indicating ideological affiliation - conservative);
  • entered parliament after the elections (participates in government - a sign indicating the ruling party);

Now the questions: Determine the type of political party depending on its ideological affiliation.

Answer: Conservative Party.

Give the fact that allowed you to draw this conclusion.

Answer: Because it defends the principles of tradition and stability of development (traditionalism, stability, order, as well as the priority of the interests of the state, nation, society over the interests of the individual).

Name any two other types of parties distinguished by this criterion, and briefly describe any one of them.

Answer: According to their ideological orientation, liberal and socialist parties can be distinguished. Signs of the liberal party: inalienability of natural human rights, their priority over the interests of society and the state, political pluralism, free market economy.

Task No. 28

You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Types of families.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

To write a plan for any social science topic, you must clearly understand the structure of studying the topic. Essentially, this task tests students' understanding of the structure of the topic. Therefore, writing a plan depends on the quality of assimilation of the topic material and understanding of its structure. In this case, the topic of the plan is “Types of families.”

  1. The concept of family as a small group based on marriage or consanguinity.
  2. Family functions (may not be indicated in this version of the plan)
  3. Types of families according to the nature of relationships between members:
    1. Traditional (patriarchal family), its features:
      A) cohabitation of several generations;
      B) male supremacy;
      C) economic dependence of family members on men;
      D) strict distribution of responsibilities
    2. Partner (democratic) family:
      A) nuclearity;
      B) decision-making by all family members;
      C) women’s economic independence;
      D) fair distribution of household responsibilities
  4. Types of families in relation to raising children:
    1. Authoritarian;
    2. Democratic;
    3. Liberal (permissive)
    4. Modern trends in family development

Task 29

Select one from the statements proposed below, reveal its meaning in the form of a mini-essay, indicating, if necessary, different aspects of the problem posed by the author (the topic raised).

When expressing your thoughts about the raised problem (designated topic), when arguing your point of view, use knowledge received while studying a social studies course, corresponding concepts, and data public life and one's own life experience.

(Give at least two examples from different sources for factual argumentation.)

29.1. Philosophy. “The privilege of fish, rats and wolves is to live by the law of supply and demand; the law of human life is justice.” (D. Ruskin)

29.2. Economy. “The types of businesses are different, but the business as a system remains the same regardless of its scale and structure, products, technologies and markets.” (P. Drucker)

29.3. Sociology, social psychology. “We need schools that not only teach, which is extremely important, that’s the most important thing, but schools that nurture the individual.” (V.V. Putin)

29.4. Political science. “The supreme power is worthy of veneration only insofar as it is the means of securing human rights.” (A. Custine)

29.5. Jurisprudence. “Protection of rights is a duty to society. He who defends his own right defends the right in general.” (R. Iering)

Exercise 29. 3. “We need schools that not only teach, which is extremely important, that’s the most important thing, but schools that nurture the individual.” (V.V. Putin)

When writing an essay, first of all, it is necessary to clearly understand the sphere of society to which the chosen topic relates. You should carefully read the proposed topics, analyze your “baggage of knowledge”, understand which of the topics you have clearer theoretical ideas on, which of the topics you can give the best examples that reveal the content of the topic.

In this case, we chose a topic from the section sociology, social psychology. We understand that the problem of the modern school and education system immediately arises. The eternal question: the tasks of education, training and education, what is more important? The issue of socialization is also touched upon - “schools that educate the individual.” I note that we cannot go into the concept of the topic of the spiritual sphere of society here, because we are writing an essay from another section. So, let's try to write.

What social order should the school fulfill - to give students only a high level of education? Or fulfill an equally important mission – personal development?

As is known from the course of social studies, education is a way of personality development through people’s acquisition of knowledge, acquisition of skills and abilities, development of creative abilities through a system of social institutions, the most important of which is school.

When we talk about a school as an institution that provides education, we understand that we are talking about a social institution that has a number of elements: these are educational standards and programs, operating principles, which include a network of educational institutions and governing bodies.

To improve the quality of education, the state is taking a number of measures: lengthening the duration of training, increasing the requirements for the level of qualifications of teachers, using the variability of educational programs, building individual educational trajectories for students, equipping schools with modern equipment, and introducing new forms of final certification.

As a result, we see school graduates demonstrating high scores on the Unified State Examination, which gives them the opportunity to take budget places in leading universities in the capital. According to the results of international studies presented by the Higher School of Economics, in which 49 countries took part, Russian primary school students occupy leading positions in the world in reading, mathematics and science. And also 8th grade math. According to researchers, this result was achieved thanks to the introduction of new educational standards and a unified state certification system.

But are educational results enough for society and individuals? The author of the quote clearly points us to the most important component of the educational process: the education of a person’s personality.

Based on the functions of education: economic, social and cultural, it becomes clear that it is in the cultural function - the use of previously accumulated culture for the purpose of educating a person and developing his creative abilities - that this problem manifests itself.

In addition to lessons, grades, exams, there is also a school life rich in events: class hours, school festivals, hikes, joint trips with classmates around Russia and to other countries.

In all this, the student learns to interact with other people, demonstrates his abilities and talents. It is in this atmosphere that the social function of education is realized. Through the socialization of the individual, the assimilation of social norms, statuses and roles.

As an example, we can cite our favorite film from childhood, “Eccentric from 5 B,” which vividly demonstrates how the school community and class shape Bori’s personality. How he learns responsibility when he is assigned as a 1st grade counselor.

Thus, V.V. In his statement, Putin once again emphasized the importance of society and school understanding the inseparability of the two most important processes associated with the socialization of the individual – education and upbringing.”

Detailed solution paragraphs Final questions in social studies for 9th grade students, authors A.I. Kravchenko, E.A. Pevtsova 2015

1. What is politics and what is its role in the life of society?

Politics is defined as a field of activity related to the distribution and exercise of power within a state and between states in order to achieve the security of society. Politics always affects the interests of many people, its consequences affect many, if not all, participants in the process. The main factors of politics are social (ethnic) groups and political organizations, institutions, movements and leaders expressing their interests. The purpose of policy is to orient social development in a direction favorable to people by defining common goals and agreed means of achieving them.

2. What is the nature of political power?

By its nature and origin, power, as such, is a social phenomenon. Taking shape and existing in various areas of human life, it is capable of manifesting itself in a variety of spheres of social life and in different forms: either as moral authority, or in the form of economic or information dominance, or in the form of legal coercion, etc. Moreover, power can vary in volume (family, international, etc.), and in object (personal, party, public, etc.), and in the nature of application (democratic, bureaucratic, despotic, etc.), and on other grounds.

One of the main types is political power. This is due to the fact that it covers, directs and regulates life in society and the state, and dominates over all other types of power. Political power is the ability and opportunity to exercise one’s will, to have a decisive influence on the activities and behavior of people with the help of authority, law, and violence.

3. What is separation of powers?

Separation of powers is the principle of the construction and functioning of public administration in modern democratic states, which presupposes the presence of legislative, executive and judicial branches of government. With the separation of powers, executive, legislative and judicial institutions, being independent from each other within the framework of their competence, mutually control each other and prevent the concentration of power in one hand.

4. How is the state formed and what are its functions?

There are several theories about the emergence of the state:

1. Theological - the state came into existence and exists by virtue of the Divine will. The creator of everything on earth, including the state, is God.

2. Patriarchal - originated in Ancient Greece. By nature, people strive to communicate with each other, as a result of which related patriarchal families are formed, which unite into one large family, forming a state.

3. Social contract theory - the emergence of the state was preceded by the natural state of people with natural rights. For the sake of peace and prosperity, a social contract is concluded between each member of society and the state being created. People transfer part of their rights to state power and undertake to obey it, and the latter guarantees the protection of the rights of each person.

4. Theory of violence - to control conquered peoples and territories of enslavement of new ones, a coercive apparatus is needed, which the state has become.

5. Organic - considers the state to be a product of nature itself, a product of its development.

6. Materialistic – connects the emergence of the state with the natural economic development of primitive society.

Functions of the state:

Internal: protection of the existing mode of production, economic and social system; suppression of class opponents (in societies divided into classes with opposing interests); participation in economic management; maintaining public order and maintaining discipline; regulation of social relations; cultural, educational, ideological activities, etc.

External: protecting the interests of a given state in its relations with other states in the international arena, ensuring the country’s defense, developing normal relations with other states, mutually beneficial cooperation with it based on the principles of peaceful coexistence.

5. What forms of government do you know about?

Correct and incorrect forms of government (according to Aristotle).

Correct forms of government include:



Monarch – head of state;

Exercises sole governance. Has full power. His power is supreme and independent;

His power is declared sacred and endowed with a religious aura;

As a rule, power is inherited;


The monarch is limited in the field of legislative and executive activities

The monarch is independent of parliament, but is forced to take into account its activities

Aristocracy is a form of government in which power belongs to the nobility. It is based on the idea that only a select few should rule the state. Chosenness was determined by origin, size of property, and religious superiority.

Democracy. Comes from two Greek words: “demos” - “people” and “kratos” - “strength”, “rule”. Democracy means a system in which all citizens control their own lives and influence public life. They also say that in a democracy, the people are sovereign, that is, they are independent of the authorities in choosing a way of life. Sovereignty means that the legitimate source of power is the people. In a modern democratic system, the people form representative bodies of government through elections. True democracy is possible only if certain conditions are met:

Law supremacy;

Equality of all citizens;

Separation of powers, i.e., independence of the judicial, executive and legislative powers from each other;

Multi-party system and political competition;

Media free from censorship and government pressure;

The presence of market relations in the economy, etc.

Incorrect forms of government include:

1. Autocracy (tyranny) is one of the forms of government based on the unlimited and uncontrolled sovereignty of one person in the state. In modern literature, this concept means the unlimited and uncontrolled power of one person.

2. Oligarchy is a form of government in which power is concentrated in the hands of a small group of people. Power and capital are concentrated in the hands of one group of people

3. Ochlocracy or anarchy - a form of government that arises as a result of the extreme development and reduction of democratic tendencies to the point of absurdity - the rule of the mob, the worst of the citizens.

6. What is a national-state structure?

The national-state structure is a certain form of social relations, the statehood of a multinational community, a form of state organization that expresses the relationship between the territorial organization of state power and the national structure of society, as well as the relationship between the sovereignty of the state and the national sovereignties of the nation and nationalities united within the state. The main forms of national government are federation, unitary state, confederation, and commonwealth.

7. What are the different types of political regimes?

Political regimes can be democratic or non-democratic.

Democratic regimes include those forms of government where the main role is played by parliament - the collective legislative body. This is a parliamentary regime, liberal democratic.

Non-democratic regimes include those forms of government where the main role is played by a ruler with unlimited power. These are authoritarian, fascist, totalitarian, tyrannical regimes.

8. How are the concepts of “citizen” and “citizenship” related?

Citizenship is a permanent political and legal relationship between a person and the state, expressed in their mutual rights and obligations.

Citizen is a person belonging to the permanent population of a certain state, enjoying its protection and endowed with a set of political and other rights and obligations.

From the moment of acquiring citizenship, a person begins to enjoy a full list of civil rights. Children and adolescents do not have full citizenship status because they do not have the right to vote and do not have certain other adult-only rights. They are protected by the rights guaranteed by the constitution.

9. How does citizen participation in political life occur?

Citizen participation in political life occurs as follows:

1. participation in elections as a voter or candidate;

2. organization and participation in the activities of political parties and social movements;

3. appeal to parliament and local legislative authorities with proposals and projects;

4. participation in meetings, rallies;

5. campaigning for a particular party;

6. work as a party leader;

7. membership in a political club or organization;

8. monetary donations to the party.

10. What are elections and referendums?

Referendum (from Latin referendum - something that must be communicated) is a form of adoption of laws or resolution of the most important issues of public life through universal suffrage. One of the forms of direct democracy.

Election is a procedure for electing someone by open or secret ballot.

11. What parties have you met and how do they function?

“United Russia”, Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, “Yabloko”, “Unity”.

The activities of the party are determined based on its functions. Functions of a political party:

7. Political - mastery of state power.

8. Recruitment - training and promotion of personnel for various political institutions.

9. Socialization - education of loyal members and the formation of a political culture of citizens.

10. Electoral - expression of the interests of certain groups and segments of the population.

11. Representative - organization and participation in election campaigns.

12. What is one- and multi-party systems?

One-party system is a party system in which power belongs to one party.

Multi-party system is a party system in which more than two political parties exist and operate legally in the country.

13. What political reforms in modern Russia can you talk about?

In accordance with the Presidential Decree of December 12, 1993, a nationwide vote was held on the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation. Article 10 of the Russian Constitution states that “state power in the Russian Federation is exercised on the basis of division into legislative, executive and judicial. The legislative, executive and judicial authorities are independent.”

Federal Law of July 11, 2001 N 95-FZ (as amended on May 23, 2015) “On Political Parties.” The adoption of the law on parties and changes in the principles of election to regional legislative bodies sharply limited the possibilities for the formation of new parties independent of the vertical executive branch and for the adoption of independent decisions by regional parliaments. The transition from elections in single-mandate constituencies to elections based on party lists increased the dependence of regional branches of parties on the center.

Political reforms in Russia:

1. reforms of the federal structure:

Creation of seven (since 2010 - eight) federal districts headed by presidential plenipotentiaries (May 13, 2000);

Merger of the subjects of the Federation;

Renaming the subjects of the Federation;

Bringing the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation into conformity with the federal one. Previously, central authorities did not use their powers.

Introduction of the principle of not electing, but appointing governors.

Local government reform (08/04/2000). Municipalities are placed under direct subordination to federal and regional authorities. The head of a municipal entity can be removed from office by decree of the president or the head of the corresponding subject of the federation, and the legislative body is dissolved by regional or federal law.

2. reform of the central management apparatus:

Reform of the Federation Council. The Federation Council now includes not directly the heads of the executive and legislative branches of the constituent entities, but their representatives.

Reform of the State Duma. Since 2007, they have been elected only on party lists; single-member constituencies are being eliminated.

Changing the terms of office of the President and the State Duma.

Creation of the State Council of the Russian Federation (01.09.2000). Consists of heads of executive power - governors of regions and presidents of republics that are part of the Russian Federation. The Chairman of the State Council is the President, who appoints members of the Presidium of the State Council - seven people representing the federal districts of the country and changing every six months. The State Council meets quarterly; its Presidium - every month.

Creation of the Public Chamber (2005).

Electoral reform. A ban on the creation of voting blocs in elections at all levels; prohibition of members of some parties from being included in the electoral lists of other parties; abolition of the “against all” column.

3. reform of spheres of public life:

Since 2004, military reform has been carried out in Russia:

Transfer of part of the army to contract service;

Reduction of conscription service life to 12 months,

Law on Alternative Civil Service (2002; in the spring of 2007, 2 people were called up in Moscow),

Overall reduction of the army to 1.1 million people.

Administrative reform, problems of its implementation.

Party reform.

Judicial reform:

Creation of juvenile justice,

Reform of the penitentiary system.

14. What areas of law do you know?

Branches of law:

8. Constitutional law. It includes norms establishing the state structure of our country, rules for the activities of government and management bodies. They indicate the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

9. Criminal law. It combines norms establishing the criminality of people’s actions and the punishment for them.

10. Administrative law. It consists of norms regulating relations between authorities, persons vested with certain powers, and citizens.

11. Civil procedural and criminal procedural law includes rules governing the procedure for resolving civil and criminal cases.

12. Civil law regulates property and personal non-property relations. It includes rules defining the procedure for inheritance, ownership and disposal of property, concluding transactions, protecting honor and dignity, etc.

13. Labor law establishes the order of relations between employers and employees in the labor process and regarding labor.

14. Family law regulates the relationship between a man and a woman upon marriage, divorce, and during family life.

15. How are law and law related?

Law is a system of mandatory rules of behavior, sanctioned by the state and expressed in certain norms.

A law is a generally accepted norm of moral behavior that is binding. In human society, the law is made by the highest government bodies. According to the law, we are required to receive a school education. And the right is to study in a public or private school.

It turns out that the law can limit rights.

16. Why is the Constitution the Basic Law of the State?

Constitution (from the Latin constitution - structure) is the Basic law of the state, because it is a set of relatively stable rules (laws) recorded in a special document (or several documents) that define the foundations, goals and structure of the state, the principles of its organization and functioning, methods of political education and decision-making, as well as the position of the individual in the state.

The Constitution acts as a text of a “social contract” concluded between citizens and the state and regulating its activities. Accepted with the consent of the overwhelming majority of the population, it fixes that minimum of social consent, without which it is impossible for people to live together.

Laws adopted in the state cannot contradict the constitution.

17. What are the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation?

The fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation are set out in Chapter 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation:

1. The Russian Federation is a democratic federal legal state with a republican form of government.

2. Man, his rights and freedoms are the highest value. Recognition, observance and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms is the responsibility of the state.

3. The bearer of sovereignty and the source of power is the people.

4. The highest direct expression of the power of the people is a referendum and free elections.

5. The sovereignty of the Russian Federation extends to its entire territory.

6. The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the main law of the country.

7. The Russian Federation consists of republics, territories, regions, cities of federal significance, autonomous regions, autonomous districts - equal subjects of the Russian Federation.

8. Republics have their own constitution.

9. Citizenship is a fundamental element of the legal status of an individual. Only its citizens enjoy full rights and freedoms on the territory of the state. Constitution of the Russian Federation in Art. 6 proclaims a single and equal citizenship regardless of the grounds for its acquisition.

10. The Russian Federation is a social state.

11. Economic freedom and equality of all forms of ownership.

12. The principle of separation of powers.

13. Guarantees for local self-government.

14. The principle of ideological diversity

15. The principle of political pluralism (political diversity)

16. principle of priority of law

17. The special procedure for changing the provisions of the Constitution, which form the basis of the constitutional system of Russia, acts as a fundamental principle that ensures not only the stability of the Basic Law, but also the inviolability of the state system of the Russian Federation.

18. What are the functions of the legislative, executive and judicial branches?

Functions of the legislative branch:

1. development of legislation;

2. government approval;

3. approval of changes in taxation;

4. approval of the country's budget;

5. ratification of international agreements and treaties;

6. declaration of war.

Functions of the executive branch:

1) executive (law enforcement) function, i.e. the function of executing the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

2) “human rights” function, i.e. the function of observing and protecting human and civil rights and freedoms;

3) socio-economic function, i.e. creating conditions for the development of economic construction, socio-cultural and administrative-political management;

4) the function of ensuring the rule of law and compliance with the constitutional order in the country;

5) regulatory function, within the framework of which many functions of public administration are carried out: leadership, control, coordination, planning, accounting, forecasting, etc.;

6) rule-making function, in accordance with which executive authorities carry out activities to adopt normative acts within the limits established by law;

7) protective function, meaning that executive authorities are legislatively empowered to apply state (administrative) coercive measures to legal entities and individuals in the event that these persons violate the law.

Functions of the legislative branch:

1. Justice.

2. Judicial control (supervision) over the legality and validity of decisions of local representative and all executive bodies, over compliance with the constitution.

3. Interpretation of legal norms.

19. What is the institution of the presidency?

The institution of the presidency in its modern sense was first formalized by the US Constitution in 1787. The “Founding Fathers” of the American Constitution, when modeling the institution of the presidency, were guided by British political and legal practice and the concept of separation of powers. Currently, this institution is one of the most widespread institutions of state power. At the end of the 20th century. Of the 183 UN member states, over 130 had the post of president in the state mechanism. Their constitutional status differs significantly from each other. Even if we limit ourselves to countries of Western democracy, then presidents in presidential (USA), semi-presidential (France) and parliamentary (Germany) republics differ significantly in the scope of powers, the nature of their functions, and their role in solving state and public affairs. In the few scientific works that attempt to analyze the concept of the institution of presidency, the latter is defined as a set of four groups of norms:

1. the procedure for electing the president, including the inauguration;

2. its legal status in the structure of government bodies (constitutional status - structural aspect);

3. functions and powers of the president (constitutional status - functional aspect);

4. termination of the exercise of presidential powers.

Each of the listed groups is a kind of sub-institution in relation to the institution of the presidency as a whole. At the same time, an essential element of this institution is the responsibility of the president. This is one of the important forms of constitutional responsibility, and quite serious. This is evidenced, for example, by attempts at impeachment in the USA (December 1998 - January 1999 in relation to B. Clinton) and Russia (in May 1999 in relation to B. Yeltsin), as well as how this the procedure affects the political and legal situation in the country. Thus, the institution of the presidency is a system of constitutional and legal norms regulating the procedure for the election and assumption of office of the president (inauguration), the powers of the president, which determine his position in the system of government bodies, as well as the early termination of powers, replacement and removal from office. When defining the concept of “institution of presidency,” some authors use

20. How does local government manifest itself?

The Constitution of the Russian Federation recognizes that localities have their own local governments. They resolve local problems that are not within the competence of central authorities (street cleaning, hospital construction, school problems, etc.). Now each region has its own thoughts, councils, and meetings. They are staffed by deputies elected by the population. Cities have mayors and prefects who are responsible for managing a specific territory. All local government bodies act on the basis of the charter and issue their own legal acts.

21. What are human rights?

Human rights usually refer to those rights that are inherent to a person from birth. The concept of human rights implies that every individual can enjoy his or her human rights regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, parentage or other status.

In a legal sense, human rights are guaranteed by human rights law, which protects individuals and groups from actions that impinge on fundamental freedoms and human dignity. They find their expression in treaties, customary international law, bodies of principles and other sources of law.

22. What is written in the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that:

1. all people are born free and equal;

2. human rights and freedoms do not depend on race, skin color, gender, language, religion, political or other beliefs, national or social origin, property, birth or other status;

3. Every person has the right to life, liberty and personal security;

4. no one should be kept in slavery, no one should be tortured;

5. no one may be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or expulsion;

6. Every person has the right to move freely and choose his place of residence within each state;

7. Every person has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion;

8. Every person has the right to take part in the government of his country directly or through freely elected representatives, etc.

That is, the fundamental rights and freedoms of all people are proclaimed.

23. What is international humanitarian law?

International humanitarian law covers the principles and rules governing the means and methods of warfare and the humanitarian protection of civilians, sick and wounded military personnel, and prisoners of war. The main instruments are the Geneva Conventions for the Protection of War Victims of 1949 and two additional protocols concluded in 1977 under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

24. How are the rights of children and adults protected?

Article 56 of the RF IC establishes that the direct protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the child must be carried out by parents or persons replacing them (that is, adoptive parents, guardians, trustees, foster parents), and in cases directly provided for by the RF IC - by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, the prosecutor and court. If a child left without parental care is in an educational institution or in a social protection institution, then the protection of his rights and interests is entrusted to the administration of these institutions in accordance with Article 147 of the RF IC.

In addition, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”, pedagogical, medical, social workers, psychologists and other specialists who carry out the functions of education, training, health protection, social support and social services child, promoting his social adaptation, social rehabilitation, may participate in the order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in measures to ensure the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the child in state bodies and local government bodies.

The Constitution guarantees the human rights set out in it. The rights of both adults and children are protected by the state and the courts.

25. What are the similarities between civil society and the rule of law?

A rule of law state is a state in which the rule of law and the rule of law are ensured, the equality of all before the law and an independent court, human rights and freedoms are recognized and guaranteed, and the principle of separation of powers is the basis for the organization of state power.

Civil society is a free, democratic, legal society that recognizes the value of human beings. Civil society is not just any society, but only a highly developed society, with developed social (political, economic, legal and other) relations. Civil society is characterized by high civic and moral qualities of its members.

Civil society is inseparable from the rule of law state; the rule of law state is a state-authoritative organization of civil society, and in a rule of law state power depends on civil society and expresses its interests. However, the rule of law refuses total control and avoids unjustified interference in the life of civil society and the private life of citizens. Many social relations remain independent of the state.

Civil society is a society in which there are informal structures in the form of various organizations, movements, committees, associations, societies, meetings, etc., operating within the framework of legal laws and norms and having a significant influence on the official authorities. It maintains a certain balance between society and the state. If the state begins to exceed its powers, then the structures of civil society remind it of the limits of state intervention in the affairs of society. And vice versa: if a society violates the laws and order adopted in the state, then civil society warns it that its actions can lead to anarchy, fraught with dangerous consequences for all people.

26. What is a crime?

Crime is a socially dangerous act. It is expressed in causing damage to any interests protected by criminal law.

27. What is criminal liability?

Criminal liability is expressed in the application of state coercion towards the guilty person in the form of punishment.

28. What is an administrative violation?

An administrative offense is a violation of administrative law.

29. How do law enforcement agencies act?

Law enforcement agencies operate on the basis of the laws of the country.

An important law enforcement agency in Russia is the police. The Russian police have units with their own functions. For example, the State Road Safety Inspectorate ensures order on the country's roads by ensuring that pedestrians and drivers comply with the rules established by law. The Federal Migration Service is responsible for the movement of people around the country, their departure from the state, as well as the entry of foreigners into Russia.

The police are obliged to detect crimes and search for persons committing dangerous acts. In such a division of internal affairs there is a criminal investigation department, investigative departments, and special departments for combating economic crimes.

Law enforcement agencies ensure the security of individuals and the state. The main body of the law enforcement system is the Security Council of the Russian Federation, headed by the President of the Russian Federation. He appoints the Secretary and members of the Council.

The Federal Security Service (FSB) is responsible for uncovering espionage, terrorist acts, corruption, and drug trafficking. Intelligence activities in order to obtain information about the actions and plans of foreign states and individuals in relation to Russia are carried out by the Foreign Intelligence Service. The crossing of the borders of our country by people and vehicles carrying various goods is regulated by a special procedure maintained by the Federal Customs Service. Control over receipts of taxes and payments into the state treasury is carried out by the Federal Tax Service.

The prosecutor's office supervises the implementation of laws. The prosecutor ensures that crimes are investigated according to the law. He participates as a state prosecutor in the trial of the case. The prosecutor has the right to cancel illegal decisions of investigators and appeal court verdicts.

The law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation include the notary office. Notaries certify the authenticity of documents, facts, etc. Legal assistance to the population is provided by the Bar, which unites lawyers on a voluntary basis. The company has legal advisers. They help managers legally competently carry out business activities, draw up various contracts, and defend their interests in court.

30. What is society and what spheres does it consist of?

Science has not developed a single definition of what society is.

In a narrow sense, society should be understood as:

A certain group of people who have come together to communicate and jointly perform some activity;

A specific stage in the historical development of a people or country.

In a broad sense, society is a part of the material world isolated from nature, but closely connected with it, consisting of individuals and including ways of interaction between people and forms of their association.

Society can be divided into 4 spheres - social, economic, political and cultural.

31. What are the main features of society?

Signs of society:

1. the association is not part of any larger

2. systems (societies);

3. has its own territory;

4. has its own name and history;

5. has its own control system;

6. marriages are concluded between representatives of this association;

7. grows mainly at the expense of the children of those people whose parents are its recognized representatives;

8. exists longer than the average life expectancy of an individual;

9. united by a common system of values ​​(customs, traditions, norms, laws, rules, morals), i.e. culture.

32. How does society influence nature and what are the anthropogenic pressures on it?

Primitive societies - small local groups of 60-80 people, wandering in search of edible plants and animals and living at great distances from each other, could not cause any tangible harm to nature. They depended on, feared, revered and deified her. The reverence for Mother Nature is felt in their myths, legends and rituals. Even in the 18th century, no one encroached on the dominance of nature, although even then people were cutting down forests, poisoning animals and polluting rivers. But in the 19th and 20th centuries, dramatic changes took place. Industrial society dug up everything that could be dug up, polluted everything that was still clean, exterminated many animals, and listed the remaining ones as relics in the Red Book. The consequences of disharmony between nature and society turned out to be disastrous for man himself: soil erosion and clogging of groundwater, deforestation, displacement of black soil by sandstone (the phenomenon of the onset of the desert), pollution of the earth's air basin, the occurrence of ozone holes, etc. The conflict between society and nature is growing to the scale of an undeclared war, and all cases of clashes between them look like reports from the battlefield.

Anthropogenic load is the degree of impact of humans and their activities on nature. Anthropogenic load includes the use of resources of populations of species included in ecosystems (hunting, fishing, procurement of medicinal plants, cutting down trees), grazing, recreational impact, pollution (discharge of industrial, domestic and agricultural wastewater into water bodies, loss of suspended solids or acid rain), etc. With rational environmental management, the anthropogenic load is regulated through environmental regulation to a level that is safe for ecosystems.

33. What typologies of society are accepted in science, what is pre-industrial, industrial and post-industrial society?

Typology of society:

1. according to the presence of writing:



2. by the number of levels of management and the degree of social stratification:



3. according to the method of obtaining livelihoods

Hunter-Gatherer Society

Horticulture Society

Cattlemen's Society

Agricultural Society

Industrial society

4. by method of production and form of ownership





Pre-industrial are societies where there was no industry, i.e. industry. These are all simple and preliterate societies that existed during the era of slavery and feudalism. Pre-industrial societies are otherwise called traditional, because the main lever of social progress here was the transfer of knowledge from old people to young people, strict adherence to once established customs and traditions. Science did not interfere in social production. All social and vital phenomena were guided by religion, be it archaic beliefs (fetishism, magic, etc.) or modern ones - Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, etc. Agriculture was the determining factor in development, with the church and army as the main institutions.

With the development of industry (200-250 years ago) came the era of industrial society. Its driving force was the development of machine production with a corporation and a company at its head.

And only a short period of historical time, starting from the 70s of the 20th century, belongs to the most modern type - post-industrial society. But it does not cover all countries existing on the planet, but only the most advanced ones, for example, the USA, Great Britain, Japan, Germany, France, Canada and some others. Most countries, including Russia, have yet to enter the post-industrial era. In a post-industrial society, theoretical knowledge comes first, with the university as the place of its concentration. This society is dominated not by industry, but by information and services.

34. How is social, scientific and technological progress manifested?

The global, world-historical process of the ascent of human societies from a state of savagery to the heights of civilization is called social progress. This generalizing concept includes, as its constituent parts, economic, technical and cultural progress. The foundation of social progress is technological progress.

Technical progress is the interdependent, mutually stimulating development of science and technology. It manifests itself in various kinds of inventions and discoveries designed to improve the quality of human life and satisfy his needs.

35. How would you characterize the global problems of humanity?

Scientific and technological progress, the speed of which is five orders of magnitude higher than the speed of creation of new “technologies” of the biosphere (new types of biological organisms), generates increasingly powerful sources of destruction and pollution of the natural environment. The earth's ecosystem is losing 50 thousand species per year. Over the period from the 16th to the 20th centuries, more than 250 species and subspecies of vertebrates disappeared. Since the early 1980s, on average, one animal species (or subspecies) has disappeared every day, and a plant species has disappeared every week. More than 20 thousand species are threatened with extinction. About 1,000 species of birds and mammals are at risk of extinction. Every year, about 1 billion tons of standard fuel are burned, hundreds of millions of tons of nitrogen oxides, sulfur, carbon (some of them return in the form of acid rain), soot, ash and dust are emitted into the atmosphere. Soils and waters are polluted by industrial and domestic wastewater (hundreds of billions of tons per year), petroleum products (several million tons), mineral fertilizers (about hundreds of million tons) and pesticides, heavy metals (mercury, lead, etc.), radioactive waste . The destruction of the Earth's ozone shield has threatened the biosphere's ability to cleanse itself.

Scientists have identified the following global problems of humanity:

Climate change caused by human activities;

Extinction of species;

Continued growth in population and consumption levels.

The impact of humans and the products of their activities on nature is increasing every year. It is mostly negative; among the positive, so far we can name the protection of animals and the restoration of their endangered species.

36. What is the world community?

Today, the concept of "society" has become broader than just a certain group of people. Indeed, society can be understood as a single country, or it can mean all countries of the world. In this case, we must talk about the world community.

The idea of ​​a global, or planetary, unity of all people did not always exist. It appeared only in the 20th century. World wars, earthquakes, international conflicts made earthlings feel the commonality of their destiny, dependence on each other, the feeling that they are all passengers of the same ship, the safety of which depends on each of them. Just 500 years ago, humanity was an extremely motley mosaic made up of isolated entities (hordes, tribes, kingdoms, empires) that had their own economy, politics and culture.

37. How does a person become a person?

A person turns into a personality through socialization through the assimilation of social norms, by overcoming difficulties and accumulating life experience, developing moral consciousness, and hard work on oneself. One is not born a person, one becomes a person. It is a relatively late product of social development.

38. What is socialization and education?

Socialization is the process of internalizing cultural norms and mastering social roles.

Part of the socialization process is education. It instills cultural norms in a person. Education is determined by society and is expressed in the form

cultural norms,

Household rules of conduct,

Values ​​and ideals.

39. What human needs have you become familiar with?

Human needs:

Physiological needs - for the reproduction of people, food, breathing, physical movements, housing, rest, protecting oneself from the adverse effects of climate (heat, cold, etc.).

The need for security - expresses the desire to preserve and protect one’s life, to protect oneself, relatives and one’s home from invasion, natural disasters, and discomfort.

Social needs - man is a social being and cannot live outside the group. We crave friendship, affection, love, community, communication, participation in organizations, caring for others, and help from loved ones.

Prestigious needs - a person has the inherent ability to stand out in some way, to overtake others, to be unequal to them, to pay special attention to himself and to seek advantages.

Spiritual needs are the desire to express through creative activity everything that a person is capable of, i.e. self-realization.

40. How does a person learn about the world and himself?

The desire for knowledge is the most important spiritual need of a person. There are two types of knowledge - sensory and logical.

1. Sensory cognition is carried out through direct interaction between subject and object. The characteristics of an object at this level are reflected through the senses. The forms of sensory knowledge are:

There are three forms of sensory knowledge: sensation, perception, representation. Sensation is the original element of sensory experience. It arises as a result of the direct impact of objects on our senses. We feel the shape, color, smell, i.e., individual properties of an object. His holistic image gives us perception. It allows you to highlight an object from the surrounding background, displaying its shape and position in space. Perception also serves as the basis for the formation of ideas. After the impact of an object on the senses ceases, the impression of it is consolidated and stored in memory. The sensory image of objects and phenomena, stored in consciousness without their direct influence, is called representation. A person can imagine what he once saw, describe what he perceived before. In this case, some details, individual features of the object may be lost while maintaining its essential properties. We call such an image a generalized one.

2. Rational (logical) cognition is carried out through abstract thinking. Its task is to reveal internal connections between phenomena, objects and processes, to explain the laws of functioning and development of objective reality. Forms of rational knowledge:

A concept is a form of abstract thinking that reflects and fixes in language the most general and essential features of a certain class of objects (the concepts of “nation”, “atom”, etc.).

Judgment is a form of abstract thinking in which, through the connection of concepts, the presence or absence of any attribute of an object and its connection with other objects are established.

Inference is a form of abstract thinking that connects thoughts of various types of content into a single series of premises and consequences.

Through spirituality there is a process of a person’s knowledge of himself, his purpose and life’s meaning.

41. What does a person’s spiritual life consist of?

Spiritual life is a sphere of human and social activity associated with the production, preservation, dissemination and consumption of the values ​​of spiritual culture.

In the process of spiritual life, a person realizes the needs for knowledge, love, creativity, beauty, learning about the world around him and himself, as well as developing and improving his human nature.

Science, art, philosophy, religion, morality give a person a multifaceted understanding of the real world and himself.

In individual human life, spiritual values ​​play an orienting and guiding role. Thanks to values, people can distinguish what is important from what is unimportant.

People consider values ​​to be what they place above immediate joys and pleasures, which gives meaning and meaning to their existence. In real, practical life, spiritual values ​​appear not in the form of abstract ideas, but in the form of specific, sensually tangible symbols, for example, images of favorite literary characters, poetic lines and paintings, ingenious inventions and scientific discoveries. By communicating with symbols, people communicate with values.

Appeal to spiritual values ​​makes a person independent and consistent in actions, independent of random assessments and preconceived opinions. You've probably met such people. They not only read a lot, are interested in art, science, and politics, but also perceive all this deeply meaningfully, personally. It's interesting to communicate with them. Such people are said to have a rich spiritual world. On the other hand, a person who does not associate himself with any spiritual values ​​is able to live only for today. His fate depends on the whims of chance and popular opinions, his own preferences and whims, and in general his life seems meaningless.

42. How are freedom and responsibility related?

The presence of freedom for one person does not at all mean his right to deprive another of the opportunity to act in accordance with his own needs and desires. The measure of our freedom (arbitrariness) in relation to other people is limited by the social norms existing in society, among which the leading role is played by the norms of morality and law. It follows that each of us is responsible for his actions if they affect the interests of others, and appropriate sanctions can be applied to him by means of public or state coercion.

43. How does a person manifest himself in a group?

A person in a group may act like this:

1. adapt to the group, i.e. the opinions and norms of the group are accepted by a person only externally, but internally he continues to disagree with the group;

2. a person assimilates the opinion of the majority and agrees with it;

3. a person resists group pressure, actively defends his opinion, argues, proves;

4. a person is not subject to group pressure, he is independent and self-sufficient.

44. What are interpersonal relationships and the communication process?

Interpersonal relationships are subjectively experienced connections between people, manifested in the nature and methods of mutual influence that people have on each other in the process of joint activity and communication.

The process of communication is a socio-psychological process of interaction between two or more people. Types of communication – speech and non-speech.

45. How do conflicts arise and be resolved in society?

The subject of the dispute may be the territory of residence, money, housing, power and many other things, as well as the struggle for position in society. However, you can’t list everything. On a bus, conflict arises because of free space between peoples.

Because of vital territory, between religions - because of a creed or the true interpretation of that symbol. In other words, a conflict arises when the thing that caused the dispute cannot be divided, otherwise no quarrel or war would have arisen.

A minor incident may be the reason for the conflict. Conflict takes different forms and scales. The most common is the everyday quarrel between friends, relatives, strangers on the street, in transport. A more serious form is a quarrel, divorce, strike. Riot, rebellion is a spontaneous mass form of protest. They can end in revolution, war, coup.

The most widespread and widespread conflicts are family ones. They happen every day, outnumbering all other conflicts combined. Statistics and science know nothing about most of them. They arise spontaneously and disappear spontaneously.

Experts identify the following methods for resolving conflicts:

Compromise - solving a problem through mutual concessions of the parties;

Negotiations are a peaceful conversation between both parties to resolve a problem;

Mediation is the use of a third party to solve a problem in absentia;

Arbitration is an appeal to a government authority vested with special powers for help in solving a problem;

The use of force, authority, law is the unilateral use of power or force by the side that considers itself stronger.

Modern Unified State Exam in Social Studies a very variable subject that diagnoses various graduate skills. One of the already familiar tasks opens part 2 of the exam. Presented here 21-24 social studies assignments, which are united by a common text.

Here are tasks that require a detailed answer. According to the developers, they allow you to demonstrate special knowledge and skills that reflect the depth of development of social science skills. Tasks 21 and 22 have a basic level of difficulty, and 23 and 24 have an increased level of difficulty. They require not only finding the required element in the content of the text, but also correct interpretation taking into account existing knowledge and social practice.

In total, the graduate will receive 10 points for all tasks, according to the scheme 2+2+3+3. Every high school student is interested in high-quality writing. To do this, you need to remember and learn to follow a few simple rules that will help you give informed and correct answers to questions. Unified State Exam in Social Studies.

1. Read the entire text carefully. This will allow you to see its internal structure, highlight the main thoughts and correlate it thematically with any substantive line, for example, politics or economics.

2. Highlight the main idea of ​​the text, try to understand the idea that the author wanted to convey.

3. Try to adhere to the order established in the task in your answer. Consistently answer questions starting from task 21. This way you won't get confused in the answers or miss important information.

4.Sometimes graduates have difficulty in where they need to move away from the text and use existing knowledge. There is only one recipe here - read the tasks carefully, this requirement is directly indicated there. As a rule, it is indicated by phrases - specify, clarify the position of the author, or rely on knowledge of a social science course.

5. There is no need to go beyond the scope of the designated issue for the sake of volume. Despite working with text Unified State Examination in social studies tasks 21-24 suggest a specific answer that meets the stated requirements.

6.Try to stick to the correct design style. Write as legibly and clearly as possible. Start each answer with a new paragraph.

When preparing for the exam, practicing assignments 21-24 of the Unified State Exam in social studies is very important, so using a specific text as an example, let’s look at how to answer.


A study of the process of the emergence of small business in the domestic economy revealed the presence of a contradictory situation. On the one hand, Russia already has all the formal prerequisites for its successful development.Relevant federal laws and numerous by-laws on state support for small businesses have been adopted. The necessary infrastructure has been created in the form of government agencies and funds, and business associations. There is a market for reserve labor, including highly skilled workers and graduates. The importance of small business development is confirmed by speeches by government officials, politicians, heads of major banks and corporations, and leading scientists.

On the other hand, the actual state of small business by representatives of all interested parties is assessed asextremely unsatisfactory. In Russia there is a pronounced underdevelopment of this sector of the economy. In light of the reform of the economic system and the still incomplete transition to a market model, small businesses should be given special attention. Excessive concentration of production in the Soviet Union became one of the main reasons for the decline of small towns and the ruin of tens of thousands of villages. Relocation dozens millions of people into large cities created an insoluble problem of housing, consumer and cultural services, transport, ecology, and crime.The development of small enterprises is necessary for Russia to establish an efficient and stable economy, but the hopes that were pinned on small businesses in the late 1980s and early 1990s have not yet been fully justified.

It is necessary to emphasize the main characteristics that allow small businesses to develop dynamically. These include: quick response to market conditions; addressing social issues, such as the ability to quickly create new jobs; countering monopolism in the economy; intensification of structural restructuring of the economy.

Thus, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of small business development for our country. It is capable of radically and without significant capital investments expanding the production of many consumer goods and services (primarily for the low-income majority of the population) using local sources of raw materials,solve the employment problem, accelerate scientific and technological progress and create a positive alternative to the criminal business.

Task 21. The author cites a number of negative consequences,which arose as a result of excessive concentration of production in an administrative-command economy. List three of them. The question contains a specific requirement indicating the number of elements of the answer; we look for them in the text fragment. Here is a sentence containing the answer to the question (highlighted in green in the text). The relocation of tens of millions of people to large cities has created an insoluble problem of housing, consumer and cultural services, transport, ecology, and crime.The number of elements presented here is even more than required.

And again we see the question exactly in the text indicating the number of elements. By reading carefully, we find the desired block (indicated in red in the text). We highlight the main thoughts from it and clearly formulate the answer:

· development of the labor market taking into account the interests of small businesses;

· formation of a legislative framework aimed at supporting small businesses;

· The priority of small business development has been repeatedly emphasized in the words of major entrepreneurs, politicians, scientists, and financiers.

Task 23. What, in your opinion, is the author’s position in assessing the possibilities for the development of small businesses in solving economic problems in Russia? By what provisions of the text did you determine this? (Indicate any two arguments.) Give an example of solving a specific economic problem with the help of small business.

The requirements have become more complicated - you need to carefully re-read the fragment again and try to highlight the author’s position (underlined in yellow), referring to specific provisions (underlined in blue in the text). Why was this considered the author’s position? Because all the content is imbued with the idea of ​​the importance and necessity of supporting and developing small businesses. The required provisions are listed immediately after the thesis statement.

Next we need to come up with an example. It should be specific and essentially illustrate the above point. We present this option. Small businesses are able to provide high-quality services to the consumer sector without using huge capital investments based on local resources.