Microsoft Word document. Start control Execution place

The sun rose, melting the September fogs, clearing the sky. Summer was beginning again on earth. This went on for a whole week.
Leaning on a stick, broken out of an old abandoned fence, he walked through meadows and pine forests, mentally never ceasing to thank the old woman he met, who revealed to him this half-forgotten method of moving around his native land.
He spent the first night near a rapids river, but looked too much at the fish playing in the evening dawn. Spending the night in the open air, under the stars, became his habit. He ate crackers soaked in a stream, baked potatoes, and berries.
He was truly happy. Never before had such trifles as the smell of smoke, the rustle of last year's dry cone falling from a tree, or a rowan blazing in the sun given him so much joy. When he heard the farewell songs of the cranes in the morning, tears came to his eyes. (122 words)

(By F. Abramov)

The house stood somewhat to the side. Its windows were painted with oil paint, and the small porch on the side still smelled of pine. The doors were wide open, but the owners were not in the house. To the right of the door stood an unpainted table, and to the left was a massive stove.
Soon Natasha came running from the street, greeting me as if we were old acquaintances. She cordially offered me tea and early raspberries, but I asked her first to show me the garden, grown almost under the Arctic Circle.
We left home. The garden babbled with poplar leaves. Stepping over the gate, I suddenly saw apple trees and raspberries, thickly strewn here and there with berries that were already ripening. Feeling the resinous aroma, I turned my head to the left and saw cedars. They were blue-black, bear-like, gloomy and unfriendly. Natasha affectionately and somehow shyly patted one tree. (125 words)

(By F. Abramov)

Having overcome the climb, Dasha went down to the sea. The water was still clear. Through it in the depths one could see the plants of the underwater world. In the thickets of algae, unafraid schools of fish rushed past, disappearing from sight with lightning speed. To the left she saw a huge stone covered with algae.
Along the shore stretched a depression filled with water. It seemed that it was the same hole in which the girl had once found a stone of amazing shape.
Finding herself here for the first time, Dasha, shaking her little arms, first lowered one, then the other leg and tiptoed into the water. Without going deep, bending over the stones polished by the sea surf, for several seconds in undisturbed silence she observed the clearly visible underwater life. That's when she noticed him. The pale blue stone with veins, as if skillfully drawn by an artist, amazed her. (116 words)

I made my way along an untrodden path through a field. Despite the bad weather, the mood was light. Seeing a pile of hay nearby, he leaned against the cow-covered footstool, watching the crow fly across the gray sky. Having rested, he walked towards the village and soon found himself in someone else’s garden.
The rain swarmed in the fallen poplar leaves that littered the beds. The strong, chilled heads of cabbage still gleamed blue on them. There was a fresh smell of late cabbage and tired earth that had done its work. On a sunflower, forgotten at the boundary, a tit was shading in winter. Clinging to the disheveled head of the sunflower, she fiddled with its lattice.
I found a gate in the fence and, fearing that not a small, gentle dog, but a chained dog would bark at me, I squeezed behind the creaky wooden gate. The hostess was walking towards me with chopped brushwood to light the stove that had not yet been lit. (115 words)

(By E. Nosov)

We settled down on the bank of a small river, deciding to stop here for a while first. But within a short time the sky was completely covered with clouds. I had to find a clearing in the forest not far from the shore, surrounded on all sides by birch trees. We decided to spend the night here because it was convenient to set up tents and make a fire.
Meanwhile, the clouds, huddled together, slowly turned into a thundercloud that covered the entire sky. Its edges seemed to be silvered with some wonderful light. The sky was covered with a heavy veil, frowned like autumn, and a downpour began, not stopping for a minute. It only stopped in the morning. The sky turned blue, cleared of clouds, but the ground still retained traces of bad weather. To the right and left of the tents, puddles shimmered in the rays of the sun. (110 words)

Far, far away there lived snowflakes. They were born in a cloud that flew high, high above the earth, and each of them was beautiful in its own way.
One looked like sparkling sparkles, the other resembled silver-white frost, the third sparkled like a precious stone.
The earth was impatiently awaiting the appearance of snowflakes. She also wanted to dress festively. But the wind, preventing the snowflakes from slowly descending to the ground, swirled them in the air, tossing them, forcing them to dance to its restless music.
Despite the efforts of the wind, snowflakes fell to the ground, covering it with a white blanket. Behind the snowy stream, no fields, no forests, no rivers were visible. Some travelers lay down on the slope of ravines, others settled down for the night in the forest. There were also those who carelessly fell in the middle of the road.
A white carpet was spread on the ground, magically transformed. (115 words)

(By M. Ilyin, E. Segal)

There was no trace of green foothills covered with forests here. The mountains appeared unexpectedly. They began with a sheer cliff rising upward. Wind and water have done a lot of work on it over the past centuries. In many places, layers of heterogeneous stone were clearly visible, sometimes lying flat, sometimes incredibly skewed and broken. In some places they resembled skillfully made stonework.
The wall facing north was never illuminated by the sun, so the border of eternal snow here descended low. Long before this, the trees began to grow smaller and thinner, and then disappeared completely. Beneath the wall lay a grassy wasteland, and a road ran along it. She also tried not to press herself close to the wall. But nothing can stop life. Even along the wall itself, tenacious bushes crawled up, grown from seeds brought here by birds or the wind. (119 words)

(M. Semenov)

Execution place

Execution Place is the oldest architectural monument in Moscow. Initially it was a rounded brick platform with a wooden fence under a tent canopy on carved pillars. It is located in the center of Trinity Square; from the mid-17th century it began to be called Red Square.

The place of execution played a vital role in the spiritual life of the people and the state. State decrees were announced from this place. Here the people learned about the accession of kings to the throne, the declaration of war and the conclusion of peace.

The boyars carried the heir to the Execution Ground on their shoulders when he turned sixteen years old. And the people saw the future king in order to be able to distinguish him from the impostor.

The patriarchs said prayers from the Place of Execution. From it, on Palm Sunday, the patriarch distributed consecrated willow to the tsar, bishops, boyars, okolnichy and duma clerks and read the Gospel to the people.

The Execution Place was not a place of execution. Executions were carried out nearby on wooden platforms.


Grammar task:

1) Find outdated words in the text. Explain the meaning of 2-3 obsolete words.

2) In any complex sentence, indicate the grammatical basics.

3) Perform a phonetic analysis of words:

Option 1 – boyars;

Option 2 – for him.

2.Control dictation on the topic "Repetition of what was learned in 5th grade"

in autumn

The forest has already shed its leaves. The days came cloudy, but quiet, without wind,

real days of late autumn.

On such a dim day, you walk along a forest path among young birch trees, oaks, aspen trees, among hazel bushes, you don’t hear the birds singing or the rustling of leaves. Only sometimes a heavy, ripe acorn will fall to the ground. Drops of dew from the night fog hung on the bare leaves.

You can see far all around. Your chest breathes easily with autumn freshness, you want to walk further and further along the path yellow with leaves.

Suddenly, among the foliage, you see a colorful lump. This bird hit something hard while flying.

“We need to take it home, otherwise a fox will instantly find the bird in the forest and eat it,” I decide.

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

Grammar task.

Option 1 – On bare leaves...;

Option 2 - Suddenly among the foliage...

3. Control dictation on the topic “Word Formation”

Overnight in the forest

The guys settled down at the edge of the forest. Some ran to collect brushwood, others cut branches for a hut. The rest took things apart, took out food, pots, mugs, spoons.

How many hunters make a fire! The guys enthusiastically fan the first sparks of the lights. The smoke from the fire spreads out like a thick curtain, and soon it flares up. The water bubbled merrily in the pot.

Soon everyone had dinner and began to get ready for bed, but they did not forget to push, fight, and argue. And you need to get up at dawn! The command is heard: “Everyone to sleep!” The camp quickly becomes quiet.

(102 words)

(According to A. Zuev.)

Grammar task:

1) Parse the sentences:

4. Control dictation on the topic "Morphemics and word formation"

Overnight in the forest

The guys settled down at the edge of the forest. Some ran to collect brushwood, others cut branches for a hut. The rest took things apart, took out food, pots, mugs, spoons.

Meanwhile, the dawn faded. It was getting dark. Cheerful voices are heard from the forest. In response, joyful cries of those waiting were heard. Large bundles of brushwood are unloaded in a clearing.

How many hunters make a fire! The guys enthusiastically fan the first sparks of the lights. The smoke from the fire spreads out like a thick curtain, and soon it flares up. The water bubbled merrily in the pot.

Soon everyone had dinner and began to get ready for bed, but they did not forget to push, fight, and argue. And you need to get up at dawn! The command is heard: “Everyone to sleep!” The camp quickly becomes quiet.

(102 words)

(According to A. Zuev.)

Grammar task:

1) Parse the sentences:

Option 1 – The smoke from the fire spreads out like a thick curtain, and soon it will flare up.

Option 2 - Soon everyone had dinner and began to get ready for bed, but they didn’t forget to bump around, fight, and argue.

2) Perform morphemic and word-formation analysis of words:

Option 1 – let’s run, eat something;

Option 2 – had dinner, dawn.

3) Explain the placement of punctuation marks in the penultimate sentence.

4. Test. Dictation on the topic: “Morphemics. Word formation."

Springtime snowfall

Spring has arrived with March thunderstorms. But suddenly, in the fourth week of March, heavy snow began to fall. Everything in nature has changed. The snow covered the ground and food like a dull blanket.

The birds became hungry. It had been a long time since the birds came to the winter feeder, and a handful of seeds swollen from dampness did not attract even the sparrows. But on this day the birds remembered the winter dining room. Even the starlings sat down on the edge and carefully pecked at the old crumbs.

Other birds seek refuge in a stampede. Finches, song thrushes, and larks flew to the southwest. Countless lapwings overtake them and easily overcome the headwind over the Don. Even at noon, when the sun began to warm up, the flow of birds did not stop.

In April, many birds had to be seen twice.
(109 words)
Grammar tasks

1. Write down one word at a time in the following sequence:

1) formed using the prefix , 2) using suffixes, 3) using the simultaneous addition of a prefix and suffix; 4) adding the basics

2. Select the prefix with the meaning “a little” and the prefix pre- with the meaning over- - 1st option;

The prefix pri- with the meaning of joining, approximation and the prefix pre- with an unclear meaning - 2nd option

3. Parse the sentence:
The snow covered the ground and food like a dull blanket. - 1st option
But suddenly, in the fourth week of March, heavy snow began to fall. - 2nd option

5. Control dictation based on administration texts

Input diagnostics

in autumn

The forest has already shed its leaves. The days came cloudy, but quiet, without wind, real days of late autumn.

On such a dim day, you walk along a forest path among young birches, oaks, aspens, and hazel bushes. You don’t hear the birds singing, the rustling of leaves. Only sometimes a heavy, ripe acorn will fall to the ground. Drops of dew from the night fog hung on the bare leaves.

You can see far all around. Your chest breathes easily with autumn freshness, you want to walk further and further along the path yellow with leaves.

Suddenly, among the foliage, you see a colorful lump. This bird hit something hard while flying.

“We need to take it home, otherwise a fox will instantly find the bird in the forest and eat it,” I decide.

(90 words)

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)


Option 1 – On bare leaves...;

Option 2 - Suddenly among the foliage...

2) Write down three words with different spellings, indicate the conditions for choosing spellings.

3) Parse any two phrases.

Control dictation on the topic "Repetition of what was learned in 5th grade"

The girl jumped out of bed. The house didn't move. The sun was shining brightly through the window. Ellie ran to the door, opened it and screamed in surprise.

The hurricane brought the house to a land of extraordinary beauty. A green forest spread around, with trees with ripe fruits growing along the edges. In the fields one could see flower beds of pink, white, and blue flowers. Tiny birds and colorful butterflies fluttered in the air.

(96 words)

(A. Volkov.)


Option 1 - house,

Option 2 - fruits.

2) Parse the sentences:

Option 1 – The girl jumped out of bed.

Option 2 - The sun was shining brightly through the window.

3) In any complex sentence, indicate the grammatical basics.

4) Perform morphemic analysis of words:

Option 1 – jumped;

Option 2 – spread out.

Control dictation on the topic "Word Formation"

Overnight in the forest

The guys settled down at the edge of the forest. Some ran to collect brushwood, others cut branches for a hut. The rest took things apart, took out food, pots, mugs, spoons.

Meanwhile, the dawn faded. It was getting dark. Cheerful voices are heard from the forest. In response, joyful cries of those waiting were heard. Large bundles of brushwood are unloaded in a clearing.

How many hunters make a fire! The guys enthusiastically fan the first sparks of the lights. The smoke from the fire spreads out like a thick curtain, and soon it flares up. The water bubbled merrily in the pot.

Soon everyone had dinner and began to get ready for bed. But they don’t forget to jostle, fight, and argue. And you need to get up at dawn! The command is heard: “Everyone to sleep!” The camp quickly becomes quiet.

(102 words)

(According to A. Zuev.)


1) Parse the sentences:

Option 1 – The guys settled down at the edge of the forest.

Option 2 - The water bubbled merrily in the pot.

Option 1 – let’s run, eat something;

Option 2 – had dinner, dawn.

Final dictation for 1st quarter

Russian forest.

Russian forest is good at all times of the year: winter, summer, autumn and spring.

On a quiet winter day you go out into the forest on skis, breathe and not get inhaled. White snowdrifts spread under the trees, and above the forest paths, young birch trees bend in lacy arches under the weight of frost.

The forest is good in early and late spring, when vibrant life awakens in it. Snow is melting. The voices of birds are heard more and more in the forest. Thawed patches appear in forest clearings, and snowdrops grow like a carpet. On the hummocks you see strong lingonberry leaves.

You will hear a lot in the spring forest. At the top of a tall spruce a thrush sings. Hazel grouse squeak subtly, cranes play in the swamp. Bees buzz above the yellow willow puffs. (101 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov . )


1) Perform a phonetic analysis of words:

Option 1 – in spring;

Option 2 – forest.

2) Parse the sentences:

Option 1 – Russian forest is good at all times of the year: winter, summer, autumn and spring.

Option 2 – On a quiet winter day you go out into the forest on skis, breathe and not get inhaled.

3) Perform morphemic analysis of words:

Option 1 – spring;

Option 2 – forest.

Control dictation on the topic "Word formation. Spelling"

As an adult, I watched the sun rise many times. I met him in the forest, when before dawn the wind passes over the tops of the heads, when the black tops of the trees are clearly visible against the sky. There is dew on the grass. A spider's web stretched out in the forest sparkles with many sparkles. It smells like resin on a dewy morning. You try to make a path through the thicket of the forest to the river.

I saw the sun rise over my native fields, over the dense thickets of bushes near the river. The transparent mirror of the water reflects the pale stars, the thin crescent of the month. The sun rises to the singing of countless birds and the whisper of reeds. The cool dew in the meadows shines like diamonds. You sit on the shore and wait for the birth of a new day.

(100 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov . )


1) Title the text.

2) Perform morphemic and word-formation analysis of words:

Option 1 – dewy, cool;

Option 2 – diamond, countless.

3) Write down words with the spelling “Unstressed vowel, verified by stress.” Indicate the spelling. Choose a test word.

Dictation on the topic "Noun"

Russian Winter

Snowy winters in Russia are good! Bad weather gives way to clear days. Deep snowdrifts glisten in the sun, large rivers and small rivulets have disappeared under the ice. Winter has dusted the earth with a coat of snow. The earth is resting and gaining strength.

The winter forest is filled with life. A woodpecker knocked on a dry tree. The forest drummer beats the beat throughout the forest. A hazel grouse will fly noisily, a wood grouse will rise from the snow dust. A flock of cheerful crossbills sat on the branches of a spruce tree. You stand and admire how deftly they stick their beaks into the cones and select seeds from them. A nimble little squirrel jumps from branch to branch.

So a big owl flew in and gave a voice. Other owls responded to her. A forest mouse squeaked quietly, ran across the snow and disappeared under a stump in a snowdrift.

(112 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov .)


Option 1 – bad weather, on a twig;

Option 2 – with life, on branches.

Option 1 – small river;

Option 2 – baby squirrel.

3) Parse 3 (option 1) and 5 (option 2) sentences.

Control dictation on the topic "Noun"

A ray of sun flashed from behind the forest, touched the tops of the trees, and found balls of green apples in the foliage. A shiver of light ran through the garden, and the dewdrops on the roadside grass sparkled like diamonds.

The sun flared up, and the thick branches of the trees burst into flames.
The first bee rang in the warm air of the quiet morning. Another one rushed after her, then a third. The blue dragonfly perched on the hive, but the bees are indifferent to the carefree jumper. They don't have time. They make circles over the apiary, choose a direction and fly off into the forests and meadows.

The hives are becoming more and more animated, and now the nectar collectors are circling in endless balls of airy yarn. A sunflower grows at the edge of the road. It attracts bees, but what they love most is linden flowers. In clear weather, the family of these hardworking fidgets collects up to five kilograms of honey.

(119 words)

(Based on the book D. Zueva “Seasons” )


1) Title the text.

Option 1 – on the beehive, sunflower;

Option 2 – pickers, (k) jumper.

Option 1 – ray;

Option 2 – bee.

4) Parse 1 (option 1) and 2 (option 2) sentences.

Final dictation for the 2nd quarter on the topic “Adjectives”

Last fall I went to a distant forest lake. It is quiet and light in the forest on a clear autumn day. The leaves have fallen and do not shade the ground. The wind does not rustle through the crown, and the birds are not heard. They have already flown south. Tree trunks support the sky. A soft carpet of dry leaves is spread between them. Young oak trees are rarely found.

In such a forest, every sound can be heard far away. A hare jumps, a branch crunches, fallen leaves rustle.

I sat down and looked. Suddenly a cartload of leaves rolls straight towards me. “A hedgehog!” I guessed. “He’s dragging dry leaves into a hole on the bedding.”

It is very convenient for the hedgehog to collect leaves. He will find a place where there are a lot of them, spread out his needles and roll, waddle from side to side. The hedgehog will stand on its paws, but it will not be visible under the leaves. So he runs in golden clothes to his hole.

(110 words)

(According to E. Nosov.)


1) Title the text.

2) Carry out a morphological analysis of the words:

Option 1 – (to) forest (lake);

Option 2 – soft (carpet).

3) Carry out a phonetic analysis of the words:

Option 1 – lake;

Option 2 – cart.

4) Parse the sentences:

Young oaks are rarely found - 1 option,

Tree trunks support the sky - Option 2.

Control dictation on the topic "Adjectives"


Early summer morning we go fishing. The dawn is barely flaring up, and nature is still quietly dozing. A milky-white fog spreads in the lowlands. We make our way along a narrow path among dark green hazel thickets to a small river. The dew-covered grass touches our feet. Silver dewdrops shimmer in the rays of the sun.
The river is not wide, but quite deep. Every year its banks become more and more overgrown with reeds and bushes. Algae washed up with water lie on the sandy shore. A wave quietly splashes against the sides of a fishing boat.

We climb into the reed thickets and position ourselves there with fishing rods.

The sun begins to get hot, but it does not burn your face and shoulders, which have already been tanned over the summer. Everything around is transformed under its rays. The river sparkled brightly. A light breeze touched the coastal reeds, and they quietly swayed and bent slightly towards the water.

(119 words) (According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)


1) Carry out a phonetic analysis of the words:

Option 1 – boats,

Option 2 – dew.

2) Carry out a morphemic analysis of the words:

Option 1 – reeds;

Option 2 – silver.

3) Carry out a morphological analysis of the words:

Option 1 – early (in the morning), (on) the sandy (shore);

Option 2 – fishing (boat), light (breeze).

Control dictation on the topic "Numerals"

The depth of Lake Baikal is 1640 meters. It is the deepest on the planet. It contains one fifth of the world's fresh water. 336 rivers flow into Baikal, and one flows out - the Angara.

More recently, residents of coastal villages calmly drank water directly from the lake. Now it suffers from industrial waste.

The surrounding areas of Lake Baikal dress in winter clothes before the lake itself. Already in October, winter shrouds the rocky shores in sparkling snow-white armor and turns spruce trees and giant Siberian cedars into shiny ice figures.

January frosts cover the lake with thick ice. In some places its thickness reaches two meters. It looks like an uneven blanket.

In summer, even on a windless day, a squall wind can suddenly blow in, and then the lake becomes an unkind sea.

(113 words)

(Based on materials from the book"Encyclopedia of Natural Wonders" )


1) Title the text.

2) Carry out a morphological analysis of the words:

Option 1 – one thousand six hundred forty;

Option 2 – fifth part.

3) Carry out a morphemic analysis of the words:

Option 1 – unkind;

Option 2 – windless.

4) Parse the sentence

January frosts cover the lake with thick ice.

Final dictation for the 3rd quarter on the topic "Pronoun"

The leaden sky is still frowning, but for a while a ray of sun breaks through the gaps of the clouds like a sword. Spring is picking up speed.

In the mornings, a slight chill lingers in the lowlands, and on the southern side of the hillock the yellow lights of some plant have already lit up. This is coltsfoot. The yellow baskets of her flower cannot be confused with anything.

Something flashed in the pink fan of rays. It softly merges with the shine of the waters and the remnants of the snow, the sky-high radiance of the sun.

Someone singing comes from the bushes, like a silver bell ringing. Oatmeal! In winter they are sluggish and inconspicuous, but now they speak in full voice. Some week will pass, and the hubbub of rooks and the songs of larks will announce the victory of spring. Other birds will return too. They will have to overcome many difficulties on the way to their native places, but no obstacles will stop them.

(118 words)

(Based on materials from the book"Encyclopedia of Natural Wonders" )


1) Title the text.

2) Write down the pronouns, determine their category.

3) Carry out a morphemic analysis of the words:

Option 1 – sky-high;

Option 2 – windless.

4) Parse sentences 2 (option 1) and sentence 6 (option 2) in the last paragraph.

Dictation on the topic "Verb"

Give up urgent matters, go out late in the evening to the sandy bank of the river. If you listen for a long time, you will hear incomprehensible rustling and incessant sounds in the reed thickets.

One night I was sitting at my desk. The night was quiet, windless, only some distant sounds could be heard from the river. Suddenly, soft voices were heard from under the floor. They sounded like the whispers of chicks who had awakened in the nest. I was overcome by the desire to understand who was talking under the floor. Then I realized that I heard the fuss of hedgehogs.

Hedgehogs are useful animals. They do not harm anyone, are not afraid of anyone, destroy harmful insects, and fight mice. For the winter, hedgehogs go to sleep. Their small dens are covered with snowdrifts, and they sleep peacefully in them all winter.

(108 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov .)


1) Title the text.

2) Carry out a morphological analysis of the words:

Option 1 – hear;

Option 2 – they heard it.

3) Outline 1 sentence of the last paragraph.

Control dictation on the topic "Verb"

Cowardly hare.

In winter, hares feed on tree bark. During the night they trample a deep trail in the snow. If the hare had walked straight, he would have been caught immediately. Cowardice saves the crooked. He fearlessly walks through fields and forests at night and makes straight tracks. When morning comes, he rushes from side to side out of fear. He will gallop forward, get scared of something and run back in his tracks. If he hears some rustling, he will jump to the side with all his might and gallop further away from the previous trail. If something hits, the scythe will turn back again and head to the side. When it gets light, he lies down in the snow.
In the morning, hunters sort out the hare's tracks, get confused in them and are surprised at the cunning of the oblique. And he doesn’t even think about being cunning. He's just afraid of everything.

(110 words)

(By L. Tolstoy )


1) Carry out a morphological analysis of the words:

Option 1 – they would have caught him, he thinks;

Option 2 – they would walk, they walk.

2) Make a diagram of sentence 6 of the first paragraph.

Final dictation for the 6th grade course

In the glow of the evening dawn one can see a jagged palisade of fir trees. Dusk deepens, and everything disappears into the darkness of the night.

But then the moon appears and with its soft light drives the darkness into the forest thicket, flooding the small clearing with a silver glow. Nothing breaks the silence.

Suddenly the snow crunched under someone's heavy feet. This is a smoky-gray moose pacing. He calmly makes his way to the aspen tree and with his white-lipped mouth grabs the odorous pine needles and snorts.

A white hare galloped up and settled down under a low but branchy tree. The aspen disturbed the elk, he shook his head, and the branch broke off with a crash. The bunny perked up and rose gracefully on its hind legs. The appetizing branch attracts him. Hares always pick up aspen shoots behind moose.

An elk stands among the snow shining from the moonlight, chewing pine needles, and next to it a little hare is gnawing on an elk gift. The bitterness of aspen is sweeter than sugar.

(117 words)

(By D. Zuev .)


1) Title the text.

2) Carry out a phonetic analysis of the words:

Option 1 – white hare;

Option 2 – bitterness.

3) Carry out a morphological analysis

Option 1 – twig, moonlight (light);

Option 2 – moose, appetizing (twig).

4) Parse the sentence.

Option 1 – This is a smoky gray elk walking.

Option 2 – An appetizing branch attracts him.

Overnight in the forest

Guys settled down at the edge of the forest. Some ran to collect brushwood, others cut branches for a hut. The rest took things apart, took out food, pots, mugs, spoons.

Meanwhile, the dawn was fading. It was getting dark. Cheerful voices are heard from the forest. The answer was heard joyful screams of those waiting. Large bundles of brushwood are unloaded onto clearing.

How many hunters make a fire! The guys enthusiastically fan the first sparks of the lights. The smoke from the fire spreads out like a thick curtain, and soon it flares up. The water bubbled merrily in the pot.

Soon everyone had dinner and began to get ready for bed. But they don’t forget to jostle, fight, and argue. And you need to get up at dawn! The command is heard: “Everyone to sleep!” The camp quickly becomes quiet.

(102 words)


  1. Perform morphemic and word-formation analysis of the highlighted words.
  2. Using a variety of prefixes, form new words with the word.
  3. Graphically explain the placement of punctuation marks in sentences with direct speech and with homogeneous members.
  4. Parse a complex sentence.
  5. Label the spellings and group them. What spelling rules can be illustrated with examples from the text?

Input diagnostics

in autumn

The forest has already shed its leaves. The days came cloudy, but quiet, without wind, real days of late autumn.

On such a dim day, you walk along a forest path among young birches, oaks, aspens, and hazel bushes. You don’t hear the birds singing, the rustling of leaves. Only sometimes a heavy, ripe acorn will fall to the ground. Drops of dew from the night fog hung on the bare leaves.

You can see far all around. Your chest breathes easily with autumn freshness, you want to walk further and further along the path yellow with leaves.

Suddenly, among the foliage, you see a colorful lump. This bird hit something hard while flying.

“We need to take it home, otherwise a fox will instantly find the bird in the forest and eat it,” I decide.

(90 words)

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)


Option 1 – On bare leaves...;

Option 2 - Suddenly among the foliage...

2) Write down three words with different spellings, indicate the conditions for choosing spellings.

3) Parse any two phrases.

Control dictation on the topic "Repetition of what was learned in 5th grade"

The girl jumped out of bed. The house didn't move. The sun was shining brightly through the window. Ellie ran to the door, opened it and screamed in surprise.

The hurricane brought the house to a land of extraordinary beauty. A green forest spread around, with trees with ripe fruits growing along the edges. In the fields one could see flower beds of pink, white, and blue flowers. Tiny birds and colorful butterflies fluttered in the air.

(96 words)

(A. Volkov.)


1) Parse the sentences:

Option 1 – The girl jumped out of bed.

Option 2 - The sun was shining brightly through the window.

3) Perform morphemic analysis of words:

Option 1 – jumped;

Option 2 – spread out.

4) Explain the placement of punctuation marks in 7 (option 1) and 8 (option 2) sentences.

Control dictation on the topic "Word Formation"

Overnight in the forest

The guys settled down at the edge of the forest. Some ran to collect brushwood, others cut branches for a hut. The rest took things apart, took out food, pots, mugs, spoons.

Meanwhile, the dawn faded. It was getting dark. Cheerful voices are heard from the forest. In response, joyful cries of those waiting were heard. Large bundles of brushwood are unloaded in a clearing.

How many hunters make a fire! The guys enthusiastically fan the first sparks of the lights. The smoke from the fire spreads out like a thick curtain, and soon it flares up. The water bubbled merrily in the pot.

Soon everyone had dinner and began to get ready for bed. But they don’t forget to jostle, fight, and argue. And you need to get up at dawn! The command is heard: “Everyone to sleep!” The camp quickly becomes quiet.

(102 words)

(According to A. Zuev.)


1) Parse the sentences:

Option 1 – The smoke from the fire spreads out like a thick curtain, and soon it will flare up.

Option 2 - But they don’t forget to jostle, fight, argue.

2) In any complex sentence, indicate the grammatical basics.

Option 1 – let’s run, eat something;

Option 2 – had dinner, dawn.

4) Explain the placement of punctuation marks in the penultimate sentence.

Test dictation on the topic "Vocabulary. Phraseology"

Execution place

Execution Place is the oldest architectural monument in Moscow. Initially it was a rounded brick platform with a wooden fence under a tent canopy on carved pillars. It is located in the center of Trinity Square; from the mid-17th century it began to be called Red Square.

The place of execution played a vital role in the spiritual life of the people and the state. State decrees were announced from this place. Here the people learned about the accession of kings to the throne, the declaration of war and the conclusion of peace.

The boyars carried the heir to the Execution Ground on their shoulders when he turned sixteen years old. And the people saw the future king in order to be able to distinguish him from the impostor.

The patriarchs said prayers from the Place of Execution. From it, on Palm Sunday, the patriarch distributed consecrated willow to the tsar, bishops, boyars, okolnichy and duma clerks and read the Gospel to the people.

The Execution Place was not a place of execution. Executions were carried out nearby on wooden platforms.

(107 words)



1) Find outdated words in the text. Explain the meaning of 2-3 obsolete words.

2) In any complex sentence, indicate the grammatical basics.

3) Perform a phonetic analysis of words:

Option 1 – boyars;

Option 2 – for him.

Final dictation for 1st quarter

Russian forest is good at all times of the year: winter, summer, autumn and spring.

On a quiet winter day you go out into the forest on skis, breathe and not get inhaled. White snowdrifts spread under the trees, and above the forest paths, young birch trees bend in lacy arches under the weight of frost.

The forest is good in early and late spring, when vibrant life awakens in it. Snow is melting. The voices of birds are heard more and more in the forest. Thawed patches appear in forest clearings, and snowdrops grow like a carpet. On the hummocks you see strong lingonberry leaves.

You will hear a lot in the spring forest. At the top of a tall spruce a thrush sings. Hazel grouse squeak subtly, cranes play in the swamp. Bees buzz above the yellow willow puffs. (101 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov . )


1) Title the text.

2) Parse the sentences:

Option 1 – Russian forest is good at all times of the year: winter, summer, autumn and spring.

Option 2 – On a quiet winter day you go out into the forest on skis, breathe and not get inhaled.

3) Perform morphemic and word-formation analysis of words:

Option 1 – spring;

Option 2 – forest.

Control dictation on the topic "Word formation. Spelling"

As an adult, I watched the sun rise many times. I met him in the forest, when before dawn the wind passes over the tops of the heads, when the black tops of the trees are clearly visible against the sky. There is dew on the grass. A spider's web stretched out in the forest sparkles with many sparkles. It smells like resin on a dewy morning. You try to make a path through the thicket of the forest to the river.

I saw the sun rise over my native fields, over the dense thickets of bushes near the river. The transparent mirror of the water reflects the pale stars, the thin crescent of the month. The sun rises to the singing of countless birds and the whisper of reeds. The cool dew in the meadows shines like diamonds. You sit on the shore and wait for the birth of a new day.

(100 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov . )


1) Title the text.

2) Perform morphemic and word-formation analysis of words:

Option 1 – dewy, cool;

Option 2 – diamond, countless.

3) Write down words with the spelling “Unstressed vowel, verified by stress.” Indicate the spelling. Choose a test word.

Dictation on the topic "Noun"

Russian Winter

Snowy winters in Russia are good! Bad weather gives way to clear days. Deep snowdrifts glisten in the sun, large rivers and small rivulets have disappeared under the ice. Winter has dusted the earth with a coat of snow. The earth is resting and gaining strength.

The winter forest is filled with life. A woodpecker knocked on a dry tree. The forest drummer beats the beat throughout the forest. A hazel grouse will fly noisily, a wood grouse will rise from the snow dust. A flock of cheerful crossbills sat on the branches of a spruce tree. You stand and admire how deftly they stick their beaks into the cones and select seeds from them. A nimble little squirrel jumps from branch to branch.

So a big owl flew in and gave a voice. Other owls responded to her. A forest mouse squeaked quietly, ran across the snow and disappeared under a stump in a snowdrift.

(112 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov .)


1) Carry out a morphological analysis of the words:

Option 1 – bad weather, on a twig;

Option 2 – with life, on branches.

2) Carry out a morphemic analysis of the words:

Option 1 – small river;

Option 2 – baby squirrel.

3) Parse 3 (option 1) and 5 (option 2) sentences.

Control dictation on the topic "Noun"

A ray of sun flashed from behind the forest, touched the tops of the trees, and found balls of green apples in the foliage. A shiver of light ran through the garden, and the dewdrops on the roadside grass sparkled like diamonds.

The sun flared up, and the thick branches of the trees burst into flames.
The first bee rang in the warm air of the quiet morning. Another one rushed after her, then a third. The blue dragonfly perched on the hive, but the bees are indifferent to the carefree jumper. They don't have time. They make circles over the apiary, choose a direction and fly off into the forests and meadows.

The hives are becoming more and more animated, and now the nectar collectors are circling in endless balls of airy yarn. A sunflower grows at the edge of the road. It attracts bees, but what they love most is linden flowers. In clear weather, the family of these hardworking fidgets collects up to five kilograms of honey.

(119 words)

(Based on the book D. Zueva “Seasons” )


1) Title the text.

Option 1 – on the beehive, sunflower;

Option 2 – pickers, (k) jumper.

Option 1 – ray;

Option 2 – bee.

4) Parse 1 (option 1) and 2 (option 2) sentences.

Final dictation for the 2nd quarter on the topic “Adjectives”

Last fall I went to a distant forest lake. It is quiet and light in the forest on a clear autumn day. The leaves have fallen and do not shade the ground. The wind does not rustle through the crown, and the birds are not heard. They have already flown south. Tree trunks support the sky. A soft carpet of dry leaves is spread between them. Young oak trees are rarely found.

In such a forest, every sound can be heard far away. A hare jumps, a branch crunches, fallen leaves rustle.

I sat down and looked. Suddenly a cartload of leaves rolls straight towards me. “A hedgehog!” I guessed. “He’s dragging dry leaves into a hole on the bedding.”

It is very convenient for the hedgehog to collect leaves. He will find a place where there are a lot of them, spread out his needles and roll, waddle from side to side. The hedgehog will stand on its paws, but it will not be visible under the leaves. So he runs in golden clothes to his hole.

(110 words)

(According to E. Nosov.)


1) Title the text.

2) Carry out a morphological analysis of the words:

Option 1 – (to) forest (lake);

Option 2 – soft (carpet).

3) Carry out a phonetic analysis of the words:

Option 1 – lake;

Option 2 – cart.

4) Perform a punctuation analysis of 10 (option 1) and 13 (option 2) sentences.

Control dictation on the topic "Adjectives"

Early summer morning we go fishing. The dawn is barely flaring up, and nature is still quietly dozing. A milky-white fog spreads in the lowlands. We make our way along a narrow path among dark green hazel thickets to a small river. The dew-covered grass touches our feet. Silver dewdrops shimmer in the rays of the sun.
The river is not wide, but quite deep. Every year its banks become more and more overgrown with reeds and bushes. Algae washed up with water lie on the sandy shore. A wave quietly splashes against the sides of a fishing boat.

We climb into the reed thickets and position ourselves there with fishing rods.

The sun begins to get hot, but it does not burn your face and shoulders, which have already been tanned over the summer. Everything around is transformed under its rays. The river sparkled brightly. A light breeze touched the coastal reeds, and they quietly swayed and bent slightly towards the water.

(119 words)

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)


1) Title the text.

2) Carry out a morphological analysis of the words:

Option 1 – early (in the morning), (on) the sandy (shore);

Option 2 – fishing (boat), light (breeze).

3) Carry out a morphemic analysis of the words:

Option 1 – calmly;

Option 2 – silver.

Control dictation on the topic "Numerals"

The depth of Lake Baikal is 1640 meters. It is the deepest on the planet. It contains one fifth of the world's fresh water. 336 rivers flow into Baikal, and one flows out - the Angara.

More recently, residents of coastal villages calmly drank water directly from the lake. Now it suffers from industrial waste.

The surrounding areas of Lake Baikal dress in winter clothes before the lake itself. Already in October, winter shrouds the rocky shores in sparkling snow-white armor and turns spruce trees and giant Siberian cedars into shiny ice figures.

January frosts cover the lake with thick ice. In some places its thickness reaches two meters. It looks like an uneven blanket.

In summer, even on a windless day, a squall wind can suddenly blow in, and then the lake becomes an unkind sea.

(113 words)

(Based on materials from the book "Encyclopedia of Natural Wonders" )


1) Title the text.

2) Carry out a morphological analysis of the words:

Option 1 – one thousand six hundred forty;

Option 2 – fifth part.

3) Carry out a morphemic analysis of the words:

Option 1 – calmly;

Option 2 – windless.

4) Parse the last sentence.

Final dictation for the 3rd quarter on the topic "Pronoun"

The leaden sky is still frowning, but for a while a ray of sun breaks through the gaps of the clouds like a sword. Spring is picking up speed.

In the mornings, a slight chill lingers in the lowlands, and on the southern side of the hillock the yellow lights of some plant have already lit up. This is coltsfoot. The yellow baskets of her flower cannot be confused with anything.

Something flashed in the pink fan of rays. It softly merges with the shine of the waters and the remnants of the snow, the sky-high radiance of the sun.

Someone singing comes from the bushes, like a silver bell ringing. Oatmeal! In winter they are sluggish and inconspicuous, but now they speak in full voice. Some week will pass, and the hubbub of rooks and the songs of larks will announce the victory of spring. Other birds will return too. They will have to overcome many difficulties on the way to their native places, but no obstacles will stop them.

(118 words)

(Based on materials from the book "Encyclopedia of Natural Wonders" )


1) Title the text.

2) Write down the pronouns, determine their category.

3) Carry out a morphemic analysis of the words:

Option 1 – calmly;

Option 2 – windless.

4) Parse sentences 2 (option 1) and sentence 5 (option 2) in the last paragraph.

Dictation on the topic "Verb"

Give up urgent matters, go out late in the evening to the sandy bank of the river. If you listen for a long time, you will hear incomprehensible rustling and incessant sounds in the reed thickets.

One night I was sitting at my desk. The night was quiet, windless, only some distant sounds could be heard from the river. Suddenly, soft voices were heard from under the floor. They sounded like the whispers of chicks who had awakened in the nest. I was overcome by the desire to understand who was talking under the floor. Then I realized that I heard the fuss of hedgehogs.

Hedgehogs are useful animals. They do not harm anyone, are not afraid of anyone, destroy harmful insects, and fight mice. For the winter, hedgehogs go to sleep. Their small dens are covered with snowdrifts, and they sleep peacefully in them all winter.

(108 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov .)


1) Title the text.

2) Graphically explain the spellings -tsya (-tsya) in the verb that appear in this text..

3) Carry out a morphological analysis of the words:

Option 1 – hear;

Option 2 – they heard it.

4) Outline 1 sentence of the last paragraph.

Control dictation on the topic "Verb"

In winter, hares feed on tree bark. During the night they trample a deep trail in the snow. If the hare had walked straight, he would have been caught immediately. Cowardice saves the crooked. He fearlessly walks through fields and forests at night and makes straight tracks. When morning comes, he rushes from side to side out of fear. He will gallop forward, get scared of something and run back in his tracks. If he hears some rustling, he will jump to the side with all his might and gallop further away from the previous trail. If something hits, the scythe will turn back again and head to the side. When it gets light, he lies down in the snow.
In the morning, hunters sort out the hare's tracks, get confused in them and are surprised at the cunning of the oblique. And he doesn’t even think about being cunning. He's just afraid of everything.

(110 words)

(By L. Tolstoy )


1) Title the text.

2) Carry out a morphological analysis of the words:

Option 1 – they would catch it, it’s getting lighter;

Option 2 – I would walk, I’m afraid.

4) Outline 3 sentences of the first paragraph.

Final dictation for the 6th grade course

In the glow of the evening dawn one can see a jagged palisade of fir trees. Dusk deepens, and everything disappears into the darkness of the night.

But then the moon appears and with its soft light drives the darkness into the forest thicket, flooding the small clearing with a silver glow. Nothing breaks the silence.

Suddenly the snow crunched under someone's heavy feet. This is a smoky-gray moose pacing. He calmly makes his way to the aspen tree and with his white-lipped mouth grabs the odorous pine needles and snorts.

A white hare galloped up and settled down under a low but branchy tree. The aspen disturbed the elk, he shook his head, and the branch broke off with a crash. The bunny perked up and rose gracefully on its hind legs. The appetizing branch attracts him. Hares always pick up aspen shoots behind moose.

An elk stands among the snow shining from the moonlight, chewing pine needles, and next to it a little hare is gnawing on an elk gift. The bitterness of aspen is sweeter than sugar.

(117 words)

(By D. Zuev.)


1) Title the text.

2) Carry out a phonetic analysis of the words:

Option 1 – oil;

Option 2 – aspen.

3) Carry out a morphological analysis

Option 1 – any noun;

Option 2 – any adjective.

4) Parse

Option 1 – any complex sentence;

Option 2 – any complicated sentence.