Report on everyday fairy tales. List of everyday fairy tales for home reading

Does not necessarily imply exciting action with magical transformations, where glorious heroes defeat mythical monsters with the help of amazing artifacts. Many of these stories are based on events that could very well take place in real life. These are everyday tales. They teach goodness, ridicule human vices: greed, stupidity, cruelty and others, often containing an ironic basis and social background. What is an everyday fairy tale? This is an instructive story without any special supernatural miracles, useful for children, and often thought-provoking even for adults.


You don't have to look too far to find an example of such a tale. They can use the well-known story about the turnip that my grandfather planted in the garden. The old man did not expect that it would grow too big, so much so that he would not be able to pull it out of the ground alone. In order to cope with this difficult task, the grandfather called all members of his family for help. They turned out to be a grandmother, granddaughter and animals living in the house. Thus, the turnip was pulled out. The idea of ​​a simple plot is not difficult to understand. When everyone acts together, amicably and unitedly, everything will definitely work out. Even a little mouse took part in the described action.

Using this example, it is easy to understand what an everyday fairy tale is. Of course, the story mentioned contains some fantastic facts. For example, a turnip cannot grow so huge, and animals are not smart enough to do such work. However, if we put aside these details, the moral of the story turns out to be very useful and can be useful in real life.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales

The peculiarity of everyday fairy tales is that most often they contain healthy satire. Naive innocence turns out to be wiser than the most sophisticated cunning, and resourcefulness and ingenuity repel arrogance, vanity, arrogance and greed. Here vices are ridiculed, regardless of person and rank. In such stories, the stupidity and laziness of almighty kings and the greed of hypocritical priests are mercilessly castigated.

A wonderful hero of Russian fairy tales often turns out to be Ivanushka the Fool. This is a special character who always emerges victorious from all, even the most incredible challenges. You can understand what an everyday fairy tale is by remembering other interesting and bright heroes created by the imagination of the Russian people. They are a cunning man who is able to fool all his offenders from among the greedy rich, as well as a soldier whose resourcefulness will delight anyone.

"Porridge from an ax"

Among the examples of everyday fairy tales in which the above-mentioned characters are involved is “Porridge from an Axe.” This is a very short but instructive story about how easily and cheerfully you can overcome life's difficulties and adversities if you approach everything with humor and have an approach to people.

A resourceful soldier, having come to billet a stingy old woman who pretended to be poor so as not to treat the guest with anything, decided to use a trick to achieve his goal. He volunteered to cook food from an axe. Driven by curiosity, the mistress of the house, without noticing it herself, provided the soldier with all the food necessary for cooking and allowed him to take away the ax, which supposedly had not yet been cooked. Here, the sympathies of all readers and listeners, as a rule, are on the side of the resourceful serviceman. And interested parties have a chance to have a good laugh at the greedy old woman. This is the everyday fairy tale at its best.

Literary works

Great writers also worked in fairy-tale genres. A clear indicator of this are the works of the 19th century genius Saltykov-Shchedrin. Imitating folk art, the author assigned a certain social status to the characters, thereby conveying his political ideas to readers.

Most of his stories should rather be classified as tales about animals. They contain allegories, the purpose of which is to reveal social vices. But this does not exhaust the list of works of this writer, consonant with the genres of folk tales. Everyday fairy tales created on a social basis, for example, are reminiscent of “The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals.” This unique narrative breathes subtle humor and inimitable satire, and its characters are so reliable that they are relevant for any era.


Anecdotes are also examples of everyday tales. Of course, not everyone has the same attitude towards this kind of folklore. But in this colorful genre, folk identity, the concept of morality and various vicissitudes of social relations are clearly expressed. In addition, this form of creativity is always relevant and constantly evolving.

According to modern folkloristics, everyday jokes in different areas have their own characteristic features and peculiarities, which are of interest for scientific study. This also applies to the general patterns of formation and development of this genre, which have become a topic for research and presentation in many scientific works and dissertations. At all times, an anecdote has turned out to be an excellent way for people to respond to the arbitrariness of the authorities, to phenomena and events that contradict their concepts of justice and ethics.

Other forms of the genre

It is not difficult to understand how an everyday fairy tale differs from a magical one. Of course, stories about sorcerers and fantastic adventures are always interesting and find their fans. But capacious, witty stories that reveal the full depth of social and human relations simply cannot be irrelevant. Other varieties of the genre of everyday fairy tales include riddles and ridicule. The first of them is an allegorical description of a certain object or event and is asked in the form of a question. And the second is clearly a satirical short work, which especially gives a reason to have fun at the vices of unworthy people. There are also boring fairy tales. This is a very interesting genre. In such stories, a certain set of words is deliberately repeated; there is no plot as such, because the action essentially develops in a vicious circle. A striking and well-known example of such a story is “The Tale of the White Bull.”

All of the above works constitute a treasury of folklore, a storehouse of its wisdom and sparkling humor carried through the centuries.

Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife. The wife was so stubborn that it was impossible to say. Her husband will ask her for something, and she always has one answer: “Well, here’s another!” And it will do the opposite...

Once upon a time there lived a peasant, he had two sons: the youngest was on the road, the eldest was at home. The father began to die and left the entire inheritance in the house to his son, but gave nothing to the other...

A soldier was coming home from service. He served honestly for twenty-five years. The share is such a peasant one. After all, the middle son, the eldest and the youngest, plow the land. And he has to win back his native land from every adversary. The serviceman did not become a hero, but he did not become known as a coward either...

Once upon a time there lived a poor family. There are seven children in the shops, and the entire household consists of a single goose. And no matter how much his owner protected him, the day came when there was nothing left to eat. Then the man killed a goose, fried it, and the hostess served it to the table...

The old soldier was going home on leave. I got tired from the journey and wanted to eat. I reached the village, knocked on the last hut: - Let the road man rest! The old woman unlocked the door: - Come in, servant...

Once upon a time there lived an old Frost Blue Nose, and he had a young son - Frost the Red Nose. Well, young Frost the Red Nose loved to show off!
Only, sometimes, he repeats: “Father is already old, he does his job poorly. But I am young and strong...

A poor man was walking through an open field and saw a hare under a bush. He was delighted and said:
- Now I will have a home. Now I’ll catch this hare and sell it for four rubles, with that money I’ll buy a pig, it will bear twelve piglets...

A soldier was walking home from service. Darling asked to spend the night. In the evening, the owners began to cook dumplings. The old owner is sitting on a bench. The soldier sat down next to him and started a conversation: “Shall we eat, grandpa?” - Let's eat, but not all! - the old man answers. - Don’t you want to? - asks the soldier...

In some city, and maybe in the one where you and I live, there was a telephone booth, of which there are many. However, do not rush to judge things at first glance. Glass was inserted into that booth, but not ordinary glass, but magical glass. Whatever is reflected in it will come back and be amplified a hundred times...

Once upon a time there lived a lady who was very stupid. Whatever gets into your head, die and do it. So the lady decided to breed forty chickens, and so that they would all be black. The maid says: “Is this really possible, lady?”

Once upon a time there lived a man, Ivan, in a village. I decided to visit my brother Stepan in a distant village. The day was hot, the road was dusty. Ivan is walking, he’s walking, he’s tired. “I’ll get there,” he thinks, “to the river. I’ll drink some water there and rest.”

One day a man went into the forest to chop wood. He approached the lake, sat down on the shore and accidentally dropped the ax into the water. He sits and cries. Suddenly the devil comes out of the water and asks: “Why are you crying, man?” - The axe, father, drowned...

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived an old man, he had three sons: two smart, the third a fool. The old man died. The sons divided the estate by lot. The smart ones get a lot of good things, but the fool gets only one bull - and that’s a bad one! The fair has arrived. Smart brothers are going to bargain...

Two brothers were traveling: one poor, the other eminent. They both have a horse - the poor one is a mare, and the famous one is a gelding. They stopped for the night nearby. The poor man's mare gave birth to a foal at night, and he, take it and climb under the rich man's cart...

Once upon a time there lived two brothers - two Ivans: Ivan the rich man, and Ivan the poor man. Ivan the rich man has a hut full of all sorts of goods, and his family is he and his wife. Ivan the Rich has neither small nor big children. And Poor Ivan has seven children. And in the house there is not a grain, not a torment...

Once upon a time there lived an old grandmother, a laughing granddaughter, a clumsy hen and a little mouse. Every day they went for water. The grandmother had large buckets, the granddaughter had smaller ones, the chicken had them the size of a cucumber, the mouse had them the size of thimbles...

Once upon a time there lived Ivanushka the Fool, a handsome man, but no matter what he did, everything turned out funny for him - not like with people. One man hired him as a worker, and he and his wife went to the city; wife and says to Ivanushka: “You stay with the children, look after them, feed them...

In one village there lived two men, two brothers: one was poor, the other rich. The rich man moved to live in the city, built himself a large house and signed up as a merchant; and sometimes the poor man does not have a piece of bread, and the children - little or little - cry and ask for food...

In one village lived an old man and an old woman, very poor, and they had a son, Ivanushka. From an early age he loved to play the pipe. And he played so well that everyone listened - they couldn’t stop listening. Ivanushka will play a sad song - everyone will be sad, everyone will have tears rolling...

All children, and what is there to hide, adults, love fairy tales. Remember how we listened with bated breath to magical stories about our favorite heroes who taught us kindness, courage, and love?! They made us believe in miracles. And now we are happy to tell fairy tales that we heard or read once to our children. And they will tell them to their children - and this chain will never be interrupted.

What kind of everyday stories are these and who is the hero in them?

There are different fairy tales - magical, about animals and everyday ones. This article will focus on the latter. The reader may have a question: what kind of fairy tales are these? So, everyday ones are those in which there are no miraculous transformations or mythical characters. The heroes of such stories are ordinary people: a cunning master, a simple man, a savvy soldier, a selfish deacon, a greedy neighbor and others. These tales describe the daily life and everyday life of ordinary people. The plot in such stories is simple. They ridicule greed and stupidity, condemn indifference and cruelty, and praise kindness and resourcefulness. As a rule, these stories contain a lot of humor, unexpected twists and educational moments. The list of everyday fairy tales invented by the people is very long. But it is not only rich in such entertaining stories. Many Russian writers worked in this genre: Saltykov-Shchedrin, Belinsky, Pushkin and others.

Everyday tales: list of the most popular

  • "Seven-year-old daughter."
  • "The master blacksmith."
  • "The Argumentative Wife."
  • "The master and the man."
  • "Pot".
  • "The Master and the Dog".
  • "Hare".
  • "Good pop."
  • "Porridge from an axe."
  • "Ivan the Fool".
  • "If you don't like it, don't listen."
  • "Soldier's Overcoat".
  • "Fedul and Melania."
  • "Three rolls and one bagel."
  • "Speaking water."
  • "Funeral of a Goat"
  • “What doesn’t happen in the world.”
  • "About need."
  • "Good and bad."
  • "Lutonyushka."

Here is just a small list of everyday tales. In fact, there are many more of them.

The plot of the fairy tale "Porridge from an Ax"

In the “List of Everyday Fairy Tales” rating, first place can rightfully be given to this story. It not only shows the ingenuity of a brave soldier, but also ridicules the greed and narrow-mindedness of a stingy woman. The soldier always occupied an honorable role. Warriors were very loved in Rus', and therefore in such stories they always emerged victorious thanks to their inquisitive mind, skillful hands and kind heart. In this story, the reader makes fun of the old woman’s greed: she has plenty of food, but she feels sorry for a piece of bread, and she pretends to be poor and unhappy. The soldier quickly saw through the deception and decided to teach the stingy woman a lesson. He offered to cook porridge from an axe. The old woman's curiosity got the better of her - and she agreed. The soldier deftly lured her cereal, salt and butter. The stupid old woman never understood that it was impossible to cook porridge with an axe.

Not only children love everyday fairy tales, adults also read them with pleasure, eagerly awaiting the outcome of how the hero will cope with a difficult task. And we always rejoice when we learn that evil has been punished and justice has triumphed. Make a list of everyday fairy tales for your child, and as you read each one, discuss with him the plot, the good and evil deeds of the characters. By analyzing various situations, it will be easier for the child to subsequently distinguish between good and evil in life. Ask what everyday tales he knows and offer to tell you one of them.

You looked at the site category Russian folk tales. Here you will find a complete list of Russian fairy tales from Russian folklore. Long-known and beloved characters from folk tales will greet you here with joy, and once again tell you about their interesting and entertaining adventures.

Russian folk tales are divided into the following groups:

Animal Tales;

Fairy tales;

Everyday tales.

Heroes of Russian folk tales are often represented by animals. So the wolf always represented a greedy and evil person, a fox a cunning and savvy person, a bear a strong and kind person, and a hare a weak and cowardly person. But the moral of these stories was that you should not hang a yoke on even the most evil hero, because there can always be a cowardly hare who can outwit the fox and defeat the wolf.

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Russian folk tales also play an educational role. Good and evil are clearly differentiated and give a clear answer to a specific situation. For example, Kolobok, who ran away from home, considered himself independent and brave, but a cunning fox got in his way. A child, even the smallest one, will come to the conclusion that he, too, could be in the place of the kolobok.

The Russian folk tale is suitable even for the youngest children. And as the child grows up, there will always be a suitable instructive Russian fairy tale that can give a hint or even an answer to a question that the child cannot yet solve for himself.

Thanks to the beauty of Russian speech Russian folk tales read pure pleasure. They contain folk wisdom and light humor, which are skillfully intertwined in the plot of each fairy tale. Reading fairy tales to children is very useful, as it well replenishes the child’s vocabulary and helps him in the future to formulate his thoughts correctly and clearly.

There is no doubt that Russian fairy tales will allow adults to plunge into the world of childhood and magical fantasies for many happy minutes. A fairy tale on the wings of a magical firebird will take you into an imaginary world and will more than once make you break away from everyday problems. All fairy tales are presented for review absolutely free of charge.

Read Russian folk tales

The fairy tale has always kept pace with the times. The fairy tale once and for all set a sharp line between good and evil. She is a harsh accuser, able to simply and bluntly explain what is really good and what, on the contrary, is worthy of merciless condemnation. The fairy tale “gives” all its love and sympathy to good, and tries to destroy evil by any means available to it.

Fairy tales can be folklore (a genre of written and oral folk art) and literary.

Literary fairy tales have one or more authors. The characters of literary fairy tales, as well as folklore ones, are fictitious. The text of fairy tales of this kind is unchanged, recorded in writing.

Folklore tales are the creativity of the people themselves. They are passed down from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. These tales reflect national ideals.

Folk tales are often characterized by a certain measure - “and I was there, I drank honey, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.” The poetic nature of the fairy-tale language is also expressed in the usual epic repetitions, usually up to three times - the hero’s feat, an important saying, a key meeting are repeated. There are often three heroes of a fairy tale - three brothers, three sisters.

What types of folk tales are there?
Magical, everyday, about animals, boring.

Fairy tales in which a miraculous beginning, supernatural events and persons predominate are called magical. The characters in them are Koschey the Immortal, the Sea King, Morozko, Baba Yaga, the Golden-Maned Horse, the Firebird, Sivka-Burka, and Pig the Golden Bristle. In them we also encounter wonderful objects - living and dead water, a flying carpet, an invisible hat, a self-assembled tablecloth.

It is believed that all this is the personification of the forces of nature. So, for example, Koschey the Immortal, a dry and angry old man with white hair, this is winter. The king of the sea is the sea, his daughters are the waves of the sea. The Firebird is the sun, Sivka-Burka is the horse from which the earth trembles, smoke comes out of his ears, and flames burst from his nostrils - thunder and lightning. Dead and living water - rain, flying carpet - wind...

The hero of a fairy tale, acting among these creatures and objects, is an ordinary person, most often, Ivan Tsarevich, or simply Ivanushka. The hero of the fairy tale struggles with various forces, suffers, but in the end emerges victorious, most often he is helped by mythical characters.

The hero of a fairy tale is often at first humiliated, despised by others, considered a fool, but then he rises above those who despise him. This is already a moral element in the fairy tale; it probably appeared later.

There are fairy tales in which the moral idea is invisible. And, for example, in the fairy tale about Koshchei the Immortal, who kidnapped Princess Marya and imprisoned her within the walls of his castle, Ivan Tsarevich, the bridegroom, defeats the enemy with his moral virtues: firmness of will, patience, kindness.

We also see a moral principle in the fairy tale about Morozk, who rewarded a kind girl-stepdaughter and punished the evil daughters of her stepmother.

In some fairy tales, in addition to wonderful people and events, there is an image of modern life. So, in the fairy tale about Little Thumb, peasant life is depicted: a woman does housework, a man plows in the field. The son brings lunch to his father in the field and helps him plow. This picture of agricultural life is a later layering in a fairy tale, the mythical basis of which, perhaps, formed even earlier than organized agriculture.

In an everyday fairy tale, wonderful events and characters are relegated to the background, and the main place is occupied by showing a person with all his advantages and disadvantages. Such tales belong to a later period than fairy tales. The main thing in these fairy tales is the depiction of characters and moral thought.

Everyday fairy tales are the closest to real life; there is a certain fiction in it, with the help of which negative aspects are revealed, or, conversely, the ingenuity and kindness of the characters are shown. In everyday fairy tales we can observe pictures of real, everyday life.

Tales about animals occupy an important place. These tales originate from ancient times, to those times when man looked at animals as beings similar to himself, gifted with reason and the gift of speech. These tales have survived to this day in a fairly unchanged form. Fairy tales of this kind are fun for children, although they have a moralizing moment.

The heroes of fairy tales about animals are the animals that are found in the country. In our Russian fairy tales, the main characters are a fox, a bear, a wolf, a cat, a rooster, and a ram. Fairy tales of this kind are distinguished by their artistry, both in language and in the depiction of characters - each animal with its own original appearance is described briefly, but often in many ways.

Boring fairy tales are a subject of special conversation. They are small in size and have the character of jokes. Boring tales are built on wordplay. In fairy tales of this kind, light humor and irony are certainly present.