What to do if your child has a hard time studying. Why is it difficult for a child to study? Reasons for school failure

School years are, without any doubt, a very important stage in the life of every person, but at the same time quite difficult. Only a small proportion of children are able to bring home only excellent grades throughout their entire stay within the walls of an educational institution. Most schoolchildren experience serious difficulties when studying subjects. And of course, this cannot but worry parents. They begin to ask questions: “How to help a child if he is not studying well?”, “What to do to correct the situation?”

Reasons for failure

Often, fathers and mothers begin to solve this problem not even due to the fact that unsatisfactory grades appeared in the diary of their son or daughter. Parents think about how to teach their child to study, sometimes even with a slight tendency towards a drop in academic performance. However, before you begin to take any measures, you need to understand what factors contribute to the creation of such a situation. And they can be divided into three types.

Among them:

Children's health status;

Personal qualities of the child;

Social factors.

Let's take a closer look at them.

Child's health

As a rule, parents of first-graders do not worry about school failure. After all, at the very beginning of training, the teacher simply does not give grades to his students. And only in some cases does the teacher point out to mothers and fathers that their child is lagging behind the program.

But, as a rule, the fact that a child does not read, count and master school subjects poorly becomes clear when he enters the second grade.

What could be the reasons for academic failure? They are often associated with the child’s poor health or with the presence of certain developmental features. Thus, sick children often have to miss classes, and they begin to fall behind in all subjects of the school curriculum. In order to correct the situation, parents will need to consult a pediatrician and carry out hardening procedures with their son or daughter.

If in elementary school and at the same time he has some peculiarities of the body’s condition, for example, visual or hearing impairment, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, etc., then a special program must be used for his education. Its development and use are carried out even if such students attend a regular class in a general education institution.

Often a child does not study well due to fatigue and asthenic symptoms. To eliminate this factor, parents should pay attention to the load that the student has to bear in the process of acquiring knowledge. It is quite possible that it will be too big for him. Of course, today the list of additional opportunities has expanded significantly, using which many fathers and mothers strive to give impetus to the enhanced development of the child. It’s so great when, in addition to the program that children go through at school, they can gain new skills, abilities and knowledge in various sections and clubs. But sometimes such a load leads to the fact that fatigue develops in a still fragile body, and, as a result, the child does not study well.

How to avoid such a situation? Parents should carefully study the schedule of their son or daughter. How busy are they? Or maybe this endless walking around in circles is simply exhausting them? How to proceed? Should I reduce the number of English classes or leave dancing and cancel figure skating?

Before deciding to take one step or another, you should pay attention to how the child is engaged in these circles. Does visiting them bring him pleasure? Does it show any results? If the answer is positive, then there is no need to cancel additional classes. Otherwise, the child will most likely suffer from motivation to continue studying at school, as well as his own self-esteem.

But sometimes it also happens that parents simply do not have enough free time, and they do not even try to enroll their child in any club. Nevertheless, they often hear the phrase “I don’t want to study” from their son or daughter. A child or teenager gets tired very quickly even when performing fairly simple tasks. In this case, parents simply need to sound the alarm. Such behavior, without any doubt, is a consequence of existing health problems. Unfortunately, many fathers and mothers very often forget about this reason, which provides the answer to the question “Why does the child study poorly?” If the student is absolutely healthy, then the need and desire to acquire new knowledge will certainly appear. But this will happen only when there are no other causes of the problem being studied.

Unpreparedness to enter school

Let's consider the personal reasons that a child is a poor student. And one of them is the child’s unpreparedness to enter school. In this case, psychologists identify two factors:

  1. Unformed HPS of a child. This abbreviation hides the student’s internal position, his moral readiness to begin learning. In today's world, they try to instill knowledge in children almost immediately from the cradle. It is believed that those who go to school must not only be well physically prepared. Today's first grader, as a rule, already knows how to read, write and count. However, this is not all that is needed to start the educational process. The child must be psychologically ready to become a schoolchild, which, as a rule, parents do not pay attention to. And if in the first grade the child still manages to somehow adapt, then when he becomes a second grader, he can declare: “I don’t want to study.” And there is nothing surprising about this. After all, such a student lacks educational motivation. The gaming form of acquiring knowledge continues to dominate in his mind. It is quite possible that the child’s subcortical brain structure, which is responsible for volition, that is, for patience and willpower, which are necessary for the successful acquisition of knowledge, has simply not reached the stage of necessary maturity. How to teach a child to study? In such cases, psychologists recommend not to rush the student to complete assignments, because such children will need more time to finally adapt.
  2. Pedagogical neglect. It may also be one of the reasons that a child does not study well. Moreover, this factor occurs not only in those families where alcoholics and rowdies live. Very often, a similar situation is observed where intelligent parents strive with all their might to give their children only the best.

Negative emotional state

This reason for poor performance is also personal. Sometimes the child becomes agitated or anxious. For example, he is frightened by certain changes in the family, including the divorce of his parents, the birth of a sister or brother, moving to a new place of residence, etc. What happened in the little man's life probably scared him very much.

Schoolchildren who are acutely experiencing adolescence, in which there may be unrequited love and difficult relationships with peers, often study poorly. Of course, in such a difficult time for a child, other tasks come to the fore. How to correct the situation in this case? Here an adult should come to the rescue, who, first of all, will help the teenager solve the problems that have arisen before him, and only then improve his studies.

Sometimes, with bad grades, a student tries to get attention from his parents. It is quite possible that he is in a state that requires adult support. Or maybe in this way he expresses a protest against the huge number of prohibitions limiting his life, doing everything in defiance?


Why are almost every parent and school sounding the alarm today? A child in the modern world does not want to learn. This fact has been confirmed by many experts. Moreover, this problem exists among children of different ages. And even preschool children are increasingly upsetting fathers, mothers and teachers with a complete lack of interest in acquiring new knowledge.

The origins of this phenomenon lie in the field of modern technology. Children become largely dependent on gadgets. They are attracted to technology and games. At the same time, the desire to study this world disappears. Children who are in a state of deprivation of curiosity. They don’t want to learn to write, count, or even just attend school. The blame for this falls entirely on the parents. The only way out of this situation is to wean children off tablets and smartphones. But it is recommended to do this not immediately, but gradually limiting children and teenagers in the time they spend on gadgets.

Conflicts at school

Let's start looking at social causes. And one of the most common of them is the conflict between schoolchildren. Of course, when the whole class considers a child to be a black sheep, calls him names and teases him, then it becomes quite clear, for example, why the child does poorly in mathematics. Bad grades do not at all depend on his intellectual abilities. After all, in such a situation you don’t want to solve examples. The student, most likely, only thinks about how he can quickly go home or take revenge for his grievances.

Conflicts occur between children and teachers. The teacher may simply dislike the child and begin to constantly find fault with him for any reason, without even trying to help and clarify incomprehensible points in his subject. Such situations are also not uncommon. After all, not all teachers in our schools are from God. More often than not, these are ordinary people who may well lose their temper. And in this case, their negative emotions are reflected in the children.

Complex program

This is another social factor. The school curriculum for a particular subject can be either too simple or too complex. In both the first and second cases, the child becomes bored.

Why is this happening? Sometimes children learn to read and write at home from a very early age. And if at the age of three they mastered the alphabet, then they are no longer interested in doing this at school. The child wants to play. How to fix this situation? Allow the student to play enough, gradually transferring his activities into the framework of the educational program.

It can also be boring for those children who master the material very quickly. And if there is no individual approach to each student in the lessons, then they begin to “count the crows outside the window.”

After all, the tasks that the teacher gives to the whole class seem uninteresting and too simple to such prodigies. When the program becomes more complex, these children simply do not have time to join the process, starting to bring C’s and D’s in the diary.

How to eliminate this phenomenon? The situation can be corrected:

Changing school;

By transferring the child to a “strong” class;

Studying with him according to an individual program with the assistance of a tutor.

A child who becomes interested in learning will be happy to attend school.


The beginning of any process corresponds to certain reasons. You can teach a child to learn if you fuel his interest in knowledge.

Unfortunately, in real life, many parents punish their children for failures, while taking their successes for granted. It is this attitude that leads to the fact that over time the child loses interest in the knowledge he receives, and he begins to study poorly.

Of course, parents must approach raising their son or daughter with the utmost rigor and seriousness. However, this should be done in moderation. Psychologists recommend that mothers and fathers put themselves in the shoes of their child. If they don't have the motivation to do a particular task, will they take it on? Of course not! Children behave the same way. How to interest a child in this case? Here, each student will need an individual approach. So, for some children, pocket money will be an excellent motivation, for others - certain purchases, and for others - sweets or simply praise from the family. But you should not deceive your child, or apply punishment to him in the form of a belt. After all, the child, even if he begins to achieve some success in his studies, will gradually stop contacting his parents. Moreover, such destruction of relationships sometimes remains for life.


Of course, children must study and actively acquire knowledge. However, it is important for them to do this without intimidation, neglect or intimidation. Parents need to heed the advice of psychologists who recommend not controlling their daughters and sons too much. After all, constant and very active attention to the learning process often leads to a child’s reluctance to learn. The schoolchild begins to feel that only good grades are important to his parents, and all other areas of their children’s lives, their feelings and experiences are a trifle. Such thoughts lead to a loss of desire to learn.


How to teach children to study? To do this, parents will need to develop responsibility in them. This character trait will be a great help for all fathers and mothers. It will allow you to establish excellent relationships in the family, as well as ensure that your son or daughter does well in school.

How to achieve this? From the very first years of attending school, children must be taught to take responsibility for their actions. It is quite possible that the child will retain this attitude towards his actions for a long time.

Parents should teach their children to understand that much in life depends on aspirations, desires and completed actions. Also, fathers and mothers need to explain to their child that the learning process is a kind of work, and very difficult. Moreover, its result will be the acquisition of knowledge about the world, which cannot be bought for any money.

This material presents the reasons for school failure, some portraits of an unsuccessful child, and what to do if my child becomes unsuccessful. The material is intended for use with parents or teachers.



Reasons for school failure

It's nice when your own child studies at “4” and “5”. It’s nice when you enroll children with high quality knowledge into your class; with them you feel satisfaction in your work, you see the results of your own work; I am calm with them when submitting a statistical report on progress to the head teacher of the school.

The Government takes care of gifted children and students with high real educational potential, approving the “Gifted Children” program, and is echoed by regional authorities and the Department of Education. Students who receive certificates for prizes in the Olympiad, scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren feel comfortable and confident. Television is in a hurry to talk about young prodigies...

But according to some special laws of nature, not always understandable to humans, other children live next to the child prodigies - students with low real educational capabilities, poorly or completely uneducated schoolchildren. They are not written about in newspapers, they are not filmed, parents talk about them without pride in their voices, teachers sigh heavily when they accept such a student into class.

And it turns out that there are many more such children than successful ones in education. They want everything that a gifted child feels: attention, a little fame, praise, and a sense of confidence... But in their lives, most likely, the opposite is happening.

The underachieving schoolchild is a legendary figure both in life and in pedagogy. Among those who failed were Newton, Darwin, Walter Scott, Linnaeus, Einstein, Shakespeare, Byron, Herzen, Gogol. In the math class, Pushkin was the last to study. Many outstanding people experienced learning difficulties in school and were classified as hopeless. These facts confirm that with a lagging, unsuccessful student, not everything is simple and straightforward. Who is an underachieving student? This is how it is said in the textbook by Ivan Pavlovich Podlasy:

An underachieving student is a child who cannot demonstrate the level of knowledge, skills, speed of thinking and performance of operations that the children studying next to him demonstrate. Does this mean that he is worse than them? Most likely no. Special examinations of the intelligence of children who are lagging behind in their studies show that in basic indicators they are not only worse, but even better than many well-performing schoolchildren. Teachers are often surprised: how could this or that student, who was listed as a hopeless failure, achieve success. But there is no miracle - it was a child who did not suit what was offered to him at school.

The school pays all its attention to those who are lagging behind. Let's consider some categories of children who are classified as underachieving:

1. Children with disabilities – these are those who, for various reasons, have had deviations from age norms.

They have difficulty completing tasks. They have very low self-esteem. Such children are more likely than others to receive comments from the teacher. They don’t want to be friends with them or sit at the same desk. The state of dissatisfaction with their position at school pushes them to unmotivated violations of discipline: shouting from their seats, running along the corridor, pugnacity.

2. Children not developed enough for school(they make up 1/4 of all unsuccessful students).

They were diagnosed with disorders in the early period of development (pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, birth injuries, serious illnesses). They suffer from various chronic diseases. They often live in unfavorable microsocial conditions. Underdeveloped children have difficulty adapting to the learning conditions at school, the daily routine, and the workload. And already in the first stages of education they form a completely definite risk group for the development of school maladaptation and academic failure. And most often they form a group of difficult, persistently underperforming students who create a problem for the school.

3. Functionally immature children.

They study diligently and conscientiously, they have a desire to complete all school assignments. But already in the first months of training, their behavior and well-being change. Some become restless, lethargic, whiny, irritable, complain of headaches, eat poorly, and have difficulty falling asleep. All this is understandable for now: after all, the child is adapting to new conditions, and this does not pass without leaving a trace. But one or two months pass, and the picture does not change, there is no success. And it becomes clear that some functions of the body are not yet ripe for school; studying is not yet possible. Some children get tired quickly (no school endurance), others cannot concentrate, others do not confirm the results of entrance tests, the hopes they showed in the first days. There are lagging, poorly performing students, and some do not master the program at all. Many children often get sick, miss classes and, as a result, begin to fall behind.

4. Weak children.

It's no secret that among children entering first grade, almost

Only 20-30% are healthy. According to incomplete data, 30–35% of first-graders suffer from chronic ENT diseases, 8–10% have visual impairments, more than 20% of children are at risk for developing myopia; 15-20% have various disorders of the neuropsychic sphere, most often as a consequence of organic damage to the cerebral cortex at different stages of development.

These children have difficulty adjusting to school. They were protected at home, not allowed to strain themselves, their development lags behind the norm (limited supply of information, knowledge, skills, poor orientation in the environment, difficulties in contact with peers, teachers, incorrect behavior in the classroom, insufficiently developed educational motivation).

There is another category of weakened children. These include children who were allowed everything at home. They are disinhibited, uncontrollable, get tired quickly, are unable to concentrate or work for a long time. In each class there are about 30-40% of such children. Teaching them is not an easy pedagogical task, which requires a lot of effort from teachers, as well as spiritual and professional skills.

5. Systemically lagging children.

Excessive emotional, mental, and physical stress associated with systematic training can cause a significant deterioration in the health of these children, especially if in the early period they already had various disorders and developmental delays. Learning difficulties are more often observed in children who have several types of developmental and behavioral disorders. At first glance, all the individual functions seem to be sufficiently developed, but there is no overall harmony. These children make up the group of systemically lagging behind. Minor deviations in various functional systems, combined with each other, lead to visible disorders: disinhibition, motor restlessness, hyperactivity. They are not able to organize their activities, are not able to fix their attention, cannot establish normal relationships with peers, react sharply to refusal, do not control themselves, forget good intentions, prefer to do only what they like.

Behavioral disorders, as a rule, are combined in such children with a whole range of difficulties in writing, reading, and mathematics. In 1st grade, for a long time they cannot learn the correct form of letters, write beautifully and accurately, they have dirty, sloppy notebooks. By the end of the school year, they do not master the curriculum for the corresponding grade. The peculiarities of their behavior, constant conflicts, violent reactions significantly complicate the situation in the classroom.

6. Non-standard children.

Among them are all those who “drop out” for various reasons from “high school”: highly gifted, talented, prodigies - and hopelessly retarded, exceptional in mental development.

There is another group of children; These are the so-called “slow” children - slow-witted, and this is a feature of their character. This may be due to illness, developmental delay, and characteristics of the nervous system, character, and temperament. These children are healthy and often very gifted. They differ from their peers only in the slow pace of activity. Others take longer to get involved in work and have a harder time switching from one type of activity to another. The overall pace of the class is too much for them. They are in a hurry, nervous, but still cannot keep up with others. The letters are getting worse and worse, and the number of errors is increasing. They have a hard time at school.

Non-standard, exceptional children also include children who are overly fast, constantly excited, and always in a hurry. These are the ones who raise their hand before they have even heard the question. They jump up, get nervous, flush with excitement - hurry, hurry. The teacher sees and understands them: he will rein them in, give them a difficult task that must certainly be completed, and will work with them patiently.

7. Children deprived of family and school.

A significant portion of schoolchildren are brought up in unfavorable microsocial conditions. This is social neglect: alcoholism of parents, an atmosphere of quarrels, conflicts, cruelty and coldness towards children, punishments, sometimes unfair, on the one hand, and permissiveness on the other. Sometimes the school further aggravates the difficulties of their lives, mercilessly pushing them into the category of pedagogically neglected. Pedagogical neglect is added to social neglect. The teacher is familiar with absent-minded, forgetful students with very unstable academic performance. They become tired already in the first lesson. They have difficulty understanding the teacher’s explanations, sit with an indifferent gaze, lie down on their desks, and sometimes fall asleep. The lessons seem prohibitively long to them. Their fatigue is expressed in a sharply reduced performance, a slow pace of activity, they do not have time to complete tasks with the whole class. During the lesson, they are distracted by external stimuli, whiny, and careless in their work. They often laugh for no reason. When reading, they lose lines and do not make semantic accents. Sometimes they diligently complete their homework, but in class they get lost and confused when answering.

Children deprived by family and school are hard to miss. In practice, an experienced teacher immediately determines: who wants to learn and who does not; who is hardworking and who is lazy; who is disciplined and who is disobedient. Although first impressions may be wrong.

In practice, it is customary to distinguish groupsstrong, weak and averagestudents. The main formal criteria are, of course, academic performance and discipline. A simple comparison determines the excellent students, the “average students” and the laggards; exemplary and hooligans. If the teacher supports such a distribution, then both parents and children adopt his views. But the saddest thing is that the students also accept the roles assigned to them. Excellent students try to be on top all the time, jealously monitoring each other's successes, and poor students obediently agree with their status.

Much attention is paid to the characteristics of the selected groups. Among the excellent students there are simply talented children who learn easily and who do not attach much importance to grades - they just like to learn. There are also students for whom a high grade is a way to stand out and show their superiority. Such children are very jealous of other people's successes and may beg the teacher for good grades; they cry or get angry because of a three, which, in their opinion, was given unfairly. Vain, envious creatures, they are a worthy reserve for future careerists, flatterers, and sycophants. There are “reluctant excellent students” - drilled children, intimidated by parental strictures, who are carefully checked at home.

Lagging students also represent a heterogeneous group: there are good-natured lazy people, overly timid, shy children, highly distractible and inattentive children, and excellent intellectuals with non-standard behavior. Many of them suffer because of their poor academic performance.

The child came to school with a firm determination - to study for “4” and “5”. At first, he learns, tries, and improves his performance. But by the end of elementary school he may “see the light”; to find out that being an excellent student is not so honorable in the eyes of classmates. The primary attitude of some elementary school graduates is split. This explains the sharp decline in their performance in 5th grade. This is usually blamed on the lack of preparedness of children and the poor work of primary school teachers. But it is not always the case. Children's views change, values ​​and guidelines are revised.

Thus, in the process of school study, several groups of students are distinguished - achievers, “averages” and lagging behind. These groups are heterogeneous; they have their own redistribution.

There are many reasons causing school failure. It is not at all necessary that they act together and at the same time; one, even the weakest one, is enough. From this it becomes clear why early school failure is so difficult to correct, despite the significant efforts of teachers. Among the reasons why children fall behind in school, pedagogy names the following:

  • unfavorable heredity;
  • disorders of nervous activity;
  • general inability to perform intellectual work;
  • physical weakness;
  • school immaturity;
  • pedagogical neglect;
  • insufficient speech development;
  • fear of school, teachers;
  • infantilism (i.e. childishness)

And another reason for student failure is Her Majesty Laziness. Not everyone, obviously, knows that laziness as a state of inactivity, mental lethargy, passivity also has a different nature and can be“normal” and pathological . Most often it manifests itself at school age. According to doctors, most lazy schoolchildren are completely healthy people. But for some students, laziness is one of the manifestations of pathologies. The main signs are inactivity, low performance, disorder of will, indifference to life, high subordination to others. A common cause of this condition is “somatogenic asthenia, i.e. physical and psychological weakness caused by somatic illness.” It can be completely overcome thanks to a gentle regimen. In healthy students, most often the cause of laziness, as noted by the classic of Russian pedagogy, K. D. Ushinsky, is a direct aversion to the activities that adults encourage the child to do. The reasons for such reluctance are also different, but, the teacher says, self-education is to blame. Thus, there are often cases when demands are made on a child, and he is burdened with many responsibilities, demands of duty, which can cause the opposite effect. Sometimes, Ushinsky writes, laziness arises “from unsuccessful attempts at learning.” From the very beginning of mastering a new activity for a child, he is faced with failure. Systematic failures frighten him and make him lazy. However, if a child achieves success without making any effort, he can also become lazy. But upbringing is also to blame for this. It seems that not all teachers know that, as they say, laziness is different.

Categories of children who are classified as underachieving: Weak children. A limited supply of knowledge and skills, poor orientation in the environment, difficulties in contact with peers, teachers, incorrect behavior in the classroom, insufficiently developed educational motivation. Systemically lagging children. Non-standard children. Children deprived by family and school (social neglect).

What to do?! Do not panic! Accept and love the child for who he is. Follow all recommendations of all specialists. There are no days off in raising and teaching children!

WHAT TO DO? Required: Conversation with the class teacher. Conversation with a psychologist. Consultation with a pediatrician, neurologist or other specialists.

Child psychologist Elena Golovina answered questions from Evening Tram about how parents can prepare their children for elementary school, how to seat a hyperactive child at a desk and help him establish contact with peers.

Elena Evgenievna, September 1 is just around the corner, hundreds of children will go to first grade after kindergarten. How to properly prepare your child for school?

This is a long process; it is not for nothing that in kindergarten it lasts a whole year while the children attend the preparatory group. It is good if the child attended school preparation classes at the educational institution where he will study in the future. It is important that before school the child learns that studying is his responsibility, knows the school rules, understands how lessons are taught, what the role of the teacher is, and has basic skills.

- If a child is hyperactive and restless, what should parents and teachers do?

It is worth separating hyperactivity as a syndrome that is diagnosed by doctors, and simply excessive activity of the child. For children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, complex medical, psychological and pedagogical correction is necessary. At the level of advice: it is important to seat an active child at the first desk, strictly follow the daily routine, do not overload the child with physical activity, because, contrary to the popular belief that “he runs too fast and runs out of energy,” he, on the contrary, becomes disinhibited and cannot calm down on his own. And remember that active children need the help of adults, because their self-regulation is usually poorly developed, you need to help them get organized, start and finish things, help with homework.

- How to motivate a child so that he begins to show interest in classes?

There is no universal answer. For some children, motivation comes from gifts and encouragement; for some, parental praise is important; for others, good grades are important. The example of parents is important here. If a child sees that parents are happy about their work, are inquisitive, and active, then school will be interesting for him too.

How important is it to do homework with your child at home? Can after-school care or tutors (nanny) replace homework with parents?

The task of parents and teachers at the initial stage of education is to teach the child to learn. Therefore, it is good if parents help the child develop an algorithm for completing homework and help solve the difficulties encountered. Here it is good to act on the principle of “first together, and then on your own.” If a child does assignments with a tutor or in an after-school program, then the main thing is that he does not lose contact with his parents; if there is no joint educational activity, then you can communicate together, go for walks, etc.

What can you say about the pressure of parents who, with shouts and belts, try to “drive” knowledge into their children?

If only it would bring results... More often, parents use such methods out of their own powerlessness. Then it is better to delegate the tasks of teaching to teachers and tutors.

If a child has a hard time studying, doesn’t remember well, can’t concentrate, what could be the reason and what should parents do?

Among the possible reasons may be neurological, related to the characteristics of the child’s development, and psychological, related to the peculiarities of the course of psychological processes (memory, thinking, attention, etc.), and pedagogical, when the child has not developed the necessary educational skills and abilities. It is better to contact specialists to determine the causes and ways to solve problems.

- What if a child does not have good relationships with classmates and refuses to go to school?

This is a difficult question in a specific situation, you need to understand: find out how the child feels, perhaps he is scared or angry. Chat with the teacher, school psychologist and together help the child adapt to the classroom.

I know a case when a girl persuaded her parents to transfer her to another school because of a conflict in the class, and then refused to go there, demanding that she be returned to her previous school... In what cases is it worth following the child’s lead?

The child's opinion is certainly important. But in addition to teaching school subjects, school is also a “rehearsal” for adult life, an opportunity to learn how to resolve conflicts, enter into relationships, and make decisions. The question of changing schools is often raised when it comes to bullying, which seriously traumatizes the child. In other cases, perhaps you should help him understand the conflict, think through possible ways out of it, and sometimes simply support him.

Today, it is not uncommon for a well-prepared, active and promising child in preschool age to amaze his parents with his successes, but not live up to expectations for good performance at school. So why is it difficult for a child to study?

Problems with learning in children

  1. Misunderstanding of the material. Each of us must have heard at least once that a good teacher is worth his weight in gold these days. It is the teacher and his method of presenting the material that largely determines the extent to which information is absorbed in the minds of children.
  2. Distractions. The most common ailment of today's youth is the inability to concentrate their attention on one subject for a long time.
  3. System of moral guidelines. If you notice that your child does not want to study because it is “unpopular” or “stupid,” then think about whether he has fallen into a trap of falsely imposed ideals.

Warning signs that your child is struggling academically

  1. The child does not want to discuss school matters. He does not tell how the classes went, what he is studying and what news he has.
  2. The attitude towards school and learning has changed. The child began to treat school with anger and detachment, and does not want to go there. Perhaps he is bored in class because he already knows the material that other children are going through.
  3. The kid sits for a very long time at homework. Time spent on homework has increased. The son or daughter has no time left for relaxation and hobbies.
  4. Bad behavior at school. This situation may be related to attracting attention. Children and adolescents cannot always explain their problems coherently and clearly. Then they begin active actions, which, in their opinion, explain everything. As a child grows, he learns social skills.
  5. Complaints from a teacher about a son or daughter. It often happens that teachers are more aware of their children’s school problems than parents. In this case, you need to talk to the teacher or class teacher. If he expresses concern, then you should keep an eye on your child.
  6. Deterioration of sleep and loss of appetite. Problems with sleep and eating are often associated with the stress that a child receives at school. Children want to please mom and dad with good grades, and when they don’t succeed, they get upset and can’t calm down. Teenagers already understand that their academic performance can affect passing exams and admission to a good university. Because of this, they are also worried.
  7. Poor academic performance. If a child begins to receive low grades more often, then it is not surprising that he does not want to go to school. He finds it difficult to cope with the school curriculum, so he does not want to go to school.

Which children have a hard time at school?

  1. Shy. They find it difficult to make friends and feel uncomfortable around strangers and crowds of people. They feel more comfortable in their own quiet little world.
  2. Prone to aggression. Such children try to gain leadership positions in the class through verbal and physical violence. But due to specific means, this does not work out for them, they do not become popular, which provokes their difficulties in school.
  3. In poor health. Physically weak children do not master the school curriculum well; they need more time to master the material. They often miss school due to illness.
  4. With a high level of anxiety. Such children can study well and even make friends, but it will be difficult for them in the psychological aspect. They constantly feel that something will interfere with them, that they will not succeed.

What is the reason for difficulties in learning?

If a child has difficulty learning, you need to understand the reasons for children's low performance. Understanding the problem is half the job of solving it. A first-grader entering school is faced with new tasks, of which there are indeed many. In addition to educational tasks, emotional difficulties arise - a new team, other discipline requirements, procedures and rules. The methods of presenting the material and the school curriculum itself are not ideal and do not take into account the developmental characteristics of a small person at different ages. Before school, a child learns through play, and a first-grader must already assimilate information by sitting motionless at a desk for a long time. This requires the student to be able to focus on one type of activity for a long time, that is, to have developed concentrated attention.

It often happens that from the first days of school a child must do not what he is interested in and likes, but what the school curriculum and the teacher require of him, and it is difficult for children to start doing this. The learning process is impossible without practicing skills, without voluntary attention. Sometimes parents think that the child is attentive, but learning difficulties arise for other reasons. We advise you to take into account the following features: almost all children have well-developed involuntary attention, and voluntary attention develops until 7-10 years of age, that is, much later than the first grade.

Successful learning depends on how a child is able to concentrate. The development of voluntary attention will help the child find the necessary information in memory, separate the main from the unimportant, choose the right decisions, work consciously in class, and concentrate on the task at hand.

The eidetics course helps both adults and children to develop attention and get great results from the learning process.

What to do if your child is having trouble studying?

Has your child started school this year and are you worried that your smart but inattentive little one is not keeping up with the curriculum? Or are you the mother of an older student who, despite all his efforts, is unable to study? Teachers complain that he is “catching crows” in class, is distracted and cannot concentrate on lessons?

Classes using methods help solve the problems of such children.

They help with problems such as:

  • impaired coordination of movements, motor awkwardness;
  • attention disorders;
  • hyperactivity;
  • autism spectrum disorders;
  • violations of oral and written speech;
  • problems with school performance.
Classes are performed on a special level of balancing difficulty with an adjustable level.
It is important that the exercises performed are challenging enough for the child so that he does not lose interest, but at the same time they are not impossible. When a task becomes too easy, it is made more difficult by turning the rotating rockers, making it more difficult to stay on. The exercises themselves gradually become more difficult.

So how can throwing bags and balls help?

We will try to answer this question as briefly as possible, although it is not easy, because the mechanism of action is complex and complex. Firstly, any activity on an unstable surface requires precisely coordinated work of the vestibular, proprioceptive, visual and even auditory systems, as well as motor dexterity and coordination.
Over time, all systems of the system are connected together, forming the so-called “body diagram” - an internal map of where certain parts of the body are located and what they do. According to this map, the brain begins to process certain tasks in the background, which frees up "RAM". Secondly, in most exercises, the child's arms constantly cross the midline of the body.

This improves communication between the hemispheres of the brain. Thirdly, our brain has the property of neuroplasticity. Those neural connections that are regularly activated become stronger and stronger. Standing on an unstable surface and performing exercises, the child is in “combat readiness” mode, he is maximally concentrated and involved in what is happening.

Regular exercise ultimately leads to the fact that the nervous system begins to work in this mode constantly, using all resources to the fullest, improving attention and other cognitive processes. Today, in order to practice according to the method, you do not need to turn to expensive “gurus”. By purchasing, you can study with your child at home, on your own. We enclose the catalog of exercises we have compiled and detailed recommendations for creating an individual program for free. In addition to the balance board itself and training manuals, you will need them, which we recommend purchasing immediately. You can also practice with and on Equilibrium.

A short list of tips to help make school days a little easier:

  • You need to get ready for school in the evening. An obvious rule that many people forget about. Try to instill in your child the habit of packing everything before bed - then in the morning it will be much easier and calmer, because you can just have breakfast, get dressed and go out, and not hastily look for the necessary textbooks and notebooks.
  • From the moment the child wakes up, he needs to be “charged” with positivity. This is easiest to do when mom and dad are in a good mood and there is no crazy rush. You can set the alarm 15 minutes earlier and just lie down, cuddle and laugh before the mandatory procedures begin.
  • Routine is good. The brain doesn't work well in the morning, everyone knows this. Therefore, the morning program should be repeatable and monotonous. Alternatively: exercise, teeth, breakfast, a little play, changing into uniform, going out.
  • Sooner or later the phrase arises: “I don’t want to go to school.” You have to be prepared for it, every morning. There are a huge number of reasons for reluctance: from superficial ones (getting up on the wrong foot and being cold) to deep ones that require investigation (fights, quarrels and bullying of classmates). Try to understand the true reason and help the child. Sympathize with him, help with advice or talk to the teacher.
  • At school, the teacher takes the position of a “significant adult,” which means the child needs to establish a connection with him. The focus should automatically be shifted to the teacher and his authority. This can also be said on the way to and from school. If the teacher was able to correctly determine himself and evoke the child’s respect, then he becomes a source of instructions and rules: “No, mom, Zinaida Petrovna said that you need to bring the green folder.” But here it is very important to remember that there are different teachers - both good and bad. It is important to make it clear to the child that if something is wrong with the teacher, he must tell his parents about it.