Moon opposition Uranus in the natal chart. The influence of the aspect on a person’s personal qualities and behavior

The square of the Moon and Uranus imparts a feeling of discomfort and instability to the native. It is not easy for such a person to relax and come into a state of balance, since , which is responsible for well-being and mood, is affected by the evil luminary - Uranus.

Meanwhile, this aspect enhances intuition and gives a person the gift of foresight. The intense interaction of planets indicates heightened sensitivity. The intuitive insights and signs that the owner of the horoscope receives from space give him the opportunity to prepare in advance for future events.

Aspect and its influence on a person’s character and behavior

A person with a square of the Moon and Uranus often seems restless, impulsive and too tense to others. He can get agitated over any little thing, and his irritability, fussiness and fickleness push people away from him.

The positive qualities of the owner of the horoscope are friendliness, high social activity, open life position and sincerity. Such people, in addition to a high level of erudition and original thinking, may have unusual talents and ingenuity.

Another distinctive feature of such a person is his love of freedom. He will not allow his rights to be limited in any way. Such people are ready to fight and defend both their interests and the rights of others.

Square Moon – Uranus in a man’s natal chart

If in a man’s birth chart there is a square between the marriage significator Moon and Uranus, then this indicates that there is often a situation of instability in his personal life. In youth, the native, as a rule, exhibits inconstancy of feelings and attachments. In relationships, he demonstrates independence, and a woman who tries to tie him to herself is deprived of her friend status.

Meanwhile, the owner of the aspect is distinguished by friendliness, originality and sociability, and therefore there are many like-minded women around him. Relationships with your chosen one will work out if she creates an atmosphere of creativity and freedom for a man, and also does not encroach on his personal space.

Square Moon – Uranus in a woman’s natal chart

If in a woman’s radix there is a tense aspect between the Moon and Uranus, then the owner of the horoscope will be distinguished by impatience, willfulness and obstinacy. She doesn't like it most when her desires and initiatives are suppressed. Often such women leave their parents' nest early in order to gain independence and live the way they want. They are greatly influenced by their friends and the team in which they are located.

There may be many unexpected events and unfavorable changes in the life of the owner of a horoscope. You should be attentive to your women's health. In particular, there may be problems with bearing a child.

Square Moon – Uranus in the children's horoscope

A child whose birth chart contains a square between the Moon and Uranus must be given complete freedom of action. He enjoys doing what interests him, and the imposition by adults of necessary but boring activities causes protest in such a child.

Let parents not be afraid of the child’s whims, nervousness and high sensitivity. Playful teaching methods, a friendly atmosphere and sincere support from adults - all this will help to establish contact with the child and establish a successful educational process.

Moon and Uranus in different zodiac signs

The square of the Moon and Uranus is a destabilizing aspect, but if the Moon is strong in quality, then the harmfulness of the aspect will be minimized. An interesting example is the square formed by the Moon in Taurus and Uranus in Aquarius. In this case, both luminaries are strong, and therefore the owner of the horoscope will be successful in several areas at the same time.

Firstly, despite frequent life changes, his greatest joy will be home, family and children. The strong will give the support of friends. Intellectual and social activities will bring success to the native.

> Planets and important points of the horoscope

> Aspects

You can find out what aspects were between the planets at the time of your birth.

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects of.

Intuitive abilities, original imagination, fickleness of feelings, susceptibility to strange and unexpected changes of mood, often act impulsively and unexpectedly. Home life can be unexpected, often the home is a meeting place for friends and group activities. With bad aspects to this connection - eccentricity, whims, irritability, unreliability. With good ones - resourcefulness, creativity, they look for the rare, unusual. Their emotions need a stimulus, something new; when affected, extreme behavior is possible.

Your child often acts impulsively and unexpectedly. He has an extremely strong need for independence, both in thought and in action. The mood will probably change very quickly. Intuitive abilities, original imagination, inconstancy of feelings, strange and unexpected changes of mood. Possible eccentricity, whims, irritability.
The child considers his mother to be one of a kind, different from other mothers. One day his mother may be available to him, and the next day she is inaccessible. A mother should strive for harmony with her child.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects of.

Impulsivity, spontaneity, irritability, heightened sensitivity, eccentricity, extraordinaryness, excitability, imbalance, tendency to extremes in judgments and actions, inconstancy, impatience, desire to immediately satisfy one’s desires, lack of patience and endurance, tendency to break up, self-will, willfulness, tendency to suicide. In men - divorces, inconstancy in affections, in women - miscarriages.
The positive side is the desire for spiritual freedom and independence, the fight against violence, numerous, original interests, a wealth of ideas and plans, an inventive spirit.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary.

Connection: sensitivity combined with independence, originality. The personality turns out to be somewhat eccentric. He loves to walk the beaten path and live as he lives. The delights of the family hearth are cool, feelings are strong, but scattered, dispersed, which relieves suffering. Inconstancy of behavior, frequent mood swings.

No Monster. Aspects of.

Well-developed intuition, constancy of feelings. Unexpected mood changes. Often their home is a meeting place for friends and group activities. With bad aspects - whims, irritability, unreliability. With good ones - resourcefulness, creativity, Men “abandon” women. It is impossible to convince such people. Often - longing for the wonderful, unusual. The desire for freedom. Tendency to exaggerate. In the presence of other bad aspects - nervous diseases (even mental ones).

K.V. Selchenok. Anatomy of fate. Interpretation of horoscopes.

This aspect gives a person independence and the ability to inspire others. He has strong emotional energy, despises stereotypes and refuses to obey any rules. He is characterized by great internal potential, he is decisive and courageous, while his actions are often strange and incomprehensible. This is a pronounced individualist, successfully solving other people's problems, not his own. He is inclined to solve problems at home and family life in an original, unexpected way.
He is characterized by vivid imagination, rich imagination, clarity of internal sensations and the ability to foresight. This is a dreamy and altruistic person with rare insight and high intuition. He shows a persistent interest in everything new and passionately strives for radical transformations and changes. Periodically, he enters a state of mental arousal, while his feelings and perceptions are so wide open that he becomes extremely vulnerable and vulnerable. Many note his nervousness and inconstancy.
Along with his ingenuity and quick judgment, he is inclined to hate everything generally accepted and advocate for any, even the most reckless innovations. There is some mediumship and a tendency to wander. The feelings of such a person are fickle, and his fantasy is extremely original and unexpected. He seems to be in a constant transition from joy to despondency and back. Many consider him eccentric, capricious and extremely irritable. But this is a mandatory payment for having creative abilities, the gift of foresight and the constant search for new things in life and experiences.

For two or three months now, I have periodically received requests to write a publication about the intense interaction between the night star and the first higher planet. For astrologers and people interested in this branch of esotericism, Uranus occupies a special place in the soul. This is understandable, because this planet patronizes astrology, as well as everything unusual, non-standard and unpredictable. Uranus is generally characterized by the “not” particle. This is a planet with its own unique character, which you clearly feel in the forecast: you expect one thing from Uranus, it will do everything in its own way, not at all what you expect from it. Therefore, people who have accentuated Uranus in their chart through aspects with personal planets or positions in an angular house are always distinguished by their rebellious disposition; they tend to act only as they themselves want, and not as the people around them want.

What does the aspect of the Moon and Uranus endow the native with, other than the need for freedom, unrestricted by anyone or anything? Of course, with intense emotionality. Extremely stormy. The emotional reactions of such a person are unpredictable; sometimes he himself may be surprised by the feelings he experiences at one time or another. However, Uranus is a fast planet, therefore such “outbursts” are short-lived. In my opinion, this aspect in terms of uncontrolled emotions is a little similar to the tense aspect of the Moon and Mars.

Moreover, this aspect does not give special deep emotionality. Of the three higher planets, Uranus belongs to the category of mental planets, because it is the highest octave of Mercury, and it rules Aquarius. It’s different, Neptune and Pluto - they give strong and very deep emotional reactions, and the latter generally imparts the need for the intensity of feelings and experiences.

The family life of such a person can hardly be called stable, because a motor inside him is constantly itching, pushing him to unconventional antics, which, of course, does not at all have a positive effect on the relationship with his husband, wife, parents, and especially with his mother! With this aspect, a mother can be an unusual, independent person, and I won’t say that she is particularly caring. If the owner of the aspect is a man, then he will be interested in women with the corresponding character traits.

When I was a full-time student at the Academy of Astrology, I met a girl in whose chart the Moon was in square to Uranus. So, the girl inherited her interest in astrology from her mother, who works... as an astrologer! In general, judging by the stories, her mother is a very interesting and unusual person. She cuts her hair in a crew cut and dyes her hair some bright color. At that moment, Uranus, by the way, formed a tau - square in her chart, since the natal Moon is located in Libra, so the relationship with her mother was not that aggravated at that moment, but her mother was clearly eccentric.

Uranus, as a rule, does not give strong attachment to the mother, and parents in general. And a person will also not experience any special sentimental feelings about his place of birth, unless, of course, his Moon is in Cancer or in the Fourth House. It is difficult for a native with this aspect to accept care from his parents; he strives in every possible way to escape from under guardianship. One of my friends has a Moon in Capricorn conjunct Uranus. His relationship with his mother is very difficult. He actually doesn’t care about her, does only what he wants and is completely uncontrollable. As a stellium Aries, this state of affairs, of course, infuriates her. Therefore, for them, constant showdowns and quarrels, the main reason for which is his disobedience, are a completely normal phenomenon.

In astrology, Neptune is usually responsible for intuition from the higher planets. However, Uranus, through interaction with the night luminary, also gives a person a sixth sense. It’s just that, unlike Neptune, Uranus illuminates with flashes - and the native intuitively understands what’s what and why. People born in 1989 and a little later generally have a very interesting picture - Saturn, Uranus and Neptune were in conjunction, and for some this stellium fell on the Moon. Saturn, of course, has nothing to do with intuition, but the higher planets endow a person with a strong sense of intuition.

By the way, let's talk about food. After all, nutrition also correlates with the Moon, and with intense aspectation from Uranus, a person may have unusual taste preferences. For example, my father, in whose chart there is a square between these planets, likes to make a sandwich with sausage, and be sure to pour some jam on top. I can hardly imagine how these two, in my opinion, incompatible products can be mixed, so I cannot eat with my father at the same table. This summer a new thought struck him. He didn’t eat anything at all for 15 days - that is, such people have a kind of superficial attitude towards food.

For women and girls, this aspect is unpleasant because it can cause problems with conception, pregnancy and childbirth. This could be premature birth. Miscarriages are also common with this aspect, especially if one of the planets is related to the Fifth House - the house of children. As far as I can judge, these aspects do not affect the number of children. This is not Saturn, which reduces everything, but pregnancy and childbirth, the owner of the aspect of the Moon and Uranus, must be taken very seriously!


Moon conjunction Uranus: Jack London, Carla Bruni.

Moon square Uranus Stars: Michael Jordan, David Beckham, Jessica Alba, Katie Holmes, Audrey Tautou, Gerard Butler, Roman Polanski, Nicole Kidman, Carl Gustav Jung, Vladimir Zelensky.

Moon opposition Uranus: David Copperfield, Catherine Zeta - Jones, Svetlana Khodchenkova.

With love,

Various sources for a child's horoscope

Your child often acts impulsively and unexpectedly. He has an extremely strong need for independence, both in thought and in action. The mood will probably change very quickly. Intuitive abilities, original imagination, inconstancy of feelings, strange and unexpected changes of mood. Possible - a tendency to obstinacy, eccentricity, whims, irritability.
The child considers his mother to be one of a kind, different from other mothers. May perceive her mother as unreliable in providing protection and assistance. One day his mother may be available to him, and the next day she is inaccessible. A mother should strive for harmony with her child.

No Monster. Aspects

Stubbornness. Frequent mood changes. Insecurity can drive family and relatives to despair and to the point of breaking off relationships. Nervous tension, irritability. Unexpected, but short-lived acquaintances. Unstable family life, frequent changes of residence.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Opposition, square: such aspects may be associated with a special intensity of emotions, psychological variability, and imbalance. The manifestation of feelings is explosive; there are unexpected outbursts of emotions, often for no apparent reason. The most insignificant reason can spoil the mood and leads to extremes. A person dreams of peace, the ability to keep his feelings under control, but this is given to him with great difficulty. He may react aggressively to hide his vulnerability.
These character traits often underlie instability in family life (however, the same is often observed when planets are connected).
The connection can take on the meaning of harmonious and disharmonious aspects, depending on the favorable or unfavorable aspect.

Absalom the Underwater. Aspects

Opposition of the Moon: By moderating the aggressiveness of your desires, you help establish peace on Earth.
The opposition of the Planet to the Moon gives a person a very biased attitude towards the Planetary principle, which he feels as vitally important, and, in any case, he experiences the manifestations of the Planet very emotionally. At a low level, a person constantly tries to take an egocentric position, that is, to interiorize and emphasize the Moon, as a result of which the Planetary principle is exteriorized, often in the form of another person onto whom all of his own internal dissatisfaction and disharmony is projected, i.e. the partner is declared the culprit all troubles, misfortunes and dissatisfaction of the person himself. For example, with the opposition of the Moon to Mercury, a partner who was careless to give good advice risks running into hysterics like: “I’m so unhappy, and the whole reason is you and your idiotic advice and reasoning!..” In the depths of his soul, a person, of course, feels that not everything is so simple, that he needs the Planetary principle for some reason, but he is absolutely unable to understand why and how to use it, remaining in a purely egoistic position, which, with an affected card, can lead to to nervous and somatic diseases. From time to time (if the Planet is stronger than the Moon), a change of emphasis occurs, the Planetary principle becomes stronger than the lunar one and is internalized, and the Moon, on the contrary, goes outward. At a low level, a person continues to fight: with his mother (or her image), childhood hateful habits, the physical body, his own homeland or people, taking the Planetary principle (and the house where the Planet stands) as the basis of his position; for example, when the Moon is in opposition to Venus, the position is adopted: to be fat and eat a lot is unattractive, and the person goes on a debilitating diet, but it lasts exactly until the Moon regains its dominant accent, after which the person immediately represses the desire for his own slimness and , happily chewing a sandwich with boiled pork, without any second thought, watching figure skating competitions on TV.
Here, the main problem of harmonizing planetary principles is that the Moon must abandon the idea of ​​all-consuming consumption of the Planetary principle (the latter dies from this), but at the same time not starve a person to death, i.e., find a compromise diet. Working through it is difficult, requires dedication, discipline (Saturn) and internal honesty (Neptune, Pluto), but it gives wonderful results: a person very subtly, deeply and confidently masters the Planetary principle, which becomes a natural and reliable support for him.
Uranus Opposition: As a rule, the Lord expresses His anger personally, and when we give up, we use the services of people.
The opposition of Uranus poses the difficult task for the Planet to find a common language with the principles of extraordinaryness, surprise, brilliant insight and powerful energy. Therefore, it is natural for a person to try to identify with the Planetary principle, as a result of which the manifestations of Uranus most often come from the outside, in the form of unexpected external events and effects, not always friendly (in areas related to the Planet), which, in addition to their direct meaning, should be learned also interpreted as signs of karma. Sometimes (for the average person this is a strong experience) the emphasis in the opposition nevertheless changes to the opposite, and the main emphasis is transferred to Uranus for some time. At this time, the most extraordinary things and events can happen to a person (and come from him), the point of view on the world and on oneself can sharply shift, insights and penetration into the depths of the subconscious are possible. However, it is difficult to withstand Uranian energy (and its mental premises) for a long time, and temporary insanity either ends by itself with a reverse change of emphasis on the planets of opposition, or continues under the supervision of psychiatrists who balance the opposition of Uranus with the help of psychotropic drugs, which is rude and far from the only remedy, especially if Uranus has major aspects to other planets, by activating which you can try to relieve unnecessary stress from it.
The opposition of Uranus gives the Planet brilliant ideas, which at first seem completely incompatible not so much with its principle, but rather with the current circumstances of its manifestation in a person’s life, and in the undeveloped version, the person either completely submits to these ideas (at the risk of life, psyche and career) , or completely ignores them (which is fraught with a sharp activation of Uranus, with the consequences described above, especially if it is defeated). The elaboration follows the path of their adaptation to the Planetary principle, which gives it brilliance, originality and strength. At a high level, the opposition of Uranus gives a person sustainable creative abilities and brilliant insights into the spheres of action of the Planet, vision and influence on national and planetary karma.

A. Ryzhov. Health, ASC, Sun, Moon

Causes illness due to nervous strain and accidents. Nervous breakdowns. That is, she barked - Uranus worked. Vitality is zero, no pulse, no breathing and blood pressure 100/200. These Uranian things, they very, very weaken a person. It’s better to give a pumpkin to your counterpart and quietly get off at the nearest stop. Accidents are all recorded in Uranus.

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects

Stubbornness and lability in emotions. Frequent sudden changes in moods and behavior that confuse people. Insecurity can drive family and relatives to despair and to the point of breaking off relationships. Nervous tension, irritability. Often unexpected new acquaintances that are fleeting. Unstable family life, frequent change of residence. The search for unusual experiences, which costs time and energy, and there is no time for important things, has to break family ties to satisfy the need for adventure. Mothers forget about their home and hate routine work. Men are irresponsible towards their wives. Mood swings lead to despair. Parapsychology does not contribute to spiritual development.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects of the planets

Impulsivity, spontaneity, irritability, heightened sensitivity, eccentricity, extraordinaryness, excitability, imbalance, tendency to extremes in judgments and actions, inconstancy, impatience, desire to immediately satisfy one’s desires, lack of patience and endurance, tendency to break up, self-will, willfulness, tendency to suicide. In men - divorces, inconstancy in affections, in women - miscarriages.
The positive side is the desire for spiritual freedom and independence, the fight against violence, numerous, original interests, a wealth of ideas and plans, an inventive spirit.

The Moon describes the well-being and psychological state of the native, his ability to adapt to the environment and interact with it. The conjunction of the Moon with Uranus makes the subject socially active, democratic and inclined to communicate with people.

And yet, Uranus, through the conjunction aspect, has an unfavorable effect on the Moon, since it is an evil luminary. Uranian influence makes a person nervous, irritable and restless. It gives a periodic feeling of losing the ground under your feet, conveys a feeling of internal discomfort and instability.

The influence of the aspect on a person’s personal qualities and behavior

People with this aspect act under the influence of intuition. They have a heightened sense of instinct and the gift of foresight, although they are not always aware of this peculiarity. Their actions and actions seem incomprehensible to others, and only after a certain period of time does the meaning of what happened and the reasons for the native’s behavior become clear.

It is not easy for such a person to maintain order in everyday life. He either gets used to living in an environment of creative disorder, or tries to improve his life by purchasing the most modern means for cleaning the apartment and household needs.

A native with the Moon-Uranus conjunction aspect in the natal chart feels great among friends. Here he is considered a talented, erudite, inventive and sympathetic person. However, in an environment of coercion and dictate, the subject shows impulsiveness, irritability and self-will. He is disgusted by any violence and violation of rights.

In a team in which he is usually considered an informal leader, the native supports the ideas of freedom, equality and brotherhood. He protects the interests of others more actively than his own. But despite the friendliness and open character, the owner of the aspect never mixes with the crowd and does not allow attacks on personal opinion.

Moon – Uranus conjunction in the male horoscope

Since the Moon symbolizes the feminine principle, and Uranus symbolizes freedom and inconstancy, the presence of the aspect of connection between the luminaries in a man’s natal chart will indicate the inconstancy of his affections and a tendency to break off relationships.

The native is charming, original, sociable and therefore not deprived of female attention. He has many girlfriends, but it is difficult for him to maintain a stable relationship with one woman. It will be good if the chosen one does not encroach on his personal space, gives the man the necessary freedom of action, and becomes his like-minded person and faithful companion.

Moon-Uranus conjunction in the women's horoscope

The conjunction of the Moon and Uranus will describe the owner of the horoscope as a freedom-loving, democratic and intellectually gifted woman. Her character flaws will be willfulness, impatience and the desire to always go beyond what is permitted.

As a rule, the owner of the aspect tries to leave the parental home as early as possible, since it is difficult for her to tolerate various moral teachings, prohibitions and restrictions. A woman cannot imagine herself without friends, because she feels at home in their surroundings.

The topic of childbirth must be taken very seriously, as there may be difficulties in bearing a child.

Moon – Uranus conjunction in the children's horoscope

Children with this astrological aspect in the natal chart are usually easily excitable, capricious and restless. You need to take care of the baby’s emotional state, since his nervous system is unstable.

Such children should not be punished, prohibited from doing their favorite things and meeting with friends. A friendly tone of communication and the sincerity of adults will set the child up for positive and constructive interaction with others.