The types of social norms include yat xia. Types of social norms

SCHOOL STAGE 7th grade


history and social studies teacher

MKOU "Makhovokolodezskaya secondary school"

Babkin A.A.


SCHOOL STAGE 7th grade

1. Choose one correct answer from those given. Enter your answer into the table.

1.1 . Types of social norms include:

1) customs;

2) inferences;

3) promises;

4) culture.

1.2. A method of organizing economic activity in which everything necessary is produced independently and only for one’s own consumption is called

1) commercial farming;

2) subsistence farming;

3) market economy;

4) agriculture.

1.3 . Budget is

1) funds considered in the process of their creation and movement; 2) estimates of expenses and income;

3) the procedure established by law for the movement of funds in the state;

4) mandatory payments collected by the state from individuals and legal entities.

1.4 . Which of the following is a constitutional duty in the Russian Federation? 1) keep correspondence confidential

2) determine and indicate your nationality

3) travel freely outside the Russian Federation

4) preserve nature and take care of natural resources

2. Choose several correct answers. Enter your answers into the table.

2.1. The functions of money include:

1) measure of value;

2) a measure of earnings;

3) a means of accumulation;

4) medium of exchange;

5) measure of inflation;

6) means of production.

2.2. Law enforcement agencies include:

1) Government of the Russian Federation; 2) courts;

3) Investigative Committee;

4) State Duma Committee on Defense;

5) Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;

6) police.

2.3. The distinctive features of the ethnic group are:

1) language;

2) social stratification;

3) self-awareness;

4) special religious beliefs;

5) customs;

6) the existence of a tribal community.

3.1. What do the following concepts have in common? Give the most accurate answer possible.

Judgment, inference, sensation, concept, idea.

Answer: _________________________________

3.2. What do the following phenomena have in common? Give the most accurate answer possible.

Global terrorism, depletion of natural resources, extermination of rare species of animals, a significant gap in living standards between rich and poor countries.

Answer: _____________________________________

4. Give a brief rationale for the series (what unites the listed elements). Indicate which of the elements is redundant on this basis.

4.1. Daughter, sister, girl, niece, student.

Answer _________________________________________________________

4.2. Writing a script for a school holiday; assembly of furniture in accordance with the diagrams provided by the manufacturer; development of a clothing collection; creating sketches of a sports car body.

Answer _______________________________________________________

5. “Yes” or “no”? If you agree with the statement, write “Yes”; if you disagree, write “No”. Enter your answers into the table.

1. A citizen of the Russian Federation is obliged to register with the military simultaneously with receiving a passport.

2. Offenses are divided into crimes and misdemeanors.

3. In the Russian Federation there is a special procedure for the protection of constitutional norms.

4. Family expenses can be divided into mandatory and discretionary.

5. Property capable of generating income is called rent.


6. Fill out the diagram, indicating the category (generalizing concept) common to all images, as well as its constituent elements. Enter in the appropriate cells the letter designations of the illustrations that relate to the elements you named.


7. Read the summary of the story by V.K. Zheleznikov “Scarecrow” and answer the questions.

A new student, Lena Bessoltseva, comes to school. When Lena comes to her new 6th grade, her classmates, while showing outward friendliness, make it clear with all their behavior that they despise her. As a result of one action by Lena, all her classmates boycott her. Lena is forced to leave the city because she no longer wants to study in this

1. What type of social interaction is depicted in the film? _____________________________________________________________________________

2. What method of resolving this situation does the heroine of the film use? _______________________________________________________________________

3. Name any other way to resolve this situation. __________________________________________________________________________

8. Determine which of the listed features are characteristic only of legal norms, and which are both legal and moral. Enter the corresponding digital designations into the table.

A) represent the rules of human behavior in a certain situation

B) are established by the state

C) determined by the level of development of society

D) represent a system of interconnected elements

D) protected by the coercive power of the state

E) are of a generally binding nature

1) legal

2) both legal and moral


9.Task (10 points):

Write a mini-essay (a few sentences)

From the moment of birth to this day, representatives of humanity have come up with many different rules that help in regulating relationships in society, family, at work, etc. Some of them have grown into centuries-old traditions and customs. With the advent of educational institutions and the introduction of the subject of sociology, these rules and traditions began to be called social norms.


Social norms are a pattern of behavior accepted in society that functions as a regulator of relationships between people and communities of people. Examples of social norms can be seen in the everyday behavior of people in society.

Everyone knows, for example, that appearing naked in public is unacceptable, and in some countries is even punishable by imprisonment. This rule does not apply only to specially designated places for nudist meetings (exclusively in countries with a progressive democratic society), as well as establishments such as saunas. But even such places are divided by gender.

Before considering specific examples of social norms, it is necessary to determine their characteristics and types. Classification will help you better understand specific behavior patterns.


The development of social norms is directly related to the development of society. The first community had enough rituals to regulate issues that arose in the process of living together. Ritual is one of the first social norms, which is an established order in a community for performing certain actions.

Customs are considered a more developed form of norms than rituals. Next after them come religious norms. Their formation occurs in the process of a person’s awareness of his insignificance in front of natural phenomena. Cults of various deities and worship of the forces of nature arise.

Along with customs and religion, moral principles appear. And with the emergence of the state system, the first legal and economic norms were formed.


Let us highlight, speaking about the main types of social norms, examples of norms of international action. They are closely intertwined and participate in regulating several relationships at once.

One of the primary large-scale norms is political. They are expressed in various declarations and charters and regulate relationships in the political sphere not only of one state, but also on an international scale. Examples of social norms of a political nature are the forms of power implemented in states. For example, in Great Britain the monarchy is a social norm.

Economic principles are the rules for the distribution of material wealth in society. That is, these norms give rise to social classes. Ideally, the principle of dividing equally should apply. Wages are an example of this type of norm. Economic rules, like political ones, can operate on the scale of several states and characterize financial and commodity turnover between them. Other types operate on a smaller scale, in specific social formations.

Types of social norms. Examples on a national scale

Legal norms are the main regulator of relationships in the state. They represent a set of rules, failure to comply with which results in punishment in the form of financial penalties, administrative liability or imprisonment. If a teacher asks: “Give examples of various social norms of a legal state,” the answer can be given to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

They regulate a person’s behavior in the society to which he belongs by birth or type of hobbies. If you are asked: “Give examples of social norms of this type,” then it is worth talking about the rules that a person develops during his life in certain circles. The state plays a major role in this formation. The more developed the culture of an entire country, the more cultural norms it has. For example, in some Muslim countries, a woman is not supposed to appear in society with her face uncovered - this is a cultural norm.

Social rules

Examples of social norms in society are diverse, but several global ones stand out. The largest communities are Religious norms serve to regulate relations not only within such communities, but also in relations with organizations and people who do not belong to the same religion. It is easy to find examples of social norms of this nature. The most common are wedding and funeral ceremonies for the deceased. The same type of norms applies to the relationship between the abbot of the monastery and the monks, the holy father and the parishioners of his church.

They are historical in nature. They form concepts of beautiful and ugly. These rules apply not only to a person, but also to his actions, as well as to works of art, animal species, etc. In modern society, aesthetic norms sometimes have a negative impact on a person, his self-confidence, and, accordingly, his place in life. This is due to stereotypical thinking about attractive appearance. As a result, a person who does not fit into the general framework with his appearance or behavior may not be accepted by a certain society. An excellent example of this is the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling".

Examples of different social norms

There are also rules that are not tied to a specific society or state. These are the ones that form the concepts of good and bad. They are formed on the basis of specific behavior taken as a standard. Some are supported by legal documents. Basically, they are designed for a person’s conscience and his moral worth. Immoral behavior results in social condemnation and, in some cases, legal punishment.

The norms of customs and traditions are also historical in nature. They have been established for many centuries and represent patterned actions in certain situations. What would be the examples of social norms in this case? Customs imply the performance of any actions due to habit, and traditions are values ​​or a model of behavior accepted by society and strictly followed by its members. Customs and traditions are closely related to cultural norms.

Also, from various social norms, corporate ones are distinguished, which regulate relations between employees of the same structure or members of the same club of interests. Such rules are established by members of communities, and they choose and apply measures of influence on violators.

Rules in family relationships

Examples of social norms regulating family relationships are so diverse that it is very difficult to single out specific ones. The family is controlled by the state, religious organizations and society. Moreover, each side is trying to direct family relationships in its own direction. Sometimes so many rules have the opposite effect.

If the teacher asks: “Give examples of social norms that affect family relationships,” answer that these are legal and religious norms, moral norms, traditions and customs. However, do not forget that other rules also have a certain influence, since the family is a miniature state with its own political and economic laws. Perhaps it is for this reason that many young people of the current generation are in no hurry to start a family. When a person is told from all sides what he needs to do in order to look complete in the eyes of the public, the desire to take any action disappears.

Legalized social rules

It is not difficult to give examples of social norms regulating family relationships, which are enshrined in law. For example, a fundamental event in the life of a family is marriage. Legally, marriage is regulated by legal norms. They stipulate the procedure for marriage (submitting an application, setting a wedding date, issuing documents confirming marital status), as well as the procedure for divorce proceedings (application for divorce, divorce through the court, division of property, assignment of alimony, etc.).

Economic social norms also have a certain impact on family relationships. Family income depends on them, as well as the possibility of receiving social benefits. This is especially true for single-parent families. In many states they are entitled to additional financial assistance to solve financial problems.

These types of norms have a legislative basis, and their influence is determined by the attitude of state authorities to the importance of the institution of family. For the full development of family relationships, such support is necessary. But its selectivity often only hinders this development.

Regulation of family relationships by social norms

Customs and traditions have a great influence on family relationships. They begin their action with the decision of one of the couple to marry. Marriage proposals, engagements and other customs shape the concept of how a family should begin. And those who do not fit into these frameworks are often condemned by the public.

Religious norms also have a certain impact on human relationships. In the most widespread religion - Christianity - it is impossible to have children without getting married and creating a family. Otherwise, condemnation of the church will follow. These historical circumstances sometimes only interfere with the formation of a new family.

Let us give examples of social norms responsible for the behavior of spouses (moral norms). For example, cheating in marriage is unacceptable only from a moral point of view. This is not punishable by law (in democratic states). But public condemnation in this case will inevitably lead to the collapse of family relationships.

Examples of the impact of social norms on human character

A person’s character largely depends on the traditions of upbringing established in the family, as well as on the norms and rules that operate in the surrounding society. must be vaccinated from birth. This is the key to developing in a child from an early age concepts of bad and good behavior.

The opinions of others significantly affect a person’s character. Having people treat you well adds confidence. And it often happens that a bad attitude is based solely on aesthetic standards. That is, a person is unattractive in appearance to society. This opinion of others can lead to embitterment and the formation of immoral principles.

Modern social norms

With the emergence of a huge number of different public organizations, the need arose to regulate relations between and within them. Corporate norms are the most recent type of social norms. As stated above, they are regulated by representatives of such organizations.

If you are told: “Give examples of various social norms that govern relationships in modern society,” what would you name as the first point? You can safely put corporate standards first. After all, without them it is impossible to imagine civilized relations.

IN SOCIAL STUDIES 2016–2017 academic year. G.
7th grade
Dear participant!
When completing tasks (114) you have to complete certain
work that is better organized as follows:
- read the assignment carefully;
‒ if you are answering a theoretical question or solving a situational problem
task, think about and formulate a specific answer (the answer should be
brief, and its content should be entered in the space provided; keep a record
clear and legible).
For each correct answer you can get a certain amount
points, not higher than the specified maximum score.
The sum of points scored for all solved questions is the result of your work.
The maximum number of points is 95.
Completion time – 1 hour 30 minutes.
The tasks are considered completed if you submit them to the jury on time.
We wish you success!

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social studies 2016-2017 academic year. G.
School stage. 7th grade
Maximum score - 95
Last name, first name______________________________________________________________
1. Choose one correct answer from those given. Enter your answer
to the table.
1.1. Types of social norms include:
1) customs;
2) inferences;
3) promises;
4) culture.
1.2. A method of organizing economic activity in which everything
what is necessary is produced independently and only for one’s own
consumption is called
1) commercial farming;
2) subsistence farming;
3) market economy;
4) agriculture.
1.3. Budget is
1) funds considered in the process of their creation and movement;
2) estimates of expenses and income;
3) the procedure established by law for the movement of funds in the state
4) mandatory payments levied by the state from individuals and legal entities
ical persons.
1.4. Which of the following is a constitutional duty in the Russian Federation?
1) keep correspondence confidential
2) determine and indicate your nationality
3) travel freely outside the Russian Federation
4) preserve nature and take care of natural resources
1 point for each correct answer.
Maximum 4 points for the task.
2. Choose the correct definition of the concept of “humanity”:
A) Love for animals, protecting them from violence, abuse, fighting for
preservation of their habitat.

B) Philanthropy, humanity, respect for people, their humanity
C) Love for nature, protecting it from barbaric destruction, protecting forests,
fields, air, rivers, seas, etc.
D) Love of beauty, works of art.
Answer: ___________ (2 points)
3.1. What do the following concepts have in common? Give as much as possible
the exact answer.
Judgment, inference, sensation, concept, idea.
Answer: _______________________________________
3.2. What do the following phenomena have in common? Give as accurate as possible
Global terrorism, depletion of natural resources, destruction of rare
species of animals, a significant gap in living standards between the rich and
poor countries.
Answer: ________________________________________
3 points for each correct answer.
Total 6 points.
4. Give a brief rationale for the series (what unites the listed
elements). Indicate which of the elements is superfluous for this
4.1. Daughter, sister, girl, niece, student.

4.2. Writing a script for a school holiday; furniture assembly in
in accordance with the diagrams provided by the manufacturer;
development of a clothing collection; creating sketches of a sports body
4 points for each correct answer (2 points for
correct justification
2 points for indicating too much).
Maximum 8 points per building.
5. “Yes” or “no”? If you agree with the statement, write "Yes" if
disagree - “No.” Enter your answers into the table.
1 Man is a social being.

2 A resident of Russia becomes a citizen of the Russian Federation from birth
3. Any human activity is progressive in nature.
4 Morality is based on the ideas of good and evil.
5 A leader is a person who suppresses others with his authority.
2 points for each correct position.
Maximum 10 points for the task. 1
6. Fill out the table. Enter the letters in the appropriate cells
designations of illustrations that relate to the named elements.
Types of social norms

2 points for each correct completion of table cells.
Maximum 8 points for the task.
7. Read the summary of the story by V.K. Zheleznikov "Scarecrow"
and answer the questions.
1. What type of social interaction is depicted in the film?
2. What method of resolving this situation does the heroine of the film use?
3. Name any other way to resolve this situation.
A new student, Lena Bessoltseva, comes to school. When Lena
comes to his new 6th grade, classmates, showing external
friendliness, with all their behavior they make it clear that they despise
As a result of one action by Lena, all her classmates tell her
boycott. Lena is forced to leave the city because she doesn't want to anymore
study at this school.
Answer: 1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
2 points for answering each question.
Maximum 6 points for the task.
8. Determine which of the listed signs are characteristic only
legal norms, and which ones are both legal and moral. Relevant
Enter the numbers in the table.
A) represent the rules of human behavior in a certain situation
B) are established by the state
C) determined by the level of development of society
D) represent a system of interconnected elements
D) protected by the coercive power of the state
E) are of a generally binding nature
1) legal
2) both legal and moral
1 point for each correct position.
Maximum 6 points for the task.
9. Insert in place of the gaps the serial numbers of the corresponding words from
proposed list. Words are given in the list in the singular,

adjectives - in the masculine form. Please note: in the word list
There are also some that should not appear in the text! Enter your answer in
According to the majority, among the factors that will determine the appearance
world in the coming decades, indisputable and undeniable are:
height ____ (A); depletion of natural ____ (B) - oil, fertility ___
(B), clean water, etc.; serious disturbance of ____ (D) balance and environment
___ (D) person. These three undeniable factors create a depressing tone
for any forecasts. But another factor is equally indisputable and weighty -
scientific and technical ___ (E), which accumulated a “running start” throughout
millennia of development ___ (F) and only now begins to fully
reveal your brilliant potential. It won't bring happiness
unless supplemented by extremely profound changes in
social, moral and ___ (H) life of humanity. Internal
the spiritual life of people, their internal impulses___ (And) the most difficult
predict, but it is on this that ultimately depends both ___ (K) and
salvation of humanity. This may be the most difficult task, since
which humanity has ever encountered: to comprehend one’s place in
List of terms:
1. soil
2. population
3. country
4. awakening
5. life-saving
6. rationale
7. habitat
8. cultural
9. group
10. politics
11. natural
12. planet
13. resources
14. progress
15. civilization
16. death
17. biosphere
18. regression
19. behavior
20. situation
1 point for each correct insertion.
Maximum score for the task is 11 points.
10. What unites the concepts that form each of the presented
rows? Give a short answer.
3.1. Territory, region, autonomous district, republic
3.2. Morality, custom, law

3.3. Coat of arms, anthem, flag
2 points for a correct answer.
Maximum 6 points for the task.
11. Read famous proverbs and sayings and determine which one
human activity we are talking about:
“Time for business, time for fun”
“I’ve finished the job - go for a walk safely”
“A little deed is better than a big idleness”
“The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do”
Only 3 points.
12. Here are drawings illustrating cultural values
Russian Federation. Name the concept that summarizes them. Explain
why did you decide so.

Only 5 points.
13. Establish a correspondence between the concept and its definition.
1. Abilities
2. Talent
3. Genius
4. Makings

A) the highest degree of manifestation
creative powers of man

human structures, components
basis for developing abilities
B) high level of development
abilities manifested in
creative achievements of the individual6. Thanks to labor, two types of goods are created: goods and... (insert the missing word).
7. This organization helps parents raise their children.
8. This period of life is called transitional age.
1. In this place you can get the book you need.
2. Creative profession related to teaching children.
3. Flag of the Russian Navy.
4. “..., like need, destroys many” (indicate the first missing word).
5. To become a teacher or engineer, you must enroll in this educational institution.
6. These people live in the largest subject of Russia.
7. A group of people united by the principle of kinship.
8. Basic school begins with this class.
Maximum points for work 95

There are different bases for classifying social norms. The most common basis is by methods of establishment (creation) and provision. In accordance with it, social norms are divided into the following types:

  • (legal norms);
  • standards of morality (morality);
  • religious norms;
  • corporate standards;
  • norms that have developed historically and become part of people’s habits (customs, traditions, rituals, ceremonies, business practices).

Let's look at them in more detail (we'll look at the rules of law in a separate chapter).

Moral standards

It should be noted that in the theoretical aspect there are no fewer points of view on morality than there are different understandings of law. The famous Polish sociologist M. Ossowska, based on the study of historical materials, identifies three main currents of ethical thought.

The first current - felicitology(from Lat. . felicia- happiness). In this case, morality is understood as the art of achieving happiness, life wisdom, and the art of avoiding suffering. One of the varieties of this trend is epicureanism, associated with the name of the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus. The main virtues of this movement are individualistic: happiness, pleasure, peace of mind. Happiness, according to Epicurus, is a state of a healthy body and serenity of the soul; it is achieved by satisfying the natural needs of a person, eliminating bodily suffering and mental anxieties. Epicurus distinguishes two types of pleasures: physical (satisfaction of needs for food, housing, clothing, etc.) and spiritual, obtained from knowledge and friendship. Epicurus places the latter above the former. It should be noted that many supporters of this movement noted that moderation should be observed in satisfying desires. Everything should be in moderation. Whoever stays in the middle will find happiness and peace.

Second current - perfectiopism(from lat. peifectus- perfect). Morality is understood as a system of rules and consists of how to live with dignity, in accordance with human nature. This morality sets forth individual ideals that should be emulated. This could be the ideal of an unbending revolutionary, a fighter for justice, etc.

The third concept understands morality as a system of rules of human society, determining how to act so that others feel good with us, so that we are not ashamed of ourselves, etc. According to this concept, morality can be defined as a set of ideas, views, ideas about good and evil, justice and injustice, honor and dishonor, conscience and etc. and the rules of behavior that develop on their basis.

This point of view is the most common, and it is this that we will continue to take into account.

So, morality or moral standards- rules of behavior based on the ideas of society or individual social groups about good and evil, bad and good, fair and unfair, honest and dishonest and similar moral (ethical) requirements and principles.

Along with the term “morality” the term “morality” is used. These terms are equivalent. The first name is of Latin origin (more- morals), the second - Russian. Along with them, the term “ethics” is used (from the Greek. ethicala, ethos- customs, morals). The latter term is also used to designate the science of morality.

It has internal and external aspects.

Internal aspect manifests itself through the well-known Kantian “categorical imperative”, according to which each person contains a certain higher moral rule (“internal legislation”), which she must voluntarily and strictly follow. According to Kant, two things amaze our imagination - the starry sky above us and the moral laws within us. The latter is the imperative. The meaning of this imperative is simple: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Its essence is set out in the teachings of the most ancient thinkers, as well as in one of the Christian commandments.

“Internal legislation” constitutes the concept of conscience, that is, a person’s ability to self-esteem and self-control, to judge himself. Conscience sets boundaries for egoism and selfishness. “The law that lives in us,” Kant wrote, “is called conscience; conscience is, in fact, the correlation of our actions with this law.”

External aspect morality is manifested through human actions. They allow us to judge its essence, its “internal legislation”.

Morality is a historical phenomenon. Over time, its concept and essence change. What was moral at some historical period of time can later turn into immoral. Thus, in a slave-owning society, cruel treatment of slaves who were not considered human beings was moral.

The Ten Moral Commandments recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible were largely rules only for fellow tribesmen. “Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not commit adultery, love thy neighbor as thyself” - these commandments applied only to the Israelites, that is, from this point of view, it was possible to act differently with representatives of other nations.

The modern concept of morality takes a different universal position. It should be noted that this position begins with the New Testament. New Testament Christian morality is the circle of people who should be treated morally (do no evil, do good), expands to all humanity. Modern law, including international law, affirms precisely this universal morality. The Declaration of Human Rights and international covenants on rights speak of the recognition of the human dignity inherent in all members of the human family, which is the basis of justice, freedom and world peace.

It should be noted that in terms of content, moral norms in society are far from unambiguous. This is due to the existence of the so-called group morality, that is, a system of moral values ​​and norms of any social group, layer, which may not coincide with public morality. Thus, in real life there is an antisocial morality of the criminal strata of society, where there is not just illegal behavior of specific subjects, but a group morality of a special type that comes into conflict with public morality.

Moral standards are protected by force and inner conviction. The implementation of moral norms is controlled by society or a separate social layer (if we are talking about the morality of a social group). Violators are subject to social sanctions: moral condemnation, expulsion of the offender from the community, etc.

Religious norms

They refer to the rules established by different religions. They are contained in religious books - the Bible, the Koran, etc. - or in the minds of believers professing different religions.

In religious norms:

  • the attitude of religion (and therefore believers) to the truth, to the surrounding world is determined;
  • the order of organization and activities of religious associations, communities, monasteries, brotherhoods is determined;
  • the attitude of believers to each other, to other people, and their activities in “worldly” life is regulated;
  • the order of religious rites is established.

Security and protection from violations of religious norms is carried out by believers themselves.

Law and religious norms

Law and religious norms can interact with each other. At different stages of development of society and in different legal systems, the degree and nature of their interaction are different. Thus, in some legal systems the connection between religious and legal norms was so close that they should be considered religious legal systems. These include Hindu Law, in which the norms of morality, customary law and religion were closely intertwined, and Islamic law, which is essentially one of the aspects of the religion of Islam.

During the Middle Ages in Europe there were widespread canonical (church) law. However, it never acts as a comprehensive and complete system of law, but acted only as an addition to secular law and regulated those issues that were not covered by secular law (church organization, rules of communion and confession, some marriage and family relations, etc.). Currently, in most countries, the church is separated from the state and religious norms are not related to the law.

Corporate standards

Corporate norms are rules of behavior created in organized communities, extending to its members and aimed at ensuring the organization and functioning of a given community (trade unions, political parties, clubs of various kinds, etc.).

Corporate standards:

  • are created in the process of organization and activity of a community of people and are adopted according to a certain procedure;
  • apply to members of this community;
  • are ensured by the provided organizational measures;
  • are enshrined in the relevant documents (charter, program, etc.).

In programs There are norms that contain the strategy and tactics of the organization, its goals.

In the charter contains norms that establish:

  • conditions and procedure for acquiring and losing membership in an organized community, the rights and obligations of its members;
  • the procedure for reorganization and liquidation of an organized community;
  • the competence and procedure for the formation of governing bodies, the terms of their powers;
  • sources of funds and other property.

Thus, corporate norms have a written form of expression. In this way they differ from the norms of morality, customs and traditions that exist primarily in the public and individual consciousness and do not have clear documentary evidence.

The documentary, written form of expressing corporate norms brings them closer to law and legal norms. However, corporate norms, unlike legal norms:

  • do not have universally binding law;
  • are not provided by state coercion.

Corporate norms and local legal norms should not be confused: charters of enterprises, commercial and other organizations, etc.

The latter are a type of local regulations that give rise to specific legal rights and obligations and are protected from violations by state authorities. In case of violation, it is possible to contact the competent law enforcement authorities. Thus, in case of violation of the provisions of the constituent documents of a joint-stock company, for example, the procedure for distribution of profits, the interested party can appeal the decision in court. And a decision made in violation of the charter of a political party cannot be appealed in court.

Norms that have developed historically and become habits of people

Customs- these are rules of behavior that have historically developed over the lives of several generations, which, as a result of repeated repetition, have become a habit. They arise as a result of the most appropriate behavior. Customs have a social basis (reason for their occurrence), which may be lost in the future. However, even in this case, customs can continue to operate by force of habit. Thus, a modern person often cannot do without shaking hands with acquaintances. This custom developed in the Middle Ages when knights concluded peace as a demonstration of the absence of weapons in an openly outstretched hand, as a symbol of goodwill. The knights are long gone, but their manner of concluding and confirming friendships has survived to this day. Examples of customs are the transfer of property to loved ones, blood revenge, etc.

Traditions- like customs, they have developed historically, but are of a more superficial nature (they can develop within the lifetime of one generation). Traditions are understood as rules of conduct that determine the order, procedure for holding any events related to any solemn or significant, significant events in the life of a person, enterprises, organizations, state and society (traditions of holding demonstrations, feasts, obtaining an officer rank, ceremonial farewell to an employee’s retirement, etc.). Traditions play a significant role in international relations and diplomatic protocol. Traditions also have a certain significance in the political life of the state.

Rituals. A ritual is a ceremony, a demonstrative action intended to instill certain feelings in people. In ritual, the emphasis is on the external form of behavior. For example, the ritual of singing the anthem.

Rituals, like rituals, they are demonstrative actions aimed at instilling certain feelings in people. Unlike rituals, they penetrate deeper into human psychology. Examples: marriage or burial ceremony.

Business customs- these are rules of behavior that develop in practical, industrial, educational, scientific spheres and regulate the daily life of people. Examples: holding a planning meeting in the morning of a working day; students meet the teacher standing, etc.

Types of social norms but content:

  • political are rules of behavior that regulate relations between nations, classes, social groups, aimed at gaining, retaining and using state power. These include legal norms, programs of political parties, etc.;
  • cultural norms or ethical norms. These are rules of behavior concerning the external manifestation of attitude towards people (form of address, clothing, manners, etc.);
  • aesthetic norms are rules of behavior that regulate attitudes towards the beautiful, the mediocre, the ugly;
  • organizational norms - determine the structure, procedure for the formation and activities of government bodies and public organizations. For example, charters of public organizations.