Types of speech and their varieties. Functional and semantic types of speech. Description as a type of speech. Narration in various areas of communication

Depending on the content of the statement, its meaning and significance, individual types speech. There are only three of them in the Russian language: narration, description, and reasoning. Each of them has its own characteristics. Let's consider all types of speech in Russian, as well as their characteristics. So, let's begin.

Type of speech: narration

If a person talks about some event, describes the course of its development over time and the sequential actions of which it consists, then, of course, his statement falls under the characteristics of this type. Everything in the Russian language has signs that clearly express them, and we can say that one of the most important properties a narrative is that it consists of certain parts. Such a statement always first includes a premise. It describes the beginning certain action. Further development is underway situation, and then the climax. This part describes the most important moment in the development of the narrated action. The final stage in the narrative is the denouement, or the end of the story. IN works of art Often these parts are not arranged in the usual sequence for greater effect. Due to the fact that in the narrative actions are described in time sequence, statements of this type often use the corresponding words (then, then), as well as verbs in the past tense.


Types of speech in Russian are directly related to content. And if the meaning of the narrative is to tell about some events that took place, then the description serves to reveal a phenomenon through its signs and characteristics. The thing being characterized can be anything from a person to a place. For this type of statement distinctive feature is that it uses a lot of adjectives. Description is common in all. It is most often used in scientific and And if in the first case a dry enumeration of the features of a particular phenomenon prevails, then in the second situation many comparisons, puns and other highlights of the Russian language are used.


This type of speech is used to describe the causes of any phenomena or properties. Depending on the degree of categoricalness of the judgment, such a statement can constitute an explanation, proof, or simply reflection. The reasoning also consists of separate parts. The first of them - the thesis - determines what requires proof. It could be any object or phenomenon. The second part consists directly of arguments and evidence. The reasoning always ends with a conclusion. There is one important features such a statement. Everyone knows the chain and parallel types communications in Russian. In reasoning, as a rule, the second type takes place. The thesis is the starting point of the argument, and the evidence has a direct connection with it.


Depending on the content of the statement, our speech can be divided into the following types: description, narration, reasoning. Each type of speech has distinctive features.

Description is an image of a phenomenon of reality, an object, a person by listing and disclosing its main features. For example, when describing a portrait, we will point out such features as height, posture, gait, hair color, eye color, age, smile, etc.; the description of the room will contain such characteristics as size, wall design, furniture features, number of windows, etc.; when describing a landscape, these features will be trees, river, grass, sky or lake, etc. What is common to all types of description is the simultaneity of the appearance of features. The purpose of the description is for the reader to see the subject of the description and imagine it in his mind.

Description can be used in any style of speech, but in scientific characteristics the subject should be extremely complete, and in artistic emphasis is placed only on the most striking details. Therefore, language means in the scientific and artistic style is more diverse than in the scientific one: there are not only adjectives and nouns, but also verbs, adverbs, comparisons are very common, various figurative uses words

A narrative is a story, a message about an event in its time sequence. The peculiarity of the story is that it talks about next friend after another action. All narrative texts have in common the beginning of the event (commencement), the development of the event, and the end of the event (denouement). The narration can be conducted from a third person. This is the author's story. It can also come from the first person: the narrator is named or designated by the personal pronoun I.

Such texts often use verbs in the past tense form. perfect form. But in order to give the text expressiveness, others are used simultaneously with them: a verb in the past tense form of the imperfect form makes it possible to highlight one of the actions, indicating its duration; present tense verbs allow you to imagine actions as if they were happening before the eyes of the reader or listener; forms of the future tense with the particle how (how will jump), as well as forms like clap, jump help to convey the swiftness and surprise of a particular action.

Narration as a type of speech is very common in genres such as memoirs and letters.

Example narration:

I began to stroke Yashka’s paw and thought: just like a child’s. And tickled his palm. And when the baby pulls his paw, it hits me on the cheek. I didn’t even have time to blink, and he slapped me in the face and jumped under the table. He sat down and grinned.

(B. Zhitkov)

Text 1

1. Apple tree - ranet purple - frost-resistant variety. The fruits are round in shape, 2.5-3 cm in diameter. Fruit weight is 17-23 g. Average juiciness, with a characteristic sweet, slightly astringent taste.

2. The linden apples were large and transparent yellow. If you look through the apple into the sun, it shines through like a glass of fresh linden honey. There were black grains in the middle. You used to shake a ripe apple near your ear and you could hear the seeds rattling.

(According to V. Soloukhin)

Assignments to the text:

1. Determine the style of each text.

2. Write down the adjectives, determine the gender. Number, case.

3. Determine the category of adjectives.

4. Do parsing last sentence.

Control questions:

1. Name the functional and semantic types of speech.

2. Define description as a type of speech.

3. Define storytelling.


1. Description is an image of a phenomenon of reality, an object, a person by listing and disclosing its main features.

2. Narration is a story, a message about an event in its time sequence.

Reasoning as a type of monologue. Types of reasoning. Language features types of speech.


Reasoning is a verbal presentation, explanation, confirmation of any thought.

The composition of the argument is as follows: the first part is the thesis, i.e., an idea that must be logically proven, justified or refuted; the second part is the rationale for the thoughts expressed, evidence, arguments supported by examples; the third part is the conclusion, the conclusion.

The thesis must be clearly provable, clearly formulated, the arguments must be convincing and in sufficient quantity to confirm the thesis put forward. There must be a logical and grammatical connection between the thesis and arguments (as well as between individual arguments). For grammatical connection between thesis and arguments are often used introductory words: firstly, secondly, finally, so, therefore, in this way. In argumentative texts, sentences with conjunctions are widely used: however, although, despite the fact that, since. Example reasoning:

As a rule, the composition of the argument is built by model: thesis, proof (a series of arguments that use facts, inferences, references to authorities, obviously true provisions (axioms, laws), descriptions, examples, analogies, etc.) and conclusion.

Reasoning is characteristic primarily of scientific and journalistic texts, whose task is to compare, summarize, generalize, justify, prove, refute this or that information, give a definition or explanation of a fact, phenomenon, event.

IN scientific speech There are such subtypes of reasoning as reasoning-explanation: There is a distinction between the so-called biographical author, that is, historical figure, a private person (A.S. Pushkin, 1799 - 1837), and an author-creator, whose ideas about the world and man are reflected in the work he creates (A.S. Pushkin, author of the novel “Eugene Onegin”)(Dictionary literary terms), and reasoning-inference: If the author-creator portrays himself in a work, then we can talk about the image of the author as a character in a work of art and consider it among others characters(the image of the author in A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”)(Dictionary of literary terms).

IN literary texts reasoning is used in the author's digressions, explaining the psychology and behavior of the characters, when expressing the moral position of the author, his assessment of the depicted, etc.: There was a premonition that Moscow would be taken in Russian Moscow society in 1212.<…>Those who left with what they could seize, leaving their houses and half their property, acted this way due to that latent patriotism, which is expressed not by phrases, not by killing children to save the fatherland, etc. by unnatural actions, but which is expressed discreetly, simply, organically and therefore always produces the most powerful results(L. Tolstoy).

Genres of reasoning include scientific, popular science and journalistic articles, essay ([French essai - attempt, test, essay] - a work usually dedicated to literary criticism, journalistic and philosophical topics and conveying the author’s individual impressions and thoughts about a particular object or phenomenon. The essay is characterized by a free composition: the sequence of presentation in it is subject only to the internal logic of the author’s thoughts, and the motivations and connections between parts of the text are often associative in nature: Picture in the reader: a barefoot old man. // I turned the page; // my imagination remained // cold. Either way - Pushkin: // cloak, rock, sea foam...(V. Nabokov).

In reasoning, there are often lexical signals of cause-and-effect relationships, unique markers of reasoning: introductory words and sentences firstly, secondly, therefore, so, in addition, finally, further, in conclusion and etc.; conditional and concessional complex sentences, showing the presence of cause-and-effect relationships: It should be noted about the high school student: if he has become completely green, it means that he has matured in science and can receive a matriculation certificate. It's different with other fruits(A. Chekhov); interrogative constructions: What did it serve me that almost in my mother’s womb I was already a guard sergeant? Where has this got me?(A. Pushkin), etc.

Text 2

Strange thing- book. There is something mysterious and mystical about her.

Yes, this is a strange thing - a book. It stands on the shelf quietly, calmly, like many other objects in your room. But then you pick it up, open it, read it, close it, put it on the shelf and... that’s it? Hasn't something changed in you? Let's listen to ourselves: after reading the book, didn't some new string sound in your soul, didn't some kind settle in your head? new Duma? Don't you want to reconsider something in your character, in your relationships with people, with nature?

Book... It's a piece spiritual experience humanity. When reading, we voluntarily or involuntarily process this experience, compare our life acquisitions and losses. In general, with the help of a book we improve ourselves.

(N. Morozova)

Assignments to the text:

1. Highlight the compositional parts of the text.

2. Determine the genre of the text.

3. What type of reasoning does the text belong to?

4. Write an essay on the topic “A book in my life.”

5. Highlight the reasoning markers.

6. Look at the table. Draw conclusions for each type of text.

Name of speech types What question is answered in the statement? What does the statement say? The most characteristic time relations for types of speech How is the statement of each type of speech constructed (their main elements)?
Narration What does an object or person do or what happens to it? About events and actions Subsequence The development of events, actions according to the scheme: exposition, the beginning of the development of the action, the climax, the denouement.
Description What is the object or person? About the signs of an object or phenomenon Simultaneity General impression ( common feature and individual signs
possible conclusion)
Reasoning Why is the object or face like this? Why does a person think and act this way and not otherwise? About the causes of signs, events, actions Different temporary relationships Thesis (thought that is proven) arguments (evidence) conclusion.

7. Using the table, give full description semantic type text. Determine the main idea and style of the text.

Mikhailovsky Park- a hermit's shelter. This is a park where it's hard to have fun. He is a little gloomy with his centuries-old spruce trees, tall, silent and imperceptibly passes into centuries-old and deserted forests as majestic as himself. Only on the outskirts of the park, through the darkness that is always present under the arches of old trees, will a clearing suddenly open, overgrown with shiny buttercups, and a pond with quiet water. Dozens of small frogs pour into it.

(K. Paustovsky)


Reasoning is a verbal presentation, explanation, confirmation of any thought.

Thesis - Old Greekἡ θέσις (thésis) - a position, a statement put forward and then proven in some reasoning.

Control questions:

1. Define reasoning as a type of speech.

2. Name the types of reasoning.

3. What types of reasoning are used in scientific style. What about the artistic style?

4. Name the means-markers of reasoning.

5. What genres of reasoning are distinguished?

Week 3

Subject: Functional speech styles. general characteristics functional styles speech. Business style and its features. Main genres of documentation. Journalistic style and its features. Scientific style and its features. The main genres of scientific and educational texts are abstract, abstract, review. General concept about the scientific style of speech, its difference from other functional styles. Genres of scientific style. Mass media.

Target: form skills and develop abilities by type speech activity: speaking, reading, listening, writing.


Styles- these are varieties of language due to differences in areas of communication and the main functions of language. In linguistics, the study of styles deals with such a special section as stylistics.

There are five areas of communication (they are also called language situations): everyday life, science, law, politics, art. As for the main functions of language, there are three of them: communication, message, influence. Depending on the speech situations and language functions, the following types of styles are distinguished:
conversational style(domestic sphere, communication function, less often - messages);
scientific (field of science, function of communication);
official business (sphere of law, message function);
journalistic (the sphere of politics and art, functions of communication and influence);
artistic (sphere of art, function of emotional impact).

Speech type- this is a method of presentation chosen by the author and focused (depending on the content of the statement and the nature of the text information) on one of the tasks: to statically depict reality, to describe it; dynamically reflect reality, talk about it; reflect the cause-and-effect relationships of reality phenomena.

In accordance with these goals, linguists distinguish three types of speech: description, narration, reasoning.

Narration- a functional-semantic type of text that contains a story about events in their time sequence.

  • What is the sequence of actions (events)?
  • What happened first and what happened next?

He had already prepared a small hut from thin dry twigs, put a piece of newspaper inside it and now covered this structure with thicker dry twigs. Then he brought the match to the paper, and the fire immediately engulfed the large branches (I. Oreshkin).

The narrative text is constructed according to the following compositional scheme:

  • exposure (not always available),
  • string,
  • development of action,
  • climax,
  • denouement.


About an hour passed like this. The moon shone through the window, and its beam played across the earthen floor of the hut.


Suddenly, a shadow flashed across the bright stripe crossing the floor.

Development of action:

I stood up and looked out the window, someone ran past him a second time and disappeared God knows where. I could not believe that this creature would run away along the steep bank; however, he had nowhere else to go. I stood up, put on my beshmet, belted my dagger, and quietly left the hut.


A blind boy meets me. I hid by the fence, and he walked past me with a faithful but cautious step.


He carried some kind of bundle under his arms and, turning towards the pier, began to descend along a narrow and steep path (M.Yu. Lermontov).

Description- a functional-semantic type of text that describes the characteristics of objects, phenomena, animals, and humans.

Key issues specific to of this type speeches:

  • What is the subject of the description?
  • What does he look like?
  • What signs are characteristic of it?

On the seller’s left arm sits a tiny, cheerful fox terrier. He is unusually small and cute. His eyes sparkle provocatively, his miniature paws are in constant motion. The Fox Terrier is made of some kind of white material, the eyes are made of cast glass (A. Kuprin).

The descriptive text is constructed according to the following compositional scheme:

  • general impression (or general sign),
  • signs of an object, person, phenomenon or animal.

The description may end general impression(or a general feature).

In the scientific style, the description of an object includes essential features that are called adjectives or verbal nouns:

Apple tree - ranet purple - frost-resistant variety. The fruits are round in shape, 2.5-3 cm in diameter. Fruit weight is 17-23 g. Average juiciness, with a characteristic sweet, slightly astringent taste.

In the description of the artistic style, the most striking features that create the image are highlighted; they can be conveyed by comparisons, words in figurative meaning, words with evaluative suffixes:

The linden apples were large and transparent yellow. If you look through the apple into the sun, it shines through like a glass of fresh linden honey. There were black grains in the middle. You used to shake a ripe apple near your ear and you could hear the seeds rattling (V. Soloukhin).

Reasoning as a functional-semantic type of text is fundamentally different from description and narration. Description and narration are used to depict the surrounding reality, while reasoning conveys the sequence of human thoughts.

Basic questions characteristic of this type of speech:

  • Why?
  • What is the reason for this phenomenon?
  • What follows from this?
  • What are the consequences of this phenomenon?
  • What does it mean?

On camels, of course, you can travel much further through the desert without stopping than on horses, but we have a short journey ahead of us, time is precious, and you have no experience with camels, so we’ll take horses from the town.

The reasoning is based on the following compositional scheme:

  • thesis, i.e. an idea that must be logically proven, substantiated or refuted;
  • substantiation of the expressed thoughts, evidence, arguments supported by examples;
  • conclusion, conclusion (may be absent from the text).

The thesis must be clearly provable, clearly formulated, the arguments must be convincing and in sufficient quantity to confirm the thesis put forward. There must be a logical and grammatical connection between the thesis and arguments (as well as between individual arguments). For the grammatical connection between the thesis and arguments, introductory words are often used: firstly, secondly, finally, so, therefore, in this way. In argumentative texts, sentences with conjunctions are widely used: however, although, despite the fact that, because.

The development of word meanings usually proceeds from the particular (concrete) to the general (abstract). Let's think about the literal meaning of such words as education, disgust, previous. Education literally means feeding, disgust means turning away (from an unpleasant person or object), previous means going ahead. Words-terms denoting abstract mathematical concepts: “segment”, “tangent”, “point”, come from very specific verbs of action: cut, touch, stick (poke).


  • Text, especially fiction, often combines different types speech. For example, in an excerpt from K. Paustovsky’s story “ Golden Rose“All types of speech successively replace each other - narration, description and reasoning.:

The old steamer left the pier in Voznesenye and went out into Lake Onega.

The white night spread all around. For the first time I saw this night not over the Neva and the palaces of Leningrad, but among wooded spaces and lakes.

A pale moon hung low in the east. She gave no light.

The waves from the steamer silently ran away into the distance, shaking pieces of pine bark. On the shore, it must be somewhere ancient churchyard, the watchman struck the clock on the bell tower - twelve strokes. And although it was far from the shore, this ringing reached us, passed the steamer and went along the water surface into the transparent twilight, where the moon hung.

I don’t know what better way to call the languid light of the white night. Mysterious? Or magical?

These nights always seem to me to be an excessive bounty of nature - there is so much pale air and the ghostly shine of foil and silver.

Man cannot come to terms with the inevitable disappearance of this beauty, these enchanted nights. Therefore, it must be that white nights cause a slight sadness with their fragility, like everything beautiful when it is doomed to live short-lived.

  • IN speech practice different types of speech are often combined with each other, in which case they are described by noting the leading type of speech and elements of other types of speech (for example, “reasoning with elements of description”).


  • Section “Types of speech” in the textbook by E.I. Litnevskaya “Russian language”

More information about text and types of speech on the site licey.net:

    • Exercises for the topic “Basic rules for constructing text
    • Exercises for the topic “Functional and semantic types of texts
  • Description text and its types
    • Exercises for the topic “Description text and its types”
  • Narrative text and its types
    • Exercises for the topic "

Types of speech - differentiation of speech according to a generalized (typical) meaning into narration, description and reasoning.

The narrative describes sequential actions, talks about events in their time sequence.

Narrative texts include such components as the beginning (the beginning of the action), the development of the action, the climax (the most important point in the development of action) and denouement (end of action). At the same time, the sequence of these components may be disrupted in the narrative, which is often presented in works of art (for example, in “A Hero of Our Time” by M. Yu. Lermontov).

“New” in the sentences of a narrative text is a message about successive events.

The narrative can be graphic and informative. In narrative texts they are often used lexical means denoting a temporal sequence of actions (then, then, after some time), verbs are usually used in the past tense.

As an example, here is an excerpt from A. P. Chekhov’s story “Living Goods”:

Having filled his pockets and wallet, Bugrov hid the forms in the table and, after drinking half a carafe of water, jumped out into the street.

At night, at half past eleven, he drove up to the entrance of the Paris Hotel. He noisily entered up the stairs and knocked on the room in which Grokholsky lived. They let him in. Groholsky was packing his things into suitcases. Lisa sat at the table and tried on bracelets. Both of them were frightened when Bugrov entered them.

A description depicts a phenomenon by listing and revealing its characteristics. A text of this kind can describe a person’s appearance, an object, a place, a person’s condition, or environment. In “given” the object or its parts are named, in “new” the characteristics of the object are communicated.

Descriptive text is characterized by the use of adjectives and verbs in the present tense.

Description used in different styles speech, but more often in the scientific and artistic.

In the scientific style, the description of an object includes essential features that are called adjectives or verbal nouns, for example: Giraffe (giraffe), a ruminant mammal. Body length is 3-4 meters (1/3 is the neck), height to the crown is 4.5-5.8 m, tail length is about 1 m, weight is 550-750 kg. Lives in the savannas of Africa. Due to hunting (for meat and skins), the number is small. They reproduce well in captivity. They live up to 20-30 years.

In the description of the artistic style, the most striking features that create the image are highlighted; they can be conveyed by comparisons, words with a figurative meaning, words with evaluative suffixes. As an example, let’s take the beginning of A. P. Chekhov’s story “The Baron”:

The Baron is a small, thin old man of about sixty. His neck gives with his spine obtuse angle, which will soon become direct. He has a large angular head, sour eyes, a bumpy nose and a purple chin.

Reasoning describes the causes of properties and phenomena. It can be evidence, explanation, reflection (the difference is in the degree of categorical judgment). An argument usually contains a thesis (what needs to be proven), arguments and a conclusion. Here are two examples of reasoning used in different styles of speech:

1. On camels, of course, you can travel much further through the desert without stopping than on horses, but we have a short journey ahead, time is precious, and you have no experience with camels, so we’ll take horses from the town.

2. Based on the need to mobilize and deploy human resources, before starting construction engineering structures provision should be made for the construction of a comfortable temporary residential camp, including power supply, communications, water treatment, sewerage, recreational and sports facilities.

A text, especially a literary one, often combines different types of speech. As an example, here is an excerpt from K. Paustovsky’s story “The Golden Rose”:

The old steamer left the pier in Voznesenye and went out into Lake Onega.

The white night spread all around. For the first time I saw this night not over the Neva and the palaces of Leningrad, but among wooded spaces and lakes.

A pale moon hung low in the east. She gave no light.

The waves from the steamer silently ran away into the distance, shaking pieces of pine bark. On the shore, probably in some ancient churchyard, the watchman struck the clock on the bell tower - twelve strokes. And although it was far from the shore, this ringing reached us, passed the steamer and went along the water surface into the transparent twilight, where the moon hung.

I don’t know what better way to call the languid light of the white night. Mysterious? Or magical?

These nights always seem to me to be an excessive bounty of nature - there is so much pale air and the ghostly shine of foil and silver in them.

Man cannot come to terms with the inevitable disappearance of this beauty, these enchanted nights. Therefore, it must be that white nights cause a slight sadness with their fragility, like everything beautiful when it is doomed to live short-lived.

In the presented passage, all types of speech successively replace each other - narration, description and reasoning.

The problems of speech and text are dealt with by stylistics - a branch of linguistics that studies the use of language in different conditions speech communication.

Today we will briefly consider what a type of speech is. The type of speech is the mode of presentation that the author uses to convey his ideas. The method itself depends on what the text contains, that is, on the nature of the information. What types of speech are there in Russian? There are three main types of speech: narration, description and, of course, reasoning.

To convey the action itself in a time sequence, a type of speech called narration is used. Description is used to convey the details of a static picture or some situation. Reasoning is required in order to convey the development of the author’s thoughts that relate to a particular issue. All types of speech that exist in the Russian language can be recognized by their characteristic distinctive features.


This is one of the most common types of speech. It is in a logical and temporal sequence that the actions in the narrative are presented; they follow each other. The narration is characterized by verbs of the past tense in the perfect and imperfect forms. But besides them, verbs in the present tense are also used (they describe an action that occurs as if in front of the reader’s eyes), verbs of the future tense. The narrative text has three parts: the beginning, the development of actions and the denouement. Often the story is written in the first or third person. Expressive forms are also used in the narration, for example: “Aha!”, “Here!”, “How he will jump out to meet him!” etc.


As for the description, in it the author gradually introduces the various characteristics of various phenomena of reality. The picture that the author characterizes with the help of a description is static, and all its features are present at the same time. We can use this type of speech in any style. For example, in a scientific style, the description needs to be more precise. And if the style is artistic, the description should emphasize the vivid details of what is being described.

There are many types of description. The main ones are descriptions of a person, an animal, a place, an environment, and even a condition. Even in the description, they often focus on the characteristics of a person or object, and these characteristics appear simultaneously. For example, if we talk about a beloved girl, it is impossible not to mention her hair, smile, eyes, tenderness of hands, sensitive heart.


In an argument, the author can put forward a thesis at the very beginning. Then it needs to be proven, opinions expressed for or against, or both. And at the end you need to draw a conclusion. In reasoning, it is imperative to develop the thought logically. There is a constant movement from thesis to arguments, and arguments lead to conclusions (or conclusion). It is necessary to give logical arguments, which must necessarily contain examples. If you do it differently, then the reasoning itself will not work. Most often, reasoning is used in journalistic and artistic styles speech. Often in the argumentative text there are introductory words: thus, firstly, secondly, on the one hand, although, however, etc.