Konstantin Paustovsky - golden rose. I am sure that in order to fully master the Russian language, in order not to lose the feeling of this language, you need not only constant communication with ordinary Russian people

Option 4.

(1) I am sure that in order to fully master the Russian language, in order not to lose the feeling of this language, you need not only constant communication with ordinary Russian people, but also communication with pastures and forests, waters, old willows, with the whistling of birds and with every flower that nods its head from under the hazel bush.

(2) Each person must have their own happy time of discovery. (3) Such a summer of discoveries also happened to me in the wooded and meadow side of Central Russia - a summer full of thunderstorms and rainbows.

    This summer passed in the shadow of pine forests, the cries of cranes, in the white masses of cumulus clouds, the play of the night sky, in the impenetrable odorous thickets of meadowsweet, in the warlike crows of cocks and the songs of girls among the evening meadows, when the sunset goldens the girls’ eyes and the first fog carefully smokes over the pools. .

    This summer I learned anew - by touch, taste, smell - many words that until then, although known to me, were distant and unexperienced. (6) Previously they evoked only one ordinary meager image. (7) But now it turns out that every such word contains an abyss of living images.

(8) What words are these? (9) There are so many of them that you don’t even know which ones to start with. (Y) The easiest way is, perhaps, with the “rain” ones. (11) I, of course, knew that there are drizzles, blind rains, mushroom rains, sporid rains, rains that come in stripes - stripes, slanting rains, strong rolling rains and, finally, downpours (showers).

    But it’s one thing to know speculatively, and another thing to experience these rains for yourself and understand that each of them contains its own poetry, its own signs, different from the signs of other rains.

Then all these words that define rain come to life, become stronger, and are filled with expressive power. (14) Then behind each such word you see and feel what you are talking about, and not saying
it mechanically, out of habit. (15) By the way, there is a kind of law of the influence of the writer’s word on the reader (1b) If the writer, while working, does not see behind the words what he is writing about, then the reader will not see anything behind them.

    But if the writer sees well what he is writing about, then the simplest and sometimes even erased words acquire newness, act on the reader with striking force and evoke in him those thoughts that
    feelings and states that the writer wanted to convey to him. (18) This, obviously, lies the secret of the so-called subtext.

(K. Paustovsky)

Which of the statements below contains the answer to the question: “Why does K.G. Can Paustovsky be called a subtle connoisseur of Russian nature?”

    K.G. Paustovsky knew how to communicate with pastures and forests.

    K.G. Paustovsky knew how to admire flocks of cranes and thickets of meadowsweet.

    K.G. Paustovsky knew summer rains by touch, taste and smell.

    K.G. Paustovsky knew how to notice what pine forests and the night sky, clouds and fog, rain and downpours were like in summer.

Which sentence most fully expresses the narrator’s idea that the summer he spent in the wooded and meadow side of central Russia was happy for him creatively?

    This summer passed in the roar of pine forests and the cries of cranes.

    He learned many new, unknown words.

A 3. How does K.G. characterize Paustovsky information contained in sentences 5-12?

    K.G. Paustovsky is an economic and practical person.

    K.G. Paustovsky is a meteorologist.

    K. G. Paustovsky is a subtle connoisseur of the Russian language.

    K.G. Paustovsky is a romantic writer.

Indicate the meaning in which the word mastery is used in the text (sentence 1).

    Take 2) subjugate 3) embrace, fill 4) assimilate, study

A 5. Choose the correct continuation of the answer to the question: “Under what conditions, according to K.G. Paustovsky, can a writer influence the reader through words? Creating a work of art

    the writer should use simple words.

    a writer must know many words by touch, taste, and smell.

    the writer must learn the secret of subtext.

    The writer must see, feel, experience behind every word what he writes about.

A 6. Indicate what means of expression is used in the sentence: “Every person must have his own happy time.”

    Epithet 2) metaphor 3) personification 4) comparison

A 6. Identify the style and type(s) of speech presented in the text.

    journalistic style; narrative with descriptive elements

    art style; narrative with descriptive elements

    journalistic style; narrative with elements of reasoning

    art style; narrative with elements of reasoning

IN 1. Replace the obsolete word pasture from sentence 1 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

AT 2. From sentences 8-10, write down a word with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root:

AT 3 . From sentences 5-7, write down a word whose spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by the rule: “It is not written together with full participles that do not have dependent words.”

Q4. From sentences 5-10, write down a word in which the spelling -N- is determined by the rule: “In short passive past participles, one letter -N- is written.”

Q 5. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas in the introductory word.

What words are these? There are so many of them, (1) that you don’t even know (2) which ones to start with. The easiest way is (3) perhaps (4) with “rain”.

AT 6. In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between parts of the sentence with different types of connection - with composition and subordination.

But it’s one thing to know speculatively (1) and another thing to experience these rains for yourself and understand (2) that each of them contains its own poetry, (3) its own signs, (4) distinctive from the signs of other rains.

Q 7. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between parts of a complex sentence.

By the way (1) there is a kind of law of the influence of the writer’s word on the reader. If the writer (2) while working (3) does not see behind the words what (4) he is writing about (5), then the reader will not see anything behind them.

B 8. Replace the phrase writer's word(sentence 15), an agreement built on the basis of the connection, a synonymous phrase with the control connection. Write the resulting phrase.

Q 9. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 18.

Q 10. Among sentences 4-9, find a sentence with homogeneous members. Write the number of this offer.

Q 11. Among sentences 13-18, find a sentence with a separate circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

Q 12. Indicate the number of grammatical stems in the seventh (7) sentence.

Q 13. Among sentences 1-7, find a simple complicated one with a clarifying circumstance of the manner of action. Write the number of this offer. Part 3. Help Tatyana prove her point. Write an essay-discussion on the topic: “Why are commas needed in sentences withhomogeneous members?

The Russian language is fully revealed in its truly magical properties and wealth only to those who deeply love and know their people “to the bone” and feel the hidden charm of our land.

For everything that exists in nature - water, air, sky, clouds, sun, rain, forests, swamps, rivers and lakes, meadows and fields, flowers and herbs - there are a great many good words and names in the Russian language.

To make sure of this, to study a capacious and accurate vocabulary, we have, in addition to the books of such experts on nature and folk language as Kaigorodov, Prishvin, Gorky, Alexei Tolstoy, Aksakov, Leskov, Bunin and many other writers, the main and inexhaustible source of language - the language of the people themselves, the language of collective farmers, ferrymen, shepherds, beekeepers, hunters, fishermen, old workers, foresters, beacon workers, handicraftsmen, rural painters, artisans and all those experienced people whose every word is gold.

These thoughts became especially clear to me after meeting with a forester.

It seems to me that I have already talked about this somewhere. If this is true, then please forgive me, but I will have to repeat the old story. It is important for talking about Russian speech.

I do not share the widespread disdain for small forests. There is a lot of beauty in small forests. Young trees of all species - spruce and pine, aspen and birch - grow together and closely. It's always light and clean there, like a peasant's room tidied up for a holiday.

Here and there in the moss, as I already said, there were small round windows-wells. The water in them seemed still. But if you look closely, you could see a quiet stream constantly rising from the depths of the window and dry lingonberry leaves and yellow pine needles swirling in it.

We stopped at one such window and drank water. She smelled of turpentine.

- Spring! - said the forester, watching as a frantically floundering beetle emerged from the window and immediately sank to the bottom. - The Volga must also begin from such a window?

“Yes, it must be,” I agreed.

“I’m a big fan of parsing words,” the forester said unexpectedly and grinned embarrassedly. - And so, pray tell! It happens that one word sticks to you and gives you no rest.

The forester paused, adjusted his hunting rifle on his shoulder and asked:

- They say you are writing a book?

- Yes, I’m writing.

- This means that your choice of words must be deliberate. But no matter how I try, I rarely find an explanation for any word. You walk through the forest, go over word by word in your head, and figure them out this way and that: where did they come from? Nothing works out.

I have no knowledge. Not trained. And sometimes you find an explanation for a word and rejoice. Why be happy? It’s not for me to teach the kids. I am a forest person, a simple walker.

– What word is attached to you now? – I asked.

- Yes, this very spring. I noticed this word a long time ago. I keep courting him. One must think that it happened because water originates here. The spring gives birth to a river, and the river pours and flows through our entire mother earth, through our entire homeland, feeding the people. You look how smoothly it comes out - a spring, a homeland, a people. And all these words seem to be related to each other. Like family! – he repeated and laughed.

These simple words revealed to me the deepest roots of our language.

The entire centuries-old experience of the people, the entire poetic side of their character was contained in these words.

Language and nature

I am sure that in order to fully master the Russian language, in order not to lose the feeling of this language, you need not only constant communication with ordinary Russian people, but communication with pastures and forests, waters, old willows, with the whistling of birds and with every flower, that nods its head from under a hazel bush.

Every person must have their own happy time of discovery. I also had one such summer of discoveries in the wooded and meadow side of Central Russia - a summer full of thunderstorms and rainbows.

This summer passed in the roar of pine forests, the cries of cranes, in the white masses of cumulus clouds, the play of the night sky, in the impenetrable odorous thickets of meadowsweet, in the warlike crows of cocks and the songs of girls among the evening meadows, when the sunset goldens the girls’ eyes and the first fog carefully smokes over the pools. .

This summer I learned anew - by touch, taste, smell - many words that until then, although known to me, were distant and unexperienced. Previously, they only evoked one regular, meager image. But now it turns out that every such word contains an abyss of living images.

What words are these? There are so many of them that you don’t even know what words to start with. The easiest way, perhaps, is with the “rain” ones.

I, of course, knew that there are drizzles, blind rains, blanket rains, mushroom rains, spore rains, rains that come in stripes - stripes, oblique rains, heavy rolling rains and, finally, downpours (showers).

But it’s one thing to know speculatively, and another thing to experience these rains for yourself and understand that each of them contains its own poetry, its own signs, different from the signs of other rains.

Then all these words that define rain come to life, become stronger, and are filled with expressive power. Then behind each such word you see and feel what you are talking about, and do not pronounce it mechanically, out of habit.

By the way, there is a kind of law of the influence of the writer’s word on the reader.

If a writer, while working, does not see behind the words what he is writing about, then the reader will not see anything behind them.

But if the writer sees well what he is writing about, then the simplest and sometimes even erased words acquire newness, act on the reader with striking force and evoke in him those thoughts, feelings and states that the writer wanted to convey to him.

This, obviously, is the secret of the so-called subtext.

But let's get back to the rains.

There are many signs associated with them. The sun sets in the clouds, smoke falls to the ground, swallows fly low, roosters crow endlessly in the courtyards, clouds stretch across the sky in long, misty strands - all these are signs of rain. And shortly before the rain, although the clouds have not yet gathered, a gentle breath of moisture can be heard. It must be brought from where the rains have already fallen.

But now they're starting mottle first drops. The popular word “drip” well conveys the appearance of rain, when still rare drops leave dark specks on dusty roads and roofs.

Then it rains diverges. It is then that the wonderful cool smell of earth, wetted for the first time by rain, appears. It doesn't last long. It is replaced by the smell of wet grass, especially nettle.

It is characteristic that no matter what kind of rain there is, as soon as it begins, it is always called very affectionately - rain. "It's going to rain", "it's raining" let go", "the rain washes the grass."

Let's look at several types of rain to understand how a word comes to life when direct impressions are associated with it, and how this helps the writer to use it accurately.

How, for example, does spore rain differ from mushroom rain?

The word "spory" means fast, quick. The stinging rain is pouring vertically and heavily. He always approaches with a rushing noise.

The spore rain on the river is especially good. Each drop of it knocks out a round depression in the water, a small water bowl, jumps up, falls again, and is still visible at the bottom of this water bowl for a few moments before disappearing. The drop shines and looks like pearls.

At the same time, there is a glass ringing all over the river. By the height of this ringing you can guess whether the rain is gaining strength or subsiding.

And a fine mushroom rain sleepily falls from the low clouds. The puddles from this rain are always warm. He doesn’t ring, but whispers something of his own, soporific, and barely noticeably fidgets in the bushes, as if touching first one leaf and then another with a soft paw.

Forest humus and moss absorb this rain slowly and thoroughly. Therefore, after it, mushrooms begin to grow wildly - sticky boletus, yellow chanterelles, boletus, ruddy saffron milk caps, honey mushrooms and countless toadstools.

During mushroom rains, there is a smell of smoke in the air and the cunning and cautious fish - the roach - takes it well.

People say about blind rain falling in the sun: “The princess is crying.” The drops of this rain sparkling in the sun look like large tears. And who should cry such shining tears of grief or joy if not the fairy-tale beauty princess!

You can spend a long time following the play of light during rain, the variety of sounds - from a measured knock on a plank roof and a liquid ringing in a drainpipe to a continuous, intense roar when the rain pours, as they say, like a wall.

All this is only a tiny part of what can be said about rain. But this is enough to be indignant at the words of one writer, who told me with a sour grimace:

“I prefer living streets and houses to your tedious and dead nature.” Apart from troubles and inconveniences, rain, of course, brings nothing. You are just a dreamer!

How many excellent words exist in the Russian language for the so-called celestial phenomena!

Summer thunderstorms pass over the ground and fall below the horizon. People like to say that the cloud did not pass, but fell.

Lightning either strikes the ground with a direct blow, or blazes on black clouds, like branchy golden trees uprooted.

Rainbows sparkle over the smoky, damp distance. Thunder rolls, rumbles, grumbles, rumbles, shakes the earth.

Statements by Konstantin Paustovsky about the greatness of the Russian language.

We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language. -Konstantin Paustovsky

Based on the attitude of each person to his language, one can accurately judge not only his cultural level, but also his civic value. True love for one's country is inconceivable without love for one's language. A person who is indifferent to his language is a savage. His indifference to the language is explained by his complete indifference to the past and future of his people. - Konstantin Paustovsky

Punctuation marks exist to emphasize an idea, bring words into proper relationship, and give a phrase ease and proper sound. Punctuation marks are like musical notations. They hold the text firmly and prevent it from falling apart. - Konstantin Paustovsky

True love for one's country is unthinkable without love for one's language. - Konstantin Paustovsky

Many Russian words themselves radiate poetry, just as precious stones radiate a mysterious shine. - Konstantin Paustovsky

There is nothing more disgusting than a person’s indifference to his country, its past, present and future, to its language, way of life, to its forests and fields, to its villages and people, be they geniuses or village shoemakers. - Konstantin Paustovsky
No! A person cannot live without a homeland, just as a person cannot live without a heart. - Konstantin Paustovsky

The Russian language is fully revealed in its truly magical properties and wealth only to those who deeply love and know their people “to the bone” and feel the hidden charm of our land.
For everything that exists in nature - water, air, sky, clouds, sun, rain, forests, swamps, rivers and lakes, meadows and fields, flowers and herbs - there are a great many good words and names in the Russian language.
Konstantin Paustovsky
You can do wonders with the Russian language! - Konstantin Paustovsky

You can do wonders with the Russian language. There is nothing in life and in our consciousness that cannot be conveyed in Russian words. The sound of music, the spectral brilliance of colors, the play of light, the noise and shadow of gardens, the vagueness of sleep, the heavy rumble of a thunderstorm, the whisper of children and the rustle of sea gravel. There are no sounds, colors, images and thoughts for which there would not be an exact expression in our language. -Konstantin Paustovsky

The heart, imagination and mind are the environment where what we call culture is born. –Konstantin Paustovsky

Happiness is given only to those who know. - Konstantin Paustovsky
He is not a writer who has not added at least a little vigilance to a person’s vision. - Konstantin Paustovsky

I am sure that in order to fully master the Russian language, in order not to lose the feeling of this language, you need not only constant communication with ordinary Russian people, but communication with pastures and forests, waters, old willows, with the whistling of birds and with every flower, that nods its head from under a hazel bush. - Konstantin Paustovsky



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Text compression is a transformation in which text is replaced with a more concise statement. In this case, semantic distortions and loss are not allowedsignificant provisions.

Text compression techniques include:

  1. Exception:

Introductory words;

Homogeneous members of the sentence;


Examples of the same type;

Rhetorical questions and exclamations;


Details that do not affect the course of the author’s thoughts;




Words, sentences that can be deleted without damaging the content.

In case of exception you must:

Highlight the main thing in terms of the main idea of ​​the text, then remove unnecessary details and details.

Combine what was received using basic means of communication between sentences.

The possibility of shortening a text is most often based on the phenomenon of redundancy of speech.

For example: A fairy tale lives everywhere, in everything: in trees, leaves, in the wind itself, in the ground, in an armchair, in a house, in March, in yourself.(E. Krivchenko) (22 words)

In this sentence, redundantsimilar circumstancesspecifying general words everywhere, in everything. Let's remove these homogeneous circumstances. The meaning of the sentence will not change:

The fairy tale lives everywhere, in everything. (5 words)

2. Generalization or union:

Parceled offers;

A series of sentences connected by one thought;

Parts of proposals;

Specific, individual facts, events, phenomena.

For example: Fairy tales will teach you to be kind, you will see that they can help you out of any trouble you may find yourself in. Fairy tales will show how the cheerful but weak can defeat the strong but gloomy.(30 words)

Fairy tales will teach you kindness, optimism, and help you out of trouble. (7 words)

3. Replacement:

- homogeneous members with a generalizing word;

Complex sentence - simple;

Parts of a sentence or series of sentences with a general concept or expression;

Direct speech - indirect;

Parts of text in one sentence;

Parts of a sentence by pronoun, etc.

When replacing you must:

Find words, semantic parts or sentences that can be shortened by replacing them with a general word, a simple sentence, etc.

Formulate the resulting proposal.

For example: Fairy tales are loved by adults and children, strong and weak, kind and not so kind.(12 words)

Everyone loves fairy tales. (3 words)

Combination of exclusion and generalization (union):

For example: Fairy tales... how beautiful and fascinating your world is. A world in which good always triumphs, where the smart always defeats the stupid, the good always defeats the bad, and in the end, as a rule, everyone is happy. No, of course, and among you there are those who make you feel sad and want to cry. But this is holy sadness and holy tears. They cleanse.(50 words)

The world of fairy tales, where goodness triumphs, is beautiful and fascinating, even if they evoke holy sadness and tears that help us become better people.. (20 words)

Combination of elimination and replacement:

For example: There are, however, evil fairy tales in which everything is the other way around. But people can be evil too. And by the way, even among you people, there are much fewer evil ones than good ones, and we don’t even have to talk about fairy tales. And a fairy tale becomes evil because someone has offended it, broken it, bent it with rough hands. After all, fairy tales cannot be evil by nature, you people make them that way.(64 words)

There are evil tales, just like the people who made them. But there are much more good people, just like fairy tales. (18 words)

Combination of replacement, exclusion and union:

For example: You people, on purpose, and more often by accident, forgetting about the time when you still believed fairy tales, cause pain to each other.You people forget about the healing kindness of fairy tales and rush around in a dead end in life, looking for a way out and not seeing it. But it is amazingly simple. We must believe in miracles. Believe and live. Live in such a way that life turns only into kind and cheerful fairy tales.(61 words)

People, forgetting about the great power of fairy tales, offend each other and do not find a way out of life situations. And the solution is simple: you need to believe in miracles and live, turning life into good fairy tales. (29 words)

What should not be removed from the text?

Basic details that help to understand the author's idea;

Memo “How to work on a concise presentation”

On first reading:

  1. Listen carefully to the text to understand its content.
  2. Determine the topic of the text (what is the text about?), the idea (what does the text teach?).
  3. Determine the style of the text, the type of speech (description, reasoning, narration), and then preserve the features of this type of speech when writing the presentation.
  4. Remember the sequence of events and reasoning.
  5. Determine the number of paragraphs, keywords.
  6. Make a detailed outline of the text, highlighting the micro-topics of each part and titling them.
  7. Write the names of the plan items, leaving space for key words.

How to make a plan.

1. By highlighting key words and phrases in the paragraphs, get a naming plan.

2. By asking a question for each paragraph, get a question plan.

3. After answering the question briefly, get a thesis plan.

After the second reading:

  1. Divide the text into meaningful parts.
  2. Start working on text compression. Remember: when compressing the text,it is necessary to convey the main thing in each paragraph and in the entire text as a whole, and to do this, exclude secondary information, generalize individual facts, replace the specific with a generalizing one. Preserve the language features of this text in your presentation, use the author’s keywords and phrases.
  3. Write a concise summary of each part, linking them together to form a text.
  4. Make sure that the content of the source text is conveyed without distortion.
  5. Write a draft of your presentation and check it carefully.

Training session: text compression techniques

Task No. 1. Read the text for a condensed summary.

1. I am sure that in order to fully master the Russian language, in order not to lose the feeling of this language, you need not only constant communication with people, but communication with forests, waters, old willows, with the whistling of birds and every flower. 2. Every person must have their own happy time of discovery. 3. I also had one such summer of discoveries in the wooded and meadow side of Central Russia - a summer full of thunderstorms and rainbows.

4. This summer I learned by touch, taste, and smell many words that until then, although known to me, were distant and unexperienced. 5. Previously, they evoked only one ordinary meager image. 6. But now it turns out that every such word contains an abyss of living images.

7. What words are these?

8. I, of course, knew that there are drizzles, blind rains, continuous rains, mushroom rains, sporid rains, rains that come in stripes - stripes, oblique rains, heavy rolling rains and, finally, downpours (showers).

9. But it’s one thing to imagine, and another thing to experience these rains for yourself and understand that each of them contains its own poetry, its own signs, different from the signs of other rains.

10. Then all these words telling about rains become stronger and filled with expressive power. 11. Then behind each such word you see and feel what you are talking about, and do not pronounce it mechanically, out of habit.

(According to K.G. Paustovsky)

  1. words)

Task No. 2 . Apply text compression techniques for each paragraph:

Compression techniques:

1. Find and highlight the grammatical basis in the sentence (subject and predicate) or grammatical basis if the sentence is complex.

2. Sentence No. 1 is complex with different types of connections, and the second part is complicated by homogeneous members. This means that we will select only that part of the detailed information that is directly related to the main idea of ​​the text as a whole. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to determine the MAIN THOUGHT of the text. The essay by K. G. Paustovsky talks aboutabout words filled with natural meaning close to the heart of the Russian person.General information related to the topic of the text is expressed by the second subordinate clause, and the key word “suggesting” this relationship is the expression “sense of language.” Therefore, firstly, we will exclude partially the main and completely the first subordinate clause from the composition of the complex sentence. And from the continuation of the main part (the ending of a sentence complicated by homogeneous members), we will exclude the entire homogeneous series by using the following method of compressing the text - collapsing the sentence bygeneralizations. In other words, we will summarize the idea expressed by the author using a series of homogeneous additions into one word or small expression. For example: communication with the world around us.

3. Proposal No. 2. This sentence can be excluded when compressing the text, since it only complements the meaning of the previous one and will find “its continuation” in the third sentence.

4. Sentence No. 3 is simple, complicated by an application and a common definition, expressed by a participial phrase. Since complication constructions usually carry additional information, they need to be excluded. But be careful: check whether they contain vivid, emotional, figurative and generalizing expressions that are closely related to the main idea of ​​the text. In our text, the generalizing figurative device is metaphor. summer of discovery 1 is in the main part of the sentence, which we keep.

5. Sentence No. 4 – complicated by a common definition, expressed by a participial phrase. Attention! The participial phrase contains words (two homogeneous definitionsdistant and unexperienced), which are very important to preserve, since they emphasize the idea of ​​​​K. G. Paustovsky’s text - to awaken in the reader the “experience, sensation” of a living word. Therefore, we exclude all words from the sentence, with the exception of the subject and predicate ( I learned) and additions (words). Let's move two definitionsdistant and unexperiencedfrom the participial phrase to the main part of the sentence and agree with the noun words 2 (see below for a sample of a condensed presentation of this text).

6. Sentence No. 5 – we exclude it completely, since it only extends the meaning of the previous one.

7. Sentence No. 6 – we completely cut off the main part and part of the complication structure of a simple sentence, with the exception of a generalizing figurative expressionan abyss of living imagesat the end of a sentence. Let's combine this construction with the previous proposal No. 5 3 (see the result in the example of a condensed presentation of this text).

8. Sentence No. 7 - performs a special semantic and rhetorical function: it is a sentence-paragraph, and therefore cannot be excluded, since the logic of text construction will be violated. In addition, the question asked by the author of the text not only sets the tone for the discussion, but also serves as a semantic link between the parts of the concise presentation. Remove it, and the semantic unity of the already obtained compressed text will be disrupted.

9. Sentence No. 8 is complex, the subordinate part of which is complicated by homogeneous definitions. Let's use the following text compression technique - generalization-replacement. In other words, we replace a number of homogeneous terms with one definition different rains . In addition, we will exclude the introductory word, since introductory words and constructions always carry only additional information.

Another compression option is also possible: we cut off the main part of a complex sentence in order to prevent speech repetition of the structure I knew . Then the resulting sentence will be simple, uncomplicated - short, carrying only basic, generalized information.

10. Sentence No. 9 is a complex syntactic construction, i.e. offer with different types of communication. From the composition of a complex sentence, we will leave only the conjunction But . Next, we will include the word in the sentence being constructed main thing 4 , which will serve as the main member of the new sentence. Let's add a subordinate clause that is directly related to the main idea of ​​the author's text. Let’s cut off the common definition and replace it with the definition distinctive e 5 and agree it with the nounsigns (see the result in the example of a condensed presentation of this text).

11. Sentence No. 10 is simple, complicated by a common definition, expressed by a participial phrase. Although the participle phrase carries additional information, it is precisely it that contains the generalized expressive expression (words)talking about rain,directly related to the theme of the text by K. G. Paustovsky. Therefore, it must be included in the reconstructed proposal.

12. Sentence No. 11 is complex, the subordinate part of which is in the middle of the main one, which complicates the method of compressing the sentence. Therefore, the structure of a complex sentence must be preserved in order to prevent a grammatical error (violation of the sentence structure). But you can exclude the second homogeneous member with dependent words, which carries additional, rather than main information that is not directly related to the main idea of ​​the text.

Check yourself:

1.[I am sure that in order to fully master the Russian language, in order] not to lose the feeling of [this] language, you need [not only constant communication with people, but] communication with [forests, waters, old willows, with the whistling of birds and every flower]. 3. I also had one such summer of discoveries [in the wooded and meadow side of Central Russia - a summer full of thunderstorms and rainbows.]

4. [This summer] I recognized [by touch, taste, smell a lot] words [which until then, although known to me, were] distant and unexperienced. [ 5. Previously, they evoked only one ordinary meager image. 6. But now it turns out that every such word contains an abyss of living images.

7.What words are these?

8. I [of course] knew that] there are rains [drizzle, blind, blanket, mushroom, spores, rains that come in stripes - stripes, slanting, heavy sloping rains and, finally, downpours (showers)].

9. But [it’s one thing to imagine, and another thing to experience these rains for yourself and] understand that each of them contains its own poetry, its own signs, different [from the signs of other rains.]

10. Then [all these] words telling about rains [get stronger] and are filled with expressive power. 11.Then behind each such word you see and feel what you are talking about [rather than pronouncing it mechanically, out of habit]

Task No. 3 . Write a concise summary usingInstructions for writing a concise summary.

Sample summary:

In order not to lose the sense of language, We need communication with the world around us. I also had one such summer of discoveries.

I recognized distant and unexperienced words that contained an abyss of living images.

What words are these?

I knew that there are different types of rain.

But the main thing is to understand that each of them contains its own poetry, its own distinctive features.

Then the words telling about the rains are filled with expressive power. Then behind each such word you see and feel what you are talking about.

Russian language lesson summary for 11th grade students

Description of the material. We present to your attention a summary of a Russian language lesson for 11th grade students. This material will be interesting both for teachers working in high schools and for students preparing for the Unified State Exam. The lesson material reveals the structure of writing an essay - an argument in the Unified State Exam format, and gives step-by-step instructions to students when performing this work.

The purpose of the lesson– 1. continue work on developing the skill of writing essays in C1 format.
2. introduce students to the secrets of the language, show the beauty and richness of native Russian words.

Lesson Objectives: 1. teach children to work with text (highlight key words) when writing an essay C1. 2. develop the skill of semantic analysis of a word 3. cultivate a love for the native language.

The lesson uses problem-based learning technology, text marking techniques, and methods for developing students’ speech.

1. Organizational moment.

At the last lesson “The Soul of the Word,” held as part of the Russian Language Days festival, we talked about the beauty of the Russian language and paid attention to the semantic content of words. Today we will continue this conversation. However, the result of our work will not be a conversation; today we will continue to learn how to write an argumentative essay based on the proposed text.

You know that all your work has one goal - to prepare for writing Part C of the Unified State Exam. The text that I will offer you for discussion contains a number of problems about the current state of our language and therefore is excellent material for composing an argumentative essay.

So, the goal of our lesson is to continue working on developing the skill of writing an essay in C1 format. And in the process of work, become familiar with the secrets of the language, try to see the beauty and richness of native Russian words. I would like to remind you of the techniques for working with text: reading the text, talking about what you read, marking the text, searching for keywords.

2. The main part of the lesson.

K. G. Paustovsky invites you and me to discuss the beauty of our native language. Here is the text for writing Part C1 of the Unified State Exam. Let's read it and try to find out what Paustovsky writes about, what he draws our attention to. I read the text out loud, then the guys read it to themselves.

Paustovsky K.

1. I am sure that to fully master the Russian language, in order not to lose the feeling of this language, you need not only constant communication with ordinary Russian people, but communication with pastures and forests, waters, old willows, with the whistling of birds and with every flower , who nods his head from under a hazel bush.
2. Every person must have their own happy time of discovery. 3. I also had one such summer of discoveries in the wooded and meadow side of Central Russia - a summer full of thunderstorms and rainbows.
4. This summer passed in the roar of pine forests, the cries of cranes, in the white masses of cumulus clouds, the play of the night sky, in the impenetrable odorous thickets of meadowsweet, in the warlike cries of cocks and the songs of girls among the evening meadows, when the sunset turns golden on girls’ eyes and the first fog gently smokes over the pools.
5. This summer I learned anew - by touch, taste, smell - many words that had been known until then, but were distant and not experienced. 6. Previously, they evoked only one ordinary, meager image. 7. But now it turns out that every word contains an abyss of living images. 8.What words are these? 9. There are so many of them that you don’t even know what words to start with. 10.The easiest way is, perhaps, with the “rain” ones.
11.I, of course, knew that there are drizzles, blind rains, blanket rains, mushroom rains, sporid rains, rains that come in stripes - stripes, oblique rains, heavy rolling rains and, finally, downpours (showers). 12.But it’s one thing to know speculatively, and another thing to experience these rains for yourself and understand that each of them contains its own poetry, its own signs, different from the signs of other rains. 13.Then all these words that define rain come to life, become stronger, and are filled with expressive power. 14.Then behind each such word you see and feel what you are talking about, and do not pronounce it mechanically, out of habit.15 By the way, there is a kind of law of the influence of the writer’s word on the reader. 16. If a writer, while working, does not see behind the words what he is writing about, then the reader will not see anything behind them. 17. But if the writer sees well what he is writing about, then the simplest and sometimes even erased words acquire newness, act on the reader with striking force and evoke in him those thoughts, feelings and states that the writer wanted to convey to him.
18. This, obviously, is the secret of the so-called subtext.

What is the text about? – write the answer in your notebooks. (About the beauty of the native language, about the secrets of the native language, about P.’s great discoveries, about the writer’s ability to see in the ordinary, so familiar to us, the new unusual, undiscovered)

Determine the speech style of this text. (journalistic)

Read the text again, take a pencil, mark the words that are key in each paragraph.

What do keywords mean? - Keywords- these are words in the text that, together with other keywords, can represent the text. In addition, these are close, but not reducible to each other, concepts, combined into one semantic group and “working” on the idea of ​​the text. Keywords needed to define the problem and write a comment.

When reading the text, you should remember that each writer has his own special style, each writer has a special effect on the reader. He can use the same word in the text, the so-called through word, use the direct and figurative meaning of words, paths. In addition, “rare” words and combinations of words deserve special attention, since they serve to designate particularly important elements of the text.

Based on the above (what is the text about, that is, the topic of the text), based on the keywords you underlined, think about what the writer wanted to convey to us? What is his vision of the problem? Which sentence shows this? Indeed, sentence No. 17 contains the author’s opinion on this issue. Let's read and write it down.

Based on the topic of the text, keywords and the highlighted position of the author, let us try to determine the problem of this text.

You remember that the problem of the text is broader than the position of the author - it is the subject of discussion, the question on which the author discusses.

Let's identify the problem or problems of the text together.

Do not forget that the problem is formulated either in the form of a question or in the combination PROBLEM OF WHAT?

PROBLEMS: mastering the secrets of language; the impact of the writer's word on the reader.

Let's re-read the text again. Pay attention again to the keyword markers. Let's comment on them. Why did this word seem important to you?

The guys name the word/words and comment on the recorded problem.

Write down the words in a notebook.

Think and write down what feelings the author experienced while writing this text, what he wanted to draw the reader’s attention to.


Write down cliche phrases that you are familiar with that reflect the author’s attitude to the problem we are studying.

The most difficult section of writing part C1 for students is the selection of arguments. We told you that arguments should mirror what the author writes about. As an example for the argument, you can use the statements of great writers about language.

Today I invite you to plunge into the secrets of the language, carry out a little research work together in groups - analyze the proposed sentences, give interpretations of words, make discoveries for yourself, enrich your life and reading experience.

Team up with 4 people. Each group will receive a card and a task.

GROUP 1,3,7

1. determine his LZ;

2. choose words with the same root. Select the root in them, determine the value of the root.

4. choose synonyms


“Guests arrive at the outpost,

Prince Guidon invites them to visit"

“Oh, you, gentlemen, guests,

How long did it take you to go, where?"

“What are you, guests, bargaining with?

And where are you sailing now?

(A.S. Pushkin)

GUEST m. visitor, a person who came at the call or uninvited, to visit another, for the sake of a feast, leisure, conversation.

GUEST. Obsesslav. Related to German. Gast "guest", lat. hostis “foreigner, enemy”, etc. Some scientists consider suf. derivative (suf. -t-) from Indo-European. *hos “to eat” (cf. Old Indian ghasati). In this case, the guest is literally “the one who eats when the host treats him as a sign of hospitality.”


Analyze the sentences, give an interpretation of the specified word, for this

1. determine its LZ;

3. Choose words that are close to this word, think about their meaning.

4. choose synonyms

Think and write down, has the meaning of the word changed? How? Why?


A. S. Pushkin “The Station Warden”: “Who has not cursed the station guards, who has not scolded them? Who, in a moment of anger, did not demand from them a fatal book in order to write into it his useless complaint about oppression, rudeness and malfunction?

A.K. Tolstoy: “Prince Kurbsky fled from the royal wrath.”

ANGER, fury, annoyance, frenzy, impetuosity, malice, anger, indignation, discontent, disfavor, displeasure, dislike, lack of sympathy, embitterment, disgrace, frenzy, irritation, ferocity, rage.

ANGER. Obsesslav. Origin unclear. Most likely it is a suf. derivatives, related to rot, other dial. anger is “rotten.” In this case, anger is literally “a feeling of irritation.”

ANGER. A common Slavic word formed from the same stem as rot. The development of meaning went like this: “rotting,” “rot,” “pus,” “poison,” “malice,” “anger.”


Analyze the sentences, give an interpretation of the specified word, for this

1. determine its LZ;

2. choose words with the same root. Select the root in them, determine the value of the root.

3. choose words close to this word, think about their meaning.

4. choose synonyms

Think and write down, has the meaning of the word changed? How? Why?

WORD: Polite

“The captain was emphatically polite with that rude politeness that old sailors flaunt” (I.S. Sokolov - Mikitov “Sea Wind”)

“Arinin spoke about the report at a press conference and met polite resistance” (V.A. Kaverin “Slanting Rain”)

“Have you ever heard of a polite witch? Usually these creatures, as we know from fairy tales, have a bad disposition and are not at all inclined to politeness” (etymological dictionary)

Polite. Adj. Observing the rules of decency; courteous, helpful, courteous.

POLITE. Old Russian suf. derivative from vezha "expert" Initially - "knowledgeable", experienced."

Tell me, does your research coincide with what Paustovsky writes about in his text? This means that these examples and your reasoning can be used as arguments for this text.

So, the structure of the essay is presented in front of you on the board - reasoning, etymology of the words under consideration. Formulate your reasoning in the form of an essay, identifying the problem of the text, comment on it, indicate the author’s position, and select arguments.

Homework: complete writing an essay-reasoning on the proposed text
K. G. Paustovsky.