Uranus square the moon. Osho is a typical example

Sudden mood changes. Emotional independence. Unexpected impulses. The need for personal space. Rebellious feelings. Inconsistent behavior.
The Moon, as an indicator of our needs, in aspect with Uranus suggests a greater need for freedom and space, especially in the emotional and domestic spheres. It is important for a person to freely express his feelings and emotions without any restrictions from the outside. It is important to feel the pulse of life, which can change at any moment and in the most unexpected way. The desire for change, new, unusual. Avoidance of consistency, routine, predictability.
People with this aspect in the natal chart often experience emotionally traumatic events in childhood, which often affect the mother figure (or the figures of other close relatives), giving rise to an acute feeling of loss, abandonment, sometimes leaving a mark for life. And regardless of specific events, people with a similar configuration, very early in their lives, experience the experience of emotional distance, independence, encountering coldness where they expected to receive support and consolation. Care, guardianship, and reliability are rarely stable and permanent. The person is constantly ready to be rejected and, being extremely sensitive, often behaves carelessly, coldly, or rudely in order to prevent another experience of emotional pain. It is usually difficult for such a person to ask for help, support, care and often behaves as if he does not need it. On the other hand, when expressing feelings, a person with the Moon-Uranus aspect behaves honestly and openly, showing, sometimes in the most unexpected way, responsiveness, sensitivity and tolerance that are rare for others. As a rule, there are no taboos, so a person is allowed to express his feelings.
This aspect leads to frequent moving, lack of roots (if the IV house does not contradict), it is easier for a person to consider the whole world as his homeland, and not the place where he was born. Often there is a desire to break with the past, traditions and customs of the family, to quickly become independent. In a milder version, there is a perception of the family way of life as unusual, different from the generally accepted one. The figure of the mother is perceived as progressive, sometimes eccentric.
Sometimes people with a similar aspect, highly valuing their independence, deliberately refuse to have children. The traditional family structure, family-parental relationships and connections are perceived as a burden, as artificial and insincere. People with the Moon-Uranus aspect often give their children the freedom to live as they want, without insisting on maintaining family ties. Sometimes this is compensated by establishing close ties with friends who are perceived as family. The variety and consistency of such connections ensures their desirability and duration. With a tense aspect between the Moon and Uranus, a person sometimes feels like a stranger not only in his family, but also in the environment, in the culture in which he grew up, preferring to live in another country, in other social and living conditions.
Boris Izraitel

Moon-Uranus conjunction

Connection: sensitivity combined with independence, originality. The personality turns out to be somewhat eccentric. He loves to walk the beaten path and live as he lives. The delights of the family hearth are cool, feelings are strong, but scattered, dispersed, which relieves suffering. Inconstancy of behavior, frequent mood swings. Catherine Aubier

Well-developed intuition, constancy of feelings. Unexpected mood changes. Often their home is a meeting place for friends and group activities. With bad aspects - whims, irritability, unreliability. With good ones - resourcefulness, creativity, Men “abandon” women. It is impossible to convince such people. Often - longing for the wonderful, unusual. The desire for freedom. Tendency to exaggerate. In the presence of other bad aspects - nervous diseases (even mental ones). Het Monster

Intuitive abilities, original imagination, fickleness of feelings, susceptibility to strange and unexpected changes of mood, often act impulsively and unexpectedly. Home life can be unexpected, often the home is a meeting place for friends and group activities. With bad aspects to this connection - eccentricity, whims, irritability, unreliability. With good ones - resourcefulness, creativity, they look for the rare, unusual. Their emotions need a stimulus, something new; when affected, extreme behavior is possible. Francis Sakoyan

Impulsivity, spontaneity, irritability, heightened sensitivity, eccentricity, extraordinaryness, excitability, imbalance, tendency to extremes in judgments and actions, inconstancy, impatience, desire to immediately satisfy one’s desires, lack of patience and endurance, tendency to break up, self-will, willfulness, tendency to suicide. For men - divorces, instability in affections, for women - miscarriages. The positive side is the desire for spiritual freedom and independence, the fight against violence, numerous, original interests, a wealth of ideas and plans, an inventive spirit. S.V. Shestopalov

Opposition Moon - Uranus

Stubbornness. Frequent mood changes. Insecurity can drive family and relatives to despair and to the point of breaking off relationships. Nervous tension, irritability. Unexpected, but short-lived acquaintances. Unstable family life, frequent changes of residence. Het Monster

Opposition, square: such aspects may be associated with a special intensity of emotions, psychological variability, and imbalance. The manifestation of feelings is explosive; there are unexpected outbursts of emotions, often for no apparent reason. The most insignificant reason can spoil the mood and leads to extremes. A person dreams of peace, the ability to keep his feelings under control, but this is given to him with great difficulty. He may react aggressively to hide his vulnerability. These character traits often underlie instability in family life (however, the same is often observed when planets are connected). The connection can take on the meaning of harmonious and disharmonious aspects, depending on the favorable or unfavorable aspect. Catherine Aubier

Stubbornness and lability in emotions. Frequent sudden changes in moods and behavior that confuse people. Insecurity can drive family and relatives to despair and to the point of breaking off relationships. Nervous tension, irritability. Often unexpected new acquaintances that are fleeting. Unstable family life, frequent change of residence. The search for unusual experiences, which costs time and energy, and there is no time for important things, has to break family ties to satisfy the need for adventure. Mothers forget about their home and hate routine work. Men are irresponsible towards their wives. Mood swings lead to despair. Parapsychology does not contribute to spiritual development. Francis Sakoyan

Square Moon – Uranus

Rich imagination, extraordinary abilities, but unexpected, inexplicable actions, perverted emotions. They abandon one thing to do something else, even more adventurous. Often - unfortunate life circumstances, generally a tendency to accidents. Violations in the family. A strong desire to abandon the past. Het Monster

Rich imagination, extraordinary abilities, but strong emotional perversity, unexpected, inexplicable moods. Often one thing gets boring and a new one is invented, more adventurous and exciting. Often unfortunate, higher circumstances - accidents associated with unexpected poor health, social and natural disasters, or an unstable home situation, frequent changes of residence. Extremely harmful disturbances in the family. Often friends excite feelings or vice versa. They are looking for the unusual, the spiritually stimulating. They always look at the world with new eyes, a strong desire to abandon the old, the past, which creates excitement. Francis Sakoyan

Trine, sextile Moon – Uranus

Trine, sextile: the meanings are the same as in the conjunction, but are focused mainly on freedom of behavior, independence in love affairs and strong feelings. Catherine Aubier

They know how to free themselves from the burden of the past: they react quickly, quickly establish emotional contacts. Home is a place for friendly gatherings, which promotes kindness in relationships. Often the mother is an extraordinary person. A relationship with a woman can provide extraordinary opportunities. Het Monster

Sextile: they know how to free themselves from the past, react quickly, and quickly establish emotional contacts. They instinctively feel new opportunities and life plans and use this to their advantage, react to it in an original way, emit magnetic force, which brings dynamics and pleasure to everyday life. Home is a gathering place, which promotes kindness in relationships and good relationships with parents. Often the mother is an extraordinary person. A relationship with a woman can provide extraordinary chances for advancement. These men love to be friends with women. Trigon (trine): the original ability of elemental transformation. Efficiency when it comes to innovations and inventions. Sparkling, ebullient personality, charming, energetic, decisive. The homely atmosphere, the parents - everything is unusual. They seek unusual experiences. Often paranormal abilities, interest in astrology and the occult. Francis Sakoyan

Gives a heightened feeling, intuition, clairvoyance, insight, originality, ingenuity, desire for new things, friendliness, altruism, humanity, humanity, loyalty, sincerity.
The negative side of these aspects is too free views on love. S.V. Shestopalov

For two or three months now, I have periodically received requests to write a publication about the intense interaction between the night star and the first higher planet. For astrologers and people interested in this branch of esotericism, Uranus occupies a special place in the soul. This is understandable, because this planet patronizes astrology, as well as everything unusual, non-standard and unpredictable. Uranus is generally characterized by the “not” particle. This is a planet with its own peculiar character, which you clearly feel in the forecast: you expect one thing from Uranus, it will do everything in its own way, not at all what you expect from it. Therefore, people who have accentuated Uranus in their chart through aspects with personal planets or positions in an angular house are always distinguished by their rebellious disposition; they tend to act only as they themselves want, and not as the people around them want.

What does the aspect of the Moon and Uranus endow the native with, other than the need for freedom, unrestricted by anyone or anything? Of course, with intense emotionality. Extremely stormy. The emotional reactions of such a person are unpredictable; sometimes he himself may be surprised by the feelings he experiences at one time or another. However, Uranus is a fast planet, therefore such “outbursts” are short-lived. In my opinion, this aspect in terms of uncontrolled emotions is a little similar to the tense aspect of the Moon and Mars.

Moreover, this aspect does not give special deep emotionality. Of the three higher planets, Uranus belongs to the category of mental planets, because it is the highest octave of Mercury, and it rules Aquarius. It’s different, Neptune and Pluto - they give strong and very deep emotional reactions, and the latter generally imparts the need for the intensity of feelings and experiences.

The family life of such a person can hardly be called stable, because a motor inside him is constantly itching, pushing him to unconventional antics, which, of course, does not at all have a positive effect on the relationship with his husband, wife, parents, and especially with his mother! With this aspect, a mother can be an unusual, independent person, and I won’t say that she is particularly caring. If the owner of the aspect is a man, then he will be interested in women with the corresponding character traits.

When I was a full-time student at the Academy of Astrology, I met a girl in whose chart the Moon was in square to Uranus. So, the girl inherited her interest in astrology from her mother, who works... as an astrologer! In general, judging by the stories, her mother is a very interesting and unusual person. She cuts her hair in a crew cut and dyes her hair some bright color. At that moment, Uranus, by the way, formed a tau - square in her chart, since the natal Moon is located in Libra, so the relationship with her mother was not that aggravated at that moment, but her mother was clearly eccentric.

Uranus, as a rule, does not give strong attachment to the mother, and parents in general. And a person will also not experience any special sentimental feelings about his place of birth, unless, of course, his Moon is in Cancer or in the Fourth House. It is difficult for a native with this aspect to accept care from his parents; he strives in every possible way to escape from under guardianship. One of my friends has a Moon in Capricorn conjunct Uranus. His relationship with his mother is very difficult. He actually doesn’t care about her, does only what he wants and is completely uncontrollable. As a stellium Aries, this state of affairs, of course, infuriates her. Therefore, for them, constant showdowns and quarrels, the main reason for which is his disobedience, are a completely normal phenomenon.

In astrology, Neptune is usually responsible for intuition from the higher planets. However, Uranus, through interaction with the night luminary, also gives a person a sixth sense. It’s just that, unlike Neptune, Uranus illuminates with flashes - and the native intuitively understands what’s what and why. People born in 1989 and a little later generally have a very interesting picture - Saturn, Uranus and Neptune were in conjunction, and for some this stellium fell on the Moon. Saturn, of course, has nothing to do with intuition, but the higher planets endow a person with a strong sense of intuition.

By the way, let's talk about food. After all, nutrition also correlates with the Moon, and with intense aspectation from Uranus, a person may have unusual taste preferences. For example, my father, in whose chart there is a square between these planets, likes to make a sandwich with sausage, and be sure to pour some jam on top. I can hardly imagine how these two, in my opinion, incompatible products can be mixed, so I cannot eat with my father at the same table. This summer a new thought struck him. He didn’t eat anything at all for 15 days - that is, such people have a kind of superficial attitude towards food.

For women and girls, this aspect is unpleasant because it can cause problems with conception, pregnancy and childbirth. This could be premature birth. Miscarriages are also common with this aspect, especially if one of the planets is related to the Fifth House - the house of children. As far as I can judge, these aspects do not affect the number of children. This is not Saturn, which reduces everything, but pregnancy and childbirth, the owner of the aspect of the Moon and Uranus, must be taken very seriously!


Moon conjunction Uranus: Jack London, Carla Bruni.

Moon square Uranus Stars: Michael Jordan, David Beckham, Jessica Alba, Katie Holmes, Audrey Tautou, Gerard Butler, Roman Polanski, Nicole Kidman, Carl Gustav Jung, Vladimir Zelensky.

Moon opposition Uranus: David Copperfield, Catherine Zeta - Jones, Svetlana Khodchenkova.

With love,

In astrology, tense aspects between the Sun and Moon are often described as something negative, karmic and doomed. They say that according to the square or opposition of the Moon and the Sun, the individual has a conflict between the conscious and the unconscious. But what does this look like in reality, at the level of everyday life? And are there ways to correct it? You will learn the answers to all these questions from this article.

What are the Sun and Moon arguing about?

The Sun and Moon are the two main factors in the natal chart. The analysis of the horoscope begins with them. Everything else is secondary. For example, what is the point in a person being able to build a career if, according to the Moon, he is not interested in it?

The luminaries represent you and your interactions with the world. Do you value yourself or criticize yourself? How do you perceive the world around you? Do you accept it or not?

The sun is my adult, conscious self. Creation. My meaning of life, point of inspiration and joy. My Self without social templates and masks. My “I want.” The Sun is the only planet in the chart that signifies consciousness and awareness. Motivation, the source of eternal energy. Remember the state when you were passionately doing something. You didn’t feel tired and didn’t notice anything around you. Time seemed to stand still. This is solar consciousness.

The moon is another one of me, but on behalf of my body, habits, fears and attitudes. How do I perceive the reality around me? Do I accept the world or do I want to push everything around? My reflection in the world in the form of professions, beliefs, attitudes. My point of comfort and relaxation. Birth canal. Sleep, rest, food.

Is the Moon a soul?

In classical astrology, the Moon is often referred to as the “soul”. But this is a misconception. The mystics of the past divided the soul into several parts:

  • soul body- animal consciousness. Habits, body needs
  • soul of the mind- logos, mind, thinking
  • spirit- an eternal particle of the divine in man

The moon denotes consciousness at the level of the body. Animal nature in man. Instincts, needs. The body wants to eat, sleep, and rest. The instinct of self-preservation and reproduction are typical lunar themes. The Sun is responsible for the spirit, the ability to create and create.

At the physiological level, the Moon represents the left hemisphere, which sees a system, a pattern, a support in everything in order to be safe.

The sun is responsible for the right hemisphere - creativity, knowledge, creativity.

How do luminary aspects work?

Any aspects between the Sun and the Moon indicate the interaction between my Self and the world around me.

Tense aspects between the luminaries show a split within the personality from the series: I want one thing, but I’m comfortable with another. I want and am afraid at the same time. Something always prevents me from relaxing or enjoying myself. It's like a thorn that deprives you of peace.

In plus n tense aspects provide enormous motivation for implementation, push you to act, to leave your comfort zone in order to achieve your goals.

Luminaries are personal planets. To correctly read the aspect between them, first take the Moon as the basis, and the Sun as the factor influencing it. Then the Sun as the basis, and the Moon as a transformer.

Don't forget to evaluate the strength of the aspect. Do you have strong or weak squares or oppositions? Strong ones manifest themselves frequently and intensely. Weak - there is a wound inside, but it sits inside and does not spoil life much.

Another myth. It is believed that tense aspects between the luminaries indicate the divorce of parents. In practice, this rule works with the precision of tossing a coin into the air. Divorcing parents requires strong aspects. The card must also contain confirmation of this event.

In reality, squares and oppositions between the luminaries speak of the diametrically opposed characters of the parents. Or there could be frequent quarrels, conflicts, disagreements in the family.

Now let's look at quadrature and opposition under a microscope.


Conflict between “I want” and comfort. The sun lacks the ability to relax, trust, accept. The Moon lacks motivation, inspiration, meaning.

If the Moon is the base. When I start to relax, I lose the motivation to do something, there is no joy. I can't relax.

As soon as I start to rest, I get an awl in one place, which works like a radio: I need to do this, this, and this. And here I am lying on the stove. Oddly enough, the more such a person relaxes, the more he stresses himself out and the less motivation and inspiration he has. But once you enter the active mode again, everything goes away on its own. The downside of this situation is the inability to relax; the psyche is constantly under tension.

I don't know how to take care of myself. I help others, even if it is to my detriment. I don't know how to listen to myself. Constant lack of confidence in yourself. Someone else’s opinion and advice can interrupt my motivation and my own opinion. Outwardly, such people do not always show it, but a funnel unwinds inside: suddenly I’m wrong, and they are right. No, but what if?

On the minus side: dependence on society. I have my own opinion, but I'm afraid to show it. I'm afraid of not meeting the expectations of others.

The rule works:listen to others and do the opposite. Do it your way!

Often external extravagance, show off, desire to surprise, provoke. External: I do what I want. But inside it is an attempt to close the hole of self-doubt. Judging by the squaring of the luminaries, people look very strong and confident. But inside they are usually vulnerable and very vulnerable. The feeling of uncertainty does not allow you to relax.

Why is quadrature needed? Learn to listen to yourself. Learn to accept and value yourself. People with a square of luminaries are looking for support in the outside world: society, friends, loved ones. And in the end they become disappointed in this. No one and nothing will be your support if not you.

The square of the Sun and the Moon is a source of enormous tension and energy!

The more I am creative, the more creative I am, the more peace and relaxation there is in my life. People with a square of luminaries have a need to express themselves and express themselves creatively. But it turns out that I do not what I want, but what I need. I devalue my creativity, giving it up to the eternal “should”, “not now”.

If the Sun is the basis. When I start doing something, especially something that interests me, when I start implementing it, I do it to the detriment of my health, sacrificing lunar themes: rest, sleep, relaxation. Such people can easily bear heavy loads, They easily leave their comfort zone without feeling tired, especially if the Sun is strong in the chart.

Gives you an active, workaholic person who is constantly in the cycle of events. But as soon as the rush subsides and you don’t have to run anywhere and go out of your way, motivation disappears. A long recovery begins. Burning through your health, which can last for months, years.

I want to push the world to suit me, but I can’t do it. If the square is not worked out, a lot of tension accumulates inside. A person endures for a long time, concentrates emotions in himself, and then explodes. And so on in a circle. When the tension reaches its final phase- incredible and senseless stubbornness kicks in - I don’t want to wait, understand, accept anything! I want it right now!

There is a pattern in life. If you are in a bad mood, then the world provokes even more negativity. Roads are closed, problems and obstacles arise everywhere. The universe, instead of helping, puts even more pressure on the sore spot. If the mood is good, then everything works out by itself. In terms of quadrature, this rule works especially strongly and brightly.

Devaluing oneself, constantly looking back at faceless society. On the one hand, this gives an incentive to act, to rush forward. On the other hand, it doesn’t allow you to stop and take a break. It seems that if If I relax even a little, everything will fall apart.

In short: implementation to the detriment of oneself. I’m burning my strength, exploiting my body. I can only rejoice in tension. When I relax, I feel the frailty of existence.

Elaboration: learn to act, be active, achieve goals without sacrificing yourself. Now you don’t feel like you’re burning your strength, but then your body will make itself known. The task is to learn to take care of yourself. This will seem trivial, but for people with a Sun square Moon this is a difficult task.

Second task - learn to accept the world and the surrounding reality. Don't push through a situation if it doesn't work out. Stop, listen to yourself. Do you really want this? The secret is simple: if a person with a square of the Moon and the Sun does not want something, but does what is necessary, then the world closes the roads, events freeze and a huge amount of energy is required to get a result. As the saying goes, You can't fool yourself.


Squaring is always a lack of energy that you need to replenish. The opposition is symbolically the antipode of quadrature. Opposition is an excess of energy. Your task is to remove unnecessary things.

Opposition always implies refusal. A choice must be made, one must be sacrificed in order for the other to manifest. But according to the opposition, I want to sit on two chairs at the same time.

I want to be strong and weak at the same time. A woman with the opposition of the luminaries wants care, guardianship from her husband, and comfort in the family. But at the same time he puts pressure on his spouse and fights for leadership in the partnership. He endures for a long time, accumulates grievances, and then unleashes a hail of accusations and claims on his opponent.

According to opposition, the native is thrown from one extreme to another. Two distortions - now I’m calm, sweet, responsive, then I’m stubborn, tough, demanding, I explode over little things. And when I return to normal, I begin to blame myself for it. None of the options give results.

According to the opposition, tension accumulates inside for a long time until it explodes!

Planets in opposition get confused and change places, which creates tension. In our example: when I need to rest and relax, the Sun turns on, I begin to show pressure and activity. Owners of luminary opposition, especially strong ones, often have problems with sleep and biorhythms. When I need to be active, I get deflated, feel tired, overwhelmed.

When I need to give in and accept, I turn on pressure and perseverance. When I need to push the situation, to show myself, I become weak, capricious, and generally don’t understand what they all want from me.

Methods of development:

  1. When I turn on the sun- I need to give up the Moon
  2. When I turn on the moon- I need to give up the Sun

As soon as I want to manifest the Sun, the Moon immediately appears. As a result, both planets suffer. The native simultaneously wants realization, success, achieving goals (Sun), but for it to be comfortable, safe and without unnecessary stress (Moon). The result is no peace, no success.

Opposition, more than other aspects, requires you to be aware, to understand what you are doing and why.

When I implement, create projects, express myself, I prepare myself for discomfort in advance. I understand that I need to get out of my comfort zone and push myself hard to get results. By opposition, unlike quadrature, On the contrary, I don’t need to feel sorry for myself and save my strength. Scenario: I push myself hard, push myself, then recover.

When the Moon appears, the Sun turns on at the same time. I want to push the world to suit me, so that everything around me is the way I want it, I won’t accept anything else. As a result, tension and conflict arise. And most importantly, I never got what I wanted. The more I put pressure, the more I show what I want, the less results and the more negativity.

What to do: clearly plan your rest and diet. From the series: today I’m stressed, but I know for sure that tomorrow I will rest. The zone, time for rest and work should be clearly separated. According to the opposition, there is a mixing effect: at the same time I work, I am active, and at the same time I want to relax. about the author

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The square of the Moon and Uranus imparts a feeling of discomfort and instability to the native. It is not easy for such a person to relax and come into a state of balance, since , which is responsible for well-being and mood, is affected by the evil luminary - Uranus.

Meanwhile, this aspect enhances intuition and gives a person the gift of foresight. The intense interaction of planets indicates heightened sensitivity. The intuitive insights and signs that the owner of the horoscope receives from space give him the opportunity to prepare in advance for future events.

Aspect and its influence on a person’s character and behavior

A person with a square of the Moon and Uranus often seems restless, impulsive and too tense to others. He can get agitated over any little thing, and his irritability, fussiness and fickleness push people away from him.

The positive qualities of the owner of the horoscope are friendliness, high social activity, open life position and sincerity. Such people, in addition to a high level of erudition and original thinking, may have unusual talents and ingenuity.

Another distinctive feature of such a person is his love of freedom. He will not allow his rights to be limited in any way. Such people are ready to fight and defend both their interests and the rights of others.

Square Moon – Uranus in a man’s natal chart

If in a man’s birth chart there is a square between the marriage significator Moon and Uranus, then this indicates that there is often a situation of instability in his personal life. In youth, the native, as a rule, exhibits inconstancy of feelings and attachments. In relationships, he demonstrates independence, and a woman who tries to tie him to herself is deprived of her friend status.

Meanwhile, the owner of the aspect is distinguished by friendliness, originality and sociability, and therefore there are many like-minded women around him. Relationships with your chosen one will work out if she creates an atmosphere of creativity and freedom for a man, and also does not encroach on his personal space.

Square Moon – Uranus in a woman’s natal chart

If in a woman’s radix there is a tense aspect between the Moon and Uranus, then the owner of the horoscope will be distinguished by impatience, willfulness and obstinacy. She doesn't like it most when her desires and initiatives are suppressed. Often such women leave their parents' nest early in order to gain independence and live the way they want. They are greatly influenced by their friends and the team in which they are located.

There may be many unexpected events and unfavorable changes in the life of the owner of a horoscope. You should be attentive to your women's health. In particular, there may be problems with bearing a child.

Square Moon – Uranus in the children's horoscope

A child whose birth chart contains a square between the Moon and Uranus must be given complete freedom of action. He enjoys doing what interests him, and the imposition by adults of necessary but boring activities causes protest in such a child.

Let parents not be afraid of the child’s whims, nervousness and high sensitivity. Playful teaching methods, a friendly atmosphere and sincere support from adults - all this will help to establish contact with the child and establish a successful educational process.

Moon and Uranus in different zodiac signs

The square of the Moon and Uranus is a destabilizing aspect, but if the Moon is strong in quality, then the harmfulness of the aspect will be minimized. An interesting example is the square formed by the Moon in Taurus and Uranus in Aquarius. In this case, both luminaries are strong, and therefore the owner of the horoscope will be successful in several areas at the same time.

Firstly, despite frequent life changes, his greatest joy will be home, family and children. The strong will give the support of friends. Intellectual and social activities will bring success to the native.

It is very difficult for people with a square (or opposition) Moon-Uranus to “take root.” This feature can arise from trauma in early childhood or premature separation from the warm and cozy womb of the mother, both literally and metaphorically. The most obvious interpretation of this aspect is abandonment of the mother. A child with a Moon-Uranus square never feels that he can count on adults for support or comfort. These factors develop absolute independence from a very early age.

In adulthood, this independent spirit can turn into an excessive desire for free relationships. What ordinary citizens call love, these people perceive as something constraining or suffocating. Alternatively, they may have close love relationships, but also have a job that requires long hours away from home, business trips, or travel, which satisfies their exaggerated need for freedom.

The Moon-Uranus square in the natal chart gives a person an obsessive need not only for freedom, but also for thrills. This need can make their life very colorful, interesting and adventurous. Such people have a combination of eccentric behavior and an extremely independent character.

Moon in astrology

The Moon rules Cancer, the sign associated with women, the mother, the home and our overall sense of security. Understanding your Moon sign can help you navigate relationships with all the ladies in your life. It can also determine how well you get along with your mother.

Uranus in astrology

Uranus in your natal chart may indicate aspects of life in which you want to abdicate responsibility and remain forever youthful and unobtrusive. Uranus spends about seven years in each sign and has a hand in the process of generational change. Often people with this planet in the natal chart tend to shirk marital responsibilities. It has been established that the divorce rate in the world began to increase when Uranus visited Libra (1969 - 1975). People born with Uranus in the mysterious Scorpio tend to be sexually liberated, rebel against puritanical values, and often have “no-attachment” relationships based only on carnal desire.

General characteristics of the square

You are subconsciously drawn to something new and exciting, but are easily distracted by your endless emotional compulsions. Although you have your own unique and sometimes strange way of doing things, you are open enough to experiment and therefore quickly change your views and life strategies.

Those with a Moon-Uranus square in their natal chart love to shock; they can spend their entire lives rebelling against their mother or their home country, rejecting their own culture, marrying someone of a different race, or moving to a country in which they themselves become foreigners. The Moon-Uranus square needs constant changes, making the owner of the natal chart somewhat spontaneous and fussy.

Innovation is their middle name. Their innovative ideas are often misunderstood. Sometimes it comes to the point that others rush to label them as eccentrics or crazy. Both the Moon square and opposite Uranus are simply way ahead of their time.

These people, despite the misunderstanding, usually remain optimistic and are in no hurry to change their behavior. Frequent stress and a regular surge of adrenaline do not depress them, but increase their vitality. If they do not receive the desired stimulus in the form of acute experiences, they can become very depressed and even depressed.

Relationships with loved ones

Your home and family may be influenced by Uranus. Moving from one place to another is characteristic of this planet. If not you, then your partner or children may stand out in some way. The moon symbolizes the public and the collective unconscious. When combined with Uranus, this means that you stand out from the crowd very much.

As a rule, you are not too inclined to become attached to people. This may be due to emotional detachment from parents, especially the mother.

Whether you are a man or a woman, your upbringing may have been unorthodox. You may raise your children in a somewhat unusual and eccentric way. Your main goal is to find a reasonable balance between aloofness and independence. Sometimes even you find it difficult to separate one from the other, so you distance yourself from people. The Moon-Uranus square synastry is a union of two original and independent people, whose relationship will be more like friendship.

Dangers and Disadvantages

Your strange behavior may at times shock and confuse those around you, including your loved ones. Your superiors may not appreciate your disrespect for traditions and your skeptical attitude toward authority.


You have the opportunity to combine humanistic and scientific approaches. You look at things impartially. Entertainment and scientific research will stimulate your career growth. Being able to be a "jack of all trades" in your home will also allow you to express your unique talents and create a stimulating and exciting environment in which to raise your children.

Therefore, it is important that your inclinations and talents find their application at work or in hobbies. The Moon is also responsible for imagination, so the outbreak of new ideas is best realized through scientific inventions. An artist who is among people of this type can paint a picture that will amaze and shock those around him. This provocative visual art can be used effectively in humanitarian campaigns and in the world of advertising.

Osho is a typical example

Osho (Indian mystic and spiritual leader) is an excellent example of a Moon-Uranus square in a man. Intuitive flashes provided him with great insight into both life around him and human psychology. This gave Osho the ability to combine theories of sexual liberation and mysticism, which greatly appealed to Western audiences. Osho was known for combining Eastern Sufi teachings with Western ideas influenced by Reich, Gurdjieff, Freud and D.H. Lawrence. Osho's childhood was unusually free, he was separated from his mother as an infant and lived with his grandparents, who gave him great freedom. Until the age of seven, Osho did not receive any education. He became a rebellious but gifted student when he finally entered school.

During his university days, Osho is said to have demonstrated destructive tendencies. Having become a teacher, he denied morality and virtue. The influences of the Moon and Uranus on Osho's soul provided him with an alternative living environment in the form of an Indian ashram. However, he eventually emigrated to the United States due to his provocative lectures on sexuality and the overly free-spirited atmosphere of his ashram. Osho has always been a scandalous and odious person. He simply adored luxury and outrageousness. For example, his collection of Rolls Royce cars was a strange companion to the “enlightenment in asceticism” that he preached.

The Moon-Uranus square reappeared in his life when Osho was deported from the United States. This was due to the fact that his followers carried out an open bioterrorist attack on the citizens of Dulles (in Oregon). Subsequently, 20 countries made him persona non grata. Osho lived all over the world until his death in 1990. In the 21st century, his work finally became in demand, and his books became even more popular than during his lifetime.

Square in transit

The Moon-Uranus square transit can cause rapid mood swings and impulsive reactions. You may feel nervous and lack patience. You need extra stimulation and excitement and rebel against anyone who tries to tie you into any kind of commitment.

This is not the time for boring routines or important responsibilities because you will be easily distracted by something new and intriguing. This is a good time to relax.

Your instincts and reflexes can be strong and fast. This is not the right time to make changes to an existing relationship. New encounters can only temporarily satisfy your need for thrills.

You may experience emotional outbursts with friends or family who need your patience and sensitivity. You can escalate any drama by turning it into a small local tragedy, especially during periods when we can see the Moon-Uranus square in the solar, that is, on a person’s birthday.

Emotional problems during transit

People may feel very irritable for the duration of this transit. They really want to be left alone and allowed to do their own thing. Intervention or intrusive help may be met with fury and ferocity. Most people are not particularly compassionate during this period, nor are they very prone to empathy. This is a bad time to establish emotional contact with anyone. Several people among you may succumb to impulsive, abrupt, poorly thought-out actions that they will later regret. Knowing that most people are fairly insensitive will help you avoid unpleasant situations.

Tau square Uranus-Pluto-Moon

The Moon in Libra strongly influences Mars, Uranus and Pluto. Even if interactions between people are polite and tactful, they are kept on the edge. The Moon is a powder keg when interacting with Mars, Uranus and Pluto. The combination of these planets can give unpredictable results.

Thanks to the influence of the Moon, these negative moods also affect entire families. Walking on the edge, ultimatums, and mutual control await families during this period. There is a lot of incomprehensible tension in relationships with loved ones. Nobody wants to compromise.

You can return home from work or go to the store to buy something. You will communicate politely with people you meet along the way. They will be polite and tactful in return, but you will continue to notice a strange tension existing between you. At this time, all people try to restrain themselves. With a Moon-Sun-Uranus square, a similar phenomenon will be observed among people, but in a lighter and nobler form.

Notable owners

The most famous bearer of the Moon-Uranus square is Van Gogh, the world famous Dutch artist. Other famous owners of this square in natal charts are: Harry Secombe, David Beckham, Jack Pearson, John Adday, Barbara Windsor, Justin Bieber, James Earl Jones, Kathy Bates, Riley Keough, Dan Wilson, Oscar Wilde, Penelope Cruz, Louis Braille, CD Broad, Ryan O'Neal,