Design of electronic means. Electronic design and technology

The Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics HSE in the field of “Design and Technology of Electronic Devices” is told by the head of this field, head of the Department of Radio Electronics and Telecommunications at MIEM HSE Leonid Kechiev.

Leonid Nikolaevich, your department trains bachelors and masters. What is the qualitative difference in the training of these specialists? Can only masters be considered engineers, or can bachelors also be considered one of them?

A bachelor is, of course, not the highest caste of blue-collar professions; it is the lowest caste of the engineering profession. Let me give you an example from the field of mechanics. A specialist develops a device, he creates, comes up with something, carries out calculations, and embodies all this in a drawing. Then he gives the calculations and drawing to the bachelor so that he can do the detailing. Why is such a division necessary? Carrying out detailing is a purely technical, uncreative job, but it also cannot be done by just anyone; it requires certain knowledge, the ability to calculate tolerances, fits, and roughness. Both the master and the bachelor have this knowledge, but since there is no creativity in the process of detailing, it is enough to entrust this work to the bachelor, while the master will work on new developments at this time.

The main motivation for enrolling in a master's program is to continue to develop and reach the appropriate level in the industrial and scientific hierarchy. For some, this is an opportunity to continue their studies in graduate school, and for others, it is then to go into production, to a creative and, possibly, management position. While studying for a master's degree, students are already working at an enterprise, they are attached to a specific topic, they see the results of their work and are better aware of their career and material prospects. They are also assessed better by employers who understand that not every bachelor will become a talented developer or administrator. The prospects of a master with greater knowledge and extensive experience in production are easier to assess.

- Where and with whom do masters go to work after completing their studies in the field you lead?

The direction “Design and technology of electronic means” is one of the most in demand in modern production. Everything that is now done at enterprises is done by the hands of designers and technologists, specialists whom, as the name of our direction suggests, we train. The designer develops documentation and the device itself, carries out its tests, measurements, etc., and the technologist develops the entire technological process, that is, everything related to the actual release of the equipment to the market. The demand for specialists in this profile is enormous; there are now not enough of them in enterprises everywhere.

The fact is that over the past 20 years, when nothing was developed at enterprises, there was no demand for such specialists, so designers and technologists fled, and a whole generation of these specialists was lost. During this time, there was a radical change in technologies and design methods, resources for modernization appeared, and now enterprises desperately needed our specialists, designers and technologists. Technologically, we (as a country) are far behind, so equipment at enterprises is now purchased from abroad, but the developments on it should already be ours. Modern production workers need to master this equipment, and master it enough to be able - in accordance with world trends - to modernize it every two to four years. Enterprises cannot afford to buy millions of dollars worth of new equipment all the time; they are forced to modernize existing machines and equipment, modernize them and need the masters they are currently graduating.

This year, MIEM will have the fourth graduation from this master’s program. Two masters from the first graduating class are currently preparing to defend their candidate dissertations.

How competitive are the masters you prepare compared to experienced “old school” engineers?

Judge for yourself, in recent years the design system has changed dramatically, and given that the system of advanced training has completely collapsed, those specialists who have been working at enterprises for a long time simply cannot master new systems. Today production needs new personnel. As an example, one of the successfully operating enterprises can be cited - MOKB MARS, an experimental design bureau from the Roscosmos system, which deals with computers and other electronic equipment for spacecraft. Our master's and graduate students work there, and everyone is delighted with their work. Another example is the Moscow Research Aviation Institute, where our final-year bachelors and masters are currently working. The guys are engaged in very high-tech development of on-board vehicles. The management of the institute changed, the enterprise came to life, new orders and ideas appeared.

Miroslav Limansky, especially for the news service of the HSE portal

The Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics HSE in the field of “Design and Technology of Electronic Devices” is told by the head of this field, head of the Department of Radio Electronics and Telecommunications at MIEM HSE Leonid Kechiev.

Leonid Nikolaevich, your department trains bachelors and masters. What is the qualitative difference in the training of these specialists? Can only masters be considered engineers, or can bachelors also be considered one of them?

A bachelor is, of course, not the highest caste of blue-collar professions; it is the lowest caste of the engineering profession. Let me give you an example from the field of mechanics. A specialist develops a device, he creates, comes up with something, carries out calculations, and embodies all this in a drawing. Then he gives the calculations and drawing to the bachelor so that he can do the detailing. Why is such a division necessary? Carrying out detailing is a purely technical, uncreative job, but it also cannot be done by just anyone; it requires certain knowledge, the ability to calculate tolerances, fits, and roughness. Both the master and the bachelor have this knowledge, but since there is no creativity in the process of detailing, it is enough to entrust this work to the bachelor, while the master will work on new developments at this time.

The main motivation for enrolling in a master's program is to continue to develop and reach the appropriate level in the industrial and scientific hierarchy. For some, this is an opportunity to continue their studies in graduate school, and for others, it is then to go into production, to a creative and, possibly, management position. While studying for a master's degree, students are already working at an enterprise, they are attached to a specific topic, they see the results of their work and are better aware of their career and material prospects. They are also assessed better by employers who understand that not every bachelor will become a talented developer or administrator. The prospects of a master with greater knowledge and extensive experience in production are easier to assess.

- Where and with whom do masters go to work after completing their studies in the field you lead?

The direction “Design and technology of electronic means” is one of the most in demand in modern production. Everything that is now done at enterprises is done by the hands of designers and technologists, specialists whom, as the name of our direction suggests, we train. The designer develops documentation and the device itself, carries out its tests, measurements, etc., and the technologist develops the entire technological process, that is, everything related to the actual release of the equipment to the market. The demand for specialists in this profile is enormous; there are now not enough of them in enterprises everywhere.

The fact is that over the past 20 years, when nothing was developed at enterprises, there was no demand for such specialists, so designers and technologists fled, and a whole generation of these specialists was lost. During this time, there was a radical change in technologies and design methods, resources for modernization appeared, and now enterprises desperately needed our specialists, designers and technologists. Technologically, we (as a country) are far behind, so equipment at enterprises is now purchased from abroad, but the developments on it should already be ours. Modern production workers need to master this equipment, and master it enough to be able - in accordance with world trends - to modernize it every two to four years. Enterprises cannot afford to buy millions of dollars worth of new equipment all the time; they are forced to modernize existing machines and equipment, modernize them and need the masters they are currently graduating.

This year, MIEM will have the fourth graduation from this master’s program. Two masters from the first graduating class are currently preparing to defend their candidate dissertations.

How competitive are the masters you prepare compared to experienced “old school” engineers?

Judge for yourself, in recent years the design system has changed dramatically, and given that the system of advanced training has completely collapsed, those specialists who have been working at enterprises for a long time simply cannot master new systems. Today production needs new personnel. As an example, one of the successfully operating enterprises can be cited - MOKB MARS, an experimental design bureau from the Roscosmos system, which deals with computers and other electronic equipment for spacecraft. Our master's and graduate students work there, and everyone is delighted with their work. Another example is the Moscow Research Aviation Institute, where our final-year bachelors and masters are currently working. The guys are engaged in very high-tech development of on-board vehicles. The management of the institute changed, the enterprise came to life, new orders and ideas appeared.

Miroslav Limansky, especially for the news service of the HSE portal


Students who choose this profile will master the following skills upon completion of their studies:

  • carry out early feasibility studies of programs for the development and production of electronic systems;
  • prepare the information base and primary information necessary for calculation and design procedures;
  • carry out preparation of production and technologies;
  • carry out quality assurance management at the enterprise;
  • check compliance with standards and requirements in the field of environmental safety;
  • direct and coordinate the work of a small group team;
  • configure and technically maintain software and hardware;
  • draw up instructions and recommendations in the field of operation of testing programs and devices;
  • carry out prototyping procedures using methods of exact sciences of processes and objects;
  • carry out metrological procedures;
  • calculate the physical parameters of electronic parts, modules and assemblies;
  • carry out security measures aimed at preserving intellectual property rights.

Who to work with

Bachelors can work in the engineering field, servicing computer equipment and designing automated systems. They can also occupy positions of design engineers, microelectronics engineers, electricians and circuit designers. In the field of working with radio-electronic equipment, graduates perform control and installation functions. They are often offered positions as nanotechnologists and software developers. The companies they may work for are in the electronics industry. Research institutes, computer centers, design bureaus, laboratories and university departments are suitable for carrying out scientific work.

Direction "Design and technology of electronic means"

In 2014, the training area “Design and technology of electronic means” received international accreditation.

Annual intake for the first year – 50 students in two profiles :

  1. “Design and technology of microsystems”
  2. "Electronic means of roboticdevices and systems"

What are electronic media? ( download presentation ).

During the period of study, students gain extensive knowledge and experience in design using OrCAD, Autodesk Inventor, Mentor Graphics, Pro/Engeneer, Compass 3D software and electronic development technology.

The combination of the words “design and technology” in the name of the direction is not accidental, since it is impossible to develop a modern microelectronic device without knowledge of the latest computer-aided design (CAD) systems and the capabilities of modern technology. And the training profiles – “microsystems” and “robotic devices” – are new, rapidly developing, relevant and in demand scientific and technical areas.

The range of electronic means in the modern world is large and constantly expanding, so our students are very, very interested in studying, and our graduates are in demand and have no problems finding employment.

Contacts of the NMST Institute

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (profile) - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the university's choice
  • Physics - optional at university

In the modern world, it is increasingly difficult to do without technical knowledge. But there is no need to be afraid of complex drawings and diagrams. The drawing board is being replaced by electronic assistants in the form of software development systems, electronic processors and circuits.

If you believe experts, then in the Russian Federation there are more than three thousand enterprises and organizations that operate in the field of development and production of electronic devices of various types. It becomes clear that professionals who can ensure the functioning of these devices are highly valued.

After programmers who directly develop software, design engineers are in second place in demand. University graduates with a specialty in “Design and technology of electronic devices 03/11/03” are able to provide maintenance of systems, structures, circuits and technologies in the field of electronic instrument making.

Admission conditions

To enroll in a specialized educational institution, you need to know which subjects to take. Among the exams there is a specialized one in mathematics, which should be given more attention. In addition, you will have to demonstrate your knowledge of the Russian language. And the third exam offers a choice of computer science and ICT or physics.

On average, applicants applying to this faculty have from 30 to 63 points for the Unified State Exam.

Future profession

In the process of learning to design electronic devices, much attention is paid to the use of modern computer-aided design systems. Computer graphics and modeling programs are also actively used in the educational process. Don't think that future design engineers only master technical skills. A significant part of the training programs is devoted to mastering the art of management in accordance with international standards. This will help young professionals establish work in teams that they will be able to lead in the future. As part of their bachelor's degree, students receive a sufficient supply of knowledge to not only comprehend the secrets of modern production, but also manage this fascinating process. Thanks to the close cooperation of most departments with existing enterprises, students have the opportunity to adapt to real working conditions during their studies.

In connection with the prospect of reorienting the Russian economy from the raw materials direction to high-tech industries, the profession of an electronic device designer is very interesting from a development point of view. In the next 20-30 years, nanoelectronics, information technology and the development of communication systems will become decisive for most production processes.

Where to apply

You can become a certified specialist in this field by graduating from one of the following universities in Moscow and the Russian Federation:

  • National Research University "MIET";
  • National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI";
  • Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university);
  • St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich;
  • St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics;
  • Omsk State Technical University (OMGTU);
  • Orenburg State University.

Training period

Depending on your life circumstances, you can choose the form of training that is most convenient. However, this will in no way affect the quality of the skills acquired. If you are comfortable with a full-time course, it will take you 4 years, but if for some reason you decide to choose a full-time, evening or mixed course, count on 5 full years of study. Some universities offer the opportunity to receive education remotely, but this option is most often available for master's programs. It is better to clarify such information on a bachelor’s degree individually at the institution of your choice.

Disciplines included in the course of study

Regardless of the form of training, in the process of obtaining the profession of designer-technologist of electronic devices, you will master the following disciplines:

  • information Technology;
  • engineering graphics;
  • basics of designing electronic devices;
  • electronic production technology;
  • physical foundations of micro- and nanoelectronics;
  • electronics and electrical engineering.

This, of course, is not a complete list of academic disciplines. But, based on the names of even these few subjects, we can draw a conclusion about the skills and abilities that a student in this field acquires.

Acquired skills

In addition to the ability to assess the significance and prospects of various objects in the field of electronic means, the graduate can primarily design various navigation systems, robotics products, various control and measuring equipment, and microsensors.

During the design process, a bachelor in the specialty “Design and Technology of Electronic Equipment” is able to perform all kinds of related calculations, develop documentation and testing programs for objects. Sometimes it is necessary for the designer of electronic devices to be directly involved in the process of their installation and implementation. University graduates also have such skills.

Job prospects by profession

According to their skills, young specialists can occupy various positions in domestic and foreign companies. These include computer system designers, microelectronics and circuit engineers, programmer developers, electronic device controllers, and even nanotechnologists.

Statistical data on salary levels in this market segment indicate that a design engineer can earn from 45 thousand rubles, which is not the limit, since bonuses and bonuses may be provided here. As a general rule, the more complex and advanced the equipment you have to work with, the higher your monthly income will be.

Advantages of Master's Degree Studies

If it is fundamentally important for you to develop in the direction of scientific research and development, universities offer to continue your studies in a master's program. Here, greater emphasis is placed not on practical skills, but on the development of fundamentally new electronic tools. Another direction could be the study of additional capabilities of existing circuits and systems. In parallel with your master's degree studies, you can work in various design bureaus and research institutes. In any case, a master's degree provides additional knowledge and research opportunities in such a promising area.