What determines the psychological climate in a team. Social tension in the organization

The socio-psychological climate is a specific phenomenon, which is made up of the characteristics of human perception by a person, mutually experienced feelings, assessments and opinions, readiness to react in a certain way to the words and actions of others. It influences the well-being of team members;

to develop, adopt and implement joint decisions;

to achieve the effectiveness of joint activities.

Moral and psychological climate- this is the relatively stable psychological mood of its members that prevails in a group or team, manifested in all the diverse forms of their activities. The moral and psychological climate determines the system of relationships of team members to each other, to work, to surrounding events and to the organization as a whole on the basis of individual, personal and value orientations. Any actions of a leader or a team member (especially of a negative nature) affect the state of the moral and psychological climate and deform it. And vice versa, every positive management decision, positive collective action improves the moral and psychological climate. The basis for a positive favorable moral and psychological climate are socially significant motives for the attitude towards work among members of the work collective. The optimal combination of these motives will be if three components are involved: material interest in this particular work, direct interest in the labor process, public discussion of the results of the labor process.

A sure sign of a favorable moral and psychological climate is the active participation of all team members in management, which can take the form of self-government.

Another sign of a positive moral and psychological climate is high productivity of teamwork. The next sign is developed interpersonal relationships, interpersonal contacts in the workforce of the enterprise. One can also note such a sign as a positive attitude of the team toward innovation. In the era of scientific and technological revolution, rapid development of technology and production technology, innovations are inevitable in any team.

Thus, the socio-psychological climate is the relatively stable psychological mood of its members prevailing in a group or team, manifested in their attitude towards each other, towards work, towards surrounding events and towards the organization as a whole on the basis of individual, personal values ​​and orientation.

As is known, the socio-psychological climate can be favorable or unfavorable.

Signs of a favorable socio-psychological climate:

Trust and high demands on each other;

Friendly and businesslike criticism;

Sufficient awareness of team members about its tasks and the state of affairs in their implementation;

Free expression of one’s own opinion when discussing issues affecting the entire team;

Satisfaction with belonging to the company:

Tolerance for other people's opinions;

High degree of emotional involvement and mutual assistance;

Acceptance of responsibility for the state of affairs in the group by each of its members...

The formation of a certain socio-psychological climate is influenced by the following factors:

1. Compatibility of its members, understood as the most favorable combination of employee properties, ensuring the effectiveness of joint activities and the personal satisfaction of each. Compatibility is manifested in mutual understanding, mutual acceptance, sympathy, and empathy between team members.

There are two types of compatibility: psychophysiological and psychological.

Psychophysiological is associated with the synchronicity of individual mental activity of workers (various endurance of group members, speed of thinking, peculiarities of perception, attention), which should be taken into account when distributing physical activity and assigning certain types of work.

Psychological involves an optimal combination of personal mental properties: character traits, temperament, abilities, which leads to mutual understanding.

Incompatibility manifests itself in the desire of team members to avoid each other, and if contacts are inevitable - in negative emotional states and even conflicts.

2. Behavioral style of the leader, manager, owner of the enterprise.

3. Successful or unsuccessful progress of the production process.

4. The scale of rewards and punishments used.

5. Working conditions.

6. Family situation, outside of work, conditions for spending free time.

Depending on the nature of the socio-psychological climate, its impact on the individual will be different - it will stimulate work, lift spirits, instill cheerfulness and confidence, or, conversely, act depressingly, reduce energy, and lead to production and moral losses.

In addition, the socio-psychological climate can accelerate or slow down the development of key employee qualities necessary in business: readiness for constant innovation, the ability to act in extreme situations, make non-standard decisions, initiative and enterprise, readiness for continuous professional development, a combination of professional and humanitarian skills. culture.

Measures to create a favorable socio-psychological climate:

Staffing a team taking into account the psychological compatibility of workers. Depending on the goals of working in a team, it is necessary to combine different types of behavior of people. In many situations, a group with representatives of the same type of behavior will turn out to be less efficient, for example, if only people who are waiting for instructions and do not know how to take the initiative, or only those who like to command, gather together

It is necessary to optimally limit the number of persons subordinate to one manager (5-7 people);

No extra workers or vacancies. Both a shortage and an excess of group members leads to its instability: the ground appears for tension and conflicts to arise due to the desire of several people to take a vacant position and get a promotion at work or due to the unevenness of the workload of individual workers in the presence of extra people:

Office etiquette that starts with appearance.

At work, too conspicuous, so-called fashionable clothes, bright cosmetics, and an abundance of jewelry are inappropriate. But in the same way, disrespect for colleagues and visitors to the institution would be carelessness in clothing, sloppiness, and sloppiness.

Greetings. The person entering greets you first. By the way, if the day before there was some tension between him and someone, then this short, obligatory greeting often helps to remove it painlessly for pride. It is not necessary to shake hands, and if there are several people working in the room, then it is not necessary.

At work, a person is obliged to be correct, not to impose his experiences on anyone, and especially not to try to “take it out on someone”;

The use of socio-psychological methods that contribute to the development of skills of effective mutual understanding and interaction among team members (employees' passion for personal example, training, business game, persuasion method, etc.).

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Everyone would like to find a job where they pay well, the team is pleasant, there is no overtime, and the entire social package is available. Such information is indicated in almost 99% of resumes on various job search resources. But employers offer fewer benefits, but many requirements with little pay. Of course, it is also important for them to find a suitable candidate, and also to achieve high productivity with minimal effort on their part.

Positive sentiment among employees always has a positive impact on the work process and productivity.

Large companies successfully apply the principle of working with employees not only to improve their skills, but also to normalize the psychological climate in the team. Unfortunately, many medium and small companies do not pay attention to this problem, which becomes the cause of many difficulties.

Psychological climate in the team. Basic Concepts

We will try to explain the concept of psychological climate in a team. Another name is socio-psychological climate or SPC. This is a general, somewhat stable, psychological mood of the team of one company, which manifests itself in various types of activities.

A normal atmosphere in a company always has a positive effect not only on the psychology of each employee, but also on other indicators of the company. If the climate is positive, then the following signs stand out:

trust between colleagues and in superiors;
feeling of stability, security;
general willingness to cope with difficulties;
pleasant interaction between employees;
sympathy and support between employees;
confidence, attention;
willingness to compromise;
acceptable free-thinking;
desire to develop.

In the opposite state of affairs, negative consequences arise, which may even be irreversible.

Factors influencing the psychological climate in a team

Certain factors are identified that influence the psychological climate in the team. They are able to make it negative and positive. It is important to include sanitary and hygienic conditions: lighting, room size, comfort level of the work place, temperature, etc.

Another factor is the leader himself. If a person adheres to a healthy lifestyle, is responsible for his work, and has positive qualities, then he will become an example for employees.

To create a normal climate in the team, it is important for the manager to select people with a certain type of temperament for work, so that they fit together. Compatibility in age and experience is also important.

Social tension in the organization. Strategies to reduce

Now there are many approaches and principles to reduce social tension in an organization, that is, to create a positive psychological climate among employees. These goals include the following actions:

When forming a team, it is important for a company to take into account the psychological compatibility of people. Depending on the goals, a combination of different types of temperament and character is required. In many situations, a group with people of the same type of character turns out to be almost unworkable. For example, if you gather only workers who are not capable of initiative and are waiting for constant instructions from above, or only those who are accustomed to giving commands;

If there are tensions among employees, it is important to understand their cause and find ways to solve and eliminate the problem.

it is important to observe the optimal selection, placement, certification and training of managers;
establish an acceptable limit on the number of employees who report to one boss (5-7);
monitor the absence of unnecessary vacancies and workers. Excessive and insufficient number of employees causes team instability. The ground is being created for the development of conflicts and tensions due to the desire of different candidates to occupy a position and receive promotions. Another reason is the unevenness of the workload, which occurs when there are extra workers;
It is important to rely in your work on the most active and, i.e. unofficial leaders who enjoy the trust of other employees;
control of the processes of organizing the substantive components of the climate (values, norms, rules, expectations, general mood and opinion);
prevent and find a way out of conflicts between individuals;

use social and psychological methods that contribute to the development of employees’ skills of effective understanding and interaction among themselves (involve employees by example, use training, business games, methods of persuasion, etc.).

Experts have developed many psychological and social ways to create a positive climate in a team. Among them it is important to highlight:

Body psychotherapy. It is based on an understanding of the close relationships between phenomena in physiology and psyche. Especially on the fact that personality traits are noticeable in gestures and movements. Such psychotherapy is manifested in the creation in the company of rooms for unloading the psyche, booths with mannequins of managers (to release negative feelings, etc.);
Art therapy. This technology is based on the fact that the inner “I” of people manifests itself in visible images when a person creates paintings, sculptures, draws, without thinking about his own work, in other words, spontaneously. The materials obtained in the process of dealing with the group provide a chance to identify levels of aggression and other negative feelings, contribute to resolving conflicts and establishing connections between employees. Art therapy is used in the field of occupational therapy and community rehabilitation;
Skills training group. This group is classified as a behaviorist branch of psychology. The approach to work is based on a training model, setting goals, defining and assessing behavior. The example is “confidence training” groups. This teaches career planning skills, decision making, developing skills to cope with stress and improving social interaction skills.

Managers select the most suitable methods for building relationships for their own team.

Many other methods and trainings have been invented that are aimed at creating a positive climate among employees. Today, some companies employ psychologists. They organize psychological games, tests, and conduct classes with employees. Some companies invite such specialists from outside. This, of course, has a positive effect on the psychological and social climate.

How to improve the psychological climate in a team

In order to understand how to improve the psychological climate in a team, it is important to follow some schemes:

Remember that it is easier for people to focus on work if they have the ability to control their environment. Let them set up their own workspaces. This way a person becomes freer, and the number of internal conflicts in the team decreases;
It’s nice for employees to understand that something depends on them too. Even if it’s choosing a calendar for your desk at work. The main thing is that it puts people in a positive mood and gives additional incentives to work. You will notice that the returns will be much greater. Workers should not be placed into too strict a framework, although some dress code is still required to maintain discipline;

That employees need to communicate with each other. A ban on this will cause a decrease in labor efficiency, suppress people, and cause a split in society. Such an environment will not help to unite and develop mutual understanding at work. Therefore, it is important to create a friendly atmosphere;
In addition, you can create something like a canteen, where employees can have lunch together and communicate on abstract topics. In addition, arrange tables at work places so that everyone feels in the center. No one should be singled out, otherwise there is a chance of conflicts;

To normalize the climate, it is important to let employees participate in the organization of the work process and feel involved in the main mechanisms of the company.

It is also important to let employees feel that the office is not only a workplace. It is worth organizing informal events here: team building, corporate events, etc. Conducting collective training seminars also promotes team cohesion. And if you allow people to celebrate birthdays in the office, the atmosphere at work will be filled with ease and ease, and performance will certainly rise.

Thus, to achieve the norms of a positive psychological climate, special training is required, the use of suitable methods and schemes for organizing the labor process.

January 20, 2014, 11:38



Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of a favorable moral and psychological climate of the team

1 The essence of the moral and psychological climate

2 Factors influencing the moral and psychological climate in the team

3 Measures to regulate the moral and psychological climate in the team

Chapter 2. Study of compensatory type MDOU No. 58

1 General characteristics of compensating type MDOU No. 58

2 Assessment of the moral and psychological climate of MDOU No. 58 of a compensatory type

3 Measures to improve the moral and psychological climate in the team



In modern conditions of the scientific and technological revolution, interest in the formation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team is constantly growing.

Society is a complex, multi-level, holistic and constantly evolving system. An integral attribute of any system, moral, economic, technical, is management that ensures its preservation and development, interaction with the environment to achieve the goals of the system. With the development of production and scientific research in the field of psychology, sociology and management, various approaches to assessing management as a specific human activity of management have appeared.

The problem of the research is that in real life the moral and psychological climate in a team is not always favorable, and often does not correspond to the theoretical basis that was previously developed by many researchers, such as A.S. Makarenko, G.A. Mochenov, V.I. Antonyuk, L.D. Sventsitsky, A.D. Glotochkin, O.I. Zotova, E.S. Kuzmin, Yu.A. Sherkovin, M.N. Overnighter, B.D. Parygin, K.K. Platonov, A.A. Rusalinova, N.S. Mansurov and others.

The relevance of this problem is determined, first of all, by the increased requirements for the level of socio-psychological involvement of people in the team, in their work activities. The formation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in a team is, first of all, the task of demonstrating the psychological and moral potential of both the individual and society as a whole, creating the most complete way of life for people. Improving the moral and psychological climate in the workforce is one of the most important conditions in the struggle to improve the quality of products and increase labor productivity. Also, the moral and psychological climate is an indicator of the level of social development, both of the entire team and of individual workers in particular, capable of more promising production. The overall socio-political and ideological situation in society, as well as in the country as a whole, largely depends on the level of optimality of the moral and psychological climate in each individual work collective. Relationships in a team are one of the most complex and at the same time most subtle areas of social activity. This is interaction between each other in various spheres of human activity, and man is a complex and multifaceted being, each with his own views, values, moral and psychological foundations.

It can be argued that traditional moral and psychological phenomena (leadership, organization, focus on results, hard work, professionalism, etc.), moral and psychological problems of work activity are manifested in the team.

The above determines the relevance of the topic of the work, its significance for the development of the theory of collective psychology and organizational practice, and specific socio-psychological research in work collectives.

Purpose of the study: to identify factors, assess their impact on the moral and psychological climate of the compensatory type of staff at MDOU No. 58, and develop methods for regulating it.

Research objectives:

determine the essence of the moral and psychological climate and the factors influencing it;

analyze measures to regulate the moral and psychological climate;

develop measures to improve the moral and psychological climate of MDOU No. 58 of a compensatory type.

The object of the study is the moral and psychological collective of MDOU No. 58 of the compensating type.

The subject of the study is the process of formation of the moral and psychological climate in the team.

Research methods: analysis of psychological literature on the research problem, observation, psychological experiment, testing, questioning, survey, analysis of empirical material.

The work consists of two chapters. The first chapter describes the theoretical foundations for the formation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in a team, namely the essence of the moral and psychological climate of a team; factors influencing it; measures to regulate the moral and psychological climate of the team. The second chapter conducts an empirical study of the moral and psychological collective of MDOU No. 58 of a compensating type.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of a favorable moral and psychological climate of the team

.1 The essence of the moral and psychological climate

The moral and psychological climate is a complex phenomenon that consists of the characteristics of a person’s communication in a group, the feelings mutually experienced between people, opinions and assessments, and the willingness to react in a certain way to the words and actions of others. As is known, the moral and psychological climate of a team can be both favorable and unfavorable.

Signs of a favorable moral and psychological climate in a team:

trust of team members to each other;


good awareness of each team member about the tasks and the state of affairs in their implementation;

free expression of one’s own opinion when discussing issues affecting the entire team;

high demands;

satisfaction with belonging to the company:

high degree of emotional involvement and mutual assistance;

accepting responsibility for the state of affairs, both by the team as a whole and by each of its members....

A favorable moral and psychological climate helps to increase labor productivity. A good climate is the result of complex educational work with team members, the implementation of a system of measures that shape the relationship between the manager and subordinates, and is not a simple consequence of the proclaimed mottos and goals of an individual enterprise. Formation and improvement of the moral and psychological climate is a task constantly facing any leader. Creating a favorable climate, like the work of any manager, is not only a science, but also an art, a matter that requires a creative approach, as well as knowledge of its nature and means of regulation, and the ability to foresee likely situations in the relationships of team members. The formation of a good moral and psychological climate requires managers to understand the psychology of people, their emotional state, mood, emotional experiences, worries, and relationships in the group.

The problem of groups into which people unite in the course of their activities is one of the most important issues in social psychology.

For socio-psychological analysis, the question of what criterion should be used to divide groups that arise in human society is of particular importance.

“A group is a certain collection of people considered from the point of view of social, industrial, economic, everyday, professional, age, etc. community. It should be noted right away that in the social sciences, in principle, there can be a dual use of the concept group " Thus, in demographic analysis and in various branches of statistics, conditional groups are meant: arbitrary associations (groupings) of people according to some common characteristic necessary in a given system of analysis. In the whole cycle of social sciences, a group is understood as an formation of people that really exists, and in which people are united by a common characteristic or joint activity.

There are groups: large and small, from two people or more, conditional and real. Real groups are divided into small and large, official and unofficial, stable and situational, organized and spontaneous, contact and non-contact. K.K. Platonov called spontaneous groups “unorganized groups.”

Society is made up of groups, groups are made up of people. Societies, groups and individuals are three interconnected modern realities. All groups have specialization. The group's specialization depends on the needs of its members. For example, a family in an industrial city has both genetic and educational functions. Other groups perform other functions. Each individual participates in various groups: members of a football team, educational institutions, family, work team.

Social psychology has repeatedly made attempts to construct a classification of groups. The American researcher Yuvenk identified several grounds for classifying groups. They differed in: level of cultural development, type of structure, functions, tasks, and the predominant type of contacts in the group. However, one of the common features of all the identified classifications is the forms of life activity of the group.

Also in psychology it is customary to distinguish the so-called big And small groups. A small group is understood as a small group whose members are united by common social activities and are in direct personal contact, which is the basis for the emergence of emotional, moral and psychological relations, group norms and group processes.

As for large groups, it is important to emphasize that they are not equally represented in social psychology: some of them have a solid tradition of research in the West, the processes occurring in them are well described in some sections of social psychology, in particular in the study of methods of influence in situations outside of collective behavior; others, like classes and nations, are much less represented in social psychology as an object of research.

Small groups can also be divided into two types:

emerging groups that are already defined by external social requirements, but are not yet fully united by joint activities;

collectives, groups with a higher level of development associated with specific types of social activities.

Groups of the first variety can be designated as becoming.

The classification of groups can be clearly presented in the form of a diagram presented in the textbook by G.M. Andreeva “Social psychology, p. 194":

Figure 1 - Classification of groups

In social psychology, several parameters of a group are traditionally studied: group composition (composition), group structure, processes occurring in the group, group values, norms, system of sanctions. All these parameters can take on different meanings depending on the approach to the group that is implemented in the study. The composition of a group, for example, can be described by various indicators, depending on whether in each specific case it means, for example, the age professional or social characteristics of the group members. Consequently, there is no single recipe for describing group composition, especially due to the diversity of real groups. In each specific case, one must begin with which real group is selected as the object of study.

Most often, the composition of a microgroup, as well as the structure of relationships in it, are more complex. So, sometimes in groups you can find associations that include 4-5 people, united by close friendly ties. However, in practice, such associations are extremely rare in real groups. Therefore, we can assume that groups - dyads and groups - triads are the most typical microgroups that make up any small group. Their careful study can provide a lot of useful information for understanding the more complex system of relationships existing in a small group or team.

There are several signs of group structure:

structure of preferences;

communication structure;

power structure.

The problem of connecting processes occurring in a group and other characteristics of the group is still considered unresolved in psychology. If you choose the path laid down by the original methodological principle, then group processes, first of all, should include processes that organize the activities of the group. You should also dwell on the issues of general qualities of the group and the problem of group development.

General qualities of the group:

Integrity - unity, unity, community of group members with each other.

The moral and psychological climate of the team determines the well-being of each individual, his satisfaction with the team, and the comfort of being in it. Each team considers the following qualities:

Referentiality is a relation of significance that connects a subject with another person or group of persons.

Leadership is one of the mechanisms for integrating group activity, when an individual or part of a social group plays the role of a leader, that is, he unites and directs the actions of the entire group, which expects, accepts and supports his actions.

Intragroup activity is a measure of the activation of the group components of its individuals.

Intergroup activity is the degree of influence of a given group on other groups.

Also of no little importance are:

the direction of the team - the social value of the goals and objectives adopted by it, the motivation of the team’s activities, value orientations and norms;

organization of team members - the team’s ability to self-govern and other qualities.

From the point of view of social psychology, when studying large social groups, a large number of difficulties may arise. Therefore, the belief often arises that the analysis of large social groups is not amenable to scientific research. According to G.G. Diligensky, the study of the psychology of large social groups cannot be considered justified, since this is not one of the problems of psychology, but its most important problem. “No matter how great the role of small groups and direct interpersonal communication in the processes of personality formation, these groups by themselves do not create historically specific social norms, values, and attitudes.” Both the above and many other elements of social psychology arise on the basis of historical experience. Based on the definition of G. G. Diligensky, the study of the moral and psychological climate of large social groups can be considered as a unique key to knowledge of the psychological structure of each individual individual.

The concept of “climate” came to psychology from meteorology and geography. In Russian social psychology, the term “psychological climate” was first introduced by N.S. Mansurov, studying production teams. The first of those who revealed the content of the moral and psychological climate was V.M. Shepel. Psychological climate is interpersonal relationships that have a special emotional overtones, arising on the basis of the closeness of members of one team, their sympathies, coincidence of characters, interests, inclinations, etc. Shepel believed that the climate of relations between members of one group consists of three climatic zones .

Firstly, this is a social climate zone. It is determined by the extent to which the goals and objectives of society are well understood in a given team, and the extent to which compliance with all constitutional rights and obligations of workers as citizens is guaranteed.

Secondly, this is a zone of moral climate. It is determined by what moral values ​​are accepted in a given team.

Thirdly, this is a zone of psychological climate. It consists of those informal relationships that develop between team members who are in direct contact with each other. However, the effect of the psychological climate zone is more limited than the social and moral climate.

In general, this phenomenon is usually called the socio-psychological climate of the team. When studying the moral and psychological climate in a team, three main questions are subject to detailed study:

What is the essence of the moral and psychological climate?

What factors influence its formation?

How can you assess the state of the moral and psychological climate in a team?

The essence of the moral and psychological climate.

In Russian psychology, there are four main directions in understanding the nature of the moral and psychological climate.

Representatives of the first direction are L.P. Bueva and E.S. Kuzmin. They consider climate as a socio-psychological phenomenon, as a state of collective consciousness. For them, climate is a reflection in the minds of team members of phenomena related to the relationships of people with each other, their working conditions, and methods of stimulating it. By moral and psychological climate they understand the psychological state of the primary work collective, which reflects all the features of the real psychology of the team members.

Supporters of the second direction are A.A. Rusalinov and N. Lutoshkin. They focus their attention on the fact that the most important characteristic of the moral and psychological climate of a team is the general emotional and psychological mood of this team. For them, climate is the mood of team members.

The authors of the third direction, V.M. Shepel, V.A. Pokrovsky, determine the moral and psychological climate through the relationships of team members who are in direct contact with each other. They believe that when the climate in a team is formed, a system of interpersonal relationships develops that determine the social and psychological well-being of each person individually.

Proponents of the fourth approach are V.V. Kosolapov, A.N. Shcherban. They define the climate in terms of social and psychological compatibility of team members, their moral and psychological unity, cohesion, and the presence of common opinions, customs and traditions.

When studying the moral and psychological climate in a team, it is necessary to keep in mind its 2 levels:

The first level is static. This is a relatively stable level. It manifests itself in the constant relationships of team members, their interest in work and fellow workers. The moral and psychological climate is understood as a fairly stable state of the team, which, once formed for a long time, does not collapse and retains its essence, despite the difficulties that the team faces. From this point of view, it is quite difficult to create a favorable climate in teams, but it is much easier to maintain it at a certain level, already formed earlier.

The second level is dynamic, changing or fluctuating. This is the daily mood of team members during work, their psychological mood. This level is best characterized by the concept of “psychological atmosphere.” In contrast to the moral and psychological climate, the psychological atmosphere is characterized by faster temporary changes and is practically not recognized by employees.

Many psychologists believe that the moral and psychological climate is the state of the psychology of the work collective as a whole, which integrates private group states. Climate is not the sum of group states, but their integral.

Thus, we can conclude that the moral and psychological climate in a team is a stable emotional and moral state within the team, expressing: the mood of people engaged in joint activities; their interpersonal relationships; public opinion regarding the most important material and spiritual values.

1.2 Factors influencing the moral and psychological climate in the team

The formation of the moral and psychological climate is influenced by a number of different factors. All of them are divided into microenvironmental and macroenvironmental factors.

Macroenvironmental factors are the “background” environment of the organization, factors of a global order that influence the team and which the team itself can only influence indirectly.

Microenvironmental factors are the immediate environment of the team, i.e. subjects with which the team, one way or another, interacts and have a mutual influence on each other. They are divided into subjective and objective:

Objective factors include technical, sanitary and hygienic, and organizational elements.

Subjective factors include the nature of official and organizational connections between team members, the presence of friendly contacts, cooperation, mutual assistance, and leadership style.

A favorable moral and psychological climate affects every person, his state of satisfaction with work, relationships with colleagues, the work process itself and its results. A favorable climate in a team improves the employee’s mood, productivity, and creativity, and has a positive effect on the desire to work in this team.

An unfavorable team climate entails dissatisfaction with both the team itself and the relationships within it, relationships with managers, working conditions and its content. This affects a person’s mood, his performance, creative and physical activity, and his health.

The following factors also influence the formation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team:

Compatibility of members of this team. It is understood as the most favorable combination of employee properties, ensuring the greatest efficiency of joint activities and personal satisfaction of each person from the work done. Compatibility finds its manifestation in mutual understanding, mutual acceptance, sympathy, and empathy of group members with each other.

There are two main types of compatibility: psychophysiological and psychological.

Psychophysiological compatibility is associated with the characteristics of individual mental activity of workers (various endurance of team members, speed of thinking, peculiarities of perception, attention, etc.), this is what should be taken into account when distributing physical and mental stress and assigning certain types of work.

Psychological compatibility presupposes the best combination of personal psychological qualities, such as special character traits, temperament, and human abilities, which leads team members to mutual understanding.

The incompatibility of team members lies in their desire to avoid each other, and if contacts are inevitable - to negative emotional states and even conflicts.

Behavioral style of the leader, manager, owner of the enterprise.

The leader is one of the most important factors influencing the formation of the moral and psychological climate of a team or group. He is always entrusted with personal responsibility for the state of the psychological atmosphere in the work collective (group).

Let's consider the impact on the moral and psychological climate of the team using the example of three classical leadership styles.

Authoritarian leadership style (sole, directive). For a “strong-willed” leader, the members of his team are just performers. Such a leader suppresses the employees’ desire to work, be creative, and take initiative. If initiative arises, it is immediately suppressed by the leader. Often the behavior of such a leader is accompanied by arrogance towards subordinates, disrespect for the employee’s personality, etc. All this together leads to the creation of a negative moral and psychological climate in the team. Authoritarianism does not have a favorable effect on relationships within the group. In such situations, some of the team members try to behave accordingly, try to adopt the style of their leader, and curry favor with their superiors. Other workers try to isolate themselves from contacts within the group, while others become depressed. A single leader prefers to resolve all issues himself, does not trust his subordinates, does not ask for their advice, takes responsibility for everything, and only gives instructions to employees. Such a leader uses punishment, threats, and pressure to stimulate work. It is clear that the attitude towards such a boss on the part of the team is negative. As a result of all of the above, an unfavorable moral and psychological climate is formed in the team.

With an authoritarian leadership style, the average person does not want to work and avoids work at the first opportunity. In connection with this, most people need to be forced to work and all their actions must be continuously monitored.

A democratic style opens up many opportunities for employees. Firstly, it gives subordinates a sense of involvement in solving production issues. Secondly, it gives you the opportunity to take initiative. In organizations (teams) that use a democratic leadership style, there is a high degree of decentralization of powers, as well as the active participation of employees in decision making. The manager tries to interest subordinates, make their responsibilities more attractive, does not impose his will on employees, decisions are made jointly, and freedom is provided to formulate one’s own goals based on the goals of the organization. A democratic leader builds relationships with subordinates on respect for the personalities of employees and on trust in them. The main stimulating factors are rewards, and punishment is applicable only in exceptional cases. Employees with this management style are satisfied with the management system, trust the boss and try to help him. All these factors bring the team together. The democratic leader tries to create a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, the basis of which is trust, goodwill and mutual assistance.

This leadership style increases productivity, promotes creativity, and increases employee satisfaction with work and their position in the team. The use of a democratic style reduces absenteeism, reduces injuries in the workplace, helps reduce staff turnover, improves relationships in the team and the attitude of subordinates to the leader.

The essence of the liberal style is that the manager sets a task for his subordinates, creates all the necessary organizational conditions for successful work, namely, provides employees with information, trains them, provides them with a workplace, defines the rules and sets the boundaries for solving this task, while he himself fades into the background, reserving the functions of a consultant, arbiter, and expert evaluating the results obtained.

Employees are freed from total control; they independently make the necessary decisions and look, within the framework of the powers granted, for ways to implement them. Such work allows team members to express themselves, it brings them satisfaction and creates a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, generates trust, and promotes the voluntary assumption of increased obligations.

The dependence of the effectiveness of the group on the nature of the leader’s influence on it is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Effectiveness of interaction between the leader and the group

Characteristics of the group’s activities Effective activities Ineffective activities Methods of psychological influence of the leader on a small group Cooperation strategy; delegation of responsibility; lack of pressure on employees; good knowledge of the team; positive motivation (individual and collective); involving group members in important decisions; benevolent nature of control; respectful attitude towards employees. use of ineffective strategies: compromise, care, adaptation; reluctance to delegate responsibility; tense relationships with staff; incomplete information to subordinates; incorrect motivation; does not involve the group in solving common problems; distrust of subordinates; strict control over the actions of subordinates. Properties of the group manifested when exposed to good controllability of the group; high activity of group members; lack of conflict within the group; acceptance by group members of the goals and means of activity; responsible behavior and adherence to discipline; presence of group opinion; acceptance of group norms; friendly relations within the group; recognition of the leader's authority. poor group control; lack of group cohesion; low group activity; insufficient compatibility of group members; poor psychological climate in the group; presence of conflicts in the group; tense relationship with the manager.

3. Successful or unsuccessful progress of the production process.

This factor has a great influence on employee satisfaction from the production process, and as a result, on increasing labor productivity.

The scale of rewards and punishments used.

On the one hand, various types of incentives in the form of bonuses, bonuses, allowances, paid vacations, and organization of corporate parties are not always justified and are economically costly. On the other hand, the response to specific punishment stimuli varies from person to person. Psychological research has established that excessive encouragement of the best is typical of practice, but it leads to overestimated self-esteem for some and underestimated self-esteem for others, which, in turn, hinders the development of relations of goodwill, trust and mutual respect in the work team.

In all cases, encouragement should:

Announce in a timely manner, that is, if possible immediately after a positive action, good result in work, etc.

To be as individualized as possible, taking into account the characteristics of the employees’ work, their personal achievements...

Be public. However, if someone has achieved relatively little success, it is better to praise privately. It is unlikely that an employee, especially an elderly person, will be pleased if he is recognized only for what others do just as well).

Come either from the team or from an authoritative leader respected by the members of the organization. If the boss has failed to gain authority and has conflicts with his subordinates, his encouragement is seen as an attempt to improve relationships by appeasing his subordinates. Sometimes you should give the employee the opportunity to choose the type of incentive.

Working conditions.

Working conditions directly at the workplace, site, or workshop are a set of factors (elements) of the production environment that influence human performance and health during the work process. For the convenience of studying working conditions, the set of factors (elements) is divided into the following groups:

Sanitary and hygienic, determining the external production environment/microclimate, air condition, noise, vibration, ultrasound, lighting, various types of radiation, contact with water, oil, toxic substances, etc., as well as sanitary services in production;

psychophysiological, determined by the specific content of work activity, the nature of this type of work, physical and nervous, mental stress, monotony, pace and rhythm of work;

aesthetic, affecting the formation of employee emotions, design of equipment, accessories, industrial clothing, the use of functional music, etc.;

socio-psychological, characterizing relationships in the workforce and creating the appropriate psychological mood between the employee and the employer;

a work-rest regime that ensures high performance by reducing fatigue.

The task of the scientific organization of labor in the field of labor conditions is to bring all production factors to an optimal state in order to increase the efficiency and preserve the vital functions of workers.

The situation in the family, outside of work, and the conditions for spending free time are also an integral factor that directly affects the moral and psychological climate in the team.

Depending on the nature of the moral and psychological climate, its impact on each individual member of the team will be different, for example: to stimulate the employee to work, lift his spirits, instill in him cheerfulness and confidence, or, conversely, act depressingly on the employee, reduce energy, lead to production and moral losses.

In addition, the moral and psychological climate can accelerate or slow down the development of key employee qualities necessary in business, such as: constant search for new things, readiness to innovate, the ability to receive, process and use information to make business decisions, the ability to take responsibility for received resources and attracted people.

You cannot count on the fact that the necessary relationships in a team will arise by themselves; they must be consciously formed.

So, we can conclude that the factors influencing the moral and psychological climate are: the psychological compatibility of the members of a given team, the style of behavior of the leader, the course of the production process in a given organization, the use of rewards and punishments, as well as the situation in their personal lives employee.

1.3 Measures to regulate the moral and psychological climate in the team

There are several different measures to regulate the moral and psychological climate in a team.

One of them is moral stimulation of the work collective. Moral stimulation of work activity is the regulation of employee behavior on the basis of objects and phenomena that reflect social recognition and increase the employee’s prestige.

The stimulating effect of morality is based on the presence of moral motives for work and, within the framework of the system of motivation and stimulation of the organization’s personnel, forms various forms of public assessment of the achievements and merits of employees. Moral stimulation “puts into action” motivation based on the realization of the need to express gratitude and be recognized, and consists of the transfer and dissemination of information about the results of work, achievements in it and the employee’s merits to the team or the organization as a whole. Measures of moral stimulation can include praise, official recognition of merit, awards, career growth, increasing the official status of a position, training, participation in an interesting project, participation in a competition, involvement in management and many other methods. Combining their diversity, we can distinguish four main practical approaches to moral stimulation of personnel: systematic informing of personnel, organization of corporate events, official recognition of merit and regulation of relationships in the team. Let's take a closer look at them.

Information in the personnel incentive system.

Information as a mechanism for stimulating personnel through the systematic provision of correctly selected truthful information is based on the selection, generalization, design and dissemination by visual and verbal means of various information of predominantly positive content (for example, about the merits and achievements of a particular employee, about the goals of the team, about charitable projects and results of the organization's sponsorship activities). The main objectives of informing personnel are to:

transmit norms, values, guidelines of organizational culture to the broad masses of workers;

promptly inform employees about events in the life of the organization;

contribute to the formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team;

contribute to the formation of team (corporate) spirit in the organization;

contribute to increasing the level of employee loyalty;

Help employees understand their role in the team.

Depending on whether the rewarded employee is present at the time of transfer of information about his merits, information can be carried out in active or passive ways. It is obvious that active methods of informing have a great stimulating effect, when information is announced in the presence of the employee being encouraged, and the approving message is complemented by a positive emotional background, creating a favorable mood throughout the entire team.

A modern way of organizing a corporate information environment is the creation of local information resources - company intranet portals. An intranet portal is an intra-company (corporate) information environment with a number of functional tasks that allow the most complete communication within the company - between employees, departments, branches, and representative offices of the company. The functioning of such a portal is based on Internet technologies. Intranet portals are located on the company’s internal local information network and are accessible only to its employees. The main page of such a portal should be a meaning-forming and image center, linking into a single whole the structure, design and content of the intra-company information environment presented on the pages of the portal.

A comprehensive solution to the issues of systematically providing the organization’s personnel with information is also carried out by means of internal PR, the forms of implementation of which can be varied, and their choice largely depends on the specifics of the team. The most common internal PR methods are:

development of a “corporate” style of business life of the organization (for example, stylish elements of office design, comfortable and beautiful uniforms, uniform requirements for the culture of business behavior, standards of work with clients);

release of corporate publications (for example, a company magazine containing news about appointments to positions in the management team; industry-wide news; coverage of the most important events that have occurred in the organization recently; congratulations to birthday people; answers to employee questions; information about regional offices);

creation of a company-wide information environment (company website, internal radio broadcasting system).

Organization of corporate events

An inseparable part of the company’s identity are the corporate events held there - holidays, trainings, team building. And they are not so much ways to “entertain” employees, but rather tools for moral stimulation of staff, elements of forming the internal image of the company. Experts call corporate holidays one of the most effective methods of transmitting corporate values.

Corporate holidays perform a number of important functions in the life of an organization:

recording success (in contrast to the simple procedure of summing up, the holiday emphasizes the achievements and successes of the company with a positive focus);

adaptation (helping newcomers join the team);

education (introducing people to values ​​that are significant for the organization);

group motivation (the process of forming and regulating relationships in a team takes place in an informal, memorable, positive emotional environment);

recreation (necessary distraction from the work process, rest, switching attention, entertainment);

unity (based on emotional rapprochement), etc.

An equally well-known and popular means of informal corporate communication and team building today is team building. Since in practice, organizing team building is offered not only by companies specializing in conducting in-house training, but also by companies involved in corporate events, team building is often called strategic planning sessions, discussion team-building trainings, “rope courses”, and game entertainment programs, and corporate holidays. But unlike entertainment events, team building is a developmental training aimed not only at emotional relief, but also at developing the business and personal qualities of the participants. The main blocks of team building training usually include:

joint planning and distribution of responsibilities within the team;

ability to negotiate;

vision of a common goal;

role distribution in the team;

effective execution of team tasks;

rational use of team resources.

Team building as a comprehensive method of moral stimulation of personnel is aimed at improving interaction between employees and team unity. Team building programs allow participants to identify their hidden capabilities, take a fresh look at their colleagues in an unusual environment, and gain emotional release.

The main goals of team building programs are:

team building;

Achieving these goals is ensured through a set of psychological and dynamic exercises aimed at active interaction within the team, special organization of the program space, ensuring the inclusion of all participants in a single team and ensuring team decision-making (Table 2).

Table 2 - Examples of team-building programs (team building events)

TitleGoals of the program/content of eventsCreativity training - developing the ability of employees to find new non-standard (creative) solutions to work problems; - establishing communication links within working groups; - development of professional skillsTraining "Team Setting" During the program, in a game form, situations that arise in the real activities of the company are simulated and practiced. The entire program consists of a set of tasks and is divided into several stages. The success of completing the previous task directly determines the success of both the next one and the successful completion of the entire project. Result: - active team interaction in joint problem solving; - high level of cohesion and trust; - increasing the level of personal responsibility of everyone in achieving common goals; - positive psychological climate in the team. Training "City of Masters" - emotional unity of company employees in the process of solving non-standard creative problems during the event; - summing up the results of the working year; - creating a positive emotional mood for the next working year, creating a positive background for possible upcoming changes. Training "Energy" The training program includes a combination of exercises aimed at developing effective team interaction skills and tests that are carried out with the goals of: - improving team interaction; - overcome the fear of the new; - to unite the participants as much as possible around a common goal for all; - organize effective teamwork of personnel in a particular company; - create and strengthen an atmosphere of trust, mutual support and respect in the team

The specificity of tasks, games and exercises carried out in team building programs allows you to simulate and practice situations that arise in the real activities of the organization in a playful way. The structure of the team-building program allows the organizers to trace the peculiarities of the interaction of participants in various situations and adjust them.

The main result that organizational leaders want to achieve from team participation in team building training is to increase the overall efficiency of the team.

Rewarding the best employees

One of the significant methods of moral stimulation is the official recognition of merit by rewarding the best employees (teams) for differences in work that are significant for the activities of the organization (society) and therefore are publicly and officially encouraged.

The main goal of awards as a method of stimulating staff is to form a positive attitude in the team towards certain forms of achievements, to create and cultivate an image of the desired labor behavior of employees, the target of which is initiative, creativity and work activity.

Among the important functions of the award we note:

stimulating function (reflect the values ​​of society, organization, team and identify the person who received the award with the ideal image and name that the award bears);

differentiating function (to distinguish an honored member of society from others);

educational function (to promote the formation of a certain model of labor behavior).

A necessary condition for the effectiveness of this method of stimulation is the presence of a system of legal, moral, and philosophical views of managers on the development of the organization and its personnel, on the content, forms and methods of stimulation and the formation of genuine, deep interest of employees in active work.

Regulating relationships

Regulation of relationships helps to establish the positive nature of interpersonal and intergroup relationships in a team. At their core, these relationships are subjectively experienced relationships between employees, which are objectively manifested in the nature and methods of mutual influences exerted by employees on each other in the process of joint work and communication. The nature of these relationships is mediated by the content, goals, values ​​and organization of joint work activities and serves as the basis for the formation of a socio-psychological climate in the work team. It manifests itself in the specifics of the relationships that develop between the manager and subordinates (vertical climate), as well as between the subordinates themselves (horizontal climate).

Kobleva A.L., Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor of the department of andragogy, Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute, in her article “Motivational management as a factor in increasing the efficiency of personnel management,” tried to consider and analyze the basis of motivational management and its influence on the moral and psychological climate of the team . She believes that the ability to motivate and stimulate staff is the main indicator of professionalism and ensures the success of the organization. The professional competence and abilities of employees will not bring the desired result if they do not have the main thing - the desire to work. Therefore, every manager should initially think about increasing the motivation of his subordinates. Their enthusiasm will bring more profit than coercion and minute-by-minute control.

Thus, we can conclude that measures to regulate the moral and psychological climate are:

team building;

building effective communications in a team (group);

gaining experience of positive team interaction;

resolving conflict situations and improving interaction within a department or the entire organization;

development of horizontal and vertical informal connections, teamwork skills.

Chapter 2. Study of compensatory type MDOU No. 58

.1 General characteristics of compensating type MDOU No. 58

The place for conducting psychological and sociological research is the Municipal preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 58 of compensatory type.” The number of employees is 25 people. Established on the basis of nursery No. 11 of the Oryol garment factory (Decision of the Executive Committee of December 13, 1957). The founder of this organization is the Education Department of the Orel City Administration. The relationship between the Founder and the Institution is determined by an agreement concluded between them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. This Institution carries out its educational, legal and business activities in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “Standard Regulations on a Special (Correctional) Educational Institution for Students and Pupils with Developmental Disabilities”, “Standard Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution” ", the legislation of the Russian Federation, other regulations, the agreement between the Founder and the Institution, as well as the charter of this Institution. Location of this institution: Orel, st. Novosilskaya 1.

The municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 58 of the compensating type" is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, a personal account with the treasury authorities, a seal and stamp of the established form with its name, and also has the right to conclude contracts on its own behalf, acquire and carry out property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibility, be a plaintiff and defendant in court. The institution acquires the rights of a legal entity, in particular to conduct statutory financial and economic activities from the moment of registration.

The institution in question carries out educational activities and acquires rights to benefits provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation from the moment it is issued a license (permit) for educational activities; is accredited by application based on the conclusion of its certification.

The activities of this institution are aimed at implementing the main tasks of preschool education and ensuring the correctional orientation of the pedagogical process: maintaining and strengthening the physical and mental health of children; providing qualified assistance in speech correction, taking into account the structure of the defect, the intellectual and personal development of each child, taking into account his individual characteristics; providing assistance to families in raising children.

MDOU No. 58 of compensating type has the following tasks:

Providing optimal conditions for the upbringing, training, correction, and social adaptation of children with speech impairments;

protecting the lives and promoting the health of children;

implementation of an integrated approach in organizing correctional, developmental and educational work;

providing the necessary correctional assistance to children with speech impairments;

organization of correctional and developmental and educational work, taking into account the general specific and individual characteristics of children with speech underdevelopment;

ensuring intellectual, personal and physical development with a focus on the individual characteristics of each child;

ensuring the emotional and moral development of each child in order to introduce children to universal human values;

ensuring psychological comfort in a preschool institution and caring for the emotional well-being of each child;

ensuring the general and psychological readiness of children for school;

organizing close interaction with the family to ensure the full development of each child.

Participants in the educational process in the Institution are pupils, teaching staff of the institution, parents (legal representatives) of pupils. Relationships are built on the basis of cooperation, respect for the individual, and the priority of universal human values.

The relationship between the Institution and parents (legal representatives) of pupils is regulated by an Agreement, which includes the mutual rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties arising in the process of education and training.

For an employee of an Institution, the employer is this Institution.

Employees are hired in accordance with labor laws. Labor relations between the employee and the Institution are regulated by an employment contract in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and cannot contradict the law.

Persons who have the necessary professional and pedagogical qualifications that meet the requirements of the qualification characteristics for the position and acquired specialty and are confirmed by educational documents are accepted for teaching work. Persons deprived of the right to this activity by a court verdict or for medical reasons, as well as those who have had a criminal record for certain crimes, are not allowed to work in teaching.

When hiring, the administration of the Institution introduces the hired teacher, against signature, with the following documents:

Collective agreement;

Charter of the Institution;

Internal regulations;

Job descriptions;

Order on labor protection and compliance with safety regulations;

Instructions on protecting the life and health of the child;

Other documents regulating the activities of the institution.

The teacher of the institution has the right:

Participate in the work of the Pedagogical Council;

Elect and be elected chairman of the Pedagogical Council of the Institution;

Select, develop and apply educational programs (including author’s), teaching and educational methods, teaching aids and materials approved by the teachers’ council;

Protect your professional honor and dignity;

Require the administration of the Institution to create the conditions necessary to fulfill official obligations;

Improve qualifications and professional skills;

Be certified on the basis of applicants for the appropriate qualification category;

Participate in scientific and experimental work, disseminate your pedagogical experience, which has received scientific justification;

Receive social support established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and legislative acts;

For additional benefits provided to teaching staff by local authorities, the Founder, and the administration of the Institution.

The teacher of the institution is obliged:

Comply with the Charter of the Institution;

Comply with job descriptions, internal labor regulations, and other local acts of the Institution;

Protect the life and health of children;

Protect the child from all forms of physical and mental violence;

Cooperate with the family on issues of raising and educating the child;

Possess professional skills and constantly improve them.

The management of the Institution is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter on the principles of unity of command of self-government.

The forms of self-government are:

General meeting of the Institution.

Pedagogical Council of the Institution.

Parental committee.

The General Meeting represents the powers of the employees of the Institution.

The Pedagogical Council of the Institution is the highest pedagogical collegial governing body, whose tasks include improving the quality of the educational process, its conditions and results.

The Parents' Committee of the Institution is one of the forms of self-government and interaction between the Institution and parents (legal representatives).

The Parent Committee includes representatives of the parent community from groups of the Institution.

The Parent Committee of the Institution is elected by open vote at a general meeting for a period of one year. It operates according to an annual plan drawn up jointly with the Institution.

The direct management and management of the Institution is carried out by a manager who has passed the appropriate certification, appointed by the mayor of Orel on the recommendation of the Founder.

Head of the Institution:

Attracts additional sources of financial and material resources to carry out activities;

Bears responsibility to the state, society and the founder for the activities of the Institution within the limits of its functional responsibilities;

Issues orders, instructions for the Institution and other local acts that are mandatory for execution by employees of the Institution;

Approves: work schedules, job descriptions of employees and other local acts;

Represents the Institution in all state, cooperative, public organizations, institutions, enterprises, acts on behalf of the Institution without agreement;

Manages the property and funds of the Institution;

Opens a personal account with the treasury authorities;

Carries out the selection, hiring and placement of teaching staff and service personnel; dismisses from work, imposes penalties and rewards employees of the Institution in accordance with labor legislation;

Draws up the staffing schedule of the Institution; distributes job responsibilities; concludes agreements on behalf of the Institution, including an agreement between the Institution and the parents (persons replacing them) of each child;

Organizes certification of employees of the Institution;

Forms a contingent of pupils of the Institution in accordance with the Procedure for recruiting children from preschool educational institutions;

Maintains relationships with families of pupils, public organizations, and other educational institutions on issues of preschool education;

Presents reports on the activities of the Institution to the Founder and the public.

The structure of the financial and economic activities of the Institution includes:

Use of property assigned to the Institution on the basis of operational management rights, adopted within the limits of its powers for the purposes stipulated by the Charter of the Institution;

Financing and logistical support for the activities of the institution;

Carrying out entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities;

Prohibition on transactions, the possible consequences of which are the alienation or encumbrance of property acquired from funds allocated to the Institution by the owner of the Institution;

Disposal of property. Acquired by the Institution at the expense of income received from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities;

The ability to have an independent balance and current account in the treasury.

At the suggestion of the Founder, the Department of Municipal Property and Land Use of the Orel City Administration, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, assigns buildings to the Institution in order to ensure its statutory activities. Facilities, equipment and other necessary property.

The institution is responsible to the owner for the safety and effective use of the property assigned to the institution. The institution has the right to independently dispose, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, of funds received from extra-budgetary sources.

2.2 Assessment of the moral and psychological climate of MDOU No. 58 of a compensatory type

moral psychological climate team

As stated in paragraph 2.1, the number of employees of MDOU No. 58 of the compensating type is 25 people. 4% of the employees of this institution are men, therefore, the employees of the institution are mostly women. The age composition of this institution is from 26 to 70 years. The education of employees is predominantly higher or secondary specialized.

The study of this enterprise was carried out from September to November 2010. The purpose of this study is to develop skills, create conditions that cause positive changes in the moral and psychological climate of the team, bringing the team closer together, its cohesion.

A smaller team was selected for the study, namely the team of the second junior group:

Volovik N.S. - junior teacher.

Altynnikova E.S. - teacher.

Romanova L.N. - teacher.

Romanova L.N. - teacher speech therapist.

And also the head of this institution is Tanicheva V.I. and deputy head for methodological work I.A. Titova.

The following methods were used: determining the psychological climate in a given team; determining the management style of the workforce; diagnostics of interpersonal relationships in a team.

The form of conducting experiments is group.

Method 1 “Psychological climate in the team”

This technique is used to determine the state of the psychological climate of the workforce. The subject is asked to evaluate, using a 7-point system, 25 factors characterizing the state of the psychological climate in the team. One of the columns contains factors characterizing the ideal psychological climate (the highest score is 7 points). The other column contains factors that indicate that the team has an unsatisfactory psychological climate (lowest score - 1 point). The middle column contains a rating scale from 7 to 1, according to which the state of the psychological climate of the team should be assessed.

The final result must be assessed depending on the location of the sum of marks in the range from 25 to 175 - the higher the final number, the more favorable the climate in the team. The assessment can be individual, as well as collective, if you add up the assessments of all team members and get the average.

The technique was described and developed by V.I. Shkatulla, to determine the moral and psychological climate in the team.

The results of the study of the moral and psychological climate in the team are presented in Table 3.

Table 3 - Research of moral and psychological climate

Survey participants Friendliness Agreement Satisfaction Passion Productivity Warmth Cooperation Mutual support Entertaining Success TOTAL Volovik N.S. 545345543341 Altynnikova E. S. 656354656551 Lysenko A. S. 563644536345 Romanova L. N. 755635454347 Ta Nicheva V.I.776757667563Titova I.A.567567666559Total655545555451

Criteria for assessing the results obtained.

The maximum indicator of each component of the moral and psychological climate of the team is 7 points (100%), the minimum indicator is 1 point (14%)

The total maximum indicator of all components of the moral and psychological climate in the team is 90 points (100%), the minimum is 10 points (14%).

The level of development of the components of the moral and psychological climate of the team in percentage terms is;

high from 70% to 100%;

average from 40% to 69%;

low to 39%.

According to the total components, their level of development is:

high from 70% to 100%;

average from 40% to 69%:

low to 39%.

Table 4 presents the results of a study of the psychological climate in the team, translated from point indicators into percentages.

Table 4 - Studies of moral and psychological climate, presented as percentages

Survey participants Friendliness Agreement Satisfaction Passion Productivity Warmth Cooperation Mutual support Entertaining Success TOTAL Volovik N.S. 7056704256707056424257, 4 Altynnikova E. S. 8470844270568470847071, 4 Lysenko A. S. 708442845 6567042844263Romanova L.N.9870708498705670564265,8Tanicheva V.I.9898849870988484987088,2Titova I.A.7084987084988484847082,6Total827774706375756 8755671.4

Friendliness is the attitude of colleagues towards each other. Figure 1 presents the results of a study of friendliness as one of the dynamic components of the psychological climate of the team. Romanova L.N. gives the highest assessment of friendliness. and Tanicheva V.I. - 7 points. The least - Volovik N.S., Lysenko A.S. and Titova I.A. - 5 points. This indicates that the atmosphere in the team is quite friendly.

Figure 1 - Compensatory friendliness in the team of MDOU No. 58

Consent is the consistency of actions in the work of all team members. Figure 2 presents the results of a study of consent as one of the dynamic components of the psychological climate of the team. The highest assessment of agreement is given by Tanicheva V.I. - 7 points. The least - Volovik N.S. - 4 points. This indicates that the members of a given team evaluate agreement differently, that is, the team is not coordinated.

Figure 2 - Agreement in the team of MDOU No. 58 of a compensating type

Satisfaction with work, work results, relationships with colleagues, financial results of work. The figure shows the results of a study of satisfaction as one of the dynamic components of the psychological climate of the team. The highest satisfaction rating is given by I.A. Titova, the lowest by A.S. Lysenko. The graph shows that the team is generally satisfied with the work, but there are also dissatisfied team members.

Figure 3 - Satisfaction with the work of members of the team of MDOU No. 58 of the compensating type

Passion is a feeling that arises when doing your work and achieving certain results. Figure 4 presents the results of a study of passion as one of the dynamic components of the psychological climate of the team. The highest rating of passion is given by Tanicheva V.I. - 7 points, the lowest - Volovik N.S. and Altynnikova E.S. - 3 points. The graph is evidence of the varying passions of team members.

Figure 4 - Compensatory type of enthusiasm of the staff of MDOU No. 58

Productivity is the personal contribution of each team member to the development of the enterprise. Figure 5 presents the results of a study of productivity as one of the dynamic components of the psychological climate of the team. The productivity of the team was assessed by its members in quite a variety of ways. I.A. Titova gave the highest productivity rating. - 6 points, the lowest - Romanova L.N. 3 points; none of the employees gave the highest score of 7 points. Which is an indicator of low team productivity.

Figure 5 - Productivity of work of the team of MDOU No. 58 of the compensating type

Warmth is the positive relationship between all team members. Figure 6 presents the results of a study of warmth as one of the dynamic components of the psychological climate of the team. The warmth of the team was rated by V.I. Tanicheva with the highest score - 7. and Titova I.A., the lowest score was given by Altynniova E.S. and Lysenko A.S. - 4 points. Average and high scores indicate that the relationships of team members are quite positive.

Figure 6 - Heat of the staff of MDOU No. 58 of compensating type

Collaboration is about relationships between each other. Figure 7 presents the results of a study of cooperation as one of the dynamic components of the psychological climate of the team. Romanova L.N. gives the lowest score to cooperation. - 4 points, the highest score - 6 points was given by 3 people: Altynnikova E.S., Tanicheva V.I. and Titova I.A.. In general, the team rated the cooperation quite highly.

Figure 7 - Compensatory cooperation in the team of MDOU No. 58

Mutual support - relationships with each other, mentoring, support in work. Figure 8 presents the results of a study of mutual support as one of the dynamic components of the psychological climate of the team. The lowest assessment of mutual support is given by Lysenko A.S. - 3 points, the highest - Tanicheva V.I. and Titova I.A. - 6 points. In general, the team assessed mutual support differently.

Figure 8 - Mutual support of members of the team of MDOU No. 58 of a compensatory type

Entertaining - in what mood the current work is being performed. Figure 9 presents the results of a study of fun as one of the dynamic components of the psychological climate of the team. The highest rating for entertaining is given by V.I. Tanicheva. - 7 points, the lowest - Volovik N.S. - 3 points. The graph shows that in general the team is working in a good mood.

Figure 9 - Compensatory activity of the team of MDOU No. 58

Success is the result of work, summing up the results of certain projects in a team, and individually for each team member. Figure 10 presents the results of a study of success as one of the dynamic components of the psychological climate of the team. Success scores were divided into 3: Volovik N.S., Romanova L.N., Lysenko A.S., and 5 points: Altynnikova E.S., Tanicheva V.I. and Titova I.A.. Thus, half of the team considers him successful, and half does not.

Figure 10 - Success of the team of MDOU No. 58 of the compensating type

Thus, based on the analysis described above, we can conclude that the state of the moral and psychological climate of the team is assessed by its employees as satisfactory.

2.3 Measures to improve the moral and psychological climate in the team

According to the results of the study, several factors play a huge role in the effective operation of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution “Kindergarten No. 58 of Compensatory Type.”

Firstly, it is the manager’s selection of leadership style. Each member of the team must work to achieve a common goal (raising the younger generation).

Secondly, it is a series of activities that help improve the moral and psychological climate in the team.

The manager must think about the problems of his own working style. Leadership style needs to be addressed on an ongoing basis. In order to choose the right leadership style, you need to know: the job requirements, your own abilities and inclinations.

To successfully regulate the moral and psychological climate, the head of MDOU No. 58 of a compensating type must have:

) not only knowledge of the general principles of management of social organizations, formulated by modern management theory, but also the ability to use them to regulate the moral and psychological climate of the team;

) the level of general theoretical knowledge about the essence of the moral and psychological climate, the factors influencing it and the methods regulating it;

) the depth of analysis on this general theoretical basis of specific situations, which in each individual case require a unique special set of methods and means for regulating the moral and psychological climate;

) the degree of compliance of the chosen methods for adjusting the moral and psychological climate of the team with the current dangerous situation and its specific content.

Maintaining and strengthening cooperation and mutual assistance relationships is the central task of MDOU No. 58 of the compensatory type, the entire methodology for improving the moral and psychological climate in the team. This methodology is based on a complex nature, which includes methods of a socio-psychological, organizational, managerial and moral-ethical nature.

The most important socio-psychological methods are aimed at adjusting the thoughts, feelings and moods of employees of the institution:

The first method is the consent method. It involves holding events aimed at identifying a more or less wide field of common interests; team members get to know each other better, get used to cooperating, and jointly solving problems that arise.

The second method is the method of benevolence. It involves developing the ability to empathize and sympathize with other people, to understand their internal states, and the willingness to provide practical assistance to a colleague.

The third method is the method of preserving the reputation of a colleague, respecting his dignity. This method is used in all forms of interpersonal communication.

The fourth method is the method of mutual complementation. Taking into account and skillful use of not only the abilities, but also the shortcomings of people who are closely related to each other, help strengthen mutual trust and respect of people, their cooperation, which contributes to the development of a favorable moral and psychological climate.

The fifth method is the method of not discriminating against people. This method requires the exclusion of emphasizing the superiority of one group member over another, or any differences between them.

And finally, the last of the psychological methods, a method that can conventionally be called the method of psychological stroking. He assumes that people’s moods and feelings can be regulated and require certain support. For this purpose, the institution is invited to conduct joint recreation for team members. These and similar events relieve psychological stress, promote emotional release, evoke positive feelings of mutual sympathy, and thus create a moral and psychological atmosphere in the organization that makes it difficult for conflicts to arise.

From all of the above, we can conclude that activities that contribute to improving the moral and psychological climate ensure the preservation of normal business relationships and strengthen mutual respect and trust.

The institution as a whole needs to implement a number of consistent activities, by implementing which it can achieve strong cooperation, cohesion of the workforce, and a favorable moral and psychological climate at the organizational and managerial level:

First of all, the enterprise must set goals for a long-term period of 10 - 15 years, which should be aimed at introducing new educational technologies, both for children and for the training and development of employees, and constantly improving the quality of services provided. First of all, the stability of the institution, as well as the improvement of the moral and psychological climate of the team, depend on this.

Recognizing new ideas as the main value of any business - creating a climate that encourages innovation. The introduction of innovations creates conditions for creative tension of people, significantly narrows the possibility of negative psychological stress, which becomes the cause of a negative moral and psychological climate in the team.

The head of MDOU No. 58 of the compensatory type must focus on the selection and education of effective professional employees. This presupposes a management approach in which ordinary people produce extraordinary results. The manager must take care of the professional growth and improvement of employees, requiring them to constantly think about and adjust both the set goal and the ways to achieve it.

To improve the moral and psychological climate in the team without reducing productivity, the manager should listen to the following recommendations:

think about the accuracy of assessing the abilities and inclinations of your employees.

do not neglect “bureaucracy”, that is, a clear definition of the functions, powers and limits of responsibility of employees. This prevents negative manifestations of the moral and psychological climate.

Show your trust and support to your subordinates more often.

use a leadership style that is appropriate to the specific production situation and the characteristics of the workforce.

When employees fail, evaluate first of all the circumstances in which the person acted, and not his personal qualities.

do not exclude compromises, concessions, and apologies from the arsenal of means of communication with subordinates.

Do not use sarcasm, irony, or humor aimed at the subordinate in conversations with subordinates.

criticism of an employee should be constructive and ethical criticism.

The compensatory implementation of these recommendations, which are simple in principle, by the head of MDOU No. 58 can have a very significant impact on the moral and psychological climate in the team.

All of the above recommendations for improving the moral and psychological climate in the team are of a general nature. A specific situation is always unique, as it is determined by the individuality of each member of a given team (his temperament, character, style of behavior, etc.). In addition, the formation of a moral and psychological climate in a team largely depends on the general background of life, that is, on how successful we are outside the team, on general social, family, age and other factors.

The moral and psychological climate of the team, which reveals itself, first of all, in the relationships of people to each other and to the common cause, but this is not all. It inevitably affects people’s attitudes towards the world as a whole, their attitude and worldview. And this, in turn, can affect the entire system of value orientations of an individual who is a member of a given team. Thus, climate manifests itself in a certain way in the attitude of each member of the team to himself. The last of the relationships crystallizes and a certain situation - the social form of self-attitude and self-awareness of the individual.

Each member of the team, on the basis of all other parameters of the psychological climate, develops in himself a consciousness, perception, assessment and sense of his “I” within this particular community of people that corresponds to this climate.

Quite often, people appear in a team who are dissatisfied with some aspects of the activities of the team or individuals. In this case, personal hostility, excessive adherence to principles, etc. may serve as a reason or reason for the formation of an unfavorable climate in the team.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that in order to achieve the desired result, namely a favorable moral and psychological climate, the following system of recommendations is proposed for the management of the Municipal preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 58 of compensatory type”:

apply techniques of suggestion and persuasion with subordinates;

conduct constant work to assess the moral and psychological climate in the team;

be able to resolve conflicts that arise in a team and help in the event of stressful situations;

know what management and leadership styles exist, and skillfully operate with them;

be able to relieve the internal tension of the team when necessary;

be able to always support your subordinates in any endeavors;

be able to objectively evaluate the positive character traits of your subordinates and develop them;

conduct regular work to create a positive moral and psychological climate, using the above methods;

try to adhere to a democratic leadership style: be a true leader of the team.

In conclusion, the following recommendations were developed and proposed for the head of the Municipal preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 58 of compensatory type”:

an objective assessment of one’s capabilities and the development of missing qualities in oneself that would help increase authority and allow one to be a role model (for example, attention to the problems of other people, honesty, the ability to listen);

using different leadership methods depending on the situation. However, it is best to adhere to a democratic style and take into account the opinions of employees when solving common problems;

be demanding not only of subordinates, but also of yourself, strive to improve;

seek an approach to each employee, taking into account his personal characteristics (character, temperament, etc.), as well as his business qualities;

treat all team members fairly;

use incentives and bonuses more often as incentives;

learn to prevent emerging conflicts and resolve existing ones with the least damage;

show flexibility and the ability to compromise when persuading others;

carry out regular work to assess and create a positive moral and psychological climate.

To summarize, we can conclude that managers of any rank and regardless of the size of the group must always remember the importance of a positive moral and psychological climate in the team, consciously structure their behavior and choose the most optimal leadership style to increase the efficiency of the work process and the success of the entire organization. And subordinates should strive for innovations and improvements so that they always have a desire to work and be in demand.


In this work, a theoretical analysis of the concept of moral and psychological climate in a team was carried out.

Moral and psychological climate is the psychological mood in a group, which reflects the nature of relationships between people, the prevailing tone of public mood, the level of management, conditions and characteristics of work and rest in a given team.

Team - a group, a set of people working in one organization, at one enterprise, united by joint activities within the framework of any organization; This is the highest form of an organized group in which interpersonal relationships are mediated by the personally significant and socially valuable content of group activity.

Moral and psychological climate is the relatively stable psychological mood of its members prevailing in a group or team, manifested in the diverse forms of their activities. It is important for a manager or a business person to know the ways to form a moral and psychological climate and the mechanisms of team unity. In your management decisions, in the preparation, training and placement of personnel, it is necessary to use these ways, achieving optimal coordination of the interpersonal interaction of team members in the conditions of specific joint activities.

The most important signs of a favorable moral and psychological climate are: trust and high demands of group members towards each other; friendly and business-like criticism; free expression of one’s own opinion when discussing issues affecting the entire team; lack of pressure from managers on subordinates and recognition of their right to make decisions that are significant for the group; sufficient awareness of team members about its tasks and the state of affairs in their implementation; satisfaction with belonging to a team; a high degree of emotional involvement and mutual assistance in situations that cause a state of frustration in any of the team members; taking responsibility for the state of affairs in the group by each of its members, etc.

The research has shown that the work is of particular relevance at the moment, since now special attention has been paid to the formation of a favorable moral and psychological climate through the most effective interaction between the manager and subordinates.

Managers should pay more attention to the human qualities of their subordinates and their ability to solve assigned tasks. High rates of obsolescence and constant change force managers to be constantly prepared to carry out technical and organizational reforms, as well as to change their leadership style.

In his practical activities, a leader should not use one leadership style. He must constantly improve himself in accordance with changing both internal and external conditions.

Using the models discussed in this work, which have been studied by various researchers, a manager will be able to analyze, select and evaluate the results of using a particular leadership style in a specific situation. Not only the authority of the leader and the effectiveness of his work, but also the atmosphere in the team and the relationship between subordinates and the leader depend on the choice of leadership style. When the entire organization works quite efficiently and smoothly, the manager discovers that in addition to the set goals, much more has been achieved, for example, mutual understanding and job satisfaction.

The team is a collection of individuals; the development of the individual has a significant influence on the formation of the internal psychological situation in the team.

The leader cannot but influence the psychological sphere of the group. In addition, creating a positive climate in the team is his immediate responsibility.


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Psychological climate is one of the most important characteristics of a team. It has a significant impact on labor productivity, as well as the emotional state of each member of the group - both employees and management. What does this indicator depend on? How to diagnose it, and can it be changed?

Components of group atmosphere

The psychological climate in a team is understood as the mood of the group, which is determined by the relationships between people living, working or studying together. Nervous tension is a problem in many work and study groups. In addition to direct harm to relationships between people and their health, stress also affects the work process.

Most often, a tense situation arises in a situation of instability. Another fairly common reason why the psychological climate in a team is deteriorating is the unfavorable conditions in which an individual employee is forced to live. Perhaps he does not have the best living conditions, poor nutrition, difficulties in relationships with relatives, etc. This may also affect the psychological state of other employees. Another common cause of an unfavorable work environment is communication difficulties between employees themselves.

Satisfaction of each employee with work

There are several factors that determine the psychological climate in a team. One of the main ones is employee satisfaction with their duties. A great influence on the formation of the environment is exerted by the fact how much the employee likes his work - whether it is diverse, whether it is possible to realize his creative potential with its help, whether it corresponds to the professional level of the employee.

The attractiveness of work is always increased by such motivators as decent wages, good conditions, fair and timely distribution of vacations, and career prospects. Also important are such factors as the opportunity to increase the level of one’s professionalism, the peculiarities of relationships horizontally and vertically.

Compatibility and harmony of team members

Those relationships that were formed in the process of communication between people are an indicator of their psychological compatibility. It is believed that it is much easier for people who are similar to each other to establish interaction. Similarity helps the employee feel safe and increases self-esteem.

However, it is necessary to distinguish between concepts such as harmony and compatibility. If it is based on the characteristics of relationships between people, and can be judged after a relatively short period of time after the start of joint activities, then harmony takes years to develop. Its basis is the successful results of joint activities. In this case, both harmony and compatibility matter.


Formed on an emotional basis. If the team is united, then it is unlikely that everyone will be happy when one of the employees is in grief. Factors that influence the level of cohesion in a group are the attitude of its members towards the leader, trust within the team itself, the duration of joint work, as well as recognition of the personal contribution of each employee.

To a large extent, this characteristic depends on the personal characteristics of the employees, how cultural their communication is, and whether there is sympathy or antipathy in the relationship. The predominance of certain qualities influences the general psychological climate in the team.

Features of communications

The atmosphere of a team is always based on the personal characteristics of each of its members. It is important to have communication skills, the characteristics of their assessments, opinions, and social experience. For example, the difficulties that some group members experience in communication can affect the situation in the team as a whole. For this reason, tension, mistrust may increase, disputes may arise, and if each member of the team is able to clearly and accurately express his point of view, properly masters the techniques of constructive criticism, and has active listening skills, then this helps to create a favorable psychological climate in the group.

When analyzing the characteristics of the psychological compatibility of each member of the team, it is necessary to take into account such a factor as the type of communicative behavior. This classification was first developed by V. M. Shepel and includes the following categories:

  • Collectivists are sociable people who will always support any initiative. If necessary, they are capable of taking the initiative.
  • Individualists. Those employees who prefer to work alone rather than interact as part of a team. They are much more inclined towards personal responsibility.
  • Pretenders. As a rule, such employees are often called vain, touchy, and eager to be the center of attention while working. And such a characterization is not without foundation.
  • Copycats. People who seek to avoid complications, and for this purpose imitate other people's behavioral manners.
  • Opportunists. Weak-willed team members who rarely take initiative and fall under the influence of others.
  • Isolated. People who avoid contact. They often have a completely intolerable character.

Leadership style

This factor also has a great influence on the characteristics of the psychological climate in the team. There are several leadership styles:

  • Democratic. Thanks to this style, friendliness develops within the team. Employees do not feel that certain decisions are being imposed “from the outside.” Group members also take part in management. This style is one of the best for creating a favorable psychological climate in a team.
  • Authoritarian. Typically, all that this style produces is hostility among group members. There may be other alternatives - humility, ingratiation, and often envy and distrust. However, this management style often leads a group to success, and therefore is used in the army, sports, etc.
  • It is characterized by the fact that the work is left to chance. As a result, one can observe extremely low work efficiency, employee dissatisfaction, as well as the formation of an unfavorable socio-psychological climate in the team.

We can conclude that each leader has a significant influence on the characteristics of the moral and psychological climate, people’s attitude towards the activities performed, and satisfaction with the process of work or study.

Nature of work performed

Also important are the characteristics of the activities that each employee has to engage in. For example, the monotony of work or, conversely, its emotional oversaturation has a significant impact. It is also necessary to take into account the level of responsibility of each team member, the presence of risks to life and health, and the stressful nature of the work.

Features of a favorable atmosphere

There are many features that can be used to characterize the positive socio-psychological climate in a team. Let's look at the most basic ones:

  • In such a group, as a rule, a cheerful and positive tone of relations prevails. The basic principles here are cooperation, mutual assistance, and goodwill. Trust prevails in relationships between employees, and criticism is expressed with goodwill.
  • In the team there are certain norms of respectful attitude towards each of its representatives. The weak can find support, experienced workers help newcomers.
  • Traits such as honesty, openness, and hard work are valued.
  • Each member of the team is full of energy. If there is any useful work to be done, he will respond. Labor efficiency indicators are generally high.
  • If one of the group members experiences joy or failure, then those around him empathize with him.
  • There is also mutual understanding in the relationships between mini-groups within the team.

Negative moral and psychological climate in the team: features

If there is no mutual respect in the group, then employees are forced to constantly take a defensive position and defend themselves, including from each other. Communication becomes more rare. When a leader demands the impossible from group members, subjects them to public criticism, punishes them more often than encourages them, and does not personally evaluate the employee’s contribution to joint activities, he thereby contributes to the formation of a negative psychological climate in the team. And the main consequence of this is a decrease in labor productivity and a deterioration in the quality of products.

Poorly cohesive group: properties

This group is characterized by pessimism and irritability. Often team members are bored, they frankly don’t like their work, because it doesn’t arouse interest. Each employee has a fear of making a mistake, making an inappropriate impression, and hostility. In addition to this symptom, which is obvious, there are other features of the unfavorable moral and psychological climate in the team:

  • There are no norms of justice and equality in the team. There is always a noticeable division between the “privileged” and those who are neglected. The weak in such a team are treated with contempt and are often ridiculed. Newcomers in such a group feel superfluous and are often treated with hostility.
  • Honesty, hard work, and selflessness are not held in high esteem.
  • Generally, group members are passive, and some openly seek to separate themselves from the rest.
  • The successes or failures of employees do not evoke sympathy, and often become the subject of open envy or gloating.
  • In such a group there may be small groups that refuse to cooperate with each other.
  • In problematic situations, the team is often unable to unite to solve the problem.

Alarm bells of negative changes

However, it must be borne in mind that it is rare that a favorable psychological climate in a team becomes negative abruptly. Most often, this is preceded by some initially imperceptible changes. Just as a person must cross a certain borderline before turning from a law-abiding member of society into a criminal, certain tendencies first emerge in the work collective. The following characteristics are inherent in the maturation of negative moods:

  • Hidden disobedience to management orders or inaccurate execution of instructions.
  • "Gatherings" during working hours. Instead of doing business, employees communicate, play backgammon - in a word, kill time.
  • Rumors and gossip. This feature is often attributed to female teams, but the gender of the employees is not an excuse - rumors are inevitable where they have nothing to do.
  • Careless attitude towards technology.

“Scapegoat” is a consequence of excessive authoritarianism

If the leader of a group (be it a work team, a student group, or a school class) adheres to an exclusively authoritarian style, this can affect each of the members in a negative way. Fear of punishment, in turn, leads to the emergence of scapegoats. In most cases, this role is filled by a person (or even a group of people) who are in no way to blame for the problems of the team, but are somehow different from the rest. The scapegoat becomes a victim of attacks and aggression.

The researchers emphasize that having such a target for aggression is only a temporary way for the group to relieve tension. The roots of the problem remain unaffected, and when the scapegoat leaves the group, another will take his place - and it is quite possible that this will be one of the team members.

How can you determine the atmosphere in a group?

There are several criteria by which you can assess the psychological climate in a team:

  • Staff turnover.
  • Level of labor efficiency.
  • Quality of manufactured products.
  • The number of absenteeism and lateness of individual employees.
  • The number of claims and complaints from the company's clients.
  • Deadlines for completing the work.
  • Carelessness or negligence in handling work equipment.
  • Frequency of breaks during the working day.

How to improve relationships in a team

By assessing the characteristics of the atmosphere in the team, you can identify those weak points that need to be corrected. Some personnel changes may have to be made. Creating a psychological climate in a team is the task of every responsible leader. After all, labor productivity often drops when employees are psychologically incompatible with each other or when one of the employees has such a personal characteristic as a banal desire to create conflict situations.

Once the obvious problems have been resolved, you should move on to strengthening the bonds between employees by holding special events outside of working hours. Forming a favorable psychological climate in a team can be a long process. However, this strategy allows you to relieve tension, as well as help employees move from the level of purely business interaction to a friendly one.

Carrying out joint work projects also contributes to improving the psychological climate in the workforce. For example, this could be conducting brainstorming sessions. Special work events in which employees from different departments must collaborate are often effective.

Features of the working atmosphere among teachers

Special attention should be paid to the issues of psychological climate in the teaching staff. This area is always stressful, and the working atmosphere is often one of the factors that determines the effectiveness of a teacher. The unity of the teaching staff always occurs within the framework of performing some common task or activity - first of all, social, pedagogical. In such events, each teacher should have the opportunity to realize their creative abilities.

Of course, holding methodological days or creative meetings of teachers often requires additional time, but such events remain in the memory of teachers for a long time as bright and unforgettable events.

How can a teacher create an atmosphere in the classroom?

Many teachers have to deal with the formation of the psychological climate of the classroom team. This is a rather difficult task, but its implementation contributes to the achievement of the most pressing tasks of education. Children in a close-knit class gain invaluable experience of interpersonal interaction, cooperation, and responsibility. The following methods of creating a positive atmosphere in the classroom are distinguished:

  • Inclusion of various types of art into the daily educational process.
  • Games.
  • General traditions.
  • The teacher's active position in relation to the class.
  • Creating various situations in which the class could experience events that are significant for the team.

How to determine the characteristics of the moral situation in a group?

There are many ways to find out about the characteristics of the psychological climate in a team. Techniques developed for this purpose provide insight into what is happening in the group. The easiest way is to distribute leaflets with the following questionnaire to group members (if desired, it can be anonymous):

  1. Do you like the work you do?
  2. Do you have a desire to change it?
  3. If you were to look for a job today, would you focus on your current job?
  4. Is the work interesting for you? Is it diverse enough?
  5. Are you satisfied with the technical equipment at your workplace?
  6. Is the salary satisfactory?
  7. What would you like to change about collaboration?
  8. How do you assess the atmosphere in the team? Is it friendly, respectful, trusting? Or, on the contrary, is there envy, tension, mistrust and irresponsibility?
  9. Do you consider your colleagues to be high-class professionals?
  10. Do you have their respect?

Studying the psychological climate of the team allows us to take timely necessary measures to improve it, and therefore increase labor productivity. The appearance of negative symptoms indicates that the team is “sick.” However, if you pay attention to these signals in time, the working atmosphere can be adjusted and even improved in many ways.

Currently, in the conditions of scientific and technological progress and the crisis of the world economy, the creation of a psychological climate for the team is an integral part of the struggle for increased labor productivity and the quality of products. The development of social progress and its contradictory socio-psychological aspects are closely related to the problems of creating a favorable socio-psychological climate (SPC). Also, the problem of the influence of psychological aspects on team management is one of the important and fundamental foundations for a favorable SPC.




1 Psychological aspects of team management……………………...5

1.1 Concept, essence and structure of psychological climate……………5

1.2 Factors influencing the psychological climate in the team………..9

2 Creating a psychological climate in the team………………………14

2.1 Team building mechanisms………………………………………………………14

2.2 The role of the leader in the socio-psychological climate



List of references………………………………………………………...28


Currently, in the conditions of scientific and technological progress and the crisis of the world economy, the creation of a psychological climate for the team is an integral part of the struggle for increased labor productivity and the quality of products. The development of social progress and its contradictory socio-psychological aspects are closely related to the problems of creating a favorable socio-psychological climate (SPC). Also, the problem of the influence of psychological aspects on team management is one of the important and fundamental foundations for a favorable SPC.

The relevance of this problem is interpreted by the increased demands on the level of an individual’s psychological involvement in his work activity and the complication of a person’s psychological life activity by the constant growth of their personal aspirations.

Considering these problems, the purpose of my course work is to analyze the influence of psychological aspects of management on the team and consider the process of creating a psychological climate in the team.

The set goal was predetermined by the need to solve the following problems:

  1. Study the concept, essence and structure of psychological climate
  2. Identify factors influencing the psychological climate in the team
  3. Consider and identify the most effective team building mechanisms
  4. Determine the role of the manager in the team’s SEC

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the works of domestic and foreign scientists who developed the problem of SEC within the framework of classical and institutional approaches.

As part of the course work, general scientific methods were used to achieve this goal: systemic, within which an economic method such as comparative was applied; scientific abstraction.

Also in the course work, textbooks and scientific articles from periodicals on this topic were used as literature.

The structure of the work consists of an introduction, 2 chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

1 Psychological aspects of team management

  1. Concept, essence and structure of psychological climate

The concept of “climate” has roots in social psychology. This term, now widely used, is often put on a par with the concepts of spiritual atmosphere, team spirit and prevailing mood. In Russian psychology, four main approaches to understanding the nature of the SPC have emerged. Representatives of the first approach (L.P. Bueva, E.S. Kuzmin, N.N. Obozov, K.K. Platonov, A.K. Uledov) consider climate as a socio-psychological phenomenon, as a state of collective consciousness. Climate is understood as a reflection in the minds of people of a complex of phenomena related to their relationships, working conditions, and methods of stimulating it.

Under the socio-psychological climate, says E.S. Kuzmin, it is necessary to understand the socio-psychological state of a small group, which reflects the nature, content and direction of the real psychology of the organization’s members.

Proponents of the second approach (A.A. Rusalinova, A.N. Lutoshkin) emphasize that the essential characteristic of the SEC is a general emotional and psychological mood. Climate is understood as the mood of a group of people.

The authors of the third approach (V.M. Shepel, V.A. Pokrovsky, B.D. Parygin) analyze the socio-psychological climate through the style of relationships between people who are in direct contact with each other. In the process of formation, a system of interpersonal relationships is formed that determines the social and psychological well-being of each member of the group.

The creators of the fourth approach (V.V. Kosolapov, A.N. Shcherban, L.N. Kogan) define climate in terms of the social and psychological compatibility of group members, their moral unity, cohesion, the presence of common opinions, customs and traditions.

In American social psychology they talk about “organizational culture” in organizations, about the relationship between workers and managers. E. Mayo's theory of “human relations” is based primarily on the formation of SPC relations between employees. When studying climate, it is necessary to keep in mind two levels. The first level is static, relatively constant. These are stable relationships among team members, their interest in work and fellow workers. At this level, the socio-psychological climate is understood as a stable, fairly stable state, which, once formed, is capable of not being destroyed for a long time and maintaining its essence, despite the difficulties that the organization faces. From this point of view, it is quite difficult to create a favorable climate in a group, but at the same time it is easier to maintain it at a certain level, already formed earlier. Control and correction of the properties of the socio-psychological climate are carried out by group members occasionally. They feel a certain stability, stability of their position, status in the system of relationships. Since the state of the climate is less sensitive to various influences and changes from the environment, it has a real impact on the results of collective and individual activities, on the performance of group members, on the quality and quantity of the products of their labor.

The second level is dynamic, changing, fluctuating. This is the daily mood of employees during work, their psychological mood. This level is described by the concept of “psychological atmosphere”. Unlike SPC, the psychological atmosphere is characterized by more rapid, temporary changes and is less conscious of people. Changes in the psychological atmosphere affect the mood and performance of the individual during the working day. Climate changes are always more pronounced, noticeable, they are realized and experienced by people more acutely; most often a person manages to adapt to them. The accumulation of quantitative changes in the psychological atmosphere leads to its transition to a different qualitative state, to a different socio-psychological climate.

K. Argyris, based on his research on climate in a bank, gave it the following definition: “the official policy of the organization, the needs of employees, values ​​and individuality that operate in a self-preserving complex, living and constantly evolving system.” Now the concept of “climate” is understood as the organizational influence on the motivation and behavior of employees, i.e. it includes aspects such as organizational structure, reward systems, and the perceived support and friendly participation of managers and colleagues. Climate refers to the team's overall view of organizational policies, activities, and events, both formal and informal. In addition, climate is the clear goals of the organization and the means used to achieve it.

The climate of the collective is the prevailing and relatively stable mental mood of the collective, which finds diverse forms of manifestation in all its life activities.

The SBC of a team is always characterized by an atmosphere specific to the joint activities of people, the mental and emotional state of each participant, individual, and undoubtedly depends on the general state of the people around him. In a production team, various relationships develop between employees, including moral ones. As a result, the image of the team becomes dependent on personal qualities: honesty, decency, dedication. In turn, the atmosphere of a particular community or group is manifested through the nature of the mental mood of people, which can be active or contemplative, cheerful or pessimistic, purposeful or anarchic, everyday or festive, etc.

An essential element in the general concept of socio-psychological climate is the characteristics of its structure. Not only in sociology, but also in psychology, the point of view has been established, according to which the main structure of the forming SPC is mood. In the structure of the SEC, there are two main divisions - people’s attitudes towards work and their attitudes towards each other.

In turn, relationships with each other are differentiated into relationships between workmates and relationships in the system of leadership and subordination. Ultimately, the entire diversity of relationships is viewed through the prism of two main parameters of mental attitude - emotional and objective.

The psychological climate of the collective, which reveals itself primarily in the relationships of people to each other and to the common cause, is still not exhausted by this. It inevitably affects people’s attitudes towards the world as a whole, their attitude and worldview. And this, in turn, can manifest itself in the entire system of value orientations of an individual who is a member of a given team. Thus, climate manifests itself in a certain way in the attitude of each member of the team to himself. The last of the relationships crystallizes into a certain situation - a social form of self-attitude and self-awareness of the individual.

As a result, a certain structure of immediate and subsequent, more immediate and more indirect manifestations of the socio-psychological climate is created.

  1. Factors influencing the psychological climate in a team

The formation of a certain socio-psychological climate is influenced by the following factors:

1. Compatibility of its members, understood as the most favorable combination of employee properties, ensuring the effectiveness of joint activities and the personal satisfaction of each. Compatibility is manifested in mutual understanding, mutual acceptance, sympathy, and empathy between team members.

There are three levels of compatibility: psychophysiological, psychological and socio-psychological:

  • The psychophysiological level of compatibility is based on an optimal combination of features of the sensory system (vision, hearing, touch, etc.) and temperamental properties. This level of compatibility becomes especially important when organizing joint activities. Choleric and phlegmatic people will complete the task at different paces, which can lead to disruptions in work and tension in relations between workers. Therefore, the synchronicity of individual mental activity of workers (various endurance of group members, speed of thinking, peculiarities of perception, attention) should be taken into account when distributing physical activity and assigning certain types of work.
  • The psychological level presupposes the compatibility of characters, motives, and types of behavior. Incompatibility manifests itself in the desire of team members to avoid each other, and if contacts are inevitable - in negative emotional states and even conflicts.

Psychological compatibility may be due to the similarity of characteristics of the participants in joint activities. People who are similar to each other find it easier to interact. Similarity promotes a sense of security and self-confidence and increases self-esteem. Psychological compatibility may also be based on differences in characteristics based on the principle of complementarity. In this case, they say that people fit each other “like a key to a lock.” The condition and result of compatibility is interpersonal sympathy, the attachment of the participants in the interaction to each other. Forced communication with an unpleasant subject can become a source of negative emotions.

The degree of psychological compatibility of employees is influenced by how homogeneous the composition of the work group is in various social and psychological parameters:

2. Global macroenvironment: the situation in society, the totality of economic, cultural, political and other conditions. Stability in the economic and political life of society ensures the social and psychological well-being of its members and indirectly influences the socio-psychological climate of working groups.

3. Local macro environment, those. an organization whose structure includes a workforce. The size of the organization, the status-role structure, the absence of functional-role contradictions, the degree of centralization of power, the participation of employees in planning, in the distribution of resources, the composition of structural units (gender, age, professional, ethnic), etc.

4. Physical microclimate, sanitary and hygienic working conditions. Heat, stuffiness, poor lighting, constant noise can become a source of increased irritability and indirectly affect the psychological atmosphere in the group. On the contrary, a well-equipped workplace and favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions increase satisfaction from work activity in general, contributing to the formation of a favorable SPC.

5. Job satisfaction. Of great importance for the formation of a favorable SPC is how interesting, varied, creative a person’s work is, whether it corresponds to his professional level, whether it allows him to realize his creative potential and grow professionally. The attractiveness of work is increased by satisfaction with working conditions, pay, the system of material and moral incentives, social security, vacation distribution, working hours, information support, career prospects, the opportunity to increase the level of one’s professionalism, the level of competence of colleagues, the nature of business and personal relationships in the team vertically and horizontal, etc. The attractiveness of work depends on the extent to which its conditions meet the expectations of the subject and allow him to realize his own interests and satisfy the needs of the individual.

6. Nature of the activity performed. The monotony of the activity, its high responsibility, the presence of a risk to the health and life of the employee, the stressful nature, emotional intensity, etc. - all these are factors that can indirectly negatively affect the SEC in the work team.

7. Organization of joint activities. The formal structure of the group, the way powers are distributed, and the presence of a common goal influence the SEC. The interdependence of tasks, unclear distribution of functional responsibilities, employee incompatibility with his professional role, psychological incompatibility of participants in joint activities increase the tension of relations in the group and can become a source of conflicts.

8. Harmony is the result of employee compatibility. It ensures the highest possible success of joint activities at minimal cost.

9. The nature of communications in an organization acts as a factor in the SPC. The lack of complete and accurate information on an issue important to employees creates fertile ground for the emergence and spread of rumors and gossip, weaving intrigues and behind-the-scenes games. The manager should closely monitor the satisfactory information support of the organization’s activities. Low communicative competence of employees also leads to communication barriers, increased tension in interpersonal relationships, misunderstanding, mistrust, and conflicts. The ability to clearly and accurately express one’s point of view, mastery of constructive criticism techniques, active listening skills, etc. create conditions for satisfactory communication in the organization.

Depending on the nature of the socio-psychological climate, its impact on the individual will be different - it will stimulate work, lift spirits, instill cheerfulness and confidence, or, conversely, act depressingly, reduce energy, and lead to production and moral losses.

In addition, the socio-psychological climate can accelerate or slow down the development of key employee qualities necessary in business: readiness for constant innovation, the ability to act in extreme situations, make non-standard decisions, initiative and enterprise, readiness for continuous professional development, a combination of professional and humanitarian skills. culture. You cannot count on the fact that the necessary relationships in a team will arise by themselves; they must be consciously formed.

2 Creating a psychological climate in the team

2.1 Team building mechanisms

The moral and psychological climate is the relatively stable psychological mood of its members prevailing in a group or team, manifested in all the diverse forms of their activities. The moral and psychological climate determines the system of relationships of team members to each other, to work, to surrounding events and to the organization as a whole on the basis of individual, personal and value orientations. Any actions of a leader or a team member (especially of a negative nature) affect the state of the moral and psychological climate and deform it. And vice versa, every positive management decision, positive collective action improves the moral and psychological climate.

The basis for a positive favorable moral and psychological climate are socially significant motives for the attitude towards work among members of the work collective. The optimal combination of these motives will be if three components are involved: material interest in this particular work, direct interest in the labor process, public discussion of the results of the labor process.

Basically, the manager comes to an already formed team and, as necessary, resolves issues of natural staff turnover, which is one of the aspects of team management. In order to successfully cooperate with a person and find a common language, the manager must have a certain idea about each working employee or newly recruited to work in a given team, about the ideological and political qualities of the individual, and his social activity. In addition, the manager must be able to assess the employee’s professional training (ability to perform a certain type of work); socio-psychological qualities (the ability to interact with other people in the process of teamwork); a person’s business qualities, as well as his intellectual and psychological capabilities (intellectual level, willpower, creativity, initiative, etc.)

A number of methods have been developed for studying the business and personal qualities of employees. For example, one of these methods, called “Typology-7,” is intended to identify a person’s innate or acquired “managerial” qualities: the ability for progressive formations - creativity, diligence, conservatism, efficiency, reliability, contemplation, adventurism.

When forming and cohesive a team, the manager needs knowledge and implementation of organizational and psychological principles and rules. For example, in order not to become dependent on previously obtained evaluative attitudes, it is useful to take into account the rule of inadequacy of the reflection of a person by a person. Based on the false agreement effect (“That’s what everyone says”), an erroneous impression of the employee may be formed. The effect of leniency also causes harm to the activities of the team. A typical logical error can be built on the incorrect assumption of a close connection between certain personality traits and behavioral traits. For example, silence is not always a sign of intelligence, etc.

Taking into account the above assessments of employees who make up a scientific or other type of team can help improve its performance. The basis for employee cohesion and the effectiveness of their work is a healthy psychological climate in the team. It is important to satisfy not only material incentives, but also the basic moral needs of the individual that arise in his professional activities and professional communication in the process of work. This is an awareness of personal involvement in the affairs and plans of the team, and the desire to creatively express oneself in work; pride in one's knowledge, skill, mastery; respect from fellow workers and much more.

Economic studies and active participation in competitions, shows, and competitions also contribute to team unity. An effective method of team building is the widespread involvement of employees in technical creativity, invention, and production management.

Sports, recreation, cultural entertainment and common hobbies also bring people together very closely. Be that as it may, the formation and proper cohesion of a team leads to increased efficiency and only has a positive effect on team members.

The moral and psychological atmosphere depends on the style of people’s interactions with each other. There are three main styles of interaction between a manager and a team: directive (authoritarian), permissive (liberal) and democratic. With a directive style of relationships in a team, actions are performed as if under dictation, any initiative is suppressed, and individuals are not given the opportunity to realize themselves in their work. The permissive style occurs when there is complete indifference to the activity being performed or assignments. The person is not interested in the results of his work.

The democratic style in the production team creates conditions for close interaction between workers, contributes to the emergence of a favorable moral and psychological environment that focuses on cooperation rather than the blind subordination of some workers to others, optimally uses the abilities and knowledge of the individual to improve the image of the team, and therefore the institution in in general. In such a team, promotions are based on how much each person contributes to achieving set goals.

Of particular importance in creating an optimal climate in a team is personal responsibility for the assigned work. The responsibility of the manager and subordinates acts as a form of manifestation of duty, as an awareness of the social significance of personal behavior in connection with the requirements of the team, taking into account the specific conditions for the manifestation of these requirements, the immediate and upcoming tasks facing employees.

A sure sign of a favorable moral and psychological climate is the active participation of all team members in management, which can take the form of self-government.

Another sign of a positive moral and psychological climate is high productivity of teamwork. The next sign is developed interpersonal relationships, interpersonal contacts in the workforce of the enterprise. One can also note such a sign as a positive attitude of the team toward innovation. In the era of scientific and technological revolution, rapid development of technology and production technology, innovations are inevitable in any team.

We can conclude that the formation of a positive moral and psychological climate is one of the mechanisms for team unity.

Another important mechanism for team unity is the psychological compatibility of its members. The presence of even two incompatible people (especially in small teams) seriously affects the atmosphere in the team itself.

The consequences are especially detrimental if the formal and informal leaders or managers directly related to job responsibilities (for example, a foreman - a shop manager) turn out to be incompatible. Under these conditions, the entire team will be in a fever. Therefore, it is necessary for everyone who works with people and forms a work team to know at least something about psychological compatibility.

Harmony is also a mechanism for team unity. Harmony is characterized by high productivity of joint work of individuals. Thus, the basis of harmony is the success and profitability of joint activities, when coordination of actions arises between its participants. M. G. Rogov and N. N. Obozov showed that for the normal functioning of the team, teamwork at the “manager - deputy” level is very important.

The next mechanism for team unity is discipline. It is an important means and at the same time a prerequisite for the development of the production team. Its absence not only removes the possibility of optimal interaction, but also makes the very existence of the team problematic. Therefore, discipline is a form of communication between people that determines the creation of a trusting, friendly, comfortable environment in the team. Methods of forming and maintaining discipline are decisively determined by the style of team leadership. Managers strive to create and maintain firm, conscious discipline in the team, which is established not by punishment, not by replacing subordinates, not by rudeness, but by fair demands, the ability to motivate people to work, education, fairness, and the personal image of the leader.

Directly related to discipline is being demanding of yourself and other people. In the conditions of socio-economic relations, the team, on its own initiative, advocates for increasing the volume of requirements for its activities. It should be emphasized that one of the general goals of the team’s image is to develop a positive attitude of its employees towards the requirements.

Increasing demands, the formation and development of positive motives for work not only does not exclude, but, on the contrary, presupposes a friendly, attentive attitude to the needs of people, concern for the better organization of their life.

To establish discipline, increase labor productivity and create a favorable psychological climate, the manager needs to know interpersonal relationships in the team. In any team, invisible threads of relationships stretch between people, which cannot be reflected in any staffing table. An informal structure emerges, built on the likes and dislikes of team members. It is known that intragroup conflicts, as a rule, arise in the informal structure and then move into the sphere of formal relations, knocking the team out of the normal rhythm of work. As many social psychologists believe, teamwork and coherence of a team is determined by the degree of unity of formal and informal structures. And the higher this degree, the greater success the team can achieve. One of the methods for studying interpersonal relationships available to every leader is an in-depth study of various social facts, as well as specific actions and actions of people who are part of a given team. These social facts include mutual assistance, friendship, quarrels, conflicts and the like. Constant observation of these phenomena will allow the manager to study the interpersonal relationships of subordinates.

The manager needs to take into account the interests and needs of each person, his characteristic features, in order to best adapt him to the team, to encourage him to work better and more productively.

A mechanism for team unity is also stimulating the team through incentives. Encouraging good work and behavior and punishing negative actions is the psychological essence of educating and stimulating workers. These means of influence make it possible to keep the individual within the framework of certain moral requirements of society and laws developed by the state. However, preference in educational work should be given to incentives. Punishment should be considered as an extreme measure of educational influence, and it must be used very carefully.

A person’s constant fear that he may be punished for one or another wrong action, for making a mistake when taking initiative, gives rise to routiners and reinsurers.

Speaking about the psychological aspects of the educational and stimulating activities of a leader, it is necessary to remember that not a single technique, be it persuasion or reproach, encouragement or punishment, used separately, will bring a positive effect. So, in order for labor activity towards discipline to become higher, the manager must be able to use the entire arsenal of stimulating and educational influences.

The psychological mechanism of personality assessment is that the manager’s praise increases the authority of the employee and thereby influences the attitude of team members towards him. When assessing a subordinate, it is necessary to strive to ensure that he feels that the manager and the team notice and approve of his personal merits, successes in work and social activities. As a result, a person strives to become even better and achieve higher performance at work. In this natural desire, in the moral efforts encouraged by the leader and the team, as well as in the sense of self-esteem, lies the whole secret of positive assessment in the educational process and the activation of the individual.

It is important not only that the manager does not look gloomy and gloomy at work; It is also important that each person comes to work in a cheerful, not depressed state, and that he maintains a good mood at all times. This largely depends on the moral and psychological climate created in the team.

The collective is not a simple arithmetic sum of individuals, but a qualitatively new category. The people who make up the team are affected by certain socio-psychological patterns. Without knowledge of these patterns, it is difficult for a manager to manage people, conduct educational work, and mobilize workers to fulfill and exceed plans. That is why every leader must know the socio-psychological structure of the team and the socio-psychological patterns that operate in groups of people.

2.2 The role of the leader in the socio-psychological climate of the team

The role of a production manager is enormous in creating a favorable socio-psychological climate.

The work of a leader (manager) is multifunctional and complex in nature. In a certain situation, a manager must have knowledge in the field of engineering, technology, economics, and marketing; he must be fluent in the art of leading people and the ability to solve social problems facing the organization.
The work of a leader is mental work, consisting of three components: organizational, administrative and educational, analytical and constructive; information and technical.

A role is an expected set of actions or behaviors defined by a job.

The classification of the roles of a leader (manager) in an organization was given by the famous management specialist G. Mintzberg.
The entire set of roles is divided into three groups:
roles related to interpersonal communications; information roles; roles related to decision making.

Interpersonal roles include the role of the symbolic head of the organization, the role of the leader, and the role of the liaison. The manager's responsibilities include performing routine duties of a social or legal nature. He is responsible for motivating and activating subordination, for recruiting and training employees, and ensures the functioning of a self-developing network of external contacts and sources of information that provide the necessary information and provide services.

The information roles of a manager include the role of a receiver of information, the role of its distributor, and the role of a representative of a department or organization. The manager receives specialized information for use in the interests of the business, acts as a center for concentrating internal and external information, then transmits the received information to subordinates, and, if necessary, interprets it.

As a representative, the manager transmits information to the external environment of the unit or organization regarding plans, action policies, and the results of its work, and acts as an expert.

Managerial decision-making roles include the entrepreneurial role, the disruptor role, the resource allocator role, and the negotiator role.

As an entrepreneur, the manager determines the direction of development of the organization and seeks opportunities for this within the organization itself and outside it, organizes projects for changes in the organization, and controls their implementation.

As a troublemaker, it adjusts actions when the organization faces unexpected disruptions in its operations.

The manager is responsible for allocating all kinds of resources of the organization, which actually means making (or not making) all significant decisions in the organization.

As the negotiator, the manager acts as the organization's representative in all important negotiations.

Leaders are called upon to participate in the most active way in the constant, sustainable reproduction of such mental states as sympathy and attraction, a positive emotional background of communication, interpersonal attractiveness, a sense of empathy, complicity, the ability to remain oneself at any time, to be understood and positively perceived (regardless of their individual psychological characteristics). At the same time, it is especially necessary to highlight the feeling of security when everyone knows that in case of failure (in the sphere of work, everyday life, family) the team “stands” behind him, that they will definitely come to his aid.

Often people appear in a team who are dissatisfied with some aspects of the activities of the team or individuals. In this case, personal hostility, excessive adherence to principles, etc. may serve as a cause or occasion for conflict.

The role of the manager in creating an optimal SPC is decisive:

The democratic style develops sociability and trust in relationships, friendliness. At the same time, there is no feeling of decisions being imposed from the outside, “from above.” Democratic conditions make cases of indiscipline intolerant, since it is discipline that ensures the effectiveness of information communications, exceeds the solution of a problem into an act of collective activity, ensures the effectiveness of information communications, turns the solution of a problem into an act of collective activity, and ensures the necessary mode of work and interaction of people. The participation of team members in management, characteristic of this leadership style, contributes to the optimization of the SPC.

The authoritarian style usually breeds hostility, submissiveness and ingratiation, envy and mistrust. But if the style results in success that justifies its use in the eyes of the group, it contributes to a favorable SOC, such as in sports or the military.

The permissive style results in low productivity and quality of work, dissatisfaction with joint activities and leads to the formation of an unfavorable cooperative society. The permissive style may be acceptable only in some creative groups.

If the manager makes excessive demands, publicly criticizes employees, often punishes and rarely encourages them, does not value their contribution to joint activities, threatens, tries to intimidate with dismissal, deprivation of bonuses, etc., behaves in accordance with the slogan “the boss is always right”, does not listen to the opinions of subordinates, is inattentive to their needs and interests, then he creates an unhealthy working atmosphere. The lack of mutual respect and trust forces people to take a defensive position, defend themselves from each other, the frequency of contacts is reduced, communication barriers and conflicts arise, there is a desire to leave the organization and, as a result, there is a decrease in productivity and product quality.

Even if a manager uses an authoritarian management style, he can be positive if, when making a decision, he takes into account the interests of employees, explains his choice to them, makes his actions understandable and justified, in other words, he begins to pay more attention to establishing a strong and close connection with subordinates.

Thus, the manager can significantly influence the nature of interpersonal relationships in the work team, the attitude towards joint activities, satisfaction with the conditions and results of work, i.e. on the socio-psychological climate, on which the effectiveness of the organization as a whole largely depends.


Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The course work examined the concepts, essence and structure of the psychological climate. The psychological climate of a team is the psychological and emotional state of a team member, an individual, and undoubtedly depends on the general state of the people around him.

The essence of the SEC is revealed in such concepts as: team interaction, the influence of a favorable or negative climatic atmosphere on the activities of workers.

In this work, factors influencing the psychological climate in the team were identified and discussed. One of the most important factors is the psychological compatibility of its members, which is also, in its own way, a mechanism for cohesiveness of the team. It ensures the efficiency of joint activities and the personal satisfaction of everyone in their work. The main factors also include the global and local macroenvironment, physical microclimate.

We can say that all factors are important for a favorable SPC, such as job satisfaction, the nature of the activity performed, the organization of joint activities, and teamwork. And the leader must strive to put them into action, first of course the important ones, and then all the others. Thus, more important factors create the foundation, and others act as an integral part of supporting this foundation.

Having identified the factors influencing the psychological climate, the manager must apply effective mechanisms for team building. Such as the ability to apply psychological compatibility in a group, to establish and strengthen discipline, and the correct use of leadership style.

The manager plays a key role in the creation of the SEC, since it is he who builds, manages and directs all flows of interaction in the right direction, thereby building a favorable atmosphere in the team.

If the manager takes into account the interests and characteristics of the individual, then he will be able to adapt him to the team and encourage him to work better and more productively. By creating a favorable SPC in the team, the organization becomes more competitive, labor productivity increases, which significantly affects the development of the country's economy.

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