International Mother Language Day event script. Scenario of the holiday for the International Mother Language Day “O native language, melodious...

Extracurricular activity"Mother Language Day"

Idea: "Language is the most powerful tool preservation and development of our cultural heritage in its tangible and intangible forms. Any activity to promote the dissemination of mother tongues will contribute not only to linguistic diversity and multilingualism, but also to a fuller understanding of linguistic and cultural traditions throughout the world, as well as solidarity based on understanding, tolerance and dialogue" (UNESCO)

Target: arouse students’ interest in learning and preserving their native language, instill respect for the culture and traditions of their people.


The whole life of a person is inextricably linked with language. As children we listen with rapture folk tales, songs, epics. Later, one gets acquainted with classical literature, with the work of such wonderful masters of words as A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov.

Thirteen years ago, at the 30th General Conference of UNESCO, International Mother Language Day was proclaimed. This happened in November 1999, and it began to be celebrated in February 2000. The measure adopted by the world community is designed to promote recognition of the diversity of languages ​​and cultures and the freedom of their expression.

The holiday is celebrated annually on February 21. Today it is important to study and love your native language. After all, language is a whole world full of charm, charm and magic. He is the living memory of the people, their soul, their heritage.

And how beautifully the Russian writer and historian Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin said about his native language: “Let there be honor and glory to our language, which flows like a proud majestic river - makes noise, thunders - suddenly, if necessary, softens, gurgles like a gentle brook and sweetly flows into soul."

Agree, friends, it’s nice to listen to correct, beautiful and smooth speech. One involuntarily recalls the lines of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin about the Swan Princess: “Speech speaks sweetly, as if a river is babbling.” After all, in fact, human speech reminds me of the murmur of a river. It is not for nothing that “speech” and “river” are words that arose from the same root.

Today you and I are just like everyone else global community, we celebrate Mother Language Day.


They will ask me: what is like the sea?

Russian language - I won’t hesitate to answer.

It's like the sea, it will warm you in winter,

Provides freshness in dry summers.


The Russian language is a boundless sea!

In the depths of the sea I waited for the catch,

I caught the key that opens joy, -

This key was Russian word


Our precious language -

Rich and sonorous

That powerful and passionate

It’s tenderly melodious.

He also has a smile,

Both accuracy and affection.

Written by him

And stories and fairy tales -

Magic pages

Exciting books!

Love and keep

Our great language!

(Musical digression)

Today is a very important day. After all, when we speak our native language, we preserve the culture and traditions of our people.

1st page “Dictionaries”

1st presenter: Dictionaries help us write a word correctly, explain its meaning, find out from which language it came to us, and replace it with something similar in meaning.

2nd presenter: How many words are there in the Russian language?

1st presenter: If we count all the words that, gradually accumulating, made up the lexicon of the Russian language, there will be about a million of them. This is a great wealth, but we have not preserved it completely, because we began to write down words late, compile dictionaries, and initially tried to write down strange words.

2nd presenter:In the first printed dictionary, which appeared in 1596, there were only 1061 words - this is a lot for those times. IN late XVIII century, the “Dictionary of the Russian Academy” was compiled - it contains 42,257 words.

1st presenter: Only in 1863, after 267 years, was the Explanatory Dictionary of Living Great Russian language"Vladimir Dahl" in 4 volumes, which totaled 200,000 words.

2nd presenter: 53 years Dahl collected, compiled and improved his dictionary. This is an extraordinary dictionary! You can read it like a book!

1st presenter: More and more new dictionaries are being created. People pick up the “Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” not just to find the right word. It is opened as the greatest treasury of the language, as the richest collection of proverbs - a repository folk wisdom. It is read like a story, it is studied as an encyclopedia of the life of the Russian people!

2nd presenter- We turn to him when we read fairy tales, myths, epics, books by Pushkin, Shmelev, Remizov, Nekrasov, Turgenev.

Presentation about V.I. Farther

I will tell you about Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, the creator of the famous “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Dictionary”.

V.I. was born. Dal in 1801 in the town of Lugan (hence his pseudonym: Cossack Lugansky).

His father was Danish, and his mother was the daughter of a St. Petersburg official. Both father and mother spoke several languages.

When V.I. Dahl was 13 years old, his father sent him to Morskaya cadet corps, which Dahl graduated at age 17.

After graduating from the Naval Corps in 1819, V.I. Dahl was sent to serve in Black Sea Fleet, in Nikolaev, and then after 3 years of service he was transferred to Kronstadt, and soon he completely left the naval service.

Dahl developed an interest in the Russian language in his youth. In the Marine Corps, he intensively studied literature and wrote poetry. The year 1819 can be considered the beginning of V.I.’s work. Dahl over the dictionary.

Driving through the Novgorod province, he wrote down the word that interested him, “rejuvenate” (“otherwise, become cloudy, tend towards bad weather”). Since then, wandering across the vast expanses of Russia, V.I. Dal did not part with his notes, constantly updating them with new words, apt sayings, proverbs, and sayings. By the end of his life, he had accumulated and processed 200 thousand words.

The portrait of old Dahl was left to us by the wonderful artist Perov. Vladimir Ivanovich sits in a high, spacious chair. He is wearing a brown wool robe, which he likes to wear at home. Large, strong hands rest on a red silk scarf laid out on her knees. The fingers are long and thin, and the hands are strong and hard - the hands of a master who knows the craft, accustomed to work. Dahl is very thin, he has sunken cheeks from a young age. A long thin nose emphasizes the thinness of the face. The gray beard seems to flow from the cheeks and chin. Grey hair frame steep, high forehead, the name “brow” fits such a forehead. Under clearly defined eyebrows there are clear gray-blue eyes - insightful, all-knowing and at the same time young, slightly surprised eyes of a sage. Dahl looks intently somewhere: at the viewer and slightly past. Either he sees something beyond the years and miles, or he glances into the future, or he looks into himself. I sat comfortably in the chair. The hands are folded calmly, but there is a sense of readiness and ability to work in them.

And no less powerfully than the eyes, forehead, hair, the artist captured on Dahl’s face what is most difficult to convey - the depth of thought. Old Dahl does not rest in his chair - he works: he thinks.

More than half a century has passed since the day when the young midshipman opened his notebook with stiff, frozen fingers and scribbled the first word in it with a pencil: “rejuvenates.” In these more than half a century, Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, if we take the “average figure”, with a twelve-hour working day, wrote down and explained one word almost every hour...

« There is no word that would be so sweeping, lively, so bursting out from under the very heart, so seething and vibrantly trembling, like an aptly spoken Russian word” (N.V. Gogol).

2nd page “Letters of the Russian alphabet”

1st presenter: We will tell you about the most interesting letters Russian alphabet! At the beginning of Russian words, the rarest letter is... A.

2nd presenter: Yes, the Russian language almost completely does not tolerate words starting with A . And nanas is Indian; And the shade is French.

1st presenter: The letter A almost never occurs at the beginning of native Russian words, but in the middle, at the end of a word - as many as you like!

2nd presenter: Here is another young letter! Letter E! It appeared in the alphabet in 1735.

1st presenter: She was greeted unfriendly! Lomonosov believed that it was quite possible to do without it!

2nd presenter: Along with E, the letter Y was officially introduced into the alphabet.

1st presenter: This letter began to be used back in the 16th-17th centuries; it was composed of the letter I, above which was written an icon called kratka - “and with a short one.”

2nd presenter: And there is a letter of the alphabet that is not found in Russian words at all!

1st presenter: If you look in the dictionary, make sure that any word with F came to us from another language: lantern is a word from Greek language, coffee e - from Arabic.

2nd presenter: Look into literary texts foreign writers! The letter F feels at home here!

1st presenter: And the letter F is rare in our classical literature- this is only proof of the purity of the Russian language of our great writers!

2nd presenter: Look, it says here that “Queen Victoria has been added to the staff of the embassy as a secretary.” Is today the first of April?

1st presenter: No

2nd presenter: The Queen cannot be a secretary!!!

1st presenter: The Queen...can’t, of course. It's about the letter! In the letter E

2nd presenter: Not “queen”, but “queen”?

1st presenter: Yes, Queen Victoria

2nd presenter: Do you write the letter E?

1st presenter: No

2nd presenter: And they don’t print it in books. The fact is that the letter E is mandatory for all Russian citizens under the age of 13. According to the “Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation”. The letter E must be included in children's books and textbooks for elementary grades.

1st presenter: This is where the mistakes come from! Queen instead of Queen Victoria...

2nd presenter: Amazing letter Yo...

1st presenter: You know that in Ulyanovsk, in Karamzin Park, a monument was erected to the letter E. The only monument to the letter E.

2nd presenter: And what does he look like?

1st presenter: This is a rectangular slab of black marble with an “ё” stamped on it.

2nd presenter: In November in St. Petersburg in Peter and Paul Fortress Celebrate the birthday of the letter E.

1st presenter: Why in St. Petersburg?!

2nd presenter: She was born there. 224 years ago. Ekaterina Dashkova asked whether it was correct to represent one sound with two letters and gave the word “Christmas tree” as an example. Previously, the word “Christmas tree” was written with 5 letters, instead of E there were 2 letters. On the same day it was decided to introduce new letter of the Russian alphabet - “ё”, and Dashkova became the “mother” of the new letter.

1st presenter: So the letter E also has a dad?

2nd presenter: Eat. Nikolai Karamzin!

1st presenter: This means that the initiator of the appearance of “Yo” in the Russian language is Princess Dashkova, and the embodiment of this initiative is Karamzin.

2nd presenter: What place does the letter E occupy in the alphabet?

1st presenter: E is the seventh letter of the alphabet!!!

2nd presenter: In 1875 in " New alphabet» Leo Tolstoy's letter E stood on

31st place. Formally, the letter “Y” entered the alphabet only in 1942! They fought for the letter, but now many have forgotten about it. The names of only the stores: “Everything for the home”, “Everything for the dacha”, “We have everything for you”.

1st presenter: There is a monument to the letter! Is there also a monument to the word?

2nd presenter: Eat! The first monument in world history dedicated to the Russian word was erected this year in Belgorod

1st presenter: What does he look like?

2nd presenter: Imagine a four-meter monument in the form of a bronze book of the Bible, on the open page of which the Russian text of the Holy Scriptures is typed in raised font.

3rd page “Foreign words”

1st presenter– Many of our popular dog names are of foreign origin. The fact is that peasants in Russian villages could not often afford to keep a dog. Landowners, on the other hand, often kept dozens and even hundreds of hunting dogs on their country estates

2nd presenter: Exactly, they even took bribes with “greyhound puppies”

1st presenter: Since Russian nobles were fluent in French and English, they gave foreign names to their dogs. Some of them were widely distributed among the people.

2nd presenter– Are you saying that Sharik is of foreign origin?

1st presenter- Yes! Sharik – translated into Russian – cutie.

2nd presenter- And Barbos? Bug...

1st presenter– Bobik and Tobik – variants of Russian adaptation English name Bobby. Bug from Julie.

2nd presenter: What about the great and mighty Russian language?

1st presenter: The Russian word muzhik, babushka, pancakes has entered many languages ​​of the world... The word vulgarity has entered the dictionary in English because V. Nabokov, who wrote in this language, despairing of finding its full-fledged analogue, decided to leave it without translation in one of his novels.

1st presenter– The words companion and comrade are known all over the world. We owe the appearance of the words ACID and EQUILIBRIUM to Lomonosov. N.M. Karamzin enriched our language with words industry, public

2nd presenter– Radishchev – author of “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” - introduced the word into the Russian language citizen in its modern meaning.

4th page “For purity” oral speech, for the correctness and beauty of the word"

1st presenter: “Our language is the most important part our general behavior in life. And by the way a person speaks, we can immediately and easily judge who we are dealing with,” wrote Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev.

2nd presenter– Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev!

1st presenter– Russian thinker, scientist, citizen, whose life became a feat for the spirituality of our people, for everything that is good and beautiful.

2nd presenter- What does a person’s speech most often indicate? About what's in his heart. A person can hide his thoughts through silence. A person can embellish his actions with flattering words about himself. But with all the art of behavior, language cannot hide what lives the human heart. It is not for nothing that the saying “My tongue is my enemy” was so widely spread! And he should be a friend of man.

1st presenter– That’s why Dmitry Sergeevich argued that by the way a person speaks, we can easily judge who we are dealing with.

2nd presenter“He believed that you need to learn good, calm speech for a long time and carefully - listening, remembering, noticing, reading and studying. The surest way get to know a person - his mental development, his moral character, his character is to listen to the way he speaks.” . “But even though it’s difficult, it’s necessary, it’s necessary. Our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, mind, our ability not to succumb to the influences of the environment if it is “dragging.”

1st presenter– Dmitry Sergeevich argued that “the basis of any slang, cynical expressions and swearing is weakness. “ For real a strong and healthy, balanced person will not speak loudly unnecessarily, will not swear and use slang words. After all, he is sure that his word is already significant.”

2nd presenter- Here is one of wise sayings scientist - a contemporary of the 20th century: “There is light and darkness, there is nobility and baseness, there is purity and dirt: you need to grow to the former, but is it worth descending to the latter? Choose the worthy, not the easy"

Teacher:Without language it is unthinkable to move science, technology, crafts, that is, life itself, one step forward. What if you don’t teach him?

Sketch “Our cases”

Student: Yes!

Teacher: Start!

That's all!

Student: In the prepositional form!

Or maybe so!

Student Sinichkin: None.

Teacher: Why?

Teacher: Why?

Teacher: What do you have to do with it?

Dear Guys! Love and take care of our native language, speak correctly and beautifully, do not clutter your speech with rude and meaningless words.

Remember that the native language has absorbed the centuries-old experience of the people. It was created over thousands of years by many generations of our ancestors, and every word in it is like a grain of pure gold!

The remarkable Russian writer Maxim Gorky wrote about the Russian language: “If you don’t know how to wield an ax, you can’t cut down a tree, but the language is also a tool, musical instrument, and one must learn to wield it easily and beautifully.”

To master Russian speech well, you need to read more works by such masters of words as I.A. Krylov, A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgenev. Reading improves literacy, and, as he says folk proverb, “Literacy is a stepping stone to wisdom.”

Great, powerful, truthful and free called our language AND. WITH. Turgenev. He called for preserving “the purity of the language as a shrine”


The language is free, wise and simple

Generations have given us an inheritance.

Krylov and Pushkin, Chekhov and Tolstoy

They preserved it in their creations.

The language of writers serves as a model for us.

He is marked by folk wisdom.

Master the literary language!

Fight for speech culture!

Native language!

I've known him since childhood,

It was the first time I said “mom”

On it I swore stubborn allegiance,

And every breath I take is clear to me.

Native language!

He is dear to me, he is mine,

On it the winds whistle in the foothills,

It was the first time I heard

I hear the sounds of birds in the green spring...

(Music sounds)

Sketch “Our cases”

Teacher: Petrov, go to the board and write down short story which I will dictate to you.

The student goes to the board and prepares to write.

Teacher (dictates): “Dad and mom scolded Vova for bad behavior. Vova was silent guiltily, and then promised to improve.”

A student writes from dictation on the board.

Teacher: Great! Underline all the nouns in your story.

The student emphasizes the words: “dad”, “mom”, “Vova”, “behaviour”, “Vova”, “promise”.

Teacher: Ready? Determine which cases these nouns are in. Understood?

Student: Yes!

Teacher: Start!

Student: “Dad and Mom.” Who? What? Parents. This means the case is genitive.

Scolded someone, what? Vova. “Vova” is a name. This means the case is nominative.

Scolded for what? For bad behavior. Apparently he did something. This means that “behavior” has the instrumental case.

Vova was silent guiltily. This means that here “Vova” has the accusative case.

Well, the “promise”, of course, is dative case, since Vova gave it!

That's all!

Teacher: Yes, the analysis turned out to be original! Bring me the diary, Petrov. I wonder what mark you would suggest you set for yourself?

Student: Which one? Of course, an A!

Teacher: So, an A? By the way, in what case did you name this word - “five”?

Student: In the prepositional form!

Teacher: In the prepositional form? Why?

Student: Well, I suggested it myself!

Sketch “At the Russian language lesson”

Teacher: Let's listen to how you learned homework. Whoever answers first will receive a higher point.

Student Ivanov (raises his hand and shouts): Mary Ivanna, I will be the first, give me three at once!

Teacher: Your essay about a dog, Petrov, is word for word similar to Ivanov’s essay!

Student Petrov: Mary Ivanna, Ivanov and I live in the same yard, and there we have one dog for all of us!

Teacher: You, Sidorov, have a wonderful essay, but why isn’t it finished?

Student Sidorov: Because dad was urgently called to work!

Teacher: Koshkin, admit it, who wrote your essay?

Student Koshkin: I don’t know. I went to bed early.

Teacher: What kind of word is “egg”, Sinichkin?

Student Sinichkin: None.

Teacher: Why?

Disciple Sinichkin: Because it is unknown who will hatch from it: a rooster or a chicken.

Teacher: Petushkov, determine the gender of the words: “chair”, “table”, “sock”, “stocking”.

Student Petushkov: “Table”, “chair” and “sock” - male, and “stocking” is female.

Teacher: Why?

Student Petushkov: Because only women wear stockings!

Teacher: Meshkov, what part of speech is the word “dry”?

Student Meshkov stood up and remained silent for a long time.

Teacher: Well, think about it, Meshkov, what question does this word answer?

Student Meshkov: What kind? Dryish!

Teacher: Sidorov, why do you eat apples in class?

Student Sidorov: It’s a pity to waste time during recess!

Teacher: Stop it now! By the way, why weren't you at school yesterday?

Disciple Sidorov: My older brother fell ill.

Teacher: What do you have to do with it?

Student Sidorov: And I rode his bike!

Teacher: Sidorov! My patience has run out! Don't come to school tomorrow without your father!

Student Sidorov: And the day after tomorrow?

Teacher: Sushkina, come up with a sentence with an appeal.

Student Sushkina: Mary Ivanna, call!

Progress of the event

1. Today at the holiday we will talk about language as a means of communication. It is no coincidence that February 21 is International Mother Language Day! It was established in 1999.

2. The earth is inhabited by various living creatures: from the smallest bacteria to such giants as elephants and whales. But only man has the gift of speech. And no matter how we define this gift - sacred, divine, majestic, magnificent, priceless, immortal, wonderful - we will not reflect it in its entirety of great importance.

3. I love my native language!
It is clear to everyone
He is melodious
He, like the Russian people, has many faces,
How powerful is our country...

4. He is the language of the moon and planets,
Our satellites and rockets,
On the council
Behind round table
Speak it:
Unambiguous and direct
He is like the truth itself.

5. In the whole world there are from 3 to 5 thousand different languages. Among them are the so-called world languages ​​- Russian, English, French, German, Spanish.

6.Are there government or official languages– Polish in Poland, Mongolian in Mongolia, Swedish in Sweden and many others.

7. And most languages ​​do not have any official “position” - they are simply spoken... one by 10 people, another by 100, a third by 1000, and a fourth by 10,000...

8. International Mother Language Day is primarily aimed at protecting languages ​​that are disappearing. And this task is important, because nowadays two languages ​​disappear in the world every month.

9. On International Mother Language Day, all languages ​​are recognized as equal, since each of them is unique. In Russia, there is one state language - Russian. In the Moscow region, in the Chekhov district, native speakers live various languages. Let's listen to the greetings of the guys in their native languages.

Children greet guests of the holiday in English, Azerbaijani, Ukrainian, Moldovan languages holding flags of these countries in their hands.

10. But, like my native language, I love Russian,
I need him like the sky, every moment,
On it, living, tremulous feelings were revealed to me
And the world opened up in them.

Russian folk song performed by a 2a grade student.

11. From the first days of his life, a person hears the speech of people close to him - mom, dad, grandmother and, as it were, absorbs the intonations of their voices. Even without knowing the words, the child recognizes people close and dear to him by the sounds of voices. Gradually, the baby begins to master speech. And by the age of seven, as scientists have calculated, a child remembers more words than in the rest of his life.

12. Our native Russian language is powerful and beautiful. Listen to what outstanding Russian writers said about him.

Children read statements about the Russian language:

13. "Language is the history of the people. Language is the path to the civilization of culture: that is why the study and preservation of the Russian language is not an idle activity because there is nothing to do, but urgent need". (Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin)

14. “To write well, you need to know your native language well.” (Maksim Gorky)

15. "The Russian people created the Russian language - bright, like a rainbow after a spring shower, accurate, like arrows, melodious and rich, soulful, like a song over a cradle: What is the Motherland? This is the whole people. This is its culture, its language. (Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy)

16. “Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this state passed on to us by our predecessors. Treat this powerful weapon with respect: in the hands of skilled people it is capable of performing miracles!” (Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev)

17. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin treated his native language with reverence and encouraged people to love and study it. The Russian language “has an undeniable superiority over all European languages”, it is “sonorous and expressive language”, “flexible and powerful in its turns and means”, it is characterized by “stately smoothness, brightness, simplicity and harmonious precision”. Everything is reflected in it best qualities its creator and bearer – the Russian people.

18. Sketch (excerpt from A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”)

19. How beautiful my native language is,
Magical, melodious, playing.
Like a clear crystal spring
Caressing the heart and soul.

20. Every word in it is a priceless diamond.
Every song in it is beautiful.
Sometimes beautiful, sometimes harsh,
Our Fatherland is famous for it.

Girls 2b perform the Russian folk song “There was a birch tree in the field” and dance in a circle.

21. Our language is beautiful -
Rich and sonorous.
That powerful and passionate
It's gently melodious.

22. He also has a smile,
Both accuracy and affection.
Written by him
And stories and fairy tales -

23. Magic pages,
Exciting books!
Love and keep
Our great language!

24. Staging of I.A. Krylov’s fable “Quartet”.

25. Just as it is impossible to imagine the earth without a sower, life without bread, a person without a homeland, so it is impossible to imagine the great Russian language without proverbs and sayings.

26. It’s not without reason that proverbs say,
There is no way to live without them!
They are great helpers
And true friends in life.


27. Think first - then speak.
Don't be brave in word, but show it in deed.
Talk less, do more.
The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.
Talk without thinking, shoot without aiming.

28. Among the people, speech is an ally,
He poured his whole soul into her,
In the very heart, like in a forge,
He tempered all his words.

29. When you want to say a word,
My friend, think, don’t rush:
It can sometimes be leaden,
It was born from the warmth of the soul.

30. It will rob, or give,
Let it be inadvertently, let it be lovingly,
Think about how not to hit
The one who listens to you.

31. Sketch “Ring Words”.

Sad, sleepy, cheerless
Our Zhenya came from school.

(A student enters with a backpack)

He sat down at the table. He yawned once.
And fell asleep over the books.
Three words appeared here

(Three girls enter. They are holding drawings in their hands: an orange, a pine tree, a ring.)

What have you done to us, Zhenya?
We'll complain to mom!


I am not some kind of “OPLESSON”!

Ring (crying).

I am not a “CRAP” at all!
I'm outraged to tears!

Only possible from sleep
Write that I am “SASNA”!


We, the words, are offended
Because they are so distorted!
Zhenya! Zhenya! Stop being lazy!
It’s no good studying like that!

Impossible without attention
Get an education.
It will be late! Just know this:
The lazy person will become ignorant!

If you ever
You will cripple us, boy -
You and I will do something cool:
Treasuring our honor
Name Zhenya in half a minute
Let's turn it into a hedgehog.

You will be a prickly hedgehog!
This is how we'll teach you a lesson!

Zhenya shuddered, horrified,
I stretched and woke up.
Suppressed a yawn
Got to work.

32. Two slams, two stomps,
From heel to toe -
Russians dance,
Nose up and hands to the side!

Russian folk dance performed by a 2nd grade student.

33. I’m walking along a narrow path -
Trees to the sky!
Mighty is my Russian language.
Like this Russian forest.

34. Both in joy and in sadness -
He is with me every hour,
My native language is Russian,
Like a dear homeland!

35. Rus' is rich in talents,
Rus' is strong in talents.
If the girls sing, -
So she will live.

Ditty songs performed by 2a grade children.

36. Two trimesters have already passed
We are overjoyed
And now we will sing for you
School ditties.

37. To learn a verb
Need patience
After all, he is such a babble,
It's a pain with him.

38. I love you, grammar,
You are smart and strict.
You, my grammar,
I will master it little by little!

39. I came across a sign of an object:
Oh, what! - I told Sveta,
Red, blue, cyan
Choose any one for yourself!

40. To a literature lesson,
As if on wings, I fly.
I have read all the writers.
I want to become a writer.

41. You should have learned first
Write without error.
You got a bad grade in dictations
You can't become a writer forever!

42. We need to be friends with the language
In the classroom and in everyday life.
Strengthens our friendship
Love for your native language.

43. Parts of speech, sentences,
Cases, pronouns.
This is all native language,
Anyone should know him.

44. Sketch “Friends Conversation” (Performed by 2nd grade kids)

45. Our language is both modest and rich.
Every word contains a wonderful treasure.
Say the word “high” -
And you can immediately imagine the blue sky.

46. ​​You say: “All around is white and white” -
And you will see a winter village,
White snow hangs from white roofs,
No rivers can be seen under the white snow.

47. I remember the adverb “light” -
And you will see: the sun has risen
If you say the word “dark”,
The evening will immediately look out the window.

48. If you say “fragrant”, you
You will immediately remember lily of the valley flowers.
Well, if you say “beautiful”,
All of Russia is in front of you at once!

49. Konstantin Ushinsky “OUR FATHERLAND”

Our Fatherland, our Motherland is Mother Russia. We call it Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. We call it homeland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it, and everything in it is native to us. Mother - because she fed us with her waters, taught her language and, like a mother, protects and protects us from all sorts of enemies... There are many things in the world good states, but a person has one natural mother, and he has one Motherland.

Children sing the song “At My Russia”.

50. If you want to argue with fate,
If you are looking for joy in a flower garden,
If you need solid support,
Learn Russian language!

51. He is your mentor - great, mighty,
He is a translator, he is a guide,
If you storm knowledge steeply,
Learn Russian language!

52. The Russian word lives on the pages
The world of Pushkin's inspiring books.
The Russian word is the lightning of freedom,
Learn Russian language!

53. Gorky's vigilance, Tolstoy's vastness,
Pushkin's lyrics are a pure spring,
The Russian word shines with mirror image -
Learn Russian language!

Children sing the song “What They Teach at School.”

54. Our holiday dedicated to International Mother Language Day has come to an end. Love the Russian language! It contains our past, present and future!


school-wide event, dedicated to the Day native language

(within the decade of native languages)

“Mother tongue is the soul of the people”

The date of the:

Time spending:


Target: Introduce children to International Mother Language Day. Arouse students' interest in learning and preserving their native language,

Tasks: develop tolerance towards people different nationalities; give an idea of ​​what a native language is and why it is called native; promote the development of students’ oral speech, instill respect for the culture and traditions of their people and the peoples living in Tatarstan.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, musical accompaniment.

Participants and invitees:students correctional school 7 - 8 types, students of Tatar and Chuvash gymnasiums, creative teams educational institutions and cities.

Before the start of the event, recreational schools for children and their parents were held folk games Tatars, Russians and Chuvash.

Progress of the event:

1st speaker: Good afternoon, our dear children, school guests and dear parents!

Our meeting today is dedicated to our native language.

2nd: By decision of the United Nations, International Mother Language Day has been celebrated since 2000. The purpose of this action is to preserve the wealth of forms of traditional and folk music, dances, rituals and customs, folklore and native languages.

1st speaker: From the first days of his life, a person hears the speech of people close to him - mom, dad, grandmother and, as it were, absorbs the intonations of their voices. Even without knowing the words, the child recognizes people close and dear to him by the sounds of voices. After a year or a little more, he himself begins to repeat word by word what people say around him. So gradually the baby begins to master speech.

Almost from birth I was accustomed to speaking words and phrases,
This means that my native language was able to give me communication.
I not only speak it, I write to my family in it,
I’ll say, I love reading it, I’m guilty of versification...
I always think on it, and in the evening, under the moonlight
Sometimes I can sing a romantic verse to my beloved.
O my native holy language! I know you by heart!
I’ve been used to you since birth - even if there’s joy or sadness in my heart,
I use it to speak to my friend, and use it to repel the enemy...
Like holy bread, I love it and take care of it as best I can.
Shvetsova Elena

2nd: Tatarstan is one of the most multinational territories of Russia - representatives of over 115 nationalities live on the territory of the republic: Tatars, Russians, Chuvash, Udmurts, Ukrainians, Mordovians, Mari, Bashkirs and many others.

Today we will take a closer look at the culture of the Tatar, Russian and Chuvash peoples.

Tatars are hardworking people with rich history. The desire for culture and education is a trait inherent in the Tatar people. Tatars are distinguished by their hospitality, integrity, and modesty. These are talented people who love songs and dances.

1 ved: The image of Tatarstan is connecting link between East and West. Its territory has long been a meeting place for different civilizations and cultures; representatives of different ethnic groups have lived and continue to live here since ancient times, spiritually enriching each other.

2nd: Tatar language comes from Turkic languages. This is the language of poets, the language of songs. April 26 is the birthday of Gabdulla Tukay. And now this day is considered the Day of the Native Tatar Language.

The poem is read by students of the Tatar gymnasium:

"Tugan Tel" ("Mother Tongue")

And tugan tel, and matur tel, әtkәm-әnkәmneң tele!
Donyada kүp nәrsә beldem sin tugan tel arkyly.
In elek bu tel belen әnkәm bishektә kөylәgәn,
Annary tөnnәr bue әbkәm hikәyat soylәgәn.
And tugan bodies! Һәvakytta yardәmen belәn sinen,
Kechkenadan anlashylgan shatlygym, kaigym minem.
And tugan bodies! Sindi bulgan in elek kyylgan dogam:
Yarlykagyl, deep, үzem һәm әtkәm-әnkәmne, move!

Translation of “Native language” (“Tugan tel”)

Mother tongue is the holy language, the language of father and mother,
How beautiful you are! The whole world in your wealth I have comprehended!
Rocking the cradle, my mother revealed you to me in song,
And then I learned to understand my grandmother’s fairy tales.
Native language, native language, I boldly walked into the distance with you,
you elevated my joy, you enlightened my sadness.
Native language, together with you for the first time I prayed to the creator:

Oh God, forgive my mother, forgive me, forgive my father.

Gabdulla Tukay

Performance by the ensemble "Nardugan". Tatar dance.

1st speaker: The native language is powerful and beautiful. Let's listen to what they wrote about him outstanding writers. “The Russian language is real, strong, where necessary - strict, serious, where necessary - passionate, where necessary - lively and lively” - this is what he wrote about himLev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

2nd: The Russian people created the Russian language - bright, like a rainbow after a spring shower, accurate, like arrows. Melodious and rich, soulful, like a song over a cradle... This is what he said about the Russian languageAlexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

1st leader: A Konstantin Paustovskywrote: " True love for one’s country is unthinkable without love for one’s language.”

We should start from afar

About the meaning of the native language.

After all, Russian is our native language -

I have long been accustomed to change.

For a pure image of language

The fight was not easy:

Sometimes the meaning of words changed.

Words influence deeds

And great deeds are an eternal cry

Words fed like a spring.

Shvetsova Elena

2nd: Today we are visitingfolk ensemble "Zvonitsa"Children's Palace of Culture. SupervisorLarisa Kolokolova.

1st speaker: Song is the soul of the people. The world of Russian song is truly inexhaustible: as if the ocean is in constant movement, preserving and increasing your priceless treasures. Hello again- ensemble "Belfry".

Performance by the ensemble "Zvonnitsa".

2 leads: The Chuvash people managed to carry their original art through the centuries in wonderful tales, songs and dances. Over the centuries-old history, much has changed, but the Chuvash folk song has remained and continues to live.

1 ved: They contain rhythm and compositional harmony honed over centuries, impeccable artistic taste and an echo of the past. Everything in them is meaningful and there are no accidents.

A student of a Chuvash gymnasium reads:

Chuvashia, my land.

No matter where I am,

In my thoughts you are a spring day,

And I never get tired of singing to you.

And tormented by the desire to wander,

I I began to understand more clearly:

You are the cradle and home,

My beloved and mother.

Performance by the dance ensemble of the Chuvash gymnasium.

2 leads: Native speech etiquette and speech culture as a whole today, more than ever, need preservation and comprehensive study.

It is necessary to collect and preserve the treasures of national politeness accumulated over centuries. This is necessary in order to remember and understand speech culture of our ancestors, in order not to lose, perhaps the most important thing is a kind word.

1 ved: We wish everyone in any country

Don't forget about the language:

The clearer we speak,

The easier it will be to live in the world.

2 leads: This concludes our meeting. We thank all our guests and good friends! See you again!

Russian folk dance sounds. They come out dancing
Presenter and Presenter.I

Presenter. What kind of holiday are we celebrating today, celebrating with joy and joy?

Leading. The holiday is unusual, but very nice. Russian Language Day, what a holiday.

Presenter. Ah-ah-ah, that's it. Probably, this day is celebrated today in schools all over the world, because it is an international holiday.

Leading. That's right, it was created quite recently - since 2000 on the initiative of the international children's organization UNESCO with the aim of preserving the cultural traditions of all peoples.

Presenter. So today they celebrate it in different languages ​​- in Germany in German, in France in French, in England in English. And we speak our own, our native Russian.

Leading. Oh, this is a great language. How many wonderful words it contains! And you can study the Russian language ad infinitum, learning more and more new aspects of it, making more and more new discoveries.
Presenter. Learn Russian for years in a row
With soul, with diligence and with mind.

A great reward awaits you,

And that reward is in himself.

Leading. Let's try to conduct a short quiz on the Russian language.

Stage 1 What do we know about the word?

Everything in the world consists of something: clouds are made of droplets, a forest is made of trees. Speech is made up of sentences, and sentences are made up of words. Words are made of their own building material and the most important thing is the root.

ROOT: For words, the root is the most important, the most important thing. He takes on his shoulders the meaning of not only one word, but many. And these many words with the same root turn out to be related.

PRESIDENT: A prefix is ​​located to the left of the root and gives a new meaning to the word. Prefixes are used to represent great opportunities formation of new words. It is the prefixes that create a special expressiveness of verbs, indicate the degree of intensity of the action, the various shades of its manifestation.

Suffix To the right of the root is a suffix, which also gives the word a new meaning. In some words, suffixes reflect positive assessment objects, in others – negative. Some words sound affectionately, others - dismissively, ironically.

ENDING: There is a ending at the end of a word. Endings serve to connect words in a sentence.

You get used to words day by day,

And they are full of original meaning...

And when I hear:

- I'm sorry!

This means:

- Exclude me from the blame!

The word has the color of its own fire,

Your own space, your own boundaries,

And when I hear:

- Protect me!

This means:

Surround me with shores.

The word has roots. And there are relatives.

It is not a foundling under an orphan bush.

When I hear:

- Protect me!

This means:

Cover me with a shield!

Listen up! Get into it! Don't forget!

The word has its own temper. Your gut.

And if you get into the essence of this -

The word will do you good.

Presenter.. Here is your first task.

Guys, what word did the word excuse me come from?

— What word does the word amulets come from?

- What is the root of this word? Name the prefix.

(Children's answers)

- What is the root of the word protect? Name the prefix

- What is the ending in these three words?

Presenter And here is the second task.

You should have looked in explanatory dictionary the meaning of the words witch, bear and answer the question: “What color is the Ryaba chicken?”

Teacher Are the words witch and bear related?

Children. The words witch and bear are related. They come from the same word to know, that is, to know. A witch is a knowledgeable, healer. Once upon a time this word was good, the witch knew medicinal herbs and how to treat the sick with them. And then fairy tales about evil witches appeared, and the word became bad. A bear is an animal that knows, knows where the honey is.

U. Name the roots in these words.

Children's answers.

And who will answer what color the Ryaba chicken is? Why was she called Pockmarked, and not Chernushka or Belyanka?

D. Ryaba hen - pockmarked, motley.

- Tell me, what kind of berry is it?

It's bitter in the hayfield,

And it's sweet in the cold.

D. Rowan.

W. Why was she called that?

If the children do not explain, then the teacher shows them a drawing with a bunch of rowan and says that the word rowan, like Ryaba, comes from the Slavic word ryab, which means “pockmarked”, “variegated”. After all, the combination of bright green small carved rowan leaves and orange-red berries of this tree causes a sensation that dazzles the eyes.

What do you think is the root of the word rowan?
Children's answers.

Some say that the root is rowan, while others say it is rowan. Who
right? This means that not only but-
old words, but even new roots. The suffix in has grown so much in
the word rowan to the root of the ripples that turned out new root rowan And new words grew from it.

- Tell me in a minute related words with this root.

D. Rowan, mountain ash, mountain ash, mountain ash, mountain ash

Leading. Well, the guys successfully completed these tasks. Then the task is more difficult. Let's try to learn how to write poetry. I will give you rhymes for the endings of poetic lines, and you come up with beginnings for them.

Presenter. I know: this game is called the beautiful French word “burime”. So, guys, let's play burime, write poems

Leading. Here last words in the lines: puppy - bye, help - find it.

Presenter. Here's another one interesting game, which is only possible in Russian - deciphering catchphrases

Leading.. Idioms- these are combinations of words that have become familiar to everyone. For example, when a person goes to difficult task, it is customary for him to wish him neither fluff nor feather. Who knows where this expression came from? It turns out that it was invented by hunters. When they went hunting, they were afraid to frighten away their luck and pretended to wish each other not to bring home anything - neither fluff nor feather. Now this is a common expression that means a wish for success.

Presenter. Who can figure out what the following expressions mean?

at your fingertips, a teaspoon per hour, carelessly.

Stage 4. Invisible words.

Leading. Now let's try to meet invisible people in the words of the Russian language.

Presenter. With invisible ones? And what is it?

Teacher: These are words that are hidden in other words. Let's try to find them. (Hangs out a poster with the words barn, spit, crevice, bison, post, prick, fishing rod, duck written.) Let’s agree this way, guys. I will read one word at a time, and everyone who finds another in it will raise their hand and tell about their discovery. (Reading words, schoolchildren complete the task.)

Presenter But the task is more difficult.

There are no more cunning invisible words in the world,

They hid themselves so that not everyone would notice.

But we will be able to find them with you.

First, read the words on the signs.

And remember: all letters are from the first word

Must appear as part of the second,

But you just need to arrange them differently.

Try to cope with this task.

The spaniel gallops.

I mistook the orange for a ball.

There is a golden carriage in the museum,

A rocket launched towards a distant star.

The pump inflates the tire,

A pine tree grows among the plain.

The stern of the boat split on the rocks.

My brother flips through the atlas thoughtfully

My sister is eating a salad in the kitchen.

Chamomile blooms in the field.

A midge flies above her

Leading. It is not without reason that they say that the Russian language differs from others in its melodiousness, musicality, and poetry. That’s why there are so many songs, poems and jokes, proverbs, riddles written in Russian

Leading. Moreover, we note that they were composed from time immemorial, when the people were still mostly illiterate, were passed on from mouth to mouth and this received the name “oral folk art" Let us recall episodes from such treasures of oral folk art.

Teacher. Name the proverbs associated with all the depicted objects.

(Put a pig at the table, and he and his feet are on the table. Chickens are counted in the fall. An apple does not fall far from an apple tree. The dog barks, the wind blows it away. You can’t hide an awl in a bag.)

Presenter. That's how much new we learned today about our native language - Russian.

Leading. And how good it is that there is such a festive Mother Language Day, when we Once again we can be convinced that Russian is one of the most best languages worldwide.

Teacher. Our holiday is ending. I hope that today you are convinced that studying such a subject as the Russian language is not at all boring, but on the contrary, it is very exciting and interesting.

If you master its mysteries and secrets, the Russian language will serve you faithfully throughout your life.

State budget educational institution SPO

"Novokuznetsk Transport and Technology College"

I approve

Head teacher_______

Kremzyuk E.P.



Mother Language Day"

(Extracurricular activity)


VKK teacher

Zabolotskaya E.P.

Discussed on

Meeting of the Central Committee


Chairman of the Central Committee

Zabolotskaya E.V.

Novokuznetsk, 2014

Extracurricular event dedicated to International Mother Language Day

Target: acquaintance of students with the importance of their native language in the life of society.


  1. development of cognition during extracurricular hours;
  2. ability to work with various literature;
  3. development intellectual abilities students.

Equipment: multimedia presentation “We speak Russian” (author Elena Seliverstova),

Progress of the event:

International Mother Language Day has been celebrated since 2000 at the initiative of the 30th session of the UNESCO General Conference (November 1999) with the aim of preserving and developing endangered languages, promoting linguistic diversity and multilingual education, and raising awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions. On globe There are about six thousand languages, half of which are on the verge of extinction. The reason is the absorption of the least used languages ​​by the most common, generally recognized ones, in which documentation is carried out, teaching at school, and communication takes place. The General Conference of UNESCO in November 1999 proclaimed International Mother Language Day, which was first celebrated on February 21, 2000. On February 21, 2001, a presentation of the Atlas of the World's Languages ​​in Risk of Extinction took place at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. The atlas consists of 14 color maps and 24 pages of commentary. It provides an opportunity to see hot spots on the planet where linguistic diversity is under threat. Among the latest separate chapters comments highlighted, in particular, Siberia and the Caucasus. According to experts, a native language is in danger of extinction if more than 30 percent of children in a given community stop learning it. The Atlas notes that about fifty languages ​​are at risk of extinction in Europe. Some of them, such as Lapland, are spoken in Scandinavian countries and in northern Russia, are considered dying. The chapter “Siberia” reports that most local languages ​​of Western and southern Siberia is in danger of extinction. We are talking, in particular, about Finno-Ugric (languages ​​Khanty, Mansi, Komi, Mari, etc.), Samoyed (Nenets), Turkic (Yakuts, Tuvinians, Khakassians, Dolgans, Altaians, etc.) and Tungus-Manchu (Nanai , Negidal, Orok, Oroch, Udege, Ulch, Evenki and Evenki). In the Caucasus, in particular in Dagestan and Georgia, they are endangered local languages.
For a language to survive, it needs to be spoken by at least 100,000 people. At all times, languages ​​arose, existed, then died out, sometimes without even leaving a trace. But never before have they disappeared so quickly. The unification of “tribes” into a state was achieved at the expense of languages. For the unity of the country it was necessary to force people to speak the same language.
With the advent of new technologies, it has become even more difficult for national minorities to achieve recognition of their languages. After all, a language that is not represented on the Internet for modern world"does not exist". So, 81% of pages on the Internet are in English. Next, with a large lag, are German and Japanese languages, each at 2%, then French, Spanish and Scandinavian languages, each at 1%. All other languages ​​combined barely represent 8% of web pages.

UNESCO has created a portal allowing national minorities located in unfavorable conditions, gain access to the education and knowledge of humanity. UNESCO provides assistance to countries that want to preserve their cultural diversity by providing quality education in minority languages. The MOST program works on programs to promote equality between different ethnic groups. It strives to prevent and resolve ethnic conflicts. Recognition and respect of all languages ​​is key to maintaining peace. Each language is unique. It has its own expressions that reflect the mentality and customs of the people. Like our name, we acquire our mother tongue from our mother during childhood. It shapes our consciousness and imbues it with the culture inherent in it.

1 presenter with a message about the Russian language:
IN Russian Federation Russian is the native language of 130 million people and serves as the main means of communication between people in a multi-ethnic state, as well as the main state language, on which all functions are carried out government controlled. In addition, it is also a means for preserving and transmitting Russian history and culture to subsequent generations.
The Russian language is the most important part of the national wealth of Russia, and therefore should be under special protection by the state as one of the objects of the support system national security countries. In this regard, 2007 was declared the Year of the Russian Language in Russia, but this is not enough. Required new law Russian Federation about the Russian language, and every person should appreciate and become more familiar with and love their native Russian language.

2 presenter:
Every citizen of Russia must realize that the Russian language is not just a tool for interethnic communication, it is the education of the soul. And therefore, now the most important task is to preserve the Russian language and Russian national culture.
The development and preservation of the Russian language and the promotion of Russian literature in the world is a wonderful task. We have great culture– this is what we must present to the world, while simultaneously earning and building the image of a country with a great history.

1st reader:

Today all the dialects of the planet

They march with one step,

Carrying the culture of sweet speech,

And uniqueness among equal masses.

Mother tongue is a rich heritage,

Coming from time immemorial.

You reflect a person's thoughts

You help express love.

You create poems from letters.

Keeping hundreds of thousands of words in stock.

The blessing that has descended upon us is

A native language that has penetrated our blood.

2nd reader:

Native language
Everyone is interested in Arabic
everyone was drawn to the east,
Spanish, Polish, Italian,
the train carried everyone to the west

How easy it is to drop everything and hide,
and tell us all later
that happiness is abroad,
and laugh at your own

now it’s a native dialect,
now in a completely different country,
I'm happy for them, but life is not eternal,
and only the native language is in the soul

Competition “Charade”.

Charades - riddle words in which several letters, syllables or parts of a word are highlighted and described independently. From these descriptions you need to guess the whole word.

It is suggested that everyone solve the charade together:

The first syllable is the occupation of a fisherman,
ask the butcher for the second syllable.
The whole athlete is distinguished by
but it won’t hurt you and me either.

Prepare words on cards that are part of the charade. Give each player a card.

Exercise: players must find the second half of the charade among the other players to form a new word.

Players who formed words I column - one team, II column - the second command.

3rd reader:

Native language!

I've known him since childhood,

It was the first time I said “mom”

On it I swore stubborn allegiance,

And every breath I take is clear to me.

Native language!

He is dear to me, he is mine,

On it the winds whistle in the foothills,

It was the first time I heard

I hear the sounds of birds in the green spring...

Competition “From a word - a word, but different.”

Anagram - this is a new word made up of all the same letters of this word. It can come from one word or several words.

For each command, write separately the same version of the words on whatman paper. Attach to the stand, one sheet on one side of the stand for one team, the second sheet on the other.

Exercise : find anagrams for words using a command. Each participant runs up to the stand and writes down the resulting anagram next to the word. The team that can do it faster With task and gets a point.

Find anagrams for the words:

Glass – (flask)

Caprice – (order)

Slope – ( clown, pendant, cleaver)

Orange – (spaniel)

Holster – (cleaning)

Chamomile – (midge)

Scar – (march)

Carriage – (rocket)

Splinter – (spikelet)

Sprouts – (lines)

Lace – (kite)

Old man - (washing)

Coat – (bast shoes)

Presenter 1. The Russian language reflects the rich and nice story Russian people: they left their mark on them and oral creativity, And great work Russian writers, and the creative work of the entire Russian people.

Presenter 2. "Russian language is one of the richest languages in the world, there is no doubt about it,” Belinsky wrote.

And a contemporary of A.S. Pushkin, the Russian poet P.A. Vyazemsky, said: “Language is the confession of the people, Its nature is heard in it. His soul and life are dear..."

Competition “Typesetter”.

Ask teams to make as many letters as possible from the letters of one word. different words. These must be common nouns in nominative case, V singular. The team that composes the most words wins.

Presenter 1. Love and take care of your native language, speak correctly and beautifully, do not clutter your speech with rude and meaningless words.

Every language is great in its own way,

An age-old priceless inheritance.

So take care of your native language,

Like the most precious thing in the world.

Presenter 2. Remember that the native language has absorbed the centuries-old experience of the people. It was created over thousands of years by many generations of our ancestors, and every word in it is like a grain of pure gold!

Our precious language -

Rich and sonorous

That powerful and passionate

It’s tenderly melodious.

He also has a smile,

Both accuracy and affection.

Written by him

And stories and fairy tales -

Magic pages

Exciting books!

Love and keep

Your great language!