Introducing the sound yu in the preparatory group. Summary of a lesson on preparation for learning to read and write in a preparatory group for children with SLD

Irina Gurova


Correctional and educational:

Introduce the letter "Y".

Continue to develop skills in sound, syllabic analysis and synthesis; analysis of the verbal composition of a sentence with a preposition.

Exercise in restoring the meaning of a deformed phrase, in composing a simple common sentence with prepositions.

Continue teaching how to solve puzzles.

Correctional and developmental:

Develop visual and auditory attention, memory, letter gnosis, thinking, spatial concepts.

Promote the development of general and finger motor skills, graphic skills.


Continue to develop the ability to interact amicably in a group, listen carefully to the teacher and each other.


Tops made of cardboard according to the number of children, spinning tops; diagram-profile of articulation of sounds [j], [у]; table showing the letter “Y” and corresponding pictures; cards with printed tasks; colour pencils; cards with printed syllables and words for reading; ball; material “proposal diagram”; board, chalk

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment. Development of finger motor skills. Setting the goal of the lesson.

Children are sitting at tables. Each one has a top made of cardboard. The speech therapist suggests launching your tops and observing how beautifully the colors mix as they rotate.

Speech therapist: “Guys, a top is a small spinning top. And mine is big, real (shows). The word "Yula" begins with the letter "Y". Today we will meet her.

II. Characteristics of the sounds [j], [y] according to articulatory-acoustic characteristics.

The speech therapist explains that the letter “Yu”, like the letters “I”, “E”, “E”, means two sounds when it is at the beginning of a word and in the middle after a vowel.

III. Introducing the letter "Y". Development of visual perception, spatial concepts.

Examination of the letter (discussion: what elements it consists of and how they are located).

Does the letter “U” love the sun? (he doesn’t like it because he “looks” to the right).

Reading poems about the letter “U”:

1. To prevent “O” from rolling away,

I'll nail it firmly to the post.

Oh look what happened:

It turned out... the letter “Y”. (A. Shibaev).

2. I recognize my spinning top,

When I look at the letter “U” (F. Bobylev).

3. In the arena, the tamer -

Lord of the formidable tigers,

It's like the letter "U" with a ring

He boldly faced the tigers. (V. Stepanov)

What else does the letter “Y” look like? (children's answers).

Find the letter “U” among other letters, take it and trace it with your finger.

Color the letter "Y" on your cards with a red pencil.

IV. Reading syllables with the letter "U". Game exercise “Going down in the elevator.”

The speech therapist reminds children that the letter “U” means two sounds - [j], [y], when it is at the beginning of a word and in the middle after a vowel. He further explains that the letter “U” softens the consonant after which it is located. In this case, it means one sound – [y].

After this, the game exercise “Going down in the elevator” is carried out (reading syllable rows laid out from letters on the board and located in the direction from top to bottom):



3. PJ, KY, TY, NU, MJ, SY, BJ, etc.

V. Development of general motor skills, auditory perception, attention. Physical education minute.

The speech therapist invites children to listen carefully to the words. If the word contains the letter “U”, then you need to raise your hands, and if not, squat down: “Yunga, world, cat, south, yurt, skirt, chalk, young man, brush, top, Jupiter...”

VI. Development of skills in sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.

Completing tasks on cards (the material was prepared in Microsoft Word and printed on a color printer).

Perform a sound-syllable analysis of the words “Yura” and “Lyuba” (draw diagrams with colored pencils under the corresponding pictures).

Print the words below the diagrams.

Fill in the missing letters "U" in the words. Read the sentence.

VII. Reading words with the letter "Y".

1. South, cabin boy, yurt, cabin, wash, bathe, ride.

2. Luda, raisin, plus, key, raisin, cranberry.

VIII. Restoring the meaning of deformed phrases. Working on a sentence with prepositions. Exercise with the ball “Words quarreled” or “Sentence fell apart.”

The speech therapist throws a ball to the children one by one and names the words. Children return the ball, make up a sentence and find a word with the letter “U” in it.

Birds, autumn, fly away, south, to. – In autumn, birds fly south.

Spring, fly, south, from, birds.

Lights, wardrobe, skirt, put away, in.

Julia, from, package, get, raisins.

Chair, spinning top, under, lie down.

Jura, cranberry, swamp, find, on.

An analysis of one sentence according to the children’s choice is carried out: “What is the first word in the sentence? What's the second word? Name the third word. Are there any other words in this sentence? How many words are there in total? A proposal diagram is laid out on the board.

IX. Development of sound-letter synthesis and thinking skills. Completing an entertaining task on a card, solving a puzzle.

The speech therapist again offers to take the cards and draws attention to the new task:

The letters in the boxes are mixed up. Make words from the letters, print them under the boxes and connect them with the corresponding pictures.

In front of the children, the speech therapist draws a puzzle on the board and offers to solve it. Answer: "Blizzard".

X. Summing up the lesson.

The speech therapist asks children to answer the following questions:

Which letter are you familiar with?

What have you learned about the letter "Y"?

What tasks did you do well?

What was difficult for you?

A differentiated assessment of the students’ activities is given.

Publications on the topic:

Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson with children of a preparatory school group with TNR (ONR) “Sound and letter H”

Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson in a preparatory school group “Differentiation of sounds [H] - [T’]” Goals: correctional and educational: - to give children an understanding of the mechanism of formation of the sounds Ch - Th in comparative terms; - build skills.

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Goal: to promote the formation of ideas about the sound and letter Ch. Objectives: Correctional and educational: - to promote the formation of an image.

Summary of a speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group “Sound [b] and letter B” Topic of the lesson: “Sound [b] and letter B.” Goal: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sound[b]. Objectives: 1. Improvement of sound and letters.

Nadezhda Shtanko

Summary of an open lesson.

for pre-school children

teacher Shtanko N.A.

Topic: Letter “Yu”, sound “Yu”

Target: introduce the letter and sound “yu”.

Tasks: develop phonemic hearing; learn to highlight the sound “yu” in words; develop the ability to interact with each other

Equipment: projector

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Let's welcome our guests.

Children:- Hello!

Educator:- Guys, today I want to introduce you to the new sound “U”. To pronounce this sound correctly, you need to slightly round your lips and slightly stretch them forward (shows). Let's make this sound together. What sound is this, a vowel or a consonant?

Children: - Vowel

Educator: - Let's remember, what vowel sounds do we already know?

Children:- A, O, U, E, Z

Educator:- Well done. Tell me, please, how do we recognize vowel sounds?

Children:- Vowel sounds are easily sung, and air comes out of the mouth freely.

Educator:- Guys, how many sounds do you hear when you pronounce the letter U?

Children:- Two.

Educator:- What sounds are these?

Children:- [th] and [y]

Educator:- Fine. Now look at the screen, (slide number 1) the sound Y is indicated by the vowel letter Y. Let's draw the letter Y in the air. Look what letter is hidden in the letter Y.

Children:- ABOUT

Educator: - So that O doesn't roll away,

I'll nail it firmly to the post.

Oh look what happened:

The result is a letter... YU.

There are parts of our letter in front of you, let's make the whole letter Y.

Children each make the letter U.

Educator:- Guys, I have a magic chest, and in it is the game “Guess what our names are?” Cards, and this is the task for them: Guess the names of these guys based on the first letters of the words. (Slide No. 2,3)

(Skirt, bow, apple – YULIA

Yula, crayfish, watermelon - Yura).

Let's clap the word YULIA. How many syllables are there? (2, and in the word YURA? there is also 2, but what letter do these names begin with?

Children: From the letter Y.

Educator: Guys, what is that sound? (slide number 4)

Children: Train.

Educator:- Guys, he also brought us some kind of task.

The little engine wants to play with you. He really likes vowel sounds, especially the sound [yu]. Determine the place of the sound [yu] in these words. If the sound is at the beginning of the word, put the picture in the main carriage, if in the middle - in the second carriage, at the end - in the last carriage.

(Yula, skirt, iron, key, cranberry, stick, mine, blow, bark, howl)

Educator:- Well done, you completed this task. Now let’s have a little rest: In autumn there are a lot of clouds in the sky, I suggest you play the game Little White Cloud.

A white cloud rose above the roof

The cloud rushed higher, higher, higher

The wind caught this cloud on the steep slope.

The cloud turned into a thundercloud.

We stand in a circle. Comparison by ear:

Luke - hatch.

Educator: Guys, look at the screen, I suggest you read the words one by one: (Slide No. 5)


Educator: Well done, and now I suggest you return to the tables, and in my magic chest there is still something for you.

Making answers to riddles:

I'm red, I'm sour

I grew up in a swamp.

Ripened under the snow,

Come on, who knows me?

(Cranberry)(Slide No. 6)

Making up the word cranberry.

Crutch of the curve

So he’s eager to fight.

(Hockey stick)(Slide No. 7)

Sometimes they take it out of me

And in your hands I will open

I am any castle.

(Key) (Slide No. 8)

Educator: - Explain the meaning of the word key. Let's make sentences with this word.

Children:- I can open the lock with a key.

Educator: - Well done. So, what vowel letter did we meet today? How many sounds do we hear in the letter Y?

(Children's answers)

Goal: creating conditions for familiarization with the letter and sound Y.




Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "General developmental kindergarten No. 105" of the municipal formation of the city of Bratsk


activities with older children

preschool age

on this topic

"The letter and sound U"

Compiled by:

Molchanova I.L.



Target: creating conditions for familiarization with the letter and sound Y.


Introduce the letter and sound Y;

Continue learning how to parse words using sounds; name sounds, give them characteristics;

Strengthen the ability to select words for a given sound

Material: presentation, pictures, chips, letters.

Progress of the lesson

1. Motivation.

My bell is ringing and ringing.

All the guys gather around.

The bell sings ding, ding, ding.

He calls your guest: “Ding-ding-ding.”

And who came to us? Guess for yourself.

Song from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio"

2. Surprise moment.

Toy – Pinocchio.

Pinocchio decided to go to school after all, but it was very difficult for him. He doesn't know a lot, and he decided to turn to you guys. Will you help him? There are several tasks to complete. Pinocchio is a joker, and he hid them in the group and left you a map.


The children look at her.

What number is the first task?

3. Game task “Name the sounds.”

Children find an envelope with the number 1. It contains blue and green chips.

What do you think it is? What does the blue chip mean? What vowel letters can come after a hard consonant? (a, y, s, oh, uh)

What vowel letters can come after a soft consonant? (i, e, e, i)

Game "What has changed?"

The teacher swaps the letters, and the children must find the mistakes.

Children look for all the following tasks in envelopes themselves.

4. Introducing the letter Y (slide 2).

The riddle about the spinning top.

I'm spinning, I'm spinning,

And I'm not lazy

Spin around even all day long. (spinster)

The teacher invites the children to listen and say what the 1st sound in the word is - yula (th). Reminds that the sound (th) is always a soft consonant. How will we designate it? Next, the sound (u) is highlighted intonationally, the children name the sound and, together with the teacher, designate it with a red chip. Then the teacher pronounces the sounds (yu) several times, explains that if these sounds come one after another, they are designated by the letter yu and replaces the sound chips (yu) with the letter yu.

The analysis of the word is continued by a child called to the board. Questions: How many sounds are in the word yula? What vowel sounds are in the word? What is the soft consonant sound? What is a hard consonant?

So that O doesn't roll away,

I'll nail it firmly to the post.

Oh look what happened:

It turned out...the letter Y.

5. Game “Name the name that begins with the sound Y” (slide 3, 4).

Topic: Teaching literacy in 1st grade. Letter Yu, sound yu

  1. Introduce students to the letters Yu, Yu.
  2. Give the concept that a letter does not have its own sound. Form correct reading with the letters Yu, Yu. Learn to enrich your vocabulary.

  3. Improve reading along the chain, selectively, in faces. Develop speech, ability to compare, generalize, attention.
  4. Cultivate correct posture and interest in reading children's literature.

Equipment: board, magnetic alphabet, houses with letters, word charts, spinning top toy, rebus, book “Birds”, “ABC” textbook, notebooks.

During the classes

I.Organizational moment


Look at the houses and tell me why they are different colors? In which house do the vowel letters live?

Name the vowel letters that give hardness to the consonant sound (a, o, u, s).

Which letters give softness? (i, i, e, e). Name the letters that do not have their own sound (e, e, i). Can we call them “tricky” letters? Why?

– They are indicated by two sounds at the beginning of a word and after vowels. I (ya), e (ye), yo (yo).

Today we will get acquainted with a new “cunning” letter.

III. Working on new material. Highlighting a new letter and getting to know it.

1. Listen to the riddle.

Spins on a sharp leg

It buzzes like a bug.

If he wants, he can gallop a little,

He wants to lie on his side. (YULA).

(I set up the spinning top on the table)

2. Let's say the word spinning top.
Select a diagram for this word:

Did we choose the right scheme? Why? We hear two sounds (yu), but we will denote them with one letter Yu, yu. Make up the word YULA [YULA]. (A student with magnetic letters is working at the board).

And now we will make up a new word, but for this you will guess the rebus: YULA I

4. Work in notebooks.

To better remember the new letters Yu, yu (yu), we will print them.

Why do we need Yu, Yu (names are written with a capital letter).

Do we have any children in our class whose names begin with a new letter? Julia, Yura.

Or maybe there is such a letter in the surname? (KaYuk, GavrilYuk).

IV. Physical exercise.

V. Reading words with a new letter.

a) reading words with a new letter from the board.

Yurt - what does each word mean?

(the letter Yu forms a syllable)

b) reading words: p. 171. When they say: I sing, I draw, I play (alone).

When: draw, play, sing (a lot).

c) working with dough: p. 172.

  1. The teacher reads.
  2. Choral reading.
  3. Selective reading: What did Yura have? What did Julia ask for? What did Yura say? How did Yula sing?

Why did Yura suggest playing together? (Answers learn)

d) Attention game: clap where the letter Y is (tree, cabin boy, singing, cat, yurt).

e) And now we will get acquainted with the poem from. 172 – Natasha reads.

1. Reading in a whisper and individually.

2. In chorus we finish the verse from the board:

I frankly admit:

There is no beast

Starting with the letter Y.

3. Reading in a chain.

4. Teacher's word:

Yes guys, the poet is right. There is no beast starting with the letter Y, but there is a bird. And it’s called -

YULA. (show from the book p. 185.) Yula is a forest lark. This bird

pine forest. And she got her name for singing: “Yul - yul - yul.. la,

la, la, ... yu-li, yu-li, yu-li...”

VI. Lesson summary:

Which letter did you meet? What house does he live in? On what floor? Why? Why is she cunning?

(Read by Vlad)

So that O doesn't roll away;
I'll nail it firmly to the post.
Oh look,
What's happened:
It turned out... the letter Y. - in unison

Purpose of the lesson: we study the letter Y, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic awareness, the basics of elementary graphic skills.

  • introduce the preschooler to the letter Y and the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • teach how to write the printed letter Y in squares;
  • to generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Jung's Skirt Jupiter Yurta

  1. Yura is the name of a boy. Julia is a girl's name.
  2. Repeat: YURA, YULIA.
  3. How many syllables are in the word YURA? JULIA?
  4. What's the first syllable?
  5. How many letters are in this syllable?

The letter Y is a vowel letter. Remember this please.

Look at the letter Y. Write it in the air, and now in your notebook, carefully in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two approximate lines, or put reference points that the child will connect with lines, or write the entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.

Continue the sentence

Spinning on one leg.
Carefree, cheerful.
Dancer in a colorful skirt
Musical... (spinning top).

Pigs love the letter Y:
Without it you can’t say... (oink).

Tale about the letter U

The camel Bulbul really wanted everything to be like that of people.

Mother! I also want to sleep in a cradle.
- Is the warm sand on which you sleep worse? - asked the camel.
“No, he’s so soft...” Bulbul was happy.
“Mom, I also want to play with the top,” he said the next time.
- Is the bell on your neck worse? - asked the camel.
- No, he's so funny! - Bulbul was happy.
“Mom, I also want to eat apricots,” he said the next time.
- Are the thorns we eat worse? - asked the camel.
- No, they are so sweet! - Bulbul laughed.
“Mom, I also want to live in a yurt,” he said the next time.
- But do as many tulips grow in a yurt as in our steppe? - asked the camel.
- Of course not! - Bulbul laughed.
- And it will never grow up.

Riddles for children starting with the letter Y

While I'm spinning, I'm not pushing,
I'm circling and buzzing,
I'm buzzing and circling.

I'm spinning, I'm spinning,
And I'm not lazy
Spin around even all day long.

Spins on a sharp leg,
It buzzes like a bug.
If he wants, he can gallop a little,
If he wants, he will lie on his side.

Proverbs and sayings starting with the letter U

Young people think about the future, and old people think about the past.
If you love to ride, you also love to carry a sled.

Tongue Twisters

Yula near Yulka
Spins and sings.
Yulia and Yura
He won't let me sleep.

Yulka was nimble.
Sit still Yulka
I couldn't for a minute.

Poems about the letter Y for children

Yula is huddling under a bush,
The spinning top is spinning like a spinning top.
But still, notice
Yula is such a bird.
Whose gentle, thin voice
Clean as a violin and tall.
(A. Pudval)

Praise to young Julia,
Fast, nimble, like a top.
And in June and July
Yulia will rest in the south.
(V. Berestov)

Yura just sat down on the chair,
Legs dangling
And fell asleep.
Yura is very tired -
Yula all day
(F. Bobylev)

On the way, in an unknown land,
The compass is our best friend.
One capital letter U
South is marked on it.
We're flying above the clouds
South by compass.
To the seashore, to Southern Crimea,
Where there are no blizzards in winter.
(S. Marshak)

I sewed a skirt for a doll,
I'll cut a new jacket.
The doll tells me: “Mom!”
So, I sew for my daughter.
(G. Vieru)

I frankly admit:
There is no beast
Starting with the letter Y.
This is the southern someone there.
I came up with it myself!
(B. Zakhoder)

Lesson summary:

  1. Pronunciation of new words increases the preschooler’s vocabulary, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Riddles develop children's intelligence, ability to analyze and prove. Educators use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems influence not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn a few lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain and your overall learning ability increases.