How to switch font on MacBook. How to change the language on a MacBook? Various ways to change the language

I know that the true Makovods will throw slippers and rotten eggs at me for such heresy, but over the years of living on a PC I have become accustomed to certain things and relearning them only because someone decided so for me is simply laziness. Therefore, I switched the keyboard layout in mac os using the usual Alt+Shift, instead of combinations like Cmd+Space (by the way, for some reason it suddenly changed to Ctrl+Space). Dedicated to altshift fans...

So, I haven’t found any standard means of changing the layout in Mac, I doubt that they exist, but if there is, please write in the comments. Therefore, after some searching, the solution was found in the Punto Switcher application, so beloved by me since the days of Windows. I think everyone will be able to find it in the search and install it. Install it more carefully, as I understand it, Yandex has taken over its support and therefore, if you do not uncheck the “Install Yandex extensions” checkbox during installation, then a bunch of all sorts of obscenities will be built into your browsers.

So, with the application installed and running, go to the settings on the “Keyboard shortcuts” tab and in the bottom item “Change layout:” add the key combination you need.

That’s all, of course, it’s a bit of a crutch to install a separate application to change the layout, especially if you don’t use Punto Switcher, but what can you do, you have to pay for personal convenience and comfort.

As you can see in the screenshot, it completely lacks the letter E, without which I am also extremely unusual. It is added by editing the current layout in the Ukelele program
Open Ukelele, switch to the layout that we want to edit, in the File menu item select “New From Current Input Source”

And we do magic on the original keyboard as you like, right-clicking on any key you don’t like and changing its value by selecting the “Change Output...” option.

Thus, in addition to adding the letter E, I returned the Delete key to its usual place on the numeric keypad. After editing, save your keyboard to the ~/Library/Keyboard Layouts/ folder and add it in the system keyboard settings.

Well, the last thing I changed in the layout was the unusual combinations for copying and pasting “Cmd + C” and “Cmd + V”; I replaced them with the “Orthodox” “Ctrl + C” and “Ctrl + V” using standard tools in System Settings-> Keyboard->Modification keys, simply replacing them with opposite functions

These are, in fact, all the manipulations that were required in order to make a familiar PC-like layout from a Mac-like layout. I will be glad to receive comments and if this article is useful to someone. I wish everyone happiness =)

Not everyone is fluent in using a MacBook from the start; some users switch to an Apple product from a personal computer to Windows. This raises questions about simple commands that differ in execution between these computers. One of the most asked questions is: “How to change the layout on a MacBook?” In this article we will answer the question and tell you how to change the language on your MacBook using several keys. As you understand, changing the language is not difficult - you need to press the two key combination “Space + Command”. If these keys do not change the language, then the combination “Option + Command + Space” will help you. It's simple, but we want to tell you how to add the missing input language.

The first way to change input on the MAC OS X operating system

We hope you understand that you can switch the layout on both a MacBook and a MAC home computer. The keyboard is no different, so all the commands are the same. Let's start with something simple. The MAC OS X operating system initially has a “Russian keyboard”, which is what it is called in the settings. Everything about it is good except for the “Y” key - unfortunately, it doesn’t exist.

If you, like 95% of Internet users, replace “E” with “E” in all words (and spelling rules allow this), then the described method will help you make the switch. Go to System Settings, then go to “Language and Text”, find “Input Source”. A list of available layouts will open in front of you, put a checkmark next to “Russian - PC”, it is advisable to remove the checkbox next to “Russian” so that there are two of them in the list, and not more.

The second method is more difficult

Now let's explore a more complex way to change the layout. But if you master it, then your keyboard will magically receive a letter layout with the letter E. If you are ready to spend 10 minutes of your precious time on the layout, then this method is for you. Here we need the keyboard layer files. Download these files from here. Next, the downloaded files must be sent to the system folder at Library/Keyboard Layout. After this, a real and full-fledged Russian layout, called BG 46, will appear in the list from the method above. In it, the dot will be in its usual place, and the letter “Y” will also appear. Overall, you now get a comfortable standard keyboard.

Features of the shift

I also wanted to say a few more words about the change between sets and the incorrect definition of the language for spell checking in MS Word for the MAC operating system. We wrote above that switching occurs using the “Space + Command” command. You won’t be able to switch anything using the “ALT + Shift” command, because both of these buttons serve as a modifier. There’s no need to delve into this term, just remember that you can’t switch anything with these MacBook buttons.

There are beta versions of the software that are capable of creating a combination of control + Shift or Option + Shift in order to switch the language. But many users believe that such a change is not harmonious in the MacBook keyboard. In addition, these applications do not work on all versions of the MAC OS X operating system.

Changing layouts often causes spell checking to fail in MS Word for the MAC operating system. If this happens, then we observe how the entire text in Russian becomes underlined in red. This defect is quite easy to treat. We go to “Service” - find the Language tab there and change it to Russian, accordingly. So, now you know how to set a new layout and configure the keyboard.

Questions about switching the language on the Mac keyboard arise for users who are used to working with a PC keyboard. In most cases, you should memorize new key combinations, but there are other options.

Use System Preferences to change the language of a specific application. Launch the utility and find “Language and Text”. Go to the "Language" section. Study the module and determine whether it is possible to switch the application's working language to the required one. First on the list is the preferred language that your application uses by default. Close your application. Find the language you want in the list and put it first in the list. Run the application again and check the result of the manipulations. Repeat step 1 and return the tongue to its original position. If this is not done, then the working language will change in all computer programs.

On devices with the MacBook operating system, two keys “Cmd” and “Space” on the keyboard are used simultaneously to change languages. All users are required to remember another way to change the working language without using the keyboard.

Go to "System Settings". Select “Keyboard”, then “Spotlite”, check two boxes in the window that opens. After that, repeat “System Preferences” -> “Keyboard” -> “Keyboards and Input”. Check "Cmd" + "Space" if you are using two languages, or "Cmd" + "Option" + "Space" to work with multiple languages.

To change working languages, you can install special programs on your computer, which, in addition to their main purpose, also perform auxiliary functions. Such programs include, for example, language switcher.

Switching to a Mac involves changing many user habits. The different management style is a little confusing at first. You also have to figure out how to switch the language on a MacBook. The usual combinations do not work, and the help describes everything except changing the layout.

The system language is selected by the user at the initial setup stage. The preferred keyboard layout is also indicated there. You can change these parameters in a running OS at any time.

  1. In the menu bar, click on the layout icon. Select the marked item.

  1. If the language icon is not displayed (and this may happen if the settings are incorrect), click on the apple logo in the upper left corner of the same panel. Open the settings menu using the item marked with a frame.

  1. In the second row we look for the marked icon.

  1. Let's go to the settings section indicated in the screenshot. If we succeeded in the first step, then it will open by default. The reason why the language switching status is not displayed in the top panel is indicated by a frame. This item must be checked. In our case, the system has two input sources: Russian and English. To add or remove a language, use the “+” and “-” symbols indicated by the arrow.

  1. In the window that opens, the installed layouts are shown at the top and separated by a horizontal line from the available ones. To install an additional one, select it in the list indicated by the arrow. Multiple layouts are available for many languages. By default, the MacBook uses the one that does not contain additional clarifications in the name. In the screenshot it will be Bulgarian. Having decided, click the blue-lit “Add” button.

Punctuation marks

Another “problem” that users encounter is the unusual placement of punctuation marks in the Russian layout. The Mac developers placed a period and a comma on the top number row. Most adapt quickly, but for some it is a real challenge.

The most popular method of returning punctuation to its usual place is to install a different layout. To change it, go to the “Input Sources” section discussed above. Select “Russian - PC” and add to the general list.

Let's take a closer look at the result obtained. As you can see in the screenshot, we now have the desired dot behind the letter Y, and Y has moved to another place. At first glance, it seems that the OS problem with character input has been solved.

If it all came down to entering a period, you can congratulate yourself. The screenshot below shows what both layouts look like if you switch them to uppercase. The first is standard for Mac, and the second is standard for PC. The designated group of symbols is significantly different. If you are satisfied with this state of affairs, feel free to delete the default scheme.

Alternative option

macOS Sierra introduced the ability to enter a period with a double space. In the keyboard settings, go to the “Text” section. Check the box indicated by the arrow in the screenshot. You can now complete a sentence by pressing the Space key twice. Since the setting is system-wide, this method will be available in any application that supports text input.


If you are not ready for a radical change of layout, we will finally present one more method. When using it, you will not have to change anything in the settings. The period and comma are found on the MacBook keyboard on the Y and B keys, but only work in English. However, if you press Control + Option at the same time, they can be used when typing in Russian.

Switching language

Traditionally, macOS used the Command + Spacebar shortcut to change the input source. In the Sierra version it was replaced with Control + Spacebar. The former combination is now used to invoke Spotlight's internal search. If you hold it down for a few seconds, the Siri voice assistant will launch.

  1. If we want to change the combination to select the current layout, we go to the section indicated in the screenshot. Select the “Input Sources” group in the navigation area. Changing the keyboard combination.

  1. The system will immediately give us warning symbols. Two of them will appear in the navigation area, indicating the group of settings in which the overlay appeared.

  1. Let's go to the Spotlight group to change the combination used here too. Having completed the work, click on the icon marked with the number “3” to exit to the main menu.

  1. Find the Siri shortcut and open its settings.

  1. The menu marked with an arrow is responsible for using call hotkeys.

  1. Here we need to choose any option from the two marked with a frame. The main thing is that it does not coincide with the combination assigned to switch layouts.


Using the methods described, you can independently configure language switching in macOS and solve the problem with entering punctuation marks.

Video instruction

The video below will help you better understand the nuances of the operations performed.

Many people are interested in how to set multiple keyboard languages ​​available at the same time on Mac OS X. The Test Language module allows you to change the language in menus and tooltips, as well as configure wildcards for dates, units of change, time, and other notations. , which are used in a particular country. Don't know how to switch the language on your MacBook for typing? Thanks to this module you can also load alternative English or even make different variations on

Working with the module

First, click on the System Preference icon or click on the Apple icon in the top left corner, and then click on the System Preferences button. After that - “View” - “Language and text”.

Select from the list the languages ​​you want to make available for your keyboard layout. Speaking about how to change the language on a MacBook, it should be noted that you can select several options for later use. If you are setting multiple items, click the Show Input Menu in Menu Bar button to make all selections available when you click the checkbox icon in the menu bar located at the top of the screen. For example, if it is currently displayed you can click on it and select a different keyboard language from the drop-down menu.

If you want the foreign keyboard to be available at all times, go to System Preferences and click the Accounts button, then select Sign-in Options. Click the Lock button and enter your password in and then select “Show input menu in login window.” When you log out and log back in, a drop-down menu with your selected keyboard layouts will appear on the screen next to your account name and password field.

Many people are interested in how to switch the language on a MacBook because adding additional input options allows you to use documents or emails that contain characters that are not included in the standard English keyboard. Remember that Mac OS allows users to install additional input languages ​​and switch between them while editing documents. As mentioned above, you can add alternative input options to your Mac from the System Preferences app. In addition to the method of saving settings, there is a simple option for changing the language, which will be performed during one working session.

on a MacBook, adding a new one while working?

Open the Apple menu and click System Preferences. Select Language & Text from the View menu. Go to the Input Sources tab and select the additional input languages ​​you need to use.

How to switch the language on a MacBook from those already installed?

Click the checkbox in the top right corner of the screen. Select the desired input language from those available in the menu. Close it and continue working. As you can see, any does not represent. You can switch languages ​​as needed.