Greek language tutor for youth. All about tutors - Greek

Greek language is amazing interesting language having huge story. It is spoken by about 13 million people. Do you want to learn Greek? TutorOnline will help! You can study with the best tutors remotely. With us you can choose any suitable option learning: a special virtual board + Skype or just study Greek with our tutors via Skype. Our teachers give lessons on school-age children, students, and adults. You can also prepare for tourist trips, moving, etc.

Why a Greek tutor on the site?

  1. We only employ tutors who have passed a strict selection process and have highly qualified and truly love their work.
  2. Online classes are much cheaper than regular classes with tutors. The fact is that neither you nor the teacher incur any additional costs of time and money for travel.
  3. You can easily find a convenient time to study, even if you have a very busy schedule. You can study on TutorOnline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Greek via Skype is a great option.
  4. You study Greek at home, without going anywhere or inviting strangers. Professional teacher is with you at a distance from the monitor.
  5. By learning Greek using Skype, you can easily learn correct pronunciation with a tutor and learn the language as quickly as possible.

When choosing a tutor for yourself, be sure to pay attention to his specialization, for example, if you need Greek for business negotiations, make sure that the tutor’s profile contains information about what he teaches business language. Also on our website you can read reviews from previous students, find out information about where this teacher taught and what is good about this particular Greek language tutor.

Schedule your first lesson and experience all the benefits of online learning for yourself!

Ksenia - Greek tutor via Skype

Hello, if you are reading about me, it means that you are thinking about learning Greek online. Know that you are making a great choice! My name is Ksenia, I am a new tutor Greek language and literature via Skype (in 2010 she graduated from Tavrichesky National University them. Vernadsky, Simferopol), I have a master's degree. My work experience is more than 5 years.

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Alexander - tutor, native Greek speaker online

Good afternoon My name is Alexander, I am a tutor/native speaker of Greek via Skype. I have been living in Greece since 1990. I am a computer science teacher at Institute of Technology. Since 2010, I have been actively engaged in translation activities from/to Greek, and also teach Greek, including via Skype. I teach Greek online to adults, students and schoolchildren.

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Olga - Modern Greek tutor via Skype

Good afternoon My name is Olga. I am a Modern Greek tutor via Skype. For about ten years I have been living permanently in Greece, in Athens. I graduated from Mariupol Humanitarian University majoring in “Teacher of Modern Greek Language and Literature” French" Five years of experience teaching remotely and privately, as well as being a mother, helped me understand better than desire, goals, capabilities of students.

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Iya - Greek tutor via Skype

Good afternoon My name is Iya, and I would like to tell you a little about myself. I have higher education– graduated from Mariupol State University. I received the specialty “Teacher - Philologist of English and Modern Greek Languages,” which I really like. I went to Greece for the first time in my 2nd year. I immediately fell in love with this beautiful country, where the people turned out to be very kind, helpful and friendly.

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Natalia - online Greek tutor

Good afternoon. My name is Natalya. I am a Greek tutor via Skype. I live in Krasnodar. There she completed her studies at the Department of Modern Greek Philology at Kuban State University. By profession I am a teacher of modern Greek and English. I feed great love to foreign languages ​​in general, I like to read in various sources about their origin, find commonalities and differences, how they have changed and are changing.

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Studying the Greek language is becoming more and more popular every year due to the development of the tourism business in this country, as well as the establishment of business connections with foreign partners. For many people, learning the Greek language is not very difficult, since it is quite similar to the Russian language. But one way or another, it is difficult to master a new language on your own; this is where a good Greek tutor on Skype comes to the rescue.

How to choose a Greek tutor for teaching via Skype?

Value for money is the main criterion when choosing any services offered to the consumer. This directly concerns the education sector. The cost of the service is a reflection of professional skills and experience teaching activities teachers. However, cost is still not the dominant factor. Sometimes it happens that expensive activities do not achieve the desired goals. The effectiveness of learning a foreign language is influenced by many factors:

  • Method of teaching;
  • contact with the teacher;
  • professional level of the tutor.

Pronunciation level foreign words the teacher directly influences the student’s speech production, its quality and literacy. If you need to learn colloquial speech, preference should be given to a native speaker. When excellent knowledge of grammar is needed, you should pay attention to online training from a tutor with a classical education and teaching experience in educational institutions. Psychological aspect plays very important role. This determines how comfortable classes with this teacher will be for the student. Very important aspect is attention and patience to the student, the ability to generate motivation for the learning process. Before making a choice, you can use a trial free lesson and only after that accept final decision by tutor.

Online Greek courses

Greece has a long history and rich culture. The desire of many people to learn Greek is dictated by for various reasons. For some, Greece is a piece of paradise, a place where you can relax and spend your vacation. Vacationing from year to year, a person falls in love with this country and begins to plan a move for a temporary or permanent residence. A significant part of the Russian business community has close ties with local businessmen. They have a great need for qualified personnel who can communicate fluently in Greek. These are the main reasons that motivate people to learn a language.

Several online learning options are offered:

  1. Language course for business communication - this option provides an opportunity for students to learn the basics of communication in business. The topics of the classes take into account the specifics business communication between partners. Situations related to organizing direct meetings and negotiations between businessmen are being tested. Special attention is given to telephone conversations. Basics are learned business correspondence, rules for passing a job interview and other equally important details.Conversational Greek course.
  2. Conversation course- allows you, first of all, to become familiar with the vocabulary. Listeners with an initial level of knowledge of the language are encouraged to increase their lexicon, deepen knowledge of grammar and phonetics. Judging by the reviews, upon completion this course students show significant gains in knowledge spoken language. Those who have not encountered the Greek language before should turn to the training program from scratch.
  3. Basic course- Oagain basic course is the study of the basics of grammar and phonetics. Adults and children are encouraged to explore lexical minimum, which promotes listening comprehension and allows for discussion of simple conversational topics.

This program includes the study of the following sections:

  • alphabet;
  • transcription and pronunciation of sounds;
  • vocabulary knowledge in accordance with the topics of study;
  • speaking skills;
  • basics of writing and reading;
  • basics of grammar.

Highly qualified teachers on-line online broadcasts apply the latest techniques based on interactive training. This achieves the maximum teaching result in a relatively short time. Initially, one might get the impression that the Greek language is quite difficult subject for studying. Actually this is not true. The main thing is to show a little patience and perseverance, and the result will not take long to arrive. Modern methods studying foreign languages eliminate cramming of the subject, information is presented in an intelligible form, allowing the student to immerse himself in language environment. This is the difference between classes via Skype and other forms of training.

Greek tutor via Skype. Online Greek tutor

As we have previously noted, many of our compatriots love to spend their holidays in mysterious Greece or Cyprus, where it is simply impossible to do without basic spoken language skills. After all, knowledge of Greek will help you better navigate and be more confident in a foreign country, and new impressions and emotions will not keep you waiting.
A professional Greek language tutor via Skype will help improve your listening comprehension skills, introduce you to the basics of grammar, and enrich your vocabulary. Much attention The lessons focus on developing reading and writing skills.

What do you need to have to learn Greek via Skype?

In fact, the arsenal for completing classes is not so large, we will list the main ones:

  • Laptop or computer;
  • High-speed Internet;
  • Installed free program Skype;
  • Headphones with microphone;
  • Webcam (at the student's request).

The online school "" offers distance learning of Greek via Skype with Russian-speaking teachers, as well as native speakers.

Native Greek tutor via Skype is necessary if the student already has an above-average level of language proficiency and needs to hone his conversational skills and immerse himself in a new language environment.

Learning Greek via Skype – what are the advantages?

  1. For each course participant, the online Greek language tutor applies individual approach, which contributes to effective language acquisition;
  2. Greek via Skype is training with experienced teachers for students with basic knowledge, and for those who continue to improve their skills;
  3. Greek lessons via Skype are conducted by our experienced tutors, always at a high level using large quantity diverse educational and methodological material, video and audio podcasts, interesting presentations etc.;
  4. Cost-effectiveness of distance learning compared to face-to-face lessons, often cost online classes 1.5-2 times lower than the cost of full-time study, while the level of teaching is not lower than full-time study, and sometimes higher;
  5. Flexibility of learning – the lesson schedule is always agreed upon with the student and with convenient time for the teacher, online lesson Greek can always be transferred without loss of payment to another day or time, which is also very convenient.

You can learn Greek via Skype now; to do this, just leave a request for an introductory trial lesson on the website. During the trial lesson, the teacher will get to know you, clarify the learning goals, outline the future lesson program, talk about his teaching methodology, and share some educational materials for subsequent lessons.
Our online courses in Greek will help you not only quickly master Greek, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things about the life of the Greeks themselves.

Greek language tutor

Moscow. 25.11.2011. Greek from a native speaker. Individual lesson at home - 2000 rubles, lesson in the center of Moscow - 1700 rubles. Possible lesson in a mini group (3 people, First level) - 800 rubles per person.
Email: [email protected]

Greek tutor

Moscow. 25.06.2010. New Testament Greek Lessons.
I will teach you to read the Holy Scriptures in the original language.
Tel.: 8-916-426-89-40. Email: [email protected] Alexei.

Greek tutor

Moscow. 01.11.2009. An experienced Greek teacher gives private lessons.
Email: [email protected] Alyona

Greek tutor

Moscow. 18.09.2009 Teacher and native speaker, gives Greek lessons.
tel 8 962 9062247 Yaroslav

Greek tutor

Moscow. 10.08.2009. Honors diploma from MGIMO, first language - Modern Greek; experience of studying and living in Greece.I am ready to teach schoolchildren, students and anyone who wants to get acquainted with this language. I provide knowledge on colloquial speech (useful on vacation in Greece and Cyprus, in business and in life), socio-political vocabulary (you will be able to read newspapers) and general topics (you will discover modern prose and poetry of Hellas from Cavafy to Kazantzakis)
E-mail: ilyaklishin(dog)

Greek tutor

Moscow. 15.04.2009. A graduate student at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University (Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Philology) gives Greek lessons at any level. Repeated internships in Greece and Cyprus. Certificate of knowledge of the Greek language at the highest level. 5 years teaching experience.
m. Yugo-Zapadnaya. Departure possible. Cost 1000 rub. - 90 min.
Tel: 89262696811. E-mail: [email protected] Varvara

Greek tutor

Moscow. 02.04.2009. Postgraduate student at Lomonosov Moscow State University. Language programs at universities in Greece and Cyprus. Certificate of knowledge of the Greek language at the highest level. Teaching experience about 2 years. Training materials are provided.
Classes in the Frunzenskaya metro area. 90 minutes - 800 rubles.
Email: [email protected] Maria

Greek tutor

Athens. 07.02.2008. Greek for those who are already in Greece and want to start learning Greek from scratch or improve their knowledge. A teacher from Moscow with extensive experience and excellent knowledge of the Greek language conducts individual or group classes in Athens (Kifissia region). A method specially developed for Russian speakers. Pronunciation, grammar, all the vocabulary you need. Individual selection of the program depending on your needs.
Tel. in Athens +30 210 8087470. E-mail: [email protected] Irina

Moscow. 22.09.2007. Do you want to join the culture of Hellas - the country of ancient gods and heroes, which united the spirit of antiquity and modern civilization, a country where the warm Mediterranean Sea shimmers with dozens of shades, where all year round the sun is shining, where hospitable and friendly people live - the descendants of Homer and Aristotle? The best way to understand this country is to study its language. I invite everyone to classes in modern Greek.
Tel.: 89265405753, 89165239711. E-mail: [email protected] Maria

Moscow. 13.08.2007. Modern Greek lessons. Any level. Tutorials, audio-video courses, mass media.
Tel.: 4572392. E-mail: [email protected] Vasily Ivanovich.

Moscow. 16.05.07. Greek lessons for any level. Individual and group lessons. Education: Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Faculty of Philology, language programs at universities in Greece and Cyprus. Certificate of knowledge of the Greek language at the highest level. I have teaching experience. Classes will take place in the area of ​​St. m. Elektrozavodskaya (2 min walk from the metro). Cost of classes: from 300 to 700 rubles per 1 academic hour by agreement (depending on the level and number of students)
Tel.: 89161284656. Elena

Moscow. 16.02.2007. I teach Greek from scratch. I put the pronunciation. I have perfect pronunciation. Individual lessons in the center of Moscow - 500 rubles for 1.5 hours. Home visits are possible.
Email: [email protected]

Moscow. 06.10.2006. Greek language tutor. A 5th year student at Moscow State University gives GREEK lessons. Initial and average level. Educational materials are provided. Classes in the area of ​​the station. metro Sokol, Polezhaevskaya. She completed multiple language programs at the University of Cyprus. cost 300r/hour.
Email: [email protected]

Moscow. 08.08.2006. Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek philology of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University. Class of 2006. Teacher at the Moscow Greek Society. Certificate of knowledge of the Greek language at the highest level (2005). Diplomas from the language programs of the University of Athens (2002) and the University of Cyprus (2003 and 2004). I give individual lessons modern and ancient Greek. Excursions into the history of the language, special study of the language of the media, socio-political and church vocabulary are possible. Cost 700-900 rubles. / 90 min. by agreement. Travel around Moscow is possible.
Tel.: 8 916 213 51 88. E-mail: [email protected] Lukhovitsky Lev Vsevolodovich.

    Greek tutors in Moscow will help you learn the language perfectly Is it difficult to learn Greek from scratch?

    Very often you can hear the statement that Greek is difficult language. If you understand Russian thoroughly, then learning Greek will not cause problems. That's what the residents say mostly English speaking countries. The fact is that in Greek, as in Russian, a noun has a gender and can be declined according to cases. There is no such thing in English, so it is difficult for them to understand why the sofa male, and the wall is female. And for them, Greek lessons will seem incredibly difficult.

    The Greek language is as beautiful as Greece itself. Some people learn Greek from scratch just to read Greek literature and watch films. In any case, it is worth noting that in order to quickly learn a language, you. Finding a good tutor is much easier than finding good tutorial or language courses.

    Moreover, if you have a Greek language tutor, you will be able to plan your own school time. During the lessons, all attention will be focused exclusively on you, and if you don’t understand something, everything will be thoroughly explained and shown to you. Therefore, it would be correct to say that learning a language should start with selecting a tutor.

    To sum up, we can say that learning Greek from scratch is not difficult if you have a mentor who will monitor your progress and help you achieve your goal. In any case, the main thing is your desire to learn something new. If it is, then you can safely study any other language that interests you.

    Where can I quickly find a good Greek language tutor?

    If you live in Moscow and are looking for a Greek language tutor, then you have definitely come to the right place. Our service " Highest mark» will help you choose a tutor based on your request. All you need to do is fill out special form on the website or contact us by phone.

    More than 20 thousand tutors are registered on our website. In addition to a Greek language tutor, you can easily find a specialist in any other required profile. For example, if you only need to indicate the relevant subject and submit an application. We take care of the rest of the work!


Greek is the language of the ancient Hellenes, but sometimes you need to learn Greek and modern people. There are certainly Greek language courses in Moscow, but are they really that effective? Group classes have many disadvantages. For example, courses are spread over a certain period of time and express preparation is impossible. Secondly, they don’t cost that little and classes are held strictly set days. If a Greek teacher works with you individually, this gives a completely different result.
Learning Greek with a tutor is a better and more reliable option. You can go through the material as much as you need. And ask any questions to the teacher. And, of course, it is possible to learn the language in groups or in Greek language courses, but it will take more time and will cost less. If you take up learning the Greek language on your own, then, of course, you only spend money on books. But you also waste your time, which you could spend on something else.
Studying this language with a private teacher greatly solves these problems. You don't need to waste time searching for books, you don't need to waste time understanding difficult grammar. A Greek tutor will do this for you. Greek - difficult language and learning the Greek language is a complex process. Therefore, many choose this option. Moreover, a Greek language tutor in Moscow is now not such a rarity. 10, 20 years ago the picture was different and individual courses in the Greek language were available to few. Now this is not the case. there are quite a few in the capital now good teachers with reasonable lesson prices. We hope that studying Greek with our teachers will speed up your progress and allow you to achieve the goals you want.

In-depth Greek language courses with a professional tutor.
Latin for lyceums, gymnasiums, universities of any profile, Modern Greek for adults and children, Russian for school curriculum, preparation for school (from 4 years old)
Many years of experience as a private teacher, including 10 years in Cyprus. I have my own developed methods for teaching the modern Greek language, preparing preschoolers for reading, accelerating reading skills and general development in elementary school, assistance in adapting to educational process in any school age; tutoring students in Latin, preparing for exams and tests in Latin language according to the program of any faculty. Learning is easy, enjoyable, meaningful, purposeful and effective...

  • Lesson cost: 2000 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Greek language, Russian language, Russian language for foreigners, Latin
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro station: Babushkinskaya
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Professor
  • Education: Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova, Faculty of Philology, classical philology, graduate of 1988, senior teacher.

Experienced Greek language tutor.
Any age audience
Interesting Greek lessons using the best didactic materials Universities in Greece and Cyprus focused on your success. Individual approach for any age audience, spoken language, intensive programs, in-depth study of Greek grammar, individual training.

  I give the first lesson for free ( free lesson possible only on my territory).
Private Greek lessons at home with a tutor.
I suggest individual sessions in Italian, Greek, English and Russian (for foreigners) for all purposes, adults and children from 9 years old.
2 years of training in master's program in Italy and Greece allowed me to master both the languages ​​themselves and the methods of teaching them to perfection. I use only authentic manuals, audio and video materials, communication technique. My students start speaking the language from the first lessons.
I also give lessons in German, Spanish and French from beginner to intermediate level.
Individual approach to each person. Lessons are structured according to the interests, inclinations, and character of the student...

In-Depth Study Greek language in Moscow with a professional tutor.
I conduct English classes with schoolchildren, high school students, students, adults, and successfully prepare students for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam, as well as for passing exams for international certificates.
I give strong initial knowledge to those beginning to learn Greek, help prepare for a tourist trip, and also teach Greek in the context of the church.
One-year internship in the USA, Virginia (homestay exchange 2006-2007)
Certificates FCE (2005), TOEFL (2007)
Certificates confirming knowledge of the Greek language level B1 (2015) and level B2 (2016)
2015 – written translation from...

  • Cost of classes: Cost of 60 minutes - from 1300 to 1500 rubles;
    Cost for 90 minutes - from 1500 to 2000 rubles;
  • Items: English language, Greek language
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro station: Southwestern
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Moscow Pedagogical State University them. Lenin, Faculty of Foreign Languages, diploma with honors in the specialty "linguist-translator" (2012)
  • Lesson cost: 1000 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Latin, Greek, Italian language, English language
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro station: University
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Professor
  • Education: Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Faculty of Philology, Department of Classical Philology

Study Greek at home in Moscow with a private tutor.
I teach all levels of Greek from beginner to advanced to adults and children. Availability of explanation of the material. First, an explanation of the material, and then its development. Grammar, accumulation basic vocabulary, understanding of spoken language, communication skills, familiarity with the culture and way of life of the country. The main thing is the quality of presentation and assimilation of the material. A clear lesson structure, but always an individual approach. Use and provision Greek textbooks, audio material.
Currently - Assistant to the Ambassador. 2012 - 2015 - Translator for Defense Attaché at the Greek Embassy. From April to September 2012 - editor of the Greek website of the Voice of Russia radio station...

  • Cost of classes: 1200 rub. in 50 minutes. I conduct classes only via Skype.
  • Items: Greek language
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro station: Arbatskaya
  • Home visit: No
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Faculty of Philology, Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Philology, specialty - teacher of Modern Greek language and literature.

Individual teaching of the Greek language at home with a tutor.
I teach from beginner to advanced levels.
Pupils: children, schoolchildren, students, adults.
Programs conversation course, preparation for passing the exam for an official certificate, assistance in completing homework.
I have extensive experience teaching Greek. To study I choose interesting materials And modern manuals. The lesson is structured individually depending on the desires and interests of the students. She took a refresher course for Greek language teachers in Cyprus in Pedagogical University Lefkosia, participated in various seminars, dedicated to the topic teaching Greek as a foreign language...

  • Cost of classes: The student has 60 minutes. - 1200 rub.;
    700 rub. - remotely
  • Items: Greek language
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Timiryazevskaya, Petrovsko-Razumovskaya
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: MGGU im. M.A. Sholokhov, Faculty of Philology, specialty - Russian Philology (2011); Faculty of Additional vocational education, specialty – Greek philology (2011). Greek language courses, Greece, certificate (2012...

Home schooling Greek language with a private tutor.
I teach Greek from scratch to advanced levels individually and in groups. An original methodology that allows you to achieve stable results in the study of language, culture and history. Individual program depending on the goals and wishes of the student.
I have an international certificate of language proficiency ( highest level, highest mark).
International certificate of language proficiency (highest level, highest score).

Greek language: 90 minutes -1700 rub.

  • Items: Greek language, English language, Spanish language
  • Cities: Moscow, Korolev
  • Nearest metro station: VDNH
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Student correspondence department Faculty of Philology RUDN University
  • Home learning Greek with a professional tutor.
    Activities with children primary classes: preparing homework, studying the program ahead of time, eliminating gaps in knowledge. Preparing children for school from the age of 5: learning to write, count, develop speech, thinking, memory, imagination. Development of hand motor skills, solution logical problems etc. I'm developing individual program for the student according to his material.

    • Lesson cost: 2000 rub. / 60 min
    • Items: Primary School, Preparation for school, Greek language, Speech therapy
    • City: Moscow
    • Nearest metro stations: Prazhskaya, Novokuznetsk
    • Home visit: available
    • Status: Private teacher
    • Education: MPGU, specialty - primary school teacher (1993) Studio "Karapuz" - 1994-1997. Teacher - speech therapist since 2000. Certificates of completion of training modern programs from the authors of books on speech therapy. 2002, 2005, 2008, 2011...