Small interesting stories for children. Short stories for children

When Mishka and I were very little, we really wanted to ride in a car, but we just never succeeded. No matter how much we asked for drivers, no one wanted to give us a ride. One day we were walking in the yard. Suddenly we looked - on the street, near our gate, a car stopped. The driver got out of the car and went somewhere. We ran up. I speak:

This is Volga.

No, this is Moskvich.

You understand a lot! - I say.

Of course, “Moskvich,” says Mishka. - Look at his hood.

How much trouble Mishka and I had before the New Year! We have been preparing for the holiday for a long time: we glued paper chains to the tree, cut out flags, and made various Christmas tree decorations. Everything would have been fine, but then Mishka took out a book somewhere called “Entertaining Chemistry” and read in it how to make sparklers himself.

This is where the chaos began! For whole days he pounded sulfur and sugar in a mortar, made aluminum filings and set fire to the mixture for testing. There was smoke and a stink of suffocating gases throughout the house. The neighbors were angry, and there were no sparklers.

But Mishka did not lose heart. He even invited many of the kids from our class to his Christmas tree and boasted that he would have sparklers.

They know what they are! - he said. - They sparkle like silver and scatter in all directions with fiery splashes. I tell Mishka:

Once upon a time there was a dog Barboska. He had a friend - the cat Vaska. They both lived with their grandfather. Grandfather went to work, Barboska guarded the house, and Vaska the cat caught mice.

One day, grandfather went to work, the cat Vaska ran off for a walk somewhere, and Barbos stayed at home. Having nothing else to do, he climbed onto the windowsill and began to look out the window. He was bored, so he yawned around.

“It’s good for our grandfather! - thought Barboska. - He went to work and is working. Vaska is doing well too - he ran away from home and is walking on the rooftops. But I have to sit and guard the apartment.”

At this time, Barboskin's friend Bobik was running down the street. They often met in the yard and played together. Barbos saw his friend and was delighted:

Chapter first

Just think how quickly time flies! Before I knew it, the holidays were over and it was time to go to school. All summer I did nothing but run around the streets and play football, and I even forgot to think about books. That is, I sometimes read books, but not educational ones, but some fairy tales or stories, and so that I could study the Russian language or arithmetic - this was not the case. I was already good at Russian, but I didn’t like arithmetic. The worst thing for me was solving problems. Olga Nikolaevna even wanted to give me a summer job in arithmetic, but then she regretted it and transferred me to the fourth grade without work.

I don’t want to ruin your summer,” she said. - I will transfer you this way, but you must promise that you will study arithmetic yourself in the summer.

Mishka and I had a wonderful life at the dacha! This is where the freedom was! Do what you want, go wherever you want. You can go to the forest to pick mushrooms or pick berries, or swim in the river, but if you don’t want to swim, just go fishing and no one will say a word to you. When my mother’s vacation ended and she had to get ready to go back to the city, Mishka and I even became sad. Aunt Natasha noticed that we were both walking around as if we were in a daze, and began to persuade my mother to let Mishka and I stay for a while longer. Mom agreed and agreed with Aunt Natasha so that she would feed us and stuff like that, and she would leave.

Mishka and I stayed with Aunt Natasha. And Aunt Natasha had a dog, Dianka. And just on the day when her mother left, Dianka suddenly gave birth to six puppies. Five were black with red spots and one was completely red, only one ear was black.

The hat was lying on the chest of drawers, the kitten Vaska was sitting on the floor near the chest of drawers, and Vovka and Vadik were sitting at the table and coloring pictures. Suddenly something plopped behind them and fell to the floor. They turned around and saw a hat on the floor near the chest of drawers.

Vovka went up to the chest of drawers, bent down, wanted to pick up his hat - and suddenly he shouted:

Ah ah ah! - and run to the side.

What are you? - asks Vadik.

She's alive, alive!

One day a glazier was sealing the frames for the winter, and Kostya and Shurik stood nearby and watched. When the glazier left, they picked up the putty from the windows and began to sculpt animals from it. Only they didn’t get the animals. Then Kostya blinded a snake and said to Shurik:

Look what I got.

Shurik looked and said:


Kostya was offended and hid the putty in his pocket. Then they went to the cinema. Shurik kept getting worried and asked:

Where's the putty?

And Kostya answered:

Here it is, in your pocket. I won't eat it!

They took tickets to the cinema and bought two mint gingerbread cookies.

Bobka had wonderful pants: green, or rather khaki. Bobka loved them very much and always boasted:

Look, guys, what kind of pants I have. Soldiers!

All the guys, of course, were jealous. No one else had green pants like these.

One day Bobka climbed over the fence, got caught on a nail and tore these wonderful pants. Out of frustration, he almost cried, went home as quickly as possible and began to ask his mother to sew it up.

Mom got angry:

You will climb fences, tear your pants, and I have to sew them up?

I won't do it again! Sew it up, mom!

Valya and I are entertainers. We are always playing some games.

Once we read the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs". And then they started playing. At first we ran around the room, jumped and shouted:

We are not afraid of the gray wolf!

Then mom went to the store, and Valya said:

Come on, Petya, let's make ourselves a house, like those pigs in the fairy tale.

We pulled the blanket off the bed and covered the table with it. This is how the house turned out. We climbed into it, and it was dark and dark in there!

There lived a little girl named Ninochka. She was only five years old. She had a dad, a mom and an old grandmother, whom Ninochka called grandma.

Ninochka’s mother went to work every day, and Ninochka’s grandmother stayed with her. She taught Ninochka to dress, and wash, and fasten the buttons on her bra, and lace her shoes, and braid her hair, and even write letters.

Anyone who has read the book “The Adventure of Dunno” knows that Dunno had many friends - little people just like him.

Among them were two mechanics - Vintik and Shpuntik, who were very fond of making different things. One day they decided to build a vacuum cleaner to clean the room.

We made a round metal box from two halves. An electric motor with a fan was placed in one half, a rubber tube was attached to the other, and a piece of dense material was placed between both halves so that dust would be retained in the vacuum cleaner.

They worked all day and all night, and only the next morning the vacuum cleaner was ready.

Everyone was still sleeping, but Vintik and Shpuntik really wanted to check how the vacuum cleaner worked.

Znayka, who loved to read, read a lot in books about distant countries and various travels. Often, when there was nothing to do in the evening, he would tell his friends about what he had read in books. The kids loved these stories very much. They liked to hear about countries that they had never seen, but most of all they liked to hear about travelers, since all sorts of incredible stories happen to travelers and the most extraordinary adventures happen.

After hearing such stories, the kids began to dream about going on a trip themselves. Some suggested hiking, others suggested sailing along the river in boats, and Znayka said:

Let's make a hot air balloon and fly in the balloon.

If Dunno took on something, he did it wrong, and everything turned out topsy-turvy for him. He learned to read only in letters, and could only write in block letters. Many said that Dunno had a completely empty head, but this is not true, because how could he think then? Of course, he didn’t think well, but he put his shoes on his feet, and not on his head—this, too, requires consideration.

Dunno was not so bad. He really wanted to learn something, but did not like to work. He wanted to learn right away, without any difficulty, and even the smartest little guy couldn’t get anything out of this.

Toddlers and little girls loved music very much, and Guslya was a wonderful musician. He had various musical instruments and often played them. Everyone listened to the music and praised it very much. Dunno was jealous that Guslya was being praised, so he began to ask him:

- Teach me to play. I also want to be a musician.

The mechanic Vintik and his assistant Shpuntik were very good craftsmen. They looked alike, only Vintik was a little taller, and Shpuntik was a little shorter. Both wore leather jackets. Wrenches, pliers, files and other iron tools were always sticking out of their jacket pockets. If the jackets weren’t leather, the pockets would have come off long ago. Their hats were also leather, with canned glasses. They wore these glasses while working so as not to get dust in their eyes.

Vintik and Shpuntik sat in their workshop all day long and repaired primus stoves, pots, kettles, frying pans, and when there was nothing to repair, they made tricycles and scooters for short people.

Mom recently gave Vitalik an aquarium with fish. It was a very good fish, beautiful! Silver crucian carp - that's what it was called. Vitalik was glad that he had a crucian carp. At first he was very interested in the fish - he fed it, changed the water in the aquarium, and then he got used to it and sometimes even forgot to feed it on time.

I'll tell you about Fedya Rybkin, how he made the whole class laugh. He had a habit of making guys laugh. And he didn’t care: it was a break now or a lesson. So here it is. It started when Fedya got into a fight with Grisha Kopeikin over a bottle of mascara. But to tell the truth, there was no fight here. Nobody hit anyone. They simply tore the bottle out of each other’s hands, and the mascara splashed out of it, and one drop landed on Fedya’s forehead. This left him with a black blot the size of a nickel on his forehead.

Under my window there is a front garden with a low cast-iron fence. In winter, the janitor cleans the street and shovels snow behind the fence, and I throw pieces of bread through the window for the sparrows. As soon as these little birds see a treat in the snow, they immediately fly from different directions and sit on the branches of a tree that grows in front of the window. They sit for a long time, looking around restlessly, but do not dare to go down. They must be frightened by people passing on the street.

But then one sparrow plucked up courage, flew off the branch and, sitting down in the snow, began pecking at the bread.

Mom left home and said to Misha:

I'm leaving, Mishenka, and you behave well. Don't play around without me and don't touch anything. For this I will give you a big red lollipop.

Mom left. At first Misha behaved well: he didn’t play pranks and didn’t touch anything. Then he just moved a chair to the sideboard, climbed onto it and opened the doors of the sideboard. He stands and looks at the buffet, and thinks:

“I don’t touch anything, I just look.”

And there was a sugar bowl in the cupboard. He took it and put it on the table: “I’ll just look, but I won’t touch anything,” he thinks.

I opened the lid and there was something red on top.

“Eh,” says Misha, “but this is a lollipop.” Probably just the one my mother promised me.

My mother, Vovka, and I were visiting Aunt Olya in Moscow. On the very first day, my mother and aunt went to the store, and Vovka and I were left at home. They gave us an old album with photographs for us to look at. Well, we looked and looked until we got tired of it.

Vovka said:

– We won’t see Moscow if we sit at home all day!

More than anything else, Alik was afraid of the police. They always scared him at home with the policeman. If he doesn’t listen, he is told:

The policeman is coming now!

Nashal - they say again:

We'll have to send you to the police!

Once Alik got lost. He didn't even notice how it happened. He went out for a walk in the yard, then ran into the street. I ran and ran and found myself in an unfamiliar place. Then, of course, he began to cry. People gathered around. They began to ask:

Where do you live?

Once, when I was living with my mother at the dacha, Mishka came to visit me. I was so happy that I can’t even say it! I miss Mishka very much. Mom was also glad to see him.

It’s very good that you came,” she said. - You two will have more fun here. By the way, I need to go to the city tomorrow. I might be late. Will you live here without me for two days?

Of course we will live, I say. - We are not small!

Only here you have to cook your own lunch. Can you do it?

We can do it,” says Mishka. - What can’t you do!

Well, cook some soup and porridge. It's easy to cook porridge.

Let's cook some porridge. Why cook it? - says Mishka.

The guys worked all day - building a snow slide in the yard. They shoveled snow and dumped it in a heap under the wall of the barn. Only by lunchtime the slide was ready. The guys poured water on her and ran home for dinner.

“Let’s have lunch,” they said, “while the hill freezes.” And after lunch we will come with a sled and go for a ride.

And Kotka Chizhov from the sixth apartment is so cunning! He didn't build the slide. He sits at home and looks out the window as others work. The guys shout at him to go build a hill, but he just throws up his hands outside the window and shakes his head, as if he’s not allowed to. And when the guys left, he quickly got dressed, put on his skates and ran out into the yard. Teal skates in the snow, chirp! And he doesn’t know how to ride properly! I drove up to the hill.

“Oh,” he says, “it turned out to be a good slide!” I'll jump now.

Vovka and I were sitting at home because we broke the sugar bowl. Mom left, and Kotka came to us and said:

- Let's play something.

“Let’s hide and seek,” I say.

- Wow, there’s nowhere to hide here! - says Kotka.

- Why - nowhere? I will hide in such a way that you will never find me. You just need to show resourcefulness.

In the fall, when the first frost hit and the ground immediately froze almost a whole finger, no one believed that winter had already begun. Everyone thought that it would soon be fun again, but Mishka, Kostya, and I decided that now was the time to start making a skating rink. In our yard we had a garden, not a garden, but, you don’t understand what, just two flower beds, and around there is a lawn with grass, and all this is fenced off with a fence. We decided to make a skating rink in this garden, because in winter the flower beds are not visible to anyone anyway.

PART I Chapter first. Dunno is dreaming

Some readers have probably already read the book "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends." This book tells about a fabulous country in which babies and toddlers lived, that is, tiny boys and girls, or, as they were otherwise called, shorties. This is the short little kid that Dunno was. He lived in Flower City, on Kolokolchikov Street, together with his friends Znayka, Toropyzhka, Rasteryaika, mechanics Vintik and Shpuntik, musician Guslya, artist Tube, Doctor Pilyulkin and many others. The book tells how Dunno and his friends traveled in a hot air balloon, visited the Green City and the city of Zmeevka, what they saw and learned. Returning from the trip, Znayka and his friends got to work: they began to build a bridge across the Ogurtsovaya River, a reed water supply system and fountains, which they saw in the Green City.

PART I Chapter first. How Znayka defeated Professor Zvezdochkin

Two and a half years have passed since Dunno traveled to the Sunny City. Although for you and me this is not so much, but for little runts, two and a half years is a very long time. After listening to the stories of Dunno, Knopochka and Pachkuli Pestrenky, many of the shorties also made a trip to the Sunny City, and when they returned, they decided to make some improvements at home. Flower City has changed since then so much that it is now unrecognizable. Many new, large and very beautiful houses appeared in it. According to the design of the architect Vertibutylkin, even two revolving buildings were built on Kolokolchikov Street. One is five-story, tower-type, with a spiral descent and a swimming pool around (by going down the spiral descent, one could dive straight into the water), the other is six-story, with swinging balconies, a parachute tower and a ferris wheel on the roof.

Mishka and I asked to be enrolled in the same brigade. We agreed back in the city that we would work together and fish together. We had everything in common: shovels and fishing rods.

One day Pavlik took Kotka with him to the river to fish. But that day they were unlucky: the fish didn’t bite at all. But when they walked back, they climbed into the collective farm garden and filled their pockets full of cucumbers. The collective farm watchman noticed them and blew his whistle. They run away from him. On the way home, Pavlik thought that he wouldn’t get it at home for climbing into other people’s gardens. And he gave his cucumbers to Kotka.

The cat came home happy:

- Mom, I brought you cucumbers!

Mom looked, and his pockets were full of cucumbers, and there were cucumbers in his bosom, and in his hands there were two more large cucumbers.

-Where did you get them? - says mom.

- In the garden.


In one fairy-tale city there lived short people. They were called shorties because they were very small. Each short one was the size of a small cucumber. It was very beautiful in their city. Flowers grew around every house: daisies, daisies, dandelions. There, even the streets were named after flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Daisies Alley, Vasilkov Boulevard. And the city itself was called the Flower City. He stood on the bank of a stream.

Tolya was in a hurry because he promised his friend to come by ten o’clock in the morning, but it was already much longer, since Tolya, due to his disorganization, was late at home and did not manage to leave on time.

Works are divided into pages

The children of our country become acquainted with the works of the famous children's writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov (1908-1976) at an early age. “Live Hat”, “Bobik visiting Barbos”, “Putty” - these and many other funny ones children's stories by Nosov I want to re-read it again and again. Stories by N. Nosov describe the daily life of the most ordinary girls and boys. Moreover, it was done very simply and unobtrusively, interesting and funny. Many children recognize themselves in some actions, even the most unexpected and funny ones.

When will you read Nosov's stories, then you will understand how much each of them is imbued with tenderness and love for their heroes. No matter how badly they behave, no matter what they come up with, he tells us about it without any reproach or anger. On the contrary, attention and care, wonderful humor and a wonderful understanding of the child’s soul fill every small work.

Nosov's stories are classics of children's literature. It’s impossible to read stories about the antics of Mishka and other guys without smiling. And who among us in our youth and childhood did not read wonderful stories about Dunno?
Modern kids read and watch them with great pleasure.

Nosov's stories for children published in many of the most famous publications for children of different ages. The realism and simplicity of the story still attract the attention of young readers. “Merry Family”, “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”, “Dreamers” - these stories by Nikolai Nosov are remembered for life. Nosov's stories for children They are distinguished by natural and lively language, brightness and extraordinary emotionality. They are taught to be very careful about their daily behavior, especially in relation to their friends and loved ones. On our Internet portal you can see online list of Nosov's stories, and absolutely enjoy reading them for free.


In this section of our online library for children, you can read children's stories online without leaving your monitor. On the right is a menu that lists the authors whose stories are presented on our website for online reading. All stories on our website with a brief summary, as well as colorful illustrations. All the stories are very interesting and children really like them. Many stories are included in the school literature curriculum for various classes. We hope that you will enjoy reading children's stories online in our online library and that you will become our regular visitor.

Stories by children's writers

We publish the best stories by children's writers who have gained worldwide fame thanks to public recognition of their work. The best children's writers are presented on our website: Chekhov A.P., Nosov N.N., Daniel Defoe, Ernest Seton-Thompson, Tolstoy L.N., Paustovsky K.G., Jonathan Swift, Kuprin A.I. , Mikhalkov S.V., Dragunsky V.Yu. and many many others. As you already understood from the list, our online library contains both stories by foreign children's writers and Russian children's writers. Each author has his own style of writing stories, as well as his favorite themes. For example, stories about animals by Ernest Seton-Thompson or funny, humorous stories by Dragunsky V.Yu., stories about the Indians of Main Reed or stories about the life of Tolstoy L.N. And the famous trilogy of stories by N.N. Nosov. Every child probably knows about Dunno and his friends. Stories by Chekhov A.P. about love are also respected by many readers. Surely each of us has our own favorite children's writer, whose stories can be read and re-read an infinite number of times and always be amazed at the talent of the Great Children's Writers. Some specialize in short stories, some like humorous children's stories, and some are delighted with fantastic children's stories, all people are different, everyone has their own preferences and tastes, but we hope that in our online library you will find what we have been looking for for a long time.

Free children's stories

All children's stories presented on our website are taken from open sources on the Internet and published so that everyone can read children's stories online for free, or print them out and read them at a more convenient time. All stories can be read completely free of charge and without registration in our online library.

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We wish you a pleasant reading of children's stories!




Read one of the stories to your child. Ask some questions about the text. If your child can read, have him read a short story on his own and then retell it.


The ant found a large grain. He couldn't carry it alone. The ant called for help
comrades. Together, the ants easily dragged the grain into the anthill.

1. Answer the questions:
What did the ant find? What couldn't an ant do alone? Who did the ant call for help?
What did the ants do? Do you always help each other?
2. Retell the story.

Sparrow and swallows.

The swallow made a nest. The sparrow saw the nest and took it. The swallow called for help
your girlfriends. Together the swallows drove the sparrow out of the nest.

1. Answer the questions:
What did the swallow do? What did the sparrow do? Who did the swallow call for help?
What did the swallows do?
2. Retell the story.

Brave men.

The guys were going to school. Suddenly a dog jumped out. She barked at the guys. Boys
started to run. Only Borya remained standing in place. The dog stopped barking and
approached Bora. Borya stroked her. Then Borya calmly went to school, and the dog quietly
I followed him.

1. Answer the questions:
Where were the guys going? What happened on the way? How did the boys behave? How did you behave?
Borya? Why did the dog follow Borey? Is the story titled correctly?
2. Retell the story.

Summer in the forest.

Summer has come. In forest clearings the grass is knee-high. Grasshoppers chirp.
Strawberries turn red on the tubercles. Raspberries, lingonberries, rose hips, and blueberries are blooming.
Chicks fly out of the nests. It won't be long before delicious forest fruits appear.
berries. Soon children will come here with baskets to pick berries.

1. Answer the questions:
What time of year is it? What kind of grass is in the clearings? Who's chirping in the grass? Which
does the berry turn red on the tubercles? Which berries are still blooming? What are the chicks doing?
What will children soon collect in the forest?
2. Retell the story.


The little girl wrapped woolen threads around the egg. It turned out to be a ball. This ball
she put it on the stove in a basket. Three weeks passed. Suddenly a squeak was heard
from the basket. The ball squeaked. The girl unwound the ball. There was a little chicken there.

1. Answer the questions:
How did the girl make the ball? What happened to the ball after three weeks?
2. Retell the story.

Fox and cancer. (Russian folktale)

The fox invited the crayfish to run a race. Cancer agreed. The fox ran, and the cancer
grabbed the fox's tail. The fox reached the spot. The fox turned around, and the crayfish unhooked
and says: “I’ve been waiting here for you for a long time.”

1. Answer the questions:
What did the fox offer to the cancer? How did cancer outwit the fox?
2. Retell the story.


The dog Bug was eaten by wolves. There was a little blind puppy left. They called him Orphan.
The puppy was placed on a cat who had small kittens. The cat sniffed the Orphan,
wiggled her tail and licked the puppy on the nose.
One day, Orphan was attacked by a stray dog. Then a cat appeared. She grabbed
with her teeth the Orphan and returned to the tall stump. Clinging to the bark with her claws, she dragged
Puppy up and covered him with herself.

1. Answer the questions:
Why was the puppy nicknamed Orphan? Who raised the puppy? How did the cat protect Orphan?
Who is called an orphan?
2. Retell the story.


Once Vova went into the forest. Fluffy ran with him. Suddenly a rustling sound was heard in the grass.
It was a viper. The viper is a poisonous snake. The fluff rushed at the viper and tore it apart.

1. Answer the questions:
What happened to Vova? How dangerous is a viper? Who saved Vova? Who we learned about at the beginning
story? What happened next? How did the story end?
2. Retell the story.

N. Nosov. Slide.

The guys built a snow slide in the yard. They poured water on her and went home. Kotka
did not work. He was sitting at home, looking out the window. When the guys left, Kotka put on his skates
and went up the hill. He skates across the snow, but can’t get up. What to do? Kotka
took a box of sand and sprinkled it on the hill. The guys came running. How to ride now?
The guys were offended by Kotka and forced him to cover his sand with snow. Kotka untied
skates and began to cover the slide with snow, and the guys poured water on it again. Kotka still
and made the steps.

1. Answer the questions:
What did the guys do? Where was Kotka at that time? What happened when the guys left?
Why couldn't Kotka climb the hill? What did he do then?
What happened when the guys came running? How did you fix the slide?
2. Retell the story.


Mom recently gave Vitalik an aquarium with fish. The fish was very good
beautiful. Silver crucian carp - that's what it was called. Vitalik also had a kitten
Murzik. He was gray, fluffy, and his eyes were large and green. Murzik is very
loved looking at the fish.
One day his friend Seryozha came to Vitalik. The boy exchanged his fish for a police one
whistle. In the evening, mom asked Vitalik: “Where is your fish?” The boy got scared and said,
that it was eaten by Murzik. Mom told her son to find the kitten. She wanted to punish him. Vitalik
I felt sorry for Murzik. He hid it. But Murzik got out and came home. “Ah, robber!
Now I’ll teach you a lesson!” - Mom said.
- Mommy, dear. Don't hit Murzik. It was not he who ate the crucian carp. It's me"
-Have you eaten? - Mom was surprised.
- No, I didn’t eat it. I exchanged it for a police whistle. I won't do it anymore.

1. Answer the questions:
What is the story about? Why did the boy lie to his mother when she asked
where is the fish? Why did Vitalik later admit to deception? What is the main idea of ​​the text?
2. Retell the story.

Brave swallow.

The mother swallow taught the chick to fly. The chick was very small. He clumsily and
helplessly flapped its weak wings.
Unable to stay in the air, the chick fell to the ground and was seriously hurt. He was lying
squeaked motionlessly and pitifully.
The mother swallow was very alarmed. She circled over the chick, screamed loudly and
I didn’t know how to help him.
The girl picked up the chick and put it in a wooden box. And a box
I put it on a tree with the chick.
The swallow took care of her chick. She brought him food every day and fed him.
The chick began to recover quickly and was already chirping cheerfully and cheerfully waving his strengthened
wings. The old red cat wanted to eat the chick. He quietly crept up and climbed
onto the tree and was already right next to the box.
But at this time the swallow flew off the branch and began to fly boldly in front of the cat’s very nose.
The cat rushed after her, but the swallow quickly dodged, and the cat missed and
slammed to the ground. Soon the chick recovered completely and the swallow happily
Chirping, she took him to his native nest under the next roof.

1. Answer the questions:
What misfortune happened to the chick? When did the accident happen? Why did it happen?
Who saved the chick? What is the red cat up to? How did the mother swallow protect her chick?
How did she take care of her chick? How did this story end?
2. Retell the story.

Wolf and squirrel. (according to L.N. Tolstoy)

The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell on the wolf. The wolf wanted to eat her.
“Let me go,” the squirrel asks.
-I’ll let you go if you tell me why squirrels are so funny. And I'm always bored.
-You're bored because you're angry. Anger burns your heart. And we are cheerful because we are kind
and we do no harm to anyone.

1. Answer the questions:
How did the wolf catch the squirrel? What did the wolf want to do with the squirrel? What did she ask the wolf?
What did the wolf answer? What did the wolf ask the squirrel? How did the squirrel answer: why does the wolf always
boring? Why are squirrels so funny?

Vocabulary work.
-The squirrel said to the wolf: “Your heart is burning with anger.” What can you burn yourself with? (by fire,
boiling water, steam, hot tea...) Which of you got burned? It hurts? And when it hurts,
Do you want to have fun or cry?
- It turns out that you can hurt even with a bad, evil word. Then my heart hurts as if
he was burned. So the wolf is always bored, sad, because his heart hurts,
anger burns him.
2. Retell the story.

Cockerel with his family. (according to K.D. Ushinsky)

A cockerel walks around the yard: there is a red comb on its head and a red beard under its nose. Tail
Petya has a wheel, patterns on his tail, and spurs on his legs. Petya found the grain. He calls the chicken
with chickens. They didn’t share the grain - they got into a fight. Petya the Cockerel reconciled them:
He ate the grain himself, flapped his wings, and shouted at the top of his lungs: ku-ka-re-ku!

1. Answer the questions:
Who is the story talking about? Where does the cockerel go? Where is Petya's comb, beard, and spurs?
What does a rooster's tail look like? Why? What did the cockerel find? Who did he call?
Why did the chickens fight? How did the cockerel reconcile them?
2. Retell the story.

Bathing bear cubs. (according to V. Bianchi)

A big bear and two cheerful cubs came out of the forest. The bear grabbed
grab one bear cub by the collar with your teeth and let’s dip it into the river. Another little bear
got scared and ran into the forest. His mother caught up with him, slapped him, and then into the water.
The cubs were happy.

1. Answer the questions:
Who came out of the forest? How did the bear grab the bear cub? The mother bear dipped the bear cub
or just holding it? What did the second bear cub do? What did the mother give to the little bear?
Were the cubs happy with their bath?
2. Retell the story.

Ducks. (according to K.D. Ushinsky)

Vasya is sitting on the bank. He watches the ducks swim in the pond: wide noses into the water
hiding. Vasya doesn’t know how to get the ducks home.
Vasya began to click on the ducks: “Duck-duck-ducks!” The noses are wide, the paws are webbed!
Enough of carrying around worms and plucking grass - it’s time for you to go home.
Vasya’s ducklings obeyed, went ashore, and are going home.

1. Answer the questions:
Who sat on the shore and looked at the ducks? What was Vasya doing on the bank? Like ducks in a pond
did you do? Where exactly did you hide your noses? What kind of noses do they have? Why are your ducks wide?
Did you hide your noses in the water? What did Vasya not know? What did Vasya call the ducks? What did the ducks do?
2. Retell the story.

Cow. (according to E. Charushin)

Pestrukha stands on a green meadow, chewing and chewing grass. Pestrukha's horns are steep, the sides
thick and udder with milk. She waves her tail, drives away flies and horseflies.
-What do you, Pestrukha, taste better to chew - simple green grass or various flowers?
Maybe a chamomile, maybe a blue cornflower or a forget-me-not, or maybe a bell?
Eat, eat, Pestrukha, it’s tastier, your milk will be sweeter. The milkmaid will come for you
milking - milking a full bucket of tasty, sweet milk.

1. Answer the questions:
What is the cow's name? Where is the cow Pestrukha standing? What is she doing in the green meadow?
What kind of horns does Pestrukha have? Sides, which ones? What else does Pestrukha have? (Udder with milk.)
Why is she wagging her tail? What do you guys think is tastier for a cow to chew:
grass or flowers? What flowers does a cow like to eat? If a cow loves flowers
Yes, what kind of milk will she have? Who will come to milk the cow? The milkmaid will come and milk... .
2. Retell the story.

Mice. (according to K.D. Ushinsky)

The mice gathered at their hole. Their eyes are black, their paws are small and pointed.
little teeth, gray coats, long tails dragging along the ground. The mice think: “How
drag the cracker into the hole?” Oh, watch out, mice! Vasya the cat is nearby. He really likes you
loves you, will rip your tails, tear your fur coats.

1. Answer the questions:
Where are the mice gathered? What kind of eyes do mice have? What kind of paws do they have? And what kind of teeth?
What kind of fur coats? And what about the ponytails? What were the mice thinking? Who should mice be afraid of?
Why should you be afraid of the cat Vasya? What can he do to the mice?
2. Retell the story.

Fox. (according to E. Charushin)

The fox mouses in winter and catches mice. She stood on a stump to be further away
you can see, and listen, and look: where under the snow the mouse squeaks, where it moves a little.
He hears, notices, and rushes. Done: a mouse was caught in the teeth of a red, fluffy huntress.

1. Answer the questions:
What does a fox do in winter? Where does it stand? Why does she get up? What is she listening to and
is he looking? What does the fox do when he hears and notices the mouse? How does a fox catch mice?
2. Retell the story.

Hedgehog. (according to E. Charushin)

The guys walked through the forest. We found a hedgehog under a bush. He curled up into a ball in fear.
The guys rolled the hedgehog into a hat and brought it home. They gave him milk.
The hedgehog turned around and began to eat the milk. And then the hedgehog ran away back into the forest.

1. Answer the questions:
Where did the guys go? Who did they find? Where was the hedgehog sitting? What did the hedgehog do out of fear? Where
did the children bring the hedgehog? Why didn't they inject themselves? What did they give him? What happened next?
2. Retell the story.

Ya. Taits. For mushrooms.

Grandmother and Nadya went to the forest to pick mushrooms. Grandfather gave them a basket and said:
- Well, whoever gets the most!
So they walked and walked, collected and collected, and went home. Grandma has a basket full, and Nadya has
half. Nadya said:
- Grandma, let's exchange baskets!
- Let's!
So they came home. Grandfather looked and said:
- Oh yes Nadya! Look, I've gained more than my grandmother!
Here Nadya blushed and said in the quietest voice:
- This is not my basket at all... it’s completely grandma’s.

1. Answer the questions:
Where did Nadya and her grandmother go? Why did they go into the forest? What did grandfather say as he saw them off?
in the forest? What were they doing in the forest? How much did Nadya gain and how much did grandma gain?
What did Nadya say to her grandmother when they went home? What did grandfather say when they
returned? What did Nadya say? Why did Nadya blush and answer her grandfather in a quiet voice?
2. Retell the story.


The sun has warmed up. Streams ran. The rooks have arrived. Birds hatch chicks. A hare jumps merrily through the forest. The fox has gone hunting and smells prey. The she-wolf led the cubs out into the clearing. The she-bear growls near the den. Butterflies and bees fly over the flowers. Everyone is happy about spring.

Warm summer has arrived. The currants are ripe in the garden. Dasha and Tanya collect it in a bucket. Then the girls put the currants on the dish. Mom will make jam from it. In the cold winter, children will drink tea with jam.


A fun summer has flown by. So autumn has come. It's time to harvest the harvest. Vanya and Fedya are digging potatoes. Vasya collects beets and carrots, and Fenya collects beans. There are a lot of plums in the garden. Vera and Felix collect fruit and send it to the school cafeteria. There everyone is treated to ripe and tasty fruits.

Frosts have frozen the ground. Rivers and lakes froze. There is white fluffy snow everywhere. Children are happy about winter. It's nice to ski on fresh snow. Seryozha and Zhenya play snowballs. Lisa and Zoya are making a snow woman.
Only animals have a hard time in the winter cold. Birds fly closer to housing.
Guys, help our little friends in winter. Make bird feeders.

In the forest.

Grisha and Kolya went into the forest. They picked mushrooms and berries. They put mushrooms in a basket and berries in a basket. Suddenly thunder struck. The sun has disappeared. Clouds appeared all around. The wind bent the trees towards the ground. It began to rain heavily. The boys went to the forester's house. Soon the forest became quiet. Rain stopped. The sun came out. Grisha and Kolya went home with mushrooms and berries.

In zoo.

The students of our class went to the zoo. They saw many animals. A lioness and a little lion cub were basking in the sun. The hare and the hare were gnawing cabbage. The she-wolf and her cubs were sleeping. A turtle with a large shell crawled slowly. The girls really liked the fox.


The guys went into the forest to pick mushrooms. Roma found a beautiful boletus under a birch tree. Valya saw a small oil can under the pine tree. Seryozha spotted a huge boletus in the grass. In the grove they collected full baskets of various mushrooms. The guys returned home happy and happy.

Summer holidays.

Hot summer has arrived. Roma, Slava and Lisa and their parents went to Crimea. They swam in the Black Sea, went to the zoo, and went on excursions. The guys were fishing. It was very interesting. They remembered these holidays for a long time.

Four butterflies.

It was spring. The sun was shining brightly. Flowers grew in the meadow. Four butterflies were flying above them: a red butterfly, a white butterfly, a yellow butterfly and a black butterfly.
Suddenly a large black bird flew in. She saw butterflies and wanted to eat them. The butterflies got scared and sat on the flowers. A white butterfly sat on a daisy. Red butterfly - on poppy. The yellow one sat on a dandelion, and the black one sat on a tree branch. The bird flew and flew, but did not see the butterflies.


Vasya and Katya had a cat. In the spring, the cat disappeared and the children could not find it.
One day they were playing and heard meowing overhead. Vasya shouted to Katya:
- Found a cat and kittens! Come here quickly.
There were five kittens. When they grew up. The children chose one kitten, gray with white paws. They fed him, played with him and took him to bed with them.
One day the children went to play on the road and took a kitten with them. They were distracted, and the kitten was playing alone. Suddenly they heard someone shouting loudly: “Back, back!” - and they saw that the hunter was galloping, and in front of him two dogs saw a kitten and wanted to grab it. And the kitten is stupid. He hunches his back and looks at the dogs.
The dogs wanted to grab the kitten, but Vasya ran up, fell with his stomach on the kitten and blocked it from the dogs.

Fluff and Masha.

Sasha's dog is Fluff. Dasha has a cat, Masha. Fluff loves bones, and Masha loves mice. Fluff sleeps at Sasha’s feet, and Masha sleeps on the couch. Dasha sews a pillow for Masha herself. Masha will sleep on the pillow.


Borya, Pasha and Petya went for a walk. The path went past the swamp and ended at the river. The guys approached the fishermen. The fisherman ferried the guys across the river. They made a halt on the shore. Borya chopped branches for the fire. Petya cut the bun and sausage. They ate by the fire, rested and returned home.


Cranes live near swamps, forest lakes, meadows, and river banks. Nests are built directly on the ground. The crane circles over the nest, guarding it.
At the end of summer, cranes gather in flocks and fly away to warm countries.


Seryozha and Zakhar have a dog, Druzhok. Children love to study with Buddy and teach him. He already knows how to serve, lie down, and carry a stick in his teeth. When the guys call Druzhka, he runs towards them, barking loudly. Seryozha, Zakhar and Druzhok are good friends.

Zhenya and Zoya found a hedgehog in the forest. He lay quietly. The guys decided that the hedgehog was sick. Zoya put it in the basket. The children ran home. They fed the hedgehog milk. Then they took him to a living corner. Many animals live there. Children look after them under the guidance of teacher Zinaida Zakharovna. She will help the hedgehog recover.

Someone else's egg.

The old woman put the basket with the eggs in a secluded place and put a chicken on them.
The chicken runs off to drink some water and peck some grains and returns to its place, sits and clucks. Chicks began to hatch from the eggs. The chicken will jump out of the shell and let's run and look for worms.
Someone else's egg got to the chicken - it turned out to be a duckling. He ran to the river and swam like a piece of paper, scooping up the water with his wide webbed paws.


Sveta’s mother works at the post office as a postman. She delivers mail in a mail bag. Sveta goes to school during the day, and in the evening she and her mother put the evening mail into mailboxes.
People receive letters, read newspapers and magazines. Everyone really needs Sveta’s mother’s profession.

You can read "Deniska's Stories" at any age and several times and it will still be funny and interesting! Since V. Dragunsky's book "Deniska's Stories" was first published, readers have loved these funny, humorous stories so much that this book is being reprinted and republished. And probably there is no schoolchild who does not know Deniska Korablev, who has become his boyfriend for children of different generations - he is so similar to the boys of his classmates who find themselves in funny, sometimes absurd situations...

2) Zak A., Kuznetsov I. "Summer is gone. Save a drowning man. Humorous film stories"(7-12 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

The collection includes two humorous film stories by Avenir Zak and Isai Kuznetsov, famous Soviet playwrights and screenwriters.
At first, the heroes of the first story do not expect anything good from the upcoming holidays. What could be more boring than going to three probably strict aunties for the whole summer? That's right - nothing! So, summer is gone. But in fact, it’s quite the opposite...
What should you do if all your friends are in the photo in the local newspaper, but you are not? This is so offensive! Andrei Vasilkov really wants to prove that he is also capable of feats...
Stories about the cheerful summer adventures of unlucky and mischievous boys formed the basis for the scripts of two feature films of the same name, one of which, “Summer Is Lost,” was directed by Rolan Bykov. The book was illustrated by the outstanding master of book graphics Heinrich Valk.

3) Averchenko A. "Humorous stories for children"(8-13 years old)

Labyrinth Arkady Averchenko Stories for children Online store Labyrinth.

The heroes of these funny stories are boys and girls, as well as their parents, educators and teachers, who were once children themselves, but not all of them remember this. The author doesn't just entertain the reader; he unobtrusively gives lessons on adult life to children and reminds adults that they should never forget about their childhood.

4) Oster G. "Bad advice", "Problem book", "Petka the microbe"(6-12 years old)

Famous Bad Advice
Labyrinth Bad advice Online store Labyrinth.
MY-SHOP (AST publishing house)
MY-SHOP (Gift Edition)

Labyrinth Petka-microbe

Not all germs are harmful. Petka is just useful. Without people like him, we won’t see either sour cream or kefir. There are so many microbes in one drop of water that it is impossible to count them. To see these little ones, you need a microscope. But maybe they are also looking at us - from the other side of the magnifying glass? The writer G. Oster wrote a whole book about the life of microbes - Petka and his family.

Problem book
Labyrinth Problem Book

The word "Problem Book" on the cover of the book is not that attractive. For many it is boring and even scary. But “Grigor Oster’s Problem Book” is a completely different matter! Every schoolchild and every parent knows that these are not just tasks, but terribly funny stories about forty grandmothers, the baby Kuzya of the circus artist Khudyushchenko, worms, flies, Vasilisa the Wise and Koshchei the Immortal, pirates, as well as Mryaka, Bryaku, Khryamzik ​​and Slyunik. Well, to make it really funny, right until you drop, you need to count something in these stories. Multiply someone by something or, conversely, divide it. Add something to something, and maybe take something away from someone. And get the main result: to prove that mathematics is not a boring science!

5) Vangeli S. "The Adventures of Gugutse", "Chubo from the village of Turturika"(6-12 years old)


These are absolutely wonderful atmospheric stories with very unique humor and a pronounced national Moldovan flavor! Children are delighted with the fascinating stories about the cheerful and brave Gugutse and the naughty Chubo.

6) Zoshchenko M. "Stories for Children"(6-12 years old)

Zoshchenko's labyrinth for children Online store Labyrinth.
MY-SHOP Stories for children
MY-SHOP Stories for children
MY-SHOP Lelya and Minka. Stories

Zoshchenko knew how to find the funny in life and notice the comic even in the most serious situations. He also knew how to write in such a way that every child could easily understand him. That is why Zoshchenko's "Stories for Children" are recognized as classics of children's literature. In his humorous stories for children, the writer teaches the younger generation to be brave, kind, honest and smart. These are indispensable stories for the development and education of children. They cheerfully, naturally and unobtrusively instill in the children the main values ​​of life. After all, if you look back at your own childhood, it is not difficult to notice what an influence the stories about Lela and Minka, the coward Vasya, the smart bird and other characters from stories for children written by M.M. once had on us. Zoshchenko.

7) Rakitina E. "The intercom thief"(6-10 years)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


Elena Rakitina writes touching, instructive, and most importantly, extremely funny stories! Their heroes, the inseparable Mishka and Egorka, are third-graders who are never bored. The adventures of boys at home and at school, their dreams and travels will not let young readers get bored!
Open this book as soon as possible, meet the guys who know how to be friends, and they will be happy to welcome everyone who loves fun reading into the company!
Stories about Mishka and Yegorka were awarded a medal at the International Children's Literary Prize named after. V. Krapivin (2010), diploma of the Literary Competition named after. V. Golyavkina (2014), diplomas from the All-Russian literary and artistic magazine for schoolchildren "Koster" (2008 and 2012).

8) L. Kaminsky "Lessons in laughter"(7-12 years old)
Labyrinth "Lessons in laughter" (click on the picture!)

MY-SHOP Laughter lessons
MY-SHOP History of the Russian state in excerpts from school essays
OZONE Laughter lessons
OZONE History of the Russian state in excerpts from school essays

What are the most interesting lessons at school? For some children - mathematics, for others - geography, for others - literature. But there is nothing more exciting than laughter lessons, especially if they are taught by the funniest teacher in the world - the writer Leonid Kaminsky. From mischievous and funny children's stories, he collected a real collection of school humor.

9) Collection "The Funniest Stories"(7-12 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The collection contains exclusively funny stories by various authors, including V. Dragunsky, L. Panteleev, V. Oseeva, M. Korshunov, V. Golyavkin, L. Kaminsky, I. Pivovarova, S. Makhotin, M. Druzhinina.

10) N. Teffi Humorous stories(8-14 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

MY-SHOP Exciting word creation
MY-SHOP Kishmish and others

Nadezhda Teffi (1872-1952) did not write specifically for children. This “queen of Russian humor” had an exclusively adult audience. But those stories of the writer that are written about children are unusually lively, cheerful and witty. And the children in these stories are simply charming - spontaneous, unlucky, naive and incredibly sweet, however, like all children at all times. Getting to know the works of N. Teffi will bring a lot of joy to both young readers and their parents. Read with the whole family!

11) V. Golyavkin "Carousel in the head"(7-10 years)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


If everyone knows Nosov and Dragunsky, then Golyavkin is for some reason much less known (and completely undeservedly). The acquaintance turns out to be very pleasant - light, ironic stories describing simple everyday situations that are close and understandable to children. In addition, the book contains the story “My Good Dad,” written in the same accessible language, but much more emotionally rich - small stories permeated with love and light sadness for the father who died in the war.

12) M. Druzhinina "My fun day off"(6-10 years)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The book by the famous children's writer Marina Druzhinina includes funny stories and poems about modern boys and girls. What happens to these inventors and mischievous people at school and at home! The book “My Happy Day Off” was awarded a diploma from the S.V. Mikhalkov International Literary Prize “Clouds”.

13) V. Alenikov "The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin"(8-12 years old)

Labyrinth Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin Online store Labyrinth.

Everyone who was once little knows Vasya Petrov and Petya Vasechkin in much the same way as their classmates. At the end of the 80s, there was not a single teenager who did not become friends with them thanks to the films of Vladimir Alenikov.
These long-time teenagers grew up and became parents, but Petrov and Vasechkin remained the same and still love ordinary and incredible adventures, they are in love with Masha and are ready to do anything for her. Even learn to swim, speak French and sing serenades.

14) I. Pivovarova "What is my head thinking about"(7-12 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The book by the famous children's writer Irina Pivovarova includes funny stories and stories about the funny adventures of third-grader Lucy Sinitsyna and her friends. The extraordinary stories full of humor that happen to this inventor and prankster will be read with pleasure not only by children, but also by their parents.

15) V. Medvedev "Barankin, be a man"(8-12 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The story "Barankin, be a man!" - the most famous book by the writer V. Medvedev - tells about the hilarious adventures of schoolchildren Yura Barankin and Kostya Malinin. In search of a carefree life, in which they don’t give bad grades and don’t give any lessons at all, the friends decided to turn... into sparrows. And they turned! And then - into butterflies, then - into ants... But they did not have an easy life among birds and insects. Quite the opposite happened. After all the transformations, returning to ordinary life, Barankin and Malinin realized what a blessing it is to live among people and to be human!

16) About Henry "Chief of the Redskins"(8-14 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The story of unlucky kidnappers who stole a child in order to obtain a ransom for him. As a result, tired of the boy’s tricks, they were forced to pay his father to rid them of the little robber.

17) A. Lindgren "Emil from Lenneberga", "Pippi Longstocking"(6-12 years old)

Labyrinth Emil from Lenneberg Online store Labyrinth.

The funny story about Emil from Lenneberga, which was written by the wonderful Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren and brilliantly retold into Russian by Lilianna Lungina, was loved by both adults and children all over the world. This curly-haired little boy is a terrible mischief-maker; he won’t live a day without getting into mischief. Well, who would think of chasing a cat to check if it jumps well?! Or put a tureen on yourself? Or set fire to the feather on the pastor's hat? Or catch your own father in a rat trap and feed the pig with drunken cherries?

Labyrinth Pippi Longstocking Online store Labyrinth.

How can a little girl carry a horse in her arms?! Imagine what it can do!
And this girl's name is Pippi Longstocking. It was invented by the wonderful Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren.
There is no one stronger than Pippi; she is capable of knocking even the most famous strongman to the ground. But Pippi is not only famous for this. She is also the funniest, most unpredictable, most mischievous and kindest girl in the world, with whom you definitely want to make friends!

18) E. Uspensky "Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat"(5-10 years)

Labyrinth Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat Online store Labyrinth.

Something happens to the residents of the village of Prostokvashino all the time - not a day without incident. Either Matroskin and Sharik will quarrel, and Uncle Fedor will reconcile them, then Pechkin will fight with Khvataika, or the cow Murka will act strangely.

19) P. Maar Series about Subastic(8-12 years old)

Labyrinth Subastic Online store Labyrinth.
MY-SHOP Subastic, Uncle Alvin and the kangaroo
MY-SHOP Subastic is in danger
MY-SHOP And on Saturday Subastic returned

This amazing, funny and kind book by Paul Maar will show what it’s like for parents with a disobedient child. Even if this child is a magical creature named Subastic, walking around only in a diving suit and destroying everything that comes to hand, be it a glass, a piece of wood or nails.

20) A. Usachev "Smart dog Sonya. Stories"(5-9 years)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

This is the story of two funny and witty friends and their parents, whom they are very similar to. Vasya and Petya are tireless researchers, so they can’t live even one day without adventures: either they uncover the insidious plan of criminals, or organize a painting competition in the apartment, or look for treasure.

22) Nikolay Nosov "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"(8-12 years old)

Labyrinth "Vitya Maleev at school and at home Online store Labyrinth.
MY-SHOP Vitya Maleev from EKSMO
MY-SHOP Vitya Maleev in the Retro Classic series
MY-SHOP Vitya Maleev from Makhaon

This is a story about school friends - Vita Maleev and Kostya Shishkin: about their mistakes, sorrows and insults, joys and victories. Friends are upset because of poor progress and missed lessons at school, they are happy, having overcome their own disorganization and laziness, having earned the approval of adults and classmates, and, in the end, they understand that without knowledge you will not achieve anything in life.

23) L. Davydychev "The difficult, full of hardships and dangers life of Ivan Semyonov, a second-grader and a repeater"(8-12 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


An incredibly funny story about Ivan Semyonov, the most unfortunate boy in the whole wide world. Well, think for yourself, why should he be happy? Studying for him is torment. Isn't it better to do training? True, a dislocated arm and an almost split head did not allow him to continue the work he had started. Then he decided to retire. I even wrote a statement. Again bad luck - a day later the application was returned and the boy was advised to first learn to write correctly, finish school, and then work. Being a reconnaissance commander is a worthy occupation, Ivan decided then. But even here he was disappointed.
What to do with this quitter and slacker? And this is what the school came up with: Ivan needs to be taken in tow. For this purpose, a girl from the fourth grade, Adelaide, was assigned to him. Since then, Ivan’s quiet life has ended...

24) A. Nekrasov "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel"(8-12 years old)

Labyrinth Adventures of Captain Vrungel Online store Labyrinth.
MY-SHOP The Adventures of Captain Vrungel from Machaon
MY-SHOP The Adventures of Captain Vrungel from Planet
MY-SHOP The Adventures of Captain Vrungel from Eksmo

Andrei Nekrasov's funny story about Captain Vrungel has long become one of the most beloved and in demand. After all, only such a brave captain is able to cope with a shark with the help of a lemon, neutralize a boa constrictor with a fire extinguisher, and make a running machine out of ordinary squirrels in a wheel. The fantastic adventures of Captain Vrungel, his senior mate Lom and sailor Fuchs, who set off on a trip around the world on the two-seater sailing yacht "Trouble", have delighted more than one generation of dreamers, dreamers, and all those in whom the passion for adventure boils.

25) Yu. Sotnik "How they saved me"(8-12 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The book includes famous stories written by Yuri Sotnik over the years: “Archimedes” by Vovka Grushin,” “How I Was Independent,” “Dudkin Wit,” “The Artilleryman’s Granddaughter,” “How They Saved Me,” etc. These stories are sometimes funny, sometimes sad, but always very instructive. Do you know how mischievous and creative your parents were once? Almost the same as you. If you don’t believe it, read for yourself what stories happened to them. This collection of a cheerful and kind writer is for everyone who loves to laugh.