Interesting words starting with the letter a. Compliments in alphabetical order

The letter A is the first in our alphabet. At the same time, in the Russian language there are almost no original words that begin with it; The vast majority of lexemes in A are borrowed, and there are very few exceptions. You can open the dictionary and see this: author, arch, antenna, car, watermelon, angel, academy, ayran...

Cause This state of affairs, first of all, lies in ancient phonetic processes. Even in the common Slavic era, our ancestors had many native words beginning with the vowel sound [a]. But then a trend arose in the Proto-Slavic language: an inserted consonant [j] ([й]) began to appear before this vowel at the very beginning of the word. This tendency was inherited from Proto-Slavic by Old Russian and a number of other Slavic languages.

A small digression: there are words in which the initial [j] did not appear as an insertion before the vowel [a], but was originally part of the stem. It is original, for example, at the beginning of words pit, rage,ardent.

So, in the Old Russian language there are almost no original words left starting with [a]: this vowel was “covered” with the sound [j] (the only exceptions were some interjections and function words, for example, the conjunction A and its derivatives). In writing, the initial combination was usually expressed using the letter Ꙗ.

This tendency distinguished the Old Russian language, say, from Old Church Slavonic, where the sound [a] and, accordingly, the letter A in the initial position were observed much more often. You can pick up pairs of related Russian and Old Church Slavonic words, where this long-standing difference is clearly visible. For example:

Another reason for the absence of the letter A at the beginning of Russian words is in the peculiarities of our spelling. The Old Russian language was a common language, but from about the 13th - 14th centuries. Akanye begins to develop in some of its dialects. And if earlier native speakers clearly pronounced, for example, at the beginning of a word fire vowel [o], then with the advent of akanya, a sound more similar to [a] began to be pronounced there. However, the new pronunciation was not conveyed in writing, at the beginning of the word fire The letter O continued to be written according to tradition for a long time. Modern Russian is also an acacia language, but the spelling of the word is also fire hasn't changed. Now it corresponds to the leading principle of Russian orthography - morphological. According to him, the same morphemes in related words are written the same way regardless of pronunciation, which can change under different phonetic conditions (for example, depending on the position of stress). And we write fire, because there is a cognate adjective fiery, where the sound [o] is clearly heard. For comparison: in Belarusian orthography, where the phonetic principle predominates, the letter displays an acacia pronunciation: agony.

So, now in the Russian language there are almost no native words beginning with the letter A. The exceptions are some function words and interjections, for example: a, maybe, aha, ay, anyhow, ah and derivatives thereof, if any ( gasp, string bag and etc.). Also, a very small number of words begin with the letter A, in the spelling of which the phonetic principle still prevailed: for example, tacky from the original clumsy. This group includes mainly dialect words: ababok(name of mushroom) abaim‘deceiver, rogue’, avenue‘spring rye’, etc. Usually these are variants of words with initial [o] that arose as a result of akanya: obabok, both, aries etc. The recording of dialecticisms sometimes reflects the accented pronunciation.


Rosenthal D. E. Modern Russian language. - M., 2017.

Khaburgaev G. A. Old Church Slavonic language. - M., 1974.

Anikin A.E. Russian etymological dictionary. - Vol. 1. - M., 2007.

Dictionary of Russian folk dialects / Comp. F. P. Filin. - Vol. 1. - M., 1965.

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By giving someone compliments, we thus show our admiration, praise and approval - by his manners, appearance or correctly expressed thoughts. Almost always compliments bring positive emotions - after all, every person has a little pride and vanity.

Compliments are necessary; they create the necessary atmosphere of good mood. A compliment must be truthful and natural, unobtrusive and not have a hidden negative connotation. If you try not to throw words left and right, but express a positive attitude towards the interlocutor, then this can give the conversation the necessary ease. But if a compliment feels mocking, pretentious or understated, then it becomes vulgar and offensive.

Compliments are successful if they are delivered at the right place and time. When spoken at the right moment, in a polite, elegant form, praise will bring pleasure to the person for whom it is intended. Pronounced compliments can instill confidence in a shy person, help relax a withdrawn person, and lift the mood of someone who is sad. But when giving a compliment, you should avoid excessive delight and exaggeration.

You should not give compliments without thinking at all about the form in which they were delivered and how timely they were. Praise should not contain open flattery. Often a girl is told: “You look great today!” Now imagine that instead of being grateful for the praise she received, a woman asks: “Did I really look much worse yesterday?” or to “How beautiful you are today!”, and in response the question involuntarily arises: “But on other days you can’t say this about me?” When giving a compliment, it is always important to remember: it should not have a hidden meaning or subtext. Compliments said casually, in passing, sound indecent, and one should not be surprised that the response to such words is also not serious.

It is undesirable to give moralizing advice with a compliment, for example: “This color suits you very well, you should dress in this color scheme.” You must give compliments in a confident voice, with a smile, kindly and with all your heart. You should avoid cheap theatrical effects, ostentatious facial expressions, feigned enthusiasm, and gestures must correspond to the spoken words. There is no need to allow even hints of irony in compliments.

When planning to give a compliment, it is important to calculate the possible reaction to it. If you expect a negative reaction to a compliment you have given, then it would be better to refrain from pronouncing it. When giving a compliment to one girl, it is important to be careful, because these words can be heard by another girl and an awkward situation will result. Often this can worsen the mood of a woman who accidentally overheard, in which case a dual situation may result. Guys don’t give each other compliments; it’s considered stupid and looks funny coming from the mouth of the one who says them, indecent, at least if they don’t look like an innocent joke. It is inappropriate for a man to compliment unfamiliar women, and especially girls.

A woman, having received pleasant words from a man, should not give in to flattery. Usually, it is important to accept any compliment very carefully, since imaginary love and false affection are hidden in the pleasant words expressed.
What then should be a person’s reaction to a compliment? What should you do when receiving compliments?

It is necessary to thank you from the bottom of my heart; a short “thank you” will suffice. If it is noticeable that a person is openly fawning, simply limit yourself to words of polite gratitude. Questions and comments (in response to inappropriate or backhanded compliments) should be kept to yourself. When accepting praise, do not argue with the person. Don't downplay your strengths. If a person admires your appearance, you don’t need to respond by talking about how you feel unwell, even if you really don’t feel well.