Biographies of the richest people. The richest people and their success stories

1. Learn to look to the future.

Before you start, imagine the end result. And in the form of a clear picture.

Be clear about what you want to achieve. What your environment, your world will look like, what will change in you, how much money, connections and opportunities it will bring. Develop the desire to achieve your dreams. At the same time, evaluate the negative consequences of your decision. Think about what negative consequences and risks the future brings, and how you can use these risks to your advantage by managing them.

2. Develop your personal financial plan.

Business is primarily financial knowledge. Learn to distinguish between an asset and a liability, active income from passive, precious metals from glitter. Set goals that have a clear exit strategy. The main levels of this plan are: providing a reserve (in case of force majeure), a security plan (expenses exceed your income), a comfort plan and a wealth plan. Write down the path to how you will achieve them in a simple form so that even a five year old can understand them.

3. Create initial capital.

Options for creating capital: get a loan, sell your idea; make money by buying and selling liquid goods (for example, real estate or securities); find yourself a patron; attract a strategic investor; create a business; unite with people like you. After that, invest it in something that generates passive income.

4. Why reinvent the wheel if you can buy it and ride it.

Contact the professionals. You can't know everything about everything, so you need a team of the best specialists. Use other people's experience and time. Accounting and legal professionals are especially important to help you obtain the funds you need, minimize costs, and anticipate risks.

5. Study other people's experiences.

Ordinary people spend a lot of time investing. Rich people learn to invest wisely. Learn what the richest people invest in and how they achieved success. Observe what makes others successful and take what is most important for yourself. Get information. In our age, information rules the world. Find yourself a mentor. You can work for him even for free, just as great masters worked as apprentices for other masters. Remember that by learning from experience, you are acquiring a piece of that person's skill.

6. Business is about strong emotions and strong nerves.

Evaluate an investment not in terms of its beauty, glitz and desire that it generates, but in terms of profitability. Have the courage to make a decision quickly. Have a strong desire to invest in a business so that it increases its value. If an investment is losing money, have the inner strength to walk away from it.

7. Success is: 10% luck and 90% patience.

Many people don’t make a profit because they don’t believe in themselves, and they quit the race without reaching their goal by just 1 step. If you have a plan, follow it. Change it if you find a better solution, but always keep the goal in mind. Remember: persistence, focus, and hard work are important ingredients for success when you work to create and improve systems.

8. Do only things in business that will ultimately turn into money.

If you adopt this principle, you will always have free time and positive cash flow. Before deciding on an action, calculate the profit from it. Focus on 1) generating passive income from assets and 2) improving systems.

9. Bluff until the bitter end.

One of the main skills for success in business is communication skills. If you need to attract the best talent, paint them a picture of your dream as if it has already become a reality. Live as if you are almost achieving your dreams. Once people believe you, you will be obligated to achieve your dreams.

10. Prepare your business for sale from the very first days.

Remember that money works for you. The faster you turn over money, the more intense your cash flow becomes. If you created a business, then prepare it for sale from the very beginning, if you purchased an existing business, be prepared to sell it. Work in business to create a system and a team so that the business functions without your direct participation.

11. Remember that in a game, as in business, everything that is not prohibited is permitted.

The real money is not where the path is trodden, but where no one has gone before. Therefore, look for promising markets and directions. Experts believe that the most effective are the areas that are important to all inhabitants of the planet: health, wealth, investment, education, security. Invent new schemes, new ways of sales and marketing.

12. Make money work for you.

Poor people work for money. The rich make money work for themselves by purchasing assets: real estate, securities and various enterprises and companies. Spend time acquiring and managing assets. Remember that wealth is the ability to live without working.

13. There are many opportunities around you. Everywhere and always.

The rich are inventing money by finding new and new ways to create assets. Accept that in our world money just lies under your feet. You just need to start noticing the opportunities that will make you money. Keep your eyes and ears open as you walk the streets, talk to people and read newspapers, and say “Yes” to new opportunities. Once you see the first opportunity, you will learn to see the others. Give the market the opportunities it needs and it will bring you great profits.

14. Get rid of unnecessary habits: fear, laziness, self-confidence and lack of self-confidence.

Many people do nothing because they are afraid that something will not work out. You may get scared later when you achieve financial freedom, but for now, just check your financial plan and educate yourself. Make a list of your fears and study it. Remember that behind fear lies the true resource. Take action.

15. Go to new horizons. Always.

In order not to fall behind, you need to constantly develop. Develop yourself, develop your experience and your people. Remember that you should always improve the following skills: communication, leadership, managing your time, your emotions, team building, tax law, corporate and securities laws. Keep your mind open to new knowledge.

16. Life is the best teacher.

Learn to accept the lessons that life gives you. If failure occurs, you can fold your hands, or you can take it as a lesson and an opportunity to learn from experience and profit. Be optimistic.

17. Give yourself permission to become rich.

Create a legend about yourself. Study your pedigree, find evidence in it that your relatives had a chance to be successful people. Find your heroes. Remember, if they succeed, then so can you. Find facts in your biography that indicate your experience in building assets and making money using other people's money and time. Believe that you are worthy of becoming the richest person in the world.

18. The way you think is your main resource.

If your mind and tongue uses the right, "effective" words, it can be your most important resource. Never say “No” and “I can’t”, say “Yes” to everything new and unknown, as well as “How can I achieve this”, “How can I afford this”. Then you will find ways to achieve it.

19. Before you receive, learn to give.

Give and you will be rewarded. Be generous even if it doesn't give you immediate profit. Kindness, openness, and generosity always pay off. Spend time and attention on your friends, family and loved ones, your health and hobbies. These are powerful resources for your activities that give you support on your path.

20. Find something that sparks your true passion.

They say passion is a combination of love and hate. Unless a person has passion for something, it will be difficult for him to achieve it.

Passion is the energy of your life.

Why do you love what you want and why do you hate yourself for not being able to achieve it?

10 principles of a wise attitude towards life.

1. The ability to distinguish the main from the secondary

Despite the obviousness of this position, its practical implementation in life is most often carried out only on an intuitive level. Having become a stable personality trait, the principle of choosing the most significant and abandoning unimportant motives and motivations brings invaluable benefits when making responsible decisions and in solving various kinds of crisis situations.

2. Inner peace

This principle not only does not exclude a person’s energetic actions, but, on the contrary, allows him to become more active, not to lose composure even in the most difficult, critical moments. Inner calm is a sign of psychological relaxation, emotional maturity and stability, clarity of mind and clarity of behavior, “psychological immunity” from “situational interference”, provoking circumstances.

3. Knowledge of measures to influence events

Each developing situation, each event has its own objective reason, its own internal logic of development. At a certain stage of an event, a person is able to change its course through his intervention. Circumstances may develop in such a way that even the maximum of demonstrated activity cannot really change anything. Only a person with wisdom is able to understand the objective course of events and be able to intervene in them appropriately and in a timely manner.

4. Ability to evaluate a problem from different angles

In many cases, the same event, phenomenon, or problem acquires different meanings depending on the position from which they are judged. Human wisdom presupposes practical mastery of the dialectics of polarities. The desire to avoid one-sidedness in judgments does not mean losing one’s own position. Any personality position only benefits from a comprehensive analysis of what constitutes its basis. This quality is especially valuable in situations of decision-making crisis.

5. Perception of reality as it is

And not the way a person would like to see her. This principle is closely related to preparedness for any unexpected turns of events. This quality of a person, as well as the absence of preconceived opinions about events and phenomena, make it possible to quickly rebuild motivational tendencies taking into account objective circumstances. However, flexibility, timely and adequate response to external changes, of course, should not violate the basic core of personal conviction.

6. The desire to go beyond the problematic situation

In situations of “struggle of motives,” unsolvable problems, as a rule, arise only within the initially specified framework of circumstances. The inclusion of a particular problem in broader contexts, in principle, means the discovery of new connections in it, previously unrecognized relationships and possibilities for its resolution.

7. Observation

Many unnecessary, useless reactions, thoughts and actions will disappear if a person knows how to impartially observe, not only the environment, but also himself. By assessing your desires, motives, and motives as if from the outside, it is much easier to manage them. Observation turns into a particularly valuable quality for self-regulation in acute and critical situations.

8. Foresight

This quality means the ability to understand the internal logic of current events and see the prospects for their development. Foresight warns a person against a situational approach to solving current problems, encourages him to reject unproductive points of view of the future solution, and block the formation and development of conflict-generating motives.

9. Striving to understand others

Understanding people's thoughts and actions does not mean reconciliation with their negative manifestations, but, on the contrary, creates conditions for successfully combating them. We experience many misunderstandings in life only because we do not know how or do not give ourselves the trouble to consciously put ourselves in the place of others. Developing the ability to understand the motivations of others, to take a different, even opposing, point of view not only facilitates communication, but also helps to anticipate people's behavior in a given situation.

10. The ability to extract positive experience from current events

For a wise person, no life experience, including the inevitable mistakes, both his own and those made by other people, are useless. The past years serve as an effective source of life analogies, which he does not forget to take into account in later life.

Vladimir Sukharev

50 habits of strong people

1. They look for and find opportunities where others give up.

2. They learn from what others consider failure.

3. They make smart decisions.

4. They constantly and consciously build the road to their success, while others wait for success to find them.

5. They are afraid just like everyone else, but they don’t let their fear control them. Fear is just apprehension.

6. They ask the right questions - those that complete the answer.

7. They don't complain - it's a waste of energy. All their complaints are in court.

8. They don't shift blame. They take full responsibility for their actions and results.

9. They don't necessarily have fantastic talent, but they always find a way to maximize their potential. They demand more from themselves.

10. They are busy, productive and punctual. In all the places where everyone is just messing around, pretending to work and talking - they are working.

11. They gather like-minded people around them - nothing helps in achieving a goal like a cohesive team.

12. They are ambitious; they ask themselves the question - why not me. This allows you to control your destiny rather than go with the flow.

13. They know what they want their life to be like and make it that way, while others just look at their lives from the outside.

14. They do not imitate, but look for new ways.

15. They do not postpone, which means they do not spend their lives waiting for “something.”

16. They learn all their lives. Every life experience is a lesson.

17. They are optimistic, and therefore see benefit in everything.

18. They do what they have to do, no matter how they feel at the moment.

19. They take risks - financial, emotional, professional, psychological.

20. They don’t run away from problems, but turn to face them.

21. They don't make wishes and don't wait for a lucky chance. They build their own destiny.

22. They try to prevent events. They take action before anything can happen.

23. They know how to manage emotions. They feel the same as everyone else, but they are not slaves to their emotions.

24. They master the art of communication and constantly improve it.

25. They have a definite life plan and they stick to it. Their life is not a series of chaotic events.

26. Their exclusivity means that they are completely accustomed to those things that others cannot do or do not want to do. These are decisions that no one else can make except them.

27. While most people depend on comfort, successful people understand that character is strengthened in difficulties.

28. They realized their values, which give them a fulfilling life.

29. They are harmonious. They do not confuse the concepts - success and money, happiness and achievements. Many problems come from the fact that people do not always understand: money is just a tool, a means, but it does not give you happiness.

30. They understand the importance of discipline and self-control.

Today I want to tell you the stories of some of the richest people on our planet who were able to earn more than a billion dollars thanks to their brilliant ideas, hard work and desire to get rich. What’s most interesting is that all these people did not inherit a huge fortune or win the lottery; they all started their business practically from scratch. Very interesting, read on.

Li Ka-shing – $26.5 billion

Li Ka-shing was born and lived in China until he left the country in 1940 and moved to Hong Kong. Due to the death of his father, he had to leave school at the age of 14 and go to earn money. His first job was in a company selling plastic products and he had to spend 16 hours there.
The first ten years, plus frugality, led to the opportunity to open my own business, Cheung Kong Industries. Like Ka-shing's previous place of work, it was engaged in plastics, but over time, it turned into the largest investment corporation in Hong Kong. Li Ka-shing himself is considered one of the richest Chinese.

Sheldon Adelson – $26 billion

Sheldon Adelson, the son of a taxi driver from Boston, began his entrepreneurial journey at age 12 by selling newspapers. After that, he was a court reporter, mortgage broker, investment advisor and financial consultant. There was a period when he tried to sell toiletries and charter tours.
But the organization of the computer exhibition COMDEX in 1979 was a serious success. In the next 2 decades, it was the leading exhibition in the computer field in the USA.
And in 1988, he and his partners acquired a casino and hotel in Las Vegas (Sands Hotel & Casino), after which he quickly began to get rich.

Sergey Brin – $24.9 billion

This is a new wave of billionaires who began to earn money in the age of computerization and the Internet. Sergey Brin, the 40-year-old owner of Google and a former Russian, was born in Moscow, and then moved to the USA with a family of mathematicians. He started working on search engines (that's the correct name for itself) at Stanford together with his classmate Larry Page. The system was tested at the university, and then they began to look for investors. The name Google is a mispronunciation of gugol, a word said during one of the project's presentations.
Brin and Page entered the list of billionaires in 2004, when they were 30 years old. Today, Brin is mainly involved in the development of new projects and areas, such as augmented reality glasses and an unmanned vehicle.

Larry Page – $24.9 billion

The co-founder and co-owner of Google has been leading the company itself since 2011 and is actually responsible for its strategic development. In addition to Google, he is actively involved in the development of the clean energy sector, in particular, together with Brin, he invested in Tesla Motors, which produces high-level electric cars (this is a normal car that is powered by batteries).

Roman Abramovich – $23.5 billion

A widely known personality in narrow circles, Roman Abramovich, a billionaire, is an orphan who was raised by his grandparents. I went into business while still a student, creating a cooperative for the production of toys and various polymers. After this there were many other companies and cooperatives, both in production and trade.
But, as some sharp tongues say, Abramovich’s main talent is that he knows how to be in the right place at the right time - thus, he was able to gain control of Sibneft, which allowed him to become a billionaire.

Amancio Ortega – $20.2 billion

Until I read who it was, the name meant absolutely nothing to me - Amancio Ortega. If we say that this is the founder and owner of Zara, then a lot will fall into place.
He started sewing his first suits in his living room with the help of 25 dollars and his wife. He opened his first clothing store in 1975, and after a while became the owner of the popular clothing chain Zara. In addition to the Zara chain, he has chains of clothing stores for children, for young girls, lingerie stores, etc. In total, Ortega has more than 3 thousand stores in 64 countries.

Mark Zuckerberg – $19 billion

29-year-old Mark Zuckerberg is an icon of the modern world. Young, lazy, creative and rich. The creator of the largest social network Facebook, who created a system for his university - Harvard - and in the end could not graduate because... there was no time left. Helped in the creation of Chris Hughes, Dustin Moskowitz, plus Eduardo Saverin. The first major investment came from Peter Thiel, the founder of PayPal.
Now Facebook is a public company, which at first lost a lot in value, and then (in 2013) began to rise in price. Zuckerberg now has a 17% stake, making him the youngest billionaire in history.

Kirk Kerkorian – $16 billion

Now an elderly man aged 96 years old, he dropped out of school in the 8th grade for the sake of boxing. At that time, he achieved great success and even became the welterweight champion in the Pacific Non-Professional Boxing Championship. After the Second World War, he retired from the ring to the airfield and began flying airplanes, but in 1944 he ended up in Las Vegas, where he was stuck for 3 years. Having squandered a lot of money, he finally said goodbye to gambling and bought the air transportation company Trans International Airlines for 60 thousand dollars. After some time, he was able to sell it for $104 million to Transamerica.
And since 1968, he went into Hollywood - he made money at MGM, United Artists, Columbia Pictures and 20th Century Fox.

Elon Musk – $6.7 billion

Elon Musk is one of those new rich people who are capturing the market with their brains, hands and business acumen. My first big deal was at the age of 12 - I wrote a program that I sold for $500 (at that age I only spent my pocket money on ice cream and buns). At the age of 25, together with his brother, he created a software company for news companies, and 4 years later he was able to sell it at a price of 307 million. He invested this money in the creation of PayPal, which, in turn, sold to eBay for $1.5 billion.
Today he is involved in the Space X space program and has contracts from NASA. The aforementioned Tesla Motors is also involved.

Dustin Moskowitz – $5.2 billion

One can also say about this young man that he was in the right place at the right time. Dustin Moskowitz is Mark Zuckerberg's roommate and helped him create Facebook. At the moment he owns 5% of the shares and this is the basis of his fortune. Facebook is not his main project now - he is currently working on the Asana project. This is a web application for effective collaboration on projects. Among the interesting things - he rides a bicycle to work and participates in the Giving Pledge project (a philanthropic project from Bill Gates and Warren Buffett). The essence of the project is that half of the members’ wealth goes to charity.

Ken Griffin – $4.4 billion

It's not just computers that make billions. Ken Griffin is the owner of Citadel hedge funds. He had his first positive experience of playing on the stock exchange at the age of 18 and has not stopped working since then. He became one of the most famous specialists in his field. After 2008, the funds lost half their value, but are now gradually recovering.

John Arnold – $2.8 billion

Another successful stock market player, John Arnold, got his start at the now-deceased Enron. At age 27, he earned $1 billion for the company and received his $8 million bonus. It was this money that I used to invest for myself and leave the boring company.
In 2012, he surprised the whole world by announcing that he was leaving trading after 17 years of successful experience. Now he and his wife have a $1.4 billion charitable foundation, and he is also part of the Giving Pledge project, which we mentioned above.

Oprah Winfrey – $2.5 billion

Oprah Winfrey is a whole layer of American culture. This is the Cinderella of our days, who did not drop her shoe on the stairs, but plowed like a horse and used every opportunity. The beginning of life is harsh, you can’t say anything: a strict mother, she was first abused at the age of 9, at 14 she gave birth to a child who died in infancy. But when I was in school, I first got to work at a radio station. At the age of 19, she already hosted local news, then daytime talk shows. The next serious achievement is to promote a completely unpopular show so as to become a celebrity, and then, with experience and a name, create your own production company.
At 32, Oprah became a millionaire, and her show is a national treasure. Since 1994, it has become so popular that the check for the year exceeded 9-figure amounts. Oprah Winfrey became the first African-American woman to appear on the Forbes list.
Today, if you get on air with Oprah, you can become a celebrity in 1 day. For example, this was done to Robert Kiyosaki in 1997 (of course, we will not belittle the achievements of Robert himself).

Mikey Jagtiani – $2.5 billion

Mikey Jagtiani, a representative of the Middle East on our list of billionaires, was going to become an accountant, but his studies didn’t work out because... living in London turned out to be too expensive, plus exams were also not going smoothly. To survive, I had to work as a taxi driver and cleaner.
At the age of 21, Mikey Jagtiane ends up in Bahrain alone with 6 thousand dollars (that’s all the family had) and opens a children’s goods store with this money. And today it is a retail chain on the list of the most profitable in the Middle East.
A corporation called Landmark includes 280 stores throughout the Middle East and brings Mike Jagtiani up to 650 million in profit per year.

Michael Rubin – $2.3 billion

Another representative of modern billionaires, Michael Rubin, CEO of Kynetic. He began his journey as an entrepreneur as a child and sold seeds to neighbors. At the age of 10, he already hired 5 guys to remove snow from neighbors’ lawns for money. At the age of 14, this future billionaire had already opened his first store, persuading his father to sign a lease agreement. At 23, he was already a director in a company with sales of $50 million.
But he saw his destiny in e-commerce, which was just beginning to develop. He invested about 80 million in his online store, but, despite increasing sales, he could not make this business sustainable. However, eBay came to the rescue and bought the company from Rubin for 2.4 billion. The price is much higher than the actual cost of this project, but eBay was behind in the race with Amazon, so they shelled out the money.
Today Rubin is involved in Fanatics clothing stores and websites of various types, in which he has already invested 500 million.

Eduardo Saverin – $2.2 billion

Another person who made a fortune on Facebook. Saverin was Zuckenberg's first investor and was the commercial director of the young project. But while Saverin was in New York practicing, Zuckerberg attracted new investors and artificially lowered his stake from 34% to 0.03%. Eduardo sued and regained his share to 5%.
This 5% allowed him to get on the list of billionaires. In addition, the man turned out to be reasonable and, before Facebook filed for an IPO, renounced his US citizenship and became a citizen of Brazil, which allowed him not to pay American taxes. And although his passport is Brazilian, he lives in Singapore and invests in online projects: an application that scans the barcode of a product and offers it at the lowest price on the Internet or online payments with a credit card using a webcam.

Sean Parker – $2 billion

Another co-owner of Facebook, Sean Parker, started out as a talented programmer and hacker. Already at the age of 16, he was arrested for hacking the websites of companies that were on the Forbes list. He also had a hand in creating the Internet resource Napster, through which one could exchange music. It was a breakthrough of sorts, although closed due to “some” friction with the law. At 24, he meets Zuckerberg and is the president of Facebook. True, then he is removed, which, however, does not prevent him from retaining 3% of the shares and becoming a billionaire.
Today he is engaged in his own startups.

Richard Desmond – $2 billion

Richard Desmond's life was also not pampering at first: his parents divorced, they lived together in a small apartment, he dropped out of school at the age of 14 to play the drums and help his mother earn money.
His first real job was at Thomson Newspaper, but by the age of 21 he was the owner of two record stores. But the media experience also continued - in 1974, Desmond became the publisher of the International Musician and Recording World magazine.

In contact with

Someone is moving millions and billions, but it’s not you yet? To be honest, what do you think when you hear success stories about Her or Him, for whom everything is going fantastically well: the first million years like this at 25, the most expensive car, a luxurious house, several operating businesses with impressive assets…. The success stories of rich people, in fact, are too varied to be “combed” with one brush and perceived as stereotyped.

It may often seem that rich people became rich without lifting a finger - after all, such a successful person already had mountains of gold behind him, green rustling bills given by his parents, and not taking advantage of all this is a sin.

So that nothing seems, and finally understand the reality for yourself - that you can sit in the soft leather interior of a car, or open a bottle of the most expensive wine on your own terrace, and all this without being tied to ready-made soil, we will simply demonstrate 10 real stories of formation the richest people in the world from virtually nothing. From scratch, without support and golden diapers.

By the way, not all the biographies of the rich people of the world that we will now tell you about are familiar to you. If you were guided only by Forbes ratings, there will be a discovery. What's not a reason to expand your own borders?

10. Michael Rubin reveals the top ten richest people on the planet. The future billionaire and founder of the Kynetic company sold seeds to neighbors as a child. At the age of 10, the enterprising boy was already hiring 5 guys to remove snow from his neighbors’ lawns for a fee. At the age of 14, Michael already had his own store, and at the age of 23, under his leadership there was a company with a turnover of 50 million dollars. Michael's fortune is estimated at $2.3 billion. Almost always strong personalities start this way: by demonstrating an entrepreneurial spirit from an early age.

9. Oprah Winfrey will be the only woman in our ranking of the richest people in the world. Yes, not in first place, but if it were a ranking of hard work and determination, she could easily be given the championship. Now she is 62 years old and her path to success has nothing to do with the story of Cinderella. She can answer questions about how rich people became rich based on personal experience: she worked hard and achieved everything herself. Oprah Winfrey was born into a poor family. The mother was a maid, and the father was a miner.

For the first 6 years of her life, Oprah lived with her grandmother in the middle of nowhere. The American TV presenter herself admitted in an interview that she was raped at the age of 9 and became pregnant at 14. The child died shortly after birth. At the age of 17, Oprah began working as a reporter, and in 1986 she created her own program, “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” In 2011, she launched her own TV channel, OWN. The TV presenter's fortune is estimated at $3.2 billion.

8. This guy doesn’t move tens of billions, like some representatives of the rating, but he has something in stock: almost 10 billion dollars of capital earned by his own labor. He owns 7.6% of Facebook shares. Dustin Moskowitz was born into a Jewish family in Washington. His father worked as a psychiatrist, but more information about Dustin's family has not been disclosed.

7. In honorable seventh place in our TOP 10 richest people is Canadian-American engineer Elon Musk. He is 12 years older than Dustin Moskowitz. Elon Musk's capital is $12.3 billion. He founded SpaceX and The latter, after merging with Confinity, was named PayPal and was sold for $1.5 billion. Musk was born in South Africa. True, the father was a businessman, and the mother was a famous model, so it is difficult to call the family poor. But there is another side to the coin - Elon was often beaten at school, and this, of course, left a considerable mark on the level of self-esteem.

At age 12, Elon made his first video game and sold it for $500. This was the first independent income on the way to billions. If you look at what these children do from an early age, you can predict their future success. And success “overtook” Elon.

6. Meet Li Ka-shing - the richest and most influential person in Hong Kong and Asia. While Forbes assessed the capital of the Hong Kong “Superman” and counted 25.5 billion dollars, it grew to 34. And this is data for 2015. We think Lee has still done well in 2016. In narrow circles, this enterprising Hong Konger is called “Superman” and is now 87 years old.

Li Ka-shing is the chairman of Cheung Kong Group and Hutchison Whampoa, which account for about 15% of the Hong Kong stock market. Among the stories of rich people who started from scratch, his is one of the most difficult. To understand: Lee was born into the family of an ordinary teacher.

From the fifth grade, Kashin began selling watch straps, and a little later he got a job in a factory producing plastic watches. 16 hours of work in a factory and then attending evening school - this is how the Hong Kong guy Li Ka-shing began his path to his first million. Having gained experience at the factory, he began selling plastic flowers himself, and soon headed his own company.

5. The stories of rich people who started from scratch are not similar to each other. Just like the story of Sergei Brin, who also falls into fifth place in our ranking of the richest people in the world. Sergey is nothing at all - 42 years old and he is the co-founder of Google. Sergei was born into a Jewish family of mathematicians who moved to the United States in 1979, and the future billionaire was only 5 years old. In 2016, according to Forbes magazine, the fortune of an American entrepreneur with Russian roots was estimated at almost $35 billion.

4. You’ve probably heard about this guy too. Larry Page is an American billionaire who, together with Sergey Brin, created the first search engine, which eventually grew into the most powerful tool for searching for any information - Google. Larry was born into a professorial family, and while receiving his education at the prestigious Stanford University, he met Brin. The joint launch of Google, as we see, has become a goldmine for the guys. Now Larry Page's fortune is estimated at $32.3 billion, and this is 17th place in the Forbes ranking, however, in 2014. We dare to assume that in 2 years a couple of billions have been added.

Biographies of the world's richest people: TOP-3. Who's in the lead?

3. Another example of crazy success without any seemingly chance of it from birth is American businessman Sheldon Adelson. Sheldon is one of the twenty richest people according to Forbes magazine. Adelson once again proves: the richest people on the planet are not those who were born and immediately fell into golden swaddling clothes. The son of a taxi driver, a newspaper salesman at the age of 12, a court reporter and even a toiletries salesman. Sheldon suffered a lot. The future American billionaire was born into a Jewish family. And, by the way, he is recognized as the richest Jew.

According to the most recent data that was announced, Sheldon Adelson's net worth is $38 billion. Not bad, right? The billionaire receives his main income from his investments in real estate: the construction of casinos, hotels, shops, exhibition centers, etc.

2. We just write “Mark”, and you already understand who we are talking about. And yes, you were not mistaken. The founder of the social network Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, is also in the TOP 10 richest people in the world. In May, information on Mark’s condition was updated (talking about money), and the capital amounted to $51.6 billion. But the guy is only 32 years old! By the way, like many on the list, he is of Jewish origin. Father is a dentist, mother is a psychiatrist. Mark has 3 sisters. Do you think doctors could provide much for 4 children? While still a schoolboy, Mark developed an online version of the game “Risk”, and while studying at Harvard, an internal social network, which he himself did not bring to mind, but the guys came to the rescue: Dustin Moskowitz, Eduardo Saverin and others.

1. The ex-president of Inditex could not be left out of our list of the TOP 10 richest people in the world. And, you know, we put it first. While many people multiply their income several times, Amancio Ortega, we are sure, is not “lost.” It was he who in October last year received the title of the richest person on the planet according to Forbes magazine. But in May 2016, his fortune was estimated at $72.9 billion. If the name of the company Indetex doesn’t mean anything to you, then you have heard about the Zara brand. Amancio is also the founder of this brand.

Amancio's father was a railway worker, and his mother, even better, was a servant. The family was so poor that the guy did not even graduate from high school, and at the age of 13 he began working as a messenger in a shirt store. Yes, did the 13-year-old boy then think that in 2015 he would top the ranking of the richest people on the planet? We doubt it. Today, the billionaire invests considerable sums in real estate in Florida, Madrid, London, as well as in banks and tourism.

This is what the ranking of the richest people in the world looks like, who started their path to success from scratch. Are there no boundaries? There really aren't any. Just take action and any goal will be achieved. Who knows, maybe you will end up in the Forbes ranking in a couple of years.

It is difficult to find a person who would not like to live in abundance. And if some have to work hard every day to earn a penny, then for others fate has given huge fortunes in the form of an inheritance.

1. Wealth without happiness is an empty ringing of coins

Unfortunately, most of us are not the darlings of fate, and there is no end in sight to our everyday troubles. But many rich people created their first capital thanks to resourcefulness and the correct use of their talents, on which their entire biography was based. And thoughts, as time shows, are united in one thing - to work as much as possible with your mind and not to be lazy.

The famous French writer and philosopher Stendhal believed that man lives on earth not in order to become rich, but in order to become happy. Achieving high well-being does not mean finding peace and joy in life. Direct proof of this is the biographies of the world's richest people. Many billionaires, drowning in luxury, still remained lonely and unhappy.

2. Biography and thoughts of the richest people in the world, and also kind ones

The successful people of this world are known to everyone. Bill Gates, for example, has been one of the And where did he start for a number of years? I just loved technology, was interested in computers and created the Microsoft program. He simply took a risk, but he took a calculated risk, realizing that the product was necessary for personal computer users. His main motto is not to stop there. It was he who suggested that intellectual property has a shelf life for bananas.

Let's look at another successful lady. Oprah Winfrey, a black American woman, lived in a poor family and studied in a simple school. Only self-improvement, curiosity and a diligent attitude towards everything she does brought her to the bench of the history department. Perhaps it was the biography and thoughts of the richest people in the world, about whom she learned from history books, that taught her a lot. “Don't give up on your dreams. Don't be disappointed in yourself. Your persistence will still pay off!” - these are her words. They are a direct confirmation of her determination. A sharp mind, a desire to delve deeper into the destinies of people, and purity of speech made her OWN program the most popular and in demand among viewers. So not all biographies of the richest people in the world are full of gifts of fate.

3. Acquired or appropriated?

I don’t really want to find out how Russian tycoons got rich, the whole point is that here, in addition to intelligence and resourcefulness, the “freebie” effect worked. Many Russian rich people became owners of property left over from the Soviet period: factories, factories, combines, etc. The biography and thoughts of the richest people in the world regarding Russian billionaires are losing their instructiveness and meaning. Everything was earned fraudulently in the dashing 90s through the appropriation of someone else's or state capital.

American billionaire Donald Trump is another matter. He was brought up in an ordinary family with four children. Donald was a difficult child, and in order to at least slightly curb the boy’s difficult temperament, at the age of 13 he was sent to the Military Academy. And there he learned discipline and toughness. He perfectly described his character with the words: “In business it is better to be impudent, even impudent, than tough and intractable.” Studying was a morale booster, and Donald decided to be more aggressive to get the results he wanted. The owner of numerous casinos and hotels scattered around the world began by reconstructing the Commodore Hotel with the support of the state, together with his father. The biography of the richest people in the world - Donald and Fred Trump - tells that there are no easy paths to wealth. Life rewards those who are not afraid of difficulties.

The biography of the richest people in the world often begins with shocks of a moral and psychological nature. The main thing is to be able to do so and not deviate from the intended goal.

Ksenia Sobchak is a name that is familiar to almost every resident of the former USSR. Her life is a shining example of determination and self-confidence. She was able to achieve considerable success in television, journalism, and journalism. The biography and personal life of Ksenia Sobchak often become the subject of discussion. We decided not to be like the “yellow press” and will briefly talk about the difficult path to recognition that she managed to go through.

Today we will talk about who Donald Trump is: biography, rise to the top of business, political Olympus and other main facts from his life. At the moment, Trump is the 45th President of the United States and therefore is in the spotlight, but there are many interesting points in his biography, which we will consider in this article.

Every year, the popular American magazine Forbes publishes a ranking of the richest people in the world. Moreover, not only men, but also women fall into it. Nowadays, women have gained financial independence - they are building their own empires, earning billions, opening charitable foundations and chasing success. Strong women inspire all representatives of the fair half of humanity and serve as an example for them. Many people, and we are sure not only women, will be interested in reading the latest statistics from Forbes Woman magazine. We will talk about all the successful ladies who made it to the top of the list of rich people in 2016 in our article. Enjoy reading!

Robert Kiyosaki is one of the most successful investors and businessmen of our time. His life principle is not to go with the flow, but to always look for innovative ways to solve problems in the business sphere. This approach motivated the entrepreneur to write a whole series of motivational books, the main of which, according to experts and critics, is “Rich Dad, Poor Dad.” Now Kiyosaki conducts trainings all over the world. His books have been translated into 51 languages ​​and are sold in more than one hundred countries.

Carlos Slim owns the holding company, which he began developing in the late 60s, and the telecommunications corporation America Movil. The richest man in the world believes that the main thing is to change his children for the better, and not to give them something ready-made.

The richest people in the world and on earth

Let's see who they are - the richest people in the world. Most people associate wealth with the success of its owner in society. This is true and not true. Hundreds of thousands of people consider themselves successful people without having significant means. They live in abundance, but do not have wealth. Since the wealth of individuals arises, and what is needed to become rich: the life goal of constant enrichment; luck or luck; unique abilities or talent; high education and knowledge? Let's look at these people, their biographies, and maybe we will understand what the mystery and answer to acquiring wealth lies.

The generally accepted ranking of the world's rich is published annually by the American magazine Forbes, the first copy of which appeared in 1917, and the first ranking of rich people was published in 1918 and John Rockefeller occupied the first place. In Russia, the magazine has been published for 10 years, annually assessing the wealth of the richest people in Russia. This is the most authoritative source of information about people's wealth and its rating on the pages of the magazine is considered the most reliable.

Forbes ranking of rich people 2015

Forbes lists the world's richest people as 1,826, with $7 trillion in wealth, with an average wealth of about $4 billion. Of course, the magazine does not list all 1826 people on its pages, but only lists the 300 richest people in the world, and we will only list the top ten richest people in the world:

  1. Bill Gates (USA) - founder of Microsoft with a fortune of $79.2 billion;
  2. Carlos Slim Helu (Mexico) - owner of a telecommunications network with a fortune of $77.1 billion;
  3. Warren Buffett (USA) is the largest investor with a fortune of $72.7 billion;
  4. Amancia Ortega (Spain) - founder and owner of Zara, worth $64.5 billion;
  5. Larry Elison (USA) - founder of the software company Oracle with a fortune of $54.3 billion;
  6. Charles Koch (USA) - construction and oil refining business with a fortune of $42.9 billion;
  7. David Koch (USA) - construction and oil refining business with a fortune of $42.9 billion;
  8. Christy Walton (USA) - co-owner of the Wal-Mart retail chain with a fortune of $41.7 billion, and the richest woman in the world;
  9. Jim Walton (USA) - banker and co-owner of the Wal-Mart retail chain with a fortune of $40.6 billion;
  10. Liliane Bettencourt (France) is the owner of the L’Oreal cosmetics empire and the richest woman in Europe with a net worth of $40.6 billion.

Forbes ranking of rich people in Russia 2015

  1. Vladimir Potanin - owner of TMK Norilsk Nickel, worth $15.4 billion;
  2. Mikhail Fridman - controls the financial and industrial company Alfa Group, worth $14.6 billion;
  3. Alisher Usmanov - owns the assets of the metallurgical giant Metalloinvest, the mobile operator Megafon and a number of other assets, worth $14.4 billion;
  4. Viktor Vekselberg - owner of the Renova group of companies and a number of other assets, worth $14.2 billion;
  5. Alexey Mordashov is the owner of Severstal with a fortune of $13 billion;
  6. Vagit Alekperov is the owner of the largest private oil company Lukoil, worth $12.2 billion;
  7. Leonid Mikhelson - owner of Novatek with a fortune of $11.7 billion;
  8. Vladimir Lisin - owner of the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant, worth $11.6 billion;
  9. Gennady Timchenko is the owner of many assets with a fortune of $10.7 billion;
  10. Mikhail Prokhorov is a banker, media tycoon, co-owner of the world's largest producer of potash fertilizers, Uralkali, worth $9.9 billion.

Of course, the richest people in Russia are not limited to this list and their distribution within the list very often changes, for example, for the last two years it was headed by Alisher Usmanov.

Biographies of the richest people on the planet

Analyzing the life path of each of the richest people on the planet, they can be divided into heirs of huge fortunes and people who rose to this list from the very bottom, or who achieved their fortune through organizational talent, a sense of timing and other abilities necessary for a successful business.

The biography of the richest people in the world shows the peculiarities of the ways each of them achieved wealth. Of the top ten richest people in the world according to Forbes, only three inherited huge capital: Christy Walton, Jim Walton - heirs of the largest retail chain Wal-Mart, and Liliane Betancourt, who inherited the L'Oreal company from her father Eugene Sheller. Of course, there are quite a lot of rich people on the Forbes lists, whose fortunes were made by their fathers and even grandfathers. Among them are well-known names: Rockefellers, Morgans and others. Preserving inherited wealth is also not an easy task, but it is much easier than amassing a multi-billion dollar fortune from scratch.

The richest people in the world are described. There are not as few rich people as it seems at first glance.

The ranking of the richest people in the world begins with Bill Gates (William Bill Gates), a man who made his fortune with his intellect, organizational talents, and the gift of foresight. His company, Microsoft, is the world's leading manufacturer of software for personal computers, the global development of which Gates foresaw. He didn’t even finish his studies at Harvard University and, leaving his third year, founded Microsoft. Gates actively participated in the development of software products and developed Microsoft's development strategy.

The list of the richest people in the world was occupied by representatives of the United States, but for some time, from 2010 to 2013, it was headed by a representative of Mexico, of Arab origin, Carlos Slim Helu, a man who achieved everything he has through his work, perseverance, knowledge and desire to win. It must be said that the basis of Carlos Slim Helu’s future capital was put together by his father. After graduating from the National University in Mexico City and receiving an engineering degree, at the age of 25 he began to create the future Grupo Carso empire. In 1982, taking advantage of the crisis in Mexico, he bought shares of many well-known companies for next to nothing, and at the beginning of 1990 he bought the telecommunications company Telmex (Telefonos de Mexico). He further specializes in this industry and buys telecommunications companies throughout Latin America. He was included in the Forbes list already in 2002.

Warren Buffett, the richest and no less famous investor in the world, was born into the family of a stock trader and was familiar with financial transactions and the stock exchange from childhood. He made his first stock purchase at age 11, buying several shares of Cities Service for $38. The shares quickly fell to $27, but later rose to $40. Warren immediately sold them, earning $5. And a few days later the shares jumped in price to $200. After this, Buffett formed one of the most important principles of investing: “patience pays off.” Unlike Bill Gates, Buffett received an excellent education, graduating from Columbia University and for his further work as a successful investor received the nickname “The Oracle of Omaha.” “The main secret of successful investing is to choose good stocks at the right time and hold them as long as these stocks remain good” - this principle of Buffett is used by thousands of investors around the world.

The biographies of Russian billionaires are not so impressive. Although it is believed that their wealth was created from scratch, the rich people of Russia made their fortunes through certain financial schemes, the legal purity of which is questionable. And biographical information is not always available.

Among the dozen names of Russian billionaires, Mikhail Prokhorov looks like an example of a typical rise from a simple entrepreneur to the Forbes list. Prokhorov in 1989, after graduating from the Financial Academy, worked until 1992 at the International Bank for Economic Cooperation, where Vladimir Potanin became his business partner until 2008. Then he went his own way, developing his business.