What is jargon in Russian? List of references used

When communicating, people often pepper their speech with peculiar words and phrases that are jargon or slang. It is difficult to draw a clear line between these variants of vocabulary, but still in some points you can see the difference.

General information

Jargon- specific words and expressions that initially arise during communication between people connected by the same profession, social status or having other common interests. The purpose of using jargon is not only to express one’s belonging to certain group and giving speech expressiveness, but also accelerating communication and mutual understanding. After all, many words that are unsuitable for official instructions can bring noticeable convenience to the business conversation of professionals.

Jargons come from literary language. In this case, vocabulary is subject to rethinking, metaphorization, reduction and other changes. Examples of jargon: paradka - dress clothes (army jargon), skier - a patient leaning on a crutch (medical jargon), lean back - free yourself ( prison slang). In terms of the degree of openness to the entire linguistic community, jargon occupies an intermediate niche between “secret” argot, serving the interests of narrow circles, and slang.

Slang– popular vocabulary that does not meet the requirements of the language and is often familiar to one degree or another. Emotional coloring similar words and phrases can range from humorous and friendly to dismissive and cynical. Slang is mainly used in casual communication situations. Examples of slangisms: get out - bother, get into - understand, waste - excellent. Slang vocabulary is often expanded by referring to other languages. For example, in the word “aggressive” (get angry) there is a vague borrowing from English speech.


Thus, jargon is characterized by a more rigid social-group orientation. Some of this vocabulary relates to special terminology that only some people can understand. The difference between jargon and slang is that jargon appears in a specific group, often in connection with some innovations or developments. Slang, in addition to its own word formation, often draws its material from jargon different groups society, selecting the most common and popular. Based on this, slang is sometimes called general jargon.

It should be noted that special words, penetrating from the sphere of communication of one or another group of people into common speech, often slightly change their original value. For example, in certain circles the “six” is the name given to someone who serves thieves. In ordinary language, such a word can be used to contemptuously call an insignificant person.

Slang, due to its lightness and mobility, is more associated with youth speech, but it also enjoys considerable popularity among older people. In general, compared to jargon, slang is more widespread. His social limitations, although present, are quite vague. People can be carriers of the same slangisms different professions And educational status who have a criminal past and are quite decent and intelligent.

What is the difference between jargon and slang? Jargon is something more established, many of the words in it are very old. Slang in to a greater extent tied to current historical time. He is sensitive to the changes taking place in the life of society and accurately reflects the latest trends in the new trendy vocabulary.

The system.

Part slang vocabulary- belonging not to one, but to many (including already disappeared) social groups. Moving from one jargon to another, the words of their “common fund” can change form and meaning: “to darken” in the slang - “to hide the loot”, then - “to be cunning (during interrogation)”, in modern youth jargon - “to speak unclearly, to evade from the answer."

The main function of jargon is to express membership in a relatively autonomous social group through the use of specific words, forms and expressions. Sometimes the term jargon is used to refer to distorted, incorrect speech.

It develops in an environment of more or less closed groups: schoolchildren, students, military personnel, and various professional groups. These jargons should not be confused with professional languages, which are characterized by a highly developed and fairly accurate terminology of a particular craft, branch of technology, as well as from “thieves’ jargons,” the language of declassed, criminal elements of society. Jargons are lexically and stylistically heterogeneous, characterized by instability and rapid change of the most popular vocabulary.

Jargons infiltrate fiction for speech characteristics heroes. In addition to jargons that arise on the basis of the common language, there are those that appear as a result of communication between multilingual populations in border areas or in places where a multinational population gathers, for example, in seaports.

The jargon vocabulary is built on the basis of the literary language through rethinking, metaphorization, redesign, sound truncation, etc., as well as active assimilation foreign words and morphemes. For example: cool - “fashionable”, “business”, hut - “apartment”, bucks - “dollars”, car - “car”, “computer”, jerk - “go”, basketball - “basketball”, dude - “guy” "from the Romani language. IN modern language got the jargon wide use, especially in the language of youth (youth slang).


Linguistics. Big encyclopedic Dictionary/ Ch. ed. V. N. Yartseva. - 2nd ed. -M.: Bolshaya Russian encyclopedia", 1998. - 685 p.: ill.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


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    Argonism, slangism Dictionary of Russian synonyms. jargon noun argotism slang expression Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Context 5.0 Informatics. 2012… Synonym dictionary

    - [Dictionary foreign words Russian language

    JARGONISM, ah, husband. A slang word or expression. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    jargon- a, m. jargon m. 1. A word or expression that belongs to a certain jargon. SIS 1985. Modern terminology is freed from everything that stands outside the literary language (colloquial speech, dialectisms, jargon). Week 1989 44 19.That... Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

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What are jargons? These are words belonging to one of the social dialects. We hear examples of jargon every day. Most people use profanity in everyday speech, regardless of education, age, social status. Moreover, it also occurs in fiction. There is a classification of jargon. Examples of such words are given in the article.


What is jargon? Each researcher defines this concept in his own way. In one of the explanatory dictionaries, jargon is called “the language of a small social group.” It differs from the general population in vocabulary and phraseology, but does not have its own phonetic and grammatical system. Jargon is outside the bounds of literary language. It is not recognized and not normative.

Why and who needs jargon words?

The popularity of lexical units, most of which cannot be found in the dictionaries of Dahl and Ozhegov, is amazing. What is the purpose of jargon words? Why are they so common?

Among the many reasons for their popularity, the main and most important can be identified. The use of jargon allows you to get rid of tension and formality. With their help, an atmosphere of closer communication is created. For example, typical Russian jargon is present in the phrase: “Shall we grab a hundred grams?” After these words, formality and restraint instantly dissipate.


To understand what jargon is, the classification of these words, or more precisely, the sociolects to which they belong, will help. Almost every circle of specialists has its own language. Professional jargon can be:

  • military;
  • journalistic;
  • computer;
  • miners;
  • police.

In order to understand what jargon is, you just need to visit any forum or community on a social network. There are many types of slang. People often use jargon in their speech when communicating with colleagues. But for linguists, slang created by youth or criminals is of greater interest. There is also the so-called slang of scum. What dialect is this? It is widespread in RuNet. His characteristic feature- deliberate misspelling of words. “Zaycheg”, “bear”, “laughing” - many people know these jargons. Even the uninitiated can comprehend their meaning.


When did the term "jargon" originate? Several centuries ago. The use of jargon was first noticed among peddlers long before Dahl published his multi-volume dictionary. These traders constituted a separate class. Of course, they were often attacked by robbers. Feni (that is, peddlers) came up with a unique dialect that only they themselves could understand - feny.

The encrypted language was passed on to descendants. Subsequently, it began to be used by beggars, prostitutes, and horse thieves. The jargon penetrated the gangs of thieves, then to Kalyma. This strange language transformed into thieves' slang, which today is called "fenya".

Thieves jargon

For more than ten years, such words as “mandra”, “godfather”, “draika”, “stibzit”, “matsat” have existed in the colloquial language. And quite recently, people began to understand that criminal jargon is not a fashion, but a disease that needs to be gotten rid of. Thieves jargon for some people in Soviet time has become part of the style, just like the manner of wearing a cap pulled down over the eyes, a special, overly imposing gait, specific gestures, and finally, a tattoo, on which there is an abbreviation incomprehensible to mere mortals.

At the beginning of the century, fenya numbered about four thousand words and phrases. Stalin's repressions gave Russia the corresponding illogicalisms. Camp policy created the whole world, pieces of which were connected by a link - a criminal argot. Intelligent people have often served time, talented people, recognized as “enemies” of the people. And partly thanks to them, non-logisms were created that still exist in the vocabulary of “bros”. Some entered our speech and remained in it forever, for example, the words “swindler”, “huckster”.

Youth slang

The problem of school fever is especially relevant today. Teachers sometimes do not understand their students. What is modern youth jargon? It has little in common with literary language. This is a mixture of various jargons: criminal, computer, normative and non-normative vocabulary. Examples: “heel”, “cormorant”.

Often words and phrases of youth slang are borrowed from the vocabulary of foreign, usually English-speaking, schoolchildren and students. Soon, perhaps, distorted words of German origin will come into fashion.

Why do schoolchildren come up with something new? After all, you can speak in a normative, recognized language. Slang is what distinguishes a teenager from more adult people. According to research, more than half of high school students cannot imagine their speech without jargon. Without them, it will be difficult for schoolchildren to understand each other. Other examples from youth vocabulary: “frenzy”, “bullshit”, “put out the lights”, “go crazy”.

Computer jargon

This is relative the new kind slang. How was it formed? In the late eighties, simultaneously with computer science, foreign terms and abbreviations, in most cases untranslatable, entered speech. And gradually e-mail became “soap”, and Pentium became “penty”. At the same time, with the jargon of programmers, a specific slang of people who are not indifferent to technology began to form.

Computer jargon contains colloquial speech with a familiar coloring. In it, as in other jargons, there are many Anglicisms. But it was not only with the help of their Russification that this type of slang was formed. Many words are borrowed from other professional groups. For example, “teapot” is from motorist slang.

Ways of education

How do jargons come about? The most popular way of inventing such words is metaphorization. What is usually associated with interference in a terminal network? With garbage and rubbish. Hence the jargon “garbage”. Verb-associative metaphors are no less common. For example, “slow down,” which means “slowly, poorly.”

Gangster slang

The above is about a hairdryer. Its history began several centuries ago. Some criminal jargon has become almost integral part Russian language. But there is another slang - gangster. It has little in common with criminal law. His lexical basis formed in the nineties of the last century.

Today the topic of corruption of the Russian language is very popular. And as one of the main arguments, the appearance of a large number of “gangster” words is cited. This phenomenon is sometimes called the "criminalization" of language. Philologists demand a ban on jargon, especially gangster jargon. That is, words such as “lawlessness”, “frost”, “roof”, “collision”, “arrow”. Many of them, by the way, have long become part of youth slang.

The language of the “new Russians” once, oddly enough, attracted public attention. This was expressed in a large number of anecdotes about him. Red jackets, fingering and other phenomena of the nineties have gone into oblivion. But the gangster words remained. And today they are often used by people who have no problems with the law.

A number of important political and social events have occurred in Russia in recent decades. Language doesn't change that quickly. This is the reason for the presence in modern language of vocabulary that was formed in the “dashing 90s”.

According to linguists, gangster jargon is of considerable interest with scientific point vision. Many words arose thanks to vivid metaphors, for example “roof”, “filter the market”, “collision”. The latter jargon also existed in the Old Russian language. Of course, this is not the word that has been preserved, passing through the centuries. The language based on the existing model was created lexical item with approximately the same meaning. However, in relation to the new reality. In the old days, hitting was carried out on horses, in the 90s - on Mercedes, that is, on “geldings” (another gangster jargon).

Military jargon

This slang was once the most poorly studied area of ​​Russian linguistics. Especially if we were talking about the jargon of the GRU, KGB and other Soviet secret organizations. Let's consider several periods in the history of the development of military slang. It was especially actively replenished with new words after the next armed conflict.

The 18th century saw the Russian-Turkish wars and the Northern War. At the beginning of the century, the formation of Russian military jargon began. The following words and expressions appeared:

  • “give karachun” (kill);
  • “yellow belly” (chervonets);
  • "fool" (gun);
  • “ball” (core);
  • “crunch a nut” (take the Shlisselburg fortress).

During the Russian-Swedish war in colloquial speech soldiers appeared “karaulnya” (guardroom), “garrison rat” (staff or non-combatant officer or soldier), “flying army” (vanguard units).

In the eighties of the eighteenth century, military jargon was enriched with such elements as “busurman” (soldier of the Turkish troops), “wind” (soldier’s backpack), “cavalry” (order, medal), “to miss” (to miss), “to break” (to pass march).

During the Patriotic War, slang expanded significantly with new words and expressions, namely: “bow” (award), “big caps” (higher authorities), “verb” (shoot from a cannon), “to the bottom” (until complete defeat), “Kuteynik” (a person of spiritual rank), “ball” (kernel), “pontirovka” (bragging).

As you can see, military jargon is not widespread. If a modern person went back in time and heard the dialogue of 19th century soldiers, he most likely would not understand anything.

Journalistic jargon

Professionalisms serve to differentiate related concepts used in a certain type of human activity. Professional vocabulary is indispensable for laconic and precise expression of thoughts and is very important in corporate culture.

The vocabulary of journalistic jargon is developing very slowly. It's all about its limited sphere of use. Jargonisms are not widely distributed in ordinary everyday colloquial language; they are aimed at a narrow group and carry hidden information that is difficult for people of other types of activities.

Lexical means of a professional language not only reflect the features of a given corporate culture, but also serve as an indicator of a number of trends in its development. Linguists regularly conduct research that promotes deeper insight into little-studied systems of relationships and values, as well as the removal of communication barriers in communication with representatives of other cultures.

With the appearance of new technical equipment and tools, new names also appear. Media workers also assign special terms to people with whom they have to communicate on duty.

Journalist's Dictionary

Media workers use a lot of words in their speech that can confuse an uninformed person. Examples:

  • An agent is a person who can tell a lot of interesting information.
  • VVK is a presenter outside the frame, reading the text, which is accompanied by a picture on the screen.
  • Gorby is the type of people who, when answering questions, say a lot, but incontinently and almost meaninglessly. The term comes from the name of the President of the USSR, who outraged Soviet citizens with his verbosity and unclear judgments.
  • Danets are people who answer questions with monosyllabic phrases. The words “yes” or “no” are most often used.
  • A sound engineer is a sound director, a person who ensures the correct application of the sound sequence to the video sequence, and is responsible for setting, adjusting, and purity of sound.
  • Vestyuki are employees of the Vesti television program.
  • View - view the mounted material.
  • Call your uncle - take comments regarding certain event from an official, specialist or official.
  • To spoil the lawn - allocate advertising space at a reduced price, dumping.
  • To kill is to cut out of a material.
  • Canned food is a material that does not lose its relevance. Stored to fill the ether.
  • Khripushka - the inclusion of a correspondent on the live broadcast.
  • Wallpaper is a neutral plan that is suitable for any subject.

So, jargons represent a special speech layer, characterized by the following properties: expressiveness, dependence on context, non-normativeness, word-formative productivity. As a rule, these words act as stylistic synonyms of journalistic terms.

The presence of professional jargon elements in the speech of specialists indicates that they have been engaged in this type of activity for more or less long time and, accordingly, have a certain set of professional knowledge, abilities and skills. The informational value of such names is lost if a non-specialist encounters them.

The main task of the slang vocabulary of mass media workers is to be an identifying sign of professionalism, the “key” to the profession. Despite the fact that the meaning of these words is not clear to everyone, they attract attention with their originality, non-standardity, and expressiveness.

Studying Russian and world literature, every student is faced with figures of speech that are not characteristic of the literary language. The question arises about what is the classical definition of these expressions, what is the history of their origin and role in the communication of our contemporaries.

What is jargon?

(both a single word and a phrase), which is not characteristic of the canons of the literary language. turns are common in Jargon - this is a conditional spoken word and an expression used in certain social groups. Moreover, the emergence, development, transformation and withdrawal of such speech patterns occurs in a clearly isolated part of society.

Jargon is the duplication of literary language in a form understandable only talking people in a certain group. These are non-normative, not recognized synonyms classical definitions objects, actions and definitions. Slang words Each social unit of society forms a communication language inaccessible to the uninitiated, the so-called slang.

Origin and differences

The word "jargon" comes from, according to V. Dahl ("Explanatory Dictionary of Living Great Russian language"), from the French jargon. Its differences from the standards of the literary language:

  • Specific vocabulary and phraseology.
  • Brightly colored, expressive phrases.
  • Maximum use of word forms.
  • Lack of own phonetic systems.
  • Disobeying the rules of grammar.

Today, jargon is not only communication in orally, but also effective remedy artistic expression. IN modern literature these words are deliberately used along with metaphors, synonyms, epithets to enhance and give a special color to the content.

Initially, dialectic jargons were the intellectual property of certain layers of society, in some cases no longer existing. Nowadays, this is a national vocabulary, which has its own vocabulary, and the vocabulary of a literary language, in which several figurative meanings of the same word are used, established in a specific group of society. Nowadays, the so-called “ general fund”, i.e., words transformed from their original meaning in one type of jargon to a generally accepted definition. So, for example, in the language of thieves, the meaning of the word “dark” is “to hide the loot” or “to evade answers during interrogation.” Modern youth jargon interprets this as “not telling, expressing in riddles.”

How is slang vocabulary formed?

Words and combinations are based on the dialectal differences and morphemes of the language existing in the environment in which they appear. Methods of their formation: giving a different meaning, metaphorization, rethinking, redesign, sound truncation, active absorption vocabulary of foreign languages.

In Russian, arising in the above manner:

  • young man - “dude” (comes from gypsy);
  • close friend - “girlfriend” (from English);
  • authoritative - “cool”;
  • apartment - “hut” (from Ukrainian).

Also actively used in their appearance associative series. For example: “dollars” - “brilliant green” (according to the color of American banknotes).

History and modernity

Social jargons are common words and expressions first noticed in the 18th century in the circle of the nobility, the so-called “salon” language. Lovers and admirers of everything French often used distorted words of this language. For example: “pleasure” was called “plaisir”.

The original purpose of the jargon was to keep the transmitted information secret, a kind of encoding and recognition of “friends” and “strangers”. This function " secret language"is preserved in the gangster environment as the speech of asocial elements and is called "thieves' argot." So, for example: a knife is a “pen”, a prison is a “theater”, a call is “dial numbers”.

Other types of jargon - school, student, sports, professional - have practically lost this property. However, in youth speech it still has the function of identifying “outsiders” in the community. Often, for teenagers, slang is a way of self-affirmation, indicating their belonging to the “adults” and a condition for acceptance into a certain company.

The use of special slang is limited by the topic of the conversation: the subject of the conversation, as a rule, expresses specific interests narrow circle persons Distinctive feature slang from dialect - the bulk of its use occurs in informal communication.

Varieties of jargons

There is currently no single, clear division of jargon. Only three directions can be accurately classified: professional, youth and criminal slang. However, it is possible to identify patterns and conditionally isolate from jargon the vocabulary inherent separate groups society. The most common and have a wide range of volumes lexicon following types jargons:

  • Professional (by type of specialty).
  • Military.
  • Journalistic.
  • Computer (including gaming, network jargon).
  • Fidonet jargon.
  • Youth (including areas - school, student slang).
  • LGBT.
  • Amateur radio.
  • Drug addict slang.
  • Slang of football fans.
  • Criminal (Fenya).

Special variety

Professional jargons are words simplified by abbreviation or associations of vocabulary used to denote special terms and concepts in a specific environment of specialists. These sayings appeared due to the fact that most technical definitions are quite long and difficult to pronounce, or their meanings are completely absent in modern official language. Jargon words are present in almost all professional associations. Their word formation is not subject to any special rules for slang. However, jargon has a distinct function, being a convenient means for communication and communication.

Jargon: examples used by programmers and Internet users

For the uninitiated, computer slang is quite peculiar and difficult to understand. Here are some examples:

  • "Winda" - operating system Windows;
  • “firewood” - drivers;
  • “job” - work;
  • “glitched” - stopped working;
  • "servak" - server;
  • "clave" - ​​keyboard;
  • “progs” - computer programs;
  • “hacker” - program cracker;
  • "user" - user.

Thieves slang - argot

Criminal jargon is very common and unique. Examples:

  • “malyava” - letter;
  • “pipe” - mobile phone;
  • “xiva” - passport or identity card;
  • “rooster” - a prisoner “lowered” by prisoners;
  • “parasha” - toilet;
  • “urka” - a prisoner who escaped;
  • “frayer” - a person who is at large;
  • “crosses” - prison;
  • “kum” is the head of the security unit in the colony;
  • “goat” - a prisoner collaborating with the colony administration;
  • “zariki” - cubes for playing backgammon;
  • “correspondence student” - a girl whom I met in a colony;
  • “lean back” - free yourself after imprisonment;
  • “filter the market” - think about what you say;
  • “mistress” - the head of the correctional colony;
  • “no bazaar” - no questions;
  • “no air” - money has run out.

School slang

Jargons are unique and widespread in the school environment:

  • “uchilka” - teacher;
  • “historian” - history teacher;
  • “klassukha” - class teacher;
  • “controha” - test work;
  • “homework” - homework;
  • “fizra” - physical education;
  • “nerd” - excellent student;
  • “spur” - cheat sheet;
  • "pair" - two.

Youth slang: examples

Slang words used among teenagers:

  • "Gavrik" - a boring person;
  • "chick" - girl;
  • "dude" - guy;
  • “to pick up a chick” - to seduce a girl;
  • “klubeshnik” - club;
  • “diskach” - disco;
  • “to show off” - to show off one’s virtues;
  • “base” - apartment;
  • “ancestors” - parents;
  • “crackle” - talk;
  • “umatovo” - excellent;
  • “wonderful” - wonderful;
  • “clothes” - clothes;
  • “pretty” - I really like it.

Features of foreign language vocabulary

English lexicology has three synonymous terms: cant, slang, jargon. To date, a clear division between them has not been established, but areas of their use have been outlined. Thus, cant denotes the conventional vocabulary of individual social groups, such as thieves' argot or school slang.

The mark jargon in dictionaries is present when denoting specific technical terms, that is, corresponds to the Russian subtype of professional jargon.

Also jargon, cant and slang denote colloquial expressions and vulgarisms. They are characterized not only by a unique environment of use, but also by violations of the grammar and phonetics of all existing literary norms.

IN English language jargons are cant and jargon, including individual words, phrases and figures of speech. They arise both under the influence of entire social groups and due to individuals.

English jargon is often present in works of artistic style when conveying character characteristics. Usually the author provides an explanation of the slang words used.

Many words, which were originally exclusively means of colloquial speech, have now won the right to be used in classical literature.

In modern English big role Jargon plays a role in communication between representatives of different professions. You meet them especially often in student sphere, the field of sports, among the military.

It is worth emphasizing that the presence of jargon, their unreasonable use in everyday communication clogs the tongue.

Translation of jargons

Dialects and slang expressions are familiar concepts to many linguists and translators. Although general information about them and scientific works there is a lot, but today there is a particular lack of information on how to correctly and adequately convey the translation of these lexical units.

An important point in the selection of Russian-language analogues: do not forget that jargon is inherent in specific social strata and have a certain subtext. Therefore, it is important to find a way to interpret them in order to convey the feelings or concepts inherent in the original source.

In modern language, jargon has become widespread in all levels of society, media mass media, films and even in literature. Banning their use is pointless and ineffective, but creating right attitude to your speech is important and necessary.


JARGON, - [French. jargon] Some kind of speech. a social or professional group containing a large number of words and expressions unique to this group (often artificial, secret or conventional); Argo. Student, youth Marine railway Vorovskaya. Use jargon. Speak jargon.

SLANG, [English] slang] 1. Speech of a socially or professionally isolated group; jargon. 2. Elements of speech that do not coincide with the norm of the literary language (usually expressively colored).

ARGO, [French argot]. Linguistic Some kind of speech a small social closed group that differs from the national language in vocabulary, but does not have its own phonetics and grammatical system; jargon. Vorovskoe a.


These three terms have both similarities and differences. All of them belong to the language of certain social or professional groups, but differ in the degree of isolation, in the volume of use in speech and in the level of stability and renewal.

ARGO is a closed language SOCIAL group with a complete replacement of commonly used vocabulary.

JARGON spans both social and professional groups; in addition, he is less closed towards these groups and is not completely isolated from ordinary speech.

SLANG is the same jargon, but even more vague, it can go beyond social and professional groups and is used by ordinary users to denote the expression of speech. In addition, its composition is constantly changing and updated, which to the greatest extent characteristic youth environment. Accordingly, youth slang is often spoken about.

Are you in favor of grandparents actively mastering slang in order to be able to understand their grandchildren? Stopping a few steps away, they looked at Dolores and made jokes, the subterranean meaning of which he had not yet grasped - perhaps it was some kind of youth slang. Oh, this newfangled slang, I’ll never get used to it, sir, excuse the old woman). This slang is already familiar to ordinary people who watch TV carefully.

“Bepeshka” (from BP - without breed) is professional slang for “horse people”. Bank money, sorry for the slang, is ruined. This is also his latest performance - despite today's slang, he came to 2002 from another time. We won’t be executed for such songs, but they won’t be played on the radio either; even light slang is not welcome there. This slang is already familiar to ordinary people who watch TV carefully.

Previously, jargon was the province of distinct social and professional groups. (Sergey Dovlatov). Well, I knew how to track (follow a trail, hunting jargon - RR). Computer jargon is the world's fastest growing language.