Professionalism in the Russian language. Professionalism in the speech of people of different professions

This methodological development for grade 6 can be used both when studying a new topic and when consolidating, slightly changing some elements of the lesson. The development contains a systematic repetition of all terms studied in the "Lexicology" section



Detailed Russian lesson plan

in 6th grade on the topic:


(according to the textbook by T. A. Ladyzhenskaya)

teacher of Russian language and literature

MKOU Verkhnetereshanskaya secondary school

Starokulatkinsky district

Ulyanovsk region

Aksyanova Guzel Saitovna

Target setting:

Educational goals.

Knowledge: provide knowledge about vocabulary of limited use, in particular about professionalisms.

Skills: to develop the practical ability to correctly use professionalisms in everyday speech, “not to litter” the Russian literary language with an excessive number of professionalisms; improve the ability to correctly perform linguistic analysis: morphemic, phonetic, orthographic elements.

Skills: improve your writing skills: spellings (spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word, spelling of unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word),punctograms (end of sentence mark).

Speech development: improvement of various types of speech activity: reading educational texts, expressive reading, listening to the teacher and each other, development of oral monologue and dialogic speech, writing(the number of words recorded in the lesson is 115), the development of communicative and speech skills (composing phrases, sentences, the ability to title a text, determine its topic).

  1. High speech development character of the didactic material.
  2. Stylistic aspect: the lesson used an artistic style and an educational and scientific substyle of the scientific style.
  1. Developmental goals:
  1. development of thinking, memory, attention, imagination;
  2. creating a psychologically comfortable environment in the classroom.

III. Educational goals:

  1. cultivate attention to the surrounding world;
  2. develop interest in the Russian language, oral and written speech;
  3. to cultivate a serious attitude towards teaching and student work, towards the subject.
  4. to introduce through proverbs and sayings to the cultural heritage of the Russian people.

Lesson equipment:decorated board, textbook

(T. A. Ladyzhenskaya), cards with text, dictionaries (spelling, explanatory).

Methods: the teacher’s word with elements of conversation, training exercises, work with illustrations, elements of language analysis, observation of a language phenomenon.

During the classes.

  1. Organizing time
  1. Greetings
  2. Report from the duty officer on readiness for the lesson.
  3. Creating a positive psychological attitude among students

II. Survey

Checking homework

Frontal survey on the topic “Lexicology”

What does lexicology study?

What areas of vocabulary did we study last year?

What words are called commonly used?

What sections of uncommon vocabulary are we already familiar with?

III.Learning new material

  1. Carrying out the game “Guess the profession”. Today we will talk about professions.

A) He showed me his watercolors and still lifes. The impression from still lifes is a bright, motley carpet of colors, shimmering and sparkling with all the colors of the palette.

B) Leshem Rimsky - Korsakov came up with two themes. He entrusted one to string instruments. The second is played by four horns and cymbals. The theme of Santa Claus sounds stern and sad.

How did you determine this?

2. The teacher’s word about professionalism. Write down the topic of the lesson in your notebook.

3.Introduction to the objectives of the lesson.

4. Filling out directories:

Professionalisms are words associated with the characteristics of the work of people in a particular specialty or profession.

5.Work in pairs.

Each envelope contains the name of the profession. Select terms used by people of a particular profession.
Musicians Military Doctors Mathematicians Historians Chauffeurs Lawyers;
opera artillery medicine square emperor battery lawyer;
clarinet shell bronchitis equation peasants carburetor prosecutor;
romance landing inhalation multiply governor tire fitting judge;
violin cartridge graft equality feudalism bumper witness;
note battalion boil circle reform brake appeal.

Examination. Each pair reads 1 column. The rest check that the work is being done correctly. If anyone notices a mistake, let him silently raise his hand.

Correct answer:

musicians doctors projectile
military mathematicians bronchitis
vaccination inhalation drivers
boil square opera
lawyers multiply equation
equality medicine feudalism
battery circle clarinet
romance violin reform
emperor battalion carburetor
tire service peasants voivode
historians bumper brake
lawyer patron prosecutor
judge note landing
witness appeal artillery

  1. Reinforcing the material learned
  1. Working with the textbook.

Performing exercises 67, 68.

  1. Work with text

Aunt Polya is a surgeon, and my mother is the head of the factory outpatient clinic. As soon as they meet, a conversation begins between them, in which ordinary words are replaced by medical ones. Before I could enter, Aunt Polya asked me:
-Well, Alik, how is your caries?
I just shrugged my shoulders:
-I don’t have any caries.
-How about your tooth? Have you already had a filling done?
Only then did I understand what was going on: a week ago I had a toothache and they treated it at the clinic.
But, in my opinion, it’s much easier to ask instead of the words caries and put a filling: “Have you cured the tooth?” But I didn't argue! You can't convince them.

Is the hero of this story right that there is no need to use professional words at all?

V. Lesson summary

What words did you learn about in class today?

VI. Reflection.

Continue the sentence using professionalism:

I think this lesson...

VII. Homework

P. 15, ex. 69

VIII. Assessment

PROFESSIONALISM are special words that are used in the field of a wide variety of professions. A significant part of professional words is terminological in nature. Science, art, agriculture, industrial production - they all have their own terms. For example, mathematical terms: integral, differential, equation, names of trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, tangent, etc.). Musicians naturally use musical terms, for example: fugue, overture, chord, scale, becar, dominant, minor tone. Professional words are special vocabulary characteristic of a particular profession. .

It is worth dwelling in more detail on what professionalisms are in the Russian language. Often these words include slang expressions. The informal nature of the lexemes means that they are not used everywhere. Their use may be limited to a narrow circle of people: those belonging to the same specialty, qualifications, working in the same organization. Often the range of concepts becomes broader over time. Almost people of any profession have their own set of professionalisms. This is due to the need to clearly identify all processes and phenomena in working life, many of which often have no definition. Such words are formed through associations with everyday concepts. Often, for a person who is not privy to the intricacies of a particular profession, confusion may arise when encountering words from professional vocabulary. In real life, they can mean completely different objects.

Problems of professionalisms One of the problems is the misunderstanding of professionalisms by people who do not belong to a specific type of profession. Many of these expressions are not found in dictionaries. And those that are found in dictionary and terminological publications are difficult to differentiate from the terms themselves and colloquialisms. The inability to find a precise definition of professionalism can cause confusion even among the professions themselves. And because of this - errors in work, failures. Information barriers arise when workers and qualified specialists communicate with their management. It is more common for employees to use special expressions in their speech, but many managers are unfamiliar with their meaning. As a result, some isolation of groups of workers at different levels appears, and conflicts may arise.

Professionalisms in the Russian language have been little studied; linguistic researchers try to avoid this phenomenon. The appearance of such words is spontaneous, and it is difficult to find definite boundaries for them and give a clear designation. There are some educational publications in which experts try to give a list of professionalisms. Such dictionaries will help students in their future work activities: quickly get up to speed and understand colleagues, and not experience difficulties when communicating verbally with specialists.

Terms Termin (from Latin terminus - limit, boundary) is a word or phrase that is the name of a certain concept of some field of science, technology, art, and so on. Terms serve as specializing, restrictive designations characteristic of this sphere of objects, phenomena, their properties and relationships. Unlike words of general vocabulary, which are often ambiguous and carry emotional overtones, terms within the scope of application are unambiguous and lack expression. Terms exist within the framework of a certain terminology, that is, they are included in a specific lexical system of a language, but only through a specific terminological system. Unlike common language words, terms are not related to context. Within a given system of concepts, a term should ideally be unambiguous, systematic, stylistically neutral (for example, “phoneme”, “sine”, “surplus value”). According to the author of the textbook “Terminology” S.V. Grinev-Grinevich, citing the opinion of O.S. Akhmanova, the main composition of the terminological list of European languages ​​“may well be exhausted by nouns.” Grinev-Grinevich acknowledges the existence of a “different opinion”, according to which some verbs, as well as adjectives and adverbs, can be classified as terms, but rejects this point of view as untenable. Hence his refined definition of the term as “a nominative lexical unit (word or phrase) adopted for the precise naming of concepts.” Terms and non-terms (words of the common language) can transform into each other. Terms are subject to word-formation, grammatical and phonetic rules of a given language, they are created by terminology of words of the national language, borrowing or tracing foreign language terminological elements. In some cases, when a word is included in the terminology of various subject areas, homonymy arises: for example, the word “ligature” (lat. ligatura), borrowed from Latin, in metallurgy means “alloys for alloying”, in surgery - “thread used in dressing blood vessels”, in music theory - a grapheme in which several simple “different-pitch” musical signs were written together as a single sign.

Professionalisms– these are special words used in everyday life of professionals. Professionalisms are “unofficial” names of special phenomena and concepts of the profession; they constitute professional jargon.

An important difference between professionalisms and terms is that professionalisms are relevant primarily in the colloquial speech of people of a particular profession, sometimes being a kind of unofficial synonyms of special names. Often they are reflected in dictionaries, but always with the mark “professional”. Unlike terms - the official scientific names of special concepts, professionalisms function primarily in oral speech as “semi-official” words that do not have a strictly scientific character. These words form a lexical layer, which is also sometimes called professional slang or professional jargon.

For example, in the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, a specialist involved in the selection of illustrations is called build editor. Build editor is a term. However, in the actual production process it is most often called for short build– this is professionalism, professional jargon. Build trampled all the photos according to the layout– undoubtedly, this sentence uses professionalisms, but not terms (With terms, the same phrase would sound more cumbersome. In addition, terms often have a foreign language origin and are difficult to pronounce, which also does not contribute to their use in business conversation. By the way, this is why Professionalisms often become reduced terms: build editorbuild, calipers(special measuring ruler) – barbell and so on.).

Professionalism simplifies speech and makes it more suitable for quick everyday support of production processes.

Professionalisms, like terms, can be grouped according to the area of ​​their use: in the speech of economists, financiers, athletes, miners, doctors, hunters, fishermen, etc. A special group includes technicalisms - highly specialized names used in the field of technology.

Professionalisms most often serve to designate various production processes, production tools, raw materials, manufactured products, etc. In other words, they designate phenomena for which the use of terms, although possible, is cumbersome and unprincipled. In addition, professionalism is often the result of creative rethinking, “mastering” a highly specialized phenomenon. These are the words spare tire(spare tire for car mechanics and drivers), corral(spare texts prepared by newspaper editors), paws And herringbone(types of quotation marks used by proofreaders and printers). Such professionalisms, easily and in their own way replacing terms, make special speech more lively, simple and mastered, easier for quick use and understanding.

For example, the following professionalisms are used in the speech of printers: ending– graphic decoration at the end of the book, clogged font– worn out, worn-out font due to outdated linotype printing, etc. Journalists prepare the future text, called a draft fish or dog. Engineers jokingly call it a self-recording device sneaker. In the speech of pilots there are words underdose,peremaz, meaning undershoot and overshoot of the landing mark, as well as: bubble, sausage– balloon, give the goat– landing the plane hard, causing it to bounce after touching the ground, etc. Many of these professionalisms have an evaluative or understated tone.

In the professional speech of actors, they use a complex abbreviated name chief manager; in the colloquial speech of builders and repairmen, the professional name for major repairs is used capital; specialists who build and maintain computer systems in companies are system administrators. On fishing boats, workers who gut fish (usually by hand) are called shkershchiki. Bankers in a conversation among themselves instead of the term car loans use the word car loans, officials call housing and communal services communal apartment, and the social sphere - social media etc.

Many professional words have entered into wide business and colloquial use: give out on the mountain, storming, turnover and so on.

Professional vocabulary is indispensable for the laconic and precise expression of thoughts in special texts intended for a trained reader or listener. However, the information content of highly professional names decreases if a non-specialist encounters them. Therefore, professionalism is appropriate, say, in large-circulation industry (departmental) newspapers and is not justified in publications aimed at a wide readership.

Professionalisms, being predominantly words for colloquial use, often have a reduced stylistic connotation, being, in fact, slang words. This should also be taken into account when using professionalisms in an official situation or in official publications. They may not only be incomprehensible outside a professional audience, but also sound risky for the reputation of the person using them.

On the other hand, skillful use of professional jargon can even add richness and flavor to official speech, and help demonstrate knowledge of the subject characteristic of a professional who has regular and direct contact with the work environment. A top manager of one large oil company, a professor and doctor of sciences, said that when you go on a business trip to the north, then you should never talk at the rig production– Oil workers simply won’t talk to you. It is imperative to speak like them: to Mining. Then you are a person from the industry, and they recognize you as one of their own. Thus, the manager deliberately deviates from the accentological (sometimes lexical) norms of the Russian language in order to speak the same language as specialists.

In addition to common words in the Russian language, there are words that are used much less frequently. These include various jargons and expressions used in professional speech. Professionalisms are words that are used by people of a particular profession, or simply related to a certain specialization. But, unlike terms, they are not accepted as official concepts and are not applicable in scientific activity.

Features of the term

It is worth dwelling in more detail on what professionalisms are in the Russian language. Often these words include slang expressions. The informal nature of the lexemes means that they are not used everywhere. Their use may be limited to a narrow circle of people: those belonging to the same specialty, qualifications, working in the same organization. Often the range of concepts becomes broader over time.

Almost people of any profession have their own set of professionalisms. This is due to the need to clearly identify all processes and phenomena in working life, many of which often have no definition. Such words are formed through associations with everyday concepts. Often, for a person who is not privy to the intricacies of a particular profession, confusion may arise when encountering words from In real life, they can mean completely different objects.

For example, the word “peasants” in legal speech refers to witnesses to a crime, not village residents.

Characteristics and Application

Another characteristic feature of professionalism is emotional coloring and expression. Many people use it to refer to negative work phenomena and production errors. Their similarity with colloquial expressions is noticeable: in some cases it is almost impossible to distinguish between these concepts. They are always formed in oral speech. In some cases, a word has a terminological analogue that is not used due to the difficulty of pronunciation and the cumbersomeness of the word.

Many examples can be given from the railway professions. Each type of transport here has its own designation, sometimes consisting of abbreviations and numbers. It is quite difficult to use them in speech, so substitute concepts appear in the communication of railway workers.

For example, a tank with 8 axles is called a “cigar”, and a TU2 diesel locomotive is called a “carcass” by road workers. There are similar examples in aviation: the AN-14 aircraft was nicknamed the “bee”.

Not only technical devices have designations, but also individual professions and positions. Drivers of track machines are called train drivers. Some of the professionalism words are distorted foreign designations: reading the Latin alphabet without following the rules of pronunciation (for example, “designer” - designer).

Examples from different professions

In some works of fiction, writers also use professionalisms. This is necessary for depicting a certain category of people, conveying emotions and for character dialogues. Many representatives of professions do not even notice how they use words of this vocabulary in their speech. Teachers, sports coaches, economists and designers have them. In legal and advocacy practice, the phrase “to sew a case” means “an investigation with an accusation bias.” Musicians and music teachers have an expression “major mood”, which rather carries a positive connotation. Rich in the professionalism and language of medical workers, where complex names of diagnoses are replaced with ironic, simplified words.

“Betseshnik” is the name given to a patient infected with hepatitis B and C, and “atrial fibrillation” is the name given to atrial fibrillation. The main purpose of such words in this case is to make speech shorter and more succinct, and speed up the process of providing care to patients.

Use in speech

Professionalisms in the Russian language have been little studied; linguistic researchers try to avoid this phenomenon. The appearance of such words is spontaneous, and it is difficult to find definite boundaries for them and give a clear designation. There are some educational publications in which experts try to give a list of professionalisms. Such dictionaries will help students in their future work activities: quickly get up to speed and understand colleagues, and not experience difficulties when communicating verbally with specialists.

Problems of professionalism

One of the problems is the lack of understanding of professionalism by people who do not belong to a particular group. Many of these expressions are not in dictionaries. And those that are found in dictionary and terminological publications are difficult to differentiate from the terms themselves and colloquialisms. The inability to find a precise definition of professionalism can cause confusion even among the professions themselves. And because of this - errors in work, failures. Information barriers arise when workers and qualified specialists communicate with their management. It is more common for employees to use special expressions in their speech, but many managers are unfamiliar with their meaning. As a result, some isolation of groups of workers at different levels appears, and conflicts may arise.