The first princes from Rurik to Svyatoslav. Chronological sequence of princes in Rus'

In modern historiography, the title “Kyiv princes” is usually used to designate a number of rulers Principality of Kyiv and the Old Russian state. The classical period of their reign began in 912 under the reign of Igor Rurikovich, the first to bear the title of “Grand Duke of Kyiv,” and lasted until approximately the middle of the 12th century, when the collapse of the Old Russian state began. Let's briefly look at the most prominent rulers during this period.

Oleg Veschy (882-912)

Igor Rurikovich (912-945) – the first ruler of Kyiv, called the “Grand Duke of Kyiv.” During his reign, he conducted a number of military campaigns, both against neighboring tribes (Pechenegs and Drevlyans) and against the Byzantine kingdom. The Pechenegs and Drevlyans recognized the supremacy of Igor, but the Byzantines, better equipped militarily, put up stubborn resistance. In 944, Igor was forced to sign a peace treaty with Byzantium. At the same time, the terms of the agreement were beneficial for Igor, since Byzantium paid significant tribute. A year later, he decided to attack the Drevlyans again, despite the fact that they had already recognized his power and paid him tribute. Igor’s vigilantes, in turn, had the opportunity to profit from the robberies of the local population. The Drevlyans set up an ambush in 945 and, having captured Igor, executed him.

Olga (945-964)– Widow of Prince Rurik, killed in 945 by the Drevlyan tribe. She headed the state until her son, Svyatoslav Igorevich, became an adult. It is unknown when exactly she transferred power to her son. Olga was the first of the rulers of Rus' to convert to Christianity, while the entire country, the army, and even her son still remained pagans. Important facts her reign was to bring the Drevlyans to submission, who killed her husband Igor Rurikovich. Olga established the exact amounts of taxes that the lands subject to Kyiv had to pay, and systematized the frequency of their payment and deadlines. An administrative reform was carried out, dividing the lands subordinate to Kyiv into clearly defined units, at the head of each of which a princely official “tiun” was installed. Under Olga, the first stone buildings appeared in Kyiv, Olga's tower and the city palace.

Svyatoslav (964-972)- son of Igor Rurikovich and Princess Olga. A characteristic feature of the government was that most His time was actually ruled by Olga, first due to Svyatoslav’s minority, and then due to his constant military campaigns and absence from Kyiv. Took power around 950. He did not follow his mother’s example and did not accept Christianity, which was then unpopular among the secular and military nobility. The reign of Svyatoslav Igorevich was marked by a series of continuous conquests which he carried out against neighboring tribes and state entities. The Khazars, Vyatichi, the Bulgarian Kingdom (968-969) and Byzantium (970-971) were attacked. The war with Byzantium brought heavy losses to both sides, and ended, in fact, in a draw. Returning from this campaign, Svyatoslav was ambushed by the Pechenegs and was killed.

Yaropolk (972-978)

Vladimir the Holy (978-1015)- Kiev prince, most famous for the baptism of Rus'. Was Novgorod prince from 970 to 978, when he seized the Kiev throne. During his reign, he continuously carried out campaigns against neighboring tribes and states. He conquered and annexed to his power the tribes of the Vyatichi, Yatvingians, Radimichi and Pechenegs. Spent a series government reforms aimed at strengthening the power of the prince. In particular, he began minting a single state coin, replacing the previously used Arab and Byzantine money. With the help of invited Bulgarian and Byzantine teachers, he began to spread literacy in Rus', forcibly sending children to study. Founded the cities of Pereyaslavl and Belgorod. The main achievement is considered to be the baptism of Rus', carried out in 988. The introduction of Christianity as a state religion also contributed to the centralization of the Old Russian state. The resistance of various pagan cults, then widespread in Rus', weakened the power of the Kyiv throne and was brutally suppressed. Prince Vladimir died in 1015 during another military campaign against the Pechenegs.

SvyatopolkDamned (1015-1016)

Yaroslav the Wise (1016-1054)- son of Vladimir. He feuded with his father and seized power in Kyiv in 1016, driving out his brother Svyatopolk. The reign of Yaroslav is represented in history by traditional raids on neighboring states and internecine wars with numerous relatives laying claim to the throne. For this reason, Yaroslav was forced to temporarily leave the Kiev throne. He built the churches of St. Sophia in Novgorod and Kyiv. The main temple in Constantinople is dedicated to her, so the fact of such construction spoke of the equality of the Russian church with the Byzantine one. As part of the confrontation with the Byzantine Church, he independently appointed the first Russian Metropolitan Hilarion in 1051. Yaroslav also founded the first Russian monasteries: the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery in Kyiv and the Yuriev Monastery in Novgorod. First codified feudal law, publishing a code of laws “Russian Truth” and a church charter. Spent great job on the translation of Greek and Byzantine books into Old Russian and Church Slavonic languages, he constantly spent large sums on rewriting new books. He founded a large school in Novgorod, in which the children of elders and priests learned to read and write. Strengthened diplomatic and military ties with the Varangians, thus securing northern borders states. He died in Vyshgorod in February 1054.

SvyatopolkDamned (1018-1019)– secondary temporary government

Izyaslav (1054-1068)- son of Yaroslav the Wise. According to his father's will, he sat on the throne of Kyiv in 1054. Throughout almost his entire reign, he was at odds with his younger brothers Svyatoslav and Vsevolod, who sought to seize the prestigious Kiev throne. In 1068, the Izyaslav troops were defeated by the Polovtsians in the battle on the Alta River. This led to Kyiv uprising 1068 At the veche meeting, the remnants of the defeated militia demanded that they be given weapons in order to continue the fight against the Polovtsians, but Izyaslav refused to do this, which forced the Kievites to revolt. Izyaslav was forced to flee to the Polish king, his nephew. WITH military assistance Poles, Izyaslav regained the throne for the period 1069-1073, was again overthrown, and in last time reigned from 1077 to 1078.

Vseslav the Magician (1068-1069)

Svyatoslav (1073-1076)

Vsevolod (1076-1077)

Svyatopolk (1093-1113)- son of Izyaslav Yaroslavich, before occupying the Kyiv throne, he periodically headed the Novgorod and Turov principalities. The beginning of the Kyiv principality of Svyatopolk was marked by the invasion of the Cumans, who inflicted a serious defeat on Svyatopolk’s troops in the battle of the Stugna River. After this, several more battles followed, the outcome of which is not known for certain, but ultimately peace was concluded with the Cumans, and Svyatopolk took the daughter of Khan Tugorkan as his wife. The subsequent reign of Svyatopolk was overshadowed by the continuous struggle between Vladimir Monomakh and Oleg Svyatoslavich, in which Svyatopolk usually supported Monomakh. Svyatopolk also repelled the constant raids of the Polovtsy under the leadership of the khans Tugorkan and Bonyak. He died suddenly in the spring of 1113, possibly poisoned.

Vladimir Monomakh (1113-1125) was Prince of Chernigov when his father died. Had the right to the Kiev throne, but gave it up cousin Svyatopolk, because he did not want war at that time. In 1113, the people of Kiev rebelled and, having overthrown Svyatopolk, invited Vladimir to the kingdom. For this reason, he was forced to accept the so-called “Charter of Vladimir Monomakh”, which alleviated the situation of the urban lower classes. The law did not touch upon the basics feudal system, however, it regulated the conditions of enslavement and limited the profits of moneylenders. Under Monomakh, Rus' reached the peak of its power. The Principality of Minsk was conquered, and the Polovtsians were forced to migrate east from the Russian borders. With the help of an impostor who posed as the son of a previously murdered Byzantine emperor, Monomakh organized an adventure aimed at placing him on the Byzantine throne. Several Danube cities were conquered, but it was not possible to further develop the success. The campaign ended in 1123 with the signing of peace. Monomakh organized the publication of improved editions of The Tale of Bygone Years, which have survived in this form to this day. Monomakh also independently created several works: the autobiographical “Ways and Fishing”, a set of laws “The Charter of Vladimir Vsevolodovich” and “The Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh”.

Mstislav the Great (1125-1132)- son of Monomakh, formerly former prince Belgorod. He ascended the throne of Kyiv in 1125 without resistance from the other brothers. Among the most outstanding acts of Mstislav, one can name the campaign against the Polovtsians in 1127 and the plunder of the cities of Izyaslav, Strezhev and Lagozhsk. After a similar campaign in 1129, the Principality of Polotsk was finally annexed to the possessions of Mstislav. In order to collect tribute, several campaigns were made in the Baltic states against the Chud tribe, but they ended in failure. In April 1132, Mstislav died suddenly, but managed to transfer the throne to Yaropolk, his brother.

Yaropolk (1132-1139)- being the son of Monomakh, inherited the throne when his brother Mstislav died. At the time of coming to power he was 49 years old. In fact, he only controlled Kyiv and its environs. By his natural inclinations he was good warrior, but did not possess diplomatic and political abilities. Immediately after taking the throne, traditional civil strife began related to the inheritance of the throne in the Pereyaslav Principality. Yuri and Andrei Vladimirovich expelled Vsevolod Mstislavich, who had been placed there by Yaropolk, from Pereyaslavl. Also, the situation in the country was complicated by the increasingly frequent raids of the Polovtsians, who, together with the allied Chernigovites, plundered the outskirts of Kyiv. Yaropolk's indecisive policy led to military defeat in the battle on the Supoya River with the troops of Vsevolod Olgovich. The cities of Kursk and Posemye were also lost during the reign of Yaropolk. This development of events further weakened his authority, which the Novgorodians took advantage of, announcing their secession in 1136. The result of Yaropolk's reign was the virtual collapse of the Old Russian state. Formally, only the Principality of Rostov-Suzdal retained its subordination to Kyiv.

Vyacheslav (1139, 1150, 1151-1154)

The first prince of Kievan Rus - who is he?

Ancient tribes that settled throughout the great waterway, which connected the entire East European Plain, were combined into one ethnic group, which was called Slavs. Tribes such as the Polyans, Drevlyans, Krivichi, Ilmen Slovenes, Northerners, Polochans, Vyatichi, Radimichi and Dregovichi were considered Slavs. Our ancestors built two greatest cities - the Dnieper and Novgorod - which at the time of the establishment of the state already existed, but did not have any ruler. The ancestors of the tribes constantly quarreled and fought with each other, having no way to find " mutual language" and come to a common decision. It was decided to call upon the Baltic princes, brothers named Rurik, Sineus and Truvor, to reign over their lands and people. These were the first names of the princes who were included in the chronicle. In 862, the prince brothers settled in three big cities- in Beloozero, Novgorod and Izborsk. The people from the Slavs turned into Russians, since the name of the tribe Varangian princes(and the brothers were Varangians) was called Rus'.

The story of Prince Rurik - another version of events

Few people know, but there is another old legend about the origin Kievan Rus and about the appearance of its first princes. Some historians suggest that the chronicle was incorrectly translated in some places, and if you look at a different translation, it turns out that only Prince Rurik sailed to the Slavs. “Sine-hus” in Old Norse means “clan”, “house”, and “tru-thief” means “squad”. The chronicle says that the brothers Sineus and Truvor allegedly died due to unclear circumstances, since mention of them in the chronicles disappears. Perhaps it’s just that now “tru-vor” was indicated as a “squad”, and “sine-hus” was already mentioned as a “clan”. This is how the non-existent brothers died in the chronicle and a squad with the family of Rurik appeared.

By the way, some scientists claim that Prince Rurik was none other than himself Danish king Rorik of Friesland, who made a huge number of successful raids on their warlike neighbors. Exactly because of this reason Slavic tribes and they called on him to rule their people, because Rorik was brave, strong, fearless and smart.

The reign of Prince Rurik in Rus' (862 – 879)

The first prince of Kievan Rus, Rurik, was not just an intelligent ruler for 17 years, but the ancestor princely dynasty(which became royal years later) and the founder political system, thanks to which Kievan Rus became a great and powerful state despite the fact that it was founded quite recently. Since the newly formed state had not yet been fully formed, Rurik devoted most of his reign to the seizure of lands by uniting all the Slavic tribes: the Northerners, the Drevlyans, the Smolensk Krivichi, the Chud and Ves tribe, the Psovsky Krivichi, the Merya tribe and the Radimichi. One of his greatest achievements, thanks to which Rurik strengthened his authority in Rus', was the suppression of the uprising of Vadim the Brave, which took place in Novgorod.

In addition to Prince Rurik, there were two more brothers, relatives of the prince, who ruled in Kyiv. The brothers' names were Askold and Dir, but if you believe the legends, Kyiv existed long before their reign and was founded by three brothers Kiy Shchek and Khoriv, ​​as well as their sister Lybid. At that time, Kyiv did not yet have a dominant significance in Rus', and Novgorod was the residence of the prince.

Princes of Kyiv – Askold and Dir (864 – 882)

The first Kyiv princes entered history only partially, since in the Tale past years"Very little has been written about them. It is known that they were warriors of Prince Rurik, but then they left him down the Dnieper to Constantinople, but, having captured Kiev along the way, they decided to stay here to reign. Details of their reign are not known, but there are records of their deaths. Prince Rurik left the reign to his young son Igor, and until he grew up, Oleg was the prince. Having received power into their own hands, Oleg and Igor went to Kyiv and in a conspiracy killed the Kyiv princes, justifying themselves by the fact that they did not belong to the princely family and did not have the right to reign. They ruled from 866 to 882. Such were the first Kyiv princes - Askold and Dir.

Prince of Ancient Rus' – reign of Prince Oleg the Prophet (879 – 912)

After the death of Rurik, power passed to his warrior Oleg, who was soon nicknamed the Prophetic. Oleg the Prophet ruled Russia until Rurik's son, Igor, came of age and could become a prince. It was during the reign of Prince Oleg that Rus' gained such power that such great states as Byzantium and even Constantinople could envy it. The regent of Prince Igor multiplied all the achievements that Prince Rurik achieved and enriched Rus' even more. Gathering a huge army under his command, he went down the Dnieper River and conquered Smolensk, Lyubech and Kyiv.

After the murder of Askold and Dir, the Drevlyans who inhabited Kyiv recognized Igor as their legitimate ruler, and Kyiv became the capital of Kievan Rus. Oleg recognized himself as a Russian, and not a foreign ruler, thus becoming the first truly Russian prince. Prophetic Oleg's campaign against Byzantium ended in his victory, thanks to which the Rus received favorable benefits for trade with Constantinople.

During his campaign against Constantinople, Oleg showed unprecedented “Russian ingenuity” by ordering the warriors to nail wheels to the ships, due to which they were able to “ride” across the plain with the help of the wind right to the gate. The formidable and powerful ruler of Byzantium, named Leo VI, surrendered, and Oleg, as a sign of his impeccable victory, nailed his shield to the very gates of Constantinople. This was a very inspiring symbol of victory for the entire squad, after which his army followed their leader with even greater devotion.

Prophecy of the death of Oleg the Prophet

Oleg the Prophet died in 912, having ruled the country for 30 years. There is much talk about his death interesting legends, and even ballads were written. Before his campaign with his squad against the Khazars, Oleg met a magician on the road who prophesied the prince’s death from his own horse. The Magi were held in high esteem in Rus', and their words were considered the true truth. Prince Oleg the Prophet was no exception, and after such a prophecy he ordered a new horse to be brought to him. But he loved his old “comrade in arms”, who had gone through more than one battle with him, and could not easily forget about him.

Many years later, Oleg learns that his horse has long gone into oblivion, and the prince decides to go to his bones to make sure that the prophecy did not come true. Stepping on the bones, Prince Oleg says goodbye to his “lonely friend,” and almost convinced that death has passed, he does not notice how a poisonous snake crawls out of his skull and bites him. This is how Oleg the Prophet met his death.

Reign of Prince Igor (912 – 945)

After the death of Prince Oleg, Igor Rurikovich took over the rule of Russia, although in fact he was considered the ruler since 879. Remembering the enormous achievements of the first princes, Prince Igor did not want to lag behind them, and therefore also often went on campaigns. During his reign, Rus' was subjected to many attacks by the Pechenegs, so the prince decided to conquer neighboring tribes and force them to pay tribute. He dealt with this problem quite well, but he was never able to fulfill his old dream and complete the conquest of Constantinople, since everything inside the state gradually plunged into chaos. The powerful princely hand weakened in comparison with Oleg and Rurik, and many obstinate tribes noticed this. For example, the Drevlyans refused to pay tribute to the prince, after which a riot arose, which had to be pacified with blood and sword. It would seem that everything had already been decided, but the Drevlyans spent a long time building a plan for revenge on Prince Igor, and a few years later it overtook him. We'll talk about this a little later.

Prince Igor was unable to keep his neighbors under control, with whom he signed a peace agreement. Having agreed with the Khazars that on the way to the Caspian Sea they would allow his army to go to the sea, and in return he would give up half of the booty received, the prince and his squad were practically destroyed on the way home. The Khazars realized that they outnumbered the army of the Russian prince, and staged a brutal massacre, after which only Igor and several dozen of his warriors managed to escape.

Victory over Constantinople

This was not his last shameful defeat. He felt another thing in the battle with Constantinople, which also destroyed almost all of princely squad. Prince Igor was so angry that in order to wash away the shame of his name, he gathered his entire squad, the Khazars and even the Pechenegs, under his command. In this formation they moved to Constantinople. Byzantine Emperor learned from the Bulgarians about the approaching disaster, and upon the arrival of the prince he began to ask for mercy, offering a very profitable terms for cooperation.

Didn't enjoy it for long brilliant victory Prince Igor. The revenge of the Drevlyans overtook him. A year after the campaign against Constantinople, as part of a small detachment of tribute collectors, Igor went to the Drevlyans to collect tribute. But they again refused to pay and destroyed all the tax collectors, and with them the prince himself. Thus ended the reign of Prince Igor Rurikovich.

Reign of Princess Olga (945 – 957)

Princess Olga was the wife of Prince Igor, and for the betrayal and murder of the prince she cruelly took revenge on the Drevlyans. The Drevlyans were almost completely destroyed, without any damage to the Russians. Olga's ruthless strategy exceeded all expectations. Having gone on a campaign to Iskorosten (Korosten), the princess and her friend spent almost a year under siege near the city. Then the great ruler ordered a tribute to be collected from each household: three doves or sparrows. The Drevlyans were very happy with such a low tribute, and therefore almost immediately hastened to carry out the order, wanting to appease the princess. But the woman was distinguished by a very sharp mind, and therefore she ordered that smoldering tow be tied to the legs of the birds, and they were released into freedom. The birds, carrying fire with them, returned to their nests, and since houses had previously been built from straw and wood, the city quickly began to burn and was completely burned to the ground.

After my great victory, the princess went to Constantinople and received there holy baptism. Being pagans, the Rus could not accept such an outburst from their princess. But the fact remains a fact, and Princess Olga is considered the first who brought Christianity to Rus' and remained faithful to her faith until the end of her days. At baptism, the princess took the name Elena, and for such courage she was elevated to the rank of saints.

Such were the princes of ancient Rus'. Strong, brave, merciless and smart. They managed to unite eternally warring tribes into one people, form a powerful and rich state and glorify their names for centuries.

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  • acquaint students with the reign of the first Russian princes: Rurik, Oleg, Igor, Olga, Svyatoslav;
  • talk about their role in the formation of the Russian state;
  • check the level of knowledge of the main topic problems, students’ understanding of basic theoretical issues and factual material;
  • develop the ability to compare the activities of historical figures, analyze and compare their reigns;
  • continue to develop the ability to independently highlight main idea, To make a conclusion;
  • continue to develop the ability to work with testing material in the form of a test.
  • awaken students' interest in Russian history;
  • to cultivate a sense of patriotism and selfless service to the Motherland using the example of these historical figures.

Lesson type: with slide presentation.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, materials for individual work of students (questionnaires), map.


I. Teacher's word:(the teacher introduces the topic and purpose of the lesson and reminds the previous topic).

II. Review questions

- When Eastern Slavs was the state formed? (IX century)

– What is a state? (A state is an organization of life in which there is a unified system of governing people living in the same territory; relationships between them are regulated on the basis of common laws or traditions, there is a common economy, culture, religion, common language, border protection is carried out by the army)

– How is a state formed? (This is a long process. It is formed as an inevitable and natural result of the decomposition of the tribal system).

– Name the prerequisites for the creation of a state in Rus'.
(1. Economic development: The social division of labor leads to the separation of crafts from agriculture. The development of trade led to the formation market relations and the emergence of cities as centers of trade. The cities of Novgorod and Kyiv are located on the trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks.”
2. Social processes during the period of military democracy:

  • the tribal community was replaced by a neighboring community (territorial),
  • development private property led to wealth inequality and the formation of classes
  • the top of the community groups around the prince, creates a squad and seizes power in the tribe.
  • a tribal community member becomes a plowman. The prince and his squad are engaged in waging war.

3. The next reasons for the formation of the state are the religious and cultural community of the tribal unions of the Slavs.
4. The need for protection from external attacks.
5. Implementation of aggressive policy).

– In the 8th-9th centuries. The Eastern Slavs are developing a social structure. What was it called and what did it represent? (This is “Military Democracy”. At the head of the tribe or union of tribes was a prince. They helped him manage the tribe: voivode- leader of the tribal army, squad– a group of warriors in person loyal to the prince, their profession is war; veche- tribal meeting. The prince and governors are still elected by the people, but the desire to make their power hereditary is already visible.)

– Thus, at the beginning of the 9th century, the Russian state appeared. How did this happen, a historical fact itself? (The Varangians Askold and Dir reigned in Kyiv, Rurik began to rule in Novgorod. Two appeared government centers, through which the trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks” passed. In 882, Prince Oleg, who began to reign after the death of Rurik, killed Askold and Dir, took the Kiev throne, united Rus', making Kiev the capital of the state. The state became known as Kievan Rus.)

– How did the Russian people learn about their history? (Nestor “The Tale of Bygone Years”)

– There are various theories of the creation of the Old Russian state, name them. (1. Norman - the calling of 3 Varangian brothers (Rurik, Sineus, Truvor) by the Novgorodians in 862). Rurik managed to unite the Krivichi, Merya, Ves, Murom tribes around Novgorod. 2. Anti-Norman (Lomonosov) - the formation of statehood among the Slavs occurred before the arrival of the Varangians).

Conclusion: In the 9th century Thanks to political, economic, social and cultural background a single state was formed - Kievan Rus.

Another conclusion - in verse:

1 student

Do we remember the history of the Fatherland?
Why is the country named this way?
There are many hypotheses and theories
Rus' - Russia has been one since ancient times.
They speak from Rurik. From the Swedes,
From Sarmatian Rus' came tribes,
Well, I think that the ancestor
He was tall, brave and strong.
It is from courage and growth
We got the name of the country
It’s so easy to isolate the root “Ros” here,
All concepts are immediately visible.
Herodotus was famous for his learning,
I saw my ancestors in ancient times,
Admired the strength, defiance,
He said: “Growth, strength is great,”
The Pechenegs and the Polovtsians knew
Russian courage, valor, honor,
Our fellows destroyed them
We have countless victories.
Let them say it as they please,
That Russia is a word from strangers,
I believe in the strength and growth of the people,
For me there are no other theories.

III. Explanation of new material

Slide (lesson topic and epigraph)

Glory to our side!
Glory to Russian antiquity!
And the legends of antiquity
We must not forget!

N.P. Konchalovskaya.

Slide (lesson objectives)

  • Get acquainted with the activities of the first Russian princes.
  • Assess their contribution to the development of our state.
  • Systematize knowledge.


  1. Prince Rurik.
  2. Oleg's activities.
  3. Igor Rurikovich.
  4. Duchess Olga.
  5. Svyatoslav Igorevich.
  6. Features of the reign of the first Russian princes.

Teacher's opening remarks: familiarization with the topic and objectives of the lesson.

- Our the lesson will pass in the form of slide presentations prepared by your classmates.
The task before you is: listening carefully to each speaker, record the main events and activities of the princes in the following table.
After the report, you can ask the speaker questions on this topic.
Along the way, carefully follow their performances and at the end of the slide presentation, you guys will make your own assessment of the work of your classmates with “5” point system. But that's a little later.

Table: “Activities of the first princes”

Speakers are speaking. As we speak, we write down the following terms in our notebooks:

Polyudye- a tour by the prince of Kyiv with his retinue of his lands to collect tribute.
LessonsExact size tribute
Churchyards- places for collecting tribute.

The teacher distributes questionnaires, a commission of students counts the questionnaires (evaluation of the speakers’ work) and collects them.

Example of a questionnaire:

- There is a table in front of you. You have systematized a new topic. Tell me, what are the features of the reign of princes?
– What do their reigns have in common?

Common features of the activities of the princes:(write down)

The activities of the first Russian princes were subordinated to two main goals:

1. They sought to extend their power to all East Slavic tribes.
2. Maintain profitable trade relations with other countries, especially with Byzantium.

Conclusion: Each of these princes made a huge contribution to the development of the Russian state, they not only ruled the country, they served it faithfully and rightfully worthy of our respect, admiration and imitation.

2 student.

And again the memory calls to the past,
And my head is spinning forever.
The millennium is here, it lives
In metal, in stone, in thoughts and words.
And comes to life Genesis,
I begin to leaf through it with trepidation.
My mysterious homeland,
Great-grandfather's Kievan Rus!
Open and bright at heart,
Good and true blood sister,
Confidently walked into the big world
Friends for joy and enemies for fear.
Here our pain and anger are shoulder to shoulder
They stood up to the offenders with a sword,
Here our joy was born in song
And she rose into the sky like a free bird.
Sacred Slavic places,
It’s still easy to breathe here,
And earthly beauty pleases the eye,
And the melody of centuries is barely audible.
And the frescoes smile from the walls
Our dear, big relatives.
And again they raise us from our knees...
Yes, who said that all the past is decay?
We are soldered to the past with our souls!

IV. Homework: paragraphs 5, 6. Essay “Glory to our side...”

Collect notebooks with tables.

Table “Activities of the first Russian princes”

862-879 - Rurik

1.Unification of tribes, formation of a state under the rule of a single prince.

1. Moved the capital from Ladoga to Novgorod, united the Ilmen tribes, Chud and all.
2. Built new cities, including Gorodishche.

3. 864 - suppression of the uprising of Vadim the Brave against the Varangians, execution of Vadim and his associates.

4. Founder of the Rurik dynasty.

5. Chronicle founder of statehood in Rus'.

6. Ending civil strife in Novgorod.

    Rurik laid the foundation for the formation of the state according to the Norman theory.

    Laid the beginning of the Rurik dynasty.

    He united the tribes of the Eastern Slavs into a single state.

2. Strengthening the borders of the state.

Strengthened the borders of the state.

    Expansion of the borders of the principality.

He sent his warriors Askold and Dir as governors to Kyiv - the second major center Rus' of that time. The borders of the state under Rurik extended in the north from Novgorod, in the west to the Krivichi (Polotsk), in the east to the Meri (Rostov) and the Muroms (Murom).

4.Defense against Khazars’ claims for payment of tribute.

Rurik's governors Askold and Dir temporarily freed the Kyivans from paying tribute to the Khazars.

Raids on Western Europe.

879-912 - Prophetic Oleg

1. Strengthening the position of the prince.

He imposed tribute on the tribes. Polyudye. Established general taxes throughout the territory.

He placed his mayors in the cities.

He accepted the title of Grand Duke, all the others are his tributaries.

Formation of the state - 882 The first ruler of Rus' who united the Slavic tribes along the route “from the Varangians to the Greeks.”

2.gave the princely authority authority and international prestige

3. took the title of Grand Duke, all other princes are his tributaries, vassals.

3. strengthened the foreign policy position of Rus'.

The significance of Prince Oleg in the history of Rus' is enormous. He is remembered and honored as the founder of the state, who strengthened it, and also strengthened his power, raising the international authority of Rus'. However, unfortunately, there was no place for Prince Oleg the Prophet on the pedestal of Mikeshin’s monument “Millennium of Rus'” in 1862.

2.Education single state.

* Was the guardian of Igor, the young son of Rurik.

* 882 - March on Kyiv, killed Askold and Dir, captured Kyiv, declared “the mother of Russian cities”, the capital of his lands.

* Unification of Novgorod with Kyiv.

* The desire to unite all East Slavic tribes.

* The emergence of a single Old Russian state with its center in Kyiv (Kievan Rus).

* Oleg's adoption of the title of Grand Duke.

* 882 - captured Smolensk and Lyubech and left his governors there.

* Subjugated the Krivichi, Vyatichi, Croats, Dulebs

* Carrying out campaigns against the Drevlyans (883), northerners (884), Radimichi (885), who paid tribute to the Khazars. Now they submitted to Kyiv

* Annexed the lands of the Ulichs and Tivertsi

3. Defense of Kiev, the capital of Rus'.

New fortifications were built around the city.

4.Ensuring state security

Builds outlying cities. "Let's start building cities."

    SOUTH direction: relations with Byzantium. Setting up trade relations.

* The desire to strengthen the foreign policy positions of the state.

* Military campaign against Byzantium in 907.

= >

He nailed the shield to the gates of Constantinople.

A peace treaty between Rus' and Byzantium was concluded according to which:

Byzantium undertook to pay monetary indemnity to Rus';

Byzantium paid tribute to Rus' annually;

open the market widely for Russian merchants;

Russian merchants obtaining the right to duty-free trade in Byzantine markets;

creation of trading colonies of Russian merchants;

could live for a month at the expense of the Greeks, received a monthly allowance for 6 months.

* Military campaign against Byzantium in 911.

= >

The first in history was concluded of Eastern Europe written agreement between Russia and Byzantium:

Confirmed the terms of the contract 907+

Establishment of a military alliance between Rus' and Byzantium.

2. Eastern direction: relations with Khazaria and nomads (steppe). Ensuring border security.

He freed the Drevlyans, northerners, and Radimichi from tribute to Khazaria.(“Don’t give it to the Khazars, but give it to me”) Stopped the dependence of the Slavs on the Khazars.

912-945 – Igor Stary

1.Unification of Slavic tribes

914 - the Drevlyans returned to the rule of Kyiv (they, after the death of Oleg, sought separatism)

914-917 - war with the streets, annexation of tribes to Kyiv

938 - conquest of the Drevlyans, Radimichi and Tivertsi.

941 - the refusal of the Drevlyans to pay tribute to Kyiv, Igor forced the resumption of the payment of tribute again, increasing its size.

945 - during the repeated collection of tribute, the Drevlyans killed Igor (“Just as a wolf gets into the habit of a flock of sheep, he will drag them all out one by one, if he is not killed”)

    Completion initial stage formation of Kievan Rus.

    Continuation of the successful unification of the Slavic tribes around Kyiv.

    Further expansion of the country's borders.

    Reflecting Pecheneg raids, providing eastern borders Rus'.

    Establishment of trade relations with Byzantium.

    Strengthening the power of the prince.

Further strengthening of the power of the prince by annexing tribes and subordinating them to the power of the Kyiv prince, which was expressed, first of all, in the payment of tribute.

    Strengthening the economic power of the state

Collect taxes, fortify cities, strengthen economic sphere countries.

4. Expansion of state borders

He founded the city of Tmutarakan on the Taman Peninsula.

1.Protecting the state’s borders in the east.

915 - the first attack of the Pechenegs on Rus', repelled the raids.

920g. - concluded a peace treaty with the Pechenegs, but it was fragile.

    Relations with Byzantium.

The founding of Russian settlements near the Byzantine colonies in Crimea and the Northern Black Sea region.

Russian-Byzantine War


941 - unsuccessful campaign against Byzantium.

Igor's boats were burned by "Greek fire"

944 - new trip, but the Byzantines paid off with tribute.

Byzantium's appeal to Igor with a request for peace, since Byzantium was unable to wage a protracted war.

Conclusion of mutually beneficial agreements.

1. Both countries restored peaceful and allied relations.

2. Byzantium still pledged to pay tribute to Rus' 3. Byzantium recognized the Russian advance to the mouth of the Dnieper and on the Taman Peninsula.

4. Russian merchants lost the right to duty-free trade in Byzantium

5. Trade connections were restored.

In this agreementexpression appears for the first time
" Russian land".

3. Continuation of campaigns in Transcaucasia.

944 - successful campaigns in Transcaucasia.

945-962 - Olga the Saint

1.Improving the taxation system.

Spent tax reform, entered

lessons - fixed tribute size

    Strengthening princely power

    Strengthening and flourishing of the state, its power

    The beginning of stone construction in Rus' was laid.

    Attempts have been made to adopt a single religion - Christianity

    Significant strengthening of the international authority of Rus'

    Expansion of diplomatic ties with the West and Byzantium.

2.Improving the system administrative division Rus'.

Conducted administrative reform: introduced administrative units -camps and churchyards - places for collecting tribute.

3. Further subordination of the tribes to the power of Kyiv.

She brutally suppressed the uprising of the Drevlyans and set fire to Iskorosten (she avenged the death of her husband according to custom).

It was under her that the Drevlyans were finally subjugated.

4.Strengthening Rus', active construction.

During Olga's reign, the first stone buildings began to be built, and stone construction began.

She continued to strengthen the capital, Kyiv.

During her reign, cities were actively developed and the city of Pskov was founded.

1. The desire to strengthen the country’s prestige on the world stage through the adoption of Christianity.

Establishing order within the state.

Olga's desire to make Christianity state religion. Resistance from the ruling circles and Olga's son Svyatoslav.

Paganism remains the official religion

Attempts to raise the international authority of Rus' and the princely dynasty.
957 - Olga's embassy in Constantinople.
In 955 (957) -Accepted the Christian faith under the name Elena. But her son, Svyatoslav, did not support his mother.959 - embassy to Germany to Otto I. The German bishop Adelbert was expelled by pagans from Kyiv in the same year.

2. Protection of Kyiv from raids.

968 - led the defense of Kyiv from the Pechenegs.

3. Strengthening ties with the West and Byzantium

Conducted a skillful diplomatic policy with neighboring countries, especially with Germany. Embassies were exchanged with her.

962-972 - Svyatoslav Igorevich

1. Completion of the process of unification of the East Slavic tribes under the rule of the Kyiv prince

Completion of the process of unification of the East Slavic tribes after the subjugation of the Vyatichi

In 964-966 he freed them from tribute to the Khazars, subordinating them to Kyiv.

    The international authority of Rus' has increased significantly.

    The territory expanded as a result of successful campaigns and the subjugation of the Vyatichi. The territory of Rus' increased from the Volga region to the Caspian Sea, from North Caucasus to the Black Sea region, from the Balkan Mountains to Byzantium.

    Princely power increased both as a result of reforms and as a result of the introduction of a system of viceroyalty. However, his attention to domestic political issues was insufficient. Basically, Olga carried out politics within the country.

    Numerous campaigns led to exhaustion and weakening of the economy, which indicates that Svyatoslav did not always show political foresight.

    Diplomatic ties with leading Christian states, ties established by Olga, were lost.

    With the death of Svyatoslav, the era of distant military campaigns ended in the history of Kievan Rus. The prince's successors focused on the development of the conquered lands and the development of the state.

2. Preservation of paganism.

He was a pagan and did not accept Christianity, like Olga.

3. Further strengthening of the princely power and management system.

He spent most of his time hiking.

His mother, Princess Olga, was the regent.

He supported Olga’s tax and administrative reforms.

He appointed his sons as governors of the cities, that is,was the first to establish a system of viceroyalty.

*The desire to expand the territory of Rus' and ensure the security of eastern trade routes.

Active foreign policy of Kievan Rus.

The desire to expand the territory of Rus' and ensure the safety of eastern trade routes for Russian merchants.

1. Defeat of Volga Bulgaria (966)

2. Defeat of the Khazar Kaganate (964-966)

3. War and defeat of Danube Bulgaria (968 - first campaign, victory at Dorostol,

969-971 - second campaign, less successful).
As a result, the lands located along the lower reaches of the Danube passed to Rus'.
965 - established allied relations with the Yases and Kagoses

*Ensuring security on the part of Byzantium, striving for free trade with it.

970-971-Russian-Byzantine war. Defeat of Rus'. According to the peace treaty, Rus' did not attack Byzantium and Bulgaria. And Byzantium recognized Russia’s conquests in the Volga and Black Sea regions.

Expansion and strengthening of the borders of Kievan Rus

I dreamed of making Peryaslavets the capital. The city was located on the border with Byzantium. This caused concern among the Byzantines.

* Fight against nomads.

968 - Pecheneg attack on Kyiv, Svyatoslav, together with Olga, repelled the raid. He was killed by the Pechenegs, bribed by Byzantium, in an ambush. It was arranged by the Pechenezh Khan Kurei, who later made a cup from Svyatoslav’s skull, writing on it: “Wanting someone else’s, I lost my own.”


Kyiv Drevlyansky land Novgorod

972-980 - Internecine wars between the children of Svyatoslav (First strife in Rus')

980-1015 - Vladimir Svyatoslavich Saint Red Sun

Domestic policy

Foreign policy

Results of activities

Further strengthening of the Old Russian state

Strengthening the country's governance system

980g. - the first one was carried out religious reform, pagan reform: new statues of pagan gods next to the grand ducal palace. Proclamation of Perun as the supreme deity.

988 - Christianity adopted. The power of the prince strengthened under the name of the one God

The adoption of Christianity led to the acquisition of a spiritual core; the church became a huge force uniting the people.

988 - administrative reform was completed: Vladimir appointed his numerous sons as governors in cities and principalities.

Judicial reform was carried out, the “Zemlyanaya Charter”, a set of norms of oral customary law, was adopted.

Military reform: instead of Varangian mercenaries, the prince is served by “the best men” from the Slavs,

Vladimirstrengthened southern borders system "Serpentine Shafts" is a solid wall of earth embankment, earthen trenches, outposts;

construction of fortresses on the left bank of the river. Dnieper (4 lines of defense, fortresses 15-20 km from each other at fords on the banks of rivers flowing into the Dnieper River to prevent the crossing of the Pecheneg cavalry);

Belgorod is a fortress city - a gathering place for all Russian forces during the Pecheneg invasion;

signal towers - light warning system;

to protect the borders, he attracted heroes, experienced warriors from all over Rus';

silver spoons for the whole squad

    The power of the prince was significantly strengthened with the adoption of a single religion

    A unified ideology and national identity was being formed.

    The formation process has completed state territory Rus' - all East Slavic lands were annexed.

    There has been significant cultural development.

    The international authority of Rus' increased.

Expansion of the territory of Rus'

annexation of new East Slavic tribes: the Vyatichi were tamed in 981-982, the Radimichi and Croats were subjugated in 984.

That. restored the unity of the Russian land

Construction of new cities, strengthening and decoration of the capital

A new fortress was built in Kyiv, the city was strengthened earthen ramparts, decorated with architectural structures.

Cities were built: Belgorod, Pereyaslavl, 1010 - Vladimir - on - Klyazma and others.

Development of culture

The enlighteners Cyril and Methodius created Slavic alphabet

Books were translated from Greek language, literacy began to spread

A special tax has been introduced for the development of culture and architecture -tithe .

In 986-996 the first church was built -Tithe (Assumption of the Virgin Mary) 996

The development of icon painting, as well as fresco painting - images on wet plaster.

Christianity united the Eastern Slavs into one people - the Russians.

Large-scale stone construction began.

Strengthening the international authority of Rus'

With the adoption of Christianity, the country was no longer considered barbaric and began to be perceived as a civilized state.

Vladimir introduced dynastic marriages, he himself married the sister of the Byzantine emperor, Anna.

Military clashes and peace negotiations with foreign countries

There was a fight against the Pechenegs

The Principality of Polotsk was conquered

A trip to Volga Bulgaria was carried out

- (new direction of Western foreign policy) - there were the first clashes with Poland - Cherven, Przemysl were captured

985 – campaign against Danube Bulgaria and a peace treaty with it.

Diplomatic contacts with countries: ambassadors of the Pope came to Kyiv, the Russian embassy went to Germany, Rome. Peace treaties with the Czech Republic, Byzantium, Hungary, Poland.

988 - siege of Chersonesus - a Byzantine city

The international authority of Rus' has increased.

Extension international relations with Byzantium and other countries

Paganism hindered the strengthening of statehood

The power of the prince increased.

Vladimir himself has changed.

A religion with one god was needed to unite the people and strengthen the power of the prince

Big role The church began to play a role in the country, uniting the people and strengthening the princely power.

Social inequality also required the emergence of a new ideology in order to justify the rich and somehow console the poor with the hope of happy life in Paradise. those. justification social inequality

However, Christianity contributed to increased exploitation by condemning protests and persecuting dissidents.

The need to unite all tribes

Strengthening the unity of the country, developing the country's economy

Introduction to Byzantine culture

Development of culture, literacy, bookmaking, painting, architecture, writing, education.

Christian laws appeared - do not kill, do not steal, and many others, which contributed to the formation moral principles. The Church called on people to love humanity, tolerance, respect for parents and children, for the personality of a woman-mother => strengthening morality

Beginning of the 11th century - Svyatopolk openly opposed his father, Vladimir, for which he was even sent to prison, from which his father released him shortly before his death. Immediately after the death of Vladimir, he strives to seize the Kiev throne, bribing the people of Kiev with gifts. The most terrible means of coming to power was murder brothers - Boris and Gleb. In 1016, on the Listven River, his brother Yaroslav won a victory over Svyatopolk. Svyatopolk fled to Poland. 1017 - Svyatoslav, supported by the Polovs and Poles (son-in-law Boleslav 1 the Brave), wins, again seizing the throne.

1019 - at the Battle of the Alta C River Vyatopolk was defeated and soon died. Power passed to Yaroslav the Wise.

    Prince Svyatopolk the Accursed, being on the Kiev throne for a total of about 4 years, pursued only one goal - to gain a foothold on it, he was the Grand Duke.

    The chronicle does not contain descriptions of any significant actions of the prince that would be aimed at strengthening the state and its power. Just battles for power, conspiracies, murders.

    To achieve his goal, Svyatopolk did not disdain to use any means: he opposed Father Vladimir the Saint, and killed three of his brothers. Svyatopolk remained in the memory of the people only as the Accursed One, despised by the people, a sinner, an outcast.

Using dynastic marriage to consolidate power

Was married to a daughter Polish king Boleslav 1 the Brave. More than once he used the help of his father-in-law to strengthen his position on the Kiev throne, using the support of the Polish army.

1019-1054 - Yaroslav the Wise

Main activities

Domestic policy

Foreign policy

Results of activities

Strengthening princely power

The final establishment of Christianity

Strengthening princely power. 1036 Death of Mstislav. Yaroslav is the ruler of all Rus'.

Churches and monasteries were built - among them Kiev-Pechersk,

1037 - beginning of construction of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv (until 1041),

1045 - Beginning of construction of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod (until 1050);

the church left the subordination of Constantinople, the first Russian metropolitan, Hilarion, was appointed1051

1036 Creation of the Kyiv metropolis, headed by FEOPEMT (Greek).

Creation of a legislative system:1016 - code of laws« Russian truth "- blood feud was limited in it (allowed only for close relatives), introducedvira - system of fines.

The fight against separatism, that is, separation: introduced new order transfer of power to the eldest in the clan, that isstaircase system.

Development of writing and education: created primary schools at the monasteries, a library; under Yaroslav, many books from Greek were translated and copied.

paid great attention raising children. He wrote the famous “Testament” to children in 1054.

1024 Defeat of the Varangians at Listven

1030 Hiking to Chud (the city of Yuryev was founded on these lands in 1036)

Fight against nomads - Pechenegs, under him their raids in1036 St. Sophia Cathedral and the Golden Gate in Kyiv were founded in honor of this victory.

Strengthening ties with Western countries. Dynastic marriages of daughters. After the war with Byzantium in 1043, he himself married the Byzantine princess Anna Monomakh.

Expansion of the borders of Rus'.

1030 - campaign against Novgorod, subjugation of the Estonians. Founded the city of Yuryev.

1. Contributed to the flourishing of Rus'.

2. Strengthened the princely power.

3. He finally established Christianity and began the process of separating the church from the power of the Byzantine patriarch.

4. Laid the beginning of written state legislation

5. Contributed to the development of education and enlightenment

6. Significantly strengthened the international authority of Rus'.

Further development culture

1021 The first saints in Rus' are Boris and Gleb, brothers of Ya. the Wise, killed by Svyatopolk the Accursed. Canonized by the church.

1026 Division of the Principality of Kyiv between Yaroslav and Mstislav the Udal (Tmutarakansky)

1043 Hilarion's "Sermon on Law and Grace"

Ser.11c Appearance of the FIRST monasteries - Kiev-Pechersk (monk Nestor) - 1051

1113-1125 - Vladimir Monomakh

Main activities

Domestic policy

Foreign policy

Results of activities

Preserving the unity and stability of the state, strengthening its economic power

Three quarters of the country was subordinated to the Grand Duke and his relatives

The internecine wars have been put to an end (Lyubech Congress in 1097 )

Trade continued to develop and coinage began, which significantly increased trade turnover in the country.

The centralization of power increased, control over the most important cities of Rus', over the route “from the Varangians to the Greeks” was maintained.

Under Monomakh, Rus' was the strongest power

Temporary cessation of strife

There has been a strengthening of the economic and military power countries

Culture and education were developing.

The cessation of Polovtsian raids, which significantly increased the international authority of Rus', gave the people confidence in their abilities.

Further peaceful cooperation with Western countries, using diplomatic methods and dynastic marriages for these purposes.

Historical meaning

In 1125, Vladimir Monomakh died.

None of the previous or subsequent rulers received such praise in chronicles and folk tales.

He became famous as a wise and fair prince, a talented and successful commander, educated, intelligent and a kind person. His activities to unite Russian lands and suppress internecine wars is the basis for the formation of a strong and unified state, which for the first time entered the international level as a reliable partner and a formidable enemy.

Further development of literature and art, education

A version has appeared

"The Tale of Bygone Years" written by a monk Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor.

In 1117 Monk Sylvester created a second version

"The Tale...", which has come down to us

Abbot Daniel's “Walk” - a story about a journey to Palestine

“Teaching” of Monomakh addressed to his children

many books from Byzantine literature were translated

schools were created, they began to “collect children from the best people and send them to book education”

active construction of churches was underway.

1113 “Charter of Vladimir Monomakh”

Protecting the country together with his sons from external enemies

In the northwest, Mstislav built stone fortresses in Novgorod and Ladoga,

in the northeast Yuri repelled raids Volga Bulgars, Prince Yaropolk, who ruled in Pereyaslavl, fought with the Polotsk in 1116 and 1120, after which they fled to the Caucasus and Hungary, annexed the Danube cities, and completely subjugated the Polotsk land.

(1103 defeat of the Polovtsians on the Suten River (with Svyatopolk)

1107 defeat of the Cumans

(with Svyatoslav)

1111 victory over the Polovtsians on the river. Salnitsa)

Establishing friendly relations with other countries

Since 1122 - recovered friendly relations with Byzantium

The policy of strengthening dynastic ties with Europe continued; Monomakh himself was married to the daughter of the King of England, Gita.

· Rurik - leader of the hired Varangian squad, according to the Tale of Bygone Years, invited (called up) to Novgorod in 862 g., seized power and became a prince in Novgorod. The Kyiv princes subsequently considered him the founder of their dynasty. Died in 879 leaving his young son Igor.

· Oleg the Prophetic (879–912) – first historical prince Varangian origin, in 879–882. ruled in Novgorod, in 882 captured Kyiv, killed the Kyiv princes Askold And Dira , united two East Slavic centers into a single Old Russian state. IN 882 Kyiv became the center of the Old Russian state. IN 907 made a campaign against Constantinople (Constantinople) and, as a sign of the end of hostilities and peace, hung his shield on its gates, signed a profitable agreement with Byzantium on duty-free trade on the territory of the empire. Rus' received new concessions under an agreement with Byzantium 911

· Igor (912–945) - according to the chronicle, the son of Rurik (hence the dynasty Rurikovich ), continued the subjugation of the East Slavic tribes, in 941 And 944 – new campaigns against Byzantium, 944 - new Russian-Byzantine treaty. 945 - The Drevlyans killed Igor while collecting tribute. His wife, Princess Olga, organized a punitive campaign against the Drevlyans.

· Olga Saint (945–957) - was regent under Svyatoslav during his childhood and ruled during his campaigns, carried out reforms: established "lessons" – size of tribute and "cemeteries" - places for collecting tribute. IN 957 visited Constantinople and was baptized.

· Svyatoslav ( 962–972) - fought with the Khazars, after his campaigns the Khazar Kaganate ceased to exist as a strong state. He made a campaign against Byzantium and in 970 . h made peace with her.

· Vladimir the Holy, Red Sun (980–1015) – fought with the Pechenegs, married the Byzantine princess Anna. With him in 988 - baptism of Rus' (adoption of Christianity as the official religion). IN Ancient Rus' instead of polytheistic (polytheism - polytheism) paganism established monotheistic (monotheism - monotheism) religion .

Reasons for accepting Christianity :

1. the need to strengthen the state and its territorial unity;

2. the need to join the family European peoples, paganism doomed isolation and hostility from Christian neighbors;

3. The growing social heterogeneity of society required a transition to a more complex ideological system.

Reasons for choosing Christianity in its Orthodox version:

1. strong cultural and economic ties with the strongest state of the 10th century, Byzantium, the heir of the great Rome;

2. international situation, the relationship between church and state (the Pope laid claim to secular power, Catholic Church didn't want to take into account local peculiarities, her belligerence);

3. Orthodoxy's tolerance of local traditions.

Consequences of the adoption of Christianity (Orthodoxy) in Rus':

1. ruling class received an ideological means for strengthening power (the Christian religion), as well as an organization that performed the function of divine sanctification of the emerging feudal system;

2. the unity of the Old Russian state was ideologically consolidated;

3. Rus' received writing and the opportunity to join the culture of Byzantium, the heir ancient civilization;

4. The foreign policy ties of Rus', which joined the family of Christian nations, expanded and strengthened;

5. The Orthodox Church influenced Old Russian society- softened morals, fought against polygamy and other pagan remnants, and opposed slavery.

· Yaroslav the Wise (1019–1054) - became an autocrat, introduced the first written code of laws in Ancient Rus' - Russian Truth (1016 g.) for the legal regulation of early feudal relations. Dynastic marriages his children contributed to the expansion and strengthening of contacts with European countries. IN 1036 inflicted a decisive defeat Pechenegs in the battle of Kiev. His reign began Kiev-Pechersk Lavra . IN 1051 for the first time in Kyiv metropolitan (head of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ancient Rus') Russian by origin was elected Hilarion . Organized the translation of liturgical books. Built St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.

Brief edition Russian Truth, besides Pravda Yaroslav , included Pravda Yaroslavich , created by the sons of Yaroslav (Izyaslav, Svyatoslav, Vsevolod) in around 1072 as a state response to popular unrest. She banned blood feud, replacing it Viroy (fine for murder free man), ensured the protection of the prince’s personal possessions, and increased the difference in payment for the murder of different categories of the population.

· Vladimir Monomakh (1113–1125) - as a reaction to the uprising in Kyiv V 1113 g . accepted legislative act "Charter of Vladimir Monomakh" (1113 g .), included in Long edition of the Russian Pravda, which recorded the emergence of a new group of feudal-dependent people - purchases and established interest rates on loans, limiting usury. Organizer of the campaign of Russian princes against the Polovtsians in 1111 Significantly weakened Polovtsian danger due to campaigns against the Polovtsians.

· Mstislav Vladimirovich (1125–1132) - eliminated the Polovtsian danger, finally defeating Polovtsians .