Dictionary of paronyms edited by Lvova. A brief dictionary of paronyms

Dictionaries of paronyms describe words that are similar in morphological composition and, therefore, in sound, but differ in meaning (for example: former - former, economic - economical - economical, introduce yourself - repose).

Dictionaries of paronyms are a relatively young type of lexicographic publications, since the lexicological study of paronyms began much later than other lexical-semantic groupings. Practical significance The number of dictionaries of paronyms is very large, since the use of paronyms is associated with numerous errors in the speech of both native speakers and students of the Russian language. V.S. Elistratov considers paronym dictionaries as a “symptomatic fact modern culture, gradually emerging from the viscosity of jelly “as if specific 44 words on the basis of precise, and therefore more effective, word use” [Elistratov 2002].

First experience lexicographic description paronyms appeared in the dictionary-reference book " Difficult cases the use of cognate words of the Russian language”, compiled by Yu.A. Belchikov and M.S. Panyusheva. It presents paronymic words with the same root, which, due to their certain similarity, are sometimes confused in use (inhale - sigh, residential - residential, put on - put on). In the later “Dictionary of Paronyms of the Modern Russian Language” the same authors cite detailed description meanings of each paronym, all compatibility features are identified, knowledge of which will allow you to avoid lexical errors.

N.P. adheres to a broad understanding of paronymy. Kolesnikov in the “Dictionary of Paronyms of the Russian Language”. It contains single-root and multi-root consonant words, which are sometimes mixed in use, for example: fugitive - runner - refugee, teeth - teeth, cardboard - cordon, deprive - decide, rabble - rags, festive - idle, spitz - syringe and so on.

The selection of paronyms as single-root words belonging to one part of speech and having stress on one syllable was made in the “Dictionary of Paronyms of the Russian Language” by O. V. Vishnyakova, where two-member groupings of single-root consonant words-paronyms (such as melodika - melody, voluntary - voluntary, now - now), which are sometimes unintentionally mixed in speech.

The most complete scientific description paronyms are presented in a series of dictionaries by V.I. Krasnykh. In descriptions of paronymic series (for example: hot - running- stilted- walking", fiction- speculation - intention - intention", listen - listen - listen - listen etc.) each paronym is characterized: grammatical and stylistic notes, interpretation are given, and the most typical sayings illustrating its use are given. The dictionary reflects dynamic processes in vocabulary: the formation of new meanings, expansion of compatibility, the departure of some words from active use etc. The undoubted advantage of the dictionary is its rich illustrative material(more than 40,000 sayings in the form of standard formulas summarizing the variety of real contexts). Yes, paronyms guaranteed - guaranteed illustrated by the following current sayings: Guarantee obligation. Warranty period, repair, contract.

Letter of guarantee. Warranty workshop. Guaranteed earnings, income. Guaranteed harvest. Guaranteed vacation, rest. Guaranteed flight safety" paronyms index - indexing - sayings Index of goods, terms. Index of published books. Bibliographic index. Postcode. Labor productivity index. Consumer and retail price index. Index wages. Population income index. Behind each of these sayings there are many real usages.

“Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language: paronyms” G.P. Snetova and O.B. Vlasova includes paronymic series of the same semantic field, having differences in meaning, word formation, lexical and syntactic compatibility. Each dictionary entry presents grammatical characteristics of words, definitions of the meanings of paronyms, their language connections with other words, word-formation differences, illustrations from fiction, scientific works, journalism, periodicals and author's examples.

In “Materials for the Dictionary of Paronyms of the Russian Language” V.P. Grigorieva, N.A. Kozhevnikova and Z.Yu. Petrova describes paronyms presented in artistic (poetic) speech.

Paronymous words are also the subject of description in orthological dictionaries various types(see section “Dictionaries of difficulties of the Russian language”).

Dictionary of paronyms of the modern Russian language [more than 200 paronymic series]. M.: ACT: Astrel, 2007. 458 p. .

Belchikov Yu.L., Panyusheva M.S. Difficult cases of using cognate words in the Russian language: dictionary-reference book. 2nd ed., erased. M.: Soviet encyclopedia, 1969. 296 p. .

Vvedenskaya J.L., Kolesnikov I.I. Educational dictionary paronyms of the Russian language. M.; Rostov n/d.: MarT, 2005. 192 p.

Grigoriev V.I., Kozhevnikova I.L., Petrova Z.Yu. Materials for the dictionary of paronyms of the Russian language. M.: Institute of Rus. language Ross. acad. Sciences, 1992. 293 p.

Kolesnikov I.I. Semonymic dictionaries [dictionary of paronyms of the Russian language; Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language]. Rostov n/a. : Phoenix, 1995. 506 p.

Kolesnikov I. I. Dictionary of paronyms of the Russian language [more than 3000 words, 1400 nests of paronyms]. Tbilisi: Tbil Publishing House. Univ., 1971. 343 p.

Krasnykh V.I. Paronyms in the Russian language: the most complete explanatory dictionary [more than 3500 paronyms, about 1500 paronymic rows]: [more than 50,000 illustrative examples]. M.: Astrel: ACT, 2010. 591 p. [Same in 2009].

Krasnykh V.I. Modern dictionary Russian language. Paronyms [more than 3,500 paronyms, about 1,500 paronymic rows]: [more than 50,000 examples and illustrations]. M.: Astrel: ACT: Poligraf-izdat, 2010. 605 p. (Modern Dictionary).

Krasnykh V.I. Explanatory dictionary of paronyms in the Russian language: 1100 paronymic rows, more than 2600 paronyms. M.: Astrel: ACT,

2003. 589 p. .

Lazareva O.A., Shushkov A.A. Let's speak correctly! Paronyms of the modern Russian language: short reference dictionary. St. Petersburg : Fak. philology and arts St. Petersburg. state Univ., 2008. 211 p.

Dictionary-reference book on the Russian language [interpretation of more than 1000 synonyms and paronyms] / ed. I.P. Slesareva. M.: Russian language. Courses, 2011. 592 p.

Snetova G.P., Vlasova O.B. Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language: paronyms [more than 2000 paronyms] / Ros. acad. Sci. M.: Eksmo, 2008. 413 p. (Library of dictionaries).

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Paronyms often become a source speech errors: the similarity of words is often the reason for their confusion (for example: put on - put on)

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IN lexicon Russian language included whole line lexical categories, one of which is paronyms (from the Greek para “near, nearby” + onyma “name”). PARONYMS are words of different meaning, similar in pronunciation, lexical and grammatical affiliation and in the relatedness of roots, the similarity in sound of which leads to their confusion in speech (male // forging, wise // wise, exhibit // exhibit). Paronyms are found not only in colloquial speech, but also in poetry, artistic prose, journalism, in scientific speech.

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The meanings of the components of a paronymic pair are characterized by the fact that they do not coincide (like synonyms), are not opposed (like antonyms), their appearance(shell) does not overlap one another (like homonyms). Lexical meanings The components of a paronymic pair are necessarily differentiated. This explains the impossibility of replacing any of the paronyms with its paired component (optic nerve, visual memory, but spectator interests, spectator masses, etc.). With their erroneous interchange, which occurs due to the similarity in sound, the statement becomes either meaningless or related to a different substantive significance, for example: The delegations decided to create a single (single) body that would coordinate economic policy countries However, in a number of cases, paronyms can be combined with the same word, creating discrepancies in meaning: engineering thought (technical thought related to the specialty, activity of an engineer)//engineering thought (thought of an engineer). Mastering paronyms eliminates the confusion of consonant single-root words, promotes accuracy of speech, word usage, and mastery of standard language

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How the dictionary is built

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    Composition of the dictionary

    § 1. The dictionary includes: a) preface; b) list of conditional abbreviations; c) Russian alphabet; d) a dictionary corpus consisting of dictionary entries in which about 1000 pairs of paronyms have been lexicographically processed; e) index of paronyms and paronymic nests included in the dictionary.

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    § 2. The dictionary contains paronyms that are presented in various layers of oral and book-written speech: artistic and literary, colloquial, social, journalistic, industrial and technical, scientific, etc. Paronyms that are limited in their use are marked , indicating the stylistic characteristics of the word (special, colloquial, political, bot., etc.). These notes are given on the basis of the Dictionary of Modern Russian literary language"in 17 volumes, "Dictionary of the Russian Language" by S. I. Ozhegov and "Dictionary of the Russian Language" in 4 volumes.

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    Dictionary structure

    § 3. The dictionary body consists of dictionary entries built on a comparison of the components of the described lexical pairs of paronyms. § 4. Each pair of paronyms is considered in a separate dictionary entry. Articles are located in alphabetical order. Inside each pair there is an alphabetical principle for the arrangement of lexical units, for example: ADDRESSER//ADDRESSER... Idleness//Idleness... BREATH//SIGH...

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    WEEKDAY//WEEKDAY WEEKDAY (colloquial). About time: relating to everyday life. Weekday: ∼day; ∼her time. People flocked there large number, despite it being a weekday. K. Fedin. Narovchatskaya chronicle. EVERYDAY. 1. only full. f. One that constantly surrounds a person; intended for everyday life, work, activities, not festive. Synonyms: everyday, ordinary. Antonyms: festive, ceremonial. 2. transfer Prosaic, monotonous, boring. Synonyms: joyless, gray (translated). Everyday: 1) ∼work; ∼th work; ∼thing, occupation; ∼ concerns; clothes, shoes; 2) ∼life, environment; ∼ life; ∼ topics; ∼order; ∼th voice. Grubsky was sitting with Zalkind. He had a festive look - - -. Kovshov felt embarrassed for his usual everyday suit. V. Azhaev. Far from Moscow. Most people do not bother themselves with choosing the most the right word in everyday, everyday speech. S. Marshak. Notes on craftsmanship. - - - Kondrat Semyonich, with a swollen face, but already in a calm, everyday mood, sat at the table opposite the stove maker - - -. I. Bunin. Teacher. Comparison: weekday evening - evening during weekdays; a weekday evening is an ordinary, similar to others, monotonous evening.

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    Olga Vishnyakova
    Original name: Dictionary of Russian language paronyms
    Year of issue: 1984
    Genre: Dictionaries, reference books
    Released: USSR, Moscow, Russian language
    Language: Russian

    Description: The main purpose of the book is to present in a concentrated, orderly form two-part groupings of single-root consonant words - paronyms (such as melody//melody, voluntary//volunteer, now//now), sometimes unintentionally falling into confusion and thus violating the correctness of speech. The dictionary includes about 1000 pairs of paronyms of the modern Russian language, showing their possible compatibility with other words, in necessary cases stylistic characteristic, available synonyms and antonyms, as well as their use in phraseology. The dictionary is addressed to those for whom Russian is not their native language and who are studying it at the advanced and final stages, teachers of the Russian language abroad and everyone interested in improving the culture of Russian speech.

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    BBK: 81.2Р-4 | Circulation: 50,000 copies

    The book contains an interactive table of contents.

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    Did you know

    Olga Viktorovna Vishnyakova (born 09/01/1963 in Moscow). Graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Culture (1986), Faculty of Retraining of Pedagogical Personnel of the Moscow Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers (1997), ANO International Institute"INFO-Rutenia" (2012). From 1992 to the present, he has been working at the State Educational Institution Lyceum No. 1580 at the Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman as a teacher of Russian language and literature, deputy director of the lyceum for educational work. He is the author of several methodological manuals: « Written speech: Tutorial for students of grades 10-11 and applicants”, “Combined course of the Russian language (grades 5-9). Exercises and assignments: A textbook for those entering the lyceum in grades 10-11,” “Russian language. Typical options entrance tests for those entering the lyceum in grades 10-11”, “Russian language. Typical options for entrance tests for applicants to the lyceum in the 8th grade." From 2003 to 2009 Vishnyakova O.V. supervised the work of the city experimental site “Training on individual curriculum"on the basis of the lyceum. From 2009 to 2012 took part in the work of the GEP “Systematic modernization of the educational conditions of the lyceum to ensure effective personal development and professional self-determination high school students in the field of technical sciences and industry.” From 2000 to the present time he leads the work admissions committee in Russian at the Lyceum. Vishnyakova O.V. - Experienced class teacher. During my time at the Lyceum I graduated from 9 classes. In each issue, Vishnyakova O.V. There are medalists, as well as students participating in the Russian Intellectual Resources program.

    Pedagogical activity Vishnyakova O.V. received worthy assessment. For fruitful work she was awarded the medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow” (1997), the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2011), the Certificate of the Moscow Department of Education (2004), the Certificate of the Southern District Education Department of Moscow (2007 ,2012), Certificate of the Prefect of the South administrative district Moscow (2012), Letter of gratitude from the administration of MSTU. N.E. Bauman (2009), a letter of gratitude from OOD "Researcher", MGDD(Yu)T and Moscow State Pedagogical University (2011), a letter of gratitude from the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Methodological Center of the Southern Educational Institution of Moscow (2012), as well as thanks from the leadership of the lyceum with inclusion in work book(2006,2008,2009, 2011). He is a labor veteran (2007). Has the highest qualification category. Teaching experience – 20 years.

    “The Dictionary of Paronyms of the Russian Language” is the most complete of all available dictionaries of paronyms; it includes about 500 paronymic series of the same or similar semantic field, which have differences in meaning, word formation, lexical and syntactic compatibility. Each dictionary entry gives grammatical characteristics words, definitions of the meanings of paronyms, their linguistic connections with other words, word-formation differences. As illustrations, quotes from fiction, scientific, journalistic works and periodicals, as well as the author’s own examples, are provided. This dictionary intended primarily for students secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, students philological faculties universities, as well as foreign students studying Russian at various universities across the country. The dictionary will be useful to a wide range of readers, publishing workers, teachers - anyone who is interested in the peculiarities of the Russian language and strives to overcome difficulties in mastering the norms of word usage.

    The work belongs to the genre Dictionaries. It was published in 2015 by the publishing house Peace and Education. The book is part of the series "New Dictionaries (Peace and Education)". On our website you can download the book "Dictionary of Paronyms of the Russian Language" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper form.

  • 20. Put the correct stress on the verbs.
  • 21. Form past tense forms of reflexive verbs and place stress in them.
  • 22. Place stress in verb forms, indicate possible options for correct placement of stress.
  • Lexical norms
  • Lexical compatibility. Stable combinations of words (phraseologisms)
  • Tasks
  • 7. Find words with a figurative meaning in the text. Are these figurative meanings general linguistic or individually authored?
  • 4. Pay attention to how paronyms differ in terms of morphemic composition: prefixes, suffixes, roots?
  • Phraseology
  • 9. How is antonymy of phraseological units created? Is it related to their component composition?
  • 10. What can be said about the component composition of phraseological units with the meaning “to deceive” and their stylistic coloring?
  • Morphological norms Noun
  • Topic I. Genus category
  • 2. Form the singular form. Note cases of variation.
  • 3. Make up phrases with the following nouns.
  • 4. Determine the gender of the following indeclinable nouns. Name the rule that you followed.
  • 5. Use abbreviations with verbs in the past tense.
  • 6. Choose a definition for the following compound nouns.
  • Topic 2. Case category. Declension of nouns
  • 1. Read the following quote from the book by K.S. Gorbachevich “Norms of the modern Russian literary language.” Draw conclusions.
  • 2. After reading the following quote and the material in the dictionaries, draw a conclusion about the use of forms ending in -ы (-и). I-a (-i).
  • 3. Form the genitive plural form of the following nouns. Note cases of variation.
  • 4. To complete the following task, you need to remember the rules for declension of anthroponyms:
  • 5. To complete the next task, repeat the rules for declension of place names.
  • Topic 3. Adjective
  • 2. Form short forms. Place emphasis. Sample execution:
  • 3. Form a simple comparative degree. State the reason for the absence of the named form.
  • 5. Remember the spelling n and nn in short participles and adjectives.
  • Topic 4. Numeral
  • 1. Before completing the task, repeat the following rules:
  • 2. Write the numbers in words.
  • 3. Select options that can be used in official business and colloquial speech:
  • 4. Fill out the table according to the proposed sample:
  • 5. Choose the right option
  • Topic 5. Pronoun
  • 1. Before you begin the exercise, familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:
  • 2. Place a suitable attributive pronoun in the blank (everyone, each, any).
  • 3. Determine the semantic difference in the given combinations with indefinite pronouns.
  • 5. Illustrate the rules given in the right column with examples from the left column.
  • 6. In the combinations below, replace nouns or pronouns of the 1st and 2nd persons with a personal pronoun of the 3rd person.
  • Topic 6. Verb and its forms
  • 2. Complete the task according to the proposed sample:
  • 3. Form into a 1 liter mold. Unit Ch. From the following verbs.
  • 10. Form active past participles from the following verbs.
  • Style of written business communication (Official business style, business style, official documentary style, administrative style, legislative style, official clerical style, clerical style, business literature)
  • Tasks
  • 1. Read the given fragments of texts and determine their style. What allowed you to find the right solution?
  • 2. Pay attention to the presence of headings in the contract between the travel company and the client. Explain the need for rubrication.
  • 3. Check with any Explanatory Dictionary the meaning and stylistic coloring of the words:
  • Personal documents
  • Administrative documents.
  • Administrative and organizational documents
  • Rubrication rules
  • Information and reference documents. Certificates and reports
  • Service memo
  • Memorandum
  • Business letters
  • Ethical and communication standards
  • Tasks
  • 2. Establish a correspondence between the statement and the genre. Draw a conclusion about the need to choose the mood of the verb when expressing the corresponding intentions.
  • 3. Using the verbs convey, exit, yield, visit, formulate a request, order, demand, invitation.
  • A short dictionary of accents
  • Brief dictionary of foreign words
  • A brief dictionary of paronyms
  • Literature
  • Brief dictionary paronyms

    SUBSCRIPTION – SUBSCRIBERsubscription - a document granting the right to service, use something, as well as the right to do so: library subscription; theater subscription; concert ticket.

    Subscriber - the one who uses the subscription: subscriber of the library, telephone network, subscriber does not answer, careful subscriber.

    ADDRESSEE - ADDRESSERdestination - recipient of correspondence; addressee - sender of correspondence.

    ANECDOTICA - ANECDOTICAanecdotal - based on anecdote: anecdotal story; anecdotal – ridiculous: anecdotal incident.

    ARTISTIC - ARTISTICartistic - inherent in the artist: artistic talent, performance; artistic - skillful, virtuosic: artistic performance, artistic work.

    ARCHAIC - ARCHAICarchaic - characteristic of antiquity: archaic look, archaic speech, archaic work; archaic - out of use: archaic work, custom, appearance, costume.

    WEEKDAY - WEEKDAYweekday - not a holiday: weekday, weekday; everyday - everyday, ordinary: everyday work, clothes, furnishings, everyday worries.

    Wandering – Wanderingvagabond - pertaining to a tramp; belonging to, characteristic of a vagabond: vagabond appearance, character, disposition; wandering - constantly moving from place to place, nomadic: wandering musician, nature, troupe, hunter.

    BREATH IN – BREATH INinhale - take in with your breath: inhale fresh air, oxygen, smoke, the smell of flowers. In a figurative meaning: to breathe strength into a comrade ; sigh - take a breath: take a breath relief after running.

    MILITATORY – MILITATORY warlike - possessing a military spirit, brave: warlike people, nomads, country, tribes, state ; and also: characteristic of a warrior, decisive, ready to clash: belligerent posture, belligerent attacks, belligerent character, tone, argument. Militant - active, irreconcilable: militant atheist, humanist, philistine, idealism, materialism.

    UGLY - UGLYugly - very bad, vile; disgusting: nasty person, deed, nasty lie, cigar, weather;

    squeamish - full of disgust, disgust towards someone or something: a disgusting gesture, a look, a disgusting feeling.

    WARRANTY – GUARANTEEDwarranty - containing a guarantee, serving as a guarantee: warranty repairs, workshop, insurance, term, obligation, passport, securities.

    Guaranteed - supported by law, order: guaranteed rights, old age, future , guaranteed payment; and also: secured - in combination with the words: income, earnings, rest.

    HARMONIC - HARMONIOUSharmonic - related to harmony: harmonic series, harmonic vibrations; harmonious - euphonious, slender: harmonious personality, melody.

    HEROISM – HEROIC – HEROICheroism - heroic spirit, the mode of action inherent in a hero: labor heroism, heroism of the people, women's heroism, partisan heroism; heroics - heroic content, the heroic side in activities, events: the heroism of struggle, labor, life, everyday life, era, time; heroism - heroic behavior: show heroism, heroism of a soldier, true heroism, boast of heroism. HYPERBOLIC - HYPERBOLIChyperbolic - containing hyperbole: hyperbolic image, style, language; hyperbolic - extremely exaggerated: hyperbolic review, hyperbolic comparison.

    HYPOTHESIS – HYPOTHETICALITYhypothesis - a scientific assumption that has not yet been proven: put forward a hypothesis, a scientific hypothesis, the failure of a hypothesis, a fantastic hypothesis, a hypothesis about the origin of life; hypothetical - conjecture: the hypothetical nature of a judgment, version, statement, theory.

    MAIN- TITLEmain - the most important, main: main conclusion, result, main role, part; title - related to the title: capital letter, title page, title role (the role of the character after whom the play is named: the title role in “Hamlet”; but: main role in "Dowry").

    ANGRY – ANGRYangry - prone to anger, quick-tempered: angry person, boss, nature, character, being; angry - overwhelmed by anger: about any person in a state of anger, as well as: caused by anger, expressing anger: an angry look, tone, response.

    PROUD – PROUDproud - expressing one's own superiority and dignity, arrogant: proud posture, gait, smile, woman, soul. Proud - full of self-esteem: proud man, character, appearance.

    PRIDE – PRIDE pride - self-esteem, self-respect: a sense of pride, national pride, full of pride, maiden pride. Pride - exorbitant pride: exorbitant pride, damned, the pride of an upstart, a youth.

    GIFTED – FREEgifted - received as a gift: gifted item, gifted horse. Darova - received for free, free of charge: free travel, labor, carpenter, bread, performance, ticket.

    ENGINEMOVERengine - a machine that converts any type of energy into mechanical energy, setting something in motion: a steam engine, an internal combustion engine, a rocket engine , and also: a force promoting growth, development ( figurative meaning): labor is the engine of science and culture, the engine of progress, a powerful engine.

    Mover (special) - a device that provides movement (aircraft propeller, car wheel): automobile, ship, powerful propulsion.

    DOUBLE – DUAL double - twice as much: double portion, double care, double price, also: consisting of two pieces, parts: double lining, double bottom, double surname, as well as: dual, two-faced: double politics, tactics, game.

    Dual - leaning in one direction or the other, contradictory: ambivalent attitude, opinion, feeling, behavior.

    BUSINESS - BUSINESS - BUSINESS businesslike - intelligent, serious, enterprising: businesslike worker, businesslike appearance, businesslike gait. Business - related to official activities, work: business (th, -th, -s) conversation, meeting, language, considerations, secrets, qualities, documents. Efficient - capable of serious work, efficient worker, owner, small, and also: serious, worthy of attention: good project, good research, proposal.

    DEFECTIVE – DEFECTIVE defective - having physical or mental disabilities: a defective child. Defective -damaged, with a defect: a defective product, a defective copy of a book.

    DYNAMICS – DYNAMICSdynamics - a branch of mechanics that studies the laws of motion of bodies: gas dynamics, dynamics solid, lectures on dynamics , also: progress of development, changes in a phenomenon: dynamics of the budget, process, and also: movement, action, development: dynamics of plot, events . Dynamism - richness of movement, action: the dynamism of dance, acting, narrative, dialogue, rhythm.

    DIPLOMATIC – DIPLOMATIC diplomatic - related to diplomacy and to the diplomat: diplomatic (aya, -oe, ie) representative, relations, service, corps, etiquette, integrity, scandal, and also: subtly calculated, deft, evasive: diplomatic response, act, step, move. Diplomatic - the same as diplomatic in the second meaning: diplomatic response, action, step, and also: careful, gentle, polite: diplomatic person.

    DEMOCRATIC - DEMOCRATICdemocratic - based on democracy: democratic union, camp, democratic party, democratic state; democratic - characteristic of a democrat: democratic action, democratic views.

    DYNAMIC - DYNAMICdynamic - related to dynamics: dynamic impact, dynamic load; dynamic - full of movement, events: dynamic pace, dynamic era.

    LONG - LONGlong - having a large length, as well as a long duration: long report, tail, long night; long – long-term, long-lasting: long vacation, period of time, long negotiations, searches, long silence, absence.

    KIND - KIND solid - good quality, durable: good product, suit, house; having high indicators: a good harvest, dinner. Kind - doing good, bringing good, close, noble: a kind person, character, look, action, friend.

    CONFIDENT – TRUSTFULtrusting - showing trust in someone, something: confidential tone, voice, gesture, Trusting - easy to trust; based on trust: trusting child, animal, disposition, look, gesture, tone.

    DRAMATIC - DRAMATICdramatic - related to drama: drama club, actor, dramatic work; dramatic - full of drama: a dramatic incident, a dramatic situation.

    FRIENDLY - FRIENDLYfriendly - relating to friends: friendly advice, friendly meeting, friendly relations; friendly - based on friendship: friendly people, friendly politics.

    SINGLE – SINGLE – ONE unit - only one, single, separate: an isolated case, episode, truancy.

    The only one - only one: only son, friend, object, day, fact , theater. United - general, united: a single impulse, front, plan, and also in negative constructions - one: not a single word.

    DESIRED - DESIREDdesired - dear, dear: welcome guest, welcome meeting; desirable – necessary: ​​desired result, visit.

    LIFE - EVERYDAYvital - relating To life: living conditions, contradictions, life experience, process, path, also: close to life, to reality: life image, story, life decorations, and also: important for life, socially necessary: ​​a vital question, a vital necessity, vital interests.

    Everyday - ordinary, characteristic of everyday life: everyday chores, everyday life, little things.

    SCAM - SCAMroguish - prone To cheating: a cheating person and also: characteristic of a swindler, picaresque: a roguish appearance, laughter. Scam - related to the manifestation of fraud: fraudulent trick, deed, fraud, trick.

    PROTECTIVE - PROTECTIVEprotective - With containing protection: defensive speech. Protective - s protecting from something: protective armor, mask; and also - khaki colors: protective fabric, tunic.

    BORROW - BORROWtake - borrow: I borrowed a hundred rubles from him. Incorrect: Borrow me a hundred rubles. Borrow - lend: Lend me a hundred rubles. Incorrect: I borrowed a hundred rubles from him.

    ANGRY - EVILwicked - cruel, fierce, ferocious, angry: evil person, intent; malicious – inveterate: persistent truant, defaulter.

    IDEALISTIC – IDEALISTICidealistic - relating to idealism as a philosophical direction: idealistic philosophy, essence. Idealistic - dreamy, idealizing reality: idealistic person, young man.

    INDIANS - INDIANS - HINDUSIndians - indigenous people of America; Indians - name of the population of India; Hindus - followers of Hinduism.

    EXECUTIVE – EXECUTIVEexecutive - related to execution: executive body, Committee; executive power, as well as diligent: executive worker, secretary. Performing - relating To performance of a work of art (music, literature, theater): performing style, composition, performing skills.

    CAMPAIGN - COMPANYcampaign - a set of activities: winter campaign, sowing campaign; company - a group of people, an association: a company of friends, a steel company.

    TRAVELER - TRAVELERseconded (about a person): seconded specialist; business trip (about papers, money, documents): travel certificate.

    COMIC - COMICALcomic (about comedy): comic story, comic opera; comical - funny: comical appearance, gesture. CONSTRUCTIONAL – CONSTRUCTIONAL constructive - relating to the construction of something: design diagram, part, design changes, and also: fruitful: constructive criticism, constructive suggestion, constructive plan. Design related to the designer, related to design: design office, premises, solution, design project, tool, design error.

    KOREAN - KOREANKorean - smoked pork or veal brisket; Korean - woman of Korean nationality.

    ROOTS - ROOTSroots - roots for soup, etc. (carrots, parsley, etc.); roots - underground part of a plant, concept in mathematics: oak roots, square root.

    CRITICAL - CRITICALcritical - containing criticism, turning point: critical review, analysis, age, critical situation; critical - criticizing: critical approach, intelligence.

    ICE - ICEice: ice sports palace, cover, ice road, path, track; ice - frozen, frosty, icy, cold: ice house, congestion, ice ridges, icicles; trans. icy voice.

    FACE - PERSONALITYface - body part: ruddy face, familiar face; trans. individual, legal entity; personality - a person as a bearer of any properties: creative person, bright personality.

    LOGICAL - LOGICALlogical - related to logic: logical connection of phenomena, logical category, logical thinking; logical - correct: logical action, answer, logical reasoning, proof.

    MAXIMALIST – MAXIMUM maximalist - showing excessive extremes: maximalist demands, slogans, moods, antics. Maximum - greatest, highest: maximum volume, size, maximum quantity, tension, attention.

    OILY – OILY buttery - greased, soaked in oil, stained with oil: oiled pancake; butter paper, porridge, oily hands, lips, also - flattering, ingratiating: oily smile; oily voice, and also - sensual, voluptuous: an oily look.

    Oil - related to oil, consisting of oil: oil stain, oil fumes, also - operating on oil, using oil: oil pump, oil lamp, and also - made with paints ground in oil: oil painting, oil painting.

    METHODICAL - METHODICALmethodical - related to methodology: methodological advice, methodological work, the science; methodical - following the plan: methodical work, methodical influence.

    PUT UP - HUMILIATEput up - put up with a friend, with shortcomings; come to terms with - submit: come to terms with his character, come to terms with the inevitable.

    WEAR - DRESSput on (what, what on whom, what on what): put a coat, glasses, a ring on a finger, a coat on a child, a suit on a mannequin; dress (whom): to dress a sick child.

    IGNORANT - IGNORANTignorant - ill-mannered, tactless; ignoramus - uneducated, ignorant.

    INTOLERABLE - INTOLERANTintolerable - unbearable, intolerable, intolerable, unacceptable: unbearable cold, unbearable pain, resentment; intolerant - intolerant: intolerant person, intolerant relationships.

    WEIGH - WEIGHgive short weight : weigh the buyer; hang: hang the walls with paintings.

    EXCHANGE - EXCHANGEexchange : exchange shoes in a store, accidentally exchange flip-flops on the beach; exchange: exchange your thing for someone else’s in order to get the right or better one; iron. exchange an awl for soap.

    JUSTIFY (to justify) – TO ESTABLISH (to found)justify - support with evidence: justify the point of view, hypothesis, claim. Found - to begin, to establish: to found

    city, museum, theater, and also - to build on the basis of something: to base views, conclusions, theory based on something: knowledge, assumption, misunderstanding, etc.

    CAREFUL – DANGEROUS cautious - wary, distrustful: a cautious person, look, gesture. Dangerous - involves risk: dangerous task, dangerous road, lowland, and also: capable of causing harm: dangerous enemy, criminal, animal, conversation, gesture.

    MASTER (master) - LEARN (master)master - completely master something by learning to use it: master production, profession, technology, also - perceive, remember: master heritage past, material, topic, language, message , and also - to settle, to include in economic life: to develop the desert, virgin lands, land.

    Assimilate - make it characteristic, familiar to oneself: learn something new custom, views, habit, tone, also - having understood, remember properly: assimilate a book, lecture, theory, and also - having absorbed, process in oneself: assimilate food, vitamins, fertilizer.

    SELECTIVE – SELECTIVEchoice - selected, best in quality: selected goods, flax, coal, and also indecent: selected abuse, swearing. Qualifying - serving to select someone or something: qualifying match, tournament, selection committee.

    ORGANIC - ORGANICorganic - related to the living world: organic chemistry, organic matter; organic - inextricable, natural: organic connection, integrity, organic fusion .

    MEMORABLE – MEMORABLEretentive - having a good memory: a memorable person, a student. Memorable - preserved in memory, unforgettable: memorable date, meeting, trip, a memorable year, and also - serving for memorization, reminders: a memorial book, a memorial badge.

    SIGNATURE - LISTINGsignature - meaning to confirm, certify: to put your signature, signatures on a petition; painting - painting on walls, ceilings, household items; action on the verb to paint: Old Russian paintings, painting words according to tables.

    FIRE - FIRE fire - a flame that destroys something: a forest fire, and also (trans.): bright, violent manifestation, rapid and widespread distribution: fire of feelings, fire of war. Conflagration - the place where there was a fire.

    COVER (cover) – COVER (cover)cover by - put on top: cover the house with a roof, cover the child with a blanket, cover the head handkerchief. Cover - close on all sides, wrap up: cover with a blanket.

    HALF – HALF half - constituting half: half share, price. Half-hearted - l lacking integrity, consistency, not completely decisive: a half-hearted person; half solution; half measure.

    POLITICAL - POLITICALpolitical - related to politics: political issue, figure, political struggle; politic - diplomatic, prudent: political person, political action.

    PROVISION - REPRESENTATIONprovision - provision of credit, funds, humanitarian assistance; performance - presentation of documents, presentation (performance), presentation of something.

    PROBLEMATIC - PROBLEMULARproblematic - speculative: problematic option; problem - posing questions: problematic question, problematic article.

    TECHNICAL - TECHNICALtechnical - related to technology: technical progress, technical output; water; technical – skillful: technical actor, technical dance performance.

    REALISTIC - REALISTICrealistic - related to realism: realistic method, novel, realistic art; realistic - actual: realistic goal, thought.

    NOTICEABLE – NOTICEABLE perceptive - observant, noticing everything: perceptive person, intelligence. Noticeable - the same as noticeable: noticeable appearance, thing, manner; a remarkable person, a scientist.

    DETERMINATION – DETERMINATION determination - courage, readiness to make and implement a decision: show determination, determination in the gaze, determination of a fighter, determination to help, firm determination. Determination - firmness, inflexibility: decisiveness of look, action, character; say with determination.

    SECRET – HIDDEN secretive - avoiding frankness, not talking about himself: a secretive person, character, and also - not revealing himself, secret: secretive lifestyle, enemy, well-wisher.

    Hidden - not clearly detectable, hidden: hidden meaning, hint, anger, hidden love, enmity, and also - outwardly invisible: hidden illness, temperament, hidden capabilities, reserves.

    DEADLY – MORTAL fatal - having as its outcome death: fatal illness, wound, also - extremely fierce, leading to complete defeat: inflict a mortal blow on the enemy, mortal struggle, also - extreme, ultimate: mortal horror, cold, mortal resentment, fatigue, and also - accompanying death : mortal agony. Mortal - related to death (obsolete): the hour of death, on the deathbed, also - subject to death: all people are mortal, also - depriving of life: death sentence, death penalty, and also - very strong: mortal boredom, heat (colloquial) .

    CONSISTENCY – CONSISTENCY coordination - bringing into the right ratio, compliance with something, discussion and development of a common opinion, obtaining consent: coordination of actions. Consistency - conformity, unity, mutual agreement, coherence: consistency of the issue, project, movements, efforts, consistency in work, in dance.

    TOPIC – TOPIC subject - subject, main content: theme of a novel, report, film, conversation, dispute. Subjects - a set of topics: the topic of modern songs, scientific topics, literary topics, the topic of a novel, symposium.

    TYPICAL – TYPICAL typical - having characteristics characteristic of a certain type, characteristic: a typical scientist, case; typical phenomenon, face. Typical - being a type, sample: standard form, project, and also - corresponding to a specific type, sample, standard: model school, furniture, power plant.

    TOURIST - TOURISTtourist (what relates to tourism): tourist cruise, tourist package, travel agency; tourist (what applies to a tourist ): tourist tent, tourist equipment.

    ECCENTRIC ECCENTRIC eccentric -based on contrasts: an eccentric trick, a number in a circus program; eccentric - unusually peculiar, strange: an eccentric young man.

    FACT - FACTORfact - event, phenomenon, case, reality: state the facts, a historical fact, an outrageous fact, and also the presence of something: the fact of existence, struggle, victory, deception, participation. Factor -moment, significant circumstance in some process, phenomenon: take into account the time factor; an important factor; factor of surprise.

    PREDATORY – PREDATORY predatory - characteristic of a predator, predatory: predatory instinct; predatory lifestyle; predatory trade; predatory capital; and also - mismanagement, pursuing the goals of immediate benefit: predatory deforestation; predatory fishing. Predatory - eating other animals: beast of prey; predatory fish; and also - greedy, bloodthirsty, aggressive: predatory appearance, grin; predatory eyes; predatory nature.

    WHOLE – WHOLE whole - all without exception, full: a whole piece, a glass; also - significant, large: a whole heap of papers; a whole range of questions; came out whole story; and also - unharmed: all things are intact. Whole - whole: whole person, image, character; an integral worldview, a feeling, also of one substance, a piece, solid: a solid slab, a solid granite; and also - having internal unity: an integral piece of music.

    CYCLIC – CYCLICcyclical - With completed in cycles, complete periods: cyclical development, movement, and also - a constituent cycle, a complete circle, a system: a cyclic chronology system; cyclical musical forms. Cyclic - the same as cyclical in the first meaning: cyclical development; and also - built on repeating circles of operations and work: cyclical organization of work, cyclical schedule.

    HUMAN – HUMANhuman - pertaining to a person: human society, human culture, human language ; also - inherent in a person: human passions, feelings, aspirations, weaknesses, vices , and also - the same as humane in the meaning: expressing attention, sensitivity, care for people: human treatment, participation, human law.

    Humane - attentive, responsive, sensitive To other people: a humane investigator, an examiner, a man, and also - expressing attention, sensitivity, care for people: humane law, humane attitude, participation.

    JOKIC - JOKINGplayful - prone to jokes: a humorous person, tone, gesture, also - having the character of a joke, fun: a humorous conversation, a story. Comical - representing a joke, cheerful, amusing: comic story, feuilleton.

    ECONOMIC – ECONOMIC – ECONOMICEconomic - related to economics, economic: economic crisis, economic policy, geography. Economical - d saving money, profitable: economical machine, lamp, technology. Economical - thrifty: thrifty housewife, and also - promoting savings: a frugal lifestyle.

    AESTHETIC - AESTHETICaesthetic - related to aesthetics: aesthetic taste, magazine, aesthetic research;

    aesthetic - beautiful, elegant: aesthetic method, approach, aesthetic form.

    EFFICIENCY – EFFECTIVENESSefficiency - efficiency, effectiveness: effectiveness of the method, performances, engine . Effectiveness - catchiness: the effectiveness of a phrase or costume.

    EXPLICIT - EXPLICITobvious - obvious, unconcealed: a clear sign, enemy, deception, obvious hostility; clear - distinct, clearly distinguishable: a distinct whisper, a splash, clear outlines, traces.