Gia English standard options.

Hello! In this article I want to talk about those changes in the oral part of the OGE, which were introduced into the English language exam in grade 9 in 2016. So, I’ll start with the most important thing - the exam is now taken in a computerized form, similar to the Unified State Exam. Is it good or bad? Has the English language exam become easier or more difficult? The answer is ambiguous.

OGE exam in English in grade 9 in 2016 (changes)

At first glance, the 9th grade English exam has become easier and here’s why...

  1. Firstly, It's much easier to communicate with a computer. And it's easiest because you don't have to rely on it. He won’t help you, but he won’t let you down either: he will never be silent when you expect a reaction from him, he won’t say long speeches, which you may not understand... Thus, the phrase “take an active part in the conversation” can simply be removed as unnecessary, since in any case only you will be active, if, of course, you talk...
  2. Secondly, Instead of a teacher, an electronic assistant helps you. Clear diction and the excellent slow pronunciation of “electronic helper” differs from the various pronunciation variations of English teachers - this is a big plus. Now all the ninth graders really found themselves in equal conditions and this, of course, is great!
  3. Thirdly, quite difficult task, such as dialogue (dialogue-inquiry, dialogue-encouragement to action) was replaced with answers to questions. Only! Isn't this too simple? And you can prepare, and there will be no surprises if you prepare everything and repeat all the vocabulary. The only difficulty is that you will not be able to READ the question, but only hear it. However, there are several pitfalls waiting for you here. About it we'll talk further.
  4. Fourthly, appeared additional taskreading text, which was removed from the exam in 2006. This means that everything has returned to normal... Apparently, they remembered that then they threw out the child with the bathwater...

Next, we will consider in detail what the English language exam in 9th grade (OGE) is like in 2016

1. Task 1. Reading the text aloud.

2. Task 2. Answers to questions. You need to answer 6 questions of a conditional telephone survey on a specific topic. Here you will find

The questions are not written down anywhere, they must be taken by ear!

First, the electronic assistant will say the following: Hello! It's the electronic assistant of the Education Counsel. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how teenagers feel about their school. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonomous. You don't have to give your name. So, let's get started.

EXAMPLE OF ORAL TASK No. 2 (OGE in English 2016), taken from the FIPI website:

As you can see, the pauses are quite long. You need to fill them out. Since you have not seen the question before and could not prepare for it, stock up a set of general phrases suitable for any statement. For example, study

Here are the questions you need to answer in this assignment:


  1. The answer time for each question is 1 minute. But this does not mean that you need to start talking right away. You have time to collect your thoughts. Take your time! Take your time!


  1. Provide information by answering different types of questions.
  2. Express your opinion (attitude).
  3. Give reasons for your answer if required.
  4. Be able to give interviews if required.
  5. Use correctly language means dialogical utterance.


The communicative component of the dialogue, that is, the dialogue should sound natural. However, you should avoid long complex sentences, characteristic of writing, and use introductory words, conjunctions and connecting phrases that will help you logically structure your statement.

3. Task 3. Monologue. This task has not changed much, except that previously you were given time to prepare and you could write on a rough draft, but now you can’t make any notes!!

What does it mean? Need to learn topics again?!

CONCLUSION. What is the way out of the current situation? this moment situations? Do not panic. And although many manuals have now appeared that contain questions with ready-made answers (task 2) and ready-made monologues on topics (task 3) you should not buy them. And memorize topics too. However, the vocabulary must be repeated.

POSCRIPTUM. It’s strange that the exam in 2016 returned to the level of 2006, albeit in a somewhat advanced form... The tasks are the same: 1. reading the text 2. monologue statement on topic 3. answers to the teacher’s questions on the topic. Nah... It turns out that what we left is what we came to.

I think that in next year The exam format will change again. This is such a grandiose experiment in education. Well, you'll have to participate...

This manual is aimed at preparing students for successful completion OGE in English for the basic school course in 2016.
The proposed manual contains information about the structure and content of the OGE in English.
The manual offers five full options exam paper V OGE format.
The manual materials can be used in teacher-led classes, as well as during self-study for the exam. The proposed tasks allow you to check and assess the level of readiness for the OGE, determine strengths and weak sides of your preparation.
The manual is intended for English teachers and methodologists, students in grades 8-9 of schools and all those who are studying and preparing for the OGE in English.

Dr. Manuel Gutierrez mainly works with
1) pets of celebrities.
2) exotic animals.
3) elderly pets.

Dr. Manuel Gutierrez states that the pets of his clients
1) no special care.
2) are like other pets.
3) lack love.

What is NOT TRUE according to Dr. Gutierrez?
1) Pet-keepers live longer.
2) Pet-keepers live happier lives.
3) It’s beneficial hire dog-walkers.

According to Dr. Gutierrez having a pet is a sort of therapy because pets can
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2) compensate for the lack of company.
3) help you to keep fit.

Medical statistics prove that living with pet
1) raises cholesterol levels.
2) reduces resistance to illnesses and stress.
3) lower blood pressure.

According to Dr. Gutierrez
1) having a pet means responsibility.
2) all people should have pets.
3) pet-keeping is expensive.

Exam options in OGE format. Written part
Option 1
Section 1. Listening
Section 2. Reading
Section 4. Letter
Option 2
Section 1. Listening
Section 2. Reading
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary
Section 4. Letter
Option 3
Section 1. Listening
Section 2. Reading
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary
Section 4. Letter
Option 4
Section 1. Listening
Section 2. Reading
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary
Section 4. Letter
Option 5
Section 1. Listening
Section 2. Reading
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary
Section 4. Letter
Annex 1
Listening texts
Option 1
Exercise 1
Task 2
Tasks 3-8
Option 2
Exercise 1
Task 2
Tasks 3-8
Option 3
Exercise 1
Task 2
Tasks 3-8
Option 4
Exercise 1
Task 2
Tasks 3-8
Option 5
Exercise 1
Task 2
Tasks 3-8
Appendix 2
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Instructions for performing the work
Exam options in OGE format. Oral part
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Appendix 3
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Appendix 4
Criteria for assessing the completion of task 34 “Speaking. Monologue speech" (Maximum 6 points)
Criteria for assessing the completion of task 35 “Speaking. Dialogue speech"(Maximum 9 points).

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
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Or even “OGE in English” evokes incredible fear and horror. Do you know why this happens? From ignorance, I assure you. Therefore, today we will put everything on the shelves.

The OGE is a very simple exam if you start preparing for it in advance. One of my students easily passed it with 67 points out of 70. The preparation lasted a year - 2 hour lessons a week. The main thing is regular implementation typical tasks and analysis of your mistakes. As well as constant reading and listening to audio in English. By the way, you can test yourself by completing tasks from and - in these articles I describe and analyze them in detail.

And now about the structure and requirements...

What is OGE (GIA)?

Every year, 9th grade graduates take 2 compulsory and 2 additional exam to either enroll in others educational establishments, or continue further specialized education at school. At the moment, passing the English language test at the OGE is not mandatory - which is about to change. By the way, more and more schoolchildren are taking it as an elective subject.

  • The minimum score is 20 and the maximum is 70.
  • Completion time is 90 minutes, not including 6 minutes of oral speech.

What changed

There were no significant changes to the test in 2017. However, according to official data - oral part brought into line with oral part of the Unified State Exam- there are now 3 tasks.

Now it has become convenient and profitable to purchase textbooks and preparation aids via the Internet. You can always find what you need there and get it quickly. Reliable and time-tested stores:

Exam structure

  • Listening.

You will have to cope with three sections of the test. In the first part you need to match 4 dialogues with the answers. Remember that one of them is redundant. The second task is very similar to the first, only now it will be whole expressions. The third task is a dialogue and 6 questions, the answer to which you will have to choose from the proposed options.

  • Reading.

Once you have mastered the listening, you move on to the reading section. There are two texts waiting for you there. If in the first you need to select headings for paragraphs, then in the second you need to answer questions about the text.

  • Grammar.

There are 15 sentences waiting for you where you will need to fill in the blanks with the given word. But the whole difficulty is that the words will have to be inserted in accordance with different rules. These may be times and conditional mood, and degrees of comparison, and even word formation.

  • Letter.

What you need to do is write a letter to a friend. Of course, it’s not easy to write something “out of the blue.” You have three questions that you must answer, as well as a length limit of 100-120 characters.

  • Oral speech.

Remember, my dears, that I constantly update current materials to help you better cope with any tests, and I am also ready to answer any of your questions. Leave your comments with questions and I will answer right away.