Presentation 6th grade. Announcing the topic of the lesson


Once in the menagerie they threw a stray dog ​​to the lion for food. The dog tucked its tail and pressed itself into the corner of the cage. The lion came up and smelled it. The dog lay down on its back, raised its paws and began wagging its tail. The lion touched it with his paw and turned it over. The dog jumped up and stood on its hind legs in front of the lion. Leo looked at the dog, shook his head and did not touch it. When the owner threw meat to the lion, the lion tore off a piece and left it for the dog. In the evening the lion went to bed, and the dog lay down next to him and laid her head on his paw.

Since then, the dog lived in the same cage with the lion, the lion did not touch her, shared food, and sometimes played with her.” One day one of the visitors recognized his dog and asked the owner of the menagerie to return it. The owner began to call the dog to take it out of the cage, but the lion bristled and growled.

So the lion and the dog lived for a whole year in the same cage. A year later the dog got sick and died. The lion stopped eating. He sniffed everything, licked the dog and touched it with his paw. And when he realized that she was dead, he jumped up, bristled, began to whip his tail on the sides, rushed to the wall of the cage and began to gnaw at the bolts and the floor.

All day long he struggled, thrashed about in the cage and roared, then he lay down next to the dead dog and fell silent. On the sixth day the lion died.

(According to L. Tolstoy)

Do you need to know nature?

(according to Yu. Dmitriev)


    Determine the topic of the text

    Break the text into paragraphs;

    Define micro-themes;

    Write a concise summary.

Do you need to know nature?

All people should know nature, know its laws, no matter what they do, no matter where they live. A person who does not understand nature, who does not understand how everything in it depends on one another, can cause a lot of trouble. I will briefly retell one fairy tale by V.V. Bianchi. It's called "Owl". The old man offended the owl. The owl got angry and told the old man that she would no longer catch mice in his meadow. But the old man did not pay attention to this - you won’t and you don’t need to. The owl stopped catching mice, and the mice became bolder. They began to destroy the bumblebees' nests. But even here the old man did not understand anything. The bumblebees flew away, and there was no one to pollinate the clover. The clover stopped growing in the old man's meadow, and there was nothing to feed the cow. And the cow ran out of milk. That’s when the grandfather went to the owl to ask for her forgiveness. The meaning of this fairy tale is not only that one should not offend friends. The point is also that in nature everything is tightly connected to each other. It would seem, what does an owl have to do with milk? But, it turns out, it does - through mice, through bumblebees, through clover - to the cow and milk. That's why you need to know nature!

(according to Yu. Dmitriev)


    Determine the topic of the text

    Break the text into paragraphs;

    Define micro-themes;

    Write a concise summary.

The task of a brief or condensed presentation is to convey the main idea of ​​the text. There is no need to preserve the author's style here, as with a detailed presentation. The main thing is to accurately grasp the main theme, and retell all the events described, observing the logic of the narrative.

How to write a concise summary

There is a classic guide to writing briefs that is very effective and practical.

1. Listen to the text and try to determine the main topic and style of speech.

2. Highlight the main ideas and secondary information in the content. Try to make notes during the first reading, writing down the main thoughts and expressions in abbreviated form. It is also important to correctly write down the names of the characters and dates, if they are present in the text.

3. Clarify the meaning of unclear words.

4. Listen to the text again and make a detailed plan. The more details, the better. This way you can identify micro-topics and build a logical chain of events or phenomena described in the text. Remember: as many paragraphs as there are micro-topics. If the text is read correctly, there is always a pause between paragraphs. This will help you get your bearings.

5. Now we have to compress the plan. Remove all items that do not provide semantic information. You can remove all details, descriptions, details, clarifications, explanations. But don't overdo it, or you risk excluding something important.

6. For each point, write key words, the most striking expressions that will need to be included in the presentation.

7. Outline the content of each point of the plan in a draft, trying to use key words.

8. Read what you have written and check whether the logic of the narrative is preserved, whether the main idea of ​​the text is revealed, whether there is a connection between the paragraphs.

Basic rules for summarizing text

There are several techniques that will help eliminate unimportant details from the story.

1. Exception.

You can exclude words, phrases and entire sentences from the text:


If a person lives to bring good to people, alleviate their suffering from illness, give people joy, then he sets himself a goal worthy of a person.

Bringing good to people is a goal worthy of a person.

Remove all explanatory structures. In a series of homogeneous members, you can exclude synonyms, leaving one word, or replacing the entire series with one word.


To protect yourself from indifference, you need to develop in your soul complicity, sympathy , compassion and at the same time skill distinguish harmless human weaknesses from vices , crippling the soul.

To protect yourself from indifference, you need to develop compassion in your soul, but at the same time be able to distinguish human weaknesses from vices.

2. Generalization. Replace descriptive and explanatory sentences with one, but succinct, expression.


Like any qualified, purposeful, planned and systematic work, a teacher is a profession, a specialty. But this is a special profession, incomparable to any other business. It is distinguished by a number of special properties and qualities.

A teacher is a special profession, distinguished by a number of special qualities and properties.

3. Simplification. Simplify all designs that you can. By the way, you will make fewer mistakes this way. You can, for example, replace participial verbs with participles, remove introductory words, and break a complex sentence that is too long into several simple ones.


Through the noise of the forest one could hear the sounds that a strained ear hears during any storm, so it was difficult to make out whether it was people calling for help, or whether the storm was crying in the chimney.

Through the noise of the forest, sounds were heard that were difficult to make out.


Of all the wild animals that I have ever seen and observed , the most outlandish and intelligent animals , undoubtedly , beavers.

Beavers are the most intelligent and strange animals.

The most common mistakes

Avoid frequent repetitions of the same word. Use synonyms or pronouns.

Check the verbal connection between paragraphs. This is easy to do with the help of organizing words: this is why, it follows from this, thus, so, finally, etc.

Do not rearrange parts of the text (micro-themes) so as not to disrupt the logic of the presentation.

Don't distort the facts. All names, dates, facts must be written correctly.

Educational summary

Collector of Russian words.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal was a talented and hardworking person. He was educated as a naval officer, then as a doctor, and was also known as the author of many fairy tales, stories, and essays. His literary talent was highly appreciated by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. But his life’s work was collecting Russian words. Dahl was not a linguist by training, he became one by vocation.

Vladimir Ivanovich set himself the goal of collecting and recording all Russian words. During a military campaign, in a hospital, on a business trip, he wrote down words, proverbs, sayings, riddles. He loved and understood his native language. He knew how to listen and ponder the living people's words.

He began the work of collecting and recording words as a young man and continued until his death. A week before his death, the sick Dahl instructs his daughter to add four new words to the dictionary that he heard from the servants.

Dahl’s life’s work was the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language.” Dahl included 200 thousand words and 30 thousand proverbs in it.

For more than forty years, without assistants, Dahl collected and compiled his dictionary alone. This is a real feat of a person in love with the Russian language.

Concise presentation

Caring Canary

One day my brother and I found a goldfinch that had fallen from its nest in the garden under a tree. My brother picked up the bird, took it home and put it in the cage where we had a canary and a goldfinch.

Oddly enough, the goldfinch did not pay any attention to his young relative. The canary, on the contrary, immediately began to take care of him. As soon as the baby began to squeak, she rushed to the feeder and brought food to the foundling. But the goldfinch was afraid of the canary and did not accept food from its beak.

The canary realized that the goldfinch was asking for help from one of its own, and that it was necessary to force the insensitive goldfinch to help the baby. She had only one means of persuasion at her disposal: blows with her beak...

She resorted to them and diligently hammered the lazy goldfinch until he understood what was required of him. He started feeding the goldfinch. He ate a living, grew up and then lived in the same cage with his adoptive parents

Detailed presentation of a given plan.


The exhausted, hungry baby roe deer was picked up by border guards.

The little goat needed a nurse. Where can I find it? Someone pointed to Damka, a hunting dog who had puppies.

The lady angrily greeted the foundling. The dog bared its teeth and growled. During feeding, people held the dog tightly, and the baby sucked milk. But soon the Lady accepted the kid into the dog family.

The kid willingly took part in puppy games. Instead of goat milk, I happily drank dog milk. So the roe deer cub grew up in the family of the hunting dog Damka.

1.Little orphan.

2. Search for a wet nurse.

3. Will the Lady accept the foundling?

4. Unpleasant acquaintance.5. In a dog family.

Presentation with elements of an essay.

One day, during a severe thunderstorm, a passenger ship in the Atlantic Ocean was struck by lightning. A fire started on the ship. The passengers were panicked. Everyone rushed onto the deck, everyone wanted to be the first to board the lifeboat.

The captain's little daughter jumped out of the cabin and looked at the maddened crowd in bewilderment. She couldn't understand why these people were so furious. She said loudly and calmly: “Calm down! Dad has already gone there and started putting out the fire!”

The fire can be put out. Nobody even thought about such a possibility. Everyone was preparing to escape from the ship. Only the child’s words forced the adults to come to their senses and run to put out the fire, which the crew would hardly have been able to cope with. But the help of hundreds of willing hands made this difficult task much easier. The little girl's calm confidence performed a real miracle.

Answer the question: How did the little girl manage to perform a miracle?

Control selective presentation.

Van Dyck's joke.

One day, twenty-two-year-old Van Dyck came to visit the famous Dutch artist Francis Hals.

They did not call each other out to each other's faces, and this gave Van Dyck the opportunity to play a joke on his older colleague. He pretended to be a rich foreigner and expressed a desire for Hals to paint his portrait. At the same time, he added that he only had two to three hours of free time.

Hals, with his usual gloomy appearance, set to work and finished it even earlier than usual. The customer was very pleased with the quality of the work, but was not at all surprised by the extraordinary speed with which the artist worked.

Smiling, he added: “Painting, it seems, is an easier art than I could have imagined. I'd be interested to see what I could do if I switched roles with you.

No sooner said than done. Francis Hals immediately noticed that the mysterious foreigner had excellent brushwork. When the portrait was ready even sooner than the first, Hals rushed to his guest and exclaimed: “Only Van Dyck or Satan himself could have done this!”

Presentation of a narrative character with a change in face.

Fire flower.

Many years have passed since then, but people remember this beautiful legend.

The maiden Lada escorted the groom from Putivl to the beating. The fires were burning, and alarm bells were ringing everywhere, but Lada still could not tear herself away from her betrothed. “I will return to you,” the groom told her.

The brave Russian went on a campaign and did not return home. He laid down his head on the edge of the Polovtsian steppe. And Lada was still waiting for him, and the light was shining in her window.

Lada grew old and died, and the cherished light turned into a beautiful flower. The flower about which there is a legend is called a sparkle. It is also called balsam. Now no one remembers how he wandered into our region from Africa.

For many, this amazing flower-light shone in the night.

Concise presentation

A wonderful moment.

The summer day has faded. Bright lights flashed on the basketball court in the park. Dozens of people flock to her from all directions. Maybe there will be fans here for a particularly interesting match? Where are the players then?

Meanwhile, people occupied the entire site. They tightly surrounded a stand with a tall, more than two meters, plant. Its branches are strewn with large buds. It got completely dark. And then the upper pale pink skin of one bud split, moved, and fluttering delicate petals peeked out from behind it and unfurled. Not even an hour had passed before the flower opened with a fluffy, snow-like charm. Almost simultaneously, on neighboring branches, among the dense half-meter leaves, other flowers began to turn white - about twenty of them. The petals unfolded as if alive, slightly opening the brushes of the stamens.

This is a tanhua flower. It blooms once a year and manages to bloom and fade within five to six hours. It is bred in many parks in China. On this summer night, hundreds of people come to admire this rare and beautiful sight.

Concise presentation with elements of an essay


Two women were taking water from a well. A third approached them. And the old man sat down on a pebble to rest.

So one woman says to another:

My son is dexterous and strong, no one can handle him.

“And mine sings like a nightingale,” says another.

And the third is silent.

“Why don’t you tell me about your son?” her neighbors ask.

There’s nothing special about him,” the woman answers them.

The women collected full buckets and left. And the old man is behind them. Suddenly three boys run out towards us. One tumbles over his head, the other sings a song, and becomes like a nightingale. And the third ran up to his mother, took the heavy buckets from her and dragged them. The women ask the old man:

Well? What are our sons like?

Where are they? “I only see one son!” the old man answered them.

Do you agree with the old man? Have your say.

Lesson on speech development in 6th grade using RKMChP techniques.

Lesson topic: Detailed presentation. Text “Meeting with a sperm whale” (6th grade).


During the classes:

Stage 1 - activation of each student.

1 .-The title contains the word meeting.( The title of the text is not fully readable). Write down what associations you have with this word in your notebooks.

(R conversation, recognition, conversation).

Ask questions.

Who is dating and with whom?

Where does the meeting take place?

What's unusual about this?

2.- What is reflected in the title of the text? (Subject)

3 .Key words and expressions are written on the board; use them to predict the plot outline :(ship, strait, do not crash into the ice, impact, rocked)

Individual work, listening and discussion of several options for work.

Stage 2 – comprehension of the text.

-Listen to part 1 of the text, is your version confirmed?

Suddenly I heard the water splashing loudly right next to the side. The blow was so strong that even the ship rocked on the wave...

Filling out the diary:

Who? What?

Key words on the board: like a sledgehammer, a monster.

Who is this?

Listen to part 2.

The blow was so strong that even the ship rocked on the wave. I look closely and see some kind of monster overboard. It floats away, then approaches and sighs heavily. So it disappeared and reappeared in front of the ship, emerging at the very stern. And the water glows green from its splashes. All night this monster swam and sighed after the ship. And I long ago guessed that it was...

Key expression on the board: steam fountain

Sperm whale? Describe it using knowledge from the field of zoology (work in pairs). Listening to answers.

Listen to part 3 of the text.

Everyone knows that this is the largest toothed whale. And at dawn I saw him. His head is blunt, like a sledgehammer, and very long. No animal has one like this. The eyes are tiny and there is only one nostril. He will stick her out of the water, release a fountain of steam, sigh heavily and go under the water again. The movements of this sea giant are fast and agile. But it was a young sperm whale. I thought for a long time why he was so persistently swimming after us.

Did you describe the sperm whale correctly?

Filling out the diary

Who? What?

- Why did the sperm whale swim after the ship? What are your guesses?

(Work in pairs, group). Listening to versions.

Listen to the last part of the text.

He probably mistook our ship for a whale. Still young, the milk on his lips has not dried. As autumn storms begin, all sperm whales move towards the equator. And this one, apparently, has fallen behind his mother, from his herd, and is looking for salvation.
While I was thinking about this, the sperm whale left the ship and swam south. Its fountain was visible for a long time between the ice, and then disappeared. Probably he went looking for the equator. Will this little monster find his mother?
- Were your assumptions justified?

Filling out the diary.

Who? What?

Think about how you can title the text to convey the main idea?

Listen to the text again, write a summary close to the text.

Working with draft and finishing versions.

Stage 3 - reflection. Filling out the sheet.



One day our ship was sailing in the Gulf of Anadyr. It was night. I was standing at the stern. The ice floes rustled and broke over the sides. A strong wind and snow were blowing, but the sea was calm, the heavy ice did not allow it to rage. With great difficulty the ship made its way between the ice floes at low speed. Everyone knew well that the ice fields would soon begin. Our experienced captain steered the ship carefully so as not to crash into the ice.
Suddenly I heard the water splashing loudly right next to the side. The blow was so strong that even the ship rocked on the wave... I looked closely and saw some kind of monster overboard.

It floats away, then approaches and sighs heavily. So it disappeared and reappeared in front of the ship, emerging at the very stern. And the water glows green from its splashes. All night this monster swam and sighed after the ship. And I guessed a long time ago that it was a sperm whale.

Everyone knows that this is the largest toothed whale. And at dawn I saw him. His head is blunt, like a sledgehammer, and very long. No other animal has one like this. The eyes are tiny and there is only one nostril. He will stick her out of the water, release a fountain of steam, sigh heavily and go under the water again. The movements of this sea giant are fast and agile. But it was a young sperm whale. I thought for a long time why he was so persistently swimming after us.

He probably mistook our ship for a whale. Still young, the milk on his lips has not dried. As autumn storms begin, all sperm whales move towards the equator. And this one, apparently, has fallen behind his mother, from his herd, and is looking for salvation. While I was thinking about this, the sperm whale left the ship and swam south. Its fountain was visible for a long time between the ice, and then disappeared. Probably he went looking for the equator. Will this little monster find his mother?
(According to G. Snegirev).