How do you write off fixed assets at an enterprise? How to write off state assessments at the institute from your phone? Is it possible to write off on GOS? The secret to passing exams

The time for sessions and exams is approaching. Every pupil and student prepares for them, but at a certain stage they realize that they are not able to learn and remember absolutely everything. Oh, how useful it would be when answering an exam to have a little hint, a slight push to formulate the answer and not miss anything.

That is why the history of cheat sheets is as long as the history of education. Each generation of students comes up with their own methods to deceive the teacher using a cheat sheet, and today we will tell you about the most common methods of cheating.

Cheat sheet “in the spirit of the times”

Already all teachers, including even older ones, know how skillfully pupils and students use mobile phones when taking exams. Therefore, most teachers require all students to place their mobile phones on the table before the exam. No problem! On the day of the exam, rent a phone with a Bluetooth channel and a small wireless Bluetooth earphone from someone you know.

Ideal if you can cover the earphone long hair. You will hand over your phone to the teacher, send an SMS with a question to your friends, and then listen to the tips through the earpiece. Alas, some particularly advanced educational institutions are already installing special equipment, which jams indoor communications or detects working mobile phones. Be careful!

Cribs on nails are especially good. Ideal for girls!

Women's secrets

Girls can use the favorite ancient method of placing a cheat sheet on inside skirts, just don’t forget – you need to sew it upside down so that when you turn the edge of the skirt away, the text can be read normally.

Also, the crib in stockings, which is placed inside the stockings in the upper part of the legs - where the stockings will be covered by the skirt, does not lose popularity among girls. This cheat sheet should also be placed upside down and be sure to be hooked in several places with a thread so that it does not slip out of place.

Again for girls: the cheat sheet option for manicure works well. True, this only applies to short cheat sheets - for example, with formulas. From a distance, such a manicure will look like an original pattern, but you shouldn’t “shine” it too much in front of the teacher’s nose, especially if the teacher is a woman.

Cheat sheet in a ballpoint pen

For this trick you will need a very basic ballpoint pen. The cheat sheet is written on a small piece of thin paper, rolled into a tube around the rod and placed inside the pen. During the exam, you simply unscrew the pen and take out the cheat sheet. If all the crib material does not fit on one piece of paper, then you can prepare 2-3 pens this way.

During the exam, all I had to do was pretend that I had run out of paste and get the next pen. You can, of course, buy as many pens as there will be tickets for the exam (for example, 50). Then put only one cheat sheet into each pen, and scratch the ticket number on the pen with a needle. The main thing is not to make a mistake when pulling it out.

There are even special pens for cheat sheets!

A collection of methods for using a cheat sheet

And finally, a few more ways to cheat under your teacher’s nose!

  • One of the most primitive, but effective methods– stick the cheat sheet with tape to the chair of the person sitting in front. Alas, if the teacher likes to “walk through the rows” during the exam, he may notice your secret.
  • Accordion cheat sheets have worked well since time immemorial. They are written in very small handwriting on a long vertical strip, which is then folded like an accordion and placed under a watch or under a shirt cuff.
  • Cheat sheets can be written on the inside of your arm if you are wearing long sleeves. The main thing is to use it skillfully, without endlessly tugging the sleeve back and forth. With cheat sheets on your hands, it is better not to wear a light shirt or sweater - choose dark colors.
  • Short cheat sheets can be written on a dark pencil case with a simple pencil. They will only be visible from a certain lighting angle. You can also scribble answers on the body of a ballpoint pen with a needle, for example, one Examination ticket- one handle.
  • In the process of writing answers, you can press hard on the pen, then visible pressed text will appear on the bottom sheet, which is easy to read from a certain angle. On the exam, you simply put a cheat sheet like this: Blank sheet for a draft.
  • A great method is a water bottle. Print out a cheat sheet on your computer the size of a label on a bottle of water, just remember that the cheat sheet should be a mirror image. Then stick it under the label and calmly place it on the table - not a single teacher will notice the cheat sheet, and you can read it.
  • Another successful method is to print a cheat sheet on plain paper, then stick transparent tape on top (preferably matte so it doesn’t reflect), then hold it under running water until the paper comes away from the tape. The letters will stick to the tape and remain there. Then this tape can be glued to a pencil case, corrector, or pencil. From a distance it will look like a simple pattern.

There is a fairly well-known joke that comes from Internet memes: “what cheating is for a teacher, teamwork is for students.” Indeed, the process of cheating requires the development of certain skills, perfect possession separate psychological techniques. You can’t do this without dexterity, attentiveness, and speed of reaction. In short, the person cheating must have a well-developed fine motor skills, which implies fast and clear interaction between the main sensory systems person.

In Western countries it is purposefully cultivated negative attitude to write-off, while we have this phenomenon quite common. Whose fault is it, how to deal with it, the moral aspect of the “good-bad” dichotomy is not the subject of this article. We will only try to give some recommendations to those who, due to various reasons I was unable to adequately prepare for an exam or test. Remember: cheating will never replace careful preparation and is useful only “for assessment”, but not for knowledge.

Cheating methods

There are no limits to human imagination. It is this banal phrase that can describe the huge number of methods on how to copy correctly or how to make a cheat sheet, which today can be found on many resources on the Internet. But for real original options not so much, but with the majority famous teachers and the teachers know each other no worse than the schoolchildren and students themselves. Therefore, the methods listed below should be used carefully, choosing a method for the situation.

1. Cheating from a cheat sheet

“Spurs” are one of the oldest cheating inventions, and the method itself is not the easiest. These are, in essence, mini-answers prepared in advance for exam questions or general information according to the course, if the questions are not known. During the development of this method human experience collected vast empirical experience.

The varieties of material are truly limitless - answers to questions can be written down on traditional “accordions”, small pieces of crumpled paper, on A4 sheets with scribbled text, which can later be passed off as a draft. Such accessories are hidden anywhere - in shoes, folds of clothing, sleeves, in the lining of a tie, under bracelets or watches. The method of applying text to the skin of the hand and then hiding it under the sleeve of a shirt or sweater is as old as the world.

Despite this a large number of methods, copying them from a cheat sheet is not at all easy. If there are a lot of questions, then it’s harder to hide cheat sheets, certain time will also be needed to find the answers you need. But there are also advantages: while working on creating a cheat sheet, some of the information will be stored in your memory. The confidence factor also plays an important role, because with a cheat sheet you feel calmer.

2. Cheating using technology

For many schoolchildren and students, making paper cribs today is their father’s method. Fast development technology allows you to write using mobile phone, player, tablet, e-reader, earpiece. Just 10 years ago, the average cheater could not even dream of such a variety of devices. In our time, cheating using these devices has become wide use, which led to the fact that when conducting the Unified State Exam, other important exams, the use of technical devices was prohibited. But on test work or it is possible to write off a test, for example, from a phone.

There are many methods here:

— Cheat sheets in in electronic format. Most modern mobile devices can read basic text formats, so downloading such a file will not be difficult.

— SMS/MMS. The technique is simple and effective. Control questions are sent to a friend who searches for information in books previously left with him, the Internet, etc., and then types and forwards the answers.

- Mobile Internet. Independent search answers using the Internet connected to the gadget. It’s not always fast, it’s not always possible to find the right answer, so it’s not always convenient. A more convenient option is to send replies to email, in ICQ or Skype.

— Microphone or hands-free headset. The method was shown with humor by L. Gaidai in the comedy “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik.” At the beginning of the use of technology, it was quite effective, but today teachers and educators have already sufficiently learned to identify cheaters In a similar way. The essence of cheating is recording answers to questions on a dictaphone and then listening to them, or in real time - dictating answers to a friend from, for example, a neighboring audience.

— Electronic organizer. Significant amounts of information can be entered into such a device, while the appearance of the organizer is not very different from a multifunctional calculator. The downside is that it takes a very long time to write a cheat sheet on the device itself. Suitable for cheating only on technical subjects.

3. Cheating and improvised means

Nowadays, more and more often, when taking an exam or test, it is forbidden to have anything with you that is not related to the procedure. But on a regular test or independent work at the end of the seminar this method may be useful. The trick is to use improvised means as a cheat sheet or to hide it:

Additional materials. On tests and even school exams in history, geography, biology, chemistry, geometry, you can often use maps, diagrams, tables. If you have the desire and ability to use them, such material will become an indispensable assistant in solving many issues. If you can use, for example, your own atlas, then it would be prudent to make small notes in pencil on the contained drawings and maps.

— If the message about the test took you by surprise, then an extreme method (which, by the way, we do not approve and do not recommend using) could be a quick small note on the desk of basic information - dates, formulas, surnames and other things. It is also used when the audience where the exam will be held is known exactly. Just come early and take a seat. comfortable spot and write the necessary cheat sheet on the table or chair.

- Here are just some more examples of how to use the means at hand for cheating: write a spur with reverse side opaque soda bottle labels and lightly stick them back; hide the cheat sheet in an empty juice box, having previously cut out a specially opening niche in it; scratch a formula or any other formula with a needle necessary information on a chocolate bar and place it in front of you, eating a small piece from time to time.

  • If you are making a cheat sheet, it is better to write it by hand. Special studies prove that only 10% of information is absorbed when reading, but when writing this figure increases significantly. Therefore, by writing a cheat sheet “by hand” rather than printing it out, your chance of passing an exam, test or test will be higher, even if you fail to use it.
  • Never make cheat sheets with complete answers to a question. Write the main points - theses, formulas, dates, keywords. It is on the basis of this, and not “water”, that the answer is built, and it is sometimes much easier to hide a smaller cheat sheet and copy from it than from a small volume of completely ready-made answers.
  • Always make the numbering of cheat sheets convenient and understandable, hide them in a structured way so that in a matter of minutes you can find exactly the material you need from the entire array.
  • Remember that the teacher may not let it show that you are cheating, but will assign a grade based on your performance throughout the semester. Therefore, it’s a good idea to have a background of at least the final “three”, and also try to collect minimal information about the examiner, in particular about his attitude towards cheating.
  • . Original cheat sheet hidden creatively, even if discovered, can take its rightful place in personal archive teacher or teacher and you may be lucky enough to finish the exam and pass it the first time. And vice versa - blatant cheating in the hope that “perhaps it will pass and the teacher will not notice or show it” can cause justifiable indignation and cause great harm.
  • To cheat confidently, you need to have at least the basics of the skills, and at the same time behave as casually as possible. This will avoid suspicion on the part of the teacher.
  • Always remember the most best cheat sheet is its absence. Knowledge of the material gives much more self-confidence than the most cunning and informative spur.

Original ideas for cheat sheets

1. Transparent printing

Today, in almost any print center you can print an A4 page on foil - transparent film. The advantage of such a cheat sheet is that it is practically invisible on a varnished wooden table. But on a painted desk it stands out. Another disadvantage is the relative high cost of such printing compared to conventional printing.

2. Cheat sheet on tape

How to make a cheat sheet on transparent tape - video instructions on Youtube

3. Invisible text

The spur is written with a pen with invisible ink (sympathetic), the text disappears after a while, leaving an ordinary blank sheet. As a rule, at the other end of such a pen there is a special flashlight, when you point a beam of light at the piece of paper, you can read what is written. The disadvantage is that you will have to spend money on buying a pen.

Almost every student needed to cheat in class, but did not know how to do it. In order to avoid being caught by the teacher, we will describe several ways to cheat unnoticed in class.

One of all known methods are cheat sheets. Appearance almost always the same - on small pieces of paper small print written text. It is better to make them an accordion, marking desired order answers so as not to get confused at the most crucial moment. There are many options for where you can hide a cheat sheet: in long sleeves, pinned with a needle, in a pencil case, rolled into a tube in a ballpoint pen, attached to the lid of a calculator, and so on. For girls, this task becomes even easier - attach it to a hair clip, under your skirt with elastic bands, write on your knees or hide it in your bra. The teacher won't look in there, will he?

In case the order of questions on the exam is known, a bomb is used - pre-prepared answers on sheets of paper. All you need to do is replace the blank sheet with a ready-made one and take on a working form.

How to copy from your phone in class?

For the especially lazy and in case of an unexpected test, there is a solution - a mobile phone with an Internet connection. Of course, this method is not ideal, since it takes a lot of time to find the required information, and smartphones are not so small - they catch your eye almost immediately. You can get out of the situation in the following way: disguise it as a pencil case, hide it in long sleeves, cut out a “window” in a juice carton for greater secrecy, which closes if the teacher is nearby - the best ways to cheat in class unnoticed.

Those who do not have a good phone also have salvation - SMS and mms. We print the question and send it to the person who knows the answer, having agreed with him in advance. Just like with mobile Internet, a lot of time is wasted - don’t overstay your welcome!

Without money in your account and if the cellular signal was deliberately jammed, you can simply download the answers to the phone’s memory. Number them and write them off at convenient moments.

Continuing the topic of smart gadgets, we must not forget about a headset or micro-earphones. You find an assistant, give him the answers, head towards the examination room, receive questions, voice them and forward them to the listener, take dictation. The most important thing is to hide the wires, which is not a problem for people with long hair, but for everyone else, run the wires through your sleeves and prop up your head, or use wireless headphones.

How can you cheat in class without being angry? We use a ballpoint pen.

Thinking back to what you write with—pens—there are a few unique options. One of them is a pen with a cheat sheet that you can fill in with the necessary information, but choose only the essentials - there is very little space.

Cheat sheet in a ballpoint pen

The second option is how to cheat in class unnoticed using ballpoint pen consists of invisible ink that appears under the influence of ultraviolet light in the pen cap. Write it on a piece of paper and show it during the exam.

Each of the above methods of cheating are not always reliable, since the teachers were also students and know all the tricks and tricks. Be calm, unshakable and everything will work out for you, and do not forget that it is better to study the lesson material, because... The knowledge gained during training will undoubtedly be useful to you in life.

Video - making a cheat sheet using tape

Perhaps the most effective way cheating today is cheating “by voice.” To do this you will need: an MP3 player with a headset or a regular phone with a headset. It is better if the headset has Bluetooth.

Here we can also highlight 2 a way to cheat on an exam or test:

1) Your cellular partner dictates the answers to your questions. The person taking the exam, unnoticed by everyone, listens to the answer to the ticket.

There are two significant points here.

First: how to hide an earphone/headset? For girls with at least hair middle length, it won’t be difficult: you just need to put on a blouse with a long neck, pass the wire from the headset under the blouse and let your hair down. In this case, it’s more difficult for guys, and they usually do the following: the earphone is taped to the wrist, the wire itself runs in the sleeve. In order to hear the text, you need to bring your hand to your head (as if you were thinking, propping up your head). In this case, it will be a real salvation. A miniature flesh-colored earphone fits into the ear hole. It is so small in size and color that it cannot be seen in auricle. It connects to a bluetooth headset that communicates with your phone.

The second thing that complicates this kind of cheating is how your partner finds out the question number. There are several options: either you whisper, or call each other in advance and your partner hears everything, incl. your ticket number, or send the question via SMS, or agree that as soon as you sit down at the table and cough, the questions will begin to be read to you at the other end of the line. As soon as you get to the right place, you cough again.

2) You record all the answers on a voice recorder in advance, upload them to your phone, and then scroll through and listen to the tracks.

There are many disadvantages:

  • absence feedback with a partner, where there is an opportunity not to have time to write down, not to hear, to write down the answer to another question;
  • cellular communication may be absent at all, may be cut off, or you may run out of money;
  • the headset (if it is not bluetooth) may fall out of the jack in the phone, and the announcer’s voice will be heard by many, incl. teacher;
  • a teacher in a quiet classroom can hear what you hear;
  • your partner may not cope with the responsibilities assigned to him;
  • If you scroll through tracks that have been recorded in advance, it will take a lot of time, and you can get confused in them if there are a lot of them.

Tips based on my own experience:

  1. Copying from a headset is very convenient if there are a lot of questions, they are voluminous, and the teacher is not too young.
  2. It is best to record the answers in advance on a voice recorder, but not one night before the exam, because... by morning you risk being left without a voice.
  3. When using a wired headset, it is worth covering the speakers on the phone itself with tape or tape so that if the headset cord falls out of the connector, no one will hear anything.
  4. Use .

8. Body cheat sheets

Cribs written on the body are still very popular. The classic here is crib sheets on the arms, hidden under a long sleeve. For girls, a suitable method is to write text on your legs under your skirt. Even if the teacher notices something, he won’t be able to prove it for sure, because he won’t look under your skirt.

9. Pen-cheat sheet

The cheat sheet pen looks like an ordinary pen, however, if you pull the strip on the side, a roll of white paper rolled up inside it pulls out, on which the cheat sheet is written.

Disadvantages of this way to cheat on a test or exam are obvious: firstly, teachers also know about such pens, and, secondly, the volume of such a cheat sheet is very limited, and there is a possibility of the paper “sticking” or tearing at the most inopportune moment.

By own experience: The idea is good, teachers don’t pay attention to the pen, however, the paper really jams often.

10. Electronic organizer and programmable calculators

The method is simple: all the answers are recorded in advance in the organizer, and the teacher presents it all as regular calculator.


  • the teacher is not a fool, and can easily distinguish a calculator from an organizer;
  • It takes a very long time to write down cheat sheets in the organizer.

Programmable calculators can save text, formulas, and even pictures. Additional memory allows you to store software, turning the calculator into a pocket notebook.

11. “Scratching” cheat sheets on objects

The method is very difficult to implement, but it is done “for centuries”.

Text is scratched out on some objects (pens, rulers, calculators) with needles.

12. Pens with “invisible” ink

The mechanism of action is as follows: the text is written in advance on a piece of paper with such a pen, and then during the exam it is enough to simply shine a light source on it, located at the other end of the pen. The text will be visible.

The above is far from full list various kinds cheat sheets, however, the success of passing or not passing the exam is far from being determined by how you cheat, whether it is correct, and. It depends on whether the teacher wants to be copied. After all, as you know, there are no cheat sheets from which you can copy unnoticed.

In general, Excellent Students RU wish you good luck with your exams. Write it off and don't get burned! We know everything about students, you can trust us, and a custom thesis is possible inexpensively only with us!

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At all times, many schoolchildren and students have used a wide variety of tricks to cheat on exams. Cheat sheets were hidden (and are still hidden to this day) in pens and calculators, in textbooks and in items of clothing. Ready-made answers were also applied directly to hidden areas of the body. With the advent of the cell phone, a large amount of making effective tips was forgotten as this device, especially one that has access to the Internet, can replace not only Spurs, but also several textbooks at once - it is only important to be able to quickly search for information so as not to get caught.

However, such capabilities of smartphones are known not only to schoolchildren and students, but also to teachers. Today the student turns off and turns in his mobile device, receiving it back only after finishing the exam. If we talk about final certifications or the Unified State Exam, then at these events phones are taken away at the entrance, so there is no practical opportunity to use them. How to solve this problem? It is the search for answers to this question our article will be devoted to.

Is it possible to fool a metal detector: myths and reality

How to cheat from a mobile phone during an exam if metal detectors are installed at the entrance to an educational institution before the tests and absolutely everything that can be mistaken for a cheat sheet is taken away. You can find a huge number of recipes on the Internet that explain how best to carry a smartphone in such a situation. Let’s say right away that all of them have repeatedly proven their ineffectiveness. It is basically impossible to deceive a metal detector. Neither the foil in which they recommend wrapping the phone will help you (this will only increase the amount of metal and provoke a detector signal), nor other tricks. The only reasonable way is to agree in advance with the people who will be standing at the entrance, but this approach can be expensive.

Yes, this is true, but such smart people may simply not be allowed to take the exam, which is hardly desired result. Therefore, if there is a metal detector at school or university, it is better to forget about the mobile phone and use the good old cheat sheets, which modern technology does not react.

Sometimes this method helps to bring your phone to the exam:

  • leave the device in advance in the toilet or somewhere in the corridor (the place must be selected in such a way that you are sure that the phone will not be found);
  • during the exam you ask to go to the toilet;
  • pick up your smartphone and use it to return your ticket.

Typically, a metal detector check is carried out only at the entrance to the building of an educational institution, so if you are lucky, you will succeed.

To implement another method, you will need an assistant, as well as preliminary reconnaissance on the ground. It is used as follows:

  • we find open window in the building of an educational institution (it is best if it is located on the ground floor);
  • we give the mobile phone to the assistant and successfully pass through the metal detector;
  • We get to the previously discovered window and pick up the phone.

This technology only works in the warm season. However, if you can open one of the windows in the building yourself, you will be able to use it in winter.

How to hide and smuggle a cell phone into an exam

So, we found out that if there is educational institution metal detector, the chances that you will be able to bring a phone into the classroom are close to zero. At the same time, such modern technology is not available in every school. Therefore, we list several ways to use a mobile phone during exams:

  • The smartphone can be carefully tied to the body under clothing using special straps. This method does not guarantee the ability to copy the required answers from the device, since it depends solely on the dexterity of your hands;
  • girls can easily place their phone in a specially prepared pocket on their bra or in the garters of their stockings. As already mentioned, no one has the right to search you, so this method will help you successfully bring a cell phone into the classroom;
  • You can hide your smartphone in a textbook (remember famous movie"The Shawshank Redemption"). True, it will no longer be possible to restore the book after using this method;
  • In winter, phones can be successfully carried in high shoes - boots or boots.

How to secretly write off from your phone

Carrying your phone into the classroom where the exam will take place is only half the battle. After this, you will also need to quietly take out the device and find the necessary information, which is not always possible. We suggest you listen to the following recommendations that will help significantly increase your chances of success:

  • use folk wisdom, which says that the most difficult thing to find is the one that is in plain sight. Place your smartphone directly on the table, covering them with sheets of paper and your passport - very often such a blatant method works flawlessly. You only need to copy when the teacher is far from you;
  • if your manipulations were noticed by the teacher, calmly hide the phone in your pocket or sleeve so that it cannot be detected;
  • do not twitch or be nervous, behave completely calmly and naturally. Most often, it is not the detected smartphone or cheat sheet that gives away the violator of the exam rules, but his own behavior;
  • A rather original way of cheating is to disguise a smartphone as a regular calculator, which is approved for use in many subjects (mathematics, physics, and so on). All the filling is removed from the device, and a mobile phone is placed in its place. Of course, communicators with huge displays are not suitable for this purpose (it is better not to use them for such purposes at all, since the risk of detection increases significantly), but a smartphone with a 4-inch screen diagonal will fit quite well in the body of a calculator;
  • It’s also possible to hide your phone in your jacket sleeve. By carefully taking it out, you can quietly copy down the answers, and if the teacher approaches, you can put the device into the “hidden” with one movement;
  • modern ultra-thin smartphones can be disguised as a chocolate bar using wrapper. Such a “delicacy” can lie freely on the table without arousing any suspicion. And it will be much easier to remove it from the wrapper than from a bra or pocket.

You should know that successfully copying from a phone in an exam is highly dependent on manual dexterity and endurance. Possessing these qualities, you will be able to safely use the device even on the first desk, without fear of detection.

Another tip is to take two mobile phones to the exam at once. As is known, Cell Phones They are confiscated before the tests, and the absence of the device in itself can cause completely unnecessary suspicions.

The secret to passing exams

The same The best way pass exams without fear of retakes and bad grades, is to study well at school or any other institution, listen carefully to the teacher and read the recommended literature. This will allow you not only to easily cope with any tests, but also to acquire an invaluable store of knowledge, the vast majority of which will be useful to you in life. later life and in your career.

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