Places where you can find hidden treasures. Inside a ballpoint pen

Once upon a time, the buyer had to personally meet with the drug dealer to get a portion of the “high”, but now those times are in the past - drugs can be ordered without leaving home and picked up at the next door. A drug stash is a small sealed bag (approximate dimensions: 8x4) that easily fits in the palm of your hand. A magnet is sometimes attached to such a package - with its help the package can be attached to any metal structures. On drug dealer forums, it is recommended to use magnets so that the buyer can easily find his “pack of high.” Also, the location of the drug is photographed and provided with a detailed description.

Where are bookmarks hidden?

“The drug should not be in a visible place, but it must be easily accessible” - this is the basic rule of drug dealers. Drugs can be hidden in the subway, park, tree, or attached to drainpipes. Sometimes they are hidden near monuments or in public toilets. Don’t be surprised if you go out onto the balcony at night and find a man digging something near a tree - this is a drug addict who has come for his drug. Even several bookmarks can be left in the yard at once. In winter, drugs are hidden in flower pots (at the entrance), under railings, in electrical panels and in the slopes of window sills.

There is even such a job as a “mortgagor”. The drug dealer does not want to set himself up and flit around in different places - he hires young girls and boys who are happy to get easy money. A job as a pawnbroker may be called "anonymous courier" or something like that, and promises a big salary. The seller-mortgagor-buyer is at great risk of getting caught, so one can easily imagine their fear of police officers driving past them.

How much does a pawnbroker get: money and years in prison


Depends on the type of drug. The average price is 100, 900 rubles in Russia. The most expensive drugs are heroin and cocaine. The norm for one day is 20, 25 bookmarks or 50 g of the substance with you. A month turns out to be 150, 200 thousand rubles.

Years in prison

A pawnbroker who gets caught with 50 g of the substance or heroin will serve 15-20 years. It is not the drug dealer who is taking the risk, but the pawnbroker - that is why such a considerable sum comes out for the risk. The pawnbroker will go to prison, and the drug dealer will continue his business and hire a new employee.

How is a mortgage holder selected?

The search for an employee takes place via the Internet - a drug dealer posts a vacancy, candidates leave their resumes. Drug addicts themselves often sit on Darknet sites - such workers are unreliable. Therefore, preference is given to abstainers. Even the legal Internet is teeming with vacancies - on the same Avito. You can often see the sentence: “A healthy and responsible employee is required; work as a pawnbroker, high salary; We look at your documents and your appearance.”

For 200 thousand, an employee hired must lay out bookmarks in a certain area - 2-3 hours a day. The pawnbroker requires a deposit of 5 thousand rubles or a passport. There is only one way to contact an employer - through instant messengers.

How to make your home a safe place

Under no circumstances open the door to strangers and warn your neighbors if you realize that your house is being mortgaged. Be sure to notify the police if you see something being buried in front of a tree or if there are suspicious people in the entrance. It is best (if possible) to photograph or videotape the action of a suspicious person.

Sometimes a drug addict may not even pay attention to the people around him - he will dig up the drug, despite the fact that people are passing by or someone is standing on the balcony.

How to understand that your house has become a place of mortgages:

  • exposed cable channels;
  • packages and pieces of paper scattered around the entrance (8x4);
  • broken door closer;
  • Strangers often call the intercom asking you to open the door;
  • unfamiliar and inadequate people looking for something;
  • open electrical panels;
  • dug up soil near trees, in pots, pots turned over.

A person may receive a lot of money for working as a pawnbroker, but what will it bring him if his life is in constant fear? Is there really such a strong desire to buy a new iPhone or other fancy toys, because of which you will have to pay with imprisonment for 20 years? Parents! Be carefull. Don't leave your teenage children unattended.

Useful tips

Sometimes it becomes necessary to hide your savings so that no one finds them.

Where is the best place to hide money in your own apartment? The place should be accessible to you and at the same time inaccessible to thieves and unwanted guests.

By choosing a suitable place to store your cash, you can safely store it there without the fear of someone finding it.

Some “storages” can be created with your own hands and camouflaged in such a way that it fits into the overall interior without attracting the attention of strangers.

Here is a list of some of the best places to hide money:

Where to hide money

1. Inside a tennis ball

Have you ever thought that you could hide money in a tennis ball?

But this is a great idea if we are not talking about a large wad of money. Just make a small hole in the ball. The cut should be large enough so that the pack can be easily inserted and just as easily removed from there.

Then place the ball back into the container with the other tennis balls.

Of course, if you have no other sports equipment, it may at least seem strange to have such a collection of tennis balls in your home.

2. At the bottom of the chest of drawers

You might think it's too obvious to hide money at the bottom of your dresser. And at first glance, it seems that the money will be found easily. And so it will be if you just put money at the bottom of the drawer where you keep socks or other things.

Instead, secure the envelope containing the money under the drawer using tape or tape. Uninvited guests could rummage through your socks and underwear all day and they would never find that envelope.

By the way, the same can be done with a chair: attach an envelope to the bottom of the seat. It is unlikely that anyone would think to turn over a chair in search of money.

3. Inside the ballpoint pen

Did you know that money can also be hidden in a pen? If it's one or two bills, then yes.

For example, you can roll up a $100 bill so that it fits inside a ballpoint pen.

Just remember about the valuable filling of your pen and do not lend it to anyone. Otherwise, after doing a good deed to someone you know, you may lose your money.

4. Under the mattress

This place is quite controversial as it is too obvious and the most common place where people hide their finances. This is especially true for older people who, out of habit, put their pension under the mattress.

Perhaps it is so common that it will be the first place a thief looks when entering an apartment.

But it’s still better than just storing money on your desktop.

5. Inside the shoes

You probably have shoes that you don't wear.

If so, and you have a pair of shoes hanging around, why not remove the insoles and use shoes like a safe?

Simply place banknotes in place of the removed insoles and store them that way.

Where to hide money in an apartment

6. In an empty food container

Empty one of the plastic containers of food, rinse it thoroughly and the safe for storing your cash is ready!

Then place this safe in the freezer. Of course, the money will be cold when you take it out of the container. But this method will indeed be safe.

Or, if you don't want to store money in the freezer, you can do the same with an empty cereal box.

You can also use clean jars from various products to store money.

Just make sure that someone doesn't accidentally throw the safe in the trash.

7. Inside the cornice

Most curtain rods have ends that detach.

If this is the case, then you can remove the curtain rod, secure the money in this void with a stiff rubber band, put the ends back on the cap and secure the curtain rod again.

8. In sofa cushions

Hiding money in sofa cushions is easy.

This is easy to do because most pillows have a zipper that allows you to quickly open the pillow, stuff it with money, and zip it back up.

But the following things should be purchased for your home in order to hide money in them.

Not only can you store your cash in items that you already have at home, but you can also buy items that will mix and match with your existing home furnishings. Here are some of these items:

9. Fake electrical outlet

It would be a good idea to camouflage the safe under the guise of an ordinary electrical outlet.

This is truly an unusual place where you can hide money. However, make sure that all sockets are the same color.

Otherwise, the fact that one outlet is different from the others may arouse suspicion among an uninvited guest.

A color mismatch will give away your secret storage, and a thief will be interested in such a clear difference between one outlet and another.

Where do people hide money

10. In an empty Coca Cola bottle

Another great way to hide your money is with an empty Coca Cola can. What is the advantage of such a safe?

It's simple: besides the fact that the can is tin and opaque, few would suspect an ordinary can of containing such valuable wealth.

Just be careful not to accidentally throw away this mini-safe.

11. In an empty shaving cream can

Since basically every man needs a daily shave, no one will be suspicious of an ordinary shaving cream on the bathroom shelf.

But such an empty jar can serve an excellent purpose: store money in it. Just always remember that the jar is not empty and put it away from prying eyes.

Natalya Kaptsova - practitioner of integral neuroprogramming, expert psychologist

Reading time: 8 minutes


The majority of the population of our compatriots have a need for savings. Each family has its own needs. And a quarter of them (according to statistics) put aside money in reserve not for new furniture or a multicooker, but simply “to have it.” You never know. And this situation is not surprising - Russians have never been spoiled with monetary stability. And besides, making nest eggs is practically a national tradition. Keeping such a stash (even if modest) under your mattress warms your heart. It usually keeps my husband warm. Because women are less prone to the habit of “stashing money in reserve.”

Let's talk about this: where do husbands usually hide their money, why do they need it, and what to do with a stash suddenly found in the depths of the apartment?

Why does a husband make a nest egg from his wife - the main reasons

- Do you owe someone money?
- No, what are you talking about, dear!
- Mistress?
- In no case!
- Why the stash then?
- Sorry. Habit…

Dialogues akin to this are not an anecdote, but quite a real story , which happens to many couples. Sooner or later, every second wife finds an unaccounted for Klondike at home and asks herself (or even her husband) the main question - why?

So, why does the stronger sex need nest eggs?

Let's look into the reasons...

  • For a mistress. This is probably the most ridiculous option, but it has a right to life. Although, in fact, a man who can afford a mistress (and this is a considerable expense) does not need nest eggs - there should be enough money for everything without the “wooden” ones in socks on the mezzanine.
  • For your manly joys(for fishing, cars, technical innovations, etc.). That is, for everything that wives often consider a waste of money. You can’t save money in time - goodbye to a new spinning rod, cue or audio system. Men are like children, and each child is entitled to his own “children’s” piggy bank.
  • For women's joys. For us, loved ones. For example, enough for your wife to buy a gift, an unexpected surprise or a trip. Or to suddenly pay for a handbag that turned out to be “so cool, so cool - only 10 thousand, I want it, I want it, I want it, please.”
  • In case of emergency. Anything can happen in life. Sometimes money is urgently needed for treatment, for repairing a kitchen flooded by neighbors upstairs, for an urgent “relaxation” session for a spouse in a beauty salon, for car repairs, for fines for traffic cops, etc.
  • Just a habit.
  • For large purchases.
  • A kind of “rear”. It’s nice to know that any unforeseen event is already insured.
  • So that the wife does not control all income/expenses. That is, out of spite and out of principle, to spite his sawy wife.
  • Gold reserve for the future of children.
  • Because the wife is a spender.
  • For debts (or alimony).

As we see, the unaccounted assets of the spouse, in most cases, flow in the direction called “family budget”. And the absence of a nest egg (financial safety net) is worse for a man than his wife’s detective intelligence activities followed by a scandal and seizure of funds.

Especially when the wife is in charge of the finances in the house (well, a man can’t give everything).

10 Best Places for a Husband's Stash - So Where Can a Husband Hide His Stash from His Wife?

There's no point in reinventing the wheel these days. For a nest egg, you can open a dozen bank cards and transfer all finances from “covens”, part-time jobs, bonuses to them etc. But with cash it’s more difficult... You have to show miracles of ingenuity. Where do the stronger sex usually hide their stash?

The most popular hiding places:

  • Bottom of the cistern(money is pre-packed hermetically).
  • Books. Simply between pages or by cutting out a suitable “hole” in book pages. You don’t have to look into “Capital” (too famous hiding place).
  • Under mirrors and paintings. Some “cunning men”, in the absence of their wives, even manage to place safes in the walls under the wallpaper. Another option is on the balcony, under one of the pulled out bricks.
  • In the vent.
  • In the dishes. For example, in my grandmother’s unfashionable sugar bowl, which has been standing in the very corner of the sideboard for ten years.
  • Under parquet, baseboards, tiles, cornices.
  • At the bottom of the aquarium, between pebbles, taking into account reliable sealing.
  • In the toys of the children's room. For example, in a huge teddy bear on the closet, which is dusted off once a year.
  • In a chemical box, into which the spouse will not climb as unnecessary.
  • In the computer system unit.

And also in Christmas decorations, tool boxes, in an old mobile phone or player, in the barrel of a hunting rifle, in a junction box etc. In general, everywhere where “female logic” never sticks its powdered nose.

No the most reliable place today is the bank . Opening a debit card takes 10 minutes. And it will be extremely difficult to look into it. Especially if there are several cards.

You found your husband's stash - what to do next?

What should you do if you accidentally (or not so accidentally) stumbled upon your husband’s treasure?

But jokes aside, the following should be remembered about your husband and his nest egg...

  • He could be saving this money for a surprise or gift for you. . It’s unlikely that family happiness will benefit if you expropriate the stash and even start a scandal.
  • This money may belong to another person. For example, someone asked to save money, or the husband himself owes someone. Again, this is not a cause for scandal. Since they didn’t tell you anything about this, it means they are protecting your nervous system.
  • Of course, if the spouse works seven days a week, the younger one pays for the older one, the refrigerator is empty, and the spouse brazenly arranges “stashes” for his own pleasures - this is a reason to be upset . And often - even get a divorce.
  • A woman who trusts her husband will never ask “why do you need a stash?” . And she won’t look for her either. Because if this hypothetical stash exists, it means he needs it. And you shouldn’t get into this personal space (it definitely won’t bring joy to anyone).
  • There is no need to bring the relationship to the point where total control begins not only for the husband’s income/expenses, but also for his every action. Such surveillance is not even a bell, but an alarm about a hole in the family boat. The more you tighten the grip of control around your husband, the more actively he will seek independence and freedom from you.
  • A wise woman will never take found money and will not remind her husband of them.

It is naive and short-sighted to think that the man in the family does not have the right to his own, set aside money. Don’t ask your wife every time for new wobblers, for travel, lunch in a cafe, etc. This is humiliating for a man.

The same situation applies to wives. Start your own secret piggy bank and forget about your husband's. Surely, it’s also not enough pleasure for you to beg your husband either for new underwear or for more shoes.

Have there been similar situations in your family life with your husband’s stash? And how did you get out of them? Share your stories in the comments below!

How to find out where your friend hid a stash or treasure? Ask him to find an item hidden by someone else. If he searches in the corners, it means he is hiding valuables in the middle of the room, and vice versa.

Scientists have discovered that for some reason people look for what others hide in places other than where they hide it themselves. Apparently, they believe that no one else will think of their trick.

Canadian scientists led by psychologist Marcia Spetch decided to check what logic people use when they hide objects that are valuable to them. If you think that hide and seek only belongs in children’s games, remember how often adults hide money, personal diaries and other items that for some reason they want to hide from the eyes of others.

This, alas, is done not only for the peaceful purposes of protecting personal space: they hide drugs, contraband, explosives, and fake documents... The ability to reveal strategies for searching and hiding objects can turn out to be an important “gift” of science to investigators and customs officers.

This is exactly what scientists from the University of Alberta in Edmonton (Canada) did. Having recruited more than a hundred volunteers, psychologists allocated a room for the experiment, which was filled with various furniture - computers, cabinets, tables and chairs.

They laid out a lot of square rugs on the floor - there were more than 70 of them in total. The experimenters made sure that the room had its own “dark corner” and more illuminated areas.

Participants in the experiment were allowed into the room one at a time and left alone for two minutes. During this time, they were asked to hide three cards under any three rugs and find three other cards hidden by previous participants.

It is clear that in less than three minutes (you also have to hide your cards!) the volunteers did not have time to search all 70 rugs. Therefore, they could search for what was hidden from view only by relying on intuition, or more precisely, on their own strategy for searching for objects.

Interestingly, this strategy was the same for most participants. Namely: they were not looking in the place where they hid themselves. If a person hid cards in the middle of the room, then he looked for the cards of other participants in the corners, and vice versa. Since there were no observers in the room at the time of the search, we can rule out the possibility that the volunteers were simply afraid of their “treasure” being discovered.

Why the participants decided that no one would use their own logic - hide it in a corner, under a table, or, on the contrary, in the middle of the room - psychologists have yet to figure out. Perhaps everyone deep down considers himself the most cunning?

The same situation was repeated in the virtual room, which the experimenters simulated on a computer. In the virtual space, participants similarly looked for other volunteers’ “stash” in places other than where they hid their own. The computer game added another interesting feature: participants began to hide their cards in illuminated places less often, trying to hide them in a dark corner. Did the “virtual shadow” seem even more reliable to them than the real one?

Psychologists, however, were most puzzled by the question of why people search in places other than where they hid themselves. Scientists have suggested that these two types of behavior are controlled by different areas of the brain. Most likely, they have yet to test this guess with a tomograph.

In the meantime, the practical benefit of the experiment lies in the discovery that the brain of the hider and the seeker does not make a difference between virtual reality and ordinary reality. This means that it makes sense for criminologists to recreate in virtual reality the environment of real places that are potentially attractive to terrorists and drug couriers - perhaps they will invent the patterns of hiding dangerous objects.

The ability to hide and search played, according to some biologists, a decisive role in evolution. Some scientists believe that the enlargement of the brain was primarily due to the need to search for food, which was not so easy to find. In 1981, biologist R. D. Martin hypothesized that the "unpredictability and fragmentation" of food sources forced animals to develop larger brains to escape starvation through efficient food-finding strategies.

The most common place where money is stored are various drawers and bedside tables that are “at hand”. That's where thieves first look for their prey.

All kinds of figurines, boxes, vases are also not suitable for the role of reliable hiding places.

Oddly enough, some people still hide valuables under the mattress or in furniture, on mezzanines or in ottomans, chairs, or sewn into pillows.

It is worth understanding that there are cases when not only money and valuables are taken out, but even clothes, shoes and small household appliances. Therefore, it is unwise to hide money in these things. Some people think that it will be difficult for a thief to search among the mountains of clothes and linen in the closet. But for this he will need only a couple of minutes to shake everything out of the cabinets and probe in search of prey.

"Original" places that thieves know about

It seems that a thief would not look in auxiliary rooms like the bathroom or kitchen, but this is not at all true. They are well aware of such places as the toilet cistern, ventilation windows, and will not disdain to look in the trash can or dirty laundry basket.

Some people store valuables in cereals or in the refrigerator. This is also not reliable.

It seems that the surest thing is to hide valuables at the renovation stage. However, this is a misconception. If the thief is sure that he has a lot of time before the owner returns, then he will check under the baseboard, knock on the walls, and tear off the wallpaper.

Reliable protection

As for safes, this is a controversial place. If the burglar is a professional, he will find a way to open it. Also, some of them can be easily carried out due to their light weight and size. A safe can be reliable protection if it is installed in a hard-to-reach place, which will prevent removal and require time and effort to open it.

Based on the above examples, we can conclude: popular places are the most unsafe. That's where thieves will look first.

There are two types of thieves: random robbers who couldn't pass up easy money, and professional burglars who act on a tip and carefully study the object before the robbery. Pros will quickly find a hiding place in any apartment.

You can think about where to store valuables outside the home, or provide your home with maximum security. For example, bank safes are very popular now. But the downside of safes is that this is also not a 100% guarantee of reliability, since the bank does not know what is in the cell and cannot be responsible for its contents.

It is logical to place money on: in addition to reliability, there is also interest.

How to limit time

A thief's main weapon is time. Given enough time, a thief will find any hiding place. Therefore, when creating hiding places, take care to limit the time a thief will spend in your home.

You can install a home alarm system and connect it to the security company's remote control - this will not bring large maintenance costs, but you can count on a reaction when someone breaks into your home.

Install door opening sensors that will turn on a loud siren: turning it off quickly is difficult, for beginners it creates panic, for professionals it is a signal to hurry up.

The most basic protection is high-quality locks on the front door. This is something you can't skimp on. They will be able to detain a thief if they are difficult to open. Unfortunately, most locks and locks you find in hardware stores are very easy to pick. There is only one piece of advice here - take a closer look at the products of famous brands; although their locks are expensive, they usually come with a guarantee; each lock has a certificate.

Finally, there is another method of protection: insurance.

10 ideas for hiding places for money

Several ideas where you can hide money in your apartment.

  1. Toy. You can sew or invest your savings in it. Suitable for families with children. A thief will not tamper with all the cars in a child's room. The main thing is to explain to the child that this is daddy’s toy and cannot be played with!
  2. Behind the closet. If it covers the entire wall and you can climb on it, you can put the money in a bag, lower it behind the cabinet in the center and fasten a rope along the length of your outstretched arm so that you can reach it.
  3. Pot with plants. We pack the bills in waterproof cellophane and arrange them in a circle. We take care of the flowers as usual.
  4. Writing materials. You can roll up the money into a tube and place it on empty markers or felt-tip pens. Put it away in the desk.
  5. Aquarium. We also use waterproof material and place the treasure on a sunken ship or in an underwater castle.
  6. Album with pockets for photos. We arrange the bills under the photographs. Even if the thief nervously starts shaking the books, nothing should fall out.
  7. At the bottom/top of the wooden interior door, we make a hole on the surface parallel to the floor/ceiling, the size of a small stack of bills. You can always slip in some riches and seal them with tape.
  8. Threads. We twist the money and wrap it with woolen threads in the form of a round skein. We store it with accessories for cutting and sewing.
  9. On the ceiling. We remove the chandelier, put money through the hole at a possible distance and hang the chandelier back. Labor-intensive and suitable for those who know how to handle electricity.
  10. You can also store banknotes in Christmas tree decorations. And in winter, decorate the New Year tree with these “rich” balls.