Graduation words to your favorite teacher. Original congratulations on graduation: cheat sheet for parents

Graduating from school is a very exciting and emotional event. Poetic and prose sayings will help to fully convey what is on your soul.

from high school graduates

Of course, when the day of the last bell comes, both schoolchildren and their parents are overwhelmed with emotions. And at this moment, more than ever, I want to say my best wishes to the school, because it has covered a considerable path in life. You need to clearly and wholeheartedly convey your feelings and gratitude so that every word is correctly perceived. Wishes to the school from graduates may be as follows.

School line, the bell will ring.

Only he doesn’t call us to class anymore.

Our graduation party has arrived today,

With tears in our eyes we say “thank you” to everyone.

We will someday come to visit these walls,

Let's sit, talk and discuss the news.

How can we say “thank you” to this school?

Today we will sing to her and show her the number.

The gratitude cannot be counted,

Praise and honor to our school.

Let only smart kids be here,

Taking a step on such an important path.

School taught me a lot

Be kinder, more restrained,

Awarded with a lot of knowledge,

Which will be useful to us in life.

We are very grateful for this,

After all, today we are not just children.

We are all graduates today,

School diaries won't be of any use.

We already hold the certificate in our hands,

Tears of joy and sadness,

We probably won't hold back.

We say a huge “thank you”

Everything was fine and beautiful.

Today there is a line in the school yard

One last time for us.

We are very grateful to our fate,

That this hour was spent in it.

May there be joy and tears in our eyes,

We will thank you.

Then the numbers too for the last time

Here, on this stage, we will show it.

We wave our hand

Goodbye, school.

We won't be back here again.

Now to institutes, academies

We all go after you.

You've given us a good start, school

And she rewarded me with knowledge.

Thank you for being all teachers

They stood behind us and taught us.

In any case, wishes to the school and teachers at the graduation speech will be somewhat sad and with a grain of emotion.

elementary school in verse

Those who have completed four grades have also crossed the first stage of education and are taking the first step into another life, into high school. Unusual, bright and emotional wishes for elementary school graduates can be heard from parents and teachers; the most important thing is to choose the right words in these sayings.

From parents

Our little children

We can't believe it at all

What are junior classes today?

The door closes behind you.

The knowledge that you have received

May they serve you well throughout your life.

And all your plans for adult school

Let them certainly come true.

It would seem like just yesterday they took you to first grade,

Now we are standing on the line and escorting you to high school.

Tears melt before our eyes, because time flies,

It makes you more mature and opens new gates.

Thank you, children, for your skills, our teacher, and to you for your patience.

Good morning, kids! All congratulations today are only for you.

From the teacher

You were brought to me in very little pieces,

You were six and seven.

Now I'm excited to imagine

That four years have passed like a day.

I see how you have grown up

Although you grew before our eyes.

I'm sad to part with you,

After all, I loved you all.

Today I wave my hand

To the most worthy students,

Good luck, good luck in high school

I wish you.

Knowledge knows no boundaries

Fly forward, you worthy birds!

I'm letting go now with great pride,

Your grown-up kids

To the senior class.

Wishes to teachers and school from parents of graduates

Of course, parents also want to express their wishes to the school and teachers of the graduating class. Who, if not they, can emotionally and with inspiration say “thank you” to those who gave good knowledge and accompanied their children throughout the entire educational period.

Thank you for your patience,

For believing in our children.

For the knowledge you gave,

who helped them

Get into good institutes,

Which paths led to.

We are very grateful to you,

You raised wonderful children.

Poems from graduating students for first graders

Of course, the last bell is not complete without wishes to the little ones from those who are leaving the school.

Today is our last call,

For you, dear ones, he is the first.

We wish that each of you can

Explore the endless world of learning.

May school give you wonderful moments,

Let them not be bothered by unnecessary questions.

We pass the baton to you,

We give instructions to study well.

Once upon a time we stood like this, guys.

It seems to us that it all happened yesterday.

Now we've graduated from school

We are moving into adulthood, kids.

May you feel comfortable here,

Study, gnaw granite,

So that your teachers are proud of you,

Your first bell is ringing.

Anxious wishes for elementary school will help set the mood necessary for the holiday.

Poems from first-graders for graduates

Of course, no graduation party is complete without congratulations from the junior class. Let first-graders tell beautiful, short and simple wishes to the school and graduates.

We just started on this path

It's time for you to turn around.

Remember school as a wonderful expanse,

Where there was no evil, no trouble, no disputes.

Let the school remain in your memory,

Today we will wave our hand to all of you.

What a pity that the years have flown by so quickly,

We wish you to always be smart.

The last bell rang in your honor,

There are countless pleasant wishes addressed to you.

You hand over your desks to us

And you go into adulthood.

in prose

Parents and alumni can also express their wishes to the school in prose. In this case, you can convey more emotions in one saying.

Many years have passed since our children entered first grade. They were very young then, it was not easy for them, but they managed. Thank you, dear teachers, for raising from little chicks worthy free birds to whom wide opportunities are open. It was only thanks to you that our children easily entered higher educational institutions. Because the level of knowledge was assessed there too. There are countless words that I would like to say to you. Praise and low bow to you.

Dear teachers, you know our children even better than we do ourselves. Thank you so much for your patience, endurance and for the fact that you not only gave children knowledge, but also raised them to be real people. Your work has no price or definition. You make a very significant contribution to the life of every child. May good luck always accompany you, and may everything succeed as planned. And my children and I promise to come visit you and share new emotions. That's why we don't say goodbye, we say goodbye.

Both parents, children, and teachers will be able to fully express their experiences and emotions in preparation for the gala evening.

So this holiday has come with tears in our eyes. Graduation is the end of one stage in life and the beginning of another! And I would really like to wish you to pass this stage with dignity. So that in the morning there is something to remember, and also, importantly, what! And may everything go well and successfully for you in your future life!

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Graduation wishes for a girl

A completely new road opens up before you. What it will be like: winding or straight, thorny or strewn with flowers depends almost entirely on you. And a little bit of luck. I wish you only the right steps and confident decisions. And may luck be with you!

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Wishes for primary school graduates

Today, when you are finishing fourth grade, I would like to wish you to gain strength, health and a thirst for knowledge, because these are the qualities that you will most need in middle and especially high school. I wish you to grow up, think about the future, choose a profession to which you would like to devote your life, and pay special attention to studying the sciences that will be useful in it. Good luck to you and strong teeth with which you will gnaw the granite of science!

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Wish for school

Dear school! You are our native harbor, and we are your ships. Which came out of you into the expanses of the ocean of life. But we will never forget your desks, corridors and dear teachers. And I would really like for our school to do well and for a long time to release new ships on the long voyage!

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Poem wishes to teachers from graduates

You gave us without reserve
Your strength of heart and knowledge.
You had a hard time with us,
And today “Goodbye” to you
We want to say with gratitude.
We will never forget you.
And will always be in our memory
Patient, kind people.
Let fate scatter it like candy wrappers
Us, but life has a measured time
We will remember like grammar
The most important lesson given to us.
Not history, and not physics,
And not even literature.
Kindness, love, optimism
This lesson is the most important.

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Wishes to graduates

Shakespeare said, “the whole world is a stage,” but I can say that our whole life is one big study. Today you are a graduate, but essentially you are just moving on to the next class of life. And I sincerely want to wish that you graduate from these “universities” with just 5 marks and achieve success in your field of activity.

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Poem wishes to graduates

Today childhood is gone forever
And there is no escape from this.
Today adult life is hectic
It takes you to itself forever.
All paths are open to you
And choose which way to go
The task is very important for you
Make no mistake! And once again
We remind you that the most important thing is
Don't ever disgrace him
Who gave you everything without sparing
And knowledge, and strength and love -
Teachers and school, home.
Well, have a great graduation celebration!

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Kindergarten graduation wishes

Dear baby! Today is your graduation day and tomorrow you will become older and more responsible. You are still very young, but you are already making progress in your studies and pleasing your parents with your good behavior. I wish you to remain as cheerful, inquisitive, sociable and a little playful! Don't forget to smile openly and strive to learn new things!

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Wish for graduation album

A graduation album is like an island of memory of past childhood. It stores frozen moments of joyful events and meetings. Time will pass, and yesterday's classmates may get lost in the vast world, but on the pages of the album they will be together, and perhaps, once looking into it, old friends will feel that it is time to meet those with whom they spent their youth years together. Or maybe a photo will help you remember moments that will make your heart warmer. So let the graduation album be a treasure trove for the best memories for many years to come!

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Graduation wishes for teachers in elementary school

Today, yesterday's students are ready to leave school like chicks leaving their parent's nest. They will have to study further, they will have to become more mature, more serious, forge their own happiness, and, undoubtedly, the knowledge acquired in elementary school will greatly help them. You can hardly learn well just by reading a textbook from cover to cover. A lot of knowledge will only be possible when there are teachers nearby who are ready to support and guide you in the right direction. Therefore, on this solemn day, we want to wish our teachers all the best, good health and success in their work, into which they invest not only their minds, but also their souls.

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Teacher's wishes to 4th grade graduates

Another school year, with its anxiety before tests, the joy of getting straight A's and overcoming difficulties, is left behind. Each of you has grown older, learned new things, and probably looks at past worries with a smile and is a little worried about how to study further? But don't doubt that everything will be fine. I want to wish you success in your studies, or rather attentiveness, to be diligent and inquisitive and not to be upset if the problem is not solved the first time, because you guys are capable and you can do anything!

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Wishes from teachers for kindergarten graduation

Kindergarten is the first group for a little person. Today, kindergarten graduates are no longer kids at all, they will soon go to school, they, of course, have become more mature, have learned a lot and have left behind fun games and noisy matinees. We would like to wish all graduates joy and courage to look into the future, where they still have a lot to do. We want to wish them success in their studies, good friends, and we also wish them to be naughty in moderation and obey their mothers and fathers!

If school is a second home for a child, then teachers, of course, are a second family. They, like parents, are there in difficult times, they teach and instruct, give instructions. And the contribution of each teacher to the fate of students is undeniably great. Teachers are those people whom a graduate will remember throughout his life, no matter how it turns out. And on my graduation, I would like to pick up the warmest and most sincere words of gratitude to these people, congratulate them and wish them patience with the next generations of students. No words? We will help! The most beautiful and touching congratulations and speeches of gratitude to subject teachers.

Thank you speech for chemistry teacher

Graduation evening is a great opportunity not only to say goodbye to our beloved school walls, but also an occasion to thank our beloved teachers for the invaluable contribution that they were able to invest in us, for the necessary knowledge that will help chart the right course for our future. One of these teachers is undoubtedly our dear chemistry teacher. It was you who revealed to us the structure of the world around us, who taught us how to create real magic by mixing different substances and liquids, who laid the foundation for us. Thank you very much for your work and professional attitude to work. We hope that the knowledge gained will forever remain in our minds and serve us well.

Congratulations to the physics teacher

Today, on this holiday, I really want to personally congratulate each teacher, choose the right words and try to fit into them all the great gratitude that we feel for them. One of such teachers, undoubtedly, is our dear physics teacher. It was you who explained to us that we stand firmly on our feet not only thanks to stubbornness and fortitude, but also thanks to the power of gravity, instilled a love for studying the structure of the world around us and opened for us the veil of laws thanks to which everything around us exists. Thank you very much for your patience, kindness, sensitivity and attention. We promise that your hard work will not pass without a trace and will become an excellent springboard for new knowledge.

Physical education teacher

It is always sad to part with people dear to our hearts, especially those who, like our respected teachers, have put their souls into us, so graduation evening is not only a joyful, but also a little sad holiday. Today we look confidently into the future, largely thanks to our mentors and teachers. I would especially like to mention our beloved physical education teacher. Thanks to your persistence, responsible attitude to the subject taught and professionalism, we realized that full mental development is impossible without proper physical training. You taught us to rely on our own strength, always strive for victory and never give up. We are confident that thanks to you, sport will become our constant companion and will lead us to the heights of success.

Wishes to the life safety teacher

Today, on this festive graduation evening, I really want to congratulate our dear life safety teacher. It is thanks to you that we know how to act in any, even very dangerous, situation, we know how to adapt to changing circumstances and can easily navigate not only the forest, but also the concrete jungle. Thank you very much for making this dangerous world easier for us and teaching us never to lose self-confidence, and, most importantly, helping us find our core in life. We wish you that your immeasurably important profession will always be in demand and respected, that your students will delight you with their successes and will not forget to thank you.

Congratulations to the teacher in the subjects Russian language and literature

The graduation party never passes without a trace and remains in the memory for many years, however, there are people whom graduates always remember - these are our teachers. It is impossible to overestimate the enormous contribution that you made to the future of your charges and the effort that you spent on it. Today I would like to thank each teacher individually and, first of all, the teacher of Russian language and literature. It was you, our dear teacher, who taught us to correctly and competently express our thoughts, showed us all the diversity and richness of the Russian language, discovered the unsurpassed beauty and depth of the book word and instilled a love for classical literary works. Thank you for the professionalism and dedication with which you treat your chosen profession, for the example you set for us and for your incredible patience.

Congratulations to the geography teacher

During the incredible and memorable school years, we learned a lot: to value knowledge, respect elders and value friendship, and, most importantly, we discovered a huge world that lives according to its own laws and customs. Our favorite geography teacher helped us with this. It was you who became our mentor and guide to the world of amazing countries and discoveries, who allowed us, without leaving the walls of the classroom, to plunge into unknown spaces far beyond our borders and introduced us to other peoples and the lands that they inhabit. We will always remember those lessons that, thanks to your love for the profession, became special and exciting for us.

Words of gratitude to the history teacher

Today, on this holiday, we want to thank our dear history teacher from the bottom of our hearts. During these school years, you have become for us not only a teacher with a capital T, but also the person who, by lifting the veil of the past, taught us to look into the future with confidence. You helped us learn not only the deep history of many countries and peoples, but also showed how incredibly intriguing the history of our huge country sounds, how many great victories it has behind it and how many talented people it has raised in its vast expanses. Thank you very much for the important knowledge that you put into our heads and for the pride in our country that you awakened in our hearts.

Congratulations to the biology teacher

Graduation evening is not only a holiday for those who have to leave the hospitable walls of the school, but also an occasion to once again thank our dear teachers, who over the past years have become real mentors, confidently guiding them to the land of knowledge and science. I especially want to thank our beloved biology teacher for your ability to make a lesson not just a way to gain knowledge, but a whole journey into the mysterious living world around us. You helped us understand how life begins and by what laws it exists, you taught us to love and respect nature. Thank you very much for your warm attitude towards your students and incredible patience.

Labor teacher

Today is graduation and soon the school doors will close behind us, thereby motivating us to move forward. Much of the knowledge we have acquired will be useful to us in the future and we have yet to appreciate its importance, however, there are skills the benefits of which we have already understood and were taught by our favorite labor teacher. You, like a patient parent, helped your students master the intricacies of everyday life and taught them how to create truly necessary and important things. Thanks to you, we have become more confident in our own abilities and learned attention and patience. Thank you for your invaluable contribution to our education, for your kindness, support and professionalism.

Graduation congratulations to the algebra and geometry teacher

In this world, everything is built on accuracy, precise action and the absence of accidents. We understood this especially well in algebra and geometry lessons. Every movement, action and movement can be calculated and anticipated, and, therefore, learned about it in advance. A dear teacher taught us this incredible opportunity. You showed us how important it is to be able to work with numbers, helped us understand the necessity of the subjects you teach and realize that it is the exact sciences that support us in the raging sea of ​​information and instability of the world around us. Thank you very much for your enormous contribution to the treasury of our knowledge and for continuing to bring the light of science despite any difficulties.

English teacher

When the long-awaited graduation party arrives and the understanding comes that the school years are over and the time has come to enter a new unknown world, many roads open up ahead and their choice remains to be made. However, today we can say with confidence that largely thanks to our dear English teacher, the choice of future professions and plans is so wide. Knowledge of one of the most widespread and popular languages ​​on Earth allows us today to freely strive to realize our dreams and not be aware of language barriers. We want you to know how grateful we are to you and we hope that you will be proud of our future achievements.

Wishes for a social studies teacher

Knowledge of the laws of society has always been the key to a person becoming a full member of it, so it is difficult to overestimate the knowledge that you, our dear teacher, invested in us lesson after lesson. It was you who taught us in many ways the concepts of honor, decency and justice, and helped us understand that building relationships with people, as well as knowing the laws of society, is an important step on the path to success. Today, on graduation evening, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the invaluable contribution that you have made to our future and wish you good students, reliable colleagues and a decent salary.

Congratulations on graduation party


Now that all the exams have been passed, it’s time for the graduation party, at which I consider it my duty to say that everyone is sincerely glad that they spent their school years at this school! We may not know which path we will choose in the future, but we know for sure that our school years and the kindness of our teachers will always warm our hearts! And I want to wish you, dear teachers, a happy life and professional success!

Today we, yesterday's schoolchildren, are having fun at the prom. Today we say goodbye to our native school and teachers, each of whom contributed to making our future clear and prosperous! I want to sincerely wish our dear teachers good health and a happy destiny!

On the gala graduation evening, I want to say thank you to the teachers, thanks to whose efforts we were able to reveal our talents and successfully pass the final exams! Maybe one day our children will go to the same school, and we will definitely not forget to tell them how fun it is to study, try to please teachers and grow up!

Today is the long-awaited school holiday, graduation party. It would probably be honest and fair, on behalf of all graduates, to say thank you to our graduates and wish them good health, happiness, good luck and great success in teaching new students!

School, and with it childhood, are left behind today, but in my heart there will always be warm memories and sincere feelings for those people who taught us, foolish children, rejoiced at our successes and helped us never lose heart and believe in ourselves! I want to wish our dear teachers bright, simple human happiness!

It seems like just yesterday you were a first-grader, and today you are a graduate, a handsome young guy! Take mine for the graduation party and stay strong at the celebration! Don't forget to say a kind word to the teachers and dance with the queen of the evening!

Perhaps you were sometimes lazy, and sometimes you even failed, but we always believed in you and today, having passed the exams with honor, you are going to the graduation party! I wish you to have a lot of fun, to be the life of the party, the guy who has the brightest future!

Teachers' speech

Speech by teachers at graduation at the Zaokskaya school. Fragment.

Today you say goodbye to school at your graduation party, and tomorrow a new, adult life will begin... Perhaps one day you yourself will become a teacher? In any case, I don’t have to worry about your bright future! Congratulations, graduate! Be just a king today and be happy everyone!

Graduation party at school can be called the first adult celebration, and therefore I wish you today to hold on to it with dignity, remember only the best about your school time and just have a lot of fun! Happy holiday to you, graduate! I wish you happiness and good luck!

Today you, together with other children, are giving up the class to new students, and you yourself will celebrate your graduation from school at the graduation party. Please accept my congratulations on the end of your school youth and entry into the time of young adulthood! May luck smile on you, may your wish to the teachers be the most sincere, and may you yourself be the happiest!


Parents' response at graduation party - and congratulations

Gratitude speech to teachers from parents in prose

Dear teachers!

Today I would like everyone to have smiles and joy in their eyes. We parents want to say a lot of gratitude to the teachers of our children.

Here, at school, our kids grow, learn, mature, and experience life. At school, they acquire not only academic knowledge, but also find their adult friends. Of course, you are the teacher. You give them attention, love, your time and heartfelt love.

In our school, teachers created an atmosphere of mutual understanding and kindness and sincerity. Children are surrounded by constant attention and love.

We want to express our deep gratitude and deep appreciation to you for your professionalism, generosity, attentiveness and love, dedication to your profession and your students. Your participation and advice were always correct and appropriate. You raised them! Taught!

Our dear teachers!

We brought our frightened and confused children to you. The teachers led them along the paths of knowledge. The children learned letters and numbers. Learned to read, write, count. Further and further, along the road of knowledge and discoveries, you led our children. They learned mathematics and physics, music and art.

You, our dear ones, helped to understand the criteria of good and evil. The children learned from you about the masterpieces of Russian and world classical literature. You introduced them to prose and poetry, from the Iliad to modern literary works.

Together with our children, you watched many films, took you to museums and theaters. Then they held discussions in which the children learned to think correctly, give the correct assessment, and express their reasoning and thoughts.

We sincerely express our deep gratitude and deep gratitude to you for your professionalism, kindness and love for your profession and your students. Thank you for your work, participation, advice and wisdom!

Our dear, respected teachers!

You are our dear friends, you taught our children. You have become close and fused with them. You know all their pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages, abilities for science or difficulties that arise while overcoming the road of knowledge in study. You treat each of your students as a unique personality, as the only one in the world.

For each individual, you had the time and desire to help if any problems arose. Regardless of time and costs, you came home and called if some serious problem suddenly arose.

If a child was ill for a long time, then you came to visit him, explain the material he had covered, so that there would be no lag in his studies, the child would not lose time and his classmates by remaining in the second year.

A low bow to you and great gratitude for your enormous invaluable work that you have invested in the upbringing and education of our children!

Poems for graduation, poems for teachers at school graduation, poems for graduation

"Poems for first-graders"

(first-graders read poems to graduates)

Hey, look, kids!

I have never seen smarter faces.

What wise eyes

These students!

What good children!

Well, where else can you meet such people?

All the guys are handsome

The girls are madonnas.

And among them there are no talkers or empty talkers.

In short, there are no more expensive ones in the world.

What good adult children!

We envy you sometimes

That you have finished studying,

But we feel a little sorry for you,

This won't happen again!

But to cry in this bright hour,

Don't, we won't let you.

For you, for you and only for you

Now we'll arrange something.

We give the sun as a souvenir,

To keep you warmer.

Let it warm you

Your home always makes you happy!

Take a piece of sunshine,

Pin her to your heart,

Give people good light!

This is our promise to you!

Our school is rich in talents,

The guys give us their art.

"My graduation!"

My friends, my family,

Last moment, last hour

We are together dear,

And tomorrow we will all be strangers.

The last waltz, the last dance

I dance with friends,

For the last moment I am sitting with you

Everything until morning, and there it’s dawn

And everything will disappear...

My friends, my family

I love you, my dears

These minutes, this moment...

I studied and had no idea

That I can love so much

I'm so attached to you all,

Which I will remember for a long time.

“Oh, our unforgettable teachers!”

(graduates read poetry to teachers)

We love you! What more?

And these are not words at all!

It's good that this school

Fate brought us together!

We will keep everything that you gave us,

Like a kind, selfless gift.

Soul fire, heart heat

They kept us warm during these years.

We have learned to love life,

Work, sing, play on stage.

You taught us to live wisely,

Without trampling our opinions.

We love you very, very much -

Open, sincere, heartfelt.

And at this precious hour

We want to remember you forever!

Thank you, our teachers!


You know, I still believe

What if the Earth remains alive, -

The highest dignity of humanity

Someday there will be teachers.

Not in words, but in things of tradition,

Which matches tomorrow's life,

You will have to be born a teacher,

And only after that become.

Even if he wants to, he won’t hide,

At him, walking along the early path,

Passers-by will turn around,

It's like a brass band.

There will be talented and daring wisdom on it,

He will carry the sun on his wing.

A teacher is a long-range profession,

Home on Earth!

“Don’t you dare forget the teachers!”

Teacher of the most honest rules,

Bending over a pile of work,

Made myself think

When will he leave school?

His example is science for others,

But, my God, what boredom:

Kozlov did not learn the conjugation,

Titov - multiplication table,

He didn't read "Fathers and Sons"

Makerov skipped school

Bakhteev copied algebra,

And Dudkin smokes in the toilet.

And in all this, my friends,

I have to figure it out.

So thought our sorrowful teacher,

Tired of school and worries,

It's time for him to do his hard work

Change. There are many works:

Relax in a villa in Miami,

And I could manage a bank,

Receive your salary in dollars.

And he’s still here, with a pointer, with chalk,

Enlightenment is not an easy task

I was busy from morning to night.

Taught, taught, taught, taught.

And I even enjoyed it.

In short, he stayed in school.

Don't be afraid, schoolboy, your teacher

He will never leave you.

He is not a fool and not a tormentor -

He chose this path forever.

He is never indifferent

He's worried about you.

He sheds tears over deuces

And he often drinks valerian,

When you are impudent, angry, unrestrained,

When you don't get high fives,

When I didn’t learn again,

When he's angry with you.

But still, let's say without embellishment,

The teacher is working for you.

We would like to tell you in conclusion,

To graduates at this important time,

So that remembering the moments of youth,

Don't forget those who you

Taught, educated, tried,

Who remained faithful to the school,

Who have you all become friends with?

They must bow to the waist.

Let the bell ring,

Don't you dare forget the teachers!!!

“Dedicated to the class teacher”

Just like every state has a ruler,

Like every fairy tale has its own princess,

We have a great teacher,

Named Lyudmila light Sergevna.

On our school life path,

Seven years out of our ten,

She was our Cool Mom

The most beloved, the kindest.

She taught history

And I took her on excursions,

She gave us holidays,

Where we sang and danced,

Where we read poetry avidly.

Yes, we have almost become artists!

She is also a director and inspirer.

She is like an angel, our guardian,

Followed our assessments

And I went to bow to the teachers.

We know that no one in the world

He didn’t defend us like that at the teachers’ meeting.

She used to scream,

But is it possible to get angry?

To our fun, friendly class!

And if you ask us,

We will answer you in a heartbeat

What a mountain we are Lyudochka!!!

Now just a minute!

We make a solemn promise:

We will remember and love you,

We will come to visit you.

And we won’t leave school forever -

We will bring our children and grandchildren here!!!

"School life"

Today is a sad day for us,

The waltz spins us around for the last time.

And we are sad that

That we are leaving the school house.

Where did our childhood and youth go?

Where we matured and grew up,

We studied, rejoiced, sang,

They were lazy and looked out the window.

They wrote the dictation with errors,

We passed the test against Spurs.

The teachers moaned about us,

With a creak, the “troika” was put out.

And although they loved the teachers,

But sometimes they scolded me behind my back

For sometimes tormenting me,

Making Einsteins out of us.

And we loved to walk,

They were smoking in the bushes behind the school.

We fell in love for the first time at school,

We had fun at discos

We became friends with each other in class,

As individuals, we have developed here.

Now it's all behind me

How long will it be ahead?

Works, searches and worries?

And we, of course, will be lucky!

All our dreams will come true,

And school will not be forgotten.

We will never forget.

"For a math teacher"

Not a textbook problem,

And the code was revealed more difficult.

The guys understood what they meant

Simple looking ten numbers.

Without them above the clarity of the river

Bridges wouldn't rise

Looking at the night sky,

And the distance to the star

There's no way you could figure it out.

"For the history teacher"

These are princes in an internecine dispute,

Then again the nomads raid.

Woman teaching a history lesson

Walks the paths in a distant century.

I hear a question unfamiliar to me,

And again my gaze is drawn to the book,

I go to the board alone

And I ask my friends: help me...

"For a chemistry teacher"

We merged mentally with you, -

And these sincere words, -

Like ammonium nitrate,

Like caustic sodium with CO2.

“We thank everyone...!”

(parents read poems to teachers and graduates)

The shoemaker will fix our shoes,

And the carpenter made a stool and a porch.

But only teachers can fix it

Our heart and face brighten.

What delicate work -

To make at least someone happy

Bring a flower of good luck,

Save from loneliness

And then quietly leave...

Graduate! Walk through the quiet school floors

A lot has been lived and understood here.

But you ran home in victory...

And if suddenly your luck runs out,

Walk through the quiet school floors.

We thank everyone for their work and knowledge!

For your kindness, care and attention!

We wish you health and many years to come!

There is no better school on the entire planet!

“That’s all over!”

(teachers read line by line)

That's all over

The difficult path is behind us,

It's time to part... This is how it usually happens.

We won't get the year back

May each of you

Sometimes he remembers his school, his class!

How hard it is to say

To you today: “Farewell.”

I won’t say it, but I’ll say: “Goodbye!”

I believe that it’s not in vain

He gave his strength.

Thank you for everything, and goodbye.

Beautiful poems and congratulations for teachers at graduation, at the last bell

On May 25, the last bell will ring for graduates, and in the second half of June, a wave of proms and evenings will sweep across the country. Already now, parents and graduates are very worried, preparing to take the Unified State Exam, and parents understand that their children are already becoming adults. We congratulate all graduates on graduating from school and offer you congratulations, parting words for teachers.

Congratulations, poems from graduates for teachers

We leave school

We are standing in the middle of the yard...

"Thank you,

Our [teacher's name, patronymic]!

What a pity,

That the time for parting has come:

Everything came first here!

Not easy, but the first!!!

Congratulations to the teacher from graduates

You are a companion, a friend, a teacher.

And a very grateful viewer!

You are infinitely patient

Generous, sincere and beautiful!

Let your strength not fail,

And let the house be a full cup!

The people close to you are healthy,

We will never forget you!

You've been around for many years

They shared everything they knew!

Thank you for the light of knowledge,

For childhood fairy tales with miracles!

For the heat of spiritual fire,

For correcting bugs!

For work not wasted in vain,

For the sensitivity of the heart, the sparkle of smiles!

Congratulations on the end of the year

And we wish you a nice rest!

Sun, blue sky,

To regain strength and vigor again

Let it be time for pleasant impressions

Will give you inspiration for the whole year!

Bright, interesting entertainment

And a round dance of summer days!

Thank you, dear teacher,

Over the years, months and days,

Hours, minutes and moments,

What a great time you spent with us!

For the spirit of goodness and unity,

Warmth of the soul, sparkle of the eyes,

For shine and wings of inspiration

We thank you with all our hearts!

Far from the school threshold

Your road is creeping,

And the route is difficult,

And fast.

You will see and know

That there are many events in the world

Simply amazing.

We consider ourselves very lucky

Our children at school twenty-fifth -

Grateful sprouts sprouted

Everything that the teachers gave to the children.

Knowledge and interest in the world,

Kindness, responsibility, cordiality,

The belief that life is full of miracles

And what’s most important about her is humanity.

And, of course, they will remember forever

Grown-up Seryozhka and Natasha,

How, reading clearly syllable by syllable,

First-graders were drawn to knowledge.

Low bow to you, (name, patronymic),

For hard, patient work,

To the kids you were a school mother -

Years will not erase this memory.

in prose » *always a holiday!*

Dear and beloved teachers! Let us congratulate you on your graduation from the bottom of our hearts. Graduation is your holiday, it is your merit and all the words today sound for you. Because you, teachers, are more involved in this event than anyone else. It was you who taught the students all these years, gave them knowledge and, step by step, day by day, prepared them for adult life. And it is thanks to your excellent work that today we can be proud of our children, our school graduates. Thank you very much for your efforts and for your work. Without your profession, life would be much harder. Please accept our words of gratitude and respect once again.

Today is a wonderful day, today is the day when our already quite children graduate from school and leave it forever. At this joyful and sad moment, I want to say so much, but my emotions are running high, and I just want to thank all the teachers, without whom this joyful event would not have happened. Without you, teacher, no one would have gained knowledge, learned to write and read. It was you who became not just school teachers, but teachers of your whole life. Because the knowledge you gain in your lessons will again and again help today’s graduates in life. And for all this, for your work, for your efforts, we say thank you. And let today's graduates justify your trust and the time spent on their training.

Today is our children's graduation. This is their day, this is their holiday. But there are people without whom there would be neither this day nor this holiday. And these are not parents, not grandparents or other relatives, these are teachers. And I want to turn specifically to the teachers and say words of gratitude to them, to say thank you for everything. Each of the teachers contributed to this process, each of the teachers gave their knowledge and passed on their experience. And every student is now simply obliged to arrange his life in such a way that teachers are happy for their students and are not upset about wasted time.

Dear teachers! Today is your holiday, today is your next graduation. Over the course of your professional careers, many of you have graduated more than one class and prepared more than one generation for adulthood. And every time they say words of gratitude to you, say thank you and thank you in every possible way. And all this is to the point. Let this be repeated over and over again and sound banal, but you are the main one at this holiday. After all, you are involved in this event, you taught our children all these years, gave them knowledge and helped them in every possible way to master complex subjects and sciences. And we again say thank you, we thank you and wish you not to stop there, so that more than a dozen classes will be released under your strict leadership.

Congratulations to teachers on graduation

Not a single graduation party (evening) is complete without congratulations to the teachers on their graduation. This post is for those who have not yet decided on congratulations for teachers on their graduation.

On June 25, every year, graduates leave their home schools. Adult life awaits them ahead. I offer a selection of poems and congratulations to teachers on graduation.

Congratulations to teachers on graduation

Graduation nights in June
You won’t be found in less than a year.
We will postpone leaving school,
We will dance until the morning. Teachers, you are our relatives,
Congratulations, you are graduating.
Great roads await us,
Life prepares a different choice for us.

Here it is, graduation night,
We say goodbye to you
The teaching staff -
There is a reason and there is a motive.
Congratulations on your graduation.
School class, he was native.
Well, goodbye your children
They will grow up at dawn.

We don’t want to congratulate you today!..
Will all this really not happen again?
Will the sailors really leave the ship?
And will mature birds leave the nest?
It calls us from the open windows;
We are leaving... And it will be easy for us on the road,
Because we know: the school lives in us
Together with you, beloved teachers!

There is very little left
Until our last word
And now it will become clear to all of us,
What was our crown and foundation;
Alas, the miracles have ended -
Study will not start over again;
Congratulations to all of you!.. And in your eyes
Everyone suddenly got hit by a speck...

You taught us for many years,
Giving us a lot of knowledge.
We have adopted everything you
We read at lectures and practices.
We would like to say thank you.
For your work, care and love.
We won't forget our school years
And we will find a worthy use for our knowledge!

Today is graduation - farewell to school.
But before we leave its walls
We are our family teachers
We would like to say a few words in response.
Thank you for your kindness!
Thank you for your real concern!
Thank you for supporting us
In difficult moments of our studies!

Graduation was so far away
When we came to first grade.
But this moment has come, and today
We are leaving the school and you.
Only we will never forget
These years of study and work.
We love you all very sincerely,
We will never forget you!

It’s hard for us to imagine how much strength
The teaching staff invested in us.
On graduation day we say thank you
We want, and we want to wish you happiness.
Other students will come to you:
They will sit at their desks, stand at the blackboard,
Don't forget us, we will come to you again and again
Let's go back to ours and to our class.

poems about last call
We've become adults now,
Graduation class is over,
The door to the big world is open,
Everything is ahead of you!
There are many different roads
There is so much choice!
Your last bell is ringing,
Good luck, graduate!
There is no more wonderful profession in the world:
You give knowledge to children,
Help you find all the answers.
And low bow to you for this!
Today, after leaving my school desks,
We promise you seriously:
Hardworking, courageous and passionate
Look for answers to all questions!
Such a proud name -
Your highest calling is
To conduct a lesson!
Educate others
Very difficult!
Today we give you confessions -
Today it is possible.
We respect you very, very much
And we firmly promise you,
That we will justify all hopes
And we will not lose the power of knowledge!
poetry Prom
Every new spring
On time
The prom will open the ball
Last call.
Melodious chime
Doesn't call for lessons
Sounds unusual
In silence it is deep.
He sums it up
Ready to become a springboard
Passes to the road
The main steps in life!
Both solemn and sad
This loud chime.
It contains the bitterness of farewells,
And there are a million hopes!
He'll call now
Last call,
We won't go back to class anymore.
The whole world is at our feet!
We will tell the school: " Goodbye!»,
Everything has its time, its time,
It's time to say goodbye
The last bell rings.
To the sounds of the school waltz
We'll go round and round!
How hard it is to part,
At least adult life beckons!
This joy in my heart
Half with sadness
You are saying goodbye to childhood
And with teachers
With school walls
And with your favorite desk.
Changes are ahead
You are standing before the start.
Let me remember school
Just a kind word
And it will be fun
Your life is new!
Everything is behind us: lessons, exams,
Changes and answers at the board.
Today we say goodbye to you -
We are now graduates!
And now there are others ahead
The goals and objectives are high.
Dear teachers,
Thank you for the lessons!
There's a new long road ahead of you,
Please accept congratulations and greetings,
Let them not obscure the essence of life
Unanswered concerns and questions.
Let the doors open
And the vast world will accept you,
Good luck and victories will smile
And happiness will hug you tightly!

Listen to songs about prom and last call:

The spring wind goes crazy on warm nights
You answered the question, school is behind you
The day of memories is full, all your friends are with you
You feel and know what is behind you.

Last call, simple tears
We give roses to teachers
Still, it’s difficult to forget for even a year or two.
You know, you understand, you see everyone who was with you
They will run away from each other, they will open a new world
All textbooks have been handed in, you take photos
During the first holidays you miss everyone.
Last call, simple tears
Adult life has replaced school dreams
You're a little sad, you're a little worried.
Last call, simple tears
We give roses to teachers
And yet the school, we will love you,
we will love you...
Exams will end soon
The last bell will ring

Goodbye school days!
What lies ahead is unknown
And we will never forget
Those good songs that we sang together,
We will cherish and love them. (2 times)
Difficult tasks
First confessions
A mischievous and very friendly class.
Long lessons and a strict teacher,
We will never forget you.
Recently it seemed to us that
That evening is so far away.
But time has flown by
It's not too far,
The last call awaits us. (2 times)
I wish I could become a first-grader
The day to return to yesterday,
Let's take it and start all over again.
Warm summer evening
And the last call
We will remember with love.
Exams will end soon
The last bell will ring
Let's say goodbye to school and cheerful life.
Goodbye school days (2 times)
Goodbye school days
Goodbye school days

With respect and love Alsou!

Teachers' wishes at graduation

The video was created by a wonderful person Maxim Gaponov specifically for the graduation party at the Lyceum "Technical Lyceum pr DSTU" in 2008 (sort of)

Teachers, we want to tell you,
That there is no better person in the world,
We will never forget you
You left a mark in our hearts,
Today is our graduation,
We will say goodbye now,
This moment is very sad,
And a tear rolls from my eyes,
We promise and swear
Come visit more often,
Let's smile together
You and I cannot be discouraged!

Happy graduation, teachers!
We are very grateful to you,
What, scolding and praising,
We were taught little by little

Simple math,
Complex chemistry and foam.
And today is graduation!
Thank you for your patience!

Dear teachers, today we are leaving the school threshold and want to congratulate you on our Graduation. Thank you, our golden ones, for all these years - years of patience, support, knowledge and understanding. We want to wish you great success in your post, talented and conscientious students, respect among colleagues and acquaintances, love and prosperity in your family, and most importantly - don’t get sick, never give up and confidently continue to carry the banner of pride and prestige of our beloved school . All the best to you and low regards from all of us.

Today is our graduation, we say goodbye to school,
We are a little afraid of what awaits us ahead,
But we yearn to set out on our own, to reach the peaks sooner,
There is nothing sadder for us to say goodbye to our past childhood!

We wish the school to prosper, the students to learn,
And become excellent students, work - don’t be lazy,
And to dear teachers - love and respect,
To educate generations - great patience!

We say thank you to our dear teachers,
And forgive me for pampering and excesses,
We often did things that shouldn't be done,
And then we dealt with the director!

We are grateful for your work - bitter and difficult,
For an unlearned verse and for disrupting lessons!
We wish you well, happiness and health,
So that they love you with their soul, tenderly, like a son!

Today, entering a new life,
Dear long, heavy,
We will hasten to wish you
Always be an A in everything!

Good, kind students,
Skillful, brave and diligent.
We love you and our school,
We will cherish you in our hearts.

Congratulations, teachers,
Happy graduation today
School years have flown by
In one moment.

You taught us day after day,
Giving warmth of soul,
Let's tear off the last school one
We are a calendar sheet.

Joy and sadness at graduation
Spinning in a farewell dance,
Fate is calling us to leave,
You should stay at school.

To you in school workdays
We wish you success,
And may the teachings be everlasting light
It burns and does not go out.

Goodbye, goodbye dear school,
The graduation ball will spin us around,
On this joyful holiday,
Teachers, we welcome you.

You generously gave us knowledge
And your wisdom and love,
Thank you for all your efforts
We repeat again and again!

At graduation today we
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
To you dear teachers
We wish you lots and lots of strength.

May you have enough enthusiasm
And patience too.
After all, to teach all schoolchildren -
It is very difficult.

Let them come across you
Prodigies only.
So that everything goes according to plan for you,
And it was easy to work with!

We congratulate you, teachers,
For loving us with all your soul.
We wish you well-being, dear ones,
Thank you, because we are becoming kinder.

At least we can get on your nerves sometimes,
Never be angry with us at all.
Health and happiness to you, dear ones,
You will always be in our hearts.

You taught us sciences,
We know this is a plus
And thank you for that
I'm not afraid to say.

For lessons, for grades,
For good words,
And now, in the end, we have
There's a head on your shoulders!