The longest armpit hair: are records possible? Longest armpit hair

Simultaneously with the new revolution In the fight for women's rights and against gender stereotypes, the movement for freedom of expression through appearance is gaining momentum. There is definitely a trend in the world towards the rehabilitation of unshaven armpits, but there is still no consensus in society on this matter: arguments about unhygienic and unaesthetic continue to be heard as counterarguments. We decided to look into the history of the issue and weigh the pros and cons of hairy armpits.

Olga Strakhovskaya

Ekaterina Birger

Why do we need armpit hair?

Unlike the popular misconception, the process of evolution was accompanied not by the disappearance, but by the reduction of most of the hair. Therefore, there is still much more hair on the human body than it seems - it’s just that many of them are almost invisible. Vellus hair grows all over the body and is even present on the cheeks, although only your cosmetologist or photographer can pay attention to them during macro photography. Much more obvious is pubic and axillary hair, which persistently continues to emerge during puberty, despite our centuries-long struggle with it. Actually, the appearance of these secondary sexual characteristics is intended to signal maturation and attract partners by accumulating and distributing attractive pheromones.

In addition, as nature intended, hair in the genital area and under the arms has a protective function: in the second case, it should prevent friction of wet skin and create an additional surface for the evaporation of sweat (simply ventilation). However, modern humanity successfully copes with both tasks even without hair: the perception of sexuality these days is much more complex, clean underwear, panty liners and water treatments provide protection to even the deepest bikini, and most modern antiperspirants not only block sweating, but also work like baby powder. So why do we still need armpit hair if it doesn’t serve any specific functional purpose? Scientists do not have an exact answer.

Hairless armpits
- is this a matter of hygiene or beauty?

In any debate about the fate of the armpits, depilation advocates most often equate the presence of hair with a bad odor, increased sweating and some general unkemptness. We will have to disappoint them: the attitude “this is unhygienic!” breaks down into two counterarguments. Firstly, a shaved armpit without using deodorant can create more problems than an unshaven one. The hair forms a small but effective layer and the armpit does not “stick together”. Secondly, it is not the hair that produces sweat - it just accumulates and distributes it. Modern hygiene products affect the sweat glands, and hair has nothing to do with this process: if you have a good antiperspirant, in fact, it makes no difference whether your armpit is bare or has curls several centimeters long.

Simply put, if you have the habit of taking care of yourself, taking a shower at least once a day and using deodorant, most likely you will not face any unsanitary conditions or repulsive odors. This is confirmed by an experiment by Czech scientists, for which volunteers shaved one armpit and left the other unshaved for a couple of months. The result was tested on women who noticed almost no difference. For many, however, the presence of hair under the armpit is a physical nuisance: it’s not like it’s prickly (this stage passes quickly), but it’s just felt. The so-called internalization of experience plays a role here: while accepting a certain standard of comfort and beauty, we experience unpleasant sensations if we go beyond its boundaries. To put it bluntly, if we were brought up in a culture where it is not customary to shave our armpits, we most likely would not perceive armpit hair as something physically annoying, since for us it would be natural and familiar.

It turns out that the “armpit dilemma” in the 21st century is not a question of compliance with sanitary standards (the times when an abundance of body hair guaranteed that they harbored harmful bacteria and lice have sunk into oblivion in most civilized societies), but mainly aesthetic, inherent cultural tradition within us. Nowadays, photoshopped covers of modern glossy magazines are responsible for the spread of stereotypes about beauty and health, and so much so that they sometimes completely disappear from actresses and models. But you should not think that only our contemporaries and contemporaries face the discrepancy between generally accepted standards of beauty and reality. Paintings with the smooth bodies of beauties influenced the minds of the past no less. There is a curious (albeit tragic) story about how the 19th century art critic John Ruskin was so horrified by the physiology of his young wife Effie Gray on their wedding night that he refused to take her virginity and their marriage eventually fell apart.

The aversion to hair, initially due to hygiene, has become so ingrained in us that most modern women experience noticeable disgust at the mere thought of hair on a woman’s body. Participants in the experiment, who did not shave their body hair for 10 weeks, admitted that they constantly thought about their regrown hair and tried to cover it as much as possible with clothes. A girl who participated in another similar experiment faced a negative reaction from her mother, who was horrified at the thought of her daughter getting married in a wedding dress and with unshaven armpits.

Should you shave your armpits now?

The world is gradually coming to the conclusion that society should not be dominated by any single standard of beauty. This is exactly what photo projects like “Ben Hopper” or thousands of Instagrams with the hashtag are achieving, as well as celebrities leading by example (not only the rebels Miley Cyrus and Arvida Byström, but also Jemima Kirke and Madonna). Hairy armpits are no worse or better than others, it’s time to stop perceiving them as a shameful misunderstanding and using them as an argument against feminists, catching them in their “unfemininity.” Body hair is not something anyone imposes, but it definitely shouldn’t be the antonym of attractiveness: that’s what Gillian Anderson, Juliette Lewis, Julia Roberts and even Sophia Loren had in mind at one time, showing off the combination of unshaven armpits with evening dresses. Alas, these photographs are often decorated with lists of curiosities and “stylistic missteps,” but if you think about it carefully, does the presence of armpit hair make these actresses less interesting, beautiful and talented?

It sounds banal, but no one and nothing should dictate to us what to do with our own body: in this matter we should be guided solely by common sense, and there is no and cannot be a universal answer regarding shaving the armpits. Is hair removal capable of bringing any dividends other than the conditionally valuable social approval? What about refusing it? Well, in general, no. At best, you can save one minute a day on shaving your armpits and save yourself from possible skin irritation. At the same time, “armpit indifference” can save you from the painful choice of outfit: sleeveless for the day when you shaved, and with sleeves for the days when you were lazy or you were growing your hair before your next trip to the salon for hair removal. Is it worth it? It's up to you and no one else to decide.

Absolutely every person grows armpit hair, regardless of race or gender. However, not all people know why armpit hair is needed and whether it can be removed.

During puberty, every person's body begins to become covered with hair, even in places where there was no hair at all before. Such places are considered to be the bikini area, armpits, etc. This phenomenon can be found, as a rule, in adolescents and older people.

Why do we need hair in the armpits?

Surely each of us has wondered why we, all of humanity, need armpit hair, because it often only brings us problems, namely an unpleasant odor and the development of various infections. Absolutely no one can give an exact answer to this question. Still, there are several theories that have a right to exist.

Some experts are convinced that the issue lies in the nerve endings and lymph nodes that are located in the armpit area. Armpit hair, if you follow this hypothesis, is intended primarily for so-called thermal insulation. In addition, the hairline is able to soften possible impacts that could damage these vital areas. In total, this function can be described in one phrase: protection.

Armpit hair is a fairly significant part of the human body hair, which was possessed by the most ancient ancestors. For some unknown reason, this hair continues to grow there to this day, although there is practically no need for it anymore. Nevertheless, some historians argue that this phenomenon can safely be called atavism and very soon this process of hair growth will completely stop.

Another hypothesis states that the strong odor, which is formed by the axillary glands under the influence of hair, used to attract people of the opposite sex. The fact is that along with sweat, each person releases pheromones that attract potential partners. And if you remove the hair under your arms, the intensity of this smell will decrease significantly. However, this function is also practically unnecessary in our time.

Well, the last, most reliable theory explains the presence of hair in the armpit area as protecting the skin from various calluses, chafing and the development of inflammatory processes. Experts are convinced that they grow there solely to protect people from inconvenience.

The best ways to remove hair from the armpit area

Despite the fact that many experts insist on the need for hair in the armpit area, they are not particularly necessary today. Moreover, in most cases, excess hair only causes an unpleasant odor and irritation. Since the skin in this area is very sensitive, you should choose a depilation method that suits you and does not cause side effects.

One of the most famous and accessible methods of hair removal is shaving. The procedure will require a machine with a sharp blade, shaving cream, and warm water. Before you start shaving, you should thoroughly wash your armpit area. After this, you need to apply a special shaving cream to your hair, which is sold in every specialty store. Then you can start shaving. After eliminating all hair, you need to thoroughly rinse off the remaining traces of cream and hair and wipe the skin of your armpits dry. After some time, you can apply a moisturizer to clean skin.

Another painless way to eliminate hair is to use a special depilatory cream.

This cream can also be purchased at any cosmetics store. It is very important to choose the right cream for sensitive skin. Before you begin the hair removal process, you should thoroughly wash your underarm skin. After this, you need to apply the cream and, following the instructions, keep it there for several minutes. Then, use a special spatula to remove the cream along with the hair. After the procedure, you need to wait a few hours and only then can you apply deodorant.

The next, but perhaps the most effective method of hair removal is considered to be waxing. The main material can be either special wax or wax strips, which are sold in every store. Unfortunately, the procedure is very painful, but the results can last for two weeks, and sometimes longer. First, you should clean the armpit area, and then apply a special wax. After the substance has completely hardened, you can begin to remove it. To do this, you need to remove the wax with a sharp movement in the direction of hair growth. After such an operation, the skin of the armpits will remain smooth and silky for a long time.

There are a number of other good ways to remove hair, but most of them are either too painful or financially inaccessible to everyone.


Armpit hair is a real gift of nature, which helped our ancestors, but, unfortunately, hinders us today. Many experts believe that hair should be present in those areas, but most do not see such a need.

Despite this, hair removal from the armpit area must be done very carefully, since not only are the lymph nodes concentrated there, but also very delicate and sensitive skin predominates. In order to understand which method suits you best, you should try all the options, and then choose the best and most suitable one for you.

October 10, 2013

Unwanted hair

Armpit hair removal is a common procedure that is used not only by women, but also by men. How to get rid of armpit hair, and is it worth it, because there are those who like thick and long hair in the armpit area.

Most people strive to look attractive and well-groomed. Not only women, but also many men are attentive to their appearance. That is why people take care of their body, getting rid of unwanted hair in some places in every possible way. One of these places is the armpit area.

What are they needed for?

Having a categorical desire to remove armpit hair, we don’t even think about why nature endowed us with such vegetation and what role it plays in our lives. And this is understandable, because hair in the armpits contributes to increased sweating, which increases the unpleasant odor. Also, hair under the arms looks ugly in the eyes of most people and speaks of uncleanliness and unkemptness. In fact, Darwin's teachings show that nature did not just reward humans with the hated hairs in the armpits. Hair under the arms performs a protective function for the lymph nodes. In addition, the original function of armpit hair is to attract the attention of the opposite sex due to the smell of sweat, which is enhanced by the hair follicles. But the same Darwin emphasized that both of these functions have lost their necessity and in a few thousand years the growth of armpit hair on the human body will stop.

From all this we can conclude that armpit hair is of no importance, and its absence does not affect health. Therefore, people use all possible methods to get rid of them. Women especially don't like armpit hair. However, armpit hair on a man's body is not at all uncommon, although many men still choose to get rid of it.

Underarm braids

But the general belief that armpits, especially women's, should always be clean and smooth is not everyone's cup of tea. Some women, not to mention men, prefer long armpit hair. Just don't shave the hair under your arms - it would seem that there is nothing surprising in this, but some people deliberately grow long hair in this area. And to make hair thicker and longer, they are strengthened with hair growth masks and washed with shampoos. People have even thought of adding hair extensions under their arms. Whether to consider them supporters of natural beauty or to classify them as eccentrics is up to each individual.

Many people wonder how long armpit hair can become if it is not removed promptly. So, the average length of hair growing in the armpit area reaches 3, less often 5 cm. In this case, there may be cases when the hair under the armpits does not grow at all or, on the contrary, reaches a very long length. Thus, the longest armpit hair belongs to the African woman Maoni Wi. The length of her underarm hair is 81 cm! This girl's hair follicles suddenly began to grow incredibly quickly and reached an incredible length.

Shaving procedure

Even though armpit hair contributes to increased sweating and stronger body odor, men don't necessarily need to have smooth armpits. Armpit hair adds masculinity. Women, especially those who are sensitive to their own appearance and take care of themselves in every possible way, prefer to get rid of hair in the armpit area.

There are many ways to remove armpit hair. The simplest of them is shaving. To remove armpit hair, it is better to choose electric razors or an electric epilator, as they work more gently, which is very important for vulnerable skin in the armpit area. You should shave your armpits every day, but if the skin in your armpits is too sensitive and tender, you can use a razor every three days. In this case, the hair under the arms will not have time to grow back, at the same time, the skin will recover after the previous shave. If the skin under your arms is prone to irritation, you should use aftershave creams with a soothing effect, or regular baby cream.

Depilation as a way out

If you don't want to shave your armpits every day, it's better to use depilatory products. These include various shaving foams, creams and gels, which, due to the content of chemical elements, contribute to hair loss. The armpit depilation procedure must be repeated once or twice a week.

To get rid of armpit hair for a longer period of time, you can use waxing. This procedure is quite painful, but popular because it helps get rid of unwanted hair for a month.

Long lasting methods

There are several ways to stop armpit hair from growing for several years. One of them is photoepilation of the armpit area. Its essence lies in the fact that with the help of light, the hair is burned and growth stops for a while. If you repeat this procedure several times, you can forget about armpit hair for many years. Photoepilation of armpits is an effective and painless procedure, but has a fairly high cost. In addition, there is axillary hair removal using a laser beam, which also helps stop hair growth in a few sessions.

Some women want to get rid of armpit hair using folk remedies. This is not the best option - since the components included in their composition can cause burns or an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is easier to use standard hair removal methods without disturbing the already sensitive and delicate skin of the armpits.

Despite the fact that hair in the armpit area is given by nature and performs certain functions, most people prefer to remove it, as it looks unattractive and contributes to increased sweating.

Every adult has armpit hair. Some people treat this problem with indifference, but for others it becomes a real problem, especially hair that grows very quickly. For many people, it is enough to shave their armpits once a week, but there are also those who grow hair back by the evening. Such people are interested in the question of how to get rid of armpit hair forever. This question is especially of interest to the fair half of humanity.

Long gone are the days when men did not pay any attention to this feature. Nowadays, as soon as a girl appears in public with even a small amount of hair under her arms, she will immediately be laughed at. The girls have made maintaining their own beauty a real art. Careful personal care, taking special baths and using all kinds of cosmetics have become commonplace in the life of almost any woman.

There are a huge number of ways to get rid of vegetation. The most common methods for removing armpit hair are:

  • Depilation. This includes all its types: wax, hot, chemical.
  • Sugaring.
  • Hair removal, photo and laser hair removal.
  • Simple shaving.

Some of these methods will allow you to get rid of armpit hair at home, while others will require special equipment provided by beauty salons.

Depilation as an effective method

Depilation is a procedure in which hair is removed using an artificial method. During depilation, only the superficial part of the hair is removed, while the hair follicles remain. Therefore, you should not rack your brains over how to remove armpit hair using depilation forever. The answer is simple - it is impossible to do this. In the best case, you can get rid of hair using depilation for a maximum of 2 weeks. Despite its apparent simplicity, depilation has contraindications:

  1. Low pain threshold in humans.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Oncological diseases.
  4. The presence of cracks, abrasions and other integrity violations on the skin.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Herpes in aggravation.
  7. Allergic reaction to components present in the depilatory substance.

The procedure begins by covering the skin with a special gel or other depilatory substance designed to soften the skin, which will help make the entire process less painful.

Waxing uses a special type of wax, hot, cold or warm. The wax is heated to a temperature of 60°C. If you use it at home, you need to be extremely careful, as there is a risk of getting burned. Despite all the risks, this method is the most painless, since hot wax greatly softens the skin and allows you to remove hair quickly and without pain.

Depilation using cold wax is the most painful. It is necessary to rub the wax strip in your palms so that it reaches body temperature, and then apply it to the skin area. After 15 minutes, you need to tear off the strip with a sharp movement in the direction of hair growth. A person should prepare for severe pain.

Warm wax is heated to 40°C, after which it must be allowed to harden. You need to remove the wax with a cloth or thick paper according to the principle of cold wax.

Sugaring as a method of getting rid of hair is the most ancient method, since the pharaohs turned to it. After sugaring, the skin becomes very soft and tender. In addition, this method is also considered the safest for any skin type. To use this method, you need to prepare sweet toffee. Lemon juice required, 1 tbsp. l. water and 10 tsp. sugar or honey. The components must be placed in a fireproof container, then put on fire and stirred periodically. It is necessary to boil this mixture for 10 minutes. After the mixture has cooled, roll it into a sticky ball. The ball needs to be rolled out in the opposite direction from the hair growth. Here the ball replaces the razor. If the substance is too hard, you can drop hot water into it or soften it with steam.

Armpit hair removal

Epilation is the youngest and most high-tech method of getting rid of armpit hair. Such procedures are best carried out in a salon by a professional cosmetologist. There are many types of hair removal, it is worth mentioning the most common:

  1. Electric epilator. This procedure is quite painful. Epilation occurs using special machines.
  2. Photoepilation. This method is safe for any skin type. The method consists of high-pulse light action on the hair follicles.
  3. Laser hair removal. Mechanical damage to the follicles occurs, as well as penetration of the beam into the darkest areas of the hairs.

Shaving your armpits

This method is the most commonplace. You can use both conventional razors and electric shavers. It should be noted that this method is extremely traumatic, as you can easily cut yourself with the blade. Although you can find safety razors in stores.

In the modern world, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find people who do not care about their hygiene and do not remove hair growing under their arms. Most women, as a rule, are worried that the vegetation in this place will not be noticed by anyone. Men believe that it is enough to shave only long hair under the arms, doing this once every 1-2 weeks.

Strange traditions and achievements

True, even in our civilized world you can find peoples who consider it unacceptable to remove any vegetation from the body. It is with them that you can check what the longest armpit hair can be. For the average person, they grow by 3 cm; for some, their length can reach 5 cm. It will not be possible to grow them longer in this place, no matter how much you want.

Although in this area there are exceptions and records. For example, a resident of Cape Town (a port city in South Africa) had the longest hair under her arms. When measuring, the result was 81.2 cm, but, unfortunately, there are no photographs that could confirm this. Therefore, the record cannot be recorded, although it is quite well known. It is often included in the list of the most disgusting achievements.

It’s hard to imagine how long record holder Maoni Vi had to forget about the razor, although she would not have been able to grow such hair without a malfunction in her body. Only thanks to this she was able to grow the longest armpit hair in the world. But is this achievement worth being proud of?

Is there anything to be proud of?

Do not forget that the vegetation in these places contributes to more intense heating. Accordingly, the process of sweating begins to take place more actively. As a rule, this is all accompanied by the appearance of a specific unpleasant aroma. Of course, there are people for whom it is almost unnoticeable, but it is simply impossible to be near others after they have sweated.