Additional materials on the Russian language.

Russian language. Line UMK ed. Shmeleva A.D. (VENTANA-COUNT)

Line UMK M. M. Razumovskaya. Russian language (5-9)

Line UMK V. V. Babaytseva. Russian language (5-9)

Line UMK V. V. Babaytseva. Russian language (10-11) (in-depth)

Methodological assistance to a Russian language teacher

To help Russian language teachers - a selection of teaching materials on the subject

Webinars, work programs for downloading, materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam- all methodological assistance for Russian language teachers is collected in one place specifically to make planning work in the classroom even more productive.

The textbook meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary (complete) general education, is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and is included in the Federal List of Textbooks. The textbook, consisting of a theoretical and practical part, deepens students' knowledge of language as a multifunctional developing system, ensures the improvement of communicative, linguistic, linguistic (linguistic) and cultural competencies.


LECTA services

Ready-made work programs and materials for conducting lessons, which can be edited, adding your own slides, hyperlinks, audio and video objects.
  • During the webinar, techniques, methods and technologies are shown that will help the teacher qualitatively prepare students for the Unified State Exam.

    6. Preparation for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. Analysis of tasks:

    7. Preparation for the OGE in Russian:


    Our regular speaker, teacher of Russian language and literature Tatyana Zakharova, spoke about how to prevent common mistakes students make when preparing for an exam.

    For you, we have prepared an analysis of the FIPI tasks that were included in the early Unified State Examination in the Russian language.

    The chief methodologist for Russian language and literature of the Russian Textbook Corporation, Olga Vyacheslavovna Donskova, reveals some of the secrets of preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language.

    11. Andsales interview:

    12 . OGE in Russian language:

    • What should be in a modern teaching and learning complex in the Russian language so that it really meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, is a reliable assistant to the teacher in the classroom, helps the student prepare homework without additional workload and deeply study the material being studied. Let us highlight five main components of such a textbook.

      The webinar addresses the following questions: 1. How to find time to study stylistics in each lesson?; 2. How to convince schoolchildren of the need to know different styles of speech?; 3. How can ICT help in learning speaking styles?

      We consider the main positions of studying journalistic style in the classroom.


      During the webinar, the principles of developing skills in working with control and measurement materials on VPR are discussed: what the teacher needs to know, and what the student needs to know.

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The manual presents tasks that allow students to master the main topics in the Russian language for grade 4: “Text”, “Sentence”, “Parts of speech” (declension of nouns, adjectives, changes in pronouns, conjugation of verbs). Text-based tasks contribute not only to students’ assimilation of educational material, but also to the development of their communication skills. The proposed tasks can be used both in Russian language lessons and outside of class time.
Recommended for students of general education institutions.

Determine what type of text the text with the title “Our School” may be.
a) narration;
b) description;
c) reasoning;
d) narration with elements of reasoning.

Determine how many sentences are in the text. Underline the correct answer.
The duck sat with a fishing rod all day, she didn’t eat, the duck fished for fish for her little ducklings, the bear stomped, played around, the light bridge swayed
Answer: a) 3; b) 5; at 4; d) 6.

Read the text. Give it a title. Place periods at the end of sentences. Determine how many sentences are in the text.
We found a large anthill, the snow had already cleared from it, the ants came out to bask in the sun, they were exhausted after a long winter's sleep, the ants couldn't even shoot back at us with caustic formic acid, soon they'll get to work
Answer: a) 5; b) 4; at 6; d) 7.

S-1. Repetition
S-2. Speech. Text. Offer
S-3. Word
S-4. Changing a noun by case
S-5. Nouns in the nominative, genitive, accusative and prepositional cases
S-6. Declension of nouns
S-7. Spelling of case endings of 1st declension nouns
S-8. Spelling case endings of 2nd declension nouns
S-9. Spelling of case endings of nouns of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd declension plural
S-10. Endings of masculine and neuter adjectives
S-11. Feminine endings for adjectives
S-12. Pronoun
S-13. Verb tenses
S-14. Infinitive
S-15. Changing verb tenses
S-16. Spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs
S-17. Changing past tense verbs
S-18. Adverb.

  • Tests and tests in the Russian language, grade 4, Option 1, Buneeva E.V., 2017
  • Tests and tests in the Russian language, grade 4, Option 1, Buneeva E.V., 2012
  • Tests and tests in the Russian language, grade 4, Option 2, Buneeva E.V., 2017

The following textbooks and books:

Additional material on the Russian language, grade 1.

Job No. 1

    Read the text. Write down the fourth sentence and write how many words it contains.

Winter came. The snow lay like a fluffy carpet on the fields and rivers. Everything is white all around. The river sleeps under the ice. There is silence all around.

    Divide the text into sentences and write them down.

On the corner of the street there is a new store where they sell books. In the store, the store is clean, salespeople greet the first customers.

    Make a sentence from the words and write it down.

In the forest, lilies of the valley, fragrant, are blooming.

Job No. 2

    Recover and write from mixed up words of different sentences two offers.

It was cold, kids, they put on felt boots.

    Compose and write one or two sentences about snow.

    Read it. Write down only the sentences.

A rich harvest has ripened in the garden. The rich man has matured. A lot of strawberries have ripened. Much has ripened.

Job No. 3

    Compose and write down 3 sentences on the topic “Summer fun for children”

    Write out only one-syllable words from the sentence.

Timofey the cat drank milk.

    Write down the proposal. Write how many words there are in it.

Puppy Tuzik runs after the chickens.

Job No. 4

    Write down 4 words that have more letters than sounds.

    Write down the words. Replace one letter and write new words.

goat -

stick -

house -

stove -

    Guess the riddle and write down the words with syllables ki.

Here are the needles and pins

They crawl out from under the bench.

They look at me

They want milk.

Job No. 5

    Guess the riddle and write down words with fewer sounds than letters.

Guess the riddle of who we are.

On a clear day we sit at home.

It's raining - we have work:

Stomp and splash through the swamps.

    Replace the first sounds with paired voiced ones. Write down new words.

Stake, bones, ball, Sima, kidney, point, saw.

    Write down the words, dividing them into syllables with dashes.

Balls, lantern, sparrow, rainbow, shell.

Job No. 6

    Write down words that cannot be divided into syllables.

Lynx, dog, borscht, fish, cake, winter, house.

    Write down the words, divide them into syllables. Indicate the number of syllables.

Weather, driver, bunny, rain, stormy, February.

    Think of and write words consisting of one, two and three syllables.

Job No. 7

    Write down the words, dividing them into syllables.

Peacock, coat, peas, potatoes, cucumber, steamer.

    Write down the sentence, underlining the letters that represent the vowel sound.

Migratory birds were flying home from warm countries.

    Choose and write down 5 words that end in a vowel sound A.

Job No. 8

    Write down the sentence, underline the words that cannot be transferred.

Screaming and laughter in our garden -

Quiet hour is over!

    Write down, underline the letters that represent consonant sound.

There is a car in the yard,

The driver stands next to her.

He says:

Hey car

There is a serious conversation.

    Write the words in the plural and divide them for transfer.

Bush, day, bridge, yard.

Job No. 9

    Write down the words, put stress on them, divide them into syllables.

Cats, aster, bush, hare, meadows, winter.

    Write down words that begin with a consonant sound.

Swing, aster, pen, telephone, duck, bread, caviar, paper, pencil.

    Write out words from the poem that have more consonants than vowels.

Lead cloud

Rising up like an elephant

And the sun was blocked from us. (V. Lifshits)

Job No. 10

    Read the words. Write down only those in which the stress falls on the first syllable.

Book, flowers, windows, nest, chicken.

    Write down the words, underline the letters denoting a hard consonant sound.

Morning, cat, crow, winter, elephant, caramel.

    Write down the words that cannot be transferred.

Housing, July, anchor, port, lighthouse, go, gun, bread, howling.

Job No. 11

    Write down, underline the letters in the words that indicate a soft consonant sound.

The cook gasped in surprise

And he scratched his head.

Cabbage rushed forks

Jump from the knives and forks.

    Write down the words, put emphasis.

Hammer, gate, plate, candy, bag, board, cup.

    Write 3 words in which the stress falls on the second syllable.

Job No. 12

    Write down the sentence and put an accent mark above the words.

Young grass is growing green in the forest.

    Copy the patronymic from the text.

My name is Marina. Dad's name is Oleg Ivanovich. When I get big, they will call me Marina Olegovna.

    Write out the boys' names from S. Mikhalkov's text.

Who was sitting on the bench?

Who looked at the street

Tolya sang, Boris was silent.

Nikolai shook his leg.

Job No. 13

    Write down, underline the names and surnames of people.

Marina Galkina is reading a book. Anna Krasnova writes. And Dasha Markelova draws with pencils.

    Make up and write sentences from each line.

there, aunts, Lyuba, y, cow

uncle, Kolya, drives the bull home

    Write down 5 animal names.

Work No. 14

    Finish and write down the sentences.

I live in the city ____________________.

The river ______________ flows in our city.

My house is on _______________ street.

    What river names are hidden in the words? Write the names of these rivers.

Elena, fraction, oriole.

    Write down the names of the instruments in alphabetical order.

Hammer, pliers, shovel, scissors, rake, axe, plane.

Work No. 15

    Write it down. Write it down vowel

d...m, p...t, p...l, m...l, s...n.

    Write it down. Write it down I agree letter to make a word:

Lu..., ra..., ro..., so..., dy...

    Write it down. Place emphasis on words.

School, lamp, song, business, catalogue, shovel.

Job No. 16

stranded, coat, friends, joy, sea, fun, bumblebee

singing, airplane, apple, patience, daughter, raccoon, poplar.

    Write it down. Insert the necessary words into the sentences.

Dill and ………… grow in the garden bed.

Ran along the path…………….

Put emphasis on words.

Work No. 17

    Write it down. Underline the vowels in the words.

Acacia, smile, shop, frost, frying pan, country.

    Write it down. Underline the consonants in the words.

June, leaves, car, backpack, cash register, kettle.

    Write it down. Place emphasis on words.

Riddle, wizard, leisure, briefcase, sorrel, beets.

Work No. 18

    Which words have more letters than sounds? Write them out.

Stump, trees, night, blizzard, skates, family, jam.

    Which words have fewer letters than sounds? Write them out.

Hawk, train, guest, skill, oven, spruce, seal.

    Underline the words in which the second syllable is stressed:

Shop, sadness, city, ravine, salad, sugar, tomato.

Write two words in which the stress falls on the second syllable.

Work No. 19

    hard consonants sounds.

Table, chairs, plate, flowers, chamomile, calendar

    Write it down. Underline the consonants that represent soft agree sound And.

Day, month, cup, awl, album, boy.

    Write it down. Fill in the missing letters in the words.

St...tsa, p...nal, Ro...iya, k...rtina, d...zhurny, kv...drat, M...skva.

Job No. 20

    Write the words in alphabetical order:

Hat, sea, jelly, wave, yacht, pine.

    In which word are all consonants voiced? Write them out.

rocket, flag, war, victory

Write two more words in which all consonants are voiced.

Job No. 21

    In which word are all consonants unvoiced? Write them out.

glass, word, rainbow, cloud

Write two words in which all consonants are unvoiced.

    Write down the proposal. Check it out. Put emphasis on words.

The student took a notebook and pencil.

    Fill in the missing letters in the words. Make up a sentence with one of the words and write it down.

M...dve, pl...tok, k...r...ndash, l...mon, M...skwa, apple...k...

Work No. 22

    Write down words that have fewer sounds than letters:

Horses, beast, shadow, horse, spruce, door.

Fluff...nka, top...on, f...zn, sh...lo, embroidery...vka, press...vka.

Job No. 23

1. Read the text. Divide it into sentences. Write them down.

I'm walking through the forest, suddenly I hear the knocking of a woodpecker, they call him a forest nurse; a woodpecker treats trees for pests.

How many sentences are there in the text? _____

Underline the second sentence.

2. Write the words according to the example:

light - light

funny - _____________________

Fine - ____________________

fast - _____________________

polite - ____________________

diligently - ___________________

Indicate the emphasis in words. Underline the syllables with the letter y.

Job No. 24

1. Divide the words into syllables. What words cannot be hyphenated? Write them out..

guys, lion cubs, gifts, horse, Olya, crane, stork, ice floe

2. Write down words that consist of two syllables:

Acacia, star, radio, teapot, dance, watermelon, clearing, metro, pit.

    Write it down. Fill in the missing letters and write two words for this rule:, ch...lok, sh...ka, ch...brow, sh...finger, ch...gun, drag...,

Work No. 25

1. Write it down . Fill in the missing letters and write two words for this rule:

Ch...ynik, sh...vel, cloud..., grove..., ch...yka, farewell, seal...

2. Write it down. Fill in the missing letters.

There was a babbling stream in the forest. Birds are looking for food... The elk goes into the forest. A woodpecker knocked on a tree. Already... crawling into the reeds...

Work No. 26

1. Write it down . Underline the letters whose spelling needs to be checked:

Rains, grass, fields, rain, nest, scarf, mushrooms, snow, flag, snow, swifts, mushroom, mountain, thrush, hedgehog

2. Write it down. Fill in the missing words:

On the ice of the river the ___________ rings.

Buried in the snow _______________.

Old _____________________ is about to finish the year.

Words for reference: December, skates, wood grouse, calendar.

Work No. 27

1. Read:

Like on thin ice

A little white snow fell.

Write down the words with a soft sign, separating them with dashes.

2. Write it down, inserting a soft sign where necessary:

Girl, letter, cornflowers, dot, big, hospital, cloud

    Fill in the missing letters:

M...dve, for...c, l...sitsa, student...nik, d...journal, t...trad, teach...l, briefcase...,

Work No. 28

1. Write it down. Fill in the missing letters.

Nice...winter days! Snowflakes, like fluff, fall to the ground. I take a k...r...ndash and draw fluffy snow.

2. Write down the sentence, emphasizing the soft consonants:

The brown bear is a fast, agile and very strong animal.

Work No. 29

1. Read the words. Make a sentence out of them, write down:

In, spruce,, stood, tall.

2. Write it down. Insert the missing letters and divide the words into syllables with dashes:

Animals, sick, boy, fell, then, lights, perches,,, residents, schoolchildren.

Job No. 30

1. Write it down, indicate the emphasis in the words .

M...skva is the main city of our country.

2. Make a sentence from the words and write it down. Underline the words objects (main and non-main), words signs, words actions.

The girl was treated to fragrant strawberries by her grandmother.

    Think about which letter should be inserted into the words. Write.

Gr(o,a)za, n(o,a)ra, v(o,a)lna, z(e,i)mlya, l(e,i)tso, tr(a,o)va.

Reference information for all tasks: 1 - 26. If you don’t know, don’t remember, don’t understand something, come here. Simple, accessible, many examples.
Author of the “Handbook”: Kutyreva N. A.

  • Demo version of KIM Unified State Exam in Russian 2015

    Demo version of the Russian language 2015 in interactive form.
    And the demo version 2016 year in interactive form with answers and comments

  • Task 1. Information processing of written texts

    What is the main information? How to find her?

  • Task 2. Means of communication of sentences in the text

    How to recover a missing text component?

  • Task 3. Lexical meaning of the word

    Multiple meaning words. How to determine the meaning of such a word in context?

  • Task 4. Orthoepic norms (stress setting)

    Orthoepic dictionary. Error words and forms of words.

  • Task 5. Lexical norms (use of a word in accordance with the lexical meaning and required

    What are paronyms? What's so difficult about them? List of words 2015. An interactive dictionary

  • Task 6. Morphological norms (formation of word forms)

    Lots of tomatoes? Their order? Wave? No, no and NO! The Unified State Examination is struggling with low speech culture. Find out which forms are considered dangerous and test yourself

  • Task 7. Syntactic norms. Approval standards. Governance standards

    How do we construct phrases, do we always follow syntactic norms? Find out what mistakes are made most often. Important for both the Unified State Exam and life

  • Task 8. Spelling roots

    Logic of task 8. The focus is on the rules of spelling roots that you studied in grades 1 - 6

  • Task 9. Spelling prefixes

    How are Russian prefixes written? Apply the rules learned in grades 1 - 5

  • Task 10. Spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech (except for suffixes with N and NN)

    You studied most of the suffixes in grades 5-6. We repeat the “necessary” rules

  • Task 11. Spelling personal endings of verbs and participle suffixes

    How not to get confused? We offer step-by-step tactics

  • Task 12. Spelling NOT and NI

    Traditionally a dangerous topic that requires increased attention

  • Task 13. Continuous, hyphenated, separate spelling of words

    Wrong words. The main thing is to distinguish homonyms

  • Task 14. Spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts of speech

    The most error-prone topic in the school Russian language course

  • Task 15. Punctuation marks in a simple complicated sentence (with homogeneous members). Punctuation in complex sentences and simple sentences with homogeneous members.

    Logic of task 15. Which sentences only need one comma?

  • Task 16. Punctuation marks in sentences with isolated members (definitions, circumstances, applications, additions)

    To isolate or not? What are the types of separations?

  • Task 17. Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence

    Introductory words and combinations. Cases of homonymy. What words are often confused with introductory words?

  • Task 18. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence

    Varieties of complex sentences in terms of punctuation. Faulty cases

  • Task 19. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with different types of connection

    Should I use a comma if a coordinating and subordinating conjunction or two subordinating conjunctions are located next to each other in a sentence?