At what time was the conclusion of the Nystadt peace? History in faces

NISHTAD PEACE TREATY OF 1721 - an agreement between Russia and Sweden that ended the Northern War of 1700-1721. Signed on August 30, 1721 in the city of Nyschtadt (Finland). The Russian delegation was headed by J. V. Bruce and A. I. Osterman, the Swedish delegation by Lilienschtedt and Stremfeldt. Consisted of a preamble and 24 articles. According to the Nystadt Peace Treaty, Russia received Livonia with Riga, Estland with Revel and Narva, part of Karelia with Kexholm, Ingria (Izhora land), and the islands of Ezel and Dago, conquered by Russian weapons. Russia returned to Sweden most of Finland occupied by Russian troops and paid Sweden 2 million efimki as compensation. Sweden has preserved the original Swedish lands. According to the Treaty of Nystadt, trade between both states was restored; Sweden received the right to annually purchase and export duty-free 50 thousand rubles worth of bread from Russia. In this way, as a result of the brilliant victories of the army and navy, Russia regained the lands previously captured by Sweden and secured access to the Baltic Sea. The Nystadt Peace Treaty was a major achievement of Russian diplomacy.

Soviet historical encyclopedia. In 16 volumes. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1973-1982. Volume 10. NAHIMSON - PERGAMUS. 1967.

Publications: PSZ, vol. 6, St. Petersburg, 1830, No. 3819.

NISTAD PEACE TREATY OF 1721 - between Russia and Sweden; signed on 10. IX by Russian authorized representatives Y. V. Bruce And A. I. Osterman(q.v.) and the Swedish commissioners Lilienstern and Strömfeldt; completed the Northern War of 1700-1721.

By the time of the peace negotiations, Russia held in its hands Finland, Ingermanland, Estland and Livonia, which had been conquered from the Swedes. Russian troops several times landed troops on the territory of Sweden itself. Under these conditions, even the withdrawal of the allies - Denmark and Poland - who concluded peace treaties with the Swedes through the mediation of England, did not shake the firmness of Russian diplomacy. Russia supported the same demands as at the Åland Congress (see), namely, it agreed to return only Finland to the Swedes, reserving all other territories occupied by Russian weapons. When, on the eve of the Nystadt Congress, the French envoy to Sweden, Campredon, arrived in St. Petersburg as a mediator, these conditions were announced to him. Peter I and his ministers agreed, as a further concession, only to refuse to support the claims of the Holstein Duke to the Swedish throne and to provide Sweden with monetary compensation for Livonia. All Campredone's efforts to mitigate these conditions were to no avail. The French mediator had no choice but to return to Sweden and recommend that the Swedish king agree to the proposed conditions, since the continuation of the war threatened devastated Sweden with even worse consequences.

The Peace Congress took place in May - September 1721 in Nystadt, Finland. Peter I and Russian diplomats acted persistently and very skillfully, using military pressure simultaneously with negotiations. During the congress, when the Swedes showed intransigence, a landing force was landed on the Swedish shores, which destroyed 4 cities, many villages and factories, “so that (in the words of Peter I) it would be better.” Finally, in order to influence the Swedes, the Russian delegates indicated a deadline for ending the negotiations and threatened that Russia would not agree to peace without recognizing the Duke of Holstein as heir to the Swedish crown. The moment for presenting these demands was chosen very favorable, since Sweden's ally England had to withdraw its fleet from the Baltic Sea. Peter I resolutely refused to conclude a preliminary treaty, seeing in this Sweden’s desire to delay the peace treaty. He met the Swedes halfway on some minor issues: he promised to speed up the payment of monetary compensation for Livonia, which was going to Russia, approved the involvement of the English king in the peace treaty as an ally of Sweden, agreed to raze some small fortresses and, as the most significant concession, refused to support the Duke of Holstein , i.e., from interfering in the “domestic” affairs of the Swedes. As a result of these negotiations, the Nystadt Peace Treaty was signed.

According to the Nystadt Peace Treaty, “eternal, true and inviolable peace on land and water” was established between Russia and Sweden. Hostilities were to cease within 2 weeks in Finland, and in more distant places - 3 weeks after ratification of the treaty. Sweden recognized the annexation to Russia of Ingria, part of Karelia, all of Estonia and Livonia conquered by Russian weapons with the cities of Riga, Revel, Dorpat, Narva, Vyborg, Kexholm, the islands of Ezel, Dago, Moon and all other lands from Vyborg to the Courland border. Russia pledged to return Finland to the Swedes and pay 2 million efimki (thalers) as compensation for Livonia. In dire need of imported bread and losing fertile regions, Sweden received the right to purchase duty-free bread worth 50 thousand rubles annually from Livonia. The Baltic landowners retained their rights to land holdings; the previous privileges and self-government of cities in the annexed provinces were also preserved; the rights of the Protestant Church were recognized. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, as an ally of Russia, was given the right to conclude a formal treaty with Sweden, provided that it did not contradict the Nystadt Peace Treaty. England was included in the Treaty of Nystadt as an ally of Sweden. An exchange of prisoners of war was provided for, and unimpeded trade was established between Russian and Swedish merchants. An amnesty was declared for those who, during the war, “took service with one side and through this acted against the enemy”; However, Ukrainian traitors who went over to the Swedes along with Mazepa .

The Treaty of Nystadt, which gave Russia the Baltic provinces with convenient ports, fulfilled the historical task that had faced the country since Ivan III, not allowed Ivan IV and decided in its entirety only by Peter.

During the solemn festivities marking the conclusion of the Nystadt Peace Treaty, the Senate presented Peter I title emperor and father of the fatherland. The Russian state, thanks to internal transformations and successes in foreign policy, turned into an All-Russian Empire, a powerful naval and military power.

Diplomatic Dictionary. Ch. ed. A. Ya. Vyshinsky and S. A. Lozovsky. M., 1948.


Treaty of Nystadt between Russia and Sweden

The Treaty of Nystadt ended the Northern War of 1700-1721.

A treaty concluded at the congress in Nishtat by authorized ministers: with the Russian General Feldzeigmeister Count Bruce and the chancellery adviser Osterman, and on the Swedish side with Lilienstätt and Baron Stremfelt - on eternal peace between both states.

We, Frederick, by the grace of God, the king of Sweden, Goths and Wenden, etc., and so on, and so on, declare that there is nothing between us and the crown of Sweden with one, and by God's grace with the most illustrious and most powerful king and sovereign, Emperor Peter the Great , the All-Russian autocrat, and so on, and so on, and so on, and with the Russian state, on the other hand, it was agreed and decided: regarding the long-lasting and harmful war, so that the plenipotentiary ministers from both sides would gather in Nishtat in Finland, and in a conference enter into, interpret and continually continue to conclude eternal peace between us and both states, lands and subjects. And for this, on our part, our State Advisor, the Purchase and Chancellery Advisor, the noble Count Mr. Johann Lilienstet, and the Landsgewing of the Copper Factories and in the County of Dalerne, the noble Baron Otto Reinholt Strömfelt, and on the part of the E.C.V. and the State of the Russian noble count Mr. Jacob Daniel Bruce, e.c.v. Feldzeigmeister General, President of the Berg and Manufactory Collegium, Knight of the Order of St. Andrew and the White Eagle; Likewise the noble Mr. Hendrich Johann Friedrich Ostermann, e.c.v. the privy councilor of his office, in the above-mentioned peace treaties, and from both parties gathered in the deigned place of Nishtat in the Grand Duchy of Finland. And now, through the merciful help of the Supreme and by the power of the full power given to him, on August 30 of the month of the current year 1721, an eternal peace was decreed, concluded, signed and sealed, and also a proper and separate article, which read from word to word:

In the name of the holy and indivisible Trinity.

It is known and known, let it be known, that beyond the highly blessed memory between the e.k.v. Most Serene, Most Powerful King and Sovereign Carolus XII of Sue, Gothic, Wendensian King, etc., and so on, and so on, e.k.v. heirs to the Swedish throne, His Most Serene, Most Sovereign Queen and Empress, Empress Ulrika Eleonora of Sue, Queen of Goths and Wendens, and so on, and so on, and so on, and Most Serene, Most Sovereign King and Sovereign, Sovereign Frederick the First of Sue, Goths and Wendens and so on, and so on, and so on, and the kingdom of Svea with one; and e.c.v. the Most Serene, Most Powerful Tsar and Sovereign, Sovereign Peter the Great, All-Russian Autocrat, etc., and so on, and so on, and by the Russian state, on the other hand, a heavy and ruinous war had already begun and been waged for many years. Both high countries, having aroused a God-favorable reconciliation, thought about how to end the bloodshed that had happened until now and how to end the devastating evil on the earth as quickly as possible. And so, by the will of God, it came to pass that from both high countries, authorized ministers were sent to the congress in order to interpret and conclude a true, safe and permanent peace and an everlasting friendly obligation between both countries, states, lands, subjects and inhabitants, namely : from the country e.k.v. and the State of Svea, the highly noble Count Mr. Johann Liliensteth, H.C.V. Sveisky and his State Advisor and the General Chancellery Advisor, also the highly noble Baron Mr. Otto Reinholt Strömfelt, h.k.v. established by Lands-Hauptmann in the copper mining works and in the county of Dalerne; and from the country e.c.v. The Most Noble Count Mr. Jacob Daniel Bruce, H.C.V. Feldzeigmeister General, President of the Berg and Manufactory Collegium, Knight of the Order of St. Andrew and the White Eagle; Also the noble Mr. Hendrich Johann Friedrich Ostermann, e.c.v. Privy Councilor of the Chancery, who, by agreement of both countries, gathered for a congress and interpretation at the appointed and permitted place in Nishtat in Finland. And by pleading for God’s help and by the powers announced and exchanged one against the other in the usual way, this useful work was largely anticipated. And according to the interpretation of the Most High, with mercy and blessing, the following always abiding eternal conclusion of peace in the name of both high countries and for them agreed and agreed:

1. From now on, there is an unceasingly abiding, eternal, true and inviolable peace on earth and water, as well as a true agreement and an unresolved eternal obligation of friendship to be and remain between e.k.v. Suean, Most Serene, Most Sovereign King and Sovereign, Sovereign Frederick the First of Sue, Gothic and Wenden King, and so on, and so on, and so on. e.k.v. heirs and descendants of the Suean crown and the Suean kingdom and it so in the Roman Empire, as outside it lying regions, provinces, lands, cities, vassals, subjects and inhabitants, with one, and e.c.v. the most illustrious, most powerful Tsar and Sovereign, Sovereign Peter the Great, All-Russian Autocrat, and so on, and so on, and so on. e.c.v. heirs and descendants of the Russian state and its lands, cities, states and regions, vassals, subjects and inhabitants, on the other hand, so that henceforth both high contracting countries will not only do nothing hostile or contrary to each other, although secretly or openly, directly or extraneously , through one’s own or others, to repair, at least not to help one another to enemies, no matter what name it is, or not to enter into alliances with them that are contrary to this world, but most of all to maintain true friendship and neighborhood and true peace among themselves , each other's honor, benefit and safety are faithfully protected and promoted, loss and harm, as much as possible, at least they want and have to guard and avert, so that the restored peace and constant silence for the benefit and growth of both states and subjects are inviolably maintained.

2. Both countries also have a general amnesty and eternal oblivion of everything that, during the ongoing war with one or another enemy or opposing country, although by weapon or otherwise, was anticipated, carried out and carried out, so that it was never mentioned, at least so that at any time someone would take evil revenge, and everyone, every high and low rank citizen or foreigner, no matter what nation they were, who during this war served with one party and through this acted hostilely against the other (except for those Russian Cossacks who followed the Svei weapons; for these E.C.V., in order to be included in this general amnesty, despite all the ideas perpetrated from the Svei country, does not allow and wants to be allowed), but the rest are all included in this general the amnesty was introduced in every possible way and was included in such a way that in general and for everyone in particular, that act of theirs will in no way be considered in future. At least for this reason, not the slightest insult is caused to them, but their rights and justice that belong to them will be abandoned and returned.

3. All hostilities on water and on land occur here and throughout the Grand Duchy of Finland within fourteen days and before, if possible, after the signing of this peace treaty, and in all other places and regions within three weeks and before, if possible, according to the exchange of ratifications from both countries ceases and is left to be. And for this reason, the decree of peace must be immediately announced. And if after the above-mentioned time from one or another country, due to ignorance of the concluded peace, somewhere on the water or on land, any kind of hostility, whatever their rank, will be committed, then this cannot be in the least reprehensible to the present conclusion of peace. But what was taken and taken from people and property will be returned without any doubt and will be given back.

4. E.k.v. Sveyskoe cedes this for himself and his descendants and heirs of the Sveyskogo throne and the kingdom of Sveyskoe e.c.v. and to his descendants and heirs of the Russian state into perfect unquestioning eternal possession and ownership in this war, through e.c.v. weapons from the Swean crown conquered provinces: Livonia, Estland, Ingermanland and part of Karelia with the district of Vyborg fief, which is indicated and described below in the demarcation article, with cities and fortresses: Riga, Dunamind, Pernava, Revel, Dorpat, Narva, Vyborg, Kexholm and all the others to the mentioned provinces with the proper cities, fortresses, havens, places, districts, coasts, with the islands of Ezel, Dago and Men and all others from the Courland border along the Livonia, Estland and Ingrian coasts and on the Ost side from Revel in the fairway to Vyborg on on the side of Zuid and Ost the islands lying, with all the inhabitants and settlements found on these islands, as in the above-mentioned provinces, cities and places and generally with all accessories, and that they depend on the highnesses, rights and profits in everything, without excluding anything, and how the Swedish crown owned, used and used them. And e.k.v. retreats and denies this in the most obligatory manner, as it can be done, forever for himself, his heirs and descendants and the entire kingdom of Svea from all rights, requests and claims that e.k.v. and the state of Sveia had and could have had all the above-mentioned provinces, islands, lands and places until now, as all the inhabitants of them from their oath and office, which they owed to the state of Sveia, were, by virtue of this, very dismissed and allowed to have, so and in such a way that from this date in eternal times e.k.v. and the state of Svea, under whatever pretext, may not intervene in them, nor can they demand anything back; but they are forever annexed to the Russian state to be and remain. And undertakes e.k.v. and the state of Svei hereby promise His Royal Majesty and his heirs of the Russian state, with the quiet possession of all of them at all times, to strongly maintain and leave, as well as all archives, all sorts of documents and letters that are especially relevant to these lands and from them during this war taken to Sweden, found and e.c.v. Moreover, they will be given the right to be authorized.

5. Against the same e.c.v. promises within four weeks after the exchange of ratifications of this peace treaty, or earlier, if possible, e.k.v. and return to the Swean crown, and again defecate the Grand Duchy of Finland, except for the part that is below in the described delimitation and beyond the e.c.v. has to remain, so and in such a way that the E.C.V., his heirs and followers to this now returned Great Reign will not have any right, below the request, under whatever guise and name, forever, they can repair below . Moreover, E.C.V. wants obliged to be and promises e.k.v. the amount of two million efimki regularly without deduction and of course from e.k.v. with the appropriate authorizations and receipts provided to the authorized person to pay and give to indicate such terms and such coin as that in a separate article, which is of the same force and effect, as if it had been entered here word by word, decreed and agreed upon.

6. E.k.v. Sveyskoe about commerce hereby reprimanded himself that he would forever be free to be in Riga, Reval and Arensburg annually for 50,000 rubles. order to buy bread, which, according to the testimony that was carried out, that this or on e.k.v. account, or from sveisky from e.k.v. Moreover, it is the authorized subjects who are purchased, without paying any duties or other taxes, who can be freely exported to Sweden; which, however, does not mean those years in which, due to poor birth or other important reasons, e.c.v. All nations will be forced to ban the export of grain.

7. E.c.v. He also promises in the strongest possible way that he will interfere with the household affairs of the kingdom of Svea, as in the form of government authorized unanimously and by the ranks of the kingdom under oath, and the form of inheritance, to interfere with anyone, whoever it is, neither direct, nor outsiders, nor in any way will not help, but moreover to show true neighborly friendship, everything that is against it will be deliberately and e.c.v. known to be done, to interfere in every way and warn the search for those who wish.

8. And since both countries have a true and zealous intention to establish true and permanent peace, and for this it is very necessary that the borders between both states and lands be defined and established in such a way that neither country would cast any suspicion on the other, but even more so each could possess and use what would remain behind it through this world in the desired peace and security, for this reason it was deigned and agreed between both high contracting countries that from this date, in eternal times, the following borders will and will remain between both states, and namely: it begins at the northern shore of the Finnish sinus at Virelax, from where it goes half a mile from the seashore into the land and remains at a distance of half a mile from the water even opposite Villajoka, and from here it spreads a little further into the land in such a way that when it is against the islands of Rogoli will come, it is then located at a distance of three quarters of a mile from the sea bay, and then goes in a straight line into the ground even to the road that is from Vyborg to Lapstrand, a distance of three miles from Vyborg and so on, at the same distance of three miles on the northern side beyond Vyborg there is a straight line even to the ancient former border between Russia and Sweden, before Sweden got the Kexholm fief. And this ancient border will follow to the north upwards eight miles, and from there it goes in a straight line through Kexholm County even to the place where Lake Poroervi, which has its beginning near the village of Kudu Makuba, meets the last former border between Russia and Sweden, and so way that everything that lies behind this designated border towards the west and north lies beyond the e.k.v. and the kingdom of Svei, and what lies below the east and south is beyond the e.c.v. and the Russian state has to remain in eternal times. And still e.c.v. thus, some part of the Kexholm fief, which in the old days belonged to the Russian state, e.k.v. and he always yields to the kingdom of Sveia, and thus he promises in the strongest possible terms for himself, his heirs and followers of the Russian throne, that he does not want and cannot demand back this part of the Kexholm fief at any time, under any name or guise. , but from this day onwards it will be and remain annexed to the Svei lands for all eternity. And in Lapmark the border remains as it was between both states before the start of this war. It was also agreed that immediately upon the subsequent ratification of the main treaty, commissioners would be appointed on both sides to carry out and divide this delimitation in the manner and manner described above.

9. E.c.v. promises that all the inhabitants of the Provinces of Livonia and Estonia, as well as the island of Ezel, nobles and non-nobles, and in those provinces the cities, magistrates, guilds and tsunfts located under them, under the rule of the Sue, had privileges, customs, rights and justices constantly and unshakably will be contained and protected.

10. Likewise, in such ceded lands there is no compulsion in conscience to be introduced, but especially the evangelical faith, churches and schools and what belongs to that on the same basis as under the last Suean government, they were abandoned and maintained, but in them and The faith of the Greek confession can and will continue to be practiced in the same way freely and without any insanity.

11. And yet, under the former royal Suean government in Livonia, Estland and Ezel, the reduction and liquidation carried out to many complaints of subjects or residents gave rise to the cause, which is why his deceased Royal Majesty Suean of the most glorious memory and in reasoning the justice of that case was prompted was, by virtue of the seal of the patent issued in 1700 on the 13th day of April, to give hope from oneself that if any of his subjects can prove with authentic evidence that the property that belongs to them has been taken away, they will have their inalienable right, why and many of the mentioned subjects, the possessions of their former ones, through the aforementioned reduction or other pretext, received from them estranged, taken away or sequestered possessions again, for this reason the E.C.V. promises. We understand that everyone, whether he is found inside or outside the land, who in this case has a fair claim or demand for property in Livonia, Estonia and the Ezel province and can properly prove them, can indisputably use his right through the immediate search and examination of such claims and demands, the possession of things that righteously belong to them has to be received again.

12. They also have, in accordance with the force of the previous second article, a contractual and decreed amnesty in Livonia and Estland and on the island of Ezel for the war that has happened up to now, and that the landowners with the royal side remained, or were taken away, given to others or confiscated from property, lands and those that were not due to expire and houses in the cities belonging to these provinces, also in Narva and Vyborg, even though they belonged to someone before the war or during the war to someone by inheritance or otherwise, without any confiscation of them to the righteous landowners, even if they are now in Sweden or full, or where in some cases they were, as someone at the General Government, by the force of announcing their evidence, letters and documents in advance, will properly certify themselves to that, indisputably and without any detention, they will immediately be given back and returned. But those landowners cannot demand or claim anything for the stolen income taken from those assets during this war and after the confiscation was carried out and for the losses incurred due to this war or otherwise. And those who thus come into possession of the property belonging to them are obliged to take an oath upon receiving possession of the E.C.V., as to the current sovereign of the land. And in other respects, to him, as honest vassals and subjects should act, against the same, when they take the usual oath, they are unquestioningly allowed and will be allowed to leave the land, to live in lands that are foreign to the Russian state in alliance and friendship, and to live in neutral powers to enter into the service or, if they are already in that one, at their own discretion to continue to remain in it. And those who e.c.v. they do not want to take an oath, they are given and allowed a period of three years, counting from the publication of this world, so that at such a time their wealth and property in the best way and at their own discretion can be disposed of and sold, without paying anything more than they do according to their zemstvo Codes must and must be. And if in the future, according to zemstvo rights, someone who has not taken an oath, what inheritance will go to him, then he is also obliged to eat when he accepts his escheated inheritance e.c.v. take an oath of allegiance or the freedom to sell your assets a year. In the same way, all those subjects of both highly contracting parties who lent money to the public in Livonia, Estland and on the island of Ezele and received decent mortgage contracts, according to the force of these contracts, can calmly and safely hold their mortgages until then. According to the records they have, they have been redeemed and they will be completely satisfied with their capital and accomplishments. However, such mortgage holders for the past time of this war and uncollected settlements have nothing to read or claim below. But those who, in this, as well as in the above-mentioned case, send the administration of such misfortunes, have to be and are obliged to the e.c.v. take an oath and become his real subjects. All this, of course, also applies to those who, under the E.C.V. the powers that remain will be those who, with their own either in Sweden or in the lands remaining in this world for the kingdom of Svea, having assets and properties, will have complete power and freedom to do the same. Also, both high-negotiating parties have subjects who in any of the lands have any just requests and claims, even in public or on private persons, with whom they are very contained and protected. And both high-level contracting parties want to try so that in their mentioned demands and petitions a speedy trial and justice are carried out and so that everyone can immediately receive what is theirs.

13. In the Grand Duchy of Finland, which is e.c.v. according to the force of the previous 5th article, e.k.v. and returns to the kingdom of Svea, from the date of signing of this peace treaty all monetary indemnities will be greatly suspended. However, it has everything needed in terms of provisions and fodder e.c.v. the troops were given without money until the complete defecation, as before, on the same basis as before; Likewise, the troops, under severe punishment, are forbidden to have any servants leave the Finnish nation against their will when they leave, and they are forbidden to take any Finnish peasants out of there with them, or to inflict even the slightest violence or insult on them. Moreover, all the fortresses and castles in the Grand Duchy of Finland, in the state in which they are now found, are left to be. However, e.c.v. During the defecation of the mentioned land and places, all large and small weapons and those belonging to them, ammunition, stores and other military supplies, whatever their name, and e.c.v. will be free. He indicated to bring it there, take it with you and take it out. Also, for the removal of all this and the army’s luggage, all the necessary carts and carts to the border are undoubtedly given to the residents without any money. And if at the appointed time everything cannot be taken out, but some part of it will be left there, then it all has to remain in good preservation, and then at any time, at whatever time they wish, to those who are from the e.c. V. For this purpose they will be sent, they will undoubtedly be given back and, as before, they will be taken out to the borders. If from e.c.v. troops, what archives, documents and letters that relate to this Grand Duchy of Finland were found and either taken out of the land, then E.C.V. deigns. look for them as much as possible, and what of them is found, e.k.v. Sveisky to that authorized to give back the command.

14. On both sides, military captives, no matter what their nation, rank and condition, have immediately upon the subsequent ratification of this peace treaty without any ransom, however, when everyone in advance either incurs any debts, or makes a distribution, or is satisfied with the payment and will give a fair guarantee, released from captivity, released to complete freedom, and on both sides without any detention and to a certain limited distance of places where these captives are now found, a proportionate time to the borders with the appropriate carts, without money, if possible, to be escorted out. And those who have accepted service from one or the other side or otherwise intend to remain in the lands of one or the other side will be able to have all freedom and complete freedom without deprivation. This, of course, also applies to all people taken away from one side or the other during this war, who can and do, at their own discretion, remain or return to their homes freely and without insanity, except for those who, at their own request, accepted the faith of the Greek confession, who on the e.c.v. side have to stay; Why do both high-level contracting parties deign to publish and announce this in their lands by public decrees.

15. E.k.v. and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, as e.c.v. the allies are included in this world, and their entry is thus completely granted, as supposedly between them and the crown of Sweden, a renewed peace treaty was introduced into this from word to word. And for this reason, in all places and everywhere and in all states, lands and regions belonging to both high parties, although they are outside or in the Roman state, all enemy actions, no matter what name they have, will cease and end, and permanent eternal peace between them is contained. And less from e.k.v. and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, no plenipotentiary ministers are found at the local peace congress, and so the peace between them and the Swiss crown cannot now be renewed by a formal treaty, coupled with this. For this reason, E.K.V. promises. swey that he immediately went to the place about which he and E.K.V. and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth will agree, will send its plenipotentiaries under the E.C.V. By mediation with them, the eternal peace on decent conditions will be renewed and concluded. However, so that there is nothing contained in that, so that the current one with e.c.v. what was done to the eternal world in some way or in some way could have been disgusting and reprehensible.

16. Commerce is free and unimpeded between both states and the lands belonging to them, subjects and inhabitants both on land and water are established and, as soon as possible, through a special treaty for the benefit of both states, be established. Meanwhile, both Russian and Swedish subjects can immediately, upon ratification of this world in both states and lands, with the payment in each state of ordinary duties and other established rights, send their trades for all kinds of goods freely and without restrictions. And they have Russian subjects in the state and lands of the e.k.v. Sveisky, and on the contrary, Sveisky subjects in the state and lands of the E.C.V. to receive such privileges and benefits in their merchant class as are allowed to the most friendly peoples therein.

17. Trading houses that were Swedish subjects before the start of the war in some e.c.v. belonging to the trading cities had, will immediately, according to the restored peace, not only be returned and cleared, but also freely for them to receive and establish such trading houses in the ceded cities and havens, like E.C.V. subjects, not only the trading houses that they previously had in the kingdom of Sveia and other Svei lands were immediately cleared, but they were also allowed to have such trading houses in other cities and harbors of the state of Sveia, where they wished, and establish.

18. If Svei military or merchant ships run aground or sink due to storming weather and other cases on the shores and sea edges of the Russian state and the lands belonging to it, then it has from the e.c.v. to the subjects in that need, all true true help was shown, people and goods were saved and taken out as much as possible, and whatever goods were thrown ashore was given back to the demanding owners for some decent reward within one year. In the same way, Russian wrecked ships and goods were contained and received from the Swedish country. And both high contracting countries want to make efforts to ensure that, through the strongest prohibition and punishment, all willfulness, kidnapping and robbery in such cases will be appeased and restrained.

19. So that any incidents at sea, which may give rise to any disagreement between the two high contracting countries, could be averted and warned as much as possible, for this reason it is decreed and agreed that when there are one or more Swedish warships, large or small , e.c.v. will continue to pass through the fortress belonging to them, then they will have to shoot the Russian slogan, to which they will immediately be mutually congratulated with the Russian slogan from the fortress. In the same way, Russian warships also have one or more in number, when they pass by the e.k.v. belonging to the fortress they will go, shoot the Russian slogan, and they will also mutually congratulate the Russian slogan from the fortress. But if it happens that the Swedish and Russian ships meet each other either at sea, in a harbor or in India, or at some place they find each other, then their usual slogan is to congratulate each other in a friendly manner. And in everything else in this matter, this is how it should be done, as it is customary between the Swean and Danish crowns in such cases, and between them it was deigned and agreed upon.

20. It has also been deigned and agreed by both countries that between both states, until now, as a custom, the former free maintenance of ambassadors will cease to be very much, and, on the contrary, the plenipotentiary ambassadors of both countries and others with or without character sent will behave with all their respect. with their retinue on the road, as at the court where they were commanded to go and stay, support, and take care of their own contentment. However, both high countries want, as generally as at any time, and especially when the news of the ambassador’s arrival is given to them in good time, to make a sufficient determination so that all safety, favor and necessary assistance are shown to them on their journey.

21. From the country e.k.v. Sveisky also e.k.v. Great British is included in this peace treaty, however, with the provision of something in any e.c.v. from e.k.v. The British finds itself aggravated, about which directly between E.C.V. and e.k.v. British virtuously interpreted and agreed to be. And other powers, which both high contracting countries designate within three months of the subsequent ratification, may also enter into this peace treaty with the common consent of both high contracting countries and be accepted into it.

22. And even if from now on some quarrels and disagreements occurred between both states and subjects, then, nevertheless, this conclusion of eternal peace has to remain in perfect force and effect. And quarrels and disagreements, through the commissioners appointed on both sides, were immediately identified and rightly ended and calmed down.

23. They also have from this date all those who, after the subsequent ratification of this world, for committing treason, murder, theft and other reasons or without reason, from the Swedish to the Russian or from the Russian to the Russian country, alone or with their wives and children, will move when they will be demanded back from the country from which they fled, no matter what nation they were and in the same condition as they came, with their wives and children and with all that they brought from stolen or plundered belongings, they will undoubtedly be handed over and be given back.

24. Ratifications of this peace instrument must be received within three weeks, counting from signing, and before, if possible, and exchanged one against the other here in Nishtat. In approval of all this, this peace treaty, two unanimous copies were drawn up and from both countries from the plenipotentiary ministers with full power, signed with their own hands, approved by their seals, and exchanged one against the other.

And so we have accepted this eternal peace in all articles, clauses and definitions, together with the corresponding separate article, as they are included from word to word, for the good of recognizing, approving and ratifying, as we are the most obligated, as may happen, We hereby accept, for good we recognize, approve and ratify, with our royal word we promise for us and our heirs, the kings of Sweden and the Swedish state, that we are all that is in the previously written treaty of eternal peace and in all those articles, clauses and clauses, as in It is contained in a separate article, firmly, indestructibly, sacredly, immovably forever to be maintained and fulfilled as we wish, and we will in no way allow anything contrary to it from us and on our part to be done. And for greater news, we ordered this peace treaty to be approved by our own signature and our great royal seal.

Separate article

Ponezhe e.c.v. according to the force of the fifth article of today's number of the concluded and perfected main treatise, he wants to be obliged to be e.k.v. according to his assignment and signature, the amount of two million or twenty hundred thousand efimks should be paid, for this reason it was decided and agreed that they have full-weight coins called zweidritelshtir, of which three are made in Leipzich, in Berlin and in Brunswick, two mentioned efimks, e.k. V. faithfully authorized and provided with receipts to the commissioners in Hamburg, Amsterdam and London, regularly and without deduction, of course, given and paid; and from e.c.v. always, and six weeks before each due date it is announced where the payment is due. And if e.c.v. in the mentioned places he cannot collect the required amount in full-fledged zweidritelshtiri, then he promises it with a good current silver coin in those places, however, in addition to the fractional coin, at the price of the amount paid at the current bill rate at the payment deadline, he will pay without damage. And this payment is made in four terms, of which the first is at the beginning of next February 1722 for 500 thousand efimki; the second at the beginning of the month of December of that year, also for 500 thousand efimki; the third in the month of October 1723, packs for 500 thousand efimki, and the fourth and last at the beginning of the month of September 1724, for 500 thousand efimki, so that then the entire amount of these mentioned two million is paid in full and has to be given.

Verified by edition: Under the banner of Russia: Collection of archival documents. M., Russian book, 1992.


Pernava (Pernov) - modern. Pärnu, Dorpat (Yuryev) - modern. Tartu, Kexholm - Korela.

The electronic version of the document is reprinted from the website of the History Department of Moscow State University -

The history of our country at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th centuries is replete with numerous events that directly influenced the further course of development of Russia. His energetic personality and foolish activities led to the emergence of a new state, and the Peace of Nystadt was one of the main achievements of this era.

"A Century of Loss"

At the end of the 17th century, Russia was a fairly vast country, but at the same time it did not have a significant influence on pan-European affairs. This was due to both previous historical events and the inertia of the rulers. Throughout this century, our country has experienced many upheavals. The Time of Troubles, the intervention of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Sweden, the loss of western lands, popular uprisings, the apogee of which was the rebellion of Stepan Razin. As a result of all these events, Russia lost access to the sea, through which active trade took place, and found itself isolated.

In addition, an important role was played by the fact that the rulers of this period: Alexey Mikhailovich, Fyodor Alekseevich, Ivan Alekseevich - were in poor health and did not differ in state thinking. The exception to this series was Sofya Alekseevna.

The beginning of big things

For a short period she was regent for her younger brothers - Ivan, who was weak-minded, and Peter, who could not rule independently due to his youth. Under her, two actions were activated that were designed to weaken this khanate, and, if possible, to win access to the Black Sea. However, both military campaigns ended extremely unsuccessfully for Russia, which was one of the reasons for the fall of Sophia.

Peter, meanwhile, seemed to be engaged in childish activities. He organized war games, studied tactics, and several ships were built on the lake in the village of Kolomenskoye, which Peter proudly called the fleet. As he grew older, he understood more and more clearly that Russia simply needed access to warm, navigable seas. He became even more convinced of this idea by visiting Arkhangelsk, the only city at Russia’s disposal.

Intelligence and cooperation with Europe

The fight between Peter and Sophia ended with the victory of the former. Since 1689, he took full power into his own hands. The tsar had a dilemma about which sea - the Black or the Baltic - to try to gain access to. In 1695 and 1696, he decided to scout out the forces opposing our country in the south. The Azov campaigns showed that the forces available to Russia were definitely not enough to defeat the powerful Ottoman Empire and its loyal vassal, the Crimean Khanate.

Peter did not despair and turned his attention to the north, to the Baltic. Sweden dominated here, but entering into battle with one of the leading European countries of that time without allies was suicidal, so in the period 1697-1698. the tsar organized the Grand Embassy to European countries. During this time, he visited the most developed countries of the continent, inviting specialists in military, engineering and shipbuilding to Russia. Along the way, diplomats learned the balance of power in Europe. By this time, the division of the Spanish inheritance was brewing, and the great powers were of little interest to the north of Europe.

Peace of Nystadt 1721: the origins of victory

Taking advantage of this, the embassy concluded a number of agreements with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Saxony and Denmark. This alliance was called the Northern Alliance in history and had the goal of undermining Sweden's dominance in the Baltic region. The war begins in 1700.

The Swedish king acted very quickly and decisively. In the same year, Swedish troops landed near Copenhagen and with powerful attacks forced the Danish king to make peace. Charles the Twelfth chose Russia as his next victim. As a result of inept command and other circumstances, Russian troops suffered a crushing defeat near Narva. The Swedish king decided that Peter was no longer his rival, and concentrated military operations on Saxony, where he achieved victory in 1706.

Peter, however, did not become discouraged. With quick, energetic measures, he creates, in essence, a new army based on conscription, and practically renews the artillery park. At the same time, the construction of the fleet was underway. After 1706, Russia fought one-on-one with Sweden. And the king’s active actions yielded results. Gradually, the initiative and superiority passed to the side of the Russian troops, which was secured by the victory in the Battle of Poltava, which ultimately led to the conclusion of the Nystadt Peace with Sweden.

Russia becomes an empire

However, the war continued for another 12 years; Russia added naval victories to its victories on land. The Battle of Gangut in 1714 and the Battle of Grengam in 1720 cemented the dominant role of the Russian fleet on the Baltic shores. In view of Russia's clear advantage, the Swedish government requested a truce. The Peace of Nystadt was concluded a few months later, it marked the complete victory of our country.

Amazed England and France were amazed that while they were busy with Spanish affairs, such a powerful military-political force had formed in the east of the continent. But they were forced to agree with this. The terms of the Nystadt Peace implied a change in the borders between the two states. The territories of Livonia, Estonia, Ingria, as well as some regions of Karelia went to Russia for eternal possession. For these lands, Russia undertook to pay Sweden compensation in the amount of 2 million rubles and return Finland. The Senate proclaimed Peter emperor and Russia an empire. From this moment on, our state becomes one of the countries that decides the destinies of Europe and the world.

The Treaty of Nystadt was signed in 1721 between the Russians and the Swedes. On the Russian side, the representatives were Yakov Bruce and Andrei Osterman. From Sweden - Strömfeldt and Lilienstern. This treaty ended the Northern War of 1700–1721.

The situation on the eve of the signing

By the time peace negotiations began, Russia already held in its hands the territories of Ingermanland, Estonia, Livonia and Finland, conquered from the Swedes. Several times Russian troops landed on Swedish territories.

When, through the mediation of England, Russia's then allies - Poland and Denmark - concluded a peace agreement with the Swedes and stepped aside, this in no way shook the firmness and confidence of Russian diplomacy. Russia continued to steadfastly adhere to the demands put forward at the Åland Congress- agreed to return only the territory of Finland to the Swedish government, and to retain all other lands conquered by arms after the conclusion of peace.

On the eve of the Nystadt Congress, the French Ambassador to Sweden, Campredon, arrived in St. Petersburg as a mediator. All the above requirements were read to him. Another concession that Peter and his government agreed to make to make peace was the refusal to support the claims of the Duke of Holstein to the throne of the Kingdom of Sweden, as well as financial compensation for the territory of Livonia. No matter how hard Campredone tried to soften these conditions, he could not achieve anything. As a result, the French envoy was forced to return to Sweden and recommend that the king agree to the conditions put forward, because the continuation of martial law threatened to further ruin the already exhausted Sweden.

Historical tasks

The Treaty of Nystadt accomplished a number of historical tasks:

  1. As a result of its signing, Russia received several Baltic provinces with convenient sea harbors - this task had been facing Russia since the time of Tsar Ivan the Third and was solved in full only by Peter the Great.
  2. During the celebrations for the conclusion of the peace treaty, Peter was proclaimed Emperor and Father of the Fatherland.
  3. Russia turned into an Empire - a powerful maritime and military state. The Russian Empire became the largest empire on the world map.
  4. According to the peace treaty of 1721, the territories of Estonia and Latvia were received by Russia for 2 million gold thalers transferred to the Swedish government. As part of the Russian Empire, the Baltic peoples received the status of states and were able to fully develop their culture and identity.
  5. As a result of the signing of the peace treaty, Swedish hegemony over northern Europe was put to an end.

Signing history

The peace congress took place in the Finnish city of Nystadt and lasted from May to September 1721. Russian diplomats, led by Tsar Peter himself, acted very persistently and firmly, backing up their statements with military pressure on the enemy.

  1. During the congress, due to the intransigence of the Swedes, Russian troops landed on their territory, which devastated 4 large cities and many small settlements.
  2. In order to influence the Swedes, the Russian delegation clearly outlined the deadline for the end of the war and peace negotiations and threatened that it would promote the claims of the Duke of Holstein to receive the Swedish crown. Such demands were put forward very timely - England, then an ally of Sweden, planned to withdraw its fleet from the Baltic Sea.
  3. Peter 1 categorically refused to conclude a preliminary agreement. He saw in this proposal of the Swedish king a desire to delay the conclusion of a peace treaty and continue the war.
  4. As concessions, the Russian side agreed to resolve minor issues - the Swedes were promised to speed up the payment of monetary compensation for the territory of Livonia, which was supposed to go to the winners. In addition, Peter agreed to remove several minor forts.
  5. Russia agreed to involve the King of England, who was an ally of the Swedes, in signing the peace agreement.

As a result of such concessions, along with a firm policy on basic issues, a peace treaty was eventually signed.

Terms of the Treaty of Nystadt

According to the current text of the peace treaty between Sweden and Russia, “true and inviolable peace on land and water” was established..

  1. All hostilities on Finnish territory must cease completely within 2 weeks. In more remote territories, military operations ceased within 3 weeks from the date of ratification of the treaty.
  2. Sweden recognized the annexation of the Russian-conquered lands of Ingermanland, the entire territory of Livonia and Estonia, as well as parts of Karelia to Russian territories. This also included the cities of Dorpat, Narva, Revel, Riga, Vyborg, Kexholm.
  3. The islands of Dago, Moon, and Ezel became Russian territories.
  4. Russia's responsibilities included the return of Finland to the Swedes and monetary compensation for the captured Livonia.
  5. Since Sweden lost fertile lands during the war and was in dire need of imported grain, it was given the right to purchase grain worth 50 thousand rubles from Livonia every year.
  6. The Baltic nobility retained all rights to land holdings, as well as all privileges and the right to self-government in the provinces.
  7. In the conquered territories, the rights of the Protestant Church were recognized.

Russia's ally in the Thirty Years' War, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, received the right to buy out a formal treaty with Sweden. The only condition was that such a treaty should not contradict the terms of the Nystadt Peace Treaty.

England, under the terms of the Nystadt Peace Treaty, acted as an ally of Sweden.

It also provided for the exchange of prisoners of war and unhindered trade between merchants of Russia and Sweden. Amnesty was declared to many defectors during the war. The exception was the Ukrainian traitors led by Hetman Mazepa, who went over to the side of the Swedes.

Nystadt world(August 30, Old Style (September 10), 1721, ratified on September 9 (Old Style)) - Russian-Swedish peace treaty concluded in the city of Nystadt (now Uusikaupunki, Finland). It was signed on the Russian side by J. V. Bruce and A. I. Osterman, on the Swedish side by J. Liljenstedt and O. Strömfeld. He ended the Northern War and changed the Russian-Swedish border, previously fixed by the Stolbovo Peace Treaty of 1617. Sweden recognized the annexation of Livonia, Estland, Ingermanland (Izhora Land), part of Karelia (the so-called Old Finland) and other territories to Russia. Russia pledged to pay Sweden monetary compensation and return Finland.

England, Hanover, Holland and Denmark decided to take advantage of the victories of Russian weapons at the end of the Northern War, and entered into an alliance with Peter I against Sweden. In reality, England and Holland did not want the complete defeat of Sweden and the strengthening of Russia in the Baltic. This led to the collapse of the coalition and the conclusion of an alliance treaty with France on August 4, 1717: Paris promised mediation in negotiations with Sweden, exhausted to the limit by the long war. On May 12, 1718, the Åland Congress opened on one of the Åland Islands. On the Russian side, the negotiations were led by Yakov Bruce and Andrei Osterman. However, hoping for help from England, the Swedes delayed them in every possible way. In addition, after the death of Charles XII in 1718, the revanchist group of Queen Ulrika Eleonora came to power in Sweden, advocating rapprochement with England and the continuation of hostilities.

In 1719, under the influence of English diplomacy, a coalition of European states was organized against Russia. It included Austria, Saxony and Hanover. England promised military and financial assistance to the Swedes. Negotiations at the Åland Congress were terminated. In 1719, the Russian fleet defeated the Swedes near the island of Ezel, and in 1720 - near the island of Grengam. England was forced to withdraw its squadron from the Baltic. In 1719−1720, three successful landing operations were carried out in Sweden. All this forced the Swedes to resume negotiations in May 1721 in Nystadt. On August 30 (Old Style), 1721 peace treaties were signed.

The treaty that ended the Northern War consisted of a preamble and 24 articles. According to the agreement, Russia secured access to the Baltic Sea: part of Karelia north of Lake Ladoga, Ingermanland (Izhora land) from Ladoga to Narva, part of Estland with Revel, part of Livonia with Riga, the islands of Ezel and Dago went to it. For these lands, Russia paid Sweden compensation of 2 million efimki (1.3 million rubles). An exchange of prisoners and an amnesty for “criminals and defectors” (except for supporters of Ivan Mazepa) were provided. Finland was returned to Sweden, which also received the right to annually purchase and export 50 thousand rubles worth of grain from Russia duty-free. The agreement confirmed all the privileges granted to the Baltic nobility by the Swedish government: the nobility retained its self-government, class bodies, etc. On September 10, 1721, celebrations were held in Moscow on the occasion of the Peace of Nystad. Victory in the Northern War promoted Russia to one of the largest European states. Main provisions of the agreement:

1. Eternal and indissoluble peace between the Russian Tsar and the Swedish King and their successors;

2. Complete amnesty on both sides, with the exception of the Cossacks who followed Mazepa;

3. All actions are terminated within 14 days;

4. The Swedes cede to Russia for eternal possession: Livonia, Estland, Ingria, part of Karelia;

5. Finland returns to Sweden;

6. Profession of faith in these territories is free.

Great Northern War (1700-1721)


1. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch. ed. B. A. Vvedensky, 2nd ed. T. 30. Nikolaev - Olonki. 1954. 656 pp., ill. and maps; 52 l. ill. and cards.

2. Balyazin V.N. Unofficial history of Russia 2007 ISBN 978-5-373-01229

The main conclusion of the Twenty Years' War was the signing of the Nystad Treaty, which was not only a successful result of a difficult and long war, but also recognition of the merits of Peter I, the great success of his transformative activities.

"1720 and 1721 - sent Russian corps to Sweden itself and thereby forced the Swedish government to resume peace negotiations. In 1721, a congress of Russian and Swedish diplomats took place in Nystadt (near Abo), and on August 30, 1721, peace was concluded. The conditions of the Nystadt Peace were as follows: Peter received Livonia, Estland, Ingria and Karelia, returned Finland, paid two million efimki (Dutch thalers) in four years and did not assume any obligations against his former allies. Peter was extremely pleased with this peace and solemnly celebrated its conclusion.

The significance of this world for the Moscow state is defined briefly: Russia became the main power in northern Europe, finally entered the circle of European states, bound itself with them by common political interests and received the opportunity to freely communicate with the entire West through the newly acquired borders. The strengthening of the political power of Rus' and the new conditions of political life created by the world were understood by both Peter and his collaborators. During the solemn celebration of peace on October 22, 1721, the Senate presented Peter with the title of Emperor, Father of the Fatherland and Great. Peter took the title of Emperor. The Moscow state thus became the All-Russian Empire, and this change served as an external sign of the turning point that had taken place in the historical life of Rus'.”


The Northern War had a huge impact on the changes that took place in the country. Most of the reforms and transformations of Peter the Great were conceived and implemented precisely under the influence of this war. Many historians consider the actions of Peter I to be unnecessarily cruel and rash, however, he was able to take Russia to a new level. And although these changes mainly fell a heavy burden on the shoulders of the common people, and at first glance did not bring beneficial changes into their lives, and, as some historians note, they made this life very difficult, one cannot but agree that the country in the eyes of the world community has acquired a high position. And although it did not become such a European state as the great reformer imagined, nevertheless, positive changes happened to it.

Since then, similar experiments have been tried with our country more than once, the era of socialism, etc., each time we “catch up with Europe,” or they try to make changes inspired from Europe into the life of the country, and each time Russia, having difficulty accepting them, changes.

And in the modern world, Russia is trying to prove its “civilization”, to prove its right to be considered a European country. And just as Peter I failed to change the life of the country completely in the likeness of other European states - (Russia still remained an original country, with its own traditions and habits), so attempts to “catch up and overtake” at the end of the 20th century did not give the desired effect. Russia has always been different from its European neighbors, it is developing in its own way. I hope that by absorbing the culture of other countries, we will not forget our roots and will never become truly “European”.