Examination ticket 1 Russian language. Methodological recommendations on the topic "formation and execution of examination tickets"






Letter from the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science

The Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science informs that new sets of sample tickets have been prepared for 20 subjects of the federal basic curriculum for taking an elective exam by graduates of grades XI (XII) of general education institutions of the Russian Federation.

New sets of exam cards have been developed for educational institutions that have made the transition to specialized training .

They make it possible to conduct final certification of graduates of the XI (XII) classes of general education institutions, taking into account the level (basic or specialized) at which the subject was taught. Educational institutions, who have not transferred to specialized training (№ 5–6, 2005) , we recommend sample exam papers for the oral final certification of graduates of the XI (XII) classes of general education institutions, published in the previous year in the journal “Bulletin of Education” and posted this year on the magazine’s website


According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the development of secondary (complete) general education programs ends with a mandatory final certification. State (final) certification of graduates of classes XI (XII) of general educational institutions of the Russian Federation is carried out on the basis of the Regulations on state (final) certification of graduates of classes IX and XI (XII) of general educational institutions of the Russian Federation (approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated December 3, 1999 No. 1075 as amended from March 16, 2001 No. 1022, from June 25, 2002 No. 2398, from January 21, 2003 No. 135).

The presented exam cards allow for final certification of graduates of the XI (XII) classes of general education institutions, taking into account the level at which the subject was taught (basic or specialized). Examination cards have been developed for 20 general education subjects:

1. Russian language

2. Literature

3. Foreign language

4. Algebra and the beginnings of analysis

5. Geometry

6. History of Russia

7. General history

8. Social studies

9. Economy

10. Right

11. Geography

12. Physics

13. Chemistry

14. Biology

15. Science

16. Computer science and ICT

17. World artistic culture (WHC)

18. Technology

19. Fundamentals of life safety (life safety)

20. Physical education

Each subject exam kit contains at least 25 tickets, each ticket includes three questions (with the exception of the science kit, which offers two questions per ticket). Brief explanatory notes on the peculiarities of conducting an oral examination in the subject have been developed for exam papers in all subjects.

They explain the fundamental difference between sets compiled taking into account the basic level of studying a subject and sets compiled taking into account the profile level of studying a subject, characterize the structure of the exam card as a whole, and comment on the differences in the first, second and third questions of the ticket. All explanatory notes indicate the approximate time allotted for preparing a graduate to answer, describe approaches to assessing a graduate’s answer, which are of a recommendatory nature, and provide explanations on the use of the proposed examination material when developing examination papers at the level of a general education institution.

Tickets for all proposed sets are approximate: a general education institution has the right to make changes to the examination material, taking into account the regional component, the features of the program on which the training was based; partially replace questions, supplement with other tasks, and also develop your own examination materials for conducting elective exams in oral form.

The procedure for examination, approval and storage of certification material for elective examinations is established by the authorized local government body.



The developed tickets for passing the Russian language exam for graduates of grades XI (XII) of general education institutions of the Russian Federation can be used both at the basic and at the profile level.

The proposed examination cards are compiled taking into account the mandatory minimum content of basic general and secondary (complete) general education (orders of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 05/19/1998 No. 1236 and dated 06/30/1999 No. 56), as well as state standards of basic general and secondary (complete) general education (Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089).

Each exam paper includes three questions. The content of the questions and their selection in the ticket are determined by the general objectives of teaching the Russian language at the basic and specialized levels.

During the Russian language exam, the graduate has the right to use various types of dictionaries.

Approximate time allotted to prepare a graduate to answer:

– 20–30 minutes for a basic level package ticket;

– 30–40 minutes for a profile-level kit ticket.

These exam papers are approximate and can be changed in accordance with the characteristics of the educational program of a particular school. You can make changes to the proposed material based on the characteristics of the Russian language program chosen by the teacher: partially change the questions, add other tasks, and also develop your own options.


Contents of exam papers

The Russian language exam ticket consists of three questions.

First question theoretical ticket. It is formulated in such a way that it tests not only certain knowledge in the field of language, but also the communication skills of students: the answer to this question will require the student to draw up an oral coherent statement, a plan (simple, complex, thesis).

The second and third questions are practical. The second question will require the student to process information and semantics of the text, its linguistic analysis.

Information-semantic and compositional analysis of the text (determination of the theme, problem, main idea of ​​the text, number of micro-topics, drawing up a plan, etc.);

Linguistic analysis of individual elements of the text (lexical analysis of words or phraseological units indicated by the teacher; analysis of the specified grammatical means characteristic of the style of speech to which the analyzed text belongs; spelling and punctuation analysis of selected text fragments).

Possible option for the second ticket question.

Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

(1) "Certain numbers, black and white vertical stripes are now applied to the packaging of all products. (2) This is the so-called bar code, with the help of which information about some of the most significant parameters of the product is encrypted. (3) But if the code itself no longer causes surprise among sophisticated buyers, its decoding seems to be a sealed secret (4) And yet there is no secret. (5) Despite the fact that the initial mention of bar coding dates back to the thirties (a corresponding dissertation was defended at Harvard Business School), the codes were first used in practice by US railroad workers only in the sixties, when they once again carried out “identification” (identification) railway cars .

(6) With the development of microprocessor technology, things with codes went much faster. (7) And already in 1973, the United States adopted a universal product code suitable for use in both industry and trade.

4. Determine what style of speech and functional-semantic type of speech this text belongs to. Justify your point of view, give 2-3 examples from the text as an argument.

5. Explain the meaning of the highlighted word. Make two sentences with this word so that it is used in different meanings.

6. Indicate 2–3 linguistic means characteristic of the style of speech to which this text belongs.

7. Find in the text all examples of words using the spelling “Consolid and separate spelling NOT with different parts of speech” and explain their spelling.

8. Conduct a punctuation analysis of the highlighted sentence.

Third question The ticket guides the graduate towards an oral retelling of the read and analyzed text. The type of retelling (concise, detailed, abstract) is determined by the teacher depending on the specifics of the text proposed for analysis.

When selecting text for analysis, you must be guided by the following requirements:

Must meet the requirement of “textuality” (external coherence, internal meaningfulness, completeness);

It should take into account the age characteristics of the graduate and should not go beyond the communicative, reading and life experience of the examinee;

It must contain a clearly expressed main idea, a logically sound system of its development and clearly presented micro-topics;

Should not discriminate against examinees on religious, national or other grounds.

Language design of the text

The text can belong to any style and functional-semantic type of speech;

The linguistic features of the text should clearly reflect the stylistic specifics of the text;

The approximate text volume is 300–400 words.

Student Answer Score*

* These recommendations are based on assessment standards given in the collection: Assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities in the Russian language: Sat. articles from work experience: A manual for teachers / Comp. IN AND. Kapinos, T.A. Kostyaeva. – M.: Education, 1986.

The assessment of the student's answer in the exam is derived as the arithmetic mean of the assessments determined separately for each of the three questions on the ticket.

When assessing a student’s answer to a question, one should be guided by the following criteria: 1) completeness and correctness of the answer; 2) the degree of awareness and understanding of what has been learned; 3) language format of the answer; 4) mastery of language analysis skills.

Mark "5"is given if the student: 1) fully presents the studied material, gives correct definitions of language concepts; 2) shows an understanding of the material, can substantiate his judgments, apply knowledge in practice, give the necessary examples not only from the textbook, but also compiled independently; 3) presents the material consistently and correctly from the point of view of the norms of literary language; has the skills of language analysis.

Mark "4"is given if the student gives an answer that satisfies the same requirements as for a “5” grade, but makes 1-2 mistakes, which he himself corrects, and 1-2 shortcomings in the sequence and linguistic design of what is presented, and has the skills of language analysis.

Mark "3"is given if the student demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the main provisions of this topic, but: 1) presents the material incompletely and allows inaccuracies in the definition of concepts or the formulation of rules; 2) does not know how to substantiate his judgments deeply and convincingly enough and give his examples; 3) presents the material inconsistently and makes mistakes in the language of the presentation;

makes mistakes when conducting language analysis.Mark "2"

is given if the student reveals ignorance of most of the material, makes mistakes in the formulation of definitions and rules that distort their meaning, and presents the material in a disorderly manner. The mark “2” marks such shortcomings in the student’s preparation that indicate a serious misunderstanding of the topic and poor mastery of practically important skills and abilities.

Ticket No. 1

1. Tell us about the features of preparing for the report (the topic of the report is determined by the teacher).

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

3. Orally (in detail, concisely, abstractly) retell the text you analyzed.

Ticket number 3

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

1. Tell us about the basic requirements for the speaker’s oral speech. Illustrate your answer with examples.

Ticket number 4

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

1. Tell us about the features of preparing an abstract. Illustrate your answer with an example.

Ticket number 5

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

1. Explain the difference between the genres of scientific style: review, abstract. Illustrate your answer with examples.

Ticket number 6

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

1. Explain the difference between the genres of scientific style of speech: abstracts, notes. Illustrate your answer with examples.

Ticket number 7

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

1. Explain the similarities and differences between the following genres of official business style of speech: statement, power of attorney, receipt. Illustrate your answer with examples.

1. Explain the similarities and differences between the following genres of formal business style of speech: business letter, resume, announcement. Illustrate your answer with examples.

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 9

1. Explain the similarities and differences between the following genres of journalistic style of speech: review, essay. Illustrate your answer with examples.

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 10

1. Make a thesis plan on the topic “Characteristics of a scientific style of speech, areas of its use and purpose.”

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 11

1. Make a thesis plan on the topic “Characteristics of colloquial speech, areas of its use and purpose.”

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 12

1. Make a thesis plan on the topic “Signs of an official business style of speech, areas of its use and purpose.”

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 13

1. Make a thesis plan on the topic “The language of fiction and its features.”

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 14

1. Formulate the theses of the report on the topic “Features of speech etiquette in the official business sphere of communication.”

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 15

1. Make a thesis plan on the topic “Visual possibilities of vocabulary of the Russian language.”

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 16

1. Make a complex plan on the topic “Basic functional and semantic types of speech.”

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 17

1. Make a simple plan on the topic “The main types of language norms of the modern Russian literary language.”

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 18

1. Tell us about the basic orthoepic norms of the modern Russian literary language. Illustrate your answer with examples.

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 19

1. Formulate the theses of the report on the topic “Features of speech etiquette in the journalistic sphere of communication.”

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 20

1. Tell us about the basic grammatical norms of the modern Russian literary language. Illustrate your answer with examples.

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 21

1. Briefly tell us about the main aspects of the speech culture of the modern Russian literary language: normative, communicative, ethical.

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 22

1. Describe the main types of normative dictionaries of the modern Russian literary language.

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 23

1. Explain what are the features of dictionary entries from explanatory, spelling, and spelling dictionaries.

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 24

1. Explain what the culture of oral communication consists of.

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 25

1. Explain what the culture of written communication consists of.

Ticket number 2

2. Read the text. Analyze the text you read according to the proposed plan.


Studying the Russian language at a profile level involves deepening knowledge about linguistics as a science; language as a multifunctional developing system; relationships between basic units and levels of language;

language norm, its functions; functional-stylistic system of the Russian language; norms of speech behavior in various areas and communication situations. Studying the Russian language at a profile level ensures mastery of the skills to identify, analyze, compare, and classify linguistic phenomena and facts, taking into account their various interpretations; the ability, when necessary, to provide historical commentary on linguistic phenomena; evaluate linguistic phenomena and facts from the point of view of normativity, compliance with the sphere and situation of communication;

distinguish between variants of norms and speech disorders. The profile level aims at applying the knowledge and skills acquired by students in their own speech practice, including in the professionally oriented field of communication. An important component of the course is linguistic analysis of the text. These features are reflected in the materials of the exam papers. The Russian language exam card for students of specialized classes consists of three questions.

Third question First and second questions

They test not only knowledge in the field of linguistics, but also the communication skills of students: write a short review, description, annotation, answer plan.

proposes to conduct a comparative linguistic analysis of two texts in the following areas:

Semantic analysis of texts (determination of the theme, main idea of ​​the text, micro-themes, etc.);

Stylistic analysis of the text (substantiation of the text’s belonging to a particular style, identification of characteristic linguistic means of expression and stylistic devices);

Typological analysis of the text (singling out the leading type of speech in the texts, indicating the combination of various typical fragments in the text);

Linguistic analysis of individual elements of the text (phonetic, word-formation, lexical, morphological, syntactic analysis of words, phrases and sentences indicated by the teacher; analysis of difficult cases of grammar and spelling presented in the text).

“(1) There are no absolutely identical and completely mediocre people! (2) Everyone is born with the stamp of some kind of talent. (3) The need for creativity is as natural as the need to drink or eat; it glimmers in each of us even in the most incredibly difficult conditions. (4) Each person is talented in his own way, in other words, unique. (5) Fortunately, people who are absolutely bad internally and externally do not exist.

(6) The fact that the need for creativity is characteristic of everyone can be seen from the fact that in childhood, even in infancy, the child has a need to play. (7) Every child wants to play, that is, to live creatively. (8) Why does creativity gradually disappear from our lives over the years, why is creativity preserved and developed not in each of us? (9) Roughly speaking, because we either got busy with something that wasn’t ours (we didn’t find ourselves, our personality, our talent), or we didn’t learn to live and work (we didn’t develop talent). (10) The second often depends on the first, but the first is not always free from the second. (11) If you don’t learn to work, you will never know what nature has given you.

(12) If the spiritual potential is weak, then the personality is erased, leveled, and quickly loses the individual traits inherent in it. (13) The orderly ascent and creative emancipation of the individual can be hindered by any mental, family, social or world discord, any trouble, which, by the way, can be different. (14) For example, it’s one thing when you don’t have shoes to go to school (or even the school itself), and quite another when you’re forced to learn to read music. (15) Of course, the second case is preferable, but discord is discord. (16) Therefore, we see that social orientation is by no means always infallible and that fashion is generally harmful in such a matter as the matter of finding oneself.

(17) Why, in fact, is only the life of an artist or artist considered creative? (18) After all, you can be an artist and an artist in any business.

(19) This should be the norm. (20) The halo of exclusivity of this or that profession, the division of labor according to such principles as “honorable-dishonorable”, “interesting-uninteresting”, precisely encourages the idea that creativity is inaccessible to everyone. (21) But this quite suits the supporters of personality leveling, who single out a faceless crowd of mediocre people and contrast talented people with them. (22) But is this right?

(According to V. Belov)

"(1) Nature is stingy, stingy, and suddenly becomes generous and gifts a person with an ideal character in such a way that people around him are amazed. (2) But he himself doesn’t seem to notice: he walks with a light gait on the ground, chuckles mischievously, any burden is on him on the shoulder. (3) A serious matter in his hands looks like a game, and the game turns into a serious matter. (4) He irresistibly attracts people - he has half the world as his friends. (5) He is bored with life without invention, adventure. the rainbow does not seem bright enough to him; he would willingly add an eighth to its seven colors, if it were possible. language, he spares the main thing in people - their dignity, and they easily forgive him what they would not forgive others. (9) Everyone who meets him on the way arouses in him unspeakable curiosity: he is sure that every person is talented in his own way and that hidden possibilities lurk in everyone. (10) And people, feeling this interest, open up to him from a side unexpected for themselves: to him who knocks, let it be opened! (11) He is condescending to people, and good qualities in his eyes carry more weight than bad ones. (12) The mind is clear, the thought is flexible and precise; He hates vague reasoning and lofty words.

(13) He is an excellent comrade, he does not like to subordinate, just as he does not like to obey.

(14) Naturalness of this nature always opposes any showmanship.

(15) A person does absolutely nothing to impress others, to show off his advantageous side. (16) On the contrary, since he has an innate sense of humor, he laughs at himself, points out his own mistakes, and gives himself no mercy in anything."

(According to S. Narovchatov)

Student Answer Score*

* The proposed criteria are advisory in nature. They are compiled on the basis of assessment standards (see: Assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities in the Russian language: Collection of articles from work experience: A manual for teachers / Compiled by V.I. Kapinos, T.A. Kostyaeva. - M.: Education ,1986), clarify, disseminate and specify them.

1) content of the answer;

is given if the student reveals ignorance of most of the material, makes mistakes in the formulation of definitions and rules that distort their meaning, and presents the material in a disorderly manner. The mark “2” marks such shortcomings in the student’s preparation that indicate a serious misunderstanding of the topic and poor mastery of practically important skills and abilities.

2) speech format of the answer;

3) expressiveness of the examinee’s speech.

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

1. Tell us about the features of preparing for the report (the topic of the report is determined by the teacher).

1. Explain how the figurative meaning of words is used to create tropes.

2. Using examples, demonstrate the semantic-distinguishing function of sounds (phonemes).

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

3. Orally (in detail, concisely, abstractly) retell the text you analyzed.

1. Describe the phonetic system of the Russian language: the system of vowels and consonants of speech sounds.

2. Explain what the culture of written communication consists of.

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

1. Tell us about the basic requirements for the speaker’s oral speech. Illustrate your answer with examples.

1. Describe the main ways of forming words. Prove that word formation is a source of continuous replenishment of the vocabulary of the native language.

2. Tell us about the features of preparing for a public speaking. Illustrate your answer with examples.

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

1. Tell us about the features of preparing an abstract. Illustrate your answer with an example.

1. Tell us about vocabulary as a branch of linguistics. Describe the main groups of vocabulary of the Russian language: a) synonyms, antonyms, homonyms;

b) outdated words and neologisms; c) native Russian and borrowed words.

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

1. Explain the difference between the genres of scientific style: review, abstract. Illustrate your answer with examples.

2. Tell us about the features of preparing and writing an abstract. Illustrate your answer with an example.

1. Prove that language norms can change over time.

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

1. Explain the difference between the genres of scientific style of speech: abstracts, notes. Illustrate your answer with examples.

2. Tell us about the features of preparing an abstract. Illustrate your answer with an example.

1. Describe the system of parts of speech of the Russian language. Explain by what linguistic features words are distributed into parts of speech.

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

1. Explain the similarities and differences between the following genres of official business style of speech: statement, power of attorney, receipt. Illustrate your answer with examples.

2. Tell us about the features of the following genres of scientific style: review, abstract. Give reasons for your answer.

1. Prove that most spelling rules related to the spelling of roots, prefixes, suffixes and endings are based on the principle of uniform spelling of morphemes.

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

Ticket number 9

2. Explain the similarities and differences between the following genres of scientific style of speech: abstracts, notes. Give reasons for your answer.

1. Describe the main elements of intonation: logical stress, pause, tempo, timbre of speech.

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

Ticket number 10

2. Explain the difference between the following genres of official business style of speech: statement, power of attorney, receipt. Give reasons for your answer.

1. Tell us about the main stylistic figures of speech.

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

Ticket number 11

2. Explain the similarities and differences between the following genres of formal business style of speech: business letter, resume, announcement. Give reasons for your answer.

1. Tell us what you know about controversial issues in modern linguistics.

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

Ticket number 12

1. Explain how you understand the expression “lexical richness of the Russian language.”

2. Make a thesis plan on the topic “Characteristics of a scientific style of speech, areas of its use and purpose.”

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

Ticket number 13

1. Tell us about the types of sentences in Russian.

2. Make a thesis plan on the topic “Characteristics of colloquial speech, areas of its use and purpose.”

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

Ticket number 14

1. Explain the similarities and differences between the phonetic systems of Russian and the foreign language being studied.

2. Make a thesis plan on the topic “Signs of an official business style of speech, areas of its use and purpose.”

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

Ticket number 15

1. Describe the types of one-part sentences and the features of their use in speech.

2. Formulate the theses of the report on the topic “The language of fiction and its features.”

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

Ticket number 16

1. Explain how a thought develops in a text using sequential (chain) and parallel connections of sentences. Show what language means are used to connect sentences.

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

Ticket number 17

1. Tell us about phraseological units: their lexical meaning, stylistic affiliation, main function in speech, origin.

2. Tell us about the basic orthoepic norms of the modern Russian literary language. Give examples of typical spelling errors.

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

Ticket number 18

1. Tell us about the influence of the Old Church Slavonic language on the development of the Russian language.

2. Make a complex plan on the topic “The main types of linguistic norms of the modern Russian literary language.” Answer one of the points in your plan.

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

Ticket number 19

1. Describe the different ways of transmitting someone else’s speech.

2. Tell us about the basic lexical norms of the modern Russian literary language.

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

Ticket number 20

1. Tell us about the text as a subject of study of linguistics and its features.

2. Tell us about the main aspects of the speech culture of the modern Russian literary language: normative, communicative, ethical.

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

Ticket number 21

1. Tell us about functional and semantic types of speech. Name the types of description, narration, reasoning. Indicate what linguistic means are typical for description, narration, reasoning.

2. Tell us about the basic grammatical norms of the modern Russian literary language.

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

Ticket number 22

1. Explain how you understand the meaning of the following statement: “Every word for a historian is a witness, a monument, a fact of the life of the people” (I. Sreznevsky).

2. Describe the main types of normative dictionaries of the modern Russian literary language.

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

Ticket number 23

1. Explain how you understand the meaning of the following statement: “Like language as a whole, syntax is always at the service of the person himself, his thoughts and feelings” (R. Budagov).

2. Explain the difference between dictionary entries from explanatory, spelling, and spelling dictionaries.

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

Ticket number 24

1. Explain how you understand the meaning of the following statement: “Synonymy is the sphere of endless possibilities of speech creativity” (A. Efimov).

2. Describe the basic rules for successful oral communication.

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.

Ticket number 25

1. Explain the similarities and differences between the grammatical systems of Russian and the foreign language being studied.

2. Causes of communication failures, their prevention and overcoming.

1. Describe the main branches of linguistics.


The content of the ticket questions and their selection are determined by the objectives of teaching Russian as a non-native language: 1) the first questions of the tickets test not only knowledge about the system of language and speech, but also knowledge about the national identity of the Russian and native languages, their differences; 2) the second questions of the tickets include in the content of the texts information about Russian culture, about the spiritual values ​​of the Russian people. It is proposed that the text volume differs from the requirements for the text of tickets in the Russian (native) language - 200–250 words; 3) in the third question, it is possible to translate small texts in the native language into Russian. This type of work may be included in exam papers at the discretion of the teacher.

Student Answer Score*

* See the requirements for assessing the graduate’s response, set out in the sample exam papers for students in grades XI (XII) of general education institutions (basic level).

A basic level of

The Russian language exam ticket consists of three questions. First question tests students’ theoretical and practical knowledge of the system of language and speech, the national identity of the Russian and native languages ​​and their differences. Questions allow you to test communication skills to create oral monologue statements in the educational and scientific sphere of communication.

Second question tests students' proficiency in basic types of reading depending on the communicative task.

The second and third questions test the skills of information and semantic processing of text, linguistic analysis of texts of various functional styles and varieties of language according to a specific plan.

Text analysis can be carried out using the following parameters:

Information-semantic and compositional analysis of the text (determination of the theme, the main idea of ​​the text, the number of micro-topics, drawing up a plan, etc.);

Stylistic analysis of the text (substantiation of the text’s belonging to a certain style of speech, identification of linguistic means and stylistic devices characteristic of the style);

Typological analysis of the text (highlighting the leading type of speech in the text, indicating the combination of various typical fragments in the text);

Linguistic analysis of individual elements of the text (lexical analysis of words or phraseological units indicated by the teacher; analysis of means characteristic of the style of speech to which the analyzed text belongs; carrying out spelling and punctuation analysis of selected text fragments).

Possible option for the second ticket question

Read the text. Analyze it according to the proposed plan.

“There are great differences between languages. Each language has its own system of sounds. Words are structured differently, and in different ways they can be connected to each other. Languages ​​differ from each other in how they reflect the world.

A person's knowledge of the world is a picture of the world. Language reflects the ideas of all people about how the world works.

When we talk about something, we use words to describe the world, trying to convey what we think about this world .

Everyone’s world is the same, the same sun shines for all people on earth, and people think alike too. Otherwise, speakers of different languages ​​would never be able to understand each other. But different languages ​​differ. Each language reflects its people’s idea of ​​the world, what snow and water are, the life and activities, and social practice of each people. These pictures of the world can differ - sometimes very much, sometimes barely noticeably. It depends on how similar the culture, customs, traditions

different peoples, how great the differences are in people’s living and working conditions.

Thus, each language reflects people's ideas about the picture of the world.

This doesn't prevent them from understanding each other, but it does create some very interesting linguistic differences."

(According to A.A. Leontiev)

1. Read the text aloud, maintaining correct and expressive intonation.

2. Formulate the main idea of ​​the text and title it.

3. Select paragraphs in the text and make an outline.

4. Determine what style of speech the text belongs to. Prove it.

Determine what functional-semantic type of speech this text belongs to. Justify your point of view.

5. Explain the meaning of the highlighted word. Make up a sentence with this word.

6. Conduct a spelling analysis of the underlined word or a punctuation analysis of the underlined sentence.

is given if the student reveals ignorance of most of the material, makes mistakes in the formulation of definitions and rules that distort their meaning, and presents the material in a disorderly manner. The mark “2” marks such shortcomings in the student’s preparation that indicate a serious misunderstanding of the topic and poor mastery of practically important skills and abilities.

The third question of the ticket directs the graduate to an oral retelling of the read and analyzed text, translation into Russian of microtext in his native language.*

1. Tell us about the features of preparing for the report (the topic of the report is determined by the teacher).

* See the text requirements set out in the sample exam papers in the Russian (native) language for students in grades XI (XII) of general education institutions. Please note that the volume of text in sample exam papers for students of grades XI (XII) of general education institutions with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction is 200–250 words.

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

3. Orally (in detail, concisely, abstractly) retell the text you analyzed.

1. Tell us about colloquial speech, what are the areas of its use, goals, main features and linguistic features, main genres.

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

2. Analyze the text according to the proposed plan.

1. Tell us about the basic requirements for the speaker’s oral speech. Illustrate your answer with examples.

1. Describe book speech, its main areas of use, goals, and styles of book speech.

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

2. Analyze the text according to the proposed plan.

1. Tell us about the features of preparing an abstract. Illustrate your answer with an example.

3. Briefly retell the text you analyzed orally.

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

1. Tell us about the journalistic style of speech, its areas of use, purpose, main features and linguistic features.

1. Explain the difference between the genres of scientific style: review, abstract. Illustrate your answer with examples.

1. Tell us about the scientific style of speech, its areas of use, its role in the life of society, and its main features.

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

2. Analyze the text according to the proposed plan.

1. Explain the difference between the genres of scientific style of speech: abstracts, notes. Illustrate your answer with examples.

1. Tell us about the language of fiction, its differences from other varieties of modern Russian, and the main features of artistic speech.

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

1. Tell us about the journalistic style of speech, its areas of use, purpose, main features and linguistic features.

1. Explain the similarities and differences between the following genres of official business style of speech: statement, power of attorney, receipt. Illustrate your answer with examples.

1. Tell us about Russian speech etiquette, the rules of greeting, farewell, apology, etc. Describe their features in comparison with the speech etiquette of your people.

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

2. Analyze the text according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 9

1. Tell us about the features of speech behavior in official business and journalistic spheres of communication.

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

1. Tell us about the journalistic style of speech, its areas of use, purpose, main features and linguistic features.

Ticket number 10

1. Tell us about the areas and situations of verbal communication. What are the components of a speech situation? Give examples.

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

1. Tell us about the journalistic style of speech, its areas of use, purpose, main features and linguistic features.

Ticket number 11

1. Talk about description as a type of speech. What is its structure? Using a description, draw a verbal portrait of your friend or describe your native land.

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

1. Tell us about the journalistic style of speech, its areas of use, purpose, main features and linguistic features.

Ticket number 12

1. Talk about storytelling as a type of speech. What is the structure of the story? Tell about an incident or incident using narration.

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

1. Tell us about the journalistic style of speech, its areas of use, purpose, main features and linguistic features.

Ticket number 13

1. Talk about reasoning as a type of speech. What is its structure?

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

1. Tell us about the journalistic style of speech, its areas of use, purpose, main features and linguistic features.

Ticket number 14

1. Tell us the similarities and differences between the genres of scientific style of speech - thesis and outline. Give reasons for your point of view.

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

1. Tell us about the journalistic style of speech, its areas of use, purpose, main features and linguistic features.

Ticket number 15

1. Tell us about the features of preparing and writing an abstract. Illustrate your answer with an example.

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

2. Analyze the text according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 16

1. Tell us what an abstract is and what are the features of its preparation.

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

1. Tell us about the journalistic style of speech, its areas of use, purpose, main features and linguistic features.

Ticket number 17

Illustrate your answer with an example.

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

1. Tell us about the journalistic style of speech, its areas of use, purpose, main features and linguistic features.

Ticket number 18

1. Tell us what a review and abstract are. What are their similarities and differences? Give reasons for your answer.

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

2. Analyze the text according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 19

1. Tell us about the types of words according to their connection in the language system (homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, paronyms). Give examples of contextual synonyms.

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

2. Analyze the text according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 20

1. Tell us about the types of Russian dictionaries you know.

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

2. Analyze the text according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 21

Describe their purpose and content.

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

2. Analyze the text according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 22

1. Tell us about the main features of the phonetic system of the Russian language. What difficulties did you have in mastering it? Why?

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

1. Tell us about the category of gender in the Russian language. How can you determine the gender of nouns? Give examples. Is there a gender category in your native language? What difficulties did you have in distinguishing the gender of nouns when studying the Russian language? What explains these difficulties?

Ticket number 23

1. Tell us about the type of verb in Russian. How can you determine the type of a verb? Give examples. What difficulties did you have in learning the form of the verb? Why?

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

1. Tell us about the journalistic style of speech, its areas of use, purpose, main features and linguistic features.

Ticket number 24

3. Orally retell the text you analyzed.

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

2. Analyze the text according to the proposed plan.

Ticket number 25

1. Tell us about the types of complex sentences in Russian. Why are non-union proposals identified as a special type?

1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world. Expand the functions of the Russian language as one of the world languages, as the state language of the Russian Federation and a means of interethnic communication, as the national language of the Russian people. Tell us about the language situation and the place of your native language in your region.

1. Tell us about the journalistic style of speech, its areas of use, purpose, main features and linguistic features.

Budgetary professional educational institution "Alatyr Technological College" of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Chuvash Republic Savina Svetlana Nikolaevna Discipline "Russian language", 1st year. Assignments for intermediate certification in the Russian language (exam) with answer standards (1-10 options) specialty: 02.23.04 Technical operation of hoisting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment specialty 02.08.05 Construction and operation of highways and airfields Instructions for students The test consists of parts A and B. 90 minutes are allotted for its completion. It is recommended to complete the tasks in order. If a task cannot be completed immediately, move on to the next one. If you have time, go back to the tasks you missed. Test tasks Option 1 Part A A1 In which word was there an error in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was incorrectly highlighted? 1) started 2) took A 3) call 4) petition A2. For each phraseological phrase from column 1, select a synonym from the second column. Write the numbers on the line in the appropriate order. Column 1 Column 2 1 at the end of the world (earth) 1 loudly 2 soap your neck 2 far 3 carelessly 3 teach a lesson, punish 4 bite your tongue 4 bad 5 the cat cried 5 briefly 6 little 7 shut up 1-… 2-… 3-… 4 - …. 5-… A3. Which sentence does not contain an error when using phraseological units. 1. Bazarov worked tirelessly. 2. He agreed reluctantly, creaking his heart. 3. He can fool anyone around his finger. 4. Go and figure out which of them is hiding an ax in his bosom. A4 Determine to which style the texts below belong: 1-..., 2-..., 3-... 1) scientific, 2) journalistic, 3) official business, 4) artistic, 5) colloquial 1. Develop a theory of a unified field, that is, to prove mathematically that there is no separate magnetic field, electric and even biofield, and all these are manifestations of the Unified Energy Field of the Universe, was Einstein’s favorite and unfulfilled dream. I dreamed, but didn’t have time... 2. In response to your request about dividends on shares of the Forum enterprise and on shares of the investment fund, we inform you as follows. In 1999, significant investments (more than 300 million rubles) were aimed at modernizing the enterprise, purchasing new equipment and know-how technologies. In this regard, in 2000, the payment of dividends to shareholders will be temporarily suspended, since all the profits of the Forum enterprise will go to the development of production. 3. Generous, rich autumn decorated the earth with a golden outfit. The time has come for fun weddings. To test the sharpness, observation, and intelligence of the bride and groom, they very often resorted to a favorite technique among the people - asking riddles. 4. The enormous power of pulsed lasers allows laser ranging of the Moon. This helps determine the fundamental parameters of the Earth-Moon system and, on this basis, solve many problems of geodynamics, geodesy, and astronomy. A5. In which answer option is the highlighted word used incorrectly? 1) In the upcoming championship, the second division zone will be REPLENISHED by a team from Krasnodar. 2) At the book festival, everyone will be given the opportunity to meet their favorite contemporary writers and ask them questions. 3) In the impenetrable darkness, it was impossible to discern even the outlines of houses. 4) The young football players put on their sports uniforms and entered the field to the encouraging cheers of the fans. A6. Give an example of an error in the formation of the word form. 1) three cubs 2) better 3) professor 4) thanks to him A7. Which definition matches the concepts...? Enter a number. 1. ... words that have the same spelling and sound, but have different lexical meanings. 2. ... words that differ in spelling and sound, but also have the same or very similar lexical meaning. 3. ...words that are close to each other in sound, the partial coincidence of the external form of which is accidental, that is, not due to either lexical meaning or word-formation processes... 4. ...words that are opposite in meaning, i.e. according to its lexical meaning. 1.Synonyms are 2.Antonyms are 3.Homonyms are 4.Paronyms are A8. Which sentence uses antonyms? 1. Slander and lies are not the same thing: lies can be simple, but slander is always intentional. 2. It would be nice to cross the threshold and rush along the road; What excuse can you come up with so as not to learn prepositions? 3. Here is a long answer to your short letter. A9. In which row are words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word, checked by stress? 1. Protect, t...oria, in...dyanoy; 2.K...sanie, offer, age..st; 3.V..rshina, development, sh..preading; 4.Prop...ganda, an...kdot,...battery. A10. In which row is the same letter in the prefix missing in all words? 1. Non-landing, cut...cut, set up; 2. Be...intelligent, ra...praise, in...lead; 3. Pr...glue, pr...touch, pr...hail; 4. Pr...grandmother, pr...drive, pr...jump. A11.. Which word does not have the suffix - IR-? 1) courtyard 2) flashlight 3) satirist 4) shout A12. Which row contains all the words with an alternating vowel in the root? 1). ...throw A13. In which row are words with an unpronounceable consonant at the root of the word? 1. Re...cue, pro...ba, easy...cue. 2. Monthly, gigantic, unusable. 3.Wonderful, tasty, skillful. 4. Feel..., participate, fly...ka. A14. What vowel and why do you write in the words pr..brezhny, pr..glue, pr..stand up? 1) -e, because prefixes are close in meaning to the word “very”, 2) -e, because can be replaced with the prefix pere-, 3) -i, because prefixes are close in meaning to the word “very”, 4) -i, because prefixes indicate accession, incomplete action, proximity to something, A15. In which version is the definition correct: Word formation is a section of the science of language in which... 1) answers are given to the questions of how words are constructed (i.e., what parts they consist of) and how they are formed (i.e., from what and with the help what), 2) the sound side of a word is studied, 3) the rules of spelling words are studied, 4) the lexical meaning and use of words is studied. A16. A morpheme is...: 1) the smallest significant part of a word; 2) sound; 3) letter; 4) word A17. What is the basis? 1) the main significant part of the word, 2) the significant part of the word before the root, 3) the part of the inflected word without ending or the entire unchangeable word, 4) the significant part of the word, which serves to form new forms of the word. A18. In which word does the letter E represent one sound? 1) drinks 2) hedgehog 3) Christmas tree 4) volume 5) flight A19. Which word corresponds to the scheme ¬ ¬∩^□, 1) unfulfilled 2) reality 3) understand 4) wonderful A20. Name the unpaired consonant in terms of deafness - voicing 1) [ t ] 2) [ k ] 3) [ x ] 4) [ s ] 5) [ f ] Read the text and complete tasks A21-A30 (1) Z…l…th shelf - This is the one that starts exclusively for your favorite books. (2) But where can I get one? (3) Perhaps we need to order a carpenter. (4) But I limit myself to just a dream, as if it’s really difficult to call a carpenter, talk to him, describe to him what exactly I mean. (5) Alas, I still don’t call, and for some reason the dream remains unfulfilled. (6) Maybe I can’t fulfill my dream because it’s not so easy for a golden shelf to become a reality. (7) Still, this is a golden shelf, and on it there should be golden books that are difficult to collect. (8) Paradoxically, the most wonderful books that we constantly re-read throughout our lives are forgotten and not retained in memory. (9) It would seem that it should be the other way around: a book that has made an impression on us and has also been read more than once should be remembered in all its details. (10) No, this is not happening. (11) Of course, we know what this book is mainly about, but it’s the details that are unexpected and new for us. (12) Of course, so. (13) We read a wonderful book more than once in our lives and each time, as if anew, and this is the amazing fate of the authors of the golden books: they did not leave, did not die, they sit at their desks or stand at their desks, they are timeless. (14) Each of us collects our own golden shelf throughout our lives, and this is a very difficult task, but these books and their heroes help us live and understand life better. (According to Yu. Olesha) A 21. Which sentence formulates the main idea of ​​the text? 1) 5 2) 14 3) 6 4) 7 A22. What type of speech is presented in the text? 1) narration 2) reasoning 3) description 4) narration and description A23. Which word is used figuratively in the text? 1) golden (sentence 1) 2) order (sentence wonderful (sentence 13) 4) heroes (sentence 14) 3) 3) A24 In which sentence is metaphor (figurative hidden comparison) a means of expressive speech? 1) 1 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5 A25. Indicate the way the word is formed by reality (sentence 6). 1) prefix 2) suffix 3) addition 4) prefix-suffix A26. Which word doesn't have an ending? 1) difficult (sentence 14) 2) unconditionally (sentence 12) 3) must (sentence 9) 4) unexpected (sentence 11) A27. In the word podtalk..vat (sentence 4) it is written 1) Suffix -e- 2) suffix -eva- 3) suffix -i- 4) suffix -ivaA28. In the words s...l...taya, ra...get, order...zat, p...call, remains..is (1 paragraph), the letters are inserted accordingly: 1) -a-o-, -z-,-a-, -a -,-A-; 2) -o-o, -s-, -a-, -o-, -a-; 3) -o-o-, -z-, -a-, -o-, -a-. A29. The spelling of words z...l...taya, zak...zat, remains..remains subject to the rule: 1) spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, checked by stress; 2) spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, not checked by stress; 3) spelling of prefixes that cannot be changed in writing; 4) spelling of prefixes with -з, -с A30. Which of the words with a missing spelling obeys the rule “Spelling of prefixes that cannot be changed in writing”: 1) remains 2) p...call 3) ra...get 4) order Part B Write a short essay - reasoning (volume 70-100 words) on the topic: “The characters of our favorite books help us live and understand life better.” No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Standard of answers Test task for the exam in the discipline Russian language Option-1 Assignment (question) Standard of answer In which word there was an error in the placement of 3 stresses: Is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound highlighted incorrectly? 1) started 2) took A 3) call 4) petition Select for each phraseological 1-2,2-3,3-4,4-7, 5-6 phrase from 1 column a synonym from the second column. Write the numbers on the line in the appropriate order. Which sentence does not contain an error when using 1 phraseological unit. 1. Bazarov worked tirelessly. 2. He agreed reluctantly, creaking his heart. 3. He can fool anyone around his finger. 4. Go and figure out which of them is hiding an ax in his bosom. Determine which style the texts below belong to: 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-1: In which answer option is the highlighted word 4 used incorrectly? 1. In the upcoming championship, the second division zone will be REPLENISHED by a team from Krasnodar. 2. At the book festival, everyone will be given the opportunity to meet their favorite contemporary writers and ask them questions. 3. In the impenetrable darkness, it was impossible to discern even the outlines of houses. 4. The young football players put on their sports uniforms and entered the field to the encouraging cheers of the fans. Give an example of an error in the formation of the 2nd form of the word. 1) three cubs 2) better 3) professor 4) thanks to him Which definition corresponds to the concepts...? 1-2,2-4,3-1,4-3 Enter the number. Which sentence uses antonyms? 3 1. Slander and lies are not the same thing: lies can be simple, but slander is always intentional. 2. It would be nice to go beyond the threshold and rush along the road; What excuse can you come up with so as not to learn prepositions? 3. Here is a long answer to your short letter. Рmax 2 10 2 8 2 2 8 2 9. In which row are words with an unstressed vowel in the root of the word, checked by stress? 1. Protect, t...oria, in...dyanoy; 2.K...sanie, offer, age..st; 3.V..rshina, development, sh..p. 4.Prop...ganda, an...kdot,...battery. 3 2 10. In which row is the same letter in the prefix missing in all words? 1. Without...landing, sawing, erecting; 2.Be...intelligent, ra...praise, in...lead; 3.Pr…glue, pr…touch, pr…hail; 4.Right...grandmother, right...drive, right...jump. Which word does not have the suffix - IR-? 1) courtyard 2) flashlight 3) satirist 4) shout In which row are all the words with an alternating vowel in the root? 1). ...to roar In which row are words with an unpronounceable consonant at the root of the word? 1. Re... cue, pro...ba, easy... cue. 2. Monthly, gigantic, unusable. 3.Wonderful, tasty, skillful. 4. Feel..., participate, fly...ka. What vowel and why do you write in the words pr..brezhny, pr..glue, pr..stand up? In which version is the definition correct: Word formation is a section of the science of language in which... 1) answers are given to the questions of how words are constructed (i.e., what parts they consist of) and how they are formed (i.e., from what and with the help what), 2) the sound side of a word is studied, 3) the rules of spelling words are studied, 4) the lexical meaning and use of words is studied. A morpheme is...: 1) the smallest significant part of a word; 2) sound; 3) letter; 4) word What is the basis? 1) the main significant part of the word, 2) the significant part of the word before the root, 3) the part of the inflected word without ending or the entire unchangeable word, 4) the significant part of the word, which serves to form new forms of the word. In which word does the letter E represent one sound? 1) drinks 2) hedgehog 3) tree 4) volume 5) flight 1 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 4 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 4 2 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 . Which word corresponds to the scheme ¬ ¬∩^□, 1) unfulfilled 2) reality 3) understand 4) wonderful 1 2 20. Name the unpaired consonant in deafness - voicing: 1) [ t ] 2) [ k ] 3) [ x ] 4) [s] 5) [f] Which sentence formulates the main idea of ​​the text? 1) 5 2) 14 3) 6 4) 7 What type of speech is presented in the text? 1) narration 2) reasoning 3) description 4) narration and description Which word is used figuratively in the text? 1) golden (sentence 1) 2) order (sentence 3) 3) wonderful (sentence 13) 4) heroes (sentence 14) In which sentence is metaphor (figurative hidden comparison) a means of expressive speech? 1) 1 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 25. Indicate the way the word is formed by reality (sentence 6). 1) prefixal 2) suffixal 3) addition 4) prefix-suffixal 2 2 26. Which word does not have an ending? 1) difficult (sentence 14) 2) unconditionally (sentence 12) 3) must (sentence 9) 4) unexpected (sentence 11) In the word push..vat (sentence 4) it is written 1) Suffix -e- 2) suffix -eva - 3) suffix -i4) suffix -ivaIn the words s...l...taya, ra...get, order...zat, p...call, remains..is (1 paragraph), the letters are inserted accordingly: 1) -a-o-,- z-, -a-, -a-, -a-; 2) -o-o, -s-, -a-, -o-, -a-; 3) - o-o-, -z-, -a-, -o-, -a-. The spelling of words z...l...taya, zak...zat, remains..remains subject to the rule: 1) spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, checked by stress; 2) spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, not checked by stress; 3) spelling of prefixes that cannot be changed in writing; 4) spelling of prefixes with -з, -с Which of the words with a missing spelling obeys the rule “Spelling of prefixes that cannot be changed in writing”: 1) rest. .is 2) p...call 3) ra...get 4) order 2 2 4 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 21. 22. 23. 24. 27. 28. 29. 30. Maximum number of points - 80 Part B Criteria for written response. K1 Commentary on the topic 0-2 K2 Argumentation of one’s own opinion 0-3 K3 Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation 0-3 K4 Accuracy and expressiveness of speech 0-2 Literacy. K5 Compliance with spelling standards: no errors or 1 rough -3; no more than 2 errors - 2; 3-4 errors - 1; more than 5 - 0 K6 Punctuation: no errors or 1 rough -3; no more than 2 errors - 2; 3-4 errors - 1; more than 5 - 0 K7 Compliance with language norms: no errors -2; no more than 2 errors - 1; 3-4 errors - 0; K8 Compliance with speech norms: no errors or 1 - 2; no more than 3 errors - 1; more than 4 - 0 Total - 20 points Total - 100 points “3” 50-69 “4” 70-84 “5” 85-100 Test tasks Option 2 Part A A1 In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted? 1) quarter 2) call 3) localities 4) petition A2. For each phraseological phrase from column 1, select a synonym from the second column. Write the numbers on the line in the appropriate order. Column 1 Column 2 1 reluctantly 1 loudly 2 to the fullest extent of Ivanovo 2 far 3 tirelessly 3 the basis of something 4 as if against a wall 4 bad 5 cornerstone 5 diligently, diligently 6 to no avail 7 reluctantly 1-… 2-… 3- … 4 - …. 5-… A3. Which sentence contains an error when using phraseological units. 1. Bazarov worked tirelessly. 2.He agreed reluctantly, gritting his teeth. 3.He can fool anyone around his finger. 4. Go and figure out which of them is hiding the stone in his bosom. A4 Determine which style the texts below belong to: 1-..., 2-..., 3-... 1) scientific, 2) journalistic, 3) official business, 4) artistic, 5) colloquial TEXT 1. For transmission, reception and recording operational information, a telephone message is used - an official message transmitted by telephone. If a telephone conversation is a dialogue, then a telephone message is a written recording of a monologue over the telephone, regulated in time. Mandatory for a telephone message are: names of institutions of the sender and addressee; details “from” and “to” indicating the position; time of transmission and reception of telephone messages; positions and surnames of the person who transmitted and received the telephone message; phone numbers; text and signature. TEXT 2. We were sitting with Daria, the oldest of the old women. None of them knew their exact years, because this accuracy remained at baptism in church records, which were then taken somewhere - you can’t find the ends. The old women talked about their age like this: “I was already carrying Vaska on my back when you were born.” I was already in my memory, I remember. (V. Rasputin “Farewell to Matera”) TEXT 3. I will talk about the state of culture in our country and mainly about the humanitarian, human part of it. Without culture, there is no morality in a society. Without elementary morality, social and economic laws do not apply, decrees are not implemented, modern science cannot exist, because it is difficult, for example, to test experiments costing millions, huge projects of “construction projects of the century,” and so on. There must be a long-term program for the development of culture in our country. TEXT 4. Power of attorney I, Maria Nikolaevna Kruchenykh, student of group 211 of ASCT, trust Anton Sergeevich Kruchenykh to receive the scholarship due to me for March 2014. My passport: (data). Passport details of Anton Sergeevich Kruchenykh: (data). April 2, 20014 (signature) A5. In which answer option is the highlighted word used incorrectly? 1) In the unclear, diffused light of the night, MAJESTIC and beautiful vistas of St. Petersburg opened up before us: the Neva, the embankment, canals, palaces. 2) Iron, chromium, manganese, copper and nickel are PAINT substances, components of many paints based on these minerals. 3) DIPLOMATIC relations between Russia and the USA were established in 1807. 4) The most HUMANE professions on earth are those on which the spiritual life and health of a person depends. A6. Give an example of an error in the formation of the word form. 1) lie down (on the floor) 2) their work 3) hot soups by students 4) six hundred A7. What definition corresponds to the concept: homonyms are...? Enter a number. 1.... words that have the same spelling and sound, but have different lexical meanings. 2.... words that differ in spelling and sound, but also have the same or very similar lexical meaning. 3....words that are close to each other in sound, the partial coincidence of the external form of which is accidental, that is, not due to either lexical meaning or word-formation processes... 4....words that are opposite in meaning, i.e. according to its lexical meaning. A8. Which sentence uses synonyms? 1. Slander and lies are not the same thing: lies can be simple, but slander is always intentional. 2. It would be nice to go beyond the threshold and rush along the road; What excuse can you come up with so as not to learn prepositions? 3. Here is a long answer to your short letter. A9. In which row are words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word, checked by stress? 1). donkey..captive, k..fell asleep, sovereignty A10. In which row is the same letter missing in all words? 1). bar..erny, s..sarcastically, obez..yana A11.. Which word does not have the prefix - RAS-? 1) discrepancy 2) schedule 3) parting 4) plant A12. Which row contains all the words with an alternating vowel in the root? 1). wholesaler, master, teacher, teacher. A13. In which row are there words where you do not need to insert an unpronounceable consonant into the root of the word? 1. Re...cue, pro...ba, easy...cue. 3.Wonderful, tasty, skillful. 2. Monthly, gigantic, unusable. 4. Feel..., participate, fly...ka. A14. What vowel and why do you write in the words pr..wise, pr..red, pr..funny? 1) -e, because prefixes are close in meaning to the word “very”, 2) -e, because can be replaced with the prefix pere-, 3) -i, because prefixes are close in meaning to the word “very”, 4) -i, because prefixes indicate accession, incomplete action, proximity to something, A15. What words have b? 1) p..esa, object..ekt, with..narrow, 2) pre..anniversary, three..storey, without..emergency, 3) with..saved, over..interesting, from..iron , 4) super..naturally, from..to be clear, three..tiered. A16. What groups are vowel sounds divided into? 1) uppercase and lowercase, 2) voiced/soft, unvoiced/hard, 3) voiced/voiceless, hard/soft, 4) stressed and unstressed. A17. What is ending? 1) the main significant part of the word, 2) the significant part of the word before the root, 3) the significant part of the word after the root, 4) the significant part of the word, which serves to form new forms of the word. A18. In which word does the letter E represent TWO sounds? 1) drinks 2) brooms 3) wallet 4) flight A19. Which word matches the pattern ¬∩^□? 1) unfulfilled 2) reality 3) understand 4) wonderful A20. Indicate the option with O after the hissing words: 1) sh..pot, steep..ny, alk..loch, 3) experience..r, lattice..tka, illuminated..ny, esch.., 2) thrifty.. t, stew..nka, f..sardine, baked..n., 4) hot.., boat..nka, fresh.., funny..n. Read the text and complete tasks A21-A30 (1) Once I asked one artist why the faces of children in the paintings of old masters are so mature. (2) Madonna or just some woman is holding a child in her arms or leading him by the hand, his body is very small, and his eyes look serious. (3) The artist answered me something like this. (4) The old masters and, in general, the great painters of the past saw in the baby, first of all, a person. (5) After all, the main thing in every baby is not that he is a child, but that he is a human child. (6) And his human life is difficult, complex. (7) Of course, childhood is the dawn of life, it is happiness. (8) But the child himself does not realize this happiness. (9) Were you happy as a child? (10) After listening to the phrase, I thought. (11) Of course, there was some kind of p..r..lash in her words. (12) But when I began to sort through the sad and happy impressions of my childhood in my memory, there were very few happy ones. (13) And the reason for this was not the parents, not those around, not the difficulties of the era. (14) I simply had no time to be happy. (15) Childhood is a time of very intense study (“learning,” as they say now), a time of mastering and mastering being. (16) Life as a child is very interesting and very difficult. (17) A colossal flow of information, sensations, and experiences pours into consciousness, and everything needs to be sorted out, but there is still very little mental strength and experience. (18) All the time there are mistakes, overlaps, miscalculations, and bewilderments. (19) The joy of comprehending something is instantly replaced by new searches and new mistakes. (20) Someone said that every person is the whole world. (21) But man lays the foundation of this world very early. (22) We have to move the heaviest stones in childhood, and then the bricks begin to fall. (23) And in old age, from the height of adulthood, these stones begin to seem light to us, like feathers, and we begin to remember our golden childhood. (According to V. Shefner) A 21. Which sentences formulate the main idea of ​​the text? 1) 5 2) 6.21 3) 4 4) 12.13 A22. What type of speech is represented in sentences 10-16? 1) narration 2) reasoning 3) description 4) narration and description A23. Which word is used figuratively in the text? 1) phrase (sentence 10) 2) foundation (sentence 21) (sentence 6) 4) babies (sentence 4) 3) human A24 In which sentence is metaphor (figurative hidden comparison) a means of expressive speech? 1)23 2) 3 3) 1 4) 2 A25. Indicate the method of forming the word silenok (sentence 17). 1) prefix 2) suffix 3) addition 4) prefix-suffix A26. Which word doesn't have an ending? 1) seriously (sentence 2) 2) was (sentence 14) 3) comprehension (sentence 19) 4) flow (sentence 17) A27. In the word p..r..khlyost (sentence 11) it is written: 1) prefix pere- 2) root overlap 3) prefix piri- 4) prefix pireA28. In the words pereb..rat, sad..nye, happy..livye, ok..zalos (2nd paragraph), the letters are inserted accordingly: 1) -e-, -t-, -t-, -a-; 2) -i-, -t-, -t-, -o-; 3) -i-, -t-, -t-, -a-. A29. The spelling of the words sad..nye, happy..live is subject to the following rule: 1) spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, checked by stress; 2) spelling of consonants in the root of the word; 3) spelling of prefixes that cannot be changed in writing; 4) spelling of prefixes with -з, -с А30. Which of the words with a missing spelling obeys the rule “Spelling prefixes with -z -s-”: 1) remains 2) p...call 3) ra...get 4) order Part B Write a short essay - reasoning (volume 70 - 100 words) on the topic: “Childhood is a time of very intense study (“learning”), a time of mastering and mastering being.” Standard of answers Test task for an exam in the discipline Russian language Option-2 No. Task (question) Standard of answer Рmax p/p In which word there was an error in the placement of 1. 2 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. stress: Is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound highlighted correctly? 1) quarter 2) call 3) localities 4) petition Match each phraseological phrase 1-7, 2-1, 3-5, 4-6, 5-3 from 1 column with a synonym from the second column. Write the numbers on the line in the appropriate order. Which sentence contains an error when using 3 phraseological units. 1. Bazarov worked tirelessly. 2.He agreed reluctantly, gritting his teeth. 3.He can fool anyone around his finger. 4. Go and figure out which of them is hiding the stone in his bosom. Determine which style the texts below belong to: 1-1, 2-5, 3-2, 4-3: In which answer option is the highlighted word 2 used incorrectly? 1) In the unclear, diffused light of the night, MAJESTIC and beautiful vistas of St. Petersburg opened up before us: the Neva, the embankment, canals, palaces. 2) Iron, chromium, manganese, copper and nickel are PAINT substances, components of many paints based on these minerals. 3) DIPLOMATIC relations between Russia and the USA were established in 1807. 4) The most HUMANE professions on earth are those on which the spiritual life and health of a person depends. Give an example with an error in the formation of 2 forms of the word. 1) lie down (on the floor) 2) their work 3) hot soups 4) six hundred students What definition corresponds to the concept of 1 homonyms...? Enter a number. 10 2 8 2 2 2 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Which sentence uses synonyms? 1. Slander and lies are not the same thing: lies can be simple, but slander is always intentional. 2. It would be nice to go beyond the threshold and rush along the road; What excuse can you come up with so as not to learn prepositions? 3. Here is a long answer to your short letter. In which row are words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word, checked by stress? 1). donkey, captive, dreamed, sovereignty In which row is the same letter missing in all words? 1). bar..barry, s..sarcastically, obez..yana Which word does not have the prefix - RAS-? 1) divergence 2) schedule 3) parting 4) plant In which row are all the words with an alternating vowel in the root? 1). wholesaler, master, teacher, teacher. In which row are there words where you do not need to insert an unpronounceable consonant into the root of the word? 1. Re...cue, pro...ba, easy...cue. 2. Monthly, gigantic, unusable. 3.Wonderful..., tasty...., skillful..... 4. Feel..., participate, fly...ka. What vowel and why do you write in the words pr..wise, pr..red, pr..funny? What words have b? 1) p..esa, object..ekt, with..narrow, 2) pre..anniversary, three..storey, without..emergency, 3) with..saved, over..interesting, from..iron , 4) super..naturally, from..to be clear, three..tiered. What groups are vowel sounds divided into? 1) uppercase and lowercase, 2) voiced/soft, unvoiced/hard, 3) voiced/voiceless, hard/soft, 4) stressed and unstressed. What is ending? 1) the main significant part of the word, 2) the significant part of the word before the root, 3) the significant part of the word after the root, 4) the significant part of the word, which serves to form new forms of the word. 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26 27. 28. 29. 30. In which word is the letter E does it mean TWO sounds? 1) drinks 2) brooms 3) wallet 4) flight Which word matches the pattern ¬ ¬∩^□? 1) unfulfilled 2) reality 3) understand 4) wonderful 1 2 3 2 Indicate the option with O after the sizzling words: 1) sh..pot, steep..ny, sh..loch, 2) ber..t, stew.. nka, zh..lud, oven..ny, 3) st..r, lattice..tka, illuminated.., more.., 4) hot.., boat..nka, fresh.., funny. .n. Which sentences formulate the main idea of ​​the text? 1) 5 2) 6.21 3) 4 4) 12.13 What type of speech is presented in sentences 10-16? 1) narration 2) reasoning 3) description 4) narration and description Which word is used figuratively in the text? 1) phrase (sentence 10) 2) foundation (sentence 21) 3) human (sentence 6) 4) babies (sentence 4) In which sentence is metaphor (figurative hidden comparison) a means of expressive speech? 1) 23 2) 3 3) 1 4) 2 4 2 2 4 3 2 1 2 1 2 Indicate how the word strong is formed (sentence 17). 1) prefixal 2) suffixal 3) addition 4) prefixal-suffixal Which word does not have an ending? 1) seriously (sentence 2) 2) was (sentence 14) 3) comprehension (sentence 19) 4) flow (sentence 17) In the word p..r..khlyost (sentence 11) the 1) prefix re- 2) root is written overlap 3) prefix piri- 4) prefix pire In the words go over..to, sad..nye, happy..livye, ok..zalo (2 paragraph) letters are inserted accordingly: 1) -e-, -t-, -t -,-A-; 2) -i-, -t-, -t-, -o-; 3) -i-, -t-, -t-, -a-. The spelling of the words sad..nye, happy..live is subject to the following rule: 1) spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, checked by stress; 2) spelling of consonants in the root of the word; 3) spelling of prefixes that cannot be changed in writing; 4) spelling of prefixes with -з, -с Which of the words with a missing spelling obeys the rule “Spelling of prefixes with -з -с-”: 1) remains 2) p...call 3) ra...get 4) order... 2 2 1 4 1 2 3 4 2 2 3 2 Maximum points - 80 Part B. Written response criteria. K1 Commentary on the topic 0-2 K2 Argumentation of one’s own opinion 0-3 K3 Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation 0-3 K4 Accuracy and expressiveness of speech 0-2 Literacy. K5 Compliance with spelling standards: no errors or 1 rough -3; no more than 2 errors - 2; 3-4 errors - 1; more than 5 - 0 K6 Punctuation: no errors or 1 rough -3; no more than 2 errors - 2; 3-4 errors - 1; more than 5 - 0 K7 Compliance with language norms: no errors -2; no more than 2 errors - 1; 3-4 errors - 0; K8 Compliance with speech norms: no errors or 1 - 2; no more than 3 errors - 1; more than 4 - 0 Total - 20 points Total - 100 points “3” 50-69 “4” 70-84 “5” 85-100 Test tasks Option 3 Part A A1 In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted? 1) driver 2) petition 3) pamper 4) call A2. For each phraseological phrase from column 1, select a synonym from the second column. Write the numbers on the line in the appropriate order. Column 1 Column 2 1 smoke incense 1 loudly 2 out of the blue 2 unexpectedly 3 kill a worm 3 the basis of something 4 get into trouble 4 have a snack 5 without a hitch 5 flatteringly praise 6 unpleasant situation 7 without interference, very smoothly 1-... 2-… 3-… 4 -…. 5-… A3. Which sentence contains an error when using phraseological units. 1. Go and figure out which of them is hiding an ax in his bosom. 2. He can fool anyone. 3. He agreed reluctantly, reluctantly. 4. The students worked tirelessly. A4 Determine which style the texts below belong to: 1-..., 2-..., 3-... 1) scientific, 2) journalistic, 3) official business, 4) artistic, 5) colloquial TEXT 1. Colloquial speech is widely used prosodic means for highlighting elements of an utterance of varying degrees of importance. The most dynamically highlighted words in a phrase are those that take on syntagmatic stress; they, as a rule, are the semantic center of the utterance, the communicative core. TEXT 2. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as LLC) is a commercial organization established by one or more persons, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares by certain constituent documents. TEXT 3. It was cool and quiet on the river. Beyond the meadows, in a blue grove, a cuckoo was crowing. The reeds rustled near the shore, and a boat slowly floated out of them. A gray-haired old man with glasses and a broken straw hat sat in it, examining the fishing rod. He picked it up and was thinking about something, the boat stopped and together with him, with his white shirt and hat, was reflected in the water. TEXT 4. -Oh, Van, look what clowns! Mouth - at least sew some strings... - Oh! Van! Look, parrots! No, by God, I’ll scream!.. Who’s that in the short T-shirt? I, Van, want the same. At the end of the block - it’s true, Van, - You’re doing the same thing to me... Well, “leave me alone”, always “leave me alone”... It’s a shame, Van! (V. Vysotsky) A5. In which answer option is the highlighted word used incorrectly? 1) Mounted police units have been created in the city. 2) The main contender for the post of head of the region was the CURRENT governor. 3) Pedestrians will be severely punished for VICIOUS traffic violations. 4) Her face was TRUSTFUL, with wide eyes and a kind smile. A6. Give an example of an error in the formation of the word form. 1) a lot of apples 2) three hundred copies 3) the wind will ruffle your hair 4) a stronger athlete A7. What definition corresponds to the concept: antonyms are...? Enter a number. 1.... words that have the same spelling and sound, but have different lexical meanings. 2.... words that differ in spelling and sound, but also have the same or very similar lexical meaning. 3....words that are close to each other in sound, the partial coincidence of the external form of which is accidental, that is, not due to either lexical meaning or word-formation processes... 4. ... words that are opposite in meaning, i.e. according to its lexical meaning. A8. Which sentence uses homonyms? 1. Slander and lies are not the same thing: lies can be simple, but slander is always intentional. 2. It would be nice to go beyond the threshold and rush along the road; What excuse can you come up with so as not to learn prepositions? 3. Here is a long answer to your short letter. A9. In which row are words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word, checked by stress? 1) phragm..ntar, par..dox, zam..shut 3) provincial..national, r..glament, symbolize 2) e..give, f..cult, assume 4) often, move, move, intelligent A10. In which row is the same letter missing in all words? 1) pr..grandfather, with..glasie, ne..fry 3) pr..form, pr..unpleasant, pr..follow 2) ra..rely, be..active, v..remember 4) without..initiative, v..skat, po..skat A11.. In which word is the letter I missing? 1) clear..viy 2) involved..viy 3) dance..viy 4) pear..viy A12. Which row contains all the words with an alternating vowel in the root? 1) phragmatic..ntar, par..dox. often, move, move, intelligent A13. Select the option with an unpronounceable consonant: 1) verbal, safe, tasty, 2), beautiful, skillful, the same age, 3) sad, joyful, sad, 4) interesting, wonderful, brilliant. A14. What vowel and why do you write in the words pr..stand up, pr..close, pr..be silent? 1) -e, because prefixes are close in meaning to the word “very”, 2) -e, because can be replaced with the prefix pere-, 3) -i, because prefixes indicate proximity, 4) -and, because prefixes indicate incomplete action. A15. What words have b in them? 1) p..esa, monkey..yana, postman..on, p..pedestal, 2) pre..anniversary, three..storey, without..emergency, 3) with..saved, over..interesting , from..iron, 4) super..naturally, from..to be clear, three..tiered. A16. What groups are consonant sounds divided into? 1) uppercase and lowercase, 2) voiced/soft, unvoiced/hard, 3) voiced/voiceless, hard/soft, 4) stressed and unstressed. A17. What is a prefix? 1) the main significant part of the word, 2) the significant part of the word before the root, which serves to form new words, 3) the significant part of the word after the root, which serves to form new words, 4) the significant part of the word, which serves to form the forms of the word. A18. In which word does the letter I stand for TWO sounds? 1) memory 2) pendulum 3) stretch 4) gravity A19. Which word matches the pattern ¬∩^^□? 1) unfulfilled 2) reality 3) understand 4) wonderful A20. Indicate the option with O after the sizzling ones: 1) gr..tka, steep..ny, silk, 3) st..r, illuminated.., else.., 2) careful..t, night.. vka, oven..ny, 4) hot.., hare..nok, reed..vy. Read the text and complete tasks A21-A30 (1) My early childhood was in the 20s of the last century. (2) Nephews and nieces and godchildren always lived in the grandmother’s house. (3) In that troubled, unstable time, they came to study, look for work, and some, who arrived from European cities and from Siberia, settled with us for many years. (4) Once, when I was three years old, I committed an unheard-of crime: my cousin Valentin, at that time a student at the Land Survey Institute, was preparing his graduation project. (5) Sheets with drawings were laid out on the table: tomorrow is the defense. (6) In my inescapable curiosity and playfulness, I looked at these incomprehensible pictures drawn exactly in lines, took a bottle of ink, carefully poured it over the entire project, and the paint flooded the drawing. (7) I myself don’t remember this episode, but it was imprinted on adults: without saying a word, Valentin took off the soiled sheets, pinned new ones and began to draw (8) He drew all night! (9) But I don’t remember that I suffered any punishment. (10) The whole family, together with the “boys” and nieces, sat down in the evening at a large table in the dining room, which was a room with a grandmother’s iconostasis, traditional tropical plants near the windows and a large bookcase, behind the glass of which were placed all sorts of portraits: family portraits, daughters of high school students in uniform dresses alone and in groups, nephews-godsons in student jackets... (11) I loved these gatherings at the table. 12) Especially at Easter and Christmas, when they baked something delicious. (13) I would like to note a remarkable feature of our family - caring attitude towards each other. (14) The alleys that I used to go to school disappeared; instead, highways with multi-story buildings appeared; Ryazansky and Volgogradsky prospects have been laid... (15) But why in my dreams do I so often see those courtyards overgrown with weeds and dandelions, and the miserable wooden houses of my childhood? (According to I. Kryukova) A 21. Which sentence formulates the main idea of ​​the text? 1) 2 2) 15 3) 13 4) 9 A22. What type of speech is represented in sentences 1-9? 1) narration 2) reasoning 3) description 4) narration and description A23. Which word is used figuratively in the text? 1) crime (sentence 4) 2) family (sentence 10) 3) alleys (sentence 14) 4) portraits (sentence 10) A24 In which sentence is the means of expressive speech an epithet (figurative definition)? 1)3 2) 7 3) 9 4) 11 A25. Indicate the method of forming the word lanes (sentence 14). 1) prefix 2) suffix 3) addition 4) prefix-suffix A26. Which word does not have a suffix? 1) lanes (proposal 14) 2) multi-storey (proposal 14) (proposal 14) 4) paved (proposal 14) 3) highways A27. In the word pr..specti (sentence 14) it is written: 1) prefix pra- 2) root prospect 3) prefix pro- 4) root -praspectA28. In the words to..which, h..dila, p..grown, tr..voy (paragraph 4), the following letters are inserted accordingly: 1) -a-, -o-, -a-, -a-; 2) -o-, -o-, -o-, -a-; 3) -a-, -o-, -a-, -a-. A29. The spelling of the words h..dila, tr..voy is subject to the following rule: 1) spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, checked by stress; 2) spelling of consonants in the root of the word; 3) spelling of prefixes that cannot be changed in writing; 4) spelling of prefixes with -з, -с A30. Which of the words with a missing spelling obeys the rule “Spelling of unchangeable prefixes”: 1) to..which 2) grown 3) ra...get 4) pr..spect Part B Write a short essay - reasoning (volume 70-100 words) on the topic: “In a family, caring for each other is important.” No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Standard of answers Test task for the exam in the discipline Russian language Option-3 Assignment (question) Standard of answer In which word there was an error in the placement of 4 stresses: Is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound highlighted correctly? 1) driver 2) petition 3) pamper 4) call Match each phraseological 1-5, 2-2, 3-4, 4-6, 5 turn from 1 column with a synonym from the second 7 column. Write the numbers on the line in the appropriate order. Which sentence contains an error when using 3 phraseological units. 1. Go and figure out which of them is hiding an ax in his bosom. 2. He can fool anyone. 3. He agreed reluctantly, reluctantly. 4. The students worked tirelessly. Determine which style the texts below belong to: 1-1, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5: In which answer option is the highlighted word 3 used incorrectly? 1) Mounted police units have been created in the city. 2) The main contender for the post of head of the region was the CURRENT governor. 3) Pedestrians will be severely punished for VICIOUS traffic violations. 4) Her face was TRUSTFUL, with wide eyes and a kind smile. Give an example with an error in the formation of 3 forms of the word. 1) a lot of apples 2) in three hundred copies 3) the wind tousles the hair 4) a stronger athlete What definition corresponds to the concept of 4 antonyms...? Enter a number. Which sentence uses 2 homonyms? 1. Slander and lies are not the same thing: lies can be simple, but slander is always intentional. 2. It would be nice to go beyond the threshold and rush along the road; What excuse can you come up with so as not to learn prepositions? 3. Here is a long answer to your short Pmax 2 10 2 8 2 2 2 2 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. letter. In which row are words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word, checked by stress? 1) phragm..ntar, par..dox, de..suppress 2) pur..stlive, f..cult, presuppose 3) provincial..tional, r..glament, symbol..lize 4) often, move, move, intellectual In which row is the same letter missing in all the words? 1) pr..grandfather, s..glasie, ne..fry 2) ra..rely, in..active, in..remember 3) pr..form, pr..unpleasant, pr..follow 4) without..initiative, v..skat, po..skat Which word is missing the letter I? 1) clear..vyy 2) participative..vyy 3) dance..vyy 4) pear..vyy In which row are all the words with an alternating vowel in the root? 1) phragmatic..ntar, par..dox. often, move, move, intelligent Select the option with an unpronounceable consonant: 1) verbal, safe, tasty, 2), beautiful, skillful, the same age, 3 ) sorrowful, joyful, sad, 4) interesting, wonderful, brilliant. What vowel and why do you write in the words pr..stand up, pr..close, pr..be silent? 1) -e, because prefixes are close in meaning to the word “very”, 2) -e, because can be replaced with the prefix pere-, 3) -i, because prefixes indicate proximity, 4) -and, because prefixes indicate incomplete action. What words have b in them? 1) p..esa, monkey..yana, postman..on, p..pedestal, 2) pre..anniversary, three..storey, without..emergency, 3) with..saved, over..interesting , from..iron, 4) super..naturally, from..clear, three..tiered What groups are consonant sounds divided into? 1) uppercase and lowercase, 2) voiced/soft, unvoiced/hard, 3) voiced/voiceless, hard/soft, 4) stressed and unstressed. What is a prefix? 1) the main significant part of the word, 2) the significant part of the word before the root, which serves to form new words, 3) the significant part of the word after the root, which serves to form new words, 4) the significant part of the word, which serves for 4 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. formation of word forms. In which word does the letter I stand for TWO sounds? 1) memory 2) pendulum 3) stretch 4) heaviness Which word corresponds to the scheme ¬∩^^□, 1) unfulfilled 2) reality 3) understand 4) wonderful Indicate the option with O after the sibilants: 1) solve. .fabric, twisted..ny, silk, 2) thrifty..t, night..wool, baked..ny, 3) experienced..r, illuminated.., else.., 4) hot. ., hare..nock, reed..y. Which sentence states the main idea of ​​the text? 1) 2 2) 15 3) 13 4) 9 What type of speech is represented in sentences 19? 1) narration 2) reasoning 3) description 4) narration and description Which word is used figuratively in the text? 1) crime (sentence 4) 2) family (sentence 10) 3) alleys (sentence 14) 4) portraits (sentence 10) In which sentence is the means of expressive speech an epithet (figurative definition)? 1) 3 2) 7 3) 9 4) 11 Indicate the method of forming the word lanes (sentence 14) 1) prefixal 2) suffixal 3) addition 4) prefixal-suffixal Which word does not have a suffix? 1) alleys (sentence 14) 2) multi-storey (sentence 14) 3) highways (sentence 14) 4) paved (sentence 14) In the word pr..spekty (sentence 14) we write 1) prefix pra- 2) root prospect 3) prefix pro- 4) root -praspekt In the words to..which, h..dila, p..grown, tr..voy (4th paragraph), the following letters are inserted accordingly: 1) -a-, -o-, -a-, -A-; 2) -o-, -o-, -o-, -a-; 3) -a-, -o-, -a-, -a-. The spelling of the words h..dila, tr..voy is subject to the following rule: 1) spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, checked by stress; 2) spelling of consonants in the root of the word; 3) spelling of prefixes that cannot be changed in writing; 4) spelling of prefixes with -з, -с Which of the words with a missing spelling obeys the rule “Spelling of unchangeable prefixes”: 2 2 4 2 4 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 2 3 4 2 2 2 4 1 2 2 2 1) to..which 2) past...grown 3) to...get 4) to..spect Maximum number of points - 80 Part B. Criteria for a written answer. K1 Commentary on the topic 0-2 K2 Argumentation of one’s own opinion 0-3 K3 Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation 0-3 K4 Accuracy and expressiveness of speech 0-2 Literacy. K5 Compliance with spelling standards: no errors or 1 rough -3; no more than 2 errors - 2; 3-4 errors - 1; more than 5 - 0 K6 Punctuation: no errors or 1 rough -3; no more than 2 errors - 2; 3-4 errors - 1; more than 5 - 0 K7 Compliance with language norms: no errors -2; no more than 2 errors - 1; 3-4 errors - 0; K8 Compliance with speech norms: no errors or 1 - 2; no more than 3 errors - 1; more than 4 - 0 Total -- 20 points Total - 100 points “3” 50-69 “4” 70-84 “5” 85-100 Test tasks Option 4 Part A A1 In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted? 1) blinds 2) hyphen, 3) cement 4) call A2. For each phraseological phrase from column 1, select a synonym from the second column. Write the numbers on the line in the appropriate order. Column 1 Column 2 1 like the apple of your eye 1 thoroughly 2 Babylonian pandemonium 2 win or die 3 with a shield or on a shield 3 the basis of something 4 sharpen your bows 4 turmoil 5 bosom friend 5 chat in vain 6 the best 7 without interference, very smoothly 1-... 2-… 3-… 4 -…. 5-… A3. Which sentence contains an error when using phraseological units. 1. If you love to ride, you also love to push sleds. 2. He can fool anyone. 3. He agreed reluctantly, reluctantly. 4. Our master in his business ate the dog. A4 Determine which style the texts below belong to: 1-..., 2-..., 3-... 1) scientific, 2) journalistic, 3) official business, 4) artistic, 5) colloquial TEXT 1. Summary. Parfenov Mikhail Dmitrievich July 7, 1985, Tver Not married. Citizen of the Russian Federation. I speak English. I have computer skills. Home address: Tver, st. Svobody, 43, apt. 89. Tel. 63-74-48. In 2002 he graduated from secondary school No. 67 in Tver with in-depth study of mathematics, computer science and English. In the same year he entered the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of TSU. I am deeply involved in computer software. I am attaching a review of my work in the student scientific society to my resume. February 12, 2014 Parfenov. TEXT 2. We know what is now on the scales and what is happening now. The hour of courage has struck on our clock And courage will not leave us... (A. Akhmatova) TEXT 3. It is known that today in different methods the place of grammar in language teaching is defined differently. In some, it is given the main place, memorization of rules and constant training are required in the formation of forms; in others, it is believed that the emphasis should be transferred to the use of speech patterns, and grammatical phenomena are given second place: there is no need to learn the rules, it is enough to practice analyzing sample texts. How does modern methodology relate to this problem? Firstly, the role of grammar is not underestimated, but also not exaggerated. Secondly, grammatical phenomena are approached from the position of understanding the triune essence of language: language - speech - communication. This implies the need to analyze grammatical units from the standpoint of structure, functioning in speech patterns and implementation in the text. TEXT 4. - Oh! Van! Look, parrots! No, by God, I’ll scream!.. Who’s that in the short T-shirt? I, Van, want the same. At the end of the block - it’s true, Van, - You’re doing the same thing to me. .. Well, “leave me alone”, always “leave me alone”... It’s a shame, Van! (V. Vysotsky) A5. In which answer option is the highlighted word used incorrectly? 1) Despite the hour of dawn, there were a lot of people: some HORSE unit was moving at a pace towards the outpost. 2) Shifting centuries-old stones, RAIN streams fell down. 3) FOREST smells came in waves, the breath of juniper, heather, and lingonberries was mixed in them. 4) Divers WILL WEAR special waterproof suits before descending to depth. A6. Give an example of an error in the formation of the word form. 1) on their notebooks 2) look 3) about half an hour 4) more decisive A7. What definition corresponds to the concept: paronyms are...? Enter a number. 1.... words that have the same spelling and sound, but have different lexical meanings. 2.... words that differ in spelling and sound, but also have the same or very similar lexical meaning. 3....words that are close to each other in sound, the partial coincidence of the external form of which is accidental, that is, not due to either lexical meaning or word-formation processes... 4....words that are opposite in meaning, i.e. according to its lexical meaning. A8. In which option are pairs of words not synonyms? 1) delicate - tactful, 2) vulgar - selfish, 3) sensitive - responsive, 4) humane - humane. A9. In which row are words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word, checked by stress? 1) resting, position, experimental 3) blessed, consecrated, enlighten 2) r.mantic, organize, r..form 4) admiration, lit.. get away, settle down A10. In which row is the same letter missing in all words? 1). .and, s..agitate. A11.. In which word is the letter I missing from the root with alternation? 1) straight..knitted 2) locked..tie 3) spread..spread 4) remove..remove A12. Which row contains all the words with an alternating vowel A in the root? 1). , 4) swimmer, zary..ripe, bow..to. A13. Select the option with an unpronounceable consonant: 1) verbal, safe..., tasty, 3) presidential..., commandant..., gigantic, gigantic, 2), beautiful..., skillful, peer... nickname, 4) interesting, wonderful, brilliant. A14. What vowel and why do you write in the words pr..city, pr..sea, pr..brezhny? 1) -e, because prefixes are close in meaning to the word “very”, 2) -e, because can be replaced with the prefix pere-, 3) -i, because prefixes indicate proximity, 4) -and, because prefixes indicate incomplete action. A15. What words contain the letter Y? 1). 4) sisters..n, scissors.., church. A16. Which word has more sounds than letters? 1) apples, 2) day, 3) nightingales, 4) starlings. A17. What is a suffix? 1) the main significant part of the word, 2) the significant part of the word before the root, which serves to form new words, 3) the significant part of the word after the root, which serves to form new words, 4) the significant part of the word, which serves to form the forms of the word. A18. In which word does the letter i represent one sound? 1) memory 2) pendulum 3) clear 4) explain A19. Determine with the help of which morphemes the word pre-excellent was formed: 1) suffix, 2) two suffixes, 3) a prefix and a suffix, 4) a prefix, A20. Indicate the option with E after the sizzling ones: 1) sh..se, esch.., sh..lkovy, 3) sh..rokh, illuminated..ny, sh..v, 2) ber..t, night.. vka, oven..ny, 4) hot.., hare..nok, reed..vy. Read the text and complete tasks A21-A30 (1) One morning I was awakened by the loud “voices” of my friend bird. (2) I went to the window and began to look around the yard: nothing strange, nothing scary, but why is she making so much noise? (3) She ran as fast as she could to another window: a small gray lump in the grass, completely motionless. (4) Lord, not this! (5) I look closely and run from window to window: the chick, fledged, is already big, but does not fly yet. (6) Thank God! Alive! (7) And suddenly I see a nest falling out under the hedge and I begin to understand everything. (8) Lord, what if there are cats, or raccoons that often walk here at night, or something else? (9) This began our troubled times, mine and the mothers of the lost chick. (10) All day long I chased the cats, who were anticipating easy prey, from my yard, and she went off to get another worm or fly for her voracious child and, having given the food to the chick, flew away again. (11) I did not dare to approach the chick or take it, since I have heard more than once that some birds abandon their nests if someone touches or approaches them. (12) And then came a long sleepless night. (13) The chick was still sitting in the grass, and his mother was constantly chirping with him, being somewhere nearby, but I was sitting on the porch and guarding their peace. (14) The next morning, my winged friend finally found a way out of the situation: she began to teach the chick to move on the ground by jumping. (15) Flying up, flying away, jumping next to her chick, she quickly achieved her first successes: the chick began to hesitantly and slowly jump in the grass. (16) But when she again flew away in search of prey, he again froze in place and waited for his mother. (17) And then during one of these breaks the rain began, began to intensify and turned into a real downpour. (18) I was thinking about what to do, whether to take the chick into the house or leave it in the grass so that the mother does not lose it. (19) But he will get cold and may die. (20) Another minute of doubt - and a familiar chirping was heard: the mother was nearby. (21) The picture that I saw a minute later stunned me: the mother sat down next to the wet, frightened chick and covered it with her wing. (22) So, almost motionless, they sat in the grass until the rain stopped. (23) And you, silly chick, remember this lesson, be as caring a parent as your great mother. (T. Kalashnikova) A 21. Indicate the sentences of the text that contain the answer to the question: “What “act of the bird shocked the writer?” 1)1 2)13 3)15 4)21 A22. What type of speech is represented in sentences 1-8? 1) narration 2) reasoning 3) description 4) narration and description A23 Which of the sentences contains a phraseological unit? 1)3 4)17 2)5 3)11 A24 What means of expressive speech is the combination “my winged friend” in sentence 14? 1) epithet 2) metaphor 3) personification 4) hyperbole A25. Indicate the way to form the word SOMEONE (sentence 11). 1) prefix 2) suffix 3) addition 4) prefix-suffix A26. Which word does not have a diminutive suffix? 1) lump (sentence 3) 2) chick (sentence 15) 3) birds (sentence 1) 4) chick (sentence 5) A27. In the word k..mochek (sentence 3) it is written: 1) suffix -ik- 2) suffix -ek- 3) suffix -ochek- 4) suffix -ochik- A28. In the words ra..awakened, v..volas, k..lobe, l..melts (1 paragraph), the letters are inserted accordingly: 1) -з-, -с-, -а-, -е-; 2) -z-, -z-, -o-, -e-; 3) -z-, -z-, -a-, -i-. A29. The spelling of the words k..mochek, l..melt is subject to the following rule: 1) spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, checked by stress; 2) spelling of consonants in the root of the word; 3) spelling of prefixes that cannot be changed in writing; 4) spelling of prefixes with -з, -с A30. Which of the words with a missing spelling obey the rule “Spelling prefixes with - z-s-”: 1) k..mochek 2) l..melts 3) v..glas, 4) ra..awakened Part B Write a short essay - reasoning (volume 70-100 words) on the topic: “The strength of a mother is in her love for her children.” Standard of answers Test task for the exam in the discipline Russian language Option-4 No. Task (question) Standard of answer Рmax p/p In which word was the mistake made in the statement 1. 2 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. stress: is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound highlighted correctly? 1) blinds 2) hyphen, 3) cement 4) call Match each phraseological 1-1,2-4,3-2,4-5, phrase from 1 column with a synonym from the second 5-6 column. Write the numbers on the line in the appropriate order. Which sentence contains an error when using 1 phraseological unit. 1. If you love to ride, you also love to push sleds. 2. He can fool anyone. 3. He agreed reluctantly, reluctantly. 4. Our master in his business ate the dog. Determine to which style 1-3,2-4,3-1,4-5 the texts below belong: In which answer option is the highlighted word 4 used incorrectly? 1) Despite the hour of dawn, there were a lot of people: some HORSE unit was moving at a pace towards the outpost. 2) Shifting centuries-old stones, RAIN streams fell down. 3) FOREST smells came in waves, the breath of juniper, heather, and lingonberries was mixed in them. 4) Divers WILL WEAR special waterproof suits before descending to depth. Give an example with an error in the formation of 1 form of the word. 1) in their notebooks 2) look 3) about half an hour 4) more decisive Which definition corresponds to the concept of 3 paronyms...? Enter a number. In which variant are pairs of words not 2 synonyms? 1) delicate - tactful, 2) vulgar - selfish, 3) sensitive - 10 2 8 2 2 2 2 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 18. 19. responsive, 4) humane - humane. In which row are words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word, checked by stress? 1) resting, position, experimental 2) r.mantic, organize, r..form 3) blessed, proselytize, enlighten 4) admiration, lit.. to go, to decide In which row is the same letter missing in all words? 1). .and, s..agitate. Which word is missing the letter And in the root with alternation? 1) pr..knitted 2) lock..tie 3) spread..lit 4) remove..remove In which row are all the words with the alternating vowel A in the root? 1). , 4) swimmer, zary..ripe, bow..to. Select the option with an unpronounceable consonant: 1) verbal, safe, tasty, 2), beautiful, skillful, the same age, 3) presidential..sky, commandant..sky, gigantic.. skiy, 4) interesting, wonderful, brilliant. What vowel and why do you write in the words pr..gorodny, pr..morsky, pr. .careful? 1) -e, because prefixes are close in meaning to the word “very”, 2) -e, because can be replaced with the prefix pere-, 3) -i, because prefixes indicate proximity, 4) -and, because prefixes indicate incomplete action. What words contain the letter Y? 1). 4) sisters..n, scissors.., church. Which word has more sounds than letters? 1) apples, 2) day, 3) nightingales, 4) starlings. What is a suffix? 1) the main significant part of the word, 2) the significant part of the word before the root, which serves to form new words, 3) the significant part of the word after the root, which serves to form new words, 4) the significant part of the word, which serves to form the forms of the word. In which word does the letter i represent one sound? 1) memory 2) pendulum 3) clear 4) explain Determine with the help of which morphemes the word pre-excellent was formed: 1) suffix, 2) two suffixes, 3) a prefix and a suffix, 4) a prefix 3 2 3 2 4 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 2 4 2 2 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26 27. 28. 29. 30. Indicate the option with E after the sibilants: 1) sh..sse, else.. , silk..silk, 2) th..t, night..wool, baked..ny, 3) sh..rokh, illuminated, sh..w, 4) hot.., hare..nock , reed..vyy Indicate the sentences of the text that contain the answer to the question: “What “act of the bird shocked the writer?” 1)1 2)13 3)15 4)21 What type of speech is presented in sentences 1-8? 1) narration 2) reasoning 3) description 4) narration and description Which of the sentences contains a phraseological unit? 1)3 2)5 3)11 4)17 What means of expressive speech is the combination “my winged friend” in sentence 14? 1) epithet 2) metaphor 3) personification 4) hyperbole Indicate how the word SOMEONE is formed (sentence 11). 1) prefixal 2) suffixal 3) addition 4) prefix-suffixal 2 2 4 4 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 Which word does not have a diminutive suffix? 1) lump (sentence 3) 2) chick (sentence 15) 3) birds (sentence 1) 4) chick (sentence 5) In the word prospectus (sentence 14) the following is written: 1) prefix pra- 2) root prospect 3) prefix pro- 4) root -praspektIn the words ra..awakened, in..voices, k..lobes, l..melts (1 paragraph) the letters are inserted accordingly: 1) -з-, -с-, -а-, -e-; 2) -z-, -z-, -o-, -e-; 3) -z-, -z-, -a-, -i-. The spelling of the words k..mochek, l..melt is subject to the following rule: 1) spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, checked by stress; 2) spelling of consonants in the root of the word; 3) spelling of prefixes that cannot be changed in writing; 4) spelling of prefixes with -з, -с Which of the words with a missing spelling obey the rule “Spelling of prefixes with - z-s-”: 1) k. .lobe 2) l..melts 3) in..voices, 4) ra..woke 4 4 ​​2 2 2 4 1 2 4 2 Maximum number of points - 80 Part B. Criteria for a written answer. K1 Commentary on the topic 0-2 K2 Argumentation of one’s own opinion 0-3 K3 Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation 0-3 K4 Accuracy and expressiveness of speech 0-2 Literacy. K5 Compliance with spelling standards: no errors or 1 rough -3; no more than 2 errors - 2; 3-4 errors - 1; more than 5 - 0 K6 Punctuation: no errors or 1 rough -3; no more than 2 errors - 2; 3-4 errors - 1; more than 5 - 0 K7 Compliance with language norms: no errors -2; no more than 2 errors - 1; 3-4 errors - 0; K8 Compliance with speech norms: no errors or 1 - 2; no more than 3 errors - 1; more than 4 - 0 Total - 20 points Total - 100 points “3” 50-69 “4” 70-84 “5” 85-100 Test tasks Option 5 Part A A1 In which word is the letter indicating the stressed vowel sound incorrectly highlighted? 1) blinds 2) hyphen, 3) cement 4) call A2. For each phraseological phrase from column 1, select a synonym from the second column. Write the numbers on the line in the appropriate order. Column 1 Column 2 1 grated roll 1 experienced person 2 a mosquito won’t hurt your nose 2 win or die 3 blood with milk 3 kindle, strengthen 4 like a cat and a dog 4 healthy person 5 add fuel to the fire 5 hostile 6 best 7 carefully 1-… 2 -… 3-… 4 -…. 5-… A3. All words in the row have the same root: 1) sawmill, piggy bank, sawdust 2) earthen, drifting snow, winter 3) grief, grieve, saddened A4 Determine which style the texts below belong to: 1-..., 2-..., 3-... 1 ) scientific, 2) journalistic, 3) official business, 4) artistic, 5) colloquial TEXT 1 The greatest value of a people is its language. The language in which he writes, speaks, thinks. He thinks! After all, this means that a person’s entire conscious life flows through his native language. Emotions and sensations only color what we think about or push the thought in some way, but our thoughts are all formulated in language. TEXT 2. Receipt I, A.P. Ivanova, received money in the amount of 3,400 /three thousand four hundred rubles/ from the cash desk of the Alatyr Automobile and Highway College for the purchase of educational literature. Date Signature TEXT 3. Paronyms are words that are close to each other in sound, the partial coincidence of the external form of which is accidental, that is, not due to either lexical meaning or word-formation processes, for example, dress - put on, subscriber - subscription. TEXT 4 I remember a wonderful moment: You appeared before me, Like a fleeting vision, Like a genius of pure beauty. (A.S. Pushkin) A5. In which answer option is the highlighted word used incorrectly? 1. Flooding from jam-type floods, which depend little on the water level of the year, should be EXPECTED in April and May. 2. There is a proven method for cleaning short-pile fur: the dirty fur should be rubbed with hot mashed potatoes, and then SHAKED AWAY. 3. The greatest misunderstanding of Moscow SUBSCRIPTIONS is the need to pay a fee for using an internal line. 4. The new company was registered under a beautiful, resounding name. A6. Give an example of an error in the formation of the word form. 1) more interesting 2) more attractive 3) diplomatic behavior 4) malicious offense A7. What definition corresponds to the concept: synonyms are...? Enter a number. 1.... words that have the same spelling and sound, but have different lexical meanings. 2.... words that differ in spelling and sound, but also have the same or very similar lexical meaning. 3....words that are close to each other in sound, the partial coincidence of the external form of which is accidental, that is, not due to either lexical meaning or word-formation processes... 4....words that are opposite in meaning, i.e. according to its lexical meaning. A8. Which of the following words has homonyms? 1) idyll 2) marriage 3) ruler 4) pressure A9. In which row are words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word that is not checked by stress? 1) resting, position, experimental 3) blessed, consecrated, enlighten 2) r.mantic, organize, r..form 4) admiration, lit.. get away, settle down A10. In which row is the same letter missing in all words? 1) pr..sident, pr..overcome, pr.jerky 3) ra.generate, be..water, be..noisy 2) po.fry, o.deal, on..put 4) ad..announcement , ants..and, s..agitate. A11. Which answer option contains the word where the letter e is missing? 1) forgetful 2) bouncing 3) steering... howling 4) coughing A12. Which row contains all the words with an alternating vowel in the root? 1). ...throw A13. Select the option with a dubious consonant: 1) verbal, safe, tasty, 2), beautiful, skillful, the same age, 3) presidential..sky, commandant..sky, gigantic.. skiy, 4) fla..ka, light..cue, soft..cue. A14. What vowel and why do you write in the words pr..tear, pr..cut, pr..step (line)? 1) -e, because prefixes are close in meaning to the word “very”, 2) -e, because can be replaced with the prefix pere-, 3) -i, because prefixes indicate proximity, 4) -and, because prefixes indicate incomplete action. A15. In which row is the letter b missing from all words? 1) dog..me, monkey..an, medal..on, 2) shrink..shrink, disperse..ride, announce, 3) p..sa, crow..e, volume..volume , 4) in...being, breaking up, from...yan A16. Which word has more sounds than letters? 1) anniversary, 2) blizzard, 3) swing, 4) loom. A17. The word 1) smack 2) hook 3) parasite 4) dungeon A18 is formed in a suffixal way. In which word does the letter yu represent one sound? 1) skirt 2) blizzard 3) cabin 4) luxury A19. Determine which variant of the schemes corresponds to the words: listener, top-secret, embellish. 1) ∩^^□, ¬∩^□, ¬¬∩^□; 2) ∩^□, ∩∩^□, ¬∩^□; 3) ¬∩^□, ∩^□, ¬∩□; 4) ¬∩^^□, ¬∩□, ¬∩^^. A20. The letter s, denoting a voiceless consonant in a letter, is written in the word: 1) ..danie 2) ra..investigate 3)…here 4)…beat Read the text and complete tasks A21-A30 (1) There are unwritten and written rules of human behavior , good form. (2) Compliance or non-compliance with these rules characterizes a person’s upbringing and culture. (3) Adhering to them, a person behaves accordingly at work, at school, in the theater, on the street and at home. (4)... a strange thing happens to the same people when they find themselves in the forest, in nature. (5) For some reason it is believed that no rules are needed here. (6) The forest is a very vulnerable creature, and the rules of behavior in it must be strict. (7)Have you ever wondered what a piece of paper carelessly thrown in the forest is? (8) It must lie there for at least three years before it breaks down into its constituent components that nature can “digest” and assimilate without harm to itself. (9) A metal tin can should last 15-20 years. (10) But how many people don’t think about this, leaving behind heaps of rubbish in the forest. (11) Garbage accumulates from year to year, forming a “cultural” layer. (12) Under this layer, the life of the organisms inhabiting the soil begins to change, and therefore the natural processes occurring in it. (13) This leads to a change in vegetation, which, in turn, already affects us humans. (14) Other, no less sad events occur. (15) Research has shown that forest fires are often caused by glassware thrown by vacationers. (16) In the hot season, cans and bottles, especially if they are broken, turn into lenses that concentrate the sun's rays and lead to spontaneous combustion of the forest floor. (17) Negligence? (18) Negligence? (19) More precisely, criminal behavior - and fires rage on tens and hundreds of hectares, destroying forests, taking people away from work, forcing them to spend huge amounts of material resources to eliminate fires and their consequences. (20) Sometimes you hear stories about how a snake or one of the other forest inhabitants attacked a person. (21) Most of these stories are groundless. (22) Any running or flying inhabitant of the forest, with the exception of rare cases, resignedly gives way to a person. (23) The forest is a home for a person, even more than a house, and the rules of behavior in it, respect for its inhabitants should be no less strict than in your own home. (M. Kann) A 21. The following phrase most fully expresses the main idea of ​​the text 1) Compliance or non-compliance with these rules characterizes a person’s upbringing and culture. 2) Research has shown that forest fires are often caused by glassware thrown by vacationers. 3) The forest is a home for a person, even more than a house, and the rules of behavior in it, respect for its inhabitants should be no less strict than in your own home. 4) Garbage accumulates from year to year, forming a “cultural” layer. A22. Determine the style of the above text: 1) journalistic 2) artistic 3) colloquial 4) official - business A23 What word can be put in place of the ellipsis in sentence 4? 1) because 2) if 3) but 4) when A24 In what sentences is scientific vocabulary used" 1) 2.6 2) 8, 15 3) 8, 16 4) 19.20 A25. Indicate the method of forming the word UNMURINGLY (sentence 22). sentence 21) A27. In the word zhit..lyam (sentence 23) the suffix -tel- 2) the suffix -el-3) the suffix -il- 4) the root -zhit..l is written A28. , re..kih, right..la, respect..zheniya (6th paragraph), the letters are inserted accordingly: 1) -i-, -d-, -i-, -a-; , -i-, -a-; 3) -i-, -t-, -e-, -a-. 2) spelling of consonants in the root of the word; 3) spelling of prefixes that do not change in writing; 4) spelling of prefixes with -з, -с A30. Which of the words with a missing spelling obey the rule “Spelling of vowels in the root of a word that are not checked by stress”: 1) the majority, 2) the rivers, 3) the respects 4) the rights.. Part B Write a short essay - an argument (volume 70-100 words) on the topic: “Why rules of behavior in the forest should be strict." No. 1. 2. 3. Standard of answers Test task for the exam in the discipline Russian language Option-5 Assignment (question) Standard of answer In which word there was an error in placing the stress: The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted incorrectly? 1) blinds 2) hyphen, 3) cement 4) calling Select for each phraseological phrase from column 1 a synonym from the second column. Write the numbers on the line in the appropriate order. All words in the series Pmax 3 2 1-1,2-7,3-4,4-5, 5-3 10 3 2 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 have the same root 14. 1) sawmill, piggy bank, sawdust 2) earthen, drifting snow, winter 3) grief, grieve, sad Determine which style the texts below 1-2,2-3,3-1,4-4 belong to: B Which answer option is the highlighted word 2 used incorrectly? 1. Flooding from jam-type floods, which depend little on the water level of the year, should be EXPECTED in April and May. 2. There is a proven method for cleaning short-pile fur: the dirty fur should be rubbed with hot mashed potatoes, and then SHAKED AWAY. 3. The greatest misunderstanding of Moscow SUBSCRIPTIONS is the need to pay a fee for using an internal line. 4. The new company was registered under a beautiful, resounding name. Give an example with an error in the formation of the form 2 words. 1) more interesting 2) more attractive 3) diplomatic behavior 4) malicious misconduct Which definition corresponds to the concept of 2 synonyms...? Enter a number. Which of the following words has homonyms? 2 1) idyll 2) marriage 3) ruler 4) pressure In which row are words with an unstressed 3rd vowel in the root of the word that is not checked by stress? 1) resting, position, experimental 2) r.mantic, organize, r..form 3) blessed, proselytize, enlighten 4) admiration, lit.. to get away, to settle down In which row is the same letter missing in all the words? 1) pr..sident, pr..overcome, pr.jerky 2) po.fry, o.deal, on..set 3) ra.be.generous, be..waterless, be..noisy 4) announcement..appearance , ants..and, s..agitate. Which answer option contains the word where 3 is missing the letter e? 1) forgetful... 2) bouncing... 3) steering... howling 4) coughing... In which row are all the words with an alternating vowel 3 in the root? 1). ...to rant Select the option with a dubious consonant: 4 1) verbal..., safe..., tasty..., 2), wonderful..., skillful..., same age..., 3) presidential..skiy, commandant..skiy, gigantic..skiy, 4) flask..ka, light..cue, soft..cue. What vowel and why do you write in words 2 pr..tear, pr..cut, pr..step (line)? 1) -e, because prefixes are close in meaning to the word 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 15. “very”, 2) -e, because can be replaced with the prefix pere-, 3) -i, because prefixes indicate proximity, 4) -and, because prefixes indicate incomplete action. In which row is the letter b missing from all words? 1) dog..me, monkey..an, medal..on, 2) shrink..shrink, disperse..ride, announce, 3) p..sa, crow..e, volume..volume , 4) in...changing, breaking up, out...yan Which word has more sounds than letters? 1) anniversary, 2) blizzard, 3) swing, 4) loom. The word 1) smack 2) hook 3) parasite 4) dungeon is formed in a suffixal way. In which word does the letter u mean one sound? 1) skirt 2) blizzard 3) cabin 4) luxury Determine which version of the schemes corresponds to the words: listener, top-secret, embellish. 1) ∩^^□, ¬∩^□, ¬¬∩^□; 2) ∩^□, ∩∩^□, ¬∩^□; 3) ¬∩^□, ∩^□, ¬∩□; 4) ¬∩^^□, ¬∩□, ¬∩^^. The letter s, denoting a voiceless consonant in a letter, is written in the word: 1) ..danie 2) ra..investigate3)…here 4)…beat 1 2 1 2 2 2 4 1 2 4 4 2 The following most fully expresses the main idea of ​​the text phrase... Determine the style of the above text: 1) journalistic 2) artistic 3) colloquial 4) official - business What word can be put in place of the ellipsis in sentence 4? 1) because 2) if 3) but 4) when In what sentences is scientific vocabulary used" 1) 2.6 2) 8, 15 3) 8, 16 4) 19.20 3 2 1 2 3 2 3 4 25. Indicate the way of forming the word UNMURINGLY (sentence 22). 1) prefixal 2) suffixal 3) addition 4) prefixal-suffixal 4 2 26 Which word has a prefix? 1) hear (sentence 20) 2) inhabitants (sentence 20) 3) strict (sentence 23) 4) groundless (sentence 21) In the word zhi..lyam (sentence 23) it is written 1) suffix -tel- 2) suffix -el-3) suffix - il- 4) root -zhi..l In words majority, re..kih, rights..la, respect..geny (6th paragraph), the letters are inserted accordingly: 1) -i-, -d-, -i-, -a-; , -d-, -i-, -a-; 3) -i-, -t-, -e-, -a The spelling of the word re..kih is subject to the rule: 1) the spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of the word, checked by stress 2; ) spelling of consonants in the root of the word; 3) spelling of prefixes that do not change in writing; 4) spelling of prefixes with -з, -с 4 2 1 2 1 4 2 2 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 24. 27. 28. 29. 30. Which of the words with a missing spelling obey the rule “Spelling of vowels in the root of a word that are not checked by stress”: 1) most, 2) few, 3) increased. zheniya 4) right..la 4 2 Maximum number of points - 80 Part B. Criteria for a written answer. K1 Commentary on the topic 0-2 K2 Argumentation of one’s own opinion 0-3 K3 Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation 0-3 K4 Accuracy and expressiveness of speech 0-2 Literacy. K5 Compliance with spelling standards: no errors or 1 rough -3; no more than 2 errors - 2; 3-4 errors - 1; more than 5 - 0 K6 Punctuation: no errors or 1 rough -3; no more than 2 errors - 2; 3-4 errors - 1; more than 5 - 0 K7 Compliance with language norms: no errors -2; no more than 2 errors - 1; 3-4 errors - 0; K8 Compliance with speech norms: no errors or 1 - 2; no more than 3 errors - 1; more than 4 - 0 Total - 20 points Total - 100 points “3” 50-69 “4” 70-84 “5” 85-100 Test tasks Option 6 Part A A1 In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted? 1) chauffeur 2) pamper 3) chain 4) start A2. For each phraseological phrase from column 1, select a synonym from the second column. Write the numbers on the line in the appropriate order. Column 1 Column 2 1 rolling up my sleeves 1 tightly 2 with all my might 2 quickly 3 sleeping like a log 3 diligently, diligently 4 a teaspoon per hour 4 turmoil 5 Augean stables 5 disorder 6 slowly 7 without interference, very smoothly 1-… 2-… 3-… 4 -…. 5-… A3. Which sentence contains an error when using phraseological units. 1. Ignorance can put you in a galosh. 2. You should not drive a car without looking back. 3. Your work is sewn with white threads.. 4. Our master ate the dog in his business. A4 Determine to which style the texts below belong: 1-..., 2-..., 3-... 1) scientific, 2) journalistic, 3) official business, 4) artistic, 5) colloquial TEXT 1. To the Director of the Educational Institution of Secondary Education of the Czech Republic "Alatyr SHT" Kosolapenkov V.N. student 11 1 group of the mechanical department Tretyakov R.O. statement. I ask you to allow me to be absent from classes at the technical school on April 11 and 12, 2014 for family reasons. April 08, 2014 (signature) TEXT 2. Archimedes’s great service to all humanity is the development of mathematical methods for solving many mathematical problems. But he himself, like many other scientists of that time, believed that the practical application of the theoretical solutions he obtained did not deserve the same attention as scientific developments. Therefore, of all the works of Archimedes, only the only one is devoted to the description of one of his technical inventions. TEXT 3. Hearing the horrors of war, With each new victim of battle, I feel sorry for not my friend, not my wife, I feel sorry for not the hero himself... (N.A. Nekrasov) TEXT 4. The forest is a very vulnerable creature, and the rules of conduct in it should be strict. Have you ever wondered what a piece of paper carelessly thrown in the forest is? (It must lie there for at least three years before it breaks down into its constituent components, which nature can “digest” and assimilate without harm to itself. A metal tin can should last 15-20 years. But how many people don’t think about this, leaving behind heaps of rubbish in the forest. Garbage accumulates from year to year, forming a “cultural” layer. Under this layer, the life of the organisms inhabiting the soil begins to change, and therefore the natural processes occurring in it. This leads to changes in vegetation, which, in turn, already affects us humans. A5. In which answer option is the highlighted word used incorrectly? 1) At the end of 2013, this football team will be joined by another professional player. 2) The more important, more complex the question, the warmer, deeper, more heartfelt her Grateful gaze became. 3) WHEN SELECTING a name for a child, parents usually try to take into account how it combines with the patronymic, whether the sound sequence formed by the combination of the first name, patronymic and surname is harmonious. 4) Divers WILL WEAR special waterproof suits before descending to depth. A6. Give an example of an error in the formation of the word form. 1) the easiest way 2) to one and a half million 3) their passports 4) a kilogram of tomato A7. The words hare (animal) and hare (free rider) are 1) synonyms 2) antonyms 3) different meanings of a polysemantic word 4) homonyms A8. In which variant is the lexical meaning of the word indicated incorrectly? 1) discussion - dispute, discussion of any issue at a meeting, in the press, conversation 2) imitation - reproducing something as accurately as possible, imitation 3) analogy - the opposite of something 4) privilege - preferential rights, benefits A9. In which row are words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word, checked by stress? 1). strengthening, diminishing (role), purpose A10. In which row is the same letter missing in all words? 1). Ave.. ambula, Ave.. pons, Ave.. A11 is open. Which answer option contains the word where the letter E is missing? 1) changing lanes 2) suffocating 3) coughing 4) nickel A12. In which row are all words with an alternating vowel O in the root? 1). , 4) p..vets, k..satelny, r..sten. A13. All the words in the row 1) chat, spill the beans, chatterbox 2) porter, portable, bridge of the nose 3) water, driver, water have the same root. A14. What vowel and why do you write in the words pr..sew, pr..beat, pr..knit? 1) -e, because prefixes are close in meaning to the word “very”, 2) -e, because can be replaced with the prefix pere-, 3) -i, because prefixes indicate accession, 4) -and, because prefixes indicate incomplete action. A15. What words contain the letter I? 1) ts..rkul, ts..gansky, police..ya, 2) on..skat, about..skat, climb, 3) demonstration..i, scissors.., ts..kick, 4) ac..i, ts..ferblat, position..i. A16. Which word has the same number of letters and sounds? 1) apples, 2) day, 3) love, 4) birdhouse. A17. The word is formed in a suffixal way: 1) beyond the river 2) kidney 3) everywhere 4) garden A18. In which word is the letter w written, not w: 1) just in case...ku 2) bro...ka 3) yummy...ka 4) wood...ka A19. What model is used to form the word snowdrop? 1) ∩ ¬  2) ¬ ∩  3) ∩ ^ 4) ¬ ∩ ^  A20. The double consonant is written in the words: 1) po(s,ss)oritsya 2) pye(s,ss)a 3)re(s,ss)ursy 4)de(s,ss)ant Read the text and complete tasks A21-A30 (1) Be generous and selfless. (2) Stinginess impoverishes a person, turns him into an egoist and an acquirer. (3) Things exist to serve man, and not to enslave him. (4) Things and goods are the embodiment of labor, therefore, in relation to things, your attitude towards a person is judged. (5) Stinginess is an egoistic fear of giving a piece of one’s soul to another person, “…› he was better off. (6) Stinginess gradually degenerates into greed, which disfigures the personality, its spiritual world, needs, interests. (7) Greed gives rise to inhumanity and misanthropy. (8) The antidote, prevention against stinginess and greed is the generosity of the soul in the years of childhood, adolescence, and early youth. (9) Work so that what you create for people becomes a part of your soul, but when you give the creation of your soul to people, you should not feel that you are tearing something away from your heart with pain. (10) Generosity of the soul is the child of that complicity, without which human nobility is unthinkable. (11) Only one who knows how to love people and feel sorry for them can be truly generous. (12) But love for people is unthinkable without the primary spark of generosity. (13) Learn to see around you generosity and stinginess, genuine wealth of the soul and shameless wretchedness and nakedness. (14) Stinginess and greed - let these vices always cause anger, condemnation, and contempt in you. V. Sukhomlinsky A 21. The following phrase most fully expresses the main idea of ​​the text: 1) Stinginess gradually degenerates into greed. 2) Things should serve a person, and not enslave him. 3) Things and goods are the embodiment of our work. 4) You must be generous and selfless. A22. What word can be placed in place of the ellipses in angle brackets in paragraph I (sentence 5)? 1) and 2) so that 3) but 4) since A23 Determine the style of the above text 1) colloquial 2) journalistic, with elements of art 3) official - business 4) journalistic A24 What means of expressiveness is used in the last sentence of paragraph I (sparks of generosity )? 1) antithesis 2) metaphor 3) hyperbole 4) comparison A25. Indicate the way to form the word disinterested (sentence 1). 1) prefix 2) suffix 3) addition 4) prefix-suffix A26. In sentence 13, the author uses 1) synonyms 2) antonyms 3) polysemantic words 4) homonyms. A27. In the word pr..zrenie (sentence 14) it is written 1) the prefix - 2) the root is despised 3) the prefix is ​​despised - 4) the root is despisedA28. In the words genuine, bountiful, bez..braznuyu, pr..vision (2nd paragraph), the letters are inserted accordingly: 1) -i-, -o-, -o-, -e-; 2) -e-, -o-, -o-, -e-; 3) -i-, -o-, -a-, -i-. A29. The spelling of a word without...brass follows the rule: 1) the spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, checked by stress; 2) spelling of consonants in the root of the word; 3) spelling of prefixes that cannot be changed in writing; 4) spelling of prefixes with -з, -с A30. Which of the words with a missing spelling obey the rule “Spelling prefixes with - z -s-”: 1) k..lobe 2) l..melt 3) genuine, 4) unselfish Part B Write a short essay - reasoning (volume 70-100 words) on the topic: “Why do you need to be generous and unselfish?” No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Standard of answers Test task for the exam in the discipline Russian language Option-6 Assignment (question) Standard of answer In which word there was an error in the placement of 4 stresses: Is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound highlighted correctly? 1) chauffeur 2) pamper 3) chain 4) started Match each phraseological 1-3,2-2,3-1,4-6, phrase from 1 column with a synonym from the second 5-5 column. Write the numbers on the line in the appropriate order. Which sentence contains an error when using 3 phraseological units. 1. Ignorance can put you in a galosh. 2. You should not drive a car without looking back. 3. Your work is sewn with white threads.. 4. Our master ate the dog in his business. Determine to which style 1-3,2-1,3-4,4-2 the texts below belong: In which answer option is the highlighted word 3 used incorrectly? 1) At the end of 2013, this football team will be joined by another professional player. 2) The more important, more complex the question, the warmer, deeper, more heartfelt her Grateful gaze became. 3) WHEN SELECTING a name for a child, parents usually try to take into account how it combines with the patronymic, whether the sound sequence formed by the combination of the first name, patronymic and surname is harmonious. 4) Divers WILL WEAR special waterproof suits before descending to depth. Give an example with an error in the formation of the form 2 words. 1) the easiest way 2) to one and a half million 3) their passports 4) a kilogram of tomato The words hare (animal) and hare (free rider) are 4 1) synonyms 2) antonyms 3) different meanings of a polysemantic word 4) homonyms In what variant is the lexical meaning Are 3 words listed incorrectly? 1) discussion - argument, discussion of any issue at a meeting, in the press, conversation 2) imitation - reproducing something as accurately as possible, imitation 3) analogy - the opposite of something 4) privilege - preferential rights, benefits Рmax 2 10 2 8 2 2 2 2 9. In which row are words with an unstressed vowel in the root of the word, checked by stress? 1). strengthening, diminishing (role), purpose 4 2 10. In which row is the same letter missing in all words? 1). pr.. ambula, pr.. pons, pr.. open Which answer option contains the word where the letter e is missing? 1) rearranging 2) suffocating 3) coughing 4) nickel..vy In which row are all the words with an alternating vowel O at the root? 1). , 4) p..vets, k..satelny, r..sten. All the words in the row 1) chat, spill the beans, chatterbox 2) porter, portable, bridge of the nose 3) water, driver, water have the same root. What vowel and why do you write in the words pr..sew, pr..beat, pr..knit? 1) -e, because prefixes are close in meaning to the word “very”, 2) -e, because can be replaced with the prefix pere-, 3) -i, because prefixes indicate accession, 4) -and, because prefixes indicate incomplete action. What words contain the letter I? 1) ts..rkul, ts..gansky, police..ya, 2) on..skat, about..skat, climb, 3) demonstration..i, scissors.., ts..kick, 4) ac..i, ts..ferblat, position..i. Which word has the same number of letters and sounds? 1) apples, 2) day, 3) love, 4) birdhouse. The word 1) beyond the river 2) bud 3) everywhere 4) garden is formed in a suffixal way. In which word is the letter z written, not w: 1) just in case... ku 2) bro... ka 3) yummy... ka 4) wood. .ka What model is used to form the word snowdrop? 1) ∩ ¬  2) ¬ ∩  3) ∩ ^ 4) ¬ ∩ ^  1 2 4 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 1 2 4 2 20. A double consonant is written in the words: 1) po(s,ss)orize 2) drink(s,ss)a 3)re(s,ss)ursy 4)de(s,ss)ant 1 2 21. The following phrase most fully expresses the main idea of ​​the text... What word can put in place of the ellipses in angle brackets in paragraph 1 (5th sentence)? 1) and 2) so that 3) but 4) since 4 4 ​​2 2 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 22. Determine the style of the above text 1) colloquial 2) journalistic, with elements of artistic 3) official - business 4) journalistic What means of expressiveness is used in the last sentence of paragraph 1 (sparks of generosity)? 1) antithesis 2) metaphor 3) hyperbole 4) comparison Indicate the method of forming the word disinterested (sentence 1). 1) prefixal 2) suffixal 3) addition 4) prefix-suffixal 4 2 2 2 4 2 26 In sentence 13, the author uses 1) synonyms 2) antonyms 3) polysemous words 4) homonyms. 2 4 27. In the word pr..vision (sentence 14) the following is written: 1) the prefix- 2) the root is despised 3) the prefix despised- 4) the root is despised In the words genuine.., rich.. wealth, without.. abusive, pr.. vision (2nd paragraph), the letters are inserted accordingly: 1) -i-, -o-, -o-, -e-; 2) -e-, -o-, -o-, -e-; 3) -i-, o-, -a-, -i-. The spelling of a word without...brass follows the rule: 1) the spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, checked by stress; 2) spelling of consonants in the root of the word; 3) spelling of prefixes that cannot be changed in writing; 4) spelling of prefixes with -з, -с Which of the words with a missing spelling obey the rule “Spelling of prefixes with - z -s-”: 1) k..lobe 2) l..melt 3) genuine, 4) unselfish 3 2 1 4 1 2 4 2 23. 24. 25. 28. 29. 30. Maximum number of points - 80 Part B. Written response criteria. K1 Commentary on the topic 0-2 K2 Argumentation of one’s own opinion 0-3 K3 Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation 0-3 K4 Accuracy and expressiveness of speech 0-2 Literacy. K5 Compliance with spelling standards: no errors or 1 rough -3; no more than 2 errors - 2; 3-4 errors - 1; more than 5 - 0 K6 Punctuation: no errors or 1 rough -3; no more than 2 errors - 2; 3-4 errors - 1; more than 5 - 0 K7 Compliance with language norms: no errors -2; no more than 2 errors - 1; 3-4 errors - 0; K8 Compliance with speech norms: no errors or 1 - 2; no more than 3 errors - 1; more than 4 - 0 Total - 20 points Total - 100 points “3” 50-69 “4” 70-84 “5” 85-100 Test tasks Option 7 Part A A1 In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted? 1) kilometer 2) enviable 3) more beautiful 4) call A2. For each phraseological phrase from column 1, select a synonym from the second column. Write the numbers on the line in the appropriate order. Column 1 Column 2 1 as fast as you can 1 latest display of talent 2 beating around the bush 2 unprofitable 3 from time to time 3 quickly 4 not worth the candle 4 rarely 5 swan song 5 hesitantly 6 slowly 7 without interference 1-… 2-… 3- … 4 - …. 5-… A3. Which sentence contains an error when using phraseological units. 1. Our master in his business ate the dog. 2. Literature plays an important role in the formation of moral qualities of an individual. 3. Your business is sewn with white thread.. 4. Comparison plays a big role in the text. A4 Determine to which style the texts below belong: 1-..., 2-..., 3-... 1) scientific, 2) journalistic, 3) official business, 4) artistic, 5) colloquial TEXT 1 On the outskirts of our village stood a long room made of planks on stilts. For the first time in my life I heard music here—a violin. Vasya the Pole played it. 0 what did the music tell me? 0 something very big. What was she complaining about, who was she angry with? I'm worried and sad. I want to cry because I feel sorry for myself, I feel sorry for those who sleep soundly in the cemetery! (Korolenko) TEXT 2. Have you ever thought about why flowers smell? The fact is that the smell of a flower is determined by the presence of special oils on its petals, which are produced by the plant and have a complex structure. In the light or at a certain temperature, these substances decompose, and a volatile, quickly evaporating substance is formed. When this happens, we smell it. But not only flower petals are sources of aromas. Thus, lemon and orange have aromatic oils in their fruits, almonds have their aromatic oils in their seeds, and cinnamon have their aromatic oils in their bark. TEXT 3. Be generous and selfless. Stinginess impoverishes a person, turns him into an egoist and an acquirer. Things exist to serve man, not to enslave him. Things and goods are the embodiment of labor, therefore, in relation to things, your attitude towards a person is judged. Stinginess is the selfish fear of giving a piece of your soul to another person so that he can feel better. Stinginess gradually degenerates into greed, which disfigures the personality, its spiritual world, needs, interests. TEXT 4. Autobiography. I, Artyom Ivanovich Kolesov, was born on May 5, 1990 in the city of Alatyr, Chuvash Republic. My father, Ivan Ivanovich Kolesov, works as an ATP driver. My mother, Anna Viktorovna Kolesova, is currently not working, she is a housewife. In 2005, I graduated from 9 classes of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 3” in Alatyr and entered the Alatyr Automobile and Highway College in the mechanical department, specialty 190605, full-time education. Upon graduation in 2009, he was drafted into the ranks of the Russian armed forces, demobilized in 2010. In the same year, he was hired as a driver in the ATP, where I still work. I play sports: I am a member of the ATP football team. Married. I have 2 children. Date Signature A5. In which answer option is the highlighted word used incorrectly? 1) Already at the end of 2013, this football team will be completed by another professional player. 2) The more important, more complex the question, the warmer, deeper, more heartfelt her Grateful gaze became. 3) CHOOSING a name for a child, parents usually try to take into account how it combines with the patronymic, whether the sound sequence formed by the combination of the first name, patronymic and surname is harmonious. 4) Divers WILL WEAR special waterproof suits before descending to depth. A6. Give an example of an error in the formation of the word form. 1) the easiest way 2) don’t put it (on the table) 3) their passports 4) a kilogram of tomatoes A7. The words checkers (game) and checkers (melee weapons) are 1) synonyms 2) antonyms 3) different meanings of a polysemantic word 4) homonyms A8. Which sentence has no antonyms? 1) The book teaches you to distinguish between good and evil. 2) The root of the teaching is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. 3) The enemy agrees, and the friend argues. 4) Teaching can both decorate and console. A9. In which row are words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word that is not checked by stress? 1). strengthening, diminishing (role), purpose A10. In which row is the same letter missing in all words? 1). take, student 4) pr.. president, pr.. wise, pr.. open A11. Which answer option contains the word where the letter I is missing? 1) aluminum... 2) suffocating 3) cough... 4) nickel... A12. In which series do all words with an alternating vowel depend on the lexical meaning of the root? 1). , 4) p..vets, k..satelny, r..sten. A13. All words in the row 1) leader, clockwork, governor 2) mower, haymaking, mow 3) deal, finishing, nurse A14 have the same root. What vowel and why will you write in the words nepre..false, pr..overcome, etc. .obstacle? 1) -e, because prefixes are close in meaning to the word “very”, 2) -e, because can be replaced with the prefix pere-, 3) -i, because prefixes indicate accession, 4) -and, because prefixes indicate incomplete action. A15. Which answer option contains the word where the letter E is missing? 1) please 2) complete 3) welcome 4) impoverish A16. The “Orthoepy” section studies: 1) the composition of words 2) speech sounds 3) spelling of words 4) pronunciation of words. A17. The word 1) beyond the river 2) kidney 3) everywhere 4) garden A18 is formed in a prefix-suffix way. Indicate the word that has the sound O: 1) low tide 2) cucumber 3) cast 4) Moscow 5) roofing A19. What model is used to form the word asphalt paver: 1) ∩ ¬∩ ^ 2) ¬ ∩  3) ∩ ^ 4) ¬ ∩  A20. The unpronounceable consonant is written: 1) forest... 2) der... 3) interesting..ny 4) concrete... box Read the text and complete tasks A21-A30 (1) The French revolution of the eighteenth century proclaimed and spread the harmful prejudice that people are born or by nature “equal” and as if, as a result, all people must be treated “equally”. (2) This prejudice of natural equality is the main obstacle to the solution of our main problem, for the essence of justice consists precisely in the unequal treatment of unequal people. (3) ... if people were truly equal, that is, identical in body, soul and spirit, then life would be terribly simple and finding justice would be extremely easy. (4) One would only have to say: “the same people get the same share” or “everyone gets the same share” - and the issue would be resolved. (5) Then justice could be found arithmetically and implemented mechanically; and everyone would be happy, because people would really be like equal atoms, like balls mechanically rolling from place to place, indistinguishably identical both internally and externally. (6) What could be more naive, simplified and vulgar than this theory? (7) In fact, people are unequal by nature and are not the same in body, soul, or spirit. (8) They will be born as creatures of different sexes; they have by nature unequal strength and different health; they are given different abilities and inclinations, different attractions, gifts and desires; they are so different from each other physically and mentally that it is generally impossible to find two identical people in the world. (9) So, justice does not require equality at all. (10) It requires objectively justified inequality. (11) The child must be protected and taken care of; this gives him a number of fair privileges. (12) The weak must be spared. (13) Condescension is due to the tired. (14) The weak-willed need more strictness. (15) People who are honest and sincere should be given more trust. (16) You need to be careful with a talkative person. (17) It is fair to exact more from a gifted person. (18) A hero is entitled to honors that a non-hero should not claim. (19) And so - in everything and always... (20) Therefore, justice is the art of inequality. (21) It is based on a living conscience and living love for a person. (According to I. Ilyin) A 21. Which statement does not correspond to the content of the text? 1) The essence of injustice is the unequal treatment of unequal people. 2) Life would be very simple and easy if all people were the same. 3) Justice does not require equality, but requires objectively justified inequality. 4) The art of inequality is justice. A22. What word can be put in place of the ellipsis at the beginning of sentence 3? 1)a 2)but 3)if 4)when A23 Determine the style of the above text: 1) colloquial 2) artistic 3) official - business 4) journalistic A24 What means of expression is used in sentence 6? 1) antithesis 2) rhetorical question 3) anaphora 4) hyperbole A25. Indicate how the word unequal is formed (sentence 2). 1) prefix 2) suffix 3) addition 4) prefix-suffix A26. In sentence 6, the author uses 1) synonyms 2) antonyms 3) polysemantic words 4) homonyms. A27. In the word pr..privilege (sentence 11) the following is written: 1) prefix pre- 2) root preveleg 3) prefix pre- 4) root -privilegeA28. In the words fairness, protection, strictness, honesty (4th paragraph), the following letters are inserted accordingly: 1) -a-, -o-, -o-, -t-; 2) -a-, -a-, -o-, --; 3) -a-, -a-, -o-, -t-. A29. The spelling of the word strict..sti is subject to the following rule: 1) spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, checked by stress; 2) spelling of consonants in the root of the word; 3) spelling of prefixes that cannot be changed in writing; 4) spelling of suffixes. A30. Which of the words with a missing spelling obey the rule “Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of a word, checked by stress”: 1) right..lo 2) protect 3) genuine, 4) un..selfish Part B Write a short essay - reasoning (volume 70-100 words) on the topic: “What is justice, in your opinion?” No. 1. 2. 3. Standard of answers Test task for the exam in the discipline Russian language Option-7 Assignment (question) Standard of answer In which word there was an error in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted correctly? 1) kilometer 2) enviable 3) more beautiful 4) call Choose a synonym from the second column for each phraseological phrase from 1 column. Write the numbers on the line in the appropriate order. Which sentence contains an error when using phraseological units. Рmax 3 2 1-3.2-5.3-4.4-2, 5-1 10 4 2 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1. Our master in I ate the dog in my business. 2.Literature plays an important role in the formation of moral qualities of an individual. 3.Your business is sewn with white thread.. 4.Comparison plays a big role in the text. Determine to which style 1-4,2-1,3-2,4-3 the texts below belong: In which answer option is the highlighted word 1 used incorrectly? 1) Already at the end of 2013, this football team will be completed by another professional player. 2) The more important, more complex the question, the warmer, deeper, more heartfelt her Grateful gaze became. 3) CHOOSING a name for a child, parents usually try to take into account how it combines with the patronymic, whether the sound sequence formed by the combination of the first name, patronymic and surname is harmonious. 4) Divers WILL WEAR special waterproof suits before descending to depth. Provide an example of an error in forming 2 words. 1) the easiest way 2) don’t put it (on the table) 3) their passports 4) a kilogram of tomatoes The words checkers (game) and checkers (edged weapons) - 4 are 1) synonyms 2) antonyms 3) different meanings of a polysemantic word 4) homonyms B Which sentence has no antonyms? 4 1) The book teaches you to distinguish between good and evil. 2) The root of the teaching is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. 3) The enemy agrees, and the friend argues. 4) Teaching can both decorate and console. In which row are words with an unstressed 1st vowel in the root of the word that is not checked by stress? 1). strengthening, diminishing (role), purpose.. in which row is the same letter missing in all words? 1). take, s..student 4) pr.. president, pr.. wise, pr.. open Which answer option indicates the word where 2 is missing the letter I? 1) aluminum..vyy 2) suffocating..vyy 3) cough...to 4) nickel..vyy In which series do all words with an alternating vowel 3 depend on the lexical meaning of the root? 1). , 4) p..vets, k..satelny, r..sten. All words in row 2 have the same root: 1) leader, clockwork, governor 2) mower, haymaking, mow 3) deal, finishing, nurse 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26 27. What vowel and why do you write in the words unpretentious..false, pr..overcome, pr..obstacle? 1) -e, because prefixes are close in meaning to the word “very”, 2) -e, because can be replaced with the prefix pere-, 3) -i, because prefixes indicate accession, 4) -and, because prefixes indicate incomplete action. Which answer option contains the word where the letter E is missing? 1) obsequious 2) complete 3) welcome 4) impoverish Section “Orthoepy” studies: 1) the composition of words 2) speech sounds 3) spelling of words 4) pronunciation of words. The word 1) beyond the river 2) kidney 3) everywhere 4) garden is formed using the prefix-suffix method. Indicate the word that has the sound O: 1) low tide 2) cucumber 3) cast 4) Moscow 5) roofing What model is used to form the word asphalt paver: 1 ) ∩ ¬∩ ^ 2) ¬ ∩  3) ∩ ^ 4) ¬ ∩  The unpronounceable consonant is written: 1) forest... 2) der... 3) interesting..ny 4) concrete... box 2 2 4 2 4 2 1 2 5 1 2 2 1 2 A 21. Which statement does not correspond to the content of the text? 1) The essence of injustice is the unequal treatment of unequal people. 2) Life would be very simple and easy if all people were the same. 3) Justice does not require equality, but requires objectively justified inequality. 4) The art of inequality is justice. What word can be put in place of the ellipsis at the beginning of sentence 3? 1)a 2)but 3)if 4)when Determine the style of the above text 1) colloquial 2) artistic 3) official - business 4) journalistic What means of expression is used in sentence 6? 1) antithesis 2) rhetorical question 3) anaphora 4) hyperbole Indicate how the word unequal is formed (sentence 2). 1) prefixal 2) suffixal 3) addition 4) prefix-suffixal In sentence 6, the author uses 1) synonyms 2) antonyms 3) polysemous words 4) homonyms A27. In the word pr..privilege (sentence 11) it is written 1) prefix at2) root preveleg 3) prefix pre- 4) root -privilege- 3 4 3 2 4 2 2 4 1 2 1 2 4 2 28. 29. 30. B in the words fairness, protection, strictness, honesty (4th paragraph), the letters are inserted accordingly: 1) -a-, -o-, -o-, -t-; 2) -a-, -a-, -o-, --; 3) -a-, -a-, -o-, -t-. The spelling of the word strict..sti is subject to the following rule: 1) spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, checked by stress; 2) spelling of consonants in the root of the word; 3) spelling of prefixes that cannot be changed in writing; 4) spelling of suffixes. Which of the words with a missing spelling obey the rule “Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of a word, checked by stress”: 1) right. .lo 2) protect 3) genuine, 4) selfless 3 4 4 2 2 2 Maximum points - 80 Part B. Criteria for a written answer. K1 Commentary on the topic 0-2 K2 Argumentation of one’s own opinion 0-3 K3 Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation 0-3 K4 Accuracy and expressiveness of speech 0-2 Literacy. K5 Compliance with spelling standards: no errors or 1 rough -3; no more than 2 errors - 2; 3-4 errors - 1; more than 5 - 0 K6 Punctuation: no errors or 1 rough -3; no more than 2 errors - 2; 3-4 errors - 1; more than 5 - 0 K7 Compliance with language norms: no errors -2; no more than 2 errors - 1; 3-4 errors - 0; K8 Compliance with speech norms: no errors or 1 - 2; no more than 3 errors - 1; more than 4 - 0 Total - 20 points Total - 100 points “3” 50-69 “4” 70-84 “5” 85-100 Test tasks Option 8 Part A A1 In which word is the letter indicating the stressed vowel sound incorrectly highlighted? 1) kilometer 2) jealous 3) more beautiful 4) call A2. For each phraseological phrase from column 1, select a synonym from the second column. Write the numbers on the line in the appropriate order. Column 1 Column 2 1 give a shot 1 smart 2 give a blunder 2 unprofitable 3 keep the gunpowder dry 3 run away 4 make a mountain out of a molehill 4 make a mistake 5 seven spans in the forehead 5 hesitantly 6 exaggerate 7 be ready 1-… 2-… 3-… 4 - …. 5-… A3. Which sentence contains an error when using phraseological units. 1. The red thread in the work is the idea of ​​the future of Russia. 2. I didn’t know the answer and got into trouble. 3. Your work is sewn with white thread.. 4. Our master ate the dog in his business. A4 Determine which style the texts below belong to: 1-..., 2-..., 3-... 1) scientific, 2) journalistic, 3) official business, 4) artistic, 5) colloquial TEXT 1 The French Revolution of the eighteenth century proclaimed and spread the harmful prejudice that people are by birth or nature “equal” and that as a result of this all people must be treated “equally.” This prejudice of natural equality is the main obstacle to the solution of our fundamental problem, for the essence of justice consists precisely in the unequal treatment of unequal people. TEXT 2. In a difficult moment of life, does sadness crowd in my heart, I repeat one wonderful prayer by heart. (M.Yu. Lermontov) TEXT 3. The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the fundamental law of our state, endowed with the highest legal force and legal powers. Determines the foundations of the political, economic and legal structure of Russia, the term for which the President is elected, and describes his powers. Regulates the formation of government bodies, freedom of the media, the sovereignty of our country, the procedure for applying laws and regulations. Guarantees equality of men and women, human rights and freedoms, the presumption of innocence, universal accessibility and free preschool, basic general and secondary vocational education. education in state/municipal educational institutions. TEXT 4. Mechanics (Greek - the art of building machines) - a branch of physics, a science that studies the movement of material bodies and the interaction between them; in this case, motion in mechanics is the change in time of the relative position of bodies or their parts... A5. In which answer option is the highlighted word used incorrectly? 1) The young football players put on their sports uniforms and entered the field to the encouraging cheers of the fans. 2) The more important, more complex the question, the warmer, deeper, more heartfelt her Grateful gaze became. 3) CHOOSING a name for a child, parents usually try to take into account how it combines with the patronymic, whether the sound sequence formed by the combination of the first name, patronymic and surname is harmonious. 4) Divers WILL WEAR special waterproof suits before descending to depth. A6. Give an example of an error in the formation of the word form. 1) the easiest thing 2) don’t put (on the table) 3) their passports tomato 4) a few kilograms of A7. The words wonderful, wonderful, delightful are 1) synonyms 2) antonyms 3) different meanings of a polysemantic word 4) homonyms A8.. Which of these words is an antonym for the word “suffering”? 1) sadness 2) confusion 3) celebration 4) bliss A9. In which row are words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word that is not checked by stress? 1. Protect, t...oria, in...dyanoy; 2.K...sanie, offer, age..st; 3.V..rshina, development, sh..p. 4.Prop...ganda, an...kdot,...battery. A10. In which row is the same letter missing in all words? 1). take, student 4) pr.. close, pr.. measured, pr.. open A11. Which answer option contains the word where the letter I is missing? 1) aluminum .. 2) caring .. 3) cough 4) nickel .. A12. In which series are all words with alternating vowels dependent on stress? 1). , 4) p..vets, k..satelny, r..sten. A13. What words are called cognates? 1) Words with several lexical meanings 2) words with a figurative meaning 3) words with a direct meaning 4) words with the same root A14. What vowel and why will you write in the words pr..think? 1) -e, because prefixes are close in meaning to the word “very”, 2) -e, because can be replaced with the prefix pere-, 3) -i, because prefixes indicate accession, 4) -and, because prefixes indicate incomplete action. right..open, right..get up, A15. Which answer option contains a word where the letter Z in the root is missing? 1) not.. cheap 2) not.. bendable 3) not.. made 4) not.. covered A16. The “Spelling” section studies: 1) the composition of words 2) speech sounds 3) spelling of words 4) pronunciation of words. A17. The word is formed by the prefix method: 1) beyond the river 2) kidney 3) everywhere 4) garden A18. Determine the method of word formation: lumberjack, snowfall, waterproof: 1) suffixal 2) prefixal 3) prefixal-suffixal 4) addition of stems A19. What model is used to form the word waterproof: 1) ∩ ¬∩ ^ 2) ¬ ∩  3) ∩ ^ 4) ¬ ∩  A20. The unpronounceable consonant is written 1) svers..nik 2) der...ky 3) peer..nik 4) participate Read the text and complete tasks A21-A30 (1) There is no need to say that in the age of the scientific and technological revolution More and more often we have to deal with scientific and popular science books. (2) A specialist in any field simply cannot do without books. (3) Increasingly, we have to turn to this kind of literature: to expand our knowledge and improve our skills. (4) The ability to handle scientific and popular science books is of no small importance. (5) What is the peculiarity of working on books of this kind? (6) First of all, to understand the book well. (7) Popular science literature is not always as interesting to read as fiction: the text in it is more difficult to perceive. (8) Reading scientific and popular science books requires a different approach. (9) This can be browsing, selective reading, full reading and finally studying. (10) The method of reading depends on the purpose. (11) Having chosen a book, you need to understand it well, in everything - both the main thing and the details. (12) You must read the book from cover to cover. (13) Only with such reading can one evaluate the content of the book. (14) Hegel, who developed the habit of making extracts when reading, pointed out that only complete knowledge of everything written by the author makes it possible to deeply penetrate into the content and meaning of the book. (15) When reading a scientific and popular science book, you definitely have to come across new words and terms. (16) It is best to write them down in a special notebook. (17) This requires additional time, but it pays off later: the subsequent text is much easier to perceive. (18) A scientific book is usually read in parts, with breaks for rest, for thinking, viewing or reading additional sources, reference books, dictionaries, but it is not recommended to be distracted too often. (19) Someone noted that reading scientific and popular science literature is the best “mental gymnastics.” (20) And to those who conscientiously... but fulfill it, it gives true pleasure. (According to A. Chirve) A 21. Which question is not answered in the text? 1) What does a quick glance at the book give the reader? 2) What does the reader have to face when studying scientific and popular science literature? 3) For what purpose does the reader turn to scientific and popular science literature? 4) How do you usually read a scientific book? A22. What, according to the author, makes it easier to perceive a scientific text? 1) Reading a scientific text out loud. 2) Reading in parts with frequent and long breaks. 3) A quick read, skipping the author’s thoughts. 4) The habit of making statements when reading. A23 Determine the style of the above text: 1) colloquial 2) artistic 3) official - business 4) journalistic A24 What means of expression is used in sentence 5? 1) antithesis 2) rhetorical question 3) metaphor 4) litotes A25. Indicate the method of forming the word approach (sentence 8). 1) prefix 2) suffix 3) addition 4) suffixless A26. In sentence 12, the author uses 1) synonyms 2) antonyms 3) phraseology 4) homonyms. A27. In the word about..thinking (sentence 18) the following is written: 1) prefix op- 2) root -thought- 3) prefix about- 4) root -thought- A28. In the words g..mnastica, conscientiously..but, fulfills..does..does (9th paragraph), the letters are inserted accordingly: 1) -e-, -t-, -o-, -a-; 2) -i-, -t-, -a-, -o-; 3) -i-, -t-, -o-, -a-. A29. The spelling of the word g..mnastica is subject to the following rule: 1) spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, not checked by stress; 2) spelling of consonants in the root of the word; 3) spelling of prefixes that cannot be changed in writing; 4) spelling of suffixes. A30. Which of the words with a missing spelling obey the rule “Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of a word, checked by stress”: 1) right..lo 2) sufficient 3) genuine, 4) un..selfish Part B Write a short essay - reasoning (volume 70-100 words) on the topic: “Why can’t a specialist in any field simply do without scientific and popular science literature?” Standard of answers Test task for an exam in the discipline Russian language Option-8 No. Task (question) Standard of answer Рmax p/p In which word was the mistake made in the statement 1. 3 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. stress: is the letter indicating the stressed vowel sound incorrectly highlighted? 1) kilometer 2) enviable 3) more beautiful 4) call Match for each phraseological 1-3,2-4,3-7,4-6, phrase from 1 column a synonym from the second 5-1 column. Write the numbers on the line in the appropriate order. Which sentence contains an error when using 1 phraseological unit. 1. The red thread in the work is the idea of ​​the future of Russia. 2. I didn’t know the answer and got into trouble. 3. Your work is sewn with white thread.. 4. Our master ate the dog in his business. Determine to which style 1-2,2-4,3-3,4-1 the texts below belong: In which answer option is the highlighted word 1 used incorrectly? 1) The young football players put on their sports uniforms and entered the field to the encouraging cheers of the fans. 2) The more important, more complex the question, the warmer, deeper, more heartfelt her Grateful gaze became. 3) CHOOSING a name for a child, parents usually try to take into account how it combines with the patronymic, whether the sound sequence formed by the combination of the first name, patronymic and surname is harmonious. 4) Divers WILL WEAR special waterproof suits before descending to depth. Give an example with an error in the formation of the form 4 10 2 8 2 2 7. 8. 9. words. 1) the easiest thing 2) don’t put (on the table) 3) their passports 4) a few kilograms of tomatoes The words are wonderful, wonderful, amazing - 1 2 these are 1) synonyms 2) antonyms 3) different meanings of a polysemantic word 4) homonyms Which of these words is the antonym of 4 2 the word "suffering"? 1) sadness 2) confusion 3) holiday 4) bliss In which row are words with an unstressed 4 2 vowel at the root of the word that is not checked by stress? 1. Protect, t...oria, in...dyanoy; 2.K...sanie, offer, age..st; 3.V..rshina, development, sh..p. 4.Prop...ganda, an...kdot,...battery. 10. In which row is the same letter missing in all words? 1). take, student 4) pr.. close, pr.. measured, pr.. open 4 2 11. Which answer option indicates the word where the letter I is missing? 1) aluminum..vy 2) caring..vy 3) cough 4) nickel..vy 2 2 12. In which row do all words with an alternating vowel depend on stress? 1). , 4) p..vets, k..satelny, r..sten. What words are called cognates? 1) Words with several lexical meanings 2) words with a figurative meaning 3) words with a direct meaning 4) words with the same root A14. What vowel and why will you write in the words pr..open, pr..get up, pr..think? 1) -e, because prefixes are close in meaning to the word “very”, 2) -e, because can be replaced with the prefix pere-, 3) -i, because prefixes indicate accession, 4) -and, because prefixes indicate incomplete action. Which answer option contains a word where the letter Z in the root is missing? 1). The word is formed by the prefix method: 1) beyond the river 2) kidney 3) everywhere 4) garden Determine the method of word formation: lumberjack, snowfall, waterproof: 1) suffixal 2) prefix 3) 3 4 4 2 4 2 1 2 3 2 3 2 4 2 13 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26 27. 28. 29. 30. prefix-suffix 4) addition of stems What model is used to form the word waterproof: 1) ∩ ¬∩ ^ 2) ¬ ∩  3) ∩ ^ 4) ¬ ∩  The unpronounceable consonant is written 1) peer..nik 2) der...kiy 3) peer..nik 4) participate 1 2 1 2 On What question is not answered in the text? 1) What does a quick glance at the book give the reader? 2) What does the reader have to face when studying scientific and popular science literature? 3) For what purpose does the reader turn to scientific and popular science literature? 4) How do you usually read a scientific book? What, according to the author, makes it easier to perceive a scientific text? 1) Reading a scientific text out loud. 2) Reading in parts with frequent and long breaks. 3) A quick read, skipping the author’s thoughts. 4) The habit of making statements when reading. Determine the style of the above text: 1) colloquial 2) artistic 3) official - business 4) journalistic What means of expression is used in sentence 5? 1) antithesis 2) rhetorical question 3) metaphor 4) litotes Indicate the method of forming the word approach (sentence 8). 1) prefix 2) suffix 3) addition 4) suffixless 1 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 4 4 In sentence 12 the author uses 1) synonyms 2) antonyms 3) phraseology 4) homonyms. In the word about..thinking (sentence 18) it is written 1) the prefix op- 2) the root -ponder- 3) the prefix ob- 4) the root -thought In the words g..mnastica, conscientiously..but, fulfills..does, ven. .is (9 paragraph) the letters are inserted accordingly: 1) -e-, -t-, -o-, -a-; 2) -i-, -t-, -a-, -o-; 3) -i-, -t-, -o-, -a-. The spelling of the word g..mnastica is subject to the following rule: 1) spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of the word, not checked by stress; 2) spelling of consonants in the root of the word; 3) spelling of prefixes that cannot be changed in writing; 4) spelling of suffixes. Which of the words with a missing spelling obey the rule “Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of a word, checked by stress”: 1) right..lo 2) provides 3) genuine, 4) un..selfish 3 2 3 2 3 4 1 2 2 2 Maximum number of points - 80 Part B. Written response criteria. K1 Commentary on the topic 0-2 K2 Argumentation of one’s own opinion 0-3 K3 Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation 0-3 K4 Accuracy and expressiveness of speech 0-2 Literacy. K5 Compliance with spelling standards: no errors or 1 rough -3; no more than 2 errors - 2; 3-4 errors - 1; more than 5 - 0 K6 Punctuation: no errors or 1 rough -3; no more than 2 errors - 2; 3-4 errors - 1; more than 5 - 0 K7 Compliance with language norms: no errors -2; no more than 2 errors - 1; 3-4 errors - 0; K8 Compliance with speech norms: no errors or 1 - 2; no more than 3 errors - 1; more than 4 - 0 Total - 20 points Total - 100 points “3” 50-69 “4” 70-84 “5” 85-100 Test tasks Option 9 Part A A1 In which word is the letter indicating the stressed vowel sound incorrectly highlighted? 1) right 2) enviable 3) more beautiful 4) catalog A2. For each phraseological phrase from column 1, select a synonym from the second column. Write the numbers on the line in the appropriate order. Column 1 Column 2 1 puzzle 1 vulnerable spot 2 disservice 2 unprofitable 3 Achilles heel 3 think 4 sink into oblivion 4 make a mistake 5 implement 5 unnecessary, harmful 6 be forgotten 7 implement 1-… 2-… 3-… 4 -…. 5-… A3. Which sentence contains an error when using phraseological units. 1. The idea about the future of Russia runs through the work as a red thread. 2. The writer’s early works made an indelible impression on readers. 3. I didn’t know the answer and got into trouble. 4. Our master in his business ate the dog. A4 Determine which style the texts below belong to: 1-..., 2-..., 3-... 1) scientific, 2) journalistic, 3) official business, 4) artistic, 5) colloquial TEXT 1 Forests are the greatest source of inspiration and health. These are gigantic laboratories. They produce oxygen and trap toxic gases and dust. Each of you, of course, remembers the air after a thunderstorm. It is fragrant, fresh, full of ozone. So, an invisible and inaudible eternal thunderstorm seems to be raging in the forests and scattering streams of ozonized air across the earth. TEXT 2. Reader, friend! Just think: if you write only about kindness, then for evil it is a godsend, a brilliance. If you write only about happiness, then people will stop seeing the unhappy and, in the end, will not notice them. If you write only about the seriously sad, then people will stop laughing at the ugly. And in the silence of the passing autumn, fanned by its gentle drowsiness, you begin to understand: only truth, only honor, only a clear conscience, and about all this - the word. A word to little people who will later become adults, a word to adults who have not forgotten that they were once children. TEXT 3. One evening my father and I were sitting on the porch at home. Suddenly, below, under the porch, a dog seemed to grow out of the ground. She had deserted, dull, unwashed yellow eyes and abnormally disheveled fur on the sides and back in gray clumps. She gazed at us for a minute or two with her empty gaze and disappeared as instantly as she had appeared. - Why is her fur growing like that? - I asked. The father paused and reluctantly explained: “It falls out... From hunger.” Its owner himself is probably going bald from hunger. (V. Tendryakov “Bread for the Dog”) TEXT 4. LABOR AGREEMENT Alatyr July 15, 2011 Alatyr Pedagogical School represented by Deputy Director for Economic Affairs Petrov A.S. and a team of workers consisting of three people /S.M. Samoilov, S.A. Somov, Kh.A. Dkhmetov/, represented by foreman S.A. Samoilov, acting on the basis of a power of attorney certified by a notary in Alatyr, entered into an agreement about the following: 1. The team undertakes to lay parquet floors in the premises of the teacher training college with a total area of ​​300 sq.m. 2. By the start of work, the teacher training school will prepare the premises and provide the team with paint, drying oil, and brushes. 3. The team will start work on 07/15/11 and finish on 07/16/11…. A5.Which answer option uses the highlighted word correctly? 1) The young football players put on their sports uniforms and entered the field to the encouraging cheers of the fans. 2) Already at the end of 2013, this football team will be completed by another professional player. 3) WHEN SELECTING a name for a child, parents usually try to take into account how it combines with the patronymic, whether the sound sequence formed by the combination of the first name, patronymic and surname is harmonious. 4) Divers WILL WEAR special waterproof suits before descending to depth. A6. Give an example of an error in the formation of the word form. 1) a pair of socks 2) their passports 3) conclude contracts 4) several kilograms of tomatoes A7. Which of the following words means “a sense of moral responsibility for one’s behavior before a certain person, society”? 1) conscience 2) duty 3) shame 4) nobility A8.. Which of these words is a synonym for the word “suffering”? 1) pain 2) confusion 3) celebration 4) bliss A9. In which row are words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word that is not checked by stress? 1. Ann..tation, theory, prop..gandist; 2.K...sanie, offer, age..st; 3.V..rshina, development, sh..p. 4.D..leko, an...kdot,...battery. A10. In which row is the double consonant LL missing in all words? 1) rubber ba..on, a..juminium dishes, art gallery..2) friendly team, some privileges.., crystal..water 3) crystal..state, crystal.. form, distilled water 4) distilled water, friendly team, rubber cylinder A11. Which answer option contains the word where the letter Y is missing? 1) super..refined 2) pedagogical..institute 3) pre..history 4) super..gra A12. In which series do all words with an alternating vowel depend on the following consonant? 1). , 4) pl..vets, tangent, dissolve. A13. Find an option with only voiced consonants: 1) r, y, z, g, zh 2) k, g, g, d, v 3) m, h, sh, sh, l 4) d, t, z, k, f A14. What vowel and why do you write in the words pr..glue, pr..open, pr..estate? 1) -e, because prefixes are close in meaning to the word “very”, 2) -e, because can be replaced with the prefix pere-, 3) -i, because prefixes indicate accession, incomplete action, proximity. 4) -and, because prefixes denote incomplete action, proximity, accession. A15. Which answer option contains a word where the letter Z in the root is missing? 1) not.. cheap 2) not.. bendable 3) not.. made 4) not.. covered A16. In what combination is the preposition C pronounced loudly? 1) with a mistake 2) from the river 3) with a wing 4) from a mountain 5) with a tongue A17. The word is formed in a suffixless way: 1) mound 2) bud 3) everywhere 4) A18 again. Determine the method of word formation: wash, majority, test: 1) suffixal 2) prefixal 3) prefix-suffixal 4) addition of stems A19. What model is used to form the word switch: 1) ∩ ¬∩ ^ 2) ¬ ∩  3) ∩ ^ 4) ¬ ∩^ ^  A20. The unpronounceable consonant is written 1) eyelashes 2) feeling 3) shine 4) participate Read the text and complete tasks A21-A30 (1) Am I right that I undertook to tell people about Seliger? by giving it into the hands of many others? (2) Won’t they scatter it among the bushes for bonfires, won’t this thin glassy night be shattered by drunken screams, won’t the people whom I call “self-defenders” build painted fences on the sorrel field trembling in the breeze? (3) This, in my opinion, is more accurate than the foreign word “egoist”. (4) The same people whom one of my comrades called “Sops1egkotaps1e” - “cleanup team.” (5) A term taken from fascist punitive forces, but in relation to the enemies of our Russian nature. (6) There was silence on Seliger. (7) Then it seemed to us that we had gone completely deaf. (8) It was the day of August 14, and nothing foreshadowed changes for us, when suddenly, pinpoint pops of shots were heard right above us, they were reflected from the forest on the other side, similar to the cough of a giant, and rushed into the sky. (9) Shots now came from everywhere, and the sky and Seliger were darkened by thick smoke. (10) And we immediately noticed that life had become worse. (And) We were, in general, fearless people from the capital, we understood something about gun systems, and about calibers and shot numbers, but we didn’t want shots. (12) They should not have existed at all, they were alien to this defenseless world of grasses, trees and small ones, such cheerful birds that sing to us in the morning. (13) Meanwhile, the firing increased and on the morning of the fifteenth it already resembled a close cannonade from all four sides. (14) They shot from everywhere, shot fell onto the water next to our boat, and we shied away from any moving bush, risking falling under the guns of rabid people. (15) I don’t know how much game they killed that day, how they measured their triumphant prey... (16) But they destroyed silence, the most precious quality of the blue world. (17) When I write these lines, completely deaf from the thunder of guns, otherwise I cannot imagine thousands of guns united into a single human weapon, which is pointed directly at the heart of nature, I experience only one feeling, the feeling ..to return to the silence that has already been lost here... (According to A. Pristavkin) A 21. Indicate the statement that contains the answer to the question “What does the author fear when he publishes a story about the beauty of Lake Seliger?” 1) Lake Seliger is not as beautiful as the author writes. 2) A lot has already been written about Lake Seliger, and his story does not add anything new. 3) People who come to Lake Seliger can destroy its pristine beauty. 4) Many people do not understand descriptions of nature and do not read them. A22. Choose the correct continuation of the answer to the question “What meaning does the author put into the new word he invented, “sebyatniki”?” This word in the text has the meaning... 1) people who have a consumer attitude towards nature 2) people who love themselves very much 3) people who are overly confident in themselves 4) people who exist separately from others, independent A23 Determine the type of speech in sentences 9- 14 of the above text 1) narration 2) reasoning 3) description 4) narration and description A24 What means of expression is used in sentence 17? 1) antithesis 2) rhetorical question 3) metaphor 4) hyperbole A25. Indicate the method of forming the word man-gun (sentence 17). 1) prefix 2) suffix 3) addition 4) suffixless A26. In sentence 2, the author uses 1) synonyms 2) antonyms 3) phraseology 4) homonyms. A27. In the word measured..ryali (sentence 15) it is written 1) verifiable -e- at the root of the word 2) -e - at the root by alternating -mer-mirA28. In the words measured..ryali, pr..set, ser..tsu, feeling..stvo, (17th sentence) the letters are inserted accordingly: 1) -e-, -e-, -d-, -v-; 2) -i-, -i-, -d-, --; 3) -e-, -i-, -d-, -v-. A29. The spelling of the word pr..stanovlenno is subject to the rule: 1) spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, not checked by stress; 2) spelling of consonants in the root of the word; 3) spelling of prefixes; 4) spelling of suffixes. A30. Which of the words with a missing spelling obey the rule “Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of a word, checked by stress”: 1) right..lo 2) feeling 3) united 4) to..which Part B Write a short essay - reasoning (volume 70-100 words) on the topic: “Why can’t we have a consumer attitude towards nature?” Standard of answers Test task for an exam in the discipline Russian language Option-9 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Assignment (question) Standard of answer In which word there was an error in the wording 3 stresses: the letter is highlighted incorrectly, denoting a stressed vowel sound? 1) right 2) enviable 3) more beautiful 4) catalog Match each phraseological 1-3,2-5,3-1,4-6, phrase from 1 column with a synonym from the second 5-7 column. Write the numbers on the line in the appropriate order. Which sentence contains an error when using 2 phraseological units. 1. The idea about the future of Russia runs through the work as a red thread. 2. The writer’s early works made an indelible impression on readers. 3. I didn’t know the answer and got into trouble. 4. Our master in his business ate the dog. Determine to which style 1-1,2-2,3-4,4-3 the texts below belong: In which answer option is the highlighted word 4 used correctly? 1) The young football players put on their sports uniforms and entered the field to the encouraging cheers of the fans. 2) Already at the end of 2013, this football team will be completed by another professional player. 3) WHEN SELECTING a name for a child, parents usually try to take into account how it combines with the patronymic, whether the sound sequence formed by the combination of the first name, patronymic and surname is harmonious. 4) Divers WILL WEAR special waterproof suits before descending to depth. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word. 1) a pair of socks 2) their passports 3) conclude contracts 4) several kilograms of tomatoes 3 Pmax 2 10 2 8 2 2 7. Which of the following words means “a sense of moral responsibility for one’s behavior before a certain person, society”? 1) conscience 2) duty 3) shame 4) nobility 1 2 8. Which of these words is a synonym for the word “suffering”? 1) pain 2) confusion 3) holiday 4) bliss In which row are words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word that is not checked by stress? 1. Ann..tation, theory, prop..gandist; 2.K...sanie, offer, age..st; 3.V..rshina, development, sh..p. 4.D..leko, an...kdot,...kkumulyator In which row is the double consonant LL missing in all words? 1) rubber ba..on, a..juminium dishes, art gallery..2) friendly team, some privileges.., crystal..water 3) crystal..state, crystal.. form, distilled water 4) distilled water, friendly team, rubber cylinder 1 2 1 2 4 2 11. Which answer option contains the word where the letter Y is missing? 1) super..refined 2) pedagogical..institute 3) pre..history 4) super..gra 3 2 12. In which series do all words with an alternating vowel depend on the subsequent consonant? 1). , 4) pl..vets, tangent, dissolve. 2 4 13. A13. Find an option with only voiced consonants: 1) r, y, z, g, zh 2) k, g, g, d, v 3) m, h, sh, sh, l 4) d, t, z, k, f 1 2 14. What vowel and why do you write in the words pr..glue, pr..open, pr..estate? 1) -e, because prefixes are close in meaning to the word “very”, 2) -e, because can be replaced with the prefix pere-, 3) -i, because prefixes indicate accession, incomplete action, proximity. 4) -and, because prefixes denote incomplete action, proximity, accession. 3 2 15. Which answer option contains a word where the letter Z in the root is missing? 1) not..deshny 2) not..bendable 3) not..done 4) not..covered 1 2 9. 10. 16. In what combination of the preposition C is pronounced loudly? 1) with an error 2) from the river 3) from the wing 4) from the mountain 5) from the tongue 4 2 17. The word is formed in a suffixless way: 1) embankment 2) kidney 3) everywhere 4) again Determine the method of word formation: wash, majority, test : 1) suffixal 2) prefixal 3) prefixal-suffixal 4) addition of stems 1 2 1 2 19. According to what model is the word switch formed: 1) ∩ ¬∩ ^ 2) ¬ ∩  3) ∩ ^ 4) ¬ ∩^ ^  4 2 20. An unpronounceable consonant is written 1) eyelashes 2) feeling 3) shine 4) participate 2 2 A 21. Indicate the statement that contains the answer to the question “What does the author fear by publishing a story about the beauty of Lake Seliger? » 1) Lake Seliger is not as beautiful as the author writes. 2) A lot has already been written about Lake Seliger, and his story does not add anything new. 3) People who come to Lake Seliger can destroy its pristine beauty. 4) Many people do not understand descriptions of nature and do not read them. 3 4 22. Choose the correct continuation of the answer to the question “What meaning does the author put into the new word he invented, “sebyatniki”?” This word in the text has the meaning... 1) people who have a consumer attitude towards nature 2) people who love themselves very much 3) people who are overly self-confident 4) people who exist separately from others, independent 1 2 23. Determine the type of speech in sentences 9-14 of the above text 1) narration 2) reasoning 3) description 4) narration and description 1 2 24. What means of expression is used in sentence 17? 1) antithesis 2) rhetorical question 4 2 18. 21. 3) metaphor 4? )hyperbole 25. Indicate the method of forming the word man-gun (sentence 17). 1) prefixal 2) suffixal 3) addition 4) suffixless 3 2 26 In sentence 2 the author uses 1) synonyms 2) antonyms 3) phraseology 1 2 4) homonyms 27. . In the word measured..ryali (sentence 15) it is written 1) verified -e- at the root of the word 2) -e - at the root by alternating -mer-world- 1 2 28. In the words measured..ryali, pr..put, ser..tsu, feeling..stvo, (17th sentence) the letters are inserted accordingly: 1) -e-, -e-, -d-, -v-; 2) -i-, -i-, -d-, --; 3) -e-, -i-, -d-, v-. 3 4 29. The spelling of the word pr..is subject to the rule: 1) spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, not checked by stress; 2) spelling of consonants in the root of the word; 3) spelling of prefixes; 4) spelling of suffixes. 3 2 30. Which of the words with a missing spelling obey the rule “Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of a word, checked by stress”: 1) right..lo 2) sense 3) united 4) to..which 3 2 Maximum score - 80 Part B. Written response criteria. K1 Commentary on the topic 0-2 K2 Argumentation of one’s own opinion 0-3 K3 Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation 0-3 K4 Accuracy and expressiveness of speech 0-2 Literacy. K5 Compliance with spelling standards: no errors or 1 rough -3; no more than 2 errors - 2; 3-4 errors - 1; more than 5 - 0 K6 Punctuation: no errors or 1 rough -3; no more than 2 errors - 2; 3-4 errors - 1; more than 5 - 0 K7 Compliance with language norms: no errors -2; no more than 2 errors - 1; 3-4 errors - 0; K8 Compliance with speech norms: no errors or 1 - 2; no more than 3 errors - 1; more than 4 - 0 Total - 20 points Total - 100 points “3” 50-69 “4” 70-84 “5” 85-100 Test tasks Option 10 Part A A1 In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted? 1) kilometer 2) enviable 3) more beautiful 4) call A2. For each phraseological phrase from column 1, select a synonym from the second column. Write the numbers on the line in the appropriate order. Column 1 Column 2 1 at the end of the world (earth) 1 loudly 2 lather your neck 3 carelessly 4 bite your tongue 5 the cat cried 1-… 2-… 3-… 2 far 3 teach a lesson, punish 4 bad 5 short 6 little 7 shut up 4 - …. 5-… A3. Which sentence contains an error when using phraseological units. 1. Bazarov worked tirelessly. 2.He agreed reluctantly, gritting his teeth. 3.He can fool anyone around his finger. 4. Go and figure out which of them is hiding the stone in his bosom. A4 Determine to which style the texts below belong: 1-..., 2-..., 3-... 1) scientific, 2) journalistic, 3) official business, 4) artistic, 5) colloquial TEXT 1. Mechanics (Greek. - the art of building machines) - a branch of physics, a science that studies the movement of material bodies and the interaction between them; in this case, movement in mechanics is the change in time of the relative position of bodies or their parts... TEXT 2. To the director of the BOU SPO CR "Alatyrsky SHT" Kosokov V.N. student of 11 1 group of the mechanical department Tretyakov R.O. statement. I ask you to allow me to be absent from classes at the technical school on April 11 and 12, 2014 for family reasons. April 08, 2014 (signature) TEXT 3. Hearing the horrors of war, With each new victim of battle, I feel sorry not for my friend, not for my wife, I feel sorry for not the hero himself... (N.A. Nekrasov) TEXT 4. Be generous and selfless . Stinginess impoverishes a person, turns him into an egoist and an acquirer. Things exist to serve man, not to enslave him. Things and goods are the embodiment of labor, therefore, in relation to things, your attitude towards a person is judged. Stinginess is the selfish fear of giving a piece of your soul to another person so that he can feel better. Stinginess gradually degenerates into greed, which disfigures the personality, its spiritual world, needs, interests. A5. In which answer option is the highlighted word used incorrectly? 1) Despite the hour of dawn, there were a lot of people: some HORSE unit was moving at a pace towards the outpost. 2) Shifting centuries-old stones, RAIN streams fell down. 3) FOREST smells came in waves, the breath of juniper, heather, and lingonberries was mixed in them. 4) Divers WILL WEAR special waterproof suits before descending to depth. A6. Give an example of an error in the formation of the word form. 1) luggage 2) drive 3) about half an hour 4) more decisive A7. Which definition matches the concepts...? Enter a number. 1. ... words that have the same spelling and sound, but have different lexical meanings. 2. ... words that differ in spelling and sound, but also have the same or very similar lexical meaning. 3. ...words that are close to each other in sound, the partial coincidence of the external form of which is accidental, that is, not due to either lexical meaning or word-formation processes... 4. ...words that are opposite in meaning, i.e. according to its lexical meaning. 1.Synonyms are 2.Antonyms are 3.Homonyms are 4.Paronyms are A8. Which sentence has no antonyms? 1) The book teaches you to distinguish between good and evil. 2) The root of the teaching is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. 3) The enemy agrees, and the friend argues. 4) Teaching can both decorate and console. A9. In which row are words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word that is not checked by stress? 1). strengthening, diminishing (role), purpose A10. In which row is the same letter missing in all words? 1) pr..sident, pr..overcome, pr.jerky 3) ra.generate, be..water, be..noisy 2) po.fry, o.deal, on..put 4) ad..announcement , ants..and, s..agitate. A11. Which answer option contains the word where the letter e is missing? 1) forgetful 2) bouncing 3) steering... howling 4) coughing A12. Which row contains all the words with an alternating vowel in the root? 1). wholesaler, master, teacher, teacher. A13. In which row are there words where you do not need to insert an unpronounceable consonant into the root of the word? 1. Re...cue, pro...ba, easy...cue. 3.Wonderful, tasty, skillful. 2. Monthly, gigantic, unusable. 4. Feel..., participate, fly...ka. A14. What vowel and why will you write in the words pr..think? 1) -e, because prefixes are close in meaning to the word “very”, 2) -e, because can be replaced with the prefix pere-, 3) -i, because prefixes indicate accession, 4) -and, because prefixes indicate incomplete action. right..open, right..get up, A15. What words have b? 1) p..esa, object..ekt, with..narrow, 2) pre..anniversary, three..storey, without..emergency, 3) with..saved, over..interesting, from..iron , 4) super..naturally, from..to be clear, three..tiered. A16. What groups are vowel sounds divided into? 1) uppercase and lowercase, 2) voiced/soft, unvoiced/hard, 3) voiced/voiceless, hard/soft, 4) stressed and unstressed. A17. What is ending? 1) the main significant part of the word, 2) the significant part of the word before the root, 3) the significant part of the word after the root, 4) the significant part of the word, which serves to form new forms of the word. A18. In which word does the letter I stand for TWO sounds? 1) memory 2) pendulum 3) stretch 4) gravity A19. Which word matches the pattern ¬∩^^□? 1) unfulfilled 2) reality 3) understand 4) wonderful A20. Indicate the option with O after the sizzling ones: 1) gr..tka, steep..ny, silk, 3) st..r, illuminated.., else.., 2) careful..t, night.. vka, oven..ny, 4) hot.., hare..nok, reed..vy. Read the text and complete tasks A21-A30 (1) I was about six years old when my father and I were vacationing in the Crimea, in the cozy Batiliman Bay. (2) I remember the coldly bitter smell of eucalyptus trees, rocky mountains, turquoise sea, pebble-strewn beach and huge stones protruding from the water, like mysterious islands that I so wanted to get to. (3) I didn’t know how to swim then. (4) So my father went into the water, I hugged him by the neck, and together we made a journey to another “island” that had not yet been discovered by us. (5) Climbing onto a hot stone, we sunbathed, and then swam to the shore. (6) Every morning, coming to the beach, I ran into the water and swam until my lips turned blue. (7) Then my father went into the water, picked me up and carried me to the mat so that I wouldn’t get my feet dirty. (8) But one morning our beach was unexpectedly closed, and we had to look for another place to swim. (9) As always, I rushed into the sea with all my might and suddenly realized with horror that I couldn’t feel the bottom. (10) It seems that everything happened instantly, in a fraction of a second, I didn’t even have time to scream... (11) And suddenly I saw that my father was standing a few steps away from me, extending his hand and calmly saying: (12) “ Come on, swim! (13) I swam these few steps to my father’s hand for the first time, moving my arms and legs like a dog. (14) Then he was picked up in his arms and carried ashore. (15) - Well, are you scared? (16) - No, not really... (17) - Shall we go swimming again? (18)—We’ll definitely go! (19) Today, remembering this episode, I think that more than once in my life I experienced something similar, even when my father was not around. (20) Finding myself in a difficult situation, I remembered his attentive and affectionate look, heard his calm voice, repeated the words “Come on, swim!” and boldly sailed towards the yet undiscovered islands. (According to G. Andreev) A 21. Which sentence contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question “Why does the hero often remember the described incident? "1) Because of childhood carelessness, the hero almost drowned. 2) The father saved the life of his son, who began to drown. 3) The boy realized that he should not swim without adults. 4) The father taught his son not to panic in a moment of danger. A22. Indicate in what sense the word “difficult” is used in the text (sentence 20). 1) requiring a lot of physical labor 2) involving difficulty 3) difficult to influence 4) deviating from the norm A23 Determine the style of the above text 1) colloquial 2) artistic 3) official - business 4) journalistic A24 What means of expressiveness is used in the sentence 2? 1) antithesis 2) rhetorical question 3) epithets 4) phraseology A25. Indicate the method of forming the word difficult (sentence 20). 1) prefix 2) suffix 3) addition 4) suffixless A26. In sentence 9, the author uses 1) synonyms 2) antonyms 3) phraseology 4) homonyms. A27. In the word instantly (sentence 10) 1) suffix -o 2) ending -o 3) suffix -en 4) ending -no A28. In the words zakh..dil, journey..process, island..vu, zag..rali (1 paragraph), the letters are inserted accordingly: 1) -o-, -i-, -a-, -a-; 2) -o-, -e-, -o-, -o-; 3) -o-, -e-, -o-, -a-. A29. The spelling of the word journey is subject to the following rule: 1) spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, not checked by stress; 2) spelling complex words; 3) spelling of prefixes that cannot be changed in writing; 4) spelling of suffixes. A30. Which of the words with a missing spelling obey the rule “Spelling of vowels in the root with alternation”: 1) ost..vu 2) zag..rali 3) sub.. 4) journey Part B Write a short essay - reasoning (volume 70-100 words) on the topic: “Why shouldn’t you panic in a moment of danger?” No. 1. 2. 3. Standard of answers Test task for the exam in the discipline Russian language Option-10 Assignment (question) Standard of answer In which word was there an error in placing the stress: is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound highlighted correctly? 1) kilometer 2) enviable 3) more beautiful 4) call Match each phraseological phrase from 1 column with a synonym from the second column. Write the numbers on the line in the appropriate order. Which sentence contains an error when using phraseological units. 1. Bazarov worked tirelessly. 2.He agreed reluctantly, gritting his teeth. Рmax 3 2 1-2.2-3.3-4.4-7, 5-6 10 3 2 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 3. He is capable of anyone pass around your finger. 4. Go and figure out which of them is hiding the stone in his bosom. Determine to which style 1-1,2-3,3-4,4-2 the texts below belong: In which answer option is the highlighted word 4 used incorrectly? 1) Despite the hour of dawn, there were a lot of people: some HORSE unit was moving at a pace towards the outpost. 2) Shifting centuries-old stones, RAIN streams fell down. 3) FOREST smells came in waves, the breath of juniper, heather, and lingonberries was mixed in them. 4) Divers WILL WEAR special waterproof suits before descending to depth. Give an example with an error in the formation of 2 forms of the word. 1) put 2) go 3) about half an hour 4) more decisive Which definition corresponds to the concepts...? 11-2, 2-4, 3-1, Enter the number. 4-3 A8. Which sentence has no antonyms? 1) The book teaches you to distinguish between good and evil. 2) The root of the teaching is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. 3) The enemy agrees, and the friend argues. 4) Teaching can both decorate and console. In which row are words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word that is not checked by stress? 1). strengthening, diminishing (role), purpose.. in which row is the same letter missing in all words? 1) pr..sident, pr..overcome, pr.jerky 2) po.fry, o.deal, on..set 3) ra.be.generous, be..waterless, be..noisy 4) announcement..appearance , ants..and, s..agitate. Which answer option contains the word where the letter e is missing? 1) forgetful... 2) bouncing... 3) steering... howling 4) coughing... Which row contains all the words with an alternating vowel in the root? 1). wholesaler, master, teacher, teacher. In which row are there words where you do not need to insert an unpronounceable consonant into the root of the word? 1. Re...cue, pro...ba, easy...cue. 2. Monthly, gigantic, unusable. 3.Wonderful, tasty, skillful. 4. Feel..., participate, fly...ka. 8 2 2 8 4 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. A14. What vowel and why will you write in the words pr..open, pr..get up, pr..think? 1) -e, because prefixes are close in meaning to the word “very”, 2) -e, because can be replaced with the prefix pere-, 3) -i, because prefixes indicate accession, 4) -and, because prefixes indicate incomplete action. What words have b? 1) p..esa, object..ekt, with..narrow, 2) pre..anniversary, three..storey, without..emergency, 3) with..saved, over..interesting, from..iron , 4) super..naturally, from..to be clear, three..tiered. What groups are vowel sounds divided into? 1) uppercase and lowercase, 2) voiced/soft, unvoiced/hard, 3) voiced/voiceless, hard/soft, 4) stressed and unstressed. What is ending? 1) the main significant part of the word, 2) the significant part of the word before the root, 3) the significant part of the word after the root, 4) the significant part of the word, which serves to form new forms of the word. In which word does the letter I stand for TWO sounds? 1) memory 2) pendulum 3) stretch 4) gravity Which word matches the pattern ¬∩^^□? 1) unfulfilled 2) reality 3) understand 4) wonderful Indicate the option with O after the sizzling words: 1) lattice, twist..ny, silk, 2) thrift..t, noch..vka, print. .ny, 3) experienced..r, illuminated..ny, yet.., 4) hot.., hare..nok, reed..vy. A 21. Which sentence contains the information necessary to justify the answer to the question “Why does the hero often remember the described incident?” 1) Due to childhood carelessness, the hero almost drowned. 2) The father saved the life of his son, who began to drown. 3) The boy realized that he should not swim without adults. 4) The father taught his son not to panic in a moment of danger. Indicate in what sense the word “difficult” is used in the text (sentence 20). 1) requiring a lot of physical labor 2) involving difficulty 3) difficult to influence 4) deviating from the norm Determine the style of the above text 1) colloquial 2) artistic 3) official - business 4) journalistic 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 24. 25. 26 27. 28. 29. 30. What means of expressiveness is used in sentence 2? 1) antithesis 2) rhetorical question 3) epithets 4) phraseological unit Indicate the method of word formation difficult (sentence 20). 1) prefixal 2) suffixal 3) addition 4) suffixless In sentence 9, the author uses 1) synonyms 2) antonyms 3) phraseology 4) homonyms. In the word instantly (sentence 10) 1) suffix -o 2) ending -o 3) suffix -en 4) ending -no In the words zah..dil, journey, island..vu, zag..rali (1 paragraph) the letters are inserted accordingly: 1) - o-, -i-, -a-, -a-; 2) -o-, -e-, -o-, -o-; 3) -o-, -e-, -o-, -a-. The spelling of the word journey is subject to the following rule: 1) spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, not checked by stress; 2) spelling complex words; 3) spelling of prefixes that cannot be changed in writing; 4) spelling of suffixes. Which of the words with a missing spelling obey the rule “Spelling of vowels in the root with alternation”: 1) island..vu 2) zag..rali 3) genuine 4) journey.. 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Maximum number of points - 80 Part B. Written response criteria. K1 Commentary on the topic 0-2 K2 Argumentation of one’s own opinion 0-3 K3 Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation 0-3 K4 Accuracy and expressiveness of speech 0-2 Literacy. K5 Compliance with spelling standards: no errors or 1 rough -3; no more than 2 errors - 2; 3-4 errors - 1; more than 5 - 0 K6 Punctuation: no errors or 1 rough -3; no more than 2 errors - 2; 3-4 errors - 1; more than 5 - 0 K7 Compliance with language norms: no errors -2; no more than 2 errors - 1; 3-4 errors - 0; K8 Compliance with speech norms: no errors or 1 - 2; no more than 3 errors - 1; more than 4 - 0 Total - 20 points Total - 100 points “3” 50-69 “4” 70-84 “5” 85-100

Read the text and complete the tasks for it.

Sometimes the gardener would cut me a few gillyflowers or double carnations. I was embarrassed to take them through hungry and anxious Moscow, and therefore I always wrapped them in paper very carefully and so cunningly that no one would guess that I had flowers in the bag.

One day on the tram the bag tore. I didn’t notice this until an elderly woman in a white headscarf asked me:

- And where did you get such a beauty now?

“Hold them carefully,” the conductress warned, “or they’ll push you in and crush all the flowers.” You know what kind of people we have.

Someone was breathing spasmodically behind me, and I heard a whisper so quiet that I didn’t immediately realize where it was coming from. I looked back. Behind me stood a pale girl of about ten in a faded pink dress and looked at me pleadingly with eyes as gray as tin bowls.

“Uncle,” she said hoarsely and mysteriously, “give me a flower!” Well, please give it.

I gave her a terry clove. Amid the envious and indignant grumbling of the passengers, the girl began to desperately make her way to the back platform, jumped out of the car while moving and disappeared.

- I’m completely stunned! - said the conductress. “If my conscience allowed it, everyone would ask for a flower.”

I took the second carnation from the bouquet and handed it to the conductor. The elderly conductor, blushing to the point of tears, lowered her shining eyes to the flower.

Immediately several hands silently reached out to me. I handed out the entire bouquet and suddenly saw in the shabby tram car so much sparkle in the eyes, friendly smiles, so much admiration that I had never seen, it seems, either before or after this incident. It was as if the dazzling sun had burst into this dirty carriage and brought youth to all these tired and anxious people. They wished me happiness, health, the most beautiful bride and who knows what else.

An elderly man in a black jacket bowed his cropped head low, opened a canvas briefcase, carefully hid a flower in it, and it seemed to me that a tear fell on the greasy briefcase.

I couldn’t stand it and jumped out of the tram while it was moving. I walked and kept thinking: what bitter or happy memories this flower must have evoked in a person and how long he hid in his soul the pain of his old age and his young heart if he could not restrain himself and cried in front of everyone.

(According to K. G. Paustovsky)


1. Formulate the main idea of ​​the text you read.

2. Tell us about the functional parts of speech. Find in the text examples of words of different functional parts of speech (at least two examples). Justify your choice.

3. Tell us what you need to know in order not to make mistakes in placing punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members. Find in the text two examples of sentences with homogeneous members, explain the placement of punctuation marks.

The material offered below is not exhaustive, but can help an expert identify the most common mistakes made by graduates. 1

Errors related to the content and logic of graduate work

Factual errors

Violation of the requirement of reliability in the transmission of factual material causes factual errors, which are a distortion of the situation depicted in the statement or its individual details.

1. Factual errors associated with the use of literary material (distortion of historical and literary facts, incorrect naming of characters, incorrect designation of the time and place of an event; errors in conveying the sequence of actions, in establishing the causes and consequences of events, etc.); incorrect indication of the date of the writer’s life or the time of creation of a work of art, incorrect designations of toponyms, errors in the use of terminology, incorrectly named genres, literary movements and movements, etc.

2. Errors in background material - various types of distortions of facts not related to the literary material.

Factual errors can be divided into gross and non-gross. If the examinee claims that the author of “Eugene Onegin” is Lermontov, or calls Tatyana Larina Olga, these are gross factual errors. If, instead of “Princess Mary”, the graduate wrote “Princess Mary”, then this error can be assessed by the expert as a factual inaccuracy or typo and not taken into account when evaluating the work.

Logical errors

A logical error is a violation of the rules or laws of logic, a sign of the formal inconsistency of definitions, reasoning, evidence and conclusions. Logical errors include a wide range of violations in the construction of a detailed monologue on a given topic, ranging from deviations from the topic, omission of necessary parts of the work, lack of connection between parts and ending with individual logical inconsistencies in the interpretation of facts and phenomena. Typical logical errors of examinees include:

1) violation of the sequence of statements;

2) lack of connection between parts of the utterance;

3) unjustified repetition of a previously expressed thought;

4) fragmentation of a micro-theme by another micro-theme;

5) disproportionality of parts of the statement;

6) absence of necessary parts of the statement, etc.;

7) violation of cause-and-effect relationships;

8) violation of the logical-compositional structure of the text.

The text is a group of sentences that are closely interrelated in meaning and grammatically, revealing one micro-topic. The text, as a rule, has the following logical-compositional structure: beginning (beginning of thought, formulation of the topic), middle part (development of thought, topic) and ending (summarizing). It should be noted that this composition is typical, typical, but not mandatory. Depending on the structure of the work or its fragments, texts without any of these components are possible. The text, unlike a single sentence, has a flexible structure, so when constructing it there is some freedom in choosing forms. However, it is not unlimited. When writing an essay, it is necessary to logically and reasonably construct a monologue statement and make generalizations.

Let us give examples of logical errors in different parts of the text.

Bad start

The text begins with a sentence containing an indication of the previous context, which is absent in the text itself, for example: WITH This episode is described with special force in the novel... The presence of demonstrative word forms in these sentences refers to the previous text, thus, the sentences themselves cannot serve as the beginning of an essay.

Errors in the middle part

    Relatively distant thoughts come together in one sentence, for example: She showed great, passionate love for her son Mitrofanushka and fulfilled all his whims. She mocked the serfs in every possible way; like a mother, she took care of his upbringing and education.

    There is no consistency in thoughts, the order of sentences is disrupted, which leads to incoherence, for example: From Mitrofanushki Prostakova raised an ignorant rude person. The comedy "Undergrown" is of great importance these days. In the comedy Prostakova is a negative type. Or: IN In his work “The Minor,” Fonvizin shows the landowner Prostakova, her brother Skotinin and the serfs. Prostakova is a powerful and cruel landowner..

    Her estate was taken into custody Sentences of different types in structure are used, which leads to difficulty understanding the meaning, for example: The general elevation of the area above sea level determines the severity and harshness of the climate. Cold, little snowy winters followed by hot summers. Spring is short with a quick transition to summer The general elevation of the area above sea level determines the severity and harshness of the climate. Cold, little snow winters give way to short springs, quickly turning into hot summers.

    The examinee does not distinguish between cause and effect, part and whole, related phenomena and other relationships, for example: Since Oblomov is a lazy person, he had Zakhar - his servant.

Bad ending

The output is duplicated: So, Prostakova loves her son ardently and passionately, but with her love she harms him. Thus, Prostakova, with her blind love, brings up laziness, promiscuity and heartlessness in Mitrofanushka..



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exam papers

for certification

by subject« Russian language »

for all professions and specialties




Examination paper

in the subject "Russian language"


Instructions for students

and additional

The mandatory part contains 30 tasks, the optional part contains 5.


4 (good)

5 (excellent)

Mandatory part

Additional part

from 0 to 6


Task 35

Good luck on the exam!

Option I

Mandatory part

1) to the airport ABOUT mouth 3) p ABOUT Varov

2) b A nts 4) scorers A t

2. In which word does the stress fall on the first syllable?

1) vandals 3) on time

2) hyphen 4) driver

3. Indicate the word in which the highlighted letter indicates a hard consonant:

1) T ambience 3) shea N spruce

2) pestilence F theme 4) pre F ectura

4. Which word does not have an ending?

1) entrance 2) boldness 3) hissing 4) casually

1) heat, desire, compose

2) under...rit, wh...stun, follow...

3) you will...break, to...varny, side...

4) hug, touch...dream, l...skating

6. In which sentence – NOT- is it written separately with the word?

1) We (didn’t) even have a place to lay out our documents.

2) It was quiet, (not) hot and boring, as happens on gray, cloudy days.

3) The window in the kitchen was (not) curtained.

4) A frantic, intermittent barking immediately filled the entire garden.

1) with...interlocutor, with...river, in...general

2) impenetrable, pr…acquired, pr…knowledge

3) open, neither... laid down, in... be proud

4) without... name, name... name, from... mother (from circulation)


1) parents praise...t, a charming fairy tale

2) those who hate lies, people won’t offend...t

3) they are glued, changing appearance

4) weather vanes are spinning, spreading smoke

9. Which answer option contains all the words in which the letter O is missing?

A. hot...hot B. peppery

B. night...vka G. wolf...nok

1) A, B, D 2) A, C 3) A, D 4) B, D


In the old days (1) the bow was a formidable weapon: a red (2) arrow, stronger (3) with the hand of an experienced shooter, could pierce a thick (4) wall.

1) 1,2,4 2) 2,4 3) 3 4) 3,4

1) (Why) is it so hard for me to breathe (and) why does my chest hurt so much?

2) I felt sad not (because) the Huns died out, but (because) the meaning of the word turned out to be so simple and did not give me anything.

3) (And) so, we did not find out (neither) what he was trying to achieve, (nor) where he suddenly disappeared.

4) In the whole city there were (not) people in the same mood (as) calmly and at the same time solemnly as these two.

2) Its rays, trying ... through the foliage, fell in golden sheaves onto the path ... illuminated the bronze of the mighty pine.


How often do we receive calls for mercy?

I'll leave and never see you again.

1) The felled aspens crushed both grass and small shrubs.

2) The retarded and lazy are always behind.

3) Light winds blew lightly and warmly onto the pier and the sleeping village.

4) My interlocutor looked like a foreman or manager.

Today (1) it seems (2) it will rain. The sky before the rain (3) seems (4) covered with a gray haze.

1)1,2,3,4 2) 1,2 3)3,4 4)2,4

Flowers (1) weighed down (2) with dew (3) stand motionless.

1)1,2 2)1,2,3 3)1,3 4)3

After much debate, a firm decision was made: Next summer we will devote ourselves entirely to traveling around the Vladimir land.

    The second part of a non-union complex sentence explains the content of what is said in the first part.

19. How to explain the placement of a dash in this sentence?

The rank followed him - he suddenly left the service.

    The first part of a non-union complex sentence is contrasted with the content of the second part.

    The second part of a complex non-union sentence is a connecting clause.

Using a long and unsteady raft (1) made of three tied logs (2), we crossed the river and went to the right (3) keeping (4) close to the shore.

1)1,2,3 2)1,3 3)1,2,3,4 4)2,4

21. In which sentence(s) is the subordinate clause cannot be replaced participial phrase?

    Russian writer Boris Zaitsev, who was a keen connoisseur of chess, compared this game to the work of an artist.

    This is a game that shows the complexity of fantasy, the depth of calculation, and the power of endurance.

    This is a game in which both the romantic and the realist express themselves.

can be replaced participial phrase?

    The body of the water strider is covered with small hairs that prevent it from being wetted by water.

    Environmental problems, which are talked about so much these days, are the focus of attention of scientists.

    There are several layers in the atmosphere that have different physical and chemical characteristics.

    On the way, Odysseus had many adventures, which Homer talks about in the poem.

come to life need to use the word

    At this time, the Daurian steppe is gloomy, lifeless, only a few birds bring it to life.

    In the light of the moon, the tree trunks suddenly come to life.

    The story, familiar from textbooks and novels, came to life before my eyes.

    The young tree came to life, gradually returning to life.

24. HARMLESS must be consumed

    The head of the department often scolded us without any reason, but in essence he was a completely harmless person.

    My brother's jokes were not always harmless.

    I love sociable, harmless people who understand a joke.

    Mice are completely harmless creatures, although many are afraid of them.

25. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error.

    Against my wishes, they met.

    The teacher selected and advised the student to use additional literature.

    Teachers pay a lot of attention to the rules of spelling and punctuation.

    The tourists went to the edge of the forest to meet the rest of the group.

26. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

    among the Bashkirs 3) about five hundred meters

    put it quickly 4) five articles

27. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Choosing a clothing style

    it takes a lot of time.

    follow certain rules.

    individuality is emphasized.

    Color plays a big role.

- 30 .

A.Only 70 million years before the present day did the continents acquire their current shape.

B.If the astronauts had been able to look at our planet from the sky then, they probably would not have recognized it.

IN.Geological disasters have repeatedly changed the face of the Earth.

G.100-150 million years ago, the seas and continents had completely different outlines than they do today.

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

1) A, B, D, C 3) C, D, B, A

2) B, A, B, D 4) G, A, B, C

1) A - two-part

2) B - complex

3) B - simple

4) G - one-part, nominative

Additional part

(1)... (2) One can argue with this statement. (3) It seems that a person will not be born either an angel or a beast, or “between them.” (4) It is formed during life. (5) The teacher’s task is not to prevent a person from allowing himself to do what he wants. (6)…the teacher’s goal is positive - to form such needs, “wants” that correspond to, and do not contradict, human social nature.

31. Which of the following sentences should be first (1) in this text?

    Many people believe that parenting that is too harsh causes more harm than parenting that is too soft because it creates angry and vindictive people.

    One of the famous teachers said that a person who allows himself to do whatever he wants ceases to be a person.

    Heredity plays a big role in the formation of a person.

    Does a person need to constantly prohibit himself from certain actions in order to overcome bad inclinations?


1) But 3) Besides

2) Actually 4) And yet

1) description 3) reasoning

2) narration 4) description and narration

34. What word or combination of words is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences?

    You bet (2)

    What he wants (5)

    The goal is to form (6)

4) to form such needs, “wants” (6)

And at home in the estate at that time the dew was already falling, the garden was fragrant with freshness, the smell was from the heated bakery. Far beyond the valleys of grain behind the silver poplars on the outskirts of the garden behind the old treasured bathhouse I waited in vain.

(According to I.A. Bunin)





Examination paper

in the subject "Russian language"


Instructions for students

To complete the written examination work in the Russian language, 3 astronomical hours (180 minutes) are given. The written examination paper in the Russian language includes 35 tasks. The examination paper consists of 2 parts: compulsory (basic difficulty level tasks) and additional (tasks of increased difficulty level).

The mandatory part contains 30 tasks, the optional part contains 5.

The tasks include materials that test knowledge of different sections of the Russian language: phonetics, spelling, spelling, syntax, punctuation, morphology, speech culture.

Correct completion of examination tasks is assessed by points, which are indicated in the answer form next to each task.

The points received for all completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score as many points as possible.

You should start working with the tasks of the compulsory part and only after gaining the required number of points for a satisfactory grade, move on to the tasks of the additional part in order to increase your grade.

On the answer form, opposite each task number, you need to put the number corresponding to the correct answer. Thus, opposite tasks 1-11 and 13-34 there should be only one number (1,2,3 or 4). In tasks 12 and 35 you need to insert the missing letters and missing punctuation marks.

Criteria for evaluating work performance

The number of points you need to score to get a grade


4 (good)

5 (excellent)

Mandatory part

Additional part

from 0 to 6


Task 35 is assessed as follows:

1) correct execution - 10 points,

2) up to 2 spelling and 2 punctuation errors – 8 points

3) more than 2 spelling and 2 punctuation errors – 0 points

Good luck on the exam!

Option II

Mandatory part

1. In which word is the letter indicating the stressed vowel sound incorrectly highlighted?

1) call back AND m 3) boost AND t

2) hut A lovan 4) commoner AND n

2. In which word does the stress fall on the first syllable?

1) percentage 3) obliquely

2) act 4) took

3. Indicate the word in which the highlighted consonant is pronounced softly:

1) business M en 3) anti T Eza

2) gene E tika 4) be N ephis

4. Which word has a zero ending?

1) together 2) raid 3) beam 4) silently

5. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing?

1) get together, tanned, k...mersant

2) per...od, to...sewn, preliminary

3) s...situation, fight, b...sitting

4) soften... soften, moisturize, tighten...

6. In which row is NOT written together with the word?

1) There was a long (not) silent roar in the classroom.

2) This task turned out to be far from easy.

3) The list of books was (not) complete.

4) The commander listened without (not) interfering.

7. In which row, at the place of the gap, is the same letter written in all words?

1) week...assessment, not...shot, s...wind

2) pr…close, pr…give (view), pr…step (to the point)

3) without...stuffy, without...extreme, not...restrained

4) summarize, unfold, before...historical

8. In which row in both words is the letter written in place of the gap? A?

1)sailors serve in the navy, swaying from the wind

2) they hear...th busy... around the house

3) holding loose, the rains will wet the ground

4) waves splashing...breathing freely

9. Which answer option contains all the words that have a missing letter? AND?

A. touchy B. stuck

B. paratrooper...to G. mud...howl

10. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in the place of which is written NN?

In race walking, it is forbidden to (1) lift both legs off the ground at the same time (2) as is usually (3) done when running; all violations are clearly recorded by a movie camera.

1)1,2,3,4 2)2,4 3) 2,3, 4) 3,4

11. In which sentence are the highlighted words written together?

1) (In my opinion, we'll get to the point (from what moved away , (for) that and we will be punished.

2) (In my it was clear to his face that today ( at home he shouldn't have dressed.

3) (In) view of the fact that we Also) We were waiting for dinner, we postponed our walk, for (that) appeared ( during.

4) (During) time wandering around Russia, I often thought about to) left from nature if) there were no forests.

12. Fill in the missing letters and add punctuation marks.

13. Write out a subordinating phrase with a connection from the sentence agreement.

We cannot possibly be mistaken in this assessment.

14. Determine the type of one-part simple sentence.

The long-awaited change!

1) definitely personal 3) nominal

2) vaguely personal 4) impersonal

15. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma.

    Every day the children sprinkled crumbs and cereals on the windowsill for the tits and sparrows.

    The height of mountain ranges determines both the nature of vegetation and the uniqueness of the animal world.

3) The corollas of grasses swayed above the horizon and showered their shoulders with yellow flower dust.

4) Almost all the things in Oblomov’s office are broken or broken.

16. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences?

The surrounding mountains (1), to my regret (2), were completely devoid of woody vegetation. I felt that I would not be able to climb to their peaks. At this moment (3) to my regret (4) a feeling of disappointment was added.

1)1,2,3,4 2)1,2 3)3,4 4)2,4

17. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

The nightingale (1) bursting into jubilant trills (2) sang (3) his spring song.

1)1, 2 2)1,2,3 3)1,3 4)2,3

18. How to explain the placement of the colon in this sentence?

I have one weakness: I want to inspire as many people as possible to become interested in writing. (K. Paustovsky)

    The first part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the condition for accomplishing what is said in the second part of the sentence.

    The first part of a non-union complex sentence is contrasted in content to the second part.

3) The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part.

4) The second part of a non-union complex sentence explains the content of what is said in the first part.

If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.

    The first part of a complex non-union sentence indicates the condition of what is said in the second part.

    The first part of a non-union complex sentence is contrasted in content to the second part.

    The second part of a complex sentence contains the result or conclusion from what is said in the first part.

    The second part of a complex non-union sentence contains a comparison with what is said in the first part.

20. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

Without stopping for a minute (1) the waters of the tide were rustling, crashing waves (3) were rushing in (3) beating (4) against the foot of the mountain.

1)2,4 2)1,2,3,4 3)1,2,4 4)1,3

    cannot be replaced participial phrase?

    There were several journalists sitting in the reception area who had been invited to a meeting with the editor.

    While waiting for his turn, Ivan leafed through the almanac, in which poems by young poets were published.

    The rare good lines that appeared in the poems seemed to be marked by someone else's authorship.

    In general, the ease and naturalness of speech that makes poetry poetry was completely absent.

    In which sentence is the subordinate clause can be replaced participial phrase?

    There are a great variety of materials with which the sculptor works.

    The field where wheat was sown in early spring has already turned green.

    Trees that have outlived their usefulness gradually become part of the soil that once gave them life.

    The house, over the roof of which birds were flying, was surrounded by trees.

    In which sentence instead of the word eternal need to use the word century-old?

    On long autumn evenings the owner did not leave the room and in his usual robe, with ETERNAL pipe in his teeth, sat by the window.

    Dense thickets of bushes alternated with ETERNAL oak groves and birch forests.

    Among ETERNAL human values, the most important thing for him was honesty.

    In the areas ETERNAL permafrost, houses are built according to special projects.

    In which sentence instead of the word FULL need to use the word SATISFYING?

    FULL A wolf is more humble than an envious person.

    Hay in a haystack FULL livestock feed.

    FULL he doesn't understand the hungry.

    FULL the belly is deaf to learning.

25. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

    According to the rules, introductory words are separated in writing by commas.

    Residents paid special attention to the development of gardening in this area.

    Due to the distance of the route, it was decided not to include small children in the tourist group.

    The World Forum aggravated and became concerned with the problems of economic development in developing countries.

    Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    several rods 3) over five hundred and thirty participants

    famous professors 4) want

    Specify the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence

Using expert advice,

    you can renovate your apartment yourself.

    careful attention to them is required.

    I came up with my own solution to the problem.

    everything will become clear.

Read the sentences and complete tasks 28- 30.


1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

29. In what order should the sentences appear to form a text?

30. Which characteristic corresponds to the sentence A?

    simple with homogeneous predicates


    complex non-union

    complex with different types of communication

Additional part

Read the text and complete tasks 31-34

(1)... (2) And very quickly, in just 50 years, the world became completely different. (3) Factories, coal mines, railways appeared, and steamships began to sail on the sea. (4) What happened is what is called the industrial revolution. (5) What was the reason for these changes? (6)…the steam engine turned out to be so profitable that it caused an unprecedented increase in production.

31. Which of the following sentences should be the first (1) in this text?

      The steam engine, as you know, was invented by James Watt.

      The invention of the steam engine was of great importance.

      More than two centuries ago, the Industrial Revolution took place in Europe.

      More than two centuries ago the steam engine was invented.

32. What word or combination can a sentence begin with? 6 ?

1) Thus

2) The point is that

3) Actually

33. Indicate the type(s) of speech of this text.

1) description and narration 3) narration

2) reasoning and description 4) description

34. In which sentence(s) is the word What serves as the subject?

1) in a sentence 4

2) in a sentence 5

3) in a sentence 6

4) in sentences 4 and 5

35. In the proposed text, insert the missing letters and add the missing punctuation marks.

(According to G. Troepolsky)





Examination paper

in the subject "Russian language"


Instructions for students

To complete the written examination work in the Russian language, 3 astronomical hours (180 minutes) are given. The written examination paper in the Russian language includes 35 tasks. The examination paper consists of 2 parts: compulsory (basic difficulty level tasks) and additional (tasks of increased difficulty level).

The tasks include materials that test knowledge of different sections of the Russian language: phonetics, spelling, spelling, syntax, punctuation, morphology, speech culture.

Correct completion of examination tasks is assessed by points, which are indicated in the answer form next to each task.

The points received for all completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score as many points as possible.

You should start working with the tasks of the compulsory part and only after gaining the required number of points for a satisfactory grade, move on to the tasks of the additional part in order to increase your grade.

On the answer form, opposite each task number, you need to put the number corresponding to the correct answer. Thus, opposite tasks 1-11 and 13-34 there should be only one number (1,2,3 or 4). In tasks 12 and 35 you need to insert the missing letters and missing punctuation marks.

Criteria for evaluating work performance

The number of points you need to score to get a grade


4 (good)

5 (excellent)

Mandatory part

Additional part

from 0 to 6


Task 35 is assessed as follows:

1) correct execution - 10 points,

2) up to 2 spelling and 2 punctuation errors – 8 points

3) more than 2 spelling and 2 punctuation errors – 0 points

Good luck on the exam!

Option III

Mandatory part

1. In which word is the letter indicating the stressed vowel sound incorrectly highlighted?

1) took A 3) move A sacrament

2) condemned Yo data 4) c E cop

1) carpenter 3) statue

2) lecho 4) sideways

3. Indicate the word in which the highlighted consonant is pronounced firmly:

1) aka D emia 3) accor D eon

2) aqua R spruce 4) delica T esy

4. Which word has a zero ending?

1) suffix 2) intervention 3) every hour 4) little house

5. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing?

1) creation

2) ep...demic, plastic...linovy, transform...transform

3) predominate, p...chat, tor...spiking

4) weakened, m...glak, m...todika

6. In which row NOT is it written separately with the word?

1) The rain poured down on us in an (un)controllable torrent.

2) Our attention was attracted by a (not) tall slender larch.

3) The rain continued, but (not) heavy, like in the morning, but drizzling.

4) In silence, good should happen, but there is (no) point in talking about it.

7. In which row, at the place of the gap, is the same letter written in all words?

1) not...open, pr...show, pr...grandfather

2) and...use, in...cheer up, not...restrained

3) pr...muffle, pr...think, pr...usual

4) without...nuclear, volume...volume, without...cloud

8. In which row in both cases is a letter written in place of the gap? I?

1) court...t on cases, melting snow

2) the nightingale doesn’t feed on fables...t, smiling man

3) the clock will wake up, in distress

4)he And will consider the application, the face shining with health

9. In which word is the letter E written in place of the gap?

1) despairing


3) stuck...la

4) straightened... straightened

10. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in the place of which is written N?

1) The group is organized and serious.

2) Athletes are disorganized, that’s why they lose.

3)Be organized!

4) Groups are organized to begin classes.

1)4 2)1,2,4 3)2,4 4)2,3,4

11. In which sentence are the words in brackets written separately?

1)(From what need to get rid of to) did the balloon gain altitude?

2) B Same) time I saw a fluffy squirrel tail fly up, (then disappears.

3) (That's why and other signs could not be understood, to) meant mysterious rock paintings.

4) We understand (from what us Also) no luck, just like a year ago.

12. Fill in the missing letters and add punctuation marks.

13. Write out a subordinating phrase with a connection from the sentence adjacency.

Knowledge does not directly affect feelings; they are woven from different materials.

14. Determine the type of one-part simple sentence.

It's been cold for a long time now.

1) definitely personal 3) generalized personal

2) vaguely personal 4) impersonal

15. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma.

    The sun set to the edge of the earth and spread across the sky like a cherry glow.

    The artist painted both urban and rural landscapes..

    I had to wait my turn and inevitably listen to boring and annoying conversations.

    In male adult budgerigars, the growth at the base of the beak may be blue or blue in color.

16. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences?

The dark sky above the illuminated street (1) seemed (2) like a black, heavy canopy. The sun and (3) it seemed (4) the sky itself were hiding behind the rocks.

1) 1,2,3,4 2) 1,2 3) 3,4 4) 2,4

17. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

A pelican (1) having risen to a height of two meters (2) can (3) soar in the air for a long time.

1)1,2,3 2)1,2 3)2,3, 4)1,3

18. How to explain the placement of the colon in this sentence?

I am sad: my friend is not with me.

    The first part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the condition for accomplishing what is said in the second part of the sentence.

    The second part of a non-union complex sentence explains and reveals the content of the first part.

    The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part.

    The second part of a non-union complex sentence complements the meaning of the first part.

19. How to explain the placement of a dash in this sentence?

I searched and searched for the beast in the bushes - there was no beast.

    The first part of a non-union complex sentence is contrasted in content to the second part.

    The second part of a complex sentence contains the result

or a conclusion from what is said in the first part.

    The first part of a complex non-union sentence indicates the condition or time of what is said in the second part.

    The second part of a complex non-union sentence indicates a rapid change of events and contains an unexpected addition.

20. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

Under the sun, (1) competing with it (2) unusually tall, juicy and large-colored swimsuits (3) similar to yellow roses shone brightly.

1)1,3 2)2 3)3 4)1,2,3

cannot be replaced participial phrase?

1) People who lived 20,000 years ago could create works of art of the highest level.

2) It would be unfair to blame science and technology alone for the damage they cause to the environment.

3) Chess is a game that Russian writer Boris Zaitsev called “charming aimlessness.”

4) Aristotle believed that comets, like a rainbow, are formed due to vapors that rise from the surface of the Earth.

22. In which sentence is the subordinate clause can be replaced participial phrase?

1) During the exam, the student wrote an essay whose content did not correspond to the topic.

2) The river on the bank of which the tent stood raged all night.

3) A special board on which the artist mixes and dilutes paints is called a palette.

4) At the very beginning of the journey, the ships of the Greeks, who were returning from the war, were scattered by a storm.

23. In which sentence instead of the word skillful need to use the word artcsolid?

    We admired the work at the exhibition SKILLFUL jewelers of the last century.

    Pechersky was SKILLFUL lawyer and enjoyed the well-deserved respect of his colleagues.

    We listened to this sad story, and SKILLFUL the gaiety gradually disappeared from our faces.

    SKILLED a swimmer will not drown at sea.

    In which sentence instead of the word HIDDEN must be consumed
    word SECRETIVE?

    Scientists believe there is a solid rocky core at the center of Uranus. HIDDEN under gaseous and liquid hydrogen.

    Pechorin did not wave his arms, which indicates HIDDEN character.

    It is difficult to diagnose a disease when it has HIDDEN character.

    Now it's Paul's turn to look in my words HIDDEN meaning.

25.Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error.

    Thanks to the support of family and friends, I was able to overcome difficulties.

    During the year I had to make up for the lost time with intensive work.

    Domestic producers do not yet take into account and are weakened by inflation in a free market.

    Don't believe rumors.

    among the Bulgarians 2) with five hundred rubles 3) the most honest

4) run home

Having studied the operating diagram of the device,

    this will help you use it correctly.

    it will not fail longer.

    start practical exercises.

    we have questions.

Read the sentences and complete tasks 28- 30.

A. Which class the grains belong to is determined, first of all, by their germination and purity.

B. The harvest depends on the weather, on the skill of the farmer, on the level of agricultural technology, but most of all on the quality of the seeds.

B. For the first class, for example, for twenty-five to thirty thousand grains, no more than five weed seeds of other plants are allowed.

D. In accordance with their sowing qualities, they are divided into classes: first, second and third.

28.Indicate the sentence with a punctuation error.

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

29.In what order should the sentences appear to form a text?

30. Find a false statement about the sentences in the text.

1) A-complex

2) B-two-part

3) B-complex

4) G-simple

Additional part

Read the text and complete tasks 31-34

(1)… (2) However, not all of these fragments should be included in the abstract. (3)Them

should be selected in accordance with the topic of the abstract and grouped around several large subtopics developing it. (4) At the same time, it is important to accurately and concisely present the content of the selected fragments and to carry out their semantic condensation. (5) Semantic folding, or compression, is understood as an operation that leads to a reduction in text without losing important, relevant information. (6)…compression, which involves excluding redundant, secondary information from the text, is one of the leading techniques when writing an abstract.

31.Which of the sentences below should come first in this


1) Fragments containing secondary information should not

overload the text of the abstract.

2) Highlighting key fragments in texts is the basis for

writing an abstract.

3) Often when working with text you have to delete or replace

individual sentences, but entire fragments of text.

4) Different chapters of the abstract contain different amounts of information.

32.Which of the following words or combinations of words should be in place

omissions in the sixth sentence of the text?

1) And only

3) On the other hand,

4) Thus,

33. Indicate the type(s) of speech used in this text.

    description and narration 3) reasoning and description

    narration 4) description

34.What word or combination of words is the grammatical basis in one

from sentences in the text?

1) understood (sentence 5)

2) fragments must be included (sentence 2)

3) they should be selected (and) grouped (proposition 3)

4) the exception is (sentence 6)

35. In the proposed text, insert the missing letters and add the missing punctuation marks.

(According to V. Tokareva)





Examination paper

in the subject "Russian language"


Instructions for students

To complete the written examination work in the Russian language, 3 astronomical hours (180 minutes) are given. The written examination paper in the Russian language includes 35 tasks. The examination paper consists of 2 parts: compulsory (basic difficulty level tasks) and additional (tasks of increased difficulty level).

The mandatory part contains 30 tasks, the optional part – 5

The tasks include materials that test knowledge of different sections of the Russian language: phonetics, spelling, spelling, syntax, punctuation, morphology, speech culture.

Correct completion of examination tasks is assessed by points, which are indicated in the answer form next to each task.

The points received for all completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score as many points as possible.

You should start working with the tasks of the compulsory part and only after gaining the required number of points for a satisfactory grade, move on to the tasks of the additional part in order to increase your grade.

On the answer form, opposite each task number, you need to put the number corresponding to the correct answer. Thus, opposite tasks 1-11 and 13-34 there should be only one number (1,2,3 or 4). In tasks 12 and 35 you need to insert the missing letters and missing punctuation marks.

Criteria for evaluating work performance

The number of points you need to score to get a grade


4 (good)

5 (excellent)

Mandatory part

Additional part

from 0 to 6


Task 35 is assessed as follows:

1) correct execution - 10 points,

2) up to 2 spelling and 2 punctuation errors – 8 points

3) more than 2 spelling and 2 punctuation errors – 0 points

Good luck on the exam!

Option IV

Mandatory part

1. In which word is the letter indicating the stressed vowel sound incorrectly highlighted?

1) with U bottom 3) (case) initiated ABOUT

2) (river) p ABOUT mouths 4) square A rotal

2. In which word does the stress fall on the last syllable?

1) dry 3) more beautiful

2) contract 4) force

3. Indicate the word in which the consonant T pronounced softly:

1) T terrace 3) anti T Eza

2) an T enna 4) telea T spruce

4. Which word does not have an ending?

1) entrance 2) look 3) six 4) back

5. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root, checked by stress, missing?

1) understanding, checking, satisfactory

2) mat….realistic, wipe…simplification

3) osm...fly, p...ish, decomposed...

4) to make, od...breathable, to...compromise

6. In which row NOT is it spelled together with the word?

1) The stream is noisy, (un)constrained in winter.

2) The director’s (ill)considered statement outraged everyone.

3) The essay is (not) finished .

4) I (didn’t) have a choice.

7. In which row, at the place of the gap, is the same letter written in all words?

1) not...valuable, player, w...work

2) homeless, ra...thinking, in...climbing (up a tree)

3) pr…raise, pr…interesting, pr…squat

4) from...play, from...skate, pick up

8. In which row is the letter missing in both cases? A?

    fountains splashing...t, breathing...with pine needles

    friends help me out, rumbling thunder

    tears stone sharp...t, attending physician

    rescuers are looking...t, hearing...far away

9. In which word is a letter written in place of the gap? E?

1) knocked out... 2) glued... 3) brushed off... 4) coughed...

10. In what word is it written? N?

1) The children are well-mannered and smart.

2) Stormy flows of water are restrained by a dam.

3) Everyone was concentrating at the lecture.

4) She was tired and looked depressed... oh.

11. In which sentence is the letter IN with the highlighted word written separately?

1) The steamer is approaching and (c) dense approaches the pier.

2) The vase fell from the table and broke (c) chatter.

3) Ivan folded a sheet of paper (c) four and put it in his pocket.

4) We have entered (openly fight with the enemy.

12. Fill in the missing letters and add punctuation marks.

13. Write out subordinating phrases with connection from the sentence control.

Isn’t this masterpiece the cry of the cranes and their majestic flight along the airways that have remained unchanged for many millennia?

14. Determine the type of one-part simple sentence.

Love Winter.

1) definitely personal 3) generalized personal

2) vaguely personal 4) impersonal

15. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma.

    I wanted to catch the bear eating or fishing on the river bank.

    Birch groves and alleys evoke a feeling of joy and tranquility.

    Rowan is beautiful in both spring and autumn.

    Neither on the water, nor on the ground, nor in the air did he feel confused.

16. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

There is so much snow here that it (1) seems (2) never to melt. The spruce (3) seems (4) like a giantess, whose head is covered with a fluffy snow cap.

1)1,2 2)3,4 3)2,4 4)1,2,3,4

17. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

The old man (1) who saw everything with his own eyes (2) could not speak (3) without tears.

1)1,2 2)1 3)1,2,3 4)2,3

18. How to explain the placement of the colon in this sentence?

However, it was difficult for the toad to climb: its flat body could crawl and jump freely only on level ground.

    The first part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the condition for accomplishing what is said in the second part of the sentence.

    The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part.

    The second part of a non-union complex sentence explains and reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

    The first part of a non-union complex sentence is contrasted in content to the second part.

19. How to explain the placement of a dash in this sentence?

The sun came out - she became happier.

    The first part of a complex non-union sentence indicates the time of what is said in the second part.

    The second part of a non-union complex sentence is contrasted in content to the first part.

    The second part of a complex sentence contains a conclusion, a consequence of what is said in the first part.

    The second part of a complex non-union sentence contains a comparison with what is said in the first part.

20. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

Having crossed the swamp (1), we saw a small path (2) trodden (3) by some animals (4) and went deeper into the thicket of the forest.

1)2,4 2)1,3 3)1,23,4 4)1,2,4

21. In which sentence is the subordinate clause cannot be replaced participial phrase?

    The bed of the Congo River in some places forms basins, the width of which reaches twenty kilometers in diameter.

    When warm air cools sharply, the warm vapor that is in it gathers into clouds.

    The trunks of oak trees are often covered with lichen, which is known as oak moss.

    Coal, which was formed from ancient trees, and
    is still one of the best types of fuel.

22. In which sentence is the subordinate clause can be replaced participial phrase?

    The student's presentation was a great success.

    Carbon dioxide plays an important role in the processes that occur in the biosphere.

    The Trojan horse, with the help of which the Greeks, after ten years

Troy was captured during the siege, Odysseus came up with the idea.

    The forest, over which lightning flashed, was gloomily silent.

23. In which sentence instead of the word SWAMP must be consumed MARSHY?

    Here and there, among the moss and burdocks, the SWAMP smell was very strong.

    The mountains gave way to swamps, where crooked and stunted SWAMP birches grew.

    In ravines and damp, swampy places, sharp sedge hurts your feet.

    Captain Zernov walked briskly in a new SWAMP-colored military uniform.

FULL need to use the word

    FULL a wolf is more humble than an envious man .

    Hay in a stack - FULL livestock feed.

    FULL he doesn't understand the hungry.

    FULL the belly is deaf to learning.

25.Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error.

    Thanks to my father, my sister and I know French, German and English.

    In Petrozavodsk I researched and began to take a serious interest in archives.

    Upon arrival in the city, it is advisable to clarify the tourist route.

    The speakers are convinced of the need to continue this book.

26.Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

    most correct

    over four thousand meters

    several young men

    I'll try

27.Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Studying the plants of the middle zone,

    I became interested in this problem.

    some of them are used for landscaping.

    they were collected in a herbarium.

    pay attention to their difference from plants in other zones.

Read the sentences and complete tasks 28 - 30.

A.We could talk a lot here about the travels of various snails around the planet.

B. Snails do not crawl very fast - everyone knows.

Q. For example, about this type of snail, the Bulimus, which in 48 years, having started its journey in Europe, crossed the entire American continent and reached the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

D. But this shortcoming of theirs does not prevent them from undertaking long journeys.

28. Indicate the sentence with a punctuation error.

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

29.In what order should the sentences appear to form a text?

30. Find a false statement about the sentences in the text.

1) A - two-part

2) B - complex

3) B - complex

4) G - two-part

Additional part

Read the text and complete tasks 31-34

(1)... (2) The retired capital, unlike the new one, preserved the “habits of the dear old days,” cultivated a private way of life and was famous for its originals. (3) K.N. Batyushkov wrote in 1811 that here anyone can fool around as he wants, live and die as an eccentric. (4) “innocent oddities,” quirks, which, according to A.S. Pushkin, were a sign of independence , were also characteristic of Moscow writers. (5) “Their” writers served as the subject of constant attention and pride of the townspeople, even if the level of their talent was not high enough. (6) ... literary celebrities, especially those from St. Petersburg, were meticulously treated.

31. Which phrase should come first in this text?

    K.N. Batyushkov is a wonderful Russian poet.

    The hero of the novel “Eugene Onegin” was born in St. Petersburg, which was then the Russian capital.

    In the 19th century, St. Petersburg was one of the cultural centers of Europe.

    In the 19th century, Moscow was in constant opposition to bureaucratic St. Petersburg.

32. What word or phrase should appear at the beginning of a sentence 6 ?

    but 3) besides

    actually 4) and yet

33. Indicate the type(s) of speech used in this text.

1) description and narration 3) reasoning and description

2) description 4) narration

34. What word or combination is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences of the text?

1) oddities, quirks were a sign (4)

2) which were characteristic (4)

3) the level was not enough (5)

4) related (6)

35. In the proposed text, insert the missing letters and add the missing punctuation marks.

(According to A.P. Chekhov)


for the exam paper

in the subject "Russian language"

Option I

Option II

Option III

Option IV

we often get

this assessment

acts directly

the cry of the cranes

Task 12

Option I

12. Fill in the missing letters and add punctuation marks.

1) A hut covered with reeds stood in a meadow, surrounded by daisies and purple plumes of fireweed.

2) Its rays, breaking through the foliage, fell in golden sheaves onto the path, illuminating the bronze of the mighty pine.

Option II

12. Fill in the missing letters and add punctuation marks.

1) The waves rushed to the shore and threw long algae, careless fish, crabs exhausted by the surf and many beautiful small shells onto the sand, onto the stones.

2) When Mikhaska looked at the sky, the sun was already rolling along the edge of the forest, like a huge ball on a football field.

Option III

12. Fill in the missing letters and add punctuation marks.

1) Nature tries on her summer outfits, sparing no colors, decorating everything around.

2) Sticking your hand out, you feel your palm resting on an elastic wall.

Option IV

12. Fill in the missing letters and add punctuation marks.

1) Villages, islands of forests, groves are visible, and where the earth is supposed to connect with the sky, everything is covered in blue.

2) The larch began to bloom, revealing its pale green leaves.

Task 35


The cart, having got out onto the highway, again shook, began to thrash, and quickly rattled over the stones. Yevsey drove. There was no longer a star behind the houses. Ahead there was a white bare street, white pavement, white houses. All this was enclosed by a huge white cathedral under a new white-tin dome, and the sky above it became pale blue and dry.

And at home, in the estate, at that time the dew was already falling, the garden was fragrant with freshness, and there was a smell from the cooking kitchen. Far beyond the plains of grain, behind the silvery poplars on the outskirts of the garden, behind the old treasured bathhouse, the dawn was burning down.

In the living room the doors to the balcony were open, the scarlet light mixed with the darkness in the corners, and the yellow-dark, black-eyed young lady was constantly adjusting the sleeves of a light and wide dress made of orange silk, looking intently at the notes, sitting with her back to the dawn, striking the yellow keys.

The living room was filled with the solemnly melodious, sweetly desperate sounds of Oginsky’s polonaise. The young lady did not seem to pay any attention to the squat, dark-faced officer standing behind her, who was watching her quick hands with gloomy concentration.

(According to I.A. Bunin)


It happens that summer returns in late autumn and catches the outgoing autumn with a fiery tail. And autumn will melt, soften and become quiet, like an affectionate dog being stroked by a woman. And then the forest will smell of the farewell aroma of fallen leaves, ruby ​​rose hips and amber barberries, porcini mushrooms, untouched by anyone, already fallen apart, soaked in water, but still fragrant, reminiscent of past weather. And a smiling, kind spirit will flow through the forest from pine to birch, from birch to oak, and it will respond with the mighty smells of strength, forest fortress and eternity. There is something eternal and indestructible in the smells of the forest, especially noticeable in the warm, soft and gentle farewell days of the passing autumn. She has already freed herself from the tedious rains, the evil attacks of winter and the meticulous needles of frost that envelop everything: everything is gone, everything is in the past. And it’s as if autumn, falling asleep, sees a dream about summer, and shows us its divine visions in all the grandeur of spiritualized beauty and in the life-giving aromas of the earth.

(According to G. Troepolsky)


I have a developed herd feeling. When I see people running, I run with everyone, even if I need to go in the opposite direction.

One day, Lera and I gathered at her dacha and came to the Savelovsky station for this purpose. Lera went to get tickets, and I remained waiting on the platform. At this time, a train departed from the second track, which rarely runs and carries far. Everything around me began to move and rushed towards the second path. People ran as if it was the very last train in their lives and was taking them not to Dubna, but to a long, happy life.

I heard an ancient voice in my soul and rushed to run along with everyone, not distinguishing my own in the general stomp. When I jumped into the carriage, I experienced relief, bordering on delight. Then, of course, I felt dumbfounded and confused, but that was only later, when the train started moving.

Lera doesn’t understand how you can jump on a train you don’t need. She still doesn't understand, and I still can't explain.

According to V. Tokareva


One day, returning home, I accidentally wandered into some unfamiliar estate. The sun was already hiding, and evening shadows stretched across the blooming rye. Two rows of old, closely planted, very tall fir trees stood like two solid walls, forming a dark, beautiful alley. I easily climbed over the fence and walked along this alley, sliding along the spruce needles that covered the ground here by an inch. It was quiet, dark, and only high on the peaks here and there a bright golden light trembled and shimmered like a rainbow in the spider’s webs. There was a strong, stuffy smell of pine needles. Then I turned into a long linden alley. And here too there is desolation and old age. Last year's leaves rustled sadly underfoot, and shadows hid between the trees in the twilight. To the right, in an old orchard, an oriole sang reluctantly, in a weak voice; it must also be an old woman.

...For a moment I felt the charm of something familiar, very familiar, as if I had already seen this very panorama once in childhood.

(According to A.P. Chekhov)

Option I

Mandatory part

(1 point)

(1 point)

(1 point)

(1 point)

(1 point)

(1 point)

(1 point)

(1 point)

(1 point)

1 point)

(1 point)

12. Fill in the missing letters and add punctuation marks. (3 points)

1) A reed-covered hut stood in a meadow surrounded by daisies and purple plumes of fireweed.

2) Its rays, penetrating through the foliage, fell in golden sheaves onto the path….illuminated the bronze of the mighty pine.

(1 point)

(1 point)

(1 point)

(2 points)

(1 point)

(1 point)

(1 point)

(1 point)

(2 points)

(2 points)

(2 points)

(2 points)

(2 points)

26. _(1 point)

(2 points)

(1 point)

29._____________________________________________________(2 points)

(1 point)

Additional part

(2 points)

(2 points)

(1 point)

(1 point)

35. In the proposed text, insert the missing letters and add the missing punctuation marks. _____(10 points)

Having got out onto the sho(s,ss)e, the cart began to shake again and quickly rattled over the stones. Evsei pooh...ed. There was no longer a star behind the houses. (B)in front there was a white bare street, a white street, white houses. All this was enclosed by a huge white cathedral under a new white-tin dome and the sky above it became pale (blue) and dry.

And at home in the estate at that time the dew was already falling, the garden was fragrant with the harshness of the smell from the heated bakery. Far beyond the valleys of grain behind the silver poplars on the outskirts of the garden behind the old treasured bathhouse I waited in vain.

The doors to the balcony were open for guests, the scarlet light mixed with the darkness in the corners and the yellow (swarthy) black (eyed) young lady constantly straightened the sleeves of a light and wide dress made of orange silk, looked intently at the sheet music, sitting with her back to her …re hitting the yellow…yellow keys.

The guests were filled with the solemnly melodious, sweetly desperate sounds of Oginsky’s polonaise. The young lady did not seem to pay any attention to the squat, dark-faced officer standing behind her, who was intently and gloomily watching her quick hands.

Answer form for the exam in the subject “Russian language”

student of group No.____OBOU SPO "KATK"

FULL NAME_________________________________________

Option II

Mandatory part

1. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

2. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

3. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

4. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

5. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

6. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

7. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

8. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

9. _______________________________________________________ (1 point)

10. _______________________________________________________(1 point)

11. _______________________________________________________(1 point)

12. Fill in the missing letters and add punctuation marks. (3 points)

1) The waves rushed to the shore and threw long waters onto the sand onto the stones... if the (un) careful fish were exhausted by the fight, crabs and many beautiful small shells.

2) When Mikhaska p...looked at the sky, the sun was already rolling along the edge of the forest like a huge ball across a fu...sick field.

13. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

14. _____________________________________________________(1 point)

15. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

16. _____________________________________________________(2 points)

17. ____________________________________________________(1 point)

18. ____________________________________________________(1 point)

19______________________________________________________(1 point)

20_______________________________________________________(1 point)

21. _____________________________________________________(2 points)

22. ___________________________________________________(2 points)

23. ____________________________________________________(2 points)

24. ___________________________________________________(2 points)

25. ____________________________________________________(2 points)

(1 point)

27. _____________________________________________________(2 points)

28. ______________________________________________________(1 point)

29._____________________________________________________(2 points)

30. ______________________________________________________(1 point)

Additional part

31. ___________________________________________________(2 points)

32. ___________________________________________________(2 points)

33. ____________________________________________________(1 point)

34. ____________________________________________________(1 point)

It happens that later in the fall summer will return and catch the outgoing autumn with its fiery tail. And autumn will melt, become soft and quiet, like an affectionate dog being stroked by a woman. And then the forest will smell of farewell...the aroma of fallen leaves, the ruby ​​fruits of rose hips and the amber of barberry, the porcini mushroom (not) touched by anyone, already fallen apart, soaked in water, but still stinking, reminiscent of past p...years. And a smiling, kind spirit flows through the forest from pine to birch, from birch to oak, and it will respond with the mighty smells of the strength of the forest fortress and eternity. There is something eternal and (in)eradicable in the smells of the forest, especially noticeable in the warm, soft and tender farewell days of the passing autumn. She has already freed herself from the tedious rains, the evil attacks of winter and the meticulous needles of frost that envelop everything: everything is gone, everything is in the past. And it’s as if autumn, falling asleep, sees a dream about summer and shows us its divine visions in all the grandeur of spiritualized beauty and in the life-giving… aromas of the earth.

(According to G. Troepolsky)

Answer form for the exam in the subject “Russian language”

student of group No.____OBOU SPO "KATK"

FULL NAME_________________________________________

Option III

Mandatory part

1. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

2. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

3. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

4. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

5. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

6. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

7. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

8. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

9. _______________________________________________________ (1 point)

10. _______________________________________________________(1 point)

11. _______________________________________________________(1 point)

12. Fill in the missing letters and add punctuation marks. (3 points)

1) The ... kind of ... tries on her summer outfits (without) sparing colors and decorates everything (around).

2) Sticking your hand out, you feel like your palm is resting against an elastic wall.

13. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

14. _____________________________________________________(1 point)

15. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

16. _____________________________________________________(2 points)

17. ____________________________________________________(1 point)

18. ____________________________________________________(1 point)

19______________________________________________________(1 point)

20_______________________________________________________(1 point)

21. _____________________________________________________(2 points)

22. ___________________________________________________(2 points)

23. ____________________________________________________(2 points)

24. ___________________________________________________(2 points)

25. ____________________________________________________(2 points)

26. ______________________________________________________(1 point)

27. _____________________________________________________(2 points)

28. ______________________________________________________(1 point)

29._____________________________________________________(2 points)

30. ______________________________________________________(1 point)

Additional part

31. ___________________________________________________(2 points)

32. ___________________________________________________(2 points)

33. ____________________________________________________(1 point)

34. ____________________________________________________(1 point)

35. In the proposed text, insert the missing letters and add the missing punctuation marks. ________________________(10 points)

I have developed a herd instinct. When I see people running, I run with everyone else, even if I need to go in the opposite direction... well.

One day, Lera and I gathered at her dacha and came for this purpose to Savelovsky...kzal. Lera went to get tickets and I stayed waiting on the platform. At this time, a train was leaving from the second track... which rarely runs and is very lucky. Everything around me began to move and rushed towards the second path. People ran as if it was the very last train... in their lives and was taking them not to Dubna but to a long, happy life.

I heard an ancient voice in my soul and rushed to run along with everyone, not distinguishing my own (n, nn) ​​in the general tramp. When I jumped up into the... race, I experienced a relief that reached the point of... bargaining. Then, of course, I felt dumbfounded and confused, but that was only later, when the train... started moving.

Lera (doesn’t) understand how you can jump on the (un)needed train... She still (doesn’t) understand and I still can’t explain.

(According to V. Tokareva)

Answer form for the exam in the subject “Russian language”

student of group No.____OBOU SPO "KATK"

FULL NAME_________________________________________

Option IV

Mandatory part

1. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

2. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

3. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

4. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

5. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

6. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

7. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

8. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

9. _______________________________________________________ (1 point)

10. _______________________________________________________(1 point)

11. _______________________________________________________(1 point)

12. Fill in the missing letters and add punctuation marks. (3 points)

1) Villages are visible... trees, forests, groves, and where the earth is supposed to... unite... with the sky, everything is shrouded in blue

2) The foliage… began to bloom, revealing its pale (green) leaves.

13. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

14. _____________________________________________________(1 point)

15. ________________________________________________________(1 point)

16. _____________________________________________________(2 points)

17. ____________________________________________________(1 point)

18. ____________________________________________________(1 point)

19______________________________________________________(1 point)

20_______________________________________________________(1 point)

21. _____________________________________________________(2 points)

22. ___________________________________________________(2 points)

23. ____________________________________________________(2 points)

24. ___________________________________________________(2 points)

25. ____________________________________________________(2 points)

26. ______________________________________________________(1 point)

27. _____________________________________________________(2 points)

28. ______________________________________________________(1 point)

29._____________________________________________________(2 points)

30. ______________________________________________________(1 point)

Additional part

31. ___________________________________________________(2 points)

32. ___________________________________________________(2 points)

33. ____________________________________________________(1 point)

34. ____________________________________________________(1 point)

35. In the proposed text, insert the missing letters and add the missing punctuation marks. ________________________(10 points)

One day, while returning home, I (not) wandered into some (un)familiar place. The sun was already hiding and the evening shadows were stretching across the flowering rye. Two rows of old, closely planted very tall fir trees stood like two solid walls, forming a gloomy beautiful a(l,ll) it. I easily climbed through and... the city and walked along this a(l,ll) it, sliding over the spruce needles that covered the ground here by an inch. It was quietly dark and only high on the tops here and there a bright golden light trembled and shimmered like a rainbow in the spider’s webs. There was a strong, stuffy smell of pine needles. Then I turned to the long(n,nn)y linden a(l,ll)ey. And here is (the same) desolation and old age. Last year's leaves rustled sadly underfoot and shadows hid between the trees in the twilight. To the right, in an old orchard, an oriole reluctantly sang in a weak voice, probably also an old woman.

...For a moment I felt the charm of something familiar and very familiar, as if I had already seen this very same scene once in childhood.

GBPOU "Kuvshinovsky College"


College Principal





methodologist N.A. Yakovleva

Considered at the meeting

methodological advice

Protocol No. 1




on the formation and execution of examination tickets

    General provisions

    1. The guidelines establish the procedure for the development, requirements for the structure and design of examination tickets for a discipline (module) (hereinafter referred to as examination cards) for monitoring students' knowledge in disciplines included in educational programs implemented in the state budgetary professional educational institution "Kuvshinovsky College" (hereinafter referred to as the college ).

      Examination cards for the discipline are an integral part of the normative and methodological support of the system for assessing the quality of students’ mastery of the training program for qualified workers and employees (hereinafter referred to as PPKRS), the program for training mid-level specialists (hereinafter referred to as PPSSZ) and ensures an increase in the quality of the educational process of the college.

      Examination tickets for the discipline are used during the final and intermediate certification of students.

      Examination tickets are part of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline (hereinafter referred to as UMKAD).

    Formation and approval of examination tickets.

3.1. Examination cards for the discipline should be formed on the key principles of assessment:

    validity (assessment objects must correspond to the stated learning objectives);

    reliability (use of uniform standards and criteria for assessing achievements);

    timeliness (maintaining developmental feedback);

    efficiency (compliance of performance results with the assigned tasks).

    1. When generating exam papers for a discipline, their compliance must be ensured:

    Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education in the relevant profession;

    Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education in the relevant specialty;

    specialty curriculum;

    work program of the discipline;

    1. The exam paper must contain 2 theoretical questions. Question 3 - practical problem/assignment included at the discretion of the teacher. The condition of the task is written down in the ticket.

      The exam papers must be accompanied by criteria for the formation of grades (grade “excellent”, grade “good”, grade “satisfactory”, grade “unsatisfactory”).

      Examination cards are developed for each discipline enshrined in the curriculum.

      Examination tickets are generated on paper and electronic media by the Deputy Director for Educational and Industrial Work (hereinafter referred to as the Deputy Director for UPR).

      Examination tickets are reviewed at a meeting of the methodological cycle commission (hereinafter referred to as the MCC), which ensures the teaching of the discipline.

    Responsibility for creating exam papers.

4.1. The compiler of examination papers is responsible for the quality of development, the correctness of the preparation and execution of the examination card.

5. Registration of exam tickets

Ministry of Education of the Tver Region

GBPOU "Kuvshinovsky College"

Three column table equal width

Considered by the methodological cycle commission _________________________

Protocol No. ___ dated ________

FULL NAME. Chairman of the MCC

Examination card No. _

Discipline: Name of the discipline

Speciality: No. Name

Group _____


Deputy Director for Management and Development


"_____" ___________20__year

1. Question (task No. 1) ………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Question (task No. 2) ………………………………………………………………………………………………

3 * …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Teacher _________________________________ I.O. Surname


The text is formatted in Word, font Times New Roman, font size 12-14, line spacing 1 - 1.5, . margins: top, bottom, right, left – 2 cm each, justified, alignment with spaces is not allowed, alignment of all title lines in the center, without paragraph indentation and extra spaces.