How will the exam take place? Tightening measures in the Unified State Examination procedure

Passing a unified test as a final school exam and at the same time gaining admission to the country's universities is a familiar procedure, but the cancellation of the Unified State Exam was recently announced. The rumor excited the public, and the official website has not yet confirmed the information. The information on the pages of the resource is devoted to the trials of the current year, while schoolchildren and parents are experiencing understandable worries.


Every year, the format of the Unified State Exam causes controversy and misunderstandings. This is due to the frequent changes that accompany the event. The editions during the existence of the Unified State Exam (since 2008) have touched on all the main components of the school test:

  • procedural regulations;
  • inspection rules and evaluation criteria;
  • contents of test tasks.

It is no wonder that participants in the educational process experience a certain confusion, asking a considerable number of questions, the main one of which is: what will the Unified State Examination 2018 be like?

Unified State Exam and new educational trends

The fact that certification activities tend to change is quite justified. School programs are developing, and the content of tests is following suit. This is normal even along with a somewhat negative attitude towards the procedure. Most of the complaints are directed at inflated claims. There are complaints about inconsistencies, often leading to criticism of the system as a whole. What is the Unified State Exam and what is the position of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation?

The unified exam is a form of certification on a national scale, which is carried out on the basis of programs developed for the secondary education segment (SEA). The basis of the Unified State Exam is control and measuring materials (CMM). Sets of questions are developed in accordance with the standards of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and are provided on special forms. Tests in compulsory subjects must be answered in writing according to the schedule approved by the relevant department.

The system itself implies constant reform, but there can be no talk of abolishing the Unified State Exam, said the head of the educational department O. Vasilyeva. In order to eliminate errors, the Ministry of Education and Science and FIPI are constantly working on the project, which may entail changes and transformations, but not cancel the approach itself. It is possible to adjust the list of compulsory disciplines or introduce a single questionnaire for all general education subjects.

OGE as a rehearsal for the Unified State Exam: how many subjects to take in 9th grade?

In the 9th grade, Russian schoolchildren take the main state exam - OGE. This is an opportunity for students to test their skills ahead of a more significant test. The final certification includes two subjects: Russian language and mathematics.

The current reform of the school certification system is being vigorously discussed by people's deputies. After analyzing their initiatives, we can derive a list of the most likely changes that may affect the OGE in 2018:

  1. Introduction of two more compulsory subjects.
  2. Increasing the number of disciplines to six closer to 2020.
  3. Revision of assessment criteria and improvement of the status of examination grades through inclusion in the certificate.

How many subjects should I take in 11th grade and will the Unified State Exam be supplemented with new disciplines?

In the 11th grade, the basis of the Unified State Exam remained the Russian language and the basic course of mathematics. They were supplemented by subjects that are studied at the university chosen by the potential applicant. In 2018, their composition is unlikely to be adjusted, but changes in the general plan are predicted.

It is planned to include an essay in Russian language testing. The innovations of the Ministry of Education are clearly aimed at reforms, without excluding the possibility of a revival of oral interviews. The number of attempts may increase. Each student will have the opportunity to take the exam again, but no more than three times.

What is the minimum number of points you need to score on the Unified State Exam?

Item Number of points (min.)
mathematics 27
Russian language 36
physics 36
chemistry 36
biology 36
geography 37
foreign language 22
story 32
social science 42
literature 32
computer science and ICT 40

Final exams are stressful for both students and their parents. This is a kind of milestone, overcoming which the child finally becomes an adult and chooses the future path and profession that he wants to acquire. Often, a person’s future depends on the results of an exam. Will he be able to enter the desired university or will he have to adjust his plans urgently? The results of the Unified State Exam show how much the school curriculum has been mastered by a person and at what level his basic knowledge is.

The Unified State Exam is a new system for assessing the knowledge of schoolchildren. It was first tested at the beginning of the new millennium. The new knowledge assessment system was finally established back in 2009. Next year it will be 10 years since the usual entrance exams were replaced by a test.

Educational reforms are carried out annually and the Unified State Examination procedure is adjusted. This causes a lot of trouble for the families of schoolchildren and the students themselves.

The former head of the Ministry of Education, Dmitry Livanov, previously stated that serious reforms were coming to the Unified State Examination system.

Graduates of 2018 cannot avoid innovations. Olga Vasilyeva, who is the head of the Ministry of Education, confirmed information about upcoming changes in the system this year.


A lot of talk boils down to the fact that the Unified State Exam is supposedly planned to be abolished. In fact, this is not true. This is the ninth year since the Unified State Exam determines the level of knowledge of graduates. To date, a lot of effort has been spent and a sufficient number of reforms have been made. Abolishing the Unified State Exam after all the resources and efforts expended is inappropriate.

There is no clear opinion on reforms. But, despite the controversy of the ongoing reforms, this is not a reason to cancel the exam as such.

Unified State Exam 2018 - video on the topic

Required subjects for the Unified State Exam 2018

So, let's look at how things will be with the exam procedure itself, and what will be planned as compulsory subjects this year.

Schoolchildren and their parents are interested in the question of how many subjects the exam will include.

Where did the cause for concern come from? The fact is that the previous head of the Ministry of Education mentioned in one of his interviews that in 2018 it is planned to increase the number of subjects taken to six.

It was assumed that in 2017 one subject would be added, and in 2018 a fourth and two more elective subjects would be added to the three. Total - six compulsory subjects.

With the change in leadership came a change in the core strategy.

There have been rumors about an increase in the number of items since 2014. But until today there have been no changes. The assumption that another one would be added to the two compulsory subjects did not materialize. Last academic year the system remained the same. Two are compulsory and the third subject is at the discretion of the examinee.

The Ministry of Education and Science announced that changes will still occur in 2018. Graduates of 2018 will be required to take three exams, instead of last year's two.

It is not yet reliably clear what specific subject we are talking about. And what discipline will be required to be taken.

Having analyzed the state of education today, we can make the assumption that this subject will become story. Why history? The fact is that modern children’s knowledge in this area is at an insufficient level. And if history is included in the top three compulsory subjects of the Unified State Examination, more time will be allocated to this discipline and the approach to teaching will change. It is necessary to develop students' interest in studying the roots and history of the country in which they were born, raised and educated.

The next subject that may be on the list of required ones is social science. Why is it likely that social studies will be included in the mandatory list? One third of schoolchildren have given preference to this elective subject for several years in a row. You should not expect that it will be as easy to pass as it seems to a student. The fact is that the degree of difficulty of the exam will be increased.

Physics- the third subject that is discussed as a potential compulsory subject for the Unified State Examination. Real-life teachers are leaning towards physics as the main discipline. But in reality, physics does not have a great chance. Not every schoolchild finds exact sciences easy. This means that it is impossible to consider physics as a compulsory subject for all graduates.

For now, we can only say with certainty that the Russian language and mathematics remain in their positions.

Schedule of the Unified State Exam, Main State Exam and State Final Exam in 2018

Unified State Exam Schedule 2018

Unified State Examination date 2018

GVE-11 2018

Schedule of early exams 2018

March 21 (Wed) Geography, Computer Science and ICT

Geography, Computer Science and ICT

March 23 (Fri) Russian language

Russian language

March 26 (Mon) history, chemistry history, chemistry
March 28 (Wed) foreign languages ​​(oral)
March 30 (Fri) mathematics B, P mathematics
April 2 (Mon) foreign languages ​​(written), biology, physics foreign languages, biology, physics
April 4 (Wed) social studies, literature social studies, literature
April 6 (Fri) reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral), history reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, history
April 9 (Mon) reserve: foreign languages ​​(written), literature, physics, social studies, biology reserve: foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology
April 11 (Wed) reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P reserve: Russian language, mathematics

Schedule of the main period for passing the Unified State Exam 2018

May 28 (Mon) Geography, Computer Science and ICT Geography, Computer Science and ICT
May 30 (Wed) mathematics B mathematics
June 1 (Fri) mathematics P
June 4 (Mon) chemistry, history chemistry, history
June 6 (Wed) Russian language Russian language
June 9 (Sat) foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 13 (Wed) foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 14 (Thu) social science social science
June 18 (Mon) biology, foreign languages ​​(written) biology, foreign languages
June 20 (Wed) literature, physics literature, physics
June 22 (Fri) reserve: geography, computer science and ICT
June 25 (Mon) reserve: mathematics B, mathematics P reserve: mathematics
June 26 (Tue) reserve: Russian language reserve: Russian language
June 27 (Wed) reserve: chemistry, history, biology, foreign languages ​​(written) reserve: chemistry, history, biology, foreign languages
June 28 (Thu) reserve: literature, physics, social studies
June 29 (Fri) reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral)
July 2 (Mon) reserve: for all academic subjects
September 4 (Tue) Russian language Russian language
September 7 (Fri) mathematics B mathematics
September 10 (Mon)
September 15 (Sat) reserve: mathematics B, Russian language reserve: mathematics, Russian language

Unified State Exam 2018 - news

Olga Vasilyeva is not a supporter of sudden and fundamental changes, unlike her predecessor. Of course, reforms will follow. But it is planned to introduce them gradually so that they do not cause unnecessary stress for students.

From some interviews with the new leader, it becomes clear that there will still be reforms. In turn, Olga Vasilyeva stated that all significant changes will be known in advance.

FIPI announced that the reforms will primarily affect the literature exam.

You can already find a new model of the exam test on the FIPI website. This is the type of final exam that will be structured around.

  • What changes exactly does the updated exam include?
  • Will the practice of writing essays continue?
  • What will be the difficulty level of the exam?

We will try to answer these and other questions in more detail.

The literature exam has already been subject to reform before. There was a practice of answering in the form of a test, where students were given the opportunity to answer a question by choosing the correct one from several answers. After the reform, such a test system was replaced by a short answer. Based on the short answer, it was possible to draw a conclusion about whether the student knows how to use terminology correctly and how well he has mastered it.

What can we expect in 2018?

Short answers will be discarded. There will be space for creativity. Unlike the exact sciences, literature requires a creative approach and develops students' ability to think outside the box. It is expected to get rid of technical answers in favor of deeper and more detailed ones.

The second part of the test will be simplified. The practice that existed until now was based on the fact that the student needed to analyze the proposed text and find a comparison of the main text with two, which had to be given as an example independently from the material covered.

The model of the new test involves analytical work on only one text.

News that concerns the essay. Until now there were only three themes to choose from. In 2018, graduates will have the opportunity to choose one of five essay topics. This will significantly expand the possibilities of choice and allow each student to cope with the task.

This year, not only the number of topics will increase, but also the volume of essays. If today it is 200 words, now they have approved the optimal volume of 250 words.

Another reform that affected essays was the introduction of grades using a five-point system. That is, graduates will receive a separate grade for the text, and not just a “pass” or “fail” resolution, as has been the practice until now.

After the new assessment system was tested in 44 regions of our country, it was decided that in 2018, all students will undergo new testing for the Unified State Exam.

Foreign languages ​​at the Unified State Exam 2018

Let's touch on a topic that worries many - foreign languages ​​in a single state language. exam.

It is impossible not to recognize the fact that knowledge of one or more foreign languages ​​significantly facilitates a person’s not only admission to a university, but also the search for a job, as well as building a career. Therefore, for several years in a row there have been heated debates about the need to transfer foreign languages ​​from selective to compulsory subjects on the Unified State Exam.

Today, a foreign language will still remain on the “optional” list. But graduates of 2020 will most likely actually take it as a compulsory test.

So, let's look at which foreign languages ​​you can choose for the Unified State Exam in 2018:

  1. English language
  2. French
  3. German
  4. Chinese
  5. Spanish

A few words about the appearance of the Chinese language in the exam list. In 2016, an experiment in passing Chinese took place in schools on the banks of the Amur. Since the experiment was successful, the Chinese language added to the above list.

System for passing the Unified State Exam 2018 in Crimea and Sevastopol

For the last year, a choice system has been in place for graduates of Crimea and Sevastopol. Graduates have the opportunity to choose between the usual regional university entrance exams and the Unified State Exam.

Last year, Sevastopol and Crimea differed significantly in indicators. In Crimea, thirty-four percent chose the Unified State Exam. But the majority of Sevastopol students opted for a new examination system for them. About eighty-four percent gave preference to the Unified State Exam.

Unified State Examination in Russian

At one time, Kuprin expressed the idea that the Russian language is not an idle matter, but the history of the people, which requires careful treatment and deep study.

The importance of the Russian language and the quality of its teaching in the school curriculum is spoken at all levels, both by teachers in schools and by the president of the country. The Russian language is the consciousness of the people; it is the language that unites people together and plays one of the main roles in the issue of human self-identification. You cannot approach the issue casually or formally. Literacy and culture of speech are what you need to focus on in order to consider yourself an educated person.

In 2018, reforms of the Russian language exam will consist of adding an oral part to the exam.

The Society of Russian Literature supports reforms that are being carried out to improve the quality of knowledge of young people. Russian language is a mandatory part of the exam. Without passing the Russian language, it is impossible to become the owner of a certificate of secondary education.

The oral part of the exam will be called “Speaking”.

What prompted innovations of this kind? The fact is that the modern realities of life are as follows: most schoolchildren spend a significant part of their time on social networks and other Internet portals. The speech used online is quite sparse and is a mixture of slang, abbreviations and foreign words. There is no need to talk about pure and literate Russian. Moreover, this lifestyle of schoolchildren significantly influenced oral speech. The vocabulary, unfortunately, cannot be called rich. In order to, if not change, then at least influence the situation, a decision was made to introduce an additional oral block.

The goal pursued by supporters of innovation is clear. In the future, after graduating from school, a person will need not only the ability to comment on posts on social networks, but also the ability to present himself at different levels.

In order to make a report in front of a large number of people, to be able to competently convey an idea, to learn how to give arguments and participate in disputes, defending one’s position, and also to be able to resist the opinions of others, one must learn to competently express one’s thoughts.

What will happen to a person if he cannot convey a thought to his interlocutor? At a young age, many do not think that the time will come when those subjects that many people dislike at school will come in handy. No one is interested in cramming the rules, but they are the ones that help to gain knowledge in a particular area. Long essays on topics that literature teachers offer seem boring, but this is how a person learns not only to think coherently, but also to have a creative approach.

If we talk about creative thinking, this in no way means that a person who possesses it should choose a creative profession. On the contrary, if a person makes progress in a real profile, and is able to express his thoughts competently and literaryly, showing the originality of his mind, this is a big trump card in his piggy bank.

In the modern world it is impossible to do without the skill of self-presentation. In order to get a good position you need to be sociable. Often, due to duty, a person will have to spend a lot of time communicating with other people for different purposes. A doctor needs to talk with a patient, a lawyer needs to represent the interests of a company or client, even a salesperson needs to have competent speech so that a potential client has confidence and a desire to purchase a product.

Family and school are where love and thirst for knowledge are born. It is there that the child receives the necessary skills in communication among society.

Graduates of the ninth grade could already fully experience what the innovation represents.

Ninth graders completed the following tasks:

Experts were present at the exam who could give an objective assessment from the outside at what level of oral speech was performed.

Learn more about what will be included in the “Speaking” block at the Unified State Exam 2018.

Let's discuss in more detail what this innovation represents for graduates of the ninth and eleventh grades of Russian schools, as well as what goals this reform sets for schoolchildren.

The main objective of the reform is to help graduates develop the following qualities:

  • Expressive reading. The reading level of the text that will be proposed in the test will be assessed.
  • Analytical thinking. The student's degree of understanding of the text and ability to analyze the material read are assessed.
  • The ability to correctly express your thoughts. Short monosyllabic answers are not allowed. The graduate must be able to construct sentences and convey his thoughts to the interlocutor, who in our case is a member of the examination committee.
  • Grammatically correct speech. The degree to which the graduate has an understanding of the norms of the Russian language is assessed.
  • Competent construction of monologue and dialogue.

Which points will remain the same in the Unified State Exam 2018?

Now a few words about which parts of the exam will remain unchanged.

The Russian language will not undergo any special changes, with the exception of the addition of a spoken unit. Otherwise, the usual form is fixed.

The test contains two blocks. Let's take a closer look at what each of them is.

The first block of the test for the Unified State Exam 2018.

The first block contains twenty-four points, which are aimed at giving an objective assessment of the following parameters:

  1. Extracting the main idea of ​​the text;
  2. Orthoepy;
  3. Grammar, the ability to find an error and classify it;
  4. Spelling;
  5. Punctuation. The student’s ability to correctly place punctuation marks;
  6. Vocabulary. Use of words;
  7. Types of speech;
  8. The ability to distinguish means of expression in a text fragment.

The second block of the test for the Unified State Exam 2018.

The second block of the test assesses the creative approach to the subject and the ability to think.

The essay includes many aspects of verification. It demonstrates in practice how a person has mastered school material. Everything is assessed here - from grammar to the ability to express your thoughts and justify your opinion. It is the essay that gives a complete picture of the student’s level of knowledge and the ability to put this knowledge into practice.

This table shows the minimum scores below which the exam is considered a failure.

In order to successfully pass the exam, you need to prepare for it ahead of time. On the last night before the exam, it is hardly possible to learn all the rules in 11 years.

In order to get acquainted with test examples, you can go to the FIPI website. It is on the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements that you will find useful information on preparing for the Unified State Exam. The website has a huge number of tests and assignments on all school topics and subjects in the public domain.

You can test your knowledge by testing it using last year's USE versions. If you start preparing in advance, you will feel confident in your abilities during the exam itself and will be able to obtain a certificate without unnecessary stress.

At the beginning of 2018, it will become known reliably on what dates the exams will be taken.

We, in turn, wish the graduates good luck and successful passing of the Unified State Exam in 2018!

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Nobody was going to cancel the Unified State Exam

Despite many rumors, the unified state exam will not be canceled in the near future. To do this, we will have to completely redesign the secondary education system and change the algorithm for entering universities. Talk that the Unified State Exam in 11th grade in 2018 will be the same as before in Soviet times is an idle fiction. Moreover, at least until 2025 there are no plans to abandon the already familiar procedure.

But responsible work requires constant improvement. The main news about the 2018 Unified State Exam is related to the increase in the number of certification disciplines. In the coming year of the Yellow Dog, you will most likely have to take 4 exams. The final decision will be made in March. The Russian language and mathematics are inviolable, but the introduction of a mandatory Unified State Exam in English in 2018 can be expected.

On a note! There will be no oral part of the Unified State Exam in Russian. A test “speaking” will be carried out on the GIA in grade 9 in three regions of the Russian Federation.

Grand plans

Test questions that left a chance for random hits are gradually being replaced by more creative tasks. So, in mathematics you need not only to solve the example correctly, but also to construct an algorithm. When answering a Russian language ticket, not only a competent answer is important for the overall score, but also logical reasoning, adequacy of thinking, knowledge of the rules of vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation. The Unified State Exam in History 2018 involves not only memorizing dates, but also understanding the mechanisms of certain historical processes.

Experts agree on which compulsory subjects are included in the Unified State Exam 2018. Most believe that Russian and mathematics will continue to remain untouchable, and there will be no additions this year. But just in case, it is necessary to prepare in depth in other subjects. If only for the sake of the fact that by 2019 6 exams are planned - 3 mandatory and 3 at the discretion of the student. Even a 4 + 2 scheme is possible. Those subjects that are most often taken as an elective are competing for the place of compulsory ones, namely:

  • story;
  • social science;
  • physics;
  • foreign language;
  • geography.

Important! In the foreign language exam, you can demonstrate knowledge of English, French, German, and Spanish. By 2020, Italian, Japanese, and Chinese will be added to this list.

How will the Unified State Exam be taken in 2018?

The basic rules of certification remain unchanged. To prepare, you need not only to study diligently, but also to attend additional classes, and, if necessary, work with a tutor. Moreover, this should be done not during the last six months, but during the 10th and 11th grade. It is important by this time to decide on the direction of further education in order to understand which disciplines require increased attention.

It is convenient to track operational changes in the Unified State Exam 2018 on the FIPI website. Here are the exam forms, typical examples from previous years' assignments, and demo versions and video materials. The basic rules remain unchanged. Exams begin at 10:00 local time. You are not allowed to bring anything with you except a pen, passport and water. Russian language and mathematics are given 3 hours 55 minutes.

Remember! During the exam, the psychological attitude of the student is very important. The day before, the schoolchild should go to bed early, have a hearty breakfast in the morning, and parents should not tire of instilling in the child confidence in eventual success.

“The Unified State Exam is a knowledge test, which is simultaneously recognized as a school graduation exam and an entrance exam for universities” - a commentary by a specialist from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 2008. The new system of testing the knowledge of students who completed an incomplete secondary or secondary educational program, proposed in 2008, shocked many - both students and teachers.

The innovations were so radical that most believed that they were impossible to master even for excellent students. The 2018 Unified State Examination will change again, but it is not yet clear whether the innovations will make it easier to pass the exam or make it more difficult.

What is the Unified State Exam

The first Unified State Exams were held only in a few regions of our country. For students throughout the country, uniform test tasks were compiled for several school disciplines (subjects) that they had to pass. Gradually, the list of areas participating in the new examination system grew:

year 2001 5 regions
2002 16 regions
2006 79 regions
2008 All regions of the Russian Federation

In 2002, a special government department was created whose task was to create, test control and information materials for conducting the All-Russian exam and monitor its legality. The structure was named FIPI. It is this department that creates the famous worksheets that graduates receive. In addition, the institute’s specialists select evaluation criteria and determine the maximum and minimum allowable number of points (grades).

What awaits the Unified State Exam in 2018

Since the introduction of the Unified State Exam, several heads of the ministry have changed, test sheets for all sciences have undergone numerous transformations and changes, and the passing process itself has become much stricter. Both parents and teachers more than once pointed out the inadmissibility of the requirements and the absurdity of the tasks, which led to the fact that FIPI was finalizing the system. However, the abolition of the Unified State Exam was not approved, and this type of exam continues to be practiced.

At every meeting with teachers, Dmitry Livanov (Head of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) hears questions about proposed and desired changes in the examination system. According to Livanov and the official website of FIPI, there are no plans to introduce fundamental changes. The curators and creators of the controversial system claim that there are no obvious problems or difficulties. Child psychologists also agree with them, despite practice that indicates high emotional stress in students.

The plans of FIPI and the Ministry of Education and Science only include adjusting the list of compulsory disciplines and subjects that will be tested. In addition to the native language and sciences included in the concept of mathematics, the list may include:

  • chemistry or physics,
  • geography,
  • social science,
  • story.

Many masters of pedagogy insist that one of the areas of foreign languages ​​be added to the compulsory subjects, but practicing teachers consider this unnecessary. In addition, there are disputes around the proposal to introduce a single test, which will include questions on all sciences at the same time - the Russian language, geometry-algebra, physics, literature, etc. Lebanon believes that the integrated exam should be discussed with practitioners pedagogy and education, and if this happens, psychologists will definitely participate in its approval.

Another hot topic in the debate is how many subjects students should take in 9th grade. The essence of the controversy is that after completing an incomplete secondary course, one should not enter a university, but only a college of specialized education.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam 2018

The Ministry of Education and Science and FIPI have developed a whole system of advice and guidelines on how to properly prepare for the All-Russian knowledge test. You can view them on the portal of the system developer institute. And if 9th graders, according to pundits, have no particular reason to worry, then high school graduates require serious preparation.

First of all, you need to know exactly how many subjects to take in 11th grade, because graduates have the right to choose optional disciplines. This must be done no later than the beginning of the 3rd quarter. Teachers are recommended to conduct electives and additional classes in the second half of the year, and to accommodate those students who want to take additional classes. Responsibility for the fact that a student fails a test falls not only on him, but also on the teacher and the educational institution.

In addition to basic training, psychological preparation should also be carried out. The presence of government officials and the Ministry of Internal Affairs where testing is carried out should not frighten students; they should be prepared for this and realize that there is no threat from them. Parents are obliged to prepare their child for the Unified State Exam along with teachers - to monitor the intensity of classes, the regularity of school attendance, his psycho-emotional state outside the walls of an educational institution, and must set him up for success.